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ben bernanke essays At the Conference to Honor Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. November 8, 2002. On Milton Friedman's Ninetieth Birthday. I can think of Custom essay paragraph no greater honor than being invited to speak on the occasion of Milton Friedman's ninetieth birthday. Among economic scholars, Friedman has no peer. His seminal contributions to economics are legion, including his development of the Dissertation help analysis permanent-income theory of persuasive essay body paragraph consumer spending, his paradigm-shifting research in monetary economics, and his stimulating and original essays on economic history and writer's block, methodology.

Generations of graduate students, at the University of Chicago and elsewhere, have benefited from persuasive essay body paragraph, his insight; and many of these intellectual children and Help, grandchildren continue to this day to extend the persuasive essay sway of Friedman's ideas in economics. What is more, Milton Friedman's influence on broader public opinion, exercised through his popular writings, speaking, and television appearances, has been at least as important and enduring as his impact on academic thought. In his humane and engaging way, Milton Friedman has conveyed to millions an understanding of the economic benefits of free, competitive markets, as well as the Help writer's block zip close connection that economic freedoms such as property rights and freedom of contract bear to other types of essay paragraph liberty. Today I'd like to honor Milton Friedman by Dissertation, talking about one of his greatest contributions to economics, made in close collaboration with his distinguished coauthor, Anna J. Schwartz. This achievement is nothing less than to provide what has become the leading and most persuasive explanation of the worst economic disaster in American history, the onset of the Custom persuasive essay body Great Depression--or, as Friedman and Schwartz dubbed it, the Great Contraction of 1929-33. Remarkably, Friedman and Schwartz did not set out to solve this complex and important problem specifically but rather addressed it as part of a larger project, their magisterial monetary history of the United States (Friedman and Schwartz, 1963). As a personal aside, I note that I first read A Monetary History of the United States early in my graduate school years at M.I.T. I was hooked, and I have been a student of monetary economics and economic history ever since. 1 I think many others have had that experience, with the result that the Instructions paper direct and indirect influences of the Monetary History on essay body paragraph, contemporary monetary economics would be difficult to overstate. As everyone here knows, in their Monetary History Friedman and Schwartz made the case that the College essay economic collapse of 1929-33 was the Custom persuasive product of the zheng nation's monetary mechanism gone wrong. Contradicting the received wisdom at the time that they wrote, which held that money was a passive player in the events of the 1930s, Friedman and Schwartz argued that the contraction is in fact a tragic testimonial to essay body the importance of monetary forces [p.

300; all page references refer to Friedman and Schwartz, 1963]. Friedman and Schwartz's account of the Great Contraction is impressive in its erudition and development of How to essay professional historical detail, including the use of many previously untapped primary sources. But what is Custom essay paragraph most important about the Instructions for research work, and the reason that the book is Custom essay body as influential today as ever, is the authors' subtle use of history to disentangle complicated skeins of cause and effect--to solve what economists call the identification problem . A statistician studying data from the Great Depression would notice the basic fact that the money stock, output, and prices in the United States went down together in 1929 through 1933 and up together in subsequent years. But these correlations cannot answer the crucial questions: What is causing what? Are changes in the money stock largely causing changes in prices and output, as Friedman and Schwartz were to conclude? Or, instead, is the stock of help data money reacting passively to changes in the state of economy? Or is there yet some other, unmeasured factor that is affecting all three variables? The special genius of the Monetary History is the authors' use of what some today would call natural experiments--in this context, episodes in which money moves for reasons that are plausibly unrelated to the current state of the economy. Essay? By locating such episodes, then observing what subsequently occurred in the economy, Friedman and Schwartz laboriously built the case that the causality can be interpreted as running (mostly) from money to output and Dissertation help analysis, prices, so that the Custom persuasive body Great Depression can reasonably be described as having been caused by monetary forces. Of course, natural experiments are never perfectly controlled, so that no single natural experiment can be viewed as dispositive--hence the help analysis importance of Friedman and Schwartz's historical analysis, which adduces a wide variety of such episodes and comparisons in support of their case.

I think the most useful thing I can do in the remainder of my talk today is to remind you of the genius of the Friedman-Schwartz methodology by reviewing some of Custom persuasive paragraph their main examples and describing how they have held up in subsequent research. Four Monetary Policy Episodes. To reiterate, at the heart of Friedman and Schwartz's identification strategy is the College essay examination of historical periods in the attempt to Custom body paragraph identify changes in the money stock or in monetary policy that occurred for reasons largely unrelated to the contemporaneous behavior of output and prices. To the extent that these monetary changes can reasonably be construed as exogenous, one can interpret the response of the economy to the changes as reflecting cause and effect--particularly if a similar pattern is found again and again. College Essay My? For the early Depression era, Friedman and Schwartz identified at Custom persuasive essay paragraph least four distinct episodes that seem to data analysis meet these criteria. Three are tightenings of persuasive body paragraph policy; one is a loosening. In each case, the economy responded in the way that the Dissertation help analysis monetary theory of the Great Depression would predict. Persuasive? I will discuss each of these episodes briefly, both because they nicely illustrate the Friedman-Schwartz method and because they are interesting in themselves. The first episode analyzed by Friedman and Schwartz was the deliberate tightening of monetary policy that began in the spring of 1928 and continued until the stock market crash of October 1929. This policy tightening occurred in conditions that we would not today normally consider conducive to essay for graduate professional tighter money: As Friedman and Schwartz noted, the business-cycle trough had only paragraph just been reached at the end of 1927 (the NBER's official trough date is November 1927), commodity prices were declining, and there was not the slightest hint of inflation.

2 Why then did the Federal Reserve tighten in Instructions, early 1928? A principal reason was the persuasive essay body Board's ongoing concern about speculation on Wall Street. College Essay Buy Ucf? The Federal Reserve had long made the paragraph distinction between productive and speculative uses of credit, and the rising stock market and the associated increases in bank loans to Instructions brokers were thus a major concern. 3 Benjamin Strong, the persuasive body paragraph influential Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a key protagonist in Friedman and Schwartz's narrative, had strong reservations about using monetary policy to try to arrest the stock market boom. Help Data Analysis? Unfortunately, Strong was afflicted by chronic tuberculosis; his health was declining severely in 1928 (he died in October) and, with it, his influence in the Federal Reserve System. The antispeculative policy tightening of 1928-29 was affected to some degree by the developing feud between Strong's successor at the New York Fed, George Harrison, and members of the Federal Reserve Board in Washington. Persuasive Body? In particular, the two sides disagreed on studies zheng he, the best method for restraining brokers' loans: The Board favored so-called direct action, essentially a program of moral suasion, while Harrison thought that only increases in the discount rate (that is, the body paragraph policy rate) would be effective. This debate was resolved in Harrison's favor in 1929, and direct action was dropped in favor of a further rate increase. Despite this sideshow and its effects on the timing of policy actions, it would be incorrect to infer that monetary policy was not tight during the dispute between Washington and New York. As Friedman and Schwartz noted (p.

289), by July [1928], the discount rate had been raised in New York to 5 per cent, the highest since 1921, and the System's holdings of help analysis government securities had been reduced to persuasive paragraph a level of over $600 million at the end of 1927 to $210 million by August 1928, despite an outflow of gold. Hence this period represents a tightening in monetary policy not related to the current state of output and prices--a monetary policy innovation, in help analysis, today's statistical jargon. Persuasive Body? Moreover, Friedman and Schwartz went on to point out that this tightening of policy was followed by falling prices and weaker economic activity: During the two months from the cyclical peak in August 1929 to the crash, production, wholesale prices, and personal income fell at annual rates of 20 per cent, 7-1/2 per cent, and 5 per cent, respectively. Of course, once the crash occurred in October--the result, many students of the period have surmised, of a slowing economy as much as any fundamental overvaluation--the economic decline became even more precipitous. Incidentally, the case that money was quite tight as early as the spring of 1928 has been strengthened by the subsequent work of James Hamilton (1987). Hamilton showed that the Fed's desire to slow outflows of U.S. gold to France--which under the leadership of Henri Poincar had recently stabilized its economy, thereby attracting massive flows of How to write essay for graduate gold from abroad--further tightened U.S. monetary policy. The next episode studied by Friedman and Schwartz, another tightening, occurred in September 1931, following the sterling crisis. Essay Body Paragraph? In that month, a wave of speculative attacks on the pound forced Great Britain to leave the Instructions for research helicopter gold standard. Anticipating that the United States might be the next to leave gold, speculators turned their attention from the pound to the dollar. Central banks and private investors converted a substantial quantity of persuasive dollar assets to essay professional gold in September and Custom persuasive body, October of 1931.

The resulting outflow of gold reserves (an external drain) also put pressure on the U.S. Zheng? banking system (an internal drain), as foreigners liquidated dollar deposits and essay paragraph, domestic depositors withdrew cash in anticipation of additional bank failures. Help Block? Conventional and long-established central banking practice would have mandated responses to both the external and internal drains, but the Federal Reserve--by this point having forsworn any responsibility for the U.S. banking system, as I will discuss later--decided to respond only to the external drain. As Friedman and Schwarz wrote, The Federal Reserve System reacted vigorously and promptly to the external drain. . . . On October 9 [1931], the Reserve Bank of New York raised its rediscount rate to 2-1/2 per persuasive body cent, and on October 16, to 3-1/2 per cent--the sharpest rise within so brief a period in the whole history of the analysis System, before or since (p. 317). This action stemmed the outflow of gold but contributed to what Friedman and Schwartz called a spectacular increase in bank failures and bank runs, with 522 commercial banks closing their doors in October alone. The policy tightening and the ongoing collapse of the banking system caused the money supply to fall precipitously, and the declines in persuasive body, output and prices became even more virulent.

Again, the help he logic is that a monetary policy change related to objectives other than the domestic economy--in this case, defense of the dollar against external attack--were followed by changes in domestic output and prices in the predicted direction. One might object that the two experiments described so far were both episodes of monetary contraction. Custom Body? Hence, although they suggest that declining output and prices followed these tight-money policies, the evidence is perhaps not entirely persuasive. The possibility remains that the Great Depression occurred for other reasons and that the contractionary monetary policies merely coincided with (or perhaps, slightly worsened) the ongoing declines in the economy. Hence it is particularly interesting that the third episode studied by essay, Friedman and Schwartz is an expansionary episode. This third episode occurred in April 1932, when the Congress began to Custom body paragraph exert considerable pressure on the Fed to ease monetary policy, in particular, to Help conduct large-scale open-market purchases of securities. Custom Essay Body? The Board was quite reluctant; but between April and June 1932, it did authorize substantial purchases. Writer's Block Zip? This infusion of liquidity appreciably slowed the decline in the stock of money and significantly brought down yields on government bonds, corporate bonds, and commercial paper. Most interesting, as Friedman and Schwartz noted (p.

324), [t]he tapering off of the decline in the stock of money and the beginning of the purchase program were followed shortly by an equally notable change in the general economic indicator. . . . Persuasive? Wholesale prices started rising in July, production in August. Personal income continued to fall but at a much reduced rate. Factory employment, railroad ton-miles, and numerous other indicators of physical activity tell a similar story. All in all, as in paper helicopter, early 1931, the data again have many of the earmarks of a cyclical revival. . . Custom Persuasive Essay? . Burns and Mitchell (1946), although dating the trough in March 1933, refer to the period as an example of a 'double bottom.' Unfortunately, although a few Fed officials supported the open-market purchase program, notably George Harrison at the New York Fed, most did not consider the policy to be appropriate. In particular, as argued by several modern scholars, they took the mistaken view that low nominal interest rates were indicative of Instructions for research paper monetary ease. Hence, when the Congress adjourned on July 16, 1932, the persuasive essay System essentially ended the program. By the essay professional latter part of the year, the paragraph economy had relapsed dramatically. The final episode studied by Friedman and Schwartz, again contractionary in impact, occurred in the period from January 1933 to the banking holiday in March. This time the exogenous factor might be taken to be the long lag mandated by the Constitution between the election and the inauguration of a new U.S. President. Franklin D. Roosevelt, elected in November 1932, was not to take office until March 1933.

In the interim, of course, considerable speculation circulated about the new President's likely policies; the uncertainty was increased by the President-elect's refusal to make definite policy statements or to How to essay for graduate professional endorse actions proposed by Custom persuasive essay paragraph, the increasingly frustrated President Hoover. Studies Help He? However, from the President-elect's campaign statements and known propensities, many inferred (correctly) that Roosevelt might devalue the essay paragraph dollar or even break the link with gold entirely. Fearing the resulting capital losses, both domestic and foreign investors began to help convert dollars to gold, putting pressure on both the Custom banking system and help analysis, the gold reserves of the Custom essay body paragraph Federal Reserve System. Bank failures and the Fed's defensive measures against essay, the gold drain further reduced the stock of money. The economy took its deepest plunge between November 1932 and March 1933, once more confirming the temporal sequence predicted by the monetary hypothesis. Once Roosevelt was sworn in, his declaration of a national bank holiday and, subsequently, his cutting the link between the Custom dollar and gold initiated the expansion of money, prices, and output.

It is an interesting but not uncommon phenomenon in economics that the expectation of professional a devaluation can be highly destabilizing but that the devaluation itself can be beneficial. These four episodes might be considered as time series examples of Friedman and Schwartz's evidence for the role of monetary forces in the Depression. They are not the entirety of the Custom persuasive paragraph evidence, however. Friedman and Schwartz also introduced cross-sectional--that is, cross-country--evidence as well. How To Essay For Graduate? This cross-sectional evidence is based on differences in exchange-rate regimes across countries in the 1930s.

The Gold Standard and the International Depression. Although the Monetary History focuses by design on events in the United States, some of its most compelling insights come from cross-sectional evidence. Anticipating a large academic literature of the 1980s and 1990s, Friedman and persuasive paragraph, Schwartz recognized in 1963 that a comparison of the economic performances in essay, the 1930s of Custom essay body countries with different monetary regimes could also serve as a test for their monetary hypothesis. Facilitating the cross-sectional natural experiment was the fact that the international gold standard, which had been suspended during World War I, was laboriously rebuilt during the 1920s (in a somewhat modified form called the gold-exchange standard). Countries that adhered to paper the international gold standard were essentially required to maintain a fixed exchange rate with other gold-standard countries. Moreover, because the United States was the dominant economy on the gold standard during this period (with some competition from France), countries adhering to the gold standard were forced to match the contractionary monetary policies and price deflation being experienced in the United States.

Importantly for identification purposes, however, the gold standard was not adhered to uniformly as the Depression proceeded. A few countries for Custom persuasive essay historical or political reasons never joined the Help block zip gold standard. Custom Persuasive Essay? Others were forced off early, because of factors such as internal politics, weak domestic banking conditions, and the local influence of competing economic doctrines. Other countries, notably France and the other members of the so-called Gold Bloc, had a strong ideological commitment to gold and therefore remained on the gold standard as long as possible. Friedman and Schwartz's insight was that, if monetary contraction was in fact the source of economic depression, then countries tightly constrained by the gold standard to follow the United States into deflation should have suffered relatively more severe economic downturns. Social? Although not conducting a formal statistical analysis, Friedman and Schwartz gave a number of salient examples to Custom body paragraph show that the more tightly constrained a country was by the gold standard (and, by default, the my more closely bound to follow U.S. monetary policies), the more severe were both its monetary contraction and its declines in prices and output. One can read their discussion as dividing countries into four categories. The first category consisted of countries that did not adhere to Custom persuasive essay the gold standard at all or perhaps adhered only very briefly.

The example cited by Friedman and Schwartz was China. Instructions For Research Helicopter? As they wrote (p. 361), China was on a silver rather than a gold standard. As a result, it had the equivalent of persuasive essay body paragraph a floating exchange rate with respect to gold-standard countries. A decline in Instructions for research paper, the gold price of silver had the same effect as a depreciation in essay body paragraph, the foreign exchange value of the Chinese yuan. The effect was to insulate Chinese internal economic conditions from the worldwide depression. . . Writer's Zip? . And that is what happened.

From 1929 to 1931, China was hardly affected internally by the holocaust that was sweeping the gold-standard world, just as in persuasive paragraph, 1920-21, Germany had been insulated by her hyperinflation and associated floating exchange rate. Subsequent research (for example, Choudhri and Kochin, 1980) has identified other countries that, like China, did not adhere to the gold standard and hence escaped the worst of the Depression. Two examples are Spain, where the internal instability that ultimately led to an admission essay for graduate the Spanish Civil War prevented the Custom persuasive essay country from re-adopting the gold standard in write for graduate school professional, the 1920s, and Japan, which was forced from the gold standard after being on it for only a matter of persuasive paragraph months. The Depression in Help zip, Spain was quite mild, and Japan experienced a powerful recovery almost immediately after abandoning its short-lived experiment with gold. The second category consisted of countries that had restored the gold standard in the 1920s but abandoned it early in the Depression, typically in the fall of Custom persuasive essay body 1931. As Friedman and Schwartz observed (p. 362), the first major country to leave the gold standard was Great Britain, which was forced off gold in September 1931.

Several trading partners, among them the Can i essay start my Scandinavian countries, followed Britain's lead almost immediately. The effect of Custom body paragraph leaving gold was to free domestic monetary policy and to stop the monetary contraction. Dissertation Help? What was the consequence of this relaxed pressure on the money stock? Friedman and Schwartz noted (p. 362) that [t]he trough of the depression in Britain and the other countries that accompanied Britain in persuasive essay, leaving gold was reached in the third quarter of 1932. How To Write An Admission Professional? [In contrast, i]n the countries that remained on the gold standard or, like Canada, that went only part way with Britain, the Depression dragged on. Third were countries that remained on essay body, gold but had ample reserves or were attracting gold inflows. The key example was France (see p. 362), the leader of the Gold Bloc. After its stabilization in 1928, France attracted gold reserves well out of Can i buy a proportion to the size of its economy. France's gold inflows allowed it to Custom maintain its money supply and avoid a serious downturn until 1932. However, at that point, France's liquidation of non-gold foreign exchange reserves and its banking problems began to offset the continuing gold inflows, reducing the French money stock.

A serious deflation and declines in paper, output began in France, which, as Friedman and Schwartz pointed out, did not reach its trough until April 1935, much later than Great Britain and other countries that left gold early. Fourth, and perhaps the worst hit, were countries that rejoined the gold standard but had very low gold reserves and banking systems seriously weakened by World War I and the ensuing hyperinflations. Friedman and Schwartz mention Austria, Germany, Hungary, and Romania as examples of this category (p. 361). These countries suffered not only deflation but also extensive banking and financial crises, making their plunge into depression particularly precipitous. The powerful identification achieved by this categorization of countries by Friedman and Schwartz is worth reemphasizing. If the Depression had been the product primarily of nonmonetary forces, such as changes in autonomous spending or in productivity, then the nominal exchange rate regime chosen by each country would have been largely irrelevant. Persuasive Body? The close connection among countries' exchange rate regimes, their monetary policies, and the behavior of domestic prices and Can i college start, output, is strong evidence for the proposition that monetary forces played a central role not just in the U.S. depression but in the world as a whole. Of course, those familiar with more recent work on the Great Depression will recognize that Friedman and Schwartz's idea of categorizing countries by exchange rate regime has been widely extended by subsequent researchers. Notably, in the paper that revived Friedman and Schwartz's temporarily dormant insight, Choudhri and Kochin (1980) considered the persuasive relative performances of Spain (which, as mentioned, did not adopt the gold standard), three Scandinavian countries (which left gold with Great Britain in September 1931), and Can i college start my, four countries that remained part of the French-led Gold Bloc (the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Poland).

They found that the countries that remained on gold suffered much more severe contractions in essay paragraph, output and prices than the countries leaving gold. In a highly influential paper, Eichengreen and Sachs (1985) examined a number of key macro variables for ten major countries over 1929-35, finding that countries that left gold earlier also recovered earlier. Bernanke and James (1991) confirmed the How to write essay for graduate professional findings of Eichengreen and Sachs for a broader sample of twenty-four (mostly industrialized) countries (see also Bernanke and paragraph, Carey, 1996), and Campa (1990) did the same for a sample of Latin American countries. Bernanke (1995) showed that not only did adherence to the gold standard predict deeper and more extended depression, as had been noted by earlier authors, but also that the behavior of various key macro variables, such as real wages and real interest rates, differed across gold-standard and non-gold-standard countries in just the way one would expect if the zip driving shocks were monetary in nature. The most detailed narrative discussion of how the gold standard propagated the Depression around the world is, of course, the essay body paragraph influential book by Eichengreen (1992). Eichengreen (2002) reviews the conclusions of his book and concludes largely that they are quite compatible with the Friedman and Schwartz approach. The Role of Bank Failures. Yet another striking feature of the Great Contraction in Help block, the United States was the massive extent of banking panics and failures, culminating in Custom persuasive body, the Bank Holiday of March 1933, in which the entire U.S. banking system was shut down. During the Depression decade, something close to half of all U.S. commercial banks either failed or merged with other banks. College? Friedman and Schwartz take the essay body unusually severe and protracted U.S. banking panic as yet another opportunity to apply their identification methodology. Their argument, in short, is Instructions for research helicopter that under institutional arrangements that existed before the establishment of the Federal Reserve, bank failures of the scale of those in 1929-33 would not have occurred, even in persuasive essay, an economic downturn as severe as that in the Depression.

For doctrinal and institutional reasons to be detailed in a moment, however, the extraordinary spate of bank failures did occur and led in turn to the massive extinction of bank deposits and an abnormally large decline in the stock of money. Because the decline in money induced by bank panics would not have occurred under previous regimes, Friedman and Schwartz argued, it can be treated as partially exogenous and writer's block, thus a potential cause of the extraordinary declines in Custom persuasive essay body paragraph, output and prices that followed. How To An Admission School Professional? Before the persuasive essay body creation of the Federal Reserve, Friedman and Schwartz noted, bank panics were typically handled by banks themselves--for example, through urban consortiums of private banks called clearinghouses. If a run on one or more banks in buy a essay start my, a city began, the essay clearinghouse might declare a suspension of payments, meaning that, temporarily, deposits would not be convertible into buy a college essay cash. Larger, stronger banks would then take the essay paragraph lead, first, in determining that the for research banks under attack were in fact fundamentally solvent, and second, in lending cash to those banks that needed to meet withdrawals. Custom Essay Paragraph? Though not an entirely satisfactory solution--the suspension of Help block zip payments for several weeks was a significant hardship for paragraph the public--the system of Dissertation data analysis suspension of payments usually prevented local banking panics from spreading or persisting (Gorton and Mullineaux, 1987). Custom Persuasive Body? Large, solvent banks had an Can i buy a college essay my incentive to participate in curing panics because they knew that an Custom persuasive paragraph unchecked panic might ultimately threaten their own deposits. An Admission For Graduate School Professional? It was in Custom persuasive paragraph, large part to he improve the management of banking panics that the Federal Reserve was created in 1913. However, as Friedman and Schwartz discuss in some detail, in the early 1930s the Federal Reserve did not serve that function. The problem within the Fed was largely doctrinal: Fed officials appeared to subscribe to Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon's infamous 'liquidationist' thesis, that weeding out weak banks was a harsh but necessary prerequisite to the recovery of the banking system.

Moreover, most of the failing banks were small banks (as opposed to what we would now call money-center banks) and not members of the Federal Reserve System. Thus the Custom essay body paragraph Fed saw no particular need to buy a essay start my try to stem the Custom panics. At the same time, the Can i buy a essay start large banks--which would have intervened before the Custom essay body paragraph founding of the Fed--felt that protecting their smaller brethren was no longer their responsibility. Indeed, since the an admission essay for graduate school professional large banks felt confident that the Fed would protect them if necessary, the weeding out of small competitors was a positive good, from their point of view. In short, according to Friedman and Schwartz, because of body paragraph institutional changes and misguided doctrines, the banking panics of the Great Contraction were much more severe and widespread than would have normally occurred during a downturn. Bank failures and depositor withdrawals greatly reduced the quantity of bank deposits, consequently reducing the money supply. The result, they argued, was greater deflation and output decline than would have otherwise occurred. A couple of objections can be raised to the Friedman-Schwartz inference. One logical possibility is that the extraordinary rate of bank failure of the 1930s, rather than causing the subsequent declines in output and prices, occurred because depositors and others anticipated the collapse of the economy--that is, that the banking panics were endogenous to the expected state of the economy.

Friedman and Schwartz's institutional arguments persuade me that this is unlikely. College Buy Ucf? If previous arrangements had been in essay body paragraph, place, bank panics would not have been allowed to progress to the degree they did, independent of the severity of the downturn. Moreover, I don't find it plausible that, in 1930 and 1931, depositors and bankers fully anticipated the severity of the downturn still to Help come. A second possibility is that banking panics contributed to the collapse of output and prices through nonmonetary mechanisms. My own early work (Bernanke, 1983) argued that the effective closing down of the banking system might have had an adverse impact by creating impediments to the normal intermediation of credit, as well as by reducing the quantity of transactions media. Friedman and Schwartz anticipated this argument and adduced as contrary evidence a comparison of the United States and Canada (p. 352).

They pointed out that (1) Canada's monetary policy was tied to that of the United States by Custom persuasive, a fixed exchange rate; (2) Canada had no significant bank failures; but (3) Canada's output declines were as severe as those of the United States. Friedman and Schwartz concluded that Canada's economy declined because of its enforced monetary contraction--whether that monetary contraction took place through bank failures or was enforced by the exchange-rate regime was immaterial. I would argue that Canada, both being a commodity exporter and being unusually highly integrated with the buy a college essay start my United States, may not have been fully representative of the experience of all countries in the 1930s. For example, in Bernanke (1995, table 3), I showed using a sample of Custom persuasive body paragraph twenty-six countries that, with the exchange-rate regime held constant, countries suffering severe banking panics had subsequent declines in output that were significantly worse than those in write school, countries with stable banking systems. This result supports the possibility of an additional, nonmonetary channel for bank failures. Custom Persuasive Essay Paragraph? At the same time, my results were also strongly supportive of the view that adherence to the gold standard, and the associated monetary contraction, was of first-order importance in explaining which countries suffered severe depressions. Thus, as I have always tried to make clear, my argument for nonmonetary influences of bank failures is simply an embellishment of the Friedman-Schwartz story; it in no way contradicts the basic logic of their analysis. Benjamin Strong and for research paper helicopter, the Leadership Vacuum.

Finally, what is probably Friedman and Schwartz's most controversial natural experiment stems from the premature death, in 1928, of America's preeminent central banker, Benjamin Strong. Strong, who was Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the de facto equivalent to a Fed Chairman today, had led the Federal Reserve throughout the 1920s. Aptly named, he had a strong personality and was a brilliant central banker. Quite plausibly, his personality and skills created a leadership position within a Federal Reserve System that--as suggested by its name--was intended by the Congress to essay body paragraph be a relatively decentralized institution. After Strong's death, as Friedman and Schwartz describe in useful detail, the Federal Reserve no longer had an effective leader or even a well-established chain of command.

Members of the Board in Washington, jealous of the traditional powers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, strove for greater influence; and Strong's successor, George Harrison, did not have the experience or personality to stop them. Regional banks also began to assert themselves more. Thus, power became diffused; worse, what power there was accrued to men who did not understand central banking from a national and international point of view, as Strong had. The leadership vacuum and the generally low level of central banking expertise in the Federal Reserve System was a major problem that led to excessive passivity and many poor decisions by the Fed in the years after Strong's death. Friedman and Schwartz argued in their book that if Strong had lived, many of the mistakes of the College buy ucf Great Depression would have been avoided. Paragraph? This proposition has been highly controversial and has led to detailed examinations of writer's what Strong's views really were on various matters of monetary policymaking. This counterfactual debate somewhat misses the point, in my opinion. We don't know what would have happened had Strong lived; but what we do know is essay body that the central bank of the help zheng world's economically most important nation in 1929 was essentially leaderless and lacking in Custom essay body, expertise. This situation led to decisions, or nondecisions, which might well not have occurred under either better leadership or a more centralized institutional structure. And associated with these decisions, we observe a massive collapse of money, prices, and output. Thus, it seems to me that the death of Strong does qualify as one more natural experiment with which to How to an admission for graduate professional try to identify the Custom persuasive essay paragraph effects of monetary forces in the Great Depression.

The brilliance of Friedman and Schwartz's work on the Great Depression is not simply the texture of the discussion or the data coherence of the point of view. Their work was among the first to use history to essay body paragraph address seriously the issues of cause and effect in a complex economic system, the problem of identification. Perhaps no single one of their natural experiments alone is convincing; but together, and enhanced by the subsequent research of dozens of scholars, they make a powerful case indeed. For practical central bankers, among which I now count myself, Friedman and Schwartz's analysis leaves many lessons. What I take from their work is the College essay idea that monetary forces, particularly if unleashed in a destabilizing direction, can be extremely powerful. The best thing that central bankers can do for the world is to avoid such crises by providing the economy with, in Custom persuasive body paragraph, Milton Friedman's words, a stable monetary background--for example as reflected in Social studies help he, low and stable inflation.

Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the persuasive paragraph Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Help writer's, Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. Custom Body? We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again. Best wishes for your next ninety years. 1. Accordingly, I hope the reader will forgive the many references to essay buy ucf my own work in Custom paragraph, the list of references below. They arise because much of my own research has followed up leads from the Friedman-Schwartz agenda. Return to text. 2. However, as Athanasios Orphanides pointed out to Social studies help me, by persuasive essay body, 1929 the rate of output growth was strong, which may have provided additional motivation for a tightening.

Return to text. 3. Apparently the Board was not entirely clear on the point that funds used to purchase stock are not made unavailable for productive use. Of course, as stock sales are merely transfers of existing assets, funds used to purchase stock are not dissipated but only transferred from one person to another. Return to text. Bernanke, Ben, Non-Monetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in the Propagation of the Great Depression, American Economic Review , 1983, 257-76. Bernanke, Ben, The Macroeconomics of the Can i start Great Depression: A Comparative Approach, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking , 1995, 1-28. Bernanke, Ben, and Kevin Carey, Nominal Wage Stickiness and Aggregate Supply in the Great Depression, Quarterly Journal of Economics , 1996, 853-83.

Bernanke, Ben, and Harold James, The Gold Standard, Deflation, and Financial Crisis in Custom essay body paragraph, the Great Depression: An International Comparison, in R. Glenn Hubbard, Financial Markets and Financial Crises , Chicago: University of Chicago Press for NBER, 1991. Burns, Arthur F. and Wesley C. Dissertation Analysis? Mitchell, Measuring Business Cycles , New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1946. Persuasive Essay? Campa, Jose Manuel, Exchange Rates and Economic Recovery in the 1930s: An Extension to Latin America, Journal of Economic History , 1990, 6177-82. Choudhri, Ehsan, and How to an admission essay professional, Levis Kochin, The Exchange Rate and the International Transmission of Business Cycles: Some Evidence from the Great Depression, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking , 1980, 565-74. Custom? Eichengreen, Barry, Golden Fetters: The Gold Standard and the Great Depression , 1919-1939, New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. College Essay Start? Eichengreen, Barry, Still Fettered after All These Years, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 9276, October 2002. Eichengreen, Barry, and persuasive paragraph, Jeffrey Sachs, Exchange Rates and Economic Recovery in Can i essay my, the 1930s, Journal of Economic History , 1985, 925-46. Friedman, Milton and Anna J. Schwartz, A Monetary History of the Custom paragraph United States, 1863-1960 , Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1963.

Gorton, Gary, and Donald J. Mullineaux, The Joint Production of Confidence: Endogenous Regulation and Nineteenth-Century Commercial Bank Clearinghouses, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 1987 , 457-68. Essay Buy Ucf? Hamilton, James D., Monetary Factors in the Great Depression, Journal of Monetary Economics , 1987, 145-69.

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Has anyone paid to have a resume written for them? gatorfanatic in Orange Park, Florida. I thought about having someone write mine but I found this link and persuasive decided to do it myself. An Admission For Graduate School Professional. I do believe it is Custom better to write your own because only you know yourself best: K.C. in Seattle, Washington. I have posted before that I strongly believe having your resume written (or simply reviewed) by a qualified professional is extremely valuable. Help Block Zip. I don't say this simply because I offer resume writing services but because my years in HR and recruiting have made it very clear that most people are not objective enough to present themselves in the most favorable way. I really believe that crafting a resume is a completely different skill than being a great writer. A good resume writer will not create a document that is Custom persuasive essay paragraph their conception of you. Anyone worth the money will take an individualized approach; working with you to Help writer's block, uncover talents, skills and competencies that you may not even be aware you posses.

A professional resume writer will take the time to make certain the essay paragraph resume is an accurate depiction of you and also make certain that the final product is one to which you can speak. vicque fassinger in Cleveland, Ohio said: . For a resume, especially today - in these times, you do NOT have the luxury or time to zheng, WASTE trying to put an essay body, amazing, jaw-dropping, goosebump-inflicting professional profile together yourself, do you? If the first one you write doesn't get a response, will you then redesign it and Can i buy a college my send it back to essay paragraph, the SAME potential employer who originally ignored you? How long will you keep doing that (and passing up all those family gatherings) until you decide that hiring a professional to help you is the only choice?[/QUOTE. Extremely well put Vicque! hruncovered in Seattle, Washington. Bean counter in San Jose, California said: Can't believe one cannot write a decent resume himself, who knows better than yourself of what you actually do in your job? One can also copy-and-paste some of the job description that match yours so that the scanner can pick up the key words/phrases resulting in your resume made the cut for College essay buy ucf HR to review. I don't know why the you have to do it yourself attitude persists when it comes to writing your resume. It's essentially like saying you should do your own taxes because nobody knows your finances better than you.

For people who are comfortable writing their own resume and can produce an outstanding one fantastic. For those whose strengths lie elsewhere, there is no reason not to Custom, hire a professional. In fact, I would say that recognizing where you can benefit from help data others' expertise is persuasive body a far more valauble skill than being able to write your own resume. You are correct that one needs to take automated screening systems into account. Studies. However, while cutting and pasting pieces of a job description may get your resume through the automated scanning process, but what happens when you resume is in Custom body the hands of a human? Is that person going to be engaged and compelled to Dissertation help data, move based on a resume that parrots their company's job description? Not likely. Again, if you can create an accomplishment focused resume that clearly highlights your impact, do it. Persuasive Body. But there is studies no shame if you need to partner with someone to Custom persuasive essay, identify your strengths, uncover your acomplishments and present that info in the best light possible.

jenab in Austin, Texas. caela in Cardiff, United Kingdom said: Jenab, do you know if there is anyway we can private message on studies help zheng here? I'm fairly new to Custom essay body paragraph, this forum, but I'd definitely like to chat with you guys. JD I would love to school professional, make contact, just not sure how to do it! Let me know and I will get in Custom essay paragraph touch!

I don't think there is at this time, at least not that I can see. But I've noticed that some people (like me) have their screen name linking back to a profile, so I'm wondering if that may change in the future. You might want to go to and make a suggestion under forums and ask for buy a college my it. If enough people are asking for it they may add that feature. I know just a couple weeks ago I couldn't see my own comments in persuasive essay paragraph one place and made a suggestion and now I can (it may be they were planning on that, but it was great to be able to see that now). JD in Yerington, Nevada. caela in Cardiff, United Kingdom said: JD I would love to make contact, just not sure how to do it! Let me know and I will get in essay for graduate school touch! They haven't removed my post to Erik (on page 1) yet; my e-mail is there. And by the by, for anyone who may be wondering, I'm not trying to spam, and I'm not selling anything - just a guy who wants to Custom body paragraph, help, no strings attached. jenab in Austin, Texas.

JD in Yerington, Nevada said: They haven't removed my post to Erik (on page 1) yet; my e-mail is there. And by the by, for anyone who may be wondering, I'm not trying to write essay for graduate, spam, and I'm not selling anything - just a guy who wants to persuasive essay, help, no strings attached. I don't think anyone in this particular discussion is trying to How to an admission school, spam; just the opposite. I think several people have been caught up in Custom persuasive essay body paragraph trying to buy a start my, be helpful. (and that's quite refreshing since some threads have a lot of paragraph negativity in them) Since so many people were including their emails I wanted to make sure everyone was aware in case the essay comments disappeared. It seems to Custom essay body paragraph, take a a few days for College non-flagged comments to disappear if there are links or email addresses. I don't think Indeed has the no-contact information in forum comments rule just to body, curb ads, but to protect privacy, as it can be seen by College essay buy ucf, anyone looking at Custom persuasive essay body paragraph the forums. jenab in Austin, Texas. HR Uncovered in Seattle, Washington said: I don't know why the Can i buy a college essay you have to do it yourself attitude persists when it comes to writing your resume.

Because no one knows your experience better than you do, and a standard resume is Custom persuasive essay body paragraph not complex. And in a less obvious way, it helps you validate what's on your resume for College essay buy ucf each position you submit it to; you can tie in your best relevant CAR or STAR stories. jenab in Austin, Texas. Burnt Toast in Champaign, Illinois said: I have paid $50 for someone to rewrite my resume. It helped me let go of an old resume that I had grown emotionally attached to. Good points.

It took me 6 months to finally get around to overhauling my own resume, and it looks so much better. I keep a master doc of all my experience (and other info useful for applications). It made it easier to let go of essay body certain things in the resume itself, especially knowing if it was relevant I could easily switch it out and zip not have to recreate it from body memory. hruncovered in Seattle, Washington. jenab in Austin, Texas said: Because no one knows your experience better than you do, and College a standard resume is not complex. And in a less obvious way, it helps you validate what's on your resume for Custom body paragraph each position you submit it to; you can tie in your best relevant CAR or STAR stories. Just because no one knows your experience better than you does not mean that one is able to market themselves effectively. The process of having your resume professionally done should be very collaborative.

As a professional resume writer and HR consultant, I can assert that a true professional will take his or her time to build a comprehensive understanding of Can i buy a college start my your background and persuasive body motivations, as well as help you uncover strengths and writer's zip achievements. They then use the information they have gathered and their expertise in the job search process (automated resume screeners, HRIS, etc.) to present you in the best way possible. Like I said before, if you are confident that you can create an Custom paragraph, outstanding resume, that is wonderful. But many people find it very difficult to How to for graduate professional, see themselves objectively and market themselves effectively. That is why it can be extremely smart investment to employ a professional resume writer.

JD in Custom essay Fernley, Nevada. HR Uncovered, I can certainly see your point; some people aren't comfotable or able to market themselves, andin that case, a pro from Dover may be a good idea. If I gave the impression in any of essay my posts that prfessional resume writers should never be used, I apologize; that was never my point. I just see may people who go instantly to a pro and assume that they're going to make the best resume in the world - which is not always the Custom essay body case. Instructions Paper Helicopter. If one is persuasive essay paragraph wanting a resume, I believe they should first consider whether they can make a good one on their own first: that's where I believe know thyself comes into play, so far as resumes.

If that individual doesn't think they can do a good job after researching resume writing, then by studies he, all means use a pro if it's affordable. And you're right in another area as well - if a pro is called upon, it should be a collaboration, not just a give me your work history and persuasive I'll tell you when it's done. Essay. It needs to be an ongoing back-and forth between both people to get the best possible result. hruncovered in Seattle, Washington. JD in Fernley, Nevada said: HR Uncovered, I can certainly see your point. Yes. And I have to put an persuasive body paragraph, exclamation point behind do your research! because there are plenty of professional resume writers who will simply reformat your information. There is little value in that. And while affordable is likely important to many, I would caution people from simply evaluating professionals on price. BTW I had to Google A Pro From Dover. Thank you for a new term. :)

JD in Fernley, Nevada. HR Uncovered in Seattle, Washington said: Yes. And I have to College essay buy ucf, put an essay, exclamation point behind do your research! because there are plenty of professional resume writers who will simply reformat your information. There is little value in that. I agree, to a point - sometimes, all a resume needs is a little reformat to change it from decent to essay professional, great, especially for electronic submissions. BUT, in my opinion, if that's all a pro is seeing wrong with an Custom paragraph, existing resume, then they should be upfront and say so, either showing the individual the needed changes or charging a reduced amount or doing it for free. In any case, with it being a collaboration, the writer should be honest and for research paper helicopter explain what they're doing and why, whether it's a simple reformat or a complete overhaul. Jacalyn in Mumbai, India. I paid for CV Writing from a company called Custom Essay Paragraph. They specialize in help analysis customizing International resumes according to Custom body, Middle East standards. They delivered quite on time and am happy with the results, since I got the job I was looking for Social help zheng he in Dubai, UAE.

I received personal attention too, as they are a small firm. Linda in Wake Forest, North Carolina. I used beach resume based in nc. I went from no calls for interviews to 5 in two weeks time. i have used more expensive services in body paragraph the past, but didnt have the Help writer's block results that i did with rukia. Maybe coincidence, but i dont think so. She's affordable and fast, and persuasive essay body paragraph did a great job.

I am getting interviews (about to go on Dissertation data analysis a second interview!!), and persuasive essay body am very happy with her and my results. Unemployed Sap in Asbury Park, New Jersey. I used a service and have been very pleased. I'm sure it depends on your background and the writer. There's good resume services and help bad ones out Custom persuasive essay, there.

Unemployed Sap in Instructions helicopter Asbury Park, New Jersey. Stillsmiling in Saint Marys, Georgia said: I have no idea why someone would pay to have a resume written for them. Custom Essay Body Paragraph. With all the ones you can find online. FOR FREE. where you just put in buy ucf your information? Very easy to do. If you aren't sure how to use those key words, read someone elses resume that has a job or some from Custom essay paragraph online. They give pretty good examples of what to Social, do. Save your money and do it yourself. Then you will also be very sure of body what is on helicopter your resume. well, i did it that way for Custom persuasive body paragraph a year with no results. at least now im getting calls, which is more than i used to Help block, be able to say. if i could interview better i might actually get a job :/

Unemployed Paralegal in Denver, Colorado. Not only that, by writing your resume yourself you will be sure it will present what you want to present, in your own words. It will reflect YOU, not some resume writer's overly hyped and/or ill conceived impression of you. I regard resume writing as a first step for interview prep. Persuasive Essay Body. By reviewing your work history and educational background and for research helicopter forcing yourself to Custom body, set it forth on paper, you lay the foundation for your presentation. You also lay the foundation for designing answers to common interview questions. Joe Gagill in Monticello, New York. I had my resume done years ago. At first I thought the writer emailed me the wrong person's resume. I didn't know I had those skills! Unemployed Paralegal in Denver, Colorado.

Spamming resume services violates forum rules. KL in Dissertation help analysis London, Kentucky. I have used one before. I paid $32 for a resume. Later on Custom persuasive I went back and ordered a cover letter too, that was $36 but they ended up cutting me a deal since I was a returning customer and they had a package which included a resume and cover letter.

The guy who wrote it was really nice. I spoke to him on the phone and help analysis through email to tell him what I was looking for. Custom Essay. I would definitely recommend it because I got phone calls for How to write an admission for graduate professional interviews literally within a week after being unemployed for about 6 months. Body Paragraph. If I ever decide to leave my current job, I'd order another one. It was more than worth it for $32. Look up that's who I went with.

The owner runs a blog too with a lot of good career advice. gatorfanatic in Orange Park, Florida said: I thought about having someone write mine but I found this link and decided to writer's, do it myself. I do believe it is better to Custom essay, write your own because only you know yourself best: Agree 100% - I probably would never pay anyone. I'm happy to design or help someone, if they need help. No matter what, bare minimum, someone else who spells good and Dissertation has a logical mind needs to review my resume because I often don't see my own mistakes. Unemployed Paralegal in Denver, Colorado. Shilling services violates forum rules. ptkattak in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Dear Friend.

I am 45years old . i changed my profession at the age of 34 years.As far resuem is concern believe me there is Custom essay nothing as resume in job market. it is all just like draw. if your luck works your resume is picked up and help zheng there will be no question in interview about the resuem becase the HR people and persuasive body paragraph the managers know that all resume is written from some books. Secondly if there is sever demand for employees and there is pressure on Dissertation HR from the Custom paragraph top so your luck will work. I spend hunderds of Social dollars on resume experts and nothing had come out. Once i wrote a letter to company and they call me on phone as one of their employee lift at the neck of Custom essay paragraph time and Social studies help zheng he they have complet the fourm and they hired me.I modified my resuem thousand of time from essay job to College essay, job . at the last I was thinking to open a buisness of Resume service. So the Custom persuasive body bottom line is keep on trying and drop your resume every where and keep on trying one day luck will work. Job Hunting in Brooklyn, New York. Jenab Can you please provide me this good resume writter email or phone number. The price look really good! Job Hunting in Brooklyn, New York.

can you plese, give me his number or email? KL in London, Kentucky said: I have used one before. For Research Paper. I paid $32 for a resume. Custom Persuasive Essay Body Paragraph. Later on I went back and ordered a cover letter too, that was $36 but they ended up cutting me a deal since I was a returning customer and they had a package which included a resume and cover letter. The guy who wrote it was really nice.

I spoke to him on the phone and through email to Can i, tell him what I was looking for. I would definitely recommend it because I got phone calls for interviews literally within a week after being unemployed for about 6 months. If I ever decide to leave my current job, I'd order another one. It was more than worth it for $32. Look up that's who I went with. The owner runs a blog too with a lot of good career advice. Unemployed Paralegal in Denver, Colorado.

Shilling services violates forum rules. Besides, enough free resume writing is available online, from job centers and even in books found in the good old public library. Unemployed Sap in essay paragraph Asbury Park, New Jersey. wow -- i know i recommended one on here (the same one as a couple of College buy ucf others on here) but the amount of self promotion on here is insane! does indeed even delete the ones that are blatantly self promotional? Former AsstMgr in Oakland, California. This post has become an advertisement for resume writing services. I personally would not use the service just because of the high cost, vulture tactics and probability of persuasive essay body paragraph failure. There is no guarantee that the service will work, get you noticed and guarantee an interview with an employer.

Such services are starting to pop-up in Can i start my this weak job market, offering desperate job seekers a spotlight on an employer's radar. Custom. I'm starting to think I should just come up with a venture providing resume and analysis cover letter services because it seems like all the job websites are offering the service. It's too easy to do, especially seeming all these HR talking heads praising the Custom persuasive essay body paragraph look of the zheng professional resumes. What did you HR talking heads do years ago when resume writing services wasn't the rage and an prospect employees wrote and sent their own resume? I would suggesting if possible looking into services provided at the career center at universities and/or community colleges.

They have one-stop career centers that offer resume writing classes. If, your network included someone in HR, get them to review your resume. Unemployed Paralegal in Denver, Colorado. Oh, and network, job application services and review of resume and cover letter should not be capitalized. The last thing I'm gonna do is Custom persuasive essay have someone like you who doesn't know basic rules of studies he capitalization review my resume. Meg in San Jose, California. Check out some good profiles in l-i-n-k-e-d-i-n and copy the styles that may suit you. especially those who already made it to the company or job they applied. Unemployed Paralegal in Denver, Colorado.

Unemployed Paralegal in Denver, Colorado. You see, Melissa, all anyone has to do is view your Indeed profile. Persuasive Body. Viewing it reveals how patently obvious your shill is and your purpose for posting. NOYB in Saint Louis, Missouri. Unemployed Paralegal in Denver, Colorado said: Sorry, babes, but you have posted the same or similar post on several forums. That is spamming. Why don't you do the right thing and ask Indeed to pull your posts and then ask how to purchase a paid ad for Instructions paper your little scheme? I agree with UP-your @#$% stinks and no one's buying it.

The fact you've tried to post it on Custom multiple forums classifies you as a spammer. Hopefully the mod will delete your posts. As far as reviews go, all the places I have worked have provided me a copy of my preformance reviews after my review meetings and writer's block I have them available for potential employers to Custom persuasive body, review if they are asked for. Unemployed Paralegal in Denver, Colorado. NOYB in Saint Louis, Missouri said: As far as reviews go, all the places I have worked have provided me a copy of my preformance reviews after my review meetings and I have them available for potential employers to review if they are asked for.

That is different. If the employer volunteers your reviews or other parts of your employment file, IMO it has waived any privilege. Dissertation Analysis. So use them if they are favorable. JobSearcher84 in Atlanta, Georgia. Go to the work force agency in your town. Ask for a specialist. They help you tweak your resume for free. CF in Los Angeles, California.

Career Hunter in Denver, Colorado said: A few questions: * How much did you pay for it? TOO MUCH - I think is was around $300. * What was unique about it? I am still trying to figure out what they felt their service had to Custom paragraph, offer. After having them rewrite my resume, I had another service review and Social studies zheng got the same negative response from my original resume.

* Was it more effective than your old resume? NO - NOT AT ALL. In fact, I got fewer hits on my resume after spending the money to have them redo it. * Would you do it again? NO - I actually ended up having it rewritten, so their resume writing service was NOT useful at all in Custom essay paragraph my case. It is best to take the helicopter time and research what employers are looking for in a resume, use the Custom essay body paragraph 100 most powerful words in a resume and know your market. There are tons of essay for graduate school professional new online options that will provide you with FREE info and Custom essay body resources.

resumelady in Metro Atlanta, Georgia. I write résumés professionally and Instructions for research helicopter I would like to state that many people who seek my services seem to believe that the résumé is the magic document that will do all the work for them. Custom Persuasive Essay Body Paragraph. A résumé is a professional introduction of you to Dissertation, a potential employer. It's important to realize that your interview starts when you submit your résumé, NOT when you shake a hiring manager's hand for the first time. Employers pay attention to how a candidate submits their credentials as well as how (or if) they follow up with the initial contact, and Custom persuasive essay paragraph so on. It's a process. One of the best things a candidate can do for Dissertation his or her job search is to persuasive body, professionally NETWORK with potential employers, with colleagues in buy a college my the field, and Custom body others who might share insight or additional value. Résumés cannot do the networking and interviewing for you. Write For Graduate School. you have to do that.

It's been my experience that candidates who frequently network see more positive responses from essay body paragraph their résumés than those individuals who rely on write an admission just simply submitting their résumé and waiting for feedback. Anyone considering a professional résumé writer should realize the purpose and capabilities of the actual document and should not hold the résumé writer accountable for poor results that are due to their own lack of essay body motivation to professionally network and market themselves. The clients with whom I work are able to How to professional, get career coaching and advice pertaining to persuasive paragraph, their industry and where they are in the process. If your résumé writer is not making himself or herself available for questions you have about your job search or résumé, you might consider using someone else. A good writer will be genuinely interested in learning about analysis, you, your industry, field, and essay your career goals. Demand great service and ask for Help block references. I agree that it's best not to pay for something you can get for free. Paragraph. Writing your own resume actually helps you study for your interview. There are lots of online tips. Instructions For Research. Here's the process I suggest: [URL Advertisement removed by Custom body paragraph, Indeed Moderator]

It's a lot of studies work the first time around, but worth it thereafter as you end up having a very strong resume that can be tweaked quickly to target each job. Unemployed Sap in Asbury Park, New Jersey. thought i had done this but i guess im losing my mind. How much did you pay for it? $100 (from beach resume) What was unique about it? it simplified what i had and Custom persuasive really focused it to write an admission essay for graduate, the jobs i wanted, and looked a lot better to Custom persuasive, boot. it also still sounded like me. i was worried i was going to College essay, get something back that i had to get a dictionary to know what the heck was being said, but i think she did a good job of essay using my words and phrases and just focusing them a little better. Was it more effective than your old resume? seeing as i got more interviews and a job offer, yes. Would you do it again? in a heartbeat and ive referred several friends and family to her and all have been happy. Joe Gagill in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Unemployed Sap in Asbury Park, New Jersey said: way to spam your own company there. You have always come across as a good person. Can I Buy A Start My. So, I hope everything is working out. Remember to persuasive paragraph, start building those important contacts for your next job. Unemployed Sap in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Joe Gagill in Poughkeepsie, New York said: You have always come across as a good person.

So, I hope everything is working out. Remember to start building those important contacts for your next job. hey Joe! Everythings going good, im tired but at least its from working and not from How to an admission essay for graduate school professional looking for a job. noticed several of the old timers have found jobs recently, too. the other thread is so long and hard for me to keep up with now. wish there was a like button so i could just acknowledge stuff more often. dont think i ever mentioned, my name is joe to- so anytime someone addresses you i have to persuasive, look to make sure its not me (Even though subconsciously i know its not, since my name isnt on Dissertation data here LOLOL) Flightless in persuasive paragraph Charles Town, West Virginia. Career Hunter in Denver, Colorado said: A few questions: * How much did you pay for buy a essay it? * What was unique about it?

* Was it more effective than your old resume? * Would you do it again? Resumes are DEAD. And if they aren't, we should get rid of essay them! People spend a lot of time creating a quality resume only to for research paper, have it barely glanced at. Resume = too much work for too little pay off. Bluetea in Custom persuasive body paragraph Texas. HR Uncovered in Seattle, Washington said: While the candidate evaluation process can extend well beyond a resume, the truth is that the resume remains a critical part of that process. You might appreciate this post about why the Can i college essay start my resume is not dead and why that is a good thing for Custom essay paragraph job seekers (here's a hint, consider the alternatives!): You can walk into almost any library today and buy a Killer Resume book off their discard pile for a buck. The resume, except for small companies is Help dying.

Many large companies say that in Custom persuasive essay paragraph lieu of an application, a resume will not be accepted. Bluetea in Texas. Flightless in Charles Town, West Virginia said: Resumes are DEAD. And if they aren't, we should get rid of them! People spend a lot of help analysis time creating a quality resume only to have it barely glanced at. Resume = too much work for too little pay off. Many large companies don't even want them anymore.

Bluetea in Texas. Flightless in Charles Town, West Virginia said: Resumes are DEAD. And if they aren't, we should get rid of persuasive them! People spend a lot of How to for graduate school professional time creating a quality resume only to have it barely glanced at. Resume = too much work for Custom persuasive body paragraph too little pay off. My sister said that her company that an opening last year for a part time receptionist with benefits. They received over 1,200 applications. You don't seriously think anyone is actually reading all that do you? No, they use ATS software to thin out the for research herd. hruncovered in Seattle, Washington.

Bluetea in Texas said: My sister said that her company that an opening last year for persuasive essay body a part time receptionist with benefits. They received over analysis, 1,200 applications. You don't seriously think anyone is actually reading all that do you? No, they use ATS software to thin out the herd. Your are absolutely correct about Custom persuasive essay paragraph, applicant tracking systems. Most large organizations are employing ATS to deal with the crush of resumes they receive (this is why it is so critical to target your resume toward each specific positon). College Buy Ucf. But those applicant tracking systems need something to scan, and that something is still commonly candidates' resumes. Custom Essay Paragraph. Even in the case where a company does not accept resumes (which is fairly uncommon), the content of your resume can be repurposed for the application process. Then, when you are asked in for an interview, you can bring your actual resume. All of College that is to say that, while the landscape is Custom paragraph certainly evolving, the resume still plays a critical role in the job search and hiring process. Bluetea in data Texas.

HR Uncovered in Seattle, Washington said: But those applicant tracking systems need something to scan, and that something is still commonly candidates' resumes. All of Custom body paragraph that is to College essay, say that, while the landscape is body paragraph certainly evolving, the resume still plays a critical role in Can i buy a start my the job search and hiring process. You are still using Windows 3.1. The ATS systems of today are not your Momma's old keyword scanner. They are very sophisticated today. Oracle bought Taleo last year for 1.9 BILLION. Paragraph. This is an admission essay school professional definitely not your Momma's keyword scanner. Now if you are applying to something off of Craigslist, a resume will probably be required and since each one wants something different you have to have a .Doc version, A PDF version, a TXT version and Custom persuasive paragraph who knows what else.

AMSto in Clayton, North Carolina. I used a company called Resume Edge (I think that's the Can i buy a college essay start my name?) and I was disappointed for how much I paid. I'm embarrassed to Custom persuasive essay body, say I paid over $300 for a resume, cover letter, and linked in profile. They paired me with a person who had a Human Services degree and apparently worked in that field. Buy A College Essay Start My. I have a Master's in Public Health- not the same field or training. Persuasive Body Paragraph. I know it doesn't have to Instructions, be an exact match but I was looking for a research job and persuasive body paragraph have technical skills that the writer was unfamiliar with and unfamiliar with how to address. College Essay Buy Ucf. They simply looked at the fact that I had a health-related degree and they stuck me with someone with a health-related degree. What they should have done is paired me with a PhD or someone who has done research, the field doesn't matter as much. I had to re-do a lot of the resume because she made me sound like I didn't understand my own skills.

She also misspelled words AND when she sent my cover letter, she had just used a template that had been previously used because she had accidentally taken out Custom persuasive, a part that identified a skill I didn't even have. Helicopter. Talking about persuasive paragraph, it makes me mad all over again. As for the Linked In profile, she just cut and pasted what she put on my resume and Can i my left a lot of the Custom persuasive body paragraph profile blank. I am kicking myself because I think that was one of the Instructions paper only popular sites that didn't offer a money back guarantee. I've had one interview in 2 months. I'm not blaming it on Custom persuasive my resume because I am applying for jobs in a very competitive city. One more thing, I have enough solid information to fit on 2 pages. She returned to me a 1.5 page resume. Not acceptable. So I added an extra part and made it 2. Everyone knows you don't turn in 1.5 pages.

It's either 1 or 2 pages unless you have a ridiculous amount of experience and then you can do more. But you don't do HALF pages. Ok, thanks for letting me blow off steam. Help Data. :) Sorry for the rant! Back to the job-hunt! I had to re-do a lot of the paragraph resume because she made me sound like I didn't understand my own skills. School Professional. She also misspelled words AND when she sent my cover letter, she had just used a template that had been previously used because she had accidentally taken out a part that identified a skill I didn't even have.

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Opening the Dissertation: Why We Need to Make Open the Default. I want to talk about open. And academia. And the outmoded gatekeeping process of the dissertation, world’s most glorified and Custom essay, inflated five-paragraph essay. Last week was Open Access week, and just before I got on a plane for Australia, Dave I coordinated a series of Lightning Talks at UPEI about College essay buy ucf, a bunch of different facets of open, and cool things people are doing on campus. There was a GONG . Persuasive Essay Paragraph! It was fun. I talked about doing my dissertation research in the open…and managed to limit myself to talking for essay buy ucf, *only* five minutes. There were bets. Then I went to Australia and talked for waaaay more than five minutes.

One talk was specifically on academic Twitter but the Custom persuasive body paragraph other was more me trying to frame out the whole open scholarship thing for folks new to digital pedagogy. I built out an Social studies help zheng ABC structure that I’m looking forward to digging into more deeply soon…and for body paragraph, the “blasphemy” piece I got to College, talk Donna Haraway so I was happy. THE ABCs OF OPEN SCHOLARSHIP: Then I flew homewards and I was un happy for approximately 32 hours. I swear the whole “let’s do Sunday twice over with zero connectivity and essay body, connections timed so you never seem to go to Help block, sleep” gig was harrowing. My mental health and I had to just grimly dog-paddle our way through screaming newborns and back spasms and tiny tiny seats, trying to Custom persuasive body paragraph, hang together and forebear. We made it, ragged and Social studies, ghastly, just in persuasive body time for Hallowe’en!

Which is my segue into dissertating, because hey…there are parallels. OPENING THE DISSERTATION. I am not getting on any more planes this week, though a part of me wishes I were. #OpenEd16 at VCU in Virginia starts today. A Very Large Proportion of my personal/professional “everybody” is Dissertation data, there, and while Dave and I had hoped to be too, in essay paragraph the flesh, we are not. Life. But we are part of a couple of panel conversations about open, including one tomorrow that launches the followup from last year’s #dLRN15 – go check out #SoNAR, the Society for college essay start my, Open Narrative Research. But this narrative is about the OTHER panel. Opening The Dissertation: Exploring the Public Thesis Spectrum is Friday afternoon, a hands-on session with Laura Gogia and Jon Becker. I proposed the panel back before I, erm, realized I totally couldn’t go.

It was supposed to be us and my committee member Alec Couros and Sava Saheli Singh and Katia Hildebrandt…but. Persuasive Essay Body! Life. Sigh. Yay Laura and Jon for picking up the writer's block slack! I proposed the panel because for all I shared much of the process of my dissertation research here on the blog, there was a great deal that remained an unspoken long strange trip that no trip back from Australia can hold a candle to. I want to open up the persuasive essay dissertation to Instructions, the light of day. To some extent, this conversation is about open dissertations and open defences. Laura and I both opened up our defences in various ways, with the support of our supervisors and committees, so that our broader networks – who, in both cases, were the subject/s of Custom persuasive essay paragraph our research – had a window into the event itself.

Mine was livestreamed, right up to the end of public questions. Laura’s was livetweeted by invited guests, right through the committee questions. Laura, being a visualization wizard, has created a chart around the College buy ucf different decision points involved in opening up dissertation and defence processes to public audiences, and I’m looking forward to participating in the exploration of these – and the possibilities and risks involved – via Google Docs, on Friday. If you’re at #OpenEd16 and you’re in persuasive body paragraph any way part of essay school professional anyone’s dissertation process, come and join this conversation and help us gather ideas and possibilities! But. I didn’t actually propose the panel *just* so we could all have a clearer and more granular picture of where we can potentially open up dissertations and defences. I wanted to open up the question of what – and who – the dissertation is FOR.

OPENING THE CONVERSATION. Laura’s most excellent flowchart captures many of the body paragraph decision points in the dissertation process where openness is concerned, but it misses what I think of as perhaps the College core one – audience . Not in Custom essay body the specific sense of the audience who sit in the room or even in front of essay start a screen to witness a colleague outline the work they’ve brought to fruition – but in the sense of the eyes and ears and understandings and policies that thesis work eventually touches and Custom body, shapes. The capacity to choose real-life audiences – and to be supported in preparing to *address* real-life audiences – matters. In my day job, I work in adult ed. Done well, adult ed and professional learning are all about meaningful choices and application and authentic audiences for student work. But when it comes to preparing scholars for the so-called pinnacle of higher education, the doctoral degree, the emphasis FAR too often is on having Ph.D students spend years of their lives preparing a very long, highly-format-focused piece of writing primarily for the audience of their defence committee – THREE TO FIVE PEOPLE, usually – and zip, whoever wants to Custom persuasive paragraph, check the damn tome out of the library in buy a start ensuing decades. Yes, scholars often adapt their dissertations for academic books or papers, but these separate publications usually involve another few YEARS of rewrites and Custom persuasive essay, edits from Reviewer #2 before they ever see the Dissertation help data analysis light of day. We need to talk about this, academia. Here’s my opening salvo for Friday’s presentation in Richmond (complete with sticky note diagrams, sailing metaphors, and upside-down boats):

Long story short, the persuasive essay paragraph status quo does not help us make a case for the value of helicopter higher ed and expert knowledge. Already we lock away too much of our research in expensive, inaccessible, and increasingly unnecessary journals because we’re attached to our own prestige economies. We miss the opportunity to get that research – knowledge that takes years and, often, public funds to develop – TO THE PUBLIC via policy and media and open channels. But with the dissertation situation, there’s something particularly ugly about our continuing attachment to familiar forms. Outside continental Europe, most senior scholars’ concept of the dissertation defence or viva is a tradition of essay intimate questioning behind closed doors, a rite of essay initiation, almost. But…initiation into what? We are no longer training for the professoriate. Any pretense that that is what the Ph.D dissertation and defence processes are for persuasive essay, in their entirety should be met with a Come-to-Jesus about both casualization AND contemporary scholarly practices. We lived in a credential-inflated world, and there are few long-term stable jobs left in higher ed for those who complete even its highest degrees. Even when their tuition and cheap grad student/post-doc labour keeps the system afloat. Full stop.

In my own dissertation work on open and networked scholarship, I found one of the biggest benefits *repeatedly* cited by participants was that cultivating open, public audiences for their work and ideas allowed them to “contribute to the conversation” in their field and in higher ed generally, EVEN WHEN THEY DID NOT HAVE STATUS POSITIONS IN THE ACADEMIC HIERARCHY. This is help analysis, where we get back to blasphemy. Haraway (1991) frames blasphemy as a form of faithfulness, an ironic and partial nod to profaned origins that nonetheless preserves the priority of those origins. What are we being faithful to, when we engage in research, in persuasive Ph.D programs, in scholarship? A broken system, or the help analysis creation and circulation of Custom persuasive body paragraph knowledge?

How we do dissertations goes a long way to answering that question. Graduate students embarking on a dissertation should be able to Dissertation analysis, make informed, supported, meaningful choices about who the persuasive body audience(s) for their dissertations should be. One of the prime responsibilities of supervision should be helping students select, understand, and for research, reach – to some scaffolded extent – those audiences. And, OPEN SHOULD BE THE DEFAULT, RATHER THAN CLOSED. That doesn’t mean always , that doesn’t mean without supports. It does mean all of us IN the academy, no matter how precariously, need to learn to navigate various aspects of what it means to be part of the public conversation in our fields, so we can help students find meaningful ways to join in and contribute. So, as I say in the video, let’s start this conversation. How do we open up the dissertation? Bonnie Stewart, at your service.

My work tries to essay body, make visible who we are when we're online, and how scholars build reputations and identities in online networks. I want to be David Bowie when I grow up. 5 Comments > Opening the Dissertation: Why We Need to Make Open the Default. The idea of livestreaming my hypothetical viva fills me with a higher degree of horror (maybe I can live with livetweeting), but I do think you make some excellent points! This stood out for me: “one of the biggest benefits *repeatedly* cited by participants was that cultivating open, public audiences for their work and essay buy ucf, ideas allowed them to “contribute to the conversation” in their field and in higher ed generally, EVEN WHEN THEY DID NOT HAVE STATUS POSITIONS IN THE ACADEMIC HIERARCHY.” I think this opportunity is so valuable, and i agree PhD students or whatever they are known as once they are ‘defending’) can benefit from participating in these practices and communities. But I wonder how do we convince those ‘status people’?

Here’s the thing…I’m not really suggesting everyone livestream their viva, particularly given the body whole history of high stakes defences and the culture around them. Most of help data us – students AND faculty – aren’t trained to a) cultivate an Custom essay paragraph audience for that kind of event or b) feel comfortable doing it or mitigate the risks visibility can bring. Even in mine, only the public presentation and questions were livestreamed, and I was lucky that my committee and my institution were open to Instructions for research paper helicopter, me doing that. I don’t think this shift starts with people livestreaming. I think we need to sit down and have a real think – and by persuasive body paragraph “we” I mean higher ed, in our broad and an admission school professional, dissonant and essay body paragraph, multiple array, whoever is willing to join in – about what we are and what we do, not just in Help block zip form and structure but in purpose. we’ve got to stop conflating the two, but competition for a place in the structure is so tight, ppl naturalize the box they’re trying to get into or stay in. How do we open up the dissertation? I don’t think there is an essay body easy answer to How to an admission essay school professional, that question, but it opens lots of other questions depending on persuasive our contexts, priorities and perspectives in helicopter HE. I’ve just had a conversation with an Custom essay body EdD peer feeling stuck with philosophical concepts that her supervisor has not been able to explain or clarify. Social Studies Zheng! My supervisors were not able to clarify things for me at times, and perhaps that is not the role of Custom essay body paragraph a supervisor… However having a network of other scholars online was a means to seek answers to questions. I engaged in this, in my own mindful and limited way through my own blog posts and tweets, and I found validation and Can i buy a college essay my, support from others in Custom persuasive essay doing this. Earlier this week I had a conversation with Catherine Cronin at the #NextGenDL symposium about open dissertation practices, and I described my experience of blogging -that gut wrenching feeling of putting my voice, thoughts, opinions online – but how helpful it was in the long run – I received valuable support from other researchers in the area.

If ‘open dissertation practices’ are to be implemented, thought is needed at many levels. And if I understand you correctly Bonnie, you indicate the necessity to be explicit about the purpose of education. Write An Admission Essay! If purpose of education is reinforced by values, then what are the values of higher education. In my HE setting there is essay body paragraph, rhetoric about the essay school purpose of greater societal good but many value conflicts occur in this setting also. Also purpose and Custom persuasive body, values vary in different contexts, cultural and political settings, so there might not be a unique purpose of education…. And another thought, what are the College essay implications if ‘open’ was to become the new norm for communicating and persuasive paragraph, critiquing scholarly practices and research? Could this type of openness fuel competition and the market in other unprecedented ways? Can this approach work for all disciplines? How are researchers/scholars/ the Help writer's academy the body academy prepared for these practices? There are more questions popping into my head, but I will leave it for now…I am rambling a little bit (and of course I am stepping into unchartered territory by commenting on a blog, and putting my voice out there online on Social studies he your blog!) Thank you for opening this conversation and I look forward to persuasive body, hearing more about this tomorrow on the #opened16 stream from you and Laura Gogia.

Muireann, thank you for college, putting your voice out persuasive essay body, here…and for joining us yesterday in the VConnecting session too. Agreed…open dissertation practices – and How to an admission for graduate school professional, open practices in higher ed generally – will take implementation at many levels and, probably previous to that, a whole lotta time and argumentation about what counts and what *can* and *should* be changed and essay body, how and an admission for graduate school, whether to do that. I’m not suggesting everything should just be fully opened up as is…but wondering how a final research project with a public audience and body paragraph, public engagement and contributions to the field (whatever field) would look…and at what junctures students should have choices about College essay buy ucf, open v. closed. I really think it’s a fascinating discussion. I have two thoughts about this. First, as someone who came to academia having first passed through journalism and creative writing, the significance of audience is in Custom body paragraph my writing DNA. It was also something I found lacking in academic settings, less so in my PhD program (it was rhetoric and composition) than in my pre and post PhD teaching life.

As I think about your presentation, I realize that this absence is probably one of the biggest reasons I left academia. By and large, I didn’t want to spend my life writing for those people, and I figured that if I was going to write to other audiences, I might as well cut out the academic middle(men) and help analysis, write directly to audiences outside the academy. Sheerly from a labor perspective, I didn’t feel I had the energy to bang my head against resistant academic audiences. I know, that makes me a quitter, but I’ve learned to live with it. Second, in Custom persuasive essay paragraph an age when folks with lots of money and particular political perspectives have successfully funded “think tanks” to drive the direction of public policy discussions (into the ground?), I think dispersing a wider range of academic knowledge and perspectives may become an imperative.

Not enough information from people doing rigorous research and knowledge-building is Can i college start, making its way into the public arena, and what you describe could provide at least something of a corrective to that. In short, what you’re proposing is complicated, messy, and a terrific idea.

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10 Essential Tips for Your Amazing Social Work Resume. by Valerie Arendt, MSW, MPP. Is your resume ready to send out to employers? You have Googled example resume templates, perfected your formatting, and paragraph, added appropriate action words. Everything is in How to for graduate professional the correct tense, in reverse chronological order, and kept to two pages or less. What else should you think about for essay body paragraph, an amazing social work resume? Whether you are a clinical or macro social worker, student, new professional, or have been in the field for 30 years, these essential tips will keep your resume ready to send out to your future employer. 1. Objective or Professional Summary? Let’s start at the beginning. I am not a fan of the objective, and neither are many hiring managers. If they are reading your resume, they already know you are seeking a position with them. Studies Help? Generally, an objective is used by someone who has recently graduated or has very little experience.

If you have plenty of social work experience, you should consider using a professional summary. Custom Essay Body Paragraph? This is one to three sentences at the beginning of your resume that help describe the value you bring as a social worker through your skills and Social studies help he, experience. This helps your reader know right away if you will be a good fit for the hiring organization. Custom Persuasive Body Paragraph? It is much easier for Social studies help he, a hiring manager to find that value in a short paragraph than trying to persuasive essay paragraph piece it together from a lengthy history of buy ucf professional experience and education. DON’T: Objective: Seeking a social work position within a facility where I can utilize my experience to the benefit of my employer as well as gain knowledge and professional growth. DO: Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 6+ years experience in medical and mental health settings, working with diverse populations in persuasive paragraph private practice, health care, outpatient, and inpatient treatment settings. Recently relocated to Help writer's block Georgia. 2. Custom Persuasive Essay Body? Don’t assume your reader already knows what you do. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see when reviewing resumes. College? Write your resume as if the person reading it has no idea what you do.

Really? Yes! This will help you to be descriptive about persuasive body paragraph, your experience. For some reason, some social workers are not very good at tooting their own horns. Write School? Your resume is exactly the Custom paragraph place you need to college essay brag about what an amazing professional you are. Don’t assume that because your title was “Outpatient Therapist,” the reader of your resume will know exactly what you did. Be descriptive. Give a little information about the organization or program, the clients, and Custom essay, the type of therapy or work you performed.

This can easily be done in three to five bullets if you craft thoughtful, complete sentences. DON’T: Provide psychotherapy to clients. DO: Provide group and individual outpatient therapy to adult clients at a substance abuse treatment center utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), psychoeducation, and motivational interviewing. If you worked in a position for five years but don’t list one relevant accomplishment, that is a red flag for a hiring manager. Describing accomplishments is more than simply listing your job duties. These are the How to essay professional contributions you have made in your career that would encourage an organization to essay hire you. Questions you can ask yourself to help remember your accomplishments include: How did you help your clients? Did you create a new form or program based on the needs of the client population? Did your therapy skills reduce the relapse rate in your agency?

Did you save your organization money by coming up with a cost-saving idea? Were you selected for special projects, committees, or task forces? Even if the only social work experience you have on your resume is your field placement, you should be able to list an accomplishment that will entice the reader to want to know more. DON’T: Completed appropriate and timely documentation according to compliance guidelines. DO: Recognized need for updated agency forms. Developed 10 clinical and administrative forms, including no-harm contract, behavior contract, and therapist’s behavior inventory, which increased staff efficiency and productivity by 15%. 4.Quantify your accomplishments. Numbers aren’t just for business professionals. Numbers also help with the bragging I mentioned that needs to happen on your resume. The most convincing accomplishments are measurable and help your resume stand out from the crowd.

How many clients did you serve? How much money did you receive for that grant you secured for paper, your agency? How many people do you supervise? DON’T: Wrote grants for counseling program in schools. DO: Co-wrote School Group Experiences proposal, which received a $150,000 grant from State Foundation for Health, resulting in doubling the number of children served in group counseling from 120 children to 240 children, and increasing the percentage of minority children served from 20% to 50% of the Custom essay body total child population in group therapy. 5. Tailor your resume to the specific job.

You have heard this over and over, and it should make sense. Still, not many social workers do this correctly or at write an admission professional all. Many big organizations, hospitals, and university systems use online applicant tracking systems to review resumes. When one job has 100 applicants, this is when using keywords REALLY counts. Look at the job description for Custom persuasive essay, keywords. For example, what words do they use to essay buy ucf describe the clients? Patients, clients, residents, victims, survivors, adults, children?

If you have worked with the same client populations, used the essay body same therapy techniques, or provided the supervision listed in the job description, make sure these SAME words are in your resume. Hiring managers can tell when you haven’t put any time into matching your experience with their open position. Buy A Essay Start? DON’T: Provide in-home therapy for families. DO: (Similar language from Custom essay paragraph job description) Perform individual and family, agency, and home-based therapy for medically fragile children and their families (parents and siblings) with goal of Can i buy a my maintaining intact families and improving family functioning. Social workers LOVE to use acronyms. Persuasive Body? Many social workers spend hours writing case notes, and to be efficient, they rely on College essay, acronyms to Custom persuasive body describe their work. For the same reasons you should use keywords, it is Help writer's, essential that you spell things out for the computer or human resources person who may not know what certain acronyms mean.

I am a social worker with limited clinical knowledge, and I often have to Custom persuasive essay Google acronyms when I review NASW members’ resumes. The reader responsible for finding the right candidates to interview will consider this a waste of buy ucf his or her time and might move on to the rest of the Custom body resumes in the pile if he or she has no idea what you are talking about. DON’T: Scored and analyzed clinical assessments to College essay include SIB-R, CBCL, CTRF, or SCQ in packets for families scheduled for autism evaluations. Persuasive Essay? DO: Scored and Help, analyzed clinical assessments for essay body paragraph, autism evaluations including Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB-R), Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Caregiver/Teacher Report Form (CTRF), and Instructions paper helicopter, Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ). Most resumes I review are succinct and Custom persuasive, formatted very nicely by bulleting experience. But there are still some folks who use paragraphs to essay for graduate describe their experience.

You may have 20 years of social work experience at one agency, but that does not mean you can’t be concise. I guarantee you that hiring managers are not going to read a paragraph that is 15 lines long to look for the experience that will fit the position they are trying to fill. Write your resume in such a way that it is easy to scan and find the keywords in 30 seconds or less. Use three to persuasive body eight bullets to Social help he describe your experience and accomplishments. 8. Custom Persuasive Essay Paragraph? Do not list every continuing education training you have ever attended. Writer's Block? Whether or not you are licensed in your state, you should seek out continuing education in social work. Don’t forget, it is in Custom essay body paragraph the NASW Code of Ethics: Section 4.01 (b) Competence: “…Social workers should routinely review the professional literature and participate in continuing education relevant to social work practice and social work ethics.” It is great to show your reader that you are up to date on the latest clinical information on Social studies zheng, your client population, but the section on your resume for Continuing Education or Professional Development should only persuasive body, list the courses that are relevant to the job you are applying for. It is a great idea to keep a list of all your continuing education, for your own reference and for your license renewal.

You just don’t need to list them all on your resume. Help Block Zip? I hope you are seeing a theme here. Recently, I have come across a few resumes that have all of the following sections: #13; #13; Professional Summary #13; Education #13; Relevant Social Work Experience #13; Work Experience #13; Additional Experience #13; Summary of Skills #13; Professional Affiliations #13; Volunteer Experience #13; Publications #13; Relevant Coursework #13; Activities #13; Honors #13; Every resume is personal and Custom, different. You don’t need 10 categories on your resume. Professional Experience and Education are musts. College Essay Start? but after that, limit the places hiring managers need to search to find the information that will help them decide to interview you. Only put the information that is most relevant to the job to which you are applying. 10. Your references should always be available upon request and not on your resume. If the last line on your resume is “References Available Upon Request,” this one is for you. It is not necessary to tell your reader that you have references. If you get far enough in the interview process, they will ask you for your references.

Have them listed in a separate document. Only send the references that are relevant, and only send them when asked. It is imperative that you inform your references that they may be contacted, and always send them a copy of the job description and your recent resume, so they can be prepared when contacted. Nothing is a bigger turnoff to me than getting a call to be a reference for someone I supervised five years ago and I can’t remember exactly what their job duties were. Custom Persuasive Essay Body Paragraph? It is great to get a heads-up and a reminder of what the person did under my supervision. And don’t forget to send your references a thank-you note, even if you didn’t get the job!

DON’T: References Available Upon Request. DO: (Separate document with your contact information at the top) References: Jessica Rogers, MSW, LICSW, Director of Family Programs, Affordable Housing AuthorityChicago, ILRelationship: Former SupervisorPhone: 543-321-1234rogers@email.orgJessica was my direct supervisor and is familiar with my clinical social work skills, my ability to work with diverse communities, and my aptitude for Dissertation help data, managing relationships with partner organizations. Jessica recognized my success in client outcomes and Custom body paragraph, promoted me within 6 months of my hire date. Remember, your resume is your tool to get an interview. Help Data? It doesn’t need to include every detail about Custom persuasive essay paragraph, you as a professional social worker. Use your cover letter to expand on details that are specific to the job you are seeking. Help Data? During the interview, you can go into more detail about your relevant experience. Valerie Arendt, MSW, MPP, is the persuasive Associate Executive Director for the National Association of Social Workers, North Carolina Chapter (NASW-NC).

She received her dual degree in social work and public policy from the University of Minnesota and currently provides membership support, including resume review, to the members of data NASW-NC. Custom Essay Paragraph? Graduating with my MSW in social work this helps out a lot. Thank you so much for essay buy ucf, this article. I greatly appreciate it and feel it will be an Custom body paragraph, immense help in my job search and resume formulation. Write An Admission Essay For Graduate School Professional? Emerald Reese 108 days ago. Thank you for the advice. Right now I am revamping my resume and Custom paragraph, trying to avoid paying for the service. Can I Start? Jennifer J. Persuasive Paragraph? Capri 140 days ago. College Buy Ucf? Thank you so much for all the information! I will be graduating with my MSW in 3 short months and it's about persuasive body, time to start job searching so I am starting to update my resume and this has been so helpful! It has been much appreciated.

Kelly 155 days ago. This article was so helpful in How to professional tweaking my resume. Dana 183 days ago. I would have made all the Custom persuasive essay body listed mistakes, if I hadn't read this article. An Admission For Graduate School? Thank you so very much for sharing this knowledge.

Amy 199 days ago. Custom Essay? Many thanks for Dissertation help data, the information! Always nice to Custom body find job information specific to the human service/social work field! Michael 238 days ago. Featured Jobs at.

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Current and Non- current Assets Without assets, businesses could not function. In order to essay show how much a . business owns assets are used in accounting to Custom persuasive body paragraph clearly define the positive side of college essay my a balance sheet. Current and non- current assets are not only cash, but also monies which will turn into cash in Custom paragraph, the future. For Research Paper Helicopter. This includes receivables, properties, work in progress and persuasive essay, buildings. This paper will define current and non- current assets, differentiate between the essay buy ucf two, the order of liquidity and. Asset , Balance sheet , Fixed asset 763 Words | 3 Pages. ? Assignment 1: Research Topics with Explanation Krista Reynolds Professor Dorothy Hoerr English 215 October 20, 2013 . Topic 1: Should minors who commit violent crimes be tried as adults? I have chosen this topic because it holds the future of our children and the future of our country within its laws and courtrooms. By treating our children as adults for crimes they commit, are we holding them accountable or are we creating “super-predator” out of our troubled youth? Not. Alcoholic beverage , Crime , Driving under the influence 663 Words | 3 Pages.

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Meanwhile, the school has reintroduced a career goals essay that was last seen on the 2009-2010 application, in help zheng, addition to completely revamping their sixth essay question. Custom Essay Body Paragraph. Overall, LBS has maintained its trend of data placing a marked emphasis on learning about. Business school , Essay , Executive Education 1196 Words | 3 Pages. Outline A celebration of life paper will seek to express my feeling about Custom essay certain topics and how I can conduct research to Instructions for research helicopter explore more . details on the topic . I will start by exploring various topics that I am passionate about, although the topics are not necessarily related to each other. Of significance is that the topic I will select may not relate to body my career, but rather an exploration of what I like or happening in life. From a personal perspective, being given the task of How to write essay for graduate professional writing a celebration. Behavior , Parent , Parenting 894 Words | 3 Pages.

The double loss stunned Roosevelt. Persuasive Essay. To recover from his loss, Roosevelt left the New York State Assembly after his third term ended in 1884, moving to essay buy ucf the . Dakota Territory in essay body, the West, where he built Elkhorn Ranch and entered the cattle ranching business . While visiting his sister Anna in New York in 1885, Theodore became reacquainted with his childhood sweetheart, Edith Carrow. Upon returning to New York, Roosevelt decided to reenter politics. As commissioner he initiated programs to reform the. Democratic Party , President of the United States , Theodore Roosevelt 757 Words | 2 Pages. Current Business Research Project Paper. The purpose of this paper is to analyze a scholarly research article in paper, a professional journal and to provide a brief synopsis of the body article. This paper . will focus on defining the an admission essay for graduate school professional business research and its purpose, explaining the problems under investigation, identifying the parties involved in conducting the research, and describing methods used to conduct the research project. The research article I chose deals with internet sports gambling. I felt it would be interesting to see some statistics. Academic publishing , Bookmaker , Casino 887 Words | 3 Pages.

?RUNNING HEAD: CURRENT LABILITIES Current Liabilities . Week 3 Assignment Beverly Clarkson November 23, 2014 Daniel Carraher RUNNING HEAD: CURRENT LIABILITIES . Accounts receivable , Asset , Balance sheet 1011 Words | 8 Pages. emg;kwrn Current Topics In Decision Making LA#2: Current topics in Decision Making/ Value Chain and . Structuring Problems / This will be done as a pair or as a group of up to three people. Custom Paragraph. Names__Yiping Ma. Current Topics ABB Drives Application Guide Adaptive Program Adaptive Program Application Guide 3AFE64527274 Rev C EN EFFECTIVE: 08.04.2005 © 2005 ABB Oy. Social Studies Zheng He. All Rights. Persuasive Essay. Current Topics I like the Bangladesh observer very much. Since newspapers bear the current information, we can not do. Alice Roosevelt Longworth , Bulloch Hall , Corinne Roosevelt Robinson 603 Words | 3 Pages. analysis of liquidity is How to essay for graduate, Current Ratio and Custom, Quick Ratio (Thomsett, Michael C.2007). According to the data in the balance sheet of Lamar . Swimwear, we can find the total current assets and the total current liabilities.

Divide current assets by current liabilities, we can get the current ratios in 200X to 200Z, Table 1. The higher the current ratio, the greater the liquidity of the corporate assets. Help. The generally believed that the Custom paragraph a reasonable minimum current ratio is 200%. According. Asset , Balance sheet , Current asset 1167 Words | 4 Pages. BUS280-A01 CRN 60079 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Mon-Thurs Professor: Rogeer 8:00am-10:00am . Help Block. Gleeson 318 TEXT: Global Mike W. Custom Persuasive Paragraph. Peng Mason, OH.

ISBN# 9781111821753 A.1 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will cover the rapid growth of international business and proliferation of multinational firms. Topics include the buy ucf nature of international business and the historical development of global markets and paragraph, marketing. Foreign exchange market , Globalization , Grade 1306 Words | 6 Pages. Management's Focus Areas During Current Business Environment. Arban Gjonbibaj Management’s focus areas during current business environment Construction cutbacks and unemployment across many . major U.S. Instructions Paper. industries has shaken consumer confidence, and has caused many construction-related businesses to flounder. Commercial and residential contractors who have built up their firms through years of hard work are facing the Custom body most severe recession in How to essay for graduate, decades. For some, the threat is not only to their present business prospects, but their firms’ very survival. It’s important.

Recession , Unemployment 774 Words | 3 Pages. Current Business Research Project Paper Synopsis. Current Business Research Project Paper Synopsis Abstract This assignment was designed to persuasive address several subjects related . to an article of the Social studies help he student's choosing. The subjects discussed in Custom persuasive, this synopsis answer the definition of the business research article reviewed, the article's research purpose, the business problem investigated, data collection methods used in for research helicopter, the research, and the researchers' conclusions. The article chosen from the University of Phoenix library is entitled, International. Analysis of variance , Chi-square distribution , Chi-square test 849 Words | 4 Pages. w w w e tr .X m eP e ap .c rs O LEVEL Business Studies – Scheme of Custom persuasive essay paragraph work Course overview The aim of this Scheme of Work is to How to an admission essay for graduate school professional set out a . progression through the Syllabus content, and to persuasive essay give ideas for activities, together with references to block zip relevant Internet sites. Essay Body. om The Scheme is neither intended to be prescriptive, nor complete, as local conditions will vary: time and studies, resource availabilities are likely to differ considerably. More, the Scheme is intended to Custom persuasive essay body paragraph give ideas to teachers upon.

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Comparing and Contrasting Current and Noncurrent. Comparing and contrasting current and noncurrent Troy Martinez ACC/400 September 25, 2010 Debra Latimore University of Phoenix . Instructions Helicopter. Comparing and contrasting current and noncurrent What are current assets? Current assets are also known as liquid assets. The most common of current assets can be found in the Accounts Receivables department. They can be found in the form of invoices. Current assets are any assets that can be turned into cash in Custom persuasive paragraph, less than a year. Other. Accounts receivable , Asset , Balance sheet 791 Words | 5 Pages. Hong Final Paper Professor Zhao Thesis: HR management in China Abstract: This paper presents the importance of human resource in China as well as . How To An Admission School. what the foreign enterprises should pay attention to. These are the factors to be known to do business in China.

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2. Download selected resumes on your desktop. No front page content has been created yet. How To Write a Winning Curriculum Vitae. Understand What Makes a Great Resume. Many job applicants are under a misconception that a great Curriculum Vitae means fluffing up terms, adding lots of jobs and experience, listing as many skills as possible, and engaging in other overkill tactics. Excessive and irrelevant information only clutters the page and makes it more difficult to find the skills and information for writer's zip which your prospective employer is searching. The best resumes are those that are concise and specific to Custom essay, the job being sought. As such, a separate resume should be used for each job if the Instructions for research paper, required skills, education, and experience are different.

At the end of Custom essay body this article, we will review a few time saving tips building each specific Curriculum Vitae. College Essay Buy Ucf? First, though, let’s take a look at how to essay body, write a winning CV. Review All Job Description Material and writer's, More (If Necessary) While some employers seem to be in the habit of posting as little information as possible, others provide a great deal of valuable information relevant to not only the skills, experience, and education of a desired employee, but also the description, expectations, and essay body paragraph, demands of the College essay buy ucf, job itself. Acquire as much information as you can about the position. If the employer provided you with pages and pages of descriptions, read them before building your resume.

If the employer posted minimal information about the job, you may find information by reviewing the website or even calling and asking for details. The more you know about your prospective employers, the body paragraph, more power you have to show them a picture-perfect employee on paper. If you read terms you don’t really understand, see requirements for education levels you haven’t reached, or find any other indication that you’re not a good candidate for the job; don’t waste your time applying. Also, understand that it may be very difficult to find a job that matches your education or the bulk of your experience. You may have to How to essay school, begin at an entry level position in a company that seeks supervisory and upper management applicants from within. If this is the case, be extremely careful about divulging the Custom essay paragraph, extent of your education, experience, and salary history as you may be viewed as ‘overqualified’. However insulting or degrading it may feel, the reality is that at Instructions for research paper, some point you just have to accept that options are limited and be willing to ‘dumb it down’ a bit to secure employment.

Just think, though: In the next few months after you’re hired, you’ll have a chance to excel beyond expectation and increase your odds of paragraph recognition and promotion. Use Only Relevant Terms, Skills, and Experience. If you feel the need to add more information to your curriculum vitae than what’s absolutely relevant, make sure that the most compelling details are on the first page and that it’s not crowded with words. In addition to your contact information, you should have: Relevant skills, relevant experience, and relevant education. If you have multiple jobs dating back for studies help he a number of Custom persuasive essay paragraph years, try to list only the Social studies he, most relevant jobs within the past 5-7 years on the first page and Custom, either make a note that a more extensive job history is available upon request or attach a separate sheet with a complete history in case the reviewer is so inclined to read it.

Whatever you do, DO NOT let a full page of outdated and irrelevant details take away from the razzle and dazzle of the first page of Social studies help your resume. Remember that your developed skills are more important than your experience. Yes, you need experience to demonstrate the Custom essay, fact that you’ve had time to hone those skills, but employers need to Can i essay start, know the capabilities you have that are relevant to the job for which you’re applying. The Verbiage of Your Curriculum Vitae. You want your C.V to Custom persuasive essay, sound professional, but it doesn’t have to sound like it came out of the Oxford Dictionary. Instructions For Research? Remember, it’s not as though you’re writing a dissertation; you’re listing bits and pieces of concise and relevant information to present a snapshot of what you have to offer. Refer to essay, the job description and other material posted by analysis your prospective employers. If they used industry-specific jargon, use the same jargon wherever applicable. Review their posted list of required skills and job duties and use it as a guide for listing all of your valid and Custom persuasive paragraph, applicable skills and job duties with previous employers.

If you have additional skills or job skills than are not posted on the job description by your prospective employer, consider leaving them out. If you feel you must include them somewhere, follow the Can i buy a college essay start, same rule as job history: Keep them off the first page. Custom Persuasive Essay Body? Instead, attach them at the top of the page containing your extensive job history. You have 2 primary goals for your curriculum vitae: Make it easy to for research paper, read and make every word count. In order to accomplish this, you need to use a font of at least 10-12 and make each section of your document stand out from the next by staggering blocks of information that take up different levels of horizontal space. For example, you may place your name, physical address, phone number, and persuasive body paragraph, email address at the top in the center. For contrast, you would place a sentence outlining your objective; perhaps something like: To obtain consistent and long term employment with a company in which my skills and talents will be utilized and appreciated.

Because that sentence will take the write an admission, entire width of the page, your next sections should be small and persuasive essay paragraph, centered. Help Data Analysis? This would be a great place to list your skills. Persuasive Essay? If you place your employment in the next section, that would be a great contrast to your skills. Make a table with 2 columns and a few rows (just enough for your most relevant jobs). Add your title, previous employers, and their contact information in the left column and your job duties on How to an admission school, the right. Finally, underneath your employment history, enter your education information centered on the page.

Employers may or may not be interested in speaking with your personal references. If there is any reason why your prospective employers shouldn’t speak with your previous supervisors, try to Custom body paragraph, avoid putting their contact information on your Curriculum Vitae. Studies Help He? Otherwise, there should be plenty of professional references in your format for them to review. You can post a sentence on the bottom of Custom essay paragraph your Curriculum Vitae either inviting your potential employer to call contacts from paper helicopter, your employment history and/or letting him/her know that you have a list of personal references available if requested. If you have room on the page after leaving plenty of persuasive essay body space in between each section, increase the font size of your name. If you have adequate or advanced linguistic skills, consider writing a short cover letter (3-5 small to moderate paragraphs) introducing yourself and outlining your skills, dedication, ambition, work ethic, and Dissertation analysis, any other relevant piece of information that increases your appeal to an employer but may not have a proper place on Custom, your Curriculum Vitae. Cover letters are easy to disregard if an College essay, employer isn’t interested, and they can help to set you aside from other applicants if there is an Custom body, interest in Help, learning more about you by reading your cover letter. You can either use the outline provided in this article or you can create your own curriculum vitae outline containing your name, contact information, and the basic sections you will need to fill out per application. Save the outline and consistent information in a master file, and Custom paragraph, once you’ve finished preparing a Curriculum Vitae for a job, choose ‘Save as’ and create a specific name for it. To find your Curriculum Vitae more quickly and Dissertation help analysis, conveniently, consider using the same name and changing only the last word.

For example, you may save your resume as ‘MyResumeCompany.doc’. Replace the word ‘Company’ with each different place to which you submit your curriculum. How to Write a Great Cover Letter. Landing a job is undoubtedly difficult in today’s economy. Writing a great cover letter is persuasive essay, probably the most important step you can towards landing the job of their dreams. Why is writing a cover letter so important? It is the first thing a potential employer sees, and it will dictate whether or not the employer even looks at your resume. Even the most polished, professional resume doesn’t stand a chance against a poorly written cover letter. How do you write a cover letter that not only Help a potential employer to Custom body, read your resume, but also gets you invited for an interview? Writing a winning cover letter is not difficult if you follow a few simple steps: Just like an employer won’t look at a resume that’s attached to buy ucf, a poorly written cover letter, the employer won’t even bother to read the cover letter if it’s a messy jumble of text.

To create a professional-looking cover letter, be sure to use plenty of white space. You should have, at a minimum, one inch margins and Custom essay body, double spaces between paragraphs. Follow the guidelines for writing a basic business letter and be sure to include a simple, text-only letterhead. Your letterhead should be the How to write an admission school professional, same letterhead that appears on your resume. This is your one and only chance to persuasive, name drop, so take advantage of College essay buy ucf it. Potential employers want to know how you heard about the position. You should also identify the specific position that you are seeking, and state that you are applying for this position. Yes, it’s obvious, but cover letters follow a long-established pattern, and this isn’t the time to be a rebel. Finally, set the tone for the rest of the persuasive body, letter, and briefly state what you will be discussing.. If you have more than a few years of experience in the field to which you are applying, your professional experience should be presented before your educational experience. First, write a topic sentence that presents one unified idea.

If you’ve held several jobs in this career, find the Help block zip, one aspect that these jobs have in common that will most impress your potential employer. You also need to Custom body, link this paragraph to your educational experience. Similar to analysis, your employment paragraph, you need to Custom persuasive paragraph, develop one unified idea rather than simply presenting a list of all the schools you’ve attended and courses you’ve taken. Determine which aspect of your education is most important to the position you’re applying for and present it here. A fourth and even fifth paragraph may be added if you need to present additional relevant information. Just remember to develop one idea per paragraph, and to keep the entire letter under one page.

This is your opportunity to tie everything together, leading the reader to invite you to an interview. You need to Social zheng, reference your resume and any other included attachments. Custom Essay Paragraph? In addition, you need to politely, yet confidently state that you wish to be invited to an interview. Social Studies Help Zheng? Finally, state the easiest way for essay body paragraph the employer to Can i buy a college start my, reach you, referring to the phone number and e-mail address in your letterhead. For important documents like cover letters, you need to Custom persuasive paragraph, go beyond your computer’s spell check and Social studies help, grammar check. Place the cover letter aside for a few hours, or overnight if possible, and look at it with fresh eyes. You might find errors that you didn’t see previously. As a final step, ask someone, who you trust will do a decent job, to proofread your cover letter. Now, you have a well-written cover letter that will hopefully lead a potential employer to read your resume and ultimately invite you to an interview. The rest is up to you! How to prepare for a winning job interview.

In a competitive market for persuasive essay body paragraph available jobs, potential candidates should put in the necessary time and Instructions paper helicopter, effort to Custom, make a solid impact. You must simply accept that it’s a buyer’s market, the buyer, in this case is the organization. Your first job as the seller is to essay buy ucf, sell yourself. You need to Custom body, stand out from the other candidates like a house with a shiny red door in a cookie-cutter neighborhood. Assume your resume and cover letter is in a pile on a desk with plenty of others, therefore you must find a way to rise to the top. You need to put yourself in a stronger position, instead of Dissertation analysis you trying to chasing the job, make them convince you to essay paragraph, take it. Your mindset dictates the demeanor you portray.

If you seem too desperate, you don’t make it to helicopter, the next step, however, too arrogant and Custom essay body paragraph, doors will close. You have to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and determine your moves every step of the way. Spend about five hours preparing for each hour of interview, you want to investigate how you can deliver value to the organization. By researching and probing how you can make an impact in the position, you are going beyond the canned responses of most candidates. Your resume should announce that you are qualified for the position.

After the interview, you want to leave the write an admission for graduate school, impression that you can start the job tomorrow. Persuasive Body? You want to contact somebody who does the same job at paper, the organization or similar enterprise and ask several questions. It’s a must that you discover the current challenges for body paragraph the position within the organization and the industry as a whole. Can I College Start My? The next step is succeed where so many candidates fall short, you want to persuasive paragraph, show initiative by suggesting ideas for the position. Hiring managers have so many job functions to buy ucf, perform, by proving that you not only essay did research concerning the position, but proposed suggestions, you show tremendous potential.

You would be surprised how those that have been performing the job for years have not expressed such aptitude. Be prepared to go beyond lip service, you want to demonstrate the homework you have done. Reaching out to a current employee performing the same job function puts you over the top. Don’t be shy or feel like you are intruding. Many employees have innovative ideas about how to Can i essay start, perform their jobs better, tap into that information for free and then add your own spin. Use the power of imagination to stand out from the crowd, everybody else is going to be following the same job interview tips that get recycled over the web. If you want to make a lasting impression, you must put in the sweat and effort. Find someone who you can practice with until it comes out natural.

Landing an offer in a tough economy requires considerable effort. If you can demonstrate you can make an impact in your interview, your name will rise to the top of the pack. Copyright Curriculum-Vitae.In 2013 - Contact : webmaster All the Curriculum Vitae templates are at your disposal without any guaranty. The use of these Curriculum samples is at Custom essay paragraph, your sole risk.

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