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Geometry (9780133500417): Homework Help and Answers: Slader

Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) Additional insights into Answers to prentice gold, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are offered by Beyond Intractability project participants. Nongovernmental organizations, or NGOs, are generally accepted to be organizations which have not been established by governments or agreements among governments. According to Write report on road accident, Harold Jacobson, author of one of the established texts in international organization, NGOs, like intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), have regularly scheduled meetings of their members' representatives, specified decision-making procedures, and a permanent staff.[1] Their members are usually individuals and private associations, rather than states, and they may be formally established networks of Answers hall geometry other organizations. Report Writing. A wide variety of NGOs function in intractable conflicts. These include conflict resolution NGOs, as well as those in to prentice workbook, humanitarian assistance, development, human rights, peacebuilding, and other areas. While the term NGOs is sometimes used interchangeably with grassroots organizations, social movements, major groups, and civil society, NGOs are not the same as any of these. And Juliet Help Year 10. Grassroots organizations are generally locally organized groups of individuals which have spring up to empower their members and take action on particular issues of concern to them.

Some NGOs are grassroots organizations. But many are not. Social movements are broader and more diffuse than organizations; a social movement encompasses a broad segment of society which is interested in to prentice hall, fomenting or resisting social change in some particular issue--area, such as disarmament, environmental, civil rights, or women's movements.[2] A social movement may include NGOs and grassroots organizations. Major groups is a term coined at the time of the report writing on road accident United Nations 1992 Rio Earth Summit as a part of Agenda 21 to encompass the societal sectors which were expected to to prentice geometry, play roles, in addition to nation-states and problems computer games intergovernmental organizations, in environment and development. NGOs are identified as one of these sectors, but NGOs overlap with many of the to prentice hall gold other sectors; there are women's NGOs, farmers' NGOs, labor NGOs, and business NGOs, among others.[3] Finally civil society is a term that became popularized at the end of the Cold War to describe what appeared to have been missing in state-dominated societies, broad societal participation in and concern for governance, but not necessarily government. Civil society is thought to Help finish, be the necessary ingredient for democratic governance to arise. NGOs are one part of civil society.

While it is often argued that NGOs are the voice of the people, representing grassroots democracy, a counter argument is made that NGOs have tended to reinforce, rather than counter, existing power structures, having members and headquarters that are primarily in the rich northern countries.[4] Some also believe that NGO decision-making does not provide for responsible, democratic representation or accountability. NGOs themselves can be local, national, or international. Sometimes international NGOs are referred to as INGOs. Historically, most NGOs accredited to the UN Economic and Social Council have been international, but contrary to the popular wisdom, even the first group of NGOs accredited to Answers to prentice hall gold geometry workbook, ECOSOC in the 1940s included some national NGOs. Nongovernmental organizations are not a homogenous group.

The long list of acronyms that has accumulated around NGOs can be used to illustrate this. People speak of report on road NGOs, INGOs (international NGOs), BINGOs (business international NGOs), RINGOs (religious international NGOs), ENGOs (environmental NGOs), GONGOs (government-operated NGOs -- which may have been set up by governments to look like NGOs in Answers hall gold workbook, order to qualify for outside aid), QUANGOs (quasi-nongovernmental organizations -- i.e. those that are at least partially created or supported by states), and many others. While some other groups are nongovernmental, they are not usually included under the report accident term NGO. The term usually explicitly excludes for-profit corporations, and private contractors, and multinational corporations (MNCs), although associations formed by MNCs, such as the International Chamber of Commerce, are considered NGOs. Similarly, political parties, liberation movements, and terrorist organizations are not usually considered NGOs. Recently, however, some from outside the field of international organization, especially military writers, have begun to refer to terrorist movements as NGOs, some would say in order to discredit NGOs. Peter Willetts, an authority on NGOs, argues in defining NGOs that a commitment to non-violence is the best respected of the Answers hall principles defining an NGO.[5] Why do Non-Governmental Organizations Matter? In the early 1990s there began to be a recognition of the importance of NGOs. NGOs were found to have closer ties to essay xbox 360 and, on-the-ground realities in developing countries and, perhaps more important, to be able to deliver development aid considerably more cheaply than states or intergovernmental organizations.

As the UN Secretary-General's 1998 report stated, In terms of net transfers, non-governmental organizations collectively constitute the second largest source of development assistance.[6] An article in the New York Times just before the UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 cited development successes by NGOs such as the Trickle-Up Program, and stressed their low costs and high impact.[7] NGOs also began to play a role in humanitarian assistance in geometry workbook, conjunction with peacekeeping missions. They began to term paper for me, be referred to increasingly in UN resolutions, and some even began to to prentice gold workbook, meet informally with members of the UN Security Council to coordinate actions in emergency situations. Both the number of nongovernmental organizations and their involvement in report writing on road, national and international policy-making have increased tremendously over the last half century and to prentice hall geometry especially the last several decades. Write For Me Reviews. At the time of the Answers to prentice foundation of the United Nations in 1945 there were 2865 international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs); by 1990 that number had increased to 13,591.[8] This compared to 3443 international intergovernmental organizations and roughly 200 nation-states. But, more important, in the 1990s there began to be a recognition of the import of the NGO role. Essay 10. In human rights, development, environment, and even disarmament, NGOs had begun to Answers to prentice geometry, be recognized for their role in influencing public policy at the UN and on-the-ground in nation-states.[9] NGOs also matter in intractable conflicts. NGOs play a variety of both positive and negative roles, from conflict resolvers doing Track II diplomacy, to report, development aid and to prentice hall humanitarian assistance, which can exacerbate or reduce conflict, to human rights advocacy, to election monitoring, to disarmament and environment work. Mary Anderson has stressed the importance of both development aid and conflict resolution organizations being sure, first of all, to do no harm.[10] NGOs have come to have an important role in the United Nations system.

Neither the original July 18, 1944 US Tentative Proposals for a General International Organization, nor the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals put forth by the four major powers (the US, UK, Soviet Union, and China) October 7, 1944, contained any reference to the role of non-governmental organizations, but only to what would become the specialized agencies of the UN system.[11] However, the US Delegation to the San Francisco Conference included representatives of 42 national organizations as Consultants. These included organizations in the fields of labor, law, agriculture, business, and education, plus women's, church, veterans', and civic organizations. A recommendation by these consultants for a paragraph providing for consultation between NGOs and ECOSOC played into the international dynamics over the representation of international labor unions, and led to the inclusion of Article 71 of the Charter, which allowed for NGOs which said:[12] The Economic and Social Council may make suitable arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations which are concerned with matters within its competence. Such arrangements may be made with international organizations and, where appropriate, with national organizations after consultation with the Member of the United Nations concerned. By the Logic problems computer games time of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, the Earth Summit in 1992, some 1420 NGOs were accredited to attend the Rio conference itself, while perhaps 25,000 NGO participants from 9,000 NGOs attended the parallel NGO Global Forum (set up for those NGOs that were interested in, but not accredited to attend the UN Summit itself). Number of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council.

With this increase in interest in Answers hall gold workbook, consultative status, in term, 1993 ECOSOC requested a general review of NGO consultative arrangements in order to hall workbook, improve the coherency of rules for Write term for me reviews, NGO participation in UN conferences, as well as the practical arrangements of both the Committee on Answers gold geometry workbook, NGOs and Logic problems computer games the NGO Section of the Secretariat.[13] On July 25, 1996 the 49th plenary meeting of ECOSOC approved a Resolution 1996/31, updating the arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations. Similar to Answers to prentice geometry workbook, the two previous resolutions, it provided for general consultative status (organizations concerned with most of the activities of the Council and broadly representative of populations in a large number of Writing study countries), special consultative status (internationally known organizations with special competence in a few of the fields of activity of the Council), and roster status (other useful organizations), and allocated different rights to them in attending meetings, speaking, and receiving documents, among others.[14] ECOSOC, along with the General Assembly and the Secretary-General wrestled with the question of NGO involvement in the UN system throughout the Answers hall gold geometry workbook 90s and early 2000s. Finally, in June 2004, the Secretary-General's Panel of Eminent Persons on Civil Society and Romeo essay UN Relationships issued its report, arguing that the UN should. invest more in partnerships, focus on the country level, deepen the NGO-Security Council dialogue, and engage more with elected representatives. It also suggested a single accreditation process under the to prentice geometry General Assembly and a new Under-Secretary-General in problems, charge of a new Office of Constituency Engagement and Answers to prentice hall Partnerships. This office would include not only NGOs and civil society, but elected representatives, business, and the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.[15] NGO reactions to problems computer, these proposals varied greatly, from to prentice geometry workbook, interest in background, the possibility of more General Assembly access, to fear that this was simply a move to increase the role of business in the UN system.

NGO Action, in and Around the UN, and in the Field. Answers To Prentice Workbook. Nongovernmental organizations have used their consultative status at the UN to affect intractable conflict in many ways. They have organized to get the General Assembly and other UN organs to pass resolutions on disarmament, on on road, development, on human rights, and on other subjects related to the underlying sources of conflicts. They have helped to develop new UN institutions and Answers to prentice geometry workbook treaties. They have been the and contrast xbox instigators of putting new issues on the UN agenda, issues like environment, women's rights, and child soldiers. They have gotten UN bodies to put questions of armament and disarmament before the World Court, and have been important in the development of the International Criminal Court. They have delivered humanitarian assistance and aided refugees, and Answers hall have worked on development in societies that have recently experienced violent conflict. For example, The World Court Project, begun in New Zealand in 1986, was largely responsible for and juliet essay 10, getting the Answers hall geometry World Health Organization and the General Assembly to ask the advisory opinion of the World Court on the legality of nuclear weapons. The International Physicians for Help me on please, the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), which had received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1985 for its work on Answers gold, nuclear weapons, sponsored a resolution at its World Congress in 1988.

The project spread to the World Congress of the problems International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), and to Answers to prentice gold workbook, other states, with the aid of newsletter coverage by the Parliamentarians for paper reviews, Global Action. Using Article 66 of the Charter, which allows other organs, in hall gold workbook, addition to the UN General Assembly, to request World Court advisory opinions, the term paper IPPNW convinced the World Health Organization to adopt a resolution on hall gold workbook, the subject on May 14, 1993.[16] After the case went to the Court in September 1993, IALANA and IPPNW drafted model submissions, which were used by some states. The World Court Registrar received citizen delegations with documents and petitions in 1994 and 1995. Nuclear weapons states and others argued that, not WHO, but the UN General Assembly, was the correct venue for such a question. The Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, the US affiliate of IALANA, pushed for the adoption of a resolution by the UN General Assembly First Committee. Having achieved the support of the Non-Aligned Movement, the resolution was adopted 18 November 1994. In December 1994 the resolution was adopted by the General Assembly.

Within days the case arrived at the World Court, who decided to Write, consider the Answers to prentice hall gold workbook WHO and General Assembly questions separately but simultaneously. And Contrast 360 And Ps3. The World Court delivered its decision on Answers hall gold geometry workbook, July 8, 1996, finding threat or use of nuclear weapons contrary to of the, the law of to prentice gold geometry armed conflict, and in particular international humanitarian law, but not concluding in Help my homework finish, the case of self-defense. In this case NGOs used access through states and through consultative status with ECOSOC, coupled with legal expertise and social movement organizing, to to prentice, obtain a result from the International Court of Justice that powerful nuclear states had opposed. Essay Ps3. This pattern was echoed in several other cases outside the Answers to prentice realm of economic and social issues. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has repeatedly indicated how important the role of NGOs has been with respect to the development of the International Criminal Court and the 1997 land mines treaty. The International Campaign to Ban Landmines so successfully mobilized both states and other NGOs in its network that the Ottawa Convention was signed in December 1997 by a total of 122 governments. In September 1998, Burkina Faso became the Logic 40th country to ratify the Answers to prentice geometry Mine Ban Treaty, triggering its entry into force in March 1999, record time for an international treaty.

The Ottawa Process launched in October 1996 and concluding with the Convention's opening for signature, won Jody Williams and the ICBL the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. It was a unique cooperation between a core group of likeminded governments and the ICBL NGOs, developed in a series of meetings in Vienna, Bonn, Brussels and Oslo over the course of 1997, outside the UN system, and relying on voting, rather than consensus. The ICBL participated in discussions and negotiations inside, while outside it worked with the media, and raised public awareness, and networked with other NGOs to lobby governments. The treaty now has 143 states parties to the treaty, 9 additional signatories, and 42 non-state parties, as of Romeo and juliet 10 September 2004. NGOs continue to encourage signature and ratification of the treaty and Answers to prentice hall gold geometry monitor compliance.

Informal dialogues have also become an important mechanism linking NGOs with the UN. Beginning early in 1995 Jim Paul of the Global Policy Forum and others began to organize the NGO Working Group on the Security Council. This intensified as coordination of Write on road accident humanitarian aid and security questions in Answers to prentice hall geometry, complex emergencies led to discussion between Security Council members and certain humanitarian organizations, especially focusing on Africa in Write on road, 1997. Answers To Prentice Hall Geometry Workbook. The roughly 30 NGOs representatives form a closed group including six religious NGOs, six human rights NGOs, and a number of humanitarian assistance and development NGOs, as well as two women's groups and others such as a representative of the International Peace Academy, Lawyer's Committee for Nuclear Policy, the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, the UN Foundation, World Federalist Movement, and the Hague Appeal for Peace. They have met increasingly, privately and off-the-record, with members of the Security Council, providing field information to Writing thesis help background study, members of the Council from crisis areas, as well as providing a link to the public.[17] Until recently, the elected head of the group was the representative of the Quaker United Nations Office, a very small but effective NGO which facilitates delegates' work at the UN and often holds off-the-record dialogues of Answers geometry workbook its own on topics ranging from environmental negotiations to conflicts between divided states. Quakers and Mennonites, both members of the NGO working group, have also done mediation work for a very long time in intractable conflict areas around the world. Many other NGOs have also worked directly in conflict resolution efforts in the field. Term. The Pugwash and Dartmouth Conferences have been active over many decades, especially on arms control issues and across Cold War boundaries. The Community of Sant'Egidio was important in Answers geometry workbook, working in Romeo and juliet essay help year, complementary fashion with governments negotiating peace in hall gold, Mozambique.

The International Crisis Group has monitored for signs of genocide, among its other activities. Search for Common Ground has run dialogues, supported women's peace groups in Burundi, funded radio stations to provide a peace voice.[18] International Alert and the Forum on Early Warning and me on finish Early Response (FEWER) and to prentice workbook many other NGOs worked to develop early warning of conflicts turning violent. Women's groups have also been significant, with the Women's International League for games, Peace and Freedom working on disarmament issues at the UN in Geneva for decades, and in New York being one of the primary groups to hall gold geometry workbook, work with the Security Council on the development of Resolution 1325 in 2000, on Write report writing accident, the involvement of hall gold geometry workbook women in armed conflict and in peace negotiations. The roles of NGOs in intractable conflict are multiple, from direct conflict resolution, Track Two diplomacy, and mediation in crisis and long-term conflict areas, to assistance in monitoring elections, to delivery of humanitarian assistance and Help me on my homework please development aid, to to prentice gold geometry, advocacy of human rights and justice, to lobbying governments to please finish, develop the long-term conditions which promote international peace and security. Their roles are often, but not always, positive, but they are not usually the primary players in geometry, any of these arenas. But without these NGOs, many of the accomplishments of states and international organizations would not have been possible. [1]Harold K. Jacobson. 1984. Networks of Interdependence: International Organizations and the Global Political System.

Second edition. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984), 4-10. [2] For definition and discussion of and contrast 360 and ps3 these and other social movements see Roger S. Powers and William B. Vogele (eds.), 1997, Protest, Power, and Change: An Encyclopedia of Nonviolent Action from ACT-UP to Women's Suffrage. New York: Garland Publishing Inc. [3] Section 3, Chapters 23-32, Strengthening the Role of to prentice hall gold Major Groups, includes women, children and youth, indigenous people, NGOs, local authorities, workers and trade unions, business and industry, the scientific and technological community, and farmers. See United Nations Department of Public Information, Earth Summit Agenda 21: the United Nations Programme of Action from Rio . New York: UN DPI/1344, April 1993, pp. 219-245. [4] See for example Elise Boulding, 1977, Women in the Twentieth Century World . Logic Games. New York: John Wiley, pp. 165-218, for hall geometry workbook, the argument that NGOs represent the voice of the people in a landscape of money and power. [5] Peter Willetts. Non-Governmental Organizations, Article in UNESCO Encyclopedia of essay help year 10 Life Sciences. Gold. [6] Report of the and contrast 360 and ps3 Secretary-General: Arrangements and practices for the interaction of non-governmental organizations in all activities of the United Nations system. A/53/170 (10 July 1998) [7] Paul Lewis, Fixing World Crises Isn't Just a Job for Diplomats, New York Times , April 5, 1992, section 4, p 4. [8] Compiled by author from Yearbook of Answers gold International Organizations, 1990-91 . Table 4, pp.

1665-68. [9] One of the first major news articles on NGOs at the UN was Paul Lewis, Fixing World Crises Isn't Just a Job for Diplomats, New York Times , April 5, 1992, section 4, p. 4, which looked at NGOs in Compare xbox, the context of the UNCED PrepCom. [10] Mary Anderson. To Prentice Hall Geometry. Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace - or War. Writing Help Background. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1999. [11] See first text in U.S. Department of State, Postwar Foreign Policy Preparation, 1939-1945, Publication 3580 (February 1950) Appendix 38, pp. 595-606.

See second text in Dumbarton Oaks Proposals for to prentice hall geometry, the Establishment of a General International Organization, in U.S. Department of State, Dumbarton Oaks Documents on International Organization, Publication 2257 (1945), pp 5-16. [12]For more detailed discussion of the early stages of background NGO consultative status in hall geometry workbook, the UN, see Carolyn M. Stephenson, NGOs and the Principal Organs of the United Nations, in Paul Taylor and problems A.J.R. Groom (eds.), The United Nations at the Millennium: The Principal Organs. To Prentice Hall Geometry. (London: Continuum, 2000), 273-276. [13] ECOSOC Resolution 1993/80, 30 July 1993. Logic Computer. [14] For more detail on the further development of UN-NGO relations, see Stephenson, 276-294. [15] Report of the Secretary-General's Panel of Eminent Persons on Civil Society and UN Relationships, June 21, 2004. [17] Global Policy Forum, NGO Working Group on the Security Council Information Statement July 2003. Answers Hall Gold Workbook. [18] Herding Cats. Use the following to Writing thesis help background of the, cite this article: Stephenson, Carolyn . Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs). Beyond Intractability . Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: January 2005 Please contact us if you encounter problems using the new site.

You can also still use the old homepage.if you prefer. The Intractable Conflict Challenge. Answers Gold. Our inability to constructively handle intractable conflict is making social problem solving impossible. Find out about the problem and Write report writing accident how Beyond Intractability can help you help address it. Concrete and realistic steps we LL can take to to prentice hall gold geometry, promote more constructive conflict processes and outcomes. This seminar takes a complexity-oriented approach to examining frontier-of-the-field issues related to difficult and intractable conflicts Visit, follow, or join the Compare 360 and ps3 Conflict Frontiers Seminar (MOOS) to explore and discuss strategies for more constructively addressing these conflicts. Conflict Fundamentals Seminar/Blog. Brief readings and videos which highlight the conflict and peacebuilding field's fundamental building blocks – ideas which help people address both tractable and geometry workbook intractable conflicts more effectively. And Juliet Essay Help Year 10. Beyond Intractability in Context Blog. Placing conflict and Answers to prentice hall gold workbook peacebuilding in the larger context of term for me reviews wise and equitable social problem-solving, this blog reports on news, opinion pieces, and reports that illustrate the challenges and successful responses to complex, intractable conflicts.

Opportunities for becoming involved in a large-scale learning community working to promote more constructive approaches to conflict. Tell us what YOU are doing that relates to Answers to prentice gold geometry, these efforts! Disclaimer: All opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Beyond Intractability, the Conflict Information Consortium, or the University of Colorado. Copyright © 2003-2017 The Beyond Intractability Project, The Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado; All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced without prior written permission. Citing Beyond Intractability resources. The Beyond Intractability Knowledge Base Project.

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resume yacht captain Flag on hall workbook, the play: As you all know, the NTSB recently released its report on term paper for me reviews, the disaster/accident that was the catastrophic launch of Motor yacht Baaden (Blood Baron). This report beyond any reasonable doubt, interpretation or measure completely supports my previous statement and Answers to prentice gold, position as well as exonerates me completely from any involvement of this senseless accident. Moreover, the report on the matter directly echoes and corroborates my previous statement and comments regarding the cause of the avoidable capsize of this once fine expedition yacht. Just a brief recap for Writing thesis background of the study, all those late to the party: “I can say without ego or hubris that I feel if I had been still involved with this project in a leadership capacity, this launch accident would never have happened.”-Captain Aaron Pufal. In the final chapter of project Blood Baron AKA the Northern Marine Yacht Baaden, my vindication regarding the launch capsize comes without fanfare. The facts set out in this official document are absolutely clear. Firstly, as I stated the day of the hall gold incident, the cause of the capsize was due to lack of required ballast specified by the naval architect. Secondly, and perhaps most egregious is the completely negligent lack of oversight and involvement of the sales brokerage and owners representative from Fraser Yachts Yachts; namely Josh Gulbranson and Clive McCartney.

What a comedy of fools and errors. Thesis Study. No wonder my tone is so vitriolic. It is an inordinately simple task to audit the gold geometry amount of ballast bought and installed per the stability reports I had ordered long before projected vessel launch (see below documents) from the naval architect. And it is a even more elementary task to check and recheck the Write scales (load cells) readout vs what is recorded and submitted for analysis. This is a significant part of the job of the build captain and or owners representative, check everything, twice. Answers Hall Geometry Workbook. In this role it is absolutely necessary to attend the Logic computer ship yard several times a shift, sign off on every part ordered, commission studies, surround yourself with qualified people and simply be the guy who is hall workbook ultimately responsible for the owners interests and Help me on please, the project as a whole. According directly to Answers gold geometry workbook the fine folks at NTSB: “The buyer’s onsite “build captain” participated actively in styling and Logic problems games, interior layouts of the Baaden design and requested the first weight estimate of the vessel during construction. In late 2013, the Answers to prentice hall gold build captain’s position was terminated, and and contrast essay xbox ps3, his role was performed by a less active yacht management group.” The “less active management group” was Fraser Yachts Yachts, Josh Gulbranson and Answers to prentice hall geometry, Clive McCartney. Do you see where this is going? Not a very good job of protecting the Write paper reviews owner’s interests is it?

And guess what. They still got paid and very handsomely at that. It seems I also need to address the geometry workbook official published comments of Wes Fridell, the Compare and contrast xbox former media representative of Northern Marine (I say former because Northern Marine has ceased to exist). Not only did he incorrectly and to prentice hall geometry workbook, erroneously state the cause of the capsize contrary to as determined in the NTSB report, he slandered/libelled my previous statements and professionalism in the same breath. Now that the NTSB has confirmed my position and statements, I’m sure all the publicized slander and libel issued by Mr. Friedell will not be retracted or deleted from the Write report on road permanent record of the internet, this has caused me real damage.

Keyboard warriors also cause a permanent record of unqualified harm, to be clear, the report does not cite the design of the vessel to to prentice hall workbook be at fault in any way whatsoever. The NTSB findings are: “The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of the capsizing of the yacht Baaden during its initial launch was the vessel’s low margin of stability due to the combined effects of a recording error during the final vessel weigh, which resulted in an incorrect assessment of the vessel’s center of gravity, and an overestimation of the weight of installed ballast.” If you have not taken a single basic class on the topic of ps3 stability, please, take a look at a photo of other vessels out of the water such as an Answers hall gold geometry workbook, aircraft carrier, cruise ship or car carrier before banging out harmful redirect from your basement. What are the tangible effects of this avoidable disaster? Who will it really effect in the long run, the owner of the project? Will any party involved in and juliet essay, this senseless and highly avoidable and ridiculous accident face punishment of hall geometry workbook recourse? Not bloody likely.

I’m told the insurance I initiated and paid each month was still in place and seeing as the owner wished to “get out of boating” and writing on road accident, sell the geometry boat, as his life had changed direction, I can only speculate that he is at Logic problems a zero net loss or better. As for the (Mis) Management group and brokers, well, Fraser Yachts is unaffected by this mess from what I can see. To Prentice Hall Geometry Workbook. Josh and computer, Clive still have their jobs at the firm according the brokers website at the time of Answers to prentice hall gold this posting. On the other hand, even though this government report fully removes any and all blame from me, any google search brings up damaging and unqualified libel/slander effectively setting my career back ten years. The irony that the one person who could have ensured the games safe and geometry, successful completion and Romeo essay year 10, launch of this vessel is the one who was damaged the most is not lost on me. All the people responsible for this accident had to do was properly install the required ballast the report said needed to be added, how hard was that? Captain Aaron David Pufal. New River, Fort Lauderdale Outbound to the ICW Time Lapse. Transiting the New River in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is often the Answers to prentice hall geometry workbook subject of many passionate conversations at Logic computer the yacht club bar. Fact is, local knowledge is truly is key to a stress free passage, recently, someone has placed a sign at the start of the Answers to prentice gold geometry river “CH 9 for new river traffic”, this has saved many a visitor from suffering the yells of a local boater “turn on your radio to Writing of the CH 9”! At the start of the New River, where it meats the ICW, there is an area locally called “the cross roads”, there is a shoal in the center, refer to your charts as the day markers can be confusing and hall gold geometry, change often between the different waterways in the area.

In fact, and the end of the video, you can see a owner operator just run aground and start to Help back off the to prentice gold geometry submerged island that drys at MMLW. This video starts up river at Marina Bay and ends at the ICW/New River Crossroads in Fort Lauderdale FL USA. Here are some tips from my limited New River experiences. Monitor VHF CH 9. Announce security calls on VHF CH 9 at the start of your run and throughout depending on thesis help background of the study, your size, location, current, towing, etc. Traffic is hall geometry workbook “inbound” or “outbound” not “northbound”, “down stream”, “up river” and accident, so on. Down current has the right of way! And offer some curtesy to the owner operator running down street with the single screw sailboat or similar, these kinds of boats can’t just stop with the current on their stern. The current changes direction with the tide.

Andrew Avenue is a good published tide and current station. Communicate on hall gold workbook, CH 9 and make passing arrangements before you meet at a bad spot on the river, you can see examples of this in my little video. Note that I had the current on help 10, my bow, so I was the giveaway vessel. Learn the landmarks before you set sail: Markers 1 2 Tarpon Bend The Girls School The Tunnel 3rd Ave Bridge Andrews Ave Bridge Performing arts center 7th Ave bridge The fork Little Florida Davie Blvd Bridge The wiggles LMC 95 and the CSX Railroad bridge Marina Bay Secret Woods Park Pipe Welders Broward Marine Rolly Marine. 8) Note the “rush hour” closure times for Answers gold, the bridges on the river. Bridges are closed to pleasure traffic: 7:30AM – 9:00AM and 4:30PM – 6:00PM Monday to Friday. 9) Bridges are on demand via VHF CH 9, but will have to clear foot and auto traffic first. Essay. Call when the bridge is Answers to prentice gold geometry insight.

10) If a bridge just opened and Compare ps3, you missed it, the bridge operator will clear some traffic then open for boat traffic when able. 11) The “Jungle Queen” or “JQ” is a big tour boat that runs the entire river and tends to slide around, you will here this boat on Answers to prentice hall workbook, the VHF CH 9, make a passing arrangement is and contrast xbox a safe area. 12) If you here a security call from Answers hall geometry a towing company like “Steel Towing”, they are likely towing a large vessel, also make passing arrangements in this case. 13) Learn the Romeo and juliet essay help year 10 sound signal rules for passing and for blind corners for US inland waterways. 14) Long blast on blind corner…..

The rules are quite clear on the matter, however, almost no one on this waterway follows this rule. One could say the locals are just “too cool” for this and rely on the VHF or home owners get upset with all the noise. Whatever the case, I choose to Answers to prentice gold geometry workbook follow the Logic games law and I suggest you do also. You never know, a Captain may have just picked up a 120’ boat at Answers gold the end of the computer river for the first time and has no idea river traffic is monitoring VHF CH 9…. 15) No wake, my advice is, go as slow as you can to Answers to prentice hall geometry workbook keep proper steerage, this can be pretty quick with a 4-5 knot current pushing you along. For the geeks: Video shot with GoPro 4 Black at 720p, external power supply, iMovie to crop and speed up. A very one of a kind and unique Electric Boat, Hull and Deck built from Glen-L drawings, this beautiful vessel is the Help finish twentieth boat I’ve built and by far the most elegant and innovative. Truly I cannot express how innovative this boat is, I am stopped all the time by people both on land (when launching) and while on the water amazed at not only the Answers to prentice construction and Logic computer games, function but the completely silent operation when cruising. To Prentice Hall Workbook. A true premium and bespoke, handmade creation, I spared no time or expense when crafting this true work of art.

I used AAA Straight grain teak, 4 Mastervolt Marine Gel batteries in series to make 48 Volts (4000W output) for propulsion, Dual 12 V house batteries to run the 8 speaker premium audio system, lighting, VHF and so on, professionally paint sprayed in very eye catching base-coat/clear-coat Deep Red Dupont Marine, Pod mounted Torqueedo Cruise 4.0 R motor complete with GPS based flight computer and so very much more. I have no idea what the range is because I’ve never run the batteries to less than 50%, truthfully, we have never used the Compare xbox boat long enough. We use the boat about 4 hours at displacement speeds, this works out to about 5knots, a very silent 5 knots I may add. Avoiding the sometimes confusing diatribe about the metrics and intricacies of an electric boat it probably is best to to prentice hall gold call me with any seriously deep questions (954.655.4625); however I will try a written walkthrough for those not inclined to telephone or feel free to ask a question through Ebay: I plug the boat in Help finish, and the onboard smart chargers handle the charging and maintenance float charge of all total six marine MasterVolt Gell batteries, most often, I just plug it in the night before of the same day I want to go for a cruise but the smart chargers can just be left plugged in and they will maintain the Answers to prentice geometry workbook system indefinitely. Currently I’ve got the chargers set for a 4 hour charge cycle, this will keep the Compare and contrast ps3 batteries healthy for 5 years+ but you can change this setting to 2 hours if you want. Just pop the boat into the water, flip on your music and cruise without vibration, exhaust smoke, fuel fumes, noise and without ever facing any “start-up” issues or any other problem you have with fuel powered boats.

How long will the batteries last? I actually don’t know the answer to this as all my 4-hour cruises leave me with plenty of remaining power and after 3-4 hours of Answers to prentice gold workbook boating I’m typically finished for the day. If I had to report guess, at displacement speeds, you can get a full day of boating without issue. As mentioned already, I have used the Answers geometry Cruise 4.0R and yes, this is way too big for the boat, but remember, electric motors only use the energy you ask it to, so the and juliet essay year power is Answers gold geometry there if you want it or need to Write report on road tow a friends boat with motor trouble. I typically use 600watts to to prentice hall workbook make 5 knots. There are 4000 watts of power available, so the motor is help year 10 very happy to run forever.

AAA grade solid teak for the deck Lloyds of London approved plywood for Answers to prentice hall gold, the hull shape West System epoxy and fiberglass cloth for the hull Epoxy fairing compound Dupont marine paint (Base coat and Clearcoat) professional and games, properly sprayed in a booth! (DEEP RED COLOR) MasterVolt Gell Battries for Answers to prentice, main propulsion and same for Write, house batteries On-Board and wired into gold geometry workbook shore power 48V Gell smart charger 12V 2ch smart Gell charger USCG and CCG Approved Navigation nights (LED) LED deck lights LED work lights fore and aft Teak Flag pole Hidden mooring cleats Marine grade stereo system with Sat, USB, FM, iPhone, AUX etc. Marine grade 4 CH Amp 6 Marine Speakers Raymarine Depth sounder (in-hull mounted) hidden Shore power inlet Shore power cord 2 Electronic smart bilge pumps (no float switches needed with auto and manual) 3 Marine – Battery disconnects – Main propulsion, House, bilge pumps House and Bilge pumps have auto resetting circuit breakers Every electrical connection uses marine grade Anchor head shrink crimp connectors Stick Steering Port and term for me, Starboard “pop-up” electric actuated and hall, hidden switch panel and and juliet essay help year, electronics panels USCG safety equipment included Canada VHF and HF international radio station license Northstar 25Watt VHF marine radio Glove box Trailer registered in to prentice geometry workbook, FL The boat is in storage in essay help year 10, the Fort Lauderdale, FL area 33325. Currently licensed in Answers hall gold workbook, Canada but can be licensed or registered in any state or country . Boat (ON, Canada) and trailer (Florida) with clear title(s). We recently transited the Great Dismal Swamp Canal and Locks and I’ve always wanted to experience this waterway of American history. However, boats over Help my homework please finish 50? are not recommended to use the waterway, combined with a changing controlled depth and submerged logs are always a concern, in fact, we chopped up over to prentice gold workbook five what I assume are branches or small logs resulting in Writing thesis background study, no damage. Arts from the swamp : In 1842 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the poem “The Slave In Dismal Swamp”. The poem uses six quintain stanzas to tell about the “hunted Negro”, mentioning the use of hall bloodhounds and describing the conditions as being “where hardly a human foot could pass, or a human heart would dare”. Me On My Homework Please. The poem may have inspired artist David Edward Cronin, who served as a Union officer in Virginia and witnessed the hall workbook effect of slavery, to paint Fugitive Slaves in the Dismal Swamp, Virginia in 1888.

In 1856, Harriett Beecher Stowe, the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin , published her second anti-slavery novel, Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp . The title character is a maroon of the Compare essay xbox Great Dismal Swamp who preaches against Answers hall geometry slavery and incites slaves to escape. Situated on the N.C. and Virginia line was the computer 1830’s hotel known as the Halfway House. Answers Gold Geometry Workbook. “A quality place for sleeping, matrimonial celebrations, and of course, duelistical engagements for the settling of disagreements”. Situated evenly on the North Carolina and Virginia state line, it is the one place where the long arm of the background of the law came up short as an outlaw simply hopped across the line to avoid arrest. Answers To Prentice Hall. It’s the place where a newlyweds could hold hands from different states and occasionally meet in the middle for a kiss on the lips. Between Gunfights, Marriages and occasional Lawlessness, it is also rumored that Edgar Allen Poe wrote “The Raven” while staying at the Halfway House. Some history : Scientists believe the Writing thesis background Great Dismal Swamp was created upon the last major shift of the continental shelf. The origin of to prentice hall geometry Lake Drummond, one of only two natural lakes in Virginia, is not entirely clear; Native American legends tell of a giant firebird that made a nest of fire in the swamp that later filled with rain.

Archaeological evidence suggests people have inhabited the problems games swamp for Answers, 13,000 years. In 1650, Native Americans lived in the swamp; in 1665, William Drummond, the first governor of North Carolina, discovered the swamp’s lake, which was subsequently named for him. In 1728, William Byrd II, while leading a land survey to establish a boundary between the Virginia and Help me on my homework please, North Carolina colonies, made many observations of the swamp, none of to prentice hall geometry them favorable; he is credited with naming it the Dismal Swamp. In 1763, George Washington visited the area, and he and others founded the Dismal Swamp Company in a venture to drain the swamp and clear it for settlement, with the company later turning to the more profitable goal of timber harvesting. Several African American maroon societies lived in the Great Dismal Swamp during early American history. These maroons consisted of black runaway slaves seeking safety and year, liberty. The swamp’s role in the history of slavery in the United States is reflected in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s second novel, Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp . The Underground Railroad Education Pavilion, an exhibit set up to Answers geometry educate visitors about the fugitive slaves who lived in paper, the swamp, was opened February 24, 2012. The Dismal Swamp Canal was authorized by Virginia in 1787 and by North Carolina in Answers gold geometry workbook, 1790, with construction beginning in 1793 and completing in 1805. The canal, as well as a railroad constructed through part of the swamp in Help finish, 1830, enabled the harvest of timber. The canal deteriorated after the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal was completed in 1858; however, in 1929, the gold geometry workbook U. S. Government bought the Write writing accident Dismal Swamp Canal and began to improve it.

The canal is hall gold now the Logic computer oldest operating artificial waterway in the country. Like the Albemarle and to prentice geometry, Chesapeake Canals, it is reviews part of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. Yacht “Baden” (Blood Baron) Northern Marine Launch. It is with great sadness and heartbreak that I write today about the tragedy that occurred in Anacortes, Washington while launching project Blood Baron (Motor Yacht Baden). My best wishes and thoughts go out to all those involved and injured in this accident. It was to my utmost dismay that on Dec 15th 2013 when I was removed from Answers control of this project. I was asked by the owner to accident step aside and allow Josh Gulbranson and Answers hall geometry workbook, Clive McCartney to finish the project as it was going to be listed for sale with Fraser Yachts. I can say without ego or hubris that I feel if I had been still involved with this project in a leadership capacity, this launch accident would never have happened. I hope everything works out for all parties involved and that the injured have a speedy recovery, may the US Coast Guard investigation provide some answers and closure for everyone affected by yesterday’s events.

The Blood Baron (Baden) moves to the finish bay. Just finished building the Glen-L Designed rowboat “Fife” of and juliet essay help 10 stitch and glue construction. Here are some photos and video. Project Blood Baron (Baden), Fly Bridge stacking day. Another video of Northern Marine yacht builder stacking our Fly Bridge atop Project Blood Baron.

To design, negotiate and build your vessel with project management by. Captain Aaron D. Pufal, please send an email to: A quick time lapse video by YachtVid of our fly bridge being stacked atop Motor Yacht Blood Baron, a 85? tri-deck expedition vessel built with Northern Marine. To design, negotiate and build your vessel with project management by. Captain Aaron D. Pufal, please send an gold workbook, email to: Available in HD. It’s was a quite the milestone today having the bridge deck stacked and I am especially pleased that the paper reviews complex shape of the hull extension was a perfect fit. Answers To Prentice Hall Gold. Special credit is due to Ben Eddy, Northern Marine’s CAD departments lead, and everyone involved with its construction and flying. Having this deck in place, allows us to better visualize and layout the Saloon, Dining, Galley and Master Cabin spaces.

As in every custom build, “as drawn” and year 10, “as built” are two very different things no matter how many 3D renderings you have made. To design, negotiate and build your vessel with project management by to prentice gold geometry workbook, Captain Aaron D. Pufal, please send an email to: Take a moment to watch this great video by Jason at YachtVid of our 61? Marlow (M/Y Immunolin) that we have listied for sale. You can contact me directly or the listing broker for more information. Aaron Pufal:

Jason at YachtVid is computer games available to produce your own Yacht Video. Located in gold, the Abaco chain of Write paper reviews islands in Answers hall geometry workbook, the Bahamas, Hope Town is my favorite settlement in Write report accident, these cruising grounds. High tide is a must for boats that draw around 6 feet, but once your in the protected harbor, there is plenty of water. Mooring balls are available, reservations are impossible and unorganized, just tie up to any ball that is not marked private or with a boat’s name, the owner of the mooring will visit you in Answers to prentice hall geometry, the morning to collect the fee of xbox ps3 around $10-$20. Marina’s are on the leeward side of the bay along with the lighthouse and to prentice hall gold workbook, currently under expansion (2012). “Hope Town was settled by British Loyalists who were seeking safe refuge after the American Revolution.

Many of the Write settlers came from the Answers hall gold geometry Carolinas, by way of problems East Florida, after that area was turned over to Spain in the Peace of to prentice geometry workbook Paris (1783). The same treaty called for the evacuation of New York by the loyalists. Many people moved back to Write report writing accident England, Canada, or south to the British Caribbean. The initial settlements were at Carleton (near the current Treasure Cay) and Marsh Harbour. By 1785, there were over 1,000 refugees in Abaco who were distributed in five or six settlements. The settlement at Hope Town was founded in 1785, in part, by a widow from South Carolina named Wyannie Malone. Hall Gold Workbook. Wyannie, along with her children, started a dynasty in xbox 360 and, Hope Town that spread the Malone name throughout the Bahamas, over to Florida, and outwards from there.”

Motor Yacht Final Act burns and sinks. Just off the coast of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, we noticed a little grey smoke coming from a vessel close to us, within 90 seconds it was fully ablaze. in the 2-3 minutes it took us to get to “Final Act” all the decks were engulfed with flames and the owner of the boat was on the fly bridge saving his dog, they both were in the water as the flames took the tender. Gold Workbook. I towed the life raft about 100 feet away from the fire and Write report writing, got everyone onboard. Only the captain suffered minor burns and smoke inhalation, besides the expected shock and exposure to all 5 people and the 2 dogs, shortly after we dropped them off at Skull Creek marina. I never would have thought a fire could have taken the ship so vary fast, just goes to show how little time you have to get off the boat when there is a fire. Also a great example of how proper engine room fire systems could either save the ship or at minimum, slow the Answers to prentice hall gold geometry workbook fire down.

Proper video surveillance, shutting down the ventilation, closing passive air vents, shutting off fuel and engines in addition to standard fire suppression systems would have made a difference in this shipboard emergency. Also, there was no viewing port in the engine room door, the captain noted this as he opened the Writing help door to Answers to prentice gold see the scope of the fire, often these windows are not installed because of noise and cost concerns. Positioned between Nassau and Fort Lauderdale, Chub Cay Marina is situated perfectly for a stop along the way. Additionally, there is a landing strip with Bahamas customs on the island if you need to fly home for a break or fly in Romeo and juliet year 10, guests. Airport buss $5 pp. Landing Fee $20 (single) In this fun little video I get dropped by my flight instructor to complete my voyage back to FL.

Available in HD. Here are my photos of my recent build from Answers to prentice geometry your Lo-Voltage plans. I am happy to say the build went well and I had to make only a few changes for my build and use. I used 40 solid ?” X 16? teak strips for and juliet essay help, the cap rail and rub rails as it was so much easier to Answers to prentice hall gold geometry workbook laminate and worked well with the teak and rubber decks that are finished only and contrast xbox 360 and, with teak oil. Updating the to prentice hall gold workbook propulsion I am using a Torqeedo Cruise 4.0 R with 4 gell battries that I well mounted and added my own electric tilt for beaching. I would recommend the Torqeedo Cruise 2.0 R as I never use more then 1800 watts to achieve maximum hull speed with a run time of over 10 hours! There are 2 onboard gell battery chargers for the 48V and 12V house system with a shore power cable outlet for easy changing.

Separate 12v gell batteries run the Writing help background study marine stereo, marine amp, Raymarine depth sounder, Northstar VHF radio, LED deck lights, LED retro fitted nav lights, work lights under for Answers workbook, and aft deck, linear actuators that pop up 2 electronics panels and motor tilt. I’ve used “ez-stick”steering, it works great and frees up the deck. I have discovered a new product that from term paper West System called “Six10” that makes stitch and glue quick, strong and less messy, however, only after I built the hull the old fashion way. As a note, the Torqeedo Cruise 4.0 R motor for to prentice gold workbook, some reason burned up the motor and control unit just after 3 uses, I’ve sent it to the warranty service center in the US and will update this posting with that experience and let you all know how the motor performs over time. This is paper for me a time laps film shows how sometimes the most narrow fairways can sometimes be very easy to navigate. Answers Hall Gold Geometry. We have all done it, we have looked at a chart or cruising guide sketch and and juliet help year, immediately written off an anchorage or an entire area because of Answers workbook how intimidating it looks sitting at your desk. Compounding this issue are the Help my homework old sailors at the yacht club bar droning on to prentice gold geometry, about how hard it was to get in to that bay in 1976!

Well, in today’s world it’s the blog posting by writing accident, a bean counter pontificating for a paragraphs about strong currents and coral heads. Relax! I run this little 61 motor yacht alone and have a friend or guest help out when needed, like in hall gold geometry workbook, this video. Furthermore, on this day the winds were 20kts and a ebbing tide of about 3 knots, no problem. My point is, don’t pass up that anchorage just because it looks crazy on computer games, paper, sometime the more insane it looks on paper the easier it is to navigate, this is a good example of that. Devil’s Backbone transit on yacht (time laps) Almost every yacht that transits this inside reef channel to Harbour Island uses a Pilot, and for good reason. Many props and shafts have been lost in to prentice hall geometry workbook, this apply named channel spanning from Spanish Wells to Harbour Island.

This video is shot in time laps and shows some of the many corral heads and how close to Logic problems computer the beach you must sail to avoid running aground. Bimini Channel, Bahamas – G#038;G aground on the beach. In the short video below, GG Marine was pushed on to the Answers hall workbook beach at the new small ship channel entrance to Bimini in the Bahamas. I found it interesting that the captain was able to keep the power on and contrast ps3, in ahead gear until the tide was high and she made it out safe. As a note, 2 other yachts touched bottom on the way in Answers gold, just after us on our little 61? Morlow.

There are times the channel markers are not in the advertised position or not even there from my experience.

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Mad Men's Very Modern Sexism Problem. 'It Feels Like Someone Has Opened a Window Into Hell' For over four years, the AMC series Mad Men has been a ticket to a world of bygone pleasures. The show is so iconic, at this point, that hashing out its plot points—ad agency, early-60s setting, Don Draper's secret identity, blah blah blah—is pointless. It's famous for a look and a mood, not a story; the real draw of the gold geometry workbook, series is the way that its characters revel in things that we find unthinkable in 2010. They drink on the job; they smoke at restaurants; they eat various gourmet dishes comprised primarily of butter. And then, there's the Logic computer, sexism. Misogyny has been an integral part of Mad Men since its first episode.

We see sexist jokes, chronic philandering, and office parties in which executives tackle secretaries in order to see what color their panties are. Don Draper, the show's central character, kicks things off in the premiere by announcing to a dissatisfied female client that he won't let a woman talk to him this way, shortly before storming out of the room. To be fair, Mad Men doesn't hesitate to hall workbook show the ugly side of these attitudes; they're not glamorized in quite the same way as, say, drinking Scotch five times a day. But the show also affords viewers an illusion of moral superiority. We're encouraged to shake our heads at these men and report writing accident, their outdated attitudes, but by presenting discrimination as a shocking feature of a past era, Mad Men lets us imagine that it's just one more of those things that We Don't Do Any More. Consider Peggy Olson. In this week's episode, we learn that she's been delaying sex with her boyfriend and pretending to be a virgin, so that he'll take their relationship seriously.

Of course, it probably also has something to do with the fact that the first man she had sex with got her pregnant, in spite of the birth control she obtained from a gynecologist who threatened to withhold his services if she became a strumpet. She had to give up the baby for adoption in order to continue to work as Sterling Cooper's only female copywriter, a position which was not as glamorous as it sounded, by Answers workbook the way, because men always asked her to make the term, coffee, and the office manager stuck her next to the Xerox machine instead of giving her an office, and her bosses paid her less than the pompous stoner whose job she was perpetually saving, even after she brought up the hall workbook, fact that this was illegal, and, and, and. phew. The point is, Peggy has gone through a lot of torment in order to convince viewers that the 1960s were a bad time to be a lady. And she's the luckiest, most outwardly emancipated female character on the show. Of course the 1960s were sexist. But something about the show's Grand Guignol presentation of Romeo help year 10, discrimination and contempt for women makes it feel unfamiliar: Our own lives, after all, are nowhere near this dramatic. To Prentice Hall Geometry? And the fact that it's all being undergone by people in funny, old-fashioned outfits makes it feel comfortably distant. Help Please Finish? We root for Peggy, but it's hard to workbook imagine being Peggy.

Or maybe not. Computer? If we blame Peggy's distress entirely on her era, we risk missing the ways in which her situation is familiar. Girls may not have to withhold sex forever in order to Answers to prentice geometry get married, but dating guides still tell them not to give it up too early, lest their gentleman callers lose all respect for them. Term Paper? Fake virginity may be less common, but girls are still warned that participating in the hook-up culture will damage their prospects of finding love, and Answers gold workbook, virginity pledges and born-again virgins are not at all unheard of. Last season, Peggy complained that a diet product for writing women was being sold using a male sexual fantasy—specifically, the sexual fantasy of being semi-melodically hollered at by Ann-Margret—and was told that women want to be whatever men want. Answers Hall Workbook? We could tsk-tsk this old-fashioned attitude, or we could wonder how many female copywriters worked on computer this gem, if any, and to prentice gold, what they thought of their assignment: Audience reactions to the show often point out background, how little has changed.

In the show's third season, Joan Holloway was raped by her fiance—a crime that almost certainly wouldn't have been recognized as such in 1963. (It was legal for a man to rape his wife anywhere in America until 1975; marital rape wasn't a criminal offense in all fifty states until 1993.) What's astounding is when people say things like, 'Well, you know that episode where Joan sort of got raped?' Or they say rape and use quotation marks with their fingers, said Christina Hendricks, of fan reactions. Later in the season, Pete Campbell coerced an au pair into having sex with him, and several show recappers didn't know whether to call it rape—which, given that Campbell forced his way into Answers to prentice hall workbook, the girl's house, trapped her in her bedroom, and reduced her to hysterical tears, is disturbing. But our inability to identify misogyny, even on a show that presents it so melodramatically, points to paper the truth behind sexism, and oppression at large. To people who actually lived through the 1960s, the sexism of their culture didn't seem dramatic; the men who objectified and infantilized women probably bore no specific malice, and the vast majority of the women who found their lives constrained by Answers gold workbook those men didn't imagine that things could be different. Their oppression was invisible, because it was normal. In other words, they were like us.

Sexism is still around, and in thesis help background of the study, the vast majority of instances it doesn't present itself as some portentous, shocking occurrence. It's just the fabric of daily life, a little ugliness that we take for granted. That is, until it's served back to us with the trappings of the Answers geometry workbook, unfamiliar. The truth is that a lot of these moments that seem period and computer games, horrible for women come directly from experiences that I and the other women writers have had in Answers gold geometry, our lifetimes, said Robin Veith, the executive story editor of Mad Men . Which may be yet another truth about sexism: We can't face it directly unless we're assured that it's behind us. In order to admit that it's awful, we may have to and contrast essay xbox feel that we've been absolved. The Harrowing Personal Stories of gold workbook, Syrian Refugees, in Their Own Words. A documentary film crew travels to Greece to capture the perspectives of term paper for me reviews, new arrivals. Two Dark American Truths From Las Vegas.

On the certainty of more shootings. Beyond the scores of hall geometry workbook, people who have been killed and Writing thesis help background of the, the hundreds who have been wounded in Las Vegas today, thousands of Answers hall gold, other people, though not visibly or directly injured, have had their lives changed forever. Children and parents. Husbands and term paper for me reviews, wives. Brothers and sisters. Something is Answers to prentice hall gold, instantly and Compare essay ps3, permanently gone from their lives. Co-workers and friends. Workbook? Members of churches or sports leagues or the PTA. Customers and clients and students.

Neighbors and Logic, casual acquaintances at the coffee shop or the to prentice hall gold geometry, bar. The rest of their days will be different and help background study, shadowed because of this massacre. “Children, I want to explain why Coach Franklin won’t be leading our soccer team any more. Something bad happened, and . Answers To Prentice Gold Workbook? ” The world’s most powerful information gatekeepers neglected their duties in Las Vegas. Again. In the crucial early hours after the Las Vegas mass shooting, it happened again: Hoaxes, completely unverified rumors, failed witch hunts, and blatant falsehoods spread across the internet. But they did not do so by themselves: They used the infrastructure that Google and Facebook and YouTube have built to achieve wide distribution.

These companies are the most powerful information gatekeepers that the world has ever known, and yet they refuse to help of the take responsibility for their active role in damaging the quality of information reaching the public. BuzzFeed ’s Ryan Broderick found that Google’s “top stories” results surfaced 4chan forum posts about a man that right-wing amateur sleuths had incorrectly identified as the Las Vegas shooter. A small group of programmers wants to change how we code—before catastrophe strikes. T here were six hours during the night of Answers hall gold geometry, April 10, 2014, when the entire population of Washington State had no 911 service. Writing Thesis Help Background Of The? People who called for help got a busy signal.

One Seattle woman dialed 911 at least 37 times while a stranger was trying to hall break into her house. When he finally crawled into her living room through a window, she picked up a kitchen knife. The man fled. The 911 outage, at Writing of the, the time the Answers hall, largest ever reported, was traced to software running on a server in Englewood, Colorado. Operated by Write term paper reviews a systems provider named Intrado, the server kept a running counter of how many calls it had routed to 911 dispatchers around the country. To Prentice Hall Gold Geometry Workbook? Intrado programmers had set a threshold for Logic games how high the counter could go. They picked a number in hall gold geometry workbook, the millions. 'It Feels Like Someone Has Opened a Window Into Hell' Faced with the essay ps3, horror of Las Vegas, late-night’s comedians showed their despair.

“If comedy is tragedy plus time,” Jon Stewart said in 2014, responding to to prentice geometry workbook the death of Eric Garner, “I need more f***ing time.” That was three years ago, and Stewart is long gone, but his legacy is the stable of comedians on late-night television who use the games, news not just to entertain, but to hall geometry advocate. It’s gotten harder. Increasingly, over the last three years, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, Seth Meyers, James Corden, Conan O’Brien, even Jimmy Fallon, even, yes, Jimmy Kimmel, have been handed an unflinching cavalcade of Write term paper, horrors to turn into humor. They’ve experimented with sincerity, with sadness, with satire, with moral outrage, with faith, and most recently—in Kimmel’s case—with fury. The tempestuous presidency of Donald Trump has provided them with plenty to laugh at. And plenty to despair. When Working From Home Doesn’t Work. IBM pioneered telecommuting. Now it wants people back in the office. I n 1979, IBM was putting its stamp on Answers to prentice geometry workbook the American landscape.

For 20 years, it had been hiring the greats of Romeo year 10, modernism to erect buildings where scientists and salespeople could work shoulder-to-shoulder commanding the burgeoning computer industry. Hall Gold? But that year, one of Logic games, its new facilities—the Santa Teresa Laboratory, in Silicon Valley—tried an hall gold workbook experiment. Write Report Writing? To ease a logjam at to prentice gold geometry, the office mainframe, it installed boxy, green-screened terminals in the homes of five employees, allowing them to work from home. The idea of telecommuting was still a novelty. But this little solution seemed effective. Of The? By 1983, about 2,000 IBMers were working remotely. The corporation eventually realized that it could save millions by Answers to prentice hall gold geometry workbook selling its signature buildings and institutionalizing distance work; the number of Help me on please, remote workers ballooned. Hall Gold? In 2009, an IBM report boasted that “40 percent of IBM’s some 386,000 employees in 173 countries have no office at all.” More than 58 million square feet of office space had been unloaded, at xbox, a gain of nearly $2 billion.

IBM, moreover, wanted to help other corporations reap the same officeless efficiencies through its consulting services. Leading by example was good marketing. This Is What a Real Middle-Class Tax Cut Would Look Like. Getting money into the pockets of ordinary Americans is easy. Answers Hall Gold Geometry? Why can’t the White House do it? If one takes the White House’s word for it, tax reform is all about a single goal—helping the middle class, not the Compare essay 360 and, rich. Gary Cohn, the White House’s chief economic adviser, says the to prentice gold geometry, president’s tax cut is “purely aimed at middle-class families.” Steve Mnuchin, the Logic problems computer games, Treasury secretary, promised Congress that tax reform wouldn’t benefit the rich. House Speaker Paul Ryan says the plan’s “entire purpose” is to lower middle-class taxes.

But the hall, promises don’t fit the plan. Paper For Me Reviews? As my colleague Annie Lowrey has written, the still-unfinished GOP policy would deliver half of its benefits to the top 1 percent, according to an analysis by to prentice gold workbook the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center (TPC). Write Term Reviews? Meanwhile, America’s poorest families would get a minuscule tax benefit—less than 1 percent growth in after-tax income. One in five Americans making the median household income would actually see a tax hike, particularly if they live in hall, high-tax states and have lots of Write term paper for me reviews, kids. Answers To Prentice Hall? (When Senator Rand Paul discovered this fact, he sharply criticized the plan on Twitter.) The rocker, who always let his songs be the star, is dead at 66. In 2015, The Washington Post asked Tom Petty’s biographer Warren Zanes why Petty doesn’t get more respect. One reason, Zanes said, was that Petty had too many hits: “People go, ‘oh, it’s too commercial.’” The other reason was that this particular rock star emphasized music over me on my homework finish personality. “He didn’t ever get a trampoline out and do a backflip,” Zanes said. “No, he goes out and plays the songs that he wrote.”

Footage of the Answers to prentice hall workbook, singer’s 2008 Super Bowl halftime performance testifies to that assessment, and it’s worth watching in light of Petty’s death on Monday at the age of Help my homework, 66. On the largest stage anyone can play on, Petty and the Heartbreakers didn’t do much other than execute their material flawlessly. Answers Hall Workbook? The lack of spectacle came off like a power move: Can you believe we have these songs ? Did Manafort Use Trump to Curry Favor With a Putin Ally? Emails turned over to Writing help of the investigators detail the former campaign chair's efforts to please an Answers hall workbook oligarch tied to the Kremlin. On the evening of April 11, 2016, two weeks after Donald Trump hired the Write writing on road, political consultant Paul Manafort to lead his campaign’s efforts to wrangle Republican delegates, Manafort emailed his old lieutenant Konstantin Kilimnik, who had worked for him for a decade in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. “I assume you have shown our friends my media coverage, right?” Manafort wrote. “Absolutely,” Kilimnik responded a few hours later from Kiev. Geometry Workbook? “Every article.” “How do we use to get whole,” Manafort asks. “Has OVD operation seen?” According to a source close to Manafort, the initials “OVD” refer to Logic Oleg Vladimirovich Deripaska, a Russian oligarch and one of Answers gold geometry, Russia’s richest men. The source also confirmed that one of the individuals repeatedly mentioned in the email exchange as an intermediary to Deripaska is an and contrast 360 and ps3 aide to workbook the oligarch. Why Did the Write paper for me, Islamic State Claim the Las Vegas Shooting?

Assessing the group’s puzzling statement. This morning, the Islamic State’s semi-official news agency, Amaq, took credit for the Las Vegas massacre, which killed 58 and Answers to prentice hall geometry, wounded another 515. Romeo? The likely killer, identified by police as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada, was not known to be a supporter of the Islamic State, or indeed a Muslim of any type. For now, the only evidence that the Islamic State was involved is its own assurance—first a press release announcing that a “soldier of the Islamic State” executed the concertgoers, and a follow-up for the baffled, explaining that he converted to geometry Islam months ago. The FBI has stated that it doesn’t believe the attack was related to international terrorism. The sun has barely risen on Las Vegas, and there may be blood still slick on the Strip. Speculation about Romeo and juliet mass shootings in the hours after they occur is not just a fool’s game but an impatient fool’s. To Prentice Hall Geometry Workbook? Evidence will be forthcoming, and these assertions by the Islamic State will be tested against reality.

But already I hear a familiar chorus of doubt: The Islamic State will “take credit for anything,” it says, “even hurricanes.” If guns aren’t a problem, why does the computer games, U.S. have so many more shootings than any other country? For all its use, “thoughts and prayers” doesn’t appear to have produced a quantifiable reduction in the rates of to prentice hall geometry, gun violence. Over years of mass murders in the United States, the aphorism has become a statement of unwillingness to address causes or prevention—the justification being that during a period of mourning, no substantive remarks should be made. On Monday, after the Write, country’s 273rd mass shooting of the hall gold workbook, year, President Trump tweeted the Logic problems computer, thesaurus version: “warmest condolences and hall, sympathies.” Amid an unparalleled epidemic of reviews, gun violence—the murderer of some 58 people was reportedly armed with 19 rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition—words ripped from a greeting card in a hospital gift shop felt pointedly avoidant. Trump’s speech Monday morning underscored this evasiveness, as he called the mass murder in Las Vegas “evil.” He used the term four times in just 572 words. He did not mention firearms or psychosis or domestic terrorism, but blamed only “pure evil.” What If Everyone Ate Beans Instead of Beef?

What can an individual do about climate change? The easiest answer: make this one dietary switch. Research shows that using curse words can persuade everyone from voters to your co-workers. Meeting the Son of Your Sister’s Killer. In an hall workbook exclusive excerpt from The Witness , Kitty Genovese's brother gets close to Writing of the confronting her murderer.

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abstract lab report Many students just beginning their science education may be unfamiliar with the concept of an abstract in a lab report; it is often not required in introductory science courses because of workbook, its level of difficulty. As one takes higher level classes the teacher will specify if he or she wants an abstract to be included in the written reports. If it is required, it is the first part of your report, directly following the title page and proceeding the introduction. The abstract, although it comes first logistically, always should be written last. It needs to be written last because it is the essence of me on please finish, your report, drawing information from all of the other sections of the report. It explains why the experiment was performed and what conclusions were drawn from the Answers hall gold, results obtained. A general guideline for an abstract has five sections or areas of focus: why the experiment was conducted; the problem being addressed; what methods were used to solve the problem; the major results obtained; and the overall conclusions from the experiment as a whole. Do not be misled, however, from this list into thinking that the abstract is a long section.

In fact, it should be significantly shorter than all of the Logic games, others. All of this information should be summarized in a clear but succinct manner if the Answers to prentice workbook, abstract is going to be successful. An estimated average length for all of this information is only a single paragraph. Although this may seem as though it is a short length to contain all of the Write paper for me reviews, required information, it is necessary because it forces you to be accurate and Answers to prentice workbook, yet compact, two essential qualities. The best way to attempt to go about writing an Write report on road abstract is to to prentice hall gold workbook divide it into the sections mentioned above. The first two sections are very similar and can be grouped together, but do not have to problems computer be. If you decide to address them separately, make sure that you do not repeat anything. Often a section can be mentioned in only one sentence. Remember, brevity is the key to a successful abstract. Each section is addressed below to help clarify what needs to to prentice gold geometry be included and on road accident, what can be omitted. The most important thing to hall geometry workbook remember when writing the abstract is to be brief and state only what is pertinent.

No extraneous information should be included. A successful abstract is compact, accurate and self-contained. It also must be clear enough so someone who is unfamiliar with your experiment could understand why you did what you did, and what the experiment indicated in the end. Write For Me? An additional note is that abstracts typically are written in the passive voice, but it is acceptable to use personal pronouns such as I or we. General questions to be addressed in the abstract section. 1. Why it was done and what is the problem being addressed? These two sections can be grouped together into one brief statement summarizing why the Answers hall, experiment was performed in the first place? What was the question trying to be answered? Science is an exploration for truth. It is report, all about curiosity and Answers to prentice hall geometry, answering questions to find out why and how things work. The scientific method is a clear example of this; first state a problem or question and then try to determine the Help finish, answer.

This section is the statement of the to prentice hall, original problem. It is the reason behind why an experiment is being done. This should not include many details, rather it should be a simple statement. It can even be stated in one or two sentences at the most. 2. What did you do? This part of the abstract states what was done to try to answer the question proposed. It should in no way be very detailed. It contains a brief outline of what was done, highlighting only problems, crucial steps.

It is the materials and methods section of hall geometry workbook, your abstract, but it is only one or two sentences in length. It is a description of how you decided to approach the problem. 3. What did you find out? In other words, what did all of your hard work and preparation tell you about the question you set out to answer. This contains only the crucial results obtained. Computer? The crucial results are those that are necessary to answer your original question posed.

Without these results, the experiment would have been useless. The results should be stated briefly and should not be explained; they should only be mentioned. It is very similar to to prentice hall gold the results section of your paper, but it highlights only pertinent results used to draw conclusions. An average length for this section is two or three sentences at the most. This number can vary however, depending on the complexity of the experiment, and so these length guides are just that, guides, not rules. This is the end of your abstract, directly hinging on the results obtained. Problems? This is the so what part of your experiment. So what refers to Answers hall gold geometry workbook what the Writing thesis help background of the, results mean in the long run. You need not include how you drew your conclusions, only the final conclusion. This should directly follow the gold geometry workbook, results so the reader knows what results led to what conclusions.

This is the equivalent to the discussion part of the paper, but again, like the rest of the abstract, it needs to be stated briefly and succinctly. You do not need to explain how you deduced the conclusion from the results obtained, only the end conclusions. After you have stated this, the abstract is complete. Here are two examples of the same abstract, sample one is an example of a badly written abstract, while sample two is an example of a well-written abstract. Italicized words are links to explanations describing why the sentences are a good or bad example of an games abstract. Sample 1 : This experiment will determine what will make enzymes effective and what will make them ineffective.

We tested different samples of enzymes in a spectrophotometer and recorded their absorption rates. Six samples were placed in the spectrophotometer but two contained no enzyme; these acted as blanks for the other samples. The four remaining samples contained Catecholase ranging from 0.5 ml to 1.75 m. The second half of the experiment contained four test tubes with a constant amount of Catecholase, but the Answers to prentice gold workbook, pH levels ranged from four to eight. It was found that if the enzyme was present in large amounts, then the absorption rate was high, and and contrast xbox ps3, if the pH level ranged from 6 to eight then the absorption rate was high. Therefore it can be said that enzymes work well in to prentice hall geometry neutral pH levels and in Help large amounts. Sample 2 : This experiment was performed to determine the factors that positively influence enzyme reaction rates in cellular activities since some enzymes seem to be more effective than others. Catecholase enzyme activity was measured through its absorption rate in Answers to prentice hall gold a spectrophotometer, using light with a wavelength of 540 nm. We compared the Writing help study, absorbance rates in samples with varying enzyme concentrations and a constant pH of 7, and with samples with constant enzyme concentration and varying pH levels.

The samples with the highest enzyme concentration had the greatest absorption rate of 95 percent compared to Answers gold geometry the sample with the lowest concentration and an absorption rate of 24 percent. This suggests that a higher concentration of enzymes leads to a greater product production rate. The samples with a pH between six and eight had the greatest absorption rate of report writing on road, 70 percent compared to an absorption rate of 15 percent with a pH of 4; this suggests that Catecholase is to prentice geometry workbook, most effective in a neutral pH ranging from six to eight. Explanations of the report writing accident, Example Links. Ineffective : This sentence is in the present tense and needs to be switched to the past tense.

In addition to tense problems, the to prentice, sentence does not tell the reader much about what is meant by Logic games, the term effective. What exactly is an effective enzyme? The author needs to be specific and try to avoid generic terms such as effective. Also, the gold workbook, author never states why the experiment is being conducted. Why is Logic problems, enzyme effectiveness so important? What makes it important enough to be studied? (return to Sample 1) Rates : This sentence is addressing what was done, yet it barely conveys any information. The author states that different samples of enzymes were tested, but mentions nothing about the contents of the samples. Was the same enzyme used in every sample? What was in each sample, and Answers hall geometry workbook, what varied in each sample? Also, what does absorption have to do with enzyme activity? This correlation needs to be explained to the reader.

One last detail that should be included is the wavelength of Romeo and juliet essay help year 10, light that was used in Answers gold geometry workbook the spectrophotometer. Me On My Homework Please Finish? Did it remain constant or was it a variable as well? (return to Sample 1) Eight : This is too long and detailed to be in an abstract; it sounds as though it was pulled from the methods and materials section of the paper. The amounts of enzyme do not need to Answers to prentice hall gold geometry workbook be stated, nor do the pH levels. The number of Write report writing, samples tested do not need to be included either; it is just extraneous information that is not crucial to Answers to prentice hall workbook understanding the experiment as a whole. The information contained in and contrast essay this sentence can be pulled out and rearranged to say that some samples had a constant pH and Answers hall geometry workbook, varying enzyme concentrations and other samples had constant enzyme concentrations and varying pH levels. With the controls and the variables stated you can move on to your results. (return to essay Sample 1) High : This is just too general, although it conveys the right information. When stating results it is to prentice workbook, okay to use actual numbers. Instead of Compare essay xbox 360 and ps3, saying that the absorption rate was high, specify how high in Answers to prentice hall geometry comparison to samples with low absorption rates. Report Accident? (return to hall geometry Sample 1) Amounts : An experiment is never final, nor is Help my homework please finish, it ever positive.

Always avoid saying that the results you obtained are correct or definite. Instead just say that the data supported or did not support your hypothesis. (return to Sample 1) Others : This sentence is clear and concise, telling the geometry workbook, reader why the experiment was carried out. It postulates the question of why some enzymes are more effective than others and it explains that the experiment was set up to determine what causes these differences. (return to Sample 2) 540 nm : This sentence introduces the specific enzyme being studied and how it was studied. The light wavelength used in the spectrophotometer was also specified telling the Help my homework, reader that wavelength was not one of the to prentice hall workbook, variables manipulated in the experiment. (return to Sample 2) Levels : It is okay to term paper for me reviews use personal pronouns in the abstract and Answers to prentice hall gold, this sentence uses we effectively. It also defines what was done without going into great detail.

The controls and the variables are stated clearly and succinctly so the reader knows what factors are being tested to determine enzyme productivity. (return to Sample 2) Clear summary : These two sentences combine the results with the Write writing, conclusion. This helps to make the conclusions drawn from the results very clear to to prentice hall workbook the reader. The author also stated concrete numbers in the results so the reader is aware of just how much the absorption rates changed in each sample. (return to Sample 2) All citations from Pechenik, Jan A. A short guide to essay 360 and ps3 writing about Biology. pp. 54-102, Tufts University: Harper Collins College Publishers . 1993.

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Foreign aid vs. International trade Essay. Foreign aid vs. international trade is a long lasting debate as to to prentice, which strategy leads to the greatest level of Help finish, economic development. Foreign Aid is defined as any assistance that is given to a country not provided through normal market forces. There are numerous forms of aid, from humanitarian emergency assistance, to food aid, military assistance, etc. Hall Gold? Development aid has long been recognized as crucial to help poor developing nations grow out of poverty. International trade is the exchange of goods or services across international borders. Write Report On Road? Economic development as defined by AmartyaSen, 1998 Nobel prize laureate, “requires the removal of to prentice hall, major sources of unfreedom: poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic opportunities as well as systematic social deprivation.” (1)

In 1970, the of the, world’s affluent countries agreed to give 0.7% of their GNI (Gross National Income) as official international development aid, annually. Since then, these rich nations have rarely met their actual promised targets. “The US is often the largest donor in dollar terms, but ranks amongst the lowest in terms of meeting the stated 0.7% target.” The two charts below, reproduced from the OECD publications (2012) shows aid granted in constant dollars and as a percentage of GNI. Answers To Prentice Gold Geometry Workbook? Both support the conclusion regarding the failure to meet agreed upon aid commitments and the level of decreasing donations. (2)Billions have been donated, but it appears that Africa which has received the most aid remains a continent impoverished. As Dambisa Moyo in the Wall Street Journal writes “money from essay, rich countries has trapped many African nations in Answers hall gold geometry, a cycle of corruption, slower economic growth and poverty. Cutting off the flow would be far more beneficial…….the insidious aid culture has left African countries more debt-laden, more inflation-prone, more vulnerable to the vagaries of the currency markets and more unattractive to higher-quality investment. Compare And Contrast Xbox Ps3? It’s increased the to prentice gold geometry, risk of civil conflict and unrest ….. Aid is an unmitigated political, economic and humanitarian disaster”. (3) Wall Street Journal, March 21st, 2009. Over the past 60 years at Logic problems games least $1 trillion of development aid has been granted to Africa.

And unfortunately real per-capita income in 2014 is less than it was in the 1970s. “More than 50% of the population — over 350 million people — live on less than a dollar a day, a figure that has nearly doubled in two decades” (4) Wall Street Journal, March 21st, 2009. In 2005, the International Monetary Fund’s report “Aid Will Not Lift Growth in Africa.” concluded that governments, donors and Answers to prentice hall geometry campaigners should be more modest in their claims that increased aid will solve Africa’s problems. (5) Historically Asia was underdeveloped too. Yet various policies by computer governments to enhance international trade have resulted in many Asian countries i.e. Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore achieving spectacular economic growth and gold along with it, higher standard of living for its citizens. Dato Kim Tan, the co-founder and trustee for the Transformational Business Network (TBN) wrote “growing up din Asia, I saw the Asian tiger economies that 30-40 years ago had a lower GDP than Uganda or Kenya, transform themselves through enterprise, not through aid and philanthropy.” (3)Paul Kagame, President of the help, Republic of Rwanda and that country’s first democratically elected president wrote: “There is bad aid and there is good aid. The bad aid is that one which creates dependencies, as we’ve known for a long time now.

But good aid is Answers to prentice gold geometry workbook that which is targeted to create capacities in people so that they are able to live on their own activities.… In the and contrast essay xbox ps3, long-term they have to Answers to prentice hall workbook, depend on themselves rather than depend on aid.”(4) The issue to be addressed is whetherforeign aid achieveslong-term growth and development – is it a positive or negative catalyst to economic well being. Help? And the corollary to to prentice workbook, this statement is and juliet essay help year whether international trade is a better alternative to economic achievement. The historical basis for concluding that there is gain from Answers hall, trade originates from David Ricardo’s work: Principals in Political Economy and Taxation. The historical context of the time was the thesis help of the, protectionist English corn laws, restricting wheat imports. Ricardo’s conclusion, arrived at by his theory of comparative advantage, showed that countries could benefit if they specialized and promoted free trade. Figure 1: Comparative Advantage. Country A has an absolute production advantage of both goods A and B because it can produce more of these goods. Since the PPC is not parallel we can presume that the opportunity cost are both different. As a consequence specialization and mutually beneficial trade can occur. Country A has a comparative advantage in hall geometry, the production of good B and Country B has a comparative advantage in the production of good A. And Juliet Essay Help Year? Country B PPF curve has a lower slope therefore its comparative advantage of Answers hall geometry, production is the good on the horizontal axis.

To establish a policy of international trade, governments need to develop programmes that require important changes in the society. Help Of The Study? For example, states must develop competitive market economies based on environmental sustainability, infrastructure, establish a stable currency, a transparent political framework and legal system, security, and educated populace as prerequisites. Good A= Capital Goods. Good B= Consumer Goods. Figure 2: PPF curve with improved production via exports.

Country A allocates its resources to mostly consumption. Country C allocates its resources towards investment/capital goods. Countries that allocate their resources mainly in investment/capital goods are greater to have long-term growth than those countries who are more focused on hall geometry consumption who are using up more current resources. With respect to Aid, money that is allocated to current consumption will not improve future conditions where as aid money allocated for such production of my homework please finish, infrastructure, health, etc. will in the long run exhibit economic growth. Interestingly,South Korea’s economic growth from the early 1960s to the late 1990s was one of the world’s fastest, and South Korea remains one of the fastest growing developed countries in Answers geometry, the 2000s.This experience is known as the Miracle on the Han River. Like many underdeveloped society’s, S. 10? Korea possessesno natural resources and suffers from Answers to prentice gold geometry, overpopulation.In addition, the Compare 360 and ps3, Korean War destroyed much of its infrastructure. The solution was South Korea adapting an export-oriented economic strategy.Remarkably in 1980, the South Korean GDP per capita was $2,300, about one-third of nearby developed Asian economies such as Singapore and Japan. In 2010 South Korean GDP per capita advanced to gold, $30,000 – almost thirteen times since 1980. (See two charts below on Korean Economic Growth and South Korean Economic Recovery after 1997.) It is acknowledged that the Writing, Korean GDP per capita in 1960 was lower than some sub-Saharan African countries.

The growth of the workbook, Koreanindustrial sector was the principal stimulus to economic development. It is Logic games true that initially some foreign aid was granted by the U.S. given the contentious communist threat, nevertheless, it was from strong domestic government support and a move toward competitive markets and international trade that resulted in the investment of modern technology and newly built facilities at a rapid pace. The export to foreign markets and the plowing of the Answers gold, foreign currency back into further industrial expansion was the strategy for growth. In addition, this economic strategy suited South Korea given its poor natural resource endowment, low savings rate, and small domestic market. Labour-intensive manufactured exports, permitted South Korea to develop a competitive advantage. No doubt government initiatives were essential to this process. “The inflow of foreign capital was greatly encouraged to supplement the shortage of domestic savings. These efforts enabled South Korea to achieve rapid growth in exports and subsequent increases in income.”(5) Finally, the later development of a unique multinational firm known as the report writing on road accident, chaebol – family-controlled firms owning numerous international enterprises,enhanced Korean economic growth. There is strong cooperation with government receiving financial support and guidance i.e. innovation and research.

Today of these multinationals are Samsung, Hyundai, and Answers to prentice hall gold workbook LG. Thus, it is evident that South Korean expansion and wealth for its citizenry has derived from the adoption of a competitive market manufacturing economy, and Compare and contrast 360 and the development of a high-tech commercethat emphasizes international trade. Foreign loans, supportive government policies, and not aid have been the Answers to prentice gold, critical catalyst to such a Han miracle. Aid assists, mostly economic which is normally provided to distressed communities or underdeveloped countries for the enhancement of their socioeconomic condition. Writing Thesis Of The Study? Aid is Answers hall workbook linked to need, is often not linked to the ability to enhance trade. Trade can result in inefficient distribution of income while if aid is mishandled the distribution of aid will be unfair, with people being deprived of the problems computer games, benefits of Answers hall geometry workbook, aid and effect economic growth of the country. Does Aid lead to the establishment of good infrastructure?

Development aid is given by governments, i.e. the Help please finish, US being the largest aid donor in the world (As of 2010) and other organizations such as the World Bank. To Prentice Hall Geometry? “Aid to all countries in the world declined” (2007, World Bank) An overview of a number of African countries that have been recipients of aid will consider the use and allocation of the foreign aid, and assess the outcome of these donations upon the populace of the continent. One would note initially that there is a need for humanitarian aid to assist in emergencies and alleviate suffering but long term growth and development requires a different approach. Besides charity aid is a minimal portion of the over-all aid from governments. In the Democratic Republic of Write writing accident, Congo, according to a report by Transparency International, the Zairian president Mobutu Sese Seko (1965-1977) is listed as having embezzled at least $5 billion form the nation. (6) Transparency International In 2009, the former president of Malawi – Bakili Muluzi was prosecuted for stealing $12 million allocated for aid. And Zambia’s former president, Frederick Chiluba is under investigation for taking millions from money that was set aside for health, infrastructure, and education. Thus, these examples of Answers to prentice hall gold workbook, corruption pervert the opportunity for aid to assist the average African improve their conditions. Economic theory will emphasize that inefficiency will result from government intervention and in particular ‘free’ funds. Romeo Essay Year? Bad government worsens the situation as they are often bureaucratic in addition to corrupt.

The civil service is inefficient and vulnerable to cronyism which has consequence for responsible governance. Economic incentives are nullified and governments need not respond to citizen needs. To Prentice? Investors require transparency in government and business but such a prerequisite is not required when donations are the source of funds. Policies such as taxation can be deferred since donations flow in to the country. The priority is to remain in power. Africa continues to be the most unstable region.

There are numerous examples of computer, civil strife as exemplified by the current war in Southern Sudan and The Congo. According to to prentice gold geometry, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Africa had a greater number of Writing help background of the study, wars than elsewhere in to prentice gold, the world. Write Report Writing Accident? Obviously, such strife has immense impact upon daily life and thwarts any possibility of private investment. Aid thus fills the vacuum. As stated in his book, Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and Answers to prentice gold workbook How There is a Better Way for Africa, by D. Help Me On My Homework Please Finish? Moyo, “…aid-financed efforts to force-feed democracy to economies facing poverty and difficult economic prospects remain, at best, precariously vulnerable.” (7) Further evidence of endemic problems is observed in Nigeria. This government is one of the most mismanaged in to prentice hall geometry, Africa. For example, during the World Economic Forum of 2005 in Davos Switzerland, four state governors were being investigated in the U.K. for money laundering. Large amounts of aid are looted. “Speaking at the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, in December 2003, the former British secretary of state for international development, Lynda Chalker, noted that 40 percent of the wealth created in Africa is invested outside the continent.” (8) Advantages and Disadvantages to Trade: Trade provides development countries with an important base for essay 360 and ps3, their own improvement. Gold? Countries can develop their own strategies and outcomes to achieve their development objectives i.e. focusing on agriculture of manufacturing services.

Countries are the Logic problems games, determinants of their own economic destiny. One difficulty of trade is the international economic system imposes impediments i.e. trade barriers. The global market is not an international free trade market i.e. tariffs, taxes and subsidies, regulations and such restrictions operate to the disadvantage of the developing countries. The donor country puts restrictions on the recipient country i.e. the requirement for government transparency, human rights, political support at the UN or Ideological support. Japan gains support from small countries on whale killing/harvesting using trade.

Developing countries have weak economic power to workbook, challenge economic injustices i.e. EU and accident USA have large program of subsidies and economical protectionism.One argument states that trade is a foundation for international cooperationi.e. one country is the resources base and the other importing country is the manufacturing base. Answers To Prentice Gold Geometry? Trade would benefits those countries who are engaged in trade (based on Write writing on road accident the market). To Prentice Hall Gold Geometry Workbook? Trade relationships would result in a more equitable partnership and thus might be a catalyst for investment and growth. Developing country could receive direct foreign investments and the benefits that would sue from that, technology, employment etc. The result of this would lead to lower prices, greater choice, more efficient allocation of resources, foreign exchange and idea flowing between countries. Romeo And Juliet Year? Once getting passed trade impediments it can seen as long-term development strategy for a developing country.

A summary of the advantages and disadvantages: A country may import things which it cannot produce. Maximum utilization of resources. Benefit to consumer. Reduces trade fluctuations. Utilization of hall gold, surplus produce. Fosters international trade. Import of harmful goods. It may exhaust resources.

Danger of Logic problems computer, starvation. One country may gain at hall gold the expensive of another. It may lead to war. Advantages and Disadvantages to Aid: Aid has been said to decrease the development for countries with their own improvement. Aid has many advantages but as it can be seen using examples such as African countries it can be seen that aid has decreased the development for countries. Countries can be giving aid for ethical reasons, if there was a natural disaster and were in need of assistance. Aid is based on need, aid permits to Logic games, countries to retain their dignity because aid if often perceived as condescending. There are different types of Answers hall geometry workbook, aid, tied and untied.

Tied aid is computer foreign aid that must be spent in the country providing the aid or in a group of selected countries. To Prentice Hall? Untied aid is assistance given to writing on road, developing countries, which can be used to purchase goods, and services in hall gold geometry, virtually all countries. Jeffery Sachs (UN advisor) argued that aid is important, it is essential to break the Compare xbox ps3, poverty cycle and a determinant of long term growth. His argument stated that poor countries are not wealthy because of diseases such as malaria, they need to Answers to prentice hall gold, remove problems such as disease because the free market will not due this. Giving of aid is perceived as an inducement to behave or support certain policies. Aid can be used as blackmailing or getting the upper hand on another country in order to gain their vote in the UN. William Easterly (Professor of economics, NY university), aid does more harm than good, its often wasted, it inhibits peoples inventiveness, devising their old solutions. Aid is corrupt because its given to corrupt officials and often its fragmented that there is many donors and misallocations of the funds. Aid often comes with a lot of preconditions.

Furthermore, aid has often come with a price of Write term for me reviews, its own for the developing nations. Aid is often wasted on conditions that the recipient must use overpriced goods and hall gold geometry services from donor countries. Most aid does not actually go to the poorest who would need it the most. Finish? Aid amounts are dwarfed by to prentice hall gold workbook rich country protectionism that denies market access for poor country products, while rich nations use aid as a lever to open poor country markets to Write term paper, their products. Large projects or massive grand strategies often fail to help the vulnerable as money can often be embezzled away. In conclusion, it appears that generally trade is more beneficial to long-term growth and development than aid. Answers Hall Gold Workbook? African examples discussed are proof that aid is counterproductive and the road to economic failure. Help Background Of The Study? The opposite Answers hall geometry, appears true. Those countries able to divorce themselves from aid dependency are more likely to succeed as evidenced by and juliet help year 10 China, India, and even South Africa. A strategy of transparent government, efficient civil service to Answers hall geometry workbook, meet social needs i.e. education, incentives, entrepreneurship, the rule of law, patent protection, institutions to attract foreign direct investment by creating attractive tax structures and Write accident reducing the red tape and complex regulations for businesses. Private capital investment into sustainable companies, with aid directly to community based non-profitable organizations is recommended.

African nations should also focus on to prentice hall geometry increasing trade, but there have been cases where rapid growth in international trade has led to bottlenecks and impediments to Writing thesis study, growth and development. To Prentice Hall Geometry? There appears to me on my homework, be no panacea but one does conclude that in order to Answers to prentice gold workbook, achieve economic, social, and political progress there are essential non-economic and economic prerequisites – cultural (i.e. Compare And Contrast Xbox? individualism, attitudes of personal achievement, hard work, etc.) political (i.e. Answers To Prentice Workbook? transparent governments, stability, the rule of law,) and economic (i.e. On Road? infrastructure, communications network, merit goods i.e. education and health etc.). Each nation is unique with regard to trade and aid. Answers To Prentice? The answer is not either or – aid or trade .but accountable and transparent aid in conjunction with sustainable trade and honest and Help me on my homework efficient government. Bibliography: (Complete bibliography after check by Ms. Kerr) 1. Amartya Sen.

1999. Development as Freedom. To Prentice Hall Gold? Oxford university press 2. 3. wall street journal. 4. wall street journal. n+capital+was+greatly+encouraged+to+supplement+the+shortage+of+domestic+savings.+These+efforts+enabled+South+Korea+to+achieve+rapid+growth+in+exports+and+subsequent+increases+in+income.%E2%80%9Dhl=ensa=Xei=iZ7NUq7AIMTd2QWmyIHABwved=0CDAQ6AEwAA#v=onepageq=The%20inflow%20of%20foreign%20capital%20was%20greatly%20encouraged%20to%20supplement%20the%20shortage%20of%20domestic%20savings.%20These%20efforts%20enabled%20South%20Korea%20to%20achieve%20rapid%20growth%20in%20exports%20and%20subsequent%20increases%20in%20income.%E2%80%9Df=false 8. OECD Development Statistics Online, last accessed April 7, 2012 9.

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Please read the Fair Use Policy. Ultius is the trusted provider of content solutions for consumers around the world. Connect with great American writers and get 24/7 support. Ultius is accredited with the Better Business Bureau and to prentice hall workbook, has an A+ rating. © 2017 Ultius, Inc.

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