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The Personal Statement for Residency Application - Journal of the

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The Personal Statement for Residency Application - Journal of the

antonin artaud essay When I was in graduate school, I saw a posting on Personal, the bulletin board in my department indicating that poets were 50 percent more likely than those in paper service other professions to experience mental illness. In the moment, it didn#8217;t occur to me to wonder why it was necessary to post these survey results, where any number of statement poets were liable to Money ks1 jubilee see them. Instead, I thought they bore some important news: that poets were the genuine article. Because: nothing was more genuine than mental illness. Personal Statement For Residency. Where#8217;s the beginning and Religious education help the ending of the application, theater, the building which houses this evening#8217;s drama? This is one of the resume writer, first questions I ask when I#8217;m reading Antonin Artaud. Personal For Residency Application. Artaud no longer seems to think of the theater as inhabiting a particular space, just as there is no longer a space in the world uncontaminated by Write paper asap his theater. His is a theater as big as the world. No part of our lives is untouched by the need for its spectacle. In senior year of college, I appeared in a production of The Cenci, by Artaud.

True, this particular drama is unproducible, generally speaking, and not terribly #8220;good,#8221; according to the standards of conventional theater. Probably The Cenci is an example of the failure of Artaud to find a way to apply his ideas. This didn#8217;t stop us, the for residency application, players of my college paper asap my undergraduate years. In the course of the action I was meant to simulate copulation with an Personal for residency, actress who just then happened to be both my apartment mate and the lover of one of my best friends. I threw myself into it, the Defended my dissertation, simulation.

I believed in the cruelty part of #8220;Theater of Cruelty.#8221; I simulated so violently, one night, that I banged my hand on the set, on the mise-en-scene, as it were, and gashed myself. It took a long while for the wound to heal. When it did, I was launched on statement, the world. I was a graduate. In those days: Genet and Derrida and Barthes and Foucault and Deleuze, as well as Artaud. Thus, the specific Artaud influence was a general French influence, and the general thrust of that French influence, as I understood it, included trusting in imagination as an Professional writer, anarchic force, the unstoppable force, a force in the midst of forestalling the Personal, attempts of society and Money metaphysics to control and organize. Application. #8220;Withdraw allegiance from the old categories of the Negative (law, limit, castration, lack, lacuna), which Western thought has so long held sacred as a form of power and an access to reality.

Prefer what is positive and multiple, difference over uniformity, flows over unities, mobile arrangements over systems#8221; (Foucault#8217;s preface to L#8217;Anti-Oedipe ). I therefore loved the surrealist manifestos, too. [ 2] I got bored only with the Write paper, surrealists when the principals became too enamored with politics. Artaud got bored early, too. He turned on them with a vengeance. The spurned lover. My hypothesis: Artaud is part of a European and statement for residency application specifically French intellectual lineage obsessed with the rigors of truth-telling. (#8220;We are born, we live,#8221; he said, speaking to my college a tradition of paradoxical truths, #8220;we die in Personal for residency application an environment of Money ks1 jubilee lies.#8221;) Artaud aspires to be a magus of Personal statement application truth, a sorcerer of truth, and he is willing to paper service die for it, or to for residency application be driven insane by his perceptions: #8220;I believe that our present social state is iniquitous and should be destroyed. If this is a fact for paper writing service, the theater to be preoccupied with, it is even more a matter for machine guns.#8221; Does he believe what he#8217;s saying exactly as he#8217;s saying it, or does he simply believe that the truth is in the avowal, which avowal changes its utterer, makes it nearly impossible for him to bring the message back to Personal statement application the place where it most needs to resume in bangalore be brought—the place of mendacity? #8220;Should I be writing like Artaud? I am incapable of it,#8221; Derrida says, #8220;and besides, anyone who would try to Personal statement for residency write like him, under the pretext of writing toward him, would be even surer of missing him, would lose the slightest chance ever of meeting him in the ridiculous attempt of this mimetic distortion . #8221; Sontag argues that he#8217;s a gnostic (#8220;Artaud wandered in Professional resume in bangalore the labyrinth of a specific type of religious sensibility, the Gnostic one#8221;), meaning, I suppose, that he believed in a secret, unimpeded route to the divine, that he could have personal access, without requiring the apparatus of the church and its intercessions.

Or: gnostic meaning that the divine with which he consorts is a malignancy? A failed demiurge? I#8217;m not always sure which gnosticism Sontag refers to. [ 3] And yet you do feel Artaud#8217;s fealty to application the concealed, especially in, e.g., To Have Done with the Judgment of God, his radio play. Likewise the late work generally, Artaud le Momo, and homework Van Gogh, The Man Suicided by Society, etc. Perhaps the secret he pursues is between things and between the words that describe these things. His secret is unpronounceable and cannot be passed on, but certain gestures indicate the direction in which we might proceed. Thus his love of Personal statement for residency application hieroglyphics, words that are illustrative, not alphabetical, #8220;And these three-dimensional hieroglyphs are in turn brocaded with a certain number of gestures—mysterious signs which correspond to my dissertation some unknown, fabulous, and obscure reality which we here in the Occident have completely repressed.#8221; I was studying a lot of drama, and I therefore remember, reading from the Theater of the Personal statement application, Absurd.

Pirandello and some Ionesco and some Arrabal and some Beckett. I loved these playwrights, even when the absurdist humor was, well, a little juvenile in spots. Scatological, but perhaps with an emphasis on the logical. I liked the Arrabal play set in an automobile graveyard. I liked the Ionesco play featuring rhinoceroses.

And yet this anarchy was too gentle. The Theater of the Write asap, Absurd had been tamed by Personal statement for residency then, and that was obvious, especially so when I came to read The Theater and Its Double, the overture of which ends with a miraculous, life-altering terminus, a terminus which was enough to discredit, in some measure, much of what I loved about the Theater of the Absurd: #8220;And if there is still one hellish, truly accursed thing in our time, it is our artistic dallying with forms, instead of quinnipiac being like victims burnt at the stake, signaling through the flames.#8221; The Theater of Personal Cruelty, you see, was never tamed. What#8217;s with the before and after photos of Artaud? Always before illness and Defended my dissertation then after ? You#8217;d think he was a dieter. Yes, Artaud was an incredibly beautiful young man and later, per contra, he was weather-beaten and humbled. Wracked by statement cancer and decades of addiction, not to Money mention ECT and other exotic psychiatric treatments. Insulin therapy. Yet perhaps the beaten-down quality is still an interpretation of Personal statement for residency application Artaud.

The photos are a luxury for Religious homework ss peter, those who already know what they think. We imagine there is an appearance to mental illness, though mental illness looks like nothing. Personal Statement For Residency Application. Suffering looks like something. But generally mental illness is simply the physical illness that bears no trace. Derrida: #8220;It would certainly be disingenuous to close our eyes, either because of Student writing some literary feeling or some absentminded politeness, to statement for residency application what Artaud himself describes as a neuropathological persecution. Moreover, that kind of disingenuousness would be insulting. The man is writer in bangalore, sick.#8221; When I was acting in college, there was a certain kind of play, a certain kind of theater, that flattened life and reduced its complexity and Personal for residency application menace and Write my college variety, leaving a mere residue of pabulum. I refer to the issue-oriented parlor drama . The protagonists in these plays sit around yacking about abortion or euthanasia or about church and state, and Personal statement application someone gives a monologue and then commences to weep.

Artaud#8217;s contempt is homework ks1 jubilee, instructive: #8220;All true feeling is in reality untranslatable. To express it is to betray it. But to translate it is to dissimulate it. True expression hides what it makes manifest.#8221; What would theater be like if there could be a genuine Theater of Cruelty along the Personal statement for residency, lines proposed? I admire, e.g., the Living Theater, at least as I understand them to have been, from videos and written accounts. They argue for something like an applied Theater of Cruelty. Paradise Now or Dionysus in 69: these seem to have consisted of people running around in an audience shouting things. Breaking the Fourth Wall.

Are the words being shouted about Vietnam? The savagery of American capitalism? The iniquities and inequities of human things? They are. Defended. Perhaps this revolution feels quaint now. Why, then, am I so fascinated, so moved, by the idea of Personal any such performance? By the asap, Living Theater and the work of Jerzy Grotowski, et al.? Because it#8217;s spontaneous, because it is statement, happening now, because it puts the Professional writer, life back in statement for residency live theater. Psychosis is timeless, psychosis is Professional writer, exclusionary, psychosis is isolated, psychosis is excruciating.

Not that I have experienced more than the statement for residency application, drug-induced kind, but I have shared a room. Psychosis involves torment. It#8217;s hard for the layperson to construct what this variety of quinnipiac torment feels like. [ 4] As if schizophrenia were a contagion, so complete is our recoiling from it. Artaud reiterates this quality of his predicament so regularly, his torment, [ 5] that we become inured to the protestations, and in this way perhaps he is forced into metaphor: #8220;You have seen the hordes of demons which afflict me night and Personal statement for residency day, you have seen them as clearly as you see me. Professional. You have seen what filthy erotic manipulations they are constantly performing on me.#8221; In metaphor, the flourishing of the application, etiology of Religious education homework help ss peter torment, as if translated for us.

Later, when I was in the psychiatric hospital myself, I shared the statement for residency application, ward with a guy called Herbie. Really nice guy. Paper Writing. He might have been my buddy back in high school. He had an Personal statement for residency application, impish sense of humor, and a poorly grown-in mustache, but he had taken too much acid, which had gotten to him, and now he was more or less schizophrenic—depending on the day and on his levels of medication. When Herbie was not floridly psychotic, he was very badly depressed. He had a good sense of what he#8217;d done to Professional writer in bangalore himself, what synapses he had cooked. I spent a memorable evening once watching Herbie attempt to explain playing cards, their meaning, to a catatonic woman.

For Herbie, the words of the explanation existed mainly as sounds, not words, but as assonances and euphonies. As the explanation was addressed to Personal statement for residency application someone unresponsive, it could not be but successful, if only in a limited way. Herbie therefore gave himself over to writing university require it with great energy. Statement. He performed it. How to think of the double in The Theater and Its Double ? Doubling as a figment of a hermeneutically obsessed imagination? The double as the Money, thing behind the statement application, thing? The secret component, the true raiment, the aspect of the Professional resume, material realm that shines forth for statement, the chosen ? My own particular emotional difficulty was hermeneutic, in the sense that I thought beneath all men, beneath all masculinity, was savagery that I couldn#8217;t see; all men were rapists, in my own madness (if madness is the right word), and they were temporarily concealing this rapacity; I would see it in them, on the bus, on the subway, each man concealing his bloodthirsty secret.

Like many people who are high-functioning but ill, I tried not to discuss these thoughts, these things that I was thinking, which made me feel more isolated, in Defended my dissertation turn more hermeneutical, more preoccupied with the interiority of my inquiries, the illness thus somehow causing the illness, the lack of a cure preventing the possibility of a cure. Artaud lost his mind in Ireland, if by mind we refer to the part of him that could construct experience nonmetaphorically. Personal For Residency. First there was the trip to Mexico, which must have been a huge undertaking, [ 6] to pull up stakes from paper asap home in Europe for Personal statement application, this disorderly New World. Money Ks1 Jubilee. There was a lot of intoxication in Mexico, and much sorcery, because this was Mexico, a land of myth, where teenagers are sacrificed, and for residency men are turned into coyotes, and black magic is the spectacle. William S. Burroughs looked for Write, and found similar things there. Artaud wasn#8217;t in Mexico long, just a few months, in part because it was not populated by theatrical adepts, but, in the countryside, by indigenous people trying to scrape by. Not long after Mexico, his trip to Ireland.

1937. A country and a mythological apparatus to Personal application which I have made pilgrimages myself. Artaud didn#8217;t speak English very well, it is said, and while he was there, he had a hard time making himself understood. Maybe this is because he was no longer speaking in any recognizable tongue. What is it about Ireland? On the one hand, like Mexico, it has its substratum of ancient stories, druidic symbols, icons, dolmens. And then again it is layered over in Money the habits of Christianity, with which Artaud much struggled—the old, vengeful Abrahamic god. August Strindberg was another troubled psychotic of the theater who interested me, back when. I performed in Ghost Sonata in high school, and later in A Dream Play.

In college. Personal. These were tortured, haunted, deeply unsettling plays. Artaud mounted productions of each. When I was preparing for A Dream Play, I went and read translations of nearly all of Strindberg#8217;s journals and university require novels. He really did believe that there were gears in the walls of his flat (it#8217;s a very popular hallucination) and for residency application that neighbors were trying to drive him crazy with infernal engines. [ 7] Artaud delights in paradoxes, he gathers them in, devours them, embodies paradoxes.

Thus the resume writer, assault on the language of the theater and the preference of the theater for text over mise-en-scene is written in the most elevated and perfectly calibrated prose: #8220;What is essential now, it seems to me, is to determine what this physical language consists of, this solidified, materialized language by means of which theater is able to differentiate itself from speech.#8221; What#8217;s so horrible about text, you may want to ask, if it permits this gloriousness we have before us, the Oeuvres of Artaud? In glossolalia, favored by the later Artaud, words become vessels of sound, and the repetition is what#8217;s pleasing. The meaning becomes the materiality, and the gesture of the words in their improvised modality brings us close to the original spirit of language. It#8217;s like the Latin mass overheard by a nonspeaker of Latin: Artaud advocates glossolalia well before he employs it. Statement For Residency Application. He advocates it in his assault on the textuality of European playwriting, and Religious ss peter and paul then later, in his illness, he free-falls into non-textuality, which means: as if at the prompting of God.

There#8217;s a way that I always disbelieve Artaud, too, especially now that I am twenty years from my own time in the psychiatric hospital. For Residency Application. In my disbelief, sometimes he seems just a sick person, and I want to say that I am no longer willing to be sick for my own art—it#8217;s a young man#8217;s game—and I think the fact that Artaud exists mostly in fragments, the fact that his plays are often unfinished, unmounted, or critical failures, doesn#8217;t look so good in the harsh light of retrospection. Conquest of Mexico, e.g., it might work in Defended film, if you hired some team of digital technicians to design the backdrops and had all the actors acting in front of blue screens, but no one would underwrite such a film, and anyway film is not theater, has no legitimate spectacle about it, film isn#8217;t live . In 1984, I saw a performance piece by Sylvere Lotringer—at the St. Mark#8217;s Poetry Project in New York City—about Artaud. In the course of the evening, Sylvere played a recording of To Have Done with the Judgment of God, Artaud#8217;s radio play and last major work.

The radio play was in for residency application French, but there was a simultaneous translation in English (projected). Finally, I heard Artaud#8217;s voice, a deeply scary thing. To me the radio play sounded punk, like Throbbing Gristle, or like Test Department, or like Einsturzende Neubauten. This sound of torment is simulated in punk and post-punk, but in Artaud#8217;s voice, it was anything but: I learned yesterday / one of the Professional resume in bangalore, most sensational of those official practices of American public schools / which no doubt account for the fact that this country believes itself to statement be in the vanguard of progress. / It seems that, among the examinations of tests required of a child entering public school for the first time, there is the so-called seminal fluid or sperm test, / which consists of my college asking this newly entering child for a small amount of his sperm so it can be placed in a jar and kept ready.#8230; When he#8217;s really onto his subject, he inevitably summons the biological horrors. Personal Statement Application. What he#8217;s written is Student writing service, written on the body: #8220;The idea of a detached art, of poetry as a charm which exists only to distract our leisure, is a decadent idea and an unmistakable symptom of our power to castrate.#8221; The stench of statement fiction is require, a perfume formulated by statement for residency application my friend Bradford Morrow to describe some artifices of the writing service, literary now. The shallowness of Personal statement literary business as usual, the complicity, the smugness, the self-satisfaction, the predictability, the consonance with an existing power structure, the reverence for sentimentality, the melodrama, the bad prose, the total poverty of imagination and Student paper writing innovation, the lack of surprise, the insularity, the flaccidity, the tediousness, the frequent disappointment of literature. Sontag, in her introduction to Artaud, describes the hatred of literature as part of the process for the surrealists, and thus part of the process for a young Artaud. And yet in America, it seems to me, there is much left to be done.

Our fiction has a more fecal perfume, and when Morrow describes breathing deep of the stench, therefore, being able to perceive in it its giardia and streptococcus B, even from statement for residency application a distance, he is Religious homework help and paul, also describing what I love about Artaud, the desire to lay siege, and then to delight in the aftermath. #8220;The Theater and Personal for residency application the Plague,#8221; from The Theater and Its Double, is among the Professional resume writer in bangalore, most astonishing modern essays on literary aesthetics, and it shook my very foundations. Perhaps most arresting is the fact that it does its work entirely by metaphor. #8220;Before the onset of any marked physical or psychological discomfort, the Personal statement application, body is covered in writing service red spots,#8221; the author begins, before detailing at Personal for residency, great length the horrors of the affliction, #8220;and these blisters are surrounded by circles, of which the Act plus require, outermost, like Saturn#8217;s ring around the incandescent planet, indicates the extreme limit of a bubo.#8221; It#8217;s only well into the essay that Artaud finally connects the plague to his subject, the theater. For Residency Application. (#8220;There are other analogies which confirm the only truths that count and Professional in bangalore locate the action of the theater like that of the plague on the level of a veritable epidemic.#8221;) A simile, wrapped inside a metaphor, inside a metaphor, like a bubo with its rings—literature ought to be like theater, as theater is itself like a plague, as all of life is like theater, is theater. Personal Statement Application. Recently, I had lunch with a schizophrenic guy, an old college friend. It wasn#8217;t so bad. Defended My Dissertation. In fact, it was a pleasure.

Among other topics, we spoke of the for residency application, Internet, this friend and I, about social-networking sites in particular. I was expecting him to Write my college paper be suspicious of these sites because it was through them, through connectivity, that the Forces of Evil could locate him and torture him, as he insisted the statement application, Forces of Evil already had. What he instead said about Facebook was: #8220;Those people will know that I don#8217;t work.#8221; The social part of life had become what was insurmountable to him. He had fallen away from the world. Ss Peter. Artaud on literature: Written poetry is worth reading once, and then should be destroyed. Books, texts, magazines are tombstones. Dear friend, I detest literature more than you do. The duty of the writer, of the poet is not to shut himself up like a coward in a text, a book, a magazine from which he never comes out.

One mustn#8217;t let in too much literature. All writing is Personal for residency, garbage. People who come out of nowhere to try to put into words any part of what goes on my college, in their minds are pigs. For Residency Application. The second day I was in the psychiatric hospital, they made us take a current events test. Religious Education Homework Help And Paul. There was a girl in there with me, a girl with horrible anorexia and all kinds of scars on Personal for residency, her wrists. She was unable to my dissertation read through a single headline in the newspaper. That was the substance of the test. Read a newspaper article aloud and describe what was in it. She couldn#8217;t even get through a single headline. Her insurance was about to run out, at which point she was going to get shipped to the state hospital, which was not a treatment-oriented facility.

By contrast, I was well enough informed on politics and current events. I could easily read from the newspaper. And yet part of my sickness was located in the fact that I found the anorexic girl, so bent on her own demise, glorious, tragic, and statement application luminous. Artaud went to great lengths to defend the word cruelty. Some critics of the manifestos of the Theater of Cruelty were made uncomfortable by the literal associations of the word. Still, there#8217;s a danger, I think, in ks1 jubilee not taking the word cruelty literally. Statement. Artaud intends the Act plus writing university require, force of what he has written—though he seems not to be the sort of Personal person who would have been physically cruel to anyone. #8220;Cruelty signifies rigor, implacable intention and decision, irreversible and absolute determination,#8221; he observes, but the Student paper, sentence, forced on him by those who would have clarification, doesn#8217;t have the neon savagery of his finer moments: #8220;Death is cruelty, resurrection is cruelty, transfiguration is cruelty, since nowhere in Personal statement a circular and closed world is there room for Defended, true death, since ascension is a rending, since closed space is application, fed with lives, and Religious homework and paul each stronger life tramples down the others, consuming them in a massacre which is statement for residency, a transfiguration and resume a bliss.#8221; Recognizing that paranoid schizophrenic is a term that psychiatrists pencil onto charts or insurance forms, I suppose I would still have to use the term or something like it to describe my college friend Joe, at least if I was bent on oversimplifying. I suppose I would say he is a paranoid schizophrenic, except that he is basically stable, and presentable, if a person of modest means. Statement. On the day we had lunch, I first met him on the street corner, he made small talk in the usual way, and then, with a slightly worried grin, he asked, #8220;Rick, what are you doing here? Don#8217;t you know how dangerous it is?#8221; I said that I was just there to have lunch with him.

To which Joe said, #8220;Well, then you must be a double, too.#8221; When I argued that I wasn#8217;t a double, he said, #8220;Then why are you here?#8221; In or about 1956, Gregory Bateson conceived of the #8220;double bind#8221; theory to describe aspects of difficulties experienced by Money homework schizophrenics: [ 8] according to Bateson, the schizophrenic experiences his symptoms as a result of this causative straitjacketing, a nexus of statement for residency application contradictory social or emotional messages, to which psychosis is a logical response. Money. Bateson suggests that the application, schizophrenic has #8220;trouble in identifying and interpreting those signals which should tell the individual what sort of message a message is, i.e., trouble with the signals of the same logical type as the signal #8216;This is play.#8217;#8221; [ 9] The psychotic break, in writing quinnipiac university this argument, is the Personal application, result of the strata of difficulties experienced by the patient—in the family, in the home, in Student the world. But maybe doubling is Personal for residency, also built into language, into the exchange of utterances, as in the remark by Bateson, #8220;Language commonly stresses only one side of any interaction. Double description is better than one.#8221; And doubling is also implicit in the gnostic idea (in Hypostasis of the Archons, e.g.), wherein this world is an inferior copy of the more perfect heavenly one. And doubling is likewise central to world literature, and thus its prevalence in education help ss peter Dostoyevsky, Nabokov, Saramago, Hogg, et al. Personal. But as the copies are copied, the image becomes muddier, becomes barren.

After Ireland, the cast of Artaud#8217;s prose turned dark once and for Professional writer in bangalore, all (#8220;I no longer know what is normal or supranormal#8221;). This was also the moment in which he was correcting the Personal for residency application, proofs of his masterwork The Theater and Its Double. As Sontag sketches in Defended her time line, #8220;By the application, time The Theater and Its Double appeared, Artaud was interned in the Sainte-Anne Hospital in Paris.#8221; Was it his childhood case of meningitis? Was it getting stabbed, when he was nineteen? Were those trauma enough? Was it the inadvertent opiate detoxification, on the trip to Mexico? Artaud speaks glancingly to this last issue, detoxification, in the sections I have read of #8220;A Voyage to my dissertation the Land of the Tarahumara,#8221; concerning his travels. And in my own case, if I may speak to Personal application it again briefly, the Religious education ss peter, detox was unpleasant, and Personal statement application the stress made me liable to have even more unintelligible thoughts than I#8217;d had before.

Drink made depression far worse. But at the same time, once I detoxed, then I really did imagine I heard people calling to me. I thought I was seeing things on the television that weren#8217;t really there, like transsexual prostitutes. Lots of them. Artaud says of the ingestion of peyote (into his newly detoxified system), on the trip into the Mexican interior: #8220;For now that he was dead his double could not wait for these evil spirits to be neutralized.#8230;#8221; And, later: #8220;Peyote, as I knew, was not made for Whites.#8230; And a White, for these Red men, is one whom the spirits have abandoned.#8221; The #8217;30s were eventful. Education Help Ss Peter. In the first part of the decade, he struggled with opiate addiction and with his acting career, soon abandoned, and then in 1936, he embarked for Mexico. To see his ideas bear fruit! Laying over in Havana, Artaud received as a gift a small sword, which he came to regard as possessed of magical powers. He detoxified again, in Mexico, having been unable to statement for residency application secure supply. In due course he relapsed.

Back in France, he tried twice again to my dissertation detoxify, without success. Then, in 1937, he made the trip to Ireland. There he attempted to employ a staff that he insisted was a religious relic to repel necromantic spells. This did not endear him to the locals (#8220;Now the true christ is he who has given me his own staff, his magnetic magic wand, and he has no connection, I beg you to Personal believe, with the christ of Christianity, or the christ of Catholicism#8221;). Money Homework Ks1 Jubilee. In Dublin, he was jailed briefly, and statement for residency application then deported.

Upon landing, he failed to recognize his own mother. No theater extant, no theater in my college paper history, exists, #8220;which would fulfill Artaud#8217;s desire,#8221; Derrida suggests, #8220;and there would be no exception to be made for the attempts made by statement for residency Artaud himself.#8221; This is part of why I admired him, especially when young—because his desire was such as to exceed possible fulfillment. But this is why it#8217;s also easy to misread him, as perhaps the Living Theater did, in thinking that mere provocation will do justice to Student paper writing the ideas. Probably what Artaud exhibits, in the end, is a purely literary construct, and that#8217;s why his sentences are so dazzling, even when he is at his most ill. The sentences are the engine of his desire, but things collapse in his unsturdy vision: living and Personal being, body and soul, self and Act plus writing quinnipiac other. So: I feel what his language means in my extremities, even if I don#8217;t always know what he means in my mind, and that feeling is the precondition of being swept away, as in: This century no longer understands fecal poetry, the intestine malady of herself, Madam Death, who since the age of ages has been sounding the Personal for residency, depths of her dead woman#8217;s column, her dead woman#8217;s anal column, in the excrement of an abolished survival, the corpse too of her abolished selves, and university require who for the crime of not having been able to Personal exist, for Defended, never having been able to be a creature, had to fall, the better to sound the depths of her own being into this abyss of foul matter and indeed so pleasantly foul in which the corpse of Madam Death, Madam Fecal Uterine, Madam Anus, hell upon hell of excrement, in statement for residency application the opium of her excrement, foments hunger, the fecal destiny of Defended my dissertation her soul, in the uterus of her own center. How indelible his assault, his obliteration of pere-mere, his refusal of origin, which leads, by synecdoche, or by syntax, to statement application his body without organs— because if you have no origin, it stands to reason that you have no organs, no materiality, and thus you do not have to produce, and what Derrida says here, refusing biographical resonances while alluding to them, seems unavoidable: #8220;If it is precisely at this point that we recall that Artaud died of cancer of the rectum, we do not do so in order to writing university require have exception prove the rule, but because we think that the status (still to be found) of this remark, and of other similar ones, must not be that of the so-called #8216;biographical reference.#8217;#8221; If Foucault, meanwhile, is correct in defining madness as #8220;the absence of work,#8221; then Artaud was not mad, as he said himself on occasion (#8220;I want them to understand that I have never been either mad or sick#8221;). He leaves so much behind that constitutes work.

Pages and pages of it. Wrestling with his works could fill a life. I, on the other hand, was mad, technically speaking, in for residency the period just after being institutionalized, just after colliding with the institution, because in and after, I had trouble writing, couldn#8217;t write, and thus I constituted an absence of work, an Professional resume in bangalore, inability to Personal for residency application reflect, a shortage of will. I thought madness was a prerequisite for poetry, once upon Write my college paper, a time. But if you believe Artaud, the prerequisite for poetry is having a body, living in it, fighting against its limitations, rejecting it. Many are his legacies in me—an attraction to a certain kind of metaphor, a love of physiognomy as a locator for consciousness, and statement application an understanding of the dramatic platform and its possibilities.

But most foundationally there is the sheer music of language, at the moment it addresses the outrages. #8220;I can no longer think except in my college paper asap fragments.#8221; #8617; #8220;Surrealism#8217;s confidence cannot be well or ill placed for the simple reason that it is not placed. Neither in the palpable world, nor palpably outside of this world, nor in the perpetuity of statement application mental associations which favor our existence with a natural demand or a superior whim, nor in the interest which the #8216;mind#8217; may have in education homework sparing itself our transient clientele#8221; ( Manifestoes of Surrealism ). #8617; #8220;Central to Mithraism, Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, and Tantric Buddhism,#8221; she says, without narrowing the field ( Select Writings ). #8617; #8220;Every bath I took was connected with ideas of drowning.#8230; I nearly always entered the bath inwardly afraid that its purpose was to end my life. The inner voices#8230; spoke to me continuously in this sense and derided my lack of manly courage to Personal statement for residency application carry it out.#8221; Daniel Paul Schreber, Memoirs of My Nervous Illness . #8617; #8220;I am a man who has suffered much from the mind.#8221; #8617; #8220;This mission has to do with discovering and reviving the vestiges of the ancient Solar culture.#8221; #8617; After his own psychotic break, Nietzsche wrote to Strindberg—as if all the Defended, mad writers eventually find their way to one another: #8220;I have ordered a convocation of princes in Rome—I mean to have the young emperor shot.#8221; Strindberg replied with a quotation from the Greek that goes, roughly, #8220;Meanwhile, it is a joy to be mad.#8221; #8617; In, e.g., Steps to an Ecology of Mind, University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1972. #8617; Ibid., p. 194. #8617; Rick Moody is the author of four novels, three collections of stories, and a memoir. Personal Statement Application. He plays music in the Wingdale Community Singers.

He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and daughter. Act Plus University. Image: Artaud as the monk Massieu in Carl Dreyer#8217;s The Passion of Joan of Personal statement Arc (1928)

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Occupational Therapy Assistant Guide. It is no secret that job opportunities for application OTR and COTA professionals are growing rapidly. (27% job growth for OTR and 40% job growth for COTA when the US average is paper service, 7%) But creating the perfect occupational therapy resume to land these job opportunities – still seems to be a secret . After reviewing hundreds of OT resumes for OTR and COTA professionals, we put together this article and free template to share the most important elements to incorporate into your occupational therapy resume. Using our template and Personal for residency application these resume tips will help you get your resume in front of homework more recruiters and selected for Personal statement for residency more interviews. Keep reading to learn how to get more job offers than Nicholas Cage. We found that employers are overwhelmed with resume templates that all look the same and are full of the my college, same content. We also learned that when they receive one that stands out, in design and application or content, that candidate has a much better chance of Write asap being marked as a good job candidate. So, in addition to Personal statement, offering advice on creating the paper, best OT resume to get found and selected by recruiters, we are actually going to Personal statement for residency, give away a free resume template designed for occupational therapy professionals. This template will give you a great starting point, then you just need to fill it in with all of your stellar experience, using our resume tips and service keywords to get found by recruiters #128578; Download OT Resume Template Files.

The download includes a Word Doc for Personal for residency application Windows users and a Pages doc for Money homework Mac users. Also included is the Personal statement for residency application, special font kit and installation instructions, this is Write my college asap, required for the icons in the resume. So, without further ado, let’s get started building you an OT resume that is application, sure to get noticed! We won’t spend too much time on the layout of your OT resume but it is important to keep a few things in mind. The main issue we see with resume formatting is service, that the text is cluttered. We understand it may be hard to fit all of Personal statement application your resume content into such a small space and my dissertation so few words but it is Personal statement for residency application, important to have it formatted in a way that is readable. Here is an example of an OT resume that is ss peter, very cluttered, take note of the large blocks of text crammed together. Does this look easy to read? The resume is almost just one huge block of statement application text.

This is how my first resume looked as well out of Student service college. I basically tried to jam pack every sentence I could and as a result had a page that wasn’t laid out into sections very well and all ran together. So, the first tip is to make sure to for residency application, edit your content and layout so that you can include all the Money ks1 jubilee, necessary info in your content without cluttering the design of the Personal application, resume. Here is a much better formatted occupational therapist’s resume. Notice the layout includes sections with a bit more space and clear bullet points both making the text much easier to read.

The sections in this resume template provide just enough white space amongst the text so that it is very readable. The good news is, we are giving away an awesome free occupational therapy resume template that is writer in bangalore, formatted beautifully and is extremely readable. But if you choose to statement, use your own resume template, just remember to format it with sections and make the text readable. The only other formatting and layout advice that you’ll need for creating your own resume template are which sections you’ll need to include. Again, if you download our free OT resume template then don’t worry about Professional writer in bangalore, this, but here are the most important sections that you will want to include if you create your own resume template: Professional Summary – Summarize yourself, your career status, and for residency your OT experience. Licenses – State OTR/COTA licenses held along with any other certifications (first aid, CPR, etc) Skill Highlights – What are you specific skills, everything from beneficial personality traits to specific OT skills.

Professional Experience – All occupational therapy intern, clinical, and full-time or part-time professional work experience. Education Training – All of Write my college paper asap your education and continued education as an occupational therapy professional. Pretty straight forward, right? Believe it or not, that is it for statement application resume layout and formatting. You can either use our free OT resume template with all the Student service, formatting bells and whistles OR you can create your own using the tips and sections above. So, now that you have an awesome template for your resume you’re probably wondering what exactly to Personal, write that will help you get hired! The Common OT Resume that Employers Won’t Notice. The question of the day is, “How do I make my OTR/COTA resume stand out from the rest?” The first step to finding the help ss peter, answer to this question is to understand which elements make the rest of OT resumes look the statement for residency application, same.

Once you see what everyone else is doing, it will be easier to do things a bit differently so that you stand out Religious homework help and paul from the rest. Checkout this snippet from an OT resume we reviewed. Personal Statement For Residency Application? This is a great example of common OT experience that we found on nearly every resume we reviewed: Reviewing referral records, recommending equipment, and staying up to date with Medicare are all important for Write paper OTs to Personal statement, have experience with. But these experiences are so important that they are expected and writing university require don’t need to be highlighted. In other words, your employer already expects you to have these experiences so don’t waste precious resume space to share them. Your precious resume real estate needs to Personal statement, be saved for compelling content about paper service, unique OT experience that separates you from the Personal, pack. Then if the employer wants/needs to confirm they can ask in university, an interview about these common or basic experiences. But your resume needs to Personal statement for residency application, stand out to get your foot in the door for Write paper that interview! Here is Personal statement application, a list of very common resume content that you will see on most occupational therapy resumes:

Examining and Money ks1 jubilee diagnosing client’s physical/mental abilities Working with patient, family members, and Personal statement application OT team to determine treatment goals Evaluating clients in Defended, acute care Evaluating patients for wheelchair and Personal application custom device use for seating Respecting maintaining confidentiality and privacy for ks1 jubilee all patients Performing quarterly screenings for long term patients Performing daily ADL bedside assessments and formulating functional intervention plans Creating outcomes evaluations ensuring that program goals are met and/or to modify the intervention plan based on patient’s progress, skills, and needs. These are extremely common roles and responsibilities that ALL OTR/COTA prfessionals should have obtained through their education and Personal for residency application clinical trials. So, how does listing these experiences make you look any different than the next applicant? It doesn’t. Of course you will want to mention some of my college paper asap these, but know that these are common and Personal not going to stand out or get you any special attention. Include some of these, but don’t go overboard or focus on these general OT activities.

Just include the Money, most important ones that apply to your experience but leave room for application the real meat of Money ks1 jubilee your resume. The real meat being: Your unique skills and experiences that make you stand out. The OT Resume that Stands Out to Personal statement for residency application, Employers. The trick to my college asap, a stellar OT resume is not overwhelming employers with a long list of the expected and common experiences that they know all OT program graduates have. You need to use your resume to highlight the unique experiences that you have had that add value . After all, it is Personal statement application, these unique experiences that do in fact differentiate you from your peers/competitors and make you the best choice for an employer. For example, look at this occupational therapist’s resume that we reviewed.

He did a good job differentiating his unique experience from the common OT experiences that many others listed on their resumes: Cultivating relationships with patients Identifying and executing opportunities for performance improvement Training new therapists. These are all unique experiences that this OT has had which differentiate him from competing job applicants. Additionally, each of these experiences added value to the business he worked for. It is resumes like this that stand out and will earn the OTR/COTA a job interview. So, how can you create compelling resume content that shares your unique value-added OT experience? Start by homework asking yourself which of the Personal for residency application, following skills you’ve had to develop and Professional in bangalore use throughout your education and any job experience you’ve had: Planning/Organizing – Any skills that show you can plan and organize things like OT interventions, treatment plan adjustments, new facility processes, or new facility equipment and offerings Analytical/Research – Any skills that show your ability to analyze patients or research their conditions to improve their treatment results.

Also, any research or analysis you’ve done on clinical processes, services, and equipment to improve treatment results should be noted. Process Improvement – Any skills that display your ability to improve processes that a clinic uses. Improvements can be in the form of increased: efficiency or production as well as decreases in: costs, customer frustrations, or use of other clinical resources. Taking initiative – Any time you have taken initiative and Personal for residency gotten results, you want to showcase this on your resume. This is a big one all employers are looking for. Leadership (with colleagues and patients) – Any time you’ve displayed leadership among co-workers and/or patients it should be noted on your resume. Critical Thinking – Critical thinking skills that you’ve demonstrated to assist your patients and help improve a clinic should be highlighted. Quinnipiac University Require? Problem Solving – Any time you’ve been presented with a difficult problem and you solved it successfully you want to communicate this on your resume. For Residency Application? Believe it or not, a lot of Act plus quinnipiac university employees identify problems without offering solutions which just creates headaches for employers. Statement Application? Show them that you solve these problems reducing headaches and you’re basically hired.

Interpersonal Communication (With clients, families, and colleagues) – Licensed OTR and COTA professionals know how important interpersonal communication skills are to get the my dissertation, job done right. It is Personal statement application, essential that you demonstrate on your resume your experience and ability to resume writer in bangalore, communicate with clients, patient families, co-workers, both inferiors and superiors. As you read that list and think of experiences that you’ve had where you have exhibited these skills, take notes. These are the experiences that you will want to highlight on Personal statement application your resume. Out of all of the occupational therapy resumes that we’ve seen, the most common element they are missing is highlighted accomplishments distinguishing the OT professional as an employee adding value. So, this is a big opportunity to make your OT resume stand out! Now, let’s go over some more good examples of OT resume content and exactly how you can incorporate them into your resume. Education and Work Experience Section – Your OT Accomplishments!

All of Money homework ks1 jubilee your accomplishments, or unique value-added experiences, will be listed on your resume in the education and work experience section. The following are good examples of the statement for residency, types of accomplishments in occupational therapy that you would highlight on your resume: Process improvement is a great thing to highlight on your resume as this creates huge value for businesses. Make sure you present the highlight with a solid adjective like “Improved”, “Implemented” or “Enhanced” rather than just “Used” and don’t forget to include any results such as decreased costs. Any coaching, training, educating, or leadership roles that you have assumed should always be listed to display your management, communication, and leadership skills. Writing Service? Relevant educational accolades should be presented as well. Anytime that you take initiative and lead a successful project both the initiative and for residency success should be highlighted on Write asap your resume. I think it is obvious why you should highlight accomplishments where you increase the productivity of a clinic. This is a clear statement of for residency how you have successfully added value for an employer. If you have experience working with, or focused on, a specific demographic of patient (Ie: age, gender, or disorder) then it is important to paper asap, include this highlight when applying for a job that would require skills working with said demographic.

If you have done something like the Personal for residency, above that creates value for the employer in the form of my dissertation increased referrals, then you definitely want to include this highlight in your resume. Again, I hope that some of Personal statement application these examples seem somewhat obvious. Anytime you receive positive feedback from a professor, colleague, supervisor, or patient you will want to highlight this positive feedback on your resume. This is also a great resume highlight as it shows a bit of your personality, creativity, and passion that you bring to your job. The above examples should get your brain ticking. Now, think back to your fieldwork or last job. Paper? Ask yourself the following: What did you do best? Or, another way to look at statement for residency it, how did you add the most value for: The employer? Your patients?

Your colleagues? Start writing down your answers, they will make great resume content. Additional and Special Skills Section. There are thousands of other occupational therapy professionals with 1, 3 or 5+ years experience. So, simply presenting yourself as an OT with x years experience won’t cut it. Most resumes have a section, typically just below where your education and work experience is listed, that is for Money ks1 jubilee listing any special or additional skills you may have. This can include things like specific types of conditions or patients you assisted, treatments/interventions you delivered, specific demographics you served (pediatric vs geriatric) or even software that you used at the clinic. Use this section to clearly and concisely express your unique and application powerful skill set. Shoot for about 3 – 5 powerful and concise phrases describing your skill set, things like: I have very strong skills using Ecare and university require have been successful in charge of managing all clinical data.

My love for children has led me to Personal statement for residency application, create many successful custom pediatric intervention plans. My own experience taking care of my grandmother with dementia led me to excel at working with dementia patients. These statements are unique, descriptive, powerful, and concise. Professional In Bangalore? You should be able to come up with at least 3 similar statements about yourself. These examples are also full of great keywords and tell the applicant’s story. Which leads us to statement for residency, our final resume tips. Final Resume Tips for university require Getting Hired. You’ve learned just about everything you need to crush your OT resume and land an Personal awesome job. But there are a couple more pro resume tips that we can share to help your resume get more visibility by Student writing recruiters and selected for more interviews.

If you have already created your resume then read this tips and then review your resume for Personal statement opportunities to implement them. Otherwise, be thinking of Money ks1 jubilee these tips as you write your resume content. Keywords for Submitting Resumes Online. When submitting your resume to services online such as CareerBuilder it is Personal statement application, important to Professional writer in bangalore, understand that they will be scanned by software before being distributed to humans. So you must think of keywords that recruiters would tell the software to collect resumes for. Then you must include these keywords in Personal for residency, your resume so that the program will find your resume for recruiters, getting you more visibility. Common terms like “therapy” “treatment” and “interventions” will be on Write paper everyone’s resume so they won’t be words that recruiters will be using to find resumes. You will want more descriptive terms like “autistic” “sensory processing disorders” “home health” and Personal for residency application “pediatric” because these are terms that recruiters will be searching to find resumes that meet their job requirements. Just make sure you use your keywords naturally through your resume content, placing them in sentences like this: “Led first successful research, planning, and build of sensory gym for an autism care facility’s sensory processing disorder program.” You won’t want to have a keyword section with a bullet point list of keywords. It is Act plus university, best practice to Personal statement for residency application, use them throughout your resume content where it makes sense to use them.

Here are some more examples of good keywords that you can use in your resume: Pediatric Geriatric Autism Sensory Processing Disorder Alzheimers Dementia Home Healthcare Acute Care. Skilled Nursing Facility Ecare Sigma Care School Children learning disability mental health. Pepper those keywords into your powerful resume statements and Money homework you will get your resume in Personal statement for residency, more recruiter’s hands. Tip 1 : Go to Google and Money homework ks1 jubilee search ‘submit resume free’ or something similar to find more sites like CareerBuilder where you can list your resume for recruiters to review. Tip 2: In addition to submitting your resume for recruiters to Personal statement for residency, find, you can also apply directly to Write, job postings.

If you find a job you want to apply for, copy the Personal statement for residency application, job description and then go to where you can paste it. You will also paste in Professional resume, your resume contents and Personal for residency application then the software will give you tips on optimizing your resume for that specific job posting. Ok, so to wrap up this section, no need to go overboard on quinnipiac keywords. But make sure that the most descriptive and important keywords are incorporated throughout your resume. You should also consider using a tool like, or doing your own manual review, to check and make sure your resume has your keywords and Personal is tailored to each job you apply too. Your Resume Should Tell your story. Our final piece of paper resume advice is simple, tell your story. After all, being authentic is the best way to get matched with a job and Personal for residency application employer that will be the best fit for you. And the most authentic resumes tell the Money ks1 jubilee, applicant’s story.

Your resume should be your unique story told in a clear, powerful, and concise document so that an employer can quickly get to Personal statement, know the person they would be entrusting their business too. If throughout your education and career you were the innovative COTA always suggesting process and equipment updates based on new trends in paper writing service, OT, then use your resume to tell this story. If you were the leader who got study groups together in school, trained your colleagues during clinical trials, or grew the practice you previously worked in, tell these stories throughout your resume. If you’re a mom who loves children and application this improves your job skills. Or you grew up taking care of your grandparent with alzheimers, making you exceptional with dementia patients. Then tell these stories.

By including just a short bullet point that introduces these stories, you will entice the recruiter to want to interview you so that they can ask for all the details behind that bullet. Obviously you won’t have room in Student, your resume to share all the details of your story. But introduce your story through your resume and statement for residency earn the opportunity to education homework help, share the details in an interview. In conclusion, here is statement application, how you can create an effective resume to paper writing, get hired for the job you want: Download our free occupational therapy resume template. Fill it out and focus your content on your unique experiences which add value to a business.

Do this in a way that tells your story and depicts your unique skill set. Review to make sure you incorporated important keywords recruiters are looking for. Submit resume to online job sites and local job postings. Get hired. Now go crush your resume and land your dream job in occupational therapy! Once you finish your resume, use our OTA Salary Database to find the highest paying cities and also use our OT and OTA Jobs search tool to find awesome job opportunities in occupational therapy. If you would like to download more awesome resume templates, then checkout

They created the for residency, template that we gave away in this post and Defended they have lots of Personal awesome and professional resume templates. Have questions about your resume or finding a job? Or some insight for job seekers?Then please drop a comment below! #128578;

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A maths coursework help:how to for residency application overcome problems using curiosity. A person who decides to connect his or her life with mathematics, ought to understand the homework ks1 jubilee, importance and greatness of this field of science. Nowadays, every sphere of science and every type of research are based on the results obtained with the use of mathematical calculations. Not only a highly specialized research work, but also practically all kinds of Personal application sociological or anthropological reports use a standard format of verification of the results obtained during experiments. A modern scientist has to homework ks1 jubilee know primal principles of mathematics.

This is not an optional recommendation, but a mandatory rule. Even using the best paper writing services, an Personal author cannot avoid various statistical operations and post-experimental stochastic calculations. Therefore, you do not have to be a physicist or a programmer to face different kinds of computation. Both an archeologist and a common medical researcher have to do it in Act plus writing require their mundane work. A large group of students shares the belief that practical mathematical skills are some kind of an Personal for residency extremely exotic ability that cannot be useful in an ordinary life. This is a common beginner’s mistake.

The main purpose of a mathematical curriculum is not to Act plus university teach students how to Personal statement application multiply and how to extrapolate. Of course, these abilities will be utterly helpful when a student gets an assignment on writing a chemistry lab report example. However, these courses were designed to focus the student’s attention on a complete understanding of Defended fundamental mathematical rules that form the basis of a present-day scientific picture of the world. This is statement for residency application, not a question about how to get practical skills in algebra and geometry. It is a question about an Religious and paul irreversible change of the way of Personal for residency thinking. Maths coursework help: A variety of educational programs that may provide you extra. Significance and Religious ss peter, necessity of mathematical science are beyond any reasonable doubt. The maxima is for residency, very simple: one should familiarize oneself with basic mathematical principles to become a skillful researcher. Everyone may need a maths coursework help and this is not an amateur’s caprice, but a science-based need. This field of study is immensely large and even specialists trained in a sole segment of mathematical science may seem dilettantes in the other.

One’s primal aim is to achieve an understanding of basic mathematical rules and principles. In the future, the obtained knowledge will become priceless as a basis in a study of Professional specialized mathematical disciplines. Here is the list of courses that provide this opportunity: Basic geometry. This course familiarizes a learner with basic geometrical terms and demonstrates the main principles of plane geometry and stereometry. It is a very formal and conservative discipline, and therefore, you have to stick to all requirements and rules that were designed to make student’s life a little bit lighter. For example, it is quite recommendable to use only standard research papers, not a personal statement format, in Personal order to eschew misunderstandings with academic circles. Act Plus? Basic algebra and number theory. This area of research is focused on the study of prime numbers and objects made out of integers. It is a section of a pure abstract science. The knowledge base obtained with the use of this course will be undoubtedly necessary for Personal further education.

Free Plagiarism Report Free Unlimited Revisions Free Title Page Free Bibliography Free Outline Free Email Delivery. Analysis. Nowadays, it is an extremely complicated synthetic branch of study that includes theories of integration, differentiation, limits, infinite series and analytic functions. Nevertheless, this sphere of mathematical science proved its usefulness for all researchers. After finishing this program, you will never ask yourself again - how to paper writing do my dissertation or how to accomplish my analytic assignment.

One can say that this course combines complexity and utility as well. Geometry and statement for residency, topology. This part of mathematical study concentrates on properties of space and special features of multidimensional systems. In contradistinction to my dissertation many other types of mathematical research, topology has a durable connection not only with a pure theoretical science, such as quantum physics, but also with practical experiments, which makes this course undoubtedly essential for a future scientist. Model theory. This course is obligatory for statement for residency all students because it allows developing basic monitoring and Write, synthetic skills that are absolutely indispensable in scientific work.

After finishing this course, you can be sure that an irritating question such as how to do my statistics homework will never bother you again. Chaos theory. This discipline studies a behavior of dynamical systems and special effects that come into existence because of specific initial factors. Statement For Residency? Few decades ago, this course may seem exotic and highly specialized to a potential student, but now it is Professional writer, a common course designed for all enrollees. Unfortunately, it nevertheless remains highly complicated, which makes the employment of maths coursework help services extremely desirable. Personal? Of course, all these study programs present only Defended a little part of modern mathematical science and may be used exclusively as the mainstay for the first steps in the educational process. You have to understand that lion’s share of this process is represented by hard relentless work. However, the Personal statement for residency, result is writer, quite satisfying. After the successful finishing of Personal statement for residency mathematical courses, you will be able to continue schooling in any natural science-oriented university without visible obstacles.

You will not keep thinking - I need someone to write my research paper, but you will be capable to homework ks1 jubilee perfectly perform this task using skills obtained during the educational program. All-in-all, one can hardly overestimate the ability to accomplish research work independently.

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Like, right above this post! Come back at noon to snag one of these! I met Matt Pierce from WoodFaulk about five years back. He was partnering with Greg Hennes on The Portland Bazaar and each year when we were setting up, I'd get to check out his latest bag designs and accessories. University Require? And each season, he'd have a couple new things. Personal Application? I loved the detail, function, durability, timelessness and confidence in his products. From the rustic simplicity of their Camp Stool to that ballistic Carpenter Bag, the pieces were so impressive to me. And of course, their growing line of accessories and cool stuff.

I'm blown away each time I hit the site to see what they've been cooking up. Homework Ks1 Jubilee? This stuff is special. It's not like this is some big, lumbering company. Personal Statement For Residency? Every detail is fretted over, and my college, there's something really special about that. I was doing some work for The Jennings Hotel for Personal statement for residency, Greg Hennes, and made a graphic for a tote bag made by WoodFaulk.

That was one bad-ass tote bag. I simply hit Matt up and homework, begged him to make me an orange version. We worked out the colors, leather and Personal statement for residency, canvas weights and in no time I had a run of 50 bags on Student writing deck! And that's what you are seeing here. Introducing the DDC Brand Orange Tote Bag by Wood Faulk. Item number DDC-147 in our proud roster of Personal statement application spirited merch items.

This is the nicest piece of merch we've made to date. These things will GO THE DISTANCE. I've been beating mine to shit on the road and around the Act plus writing shop, and it's as tough as it was on day one. Thanks, Matt. I love these tote bags! 02. The As Orange As Possible canvas is from Fairfield Textile in New Jersey. Some burly stuff, there. 03.

Inner pocket for Field Notes, car keys or a wallet. 04. Cool car keys/key chain leather thingie that tucks into Personal the inner pocket. 05. Thick hit of Professional resume Way White on the inner pocket. Discreet. Thick ink on durable cotton. 06. The soft, durable leather straps are from the world famous SB Foot Tanning Co. in Red Wing, Minnesota. Bought by Red Wing Shoes in for residency application the '80s, it's the largest tannery in the United States. Here's a little video about Act plus writing require, those amazing hides.

07. The bombproof rivets are from YKK USA. Personal? Made in Macon, Georgia. 08. Minimal hit of woven label branding on side. 09. Agreeable dimensions of 15 tall x 15 wide. Then a cool 6 deep. 10. Write Paper Asap? Flat bottom allows the bag to stand up and hold its shape when loaded with groceries, books, dirty laundry, records or whatever you are lugging around. 11.

Will hold just about anything! 12. The official tote bag of the Draplin Design Co.! 13. WAY LIMITED EDITION of 50 for the First Run of these champions. 14. In stock forever, or, as long as we can coax/cajole/sweet-talk WoodFaulk to make them for us!

©2017 DDC Dry Goods Div., Merch Dept., Portland, Ore. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The tour is done and Personal statement, the van is unpacked…and we miss the big road! And all the faces and paper writing service, handshakes and good times. Personal Statement? Thank you to everyone who came out to a show the last couple months! A couple of high-level Skillshare top brass tagged along for a stop on my book tour to learn about what life is like on the road with Leigh, the ss peter van and I. All the warts and moles from our recent stop in Philadelphia with our buddy Steve DeCusatis. Thanks again for pulling off a killer show! Although this isn’t a new class, here’s a 10 minute short doc on what’s it like to go on tour, and, operate from the road: Designer in for residency a Van: On Tour with Aaron Draplin

AND DON'T FORGET OUR THREE SKILLSHARE CLASSES: These things are still raging along! Get in there and get weird with them! 01. John Moreland - Big Bad Luv. 02. Homework? The Posies - The Best of The Posies. 03. Afghan Whigs - In Spades. 04.

Craig Finn - We All Want The Same Things. 05. Japandroids - Celebration Rock. 07. Matthew Sweet - Girlfriend. 08. Anvil - Metal On Metal. 09. Mastodon - Emperor of Sand. 10. Peter Sarstedt - The Lost Album.

11. Windhand - Grief's Infernal Flower. 12. Ryan Adams - Prisoner. 13. The Del-Vetts - The Del-Vetts. 14. Holy Sons - In The Garden. 15. Son Volt - Notes of Blue. 16.

Richmond Fontaine - You Can't Go Back If There's Nothing To Go Back To. 17. Belle Adair - Tuscumbia. 18. Personal Statement Application? Bash Pop - Anything Could Happen. 19. My Dissertation? Flaming Lips - Oczy Mlody. 20. Beach Slang - A Loud Bash of Teenage Feelings. 21.

Beach Slang - Who Would Ever Want Anything So Broken? - EP. 22. Beach Slang - Cheap Thrills On a Dead End Street - EP. 23. Beach Slang - The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us. 24. Heatmiser - Cop and Personal, Speeder. 26. Car Seat Headrest - Teens Of Denial. 27. Mount Eerie - Clear Moon.

28. Mount Eerie - Wind's Poem. 29. Lambchop - FLOTUS. 30. Dinosaur Jr - Give a Glimpse of Write my college What Yer Not. 31. Red Fang - Only Ghosts. 33. Bon Iver - 22, A Million. 34.

The Buckinghams - Mercy, Mercy, Mercy (A Collection) 35. Drive-By Truckers - American Band. 36. Crosby, Stills Nash - CSN. 37. Morgan Delt - Phase Zero. 38. Statement For Residency Application? Phones - Echo In Time. 39.

Black Sabbath - Sabotage. 40. Black Sabbath - Never Say Die! 41. Shins - Heartworms. 42. Temples - Volcano. FOR THE MOST IMMEDIATE OF RELEASES: Introducing our new typeface, DDC HARDWARE! A typeface revived, designed and Professional writer in bangalore, produced by the Draplin Design Co. and Lost Type Co-Op.

- Full range of diacritics that supports over 100 languages! - Versatile range of ordinals. - Split fractions and diagonal fractions. This straight-talking typeface is ready to do the job. THE STORY GOES: DDC Hardware was made out of frustration. I couldn’t find a simple, utilitarian typeface that was as ubiquitous as the letterforms I’d see in my travels on the back roads and industrial yards across North America. Personal For Residency Application? That, and free of the my college paper latest trends and ironic twists in the type world. Personal Statement For Residency Application? I just wanted something that was painfully functional. Defended? Unapologetic! I’d be in some alley or junkyard, and I’d see versions of the for residency typeface painted on corrugated steel siding, or, ghosted on some old brick wall.

So I’d take a couple shots, stew over it the paper writing rest of the statement application ride and build a couple characters later on that night. In a couple nights, I had an alphabet to pick and choose from. This was 2004 and went on for a decade where I’d create words/logos piece by piece from my original file. Student Writing? And then I met Riley Cran. He expanded the Personal for residency character set, built it into three weights and brought DDC Hardware to life and ready for the world. Things get buried by time and progress. Money Homework Ks1 Jubilee? And sometimes you have to unearth them and bring them back to Personal statement application life. DDC Hardware is ready to Professional do the job. Statement For Residency Application? —Aaron James Draplin, Draplin Design Company. CHECK OUT THE INCREDIBLE MINISITE: DDC Hardware! Built/coded by the IMPRESSIVE Kenneth Ormandy.

With help from Student writing, Riley Cran. Go test the statement for residency application typeface out Professional resume writer in bangalore, there! Editable, right there in the browser! Go! Sands the test of time: DDC HARDWARE!

GET IT GOING, STUDENTS: Our third Skillshare class is up, out, happening, live, living, learning, loving, going apeshit and GETTING WEIRD right now, right here: Customizing Type Go long, go short, kern it, track it, sketch it. just so long as you stay the application hell away from the dreaded Default stuff! Let us arm you with a quiver of custom type tools! I look forward to seeing what you guys make! And hey, thanks to Elliott, Bill and Scott from Skillshare for jumping into the ring with me. Always awesome. Thanks! DDC Thick Lines Poster Series, No. 07, Dayglow NOW SHIPPING: The 7th poster in our Thick Lines poster series! Introducing Dayglow!

Five fluorescent colors and a hit of black. Beyond bright! GO: Get Dayglow here. 01. My Dissertation? Beach Slang - A Loud Bash of Personal statement for residency application Teenage Feelings. 02. Beach Slang - The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us. 03. Beach Slang - Cheap Thrills On a Dead End Street EP. 04. Beach Slang - Who Would Ever Want Anything So Broken?

EP. 05. Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother. 06. Phones - Back In Time. 07. Student? Heatmiser - Cop and Speeder. 09. Car Seat Headrest - Teens Of Denial. 10. The Circle Jerks - Wonderful. 11.

Mount Eerie - Wind's Poem. 12. Statement For Residency? Mount Eerie - Clear Moon. 13. Lambchop - FLOTUS. 14. Tad - God's Balls (Deluxe Edition) 15. Tad - Salt Lick (Deluxe Edition) 16. Tad - Eight Way Santa (Deluxe Edition)

17. Morgan Delt - Phase Zero. 18. Crosby, Stills Nash - CSN. 19. Scott Fagan - South Atlantic Blues. 20. Drive-By Truckers - American Band. 21. Bon Iver - 22, A Million. 22.

Red Fang - Only Ghosts. 25. Dinosaur Jr. - Give a Glimpse of What Yer Not. 27. Big Business - Command Your Weather. 28. Student Paper Writing? Neil Young - Silver Gold. 29.

Stereolab - Cobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night. 30. Damian Jurado - Visions of Personal statement for residency Us on the Land. 32. William Tyler - Modern Country. 33. Dianogah - As Seen From Above. 34. Butthole Surfers - Independent Worm Saloon. 35.

Butthole Surfers - Electriclarryland. 36. Butthole Surfers - Double Live. 37. Quinnipiac Require? Elevator To Hell - Eerieconsilation. 38. Richmond Fontaine - You Can't Go Back If There's Nothing To Go Back To. 39. Statement For Residency? The Jayhawks - Paging Mr. Education And Paul? Proust.

40. Prince - Dirty Mind. WE'RE STILL ALIVE: And pledge to really give it a go in statement for residency application 2017. Resume In Bangalore? Happy New Year to all of you, except for one asshole in New York. 12,000 MILES OF APPRECIATION: We did it! The DDC 2016 Fall Tour is statement for residency application, complete, and man, I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to go to so many wild places, meet so many cool people, sell and sign a mountain of books, whip through so many states, and, all in an orange Ford Econoline E-350 van. #stubbornfacts.

And, with the great Leigh Mckolay as my co-pilot. Thank you for navigation, merch prowess, hotel room logistics, podcast searches and gold standard open road companionship. Thank you, lady. Professional Resume? #mush. Thank you to everyone who came out to statement for residency application the shows, bought some merch, brought in their books to ks1 jubilee sign, bought a book, shook our hands, told us their stories, came to a workshop, loaded in merch, shared a dinner with, helped us “find the gig”, set up any number of hospitable nights and facilitated the greatest adventure of my life. I didn’t get into graphic design to make books. Application? Or go on a fuckin’ book tour? I got into graphic design to make a living. So this? I can’t believe what we pulled off. Defended? Still nursing a big ol' orange buzz.

So thankful. #appreciation. And, uh, we’re currently scheming up a blistering Spring Tour, that’ll cover, uh, EVERYWHERE ELSE. Dates announced after the new year! (Late night Marquette, Michigan photo by Josh LeClair! With direction from Mike Forester!) GET IN THE VAN: The tour starts tomorrow in Bend, Oregon at the Swivel Conference! Can't wait to get down there, and, EVERYWHERE ELSE. We've been waiting for this one since that surreal day in November of 2014 when we got the call up to the big leagues by John Gall of Abrams Books! Things really heated up when we signed the contracts in March of 2015! That's when shit went from maybe, huh, really? to we're doing this thing!, and quick. And today, the last year of fret, sweat, nightmares, freak-outs, production, color-correcting, scanning, compiling, scheming, kerning, dreaming, wondering, anticipation and statement for residency application, general excitement comes to a big ol' Pantone Orange 021 head.

Be free, DDC Book. Get out there! GRAND CANYONS OF APPRECIATION ARE FELT: To my mom for always being there, to my dad wherever the hell he is in the cosmos, to Leigh for patience, to Leah, Jacob and Oliver, to sister Sarah, to Goo and Dave for helping me shoot shit, to my college paper all my rotgut buddies, heroes and mentors who wrote a paragraph on pages 006-007, to Personal statement for residency application Mark Welsh, Neil Dacosta, Aaron Okayama and Micheal Poehlman for photography, Jim Coudal, Michele Seiler, Bryan Bedell, Matt Jorgensen and require, Dawson and all Field Notes peoples in Chicago, To John Gall at Abrams Books for reaching out, patience, guidance, goading, excellence and making this happen. To Gabe Levinson, Sarah Massey, Joseph Villella, Devin Grosz, Marti Malovany, Michael Jacobs, Denise LaCongo, Jennifer Brunn, Paul Colarusso, Tina Mories, Mamie VanLangen from Abrams Books. To Andrea Robinson, Peter Donahue, Mindy Koentopp and Personal statement for residency, Jane Vandenberg of RR Donnelly for helping me make the my dissertation slipcase. So many people wouldn't give me the time of day and you guys CAME THROUGH and made it happen for the book. Statement Application? Thank you. Brillianta 4196 forever! And finally, to all of you who bought one.

Thanks, you guys. I didn't get into graphic design to Money homework ks1 jubilee make books. I got into Personal statement application graphic design to make a living. And today, my fuckin' mind is blown. Thank you for this privilege and opportunity, and for believing in me. And for believing in the DDC. Thank you. EVERYTHING ELSE, EVERYTHING ELSE, EVERYTHING ELSE: When we first got this thing going, I had a long wishlist readied. And man, Abrams hit all the big ones for the book. Debossed cover, Orange 021 spot color throughout the entire book, 256 pages.

I was in heaven. And the coolest part, the book would be super affordable at the $39.99 retail price. Professional In Bangalore? I was proud as hell of that. I remember not being able to afford big design books. So I'd flip through them and leave 'em behind. Personal Statement? Our book?

Viciously affordable. But of paper writing service course, I went ape-shit and built a big list of Everything Else including a boss slipcase, mini prints, merit badge, decal sheet, bookmarks, a couple sets of fiercely limited edition Field Notes Pretty Much Everything edition and other goodies. Mystery items, too. Statement For Residency Application? That's a pretty big pile of Money homework stuff. And just to be clear, the DDC Everything Else Enhancement Kit DOES NOT come with the book.

Buy that separately. The EEEK kit comes with a beautiful slipcase filled with items designed to enhance the statement book. BUILT LIKE A BRICK SHITHOUSE: Wait until you see that slipcase up close! Beautiful orange Brillianta fabric wrapping and thick, thick walls. Will Protect your Pretty Much Everything from, well, pretty much everything. ITEMIZED: DDC Everything Else Enhancement Kit, Item List: 01. Student Paper? EEEK-001 Decal Sheet 02. EEEK-002 Merit Badge

03. EEEK-003 Certificate of Authenticity 04. Statement Application? EEEK-004 Mini Print Set 05. EEEK-005 Bookmark Set 06. EEEK-006 Everything Else Notes 07. Act Plus Quinnipiac University? EEEK-007 DDC Pinback 08. Application? EEEK-008 Troll Excerpt 09. University? EEEK-009 PME Slipcase 10. EEEK-010 Field Notes Three-Packs 11. EEEK-0?? Mystery Items!

(TO BE CLEAR: The DDC Everything Else Enhancement Kit DOES NOT come with the book. Buy that separately. This is for an amazing slipcase, Field Notes, mini prints and a ton of cool extras.) Click here to get in a little closer at all that gear packed into statement application that slipcase! Ordering details below. TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY: Today is May 16th.

Tomorrow is the May 17th book release. Write Paper? All this time. For Residency Application? All this freaking out. My College Paper Asap? All the pages. Personal For Residency Application? All the my college asap fret. Statement? Coming to one big Pantone Orange 021 head tomorrow. ACT NOW: Get your copy on pre-order at ks1 jubilee Pick from a list of fine retailers.

COUPLE MORE TO GO: Just two days out from our official May 17th book release. That's Tuesday! Can't fuckin' contain myself. Nightmares, night sweats, night terrors. in anticipation for Tuesday! ACT NOW: Get your copy on pre-order at Statement For Residency Application? Pick from a list of fine retailers. SKETCHY THINGS COME IN THREES: Just three days out from our official May 17th book release.

This coming Tuesday! ACT NOW: Get your copy on Money homework ks1 jubilee pre-order at Pick from application, a list of fine retailers. FOUR ON THE FLOOR: Just four days out from Professional resume writer, our official May 17th book release. Thanks to everyeone who came to our book release at Hand-Eye Supply! Bullshitting, books and brews! Over 100 people! Bam! Thanks Tobias, Lyndsey and all Hand-Eye Supply folks! ACT NOW: Get your copy on pre-order at Pick from a list of fine retailers.

FOUR FINGERS AND A TOENAIL: Just five days out from our official May 17th book release. Thanks to everyone who came to our book release at statement application Hand-Eye Supply! Bullshitting, books and Act plus writing quinnipiac, brews! Over 100 people! Bam! Thanks Tobias, Lyndsey and all Hand-Eye Supply folks! ACT NOW: Get your copy on pre-order at Pick from a list of fine retailers. THE BOOK RELEASE IS IMMINENT: Just six days out from May 17. Hell, tonight in Portland there's a book release party at Personal for residency application Hand-Eye Supply!

Bullshitting, books and brews! Click here for details. Student Writing? 6pm, people! ACT NOW: Get your copy on statement for residency pre-order at service Personal Statement For Residency Application? Pick from a list of fine retailers. THE BOOK IS COMING: And we're just a week out from May 17. ACT NOW: Get your copy on pre-order at Pick from Money, a list of fine retailers.

NICE GROUP OF FELLAS: Met the boys from the Master of One Podcast at Creative South, and we signed the paperwork to be on the podcast. We covered many topics, and went WAY over their allotted time. Give it a listen! Nice to hang with you guys in Georgia. For Residency Application? Thanks you, Luke, Andrew and Patrick! Stay wild! What New York's been seeing for writing service, a month or so. But let me zoom in a bit. Personal Application? SOLD OUT!

BIG APPLE + TALL TALES + LARGE MAN: Tomorrow night's the big show! We're here on behalf of Defended AIGANY, telling our complete story to 500 people! Sold the thing out! My mom is for residency application, here! Leigh is here! Cameron's gonna be there. And my cousin Tom who lives here in the city. Matt Cooley better fuckin' show up. Homework? Eric Baker, too. Evan and statement application, Maja are coming down from Vermont. And word is that cute duo of Dan Cassaro and my dissertation, Dan Christofferson might muscle their way in.

And then, 490 of New York City's best and brightest. This is our official book launch, too, so head of state from statement for residency application, Abrams Books will be in attendance. Here's the official Abrams web site Pretty Much Everything page! I'm so excited I can barely type these words. We'll be signing books, shaking hands, kissing babes, righting wrongs, dotting i's, crossing t's and whatever it takes. Plus, we've got a FULL DDC MERCH TABLE in tow, with a mountain of must-have DDC merch items at New York-Only prices. Things you need.

Weird plastic things. Posters. Hats. Religious Education Homework Help Ss Peter And Paul? Torso covers. Field Notes! Leigh will be watching over all merch activities tomorrow night. So yeah, real excited for the whole thing. Personal Statement For Residency? Thank you Stacey from AIGANY and my buddies at Abrams. Now we're off to get some of those boss foam Statue of Religious education homework ss peter Liberty hat things. Come to the show tomorrow night! American Flag Bernie!

Red, White, Blue and Bernie Thick Lines Bernie FEELING THE BERN: Heading up to New York City early tomorrow morning to Personal for residency application hang out at the. Leigh is flying in Defended my dissertation from Portland, Burlington's Novovic-Rose duo will be in Personal statement for residency the city and we'll all meet up with Luis Calderin from Bernie's campaign. Gonna be fun to see the show up close! New York City! The incredible Crop logo by Matt Dawson of Stay Gray Ponyboy!

HAD A GREAT TIME ON THE THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER: Crop was awesome. A fast, fun couple of days. Defended? Got to statement for residency hang with Jason Craig, Mike Jones, the Hood sisters and Defended, my man, Howard Hall! Thank you to the Dawson family and all the folks who came to the conference, and, to our merch table! You guys ravaged that table. Bam! Hell yeah, Baton Rouge! DOWN TO LOUISIANA: Heading down to Baton Rouge tomorrow for the Crop Conference! Bam! The show was incredible! We packed Lewis Carnegie FULL, and their court yard too!

It was ferocious. That's the Personal for residency application night I met all the Austin heavies, too! Geoff Peveto, DJ Stout, Marc English, John Tullis and so many other boos folks. Act Plus Writing Quinnipiac University Require? Thank you. So fun.

And then the next night, Industry did this cool screen printing party where people could pick and choose from for residency application, a handful of designs I made. Write Paper? Tons of people came out and got a t-shirt. Personal? So, so cool. And one of those designs, that's the patch you are seeing here. Here's the thing: I make this stuff, and of course, I'm always going a little too fast. And this little Texas design I made, I remember a kid saying, Damn, who made this? It's awesome. And I was standing behind him, listening and smiling. So five years later, I unearthed it and made a patch.

That's what you are seeing up above. Quinnipiac Require? Texas. Thick Lines. For Residency? Officially messing with Texas! 02. Durable embroidery. Long lasting. 03. My Dissertation? 2.75 x 2.75 in dimension. 04.

Proudly manufactured by the longhorns at Personal application Brewery Outfitters! 05. In stock forever, and, remember the Alamo! 06. Officially MESSING WITH TEXAS. 07. Student Paper? Inspired by Personal application the colors of Religious education homework ss peter high country Texas. 08. Shipped in statement for residency application a durable kraft StayFlat envelope.

©2015 DDC Dry Goods Div., Merch Dept., Portland, Ore. TODAY IS THE DAY, AUSTIN: I flew in yesterday, just minutes after President Obama landed. Got to see the ass-end of Air Force One on the tarmac, which was exciting as hell. Austin was buzzing for my college, the president with stories of the motorcade, taco lunches and intense security. Man, I love our president. Statement Application? Just so thankful to have him leading the charge. Anyhoo, I grabbed my rental, raced to my hotel, unloaded my gear and started making my way into Act plus quinnipiac university require the city. Made it downtown in about 10 minutes, straight down MLK.

Was robbed blind by some snake-eyed parking lot attendant so I could make my interview appointment at for residency application Analog by American Greetings. Whatever it takes. I'm down here to do my talk today! The schedule is up above. My College Asap? I'll be delivering a BLISTERING rendition of my Tall Tales multi-media fiasco, with extra emphasis on paper, slowing down and application, the wonders of ephemera in Religious homework help and paul a world that just keeps getting fast and faster. Deep breaths, big world, deep breaths. Our slot is at 3:30pm at the Thirsty Nickel down on Personal for residency Trinity East 6th Street. Open to the public! Come see the show, Austin! Thanks to all the good people of Mullen Lowe, Guild and American Greetings for making this event come to homework help ss peter life. Thank you Yudit, Lauren, Enrique, Jonathan, Ruby, Caroline, Mike, Emily and all the folks who rolled the dice on me, and a cool event.

AND CHECK IT OUT: I got to make the logo for the event! You'll see it above! So fun. Thanks! Come to the show! 3:30pm, you fire-ant-infested Austin'ers! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Our latest Skillshare class is called Designing in Personal statement for residency Circles: Packing Type Icons into a Simple Shape and check it out with a ferocious click here. Join DDC founder Aaron Draplin for Money, a 60-minute tour de force championing the techniques and challenges of combining type and icons into a circle, a foundational shape of graphic design. Follow along with Draplin as he creates variations of an often forgotten yet useful object: the travel sticker.

From his wizard-like workflow you'll learn the statement application importance of: • Hierarchy, line-weight, and Professional in bangalore, graphic balance. • Key command mastery. • Setting up and for residency application, wrapping up your document. Whether you're just getting started with Illustrator or are a seasoned graphic veteran, you are sure to learn some new tips and tricks as you create circular designs of your own. Come give our new class a whirl! Click here and get it going! (Shots borrowed from various Instagrizz accounts.

Thanks!) BEAMING WITH PRIDE: Thank you, San Francisco! For coming to the show. For ravaging the merch table. For shaking hands. Student? For sharing stories. For bullshitting. Statement For Residency Application? All of Act plus university it. Personal Application? Thank you. WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED WITHOUT THESE PEOPLE: Leigh McKolay, Lauren Draplin, Mike Monteiro, Erika Hall, Rena Tom, Whitney Deatherage, Liam, Stephanie, all the Professional writer in bangalore radical Mule peoples, Rupert the dog, Fresno Street, Mule Gallery, Mule Design and Personal statement application, the North Beach neighborhood. SUCK IT: The dickhead parking lot attendant up the alley.


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