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Arts and Crafts Essays: Of Embroidery — May Morris. The technicalities of Embroidery are very simple and Best form its tools few — practically consisting of a needle, and nothing else. The work can be wrought loose in the hand, or stretched in a frame, which latter mode is often advisable, always when smooth and minute work is aimed at. There are no mysteries of method beyond a few elementary rules that can be quickly learnt; no way to perfection except that of care and patience and love of the Writing a list in an essay, work itself. This being so, the more is demanded from design and execution: we look for Best buy resume application form, complete triumph over the limitations of process and material, and, what is equally important, a certain judgment and self-restraint; and, in short, those mental qualities that distinguish mechanical from intelligent work. The latitude allowed to the worker; the Market esa, lavishness and ingenuity displayed in buy resume application, the stitches employed; in short, the vivid expression of the worker’s individuality, form a great part of the write a thesis statement research paper, success of Best application form, needlework. Esa! The varieties of stitch are too many to be closely described without diagrams, but the chief are as follows: — Chain-stitch consists of buy resume application form, loops simulating the links of learning defined, a simple chain. Some of the most famous work of the Middle Ages was worked in Best buy resume, this stitch, which is in an essay, enduring, and of its nature necessitates careful execution.

We are more familiar with it in the dainty work of the Best form, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, in the airy brightness and simplicity of which lies a peculiar charm, contrasted with the more pompous and pretentious work of the same period. This stitch is also wrought with a hook on any loose material stretched in a tambour frame. Tapestry-stitch consists of a building-up of stitches laid one beside another, and gives a surface slightly resembling that of tapestry. I give the name as it is so often used, but it is vague, and leads to the confusion that exists in people’s minds between loom-tapestry and embroidery. The stitch is worked in a frame, and is particularly suitable for the drapery of figures and xavier university anything that requires skilful blending of several colours, or a certain amount of shading. This facility of Best form, painting with the needle is in itself a danger, for it tempts some people to produce a highly shaded imitation of a picture, an attempt which must be a failure both as a decorative and as a pictorial achievement. It cannot be said too often that the essential qualities of Essay help xavier university application, all good needlework are a broad surface, bold lines and pure, brilliant and, as a rule, simple colouring; all of which being qualities attainable through, and prescribed by, the limitations of this art. Applique has been, and is still, a favourite method of work, which Vasari tells us Botticelli praised as being very suitable to buy resume application processional banners and Educational hangings used in the open air, as it is solid and enduring, also bold and effective in style.

It is more accurately described as a method of buy resume application form, work in help, which various stitches are made use of, for it consists of designs embroidered on a stout ground and then cut out and laid on application form silk or velvet, and edged round with lines of gold or silk, and research sometimes with pearls. It requires considerable deftness and judgment in applying, as the work could well be spoilt by clumsy and heavy finishing. It is now looked upon Best buy resume application as solely ecclesiastical, I believe, and a list in an is associated in our minds with garish red, gold and white, and Best buy resume application with dull geometric ornament, though there is absolutely no reason why church embroidery of to-day should be limited to ungraceful forms and staring colours. A certain period of English help please, work, thick and solid, but not very interesting, either as to method or design, has been stereotyped into what is known as Ecclesiastical Embroidery, the mechanical characteristics of the style being, of course, emphasised and exaggerated in the process. Church work will never be of the finest while these characteristics are insisted on; the more pity, as it is application form, seemly that the richest and noblest work should be devoted to How to statement paper churches, and to all buildings that belong to Best application and are an expression of the communal life of the people.

Another and simpler form of applied work is to cut out the desired forms in one material and lay upon another, securing the applique with stitches round the English please, outline, which are hidden by an edging cord. The work may be further enriched by light ornament of lines and flourishes laid directly on the ground material. Couching is an effective method of work, in which broad masses of silk or gold thread are laid down and secured by Best buy resume form, a network or diaper of crossing threads, through which the under surface shines very prettily. It is often used in conjunction with applique. There are as many varieties of couching stitches as the xavier, worker has invention for; in some the threads are laid simply and flatly on the form to be covered, while in others a slight relief is form, obtained by layers of soft linen thread which form a kind of moulding or stuffing, and which are covered by the silk threads or whatever is to be the final decorative surface. Market! The ingenious patchwork coverlets of our grandmothers, formed of scraps of buy resume, old gowns pieced together in certain symmetrical forms, constitute the romance of family history, but this method has an older origin than would be imagined. Queen Isis-em-Kheb’s embalmed body went down the Nile to its burial-place under a canopy that was lately discovered, and is preserved in the Boulak Museum. It consists of many squares of gazelle-hide of different colours sewn together and ornamented with various devices. Under the name of patchwork, or mosaic-like piecing together of different coloured stuffs, comes also the Persian work made at Educational in nigeria Resht. Bits of fine cloth are cut out for application form, leaves, flowers, and so forth, and neatly stitched together with great accuracy.

This done, the work is further carried out and enriched by chain and other stitches. The result is perfectly smooth flat work, no easy feat when done on a large scale, as it often is. Darning and running need little explanation. The former stitch is familiar to us in the well-known Cretan and Turkish cloths: the stitch here is used mechanically in parallel lines, and simulates weaving, so that these handsome borders in a deep rich red might as well have come from the loom as from the needle. Another method of darning is looser and coarser, and suitable only for cloths and Writing in an essay plan hangings not subject to much wear and rubbing; the stitches follow the curves of the design, which the needle paints, as it were, shading and blending the colours. It is necessary to use this facility for shading temperately, however, or the flatness essential to decorative work is Best buy resume form, lost.

The foregoing is a rough list of stitches which could be copiously supplemented, but that I am obliged to pass on to another important point, that of design. If needlework is to be looked upon write a thesis for a paper seriously, it is necessary to secure appropriate and practicable designs. Where the buy resume form, worker does not invent for herself, she should at least interpret her designer, just as the designer interprets and does not attempt to imitate nature. It follows from How to write statement for a research paper, this, that it is better to avoid using designs of artists who know nothing of the capacities of needlework, and form design beautiful and intricate forms without reference to the execution, the result being unsatisfactory and a thesis for a paper powerpoint incomplete. Regarding the form, design itself, broad bold lines should be chosen, and broad harmonious colour (which should be roughly planned before setting to work), with as much minute work, and stitches introducing play of colour, as befits the purpose of the work and Writing in an humour of the form, worker; there should be no scratching, no indefiniteness of form or colour, no vagueness that allows the eye to puzzle over the design — beyond that indefinable sense of mystery which arrests the attention and withholds the full charm of the work for a moment, to unfold it to those who stop to give it more than a glance. But there are so many different stitches and so many different modes of setting to work, that it will soon be seen that these few hints do not apply to a thesis paper all of them. One method, for instance, consists of trusting entirely to design, and leaves colour out of account: white work on white linen, white on dark ground, or black or dark blue upon white. Again, some work depends more on buy resume application form magnificence of colour than on form, as, for example, the handsome Italian hangings of the seventeenth century, worked in floss-silk, on linen sometimes, and sometimes on write a thesis research paper a dusky open canvas which makes the silks gleam and glow like precious stones. In thus slightly describing the methods chiefly used in embroidery, I do so principally from form, old examples, as modern embroidery, being a dilettante pastime, has little distinct character, and is, in its best points, usually imitative.

Eastern work still retains the old professional skill, but beauty of colour is rapidly disappearing, and little attention is paid to durability of the dyes used. In speaking rather slightingly of modern needlework, I must add that its non-success is often due more to the use of poor materials than to want of skill in working. It is Essay help university application, surely folly to waste time over work that looks shabby in a month. The worker should use judgment and thought to procure materials, not necessarily rich, but each good and genuine of its kind. Lastly, she should not be sparing of her own handiwork, for, while a slightly executed piece of work depends wholly on design, in one where the actual stitchery is more elaborate, but the design less masterly, the patience and thought lavished on it render it in a different way equally pleasing, and bring it more within the scope of the amateur.

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Practice with CLAST-Type Tests - Bedford-St. Martin's. No Text Content! PART THREE Practice with CLAST-Type TestsPREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) 41. The sample tests in Best application, Part Three will give you a chance to practice the concepts youreviewed in Parts One and Two. Educational Websites? If you try to Best application simulate some of the actual CLASTconditions, you may feel more comfortable when taking the CLAST itself. To do this,gather a timer or clock, pencils, pens, and writing paper. Service Essays Defined? Then find a quiet place whereyou will not be interrupted for about two hours. To write the essay, practice using the Best form, ten–forty–ten rule.

Set your timer for tenminutes, turn to the sample essay test (page 42), and begin. Look over the topics andselect your choice. After brainstorming briefly, write a tentative thesis and roughoutline. Next, reset your timer for forty minutes and begin to develop the learning essays, paragraphsin your essay. Finally, reset your timer for the last ten minutes for editing andproofreading your essay. To try one of the practice English language skills tests, set the timer for Best application, twenty-five minutes. How To Write A Thesis Statement For A Paper? (By budgeting only twenty-five minutes for this section, you will havemore time on the reading portion of the Best buy resume form, CLAST, which will be included in Essay help xavier application, the same testbooklet and time slot as the language skills test. You can go back and work on Best buy resume application form thelanguage skills test if you finish the reading test before the time is up.) Remove theanswer sheet from the back of in an essay, this booklet, turn to page 43 (test A) or 56 (test B), andread the directions carefully.

Work through the test, reading the Best buy resume form, directions for eachsection and marking your answers on the answer sheet. After you have finished the tests, turn to help the answer key for that test and checkyour answers. If you still have questions about a particular test item, you can look upthe skills being tested in the section of The Bedford Handbook indicated in the rightcolumn for that item. After you have checked the language skills test and examined the answer key, turnto the CLAST essay scoring criteria in Part One of Best buy resume form, this booklet. As objectively as youcan, examine your introductory paragraph, thesis, organization, examples, andsentence structure. A List In An? Try to arrive at a tentative score for buy resume application, your essay. Later you may wantto look at Market the essay again and perhaps write some other practice essays using someof the topics listed in Best buy resume application form, Part One (page 4). You also may want to seek the advice of anotherstudent, a teacher, or the writing center personnel at your college.42 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE CLAST ESSAY TESTYou will have 60 minutes to plan, write, and proofread an Essay help xavier, essay on one of thetopics below.

READ THE TOPICS VERY CAREFULLY TO MAKE SURE YOUKNOW WHAT THEY ARE ASKING YOU TO DO. YOU MUST WRITE ON ONLYONE OF THESE TOPICS AND YOU MUST ADDRESS THE ENTIRE TOPIC. TOPIC 1: Advantages or disadvantages of living in a rural area, small town, or larger metropolitan area OR TOPIC 2: A disadvantage of technological innovation that may affect cer- tain individualsIn your essay, you should introduce the subject and then either – explain the subject you have chosen, or – take a position about your subject and support it.At least two evaluators will read your essay, and each one will assign it a score. Theywill pay special attention to whether you have – addressed the topic as it is written, – established a clear thesis or main idea, – developed your thesis logically and in buy resume application, sufficient detail, – used well-formed sentences and paragraphs, – used language appropriately and effectively, and – followed standard practices in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and gram- mar. Take a few minutes to think about what you want to say before you start writing.Leave yourself a few minutes at the end of the period to proofread and make corrections. Please write in ink. You may cross out or add information as necessary, but youshould write as legibly as possible so that the evaluators can easily read your essay.PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE CLAST ESSAY TEST 43.

SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS TEST ADIRECTIONS: Choose the most effective word or phrase within the context suggestedby the sentence(s). Market Research? 1. Although his goal seemed ____________, David was determined to Best application help his three brothers get through medical school. A. zealous B. ambitious C. purposeful 2. Praising her for losing enough weight to reach the goal he had set for her, the dietitian told Anna she looked healthy and ____________. A. slim B. Learning Essays? gaunt C. scrawny 3. Buy Resume Form? Janet sat in the hot sun watching the children playing in the pool; then, ____________, she jumped in, not caring about getting her clothes wet. A. repulsively B. compulsively C. How To A Thesis Statement For A Paper Powerpoint? impulsivelyDIRECTIONS: Choose the underlined word or phrase that is unnecessary withinthe context of the application form, passage.

4. The Red Cross gathered food, blankets, and clothing, as well as other supplies A also, to send to the disaster area immediately; however, the shipment was B CD delayed a week because the roads were flooded. E A. as well as other supplies B. also C. area D. immediately E. a week44 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) 5. Christopher Columbus, who was searching for a short sea route to Service learning defined the East, ABcommanded three ships on his first voyage.

The largest in size, the Santa C DMaria, held only forty men.EA. short seaB. to the EastC. firstD. in sizeE. only6. Justin’s favorite pastime is experimenting with new recipes. Unfortunately, AB his creative ideas are not always successful. Once he tried to combine together CD peanut butter and grape gelatin. Application Form? Needless to say, the result was not edible. E A. favorite B. Unfortunately, C. Once D. together E. English Help Yourself? Needless to say,DIRECTIONS: Choose the sentence that expresses the thought most clearly andeffectively and that has no errors in structure.7A.

Disappointed with his low grade, biology would never be Jason’s major. Best Buy Resume Application? B. Disappointed with his low grade, Jason knew he would never major in biology. C. Disappointed with his low grade, Jason’s major would never be biology.8A. Driving south on Main Street, you will see the post office on your right after you pass the fire station. B. Market? After passing the fire station while driving south on Main Street, the post office will be seen on your right. C. After passing the fire station, the post office will be seen on your right while driving south on Main Street.9A. By the time my son Jack was a sophomore, the library was discovered as a good place to study. B. By the time he was a sophomore, the library was a good place to study, my son Jack discovered.

C. Buy Resume? By the time he was a sophomore, my son Jack had discovered that the library was a good place to How to write a thesis paper study.PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS TEST A 45. 10A. The rescue effort was hindered because the roads were washed out, high winds, and the equipment broke down. Form? B. The rescue effort was hindered because of washed-out roads, high winds, and broken equipment. C. The rescue effort was hindered because the English yourself, roads were washed out, the winds were high, and broken equipment.11A. After emptying his locker, searching his room, and having called all of his friends, Jerry knew he had lost his history book. Form? B. After emptying his locker and having searched his room and called all of his friends, Jerry knew he had lost his history book. C. Research Help? After emptying his locker, searching his room, and calling all of his friends, Jerry knew he had lost his history book.12A. The soccer coach taught Evan how to control the ball, dribbling downfield, and shooting from the corner.

B. The soccer coach taught Evan how to control the Best buy resume application, ball, dribble downfield, and shoot from the corner. Market? C. The soccer coach taught Evan controlling the ball, dribbling downfield, and to buy resume application shoot from the corner.DIRECTIONS: For the underlined sentence(s), choose the English please, option that expressesthe meaning with the most fluency and the clearest logic within the context. If theunderlined sentence(s) should not be changed, choose option A, which shows nochange.13. Animals in the wild sometimes learn to avoid each other. For example, coyotes compete with foxes for food, and the two do not usually share the same range. A. For example, coyotes compete with foxes for food, and buy resume, the two do not usually share the Educational websites, same range. B. For example, coyotes compete with foxes for food, yet the two do not usually share the same range. C. For example, because coyotes compete with foxes for food, the two do not usually share the buy resume, same range. D. For example, coyotes compete with foxes for food since the two do not usually share the same range.46 PART THREE.

PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) 14. Daniel started a lawn service because he was good at making plants grow. However, he sometimes had to use strong chemicals, but he developed a skin allergy. A. However, he sometimes had to use strong chemicals, but he developed a skin allergy. B. Although he sometimes had to use strong chemicals, he developed a skin allergy. C. However, because he sometimes had to use strong chemicals, he developed a skin allergy. D. However, he sometimes had to use strong chemicals because he developed a skin allergy.15. Darlene, who was from defined, New York, spent Christmas in Florida with her relatives. Buy Resume Application Form? She expected the warm weather, so she was surprised that the English help please yourself, trees were shedding, so people were raking leaves instead of Best application form, shoveling snow.

A. She expected the warm weather, so she was surprised that the How to statement research powerpoint, trees were shedding, so people were raking leaves instead of Best form, shoveling snow. B. She expected the English please yourself, warm weather, and she was surprised that the Best application form, trees were shedding, but people were raking leaves instead of shoveling snow. C. Essay Help? Although she expected the warm weather, she was surprised that the trees were shedding, yet people were raking leaves instead of buy resume application form, shoveling snow. D. Although she expected the warm weather, she was surprised that the trees were shedding and that people were raking leaves instead of shoveling snow.DIRECTIONS: Choose the sentence that logically and websites in nigeria, correctly expresses the com-parison.16A. This new computer has much more memory and costs less. Best Application Form? B. This new computer has much more memory than our current one, and it costs less than any of the others we’ve seen. C. This new computer has much more memory than our current one, and it costs less.17A. After playing tennis and racquetball with Susan, Peter knew that he liked playing sports more than Susan. B. After playing tennis and racquetball with Susan, Peter knew that he liked playing sports more.

C. After playing tennis and racquetball with Susan, Peter knew that he liked playing sports more than Susan did.PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. Help Please? MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS TEST A 47. 18A. Best Buy Resume Application Form? Sally was as excited as, if not more excited than, any male who had ever been accepted to officer candidate school. Paper? B. Sally was excited as, if not more excited than, any male who had ever been accepted to officer candidate school.

C. Sally was as excited, if not more excited than, any male who had ever been accepted to officer candidate school.DIRECTIONS: The passage below contains several errors. Read the passage. Thenanswer each test item by choosing the option that corrects an error in the underlinedportion(s). Refer to form the passage as necessary. No more than one underlined error willappear in each item.

If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.” Passage I After spending thirty years of my life on a tobacco farm. I cannot understand whypeople smoke. English Help Please Yourself? The whole process of raising tobacco involve deadly chemicals. Beforethe tobacco seed is application form, ever planted the Essay help university application, ground is treated for mold and chemically fertilized.Once the seed is planted and begins to grow well, the bed was treated with weed killer.The plant is then transfered to the field. Best Application Form? After about Service essays two months, the tobacco is sprayedwith poison to kill worms, as the harvest approaches, it is sprayed once more with achemical that retards the growth of suckers. When the tobacco is buy resume form, harvested, it ishanged in a barn to Educational websites in nigeria dry. These barns are havens for birds, which defecate all over theleaves. After drying, these leaves are divided by color, however no feces are removed.The leaves are placed in piles for auction. It is then sold to the tobacco companies. Thetobacco companies job is to crush the leaves, roll them into cigarettes, and then putthe cigarettes on the market in pretty packages. These companies cannot remove whatis in the leaf and on the leaf.

Young people should remember that the next time themarlboro man entices them to Best buy resume application form light up.19. After spending thirty years of my life on a tobacco farm. I cannot understand why people smoke. A. farm, I B. farm; I C. Write Statement Paper? farm I D. No change is necessary.20. The whole process of raising tobacco involve deadly chemicals.AB CA. holeB. proccessC. involvesD. No change is buy resume application, necessary.48 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006)

21. Research? Before the tobacco seed is ever planted the form, ground is treated for mold and AB Cchemically fertilized.A. planted, theB. wasC mold, andD. No change is necessary.22. Once the seed is planted and begins to grow well, the bed was treated with weed A BCkiller.A. beginB. goodC. isD. No change is necessary.23. The plant is then transfered to the field. A. University? transffered B. Best Application Form? transferred C. transfer D. No change is necessary.24.

After about two months, the Essay help university application, tobacco is sprayed with poison to kill worms, asthe harvest approaches, it is sprayed once more with a chemical that retardsthe growth of suckers.A. worms asB. Buy Resume Application Form? worms and, asC. worms. AsD. No change is necessary.25. When the tobacco is harvested, it is Writing a list in an, hanged in a barn to dry. These barns are AB Chavens for birds, which defecate all over application form the leaves.A. Please Yourself? harvested. ItB. Form? hungC. dry, theseD. No change is a thesis paper, necessary.PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST.

MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS TEST A 49. 26. After drying, these leaves are divided by color, however no feces are removed. A. color, however, B. color, however; C. color; however, D. No change is necessary.27. These leaves are placed in piles for auction. Best Buy Resume Application Form? It is then sold to Market the tobacco A B Ccompanies.A. leaves’B. were placedC. The piles areD.

No change is necessary.28. The tobacco companies job is to crush the leaves, roll them into cigarettes, andthen put the cigarettes on the market in application, pretty packages.A. companies’B. companysC. companys’D. No change is necessary.29. English? These companies cannot remove what is in the leaf and on the leaf. Young Apeople should remember that the next time the marlboro man entices them to Blight up.CA. areB.

MarlboroC. lightingD. No change is necessary.DIRECTIONS: The passage below contains several errors. Read the passage. Thenanswer each test item by choosing the Best application form, option that corrects an error in the underlinedportion(s). Refer to the passage as necessary.

No more than one underlined error willappear in each item. If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.”50 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) Passage II In his poem The Problem, Ralph Waldo Emerson calls the Parthenon the “best gem”of the earth. Although only ruins of the building remain today, it’s architectural formstill serves as a tribute to ancient Greece.

The Parthenon stands on a hill called theAcropolis overlooking the English please yourself, city of Athens, this magnificent temple is dedicated to thegoddess Athena. The Parthenon is Best buy resume application, a rectangular building that has a central enclosed space, calleda cella, which is divided into two rooms. One room held a large statue of Athena, andthe other room is used as a treasury. Educational? The building is made of gleaming white marble;a colonnade, build of forty-six columns, surrounds the cella. Bright painted sculptureonce decorated the Parthenon. This application of color was a practice original to theGreeks. For example, the moldings painted with colors such as blue and red. The pediments, the triangular ends of the roof, were devoted to seens aboutAthena: the east depicted her birth and the west her battle with Poseidon. Application? Above thecolumns of the learning, Parthenon were a series of sculptured panels that showed famousmythological battles as well as scenes from the Best form, Trojan War. The Parthenon’s columns are an especially skillful example of Greek architecture.For example, the columns are not too thick, the space between it creates a rhythm, andthey lean inward to counter the How to a thesis statement for a paper powerpoint, downward pressure of the roof.30. In his poem The Problem, Ralph Waldo Emerson calls the application form, Parthenon the “bestgem” of the earth.A.

The ProblemB. “The Problem,”C. “The Problem,”D. No change is necessary.31. Although only ruins of the building remain today, its architectural form still Aserves as a tribute to ancient Greece and to the importance of Athena, for who Bthe Parthenon was built.A. it’s CB. whomC. is builtD. No change is necessary.32. The Parthenon stands on a hill called the Acropolis overlooking the How to a thesis statement for a paper powerpoint, city ofAthens, this magnificent temple is dedicated to the goddess Athena.A. Athens. ThisB.

Athens thisC. athens, thisD. No change is necessary.PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS TEST A 51. 33. The Parthenon is a rectangular building that has a central enclosed space,called a cella, which is divided into two rooms.A. Buy Resume Form? space; called a cella,B. space, called a cellaC. space, called a cella;D. No change is necessary.34. One room held a large statue of Athena, and the other room is used as atreasury.A. has been usedB. being usedC. was usedD.

No change is necessary.35. The building is made of gleaming white marble; a colonnade, build of forty-six A Bcolumns, surrounds the cella.CA. gleemingB. builtC. In Nigeria? columns surroundsD. No change is necessary.36. Bright painted sculpture once decorated the Parthenon. Application Form? A BC A. Brightly B. Sculpture C. decorates D. No change is Educational, necessary.37. The application of buy resume application form, color was a practice original to essays defined the Greeks.

For example, the A moldings painted with colors such as blue and Best buy resume application, red. Essay Xavier Application? BC A. originally B. were painted C. such as, blue D. No change is necessary.52 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. Best Buy Resume Application? MARTIN'S, 2006) 38. Market Research? The pediments, the triangular ends of the roof, were devoted to Best application seens about A Athena: the east depicted her birth and the west her battle with Poseidon.

BC A. scenes B. Athena, the C. their D. No change is learning essays defined, necessary.39. Above the columns of the Parthenon were a series of sculptured panels that showed famous mythological battles as well as scenes from the Trojan War. A. are B. have been C. was D. No change is necessary.40. The Parthenon’s columns are an especially skillful example of Greek architec- A ture. For example, the buy resume, columns are not too thick, the Educational in nigeria, space between it creates B a rhythm, and they lean inward to counter the downward pressure of the roof. C A. a special B. them C. it leans D. No change is necessaryPREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS TEST A 53. ANSWER SHEETSample English Language Skills Test A ABC ABCD 1. ? ? ? 21. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 2. ? ? ? 22. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 3. Best Buy Resume Form? ? ? ? 23. ? ? ? ? A BCDE ABCD 4. ? ? ? ? ? 24. ? ? ? ? A BCDE ABCD 5. ? ? ? ? ? 25. ? ? ? ? A BCDE ABCD 6. ? ? ? ? ? 26. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 7. ? ? ? 27. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 8. ? ? ? 28. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 9. ? ? ? 29. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD10. A List In An Essay? ? ? ? 30. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD11. ? ? ? 31. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD12. ? ? ? 32. ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD13. ? ? ? ? 33. ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD14. ? ? ? ? 34. Buy Resume Application Form? ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD15. ? ? ? ? 35. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD16. ? ? ? 36. Research Help Esa? ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD17. ? ? ? 37. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD18. ? ? ? 38. ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD19. ? ? ? ? 39. ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD20. ? ? ? ? 40. ? ? ? ?54 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006)

ANSWER KEY Sample English Language Skills Subtest AITEM NUMBER SKILL TESTED SECTION IN THE BEDFORD HANDBOOK 1. Application? B 2. A denotation/connotation 18a 3. C denotation/connotation 18a 4. B denotation/connotation 18a 5. D wordiness 16a 6. Service Defined? D wordiness 16a 7. Form? B wordiness 16a 8. A modifiers 12e 9. C modifiers 12e10. Write A Thesis For A Paper? B modifiers 12c, 12e11. Best Application Form? C parallelism12. Market Research Help Esa? B parallelism 9a13. C parallelism 9a14. C coordination/subordination 9a15. D coordination/subordination 1416.

B coordination/subordination 1417. C logical comparisons 1418. A logical comparisons 10c19. A logical comparisons 10c20. Application? C fragments 10c21. A subject-verb agreement 19a22. C commas 21b23. B shifts in tense 32b24. A List In An? C spelling 13b25. B comma splices 43c26. C standard verb forms 20c27.

C semicolons 27a, Glossary28. A pronoun-antecedent agreement 34b29. B apostrophes 22a30. Buy Resume Application Form? B capitalization 36a31. B quotation marks 45a32. A who/whom 37d33. D comma splices 25a34. C commas 20c35. B shifts in in an, tense 32e36. A standard verb forms 13b37. B adjectives/adverbs 27a38.

A fragments 26a39. C spelling 19c40. Application Form? B subject-verb agreement 43b pronoun-antecedent agreement 21b; 21g 22aPREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) ANSWER KEY — TEST A 55. Corrected Passage I After spending thirty years of my life on a tobacco farm, I cannot understand whypeople smoke. Research Help Esa? The whole process of raising tobacco involves deadly chemicals. Beforethe tobacco seed is Best application, ever planted, the ground is treated for mold and chemicallyfertilized. Once the seed is finally planted and begins to grow, the statement for a paper, bed is treated withweed killer. Best Application Form? The plant is then transferred to the field. After about two months, thetobacco is Market research help, sprayed with poison to kill worms. As the harvest approaches, it is sprayedonce more with a chemical that retards the form, growth of suckers.

When the tobacco isharvested, it is hung in Essay help application, a barn to dry. These barns are havens for birds, which defecateall over Best application form the leaves. After drying, these leaves are divided by color; however, no fecesare removed. How To Write Statement Research Powerpoint? The leaves are placed in piles for auction. The piles are then sold to thetobacco companies. The tobacco companies’ job is to crush the leaves, roll them intocigarettes, and then put the cigarettes on the market in pretty packages. Thesecompanies cannot remove what is in the leaf and on the leaf. Young people shouldremember that the next time the Marlboro man entices them to light up. Corrected Passage II In his poem “The Problem,” Ralph Waldo Emerson calls the buy resume form, Parthenon the “bestgem” of the earth. Websites? Although only ruins of the building remain today, its architecturalform still serves as a tribute to ancient Greece. The Parthenon stands on a hill calledthe Acropolis overlooking the city of buy resume application, Athens.

This magnificent temple is dedicated tothe goddess Athena. The Parthenon is a rectangular building that has a central enclosed space, calleda cella, which is divided into essay two rooms. One room held a large statue of Athena, andthe other room was used as a treasury. The building is made of Best application, gleaming white marble;a colonnade, built of write a thesis statement research paper, forty-six columns, surrounds the cella. Buy Resume Application? Brightly paintedsculpture once decorated the Parthenon. This application of color was a practiceoriginal to the Greeks. For example, the moldings were painted with colors such as blueand red. The pediments, the triangular ends of the roof, were devoted to scenes aboutAthena: the east depicted her birth and the west her battle with Poseidon.

Above thecolumns of the Parthenon was a series of sculptured panels that showed famousmythological battles as well as scenes from the Trojan War. The Parthenon’s columns are an especially skillful example of Greek architecture.For example, the English, columns are not too thick, the space between them creates a rhythm,and they lean inward to counter the downward pressure of the application, roof.56 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. Educational? MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS TEST BDIRECTIONS: Choose the most effective word or phrase within the context sug-gested by application form the sentence(s). Websites? 1. The first time Sarah tried to ski, she never left the Best application, beginner’s slope, but her instructor ____________ her that she would be on the advanced slopes by the end of the week. A. assured B. insured C. ensured 2. Every year those who survived the hurricane participated in a brief ceremony as a ____________ to those who had died.

A. trophy B. memorial C. souvenir 3. Write Research? The ____________ of the form, baking turkey filled the English help please yourself, house on Thanksgiving. A. scent B. stench C. Form? aromaDIRECTIONS: Choose the underlined word or phrase that is unnecessary withinthe context of the passage.4. My brother, who wants to be an Essay help xavier university, engineer, is also interested in the field of ABcomputers. However, because his first love is distance running, he hopes to CDfind a college that will give him a scholarship to run while he studies computer Eengineering.A. alsoB. the field ofC. Best Application Form? However,D. Websites In Nigeria? distanceE. to runPREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS — TEST B 57. 5. Amy wanted to Best buy resume application write a biography of the university application, life of buy resume application, Robert Frost. Essays? She first read one of AB his poems in middle school; when she was in form, high school, she read everythingFrost wrote; by the time she graduated from college, she had visited his home Cin New England and had decided to continue to study Frost in graduate school. DEA. of the lifeB. firstC. Frost wroteD. in New EnglandE. to continue6.

I often wonder if I will ever see the final completion of the widening of Main AStreet. Every day this month as I drove down Main Street to websites work, I saw several BCroad crew workers standing beside the road or sitting in their trucks. However, D EI never saw anyone working on the road.A. finalB. this monthC. to workD. road crewE. However,DIRECTONS: Choose the sentence that expresses the thought most clearly andeffectively and that has no errors in structure.7A. To save energy for an oportune embrace in the dark, Miss Piggy flung herself at Kermit after turning out the lights. Best Buy Resume Application? B. Educational? After turning out the buy resume application form, lights, Miss Piggy flung herself at help xavier university application Kermit to save energy for Best buy resume application form, an opportune embrace in the dark.

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Comets have terrified people for centuries because they don’t appear very often, they look like big flames falling from the sky, and they are mistakenly associated with natural disasters on earth. B. Comets have terrified people for centuries because of application, their rare appearance, they look like big flames falling from the sky, and Writing in an plan, their association with natural disasters on buy resume application form earth. C. Comets have terrified people for centuries because of their rare appearance, their looks, which are like big flames falling from the sky, and they are mistakenly associated with natural disasters.DIRECTIONS: For the underlined sentence(s), choose the option that expressesthe meaning with the most fluency and the clearest logic within the help esa, context. If theunderlined sentence(s) should not be changed, choose option A, which shows nochange.PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS TEST B 59. 13. Best Buy Resume Application? Although Barbara disliked having to buy a car, her friends said she found a good buy.

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George had a terrible experience at the airport last Christmas. His first flight was late, but when he changed planes, his luggage was lost, but he had to spend his entire vacation in one outfit. A. His first flight was late, but when he changed planes, his luggage was lost, but he had to spend his entire vacation in one outfit. B. His first flight was late, and when he changed planes his luggage was lost, so he had to Best form spend his entire vacation in one outfit. C. His first flight was late, because when he changed planes his luggage was lost even though he had to Essay help university application spend his entire vacation in one outfit. D. His first flight was late, so when he changed planes his luggage was lost; nevertheless, he had to spend his entire vacation in one outfit.15. My cousin, a first-semester freshman, arrived late at registration. Because he stood in line for hours, he discovered that the class he wanted was closed, so the only class left was at 8:00 A.M.

A. Because he stood in application form, line for hours, he discovered that the help please, class he wanted was closed, so the only class left was at 8:00 A.M. B. After standing in line for hours, he discovered that the Best buy resume application form, class he wanted was closed, and the only How to statement for a research paper powerpoint class left was at 8:00 A.M. C. He stood in line for hours, and he discovered that the buy resume application form, class he wanted was closed, and Market esa, the only class left was at 8:00 A.M. D. After standing in line for hours, he discovered that the class he wanted was closed, since the only class left was at 8:00 A.M.60 PART THREE. Best Application Form? PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. Research Help Esa? MARTIN'S, 2006) DIRECTIONS: Choose the Best application form, sentence that logically and correctly expresses thecomparison.16A. When it came to the long jump, Kathy jumped as far, if not farther than, Jill. B. When it came to the long jump, Kathy jumped far as, if not farther than, Jill. C. When it came to the long jump, Kathy jumped as far as, if not farther than, Jill.17A.

Justin’s handwriting is easier to read than Robin. B. Justin’s handwriting is easier to read than Robin’s. C. A List? Justin’s handwriting is easier to Best application read than Robin is.18A. Both Jeff and Mike ran well, but Jeff’s stride was smoother than Mike’s. B. A List In An Plan? Both Jeff and Mike ran well, but Jeff’s stride was smoother than Mike. C. Both Jeff and Mike ran well, but Jeff’s stride was smoother.DIRECTIONS: The passage below contains several errors. Read the passage. Thenanswer each test item by choosing the Best buy resume, option that corrects an error in help please yourself, the underlinedportion(s).

Refer to the passage as necessary. No more than one underlined error willappear in each item. If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.” Passage III In 1718, the mission San Antonio de Valero was established by Padre Olivares, aSpanish missionary. In later years it became known as the Alamo the Spanish namefor the cottonwood trees around the mission. In the winter of 1835, Texans broke tieswith the Best buy resume, Mexican goverment. In an effort to crush this independent move, AntonioLopez de Santa Anna, a Mexican General, attacked San Antonio in late February of1836. Santa Anna, with an army of about 5,000 men, forces Lieutenant ColonelWilliam Barret Travis and his 150 troops into the Alamo. Travis sent a message asking for help, “saying, I shall never surrender or retreat,”but help never came. The Alamo and its small army was first attacked on English help yourself February 23,1836. By March 5, the Alamo’s troops couldn’t return fire because they were low onammunition. Early the next morning, the buy resume application form, Mexican forces begun climbing the walls;they fought through the in an essay plan, last defenders and claimed victory.

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In 1718, the mission San Antonio de Valero was established by Padre Olivares, a ASpanish missionary. In later years it became known as the Alamo the please, Spanish Bname for the cottonwood trees around the mission. CA. Olivares aB. Alamo, theC. trees, aroundD.

No change is necessary.20. In the buy resume, winter of 1835, Texans broke ties with the How to statement paper, Mexican goverment.AB CA. WinterB. breakC. governmentD. No change is necessary.21. In an effort to application crush this independent move, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna,a Mexican General, attacked San Antonio in late February of 1836.A. Mexican generalB. mexican GeneralC. mexican generalD. Help Xavier University? No change is necessary.22. Santa Anna, with an army of Best application form, about 5,000 men, forces Lieutenant ColonelWilliam Barret Travis and his 150 troops into the Alamo.A. forceB. forcedC. has forcedD. No change is necessary.23.

Travis sent a message asking for help, “saying, I shall never surrender or Aretreat,” but help never came.BCA. saying, “IB. but,C. comesD. No change is necessary.62 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) 24.

The Alamo and its small army was first attacked on February 23, 1836. A. is B. are C. were D. No change is necessary.25. Writing A List? By March 5, the Alamo’s troops couldn’t return fire because they were low on A B Cammunition.A. Alamos’B. could’ntC. they’reD. No change is buy resume, necessary.26. Early the next morning, the Mexican forces begun climbing the walls; they A Bfought through the last defenders and claimed victory.CA. A List In An? beganB. Buy Resume? walls, theyC. thoughD. Essay Help Xavier University Application? No change is necessary.27.

Near the end the Texans used its rifles as clubs in a hopeless last stand. A. there B. it’s C. their D. No change is necessary.28. All the men defending the Best buy resume, Alamo were killed. Including Davy Crockett andJames Bowie.A. killed; includingB. Writing In An? killed, includingC. killed. This includingD. Best Application Form? No change is necessary.PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) SAMPLE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS TEST B 63. 29. The battle wasn’t fought in vain, however, this heroic fight gave General A Sam Houston enough time to Educational in nigeria rally the forces he needed to defeat the B Mexicans. “Remember the Alamo” became a popular battle cry.

C A. however. This B. they C. Mexicans, “Remember D. No change is necessary.DIRECTIONS: The passage below contains several errors. Read the passage. Thenanswer each test item by choosing the application form, option that corrects an error in the underlinedportion(s). Refer to the passage as necessary. No more than one underlined error willappear in each item. If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.” Passage IV Not too long ago, a man, whom I knew was trying to meet my friend, walked up toher and asked, “What is your sign?” He is asking, of course, about Educational her astrological signof the zodiac. This general interest in astrology is reflected in buy resume application, the daily horoscopespublished in newspapers across the country.

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Of course, most people belief astrology is simply a superstition.Others defend astrological principles by pointing out that, in many cases, it works.After all, my friend is now engaged to the man who asked her about her sign.30. Not too long ago, a man, whom I knew was trying to How to a thesis statement for a research paper meet my friend, walked AB up to her and asked, “What is Best buy resume form, your sign?” C A. to B. who C. ask D. No change is English help, necessary.64 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) 31. He is asking, of course, about her astrological sign of the zodiac.

A. asks, B. is asking C. was asking, D. No change is necessary.32. This general interest in astrology is reflected in the daily horoscopes published A in newspapers across the country. Although most people claim they don’t B believe that the stars affect their lives. C A. Buy Resume Application Form? publish B. country, although C. effect D. No change is necessary.33. Paper Powerpoint? The zodiac probably originated in ancient Egypt it was then adopted by theBabylonians.A. Egypt, itB. Egypt; itC. Egypt; although itD. No change is application form, necessary.34. Websites In Nigeria? Working slow to develop their system, astrologers connected seasonal changes A B Cand constellations.A. slowlyB. thereC. astrologers’D. No change is necessary.35.

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A. elements, the B. elements; the C. elements. The D. No change is necessary.37. An astrological chart, showing the planets in relation to the earth and stars at A a person’s birth, reveal the person’s character and future. BC A. which show B. birth C. reveals D. No change is necessary.38. For example, a person born under the sign of Gemini, the twins might have two sets of interests. A. Gemini, the twins, B. Gemini the Best buy resume application form, twins, C. Gemini the twins; D. No change is necessary.39. Of course, most people belief astrology is university application, simply a superstition. A. beliefs B. beleive C. believe D. No change is necessary.40. Others defend astrological principles by pointing out that, in many cases, it works. After all, my friend is now engaged to the man who asked her about A BC her sign.

A. it works B. whom C. ask D. No change is buy resume form, necessary.66 PART THREE. PRACTICE WITH CLAST-TYPE TESTS PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) ANSWER SHEETSample English Language Skills Test B ABC ABCD 1. Defined? ? ? ? 21. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 2. ? ? ? 22. Best Application? ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 3. Help Xavier? ? ? ? 23. ? ? ? ? A BCDE ABCD 4. ? ? ? ? ? 24. ? ? ? ? A BCDE ABCD 5. Best Buy Resume Form? ? ? ? ? ? 25. ? ? ? ? A BCDE ABCD 6. ? ? ? ? ? 26. In Nigeria? ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 7. ? ? ? 27. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 8. Best Buy Resume Application? ? ? ? 28. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD 9. Help Yourself? ? ? ? 29. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD10. ? ? ? 30. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD11. ? ? ? 31. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD12. ? ? ? 32. ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD13. ? ? ? ? 33. Buy Resume Application? ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD14. ? ? ? ? 34. ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD15. ? ? ? ? 35. Websites? ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD16. ? ? ? 36. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD17. ? ? ? 37. ? ? ? ? ABC ABCD18. ? ? ? 38. ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD19. ? ? ? ? 39. ? ? ? ? ABCD ABCD20. ? ? ? ? 40. ? ? ? ?PREPARING FOR THE CLAST (BEDFORD/ST. MARTIN'S, 2006) ANSWER KEY — SUBTEST B 67. ANSWER KEY Sample English Language Skills Subtest BITEM NUMBER SKILL TESTED SECTION IN THE BEDFORD HANDBOOK 1. A 2. B denotation/connotation 18a 3. C denotation/connotation 18a 4. B denotation/connotation 18a 5. A wordiness 16a 6. A wordiness 16a 7. C wordiness 16a 8. A modifiers 12c 9. B modifiers 12b, 12e10. A modifiers 12c, 12e11. B parallelism12. A parallelism 9b13. A parallelism 9a14. Application? B subordination/coordination 9a15.

B subordination/coordination 1416. C subordination/coordination 1417. B logical comparisons 1418. A logical comparisons 10c19. B logical comparisons 10c20. C commas 10c21. A spelling 32e22. Service Essays? B capitalization 43d23. A shifts in tense 45b24.

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Apparently, resume making and application form interviewing is our project for the fourth quarter this year. I couldn’t find any clear examples on the web, and I was hoping you could help me out with what template I should use.. Try using the ‘Elegant 2.0’ template. Good luck on your project. Yes, if you click the View all Resume Designs button and click the download link for How to write a thesis statement for a paper powerpoint the template pack of your choice. If you’ve never written a resume before, I’d recommend checking out our “How to Write a Resume” guide to get a clearer idea (it’s much more comprehensive than any answer I can give here). Hit us up with any follow-up questions after giving that a read we’ll see if we can help further! Good luck! Hey there Margaret, In order to best understand which template works, it’s a good idea to Best buy resume application check out help yourself, which resume format fits your particular needs; then you can take it from Best application there. Writing In An. All of the templates were created by Best professional resume writers, so it’s hard to go wrong with any of them — it just depends on your preference.

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10 ways to use Campus Pride as an Best application, ally for LGBTQ+ students. For students who identify as LGBTQ+, the college application process can require yet another batch of Service learning defined questions, challenges and buy resume application, choices to sift and explore. If you’re one of these students — or a counselor or family member or other ally — we don’t want you to navigate alone. Introducing Campus Pride, the leading national nonprofit committed to websites creating safe havens for LGBTQ+ students. Campus Pride offers a rich library of resources for students, families, counselors, administrators, etc.

We’ve compiled a list of 10 helpful ways you can use those resources as your ally — and become an ally in return. 1. Know your terms. Study and adopt accurate language from the Ultimate Queer College Guide. 2. Seek LGBTQ+-friendly campuses. Use the Campus Pride index to search hundreds of colleges and universities recognized for their inclusivity. a. Personalize your search. If you’re a student-athlete, browse the Campus Pride Sports Index to review schools with inclusive sports scenes. Best? If you’re a person of faith, check out these resources to see which groups create space specifically for conversations about in an essay plan faith, gender identity and sexual orientation. b. Best Buy Resume? Peruse the please yourself, policies.

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May you go forth, armed with these resources, and Best, multiply your world’s safe havens. A List of Activities You May Not Have Considered Including—But That Count! These were inspired by my colleagues in my College Essay Forum for Counselors private Facebook group: Job shadowing, building your own projects, being the go-to tech person or social media expert for family/neighborhood/organization/school, starting and running own small businesses (lawn mowing, tutoring, power washing, baked goods, children's party planner), photography, writing, playing instruments, ventriloquism, self-taught language courses like Duolingo, taking MOOCs to learn coding, composing EDM, selling stuff on esa eBay, arts crafts, fashion blogging, beekeeping, glass-blowing, scuba diving certification, EMT certification, taking a part-time job to help with family expenses, academic enrichment (summer program, online class certificate, etc.), training pet goats, dogs, parrots to become therapy animals and Best buy resume application form, getting them certified to Educational in nigeria visit senior living facilities, cleaning out grandma's attic stuff collected over the years, selling it on form EBay, then saving that money to buy a car, maintenance or set-up for high school sporting events (baseball field prep, setting up the write for a research paper powerpoint, timing equipment for Best buy resume, swim meets or track meets), juggling or unicycling, yoga, mountain-biking, bird watching, sport refereeing (not in their primary sport), Book Club (outside of school), cosplay + designing costumes, Fantasy football statistician, manager, recruiter, webmaster, or listing all the Educational websites in nigeria, books you've ever read… Got an activity that's not here but should be? Add it in the comments below! 25+ Amazing 1-Minute Ideas to Best buy resume form Take Your College Essay Consulting to a list in an essay plan the Next Level. I (Ethan Sawyer, College Essay Guy) love it when articles and conference presentations offer a few take-away gems. But why not just create a presentation with *only* the gems, I thought?

So I reached out to some of my favorite counselors and buy resume application, asked for their best essay tips and—voila!—this document came into existence. I’m grateful to the following folks for help please, making important contributions to buy resume application this article: Evelyn Alexander, Casey Rowley, Piotr Dabrowski, Chris Reeves, Susan Dabbar, Noah Kagan, Devon Sawyer, Josh Stephens, Lisa Kateri Gilbode, Randolf Arguelles. Problem 1: How can I build rapport with my students more quickly? 1-Minute Solution: On your intake form, ask students to name a band or musician they're listening to lately. Writing Plan? Then, when they come in for their one-on-one session, have that artist playing on Pandora. Pro-Tip: Get Pandora One for just $3.99/mo to avoid getting interrupted by annoying ads. Another idea: Ask a more interesting question than “How are you?” when you’re first checking in with a student. For example, “What are you celebrating today?” or “What mixed emotions are you experiencing at this moment?”

Problem 2: How can I keep students engaged during a three-day essay boot camp (and even get kids to talk about Best buy resume my sessions long after the Service learning essays, fact)? 1-Minute Solution: Invest in great snacks. “Chocolate is a must,” says Chris Reeves, “and a Costco or Sam's Club membership can be key. Last year,” he adds, “I found Hot Fries to be pretty epic with the guys.” Pro Tip: Ask attendees if they have allergies. If so, research the best snacks that won't kill anyone. Another idea: Myers-Briggs (MBTI) mini-session.

Problem 3: What are some ways to Best application form beat writer’s block? 1-Minute Solution: 4 ways to break free: 1. Move: Put on xavier university your headphones, blast your favorite tunes and talk a walk. Rake some leaves. Shake it loose with movement. Remember physics?

Momentum will create new energy. 2. Play: Toss a ball with a friend. Application? Color in Essay xavier university one of application those cool adult coloring books, grab a hunk of clay and mold something. Get dirty and tactile. 3. Motivate: As Elizabeth Gilbert says in her TED talk, you’ve got to sit down at the keyboard and invite the Writing a list in an essay, muse to Best application show up. In short, don’t wait for your moment of inspiration; create it. Or give your perfectionism a rest and give yourself permission to Educational websites “get a B+”. 4. Best Buy Resume Form? Freewrite: Don’t necessarily start at the beginning and try not to overthink things.

Do think randomly. Write For A Paper Powerpoint? Begin with a raw, non-linear, brain-dump. Or try writing morning pages. If writing or typing slows you down, use a dictation app like Dragon. Problem 4: I just want to buy resume record a quick video (for example, to in nigeria show a student where to Best buy resume application click on a particular website) but I don’t want to go through the Market research help esa, hassle of setting up a camera, etc. 1-Minute Solution: Use Jing to record a quick video of Best buy resume your screen, then share it via Jing is in nigeria here. Or record directly from your Mac using QuickTime (no download needed)!

To record from Best form, Mac: Open your Applications folder to find QuickTime (or use Spotlight). Once it's open, go to File New Screen Recording and then click the Record button. You can choose between recording a portion of English yourself your screen or the entire screen. QuickTime tutorial is here. Problem 5: Sometimes I just want to Best application explain something quickly but I'm afraid it will take me too long to type it out and English help please, I'd rather not schedule a whole session with a student to buy resume application explain a small thing. What should I do?

1-Minute Solution: See above! Record notes via video and then share it via Google Drive. Problem 6: I have a student who seems to forget everything we talk about in our sessions. Essay Help Application? What can I do? 1-Minute Solution: Refer that student to another counselor! (Kidding.) Try Skype Call Recorder.

Record the Best application, session in dual screen and then drag the file into a Google Drive folder with that student’s name on it, so that student can go back and remember what you discussed. You can record sessions remotely or in person. Heads-up: This will start to take up a lot of research help esa space, so you’ll want to be diligent about dragging those files onto a separate hard drive and deleting them from your computer. Bonus tip: One back-up drive isn’t enough. You need a back-up drive for your back-up drive that doesn’t live in the same place as your first back-up (i.e. Best Buy Resume Form? your home/office). Xavier University? Keep a second back-up of your files elsewhere—perhaps on application the Cloud. I recommend getting two of these. They’re inexpensive and haven’t failed me. I also back everything up on Google Drive. Problem 7: I’m worried about liability with my students. We get pretty personal and I’m not 100% certain what might happen, but I just want to cover myself.

1-Minute Solution: Record your sessions. How? As mentioned above, record remote sessions via Skype Call Recorder or in-person sessions with the Quicktime method. Problem 8: Sending drafts back and forth via microsoft word seems to take too long. Please Yourself? (OR) I’m tired of typing in all caps. 1-Minute Solution: Are you using Google docs (aka Google Drive) yet?

Maybe. Best Form? But are you really using it? Here are three things you may not be doing: Restoring an earlier version of a document. Changing your status from “Editing” to “Suggesting” in the upper right corner.

Typing with your voice. (Really, Google docs does that? Yup.) Click here for seven more Google docs hacks that teachers (and counselors!) should know, including How to Educational websites in nigeria Create and Organize a Table of Contents. Problem 9: How can I help keep students from missing sessions or coming without homework finished? 1-Minute Solution: Set up text reminders with AppToto. Problem 10: How can I help my students avoid cliche language? Idea #1: When you re-reading an essay draft, highlight all the cliches.

Take as long as you need to replace them with expressions of your own phrasing. Even if your phrasing doesn't seem as clever or eloquent, the essay will instantly become stronger and more genuine. Idea #2: Imagine that your nemesis—your worst enemy, your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, your grade-school bully—is reading your essay. Highlight the parts that they would pick up on as being unconvincing, confusing, not credible, melodramatic, or disingenuous. Then strengthen it accordingly by making it more honest, more clear, more realistic, and more grounded. Problem 11: How do I let students know that they are driving this process and I am the Best buy resume form, navigator? 1-Minute Solution: Lisa Kateri Gilbode gives each student a set of pilot wings. “They become sort of like their superhero capes,” she says, “And when we meet they wear their wings and How to write for a research powerpoint, it reminds them that they are in the lead.” Get sets of Best buy resume form 10 pilot wings on Amazon for $18.88. Problem 12: How can I be sure I'm listening more than talking in esa my one-on-one sessions with students?

1-Minute Solution: Along with their pilot wings, Lisa’s Gilbode’s students get a cricket clicker and buy resume form, because they are in the lead they get to English please yourself click it when I do more of the talking and Best application form, less listening. Get 12 clickers on Amazon for $7.71. Problem 13: How can I help parents feel they have contributed during the essay-writing process but still keep healthy boundaries? 1-Minute Solution: At the write a thesis statement for a paper powerpoint, start of the process, have parents complete a set of parent homework questions, which offers them a chance to feel heard and, in some cases, dump all of their hopes and Best buy resume, fears. Then ask: Anything else? Then say (to those parents who want to be CC'd on How to write statement paper powerpoint drafts): “Sorry, we don’t do that, as we worry about buy resume application form too many cooks in the kitchen” (OR) “we like to make sure the in nigeria, student is Best buy resume application form really in the driver’s seat.” Then say, “I’d love to give the student a chance to work on the essays for Educational websites, a while with me, and Best, we’ll check back in for feedback once the essays are in a good place and the student is a thesis statement paper ready.” Note that this questionnaire can be just 10 good questions long.

Pro Tip: I (Ethan) give parents the Best buy resume, Values Exercise and for a, have them complete it, then say, “Once finished, please list the application form, top three values that you’d like to impart to your son/daughter, with a brief explanation.” Why do this? It 1) can help parents feel more connected to the process, 2) offers parents a sense of what exercises their student will be doing, 3) sometimes sparks neat conversations within the family. Problem 14: I’m an learning essays defined, independent counselor and I want more people to Best buy resume form know about me and English, the great work I do with my students! 1-Minute Solution: Check out Sujan Patel’s “100 Days of Best form Growth” PDF. Essay Xavier Application? For the first 26 pages, click here. To purchase the rest for $27 (and it’s worth much, much more), click here. Problem 15: I’m an buy resume application form, independent counselor and I really have no idea if my marketing is How to write a thesis for a powerpoint working or not! 1-Minute Solution: Do you have as many clients as you want? Great, you’re done! If not, use Dorie Clark’s Recognized Expert Evaluation Toolkit, which has great ideas for creating content, establishing social proof, and building your network, plus it has a self-assessment to help you rate how you’re doing. Problem 16: How do I get my students to show and not tell?

1-Minute Solution: Have your students write down a list of adjectives that they want the colleges to buy resume know about please yourself themselves. Then tell the students they are not allowed to use those adjectives in their personal statements. Instead, make them tell stories that will force the Best application form, reader to conclude that the students have those qualities. Essay Help University? This takes practice, but great writing is rewriting. Problem 17: How do my students know if their personal statement is Best application personal enough? 1-Minute Solution: (Speaking to a student) Get together with a group of friends after you've written your first drafts of personal statements.

Don't put the essay plan, authors' names on the drafts. Mix them up and pass them around. Your friends should be able to tell which draft you wrote. If they can’t, your personal statement may not be personal enough. Problem 18: I want to buy resume application form show my students good examples of personal statements, but I don't want to show them college application personal statements because I’m concerned they might just copy the structure and content of the examples.

Where can I tell them to Essay university look for good examples of buy resume application form non-college app personal statements? Pro-Tip: Some teens like the piece by pro skateboarder Tony Hawk. Problem 19: How can I get my procrastinating student(s) to focus for just 25 minutes on an essay draft? 1-Minute Solution: Have them download the Tomato One app, which is a simple timer that counts down from 25 minutes. Market Research? It dings, then gives a five-minute break, then counts down another 25 minutes. Note that this has been responsible for all of my most productive days. Problem 20: How can I liven up a boring/ CLICHE essay topic? 1-Minute Solution: Play the UC (Uncommon Connections) Game. Best Form? All will be explained on that page. Problem 21: How can I improve an essay in just one minute?

1-Minute Solution: Look at this Values Exercise and ask these three questions: Which values are coming through really clearly in the essay? Which values are kind of Educational in nigeria coming through but could be coming through more clearly? Which values aren’t there yet but could be? Problem 22: How do I get students to come up with interesting topics for the “intellectual vitality” supplemental essay (for Stanford, and other schools)?

1-Minute Solution: Check out this Google spreadsheet with every TED talk ever. Have students search for topics that interest them (e.g. neuroscience, climate change) and then binge watch some TED talks. Problem 23: Tired of pestering a student who won’t respond to deadlines and is constantly making excuses? 1-Minute Solution: Outsource the Best buy resume application form, pestering by hiring a personal coach via University Application? For as little as $65/mo, the student gets unlimited emails and in-app communication. Best Application Form? This has positively changed the Market help, game for a couple of my students—and either you can suggest it to parents and let them pay the cost or work it into your fee, as I do (it’s worth it!). Buy Resume Application Form? I recommend Kendra.

Problem 24: The majority of my students are overseas and work with me online. How do I create a welcoming environment when we are not working in person? 1-Minute Solution: On the intake form, ask where their happy place is. Where does the learning essays, student feel most empowered, comfortable and/or creative? Then use green-screen technology to create that space in my location. How?

Use Zoom Meeting Pro which has built-in chromakey technology ($14.95/mo for a single host). You can also use WeVideo, which is Best application a bit more finicky, but some students overseas don't have the How to write a thesis for a research paper powerpoint, power to support Zoom. Here are some how-to videos: Problem 25: What do I do when a student is Best form incredibly anxious about essays/college admissions/testing, etc? A. Please? Check-in at the beginning of the meeting. Often we have a small window to meet with students and when they come in we’re not really sure where they are mentally before diving into a conversation about their future, which often involves heavy self-reflection/decision making. It can be incredibly helpful to buy resume application “check-in” with a student for How to statement research powerpoint, literally 30 seconds to see where they are mentally.

B. Application Form? Stop Breathe Think is an app and website with short meditation and Essay help xavier application, mindfulness resources. On their homepage you can complete a few questions and add your mood/feelings and it will give you suggestions on everything from gratitude, to buy resume application form short meditations, breathing and journaling. How To Write Statement Research Powerpoint? I’ll ask a student to do one of these exercises between now and the next time we meet and then I’ll follow up with their experience. C. Listen to the most relaxing song ever. Or click here for a guided meditation I created using that song as background.

Problem 26: How can I improve every essay workshop I give… in application form just one minute? 1-Minute Solution: Spend one minute answering these three questions: What do I want them to websites in nigeria know? What do I want them to feel? What do I want them to do? And that’s just what I did for this article… I wanted you to know a wide range of Best buy resume tools, tips and tricks. I wanted you to feel informed, energized and inspired. I wanted you to return to your work with more ease, purpose and joy. So go do that now. Here are a few more contributions shared at Service essays defined the IECA Conference in May, 2017:

Spread comfy pillows on the floor of your office! Ask students to pick three (and only three!) people to Best buy resume application receive feedback from. Writing A List Essay Plan? Write three drafts and ALWAYS start fresh each time. Best Buy Resume Application? Turn on the voice memo feature on paper powerpoint your phone and just let the buy resume application form, student talk. Then give them the audio and say, “Go write that down.” For students who feel they can’t write *anything*, have them write for one minute, then count the words they wrote and ask, “Could we do a few more in the next minute?” Build little wins. Have the student list their superhero characteristics. (Student is the websites, superhero.) My favorite: Use the visual mind-mapping tool called , which helps students create an outline in just a few minutes. 25+ Amazing 1-Minute Ideas to Take Your College Counseling to the Next Level. My colleagues (Evelyn Alexander and Casey Rowley) and I spent several weeks in early 2017 asking some of the Best buy resume application, best counselors in the land for their best advice.

We curated their top tips and presented the best ones at learning essays the WACAC and HECA conferences. Then we thought: Why not share these more widely? So that’s what this is: 25+ tips to Best buy resume improve your counseling life. Why the write a thesis statement paper, plus sign? That’s where you come in. Please add your best 1-minute idea in the comments below! Links encouraged. Contributors so far include: Evelyn Alexander, Casey Rowley, Ethan Sawyer, Piotr Dabrowski, Chris Reeves, Susan Dabbar, Noah Kagan, Devon Sawyer, Josh Stephens, Lisa Kateri Gilbode, Scottie Hill, Randolf Arguelles, Arun Ponnusamy, Pat Croner, Shannon Miller, Stacy Kadesh… And, hopefully, you. Please add your ideas in the comment section--and feel free to use the format we’ve used below. Here are some of our favorites so far:

Problem 1: You meet with a student and buy resume application, they are incredibly anxious about college admissions/testing and Essay help, the entire process. How do you dive into Best buy resume, your meeting (especially when you have limited time with the student), but ensure that the in an essay plan, student is ready for a bigger conversation? Check-in at the beginning of the meeting . Oftentimes we have a small window to meet with students and when they come in we’re not really sure where they are mentally before diving into a conversation about application their future that involves heavy self-reflection/decision making. It can be incredibly helpful to Educational websites in nigeria “check-in” with a student for Best application, literally 30 seconds to see where they are mentally. This can be done with a simple check-in question such as, “ If you could put your mood into websites in nigeria, a weather, what kind of application form weather would you be? For example, today I feel sunny with some clouds coming in because I feel like I have a lot of things coming up that are due. ” Being vulnerable first helps students feel more comfortable opening up too.

In groups, something as simple as stretching for 1 minute can make a big difference. Help Please Yourself? Stop Breathe Think is an app and buy resume form, website with short meditation and mindfulness resources. On their homepage you can complete a few questions and add your mood/feelings and it will give you suggestions on everything from websites in nigeria, gratitude, to short meditations, breathing and journaling. I’ll ask a student to do one of these exercises between now and the next time we meet and then I’ll follow up with their experience. Problem 2: The student is fixated on brand-name schools, but feels lost when starting to search for colleges that will be a good fit. We ask students to do research on colleges that fit their wants/needs and buy resume, values, we preach college fit, but what is an easy clear way to get a student to Writing a list essay plan see what they want? 1-minute solution: Draw your own college. Form? This is an exercise to Essay help university challenge students to draw a bird’s eye view of their own dream college. The guided exercise has the student draw everything from the student union to resources and clubs on campus, classroom size, curriculum and Best, environment outside of the classroom. Students are able to visually imagine the things important to them in Essay help xavier application a college. Have the student take a picture or keep it in their file so when you are meeting with them later on you can remind them of their picture when they get fixated on a college that doesn’t really make sense.

Problem 3: The college application process has so many steps! How do you help students keep track, not procrastinate and stay focused? 1-minute solution: Help them break it up into manageable pieces. Encourage them to write a list of Best buy resume short, attainable goals for the week, month and semester. They can write goals in English help please their phone and set reminders that will pop up on their screen. Ex. Best Buy Resume Application? “By the end of Educational websites this month I will take my SAT and start to research my colleges list. By the end of summer, I will have first drafts of Best my UC essay written and Market, a complete college list with deadlines.” Encourage students to write goals in a place that works best: notes on Best buy resume application form iPhone, in a notebook, calendar, etc.--whatever they’ll actually look at. Problem 4: If a student can’t visit the college and Market research help, is trying to get a sense of the campus environment. (urban, secluded, etc.) Or if they are having a hard time getting to know a college that they haven’t really heard of and buy resume, are unable to esa visit. 1-minute solution: Use Google Maps and virtual tours! This one might seem out of buy resume application form place, but I promise it’s a powerful tool. It can be hard to How to a thesis for a paper have faith that a college is a good “fit” for Best buy resume application form, you when you have never visited the Service learning, campus.

Google maps has the buy resume form, amazing ability to help create a vision of not just the Writing essay plan, campus, but its surroundings and Best buy resume form, context. Put the university in the search engine and Educational websites, zoom out a little. What do you see? Museums? Mountains? Access to a metro station that takes you into town? Where is the closest airport?

What is the population of the town around campus? What does the closest town have? Also use virtual tours to get an interactive experience as if you were there! Problem 5: Families get the Best, award letter and are shocked, angry, surprised. For A? How do you get them to buy resume application research earlier with tools that will work? 1-minute solution: Send these four powerful tools home with families:

This can be a homework assignment for families as they’re researching colleges. They key is to write powerpoint get them to utilize these resources earlier. Financial aid nights are traditionally in the Fall and mostly applying Senior families show up. Host a Financial Aid Night in the spring just for younger grade levels and application, call it something catchier than Financial Aid Night (ex. Please? How Colleges Can Be More Affordable Than You Think). Get them familiar with these search services before they come back as Seniors.

Problem 6: Time management for homework. Students are inundated with hours of homework. Buy Resume Application? After getting home, after completing extracurriculars, the time it takes to complete homework can be insane. How do you study smarter, not harder? 1-minute solution: Have students write down their hardest homework first. Not the longest project, but the subject they struggle with most. Tackle that one first, take a 5 minute snack/social media/zone out break, and Market, then tackle the buy resume application, next toughest subject. Save your easiest subject for the end when it’s 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. and your brain is fried from xavier application, a full day. Need someone to help you stay accountable besides your mom reminding you constantly? Check out below. Problem 7: Student is Best buy resume having a hard time deciding which college to commit to.

1-minute solution: Magic wand exercise: Keep a magic wand in your office. It's useful at the end of the year, when a student is torn between 2 schools and can't decide. We make a pros and cons list, and if it's dead even (i.e. one is not way more expensive than the other) I take the list away and rip it up in front of them. I tell them that they already know the answer - their body knows. English? We are going to use magic to application get to what the body knows. I take out English please, my wand and wave it over them and say It's decided, you are going to XYZ University! and I tell them the application form, spell lasts for 24 hours.

They can come back and Market esa, see me in 24 hours to have the spell reversed if they feel gross/don't sleep in buy resume application the next day. But now they need to leave, tell people it's decided, and carry on like normal. (Extra bonus points for working out/hiking/singing/dancing or doing whatever else makes them get in the “zone” and out of their head. ) More often than not, they come back and say “I felt great this past day! I'm so happy! I'm going to put down a deposit at XYZ University.” If they come back and say “I feel gross. I had nightmares. I hated saying XYZ University out Essay xavier application, loud to people.” I reverse the spell and we go with ABC University. Source: Scottie Hill, Archer School of Girls. Problem 8: Student has impressive qualifications, but still has a hard time wrapping their mind around the Best buy resume application form, competitiveness of highly selective colleges. Parents might say: “But Johnny is the valedictorian and captain of his team, of course Stanford would want him!”

1-minute solution: Use data to Writing a list essay plan help your students and parents gain perspective and a little humility about how competitive these schools are. For example, show your parent/student the image below (which doesn’t even include international applicants!) to Best application form illustrate the How to research, caliber of other applicants they will be going up against. You don’t have to Best buy resume say much to help esa help them see that there are roughly 40,000 number one students throughout the United States alone. Source: Arun Ponnusamy, CollegeWise. Another 1-minute solution: Tell them this: Colleges are looking for Best buy resume application form, students who will contribute to their campus--who will GIVE as well as take.

Think hard about Essay university application WHY you are a good match for Best buy resume application, each school. Articulate what you will bring to the community and what you will gain from it. Your chances of being admitted will be higher. Problem 9: Getting students to research more colleges. 1-minute solution: College Research Project. Ideal in a Junior classroom.

Each student must choose a college they have never heard of and give a small presentation similar to what a college representative would do(facts, key programs, financial aid, etc.). By the time the How to a thesis statement powerpoint, presentations are over each student has learned about 20-30 new colleges depending on the class size. Link to Best form tool: Also, check out the video from Evelyn Alexander, founder of English Magellan College Counseling: “How to Research a College” for some extra help: Further info: Georgia Tech Admissions Director Rick Clark wrote a great blog post about how college admission isn’t “fair”--it’s mission-driven. This brings home the application form, point even further that students MUST know the stated philosophy/mission of each college to which they apply: IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Essays?

Problem 10: Getting students (and parents) to consider great options beyond the UCs and CSUs (and/or they think that the Best form, UCs and CSUs are going to be less expensive) . 1-minute solution: Use RACC! This is a great group of folks who are experts on helping California students attend out-of-state schools. Educational? For school counselors, they will come to your school and conduct mini-college fairs, give presentations and offer case studies. For IECs--heck just give them a call and ask them out for buy resume, coffee! Problem 11: Student doesn’t know which teachers to ask for letters of please yourself recommendation. 1-minute solution: Have juniors read an actual downloaded copy of the Best buy resume application, teacher recommendation so that they know exactly how teachers are evaluating them. If the school is not a Naviance school or if you’re an help, IEC, you’ll need to go into your Common App account, if you have one, and enter the FERPA/recommendations section. You can print out a hard copy of the actual teacher letter of recommendation form if you enter a teacher/recommender without an e-mail address.

Problem 12: How do I get students to think about their priorities for their college experience (instead of just focusing on Best form the names)? 1-minute solution: Corsava Cards and Cafe. Have students sort cards and choose their Top 10 priorities. Then, they can take a photo with their phone and SEARCH for these things as they research colleges. They’ve identified their priorities--now they can actually look for colleges that fit those priorities! Problem 13: Parents want to Essay help xavier university application drive the whole process.

1-minute solution: Ensure the student knows they have ownership. Best Buy Resume? How? Speak to essays defined (and make direct eye-contact with) the student at the end of each session and say “You’re in Best buy resume charge here.” And let the parents see and hear you do this. Keep doing this until they get it. Problem 14: Parents who want to talk about college. All. The. Time.

1-minute solution: Set up a weekly time to talk about college and ONLY talk about college then! This is English a big problem. Buy Resume Form? From the student’s perspective, their parents (and sometimes relatives--hello, can we talk about something else at Thanksgiving?!) are ambushing them daily. It really accomplishes nothing except to shut teenagers down. Make a game out of it--whoever talks about college first during a non-college time has to buy ice cream for the whole family. Problem 15: How do I get 100% of my students to turn in their essays ahead of time without fail? For school counselors: Have students sign a contract acknowledging that they understand that you will not read anything closer than 14 days before a deadline.

For IECs: Put it into your contract that you will not read anything that is sent to you with less than 14 days before a deadline. If this is How to write a thesis for a research paper not in your contract, create a document around Labor Day laying out your goals for buy resume, submission timelines. Problem 16: Students who want to submit all of the super-reach school applications first. 1-minute solution: Don’t! Have them submit at research least a few rolling and/or less selective applications first. Tell them their essays will get better if they revise/work on them for awhile. Why? So you can get a couple acceptances early! Save some of the harder ones (NOT ALL!) for later--this also has the added benefit of giving the student time to improve the essays for the more selective schools. Problem 17: Students who want to submit all of Best application form their super-reach schools a minute before the deadline.

Tell them squeezing 27 essays into a week’s time is not going to yield super-awesome essays that really tell their story. Oh and also that colleges aren’t impressed by people who submit things at Market research help the last minute. Resource: College Essay Guy’s “Why Us” series. Problem 18: Getting students to love their safe schools. 1-minute solution: Have them research famous alumni at each school. Did you know Rainn Wilson (from The Office) graduated from UW? Ann Curry (NBC News) and Ty Burrell (Modern Family) from University of Oregon? Greg Kinnear, Jerry Bruckheimer and Kristin Wiig from University of Arizona? Does anyone know where Matt Lauer went to college? (Hint: it’s probably a safety school for Best buy resume application, most students!) Note: these final tips will repeat from the Market, essays-only version of this session/blog post. You can check out the rest of the tips at this link.

Problem 19: How can I build rapport with my students more quickly? 1-Minute Solution: On your intake form, ask students to name a band or musician they're listening to Best application lately. Educational In Nigeria? Then, when they come in for their one-on-one session, have that artist playing on form Pandora. Pro-Tip: Get Pandora One for just $3.99/mo to avoid getting interrupted by annoying ads. Another idea: Ask a more interesting question than “How are you?” when you’re first checking in learning with a student. For example, “What are you celebrating today?” or “What mixed emotions are you experiencing at this moment?” Problem 20: How can I keep students engaged during a three-day essay boot camp (and even get kids to talk about my sessions long after)? 1-Minute Solution: Invest in great snacks. “Chocolate is a must,” says Chris Reeves, “and a Costco or Sam's Club membership can be key. Last year,” he adds, “I found Hot Fries to Best form be pretty epic with the guys.” Pro Tip: Ask attendees if they have allergies. If so, research the best snacks that won't kill anyone.

Another idea: Myers-Briggs (MBTI) mini-session. During multi-day essay workshops, I (Ethan) like to break things up after lunch on a list in an essay the second day with a mini Myers-Briggs assessment. Form? How? First, I’ll introduce MBTI—what it is, how it was developed. Research Help Esa? Then I’ll give students a brief Myers-Briggs assessment by going through the preferences and Best form, having them self-select as they look at this chart. (I do this with lots of in nigeria jokes and personal examples.) Next I’ll have them go to, take a brief assessment, and see what resonates. We spend 10 minutes or so on this, as it’s a great energizer, then we dive back into the essay work. Problem 21: I just want to record a quick video (for example, to show a student where to click on a particular website) but I don’t want to go through the hassle of setting up a camera, etc. 1-Minute Solution: Use Jing to record a quick video of your screen, then share it via Jing is here. Buy Resume Application Form? Or record directly from your Mac using Quicktime (no download needed)!

To record from Mac: Open your Applications folder to find QuickTime (or use Spotlight). Once it's open, go to File New Screen Recording and then click the Record button. Service Learning? You can choose between recording a portion of your screen or the entire screen. Quicktime tutorial is here. Problem: How can I help keep students from missing sessions or coming without homework finished? 1-Minute Solution: Set up text reminders with AppToto. Problem 22: How can I help my students avoid cliche language? Idea #1: When you’re re-reading an essay draft, highlight all the cliches.

Take as long as you need to replace them with expressions of your own phrasing. Even if your phrasing doesn't seem as clever or eloquent, the essay will instantly become stronger and more genuine. Idea #2: Imagine that your nemesis—your worst enemy, your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, your grade-school bully—is reading your essay. Highlight the buy resume, parts that they would pick up on Essay help xavier university application as being unconvincing, confusing, not credible, melodramatic, or disingenuous. Then strengthen it accordingly by making it more honest, clearer, more realistic, and more grounded. Problem 23: How can I get my procrastinating student(s) to Best buy resume form focus for just 25 minutes on an essay draft? 1-Minute Solution: Have them download the Tomato One app, which is Service learning a simple timer that counts down from 25 minutes. It dings, then gives a five-minute break, then counts down another 25 minutes. Buy Resume Form? Note that this has been responsible for all of my most productive days. Problem 24: How can I liven up a boring/cliche essay topic?

1-Minute Solution: Play the help esa, UC (Uncommon Connections) Game. All will be explained on that page. Problem 25: How can I improve an essay in just one minute? 1-Minute Solution: Look at this Values Exercise and application form, ask these three questions: Which values are coming through really clearly in the essay? Which values are kind of coming through but could be coming through more clearly? Which values aren’t there yet but could be? Problem 26: Tired of pestering a student who won’t respond to deadlines and is constantly making excuses? 1-Minute Solution: Outsource the pestering by hiring a personal coach via For as little as $65/mo, the student gets unlimited emails and in-app communication.

This has positively changed the game for please, a couple of buy resume my students—and either you can suggest it to parents and let them pay the cost or work it into your fee, as I do (it’s worth it!). I recommend Kendra. Here are a few more contributions shared at the IECA Conference in May, 2017: Spread comfy pillows on the floor of your office! Ask students to pick three (and only three!) people to receive feedback from. Write three drafts and ALWAYS start fresh each time.

Turn on the voice memo feature on How to write research your phone and buy resume application form, just let the Educational websites, student talk. Then give them the audio and say, “Go write that down.” For students who feel they can’t write *anything*, have them write for one minute, then count the words they wrote and ask, “Could we do a few more in the next minute?” Creating little victories can build confidence. Have the student list their superhero characteristics. (Hint: the student is the Best buy resume form, superhero.) Use the visual mind-mapping tool called, which helps students create an outline in just a few minutes. 1-Minute Solutions (four of them!): Freewrite: Don’t start at the beginning.

Don’t overthink things. Do think randomly. Research Esa? Begin with a raw, non-linear, braindump. Best Application Form? Try writing morning pages. And if writing or typing slows you down, use a dictation app like Dragon. Play: Toss a ball with a friend. Color in one of those cool adult coloring books, grab a hunk of clay and mold something. Get dirty and tactile. Move: Rake some leaves. Shoot free throws.

Or just put on help esa your headphones and talk a walk. Remember physics? Momentum will create new energy. Problem 28: I'm probably not making the buy resume application form, most of Google Docs. My favorites (all explained in Educational websites in nigeria links above): 1. Buy Resume? Typing with your voice. 2. Clearing formatting. 3. URL shortener. 4. Offline editing mode.

5. Open MSWord as a Google Doc. Have a 1-minute tip or resource you’d like to share? Post it in the comments below! How to Make the Most of a College Fair Experience. This post was inspired by a resource I first created for the NACAC Pasadena College Fair and Writing a list, then rewrote after an Best, inspiring conversation with Maria Furtado, Executive Director of Colleges That Change Lives. To hear that podcast “Colleges That Change Lives: Great Schools You May Not (Yet!) Know About,” click here. Let’s face it: college fairs can be really overwhelming. To give you a sense, here’s a photo I took of one two weeks ago: You walk into this giant room lined with rows and rows of tables filled with college reps and nervous students lined up ready to ask their questions and your first reaction is like, “Whuuuuuut” and then (if you’re kind of an introvert, like me) you want to either run the other way or just go sit in the corner somewhere and text your friend, “Where u at?” Here’s a secret: you’re not alone. There are tons of Educational websites students and adults and buy resume application, (let’s face it) even college reps who are overwhelmed by college fairs too.

But guess what? There’s a way to write for a research powerpoint make your college fair efficient, productive and (get this) even fun. How? Below are five ways. And bee tea dubs, if you’re a counselor, teacher or parent who wants to print this out and Best buy resume application, give it out to Market research esa your students, you can totally do that by clicking the orange box below.

1. Decide on a goal for your college fair experience. Why are you going in the first place? Here are some reasons that students at the above college fair shared with me when I asked them why they were there: “To like, find out Best buy resume, about some schools.” “To learn about, like, college…?” “Because my counselor/parents are making me.” (Props for being honest, at least.) Here are some better reasons to go to learning a college fair (that will actually help you get into college): To make a meaningful connection with a rep from a college that a) you’re interested in Best form and b) that tracks demonstrated interest.

To generate content for your “Why us” essay. Lemme break those down for you right quick: Demonstrated interest is a system some colleges use to track which students are super duper interested in their school (and therefore more likely to Service attend). Think of Best buy resume application it as “scoring points” with a college. Some ways you can score demonstrated interest points include a) requesting information from the Essay help xavier application, college, b) liking the school’s Facebook page, c) interviewing. How do you check the demonstrated interest box and generate great material for Best, your “Why us?” 2. Prepare 3-5 interesting, specific questions for the college reps. Why do this?

Because specific, interesting, questions will lead to more specific, interesting conversations, and the rep is more likely to Service learning essays remember you. Why is that potentially a good thing? In some cases, the Best form, rep you meet at the college fair may be the one who ends up reading your application. (Really? Yes.) Not all the time, but sometimes--and this is especially true for Market research help, smaller schools. What should you ask? Here are some quick DOs and DON’Ts:

Don’t ask anything you can easily Google: “What’s your student-to-faculty ratio?” “Is it cold there?” “Do you have Biology?” Don’t ask general questions: “What’s your school like?” “Is your [fill in the blank] program good?” (They’ll all say it’s great.) Do ask specific questions that invite a personal response. “What are the Best application, three coolest things about your school?” Where do you like to eat on campus? Do ask specific questions relevant to your major: “Do students have access to film equipment during their freshman year?” “How easy is it to English help please take classes in the School of Best buy resume application Journalism if I major in Physics?”

Stressed about the questions? Not sure what to Writing a list in an ask? Then do this: Go up to buy resume application the rep, smile, extend your hand, give a firm handshake and Educational, introduce yourself. Then ask that exhausted rep how they’re doing. (Really? Yeah.) Just connect on a human level. Be present, then just see where the Best form, conversation takes you. Monica James (of the podcast I mentioned above) advises students to treat these interactions like a mini interview, saying “more than anything, it’s about your Presence.” So just do all the things your mama taught you, and see what happens.

Want to know another way to avoid being overwhelmed? 3. Writing Essay Plan? Spend an hour putting together a preliminary college list before you go. 4. Buy Resume Application? Pick 3-5 schools from your preliminary list that you really want to research esa talk to. Why 3-5 reps? Because depth is better than breadth. Best? I’d say it’s better to have 10-minute conversations with 3-5 reps than 1-2 minute conversations with 25 reps. Also: you’re more likely to essay hit that goal.

Once you do, if you feel like it, talk to a few more--BY THAT POINT YOU’RE IN BONUS TERRITORY. 5. Talk to buy resume form a rep from a school you’ve never heard of, especially one who has no one in front of them. Why? Those reps are more likely to be the actual person reading your application. In fact, at a recent college fair I went up to five reps who had no one standing in front of them and Writing, I asked all five, “Do you track demonstrated interest?” All five said yes. Then I asked, “What are the form, odds that you’ll be the application reader for a student that you meet here today. Four out of five said yes and the fifth one happened to How to statement for a research paper powerpoint be a Dean of Admissions for her school, filling in for a rep on maternity leave--BUT HEY, SHE WAS THE DEAN. Why are these small schools at these fairs?

Chances are they are recruiting in your area. In other words, many smaller schools are often “under-represented” from certain parts of the Best, country (yours?), so they’re at the college fair trying to get more students to apply. What does it mean if they don’t have many students from your area? Because schools value diversity (and because there is such a thing as “geographical diversity”) you may be just the kind of learning essays defined diversity they’re looking for… this sometimes means your application may be seen more favorably AND you might even get a little scholarship money. So go talk to these folks! Still not convinced this is Best application form worth your time?

Wondering how to develop a meaningful/authentic relationship with a rep? Click here to find out how. Demonstrated Interest: A Brief and Practical How-To Guide. This blog post was inspired by podcast Episode 108 with Monica James, in which we discuss everything from how to Service defined find out which colleges track demonstrated interest to whether you should or shouldn’t like a college’s Facebook page. You can find that episode here. Spoiler alert: In this blog post I’ll share with you a list of potential Action Items that involve (among other things) attending college fairs, speaking with admission reps, and maybe even opening a few of those emails that colleges send you--things that might stress you out. And why, you might wonder, would the “ease, purpose and application form, joy” guy ask you to do things that mostly bring you anxiety? Why are we talking about demonstrated interest in English please yourself the first place? Demonstrated interest (which I’ll explain in a moment) has become an Best application form, important factor that some (keyword: some!) colleges consider when deciding whether to admit students or not. In An Plan? In fact, take a look at this NACAC survey from Best, 2015 asking colleges which factors most influenced admission decisions:

That’s right, it’s #7. TWO SPOTS BELOW ESSAYS. For the entire 2015 NACAC state of college admission report, click here. In short, demonstrated interest can play a big part in increasing your chance of Essay help xavier application admission. Want more proof? Here’s a 50-page report that concludes that, for the colleges mentioned in the study (those that track demonstrated interest), “off-site contacts [such as sending an email to Best buy resume form a rep or requesting info from the school] increase the Essay help xavier, probability of admission by 10-13 percentage points,” while making both an application form, on-site contact (like taking a campus tour) and Service defined, ALSO making on off-site contact “increases the probability of Best buy resume admission by 21-24 percentage points.” Source. (Heads-up: There’s a lot of math in that report.) And get this: according to a 2012 NACAC report, between 2004 and 2011, the percentage of colleges that rated demonstrated interest as being “considerably important” rose from 7% to 23% (see page 23 of the report), although since then it has stayed right around the 20% mark. Demonstrated Interest: What is it?

Simply put, demonstrated interest is something that many colleges and universities use to track a) how much you (prospective student) like their school and, more importantly b) how likely you are to esa enroll if the school admits you. Why do schools want to know which students are likely to enroll? 1. Schools have a target enrollment number, which means that each year they want a certain number of students to enroll. Buy Resume Application Form? Why? Think about Essay it: if they enroll 200 (or even 20) too many students, they’ve got a problem: where do they put everyone? Similarly, if they enroll 200 (or even 20) too few students, then they’ve got a different problem: 20 or 200 empty dorm beds. And when you multiply that number times that many tuitions, it can add up to a really big reason (or, if you like, millions of reasons) why schools want to Best buy resume try and hit their target enrollment number. 2. Help Xavier? Schools want to protect their “yield.” What’s yield, you ask? It’s the percentage of students who decide to enroll at Best application a particular college or university after being accepted.

So, for example, if Northwestern offers ten spots to ten students and all of them accept, that’s great for Educational, them! That means Northwestern is a great place to be and buy resume application form, everyone loves Northwestern yay! But if the school offers ten spots to ten students and only one student accepts, then that’s bad. Why? Because then they seem like that one giraffe at the zoo that none of the other giraffes want to essays play with. #sadgiraffeemoji Why else is it bad?

Because yield is tied to a school’s ranking in form US News and xavier application, World Report, which is a place that some parents and students look when deciding which schools they should apply to. Best Buy Resume Application Form? (Here’s a better way to build a college list, bee tea dubs.) Put simply, if their yield gets worse, this can have a negative impact on their rankings. In short, colleges want to know: Who really loves us? And can you blame them? If you were running a college, wouldn’t you want to know who was not only likely to enroll, but also likely to a thesis for a paper powerpoint stay all four years and graduate? Quick personal anecdote: In college I applied for a job at buy resume form a Mongolian BBQ restaurant in Writing a list in an essay Evanston, IL and they required me to come to not one, but four interviews. Four interviews!

The first interview went great, but I was ten minutes late to Best the second interview and, when I showed up late, the hiring manager said, “Sorry, we won’t be hiring you.” I asked why and they said, “We just really value punctuality and this shows us you don’t really share that commitment.” And at first I was like, “Daaang,” but then I was like, “Yeah, you’re right.” By showing up late I was basically demonstrating a lack of interest in a thesis for a research powerpoint the job. That hiring manager was saying what schools are saying: Show us you care. Like, actually care. Okay, so you may be wondering: How do I do that? I’ll tell you in a sec. First, I want to share… A Few Ways That Colleges Track Demonstrated Interest (DI) Note: this info is from a presentation given at a conference in buy resume application 2015 by a few college admission counselors who track demonstrated interest.

If you’re really into this stuff, click here for the presentation, as it shows screenshots from the computers of actual reps showing the university application, details. But here’s what they track: Interaction and buy resume application form, inquiry card submission (or scan) at college fairs Campus visit during junior year or summer after junior year Early application Supplemental essay: showing your particular interest in a list in an plan that college and how you have researched that school specifically Speaking with alumni or students who may share information with admission office Campus info session/tour in buy resume application form fall of Market senior year Interview with admission rep/alum Second visit to Best campus in defined senior year Overnight program Contacting admission rep Meeting with faculty on campus or by phone FAFSA form--how student ranks the school on Best form the form (Ethan note: NOT true anymore. This was stopped in early 2015, so ignore this one. Help Esa? Source.) Oh, and Best buy resume application, you know those 42 questions that you answer when you sign up for the SAT? Some colleges pay for essays, that info too. Best Buy Resume Form? So those are, y’know, 42 other things they track. Side note--and you can skip this if you wanna’ get to the practical stuff: At a party last night (yes, actually) I met a business analyst for the development office of a thesis research powerpoint a highly selective school (and “development office” folks are those who call alumni asking for donations) and she let me know that student engagement is tracked even while students are on Best buy resume form campus and--get this-- even after you graduate . Esa? Why? Because a student who attends alumni events may be more likely to donate. Buy Resume Application Form? Fun fact: they even use something called “wealth screening” to find out how much money you might have. Educational Websites In Nigeria? Yay for Best application, data!

ANOTHER GREAT READ: College Interviews: Do They Really Matter? (Part 1 of 2) Okay, given this information, what should you do? A couple options: 1. Nothing. Market Help Esa? That’s right. You can just keep getting good grades and participating in the activities and projects you love and keep living your awesome life. So there is Best application form literally nothing that you have to do differently now that you know this . Essay Xavier? For real. You can still get into a great school without demonstrating interest. But if you’ve read this and you’re thinking, “Okay, I could probably go to a college fair, and maybe reach out to an admission rep, and I could maybe even like the college’s Facebook page,” then here’s what you should do first: 2. Spend some time developing your college list.

Why do this first? So that you don’t stress yourself out trying to “demonstrate interest” for like 20 schools, some of which you may not apply to anyway. Here’s a resource for creating a great college list, for Best buy resume application form, free. Once you’ve done that, and by the way developing your list may take some time, then… 3. Pick a small number of schools to which you’d like to demonstrate some interest. How many? I don’t know, pick three or four. But…

4. A List? (Heads-up: this is important!) Make sure that each of Best buy resume application these schools actually tracks demonstrated interest. Otherwise it’s like you’re buying gifts for someone whose love language isn’t even gifts! (Okay, pretty obscure reference for this crowd, maybe.) How do you find out help esa, which schools track demonstrated interest? Here, lemme Google that for you: “Does [school’s name] track demonstrated interest?” Once you do, you might learn that, for example, Brown does not track demonstrated interest. In fact, none of the Ivies do. (Don't get me wrong: even though Ivies don't track DI, it's still a good idea to interview, visit campus, and learn about each school you're applying to, just make sure you’re spending your time wisely.) And, btw, if that Google search doesn’t turn up an answer, Google the school name and buy resume form, the words “Common Data Set” and you can scroll down to find a list of learning essays defined factors that a particular school takes into account. It’ll look something like this screenshot from the 2016 Common Data Set for Loyola Marymount University: See: LMU doesn’t track demonstrated interest!

So stop demonstrating! And here’s a look at the Common Data Set for Bates College: See: they do track it! (So they do care that you care.) Wow, schools publish this info? Yup. Should You Demonstrate Interest? I’ll make this really simple. You might consider demonstrating interest if a) there’s a school that you’re super excited about attending and b) that school actually tracks demonstrated interest.

If You Decide You Want to Demonstrate Some Interest (and It’s an Important “If” Because We’re About to Go Down the Best buy resume, Rabbit Hole!), When and How Should You Do it? Okay, with all those qualifiers in place, here are 13 ways you can demonstrate interest, adapted from learning essays, a great article by Lisa Rubin-Johnson. Note that I’ve added how much time each one should take because a) the word “practical” is in the title of this post, and buy resume, b) it’s a great way to university application help you make sure you’re doing this with ease, joy and purpose. 13 Ways You Can Demonstrate Interest (in order of the college process) Get on the school’s email list. (2 min.) You can do this by Best buy resume form Googling the name of the school and filling out an “information request” form like this one. Open the emails you receive from a school and click on something in English yourself the email. (3-5 min.) That’s right: actually read the emails they send you, then consider clicking on form something in the email (if it’s interesting to you), and maybe even spend a few minutes reading what’s on the web page that it sends you to. (Some schools track these things.) But mostly do it because, hey, you may learn something! And while you’re there. “Click deep” on the school’s website. (15-30 min.) This is my friend Michelle’s phrase; it basically means spending some time researching to learn, for example, if the school has a rad program that may be right for you. This will not only help you eventually write your “Why us” statement (assuming the university application, school has one), but will prep you for a potential conversation with your regional rep if and buy resume application form, when you… Attend a college fair. (2-3 hrs.) For tips on making the help, most of Best application a college fair experience, check out podcast episode 107 with Maria Furtado and write research, read the accompanying blog post. Contact your regional rep. (10-30 min.) More tips on form developing an authentic relationship with your rep below.

Follow the school on social media. Service Learning Essays? (5-10 min.) Google to find out what social media platforms the school is on, and follow or like their pages, then maybe even share or re-Tweet something from the school. Visit campus. (Time spent depends how far away you live.) This isn’t possible for everyone, but if you’re within a couple hours from the school, it’s a good idea (if you do live close to the school and never visit, a school might wonder why). Make sure they’ve got some record you were there by signing up for a tour or meeting with a rep. Interview. Form? (1 hr prep + 2-3 hrs driving to and doing actual interview) Some schools have interviews, some don’t--you can find out by English please Googling--if yes, do the interview. An alumni interview is Best buy resume application fine; an Educational in nigeria, interview with your regional rep (i.e. the person who is likely to read your application) is better.

More tips on interviews at form this link and a thesis statement, note that at buy resume application that link I address, “Does the interview matter?” For schools that track demonstrated interest, the interview matters. Supplemental essays. (You’ll have to write these anyway if you’re applying; time will vary.) The big one is the “Why us” essay, where essentially you get a chance to yourself show the application, school why you feel you’d be a great fit for learning defined, one another. If the school is (actually) your #1 choice, say that in your “Why us.” Lots more tips on how to write that essay at this link. Apply Early Action or Early Decision. (Takes pre-planning, but no extra work to do beyond actual application.) Early Decision (ED) is something you can do for only one school and means that, if you get in, you have to go. Early Action (EA) is Best buy resume form something you can do for several schools and, if you get in, you don’t have to go, but doing so shows you’re interested enough to apply earlier than most students. Xavier University Application? A few schools have something called Restricted Early Action, but make sure to Best buy resume application form check the school’s website to see which school offers what. Why might you apply ED or EA? Because the ED and EA acceptance rates are often higher.

How much higher? Wouldn’t it be great if a resource existed that compared the Service defined, difference between regular decision and application form, early decision numbers? Submit your application before the deadline. (No extra time required.) This is especially true for schools that read applications on a rolling basis (in other words: in the order applications are submitted). As Monica James says on the podcast, better to be the first oboe player that a reader reads than the sixth! Thank you notes and emails. Market Help? (10-15 min.) Hello, life skill. Form? Spend a few minutes following up after an write a thesis statement for a powerpoint, interview or college fair meeting with a little, “Thanks for talking with me!” You can even ask a follow-up question, if you’d like to keep the buy resume application, conversation going, but don’t go crazy (see tips below for more on this). Follow the waitlist instructions. (10 min-2 hrs, depending) If you’ve been waitlisted by a school, make sure you do whatever they tell you to do--including the Market help esa, optional stuff. Best Buy Resume Application? They may for example just ask you to fill out a simple form declaring your interest (10 min.), or they may say that you can submit one additional recommendation letter or a short letter detailing any additional information not included in the original application (if they do, send the one--not six--rec letter, and in the follow-up letter you write, only include new information, as they've asked). Essay University? The school website will tell you what to do; if you can’t find the info, give the school a quick call to Best buy resume application ask what to do and take careful notes.

All right, at this point, you might be saying… Hey Ethan, this all sounds exhausting and I don’t feel like doing it. Great, then don’t! You do not have to do any of the plan, 13 things mentioned above . Buy Resume Application Form? Colleges will still read your application and you will be considered for Service learning essays defined, admission. Assuming you have good grades and test scores, you have followed all the directions on form the application and (this is important) assuming you have developed a balanced college list, you will still end up at a great school where you can get a great education and find happiness. But before you decide not to do anything, remember: You don’t have to Market research esa do all 13 things for Best form, all 9 or 10 schools you’re applying to defined and you certainly don’t have to do them all in one day or even one week. You could just pick a couple schools that you’re 100% certain actually track demonstrated interest, then pick a few things from the list of 13 things and do those. Focus on building on Best authentic relationship with your regional rep from 2-3 schools on your list.

Four Practical Tips for Building an Market esa, Authentic Relationship with Your Rep. Search the school’s website to buy resume find out who your regional rep is. This is as easy as Googling, for example, “Davidson College regional rep.” Email your rep and ask a question you are genuinely interested in learning essays defined . If, for example, you’ve looked on Best buy resume the school’s website (important if!) and Essay help application, have been unable to Best find out if your rep will be in Service learning essays your area sometime soon, you might write briefly to say, “Hi! I’m wondering if you might be in the Bay Area (or wherever you live) sometime soon, as I’m really excited to apply to your school and I’d love to buy resume application meet you.” Or you might ask something really specific like, “Hi! I’m writing to find out if it’s easy for freshmen enrolled in Essay help application the School of Speech to easily take advanced courses in buy resume application Journalism, as I know that they’re separate schools. But I’m really passionate about both, and a thesis statement paper, I’m especially excited to apply to your school, since I know it has great programs for buy resume, both of my interests: Communication Studies and Journalism.” Then sign off with a simple, “Thank you!” and give your name and Service essays, perhaps the Best, name of your high school. (Pro Tip: I’ve even seen some students create a simple signature for their emails where they pop in a headshot so reps can attach their name to a thesis research powerpoint a face.) Keep the email conversation going (for a little bit). Not forever, just a couple emails. How? Ask a question at the end of each email.

Careful: this can get annoying after awhile, so don’t go crazy with this. And make sure you don’t email until you have a good and Best buy resume application, real question. Service Learning Essays Defined? You might, for example, ask if they’re going to be in your area visiting other schools and Best buy resume application form, see if they might have time in your schedule to visit your school (make sure to check with your counselor first!). Learning Defined? But treat this like you’re having an actual, in-person conversation at a college fair. Speaking of which: If the buy resume application form, rep is Essay university coming to a college fair near you, go and meet them! Especially if you won’t or may not be able to Best visit the campus. And if you’ve already met the defined, rep because they visited your school, still go and just say hello. Quick personal story: A few years ago I was chatting with a rep at a selective school and a student came up to Best buy resume application him and said hello and learning essays defined, introduced himself. The rep said, “Oh, yeah, I remember you!” and they chatted for like 90 seconds, then the student said good-bye. Buy Resume Application Form? I was impressed by how the learning essays defined, student carried himself and, once the student left, I asked the rep half-jokingly, “What do you think?

Is he in?” “Oh, he’s in,” the rep said. But he was serious. “Really?” I said? “If he’s got As?” “Oh, even Bs. He was the student ambassador when I visited his school and he showed me around--he’s a great kid and we’d love to buy resume application have him.” I don’t know if that student ultimately ended up at that school, but his demonstrated interest game was on point. Okay, that’s enough for help application, you to do and think about so I’m gonna’ cut this off here and let you either get to work or get back to your life. If I had to re-cap the Best, most important things from this post, I’d say: Check out websites, that PDF that compares Regular Decision and Early Decision percentages for Best buy resume application form, 2016, as it can help you decide if you want to apply ED or not. Get to a thesis research work on your college list, so you can decide which schools you may like to buy resume application apply some of the 13 tips to. That’s all. Now go back to having an a list in an essay plan, awesome life.

Links referenced in or researched for Best buy resume application form, this post: ANOTHER GREAT READ: How Choosing Your Classes Ahead of Time Can Help You Get into the Right College. The Engaged Life: Six Ways to Service essays Get the Most Out of College. This guest post was written by Daniel Lerner. He is co-author of the upcoming book U-Thrive, a faculty member at the NYU Langone Medical Center, and Best buy resume form, member of the instructional staff at please yourself UPenn’s Master of Applied Positive Psychology program. Along with Alan Schlechter, Dan co-teaches “The Science of Happiness,” NYU’s largest and most popular non-required course at NYU. John was no stranger to success. Exuberant, intense, and bright, he had captained his high school baseball team to Best buy resume form the regional championship, had been admitted to a number of essay top-tier schools, and was electrified by all that college had to Best buy resume offer.

But by learning essays defined the time he arrived for his sophomore year at NYU, he found himself, for the first time in his life, directionless. John had stepped away from buy resume application, playing baseball; he realized that days at please school that were once so engaging had become a grind; and it seemed that the application, harder he tried to seek out fulfilling activities, the more they eluded him. “I thought college would be the How to statement for a powerpoint, answer to everything I’d been through to application form get here, but I frequently checked out of Educational in nigeria classes. Plus the pressure to choose a major, pressure about buy resume form a career path (basically pressure to English please yourself succeed), was deflating,” he explained. “Without a sense of meaning in it, the day-to-day didn’t carry much significance. I felt smaller. I struggled hard.” Two years later, John is killing it. He has created his own major, is a head RA, and is having a blast coaching baseball for Best buy resume application form, city kids. What turned the tide?

John realized that he had been relying on Writing in an essay plan “outward definitions of success” rather than looking inside to engage his personal strengths. Once he stopped “going through the motions” and adhering to some invisible set of one-size-fits-all guidelines, the narrow door of success he had been trying to squeeze through was flung wide open. College is no longer about Best buy resume application form “what major” or “what job” he should be chasing. Instead, he uses this question to guide his decisions: “What pursuits do I find most engaging?” Once he had his picture of success in a frame that fit, the next steps became more tangible. Not only is success easier and more natural to achieve for John now, it’s more gratifying as well. As parents, there may be nothing more important to us than seeing our kids succeed. Not just “succeed” in the traditional financial security sense, or even succeed at websites in nigeria being happy, but succeed in finding activities that they adore—activities in which they become deeply engaged, enthralled (and possibly even point the way to a wonderful career). And when it comes to this brand of success, nothing -- and I do mean nothing -- will get them there more directly than employing their strengths of character.

The Gallup organization has shown that people have a 73% chance of being engaged in their endeavors when putting their character strengths to use, a number that drops to 9% for those who don’t. Constructing a course load that incorporates these factors can result not only in a far more fulfilling college experience, but a vastly more successful one as well. Best Buy Resume Application Form? Studies show that college students who leverage their strengths enjoy deeper levels of concentration, greater levels of personal initiative, greater motivation to learn, higher levels of performance, AND live happier lives. Market Research? In fact when we were writing our book U Thrive: How to Best application form succeed in college and life, we reached out to the more than four thousand students who have graced our classroom over the past five years, asking them what topic in our course had the most positive impact on their college experience. In Nigeria? The results weren’t even close. Best Application Form? Engagement and character strengths topped the list. So moms and websites, dads – what are strengths anyway, and application, how can you help your kiddos make the most of theirs? Marlowe, who took our course in the fall of her junior year, had always had a creeping suspicion that she was living with undiagnosed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). “I was intensely interested in the music business,” she said, yet “I found myself registering for help application, courses in art history, but all the while was totally immersed in the study of French language, and was constantly thinking about how to make travel a part of my life.” Like many students, Marlowe was having a hard time even identifying her strengths, much less pursuing them with any sense of purpose. To resolve this conundrum, Dr.

Ryan Niemiec, education director at the VIA Institute on application form Character, recommends a three-step process: awareness, exploration, and application. So, first thing’s first: Do not pass go, do not collect $200…dare we say, don’t even keep reading until you become aware of a list in an essay plan your strengths and buy resume, familiarize yourself with how they suit you. Head over to and take the Essay help xavier university application, free VIA Strengths Survey (did we mention free? Because it is.). It should take ten to fifteen minutes, but the buy resume application, benefits will begin the moment you get your results.

When Marlowe took the survey, she found that her top strength was “love of learning.” Then it hit her: “I didn’t have a disorder and I wasn’t lost—I was simply at Market help esa my best when I was learning new things. Just being able to name it gave me real freedom to Best buy resume application be comfortable in my own process, and school has been SO much more satisfying ever since.” Signature Strengths: Which Strengths Help You the Educational in nigeria, Most? Those strengths that will help your kids be at buy resume application form their best (and you be at yours) —those that were most helpful in the studies and student stories alike—are called signature strengths. Most people have between three and English please, seven signature strengths, and they are found among those ranked at the top of the assessment results. If you have any doubt about which are yours, walk through your top strengths with these questions in mind for each: Do you feel particularly excited when putting it to use? When you use this strength, do you feel like “the real me”? Do you have a strong desire to Best application form use it frequently?

Does your energy get renewed when you use it? Do you feel particularly happy, enthusiastic, or even ecstatic when this strength is part of help university application your process? It’s not just how these strengths make you feel when you use them. In a study by Alex Linley, people who talked about their signature strengths spoke more clearly and their tone of voice became more focused, their responses were more immediate, and they used phrases like “I love” and buy resume application form, “it just fits.” When describing lesser strengths, however, they struggled to express themselves and learning defined, were critical and impatient with themselves and their situations. Getting a handle on strengths is buy resume form step one, but the real adventure begins when people begin to explore them in help xavier greater depth. This not only helps them understand their strengths, it also helps them understand…themselves,…particularly them at their best. When Damon, a student in our class, received his VIA results, he couldn’t see how any of them applied to him at all. Buy Resume Application Form? In fact, he told the class that he thought them so ridiculous, he’d showed them to his girlfriend to get a good laugh. She’d taken one look at the results, pronounced them dead-on, and English yourself, proceeded to tick off a list of Best buy resume form examples demonstrating each one of Damon’s top five strengths. As he saw them through someone else’s eyes, he said “I realized that I had just taken my best moments for granted – these really were the characteristics that I displayed when I was in the zone with friends, on the field, and in my classes.” Whitney convinced her parents to Service learning essays defined take the buy resume, assessment, too. “The conversation about how we have seen our strengths play out was one of the websites in nigeria, best that we had in years,” she reported. Application Form? “My dad reminded me that since I was little, I wanted to take care of everyone around me.

I figured that was just what people did, but his insights showed me how I always thrived when using my love and kindness. Since then, I’ve been volunteering at shelters more often and have made a point to send a note to someone that I love each morning. It’s an amazing feeling.” Sarah, an army veteran who took our course one summer , expressed her number one strength (“love”) by designing a “strengths date” for her artist boyfriend. Educational? Having taken the VIA assessment, they discovered that his number one strength was “appreciation of beauty and excellence,” so Sarah took him to breakfast at a particularly lovely restaurant before surprising him with a day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art followed a walk in neighboring Central Park. They finished their day by watching the Best buy resume application form, sunset from the highest building at NYU. How To A Thesis Statement For A Research Paper? Sarah’s report: “Best. Date.

Ever.” They can use your signature strengths to make the application, most of their relationships, be their best in the classroom, or enhance their life in every other way. At the end of the day, your strengths can lead to both happiness and How to paper powerpoint, engagement—literally: we had a student who credited his bravery for asking his girlfriend to marry him! Not using your strengths is Best buy resume like carrying a tube of Service learning sunblock with you but never putting it on. Having first assessed each participant for their strengths, Alex Linley and his colleagues asked 240 second-year college students to write down their “top three goals” for buy resume application form, the semester. English Help Please Yourself? Primed with examples such as “Attend most of my lectures,” “Have fun and form, enjoy myself,” and “Stop drinking alcohol during the week,” participants were clearly instructed that the goals must be personally meaningful.

It turned out that signature strengths accounted for more than 50 percent of the reason that they reached their goals. Nobody ever won a championship using their non-dominant hand, or felt like they were communicating at websites in nigeria their best using a second language. Best Buy Resume Application Form? If you want to essays help your kiddos be their very best – both in and out of the classroom – help them understand, explore, and buy resume application form, apply their strengths of character. They can shine the light on what is wonderful today, and point the way toward a fulfilling, successful road in college and beyond. “U-Thrive” is available online and at booksellers.

As a speaker, teacher, and strengths-based performance coach, Daniel Lerner is an expert in positive and Service learning, performance psychologies. Best Buy Resume Application Form? His key theme is that developing a healthy psychological state has a profound impact on the pursuit of excellence—a message that he brings to students, high-potential performing artists and athletes, and executives at Fortune 500 companies and startups worldwide. Following a decade representing and essays, developing young performing artists with ICM artists and buy resume application form, 21C Media (which he co-founded), Lerner studied closely with renowned sports psychologist Dr. Nathaniel Zinsser, focusing on English coaching and performance enhancement techniques employed by professional and Olympic athletes, before earning a graduate degree in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. Lerner is a faculty member at NYU Langone Medical Center and Best, is on the instructional staff in the Master of Applied Positive Psychology program his alma mater. “The Science of Happiness”, co-taught with Alan Schlechter, is currently the largest and most popular non-required course at New York University. In the classroom and in his talks, Lerner integrates storytelling, humor, and science, helping students and professionals apply his teachings into their lives with immediate benefit.

How to Plan a Fun (or Productive) Pre-College Summer: A Five-Step Guide. For more summer planning tips, check out my podcast episode with summer planning expert Jill Tipograph, in which we discuss everything from to whether or not expensive academic programs are worth it to Writing in an plan some weird and interesting summer adventures . Step 1: Decide if you want your summer to be fun, productive, or both. Here are five ways to have fun this summer: Travel somewhere you’ve never been before. And it doesn’t have to be super far away. Click here to find places to camp near you. Application? Or use this roadtrip planner and go see some weird stuff. (Pro Tip: Actually check the university, box that says “weird stuff.”) Get this: last week my wife and I took my daughter to see snow AND the Best buy resume form, aquarium. in the same day . #CaliforniaFTW. Take a look at in nigeria your summer to-do list and cross one thing off of it. Just take it off the list; decide you’re just not gonna’ do it. There, doesn’t that feel better already? Or, on the flip-side, do what Kevin McMullin from CollegeWise suggests: “Set a goal that you are 99% certain you won't be able to buy resume application achieve this summer.

Then go all out and try to achieve it as though your life depended on it. Educational? You'll either get there or get much, much closer than you were at the beginning of the buy resume, summer.” #FailBetter. Just keep doing the Service essays defined, thing that you love to do, but do it more. Don't have anyone to Best application form do it with? Check out How to write for a research paper powerpoint, There are probably people within miles of you already doing that thing. Here are five ways to make it a productive summer: 1. Application Form? Take a class at learning essays defined a local community college. So that a) you don’t have to take it during the Best application form, school year, and b) you’ve got something that looks super fancy on How to statement research powerpoint your transcript. Yeah, like cat-on-a-unicorn fancy. 2. Buy Resume Form? Prep for the SAT or ACT.

I know, I know, but stay with me. My favorite free or low-cost test prep resources for the SAT are here, here and help, here. For ACT prep, check out here, here, here, and application form, here. Or, for a list of colleges that are test-optional (i.e. Write Research Powerpoint? don’t require SAT/ACT scores), check out Best application form, Then cross that off your list. 3. English Help? Get rid of some stuff. That’s right, do that Marie Kondo thing where you get rid of anything that doesn’t bring you joy. My wife and I did, donating over Best buy resume application form, 1,000 books and ? of our clothes.

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What if someone spent two years culling the internet for the best ones and English yourself, put them all on a Google spreadsheet? I did and the result is this: Ethan’s Top Secret Stash of buy resume application Really Great Reads. Here are five ways to have fun and Service, be productive: Binge-watch some TED talks. Get your mind blown every 12 minutes. Too lazy to search the Best application, website? Here’s a Google spreadsheet with every single TED Talk. Yeah, that’s 1756 videos from the help application, greatest minds of our time. Should keep you busy for 440 hrs or so. Take an online course in something that fascinates you. Here are 1200 FREE Online Courses from Top Universities.

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Just kidding, I'm not your mom when she's super mad at you. But seriously, find a way to give back and make it something that isn't boring. Work in a garden. Buy Resume? Read to help yourself kids. Buy Resume Form? And if all of those are boring, click here for a list of like a billion other things. In fact, take things to the next level and. Create your own online course. What’s something you can do so well that you could teach people?

My brother’s friend, for yourself, example, teaches design sketching. My brother’s brother teaches students how to write their personal statements for Best application, college. (Just kidding, that’s me.) Build something that solves a problem. Essay Help Xavier University? A student I worked with this year created an app to remind him which books to Best bring to xavier school on block-schedule days. Form? Another created an app to prepare for the AP Bio test.

It’s got 10K+ downloads and counting. Do you think he included this in How to write a thesis for a research paper powerpoint his college application? Eh, oui. Ready for more inspiration? Time to Best application search within. Step 2: Do my 2-minute exercise that’s guaranteed to make your summer more fun and productive. Check it out: I’m a big fan of Market esa guided meditations and Best application form, (did you know?) I’m a certified hypnotherapist. So I created a 2-minute hypnotherapy exercise to help you make your summer the funnest, most productivest yet. (I know those aren’t words.) Not a fan of write for a research paper powerpoint guided meditations or being hypnotized? Okay, if you listened to the exercise, you should have one fun thing and one productive thing in mind. Best Buy Resume Form? (And, if you didn’t listen to it, go ahead and just pick one fun thing you’d like to do this summer and one productive thing.)

And while ideas are great, execution is even better. To that end. Step 3: For the fun thing, ask yourself, “What’s one thing I could commit to doing in the next 24 hrs that would get me one step closer to making that thing happen?” In fact, take out your phone right now and email yourself a reminder to do that one thing. Good. Next I’m gonna’ teach you the secret to How to English please yourself Get Anything Done in 30 Days . It’s dangerously simple, but it’s the secret to how I was able to Best buy resume launch a six-figure voiceover career. (Didn’t know about that, did you? #FullofSurprises #OrSomething)

Step 4 (Minute 5): For the productive thing, create your “30 Days” doc. Open up a brand new Google doc and at the top of it type the essay plan, words “30 Days to [Name the Thing You Want to Get Done].” Example: 30 Days to Best form Creating My Own Website” or “30 Days to Playing Stairway to Heaven on Essay help application the Guitar.” Underneath your goal, write today’s date. Do one thing today to Best work towards that goal. And if you can’t do one thing today, just write, “I created this doc.” Tomorrow, write the Essay, date above the old date, do only one action, and write it down under the date. Repeat for Best, 30 days, or until you’ve completed your task. Here’s an example of an actual 30 days doc that I kept on help please my way to building a six-figure voiceover career.

Pro-Tip: Ask someone to be your accountability partner by sharing your Google doc with them and challenging them to create their own 30 days doc by putting their goals on the same doc! Go through those steps and form, you’ll be five billion percent (okay, let’s say 50 percent) more likely to get done the productive thing you’re hoping to get done. Then. Step 5: Congratulate yourself on having set yourself up for Service learning, the funnest, most productivest summer ever. Now go and do the buy resume application form, thing you said you’d do in Step 3. And if you’re looking to procrastinate a little more, there are worse ways than listening to the Jill Tipograph/Everything Summer podcast in which we talk about: What summer opportunities matter most to colleges on an application and helping prepare students for college (because Jill and her colleague actually surveyed them) Whether or not expensive summer programs are “worth it” What students and parents should do but often don’t do when it comes to planning their summer. 15 Ways to Advocate for Undocumented Youth. 1. Provide hope encouragement. Reassure undocumented students that college is possible, despite the English help please yourself, obstacles. 2. Drop the buy resume application, “I” word.

Instead of the word “illegal,” use the words “undocumented” and “dreamers.” Help change the immigration discourse. 3. Make information and resources available for ALL students. Don’t require students to a thesis for a research paper self-identify in Best buy resume application order to access information. Many students will be scared to reveal their immigration status or they may not know their status. 4. Be open-minded. Essay? Don’t make assumptions about who may or may not be undocumented. Undocumented youths aren’t all Latino, Spanish-speaking, or enrolled in ENL classes.

5. Be knowledgeable about specific government and college admission policies that affect undocumented students: 6. Best Application? Support pro-immigrant federal, state and city legislation such as the learning, federal DREAM Act, the IL Dream Act, in-state tuition IL Public Act 93-007. 7. Identify scholarships that don’t require citizenship /residency like these and these and through this and this. 8. Best Buy Resume Application Form? Advocate for scholarships and private colleges to Essay help university application allow undocumented students to apply and Best application form, enroll. 9. Service Learning Essays? Involve parents. Educate the parents of undocumented students as to buy resume application form the benefits of a college education. 10. Help create lasting support networks that can offer ongoing mentoring and advice for Writing in an essay, undocumented youth. 11. Best Buy Resume Application? Refer students to qualified legal counsel to inquire on esa possible immigration remedies. i.e.

BIA Accredited Agencies. 12. Identify role models : undocumented youth and/or college graduates from the community to give a presentation to inform, empower and share resources. 13. Reach out to organizations, community groups that can support undocumented and immigrant youth, or create a club that supports undocumented students. 14. Make your school/ classroom a safe haven for undocumented youth . Post a sign in Best buy resume form your classroom that states that you support undocumented students and a thesis research powerpoint, their dreams!

15. Stay informed and updated on immigration or education legislation changes that will affect youth, their families and communities. Best? RESOURCES FOR UNDOCUMENTED STUDENTS. List compiled by Dr. Aliza Gilbert. DREAMer’s RoadMap: Helping undocumented students find scholarship opportunities through a mobile app DACA Scholars: Same. College Advising Guide for Undocumented Students (college information and resources) Educators for Fair Consideration (includes a good scholarship database) FINANCIAL AID AND UNDOCUMENTED STUDENTS.

6 cosas estudiantes indocumentados necesitan saber acerca de la universidad (Translation: Six Things Undocumented Students Need to Know About College -- CollegeBoard article) In the Shadows of the How to write a thesis statement research, Ivory Tower Department of Education College Board – Young Lives on Hold: The College Dreams of buy resume form Undocumented Students. How to Write a Great Financial Aid Appeal Letter. To hear my complete interview with financial aid expert Jodi Okun, who has helped thousands of English help please yourself families navigate the college financial planning process, click here. So you’ve been accepted to a great college (yay!) only to find out the school isn’t giving you enough money (womp womp). Application? What do you do? Accept your fate?

Resign yourself to attending your back-up school? Start a GoFundMe campaign? Maybe. But first. You gotta’ wonder: Is this ALL the money the school can offer me? Could it be that, if you ask nicely, the Service learning essays defined, school just might give you a little more? True story: When I asked Northwestern for more money the Best application form, school gave me more money AND THAT LED TO THE BEST FOUR YEARS OF MY LIFE.

In fact, I only spent about $4,000 per websites in nigeria, year. Caveat: I had a zero EFC (Estimated Family Contribution), so much of it was need-based aid, but still! If I hadn’t asked, I wouldn’t have gotten more money and probably wouldn’t have gone there. Real-talk: Asking people for Best buy resume form, money is hard. Essay University? I get weird sometimes just asking friends to chip in for Best application, pizza. Market Help? And it can be especially difficult when your college future is on the line.

But consider doing it. Because, well, your college future might be on the line. Why should you consider writing an appeal letter? you can write an appeal letter in like an hour, and Best application form, it may be the fastest $2,000 (or $8,000) you ever make if you don’t ask, you’ll never know. When should I write an appeal letter?

As soon as you can. Because when the help xavier university, money’s gone, it’s gone. So, like, now. I’m about to tell you. But before I do I thought I’d bring in some help. In Episode 103 of the College Essay Guy podcast I spoke with Jodi Okun, financial aid guru and application, author of the Amazon bestseller Secrets of a Financial Aid Pro. We talked about everything from whether or not to include house and retirement when reporting assets on defined the FAFSA to how decisions are sometimes made in a financial aid office. Form? But the main topic of our conversation was appeal letters--what they are, who should write one, and what to literally say to help xavier university application a financial aid officer when calling to make an buy resume application, appeal.

Here’s one of my favorite bits of advice from Jodi on Essay xavier application the importance of allowing for a pause in conversation when appealing to a financial aid officer: “Parents have an agenda about application form what they want to English say, but financial aid offices have a process they have to follow with every folder on Best buy resume application their desk,” Jodi says. “You may think the next step is one thing but they may give you another step which might get you further in your appeal.” Below you’ll find a few great samples--one from my former student and Market research help esa, a couple from families Jodi worked with--with analysis and buy resume application, suggestions on research help esa how to write your own appeal letter. Underneath that you’ll find some links to some financial aid resources you don’t want to miss. To the Financial Aid Office at Best form UCLA: My name is Sara Martinez and I am a 12th grader currently enrolled at Los Angeles Academy. First, I would like to say that I am much honored to have been admitted into this fine school, as University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) is my number one choice. There is a problem, however, and it is a financial one.

I’d love to attend UCLA--it’s near home, which would allow me to be closer to my family, and the Bio department is in an plan phenomenal. Best? But, as a low-income Hispanic student, I simply don’t feel I can afford it. I’m writing to respectfully request an learning essays defined, adjustment of my financial aid award. Here are some more details of my financial situation. Currently, my father works as an assistant supervisor for Best, American Apparel Co. and he is the only source of income for my family of five, while my mother is a housewife. The income my father receives weekly barely meets paying the bills. Father’s average weekly gross pay: $493.30.

Father’s adjusted gross income: $27,022. Legal Services: $200. Car payment: $230.32. My parents cannot afford to have medical insurance, so they do not have a medical bill. My father’s average monthly income is an estimate of $1,973.20 (see attached pay stub). Research Help Esa? When household expenses such as rent, car payment, legal services, gas bill, and electricity bill are added together the Best form, cost is Market research esa of $1,402.70. Other payments such as the phone bill, internet bill, and groceries also add to the list. But in order to form make ends meet my father usually works overtime and tailors clothes for esa, people in our neighborhood.

My family is on an extremely tight budget and unfortunately cannot afford to pay for my schooling. I have worked my way up and was recently awarded Valedictorian for Best, the class of 2014. My goals and my aspiration of becoming a nutritionist have helped me push forward. I appreciate your time in reconsidering my financial aid award. I’m looking forward to becoming a Bruin. Another great read 5 Resources That Will Save You $3,480. Here’s another another (much shorter) appeal written by one of Jodi’s former clients: Dear Financial Aid Director. After submitting the FAFSA for the 2017-2018 school year, I realized that you are using the same tax year (2015) that was used for my son’s freshman year.

I am writing to you because my income for Writing a list, this year (2016) has declined and buy resume application form, this fact will not be represented when you examine the FAFSA for 2017-2018 – let me explain why. I am a freelance graphic artist and only work when I receive a call for yourself, a project and am offered the job. Buy Resume Form? In other words, I only receive a pay check when I work. This could be for one day or several days, but I do not have steady or guaranteed income. In addition, it is not a job in the traditional sense, where I go to work at the same place every day, I may work for several different companies. I have been very fortunate in that I have been working my craft for Service learning essays, a long time and get a fair number of calls but some years are better than others. Unfortunately, this year (2016) I am on track to make approximately $15,000 to $18,000 less that I did in the 2015 calendar year. Thank you for buy resume, your consideration, You’re using our 2015 tax info to award financial aid The 2016 info is different Why? I’m a freelance graphic artist: sometimes I work, sometimes not I’m on track to make 15-18K less this year.

Simple. You can do this. Dear Financial Aid Office, We appreciate you offering our son Paul a scholarship, but even with your help we can not afford the tuition. Paper? We have asked his grandparents and uncles to help, but they to unfortunately are not able to help pay the tuition.

I would use our retirement money for Best application form, him to attend your school, if we had any retirement fund. We honestly don't know how to make this happen without your help. Next month I will be having a necessary hysterectomy and I will be out of commission for xavier university application, a couple of months and can not work. Form? I am a first grade teacher at learning a small church school with a very small income and application, we can barely make ends meet. I like to share with you a little bit about our son. I know you know how talented he is or he wouldn't have gotten into your school. Service Defined? I know you only accept 22 % and he was one of the lucky few you let in. Buy Resume Application? He has been working on write a thesis statement paper powerpoint his craft his whole life. He is buy resume form one of the kindest and friendliest young men.

He is genuine, not at websites all phony. He will walk down the Best buy resume application form, halls of his school smile or say hi to anyone, teachers and students. He was voted Homecoming Court two years in Service defined a row. Your school is the only school Paul wants to Best buy resume form attend. He said to us he will not go to college if he can not go to The New School. None of the other schools offer what The New School can offer him. He has always wanted to be an actor, writer and essays, director ever since he was five years old. Not only will Paul benefit from attending your school but you will also benefit. Buy Resume Application? If you can offer us more financial help, Paul will be able to attend and graduate as one of your success stories. Thank you in advance for How to write a thesis statement, taking the time to reconsider the Best application, amount you have offered Paul. Gina and Tom Atamian.

Information. English Help? Give the school the information it needs to make a new decision. Bullet point this so that you don’t find yourself worrying about “how” to Best buy resume application form say it. Actually writing and submitting the Educational in nigeria, letter. I’ve seen many students that could have appealed not appeal due to one fear or another and ultimately they didn’t submit a letter. Just write it. If you have reason to Best buy resume appeal, do so. I tell my students: you don’t want to look back years from now and wonder, “I wonder what would have happened if…” Dispel those future doubts.

Start with bullet points. (Yes, now.) Five More Financial Aid Resources You Don’t Want to Miss. We discuss all these resources on the podcast with Jodi, and help please, much more, including: What to literally say to a financial aid officer when calling to make an appeal [13:40] How to be prepared for the financial aid appeal conversation [22:50] How often parents are speaking with the person who could be the Best buy resume, decision-maker [17:10] An inside look inside how decisions are sometimes made in a financial aid office [18:00] Listen to the whole podcast and Service learning, check out the rest of the show notes (with times stamps, so you can fast forward to the part you want!) here. Another great read: Five FAFSA Myths – Busted!

Order the New Book: College Essay Essentials. Video Course: How to Best Write a Personal Statement. Video Course: How to Answer the New UC Application Prompts. Get the Complete Guide to Writing the Educational websites in nigeria, Why Us Essay.

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