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being alone essay Fr Rodney Kissinger, S.J. I t is Cheap writing service press not only the Maytag repair man that is lonely. Psychiatrists tell us that loneliness is the assignment melbourne weather, most common complaint they hear today. What a strange phenomenon it is in a world concerned with over-population and Cheap custom writing service press equipped with the most sophisticated communication media ever devised by man! To be human is to be lonely.

It is one of the deepest and most profound experiences we have. It clearly reveals that our most radical need is to Physical homework games, love and be loved. But despite its universality most of us are reluctant to admit our loneliness, even to ourselves. And even when we do admit that we are lonely it is with a feeling of custom release, shame and weakness. The cost of this self-deception is homework very high.

But loneliness can also be a very creative and humanizing force. If it is accepted it can make us compassionate, sympathetic and understanding and move us to a greater depth of openness to God and others and lead to a fuller life. Loneliness is not just being alone. It has to do with feeling lonely, feeling the Cheap custom press, absence of a meaningful human relationship. The fact that loneliness has something to do with feeling lonely suggests a remedy. Our feelings are amoral, that is, they are neither moral nor immoral. Proofreading Oz Edit. Therefore, we can acknowledge them and talk through them instead of keeping them bottled up within.

Our feelings change quickly and constantly. It is our faith that is constant. Therefore, we should live by our faith and not by our feelings. Our faith tells us that we are never really alone. God is custom release closer to Help with psychology, me than I am to myself. #8220;In him we live and move and have our being.#8221; We are all members of the Communion of Saints and each one of us has a guardian angel. Service Press. We have the greatest support group in the world. One cause of our feeling of loneliness is rooted in our culture. We live in a highly competitive society in which everyone is striving to Help with psychology homework japanese, be number one.

This generates rugged individualism, independence and isolation. Even if we succeed we discover that it is very lonely at the top. But loneliness is rooted essentially in the human condition. We are social beings who live together in Cheap release society. We are all interdependent, no one exists alone. This is very evident in the beginning and the end of projects students, life. The newborn infant left to writing press, itself dies, and the very old person left to himself dies.

And in between the entrance and the exit there is more of the same. Assisted living is not reserved for the beginning and end of life but for our whole lives. It is by these relationships that we identify ourselves, mature and become the unique person God gave us the potential to become. When we isolate ourselves from these relationships we feel lonely. Education Homework Kindergarten. One of the writing service press, things that isolates us from these personal relationships is a negative self-image, an inferiority complex which generates a fear that we will be rejected, a fear that we are not loveable. This is absurd. To be a person is to be loveable because a person is an act of the love of God. Each person is created in the image of God and has an intrinsic, core goodness that nothing can destroy. Each person is unique, unrepeatable, indispensable and gives God a praise, love and Physical education service that no one else can give. In spite of their faults and imperfections each person is Cheap service press loved unconditionally by God, so they are loveable. And paradox of paradoxes, it is essay kinds our very vulnerability that makes us acceptable and loveable to Cheap custom writing service press, others.

It is our weakness that unites us not our strengths. As creatures we are essentially dependent on the Creator. To experience this transcendent neediness is to experience loneliness. From the moment the umbilical cord is cut I am a separate person, I am alone. I stand alone even in a crowd. The experience of Harvard kinds, loneliness comes also from our uniqueness. No two people are alike. Each person is a mystery, even to himself. The unique mystery of our person is incommunicable.

No one else experiences the world as I do. Cheap Service Press Release. Therefore, no other person can understand me. But we all have this need to be understood and accepted for the person that I am. Only God understands and accepts me as I am. Besides being very painful loneliness can be a very dangerous experience.

It can make even the most gifted feel inferior and inadequate. It can lead to depression, discouragement and loss of perspective. When we are lonely we can begin to waver in our commitment and become prey to education, the temptation to give up. The general reaction to loneliness is to think that something is Cheap custom service press release wrong with me. But if we recognize it as an essential part of the human condition, accept it with humility and kinds equanimity and learn to cope with it, loneliness can be a very beneficial experience. The loneliness which results from our experience of being a creature can make us realize that we are not absolutely self-autonomous and save us from pride which is the greatest of all sins. It can convince me that I am not God but that there is a God who is the ultimate and adequate explanation of the mystery of myself, of others and of the world. And this will save me from agnosticism and atheism. Loneliness can also drive us to the depths of our heart and be an invitation to draw near to Cheap release, God in essay kinds prayer.

Loneliness that comes from our uniqueness can help us to identify ourselves. It can reveal to us our weakness, our goodness, our conflicts, our hates, our loves, our hopes and our fears. It can also drive us out of ourselves into the service and love of the neighbor and in so doing help us to custom release, mature into a fully developed Christian. Loneliness can also be a powerful means of purification. Accounting Melbourne Weather. It can help free us from inordinate attachments and keep us from throwing away the Cheap release, real values of life for students passing tinsel and bauble. Loneliness can also lead us to the apostolate of befriending the lonely and changing loneliness to friendship. We could reap even greater benefits from our essential loneliness if each day we would set aside a few minutes for quiet time, stop the treadmill, get out of the #8220;rat race#8221; and spend some time in silence and solitude, in mystical silence.

We all have a need to be alone with God to find some meaning to Cheap custom, our human experience, to experience God as the beginning and end of our lives and the fulfillment of the proofreading oz edit, insatiable desires of our heart. There is only one love and that is the love of writing service press, God. The love of God is the Help with, only love there was in the beginning, the only love there is now and the only love there will ever be. We are not creators we are only Cheap custom writing, receivers and transmitters of the love of God which is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us. The next time we feel lonely we should realize that it is an Writing, invitation from God to come aside and writing service press receive this love, let it permeate our live and then radiate from, filter through and over flow to others. Oz Edit. Then we will realize that the cause and the remedy for loneliness is expressed very clearly in the saying of St. Augustine, #8220;Lord, you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless till they rest in Thee.#8221; Finally, the writing press, remedy par excellent for loneliness is to attend Mass.

To assemble with the psychology homework, loving, caring People of God and through the reception of the Eucharist to be united with God and with them in a bond of love, peace and joy and so change the lonely crowd into a Christian community.

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Is junk DNA bunk? A critique of ENCODE. Edited by Michael B. Eisen, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and accepted by the Editorial Board February 4, 2013 (received for review December 11, 2012) Do data from the custom service press release, Encyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) project render the notion of junk DNA obsolete? Here, I review older arguments for junk grounded in the C-value paradox and propose a thought experiment to challenge ENCODE’s ontology. Specifically, what would we expect for the number of functional elements (as ENCODE defines them) in genomes much larger than our own genome? If the number were to stay more or less constant, it would seem sensible to homework games, consider the rest of the DNA of larger genomes to be junk or, at Cheap custom writing service, least, assign it a different sort of role (structural rather than informational).

If, however, the number of functional elements were to rise significantly with C-value then, ( i ) organisms with genomes larger than our genome are more complex phenotypically than we are, ( ii ) ENCODE’s definition of functional element identifies many sites that would not be considered functional or phenotype-determining by standard uses in biology, or ( iii ) the Help with, same phenotypic functions are often determined in custom release, a more diffuse fashion in larger-genomed organisms. Good cases can be made for propositions ii and iii . A larger theoretical framework, embracing informational and structural roles for DNA, neutral as well as adaptive causes of complexity, and selection as a multilevel phenomenon, is essay, needed. There is much excitement in the blogosphere, among mainstream science journalists, and writing service press release, within the Physical games, community of practicing genome biologists about a flurry of articles and letters in the September 6th, 2012 issue of Nature . These papers and release, many others published at about the same time and since under the help melbourne weather, umbrella of the ENCODE project collectively claim function for the majority of the 3.2 Gb human genome, not just the few percent already recognized as genes (traditionally defined) or obvious gene-controlling elements. Press? Kolata writes in The New York Times that “[t]he human genome is packed with at least four million gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that were once dismissed as ‘junk’ but that turn out to play critical roles in controlling how cells, organs and for college students nursing, other tissues behave” (1). In a Nature News and writing press, View commentary, Ecker et al. (2) assert that “[o]ne of the more remarkable findings described in the consortium’s entree paper is that 80% of the homework, genome contains elements linked to writing service release, biochemical functions, dispatching the psychology homework, widely held view that the human genome is custom service press release, mostly ‘junk DNA.’” The editors of The Lancet (3) enthuse: “Far from being ‘junk,’ the DNA between protein encoding genes consists of myriad elements that determine gene expression, whether by switching transcription on or off, or by homework japanese regulating the degree of transcription and consequently the concentrations and function of all proteins.” Succinctly, in Science , Pennisi (4) declares that the ENCODE publications write the “eulogy for junk DNA.” The new data—coming from high-throughput analyses of transcriptional and chromatin landscapes, transcription factor footprints, and long-range chromosomal interactions—support many current population genetic studies linking human diseases to writing release, supposedly nongenic regions, and they are truly impressive in scope and depth (5). They resonate with the current enthusiasm for assigning multiple subtle but vital regulatory roles to Harvard essay, the still enigmatic long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) now known to be transcribed from much of the length of Cheap custom service, our genome (6, 7). Additionally, congruence at many sites between the many methods used (RNA sequencing, binding by one or more of 100+ DNA binding proteins, DNase I hypersensitivity, histone modification, DNA methylation, and chromosome conformation capture) leaves no doubt that many of these 4 million gene switches do represent chromosomal loci that are special in some way, in at least one cell type. Homework Native? However, do ENCODE’s data truly require us to abandon the widespread notion that junk DNA—here specifically understood as DNA that does not encode information promoting the survival and reproduction of the organisms that bear it—is the major constituent of many eukaryotic genomes, our own genome included? I will argue by Cheap custom release way of projects for college, a thought experiment and an analysis of what biologists traditionally have understood as function that they do not.

At the custom service release, very least, “junk” as it has been conceived is an apt descriptor of the proofreading, bulk of writing service release, many genomes larger than our own. Moreover, it almost certainly still is for much of our genome, unless we hold Homo sapiens to be unique among the animals in the efficiency of Harvard essay writing kinds, its chromosomal organization and not just its cultural attainments. Such genomic anthropocentrism, unacknowledged conflation of possible meanings of custom service press release, “function,” questionable null hypotheses, and unrecognized panadaptationism are behind this most recent attempt to junk “junk.” Several of these same points have been made in brief by Eddy (8) and Niu and Physical education games, Jiang (9). Custom Writing Service Release? My aim here is to education homework games, remind readers of the structure of some earlier arguments in defense of the junk concept (10) that remain compelling, despite the obvious success of ENCODE in mapping the subtle and complex human genomic landscape. Also, I will suggest that we need as biologists to defend traditional understandings of function: the publicity surrounding ENCODE reveals the extent to which these understandings have been eroded. However, theoretical expansion in custom writing press release, other directions, reconceptualizing junk, might be advisable.

The junk idea long predates genomics and since its early decades has been grounded in the “C-value paradox,” the psychology japanese, observation that DNA amounts (C-value denotes haploid nuclear DNA content) and complexities correlate very poorly with organismal complexity or evolutionary “advancement” (10 ? ? ? –14). Humans do have a thousand times as much DNA as simple bacteria, but lungfish have at least 30 times more than humans, as do many flowering plants and writing service press release, some unicellular protists (14). Moreover, as is often noted, the disconnection between C-value and organismal complexity is Harvard, also found within more restricted groups comprising organisms of seemingly similar lifestyle and comparable organismal or behavioral complexity. The most heavily burdened lungfish ( Protopterus aethiopicus ) lumbers around with 130,000 Mb, but the pufferfish Takifugu (formerly Fugu ) rubripes gets by on less than 400 Mb (15, 16). Writing Service Press Release? A less familiar but better (because monophyletic) animal example might be amphibians, showing a 120-fold range from frogs to salamanders (17). Among angiosperms, there is a thousandfold variation (14). Additionally, even within a single genus, there can be substantial differences. Service Students? Salamander species belonging to Plethodon boast a fourfold range, to writing service press, cite a comparative study popular from the 1970s (18). Sometimes, such within-genus genome size differences reflect large-scale or whole-genome duplications and sometimes rampant selfish DNA or transposable element (TE) multiplication. Schnable et al. Writing Proofreading Service? (19) figure that the Cheap custom press release, maize genome has more than doubled in size in the last 3 million y, overwhelmingly through the replication and accumulation of TEs for example. If we do not think of this additional or “excess” DNA, so manifest through comparisons between and within biological groups, as junk (irrelevant if not frankly detrimental to the survival and help native, reproduction of the organism bearing it), how then are we to think of Cheap writing service, it?

Of course, DNA inevitably does have a basic structural role to play, unlinked to specific biochemical activities or the encoding of information relevant to genes and their expression. Oz Edit? Centromeres and telomeres exemplify noncoding chromosomal components with specific functions. More generally, DNA as a macromolecule bulks up and custom service press, gives shape to chromosomes and thus, as many studies show, determines important nuclear and cellular parameters such as division time and homework, size, themselves coupled to organismal development (11 ? –13, 17). The “selfish DNA” scenarios of service press, 1980 (20 ? –22), in which C-value represents only the outcome of proofreading oz edit, conflicts between upward pressure from reproductively competing TEs and downward-directed energetic restraints, have thus, in subsequent decades, yielded to more nuanced understandings. Cavalier-Smith (13, 20) called DNA’s structural and cell biological roles “nucleoskeletal,” considering C-value to be optimized by organism-level natural selection (13, 20). Gregory, now the service press release, principal C-value theorist, embraces a more “pluralistic, hierarchical approach” to what he calls “nucleotypic” function (11, 12, 17). A balance between organism-level selection on nuclear structure and essay, cell size, cell division times and developmental rate, selfish genome-level selection favoring replicative expansion, and (as discussed below) supraorganismal (clade-level) selective processes—as well as drift—must all be taken into account. These forces will play out differently in Cheap custom writing press release, different taxa. Writing Service? Gonzalez and Petrov (23) point out, for instance, that Drosophila and Cheap service press release, humans are at opposite extremes in terms of the balance of processes, with the minimalist genomes of the former containing few (but mostly young and quite active) TEs, whereas at least one-half of our own much larger genome comprises the Writing service oz edit, moribund remains of older TEs, principally SINEs and LINEs (short and long interspersed nuclear elements). Such difference may in part reflect population size.

As Lynch notes, small population size (characteristic of our species) will have limited the effectiveness of natural selection in preventing a deleterious accumulation of TEs (24, 25). Zuckerkandl (26) once mused that all genomic DNA must be to some degree “polite,” in press, that it must not lethally interfere with gene expression. Indeed, some might suggest, as I will below, that true junk might better be defined as DNA not currently held to account by selection for any sort of role operating at any level of the biological hierarchy (27). However, junk advocates have to with, date generally considered that even DNA fulfilling bulk structural roles remains, in custom writing service release, terms of encoded information, just junk. Cell biology may require a certain C-value, but most of the stretches of noncoding DNA that go to satisfying that requirement are junk (or worse, selfish). In any case, structural roles or multilevel selection theorizing are not what ENCODE commentators are endorsing when they proclaim the end of junk, touting the existence of 4 million gene switches or myriad elements that determine gene expression and assigning biochemical functions for 80% of the help, genome. Indeed, there would be no excitement in either the press or the scientific literature if all the ENCODE team had done was acknowledge an established theory concerning DNA’s structural importance. Rather, the excitement comes from interpreting ENCODE’s data to mean that a much larger fraction of our DNA than until very recently thought contributes to Cheap custom writing press, our survival and reproduction as organisms, because it encodes information transcribed or expressed phenotypically in one tissue or another, or specifically regulates such expression. ENCODE (5) defines a functional element (FE) as “a discrete genome segment that encodes a defined product (for example, protein or non-coding RNA) or displays a reproducible biochemical signature (for example, protein binding, or a specific chromatin structure).” A simple thought experiment involving FEs so-defined is at the heart of my argument.

Suppose that there had been (and probably, some day, there will be) ENCODE projects aimed at enumerating, by transcriptional and Accounting help melbourne, chromatin mapping, factor footprinting, and Cheap custom, so forth, all of the Harvard kinds, FEs in the genomes of Takifugu and custom writing service press, a lungfish, some small and Harvard writing kinds, large genomed amphibians (including several species of Plethodon ), plants, and various protists. There are, I think, two possible general outcomes of custom writing service press release, this thought experiment, neither of which would give us clear license to abandon junk. The first outcome would be that FEs (estimated to be in the millions in Writing proofreading service oz edit, our genome) turn out to Cheap custom service release, be more or less constant in number, regardless of C-value—at least among similarly complex organisms. If larger C-value by itself does not imply more FEs, then there will, of Harvard essay writing, course, be great differences in custom writing service press, what we might call functional density (FEs per kilobase) (26) among species. FEs spaced by kilobases in Arabidopsis would be megabases apart in homework, maize on average. Averages obscure details: the extra DNA in the larger genomes might be sequestered in a few giant silent regions rather than uniformly stretching out the service press release, space between FEs or lengthening intragenic introns. However, in either case, this DNA could be seen as a sort of polite functionless filler or diluent. At best, such DNA might have functions only Us government homework help native of the structural or nucleoskeletal/nucleotypic sort. Indeed, even this sort of functional attribution is not necessary. There is room within an press, expanded, pluralistic and hierarchical theory of C-value (see below) (12, 27) for much DNA that makes no contribution whatever to survival and reproduction at the organismal level and thus is Help psychology homework japanese, junk at Cheap service press release, that level, although it may be under selection at the sub- or supraorganismal levels (TEs and clade selection).

If the human genome is junk-free, then it must be very luckily poised at some sort of minimal size for organisms of human complexity. With Psychology Homework Japanese? We may no longer think that mankind is at the center of the custom writing service release, universe, but we still consider our species’ genome to be unique, first among many in having made such full and efficient use of all of its millions of SINES and Accounting assignment melbourne, LINES (retrotransposable elements) and introns to encode the multitudes of lncRNAs and house the millions of enhancers necessary to Cheap writing release, make us the uniquely complex creatures that we believe ourselves to be. However, were this extraordinary coincidence the case, a corollary would be that junk would not be defunct for many other larger genomes: the term would not need to be expunged from the genomicist’s lexicon more generally. As well, if, as is commonly believed, much of the functional complexity of the human genome is to Help with psychology, be explained by evolution of our extraordinary cognitive capacities, then many other mammals of lesser acumen but similar C-value must truly have junk in their DNA. The second likely general outcome of custom release, my thought experiment would be that FEs as defined by ENCODE increase in number with C-value, regardless of apparent organismal complexity. If they increase roughly proportionately, FE numbers will vary over a many-hundredfold range among organisms normally thought to be similarly complex. Defining or measuring complexity is, of course, problematic if not impossible.

Still, it would be hard to convince ourselves that lungfish are 300 times more complex than Takifugu or 40 times more complex than us, whatever complexity might be. More likely, if indeed FE numbers turn out to increase with C-value, we will decide that we need to think again about what function is, how it becomes embedded in macromolecular structures, and what FEs as defined by ENCODE have to tell us about Accounting assignment weather, it. What do we mean by Cheap press release function, informational or otherwise? Most philosophers of biology, and likely, most practicing biologists when pressed, would endorse some form of the selected effect (SE) definition of function (28 ? –30). Projects For College Nursing? Selected effect is the form of teleological explanation allowed, indeed required, by Darwinian theory (31). Accordingly, the functions of a trait or feature are all and service, only those effects of its presence for which it was under positive natural selection in Harvard essay writing kinds, the (recent) past and for which it is under (at least) purifying selection now. Cheap Custom Writing Press Release? They are why the trait or feature is there today and possibly why it was originally formed. Homework Japanese? Thus, we might reasonably say that the function of the lac operon in Escherichia coli is (and presumably, long has been) to allow facultative growth of bacteria on Cheap custom writing service release, ?-galactosides, because we believe that, long before E. Proofreading? coli was brought into the laboratory, the lac operon was maintained by selection to allow such growth. We might also say that one of the functions of the writing release, human FOXP2 gene (which we share with many other vertebrates) is now to support speech (32), although in the more distant mammalian past, it could not have. We would imagine that there has been selection for speech in human populations over considerable time.

Traits like FOXP2, now under positive or purifying selection for help, one effect but first arising because of selection for Cheap custom writing press, another, are what Gould and Vrba (33) called “exaptations”. What we would not want to call functions (or even exaptations) are effects never so far selected for—side effects, as it were. Gould and help melbourne, Lewontin (34) famously called these “spandrels.” They comprise both undesirable but apparently unavoidable consequences, like vulnerability to phages in Cheap writing service release, bacteria with pili or lower back pain in students nursing, primates walking upright, and Cheap writing service press, seemingly neutral ones, like the thumping noise made by the heart, to Writing proofreading service oz edit, use an Cheap custom writing service press, example beloved of philosophers. Indeed, even fortuitously advantageous traits, such the FOXP2 -enabled capacity to leave voice messages on answering machines, are not SE functions. Essay Writing Kinds? We do not think that our ancestors experienced positive selection for leaving voice messages, although our descendants well might (and FOXP2 would then for them have acquired a new exaptive function). In any case, past selection, recent or ancient, can only be inferred, and we must use indirect ways to Cheap custom, make the inference. One way, likely the most reliable but not universally applicable, is evolutionary conservation.

If diverse lineages retain a DNA sequence despite the erosive force of mutational divergence, there must be some effect maintained by purifying selection. The above is not to say that all conserved sequences are conserved through purifying selection at Physical education homework games, the level of organisms: some may be selfish. Conversely, some conserved functions, such as the complementary base-pairings that maintain ribosomal RNA secondary structures, do not require primary sequence conservation (35). Moreover, not all sequences that are likely to be currently under purifying organismal selection are conserved on an evolutionary (transspecies) timescale. In a recent comparative genomic survey, Ward and Kellis (36) find both mammal-conserved human sequences showing increasing diversity within our species (and thus, likely becoming nonfunctional in humans) and mammal-nonconserved sequence showing reduced within-human diversity (and thus, likely acquiring new function among us). Custom? Ponting and Hardison (37), using methods that they believe to take into account such turnover, “estimate that the steady-state value of education kindergarten, ? sel [the proportion of all nucleotides in the human genome that are subject to purifying selection because of their biological function] lies between 10% and press release, 15%” (37). Another way to attribute function is through experimental ablation: whatever organism-level effect E does not occur after deleting or blocking the expression of a region R of DNA is taken to be the latter’s function. This attribution is close to the everyday understanding of function, as in the function of the carburetor is to oxygenate gasoline. Students? The approach embodies what philosophers would call a causal role (CR) definition of function and supposedly eschews evolutionary or historical justifications. Cheap Press? Much biological research into function is done this way, but I think that most biologists consider that experimental ablation indirectly points to Harvard kinds, SE. They believe that effect E could, under suitable conditions, be shown to have contributed to custom writing release, the past fitness of organisms and most importantly, that R exists as it does because of E . Cardiologists do not say that it is the function of the heart to make a thumping noise, although stopping the heart will silence it.

Similarly, geneticists studying Huntington disease would not say that the trinucleotide repeat in the cognate gene, reiteration of which gives rise to the disorder, has disease causation as a function—although replacing the repeat with a nonidentical set of unique triplets encoding the same amino acid sequence would eliminate the deleterious effect (38). A third, and the least reliable, method to assignment help melbourne weather, infer function is mere existence. The presence of custom writing service press release, a structure or the occurrence of a process or detectable interaction, especially if complex, is Us government, taken as adequate evidence for its being under selection, even when ablation is Cheap custom, infeasible and the possibly selectable effect of presence remains unknown. Us Government Help Native? Because our genomes have introns, Alu elements, and endogenous retroviruses, these things must be doing us some good. Because a region is transcribed, its transcript must have some fitness benefit, however remote. Custom Press? Because residue N of protein P is leucine in species A and isoleucine in species B, there must be some selection-based explanation. Us Government Help Native? This approach enshrines “panadaptationism,” which was forcefully and effectively debunked by Gould and Lewontin (34) in 1979 but still informs much of custom release, molecular and evolutionary genetics, including genomics.

As Lynch (39) argues in his essay “ The Frailty of Adaptive Hypotheses for the Origins of Physical kindergarten games, Adaptive Complexity ,” This narrow view of evolution has become untenable in custom service press, light of recent observations from genomic sequencing and Us government help, population genetic theory. Numerous aspects of Cheap custom writing service press, genomic architecture, gene structure, and developmental pathways are difficult to explain without invoking the nonadaptive forces of genetic drift and mutation. In addition, emergent biological features such as complexity, modularity, and evolvability, all of which are current targets of considerable speculation, may be nothing more than indirect by-products of service, processes operating at lower levels of custom service, organization. Functional attribution under ENCODE is Writing proofreading, of this third sort (mere existence) in the main. Although FEs as defined by ENCODE might be cross-identified by several methods and even evolutionarily conserved, they could most often be the molecular equivalent of Cheap custom writing service, spandrels—structured elements that are the indirect consequence of Harvard writing kinds, selection operating on other features but are themselves selectively neutral, a form of structured noise.

Demonstrations that some biochemical signatures are not neutral and may even meet SE criteria say nothing about the rest and are, of course, expected as long as opportunism and co-optation are understood to be key elements in Cheap writing service release, evolution. In taking such a liberal definitional course, ENCODE follows the homework, lead of the Gene Ontology (GO) project, which defines molecular function in decontextualized nonhistorical terms (40): Molecular function describes activities, such as catalytic or binding activities, that occur at the molecular level. GO molecular function terms represent activities rather than the entities (molecules or complexes) that perform the press release, actions, and do not specify where or when, or in what context, the action takes place. Proponents of ENCODE actually are concerned with what they call “functional validation” but principally seem worried about the danger of mistaking functional specificity (recognition or activity) rather than the risk of attributing function (especially regulatory function) where none exists in Writing proofreading service, the SE sense. Stamatoyannopoulos (41) writes: These examples illustrate a natural temptation to equate activity with patterning of epigenomic features. Custom Release? However, such reasoning drifts progressively farther away from Accounting assignment weather experimentally grounded function or mechanistic understanding. The sheer diversity of Cheap press release, cross-cell-type regulatory patterning evident in homework help, distal regulatory DNA uncovered by custom writing service press release ENCODE suggests tremendous heterogeneity and functional diversity.

ENCODE is Accounting assignment help melbourne, thus in a unique position to promote clearer terminology that separates the custom service press, identification of assignment, functional elements per se from the writing service, ascription of specific functional activities using historical experimentally defined categories, and also to dissuade the ascription of very specific functions based on a biochemical signature in place of a deeper mechanistic understanding. There are three other “natural temptations” that I would caution consumers of the ENCODE project product to avoid. The first temptation is the assumption that, because some members of a class of elements have acquired SE functions, all or most must have functions or (more broadly) that the class of elements as a whole can thus be declared functional. Stamatoyannopoulos (41), for instance, writes: In marked contrast to Harvard essay writing kinds, the prevailing wisdom, ENCODE chromatin and writing service press, transcription studies now suggest that a large number of transposable elements encode highly cell type-selective regulatory DNA that controls not only their own cell-selective transcription, but also those of neighboring genes. Far from an evolutionary dustbin, transposable elements appear to education kindergarten games, be active and custom press release, lively members of the genomic regulatory community, deserving of the education homework games, same level of scrutiny applied to other genic or regulatory features.

It is surely inevitable that evolution, that inveterate tinkerer, will have sometimes co-opted some TEs for such purposes (42). Custom Service Press? However, it is an overenthusiastic extrapolation to describe TEs as a class as “active and lively members of the genomic regulatory community.” Moreover, the homework help native, word “regulation” has itself degraded through use by genomicists, from designating evolved effects shown or likely to enhance fitness, presumably by custom service press release efficient control of the use of resources, to more broadly denoting any measurable impact of one element or process on Writing service oz edit, other elements or processes, regardless of custom service release, fitness consequences. I think this broadening of definition misleads biologists such as Barroso (43) in a passage cited later in with homework japanese, this essay. Pacemakers regulate heartbeats and that is their function: tasers and caffeine also affect cardiac rhythm, but we would not (at least in the former case) see this as regulatory function. Regulation, defined in this loose way, is, for instance, the assumed function of many or most lncRNAs, at least for some authors (6, 7, 44, 45). However, the transcriptional machinery will inevitably make errors: accuracy is expensive, and the selective cost of discriminating against all false promoters will be too great to bear. There will be lncRNAs with promoters that have arisen through drift and exist only Cheap custom service release as noise (46).

Similarly, binding to Physical homework, proteins and other RNAs is something that RNAs do. It is inevitable that some such interactions, initially fortuitous, will come to be genuinely regulatory, either through positive selection or the neutral process described below as constructive neutral evolution (CNE). However, there is no evolutionary force requiring that all or even most do. At another (sociology of science) level, it is inevitable that molecular biologists will search for and discover some of those possibly quite few instances in which function has evolved and argue that the function of lncRNAs as a class of elements has, at last, been discovered. Cheap Custom Press Release? The positivist, verificationist bias of contemporary science and japanese, the politics of writing release, its funding ensure this outcome. However, what is the correct conceptual framework here? Why should either function or nonfunction for a class of proofreading, elements be taken as the null hypothesis, and why should evidence for or against Cheap custom service press, function, however defined, be taken as support of one or the other? Either is a form of essentialism or natural kind thinking inappropriate in Accounting help weather, contemporary biology.

There is, after all, nothing in Cheap custom writing service release, nature that constrains classes of Harvard essay writing, genetic elements defined by humans as sharing certain common characteristics to share others not part of that definition. The second natural temptation is to assume that function of a part implies function of the whole. Co-optation of the promoters of TEs or the insertion of bona fide regulatory sequences into introns is Cheap custom release, taken to impart function to the TE or intron as a whole. Help With? However, the cell does not necessarily see the rest of the TE or the Cheap writing service, intronic surround of an Service for college, embedded enhancer as relevant to Cheap custom press, its activity, and only the promoter or enhancer sequence may be under selection. Harvard Essay Writing Kinds? Even when an entire genetic element seems relevant or necessary (whole introns must be removed even if only custom writing press release certain sites are active in their removal), there is the possibility of excess baggage or junk-like character. Do enhancer-harboring introns really need to be so long? Another analogy seems in order: My computer might be 5 ft from the wall socket, but if I have only a 10-ft electrical cord all 10 ft will seem functional, because cutting the cord anywhere will turn off my machine. In this connection, note that much more than one-half of 80.4% of the Harvard writing kinds, human genome that ENCODE deems functional is so considered because it is transcribed (4), most often into an intron or lncRNA, only a tiny fraction of the length of which is likely to custom writing press, be involved in potentially regulatory interactions. A third and related natural temptation is to inflate functional attribution through choice of window size. The ENCODE Project Consortium notes (5) that: The vast majority (80.4%) of the human genome participates in at least one biochemical RNA- and/or chromatin-associated event in at least one cell type. Much of the genome lies close to a regulatory event: 95% of the genome lies within 8 kilobases (kb) of a DNA–protein interaction (as assayed by bound ChIP-seq motifs or DNase I footprints), and 99% is Help psychology japanese, within 1.7 kb of at least one of the press, biochemical events measured by education ENCODE.

Even this last and largest percentage, assuming the average biochemical event to directly involve tens to hundreds of bases (41), assigns functions to only a minority (perhaps 10%) of the custom writing service press release, genome’s base pairs. ENCODE’s data are indeed unexpected and assignment melbourne weather, impressive, but without some principled and Cheap, agreed-on metric for homework, functional density and FE boundaries, any answer to the question “how much of the genome is functional?” remains endlessly negotiable and transparently window size-dependent. In her News and View editorial in the September 6, 2012 issue of Nature , Barroso (43) speculates as follows concerning the vast majority of human DNA, until now thought useless: …there is a good reason to keep this DNA. Results from the ENCODE project show that most of these stretches of DNA harbor regions that bind proteins and RNA molecules, bringing these into positions from which they cooperate with each other to regulate the function and level of expression of protein-coding genes. In addition, it seems that widespread transcription from non-coding DNA potentially acts as a reservoir for the creation of new functional molecules, such as regulatory RNAs. In addition to equating regulation with having an effect, Barroso (43) revives here the Cheap writing service, notion that excess DNA is Physical homework games, not junk because it may some day be of use, and thus it is maintained as a reservoir. Brenner (47) long ago derided this sort of reasoning as follows: There is a strong and widely held belief that all organisms are perfect and that everything within them is there for custom writing service release, a function. For College? Believers ascribe to the Darwinian natural selection process a fastidious prescience that it cannot possibly have and custom service, some go so far as to think that patently useless features of existing organisms are there as an investment for the future. One sees similar Panglossian futuristic speculation in some of the recent literature on weather, robustness and Cheap custom press, evolvability (critique in ref. 48).

However, it cannot in general be the case that selection operating at the level of fitness of individuals within a species can favor the origin or maintenance of traits that incurs selective cost at homework, that level, while offering only the remotest hope of future benefit to the individual and its descendants. Other evolutionary mechanisms can. The publications by Lynch et al. (24) and Lynch (39, 49) have effectively argued that drift operating in service release, very small populations will (by chance) encourage accumulation of service oz edit, DNA that can add to C-value and might, in the future, come in handy. Writing? Selection at the suborganismal (selfish DNA) level may also seem to be future-directed: TEs do sometimes later become useful through co-optation or general effects on the generation of novelty (42, 50). Indeed, Fedoroff (51) has recently proposed that TEs should not be described pejoratively as “selfish” and help weather, that the prevailing view—that the service press release, epigenetic silencing mechanisms that eukaryotes use to limit TE replication arose to do just that—puts the evolutionary cart before the horse. Rather, Fedoroff (51) suggests that these mechanisms, by also limiting recombination between repeated TEs (which makes genomes smaller), allow TEs to accumulate, growing genomes and that this was a “…critical step in the evolution of multicellular organisms, underpinning the ability to diversify duplicates for expression in specific cells and tissues” (51). Fedoroff (51) concludes that On balance, then, the likelihood that contemporary eukaryotic genomes evolved in the context of epigenetic mechanisms seems vastly greater than the likelihood that they were invented as an Accounting weather, afterthought to combat a plague of parasitic transposons. However, evolutionary explanations of Cheap writing release, genome structure need not be either/or in this sense, after it is recognized that selection affecting the genome operates at kindergarten, all (including supraorganismal) levels of the custom writing press release, biological hierarchy (12, 27). TEs can be selected through selfish replication at the level of DNA, while selection at the level of organisms has established silencing mechanisms to reign in TE replication, and projects for college nursing, selection at Cheap press, the level of clades has looked favorably on those clades with complex genomes that engender evolutionary novelty and help, render whole-clade extinction less likely. (That is, clades that have TE-rich dynamic genomes may have indeed because of that produced more and writing service release, more interestingly diverse and evolutionarily robust and evolvable descendant species.) Evolutionary forces operate simultaneously at all levels in Writing proofreading service oz edit, the same and different directions with differing strengths and custom writing service press, results measurable in different units (such as the frequency of TEs in an individual genome, TE-enhanced individuals in a species, TE-bearing species in a genus, or classes comprising such species in a phylum). Indeed, one could reasonably argue for an eventual expansion of the SE definition of “function” to include all levels as long as we distinguish them (DNA-level function, organism-level function, clade-level function, and with psychology homework, so forth). This definitional expansion might well lead to a reduction in Cheap custom writing release, the amount of DNA that we could reasonably call junk.

However, I think such an expanded idea of function does not currently inform ENCODE or most genomic thinking, and in projects for college students nursing, any case, the problems of inference, evidence, and appropriate null hypotheses remain. Quite often, we can intuit the results of a thought experiment before articulating the Cheap custom writing, reasons for our intuition. Physical Education Games? This propensity is the mysterious appeal and practical use of thought experiments. My intuition is that, when ENCODE-like methods are applied with equal thoroughness to larger genomes, outcomes of the second sort described above will be obtained. That is, lungfish will have many more FEs than Takifugu , and large-genomed Plethodon species will have more than smaller-genomed ones. If there were a primate with a C-value substantially greater than that of H. sapiens , it would prove to have more FEs, even if judged more primitive in Cheap custom release, intelligence or on behavioral grounds. An exception might be genomes in projects for college, which C-value increases are very recent and caused by writing service press release the expansive replication of repetitive sequences that previously lacked ENCODE-definable sites.

Assuming these predictions are borne out, what might we make of it? Lynch (39) suggests that much of the genomic- and Accounting assignment, systems-level complexity of eukaryotes vis a vis prokaryotes is Cheap, maladaptive, reflecting the projects for college nursing, inability of selection to block fixation of incrementally but mildly deleterious mutations in the smaller populations of the former. Thus, for instance, the fact that eukaryotic molecular machines comprise more interacting subunits than their prokaryotic counterparts reflects the inability of selection operating on writing press, smaller populations to enforce functional efficiency. Physical Education Homework Kindergarten? Additionally, to be sure, the proliferation of short- and long-range molecular interactions deleteriously interposing themselves within previously simpler regulatory networks will be harder to release, stop in small than large populations. Several recent publications (52 ? ? –55) have revived the argument that CNE is Harvard kinds, just such an interpositional force, possibly a very powerful one. A simple example of CNE would be a process by which self-splicing intron RNAs could become dependent on custom service press release, proteinaceous splicing factors. Help? Initially, the RNA secondary structure is sufficient to catalyze self-removal, but fortuitously bound proteins that stabilize the RNA can compensate for (presuppress) mutations that might destabilize elements of the structure necessary for custom writing, independent splicing. Because they are not now deleterious, such mutations will accumulate to equilibrium: the purifying selection pressure that maintained RNA secondary structure has gone. No selection is involved at Us government help, this stage. Custom? If there are several such potentially presuppressible mutations, then a ratchet-like mechanism will make it difficult or impossible for the RNA to ever regain splicing independence. Us Government Homework Help? Elimination of the protein will become a lethal event.

Therefore, purifying selection now prevents the loss of the Cheap custom writing, complex feature (molecular interdependency), although positive selection did nothing to create it. The entire multiprotein, multi-RNA, eukaryotic spliceosome might have evolved through reiterations of this process along with very many of the intricacies of the cellular machinery (52 ? ? –55). CNE would work in concert with any population-size effect. Neither entails positive selection for the complex structure and/or processes thus produced—only purifying selection against Harvard, its elimination. Writing Service Press? Philosophers who endorse SE definitions of function have not, to my knowledge, embraced or even considered such CNE scenarios, which would meet CR definitions. Considering traits fixed by CNE to have SE function would add still additional arrows to Harvard essay writing, the quiver of panadaptationism and Cheap writing service press release, should perhaps be discouraged. A common consequence of CNE is that even structures or processes that have arisen by positive selection because they increase organismal fitness will later become more complex in terms of the number of with japanese, intermolecular interactions required for their successful completion. Service Release? Function diffuses. Genetic networks will first acquire and then require more and Physical education homework games, more protein–nucleic acid, protein–protein, and nucleic acid–nucleic acid intermolecular associations. Larger genomes, producing more RNAs (and sometimes more proteins), offer up more macromolecules and variants as potential fortuitous presuppressors and more potential DNA binding sites.

Recognition systems for transcription and transcription factor binding cannot be made indefinitely more accurate without the aid of unbearably slow and selectively costly proofreading systems. Cheap Custom? Tradeoffs between speed, economy, and accuracy will unavoidably entail that larger genomes will produce disproportionately more noise in terms of writing kinds, fortuitous transcripts capable of becoming presuppressors and thus, more complex, seemingly regulatory, networks of interaction. Some will be functional in a CR if not an SE sense, and Cheap custom release, some will have arisen through CNE so that they are now maintained by purifying selection. However, many, possibly the vast majority, are just there. The above considerations are but some of the reasons that one might intuit that FE number will scale with genome size. A very recent comparative analysis of transcription factor binding sites in projects students nursing, model organisms (45) confirms this conjecture.

Ruths and Nakhleh (45) claim that …neutral evolutionary forces alone can explain binding site accumulation, and that selection on the regulatory network does not alter this finding. If neutral forces drive the accumulation of Cheap release, binding sites, then, despite selective constraints, organisms with large amounts of [noncoding] DNA would evolve functional, yet ‘overcomplicated’ networks. The renewed debate over junk, thus, owes much of Harvard essay writing, its heat to custom service, at least four misconceptions or misrepresentations. First is the pretense that there is any definable boundary between informational and structural (genic and Help with psychology homework, nongenic) functions for DNA. Writing Service? Increasingly, genomics is expanding the boundaries of information as geneticists have typically understood it. Minimally, gene means more than it used to mean. With? Djebali et al. (56) write …the determination of genic regions is currently defined by the cumulative lengths of the isoforms and their genetic association to phenotypic characteristics, the likely continued reduction in the lengths of Cheap writing, intergenic regions will steadily lead to the overlap of most genes previously assumed to be distinct genetic loci. This supports and Us government homework help native, is consistent with earlier observations of a highly interleaved transcribed genome, but more importantly, prompts the reconsideration of the definition of a gene. As this is a consistent characteristic of annotated genomes, we would propose that the transcript be considered as the basic atomic unit of inheritance. Concomitantly, the term gene would then denote a higher-order concept intended to capture all those transcripts (eventually divorced from their genomic locations) that contribute to a given phenotypic trait. However, regulatory loci are also informational even if not transcribed, and ENCODE has documented many long-range interactions between chromosomal regions that may be brought together physically in the nucleus, a very complex and structure-rich molecular machine, at some time during the writing press release, cell cycle.

Therefore, in this sense, the gross structure of the chromosome set also carries information that may be relevant to the function of Service projects, genes, broadly defined. Cheap Custom Release? Additionally, all DNA has the job of serving as a template for its own replication—to that extent, encoding information. It is nevertheless true that a distinction between structural and informational roles has long been part of the C-value argument for junk DNA. This line of Help with psychology, reasoning has held that high C-value might be necessary for Cheap custom service press release, cellular function, but the nongenic DNA that fills the requirement is Us government homework native, informationally junk. ENCODE’s claim is that much more of the DNA is, in fact, informational (especially regulatory) than we had thought, and indeed ENCODE’s focus is on Cheap custom writing service, sites likely to be involved directly or indirectly in transcription—on the “myriad elements that determine gene expression” to quote The Lancet (3). Therefore, the structure–information distinction informs the homework japanese, interpretation of the custom service press release, project’s results, and Physical kindergarten games, without it there would be nothing novel or newsworthy in the assertion that all of the human genome has some sort of role in Cheap writing service, human biology. We have known that since the mid-1980s.

Second is the conflation of Help psychology japanese, SE and CR definitions of function. Those of us who speak of excess DNA as informationally junk mean that its presence is Cheap writing service, not to Accounting assignment, be explained by past and/or current selection at the level of organisms—that it has no informational function construable historically as an service press, SE. Those who say that almost the whole of the human genome is functional informationally do so on Service students, the basis of an operational diagnosis embracing a nonhistorical CR definition of function. This definition is certain to service release, identify as functions very many effects that have not been selected. Help With Japanese? The rhetoric attending the declared “eulogy for junk DNA” (4) sweeps this distinction under the carpet. Third is a false natural kind ontology, essentialist in nature, that encourages ( i ) the attribution to a whole class of custom release, operationally defined genetic elements those functions known only for a few and/or ( ii ) the attribution to the whole length of such a genetic element a function that resides in only part of it. In the case of lncRNAs and intron transcripts, whose lengths together make up more than three-quarters of assignment help melbourne, 80% of the genome said to be functional, this second sort of functional attribution seems especially misleading. Fourth may be a seldom-articulated or -questioned notion that cellular complexity is adaptive, the service release, product of positive selection at the organismal level. Us Government Homework Native? Our disappointment that humans do not have many more genes than fruit flies or nematodes has been assuaged by evidence that regulatory mechanisms that mediate those genes’ phenotypic expressions are more various, subtle, and sophisticated (57), evidence of the Cheap writing release, sort that ENCODE seems to vastly augment.

Yet there are nonselective mechanisms, such as CNE, that could result in the scaling of FEs as ENCODE defines them to C-value nonadaptively or might be seen as selective at some level higher or lower than the level of individual organisms. Splits within the discipline between panadaptationists/neutralists and those researchers accepting or doubting the importance of multilevel selection fuel this controversy and others in with homework japanese, biology. I submit that, up until now, junk has been used to denote DNA whose presence cannot reasonably be explained by custom writing press release natural selection at the level of the homework native, organism for Cheap release, encoded informational roles. There remain good reasons to believe that much of the with, DNA of many species fits this definition. Nevertheless, while still insisting on SE functionality, we might want to come up with new definitions of function and junk by ( i ) abandoning the Cheap service press, distinction between informational and with japanese, nucleoskeletal or nucleotypic roles for DNA, ( ii ) admitting that there may be strong selection for Cheap press, C-value as a determinant of many cell biological features, ( iii ) fully embracing hierarchical selection theory and acknowledging that different genomic features may have legitimate functions defined and in help melbourne weather, play at different levels, and ( iv ) expanding the SE definition of function to include traits that arise neutrally but are preserved by purifying selection (12). Much that we now call junk could then become functional. However, such a philosophically informed theoretical expansion is not what ENCODE, or at least those authors stressing the demise of junk, so far seem to have in mind (1 ? ? ? –5). In the end, of course, there is no experimentally ascertainable truth of these definitional matters other than the truth that many of the most heated arguments in Cheap custom writing press, biology are not about facts at all but rather about the words that we use to proofreading service, describe what we think the facts might be. However, that the custom writing release, debate is in the end about the meaning of words does not mean that there are not crucial differences in our understanding of the evolutionary process hidden beneath the rhetoric. I note that a very forcefully worded critique by Graur et al. (58), with more specific objections to ENCODE's methodology, was published while this manuscript was in the proof stage.

I thank Evelyn Fox Keller, Eric Bapteste, James McInerney, Andrew Roger, and the Centre for Physical education kindergarten games, Comparative Genomics and Evolutionary Bioinformatics (CGEB) group for comments on this manuscript and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research for support.

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Resume, meet Technology: Making your resume format machine-friendly. How to format a resume so that the software recruiters use to release, store resumes doesn’t garble your document – and your chances. You’ve probably heard this advice for making your resume stand out: Sprinkle in plenty of essay writing, juicy keywords so recruiters will pluck your document out of the pile. But these days, the first review of your resume is more likely to be a software program, known as an applicant tracking system (ATS), than a human being interested in the quality of your paper stock and Cheap service press the power of your prose. While those qualities will be important in subsequent rounds, your first challenge will be to win over a very sophisticated machine that plays by Harvard writing its own complex rules. In these competitive times, is a grab-bag of keywords really enough to ensure your resume rises out of that mysterious electronic swamp? If not, what else do you need to know about the Cheap custom writing processes that happen inside these ATSes — systems that are, in fact, fueled by students sophisticated data-warehousing technologies — to stand the best chance of getting your resume in front of human eyeballs? To answer this question, Ladders talked to writing service press, ATS vendors to find out what makes the technology tick, and to Help with psychology homework, the recruiters who use these systems to separate resume wheat from chaff. Here’s what they had to say about how the systems work, what those systems can tell about Cheap writing service release you, what mistakes job applicants typically make when submitting their resume electronically and how to Service projects for college, avoid unwittingly e-annoying the professionals who handle your resume.

Keywords: Laundry lists don’t cut it. The advice to simply fill your resume with appropriate keywords may soon be outdated, experts say. Lisa Rowan, program director of HR, Learning and Talent Strategies for Framingham, Mass.-based analyst firm IDC, said there’s a lot more to searching and matching than ever before. “It’s not your father’s Oldsmobile, where if you put in ‘Java’ (as a keyword search, an ATS) would automatically apply you to Cheap service release, Java jobs,” she said. Older ATS software relied on semantic search technology, that essentially counted keywords. Using a targeted keyword multiple times could be interpreted by education homework games the ATS as a positive resume for a certain position, said Matt Sigelman, CEO of Burning Glass, which makes resume-parsing software used to run contextualized searches in many of the leading ATS programs. (Rowan describes Burning Glass as state of the art for contextualized resume scanning, a software technique that weighs keywords in Cheap press release the context of the whole resume.)

Contextualization goes much deeper and examines factors such as how dated is a given set of skills and where in writing kinds the applicants career path did they acquire experience in Cheap custom writing press a subject area, he said. State-of-the-art ATS technology relies on contextualization, not on simple keyword matches, she said. “It goes much further, (with the technology looking) at descriptive materials, and (the ATS) parsing things out like a human would when reading it.” With the for college next wave of ATS technology coming soon to custom writing service press release, an HR department near you, a keyword such as “Java” had “better be framed by descriptive material that demonstrates experience and Us government homework familiarity with the subject,” Rowan said. This next-generation ATS software will examine the entire passage as if it were a human reading your resume: closely, and with an understanding of the subject matter. Resume contextualization analyzes not just a keyword but its relation to elements, including relevant and related terms, the depth of the experience and how recent the experience was in a candidate’s career path. “Understanding that there’s a difference between somebody who took a class in Java eight years ago and somebody who’s been programming in Java every day for the last three years, (and understanding that) those are fundamentally different candidates,” is an example of how contextualized resume parsing works, Sigelman said. Burning Glass’ resume-parsing tools seek out far more than keywords or even word strings.

For example, instead of just recognizing an employer’s name on your resume, Burning Glass technology analyzes the job description to Cheap custom, determine your role and what skills correspond to Us government native, that role. The keyword laundry list will no longer carry the day, but keywords remain important to the resume and must be included, Sigelman said. “Some candidates (for the Java engineering position example) might not write the Cheap custom word ‘Java’ in their resume, believe it or not,” he said. “I (examined) one job description looking for a geologist. (The candidate’s resume listed terms including) water modeling, etc. — all sorts of hydrology (-related terms) and things like that, but never once mentioned the Service for college students nursing word ‘geology’ on the resume. Service Release. The recruiter may have missed this person.” Contextualized resume parsing works to overcome such glaring omissions by understanding the terminology that should surround a word such as “geology.” But don’t take a chance, Sigelman said. There are employers still using primitive semantic search ATSes, so don’t skip keywords entirely–just make sure they’re positioned in job descriptions that show you can walk the talk. Overly formatted resumes and Help with homework resumes embedded with pictures, graphics and logos can be incompatible with most ATS software. Recruiters and human-resources professionals call it “choking the Cheap custom writing service press system”: An applicant fills his resume with pictures, graphics and logos; headers and footers; and formats that make it difficult for the software to read and sort the text into categories or cause it to crash altogether. It’s a sure way to ensure your resume never makes it to a recruiter, said Laura Michnya, the project manager of recruiting systems and process for BAE Systems. She recently implemented the Hodes iQ ATS at Writing proofreading service oz edit BAE and in the past has worked with PeopleSoft and several homegrown ATS programs. Some of the resumes she’s seen will leave the Hodes iQ system gasping. Custom Service. “Those highly formatted resumes aren’t always very compatible with standard ATS systems.”

Hodes iQ is kinds, typical of ATSes, which use software to sift contact information and other chunks of data from uploaded resumes. This makes candidates’ resume-uploading experience a little easier, as it pulls that data into Cheap writing press release, a profile instead of forcing them to Harvard kinds, cut and Cheap paste. But for such parsing software to proofreading oz edit, work properly, a resume needs to Cheap custom service press, be formatted simply, Michnya said. Physical Homework. She sees many overly formatted resumes, especially with very senior-level candidates. “A lot of the time, they have so much experience, and they do like to get a little fancy,” she said. “And a lot of the time, ATSes don’t bring it over cleanly into our system.” In some cases, locating contact information in a footer will also cause an ATS to glitch, given that the systems aren’t necessarily prepared to expect unusual placement. Cheap Writing Service. If that same contact information is included in the text, centered at education kindergarten games the top of a resume but not in the header, it should come in fine, Michnya said. “As long as it’s in custom writing service release the body, it will get parsed in with homework japanese fine. But a lot of times people put it just in press the header or footer.” The result of a highly formatted resume being classified improperly: a garbled mess. As with graphics, so too with cut-and-pasted text when uploading a resume to a Web site: It’s often the cause of ATS choking. That’s why Michnya has gone to pains to induce candidates to upload resumes, even switching the order of Harvard writing kinds, options on the company’s careers site so that the “Upload” option comes first, in big, red text, with the Cheap custom writing service press “Cut and Physical education games Paste” option moved to the bottom of the page.

“If you’re on an ATS that gives you the press option to either upload or cut and assignment paste into a text box, it’s better to upload,” she said. Writing Service Release. “A lot of times that upload feature will parse information for Us government, you and will save it in custom writing press (the optimal) format. It often can save in rich text. If it cuts and pastes, it only Us government homework help, does so in plain text, and often people have (their resume) in Word or something that’s not plain text,” which will lead to ATS choking and a garbled resume, she said. “With my career site, I find so many candidates do the cut and paste option. They think it’s faster. Cheap Custom Writing. But it causes their resume to not look as nice. And hiring managers do notice that.” Michnya herself goes out of essay writing, her way to contact job seekers, advising them to upload their resumes properly to avoid getting garbled. If, that is, candidates are qualified. “If not, I’ll leave the (garbled) resume as is,” she said. “And that could hurt the candidate in the future.” At BAE Systems a recruiter reviews every resume submitted by Cheap custom writing press an applicant, but that isn’t the norm, Michnya said.

Not all recruiters will take the time that she and assignment help weather her colleagues spend helping applicants fix a garbled resume, even if they’re well-qualified. It might seem obvious that capitalization, punctuation and grammar matter. But in the age of Cheap service press, shorthand and text messages, the mistakes make their way into the resume, said David Freeman, a talent-management consultant at Sonic Recruit that is a division of Emeryville, Calif.-based Cytiva Software Inc. “Especially for Gen Y or Gen X, it’s common for people to type in Help all lowercase,” he said. Custom. “They’re so used to texting. They’re not used to capitalizing anything when texting.” It goes beyond proper etiquette, Freemans said.

ATS software uses mail merge to populate fields for assignment help melbourne, e-mails on the applicant to human resources and ultimately to the applicant for Cheap writing release, follow-up communication. Poor punctuation and capitalization can confuse the software about where to end and begin a field. It also forces the Help with japanese recruiter to custom service, enter fields manually, which might lead them to Help with homework, toss your resume. Another e-annoyance is lag time in responding. Respond swiftly — within 24 hours — to a company that contacts you. Because of the volume of resumes now coming in to service, recruiters, they’re not waiting long to hear back from a candidate, Freeman said. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on your spam-folder settings. Filters are so sensitive today that they can recognize e-mail that’s automatically generated — a category into Physical education homework kindergarten, which both spam and follow-up e-mail generated from writing service press release, ATSes fall. We all know better than to Help homework, call a hiring manager again and again.

But what about pinging the ATS robot accepting your resume again and again? Do duplicate resume submissions hurt your cause? Can it get you noticed? It hurts your cause, said Jeremy Shapiro, senior vice president of Hodes iQ, the Cheap writing service press hosted ATS software used by BAE and others. If he could tell applicants one thing, he said, it would be this: “We can see you.” “Recruiters are aware of candidates that send in three different resumes, 10 different resumes,” he said. In fact, Shapiro has seen instances of extreme resume spamming, where candidates submit up to 70 to 100 different resumes, all of homework help native, which are on record in the ATS. “The employer can see it,” Shapiro said, and “this does not reflect positively upon (job seekers).” Applying to multiple positions in Cheap custom writing service press release the same company. This is true even in large corporate environments where job seekers may be applying to Harvard kinds, several different subsidiaries, Shapiro said.

Even if each division and Cheap release subsidiary has its own ATS, those systems are usually all linked into one system. But applying for multiple jobs at the same employer is proofreading service oz edit, not spamming. Just be careful that each resume tells the service same story, he said. “There’s nothing wrong with catering a resume to Harvard, the system,” Shapiro said. Service Release. “Just know that we’ll have visibility to it. At that point, if I’m the recruiter, I’ll actively look for discrepancies. Physical Kindergarten. For example, in one resume, (a candidate) might claim five years of experience in custom writing service press something and seven years of experience in help another resume. A red flag goes off immediately. You’re asking to make mistakes with multiple versions of your resume.”

“Recruiters can pick up on discrepancies,” said BAE’s Michnya. “To apply to custom writing, one job and then send another resume for another, a lot of times (such resumes are) tweaked or tailored, and that’s acceptable. Us Government Homework Native. But if information in the application seems to custom service release, be contradictory, we could notice, and it would raise a red flag. If they say they’re looking for $50,000 on one and $80,000 on Help japanese, another, or if their educational information is different.” Consider your resume’s entry point to gain an custom service press release, advantage. It’s common to Physical education, ask if you have a better chance at a job if an employee submits your resume. The answer is yes, IDC’s Rowan said — not only because it influences human screeners but how ATS software follows your resume. Depending on a given ATS vendor’s feature set and how an employer has chosen to set it up, the ATS may track the source of your resume — how it was submitted — and can be designed to attach different values to different sources.

An ATS set up to track how resumes come into the system will typically have a source note attached to a resume. Resumes involved in employee referrals tend to flow into an ATS internally, passed along as a forwarded attachment from the candidate to the referring employee to the recruiter. Even in these circumstances, however, the employer is likely to require that a candidate also fill out an online application. Most ATSes are sophisticated enough to query how a candidate found out writing press release about a job requisition and to nursing, discern that a resume came from Ladders or another job board or whether the candidate is applying at Cheap custom release the suggestion of an employee. Employee referrals are one example of applicant sourcing that most employers rank very highly, Rowan noted. If an Physical education homework kindergarten games, ATS has ranked Candidate A as being 80 percent qualified for a given job requisition, a source note that flags that candidate as also being an employee referral will raise that candidate’s ranking. “If I’m an employee, I’m not going to recommend poor candidates, generally. So they’re thought to be higher quality,” Rowan said. Other examples are Web sites, job boards and recruiters.

Was the writing service press release candidate’s resume found on a niche job board, for example, that features the resumes of minorities? Some employers, such as one requesting federal contract work, might program the ATS to education homework kindergarten games, assign a higher value to such a resume. Job boards and recruiters with a particularly good reputation with an employer might also earn a few extra points for a submitted resume. The lesson is simple: If you are in fact being referred by an employee, make sure the Cheap custom writing release ATS knows it — because it’s smart enough to Harvard essay writing, care. Insights into ATS technology can help you avoid missing keywords and choking the software, but there is no way to game the systems. Best practice simply ensures you won’t be disqualified for a technical error. But resumes still touch human hands and must be optimized for the reader as well, said Shapiro of Hodes iQ.

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Essay on custom writing press “Child Sex Tourism in Developing Countries” While it might not seem that way in the United States, or in other developed nations, child prostitution is a significant issue around the world , and it still manages to exist under the radar of public health authorities. Each year, as many as a million children are coerced into prostitution; the total number of children in prostitution at one time could be as high as 10 million. Because of the privation that these children face, there is not enough data about the games health problems that these children face – but the maladies include forced pregnancy, substance abuse, violence, mental illness, and Cheap press release, infectious diseases. Just like any other form of Writing service oz edit child abuse, child prostitution not only leads to death for far too many, but it also takes away their dignity and their basic rights. The purpose of this research is to analyze existing literature on child prostitution, particularly with regard to health issues as well as best practices in the tourism industry, and emerge with recommendations to custom writing service press release, help promote sustainable tourism in developing nations without resorting to Accounting assignment melbourne weather, the use of child prostitutes. The need for finding a way to prevent child prostitution from happening should be a global priority. There are several empirical models that have already been identified for tourism industries to follow in different nations, and this paper will call for the use of those models in practice, as tourism companies and government agencies have the ability to institute these professional practices and Cheap service release, public policies, as long as they can eliminate some of the barriers that may yet be in place. The primary frame for this discussion is the Service context of maintaining social responsibility on custom writing the corporate level – while also maintaining sustainable tourism industries.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child defined a child as anyone who is not yet 18 years old; child prostitution consists of forcing a child to carry out sexual acts for financial or other forms of compensation, or even offering the native use of a child for Cheap service sexual services. It differs from other forms of Accounting assignment child sexual abuse because of the custom writing press commercial aspect; however, because children cannot legally consent (or intellectually consent) to projects students nursing, those activities, it is press also quite similar to other forms of abuse. Currently, both boys and girls (UNICEF 1997, 36) are prostituted at education homework kindergarten games different places on the globe, starting as young as ten years old (ECPAT 2001). The majority of Cheap custom service press these children are prostituted by local pimps, but there are also foreign tourists and pedophiles who exploit them as well. Many of homework games these children will service five to service press, ten customers each day. Essay. The number of Cheap writing release children is up for debate, particularly in developing nations, but research indicates that there could be as many as 10 million children trapped in prostitution worldwide (UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2000). It is difficult to get an accurate count, because the people controlling them keep them in hiding and move them frequently (United Nations, 1996). The fact that organized crime is often bankrolling this practice makes it even more difficult to find them. There are a number of essay writing social, economic and cultural factors that contribute to the growth of child prostitution. Poverty is the main factor, but gender discrimination and low levels of education also play a role (United Nations, 1996).

There are communities in the world that condone prostitution and do not enforce the laws proscribing child prostitution (if those laws exist). There are also communities in release which the male clients do not think that children will pass on HIV or other STD’s as easily as adults will (United Nations, 1996). Also, sex workers who have children end up seeing those children being prostituted as well (Deisher et al. 1989, 1163). Likely targets for pimps include children who have been abandoned or who have run away from home. Girls are often lured or even kidnapped and then compelled to Us government native, prostitute themselves. International sex tourism has become a major cause for child prostitution in some countries (Focal Point against Sexual Exploitation of Cheap custom writing press Children, 2001). As one might expect, different countries with child prostitution tend to have different causes for children ending up in that position.

In Nepal, for example, the cause is Physical homework games usually poverty (Poude 1994, 10); in Nigeria, though, child prostitutes usually fled their homes because they were being abused there (Adedoyin and Adegoke 1995, 28). Thailand is one of the nations in Cheap writing service press release which child prostitution is art of the sex tourism trade (Silbert and Pines 1981, 408). The common thread, though, is that child prostitution brings in money. Overall, the sex industry around the world brings in an estimated $20 billion – $5 billion alone coming from child prostitution (Lim 1998). Indeed, children in Us government native prostitution often have to send money home to support their families. Socioeconomic structures in countries where this is writing service release taking place must take this issue into Harvard essay writing, account, so that other children simply do not end up being shoved into sex labor. The vast majority of reports into child prostitution include acknowledgment of the health problems that can arise. However, because of the Cheap writing service press release difficulty of even finding child prostitutes, there is little in the way of reliable data on mortality and Physical homework kindergarten games, morbidity.

Sometimes, the Cheap custom writing press release studies are done and writing, then discarded; those studies that do make it to publication are not easy to find, and custom writing service press release, often they focus on psychology homework japanese qualitative health data instead of quantitative information. The funding for major quantitative studies is difficult to find; again, this is not a problem that is registering in a significant way on the world’s radar. However, there have been some significant quantitative studies that serve as a starting point for this discussion. One example was the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) study of 176 children who were in prostitution in custom service press six countries. Rates of HIV infection varied from 5 percent in Vietnam to 17 percent in Thailand (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2000). However, a different report studying children who had been rescued from brothels throughout southeast Asia found that 50 to 90 percent were infected with HIV (WCACSEC, 1996). Help. Obviously, there are a number of factors at work in Cheap custom these cases, including existing levels of HIV infection, as well as access to and use of condoms. Accounting Assignment Help. There are some communities in which the total population of Cheap service press sex workers has an HIV infection rate of as high as 86 percent – adult and children combined (UNAIDS, 2000). Writing Proofreading Service Oz Edit. Every time an adolescent girl has unprotected sex with an infected partner, she has a 1 percent chance of getting HIV (Alan Guttmacher Institute 1999).

However, if those children already have an STD that has created genital ulcers, that percentage jumps to 4 percent (WHO 2000). With as many as ten clients a day, it will not take long for those long odds to become a reality. Once HIV infection sets in, the risk of contracting active tuberculosis also spikes (Willis and Cheap custom service press, Levy, 2002, 1418). With regard to other STD’s, the numbers are even more grim. Service. Within the ESCAP study, STD rates among prostituted children ranged from 36 percent in Cheap custom writing press Cambodia to 78 percent in China (Economic and oz edit, Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2000). If one compares this to the 5 percent incidence of STD’s in adolescents worldwide, these numbers are staggering. The numbers as far as pregnancy are also eye-opening. Any sexually active adolescent who does not utilize contraceptives has a 90 percent chance of pregnancy within a year. Many of the custom writing press girls forced into proofreading, prostitution do not have contraceptives, and so they are almost guaranteed to become pregnancy.

Because of substandard medical care, these girls also fall into the risk of complications in pregnancy – including mortality. According to the ESCAP study, 66 percent of the Cheap service press release girls who became pregnant while prostituted sought abortions (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, 2000). On a worldwide level, between 1 and 4.4 million abortions are performed on adolescents each year – many of them using unsafe practices. Service. For child prostitutes, these procedures bring a significant risk of injury and death. Nearly 13 percent of all the maternal deaths worldwide each year are a result of unsafe abortions (Willis and Levy, 2002, 1419). Of course, there are many other harmful outcomes for child prostitutes. A study of 475 sex workers in five countries found that two-thirds of them fit the criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) (Farley et al. Cheap Writing Press Release. 1998, 407). This is the same malady that makes it so difficult for soldiers returning home from war to reintegrate themselves into society. Homework. Substance abuse takes place at almost a 100 percent rate in writing service press many communities among all sex workers, not just children (Carr et al.

1996, 491). This leads to a risk not only of overdose but infection with any number of bloodborne pathogens, not to mention permanent organ damage and cancer. Many child prostitutes suffer violence at assignment weather the hands of clients, pimps, police – and even those with whom they have intimate relationships. That study with 475 sex workers found that 73 percent had been physically assaulted while working on the job, and 62 percent had been raped since becoming a prostitute (Farley et al. 1998, 411). For children, these experiences can be deadly. In 1987, the Brundtland Commission presented the idea of writing service release sustainable development as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (WCED, 1987).

However, the notion of sustainable tourism did not appear for ten more years. In 1997, Agenda 21 for the Travel and Tourism Industry appeared, composed by the World Tourism Organization, the Earth Council, and the World Travel and Tourism Council. There were several reasons for Accounting help the delay in developing these ideas specific to the tourism industry, such as the wide variety of tourist activities around the world (WTO, 2001). The primary research into sustainable tourism has focused on the social, cultural, ecological and economic impacts of tourism (Cooper et al, 1998; Fennell, 1999; Mason, 2003; Ryan, 2003; Swarbrooke, 1999), until recently. The most current research now focuses on globalization and tourism (Bianchi, 2007; Dodds and Cheap custom writing service release, Joppe, 2005). Because of with psychology japanese a wave of neo-liberal governments coming into power and driving economic philosophy, the questions of the responsibility for business to push sustainable development have come to the forefront, and so corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business ethics have also entered the realm of study (Tepelus 2008, 100). At its most basic, CSR has to do with businesses adopting and implementing standards that are conscious of the environment, ethical and socially responsible (Tepelus 2008, 100). The European Commission (2001) defined CSR as “a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis”(European Commission 2001, 8).

There were four relevant elements to this: covering social and environmental issues; integration with operational strategies; remaining a voluntary condition; and interacting with stakeholders inside and outside the company (Tepelus 2008, 100). Tourism has been one of the last industries to adopt CSR practices (World Bank and International Finance Corporation 2003). Even with the adoption of CSR practices, though, many industries (including tourism) have focused on custom writing matters of environmental remediation and stayed away from questions regarding labor and human rights (Epler-Wood and Leray, 2005). Writing. Fennell (2006) has argued that there is an “immense void in ethics” (xiii) that has kept tourism from following other industries into the areas covered by Cheap custom service CSR, and has also argued that ethics in tourism could well “emerge as the next main research platform”(358) in this particular field. While it would be nice to study ethics, of course, the free market is writing kinds certainly not pushing for a moral overhaul of the tourism industry. Both the industry and the consumer are motivated by price: as Brackenbury (2003) noted, “price competition and its consequences of productivity improvement, and Cheap custom, not product innovation, has occupied the minds of senior managers in this sector over the past ten years” (8). In other words, when there is a financial return on investment, the tourism industry will get involved; when it is not, there will not be innovation (Weiermair 2005). And so the likelihood of an Writing oz edit, industry-spurred drive to eradicate sex tourism seems like a murky prospect at best, at Cheap writing service release least under the Writing current paradigm. However, the lack of ethical concern in the industry has made sex trafficking and child sex tourism a widespread practice (Payne and Dimanche, 1996).

After all, sex tourism came about as a legitimate sector of the Cheap writing service release industry in the 1970’s (Tepelus 2008, 102). As a result, there have been some studies on child sex tourism – just as a part of industry research (O’Connell Davidson, 2004; Garrick, 2005; Cabezas, 2004) covering everything from similarities between child sex tourism and Accounting help melbourne, adult sex tourism, rationalizations that tourists give for engaging child prostitutes, and even classifying child sex tourists by release citizenship. While there is child sex tourism going on all over the world, Asia is currently the kinds epicenter. The Philippines have a reported 60,000 child prostitutes; there are over custom writing service press 400,000 in students nursing India and over 800,000 in Thailand. Service Release. The vast majority are girls who are younger than 16; however, in Sri Lanka, most of the with psychology japanese 20,000 child prostitutes are boys (Glover, 2006). However, as has been already noted, the Cheap writing service tourists are not the only ones to blame, as there is a specific set of cultural conditions that have to be in place for child prostitution to be condoned. In Thailand, for example, 3 out of Harvard 4 men are estimated to have had sex with a prostitute (Sachs, 1994).

Small wonder, then, that there should be such a vast supply of child prostitutes. The problem is global – and Cheap custom release, it is Physical homework games deeply entrenched in certain corners of the planet. There are already innovations that have been suggested by public and private entities to find ways to service press release, eradicate the child sex tourism industry, while maintaining sustainable tourism even in countries that base a good deal of their tourism income on foreigners entering the country on a sexual vacation. Accounting Assignment Help Weather. My research objectives are as follows: Identify existing ideas for press release innovation that could lead to the reduction and removal of child sex tourism from common practice in developing nations Identify barriers to the implementation of those innovation Compare and contrast the various ideas for innovation and appraise the ones that are most likely to be effective, based on melbourne the cultural contexts involved Develop a series of recommendations for public and private entities based on the research. My research will be primarily qualitative in nature. The quantitative documentation about the Cheap service press release problems that lead to child sex trafficking and tourism in proofreading developing countries is Cheap writing service release fairly exhaustive, based on both private studies and research carried out by governmental and intergovernmental agencies. Learning more about the specifics of sexually transmitted diseases and the average of Accounting assignment melbourne weather child prostitutes will not contribute significantly to the existing body of custom writing service release knowledge on the topic; for with homework japanese this reason, my focus will be primarily on ways to implement and improve existing suggestions for custom writing innovation within the homework help tourist industry and custom service press, within public policy. The methods I will use will include researching and Harvard kinds, comparing the various suggested innovations with an eye toward matching them with culturally amenable contexts.

There are some alternative methodologies that could be used, and could also contribute to the body of knowledge on this subject. For example, these three methodologies would also be quite useful: Conducting a quantitative attitudinal study of Cheap writing press release adult males in the countries in which child sex tourism and child prostitution are the most widespread Performing a longitudinal study on the economic indicators of countries that depend heavily on child sex tourism for industry income Conducting a quantitative attitudinal study of sex tourists who visit one (or several) of the countries in which child sex tourism is most widespread. The benefit of the essay writing kinds first alternative study would be helpful in Cheap custom writing service identifying cultural attitudes in specific countries toward child prostitution. As one study mentioned in the literature review found, Thai men are extremely unlikely to speak out against proofreading, prostitution, as 3 out of every 4 Thai men were found to have had sex with a prostitute.

In a country like that, prostitution would bring little outrage, if any, among those in position to make changes in public policy. Cheap Custom Press. Child prostitution would be less likely to inspire a similar outrage in a country in assignment help melbourne weather which prostitution is so common, because sexual partners would be more likely to be viewed as things to use or consume, rather than people. The second alternative study would be of interest based on Cheap service press release the definition of sustainable development mentioned near the beginning of this paper – development that sustains a country today without sacrificing its ability to provide for itself in the future. The children who enter prostitution either end up dead or damaged dramatically in help native terms of health, emotional stability, and mental status. The possibility that, once these children are no longer viable sex workers, they would then head into other sectors of the economy and become productive citizens is remote at best. This longitudinal study would analyze the effects of the loss of so much of the working-age population. The third alternative study would bring some intriguing results – provided that enough sex tourists could be found to answer, and custom service, provided that they gave accurate answers. After all, if someone is going to travel to another country for a sexual vacation, it is likely that the topic is not one that he (or she) would be squeamish about discussing on an anonymous basis with a researcher. Harvard. Finding out the Cheap writing release motivations that lead one to travel abroad for sexual activity would be of some interest, but a greater area of projects for college contribution to this study would be to Cheap custom writing, learn the attitudes of sex tourists (who are more likely to feel a sense of liberation than the general population in sexual matters) about child sex tourism. At what age should sex be legal? What should the consequences be for child prostitution – for the purveyors who provide children to clients?

Those answers would be of Physical education kindergarten interest, more from a sociology perspective. A degree of outrage from those who use the sex tourism industry, though, might spur entities within the countries that depend so heavily on sex tourism to make changes. Obviously, in a highly qualitative study like the one I propose, there is little in the way of press release analysis – at least in the statistical kind. Instead, the discussion will focus on finding existing methods of Harvard innovation and identifying barriers – and recommending ways to overcome those barriers. While this might seem to be covering some existing ground instead of being innovative, it is clear that the Cheap custom writing release barriers have not yet been overcome as a result of the research that is already out there. Because of the epidemic that child sex tourism continues to comprise, it is necessary for research to take place that will persuade those who are in positions of authority, both in education the industry and within halls of government, to find a different way to Cheap custom writing service release, bring in tourists and their cash. Researching Innovations to Eliminate Child Sex Tourism. As has already been mentioned in this study, there is not much existing knowledge about child sex tourism and homework, trafficking, and there has been minimal research done on the connections between sustainability and CSR and this touchy subject.

Because tourism changes quickly, and because sex crimes take on Cheap writing release such a volatile hue, any research that has been done can become dated quickly. However, there have been some innovations taken on by public and private entities to prevent and essay, even end sex tourism for children and trafficking. Some of these innovations have been steps taken to match laws – not just national law but also legislation that covers behaviors outside annexed territories. The first step seems to have been finding ways to build awareness within the tourism industry about the ways it could keep children from writing, being sexually exploited; subsequent steps have been to give tourism businesses the wherewithal to exercise that ability, to find alternative socioeconomic opportunities for the children who are at most risk for coercion into prostitution, to build awareness among the public at large, and to generate incentives to turn in child sex tourists and traffickers. Innovation Models from Nongovernmental Organizations. ChildWise is an organization that is focuses on eradicating child sex tourism in international destinations where Australians travel. ChildWise is the Australian wing of service ECPAT International, which is a consortium dedicated to Cheap writing service release, the elimination of the commercial sexual exploitation of children.

Founded in Accounting assignment help Thailand in 1962, ECPAT now has offices in 63 countries and was one of the initial groups that fought back against child prostitution in tourisn in Asia (ECPAT International, 2007). ChildWise began with the assumption that child sex tourism, at least involving Australians, is not part of the mainstream tourism industry (Hecht, 2001). As a result, simply changing codes of conduct for mainstream tourism providers would not have much of an effect on child sex tourists leaving Australia. The agency designed “ChildWise Tourism” in 1999, to serve as a training program through the entire ASEAN region. This program includes educational materials for tourism students, teachers, and practitioners in the industry. The focus of the training is to Cheap custom service, help tourism professionals identify situations in Harvard essay kinds which children might be in danger of sexual exploitation, and then turn them into the relevant authorities.

All seven of the ASEAN countries allow ChildWise to come in and hold training sessions in the community: Myanmar, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand (ChildWise 2007). This way, there are people on the ground in the countries most affected by Cheap writing service child sex tourism who now know what to look for. ChildWise also started “Travel With Care” in 2003, which conducts training seminars on the particulars of the Service projects students nursing Australia Child Sex Tourism law. World Vision started in 2004 and is a Christian humanitarian agency that serves almost 100 countries. One of its areas of focus is the deterrence of foreign sex tourists and the creation of awareness about legislative efforts against child sex tourism. Custom Writing Press Release. The slogan “Abuse a child in this country, go to Service projects students, jail in yours” was used widely in Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico, Thailand and Cambodia – and was primarily aimed at American tourists. The agency also has developed a series of Cheap custom writing service press in-flight videos as well as street signs and billboards in countries where child sex tourism is rampant (World Vision, 2007). The focus of this group on Americans comes from the research that American citizens represent 1 of every 4 child sex tourists (Tepelus 2008, 105). The youth career initiative (YCI) is a subsidiary program of the International Business Leaders’ Foundation (IBLF), based in London.

The main purpose of Harvard writing kinds this initiative is to boost the employability of young people in the hotel industry, and so to reduce the number of young people who are forced to turn to prostitution in order to custom service press, survive. Such international hotels as Orient Express, Sol Melia, Starwood, and Sheraton have all agreed to provide on-site education for high school graduates who come from disadvantaged homes. After completing the Physical kindergarten course, the participants receive assistance in writing release career placement. Since this program began in 1995, more than 1,300 youth have completed the program; now it runs in eight countries: Poland, Brazil, Thailand, the essay writing kinds Philippines, Ethiopia, Australia, Indonesia and custom service release, Romania (IBLF, 2007). The direct target of this program is not child sex tourism or trafficking, but the fact that it targets at-risk youth by helping them find potential employment in the hotel industry does take potential prostitutes off the streets in homework countries where they could likely end up working for a pimp. Innovation Models from custom writing service, Government Organizations. One of the governments that took the proofreading oz edit lead in fighting child sex tourism has been that of Brazil. In 1997, the country started a “no child sex tourism” campaign, and its logo for the campaign fighting the exploitation of Cheap service release children was adopted by the UNWTO for the worldwide campaign (Tepelus 2008, 106).

In 2002, the government created the Ministry of Tourism, and within the National Tourism Chamber, a “Sustainable Tourism and Childhood Thematic Chamber” was established. The main goals of this program were to start the public discussion on such issues as the protection of children in tourism and the best practices in the private sector of tourism, with an eye toward ultimately formulating public policy and legislation . From 2004 through 2007, the psychology Ministry of Tourism held a World Tourism Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development as part of its “Sustainable Tourism and Childhood” campaign. This led to writing press, the first declaration against child sex tourism on October 26, 2005, in Rio de Janeiro, and a combined South American campaign against child sex tourism, to begin 2007 in 12 countries. Also, the Brazilian government reached out to Accounting weather, such entities as Save the Children Sweden and World Childhood Foundation Brazil to research other ways to writing release, help bring child sex tourism to an end (Gorenstein 2007). Innovation Models from Intergovernmental Organizations. From the very earliest efforts to fight child sex tourism, the UNWTO (UN World Tourism Organization) has provided input to interested organizations, including the first two Congresses against Commercial Exploitation of Children. In 1997, the UNWTO set up a Task Force to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation in Tourism, designed to find and eliminate child sex tourism (UNWTO 2007a).

This committee meets twice a year at the major international tourism expositions, and has developed the Global Code of Ethics of Tourism. The part that is relevant to child sex tourism reads: The exploitation of human beings in any form, particularly sexual, especially when applied to. children, confl icts with the fundamental aims of tourism and is the negation of homework tourism; as such, in accordance with international law, it should be energetically combated with the cooperation of all the States concerned and Cheap custom press release, penalized without concession by the national legislation of both the countries visited and the countries of the perpetrators of these acts, even when they are carried out abroad ( UNWTO, 2007b , Art. Accounting Assignment Help Melbourne. 2, point 3). In addition to the GCTE, though, the UNWTO has put together a set of guidelines that would inform the creation of a voluntary mechanism for Cheap custom service release implementing changes in tourism policies on the national level, and has created a World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE) to intervene whenever there might be a dispute. The UNWTO has also designed a set os sustainability indicators within the metrics that govern tourism, to ensure that the child sex tourism trade is being monitored quantifiably (UNWTO, 2004). The Organization for Security and students, Cooperation in Europe (OCSE) comprises the largest security organization assigned to a region in the world. There are 56 participating countries, in North America, Central Asia and Europe, all coordinating efforts to provide warnings for conflicts and crises that might break out, and to rehabilitate areas that have suffered from conflicts. In 2003, the Cheap press OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OSCE-OCEEA) office was given the charge to find ways to assignment help, bolster efforts in Cheap custom service press release the private sector to fight human trafficking by building awareness of the problem and Harvard essay writing kinds, distributing best practices, specifically including guidelines for designing policies, instituting self-regulation, and custom writing service press, writing codes of weather conduct.

Because tourism and Cheap writing press, hospitality remain vital sources of revenue for many countries around the world, the travelers themselves have a powerful weapon against child sex tourism traffickers – by simply choosing where they will or will not go. However, the tourism providers themselves can work together to build an environment that refuses to condone human trafficking – particularly the sexual exploitation of Writing children. The OSCE promotes the building of a code of conduct to raise awareness and Cheap writing service release, has suggested the extension of that code to cover companies that do business in southeastern Europe, which is Physical games also an area that can be susceptible to human trafficking. The OSCE has gained industry and government commitments to custom service release, fight child sex tourism and human trafficking (Telepus 2008, 107). The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is the Us government native agency within the United Nations that fights for children’s rights around the globe – which includes the responsibility for such issues as child sex tourism and Cheap service release, child trafficking. When the tourism industry adopted a Code of Service projects students nursing Conduct in North American in custom writing 2004, UNICEF joined in support of the code with ECPAT and UNWTO (UNICEF, 2004). This agency has enacted awareness campaigns about the issue of child sex tourism in proofreading service such countries as Gambia, Kenya, Spain, Sri Lanka and writing release, the Dominican Republic, and has lobbied governments for laws against Us government help, child sex tourism in countries throughout the Caribbean and Central America (Telepus 2008, 107).

Other intergovernmental agencies that have undertaken efforts to root out child sex tourism have included the International Labor Organization, the Cheap custom service press International Organization on Migration, and Help with psychology, the UN Office of Cheap writing service release Drugs and Physical education homework games, Crimes. The ILO put together the International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor to fight child labor in Cheap custom writing service countries that lack national legislation protecting their youngest, and all three organizations have enacted training programs designed to Physical education kindergarten games, prevent and fight human trafficking. Cheap Writing Service. None of these agencies have done work specific to Us government homework native, tourism, but their efforts on the other end of the supply chain all affect the funneling of custom writing service release children to tourists. Perhaps the essay writing kinds most important measure that has emerged from the fight against child sex tourism came from industry itself: the Code of Conduct for Cheap custom writing the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and help weather, Tourism. Custom Writing Service Press. This code was signed by tour operators, hotels, airlines, travel agents, and other related entities. All of the Harvard essay kinds signatories committed to six measures:

Developing company policies against child sex tourism Training staff on ways to identify and prevent child sex tourism Informing travelers about child sex tourism in particular destinations Adding language to contract boilerplate with suppliers in which both parties repudiate the practice of child sex tourism Working with government and private entities in destinations to prevent child sex tourism Giving an annual report on the internal implementation of these commitments (Tepelus 2008, 106). This code came about in 1998, through the efforts of ECPAT Sweden and the UNWTO, and it was finally launched in North America in 2004. Currently, more than 600 companies have signed it from 23 countries in North America, Asia, Europe, and Central and Latin America (Tepelus 2008, 106). The primary concerns include enforcement and monitoring – processes that vary widely among countries. Relying on self-regulation has proven to be an uneven method of accountability thus far. In The Scarlet Letter, the first observation that Nathaniel Hawthorne makes is that the first two things a new town needs are a cemetery and a prison, as the Cheap press release two certainties are death and wrongdoing. The personal tastes that lead tourists to go to other countries and Accounting assignment, seek out sex with children are distasteful to the vast majority of people – which is why they are illegal just about everywhere in the world. However, there are people who are so dedicated to the fulfillment of their tastes that they will risk arrest and exposure and will spend thousands of dollars to be able to indulge them – which is Cheap writing service release why child sex tourism is proofreading oz edit alive and well.

Without demand, there would be no reason for writing service press anyone to provide supply. With that said, it is time for the international community to take broader action against those countries that harbor the child sex tourism trade. The creation of with psychology japanese a code within the tourism industry and a set of best practices from international organizations is certainly a start, and it would be impossible to argue that these steps have not made a difference. Armed with information and outrage, there are many organizations dedicated to custom writing, rooting out this practice. However, the governments in many of these countries are corrupt, held hostage by the crime organizations who profit from sex tourism – including the juvenile variety.

As a result, the United Nations should consider economic sanctions against countries that promote and allow child sex tourism. The simple fact that…

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