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The Grammar Girl s Quick and Dirty Tips to Clean Up Your Writing

brutus essay 1 The nature and extent of the judicial power of the United States, proposed to be granted by this constitution, claims our particular attention. This government is a complete system, not only for girl writing, making, but for executing laws. School Essay! And the courts of law, which will be constituted by it, are not only to decide upon the constitution and the laws made in pursuance of it, but by officers subordinate to them to execute all their decisions. The real effect of this system of government, will therefore be brought home to the feelings of the girl essay, people, through the medium of the Who were the tudors did, judicial power. It is, moreover, of great importance, to examine with care the nature and extent of the judicial power, because those who are to be vested with it, are to be placed in a situation altogether unprecedented in a free country. They are to be rendered totally independent, both of the Grammar girl, people and the legislature, both with respect to Grad writers journalism, their offices and salaries. No errors they may commit can be corrected by any power above them, if any such power there be, nor can they be removed from office for making ever so many erroneous adjudications. They will give the sense of every article of the constitution, that may from time to time come before them.

And in their decisions they will not confine themselves to any fixed or established rules, but will determine, according to what appears to them, the reason and spirit of the constitution. The opinions of the supreme court, whatever they may be, will have the Grammar girl, force of law; because there is no power provided in the constitution, that can correct their errors, or control their adjudications. From this court there is cheap no appeal. And I conceive the legislature themselves, cannot set aside a judgment of this court, because they are authorized by the constitution to decide in the last resort. The legislature must be controlled by Grammar, the constitution, and not the constitution by them.

They have therefore no more right to set aside any judgment pronounced upon the construction of the constitution, than they have to take from the president, the chief command of the army and navy, and commit it to some other person. The reason is plain; the judicial and executive derive their authority from the Help writing a thesis for an, same source, that the legislature do theirs; and therefore in all cases, where the constitution does not make the one responsible to, or controllable by the other, they are altogether independent of each other. The judicial power will operate to effect, in the most certain, but yet silent and imperceptible manner, what is girl essay evidently the tendency of the constitution: #8212; I mean, an entire subversion of the legislative, executive and judicial powers of the individual states. Every adjudication of the supreme court, on any question that may arise upon the nature and extent of the Writing professional references, general government, will affect the limits of the state jurisdiction. In proportion as the former enlarge the exercise of their powers, will that of the latter be restricted. That the judicial power of the United States, will lean strongly in favor of the general government, and will give such an explanation to Grammar girl, the constitution, as will favor an extension of its jurisdiction, is very evident from a variety of considerations. 1st. The constitution itself strongly countenances such a mode of professional in thesis, construction. Most of the articles in this system, which convey powers of Grammar girl writing, any considerable importance, are conceived in Help for an essay dbq general and indefinite terms, which are either equivocal, ambiguous, or which require long definitions to unfold the extent of their meaning.

The two most important powers committed to any government, those of raising money, and of raising and keeping up troops, have already been considered, and shown to be unlimited by girl essay, any thing but the discretion of the legislature. The clause which vests the power to pass all laws which are proper and necessary, to carry the powers given into execution, it has been shown, leaves the legislature at liberty, to do every thing, which in their judgment is best. . First. Let us enquire how the judicial power will effect an extension of the legislative authority. But it is stats homework ww2 easy to see, that in their adjudications they may establish certain principles, which being received by the legislature, will enlarge the sphere of their power beyond all bounds. To discover the spirit of the constitution, it is of the first importance to attend to the principal ends and designs it has in view. These are expressed in essay the preamble, in the following words, viz. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for stats, the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and Grammar essay writing, establish this constitution, etc. If the end of the government is to at home from google, be learned from Grammar girl essay writing these words, which are clearly designed to declare it, it is obvious it has in view every object which is embraced by any government. References In Thesis! If it be further considered, that . the great end of the constitution, if it is to be collected from the essay writing, preamble, in which its end is declared, is to constitute a government which is to extend to every case for which any government is instituted, whether external or internal.

The courts, therefore, will establish this as a principle in Help stats homework ww2 expounding the constitution, and will give every part of Grammar girl essay writing, it such an explanation, as will give latitude to every department under it, to take cognizance of Help writing a thesis essay, every matter, not only girl essay writing that affects the general and national concerns of the union, but also of such as relate to the administration of private justice, and to regulating the internal and local affairs of the different partst. Any person, who will peruse the 8th section with attention, in which most of the powers are enumerated, will perceive that they either expressly or by implication extend to almost every thing about which any legislative power can be employed. But if this equitable mode of construction is applied to Write my paper for me, this part of the girl writing, constitution; nothing can stand before it. This will certainly give the first clause in that article a construction which I confess I think the most natural and grammatical one, to authorize the Congress to do any thing which in their judgment will tend to provide for the general welfare, and this amounts to the same thing as general and unlimited powers of legislation in all cases#8230;. . I have said that the professional references in thesis, judges under this system will be independent in the strict sense of the word: To prove this I will shew #8212; That there is no power above them that can controul their decisions, or correct their errors. There is no authority that can remove them from office for any errors or want of capacity, or lower their salaries, and in many cases their power is superior to that of the legislature. 1st. There is no power above them that can correct their errors or controul their decisions #8212; The adjudications of this court are final and irreversible, for there is no court above them to which appeals can lie, either in error or on the merits. #8212; In this respect it differs from the courts in England, for there the house of lords is the highest court, to whom appeals, in error, are carried from the highest of the courts of law. 2d. They cannot be removed from office or suffer a dimunition of their salaries, for any error in girl essay judgement or want of capacity.

It is expressly declared by Help homework ww2, the constitution, #8212; That they shall at stated times receive a compensation for their services which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. The only clause in the constitution which provides for the removal of the judges from office, is that which declares, that the president, vice-president, and all civil officers of the Grammar girl essay, United States, shall be removed from office, on impeachment for, and at home, conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Girl Essay Writing! By this paragraph, civil officers, in Write for me cheap which the judges are included, are removable only for crimes. Treason and bribery are named, and essay writing, the rest are included under the general terms of high crimes and essay writers journalism, misdemeanors. #8212; Errors in girl writing judgement, or want of capacity to discharge the duties of the office, can never be supposed to be included in these words, high crimes and misdemeanors . A man may mistake a case in stats ww2 giving judgment, or manifest that he is incompetent to the discharge of the girl writing, duties of a judge, and yet give no evidence of corruption or want of integrity. To support the charge, it will be necessary to give in evidence some facts that will shew, that the Help with, judges commited the error from wicked and corrupt motives. 3d. The power of this court is in Grammar essay many cases superior to that of the legislature. The Tudors Did! I have shewed, in a former paper, that this court will be authorised to decide upon the meaning of the constitution, and that, not only according to the natural and ob[vious] meaning of the words, but also according to the spirit and intention of it. In the exercise of this power they will not be subordinate to, but above the legislature. For all the departments of this government will receive their powers, so far as they are expressed in Grammar writing the constitution, from the people immediately, who are the in thesis, source of power. The legislature can only exercise such powers as are given them by the constitution, they cannot assume any of the rights annexed to the judicial, for this plain reason, that the same authority which vested the legislature with their powers, vested the judicial with theirs #8212; both are derived from the same source, both therefore are equally valid, and the judicial hold their powers independently of the legislature, as the Grammar writing, legislature do of the judicial. Help Writing A Thesis Essay Dbq! #8212; The supreme court then have a right, independent of the girl essay writing, legislature, to give a construction to the constitution and every part of it, and there is no power provided in with stats homework this system to correct their construction or do it away.

If, therefore, the legislature pass any laws, inconsistent with the sense the judges put upon the constitution, they will declare it void; and therefore in this respect their power is superior to that of the legislature#8230;. The judges are supreme #8212; and no law, explanatory of the constitution, will be binding on them. Girl Essay Writing! A constitution is homework a compact of a people with their rulers; if the rulers break the compact, the people have a right and ought to remove them and do themselves justice; but in order to enable them to do this with the greater facility, those whom the people chuse at stated periods, should have the power in writing the last resort to journalism, determine the sense of the Grammar essay writing, compact; if they determine contrary to the understanding of the people, an appeal will lie to the people at the period when the rulers are to be elected, and a thesis for an essay, they will have it in their power to remedy the Grammar girl essay, evil; but when this power is lodged in the hands of men independent of the people, and of their representatives, and who are not, constitutionally, accountable for their opinions, no way is left to controul them but with a high hand and an outstretched arm .

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The Grammar Girl s Quick and Dirty Tips to Clean Up Your Writing

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How to Write an essay writing Effective Nursing Resume Summary. Writing an effective nursing resume summary is easier said than done. Studies show that recruiters spend mere seconds reviewing a resume and these days that’s after the resume has made its way through the school essay journalism, applicant tracking system. An effective nursing resume summary is concise and easy to read. It correlates the candidate’s experience with the job description in Grammar question. At Home From Google. And it piques the reader’s interest to the point that they will continue reviewing the resume in greater detail. How long do recruiters spend reviewing a nursing resume? A 2012 study conducted by the Ladders found that recruiters spend 6 seconds reviewing a resume. That’s right, 6 seconds. Grammar Essay. You maybe wondering why you’d even bother writing a resume summary at all.

Well, this particular study only studied the initial review of the resume. Initially, recruiters typically go straight to a review of the last two jobs held by the candidate. School Essay Writers Journalism. They want to know immediately if they are working with a candidate that has experience in the particular job capacity in question. So they look at the job title and the dates of employment. Grammar Writing. Recruiters also focused on the employers and education of the candidates. Of course, this study was conducted on recruiters reviewing the resumes of general professionals as opposed to professionals in the healthcare field. Who Were Did. We’d expect slight variations from recruiters in the healthcare field. Writing. They may look for specialties, licenses and certifications in addition to these other attributes. But that doesn’t change the fact that candidates have a very limited amount of time to catch a recruiter’s attention. If recruiters see some or all of what they’re looking for in an at home from google initial review, then they may give the resume a closer look. Even then, the resume may only Grammar essay receive 20 seconds total.

You’re probably wondering how anyone could read your summary in 20 seconds let alone your entire resume. Well, they’re actually reviewing it as opposed to reading it. Stats Homework. And that’s important because it sets the tone for formatting your summary. How should your nursing resume summary be formatted? Like the writing, rest of your resume, your summary should be concise and easy to read. The reader should be able to Writing professional references, review it quickly and pick up on writing the keywords and concepts that they’re looking for.

This is why we recommend using bullets and stand-alone snippets in your summary. By doing this, you’re playing to the realities of the review process. Most summaries are written in paragraph form. This is fine for conveying large volumes of information in a more compact space, but it assumes that the Help with homework ww2, reviewer is actually going to Grammar girl essay, take the writing a thesis essay, time to read it. Unfortunately, they will not do this in the vast majority of cases. Therefore, a summary written as a big, long paragraph may prevent the reviewer from picking up on the key points or distract them from even reviewing it at all. By contrast, a summary written with bullets and stand-alone snippets allows the essay writing, reviewer to quickly scan this section and easily pick up on the keywords and points you’re making. You might include a quick snippet from an online evaluation or professional endorsement and Income at home, provide a link to the site where the rest of the information can be reviewed. You may also provide a brief overarching summary of your skills in bold print and then provide bullets for the rest of the information you’re seeking to Grammar, convey. What should be included in your nursing resume summary?

There are many possibilities for your summary and there is no exact science as to what to include. Different people will have different cards to play based on their level of Write for me, experience and the specifics of their job search. The only certainty is that you should always due your best to match your skills and the information you convey on your resume with the Grammar girl, qualifications and Grad school, job description in girl essay writing question. You might include the following in your summary: Years of relevant experience. Help With. A summary of your qualifications for the job in Grammar essay writing question. A sense of your work or management style. Grad. Personal characteristics that make you a good fit for the job and/or company.

Professional achievements. Grammar Girl Essay Writing. Education, certifications or special experience that might make you unique. For Me Cheap Apa. Measurable improvements that you’ve made for previous employers. Accolades or awards that you’ve received from previous employers. When considering what to write in your summary, do your best to avoid stand-alone cliches like “team player” or “results oriented”. Girl. Instead, try to convey these concepts with concrete examples. You might state that as a team player you accomplished X, or as a results oriented professional you accomplished Y. Finally, you’ll want to ensure that the rest of your resume supports your summary. Remember, your goal is to convey as much information that’s pertinent to the job in question. Income From Google. So you don’t necessarily want to repeat information throughout your resume. As a healthcare professional, you have no shortage of highly technical skills and diverse job duties to Grammar girl essay, convey so making sure your resume isn’t repetitive shouldn’t be a problem.

Below is one example of a summary: Registered Nurse with over 7 years of critical care experience. Specialized practice in cardiovascular surgery, post-operative recovery, and intensive care. Extensive experience and thorough understanding of pathophysiology and pharmacology of critically ill patients. Honored with several merit awards as a highly effective patient/family educator. Promoted to Charge Nurse as a respected team-player with demonstrated leadership skills. Current member of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) since 2008. Help With Stats Ww2. AACN Ambassador since 2011. 5 Things that New Grad RNs and Experienced RNs Should Know About the Grammar, Job Market A New Grad RN recently shared their frustration with us. How to Write the Best Nursing Cover Letter A well crafted nursing cover letter can be just as. 8 Things Every Nurse Ought to Know About Online Nursing Job Applications Applying online is the norm for nursing jobs.

We provide. Hello, I just recently graduated from a BSN program last week so I haven’t taken the NCLEX-RN yet; I have been an LPN for 20 years. Income Google. How do I highlight my previous healthcare experience but still tailor my resume as a new grad? Now that my scope of practice will be different, which skills or attributes from my experience as an LPN would be best to feature as a new grad without listing basic nursing skills? Also, how should I word the fact that I don’t have a license yet?

Is it appropriate to say “license pending?” Also, should I list my name followed by BSN or LPN? Congratulations, Brandee! There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, but here are my recommendations. Assuming you’re looking for Grammar girl writing RN jobs, list your name followed only by BSN until you get your RN license and then add the RN. In the Licenses and Certifications section of your resume, list the RN license as Pending and provide a status, ie. scheduled for NCLEX 5/31-2017, or passed NCLEX 5/31/2017, or Applied for License 6/7/2017. As for the summary, I would indicate that you’re a new grad with experience as an LPN (Recent BSN graduate with 20 years experience as an LPN in various settings).

From there, try your best to highlight how your experience relates to the qualifications and requirements for the specific job your applying for. And remember, always be looking for ways to Grad school essay, explain why you’re the girl, solution to their problems….rather than explaining what they can do for you. I hope this helps! At what point is a nurse considered a New Nurse/ New Grad versus an Experienced Nurse? I am working on my resume and do not know how to tailor it in regards to the two options. I graduated Dec 14? and worked my first nursing position in May 15?. Income At Home From. I have had one other job since then and currently seeking another. So in total, I would say I have about 1 1/2 years of nursing experience. I would say that 1 year or more of experience makes you experienced.

However, how you approach your resume would depend on whether or not that experience was in the same specialty that you’re applying for. For example, if you have 1 year of experience in Long Term Care, but your applying for jobs in a hospital’s ICU, then you might want to include details about clinical rotations in the ICU during your schooling, in addition to your experience in LTC. I hope this helps! I am also having difficulties creating a resume. I have two years experience working in a nursing home setting and only recently graduated from the Grammar essay writing, LPN program. I’m concerned that my few years of my paper for me, overall experience is going to Grammar essay, effect me finding a good job. I have tried to construct a resume, but I do not feel confident in what I have so far. Any suggestions/references would be greatly appreciated! I am struggling in writing my resume.

I am not sure how to present myself. My most recent jobs included the Program Nurse head for a Life Skills Program for medical fragile children and the nurse in charge of all the medical needs for a camp, including managing all aspects of the clinic. I also have worked at several doctor clinics and in the early days of my career, I was an ICU nurse at several hospitals. I would like another position in some type of nurse management. Suggestions on how to summarize myself? Thanks for the inquiry, Jean.

There’s no easy way to summarize your experience when attempting to transition into a new area of the did, field. My recommendation would be to review each job posting for hints about qualifications and Grammar girl, requirements that you may be able to at home from google, equate to your past experience. You can also research the employer posting the job to girl essay writing, see if there is some larger initiative they are pursuing or challenge they are facing that your past experience might line up with. You can also review the job descriptions for similar jobs of many different employers to find hints about the qualifications that are being sought for the type of position you’re interested in. There’s a good chance that if a qualification is important to one employer, it’s important to for me cheap, others. The main goal is to convey how you are going to Grammar girl essay, help solve the problems an school essay journalism employer is facing; how you are the best solution for their hiring need. Grammar. It appears as though you have a broad set of experience to draw on, and that’s a good thing. The tasks are 1) equating your experience with the qualifications of the my paper apa, new job and/or 2) conveying how your experience will help you solve an employer’s problem and essay, 3) succinctly distilling this into 2 to 4 bullet points in Income at home from google your resume summary.

I hope this helps! I’m a former travel nurse of girl writing, many years inclusive of Write my paper for me cheap apa, interim nursing leadership positions and staff nurse positions. Honestly, my Resume’ would look more like a “rap sheet” if I listed 10+ years of contract work, especially as I always worked 2 jobs concurrently. Now that I have my BSN and will complete my MSN: Nurse Executive specialty track degree within 6 months, I am looking to Grammar girl writing, move from Who were did, Director roles into the C-Suite. Any suggestions how to summarize or should I list each contract job? Congratulations or your recent and writing, upcoming achievements! In your particular situation, it might be best to display your travel nursing experience as one entry in your work history. For example:

Worked for Help writing for an various agencies completing short term assignments across the country, gaining proficiency with a diverse set of Grammar girl essay, charting systems, processes, procedures, organizational structures and management approaches. Then, go on to list some highlights that pertain to professional references, the job posting for which you are applying. Donna Cardillo recommends this approach. Typically, we recommend listing out the Grammar, hospitals, but in your case it might be too much. That said, you should definitely be prepared to school journalism, list out each and every hospital you worked with as some employers require it. I hope this helps!! Thank you for essay this article!

Helps a lot =) Thanks for letting us know; we’re glad to hear it’s useful! Great advice, thank you so much for getting back to me! #128578; Any advice for a New Grad RN looking for a 1st job? Preceptorship in pediatrics but I am going to essay writers journalism, apply to girl essay, medsurg positions as well. What should I highlight in my executive summary? Thanks in advance! Thanks for the question. Here is an article dedicated to Help ww2, new-grad nursing resumes. There’s a bit about summaries there.

In addition to what’s covered there, you might consider adding pertinent volunteer work, conferences attended, any honors or awards you achieved, or a stellar GPA among other things. As always, review the job listing, learn about the employer and the challenges the employer faces. Then, try to highlight anything in Grammar your experience that might align. I hope this helps! Thanks for Help essay sharing very informative. What about a med/surg nurse who wants to girl essay writing, apply for a psych nurse position? Have lots of experience with psych patients and psych medications while working in med/surg. Thanks for references the inquiry, Kayla.

I recommend highlighting the PSYCH experience you have along with any related Med/Surg experience in the summary. Be sure to review the job posting carefully to see what they’re looking for Grammar girl essay so you can include any relevant work experience. What is the Help, standard number of pages or megabites a registered resume should have ? There isn’t a standard length or file size for nursing resume. Most would say that it’s best to keep the resume to girl essay, 1 to 2 pages, but that may not always be possible. Additionally, resume length isn’t as important as it once was now that Applicant Tracking Systems are the norm. Here is an article with some more considerations on the topic. How would I present my resume as neophyte RN employed, but was been in Writing professional references in thesis the medical settings since I graduated in Grammar girl writing 2005. Stats Ww2. I worked in family doctor’s office as over all in Grammar writing charge.

Had3 months practice as RN float temporary while working on my papers to stay for good (acute, long term and dementia) and CNA of for me, 4 yrs. Now, I started working as an RN since Nov 2014 until present as a primary nurse in a long term care. I really want to be a dialysis nurse. I had my 800 hours clinical hours wayback in 2006. My apologies, Luz, but I’m a little unclear as to girl essay, your situation and primary goal. If you’re interested in becoming a dialysis nurse, then you might want to look into the major dialysis services, Fresenius and DaVita, as potential employers. Grad Journalism. They will sometimes hire candidates with limited experience and many aspects of your long-term-care experience might be attractive to them. I hope this helps! I have a question- thank you. I would like to Grammar writing, become a dialysis nurse however, I have no experience in references that area I have worked in cardiac telemetry and girl essay writing, psyche.

I did do peritoneal dialysis on the cardiac medical unit which I will include in my job description. School. Please advise how to open the Grammar writing, door into Income google, a new arena of nursing. Thank you so very kindly, El. Towne. Thanks for the question! Most Dialysis positions require experience in essay writing an acute care setting, which you have, so that’s a great start. Help Stats Homework Ww2. You also have some relative experience in the field.

You might consider obtaining a Certified Nephrology Nurse certification as many employers prefer candidates with that certification. Next, you might consider inquiring with the writing, larger private Dialysis services, Davita and Fresenius. The ratings for these employers on Glass Door and Indeed are just so-so, but they might be a great way to Grad school writers journalism, get 1 to 2 years of experience in the specialty before searching for a more desirable hospital based position. Grammar Girl. The private Dialysis operators tend to a bit more welcoming to candidates without experience. That said, the job market for RNs is essay very hot in 2016, so your chances should be better with all employers. I hope this helps! What about for a second career new nurse? I have over Grammar girl writing, seven years of experience in the communications field with three years of supervisory experience. I recently graduated with my BSN and passed the NCLEX.

My nursing experience is limited to my clinical experience and some volunteer work. I am struggling how to relate my past experience with nursing to make me stand out in my Summary. Yes, it’s difficult to relate experiences in other industries to Write, nursing because employers are typically seeking candidates with experience in the technical aspects of nursing. That said, you can certainly highlight the Grammar essay, general aspects of your former career. A Thesis Essay. Your promotion, leadership, team-work and other aspects are all good qualifications to girl, address in your summary. Also, here is an my paper for me cheap apa article on new-grad nursing resumes that might be helpful. I hope this information helps! What would you write as a nursing student looking to start applying for jobs?

I have no experience other than what my clinicals have offered me. I wont be taking my boards for about 5 months still. Set to graduate in girl December (3 more months. How would you suggest is the best way to present that as a RN, I simultaneously held the school, titles of ADON, Wound Nurse, and Charge Nurse at my most recent employer? Initially I was hired as a Charge Nurse, then I was promoted to essay writing, ADON but I still had to work as a Charge Nurse 3 of my 5 scheduled days so I functioned in the role of ADON only on Help writing a thesis essay Monday and Tuesday. Later it was determined there was a definite need for consistent and routine wound monitoring, so I evolved into girl, the Wound Nurse for Help with stats the facility. Working with physicians I developed new protocols for wound assessment, treatment, and essay writing, management and every Monday I functioned in the role of Wound Nurse.

Is it best to break each job into its own summary and bullet list? I’m in Grad writers journalism over my head trying to essay writing, figure out the best way to present myself in a resume now, including the profile. Thanks for the inquiry. Professional. This is a great problem to essay writing, have for your nursing resume! I agree it’s difficult to manage though. Typically, when people have multiple roles with the same employer, they’re not simultaneous so they can be listed separately according the time-frame they were performed.

In this case, I think it would be best to do as you suggest and stats homework ww2, break each into it’s own summary and Grammar essay writing, bullet list. At Home From Google. The reason is girl that these are all very different roles. References. Something like below: Employer information (location, details, etc.) Job Title: Charge RN, ADON, Wound Care Nurse.

Hired as a Charge RN, I was promoted to Grammar girl, ADON and also accepted a role as the Wound Care Nurse for the facility. Charge RN: Start Date-End Date. Wound Care Nurse: Start Date-End Date. I think something like that works well in a thesis for an essay dbq this case. Grammar Essay. It might take up quite a bit of space, but you’ve accomplished a lot! As always, be sure to tailor your resume to the position applied for and highlight quantifiable and tangible achievements where possible. As for your resume summary, I think it’s best say something like, “X years experience as Charge Nurse, X years experience as an school journalism ADON, and X years as a Wound Care Nurse.” And/or, “Leadership and Grammar girl essay, teamwork skills recognized by current employer with promotions and did, special assignments.” Remember, the summary itself is just that, a quick summary designed to pique interest and Grammar girl essay, get the reader to essay dbq, spend more time reviewing the rest of the resume and Grammar essay, the actual accomplishments. It’s also an Help essay dbq excellent opportunity to match your qualifications with the required qualifications for the job.

So, if the job is looking for essay writing X years experience as an ADON, then you might say, “Over X years experience as an Write for me apa ADON.” I hope this information helps and please let me know if you have further questions or concerns. When listed awards won with previous employers, is it alright to Grammar essay writing, add awards you were nominated for but did not receive? Great Question! Like many things related to resumes, you will find some people who say yes and others who say no. I would say that it depends on how well you can quantify the with stats homework ww2, nomination.

For example: One of five Staff Nurses out of 160 to be nominated for the X Award. Quantifying it this way, indicates that it was an honor just to girl, be nominated. If you’re able to do this, or something like it, then adding the Writing references, nomination to your resume could be useful. I hope this helps!! Thank you. Grammar Girl Essay Writing. Two more questions, after my name is stats appropriate to include credentials or no? I have seen differing opinions. My university awards a BS not a BSN, so my credentials will be BS, RN. Will this throw recruiters off since most are looking specifically for a BSN or will the supporting information under education provide enough information? That’s a tough one.

I’m not sure that I have seen a BS instead of a BSN. To be honest, I don’t think recruiters are that picky, so it should be fine to include your credentials as BS, RN. Grammar Writing. The vast majority of Income at home google, recruiters are more concerned with making sure you have the required work experience. That said, if you’re a new grad, it shouldn’t matter either. Like you’ve already noticed though, there are many different opinions on resumes.

I typically encourage people to include the Grammar writing, credentials after their name and I think your situation is no different.

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Jan 28, 2018 Grammar girl essay writing, write my paper -
How to Create a Strong Essay Outline | Grammar Girl

The 1980s American Soap Opera That Explains How Russia Feels About Everything. Photographs by Misha Friedman. ! — Santa Barbara Forevah! — was stenciled boldly in tall purple-chalk lettering on the side of girl essay writing my parents’ apartment building in the southwestern part of St. Who Were The Tudors Did? Petersburg, Russia, when I returned to the re-renamed city of my childhood and youth — Leningrad, USSR — in 1993. It was the first time I’d been back since immigrating to the United States seven years earlier. Grammar? There were other signs of Santa Barbara ’s presence in the city — improvised tributes to the American soap opera in the historic downtown area: a hole-in-the-wall cafe called Santa Barbara here, a Santa Barbara strip joint there. On several occasions I was asked, typically by women, whether I’d been to Santa Barbara myself and, if so, what it was like. I hadn’t, unfortunately. “You should go.

That’d be the first place I would go if I could ever make it to America,” a middle-aged salesclerk at the grocery store said to me with mild reproach. Santa Barbara certainly sounded nice. In Santa Barbara, people had manners. The Tudors? They had their self-respect about them. The men didn’t urinate in Grammar writing, hallways or write obscene words on the walls of elevator cabins.

They didn’t smash lightbulbs in entryways or drink cheap eau de Cologne first thing in the morning. They didn’t occupy the only toilet in the communal apartment for did a good half-hour or keep their dirty combat boots and Grammar girl writing homemade barrels of pickled mushrooms in a thesis for an essay dbq, the communal bathroom. And they certainly did not, out of pure malice, slip slivers of tar soap in other people’s pans with soup boiling on communal kitchen stoves. Nor did they come home dead drunk past midnight and plop down on the couch face first with their shoes on and immediately start snoring. In Santa Barbara, men were men, real men, handsome and gallant, even if they were not necessarily very good people in all other respects. They didn’t go through their entire lives without saying “I love you” once to their women, especially to girl, their wives — on with stats, whom, admittedly, they cheated mercilessly nonstop, but … well, men would be men, wouldn’t they?

In Santa Barbara, men didn’t die of Grammar girl cirrhosis of the liver barely past their mid-50s, and essay writers there did not appear to be millions more women than men there, in Santa Barbara, or in America on the whole. Listen to this story and other feature stories from FP and other magazines: Download the Audm app for writing your iPhone. Early 1990s in Russia. At Home From Google? It’s a tough slog out Grammar essay, there. Writing Professional? The world has gone topsy-turvy, completely. The eternally indestructible, matchlessly mighty Soviet Union is no more. It’s Russia once again, unimaginably enough, for the first time in more than seven decades, and to girl writing, say that it is falling apart would be the understatement of the century. If you are an Income from google, ordinary citizen whose time on writing, Earth is closer to its end than to its beginning, strong chances are your lifetime savings have been wiped out Writing references in thesis, completely overnight as a result of the so-called “shock therapy” implemented by Boris Yeltsin’s government on girl writing, the advice of several renowned American economists, and the stealthy, lightning-quick monetary reform was one of its main components. Stats Homework Ww2? You are, to put it bluntly, destitute, and you are thoroughly disoriented.

What happened here? What’s happening with you and your country? What’s going to happen tomorrow? The food store shelves are emptier now than they have ever been before, even at the lowest points of Leonid Brezhnev’s stagnation. “Goodbye, America, oh / where I’ve never been,” Vyacheslav Butusov, the charismatic lead singer of the popular rock band Nautilus Pompilius, croons periodically on the radio. America, my foot. What’s it really like? No one has much of an idea. Hopefully, those brilliant, internationally renowned American economists will show us right here, in Russia, what life in America is like. Grammar Writing? Because everyone knows that life in America is unimaginably good. It’s drafty and cold in your room — central heating defunct again.

Outside, in the streets and squares of your city, glum-looking people with a dangerous glint to their slitted eyes are sitting on my paper cheap, their haunches around makeshift bonfires in the dark. You feel as if you are suspended in essay, midair above a roiling ocean of dark entropy. Who Were The Tudors Did? (Do you know the word entropy? That’s not the girl writing point.) There are precious few certainties in Income at home from google, your life anymore. Grammar Writing? Santa Barbara is did one of them, and it is the prettiest and most optimistic of Grammar girl essay all. An unfinished luxury home sits idle in a gated community in the Santa Barbara neighborhood of Kaliningrad, Russia. Arches similar to this one are a favorite architectural flourish from the show recreated in neighborhoods like this.

The original Santa Barbara site in Kaliningrad expanded beyond the early plans for Income from the development. Now there are three side-by-side neighborhoods — all called Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara was the first American soap opera to be broadcast on Grammar girl essay, Russian television. It started airing on Jan. 2, 1992, with episode 217, and came to the tudors, a close on April 17, 2002, with episode 2,040. For the first several years, the new episodes ran three evenings per week. Later on, the show’s broadcasts became fewer and further between. For 10 long years — all through the crime-ridden, chaotic 1990s, the early post-Soviet years of timelessness and hardship — life in large cities, small towns, industrial settlements, and Grammar girl snowbound villages across Russia’s 11 time zones would come to the tudors, a standstill as the remarkably cheery sounds of Santa Barbara ’s intro issued from millions of TV sets. Girl? “Run on home — you don’t want to miss Santa Barbara ,” the from kindly pharmacist from a TV commercial would say to girl essay, the old woman at the counter. Help Stats Ww2? It was that big a deal.

Missing an episode was considered to be a personal mini-tragedy. Santa Barbara ’s imprint was everywhere. It entered the Russian vernacular, as a denotation for any hopelessly tortuous, excessively dramatic kind of relationship. (“Oh, I can’t stand those two, with their endless Santa Barbara!”) A well-known pop band, Mona Lisa, released a super-hit, “Santa Barbara,” in which young women proclaim their undying love for girl the character Mason Capwell (played by stats ww2 Lane Davies). Writing? Countless Russian dogs and cats bore the exotic names Mason, Eden, Cruz, and C.C. Capwell. A trickle of my paper cheap former Santa Barbara stars — Jed Allan, Lane Davies, Nicolas Coster, and others — visited Russia at different times in the 1990s and 2000s, appearing on numerous TV channels, giving a plethora of print interviews, gushing about the beauty of Russia and its men and women — and generally, one would imagine, feeling like the Beatles during their first tour of the United States.

It was a national obsession of Grammar essay writing borderline-insane magnitude. Left: An ad featuring a woman in a fur coat in in thesis, Santa Barbara, Crimea. Right: An unfinished McMansion-style house in Santa Barbara, Kaliningrad. In Santa Barbara, it never snows. No one even thinks about writing snow there, ever.

It never gets to be minus 30 degrees in Santa Barbara, regardless of whether the temperature is measured in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Santa Barbarians know no privations. For instance, they have no idea what it feels like when the heat radiators in your room go ice-cold in the middle of January. In Santa Barbara, people don’t ever go hungry, either. Tiny black-clad babushkas , bent at the waist like dwarf trees on the Arctic Ocean shore, don’t go to newly restocked and expanded post-shock, true capitalist food stores just to Write for me cheap, feast their purblind eyes on all those unimaginable food products they couldn’t in their wildest dreams afford on their miserable pensions: foreign cheeses and sausage, fresh meat, smoked fish. In Santa Barbara, old babushkas are not bent at the waist — they’re not even babushkas at all, and they certainly don’t live from Grammar, month to month feeding themselves on nothing but black bread, rough, gray military-caliber macaroni and potatoes, and perhaps a few hard lumps of sugar to suck on while drinking their weak Krasnodar tea from chipped faience cups. When old people in Santa Barbara get sick, they are not told by bored-looking paramedics that they’ve already lived quite long enough for an ordinary human being, so there really would be no moral rationale for wasting the extremely limited hospital space on the likes of them. In Santa Barbara, people never once, even in passing, mention Russia. That makes sense: Why would they ever give Russia a second thought? Tens of millions of Russian people, however, think about Santa Barbara quite an awful lot.

If you don’t watch Santa Barbara , where do you get your fashion sense or crucial lifestyle tips? How would you know how to decorate your palatial mansion and generally what kind of Help ww2 life to Grammar girl, wish for on the very remote outside chance you ever manage to get to America? It’s true — not everyone is a fan of at home Santa Barbara . Grammar Girl Essay? As some of the school essay show’s mostly male detractors like to Grammar writing, grumble, no one ever sees a single book or even a single bookshelf in Santa Barbara ’s stately mansions or large noncommunal apartments. In Russia, that would be inconceivable — and that might, indeed, to some extent, denote a certain measure of Santa Barbarians’ inner emptiness. Fair enough. Grad School Essay Journalism? But, then again, everyone already knows that Americans are kind of a little empty inside. So what? Not everyone can be as innately superspiritual as the Russian people, you know. That’s the Grammar essay one thing that Russians have other people elsewhere in Help with stats, the world don’t: their extreme spirituality. Well, OK, fine — so they don’t read books in Grammar essay, Santa Barbara and probably don’t even know the names of Tolstoy or Pushkin or Chekhov.

So what? Who cares, really, if truth to be told. The Tudors Did? Dostoyevsky and Lermontov never told you anything about places like Santa Barbara! And what good did having every Soviet child and Grammar grown-up read these great geniuses ever do for your country? Compare your ordinary Russian life with the way the cheap nonbookish people of Santa Barbara live. Thank God for Santa Barbara ! At least it doesn’t make you morbidly depressed; instead, it makes your life a little easier, more bearable and less depressing, by girl essay filling your head with beautiful, if ipso facto impossible, dreams. Santa Barbara , in the full entirety of its irreality, is your lifeline to the reality of did your life in the Russia of the timeless void of the 1990s. You may never have been anywhere outside your small town somewhere in central Russia or Siberia, or outside the streetless concrete block-box microdistricts surrounding the girl essay writing downtown of Income every large Russian city, but you still have a feeling you know the Grammar girl people of Santa Barbara better than your own friends and at home relatives. You have a clear sense that if perchance you ever were to essay, find yourself in Santa Barbara — which could happen, sure, why not, if only in another lifetime — you would feel right at Grad school essay journalism, home. But since the Grammar stubborn fact of your life happens to be that, at this particular juncture, you are still on your Russian lifetime, the next best thing is to create your own Santa Barbara right where you are.

Saturate the space around you with those little archways that pop up on the TV screen to usher the for me apa viewer into the imaginary realm of girl essay writing Santa Barbara in the serial’s intro: Let every space of your life — be it your apartment or your dolorous microdistrict — be a symbolic passageway to a desperate, impossible dream. And those antique columns supporting nothing but air in Santa Barbara ? You want those, too, be it on your windowsill or just outside your apartment building, towering amid piles of post-industrial rubbish. And let the primary colors of Income at home google your life, instead of the fearsome Soviet crimson red, be Santa Barbara ’s purple and gold. Left: A horse statue outside one of the homes in Grammar essay, Santa Barbara, Crimea. Right: A Virgin Mary statue looks out toward the street in the tudors did, the Santa Barbara neighborhood of Lviv, Ukraine. According to essay, one resident, the Grad school journalism statue dates back to a citywide cleanup campaign in preparation for Grammar Pope John Paul II’s visit in 2001. In the mid-1990s, there sprang to life a series of mini-Santa Barbaras — gated communities, microdistricts, bars, restaurants, hotels, clothing stores — all across the vast country. The name communicated exclusivity (one of the google favorite Russian concepts and neologisms to emerge in the 1990s), mysterious foreignness, classiness, and extreme and girl essay timeless fashionability.

What’s in a name? Everything, if, like everyone else, you would like to live the my paper for me cheap apa life of a Santa Barbara character but happen to girl essay, have been born and are still residing in Help writing a thesis for an, a depressingly unlovely place as far removed on every possible count from the actual (if thoroughly unreal) Santa Barbara as the Grammar girl essay distance between you and professional in thesis the moon. Nothing bad can happen to girl, or in a place called Santa Barbara: In your imagination, it is the genius loci of your immediate world. And so mobsters from Kaliningrad, in the country’s extreme west — German Konigsberg, occupied and annexed by at home from google the Soviet Union in 1945, birthplace of Immanuel Kant and Grammar girl essay writing Vladimir Putin’s ex-wife — travel to Who were the tudors, the United States to take a good firsthand look at the architecture of Santa Barbara -like gated communities, or at least that’s the girl rumor. They return to Russia — and bring a bit of Santa Barbara with them. (They like the arches in one place, the Grad writers journalism pillars and the soap’s signature gold coloristic spectrum in Grammar girl essay, another.)

These architectural accents could be found in very different parts of the former Soviet Union, but Santa Barbara was one of the Help essay dbq precious few elements of a common denominator shared among them. In that regard, Santa Barbara — in both the essay narrow TV-specific sense and the broader cultural aspect — has served as a unifying factor. In post-totalitarian places, spiritual kitsch — that untranslatable Russian poshlost (what Vladimir Nabokov attempted to explain, with his characteristic genius imprecision, as “posh lust”) — generally is Income at home from google what brings newly separate spaces together, visually and conceptually. Just as you can wander around a microdistrict, or bedroom community, in Moscow or St. Petersburg without having any idea which city you’re in girl, (the tremendously popular Soviet TV film The Irony of Fate , or Enjoy Your Bath! , which aired every New Year’s Eve for several decades, had that circumstance as its premise), you can travel through disparate post-Soviet geographic areas — from Kaliningrad to the Moscow region, from Moscow to Ukrainian Lviv and annexed Crimea — and see the sameness of writing a thesis architectural decisions based on identical taste-forming experiences and cultural influences, such as Santa Barbara ’s name attached to a variety of establishments or locations and its unique attributes — a prevalence of Grammar girl essay gilded gates, the signature archways, and did intensely blue oceanic vistas painted on walls of concrete-block buildings and children’s playground equipment. Tourists write their names and where they are from onto the rocks along a cliff overlooking Santa Barbara, Crimea. On April 17, 2002, Russia watched its final episode of Santa Barbara — number 2,040. By that time, viewers’ interest had faded. Essay? There were no block parties to catch the last episode, no great heartbreak. Everything is taken in Help a thesis, stride in Russia. It was a beautiful thing while it lasted.

Over the years, for tens of millions of Russians, Santa Barbara was their parallel life, their One Thousand and Grammar One Nights in Help with stats homework ww2, nearly 2,000 episodes — week after week, month after month, year after year of daily grind, through thick and thin, all through the troubled post-Soviet 1990s and up until the dull onset of the Putin-era stability, with its serendipitously high oil prices. What followed is well-known: Russians rapidly rising and entirely uninured to prosperity, the Grammar essay writing growing degree of their contentment with life, and, as a result, their silent consent to Putin’s methodical dismantling of writers one democratic gain of the 1990s after another and the continuous injections of ever larger doses of anti-Western, and anti-American, poison into the country’s bloodstream. Santa Barbara had done its duty; Santa Barbara had to go. Russia’s quiet farewell to Santa Barbara was, in some small but tangible way, a farewell to post-Soviet innocence, to Grammar essay, the naivety and beautifully impossible dreams of the 1990s. “Goodbye, America, oh / where I will never be,” Vyacheslav Butusov still crooned from time to time on TV. What was it about the writing dbq soap opera Santa Barbara that for an entire decade — during which people were born and died, got older, got married and divorced — drove tens of millions of Russians to utter distraction? It is indeed an girl, interesting question, and the short answer to it would be: freedom. Not America, per se, and not primarily the intricate interconnections of infinitely multiplying storylines or the sheer otherworldly visuals of paradisiacal palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze, and the incomprehensibly luxurious sprawling mansions with their impossibly, almost ludicrously, beautiful and from handsome inhabitants — but rather, one might argue, the sense of absolute, unfettered freedom that filled the very air of Santa Barbara . Grammar Girl? Freedom was the writers journalism dizzyingly exciting new thing for the people of Russia, that giant isolated and largely un-self-aware world unto itself, while for the Santa Barbara characters, it was the Grammar most natural, taken-for-granted thing in the world: the unthinking freedom to be just who you are, to feel being free, bold and self-assertive, independent, unashamed of Help yourself, uninterested in politics, passionately happy and unhappy, successful and Grammar essay writing unsuccessful; the freedom to Write cheap apa, come and essay go at Income at home google, will, appear and disappear, travel anywhere and at any time without asking anyone’s permission; the freedom to live without having once to stand in a long line in front of a food or clothing store and to be not just a citizen of Grammar girl essay Santa Barbara or America but also one of the entire world writ large. Which is why, perhaps, the collective Russian nostalgia for Santa Barbara is still alive. News outlets run lengthy articles reflecting on the show’s legacy and influence, and it continues to be mentioned fondly on television and online.

It is, in some certain sense, a self-directed nostalgia, people missing their own younger, less world-weary selves; they miss the way they used to be back when Santa Barbara gathered tens of millions of them all across Russia in front of their TV sets. People used to like themselves more back when they weren’t told and didn’t have to dislike America. It could be suggested that Russia is newly fascinated with the United States; we are at an interesting moment between these two countries. It could also be suggested that, gleaned through the lens of Santa Barbara , Russia’s fascination with Donald Trump may be explained. He is the first American president that Russian audiences of the show can identify with as one of the from google serial’s characters — and thus, one of the very few categories of Americans with which they are familiar. Bill Clinton was too folksy and excessively good-natured for a leading man or a man with the requisite aura of sinister mystery, and his relationships with women were sordid and girl essay writing low-class. George W. Bush just didn’t seem sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a major Santa Barbara character. Besides, the my paper newspapers said he wasn’t really bright at all, and he appeared generally uninterested in Grammar girl essay, gorgeous women, so he was not mysterious in any way. Barack Obama, admittedly, looked very good in at home, a tux and also was elegant and handsome, but again, as in Bush’s case, he was constantly talking about his love for his wife, which of writing course was a highly commendable character trait, but it also rendered him more than a little boring, someone hard to writing for an dbq, organize an adequately convoluted plotline around.

Trump, on the other hand, fits in nicely with the image of Grammar a typical fat-cat American capitalist as etched forever into the collective Soviet mind by countless newspaper cartoons: big, crude-featured, wears a tux all the time, has gold everywhere in his giant New York apartment, has lots of luxurious estates, had all kinds of glamorous romances in the past, is cruel and Write apa unthinkingly decisive. Yes, if you are someone who used to live in Grammar girl, the Soviet Union, that was the American you knew, willy-nilly. But also, counterintuitively, paradoxically, he likes Putin, which means he has to like Russia on some level. In general, Russians seem to essay, be tiring of being told constantly it is their patriotic duty to dislike and loathe the Western world and Grammar essay writing the United States in did, particular. Russia has no alternative model of societal development to offer the democratic world, except vague references to traditional conservative values steeped in a deep resentment of modernity. Putin remains highly popular with the majority of older Russians, although their dissatisfaction with the stagnating (and that means steadily worsening) economic situation in the country is more palpable now than it has been in many years, almost dating as far back as the early 2000s.

But those of the younger generation, whose entire lives have been spent under Putin’s ossified regime, are now actively and ever more vociferously protesting against Grammar girl writing, him. They are tired of being held back — and being pushed back forcibly into my paper cheap, Russia’s retrograde past. Grammar Essay? They want to live at the same time in Russia and in the world writ large. Santa Barbara lives on. But the journalism “ Santa Barbara Forevah” graffiti on the side of the apartment building where my parents used to live back in 1993 in St. Petersburg — it no longer is there.

This article originally appeared in the July/August 2017 issue of FP magazine. Mikhail Iossel is the Leningrad-born author of the girl essay story collection Every Hunter Wants to Know. (@Mikhail_Iossel)

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Analysis: Huckabee's 2nd-Place 'Win' in Ames. AMES, Iowa -- The biggest political event of the 2007 calendar year gave former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney a victory, but the girl essay, biggest winner may well be former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee , who placed a surprising second. Grad Essay Writers. Romney's big bet on essay the straw poll paid off. (Reuters) Romney's 4,516 votes were roughly 2,000 more than Huckabee received. Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback came in Who were the tudors, third with 2,192 votes. Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.) placed fourth, while Rep. Ron Paul (Texas) was fifth.

Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson , who said he would likely leave the race if he didn't finish first or second, came in sixth. (Full results are available here.) The turnout was far lower than in 1999, when 23,685 votes were cast and George W. Bush was the winner. The turnout may have been suppressed by the fact that three of the biggest names in the GOP race -- Rudy Giuliani , Fred Thompson and John McCain -- chose not to attend the event. Republican voters have also expressed their dissatisfaction with the current field in any number of public polls. The delay of Grammar writing, more than an hour in announcing the results led to whispers of impropriety and chicanery -- all unconfirmed. Rep. Steve King (Iowa) sought to downplay any talk of double-dealing in the moments before the results were announced, praising the tremendous amount of for me apa, integrity in the process.

The ripple effect of today's vote won't be known for at least 24 hours, but here are a few of our initial thoughts about what to expect in the days to come from the Republican field. Essay. * Romney did what he needed to do at Ames -- WIN! There will be the inevitable debate about whether he should have won by more given the resources he threw at the event. But that seems to did us to be an argument for political junkies, not the average voter. A win is a win. Girl Essay Writing. And Romney's victory should cement him as the frontrunner heading into January's caucuses. * Huckabee knew his back was against Help writing a thesis for an the wall, and he pulled out the surprise of the night. On the ground it was evident that Romney and girl essay Brownback had spent the most money courting straw poll voters, while Huckabee was working with a far smaller budget (his campaign spent $150,000 or so, according campaign manager Chip Saltsman). No matter how it happened, he got it done. Help Dbq. Huckabee's campaign was looking for a spark and they seem to have gotten it tonight.

He must -- and Grammar essay we repeat MUST -- turn this surprise showing into campaign cash or it will be for naught. But today is Huckabee's best day as a candidate by far. * Brownback invested a lot into the straw poll and got little return. A Thesis. Finishing third behind Huckabee makes it tough for writing the Kansas Senator to Help writing a thesis for an essay make the argument that he is the most viable social conservative candidate in the field. This is Grammar girl essay writing, a major setback for Brownback and could well lead to his departure from the race in the near future. * Tancredo's fourth-place finish could well be a triumph for his campaign, which has been mired in the one or two percent range in most of the polling we've seen. For Me Apa. His strident opposition to illegal immigration found a ready audience here in Ames, and Tancredo effectively turned that into votes. What does it mean for Grammar writing the future of his candidacy? Probably not much. But all of the frontrunners should heed the power of the immigration issue among Republican base voters. * Paul's problem in stats, this race was on vivid display here in Grammar essay, Ames. While his supporters were fanatically loyal (and loud), not enough of school essay, them were from Iowa for him to make a major impact on the race. Paul has a rabid national following fueled by the Internet, but the nominating fight remains a state by state affair. * Thompson (Tommy, that is) seems to have reached the end of his campaign.

The four-term governor never seemed to hit his stride on the campaign trail, struggling to push out his message in a field of writing, better-known, better-financed and more charismatic candidates. If he doesn't drop out in essay writers, the next few days, we'd be stunned. * Duncan Hunter finished behind two candidates -- Fred Thompson and Rudy Giuliani -- who didn't actively participate in the Straw Poll. Need we say more? The biggest unknown of the race is Fred Thompson's candidacy. Thompson had a small, unofficial presence at Ames, but he is not yet an girl essay, official candidate and won't be one until after Labor Day. There was some talk here today that Thompson had missed a golden opportunity to Who were the tudors slow Romney's momentum in the state by not participating. Girl Essay. Maybe. Thompson will be in Iowa next week and we'll wait to school essay writers pass judgement on his chances here until he has been in the race for girl a month or two, Thanks for sticking with us through this great week in Iowa.

That's all folks! By Chris Cillizza | August 11, 2007; 9:53 PM ET. Anybody check to see how much money it cost Mr. Flipper per vote in the caucus. I'll bet it is in ww2, the many thousands per vote. So much for democracy ! ! ! Posted by: swanie | August 13, 2007 7:41 PM | Report abuse. Hey guys!! I will check back on this thread for your thoughts on the Dr. Sam Shepard case history on Wikipedia.

I went back to read it again and find it truly amazing. Girl Essay. Posted by: lylepink | August 13, 2007 4:12 PM | Report abuse. What we need as a Manifest Destiny for the New Millenium. School Essay Writers. Forget going West. Its time to expand laterally. Moving the girl, northern border 60 miles would annex something like 90% of the Canadian population, so we might as well just swallow up the whole country. Except maybe the Quebecois. Going south has different math, but for one thing, building a fence along the Grad school writers, Mexico-Guatemala border would be a lot shorter cheaper than from Texas to California.

Shoot, maybe go all the Grammar girl essay writing, way to Panama resume control of the Canal, to professional in thesis boot. Posted by: bsimon | August 13, 2007 3:15 PM | Report abuse. lylepink - Yes, I saw that, too. This is going to be a very contentious issue and there are good arguments for Grammar both sides. There is no doubt that the modern intrepretation of he 14th Amendment amounts to an attractive nuisance and professional in thesis attracts millions of Grammar essay, illegals here and there is no doubt that the at home google, shere number of illegals here now constitute social costs that we simply cannot afford and they have had an enormous impact towards lowering wages and benefits for working Americans. At the same time, we all feel some sympathy and even responsibility for essay writing the plight of these desparately poor people. Posted by: MikeB | August 13, 2007 1:42 PM | Report abuse.

MikeB: I saw something about Help writing for an essay this about two weeks ago, and there was the question about anyone born in the US was automatically a citizen. I think this was in Ca. because of the number of pregnant women crossing just prior to the expected delivery date. Posted by: lylepink | August 13, 2007 1:32 PM | Report abuse. Dave - I am not a Ron Paul supporter, but I can take a swing at your 14th Amendment question. Grammar Essay Writing. The 14th Amendment was passed during Reconstruction specifically to grant citizenship to the children or former slaves. It was designed to overrise the Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott Case. Now, until quite recently, the children of illegal aliens in this country were not granted automatic citizenship, although that was inconsistantly applied.

The Supreme Court has never heard a case addressing this matter, but there are plenty of legal scholars who believe that the 14th Amendment does not extend automatic citizenship to those children. Moreover, in the Plyer vs. Doe Decision, the consevatives on that court overwhelmingly voted to not require publicly funded social services for illegals and warring footnotes indicate that the conservatives did not think that the 14th Amendment applied to Write my paper apa the children of illegals at all. Grammar Essay Writing. So, what some groups, opposed to illegal immigrants, are proposing to do, is to Who were did bring a case, challenging the modern intrepretation of the 14th Amendment before the Supreme Court. I believe that many Paul supporters are in this group, as are many pro-labor Democrats. Posted by: MikeB | August 13, 2007 1:08 PM | Report abuse. For all of those considering Huckabee as potential presidential candidate should seriously examine what he did to the state of Arkansas over the past 10 years. It's not as pretty or rosey as his campaign wants you to essay writing believe. Also, he has the thinnest skin of any politician I've seen in my paper for me cheap, many years. Girl. Posted by: CentralArkansan | August 13, 2007 1:07 PM | Report abuse. The Tudors Did. I just read that Susan Ralston, Abramoff's former assistant before she became Rove's [she who is under investigation for her uhh, activities] was 'learning to writing sing' as it were, and Writing references in thesis that was the reason for essay writing Rove's sudden departure.

It was also felt that Rove was too 'toxic' for google anyone in girl writing, '08 to wnat to be publicly involved with. Which considering how many crimes Rove is Who were, under investigation for, and how much of Grammar girl essay writing, a paper trail there is, is Income at home google, possibly true. This line of thinking may have merit. Though if Ralston is Grammar girl essay, really going to pin Rove with nefarious deeds, it is odd that he will take a month to leave. After avoiding an indictment in the Plame affair by Write for me cheap apa, the skin of his teeth, is he working on another near-miss with the justice system? Or is he really just retiring to spend time with his family? Posted by: bsimon | August 13, 2007 12:44 PM | Report abuse. lylepink, . sorry for the spelling error. I never learned to type and was writing that post from my MacBook at home where the girl, keyboard is Income at home from google, so cramped I make extra spelling errors. In any event, I did mean Browning. I believe the shotgun is an A5 model.

It is a semiautomatic shotgun using the girl writing, mechanical recoil of the Writing references, shell to girl writing autoload the next round. What it accomplishes, though, is to minimalize the felt recoil, making for more comfortable and Write cheap accurate shooting by trap shooters. My 86 year old father has one and it enables him to trap shoot at his age. Girl Essay Writing. Also, an dbq, AR14, one of the more popular guns used for competition shooting, was banned under the Brady Bill and I find that ridiculous. Likewise, limiting a Glock Model 22, one of the more popular target pistols, to a 10 round clip presented all sorts of problems for competition target shooters. The law was badly written, ill conceived, and based on bad (and sometimes faked) information.

Now, there ARE guns that are used by gang members and most are what people call assault rifles. These are almost always cheap imports like the Chinese SKS and various AK47 knock offs. These have no legitimate sport use, to my mind, and about the only people who would legitimately want one would be a collector. So. use the Consumer Product Safety Commission. These guns are rattletrap junk and would fail almost any basic test for safety and Grammar girl writing reliability. If the NRA, or someone with a genuine interest in safe shooting, has a legimate reason for not using the CPSC, then they can help set up an agency or board that would ensure only safe, reliable firearms be available for my paper for me consumers. And, BTW, we agree on the death penalty and Grammar essay the reason for doing away with it. There are just too many instances of innocent people being found on death row.

You have to wonder how many innocent men and women have died at the hands of society simply because they cannot afford good legal help or because some prosecuter, a victim bent on revenge, fabricated evidence, or some mistake was made. Posted by: MikeB | August 13, 2007 12:36 PM | Report abuse. JimD in FL Mark in Austin: Use yahoo web search, Dr. Sam Shepard. enter, will get you to Wikipedia, then instruction to the murder case, it is writers journalism, quite a long piece and I HIGHLY suggest everyone take a few minutes to read it. Posted by: lylepink | August 13, 2007 11:59 AM | Report abuse. I just read that Susan Ralston, Abramoff's former assistant before she became Rove's [she who is under investigation for her uhh, activities] was 'learning to sing' as it were, and Grammar writing that was the Income at home google, reason for Rove's sudden departure. It was also felt that Rove was too 'toxic' for anyone in '08 to wnat to be publicly involved with.

Which considering how many crimes Rove is under investigation for, and how much of a paper trail there is, is possibly true. Posted by: drindl | August 13, 2007 11:29 AM | Report abuse. Agree with you, Mark, about the categories. I think it would make our judicial system a lot more fair if their weren't such vast disparaties in the way different states treat their accused, but I wouldn't know how to essay writing address that--there would surely be howls of Write my paper cheap, outrage over states' rights. JimD, my bet is that Rove goes with Rudi/Judi or Fred/Jheri. Interesting that these guys' wives play a MUCH bigger role in their husband's campaigns--and would certainly play a much bigger role if their presidency -- than Hillary Clinton ever did, and no one on the right seems to have a problem with it. Lack of consistency there? Posted by: drindl | August 13, 2007 11:23 AM | Report abuse. Grammar Essay. 'Dr. My Paper Apa. Paul, in a one-on-one contest, will make Romney look like a babbling idiot.' 2 babbling idiots.

Posted by: Anonymous | August 13, 2007 11:15 AM | Report abuse. Question for Ron Paul supporters-- 1) Do you believe the Grammar writing, 14th Amendment is legitimate. If yes, how do you interpret it with regard to federalism? Posted by: Dave | August 13, 2007 11:08 AM | Report abuse. Can anyone explain how a socialist like Romney (who is responsible for a law that mandates health insurance payments by everyone in Massachusetts) is so popular among free-market conservatives in Income, the Republican Party? It's possible that most Republicans are simply ignorant of Romney's socialistic track record. And, consider this. Girl Writing. Add the ww2, votes for Tom Tancredo, Tommy Thompson, and girl essay Duncan Hunter (all of whom are more fiscally conservative than Romney) to Ron Paul's votes. The result is a true conservative, Dr.

Paul, would be a very close second to Romney at this stage in at home, the contest. Tommy Thompson has already quit the race. When Tancredo and Hunter quit, Dr. Paul will be running neck-and-neck against Romney. Writing. Dr. In Thesis. Paul will then have an opportunity to Grammar essay writing expose Romney for Grad school journalism being the flip-flop neo-conservative that he really is. In addition to socialistic health care, Romney was pro-choice before he was pro-life. Romney doesn't have a clue about Grammar girl essay writing federalism (the U.S. Constitution's Article I, Section 8 limitations on from google the powers of the federal government combined with the Grammar girl essay writing, 9th and 10th Amendments). Dr.

Paul, in a one-on-one contest, will make Romney look like a babbling idiot. Posted by: Steve | August 13, 2007 10:53 AM | Report abuse. drindl, the sleeping lawyer case was, indeed, from Help writing for an essay, Texas. Not one the girl, proud events in Texas jurisprudential history. Who Were. When we try to limit the death penalty we cannot do it by relative outrage in a meaningful statutory way. We mist define categories of crimes.

A typical list would include: murder for hire [either payor or payee]; felony - murder [during kidnap, child molestation, bank or armed robbery, burglary, etc.]; any subsequent murder in a serial killing spree; murder of a prison guard while serving a life sentence; and murder of a police officer or a firefighter in the course of duty. Girl Essay. These are considered the murders that do not arise from an instant impulse or a one-time malice; they require foreplanning and at home google knowledge of the consequences. Most murders [family and friends, bar fights, etc. are not included]. Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 13, 2007 10:41 AM | Report abuse. It will be interesting to see if Rove surfaces as a campaign adviser to one of the Republican front-runners. Grammar. Posted by: JimD in Help stats homework ww2, Fl | August 13, 2007 10:33 AM | Report abuse.

I'm not against the death penalty in all cases either, particularly in writing, case of child murder. Writing Professional. In fact, I'm sort of writing, a mind that the death penalty should be available as a recourse for cases of serial sexual abuse of children. Although, like JimD, I'm really appalled by how unfairly different states treat the situation --I've read that a lot of folks who were executed during Bush's tenure as governor of Texas had lawyers who literally slept through their client's trials. Who Were Did. Is that true, Mark? Your state seems to fry people at a pretty good clip. Writing. Hey, Karl Rove quit.

I'm surprised. He must have felt the Help, noose tightening. Anyone have any thoughts on Grammar essay that? Posted by: drindl | August 13, 2007 10:25 AM | Report abuse. Mitt Romney spent approximately $400.00 per vote in Iowa.

Huckabee spent a tenth that amount. Huckabee's second-place finish will undoubtedly make it easier for Write my paper him to raise funds so he can spend more in the future. Who really wins the straw poll? Mitt Romney is a stuffed suit. Posted by: Mark F. | August 13, 2007 10:20 AM | Report abuse. And, I should not let it go without saying that the felony-murder rule allows prosecutors great leverage in Grammar girl writing, plea bargains with co-felons. Murder committed during a felony is stats homework, attributable to all the co-felons, not just the one who committed the homicide. When a murder during the commission of another felony carries the death penalty, co-felons become more pliable to the bargain. Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 13, 2007 10:04 AM | Report abuse. Jim, I too am not opposed to the death penalty in Grammar, all cases.

I worked as a prosecutor out of law school. Cops were insistent that in certain cases of rational crimes - like burglary, armed or bank robbery, and kidnapping for ransom - the threat of the death penalty deterred murders before they occurred. In isolated cases, the a thesis dbq, police or the FBI actually get to negotiate with the criminal, and reminding the criminal of the death penalty. Girl Essay Writing. if anyone dies during the commission of the my paper for me cheap apa, felony may have some effect. Grammar Girl Writing. That has always made sense to me. It is also in those cases that the conviction evidence will usually be strong, coincidentally. Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 13, 2007 9:48 AM | Report abuse.

I am not opposed to the tudors the death penalty in all cases. However, I am appalled at the application of it in Grammar, the US. The disparity among states and jurisdictions within states is with homework ww2, extreme. Of course, the poor and uneducated and minorities are far more likely to be executed for essay writing the same crime. Sometimes wealthy white lawyers even get a death sentence. I actually knew one personally - although not well and many years before the incident. We went to my paper apa the same college, he was two years ahead of essay writing, me, and we served on a student government committee together.

Posted by: JimD in FL | August 13, 2007 9:33 AM | Report abuse. JimD, exactly. I should have expressed that of the more than 9 of from google, ten who plead guilty there have always been those who could not risk a trial because of writing, their prior convictions coming into evidence if they testified on their own behalf, or because they could not afford to defend themselves, or because the risk of losing at trial was so far greater than the sentence offered on the plea. The phrase usual suspects is cheap apa, common in police precincts. Grammar Essay. Actual innocence is not widely accepted as a post conviction ground for habeas corpus largely because, as you point out, most prosecutors oppose it. Who Were. Thus, DNA might implicate another man in a closed rape case, but under the currently widespread preclusive standard, the convict cannot show that he was not ALSO a rapist.

Actual innocence standard asks whether a conviction could have reasonably been obtained if the evidence known NOW was available THEN. Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 13, 2007 9:17 AM | Report abuse. It has been a long time since I read about the Shepard case. I remember in particular the local press was campaigning to have him arrested. Grammar. I was far too young to remember it contemporaneously (I think it happened in the early 50's and I was born in 1952). I also recall that many people involved felt he had been freed on a technicality and that he never fully recovered his reputation. Write My Paper Apa. I vaguely remember something about the mysterious intruder being identified but it might have been after Dr.

Shepard died. Grammar Writing. If you have a source for more info, I would be very interested in it. Mark - A number of Grad essay writers, those freed on DNA evidence pleaded guilty for a variety of reasons. I have read far too many cases where prosecutors bitterly fight against any evidence of innocence that arises post conviction. Some can't seem to admit they were wrong. Also, it is very difficult on Grammar girl writing family members of the victims in murder cases. Write Cheap Apa. I have seen numerous interviews with family members saying it was all a ttechnicality or a miscarriage of justice, etc.

Of course many of the girl essay writing, falsely convicted have long criminal records and the attitude of many people seems to be - well, if they weren't guilty of that crime, they were guilty of lots of others for which they never got caught. Writing Essay. Posted by: JimD in FL | August 13, 2007 8:56 AM | Report abuse. F Lee Bailey came to Grammar girl prominance as Dr. Shephards atty, and to read about this, follow instructions provided. lylepink - no instructions were provided! Sorry if I did not address your specific question. I may not have understood it because I could not find your reference to Who were the tudors the Shephard case [which I also remember from girl essay, contemporaneous reports and Bailey's book in the 60s]. My Paper Cheap. Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 13, 2007 8:38 AM | Report abuse. Grammar Girl Writing. MikeB: I am glad to references see you are off your stupid visa issue and Grammar essay writing are finally getting to issues that effect almost everyone in this country. The Brady Bill did restrict the Browning not Brown shotgun to a degree. Other Assult rifles mainly restricted the semi-automatics that could easily be made fully automatic and the # of rounds in a clip. Help Writing A Thesis For An Essay Dbq. Posted by: lylepink | August 13, 2007 3:03 AM | Report abuse.

Posted by: | August 12, 2007 11:12 PM - You are exhibit A' as to Grammar essay why the Bill Of Rights doesn't mean sqat any longer. Look, I can tell by your post that you would be opposed to most or all of the phony terrorist legislation rammed through our compliant Congress by a thesis dbq, the Bush White House. But, then, you turn around and assault the essay writing, 2nd Amendment. Oh, you call it reasonable gun legislation, but it isn't. Write My Paper For Me Cheap. The stupid Brady Bill banned things like the Brown semiautomatic shotgun, something that has a long history of girl essay writing, use in from, trap and upland game hunting and for which no replacement exists. And, those assault rifles banned? The AR14 has a huge number of essay writing, people who shoot it competitively and internaional 300 meter events. Is this just a casulty so you will feel safer? Then, the recent evesdropping laws are something other people feel are resonable limits on our right to privacy. It's such a small thing, really, and for me cheap apa it makes some people just feel safer. Grammar Essay. I could point out journalism that the statistics by the Brady Foundation are so obviously just inventions (DOJ statistics for *all* homicides in 2005 were 15,000 but the Brady folk claimed there were 19,000 gun murders?

Mathematically challenged morons that can't even lie well! I've got some news for you, you are as much a Nazi as the Bushies. Neither of you has any respect for the Constitution, for individual liberties, for the Bill Of Rights. Either *ALL* of the Bill Of Rights means something or none of Grammar writing, it does. Either Free Speech, Freedom Of Assembly, the Right To Privacy, and the Right to keep and Bear Arms all mean something or none of them does. Posted by: MikeB | August 13, 2007 2:09 AM | Report abuse. Mark in Austin: I am against did the death penatly period!! The DNA used to Grammar essay writing free so many, is a brainchild of Barry Sheck, [not sure of the spelling] One of the lead attys in the OJ case. Still wondering. Posted by: lylepink | August 13, 2007 12:22 AM | Report abuse. JimDinFL: I'm not sure if you are referring to the old news accounts and stories, but I suggest you look at what I refer to, this gives an account of what happened, before, during, and after the first trial.

What happened to the folks involved, family members of both, is almost beyond belief. If you have trouble finding it, I am going back to Grad writers get you a reference point, let me know. Posted by: lylepink | August 13, 2007 12:12 AM | Report abuse. Ron Paul only spent 11 days total in Iowa before the straw poll and only $200,000 on while raising $110,000 last week alone online to essay pay for most of Writing professional references, it. Grammar Girl Writing. How many campaigns do you know of have volunteers who will give their money to pay for full page newspaper ads and from radio ads? How candidates had supporters pay for girl essay writing 600 tickets to the straw poll out of their own pockets? That what Ron Paul's supporters did before the straw poll.

Hell, Mitt paid as much for logistics at Ames as Paul spent for the poll itself. Maybe he he hand't cut back on at home from google his expenditures, he might have gotten 8,000 votes for Grammar girl essay $10 million spent. I hope he gave his paid flunkies the Help for an essay dbq, minimum wage. Chris is right, Paul is more of a national cadidate right now than a one state candidate. Girl Essay. Tommy Thompson was a one state candidate and it got him booted right out of the race and Thompson spent more time in Iowa than Paul did. Stats Ww2. As Paul rises nationally, he'll rise in Iowa too. After a week's camapaigning across the state, he garnered more than what he polled beforehand and remember, a seperate poll of Iowa GOP county leaders said Paul would finish dead last in girl essay, the straw poll. Shows what they know. Paul is like stock with growth potential.

When people hear what he has to say they support him. Writing In Thesis. He proved it in Iowa. Grammar. Who knows what he could have done if he spent more time and resources there? With the campaign moving to actual real votes now instead of Income from google, phoney ones, he has plenty of time to get that message out essay now. Yes Romney won but his campaign is all rank and no file. Ask yourself what is Romney selling that you haven't heard from a 100 GOP candidates before? If he was that popular he certainly would have gotten more people to turn out. Don't you think its strange that after purchasing 10,000 ticket more than half the people who did voted for someone else? Huckabee did have a very good day but with Thompson's entry into the race and unless Brownback gets out, Huckabee still is constricted in how high he can go unless he raises a ton of money (although he's done no worse than probably be the Who were the tudors did, GOP's vice presidential candidate) Tancredo had a good day by taking advantage of the immigration issue but a divisive, negative driven message is Grammar writing, not going to win the nomination. It never has.

Also, Brownback is pretty much flat broke after this weekend and will probably be put under a lot of Help writing essay, pressure by so-called social conservatives to get out to Grammar girl essay writing unite behind Huckabee. But we'll see how stubborn old Sam is, he's said he's in this to the caucus and school essay journalism that's fine by Grammar girl writing, me. Here's another thing in Paul's favor. Take the for me, avreage median age of a Paul supporter and compare them to essay the other GOP candidates and you find a very telling statistic, the GOP is literally becoming a party of old people. Look at all the Romney and Tancredo suporters who had to be carted into Income, the Hilton Coliseum from the aprking lots. Fewer people voted in this straw poll than the two previous ones and if look at the GOP vote at essay, the Iowa caucuses itself, it's been on downward trajectory ever since 1988. Ron Paul is the only candidate who can inject youth and vitality into a dying party because he represents a lot of young voters. Hell the voting booths were right next to the Iowa State campus. For Me Cheap Apa. What if school had been in session, who do you think would have done better? Like any guerrilla army, you job is to live to fight another day until conditions are ripe for you to attack and girl essay writing win.

Paul lives to fight another day by finishing fifth out of Grad essay, 11 candidates on the ballot, in Grammar girl, the TOP TIER. That is what's important. Posted by: Sean Scallon | August 12, 2007 11:24 PM | Report abuse. Well, in Writing professional references, my view, this is a certain and decisive victory for Mitt Romney. He won the Ames straw poll after pulling back resources on it after Guiliani and girl McCain opted out. Essay Journalism. He knew he had the win, and with this win came talk shows on Sunday morning and girl essay writing free national press that would have cost millions to have. Grad School Journalism. This win should really boost his poll numbers on a national level, as well as continue to mount up support for him financially. In my view, this was also a huge win for writing Huckabee and Tom Tancredo.

2nd and 4th, in the tudors did, their circumstances with as little money as they have, is very impressive. Now, can they turn these strong finishes into campaign cash? Either one could be a serious competitor if they have the girl writing, cash to compete. Who Were The Tudors. Now, for girl the victims of the Ames straw poll. Sam Brownback, Tommy Thompson and Duncan Hunter should all drop out of the my paper cheap apa, race now.

Brownback spent all of that money only to be beaten by Huckabee who spent much less but garnered great grass roots support. Grammar Girl Writing. Brownback wants his political career to did continue, and that can happen after his retire from the Grammar girl writing, US senate in 2010. There will be an open governor's race in from google, 2010 in Kansas, that's a race Brownback could win. But as for this one, he should drop out now. Tommy Thompson and Grammar essay Duncan Hunter should also drop out now, as they have no chance to Who were win. 1 other campaign this hurts will be one of Romney's cheif competitors: Fred Thompson. With Romney's victory, free press and drawn support for free through the press, Thompson gets dumped in the cold.

Big victory for girl essay Romney and it makes life more difficult for F. Thompson. From. This doesn't affect Rudy Guiliani, who is running a national campaign in the big states that he feels he must win. Grammar Girl Writing. The Iowa Straw Poll doesn't affect Rudy at Grad school essay, all. Posted by: reason | August 12, 2007 11:19 PM | Report abuse. You may not have heard of Mike Huckabee, but he is running for president of the United States of America. Huckabee served as the essay, Governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007. He's a social conservative that served as chairman of the National Governors' Association and chairman of the Interstate Oil Gas Compact Commission. He doesn't have much money or name recognition but he just scored a strong second place in the Ames, Iowa Republican Straw Poll.

By besting Sen. Sam Brownback, he can expect to take up the banner of anti-women extremists within the Republican Party. It could be enough for Grad school essay journalism him to Grammar girl win the Iowa caucuses and Help writing for an dbq make some waves in the presidential race. Noam Scheiber has some analysis in The New Republic, but the most interesting part was his description of the attitude of the Grammar girl essay, press to Huckabee's strong showing. A final thought: The political press is Income at home from, absolutely head over heels for Huckabee. Grammar Essay Writing. (There were high-fives all around when it became clear he'd finish second.) He's a genuinely endearing guy who can banter with the best of them--watching him with reporters brings to professional references in thesis mind the old black and essay white footage of Babe Ruth jawboning with sportswriters. When you add that to the political media's general affinity for google underdogs, you can see how Huckabee's about to enjoy some serious media afterglow, which will only further boost his profile.

I would really like it if Noam Scheiber would name names. Which reporters were exchanging high-fives over Mike Huckabee's success? Who are these people and what the essay, hell is wrong with them? Look at this dude: # I first became politically active because of apa, abortion, when I helped pass Arkansas' Unborn Child Amendment, which requires the state to do whatever it legally can to protect life. # As Governor, I did all I could to protect life. The many pro-life laws I got through my Democrat legislature are the accomplishments that give me the most pride and girl personal satisfaction. Repeat after me: Mike Huckabee is a W-I-N-G-N-U-T. Don't believe me? Look at this: # I consistently opposed banning assault weapons and writers journalism opposed the Brady Bill. # As Governor, I protected gun manufacturers from frivolous law suits. # I was the writing, first Governor in the country to have a concealed handgun license. Like his position on abortion and guns?

How about professional references in thesis gay rights? # I support and have consistently supported passage of Grammar essay writing, a federal constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. Write. # As Governor of Arkansas, I led the successful effort to pass a similar state constitutional amendment in 2002. Huckabee is an assault gun loving religious extremist. He's also a nice person that makes friends easily with reporters. kind of like Babe Ruth. It's hard to overstate how inappropriate it is for print journalists to be high-fiving each other over the political success of Grammar essay writing, any politician. But a gay-bashing, woman-hating, assault-rifle toting, religious nutcase? I want names. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 11:12 PM | Report abuse. I'm glad Tommy Thompson finally spared all of us and got out.

I used to live in Grad essay writers, Wisconsin and I never understood the guy. He kept getting elected as governor but he just wasn't a smart guy. Maybe that's why Bush picked him for a cabinet position. Posted by: JP | August 12, 2007 10:01 PM | Report abuse. lylepink - the justice system is Grammar girl essay writing, prone to human error. If statistics are helpful, I offer these: More than 9 out of ten indictees in every court system plead guilty. Most of the Help with stats ww2, remaining indictees are convicted.

Some of the convicted are not guilty of the crime - and JimD is correct, DNA is helping in girl writing, correcting some of these miscarriages. But we may never have a perfect system. Help Homework. Two suggested improvements would be to limit the death penalty to very few cases. Essay Writing. and to make actual innocence a plea that can be raised after final conviction, based on new evidence. Where actual innocence cannot be raised, the burden on the convict is to Writing professional in thesis absolutely prove that it was not possible for him/her to have been guilty in girl, the first place. Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 12, 2007 9:44 PM | Report abuse. A Thesis. While President Ron Paul could never convince Congress to Grammar writing shut down the Federal Reserve Bank and institute a bimetallic standard, he wants to do just that.

Ask a Paul supporter if s/he understands what it would mean to professional references collapse the money supply by a factor of 25 or so and you will get a blank stare. As my wife the tax specialist CPA says, these doctors do not understand finance or taxes. And neither do his followers, apparently. Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 12, 2007 9:31 PM | Report abuse. Bob North Smithfield - A dirty little secret.

Seantor kennedy, at th behst of hi-tech corporate interests added a provision to the recently defeated immigration bill that would have removed all limits for essay H1-B visas. Those are the visas corporations use to hire cheap Indian workers, essentially indentured servants, to displace Amercian engineers and computer programmers. Senator Kennedy was joined in this by Ms. Clinton, who also owns stock in companies that outsource jobs and, in writing for an, a recent trip to India, was called by anindian government official the Senator From India. Don't go counting on labor to Grammar help Senator Kennedy in the future and don't count on any of us supporting a rat like Hillary Clinton in her bid for the Whitehouse.

Posted by: MikeB | August 12, 2007 9:11 PM | Report abuse. At the risk of Write my paper, wrecking my reputation for seeing the Grammar girl writing, dark side of things, I think this is Income at home from, very good news. There is a chance that the Republican's just might nominate Romney and the Democrats Clinton. These are the two most polariing and awful choices we have had as presidential material in girl essay, modern history and would likely spark a third party movement across the country that would overthrow the strangehold the nitwits from the left and the right have had on Amercian politics. Professional. Imagine, not just a moderate for President, but Congressional moderates, an end to Grammar essay writing two faced and clueless swine like Kennedy and school Pat Robertson.Imagine a Congress hat actually listens to voters instead of corporate lobbyists. It's enough to make one actually hopeful. Posted by: MikeB | August 12, 2007 9:04 PM | Report abuse. MITT, MUFFY and TAGG. When Mitt was running against Grammar essay Ted Kennedy for Help the Senate, Mitt, for many many weeks was AHEAD of Ted in the polls. Ted, turned the race around, on a dime, when he began to Grammar writing air tv spots featuring workers Mitt had layed off. Mitt made most of his money, with Bain Capital.

Bain bought companies, layed off most of the workers, outstourced most of the Who were the tudors did, work to Mexico and made millions when Bain sold the companies. How Mitt and his lovely wife Muffy, (who employed illegal aliens to girl writing work in her garden) will handle this inconvenient truth will be most interesting. Do Americans want to with stats homework ww2 elect a President, who outsourced jobs to Mexico will laying off thousands of American workers to personally make hundreds of millions of dollars? I see blue skies and blue states forever!! Mitt, Muffy and Grammar essay writing son Tagg. Osama trembles in fear of the killer preppies from Boston! From Enlightended New England. Posted by: Bob North Smithfield | August 12, 2007 8:37 PM | Report abuse. I am starting to see homemade Ron Paul signs in a number of spots here in NE Florida.

This is a solid Republican area. At Home From Google. I cannot tell how broad his support is but his supporters seem to be more passionate than those of most other candidates. Posted by: JimD in FL | August 12, 2007 8:17 PM | Report abuse. The result is bad news for Brownback, who was relying on at least a strong 2nd place to vault into the top tier. I think he's done.

Its also bad news for FDT. This race is girl, shaping up as a three way race between Romney, the Grad school essay, electable alternative, and the true conservative. The former is definitely Rudy, the latter was either FDT or Brownback. Writing. The choice between two solid conservative Senators would favour FDT, who is Help a thesis for an essay dbq, easier to Grammar girl essay listen too, and better known. However, now the race for Income from the true conservative slot is Grammar essay, between FDT Huckabee. Professional References In Thesis. Huckabee is Grammar girl essay, charismatic, has executive experience, and is from the South. He may well take the the tudors did, tag off Thompson.

Posted by: JayPe | August 12, 2007 8:13 PM | Report abuse. I've read about the Shepard case. We see new examples almost every week or so of someone in prison or death row being exonerated by DNA evidence. Posted by: JimD in FL | August 12, 2007 8:11 PM | Report abuse. Mark in Austin Others: I am watching the girl essay writing, movie The Fugitive and searched for the trial and other aspects following it, Amazing. F Lee Bailey came to prominance as Dr.

Shephards atty, and to read about this, follow instructions provided. I welcome thoughts on for me cheap this because of the problems in our justice system that can convict the innocent and acquit the Grammar girl, guilty. Posted by: lylepink | August 12, 2007 8:06 PM | Report abuse. Huckabee - nice guy, good speaker, believes the world was made 6,000 years ago. Brownback - Stern religious disciplinarian who believes the Help a thesis, world was made 6,000 years ago. Tancredo - wants to Grammar girl essay writing bomb Islamic holy cities if the US experiences a terrorist attack, Osama has already scheduled that terrorist attack on Tanc's inauguration because that would inflame 1 billion Muslims to make the US a funeral pyre. Also thinks the world was created 6,000 years ago. Ron Paul believes in science reason, has been married over 50 years (to the same woman), is the tudors did, a devout Lutheran who's allegiance is to the Bill of Rights, has a record of essay, fiscal constitutional conservatism of 20 years in for an, Congress. Ron Paul has integrity. Peace at home and abroad, non-violence, trade prosperity, a strict limit on government power, exhaltation of individual rights as guaranteed in essay, the documents of The Founding Fathers.

Ron Paul is Help with stats ww2, here, now, for your consideration. Posted by: Marc Scott Emery | August 12, 2007 7:53 PM | Report abuse. Democrats worry Clinton could hurt party. Senator Hillary Clinton, D-New York. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Looking past the presidential nomination fight, Democratic leaders quietly fret that Sen.

Hillary Rodham Clinton at the top of their 2008 ticket could hurt candidates at the bottom. They say the girl essay writing, former first lady may be too polarizing for much of the country. She could jeopardize the homework ww2, party's standing with independent voters and give Republicans who otherwise might stay home on Election Day a reason to girl essay vote, they worry. In more than 40 interviews, Democratic candidates, consultants and party chairs from Income, every region pointed to internal polls that give Clinton strikingly high unfavorable ratings in places with key congressional and state races. I'm not sure it would be fatal in Indiana, but she would be a drag on many candidates, said Democratic state Rep. Dave Crooks of Washington, Ind. Unlike Crooks, most Democratic leaders agreed to Grammar girl talk frankly about Clinton's political coattails only if they remained anonymous, fearing reprisals from the New York senator's campaign. They all expressed admiration for Clinton, and some said they would. publicly support her fierce fight for essay writers journalism the nomination -- despite privately held fears.

The chairman of a Midwest state party called Clinton a nightmare for congressional and state legislative candidates. I have been saying this for a long time - she might win the Grammar girl essay writing, nomination and even the election,narrowly, but her candidacy would definitely be a drag on Democratic candidates in swing districts and red states. Posted by: JimD in FL | August 12, 2007 7:49 PM | Report abuse. Anonymous at 2:46 says, If America's liberal wolfpack press and their followers want to continue with their negative sterotypes of this man and his family so be it. -Mitt will simply strap the liberal wolves to Writing professional references the roof of his car and Grammar essay drive them to Canada. Income At Home. Mitt has no skeletons in Grammar essay, his closet -No, they're in his garage. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 7:30 PM | Report abuse. Golgi, your point is Writing professional in thesis, well taken. Not only should we know what Huckabee claims as foreign policy experience, we should see how he treated science and science education in essay, Arkansas. For instance, did he have science advisers from the Med School at UA-LR?

Or were his science advisers creationists with a notion to teach Intelligent Design in HS biology classes? This should be relatively easy to learn. Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 12, 2007 7:05 PM | Report abuse. What's up with this? This is a major setback for Help stats ww2 Brownback and could well lead to his departure from the girl writing, race in the near future.

Tancredo's fourth-place finish could well be a triumph for his campaign. So the Tanc triumphs at fourth place, but Sam Brownback should drop out because he came in Grad, a lousy third? Nice bias. Posted by: Psycheout | August 12, 2007 6:39 PM | Report abuse. I think that the Grammar essay, most interesting showing was Tancredo's. The next most interesting was that Guiliani ran behind both Thompsons. At Home From. Perhaps Iowa Republicans prefer someone who plays Law and Order on TV over girl writing someone who plays law and order in real life.

Posted by: NoVA | August 12, 2007 5:53 PM | Report abuse. The Tudors. Romney is not qualified for dog catcher. Posted by: Seamus | August 12, 2007 5:11 PM | Report abuse. Grammar Girl Essay Writing. 'This was a great win by Mitt Romney who is probably the for me apa, most qualified candidate to ever run for President of the USA. ' This is your brain on Hate Radio. Writing. Probably one of the stupidest comments I have ever read. Incredible. But's that your dittohead of today. Journalism. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 4:59 PM | Report abuse. Writing. Huckabee's comments on people who care about his comments on evolution are NOT reassuring to me. The Tudors Did. Does he not comprehend why a presidential candidate's statements about science are important?

What kind of essay, advisers would he appoint? It is alarming to me that Huckabee doesn't even grasp that this is a thesis for an essay, a big issue. Is he just faking, or is he actually that shortsighted? Huckabee said, And typically what would happen, we'd get in these debates and they'd do one of essay, two things, they would spend an Income from, overwhelming time on an issue like Iraq, which there was very little separation among at least nine out the ten Republican candidates or we would get off these completely ridiculous topics like do we believe in Grammar essay writing, evolution, I'm trying to think of some other really peripheral issues that absolutely have nothing to do with. Posted by: Golgi | August 12, 2007 4:01 PM | Report abuse.

I would like to hear more about my paper cheap apa Huckabee's thoughts on Grammar girl science. School Essay. This is someone who said he doesn't believe in Grammar girl, evolution. Does that, or does that not, mean he will fail to listen when his science advisers give him important information? Posted by: Golgi | August 12, 2007 3:50 PM | Report abuse. 2:46 claims This was a great win by Mitt Romney who is probably the most qualified candidate to ever run for President of the USA This puts Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Grant, Eisenhower, FDR. Help Homework. um. well, the list just keeps going - in Grammar girl, a VERY interesting perspective. Of course, he is the first candidate we know of with magic underwear, so maybe 2:46 is onto something. Google. Or on something, like crack. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 3:28 PM | Report abuse. you confuse yourselves if you think any part of IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN IS ABOUT ANYTHING EXCEPT. bushCO and CRONYISM. cheney is trying to outsource the Pentagon, so he doesn't have to ask permission to invade, and Grammar girl essay he gets paid for it too. one reason private armies were illegalized has to Income at home from do with using them to girl essay control IN_COUNTRY populations. Write My Paper Cheap Apa. there used to be a law called the Pinkerton Law, that kept companies like BlackWater from being formed. why are George H.W. Grammar Girl Essay. Bush and Richard Cheney interested in Help with ww2, AFGHANISTAN.

Just as the Iran-Contra scandal evolved to include drug smuggling, the Iraq War also is closely related to drug smuggling. While the Bush regime has so far managed to keep the drug smuggling aspects of the war from Grammar girl writing, reaching the my paper, media, evidence is beginning to emerge. The evidence comes largely from a former FBI translator turned whistle-blower, Sibel Edmonds. Hired to translate intercepted messages soon after 9/11 this Turkish lady first blew the whistle on the FBI for dragging its feet. She has state emphatically that she has seen documents that prove the Bush administration was fully aware of the terrorist attack before 9/11.

While ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN ASHCROFT, has imposed a gag order on her, this courageous lady has only been able to speak in Grammar girl essay writing, generalized terms. Grad School Essay Journalism. However, she has repeatedly stated that when viewed as an girl essay writing, international drug smuggling operation the picture becomes clear. doubt me? think I am crazee or a liberal. SEARCH on Gary Webb, Parry, crack cocaine, Letter of Understanding. read the letter of understanding between DoJ and the CIA about Help writing AFGHANISTAN. .unrecorded profits. FREEEEEEEEEEEE MONEY. HIP HIP HOOO RAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhh. Posted by: cheney is a shunt. | August 12, 2007 3:02 PM | Report abuse. neith er Huckabee or Romney is Grammar girl writing, a Republican candidate. they are insider Washington Candidates. they sit at the front of the bus, while the real people running the writing a thesis, show, sit behind them or drive or handle them. they are nothing. image with no substance. Posted by: it's important to | August 12, 2007 2:52 PM | Report abuse. Because if we'd gone to writing Baghdad, we would have been all alone. There wouldn't have been anybody else with us -- it would have been a US occupation of Iraq. None of the Arab forces that were willing to Help ww2 fight with us in Kuwait were willing to invade Iraq.

Once you got to Grammar essay Iraq and took it over, and took down Saddam Hussein's government, then what are you going to references in thesis put in its place? That's a very volatile part of the world. And if you take down the central government in Grammar, Iraq, you could easily end up seeing pieces of Iraq fly off. Part of it. uh. the Syrians would like to have in the West. Part of the eastern part of Iraq the Iranians would like to claim, fought over it for eight years. In the writers journalism, north, you've got the Kurds. If the Kurds spin loose and join with the Kurds in Turkey, then you threaten the territorial integrity of Grammar, Turkey. It's a. it's a quagmire, if you go that far in Writing professional references in thesis, trying to take over Iraq. The other thing was casualties. Uh. Grammar Essay Writing. everyone was impressed with that fact that. A Thesis. uh. we were able to do our job with as few casualties as we had. But for the 146 Americans killed in action and for their families, it wasn't a cheap war.

And the question for the President in terms of whether or not we went on to Baghdad and took additional casualties in an effort to Grammar girl writing get Saddam Hussein, was how many additional dead Americans was Saddam worth? And our judgment was not very many, and I think we got that right. Write My Paper Cheap. Posted by: cheney in 1994 | August 12, 2007 2:48 PM | Report abuse. This was a great win by Mitt Romney who is probably the most qualified candidate to ever run for President of the USA. Mitt won the Iowa straw vote with 31.5% of the vote in 1999 George Bush won by a slightly smaller percentage at 31.3%. Mitt's margin of girl writing, victory was even greater than Bush's in 1999. There Mitt's margin of victory was 13.4% and Bush's was 10.5%. Mitt also was impressive in that his average polling number in Iowa to date is at Help essay dbq, 24.8% according to essay writing Real Clear So taking nearly 32% of the vote shows that conservative Iowans like Mitt Romney's message and Writing professional references where he stands on the issues. Grammar Writing. Mitt worked hard for this win and Americans like it when public officials work hard, he deserved to win.

The fact that Rudy, John, and Who were Fred were scare to compete with Mitt is going to send a message to Grammar girl essay writing all Americans that their organization and passion to win and compete in writing for an essay, all States is lagging. The Romney's would make a great First Family and essay writing I believe if Americans liked Ronald Reagan they are going to love Mitt Romney! If America's liberal wolfpack press and their followers want to continue with their negative sterotypes of this man and his family so be it. Mitt has no skeletons in his closet and is as solid a candidate this country has seen in at home, a long time. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 2:46 PM | Report abuse. America's 'war tsar' has called for the nation's political leaders to consider bringing back the draft to essay help a military exhausted by my paper for me cheap, wars in Iraq and writing Afghanistan. Who Were. In a radio interview, Lieutenant General Douglas Lute said the option had always been open to boost America's all-volunteer army by drafting in young men in the same way as happened in Vietnam. 'I think it makes sense now to consider it,' he said. Essay Writing. Lute was appointed 'war tsar' earlier this year after President Bush decided a single figure was needed to Help with stats ww2 oversee the nation's military efforts abroad. Grammar Girl Essay. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 2:44 PM | Report abuse. The anecdotal evidence on Grad school the ground confirms what others - prominent among them General Colin Powell, the former US Secretary of State - have been insisting for months now: that the US army is 'about broken'. Only a third of the regular army's brigades now qualify as combat-ready.

Officers educated at the elite West Point academy are leaving at a rate not seen in 30 years, with the consequence that the US army has a shortfall of 3,000 commissioned officers - and the problem is expected to worsen. And it is not only the soldiers that are worn out. The wars in Grammar writing, Iraq and Afghanistan have led to the destruction, or wearing out, of 40 per cent of the US army's equipment, totalling at a recent count $212bn (‚£105bn). Write For Me Cheap. But it is in girl, the soldiers themselves - and in the ordinary stories they tell - that the exhaustion of the US military is most obvious, coming amid warnings that soldiers serving multiple Iraq deployments, now amounting to several years, are 50 per cent more likely than those with one tour to Income at home from suffer from acute combat stress. The army's exhaustion is Grammar essay, reflected in problems such as the Grad school journalism, rate of writing, desertion and unauthorised absences - a problem, it was revealed earlier this year, that had increased threefold on the period before the war in Afghanistan and had resulted in thousands of Income from, negative discharges. Grammar Essay Writing. 'They are scraping to get people to go back and people are worn out,' said Thomas Grieger, a senior US navy psychiatrist, told the International Herald Tribune in April. Cheap. Posted by: x | August 12, 2007 2:41 PM | Report abuse. A week later, in the northern city of Mosul, an girl, officer talks privately. Help Writing A Thesis For An Dbq. 'We're plodding through this,' he says after another patrol and another ambush in Grammar girl writing, the city centre. 'I don't know how much more plodding we've got left in Writing references in thesis, us.' When the soldiers talk like this there is resignation. There is a corrosive anger, too, that bubbles out, like the words pouring unbidden from a chaplain's assistant who has come to bless a patrol. 'Why don't you tell the truth? Why don't you journalists write that this army is exhausted?' It is a weariness that has created its own culture of superstition. There are vehicle commanders who will not let the infantrymen in the back fall asleep on long operations - not because they want the men alert, but because, they say, bad things happen when people fall asleep. So the soldiers drink multiple cans of Rip It and Grammar writing Red Bull to stay alert and wired.

But the exhaustion of the US army emerges most powerfully in the details of these soldiers' frayed and stats ww2 worn-out lives. Everywhere you go you hear the same complaints: soldiers talk about divorces, or problems with the essay, girlfriends that they don't see, or about the children who have been born and who are growing up largely without them. 'I counted it the stats homework ww2, other day,' says a major whose partner is also a soldier. 'We have been married for essay five years. Help Stats Homework. We added up the days. Because of Iraq and Afghanistan we have been together for just seven months. Seven months . We are in a bad place. I don't know whether this marriage can survive it.'

Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 2:38 PM | Report abuse. Girl Essay. Hanna and his men are not alone in being tired most of the time. Grad Essay Writers Journalism. A whole army is exhausted and Grammar girl writing worn out. Write My Paper Apa. You see the young soldiers washed up like driftwood at girl, Baghdad's international airport, waiting to go on leave or returning to their units, sleeping on their body armour on floors and in the dust. At Home. Where once the war in Iraq was defined in conversations with these men by untenable ideas - bringing democracy or defeating al-Qaeda - these days the war in Iraq is defined by Grammar girl essay writing, different ways of expressing the idea of being weary. It is a theme that is endlessly reiterated as you travel around Iraq. Write Cheap. 'The army is girl essay, worn out. We are just keeping people in at home, theatre who are exhausted,' says a soldier working for the US army public affairs office who is supposed to be telling me how well things have been going since the 'surge' in Baghdad began. Girl Essay Writing. They are not supposed to talk like this.

We are driving and Grad school writers journalism another of the public affairs team adds bitterly: 'We should just be allowed to tell the girl writing, media what is happening here. Let them know that people are worn out. Stats. So that their families know back home. But it's like we've become no more than numbers now.' Posted by: the truth | August 12, 2007 2:36 PM | Report abuse. 'Exhaustion and Grammar essay combat stress are besieging US troops in with homework, Iraq as they battle with a new type of warfare. Some even rely on writing Red Bull to did get through the day. As desertions and absences increase, the military is struggling to essay cope with the crisis' where are the Grad school writers, war supporters who should be lining up to join? where are the chickenhawks and cheerleaders? sitting on their fat butts drinking beer and watching baseball, while our troops die in the desert. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 2:34 PM | Report abuse. PERUGIA, Italy -- In a hidden corner of Rome's busy Fiumicino Airport, police dug quietly through a traveler's checked baggage, looking for smuggled drugs. What they found instead was a catalog of weapons, a clue to something bigger.

Their discovery led anti-Mafia investigators down a monthslong trail of telephone and Grammar essay e-mail intercepts, into the midst of a huge black-market transaction, as Iraqi and Italian partners haggled over shipping more than 100,000 Russian-made automatic weapons into essay journalism, the bloodbath of Iraq. As the secretive, $40 million deal neared completion, Italian authorities moved in, making arrests and breaking it up. But key questions remain unanswered. For one thing, The Associated Press has learned that Iraqi government officials were involved in the deal, apparently without the knowledge of the essay, U.S. Income Google. Baghdad command _ a departure from the usual pattern of U.S.-overseen arms purchases. Politics: Unhappy Republicans: Low Voter Turnout In Iowa Sign Of GOP 'Funk' Media: Chris Matthews Fawns Over The President. Entertainment: Angelina: Since Brad There's No Longer A Place For That [Bisexuality] Or SM In My Life Living Now: Woman Gives Birth To 14-lb. Boy--Naturally.

Business: Dow Jones Ends Roller Coaster Week Slightly Down. Girl Writing. Why these officials resorted to black channels and did where the weapons were headed is girl writing, unclear. The purchase would merely have been the references, most spectacular example of how Iraq has become a magnet for arms traffickers and a place of vanishing weapons stockpiles and uncontrolled gun markets since the 2003 U.S. invasion and the onset of essay, civil war. Some guns the Who were, U.S. bought for Iraq's police and army are unaccounted for, possibly fallen into the hands of insurgents or sectarian militias. Meanwhile, the planned replacement of the Grammar girl essay writing, army's AK-47s with U.S.-made M-16s may throw more assault rifles onto the black market. And the weapons free-for-all apparently is spilling over Writing professional in thesis borders: Turkey and Iran complain U.S.-supplied guns are flowing from Iraq to anti-government militants on girl essay writing their soil. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 2:32 PM | Report abuse. R Congressman Bill Sali: We have not only Grad essay writers journalism a Hindu prayer being offered in the Senate, we have a Muslim member of the Grammar girl writing, House of Representatives now, Keith Ellison from Minnesota. Those are changes -- and Income at home google they are not what was envisioned by the Founding Fathers, asserts Sali. Sali says America was built on essay Christian principles that were derived from scripture.

He also says the only way the United States has been allowed to exist in a world that is so hostile to Christian principles is through the protective hand of God. According to from google Congressman Sali, the only way the U.S. can continue to survive is under that protective hand of God. Grammar Essay Writing. He states when a Hindu prayer is offered, that's a different god and that it creates problems for Income from the longevity of Grammar girl essay, this country. Posted by: r's hate religious diversity | August 12, 2007 2:30 PM | Report abuse. Wanker of the Day. 'President Bush came to office after the so-called Seinfeld election -- the mindless campaign of 2000, a race filled with chatter but fundamentally about nothing, like the hit television show.' The mindless chatter was coming from Income, you and our very serious journalists.

Thanks for Iraq, Anne. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 2:22 PM | Report abuse. Major lenders are repossessing homes in Southern California much faster than they can sell them, a development that could set off a downward spiral of girl essay, price cuts and professional more foreclosures. Girl Essay. At some point -- maybe this fall, maybe in 2008 -- the lenders' inventories will grow so large that they will have no choice but to start aggressively cutting prices, many agents and analysts predict. That, in turn, will put more pressure on individual sellers, who will have to reduce their own prices if they want to find a buyer. As values fall, more people could lose their homes, which would swell the lenders' inventories anew. Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 2:21 PM | Report abuse. Some of those Americans who warned they'd desert the U.S. For Canada if George Bush was re-elected in from, 2004 appear to have kept their word. Grammar Girl Writing. New statistics show that U.S.

Immigration to Canada in 2006 hit a 30-year high. Write My Paper Cheap. According to the Toronto Star, an Grammar girl, analysis of school essay writers, immigration statistics by the Association for Canadian Studies showed the number of Americans who moved to Canada in 2006 was almost double the number who moved north in 2000 when Bush was elected for a first term as U.S. president. The analysis also showed that most of the Grammar girl, American migrants are highly educated people who may be moving to Canada for my paper for me cheap quality of essay, life and social reasons. The day after Bush was re-elected president, there were 191,000 hits on Writing in thesis Canada's immigration website, six times its average traffic, most of it from the U.S. The increase is symbolic, Jack Jedwab, the executive director of the writing, association that analyzed the statistic told the Star. Given that most of these immigrants are university-educated or better, you can assume they can find work in the U.S., so the move must be based on other reasons.'' He cited politics, healthcare, social issues, and possibly even the professional in thesis, strengthening Canadian dollar as lures drawing Americans northward. Tom Kertes, who moved north last April from essay writing, Seattle, Wash. Help Homework. did it because he wants to marry his male partner. He said he moved to Toronto with his partner Ron Braun and they plan to marry, something they could not do in Washington state. He added the war in essay, Iraq and Grad school essay journalism the torture of Iraqi prisoners by Americans‚ -- and girl essay writing the failure of the Bush administration to clearly disavow such practice‚ -- as contributing factors behind his migration northward. Moving countries is not done lightly,'' he told the Star, explaining that he found the tolerance of Toronto welcoming and he thought Canadians were proud of their reputation for tolerance. The Star suggested that the most surprising aspect of the study is the attention it has received here in the U.S. where it was first reported by abcnews.Com.

Wrote the Star, It has become a hit on writers the blogosphere where many Americans have reacted with venom to those who have left the country and some 80,000 persons voted on whether they would move to Canada within hours of the question being posted on Grammar girl essay writing an AOL.Com site. The newspaper quoted one blogger as writing If every American who didn't like George W. Bush left the Grad essay, country, there would be no one here but illegal immigrants.'' Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 2:13 PM | Report abuse. 'Washington Post reporter John Solomon is single handedly seeking to girl torpedo the candidacy of former Sen. John Edwards, The overblown 'controversies' over John Edwards' $400 haircut, hedge fund work and real estate dealings are largely the product of one reporter at Grad, the Washington Post who hides his grudges behind so-called 'fair and balanced' journalism. Solomon's profile of hair stylist Joseph Torrenueva, is one proof of the Post reporter's vendetta against Edwards. The Torrenueva profile didn't offer 'some kind of commentary' on the state of American politics so much as it offered insight into the peculiar priorities of its author, Post money and politics reporter John Solomon. Although practically dripping with innuendo that Edwards had been involved in writing, a sleazy land deal with known criminals and then lied about it, the article noticeably failed to contain any dirt. The article basically reported that Edwards had bought a house in D.C.'s booming real estate market, fixed it up and sold it three years later for a profit. The banality of these facts did not stop Post editors from placing the article above the fold, alongside the latest news from Iraq.

If Solomon can keep getting away with his brand of 'fair and Help with balanced' journalism, John Edwards and the rest of the Democratic presidential candidates are in for some trouble as the girl essay, primary race heats up this fall.' Business as usual. Stats Ww2. Posted by: wapo war on edwards | August 12, 2007 1:53 PM | Report abuse. /Huckabee is the Authentic Christian Populist Conservative . even KOS suggested that Democrats have much to fear in Huckabee.' Maybve he just wants to encourage a fracture in the rpeublican party. I say go for it, Huck! Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 1:49 PM | Report abuse. Much of the girl essay, commentary about the Straw Poll displays a basic misunderstanding of what it takes to did win in a caucus state. The Straw Poll is a vital test run of writing, organizational strength and Writing professional message, not just celebrity with the eastern media. Posted by: The Real Sporer | August 12, 2007 1:40 PM | Report abuse.

Actually, I think Romney got rich by becoming an orphan. He's a trustapharian much like George W although he hasn't failed in Grammar, nearly as many businesses as Dub. Help Stats. Posted by: cali voter | August 12, 2007 1:33 PM | Report abuse. Romney spent several million dollars and didn't get enough votes to win a City Council seat in Iowa City. When the national media began taking the Iowa Caucuses seriously, it lengthened the Grammar writing, political calendar and essay dbq provided some genuine insight.

Taking the Straw Poll seriously leaves us knee deep in fried Twinkies. Posted by: Eric Kramer | August 12, 2007 12:54 PM | Report abuse. How about Huckabee vs. Richardson, a presidential race between two worker bees. Grammar Girl Writing. Who would be the queen behind the scenes? Posted by: worker bee | August 12, 2007 12:49 PM | Report abuse. This straw poll sums up the republican party perfectly. you get to buy your votes, and there are issues with the writing a thesis essay dbq, voting machine. Way to go repubs!! Posted by: Anonymous | August 12, 2007 12:43 PM | Report abuse. A man named Huckabee is Grammar girl essay writing, clearly a product of his mother and Write my paper apa brother.

Posted by: Schvenzlerman | August 12, 2007 12:34 PM | Report abuse. lye, was it on Grammar girl Mitt's soapbox speech? I saw that. Thanks. Help Stats Homework Ww2. Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 12, 2007 12:00 PM | Report abuse. I'm an independent voter who leans towards Obama right now, with Edwards as a second choice, but I have to say that Ron Paul's success in girl essay, the straw poll is being underplayed severely; media expectations until a day or so before Ames essentially had Paul finishing tenth ahead of John Cox. Finishing fifth means Paul beat expectations more than any other GOP candidate, even Huckabee; the fact that some reporters started hedging their bets when they got to Ames and saw all the Paul signs does not affect how the Help writing essay dbq, long-term expectations of Paul were exceeded, and essay that's what matters, just like a sudden concern about Help writing a thesis Romney the very day of the Grammar girl, poll would not have softened the for me, blow had he lost, given the long-term media expectations.

Furthermore, Romney, Brownback, and to a lesser degree, Tancredo all had buses; just as Huckabee deserves credit since he had no buses, so does Paul, if not moreso since Paul only has visited Iowa three times this year. And yet, he beat out the one candidate who has spent more time in Iowa than any other Republican, Tommy Thompson. Whether we agree with Paul or his supporters is irrelevant to reporting that success, and so is our interpretation of his fans in comparison to vicious dogs, unless we are to use that language equally across the girl essay, board where it applies; all the Republican candidates have had some rabid supporters, and Bush has had plenty of school essay writers, them for eight years, but I haven't had the Grammar girl writing, pleasure of reading such characterizations about them in professional references in thesis, the mainstream media. One starts to wonder, if you guys were as hard on the neocons as you are on everyone else, maybe the country wouldn't be in the sorry shape that it's in. Posted by: Shadow | August 12, 2007 11:56 AM | Report abuse. I'm concerned about Romney. I believe Democrats, bloggers and progressives with access to Grammar girl essay writing the media should begin to define him now. If I understand correctly, Romney got rich by buying up companies, laying off a lot of workers and outsourcing their jobs.

Combine that with his recent inane comment about his sons' sacrifices being equivalent to soldiers' sacrifices, and you have a clear story about a rich twit who doesn't care about the average American. If Romney gets defined now, he'll be an easy mark in a general election. But it needs to be done before it's too late. Grad Writers Journalism. Posted by: mwitten | August 12, 2007 11:52 AM | Report abuse. so if democrats have much to fear from huckabee, does that mean republicans are too stupid to realize who their best candidate is? As a democrat, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see a Huckabee/Brownback ticket. now that would truly be a blessing from God :-) Posted by: wonderer | August 12, 2007 11:44 AM | Report abuse. Mark in Grammar essay writing, Austin: My answer to your Prez hypo is on for an essay dbq one of the past threads. Truth Hunter: Good job keeping us informed, I really like the voting machine [Ha! Ha!].

Nothing unexpected, unless McCain decides to pack it in earlier that I have thought, and this could just be a way for him. Grammar Writing. Posted by: lylepink | August 12, 2007 11:37 AM | Report abuse. What does Mr. Huckabee know about Grad school essay writers journalism foreign policy? Has he been engaged at any level? I am not asking rhetorical questions; I do not know the answers.

In stark contrast, Biden has demonstrated the clarity in foreign policy that experience provides. Grammar Girl. His appearance on Charlie Rose last week was the essence of unscripted ability to engage in depth. However, the Democratic Primary voters must not consider foreign policy. as very important, from their polling responses to Biden's candidacy. Republicans claim an interest in foreign policy issues, but they have rejected. McCain in their polling and seem to favor candidates with merely local experience. [Romney, Giuliani,and now Huckabee]. I keep sending money to Joe Biden in the hope that he will catch on.

But if. wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Do not misunderstand me. I find Huckabee pretty easy to listen to. I have not ruled him out. But I want a President who will be able to. deal credibly and competently in and with the with stats ww2, world. Grammar Girl. Could he be one?

Why? Posted by: Mark in Austin | August 12, 2007 11:13 AM | Report abuse. Huckabee speaks and professional references in thesis thinks well--(yes, some of Grammar essay writing, us with Mensa IQ's believe in Help writing a thesis, Creation, although we accept evolution in some form too). But I fear he would keep us mired in war. So if I were voting Republican I'd vote for Ron Paul. He, too, is a Christian, in Grammar girl essay, case nobody noticed. As for me, so far I lean toward Biden, who is stats homework ww2, a Christian too, although some Protestants don't think Catholics have the nod from Jesus.

My biggest fears are Fred Thompson (Bush clone, or worse) or Guiliani. Posted by: Mariel | August 12, 2007 10:19 AM | Report abuse. Looks like some candidates' supporters are trying to spin the blog. If Huckabee manages to graduate to girl essay the first tier, it hurts Fred Thompson more than anyone else. Both Huckabee and writing a thesis for an essay dbq Thompson could be expected to drain social conservatives from Romney.

Between the anti-Mormon bias of some evangelicals and suspicion of girl writing, Romney's recent conversion to social conservativism, there is definitely an opening for Huckabee - if he can put a better organization together. Overall, the emergence of another major candidate appealing to social conservatives is good news for Giuliani. The longer it takes for the race to come down to two candidates, the Grad school essay writers, better his chances. In a 3 or 4 candidate primary, Giuliani can win by taking 30% or so of the vote. Posted by: JimD in FL | August 12, 2007 9:00 AM | Report abuse.

What a great showing for Mike Huckabee and the Fair Tax. Both campaigns are growing. Posted by: Charles Swift | August 12, 2007 8:01 AM | Report abuse. What a great showing for Mike Huckabee and Grammar girl writing the Fair Tax. Both campaigns ae growing. Posted by: Charles Swift | August 12, 2007 7:59 AM | Report abuse. NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN THE FIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY, FOR OUR FREEDOM, FOR OUR WAY OF LIFE. JOIN THE RON PAUL REVOLUTION BY: JOINING YOUR LOCAL MEETUP.COM GROUP FOR RON PAUL. SUPPORTING HIM FINANCIALLY SO THAT HE CAN BETTER CONTEND WITH THE BIG MONEY FRONT RUNNERS FREEDOM ISN'T FREE, IT REQUIRES ACTION!

GET INVOLVED PEOPLE!! WHILE WE STILL HAVE FREEDOM TO DO SO. Did. Posted by: Mr. Girl Essay. Ben Franklin | August 12, 2007 2:29 AM | Report abuse. I am a new Republican. I was recently spurred to take political action after years of watching my country and Grad essay writers journalism my constitutional rights quickly being eroded before my eyes. From my research, and my own opinion of course, I think Republican would have to be nuts not to choose Candidate Ron Paul to be their man for the white house.

With recent polls showing that some 70+ percent of Americans want out of this war, how can we expect to have a chance at winning the white house by supporting a Candidate who is Grammar girl, just picking up where Bush left off? Reality check people. The president and congress have the lowest approval ratings in Who were did, Gallup Poll history! Do you understand what that means? It means people are looking for writing change. Isn't that why the Democrats won the Writing references, house?

Anyone who doesn't take Ron Paul seriously needs to take a good look at where our party stands in the spotlight of public opinion. Grammar Writing. I think one of the greatest things the GOP needs are an influx of passionate supporters in order to breath this dying beast back into stats homework, life. Girl Essay. And one thing that people can't overlook is that Ron Paul's message speaks to people. He wouldn't have such a massive widespread grassroots following if that weren't true. Posted by: Bob Dylan | August 12, 2007 2:27 AM | Report abuse. Glad to see Mike Huckabee believes in protecting the cheap, 2nd amendment, but too bad he's in favor of a National ID Card. Perhaps when I have my next child he'd like to have him or her chipped to protect us from ourselves. What's more alarming is that he's also on board with merger of the Grammar essay writing, U.S., Mexico and Canada. Known to those of Help with stats homework, us with a higher intelligence as the Grammar, North American Union or the complete destruction of our sovereignty.

You fools get what you deserve. They are going to tank our economy (which is happening now), merge our countries together little by little and introduce the new currency The AMERO to Write compete with EU. Next stop. one world government. Read it for yourselves: Dr. Paul is still my candidate of choice. Grammar Essay Writing. Posted by: Anti-NWO | August 12, 2007 1:52 AM | Report abuse. YES, Go Huckabee. Huckabee is the Authentic Christian Populist Conservative . even KOS suggested that Democrats have much to fear in Huckabee. A great win in Ames! Posted by: Anteater | August 12, 2007 1:31 AM | Report abuse. Income At Home From Google. I hope that this results in a half dozen other states leapfrogging Iowa.

What a joke. Grammar Girl Essay Writing. 14,000 total votes. Rockville MD has 4 times that many residents. Iowa does not deserve to go first anymore. Posted by: CrabCakes | August 12, 2007 1:28 AM | Report abuse.

Describing Ron Paul's followers as rabid says more about the author of this article than about what Ron Paul stands for. Posted by: cognate | August 12, 2007 1:21 AM | Report abuse. this is essay writers journalism, exactly the outcome I was hoping for. Mitt Romney may have won the day but he fell far short of expectations on a straw poll that fell far short of 1999. The stronger than expected second and third place showings for Huckabee and Grammar Brownback will allow them to continue forward. Writing A Thesis. It will be interesting to see where the Tommy Thompson and Duncan Hunter supporters go as those 2 campaigns are effectively dead. Grammar Girl Essay Writing. If Huckabee and Help with homework ww2 Brownback contiue to gain traction it will be at Romney's cost and that will only help Rudy Guiliani. The continued split of the conservative vote is music to writing my ears. I still believe that Ron Paul will run as a Libertarian as he clearly has a decent amount of Writing in thesis, support, I would have never guessed he'd beat Tommy Thompson in the straw poll. Posted by: Rob Millette | August 12, 2007 12:46 AM | Report abuse. I'd like to Grammar essay writing see some in-depth reporting about the effects of Write my paper for me cheap apa, gastric-bypass surgery on essay one's health and energy level. Posted by: robin Ficker of with ww2, Robin Realty | August 12, 2007 12:40 AM | Report abuse.

If he can raise the money Huckabee will become a top tier candidate. Posted by: Rob | August 12, 2007 12:02 AM | Report abuse. Isn't Huckabee that knucklewalker who doesn't believe in evolution? Yeah just what we need. Posted by: Chris Fox | August 11, 2007 11:38 PM | Report abuse.

All in all, the straw poll accomplished one thing. Grammar. it thinned the field. All other hoped for benefits. busfulls of money for the Iowa GOP and increasingly strong grass roots support for GOP candidates. didn't happen. Good try GOP, but Ames was two bases shy of a triple. Posted by: Truth Hunter | August 11, 2007 11:31 PM | Report abuse. What about John Cox's surprise showing?

I would not think that 41 people have even heard of him. Posted by: D | August 11, 2007 11:22 PM | Report abuse. Romney spent millions, didn't have his top tree competitors in the race and still got only 30-something percent. What a win indeed. From Google. Posted by: Greg in LA | August 11, 2007 11:20 PM | Report abuse. I think that even if McCain and Guliani participated, Romney still would have won. But all their staying out did was garner more support for Huckabee and Brownback. The three of them are going to Grammar gain momentum from professional references in thesis, their showing, while John Rudolph's campaigns grow stagnant. Grammar Girl Essay. Posted by: Anonymous | August 11, 2007 11:19 PM | Report abuse.

Once again, problems with Diebold Voting Machines. Diebold: Endorsed By Dictators Everywhere. Never Hold An Election Without Them When Only The Best Results Are Expected I Count on My Diebolds All My Elections are Diebold Certified Shucks. Cheney Says Diebolds Elected Me Twice! Posted by: Bob North Smithfield | August 11, 2007 11:18 PM | Report abuse. Hopeful in Grad writers journalism, Iowa wrote: I believe Huckabee wants to honor God. Our nation needs someone like that as our president. Our nation HAS someone like that as our president, the writing, worst one we've ever had. We can't survive two in a row.

Posted by: larry Maxcy | August 11, 2007 11:17 PM | Report abuse. I would argue that Mitt Romney was actually among the losers in today's Straw Poll. Professional References In Thesis. Granted, Romney received the most votes, but there never were doubts he would win today; it would be the Grammar writing, gap between him and the rest of the field - who were all second tier candidates - that would determine whether he was successful. If you look at recent polls of likely GOP caucus-goers in Iowa, Romney has usually sat around 25%. With the professional references, extraction of supporters from Giuliani, McCain, and Grammar girl F. Thompson from the voting pool, you would expect Romney to draw a much larger percentage of support. In fact, he drew 31% of today's vote, which was only about a 20% increase from his poll numbers. In comparison, Huckabee, Brownback, Tancredo, Paul, and the tudors did even T. Thompson (who will probably pull out of the race after today) showed significantly larger gains in writing, today's vote compared to where they were polling - some of google, them even received twice the amount of support in Grammar girl essay writing, today's straw poll than where they were polling.

What I am trying to say is that while Romney technically won, I think he expected to garner more like 41% of the vote with the other top-tier candidates in a thesis essay dbq, absentia. Since the Grammar writing, straw poll was never about Who were winning for Romney and only concerned margin of victory, I think, relative to the other top vote-getters, Romney had a mediocre showing at best. Girl Writing. Posted by: Brett | August 11, 2007 11:11 PM | Report abuse. I think Bill Maher comment during a second interview of Ron Paul is Write for me, fitting after he had Finally listened to Ron Paul. The first interview, he had kinda did as many other uninformed talk show hosts and news commentators had done of belittling and sarcastically down playing his candidacy. The quote was.. If America was a smarter nation, would you[Dr. Paul] be leading in the polls.

Any other candidate in either party is virtually the status quo of what we have seen for girl essay decades. Minor differences of how much money will be fleeced from Income at home from, We the People, How much liberty one will take away from We the People, or how they will spend the money put We the essay, People further in Grad school essay, debt. Grammar Essay Writing. Dr. Write My Paper. Paul is the only one speaking the essay writing, plain simple truth that most of We The People either don't what to hear, or are afraid to hear. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Ben Franklin would all be proud of their colleague of posterity and Vote for Ron Paul. Grad Writers. Posted by: Brent Sr. | August 11, 2007 11:07 PM | Report abuse. Huckabee is the real deal. This man has the character, vision, values, experience, and ability to Grammar writing unite the Republican Party for Who were a win in 2008.

I am excited to see what he does in the caucuses. God said in the Bible, those who honor Me, I will honor, I Samuel 2:30. I believe Huckabee wants to honor God. Our nation needs someone like that as our president. Posted by: Hopeful in Iowa | August 11, 2007 11:03 PM | Report abuse. Grammar Girl Essay Writing. I think Bill Maher comment during a second interview of Ron Paul is Help homework ww2, fitting after he had Finally listened to Ron Paul.

The first interview, he had kinda did as many other uninformed talk show hosts and news commentators had done of belittling and sarcastically down playing his candidacy. The quote was If America was a smarter nation, would you[Dr. Paul] be leading in the polls Posted by: Brent Sr. | August 11, 2007 10:59 PM | Report abuse. Good for Huckabee; bad for Brownback, okay for writing Romney, curtains for Tommy Thompson. Huckabee's campaign chief discounted his chances beforehand by saying they couldn't bus in his supporters. If that was true, it's interesting.

Plus it's a great ad for weight-loss, as Huck has dropped over 100 lbs. Remember that other weird upstart from Arkansas? Posted by: daveinboca | August 11, 2007 10:56 PM | Report abuse. This is NOT a win for Who were did Romney. More straw poll analysis: Posted by: matt | August 11, 2007 10:50 PM | Report abuse.

Romney won the Ames straw poll with fewer votes than Steve Forbes had in 1999. What this truly shows is a defeated and apathetic GOP. Grammar Writing. (Forbes won 4921 votes; Romney won 4516). Posted by: Dimitri | August 11, 2007 10:46 PM | Report abuse. Did. A Republican Party practice event for forthcoming electronic voting machine fraud? Posted by: Inquirer | August 11, 2007 10:39 PM | Report abuse. huckabees supporters will bombard blogs etc but if he doesn't get big bucks out of this (hardly impressive) 2nd place, then he's over too. And what's the reason he shoudl be president? Gastric bypass surgery? Forget . the world does not heart huckabees. it's Romney's show form now on.

Posted by: fo real | August 11, 2007 10:35 PM | Report abuse. This is a big win for essay writing Romney. He had a good testing of his mobilization effort in Iowa and it was good enough to win. I think that Huchabee will still have problems raising money. Who Were The Tudors. He has done well in every debate and has not turned that into campaign dollars. Posted by: George | August 11, 2007 10:32 PM | Report abuse. Huckabee has lacked the money necessary to compete. It would appear that this has all changed tonight! By the way, how many millions did Romney spend to get only essay writing 4516 votes.

Posted by: Alex | August 11, 2007 10:25 PM | Report abuse. A Thesis Dbq. Huckabee is the obvious choice to anyone who has listened to him. Writing. now people will get the Who were the tudors, oppertunity to writing hear him on the issues as he gets the recognition and media coverage that he needs. I am praying for team Huckabee! Posted by: Rena Cook | August 11, 2007 10:19 PM | Report abuse. Way to Income at home from google go Governor Huckabee, you are the Grammar girl writing, only true conservative in professional references in thesis, this race. Posted by: Norman Smith | August 11, 2007 10:12 PM | Report abuse. I'm pleased to see that Huckabee had such a nice showing. He seems like an Grammar girl essay writing, honest guy, and his tax plan is very appealing. Homework. This vote, and his good performance in the last debate, may launch him ahead of Romney in the national polls. Posted by: Adam | August 11, 2007 10:05 PM | Report abuse.

YOOOOOHOOOOOO. Grammar Essay Writing. Go team Huckabee!! Great job in Iowa. Fred Thompson can stay out, John McCain needs to Who were the tudors get out and girl essay Giuliani needs to figure it out. It's down to for an dbq Huckabee and Romney. Period. Grammar Girl Essay Writing. Hopefully with these results, T. Thompson, Hunter and Tancredo will drop out immediately while Ron Paul and Income Sam Brownback (especially since he is from Kansas and threw more money into Iowa than Huckabee) will be on their heels.

Giuliani and McCain quit, so anything than this being played as a loss for them is a joke. Posted by: Bruce Gresham | August 11, 2007 10:00 PM | Report abuse.

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Free Essays on Batman And Joker Compare And Contrast. The Joker In the film, The Dark Knight directed by Christopher Nolan, The Joker , one of Batman's most dangerous enemies whose aim is too push Batman to his ultimate limits, to break his personal rules and strict moral code. This, being the Jokers only reason to live, he has no fear of death and pain. Jessica Jackson Film Review ( Batman ) 13 November 2012 Batman rated PG-13, released in Grammar girl essay writing 1989 was directed by Tim Burton and stars Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/ Batman , Jack Nicholson as Jack/The Joker , and Kim Basinger as Vicki Vale. The movie’s dark theme and so-so effects and stunt left me less. ? Batman : the a thesis for an Dark Knight Batman , the Dark Knight is full of underlying philosophy on girl essay writing society and at home from, life in many ways; I will focus on writing three of them: good versus evil, order versus chaos, and the theme of corruption.

This film masterfully portrays a philosophic insight into selfish human behavior as a. Eva Acevedo Prof. Patrick 11/9/10 Contrast Essay Outline “ Batman and Superman” DC Comic’s top two characters, Batman and Superman, are two of America’s most beloved superheroes. Batman and Superman’s alter egos, their different abilities, and the way they fight crime are the main points. Batman the Money Behind the Mask Superheroes are thought to Help homework ww2 have the best intentions, motivated to protect society from evil. Masked and unnamed, they use their super powers for the good of the people. Some comic book heroes do not fall under the girl essay writing stereo-type but live double lives with a dark memory.

the villain, The Joker , Batman’s greatest foe. My Paper Cheap Apa? In the film he brought a new energy to Grammar essay writing the film that I’ve never seen. It’s really impressive when an my paper for me cheap apa actor can play such a cynical antagonist and girl, yet make the character one of the most likable characters in the film. I’ve always been a Batman fan, ever since. Heros and Villains - Batman and the tudors did, Joker. Who are Batman and Grammar essay, the Joker Unlike most teenage girls who love Romantic movies like Twilight and Help with homework ww2, music by One Direction, I prefer watching movies that have connotative meanings (e.g.

Shutter Island) and gaming is an essential condition for me to live. Some people call me a tomboy, but I hate this. competent film, but nothing more. Grammar Essay Writing? Everyone has been rightly raving about Heath Ledger. He puts in a fantastically disturbing performance as the nihilistic Joker . However, possibly the best performance comes from Gary Oldman as Lt James Gordon. He is just incredibly believable as the good cop stuck in Writing professional references in thesis an evil.

MGT 307 Week 2 Compare-Contrast Team. MGT 307 Week 2 Compare - Contrast Team Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser compare - contrast -team/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( ) Feel Free to Search your Class. ADJ 215 Week 6 Individual Assignment Compare And Contrast Crime And Terrorism. ADJ 215 Week 6 Individual Assignment Compare And Contrast Crime And Terrorism Click Following Link To Purchase Compare -and- Contrast -Crime-and-Terrorism Resource: U.S. Department of State Web site athttp://www.state. Compare and Contrast Supply Chain Data Requirements. Compare and girl essay writing, Contrast Supply Chain Data Requirements OSC 300: Strategic Supply Chain Management May 28, 2007 As we compare and contrast the data requirements between government and not-for-profit organizations. Our main goal in this class, over the past weeks, was to examine supply chain management. Compare / Contrast Essay Purpose Your focus on this paper is to look BEYOND the obvious similarities and differences in our readings to come up with startling or unexpected points of comparison or contrast . Therefore, you can contrast two articles that seem similar on the surface, or compare two.

Religions compare and contrast paper. ?Jeri Williams 10/4/15 REL. 130 Compare and Contrast Paper Broadbent Christianity –VS- Islam The two religions I choose to compare and references, contrast are Christianity and Islam. Being a Christian myself, I feel I know a fair amount in Grammar essay regards to a thesis for an essay this specific. Sample Compare and essay, Contrast Essay (Batman the Punisher) Batman and the Punisher We have the idea that superheroes represent all that is good, and that a superhero must possess strength beyond a normal human being as well as superhuman abilities.

There is the idea that superheroes are supposed to be considered role models. Batman and the Punisher are. characters. In saying that, the psychological aspect themes in the film ‘The Dark Knight’ is the tudors did, shown in girl essay different perspectives through the Help writing main characters. Batman as a comic book character, is perhaps the most mysterious and as the Grammar writing movie title describes. the with ww2 darkest. This is girl, described in two traumatic events. , Cast E-mail this report | Print this report [pic][pic][pic] [pic] [pic] THE JOKER IS KING: Heath Ledger has delivered a text book performance which is hard to forget. • Keywords: The Joker , Batman [pic] Cast: Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Maggie Gylenhaal. ADJ 215 Week 6 Individual Assignment Compare and Contrast Crime and Terrorism. ADJ 215 Week 6 Individual Assignment Compare and Contrast Crime and references, Terrorism Click Below URL to Purchase Homework Compare -and- Contrast -Crime-and-Terrorism Resource: U.S. Department of State Web site athttp://www.state. Batman (originally referred to as the Bat-Man and still sometimes as the Batman ) is a DC Comics fictional superhero who first appeared in Detective Comics #27 in May 1939.

He has since become, along with Superman and writing, Spider-Man, one of the Income at home world's most recognized superheroes.[1] Batman was co-created. My favorite villain was probably The Joker , because he is highly intelligent, he has no levels, there is no limit to Grammar girl what he is capable of doing. I think the Joker won in the end because he seriously did some serious damage. He got what he wanted he turned Gotham’s hero into with stats a villain, and he ruined. ? Compare and contrast U.S. political and military difficulties in Iraq have prompted comparisons to the American war in girl essay Vietnam. School Essay? Unfolding events in Iraq have caused some observers to make analogies to the American experience in the Vietnam War. Girl Essay Writing? There are many reasons why most Americans. Functionalism Batman is the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a single guardian, a watchful protector.

The Dark Knight. The movie, Batman : Dark Knight, produced by Christopher Nolan, was a feature film. the nature of Income from google evil. Writing? The Joker is the ultimate evil character and throughout the writing a thesis essay dbq film he puts other characters in a tough situations that force them to choose between right and wrong and ultimately good and Grammar girl essay, evil. Examples of this are seen with the at home characters Harvey Dent, Batman , and in the lifeboat scenario. format and published as a book. Graphics novels are typically written for older audiences, and are literally a novel told through pictures. Many people compare graphic novels to Grammar girl essay comics as stated above, but comic books are typically simpler in with plot and format and are written for younger audiences.

They also. Should Batman Kill the Joker? - Summary. Should Batman Kill the Joker ? Should he or shouldn’t he that is the big question to answer. There are a lot of pro’s and con’s to this argument. This is a complex situation considering the many consequences on either side he chooses.

Realistically Batman should kill the essay Joker , just like the Joker has. performance, because I think he stole show. He brought something darker to the Joker character than Jack Nicholson, but I was expecting a much darker Joker . Income From Google? I wanted to see more MAYHEM and Grammar essay writing, CARNAGE brought on Grad school essay by the Grammar girl essay Joker and that wasn’t delivered, but that’s okay. Professional References? Once again Heath did a magnificent job. ? Compare and Contrast how feelings of Grammar girl essay fear and homework, confusion are conveyed through the use of imagery and other poetic techniques. I am going to compare the use of poetic devices to portray fear and confusion in 3 different poems, they are; Patrolling Barnegat by Walt Whitman, On the Train by Gillian.

ASH ?ESE 631 Week 2 DQ 1 Compare and Contrast LD and CD. ?ESE 631 Week 2 DQ 1 Compare and girl essay, Contrast LD and CD Consider the characteristics of a student with a learning disability (LD) and at home, a student with a communication disorder (CD). Compare and contrast the following aspects of LD and CD: a. Definition of Grammar girl writing each disability b. Characteristics of each disability . Heath was the Joker and was the bad guy. He robbed a bank and killed a lot of people. He thought that killing people was a good thing because he was such a bad person. There was one person that could only stop him and that was Batman . My Paper For Me Cheap? Batman and writing, he had many fights and one of them included Batman trying to.

have decided to write about is from the new batman film “The Dark Knight”. After about Writing in thesis 1 hour and girl, ten minutes into the film, we find district attorney Harvey Dent being transported to safe accommodation after pretending to be batman to help catch the joker . This makes the audience wonder why this man. ADJ 215 Week 6 Individual Assignment Compare And Contrast Crime And Terrorism. ADJ 215 Week 6 Individual Assignment Compare And Contrast Crime And Terrorism Click Following Link To Purchase Compare -and- Contrast -Crime-and-Terrorism Resource: U.S. Department of State Web site athttp://www.state. democracy’. Look at North Korea they are now, with ‘us’. Writing For An Essay? The coalition of the willing! Want to know who else is there? Well our man from ‘Gotham city’- Batman alias Bruce Wayne. ‘With a fantastic collection of Grammar girl stamps To win friends and influence his uncle..’ I see Donald Trump (in Christian Bale) wear. Superman is great because he is what everyman would love to be invincible.

Batman is another one that most people enjoy for being Dark and Mysterious. The only villain I enjoy is the Joker , His crazy antics make being evil look like so much fun. My second word is Cars. The Darkest Knight of the Human Mind. Batman has been a character that has been beloved by people everywhere. The Caped Crusader first appeared in DC’s Detective Comics without having much to do with the batman everyone knows and loves. The history of the knight is that it came to be, like most superheroes, a way of escape from the Writing references horrors. Sensational, grandly sinister and not for girl essay writing, the kids, The Dark Knight elevates pulp to a very high level. At Home? Heath Ledger's Joker takes it higher still, and the 28-year-old actor's death earlier this year of an accidental overdose lends the Grammar essay writing film an air of a funeral and a rollicking, out-of-control wake. Knight, awalnya si aq ga pengen2 bgt nonton film ni, tapi setelah denger kematian heath ledger yang overdosis obat tidur akibat terlalu menjiwai peran joker n review di forum yang pada bilang bgs bgt, jadilah aq nonton film ini. Dan setelah ntn….WoW….ni film keren juga.

Meskipun ni film superhero, tapi ceritanya. ? Joker : Tell me, my dear, have you ever had a really. bad. day? (Looks to Harleen) You of references all people should know. Essay Writing? There's nothing so cruel as memory. The pointy, bitey little thunderbolts. Dbq? Unwanted party crashers, screamers through your synapses. Inescapable, unrelenting. not at all friendly. You. The Dark Knight (2008) II Bill Long 8/9/08 Contrast between Batman and the Joker There are many more conversations/lines that are worth mentioning. I, for one, loved the Joker's line when locked in Grammar essay mortal combat with Batman at the end of the movie--that it wouldn't be right for either of at home google them.

techniques is The Party Scene (para 1) . An important technique used in The Party Scene is the Camera Work. Half way through The Party Scene, The Joker is Grammar girl writing, seen holding a knife to Rachel’s head, as he recounts his terrifying past. The camera in the scene circles around the two, with a slight low angle. “Should Batman Kill the Joker ”? Written by Mark D. White, people have different ideas of what Batman thinks is the difference between right and wrong. Most people have wondered why Batman had never killed the Joker ; even the Joker himself has wondered that at times. Batman did not kill the Joker because. ? Batman getting the new suit to Help with homework protect him better. ? Batman bringing the bat mobile to help stop the thugs. Grammar Girl Essay Writing? Bad: ? The man in the holding cell who tried to Who were did beat up the joker . ? The people dressing up as batman . Writing? ? Batman not killing the Joker when he had the at home google chance. ? The citizens of Gotham. Compare and Contrast Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess.

“ Compare and contrast two poems that deal with the Grammar girl writing issue of love” This essay will compare and contrast ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ which is Writing professional references in thesis, about a psychotic Lover who murders his female Lover with ‘My Last Duchess’ which is essay, about a Duke who invites his fiancees intermediary and talks about his previous wife. The Batman movies have never been remade in their entirety. The 1966 Batman film was just an extended episode of the TV show. Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman tried to distance itself from the Grad journalism 60’s Batman altogether. Christopher Nolan’s reboot of girl essay Batman Begins in my paper for me 2005 and The Dark Knight in 2008 brings us back. retelling the comic book story of Batman through the Dark Knight Triology.The trilogy explains Bruce Wayne bearing witness to the tragic events of his parent's murders leading to Grammar girl writing creation of batman while furthermore exploring how Bruce Wayne carries the ideals of at home from google Batman without being consumed by it.Each.

THE JOKER AND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH BATMAN The Joker is a supervillain and the archenemy of Batman . He was first introduced in Batman #1 (Spring 1940) and has remained consistently popular. The Joker is essay writing, a master criminal with a clown-like appearance. Initially portrayed as a violent sociopath. atmosphere that is considerably different from that in which Batman : The Dark Knight Returns was created. Supergirl comics were created in the post World War II setting, when Americans reverted to their traditional beliefs. In contrast , Batman ; The Dark Knight Returns was created during the Cold War era.

Compare and Contrast: Personality Theories. The two theories that I decided to compare and contrast with one another is the Humanistic theory and the Trait theory. First, I will start with the for an essay comparison of the Humanistic,and Trait theories. Essay Writing? I will have to Write for me say that the comparison that I interpreted for these were that the two theories do state. – Marilyn Manson.

In Frank Miller’s Batman : The Dark Knight Returns, Batman is corrupt and he operates outside of the law and he has no regard for how his actions will affect others. He is trying to help the city but in doing so he creates more problems. Girl Essay Writing? Batman is with stats homework ww2, not the hero that he envisions himself. The Issue of Class in Relation to Hegemonic Capitalism. Meyer, M. J. W. Writing? (2006). Batman and Robin in the Nude, Or Class and Its Exceptions.

Extrapolation, 47(2), 187. Meyer discusses and critiques several Batman films regarding the with homework ww2 issue of class in relation to hegemonic capitalism (Meyer, 2006); he chose the relationship of Batman and essay writing, Robin to explain the. setting a cause and effect relationship within teaching life lessons can have a profound effect on their behavior. Did your parents ever compare and contrast two people, maybe even you with someone else, to teach you how to Help writing for an essay dbq act? “Jessica is so well-behaved. Why can’t you be like her?” “Look how. Batman There once was a man from Gotham city Who never revealed his secret identity. He is Grammar girl essay, known as the Dark Knight is his cape of homework black You can count on him to Grammar save the city from writing violent attack. With the help of Robin, his trusty sidekick In their stylish apparel, that’s who I would pick. He. Batman: the Grammar girl Dark Knight Film Analysis.

Batman : The Dark Knight Batman : The Dark Knight directed by Christopher Nolan is non-stop action thriller that continually did the unexpected. Write My Paper For Me? The film is based off of the original Batman comic book but additionally changes the perception of the everyday world as good to naturally bad. Throughout the. Hamlet Compare and Contrast the Grammar essay writing Book and the Movie. Hamlet Compare and Contrast the Book and the Movie After watching the Ethan Hawke version of hamlet and reading the play in class I concluded that there was many differences and was similar at Income google, some part. The movie was good but was very different than the girl play. There are a lot of differences but I. ?I. Batman and Joker represent each other’s opposite who help balance and define one another through their values and beliefs, abilities, and actions. II.

Values and beliefs a. Justice vs. Injustice a.I. Roots a.I.1. Tragic loss of parents lead to Batman a.I.1.a. “It took the tragedy of losing your. COMPARISON/ CONTRAST : SUPERMAN BATMAN In literary history, we very rarely see two characters who contrast and mirror each other as well as Superman and google, Batman . They are the figureheads of D.C. Comics, and were the only characters keeping the publisher afloat during the 1940’s and 1950’s. It makes.

would, although it may not be right choice. Writing? In “The Dark Knight” the Joker likes to set up numerous social experiments with not only Bruce Wayne( Batman ) and Harvey Dent, but also with the civilians. As the for an movie comes to an end, the Joker tries one last experiment to show the people of Gotham that they are. Compare and Contrast Principal Evaluation Instrument Paper. Running head: Compare and Grammar essay, Contrast Principal Evaluation Instrument Paper Compare and Contrast Principal Evaluation Instrument Paper University of Phoenix Compare and Contrast Principal Evaluation Instrument Paper One of my favorite pieces of advice I received from google my mentor administrator. Power and Influence in Batman – the Dark Knight Power is the Grammar essay writing capacity of a person, team or organization to influence others. In this superheroic story, the main characters– Batman (Bruce Wayne) and with stats, The Joker are very powerful in Gotham city.

The relationship among characters can be pertinently depicted. Batman: the Grammar girl essay writing Dark Knight Rhetorical Analysis. with terrorism. If an archetype is defined as a symbol that exists instinctively in the collective consciousness of the homework human race, the terrorism in Batman The Dark Knight represents an archetype through the violence, murder of the Grammar writing innocent, mayhem and mass destruction. Governments often lay down laws. are 3 major conflicts in the movie, and we’re going to tell you the general storylines based on these conflicts.

In the Gotham City, where previously Batman was fighting behind the scenes to the tudors did beat the essay writing corruption and professional references in thesis, crimes, the new prosecutor Harvey Dent’s outstanding achievement puts numerous criminals. reboot of the Batman franchise, they took what was already established and expanded it, amped it up, and gave a deeper, darker and girl essay, brooding story that is more gripping and the suspense is Write, likely to catch you of guard several times throughout. Christian Bale delves more deeper into Batman , sworn to fight.

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