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Ashbourne College#039;s Psychology Blog. Q1. Outline and evaluate two social psychological theories of aggression (e.g. social learning theory, deindividuation) • Social learning theory= originated from work of Gabriel Tarde (1912) Learning= relatively permanent change in behaviour due to experience. • Classical behaviourism= direct experience (classical/operant conditioning)/ • Neo-behaviourism= indirect/vicarious experience (observational) • Theory claims we learn aggression primarily through observation of significant people around us= Modelling people who are similar (age/sex) or higher status (parent/teacher) Key characteristics of the tudors did Imitation: 1. Behaviour of role models. 2. Copying behaviour of a higher status. 3. Degree of paper contact with role model. Who Were The Tudors Did. 4. Degree of disorder research understanding of the behaviour. • Tarde= these are ways social behaviour and responses could be influenced by the actions of others. • Tarde combines both logic of social/cognitive psychology in social cognitive perspective of human behaviour-= behaviour motivated by inherent psychological factors/ socio-environmental factors: • Individual and social environment linked= reciprocal determinism. SLT consists of four basic processes: 1. Attention= observation- watching the behaviour.

2. Retention= cognitive process schema- storing the behaviour. 3. Reproduction= behaviour- copying behaviour. 4. Who Were The Tudors Did. Motivation= state- having reason for displaying behaviour. • SLT= helps in explaining inconsistencies of aggressive behaviour=where we learn to act/or not- be aggressive depending on different situations/contexts e.g. Research. aggressive + domineering at home/ meek + submissive at work. • Explanation of SLT based on research= ‘Bobo doll studies’ KEY STUDY-Bandura, Ross and Ross (1961) Experiment firstly involved: 72 child participants= different groups of children: experimental group –witnessed adult model kick/punch Bobo doll/ control group- witnessed non-aggressive behaviour = After- different groups were put into the toy room with Bobo doll- their behaviour was observed. They found children who had witnessed aggressive behaviour were more likely to show aggression. Experiment had a well-defined way of Who were coding the behavioural responses of the children to a measurable outcome. Laboratory research- artificial setting/lacks ecological validity.

Children’s behaviour- may have produced demand characteristics (wanting to ‘please the with victorian, experimenter’) Confidentiality- names of those involved maintained private- but films widely available on internet of experiment suggest compromise of confidentiality. Lack of informed consent- parents/guardians of Who were the tudors children were not fully informed + children would have been unaware they were being filmed. Study has face validity to explain children copying through imitating role models/ the People who write papers for you, media influence on aggression- such as influence of Who were the tudors behaviour from t.v. personalities/ celebrities: e.g. Online Quotes. two boys (aged 10/11) murdered young boy Jamie Bulger-watched horror/violent film ‘Child’s Play 3’ before the murder. Bandura’s research focuses society’s attention on the power of the media- in Who were the tudors did, areas of aggression and other related areas e.g. Paper. health (anorexia/bulimia) Criticism of imposed etic/generalisibility- by assuming that processes of learning are the same for people in all countries/cultures universally. Cultural bias= Bandura: a western researcher working in a western society. Deterministic approach- to suggest child would passively absorb the the tudors did, observed behaviour and Anxiety research paper, imitate it without logical thought for the implication of it. Process of decreased self-assessment/ awareness- in Who were the tudors did, situations where individual identification is difficult/impossible= e.g. child with a toy mask/individual football supporter amidst a large crowd of supporters/individual in a crowded music arena. Situations were individual identification is restricted ensures changes in the normal standards of behaviour/ inhibitions are lowered- Singer, Brush and Lublin (1965): Group situation-Inhibitions reduced- Change in normal standards of Anxiety disorder paper behaviour/anti-social behaviour: Milgram (1964/1965) study of the situational determinants of destructive obedience= found participants were more likely to give higher levels of electrical shocks when they could not see/be seen by their victim. Similar to this study: Zimbardo (1969)- study showed the effect of reduced inhibitions: He used female undergraduate participants in a ‘study of Who were the tudors learning’. The female participants play teacher/ a stooge is used to play student. ‘Student’ has to complete a set of tasks/ if completed wrongly= teacher gave electric shock to ‘student’. Half the participants wore large laboratory coats/hoods to cover their faces/never referred to by name= deindividuated group.

Other group wore their normal clothes/given large name tags/ introduced to each other formally. Dissertations. All participants could see ‘student’/were told she was either ‘honest’ or ‘conceited/critical’. Irrespective of Who were description- deindivuated participants gave twice as many shocks of individuated ones. Gender bias- can’t generalise findings universally when only female participants were used. Lacks ecological validity- artificial setting- actions may not be in accordance to real-life situation. Ethical issues- concerning psychological effects of experiment on participants.

Diener (1979) = naturalistic observation of 1,300 ‘trick-or- treating’ children in Poetry assignment, the U.S. found that children in large groups/wearing costumes- more likely to perform anti-social actions e.g. stealing money/sweets. – the group ‘reduces the possibility of personal identification’- behaviour may deviate from normal moral standards Limitations: Fundamental problem of this theory= doesn’t provide explanation for the fact- not all crowds/groups perform aggressive actions: Evidence linked to deindividuation and anti-social behaviour- but evidence also suggests deindividuation may lead to ‘prosocial’ behaviour= Gergen et al. (1973)- study in which lowered levels of Who were the tudors individuation didn’t result in aggressive actions= in Help c homework victorian, a dark room – most participants were involved in Who were, intimate contact/at least half cuddled/ about online, 80% of the Who were the tudors did, group felt sexually aroused. Saying aggression is caused by lowering one’s inhibitions is narrow/deterministic: Postmes and Spears (1998)= meta-analysis of over 60 studies investigating deindividuation= no consistent research to support argument- reduced inhibitions/anti-social behaviour more likely to be seen in writing online quotes, large groups/crowded situations where anonymity is maintained. Who Were The Tudors Did. = They suggest behaviour change of individuals in online, large groups- more influence from ‘group norms’. Relating this theory to groups e.g. football hooliganism is too stereotypical: Marsh et al. (1978)= found what might appear to be an anti-social group actually consist of several different groups-with different places in the status ‘hierarchy’/ aggression was highly ritualised rather than physically violent. Evaluation: Challenges: Runciman (1966)= argues aggressive behaviour could be due to one’s relative deprivation- perceived difference between what you have and what you think you should have.

Dollard et al. (1939) = argues aggression is the result of frustration building up (psychoanalysis)/ presence of environmental cues (behaviourism) that signal aggressiveness. Social theories don’t take into account potential biological factors influencing aggression= genetic/bio-chemical or neuro-anatomical causes. Q2. Outline and Who were the tudors, evaluate research relating to group display of aggression in humans. Psychologists /sociologists interested in how crowds operate. 2 disciplines differ in Help c homework victorian, how they explain crowd disorder: Sociologists focus on role of the the tudors did, media as ‘amplifier’ of anti-social behaviour. Psychologists more concerned about factors within group that lead to c homework victorian, anti-social behaviour.

Freud: mindset of an Who were the tudors individual in a crowd different form that of an individual on their own= merging minds/sharing the same opinion/inhibitions reduced. Methodological flaws: didn’t follow hypothetico-deductive method. Influence from the group: Freud criticised – idea ‘group’ had a soul of its own: Le Bon (1896)= ‘pathological’ viewpoint: Crowd behaviour the Online and theses commons@mcmaster, result of Who were the tudors did individuals’ personalities. Atmosphere of a group causes contagion- ‘group members fall under the influence of geometry a collective mind’ Group members are suggestible/views of group/imitating others ‘group mind’ Blummer (1939)= circular reaction causes individuals to reproduce behaviours/emotions-which intensifies/amplifies. Who Were The Tudors Did. Convergence theory/ emergent norm theory.

Motive behind group behaviour- convergence upon a specific location by like-minded individuals e.g. football crowd. Help Victorian. Turner and Killian (1957)= crowd behaviour as such is Who were the tudors, ‘normless’- individual has no norms to follow they base behaviour on others around them. The distinctive behaviour- governs behaviour of the group/ taken on as he norm of the group. Convergence theory= View dictates that crowds aren’t a passive group of people- they#8217;re a logically thinking mass of individuals View doesn’t help to explain unpredictable crowd behaviour- because its governed by the norms identified/ accepted by the group. Theory focuses more on how individuals are rational/ the formation of crowd/ behaviour can be seen as rational/logical – more focused on quotes irrational forces- contrasts to contagion theories. Emergent norm theory= Doesn’t take into account non-verbal processes that occur in crowds- incomplete. Criticised for not explaining how norms might emerge. Berk (1974)= behaviour that looks irrational (crowd running out of Who were building) may be rational (building on fire) Value-added theory- Neil Smelser (1963)= • Certain prerequisites (situations/conditions) are needed in order for a group /social movement to develop: stages he suggested were: Stage 1. Structural conduciveness- social situations/conditions must allow for collective action. Stage 2. Structural strain- parts of social system don’t function effectively. Dissertations. Stage 3. Did. Growth/spread of c homework generalised belief- shared view assigns casuses/determines a response/action. Stage 4. Precipitating factors- collective belief strengthened search for alternatives gathers pace.

Stage 5. Mobilising the collective for action- leaders/workers emerge hierarchy of order is Who were did, established. Stage 6. Reaction of agencies of social control- attempt to Poetry recitation, interfere the Who were the tudors did, collective operation. Smelser argues social life/processes we follow within it affect how individuals behave= If society offers incentives/rewards that the individual is interest in- they may not think carefully about how they achieve the Help, goal. Who Were. Value-added theory= Ethnocentric/lacks ecological validity/generalisibility= Provides a theoretical point-of-view based upon Smelser’s own ‘Western industrialised’ educational/socio-economic background- so not accounting for important cultural differences. Logical theory- but doesn’t take into Poetry assignment, account the complexities of crowd behaviour- theory difficult to test- Berk (1974) – “crowd events occur with great speed, are difficult to anticipate#8230;” Elements from these theories can help to explain crowd behaviour- Hockling (1982) With groups e.g. lynch mobs= Zimbardo (2007)= argues dehumanisation is crucial to understanding ‘man’s inhumanity to man’: Inhuman aggression of lynch mobs in USA- torture/violent murder of did black people was not seen as a crime against humanity- it was seen across USA as a result of black people’s stigmatisation as ‘niggers’ so they weren’t seen as individuals= Ginzberg (1988) Most theories fail to Poetry assignment, acknowledge actions of positive crowd behaviour- Cassidy et al. Who Were Did. (2007)=investigated crowd celebrations: Mela (1 month long Hindu festival): crowds behaved well/increased generosity/support. Shows how crowd behaviour/ collective living can promote good/ non-aggressive behaviour/ a strong sense of common identity/close proximity- beneficial instead of being causal factor for subsequent harm. C Homework. Q3.

Outline and evaluate studies relating to biological explanations of human aggression. Assumption that aggression is caused by internal factors (rather than external) Influences summarised as: Biochemical influences: hormones; the neurotransmitter serotonin. Brain structure influences. Who Were The Tudors Did. Aggression is the by-product of complex internal physiological processes. Researchers approached investigation of genetic factors in aggression primarily through twin and adoptions studies= to try and Help geometry problems solutions, establish whether aggression- a product of the tudors did inherited characteristic (nature) or environmental influences (nurture) KEY STUDY- Rhee and Waldman (2002)- Meta-analysis of 51 twin and adoption studies = 87,000 individuals. Help Problems Solutions. Anti-social behaviour operationalised in terms of: Psychiatric diagnoses-e.g. anti-social personality disorder. Calculated= genetic component of anti-social behaviour across the Who were, studies- approx. 40% Environmental contribution approx. 60% Self-report used in meta-analysis- limits reliability= as differences found as: Self-report individuals = assessed genetic component at 39%/ individuals assessed by another person= 53% Difficult to separate genetic/environmental effects in People papers for you, twin studies- MZ twins have more similar environmental experiences.

Specific genes cause aggression- such as= Sandberg (1961)-identified (scientifically known as) the 47 XYY karyotype. The Tudors. Court-Brown’s research (1965 and 1967)- found that of Anxiety disorder paper a sample of 314 patients- those with XYY would be ‘best hospitalised due to the tudors, an increased likelihood of aggressive behaviour’= statement not substantiated with evidence. Media encouraged the belief XY phenomenon with films – XYY man/ Alien 3= limits potential for explaining aggression due to its deterministic focus. Recitation Assignment. Aggression passed through genetic transmission- looked at through animal studies. Nelson (2006)- noted selective breeding experiments can lead to more aggressive behaviour in animals. Theory supported by Cairns (1983)- in study of mice. Observational animal research has= Methodological issues: Evidence helps researchers to create more informed models. Difficult generalising findings from animals to humans/ no alternative-using humans in genetic research seen as unethical. Artificial settings/lacks ecological validity- to how aggression might occur in a real-life setting. Difficult to Who were the tudors did, separate influence of biological genetic factors (nature) from environmental upbringing (nurture)- as extraneous variables could be causing aggression- unreliable.

She examined personality traits of a sample-XYY men compared these to a sample of XY men and XXY men(thought to be more feminine) Focused on levels of aggressiveness between 2 groups. Found= in all occurrences of X (about 1 in online quotes, every 1,000) only characteristic of height seemed to Who were did, be linked to the XYY condition. Levels of aggressiveness between groups fluctuated-= no definite conclusion could be drawn. With Geometry Problems. Basic measure of the tudors did comparing XYY to XY male inmates in prison/ comparing evidence to general population= lacks validity. XYY research= found no consistent link between genotype/aggressive nature. Using thematic apperception testing= showed XYY tend to give more aggressive/ less anti-aggressive interpretations of Help with geometry solutions images- compared to XY men. Theilgaard concluded= issue is too complex- XYY men might seem to be more aggressive/ but tendencies didn’t mean they would perform aggressive acts/ resulting in prison. Hormones influence many parts of our lives: Court cases have shown that hormonal fluctuation-woman’s pre-menstrual tension can be used as grounds for claims of temporary insanity- to reduce a charge of Who were murder to manslaughter= R v Smith (1979) 3 All ER 605,611 (CA) Nelson (1995)- reviewed research into writing, how hormones influence aggressive behaviour= seems to be a positive correlation between level of androgens circulating in the body and aggressive behaviour in female/male prisoners. Levels of androgens not measured a precise point when aggressive act performed. Testosterone= androgen produced by Leydig cells in male testes/in adrenal cortex= release of Who were the tudors did hormone is Paper online quotes, rhythmic following natural circadian rhythm.

Increased levels of testosterone associated with increased levels of aggression= e.g. during puberty aggression increases when androgen levels are higher. Wagner, Beuving and Hutchinson (1979)= show if a male mouse is castrated- levels of aggression reduce/ if mouse receives testosterone aggression levels increase. Research graph correlating the Who were did, number of biting attacks compared to the mouse (pre-castration=post-castration=given 150 microgm/day of testosterone) results show positive trend- increase in the number of People who write papers biting attacks with increase of testosterone= post-castration/given testosterone. Research correlational- cannot establish cause+ effect= androgens encourage aggressive behaviour but- they could encourage social dominance/ impulsiveness/ competition. Pillay (2006)- high testosterone levels can be desirable for athletes= given link to high levels of competition/athlete’s need for more muscular bodies. “testosterone is only one myriad of factors that influence aggression and Who were did, the effects of environmental stimuli have at times been found to correlate more strongly” Other environmental factors e.g. temperature/noise/overcrowding have an influential role in showing aggressive behaviour. Huston et al (2007)- basal model of testosterone= more testosterone/ more competitive/dominant. Mazur and Booth (1998)- reciprocal model of testosterone= testosterone levels vary with person’s dominance.

It is the effect not cause. Study= 2,100 air force veterans- over 10 year period- four medical examinations Methodological issues: No peer review- essential in validity of research. With Geometry Problems Solutions. Longitudinal study- increased amount of data. Using veterans- unable to generalise findings- aggression could be influenced by external factors e.g. memories of the war/ or psychological factors= post-traumatic stress disorder. Serotonin neurotransmitter important in the control of aggression= low levels of serotonin- less able to control impulsive/aggressive behaviour= Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine- 5HT)= Lenard (2008)- “low serotonin levels in the brain can result in Who were, impulsive behaviour/aggression/overeating/depression/alcohol abuse/violent suicide”. With Problems Solutions. Normal levels of serotonin exerts a calming/inhibitory effect in the brain. = Cases (1995) Serotonin + aggression. Davidson, Putnam and did, Larson (2000)= suggested role of papers for you serotonin-‘inhibitory function’ of aggressive tendencies: Compared violent criminals to non-violent= low levels of serotonin in violent criminals. Animal research supports this= in mice- serotonin 1B receptor not functioning-found increase in aggressive behaviour. Tame domestic animals have higher levels of serotonin.

Russian researchers looked at Who were did, silver foxes (animals have been tamed by humans- more than 30yrs)= Found= all had higher levels of Paper online quotes serotonin/5-HIAA. Summers et al (2005)= observed that globally acting serotonergic drugs do modify aggressive behaviour- but cannot be singularly identified as the only cause of activity in regions of the brain- that could have serotonergic effects on aggression. Mann et al. (1990) = administered drug (known to deplete serotonin levels in the brain) to 35 healthy adults. Found= among males (but not females)- hostility/aggression levels increased after treatment with the drug. Study of the Who were the tudors did, negative relationship between serotonin/aggression- correlational- doesn’t establish cause+ effect relationships. Ethical issues: when using human participants-research must look after (not use) – to further understand/make better our human existence. Neurotransmitters on their own-out of writing context to the wider physiology of the brain-ignore influence of brain structure on demonstrating aggressive behaviour. Brain structure/damage. Hypothalamus/amgydala associated with aggressive responses: Bard and Mountcastle (1953)- looked at ‘rage’ in cats caused by detachment of higher/lower brain through lesioning= Concluded: hypothalamus initiates aggressive behaviour/cerebral cortex reduces behaviour. Who Were Did. Flynn (2006)- found stimulating= lateral hypothalamus in cats- more likely show ‘predatorial aggression’. = medial hypothalamus-more likely to show ‘vicious attack behaviour’.

Amgydala= in Help with c homework, 1930’s-careful lesioning of amgydala of aggressive animals showed taming effect.= harming/causing dysfunction to the tudors, animal is unethical. Amgydalectomy- in humans reduces violent behaviour- but emotion is lost. Recitation. Brain injury/damage to brain can alter the processing of information/ causes aggression. Frontal cortex closely connected to Who were the tudors did, hypothalamus/amgydala- damage often show: impulsive behaviour/irritability/ short temper/easily provoked. Phineas Gage- railway worker- a tamping iron- entered left side of Poetry assignment his face= passed through jaw/up+ behind left eye/ exited through top of Who were did his head- he survived for Online, 11 years after: Noticeable changes in persona- formerly quiet/hard-working/shrewd character turned to very negative/aggressive individual – after result of Who were did brain injury. Convincing- but case study- one person- generalisibility limited/ relying on accuracy of medical notes made in 1868 by Harlow (Gage’s physician). Evidence supports the idea that the Amygdala- has influential effect on c homework victorian mediating aggressive responses.

Animal studies- cats/rats/hamsters- show neural processed surrounding amgydala functioning= can explain aggressive changes in Who were the tudors, behaviour. Online Quotes. Difficult to generalise- animal studies to humans- human brain more complex than many animals. Who Were Did. Potegal et al. (1994)= argue generalisation between animals and humans should be more viable- human/animal differences are qualitative ( i.e. Online And Theses Commons@mcmaster. basics the same/ details different): Underlying neural circuitry related to emotional expression seems more similar- allowing for did, more avenues of generalisation. Disorder Paper. Blair et al. (2001) = shows in the tudors did, cases – humans hospitalised for psychopathic tendencies- often caused by damage to writing quotes, amgydala. Supported by various findings in the tudors, non-human animals. Biological explanations are reductionist as it ignores: Influence of culture in aggressive behaviour- socialisation- (e.g.

Arapesh tribe= Mead (1935) Aggression learned through observation of various forms of media- Freedman (2002) Situational factors- e.g. temperature/overcrowding/noise • Showing of aggression may simply be result of frustration- ultimately becomes aggressive actions through the identification of Help with c homework aggressive cues in environment. Q4. Outline and evaluate research studies into evolutionary explanations of the tudors did human aggression. Aggressive behaviour by Poetry animals= Craig (1921)- provided 1st attempt understanding aggression from ethological p.o.v.- since Darwin’s work- late 1800’s. Did. Craig- made clear- that animals- ‘even when the animal does fight, he aims not to destroy enemy, but only get rid of his presence and interference’ = Van Der Dennen (2005) Lorenz (1966)-ethologist- stressed humans are animals- show similar behaviour patterns to animals: • Four main drivers behind behaviour of animal= fear/reproduction/hunger/aggression. Functions of aggression= Help to papers for you, ensure fittest/strongest were selected (females select male- who offer greatest survival- form them/offspring) Ensure survival of young (parents show aggression- protecting offspring) Help to distribute a species in balanced way- animals have own territories. Lorenz- idea of ritualised aggression- to explain aggressive animal behaviour e.g. stags rutting. Who Were The Tudors. Analysis furthered- stating animals know when to stop being aggressive (few ever kill enemy)= Gross (1998)- jackdaw behaviour= 2 jackdaws about to Paper writing online, attack each other- if 1 displays- appeasement tactic – (showing a behaviour indicating defeat/submission)- the other jackdaw wont attack.

Lorenz- criticised by other ethologists/academics: Lehrman (1953)- questions whether correct to make comparisons between species/assume findings for animals to humans- suggest even though 2 behaviours seem similar- cant assume underlying mechanisms the the tudors, same. Aggressive behaviour by writing online quotes humans: • Fromm (1973)- questions Lorenz’s view= states human aggression comprises 2 forms: benign aggression/malignant aggression e.g. malignant= organised violence-gang warfare- ethnic ‘cleansing’-eradication of Jews in WW2 / benign= parent defending their child from harm by attack/ threat. Nelson (1974)- states Lorenz misses 3 basic factors that can affect aggression: Process of did learning: Bandura shows people may learn aggressive behaviour through observation. Structural causes: Nelson- suggests structural causes relate to nature of social- e.g. society without norms/rules- aggression likely to spread. Psychological causes of aggression: highlight failings of People papers for you biological approach= in animal kingdom-aggressive action directed to ‘actual enemy’- threat/challenge. In humans- aggression can be motivated by many different personal factors e.g. mood/feelings + situational factors e.g. heat/overcrowding. In some cases of human aggression- victims aren’t seen as fellow humans= Fromm (1964)/ Erikson (1956)- might be case in situations of unprovoked random attacks: Rapoport (1965)- suggests ‘man by virtue of his ability to the tudors did, manipulate symbols, attaches the label ‘enemy’ to entire categories of things: other animals, other people, even inanimate objects and ideas#8230;accordingly aggression ceases to be leads by the situation.’ Differences between animal and writing quotes, human aggression: Human aggression= might be adaptive/useful i.e. product of evolution. Use of weapons means aggression is destructive/not ritualistic: Tinbergen (1968)-suggest humans only Who were the tudors did, species- aggression not part of Poetry recitation ritualistic system e.g. Who Were The Tudors Did. mating- but is rooted in Paper online, desire to harm another. The Tudors Did. Evolutionary explanations of human aggression.

Acts of terrorists e.g. 9/11 or ware in general= explained through Tinbergen’s ideas/evolutionary theory= as advances in weapon technology distancing means that aggressor doesn’t need to be physically close to who write, the recipient of aggression: Means that appeasement/distress signals that would stop acts of aggression no longer apply e.g. Who Were. plane crews who are eager to assignment, drop bombs on ‘targets’- would not be eager to stab/burn children/adults with their own hands. Krueger et al. (2002)- evolutionary approach concerned with how skills/methods of did dealing with environment have evolved into behaviours used in today’s society= Many evolutionary changes seen in Pleistocene era- since then evolution has been static- Brody et al. (2004) Evolutionary psychologists believe- series of victorian psychological mechanisms affect behaviour/don’t vary much between individuals- universal= they think behaviour witnessed linked to reproductive success of individual= likely to suggest aggression is result of Who were did sexual competition: Females invest in parental issues e.g. time/energy/food etc. Males compete for females- to pass on their genes= ensure reproductive success: Kenrick, Trost and Sheets (1996). Dominant image for men nowadays is ‘provider of valuable resources’- men need to be assertive/aggressive. Help With Geometry Problems Solutions. Waller (2002)- applied approach to explain mass killings/genocide= humans have evolved living in groups- need to did, define boundaries- formulating ‘in’ group (us) and ‘out’ group (them)= likely to result in aggression. Could be caused by ancestral past- xenophobia- need for people to feel socially dominant= holding ethnocentric perspectives- lead to acts of Online dissertations and theses commons@mcmaster aggression/violence. Buss (1999)- foolish to assume aggressive behaviour just male versus male: in women physical violence limited- partly due to physiological differences/strength- but verbal aggression is common. Female to Who were, female verbal aggression- often aimed at reducing ‘attractiveness’ of for you competitors- in eyes of males= strategy – evolutionary advantage for ‘name-caller’ Influence of infidelity on aggressive behaviour.

Infidelity- process unfaithful to partner/ sexual relationship with another person= infidelity had impact on Who were the tudors relationship + quality of interpersonal communications between partners/others. • Psychologists argue- act of and theses commons@mcmaster infidelity triggers emotional state within individual- as perceived threat to relationship/current status quo: Buss, Larsen, Western and Semmelroth (1992)- argue- would naturally lead to show behaviours to reduce/ eliminate threat e.g. act of violence/aggression • Sexual infidelity for men/women- triggers sexual jealousy= psychologists suggest cues/ triggers are different for males/females: Brunk et al. The Tudors Did. (1996)- suggest from online, male’s p.o.v- infidelity by female- brings uncertainty of paternity- profound sexual jealousy/ For female who becomes pregnant after act of infidelity- associated sexual jealousy influenced not by Who were did parental uncertainty- but lack of time/economic resources- given to with geometry, her/ offspring by Who were did her mate. Writing Online Quotes. = lack of Who were emotional support that makes women aggression/ men’s anger/subsequent aggression- based upon suspicion of wife’s infidelity. Evolutionary psychologists- look at infidelity from male and disorder research, female perspectives to avoid gender bias into their research into explanations of aggression. Who Were The Tudors Did. Influence of jealousy -n ot unusual to witness violence/ acts of disorder research paper aggression influenced by jealousy= Harvey, Sprecher and Wenzer (2004) Cascardi and Vivian (1995)- participants asked explain cause of did aggression in papers for you, relationship- jealousy most commonly attributed cause. The Tudors Did. Canary, Spitzberg and Semic (1998)- argue couples with relationship conflicts- reported anger/ aggression contributed by jealousy. Violent males lack effective ways of mediating/ responding to situation of jealousy/ compared to People who write for you, non-violent males- Holtzworth- Monroe and Anglin (1991). Haden and Hojjat (2006)- differences in sexual jealousy of young women/men= focus on aggressive responsiveness in partner rivalry situations.

2 separate studies found= men more likely than women- to consider aggressive action against did rival/ women more emotionally/ behaviourally reactive. In USA- Morenz and Lane (1996)- Evolutionary theory- explains jealousy as desire to online quotes, keep one’s mate= males have tendency to show mate tending/guarding activities – aggressive activities to avoid sexual infidelity- Buss and Shackelford (1997)/ females display behaviours less frequently. Limitations- evolutionary approach fails to explain why individuals might react in different ways when faced with same adaptive problem: different men react in Who were the tudors did, different ways when confronted with their wife’s infidelity e.g. violence, debasement, or avoiding issue (by getting drunk) Cultural differences- fails to explain why some cultures seem to require male violence to attain social status/ other cultures (peaceful)- aggression leads to irreparable damage to recitation assignment, reputation of the aggressor= Buss and the tudors, Shackelford (1997)

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Institute for Writing and Rhetoric. Few sentences in the tudors did, your paper will vex you as much as the thesis sentence. And with good reason: the thesis sentence is typically that one sentence in the paper with the potential to assert, control, and structure the entire argument. Anxiety Research Paper? Without a strong, thoughtful thesis or claim, a paper might seem unfocused. Complicating the matter further is that different disciplines have different notions of what constitutes a good thesis sentence. Sometimes you'll encounter differences not only from discipline to discipline, but also from course to course. One of your professors might frown on a thesis sentence that announces your process: This paper will argue X by asserting A, B, and C. Another professor might prefer this approach. So what makes a good thesis sentence? Despite the differences from discipline to discipline and from course to Who were did, course, a good thesis will generally have the following characteristics: A good thesis sentence will make a claim. A good thesis rarely turns an intellectual problem into a black white, either/or proposition that the writer will then defend.

Rather, a good thesis offers a nuanced and interesting perspective that the writer can develop via careful analysis. This perspective must be more than an observation. For example, America is Help violent is an observation. Americans are violent because they are fearful (the position that Michael Moore takes in Bowling for Columbine ) is an argument. Why? Because it posits a perspective. It makes a claim.

Put another way, a good thesis sentence will inspire (rather than quiet) other points of view. One might argue that America is violent because of the tudors did, its violent entertainment industry. Or because of the proliferation of guns. Or because of the Paper online disintegration of the Who were the tudors family. In short, if your thesis is positing something that no one can (or would wish to) argue with, then it's not a good thesis. A good thesis sentence will define the scope of Paper writing online quotes, your argument.

Your thesis sentence determines what you will discuss in your paper. It also determines what you won't discuss. Every paragraph in did, your paper exists in order to support your thesis and its claim. With? Accordingly, if one of your paragraphs seems irrelevant, you have two choices: get rid of the paragraph, or rewrite your thesis so that it is complex enough to embrace the whole of your argument. A good thesis will shape your argument. A good thesis not only signals to Who were did, the reader what claim you're making, but also suggests how your argument will be presented. Poetry Recitation? In other words, your thesis sentence should suggest the the tudors did structure or shape of your argument to your reader. Say, for example, that you are going to argue that American fearfulness expresses itself in recitation assignment, two curious ways: A and B. In this case, the reader understands that you are going to have two important points to cover, and that these points will appear in a certain order. If you suggest a particular ordering principle in your thesis and then abandon it, the reader could become confused. Developing A Thesis: Sample Methods.

Professors employ a variety of methods to did, teach students how to compose good thesis sentences. Anxiety Disorder Research? Your professor has likely demonstrated several methods to you. Here we offer sample methods employed by three instructors from the Institute for Writing and Rhetoric: John Donaghy, Sara Biggs Chaney, and Karen Gocsik. Please note that these methods do not represent a program-wide sense of the thesis and how it should be taught or practiced. In fact, no such program-wide method exists. Instructors in Who were the tudors did, the Institute for Writing and Rhetoric believe that there are many approaches which can help students compose a good thesis. We offer you these examples with the geometry problems solutions hope that you will think about their underlying principles and consider how these principles might transfer to the work that you're doing in your classrooms. JOHN DONAGHY: FINDING PATTERNS, SOLVING PROBLEMS. Professor John Donaghy's method is founded on the understanding that a good thesis comes from good analysis. In his view, analysis is a complicated process that requires readers to break down a text (event, object, or phenomenon) into parts, discovering patterns among the parts, and coming up with a theory for why these patterns exist. Professor Donaghy believes that students are initially afraid of Who were the tudors did, analysis.

He's puzzled by this fear. In fact, Professor Donaghy argues, we are analyzing all the Poetry assignment time: life presents us with data that we are continually sorting by the tudors finding patterns, creating categories, and making meaning. Analysis is necessary for something as simple as crossing the street. Students can be encouraged to see that they already possess analytical skills that can be transferred to disorder research paper, writing papers. To illustrate how analysis brings us to the development of the tudors did, a thesis, Professor Donaghy suggests three steps regarding a simple reading of the following Gary Snyder poem, Pine tree tops:

In the blue night. frost haze, the Help with c homework sky glows. bend snow-blue, fade. into sky, frost, starlight. The creak of boots. Rabbit tracks, deer tracks, what do we know. First, when analyzing, students need to the tudors did, be conscious of examining parts of a text, looking for Help with, patterns (or repeating elements). In a short poem, students can make a number of simple observations, including:

Number of Who were did, words (34) Number of syllables in words (mostly single syllable) Parts of speech: mostly nouns; adjectives are scarce; surprisingly few verbs. Second, students need to try to Paper online, determine how these parts and patterns are speaking to each other. Do these parts and patterns illustrate a similarity? Draw a contrast? Create an Who were the tudors did, emphasis?

Together form a new observation or idea? In terms of the Online poem: Nouns: so many nouns emphasizes the thing-ness of the poem Adjectives: very few; one (blue) is attached to a noun Verbs: the verbs (glows, bend, fade) are gentle, yielding verbs. Finally, students can put forward a proposition. For instance: Snyder builds his poem on nouns to give power to Who were, the things in his scene. People Who Write Papers? Or Snyder chooses verbs that seem to yield to the nouns in order to tell us how to behave in Who were the tudors, the presence of Help geometry problems, nature. This proposition, with some tweaking, can become a working thesis. SARA BIGGS CHANEY: EVOLVING THE THESIS BY UNPACKING THE ASSUMPTIONS MAKING COUNTER-CLAIMS. Professor Sara Chaney uses various methods to help her students arrive at a thesis.

One that has proven successful is requiring students to examine their assumptions. Professor Chaney begins this instruction by the tudors did introducing the Poetry assignment student to the enthymeme. Like the syllogism (All men are mortal; Socrates is a man; therefore, Socrates is mortal), the the tudors did enthymeme has three parts: the major premise, the minor premise, and the conclusion. The difference is that in disorder, the case of the syllogism, the major premise is based on fact (All men are mortal), while in the enthymeme it's based on a commonly held belief (cheating is unethical, smoking around children is a danger to their health, etc.). As Professor Chaney notes, in many cases the enthymeme is presented with the major premise left unstated: She smokes around her daughter; she endangers her daughter's health. Professor Chaney illustrates the importance in finding the missing major premise, arguing that unpacking an argument's unstated assumptions can help students to better analyze the did texts they're writing about, and to disorder research paper, create better texts of their own. The key question to the tudors did, ask is: What must be true about the world in order for this statement to be true? Students are asked to put forth all hidden assumptions, large and small.

This forces the students to dig beneath the Anxiety disorder research paper surface of the text, to explore the structure and the nuance of the argument. In the Who were did process, ideas for a thesis will present themselves. Once the Help students have drafted a thesis, Professor Chaney has a strategy (borrowed from David Rossenwasser and Jill Stephen's Writing Analytically ) for evolving the Who were thesis by Help with c homework victorian putting forward counter-claims. Students sometimes make the mistake of forcing evidence to fit an overly rigid claim, or of the tudors did, presenting their claim in the form of a list, with few connections between the points. To evolve the Paper online quotes thesis, Professor Chaney asks students to begin with their basic claim and then to methodically increase the complexity of Who were the tudors, that claim through the introduction of complicating evidence. This new evidence forces students to c homework, redefine their initial claims and to determine how the counter-claim might or might not be accommodated by their thesis. For instance, a student may have written the Who were the tudors did following thesis: Reported cases of autism in children have increased by almost 200% in the last twenty years because autism has been redefined to include less severe forms of the disorder.

Professor Chaney presents students with this complicating evidence: Some research also suggests that autism may be linked to mercury exposure in dissertations and theses commons@mcmaster, childhood vaccines. Students may weigh the did evidence to see which has more merit; they might expand their thesis to point to two reasons for rising autism; they might acknowledge the truth in both statements but want to subordinate one argument to the other; they might point out a causal relationship between the two sentences (i.e., has the frequent levels of mercury exposures led to a new definition of autism in the DSM-IV, which in turn has increased the People who write for you numbers of the tudors, reported cases of autism?). Using any of these methods, students will have improved their thesis sentences. KAREN GOCSIK: FINDING THE UMBRELLA IDEA. Professor Karen Gocsik advises that developing a good thesis is often the Help with problems result of finding the umbrella idea. Who Were The Tudors Did? Finding this idea requires that students move back and forth between a text's particularities and Online commons@mcmaster, its big ideas in order to find a suitable fit between the two that the students can write about.

This fit is then summed up in the umbrella idea, or the the tudors big idea that all of their observations can stand under. For instance, in an exploration of the Gospels as rhetoric, a student makes the specific observation that, in three of the four gospels, Jesus is reported as saying dramatically different things during his crucifixion. This observation by itself won't produce a paper - it's simply a statement of fact, with which no one will disagree. Nevertheless, this observation provokes a broader question: do these differences constitute a contradiction in the text? And if so, how do we understand this contradiction? What are the conditions of religious truth? Is there room for a contradiction as important as this? Of course, these questions are too big to be addressed in Online dissertations commons@mcmaster, an academic paper. And so the student returns to the text, still with these too-big questions haunting him. Reviewing the Who were the tudors did specific contradictions of the text, he crafts another set of questions: How should we understand the differences we see across the four gospels?

What might have inspired these writers to craft this important crucifixion scene differently - particularly when, as is true of the authors of Matthew and with, Luke, they were using the same sources? The student posits that these differences arise from Who were the tudors, a difference in audience, historical moment, and Help c homework victorian, rhetorical purpose. He turns to Who were, scholarship and finds his interpretation confirmed. But the People who write bigger questions persist. The Tudors? If the gospels are constructed to serve the earthly purposes of converting or supporting the writing beliefs of specific audiences, how can they also be considered as true? After doing a great deal of sketching, the student posits that perhaps the differences and contradictions are precisely what communicates the Who were did texts' truth to its audience of Poetry, believers. After all, if the truth of a supreme being is beyond human grasp, then perhaps it requires a many-voiced or polyglossic narrative. With this idea in Who were did, mind, the student produces a paper that not only details the variances across the texts, but offers a claim about why an audience of believers are not deterred by the differences. It is this claim that serves as the umbrella idea, synthesizing the student writer's various observations and who write, ideas. To sum up, successful employment of the umbrella method depends on four steps: Students must move fluidly back and forth between the text and their abstractions/generalizations, ready to adjust their ideas to the new evidence and Who were the tudors, new abstractions that they encounter.

Students must sketch their ideas. Drawing their ideas helps students pull their thinking out of linear, two-dimensional modes, enabling them to see multiple possibilities for their essays. Students must seek an umbrella idea, under which their ideas can stand. To get to this umbrella idea, they need not only to analyze but to synthesize: they need to bring disparate ideas together, to see if they fit. They further need to create this synthesis by playing with language, creating an umbrella sentence that can embrace their ideas. This requires that students write and revise their thesis sentence several times as they write their paper. It also requires that students have a basic understanding of the principles of style, so that they can understand how to place their ideas in People papers for you, appropriate clauses, create the proper emphasis, and so on. Alternatives to the Thesis Sentence. Sometimes, the purpose of a piece of writing is not to make a claim but to raise questions.

Other times, a writer wants to leave a matter unresolved, inspiring the reader to create his or her own position. In these cases, the thesis sentence might take other forms: the thesis question or the Who were the tudors implied thesis. As we've said, not every piece of writing sets out to make a claim. If your purpose as a writer is to explore, for instance, the reasons for the 9/11 attacks (a topic for dissertations, which you are not prepared to did, make a claim), your thesis might read: What forces conspired to bring these men to crash four jetliners into American soil? You'll note that this question, while provocative, does not offer a sense of the argument's structure. It permits the writer to pursue all ideas, without committing to any.

While this freedom might seem appealing, in fact you will find that the lack of a declarative thesis statement requires more work: you need to tighten your internal structure and recitation assignment, your transitions from paragraph to paragraph so that the essay is clear and the tudors did, the reader can easily follow your line of inquiry. One of the most fascinating things about a thesis sentence is that it is the most important sentence in Anxiety paper, a paper - even when it's not there. Some of our best writers never explicitly declare their theses. In some essays, you'll find it difficult to point to Who were did, a single sentence that declares the argument. Online And Theses Commons@mcmaster? Still, the Who were the tudors did essay is coherent and makes a point. Recitation Assignment? In these cases, the writers have used an the tudors did, implied thesis. Writers use an implied thesis when they want to maintain a light hand.

However, just because the writer doesn't delcare the thesis doesn't mean that she was working without one. Good writers will have their thesis clearly stated - either in their own minds, or in their notes for Poetry, the paper. They may elect not to put the thesis in the paper, but every paragraph, every sentence that they write is controlled by Who were the tudors did the thesis all the same. If you decide to write a paper with an implied thesis, be sure that you have a strong grasp of your argument and its structure. Also be sure that you supply adequate transitions, so that the reader can follow your argument with ease. Will This Thesis Sentence Make the Grade? (A Check List) In the end, you may have spent a good deal of time writing your thesis and victorian, still not know if it's a good one. Who Were The Tudors? Here are some questions to Online, ask yourself. Does my thesis sentence attempt to answer (or at least to explore) a challenging intellectual question? Is the point I'm making one that would generate discussion and Who were, argument, or is it one that would leave people asking, So what?

Is my thesis too vague? Too general? Should I focus on some more specific aspect of my topic? Does my thesis deal directly with the topic at hand, or is People who write papers for you it a declaration of my personal feelings? Does my thesis indicate the Who were the tudors direction of my argument? Does it suggest a structure for my paper? Does my introductory paragraph define terms important to my thesis? If I am writing a research paper, does my introduction place my thesis within the larger, ongoing scholarly discussion about my topic? Is the language in my thesis vivid and clear? Have I structured my sentence so that the important information is in the main clause? Have I used subordinate clauses to house less important information?

Have I used parallelism to dissertations commons@mcmaster, show the Who were relationship between parts of victorian, my thesis? In short, is this thesis the very best sentence that it can be? What else do you need to know about did thesis sentences? A good thesis usually relies on a strong introduction, sharing the work. As your writing becomes more sophisticated, you will find that a one-sentence thesis statement cannot bear the People papers burden of Who were the tudors, your entire argument. Recitation Assignment? Therefore, you will find yourself relying increasingly on Who were your introduction to lay the problems groundwork. Use your introduction to explain some of your argument's points and/or to define its terms. Save the the tudors did punch for your thesis. For more information about creating good introductions that can support your thesis sentences, see Introductions and Conclusions elsewhere in recitation, this website.

The structure of did, your thesis, along with its introduction, should in some way reflect the logic that brought you to your argument. It's helpful when structuring your thesis sentence to consider for c homework victorian, a moment how it was that you came to your argument in the first place. No matter what discipline you are working in, you came to your idea by way of the tudors did, certain observations. For example, perhaps you have noticed in a History of Education course that female college students around the Help turn of the century seem very often to write about the did idea of service to the community. How did you come to that observation? What did you observe first? And, more importantly, how did you go about exploring the significance of this observation? Did you investigate other college documents to see if the dissertations and theses commons@mcmaster value of service was explicitly stated there? Or was this value implied in course descriptions, extra curricular possibilities, and so forth?

Reconstruct for yourself how you came to your observations, and use this to help you to create a coherent introduction and thesis. A good working thesis is your best friend. Those writers who understand the concept of working thesis are way ahead of the Who were the tudors did game. A working thesis is Poetry recitation a thesis that works for you, helping you to see where your ideas are going. Many students keep their working thesis in front of them at all times to Who were the tudors did, help them to control the direction of Help, their argument. But what happens when you stumble onto an idea that your thesis isn't prepared for?

Or, more important, what happens when you think everything is going well in Who were, your paper and suddenly you arrive at a block? Always return to your working thesis, and Online commons@mcmaster, give it a critical once-over. You may find that the block in your writing process is related to some limitation in your thesis. Or you may find that hidden somewhere in that working thesis is the germ of an even better idea. Did? Stay in conversation with your thesis throughout the writing process.

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Error Handling and Debugging Tips and the tudors Techniques for Microsoft Access, VBA, and Visual Basic 6 (VB6) This paper is featured on. Experienced developers use a variety of techniques to simplify their coding and maintenance efforts. Some of the tricks are general programming styles and conventions, while others are specific to the characteristics of Visual Basic (VB6) and Microsoft Office/Access VBA. Hopefully, by adopting such best practices techniques, you'll be able to write code that's easier to writing quotes write, debug, and understand. Not only can you reduce bugs during development, you can also significantly reduce the effort required to replicate and fix bugs your users encounter.

A consistent coding style is critical for Who were did, efficient application development in papers for you, multi-developer environments. The Tudors! It also increases the chance that future developers can understand your work to fix or enhance it. Debugging is one of the most important skills for a developer. Software development is all about writing code, making mistakes, and fixing them. Strong debugging skills minimizes the development cycle by allowing developers to c homework victorian pinpoint bugs quicker, make fixes that actually address the problems encountered, and verify the modifications are correct. This is particularly important as the code gets more complex. Debugging doesn't end when the application is shipped. Having the proper error handling in place is critical to providing quick support when users encounter crashes. At the very least you want to verify it's a problem in did, your application, and if so, as much information as possible so you can minimize the need for user recall on Paper writing online quotes how to reproduce the bug. Fortunately, Microsoft Access offers very powerful debugging tools during development, with the Who were the tudors did ability to add error handling routines to help debug deployed/remote applications.

The most common use of the debugger is to diagnose the code when a crash is encountered. If no error handling is in place, when an Access application crashes, you or your user are prompted with an End, Debug message box: Assuming you're not running an MDE, when you press Debug, you enter the IDE at the line where the crash occurred and have the opportunity to examine the problem. Another important use of the debugger is during system development to verify the code is working correctly even if a crash doesn't occur, or to narrow down the situations where a crash occurs. The Microsoft Access/VB6 debugger lets you step through each line of code as it runs, examine the environment (including all variables), and even change variable values and lines of code! By seeing how your code runs (which procedures get called, which IF statement branch is taken, how loops work, etc.) you gain a much better understanding of how your code work and whether it's behaving as designed. By including a consistent error handler design with a central error handler, you can deploy applications that document the crashes your users encounter. People Who Write For You! This is particularly important if you have many remote customers and can't easily go to the offending desktop when the user calls. With a sophisticated error handler, you can document not only the Who were the tudors error, but other important information such as the procedure name, procedure call stack, line number where the crash occurred, and other Access environment information.

With this information you'll be able to reproduce the error quicker, and be more assured that you make the fixes necessary to address them. Most importantly, you'll minimize the often frustrating process that developers and dissertations commons@mcmaster users face when trying to reproduce crashes. Professional applications need to include error handling to trap unexpected errors. By using a consistent error handler, you can make sure that when crashes occur, the user is properly informed and your program exits gracefully. Who Were! Basic error handling just hides the default behavior and People who write papers exits the program. Advanced error handling can include all sorts of features such as saving information about the cause of the error and the environment at the tudors did the time, attempts to Paper writing online address the problem, and information for the user on Who were the tudors what they need to do next. If you are deploying Microsoft Access databases with the free runtime version (to users who don't own Microsoft Access), the developer environment doesn't exist. In such situations, you need to have an error handling system in place to capture errors and gracefully exit your program should it crash. Visit our Microsoft Access Runtime Distribution and Help with geometry Free Downloads page for more info.

Before you can use error handling, you need to understand the Error Trapping setting. Who Were Did! VB6/VBA lets you to recitation assignment determine how it should behave when errors are encountered. From the IDE, look under the Tools Options setting. Make sure error trapping is not set to the tudors did Break On All Errors. That setting will cause your code to stop on every error, even errors you are properly handling with On Error Resume Next. Break on Unhandled Errors works in most cases but is problematic while debugging class modules.

During development, if Error Trapping is set to Break on Unhandled Errors and Poetry recitation an error occurs in a class module, the debugger stops on the line calling the class rather than the offending line in the class. This makes finding and fixing the problem a real pain. I recommend using Break in Class Modules which stops on the actual crashing line. However, be aware that this does not work if you use raise errors in your classes via the Err.Raise command. This command actually causes an Who were did, error and makes your program stop if Error Trapping is set to Break in Class Modules. Unfortunately, users can modify this setting before launching your application so you should make sure this is properly set when your application starts. Programmatically, the option settings can be viewed and modified using the Application.GetOption and Application.SetOption methods. Always include code in your startup routines to set the appropriate error handling level. Make Sure Every Procedure has Error Handling. Once the Error Trapping issue is resolved, you need to add error handling to your application. Unfortunately, VB6/VBA does not support a global error handler to Paper writing online quotes manage any errors that arise.

You actually have to set error handling in every procedure. Without explicitly adding error handling, VB6/VBA shows its default error message and then allows the user to debug your code or just crashes. At the did most basic level, error handling involves two parts: This section invokes the error handler: If an error occurs in the procedure, the code jumps to the line where the label PROC_ERR is defined. For consistency, use the same label name in recitation, every procedure. This section is where the code goes if an error occurs in the procedure: Here you can manage the error and Who were the tudors did determine what to Paper writing quotes do next. Examine the error object (Err) to see what occurred.

For instance, Err.Number is the error number, Err.Description is the error description, etc. In some situations, you need to turn off error handling. For instance, you may want to see if a file exists. By looking for it and managing the error if it can't be found, you can determine whether it exists or not. Disable error handling with:

Turn off error handling during development and testing. Without error handling, if an error is encountered, the debugger automatically stops on the offending line. This is great for debugging and Who were the tudors correcting mistakes. However, if error handling exists in Help with geometry problems solutions, the procedure, when an error occurs, rather than stopping on the offending line, the code in the tudors did, the Error Handling section is writing online quotes invoked. Who Were Did! This makes debugging much more difficult. An easy way to avoid this problem is to add a global constant or variable that controls when error handling is active. Research! So rather than this: and define a global constant: Set this constant to did False during development, and True when you deliver your application.

That way, your users get the benefit of the error handling and assignment you can get your work done without it. Getting information from the error object. When an Who were did, error occurs, information about the problem in the Error Object. Paper Online! This object is named Err and contains several properties. These are the the tudors ones you should check: The error number, which is useful for testing. Zero means no error.

Description. The built-in description of the error. Who Write For You! Sometimes this doesn't exist and this text Application-defined or object-defined error is Who were the tudors did given. The error object lets you easily inform the papers for you user of the problem. For instance, rather than a simple message that an error occurred, you can specify the exact error number and message: This still may not be understandable by the user, but can be very helpful in diagnosing the problem. There may be situations where you test for Who were the tudors did, an error number but cannot be sure the Err object doesn't already contain an for you, error. In such cases, use the Clear method to clear the object: Alternatively, you can set the error number to zero (Err.Number = 0), but is not as effective as the Clear method since it does not clear the description property. Error handling can also be used to test a condition.

Here's an example of deleting a file and Who were the tudors providing the user with error messages: Notice how this syntax: allows the Online dissertations and theses program to continue (go to Who were the tudors did the next line) even when a command cannot be executed. The Kill command triggers an error if the file being deleted doesn't exist or is locked. Online Dissertations And Theses Commons@mcmaster! We don't care whether the object exists or not. We just want to delete it if it does. Who Were The Tudors Did! Therefore, the command to ignore the error (Resume Next) is appropriate. On Error Resume Next effectively disables error handling from that line forward (within the Help with c homework procedure) and should be used with care. It should only be used before a line where a specific error is being ignored.

To reset error handling, use this line: Or, your standard error handler with an extra clause to handle situations where error handling is not being used: Notice that a test of the error number is conducted to determine if a specific error occurred. Who Were The Tudors Did! That is, we consider it okay if the object could not be found. However, there are other reasons that may cause a failure to delete an object that exists (for instance another user has the dissertations commons@mcmaster object open, insufficient rights to delete it, etc.). Error handling only handles well-behaved errors: errors that trigger an error number in code. Technically, these are the only types of the tudors did errors you can have, but we all know that Access can crash with a GPF. Unfortunately, these crashes are so severe that your error handling routines are ineffective. There are several parts of the debugger that work together to let you analyze how your code runs:

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Breakpoints Stepping Through and Over Code. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) From the IDE, there are several things you can do: Put the cursor on the variable, procedure, or property in question and press [Shift F2] to see where it's defined. You'll jump directly to it. You can do this as often as you like to understand how your code works. Press [Ctrl Shift F2] to go back to where you came. Highlight the procedure you want to run and press [F5] to run it. If you want to step into it line-by-line, press [F8]. More explanations on writing quotes running code line-by-line is given later. Of course, running a procedure this way only works if you don't have to the tudors did pass parameters to it.

If you need to, consider using the Immediate Window. Breakpoints are placed on the lines in your code so the debugger is invoked when the program tries to execute that line. A breakpoint can be placed on any line that is actually run (not lines in the General Declarations section, or lines that define variables in a procedure). This is an extremely powerful technique to let you run your code normally until the section you're interested in is encountered. Breakpoints can be added by moving to the line desired and pressing F9, clicking with the mouse on problems the left border, or from the Debug menu. Who Were The Tudors! Multiple breakpoints can be added during your debugging session. Help With Geometry Problems! Breakpoints are temporary and are automatically removed when you close the database. Once you are in the debugger and stopped on a line whether it's from selecting Debug from the crash menu or a breakpoint, you have the opportunity to the tudors did see the guts of your program. Help! Simply move your cursor over variables to see their current values. Who Were! You can also use the Immediate Window or the other Watch windows to Help with c homework victorian be described later to Who were the tudors did understand all the with c homework victorian values. The debugger gives you a variety of Who were the tudors did techniques to step through your code:

Run the current line and go to the next one. Used for a line that calls a procedure to run that procedure without going into it. This is a real time saver if you don't care about the lines in Help with geometry, the called procedure because you assume it works correctly. The command lets you run the Who were the tudors did procedure (and any procedures it may call), and go to the next line in the calling procedure. Run the current procedure and go to disorder the line after the line that called the procedure. This is basically a way to simplify the debugging process by letting you skip the remainder of the current procedure once you realize you don't need to Who were did step into it any more. This command lets you set the next statement as any line in the current procedure including lines you've already run. This is extremely powerful and with c homework victorian quite amazing when you think about it. It's particularly useful if you run though some code and then decide you should repeat it because you missed something. It's not always the Who were the tudors did same as the first run because variables may have changed, but if you understand the situation, it lets you debug again without getting to the same code or situation again. Sometimes you examine different procedures as you debug your code, so the Show Next Statement menu command makes it easy to go to the currently highlighted line.

In addition to seeing which line of code runs and Anxiety evaluating variables as you debug, there are several other views that help you diagnose your development environment: The call stack keeps track of the Who were the tudors procedure calling chain so you can easily see how you got to the current procedure through all the Help with geometry problems other procedures. Retrieve it under View, Call Stack, or press [Ctrl L]. From this dialog, you can click on any procedure and jump immediately to it. Before analyzing the Who were the tudors did details of the current procedure, it may be more important to understand how and why you got there since the problem may be there rather than in Online commons@mcmaster, the current procedure.

This is the most basic debugging area. You can use the Immediate Window whether your code is running or not. Open the Who were Immediate Window by pressing [Ctrl+G] or selecting it from the IDE menu under View. The Immediate window lets you: Evaluate expressions unrelated to your code (e.g. math equations) Evaluate variables or expressions in your code (e.g. a current variable value) Run code. For items that return a value, use a question mark followed by the expression. For instance: then hit Enter to People who write papers for you see the Who were the tudors value. Help Solutions! If your code is currently running and stopped, you can use this method to evaluate the current value of did a variable: You can also use it to launch a VB6/VBA function or your function with the parameters you want: the Immediate Window runs the function, then shows its return value. If you want to run a sub, which doesn't return a value, do not include the ? and just enter the People papers subroutine name: Rather than examining variable values individually by typing them in the Immediate Window, you can see all the local variables by selecting Locals Window from the Views menu.

This displays the Who were the tudors did entire list of local variables and paper their current values. Local variables are variables defined in the current procedure and module declaration section. Notice how each array element is shown by expanding the treeview for did, that variable. You can modify the disorder value held by the tudors did a variable by clicking on the Value column and editing it. Help C Homework Victorian! This is an the tudors, alternative to modifying values from the Immediate Window.

The Watch Window is Poetry similar to the Locals Window, but you specify the variables you want to track. You can track variables across modules and procedures and keep them in your Watch Window to see their value no matter where the current line is. The first step is to add a variable to the Watch Window. This can be done by placing the cursor in the variable you want to track, and selecting Debug, Add Watch, or from the right-click menu, selecting Add Watch. This dialog appears: The current variable is Who were the tudors added to the Expression section, and the current procedure and module added to Anxiety disorder paper the Context sections. If you press [OK], this variable is added to the Watch Window and you can see its value whenever you look at the Watch Window. What's most powerful about adding watches is that in addition to the tudors did variables, you can also add expressions, and options to recitation break when the value changes. The latter is particularly powerful when you are having trouble determining why a particular situation arises in your application. Maybe a variable is set in Who were the tudors, multiple places and you can't tell which instance is causing the value to change.

By setting the Watch Type option, you can quickly stop when this occurs. This stops the debugger on the line immediately after the geometry solutions value of the variable/expression changes. This stops the debugger on the line immediately after the value of the Who were did variable/expression becomes True. Dissertations And Theses! This is useful if you want to Who were did stop when a variable becomes a particular value rather than stopping every time it changes values. For instance, enter this in the Expression section: and when the variable becomes 500, the program stops and with c homework victorian lets you start debugging from there. So far, we've explored ways to debug an Who were the tudors did, Access application without changing any behavior with the for you program itself. We've added breakpoints or watches that cause the program to stop, but after we close Access, the database will run normally without stopping. However, there are instances where you may want to have the program stop or behave differently while debugging. Some examples include adding: Testing code Debug.Print statements Debug.Assert statements Stop statements.

Sometimes using the Who were the tudors did Immediate Window is insufficient for testing a function or procedure. Maybe you want to test it multiple times and People who write don't want to enter it each time on the Immediate Window, or maybe the procedure call is too complex to use in the Immediate Window. For instance, if you are passing variables that get assigned values, that can't be done from the Immediate Window. Who Were Did! Similarly, the procedure you are testing may require calling lots of other procedures in advance to set up the with environment before you can run it. In these cases, it's easiest to create a procedure you only use for testing. This can be a real time saver if the code you are testing is buried deep in a process and you don't want to run the whole program to the tudors get there. The Debug.Print statement lets you write output to the Immediate Window.

Insert this command into sections of your code where you'd like to know the value of certain variables, but would rather not stop the program to get it. For instance, if you're moving through a recordset and would like to Online and theses know the values of a few fields as the processing occurs, you may have code like this before the other processing of the record occurs: It's not as good as stepping through each line, but maybe this is all you need initially to see if a particular routine is running properly before narrowing your search further. The Debug.Assert statement stops your code when the boolean value passed to it evaluates to Who were the tudors False. For instance, if you add this.

the debugger stops when x is 5. The alternative to using Debug.Assert is to use a Stop statement inside an If clause. The equivalent to and theses above would be: Stop statements are rare but some developers like to the tudors add it to the end of Select Case statements for recitation, what should be an impossible branch: One could argue that during development and testing, if the value should not be one of the acceptable ones, the program should stop.

That's good, but if this technique is used, before deploying the Who were the tudors final version, Stop statements should be eliminated. Far better to have an Paper writing online, error arise and Who were trap for that than a program simply stop for the end-user. The error handling examples shown so far only c homework manage errors in the current procedure. In a more complex application, a more advanced error handling system should be used. Did! A single (global) error handler should process unexpected errors and reveal information beyond the error number and writing online quotes description. This section will reveal how your error handler can document:

The procedure name where the error occurred The procedure call stack to see how the procedure was invoked The line number where the error occurred. Additionally, this information is written to a file on disk so you can keep a permanent record of the problem. Gathering this information can significantly reduce the effort required for the tudors, identifying, replicating, and c homework victorian fixing your anomalies (bugs). Unfortunately, while VB6/VBA tracks the procedure call stack and Who were the tudors lets you examine it under the View, Call Stack menu item while debugging, this information is not available to writing your code. The only Who were the tudors did way to with geometry problems solutions generate this is to track it yourself. To do this, you need to keep your own Call Stack of procedure names.

This can be done by: Adding a procedure call (PushCallStack) at the beginning of the procedure and passing the procedure name to add to the stack Adding a procedure call (PopCallStack) to the tudors the end of Paper each procedure to remove the procedure name from the stack. Since VB6/VBA does not have a current procedure name function, the procedure name needs to be explicitly added when the PushCallStack procedure is called. Here's an example of how each procedure should appear: Notice how the PushCallStack procedure is invoked at the beginning of the Who were did procedure with the Online dissertations commons@mcmaster name of the current procedure as a parameter. The PopCallStack is called at the end of the Who were did procedure to remove the Anxiety paper current procedure name from the stack when the procedure completes successfully. If a problem occurs, the Who were did global error handler (GloalErrHandler) procedure is with solutions invoked. In most cases, the global error handler will exit the program, but if for some reason it doesn't the Who were did code is designed to exit this procedure. Avoid exits before the end of the procedure.

For this process to Anxiety research paper work, procedures may not quit without going to the bottom of the procedure. That is, you can't have code such as Exit Sub or Exit Function in the middle of your procedure; otherwise, the PopDebugStack routine will not be invoked and the procedure name remains on the stack. An error module should contain your error handling routines. The declarations section should define some variables used by the routines. Adds the current procedure to the call stack array. The Tudors Did! Needs to be called at the beginning of each procedure: Removes the current procedure from the call stack array. Needs to be called at the end of each procedure: Track line numbers to pinpoint the location of a crash. After knowing which procedure crashed, an extremely valuable piece of who write information to the tudors did get is the line number where the error occurred. The Erl function reveals the error line.

In many cases, if you know the error and the exact line where it occurred, you can immediately understand the dissertations and theses problem and fix it. For instance, this procedure uses a random function and Who were did will show you which line it fails on: Of course in a simple procedure, the line number does not offer much, but in a larger more complicated subroutine, knowing which line crashed can save considerable time and effort to replicating and fixing the problem. Unfortunately, the error line feature is recitation only available if you explicitly added line numbers to every line of code. This is nearly impossible to Who were do manually for all but the simplest databases. Use our Total Visual CodeTools program to paper do this. All procedures should call the the tudors did global error handler when an Help with problems, error is encountered. From this procedure, you centralize your response to handling errors. At a minimum, you should provide a message to the user and record the Who were the tudors did error information to People for you a file.

This should include: How to notify you of the error (contact information such as phone number, fax, email) The error number and description If you've implemented the Push/PopCallStack routines the current procedure name and call stack If you've added line numbers to Who were your code, the c homework error line number Any other information about Access, the Access workspace, operating system, memory, disk space, DLLs, where files are located, etc. that may be useful for your diagnoses. A more sophisticated response may include links to web site technical support pages and product update patches. Customize this to the tudors best serve your customers based on their abilities to troubleshoot errors. In most cases, when the global error handler is completed, it should quit the program and exit. This function returns the Online dissertations commons@mcmaster current procedure name. When an unexpected error occurs, you often need to Who were did cleanup the workspace in Access before showing the messages. Here's a simple routine that handles some basic tasks: Documenting crashes to with geometry problems solutions a text file. Writing to text file is simply using the Print # command.

You need to determine the name of the text file and Who were the tudors did which directory it should be placed. In general, we place the c homework victorian error.txt file in the same directory as the Who were did application database. However, you may want to put it in a shared network directory (such as where the linked data database is located) or a specific error location. A text file is the with best option for storing error information. Other options such as writing the data to a table or sending an Who were the tudors, email may fail in error situations (especially out of memory errors). Writing to writing a text file is quick, simple, and Who were did uses minimal resources so it's almost always successful. Automate Application Delivery Process.

Write Code to Prepare the Application. Most applications require some clean-up before they can be distributed. Resetting properties to default values, emptying tables, copying objects, deleting temporary or test objects, incrementing version numbers, and a variety of other steps may be necessary before you can deploy. Rather than manually performing these tasks, which is prone to error, this should be automated as much as possible. Paper Online! Write some code to take care of these chores, and run it when you make a new build.

Disable or Eliminate Debugging Code. Before delivering your application, make sure your debugging code is removed or disabled. Code such as Stop; Debug.Print; Debug.Assert; should be eliminated or put into sections that won't be invoked. For your error handler to pinpoint the exact line where an error occurs, add line numbers to Who were the tudors every line of Help geometry solutions code. Obviously, this would be difficult to did do manually. Who Write! This is one of many features in FMS's Total Visual CodeTools. Automated Code Analysis and Source Code Libraries. To maintain your application over Who were the tudors, time and to track changes by version, you need to document it. Some of Help c homework this can only be done manually, but automated tools can help you document your application plus detect problems that would otherwise be very difficult to detect. FMS offers many of the leading tools in this area. MicrosoftAccess database documentation and analysis.

Generates complete object and code cross-reference. Know where procedures and variables are used. Who Were The Tudors Did! Detects 300+ types of errors and Online dissertations commons@mcmaster suggestions including unused objects, unused code, procedures without error handling, procedures that should be private, and much more. Total Visual CodeTools will let you takeover existing applications, clean them up, and deliver a more robust solution. The Code Cleanup feature standardizes code indentations, adds your error handling to procedures that lack it, adds comment structures, sorts procedures, etc. The Code Delivery feature lets you deliver solutions with line numbers so you can pinpoint crashes. A variety of Code Builders simplify writing code such as new procedures with custom error handling, SQL string converters, and more. FMS also offers source code libraries that eliminate the need to write a lot of code from scratch including code for robust error handling in your applications. Total Visual SourceBook offers lots of professionally written, tested, and did documented code that you can use royalty-free. Add your own code into the system's sophisticated code repository to easily share code among your development team. Paper! These are particularly relevant for managing errors in VBA:

Hopefully, the tips and techniques presented here will help you create better MS Access and Who were the tudors VB6 applications faster. Access and VB6 offers extremely powerful and flexible debugging tools and you should take advantage of them to Online minimize the time between discovering an error and fixing it. With the Who were proper error handling methodology and delivery preparation with line numbers, you can also debug and fix errors in deployed applications.

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Essay: Workplace Conflict Resolution. This paper intends to look at the causes of conflict in the workplace and Who were, the effects that it can have on the employers, employees, and the organization as a whole. With Solutions! This is not a problem that started recently, this has been going on for years. Conflict in the workplace can be resolved when addressed in a timely manner and Who were the tudors did, ensuring that the Help c homework, correct tools are used in the process. Who Were Did! The work environment has the with solutions, normal stressors, so therefore creating an environment that is the tudors, free from undue stress can be greatly rewarding. Help With Solutions! Morale and productivity can reach high levels when a pleasant work environment is created.

Keywords: conflict resolution, workplace conflict. Workplace Conflict Resolution. Conflict: ‘to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance or in opposition; clash.’ How would it be to live this life free from conflict? We as humans would like to believe that conflicts never occur or if and when they do the resolution will be a favorable outcome for all concerned (, n.d.). Causes of Workplace Conflict. According to Crampton (2011) ‘workplace conflict is inevitable.’ It does not matter what type of the tudors, business we are in there is sure to People who write for you be some kind of workplace conflict. Who Were The Tudors! If we know what those triggers are we will be better able to deal with and try to settle the Poetry recitation assignment, conflicts. There are everyday circumstances that can definitely lead to workplace conflict and this is not something anyone can gage or know when to expect. Just the circumstances and did, situations of Anxiety, everyday life will cause undesirable circumstances.

Individuals working together or living together for that matter will at some point will have person issues. According to Crampton (2011) whether these differences stem from ‘hurts, slights, rivalry or other conflict’ this can affect the goals and Who were, expectations of the organization. There will be some issues that we cannot leave at home and writing quotes, deal with when we return. The Tudors! When this happens it can and will cause a conflict in the workplace because some individuals will not or they are scared to recitation assignment discuss their personal problems with their boss or co-workers. This can cause a great misunderstanding in the workplace because everyone will be wondering what is going on. This does not happen only in business, but this happens in any area of life.

When individuals fail to communicate or do not know how to communicate this can ruin any relationship. Verbal and non-verbal communication is very important for one’s very existence and survival, so therefore we must be able to express not only our feelings, but workplace expectations. Today most people communicate using electronics, so therefore it is very hard to really get to did know how they are really feeling or thinking for dissertations and theses commons@mcmaster that matter. In the workplace people used to walk around to get answers to situations, but now everything is e-mailed. I prefer the old-fashioned way which was management by the tudors did walking around and talking to the staff face to face. This would be a way to recitation assignment really build a rapport. We all have been created differently with our own minds, thoughts, and attitudes. We are now in an age where we are more aware of the different generations we interact with on a daily basis.

From the silent generation to what I would call the microwave generation that really believe in texting and only using shortcuts. We are all working together and the tudors did, there can be some serious communication gaps which can lead to personality conflicts. Terms that are used by the more seasoned generation can be offensive to the younger generation and geometry solutions, this can cause a conflict to occur. This seems to be behind every ailment or confusion that may be happening in the workplace. What if the secretary decides that he or she does not want to Who were did schedule an appointment and the administrative assistant decides she does not want to cover for who write papers the secretary in Who were the tudors, her absence, this could become a stressful environment.

What happens when have someone in Paper quotes, human resources delays sending an offer letter because he or she does not want to listen to the tudors did the supervisor? Most of the time when this happens, the employees have miscommunicated the objective of completing a project and have his or own method of Help with geometry solutions, doing something. This is where different levels of experience is a negative versus a positive. The employees are not allowing their experiences to play a role in having a successful outcome. When this happens, the Who were did, best thing to do is to ‘nip it in the bud’ or else the situation will be uncontrollable.

There must be a meeting to discuss the genesis of the misunderstanding. We all have to vent at some point or we will blow up or have a very negative attitude. This is something I learned and Help with solutions, I am still learning, the person that we vent to can turn what is said into the nastiest situation and Who were the tudors, this can create a hostile work environment. It does take two to Help victorian have a conversation, but the sad part is that we never know whether or not the other person has a hidden agenda and will take it to Who were the tudors did the next level. How this is handled could predict whether or not the person may or may not have a job in the end. This is very difficult if not the most difficult situation to be handled. Some managers may not know they are too rough or may be coming off as really misunderstood. I had to disorder research paper deal with this situation years ago and this person was not just being difficult and not know it, he was actually harassing me and the tudors did, knew what he was doing. There was no way to reach him, so the writing, situation was resolved quietly, he was the Who were did, type of Online dissertations, person who deserved to work alone. As stated by the tudors D. Crampton, ‘a simple meeting to ‘clear the air’ may be all that’s needed to resolve the problem’ (2011). Solutions to the Conflict.

How conflicts originate or get started are different so therefore, they must be handled or settled using various approaches that suit the situation. Poetry! Some of the tips used: ‘ approach must be clear, do not indulge in the conflict, personal attitude should not be the basis, others point of Who were the tudors did, view must be acknowledged, use a mediator if necessary, and the superiors do not have to be involved’ (Farrell, 2014). We all would love to People papers for you have a conflict end where both sides will come out winning, but we know that that is not always the case. Who Were! Hitt, Miller, Colella (2011) wrote the Poetry recitation assignment, following are outcomes to Who were conflict: Lose-Lose: Neither party gets what they initially desired Win-Lose or Lose Win: One of the party’s concerns are satisfied Compromise: Both parties give in to some degree on recitation assignment, an issue or set of issues Win-Win: Both parties get what they want. (pp.

448-450) This last outcome is what we would like for all conflicts, but this will not always be the case or solution. Respect in the workplace should be at the very top of everyone’s list from the top manager on down. This would be going back to basics of treating people how we want to be treated. Below is a list of what respect is (The Resolution Centre, 2009). 1. Always treat people with courtesy, politeness, kindness and ultimately how you would like to be treated. 2. Listen to what others have to say before expressing your viewpoint.

3. Never butt in or talk over another person. 4. Encourage others to express their opinions and ideas. 5. Improve your work by using others ideas and credit them for their ideas. 6. Never put people down, disparage them, call them names or insult them. 7. Do not belittle, criticize little things, demean or patronize others. Who Were! A series of small comments over time can amount to bullying. 8. If you would prefer not to do a task, chances are neither would your co-worker. Share the load. 9. Regardless of race, religion, gender, age or other orientation always treat people equally. 10. Ensure that your workplace maintains an equal opportunity policy and that you are familiar with it.

11. Ensure that praise, recognition and appreciation is abundant in your workplace. This is so easy to understand because we are trying everyday day to manage our own emotions, which we do not realize the other person may be feeling or going through something. Anxiety! There are ten simple strategies help reduce negative emotions: ‘delay, expectation management, appreciation, then correction, same side, relief, leverage positions, acknowledgement, your responsibility in the problem, your responsibility in the solution and sincere apology.’ Each one of Who were did, these strategies must be met with sincerity or they will not work. (Polsky, 2011). ‘Don’t fear conflict; embrace it ‘ it’s your job’ (Myatt, 2012). What a concept. Online Dissertations! We all feel that conflict is the last thing that we would like to deal with.

We spend more time at work than we do at home with our families, so therefore we would like to be in the tudors did, a peaceful environment. It is so true that if the problem is not addressed it will not get resolved, it will only escalate. Mike Myatt (2012) stated in his article ‘leadership and with c homework, conflict go hand-in-hand.’ This is such a true statement, but no one wants to have to Who were deal with conflict. Writing Quotes! Leaders and managers must know how to handle conflict in Who were did, the workplace. This is often swept under the rug hoping that the problem will go away and it does not, things just get worse. Do not be afraid. It is the believed that the person causing the Paper, conflict is a trouble maker verses someone who is bringing something positive to the table. We all have various opinions and ideas, so therefore there will always be some sort of conflict which must be addresses. Some organizations will just move the individuals or as it is said the problem around to make things better. Communicate. What we all somehow fail to do effectively.

One example is the negative attitude which may happen over and over Who were the tudors did again and workers will eventually strike out at each other (Smith, n/d). When this happens the problem must be addressed and with geometry problems solutions, there will be times when the individual may be the cause of the did, problem, but do not jump to this particular conclusion prior to communicating effectively. Can be Positive. It is hard to imagine that such a behavior as conflict can be used as a positive. How can something that seems so dark be healthy and be used in such a positive way? Humans in assignment, and out of the work center will express themselves at Who were the tudors some point in time, and this is not something easily handled. Disorder! Some people would rather avoid the Who were, conflict than address it. Writing Quotes! Kevan Hall wrote an article in 2013 that contained four tips that can be used to turn conflicts into something positive. He stated ‘that ownership of the problem or paying the did, price are the choices that one has.’ The tips are as follows: ‘recognize and flag the recitation assignment, problem, remain emotionally neutral, create shared purpose, and learn from it’ (2013).

As long as we humans continue to exist, move, work and live among each other, conflict will be a part of this life. We have to learn to use the Who were did, resources available to Paper online quotes us to the best our being to try to resolve the the tudors, conflicts. There will be times when the outcome will not be what we want it to be or hope for, but we must press on and try to learn from those experiences to create an environment that will be free from with conflict. The strategic implications of organizational behavior for resolving workplace conflict would be to try to create an environment that would be free of conflict or when it occurs try to ensure that it will be resolved immediately. Training is needed so that individuals will be able to handle conflict as soon as it occurs.

The most valuable lesson that anyone will ever learn will be how to did communicate with each other. Learning how to handle personal situations and teaching on how to respect each other versus taking each other for who write papers for you granted will certainly go a long way. Who Were Did! The opportunities would be to have a great company and a team of workers that can get along with each other in Online and theses, a stress free environment. The challenges would be to actually get everyone to understand that they all have differences that can work as a positive but this does not always happen. Conflict. (n.d.). The Tudors! Retrieved from Crampton, D. (2011, September 15). A comprehensive article on what causes workplace. conflict. TIGERS Success Series.

Retrieved from Farrell, A. (2014, April 28). Workplace conflict resolution: Best tips to Paper overcome disputes. The Agile Zone. Retrieved from Hall, K. (2013, May 27). How you can turn workplace conflict into Who were the tudors meaningful progress. Help! Talent. Management. Retrieved from Hitt, M. A., Miller, C. C., Colella, A. (2011).

Conflict, negotiation, power, and the tudors did, politics. (3rd. ed.). Organizational behavior. (pp. 448-450). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Myatt, M. (2012, February 12).

5 keys of dealing with workplace conflict. Forbes Leadership. Retrieved from Polsky, L. (2011, June 14). 10 ways to manage emotions during conflict in the workplace. Talent Management. Retrieved from Smith, Gregory P. (n.d.).

Conflict resolution: 8 strategies to manage workplace conflict. Business Know- How. Retrieved from. The Resolution Centre. (2009). Respect in the workplace prevents conflict. Papers! Resolution Centre. Articles. Retrieved from Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom Business essay, dissertation or piece of Who were, coursework that answers your exact question?

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Essay UK, Essay: Workplace Conflict Resolution . Available from: [06-10-17]. If you are the original author of Who were did, this content and no longer wish to have it published on our website then please click on the link below to writing quotes request removal: 13-09-17 - Event organisation: Merchant City festival 22-08-17 - Understanding Your Startup’s Cash Flows - NGOs – Unicef - Revenue models - Working capital - Importance of customers in an unregulated market – Parcelforce 12-08-17 - Impacts of global capitalism and did, internationalisation of Anxiety disorder research, economic activity - Strategic marketing plan – Apple - Culture in organisations - Impact of Who were the tudors did, choice of country on dissertations and theses, starting a business. We offer professional custom essay writing, dissertation writing and Who were the tudors did, coursework writing service. Our work is high quality, plagiarism-free and delivered on time. Essay UK is a trading name of Student Academic Services Limited , a company registered in England and Wales under Company Number 08866484 .

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