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Bloggers seeing red over Target#039;s little secret. Target Corp. is learning the hard way that life in the blogosphere can put you right in the bullseye. The Minneapolis-based discount retailer is being outed in movie summary online blogs and quotes discussed in college ethics classes after students allied with the movie company were told to keep it like a secret while singing the company's praises on the social network site Keep it a secret? That sounds unethical, said Rosie Siman, 21, a senior at the University of online, Georgia and a member of the Target Rounders.

The group of mostly college students gets discounts, CDs and other prizes for marketing Target products to their friends and providing the company with feedback. Review Help Summary! You're essentially asking people to lie for you, Siman said. People will be seeing all these posts saying, 'Target's awesome' and they don't realize they're coming from people who essentially are being paid to promote Target. The hubbub began in college essay your early October after Siman received a Rounders newsletter as Target was launching a new Facebook page. Like many companies now setting up sites on Facebook and MySpace, Target hoped to get people talking about new products, get feedback and continue to find ways to promote its hip image. Your Mission: Try not to let on in the Facebook group that you are a Rounder, the newsletter read.

We love your enthusiasm for the Rounders, and I know it can be hard not to want to sing it from the mountaintops [and in the shower, and on the bus]. However, we want to get other members of the Facebook group excited about Target, too! And we don't want the writers help summary Rounders program to steal the show from the real star here: Target and Target's rockin' Facebook group. College! So keep it like a secret! Siman didn't keep her own concerns a secret, however. She posted them on

And the movie writers damage control -- which she said included deleting or archiving her posts -- began. Easy Article Writing! Representatives from the New York company that runs the Rounders program and Target's Facebook site, drillTEAM, called Siman within 10 minutes to apologize for help, the miscommunication. An e-mail from a company employee, identifying herself only as Laura, told Siman that her concerns were completely founded and that the newsletter urging Rounder members to mba optional, stay anonymous was not endorsed by Target. The Target Facebook page was reworded to remove any mention of keeping secrets. Movie Writers Help Summary! Clearly it was a mistake from essay this vendor, and that's why they did the follow-up, said Target spokeswoman Amy vonWalter. Target's intent, VonWalter said, was not to ask Rounder members to hide their affiliation, but to discourage them from dominating the Facebook site and making it feel like an movie writers, exclusive, members-only club. Matt Wishnow, president of writing online, drillTEAM, declined to comment on what happened and did not provide an explanation for why Siman's postings were removed from the website. Review Writers Help! Target is not interested in feeding guest feedback or public opinion, Von Walter said. Negative feedback is as valuable as positive. Paper Writing Online Quotes! Target is not the Review movie help summary only company taking an active role in what's called social marketing -- or to get burned by it. The term, coined in the 1970s, refers to selling ideas, attitudes and Business writing quotes behaviors.

And it is increasingly being used online to try to reach younger consumers who use Facebook, MySpace, and text messaging to talk to each other. Companies form ambassador programs and affiliation circles, as they're known, to movie help summary, reach student groups, sororities and fraternities, and sports teams. Marketers see it as a rich opportunity to generate buzz, get feedback and identify trends. Wal-Mart encourages its employees to post reviews of products as well, with a policy to Sociologist essays and ethnicity, have them clearly identify themselves as such. Sony has been railed for its clumsy attempts to set up online pages purporting to be teenage boys who wax eloquently about the latest gaming system. The real kids see through it, and go off and blog about how lame the company is to think of them as so gullible.

Bob Brin, director of creative and interactive services at Padilla Speer Beardsley in Minneapolis said that when he gives talks to marketers or signs up a new client, he always warns them of the good and bad of social marketing. He said the No. 1 ethical component is being up front with people about who you are. We usually tell people that the conversation about you will go on with or without you, he said. Review! If you choose to control your blog or keep things gated, it'll come out Easy article writing, one way or another. People will blog about Review writers help summary your unwillingness to honestly take part in the conversation. Target's VonWalter didn't have many details about the Rounders, whose website is registered in Business essay quotes Target's name. Writers Help Summary! She said the company launched its own Facebook page within the past three to six months. A posting about Rounders on Stanford mba optional essay, says there have about 1,800 members. Review Movie Writers Summary! Some tell of accumulating enough points to get $100 worth of discounts or a free ticket to the Coldplay concert in Business writing Atlanta. For the record, Siman does think Target is awesome.

In fact, she hopes to launch a public relations career that will include social marketing to reach new audiences. But she's adamant about transparency. She wrote a research paper on the ethics of social marketing tools in Review movie help summary a public relations class at the University of personal essay your, Georgia. When her teacher, Kaye Sweetser, heard Siman's story, she posted it on her blog. And as happens, one blogger told another.

And so on, and so on.

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The Help Movie Review (2011) | Plugged In

Les Navajo en transition : la difficile maitrise d’un nouvel espace-temps. What happens when a society like that of the summary Navajo is faced with a Euro-American concept of Buy a school space and writers help summary, time exerting tension and Easy writing, pressure on help, its way of Sociologist essays why do thinking, its beliefs and its traditional way of life? The Navajo tetragram made of spirituality, limited space (the land of their ancestors) and present time (continuity) is Review movie writers help summary, faced with another: secularity, unlimited space and just-in-time, typical of the school free-market and consumer society. Writers? These are two cultures, two sets of Stanford essay values that seem irreconcilable except for the Navajo who, thanks to writers help, Hozho , live an Writing college your, ambivalent balance: “We are two in movie writers, one.” 1 Si “ traditionnel ” fait reference a des pratiques et croyances transmises et inchangees pendant p (. ) 1 Si l’espace et le temps se mesurent scientifiquement grace a des unites etablies et definies par les sciences euramericaines, leur appreciation et evaluation sont aussi des concepts culturels, percus differemment par les groupes socioculturels a travers le monde. Paper Writing Online Quotes? Ces reperes sont le resultat d’une construction sociale acquise par les connaissances et les pratiques interiorisees au cours de l’enfance et transmises de generation en generation. Movie Writers? Notre apprehension spatio-temporelle tient du registre psychologique collectif, puis personnel qui va structurer notre scheme mental. Essay? Aussi, nous pouvons nous demander : que se passe-t-il lorsqu’une communaute se trouve confrontee a une autre vision de l’espace et du temps qui va exercer tension et pression sur son comportement social, sur son mode de pensee ou son mode de vie “ traditionnel1 ” ? 2 Nous utiliserons Navajo , et non Dine , qui signifie “ the writers help summary people ” en langue navajo. Stanford Essay? Contrairement (. Review Movie Writers? ) 3 Cette recherche est le fruit d’une enquete de terrain qui s’est deroulee en trois visites de deux (. Sociologist Essays On Race? ) 2 Notre etude empirique va porter sur les Navajo2, une nation amerindienne, peuplant la reserve situee principalement dans l’Etat de l’Arizona, et qui doit faire face a des changements rapides, imposes par la societe “ anglo ”, en particulier a un nouvel espace-temps, l’une des principales variables du systeme economico-culturel euramericain. Review Movie Writers Help Summary? Les Navajo ont assurement vecu une serie de chocs culturels plus ou moins violents au cours de leurs migrations passees et a l’occasion de leurs rencontres avec les pionniers au dix-neuvieme siecle.

Mais notre etude, qui s’appuiera sur des observations et des entretiens3, montrera que les Indiens sont en train de vivre ce qui pourrait etre qualifie de “ revolution silencieuse ”, touchant aux racines meme de leur identite. College? Nous evoquerons, tout d’abord, les croyances navajo en liaison avec les notions d’espace et de temps. Review Movie Writers Help Summary? Puis, apres avoir rappele les caracteristiques du paradigme occidental, nous verrons l’impact du desequilibre cause par l’introduction de ce modele, ainsi que les moyens mis ?uvre par les Navajo pour tenter de retrouver l’equilibre et l’harmonie ou Hozho , qui est au c?ur de leur quete spirituelle. Les croyances navajo : le tetragramme espace - temps - spiritualite. 4 Informations fournies par une exposition permanente de photographies au Navajo Museum, a Window Ro (. Stanford Mba Optional Essay? ) 3 En premier lieu, il est bon de contextualiser le theme de cette etude en rappelant quelques donnees geographiques et historiques de la reserve navajo et de sa population. Les Navajo — signifiant en langue Tewa “ cultivated fields ”, et aussi “ Dine ”, c’est-a-dire “ the Review summary People ” , leur nom d’origine — occupent la plus vaste reserve des Etats-Unis : 28 800 square miles, soit 72 500 km 2 (l’equivalent de West Virginia). School? Situee sur le Plateau du Colorado, la reserve occupe un morceau de l’Arizona, du Nouveau-Mexique et de l’Utah au sud de la Colorado River. Writers Help Summary? Cette enclave faisait partie des terres traditionnelles des Navajo delimitees par les quatre montagnes sacrees ( sacred mountains ) : Sierra Blanca Peak a l’Est, Mount Taylor au Sud, San Francisco Peak a l’Ouest et Mount Hesperus au Nord. Sociologist Essays And Ethnicity? Il semblerait que leurs ancetres soient descendus du Northwest Canada vers l’an 1000 en direction du Sud-ouest. Review Writers? La premiere mention espagnole du nom “ Apache de Navajo ” fut faite en 1626. Ses membres font peu reference aux raids que leurs ancetres menaient aux alentours pour voler recoltes et betail, et tant que les conflits restaient intercommunautaires, ils ne concernaient pas le gouvernement federal.

Mais, lorsque, vers 1863, ces incursions affecterent les immigrants qui etaient de plus en plus nombreux dans la region, le Colonel Kit Carson fut envoye pour soumettre la tribu : ce qu’il fit en pratiquant une strategie de la terre brulee. Stanford Mba Optional? En mars 1864, d’abord 2 400 Navajo, puis, un peu plus tard, 8 000 hommes, femmes et enfants furent regroupes et conduits en captivite vers le sud du Nouveau-Mexique jusqu’a Fort Summer en un trajet epuisant de 550 km, appele “ the movie writers summary Long Walk ”. Essay Writing Quotes? Plus de 2 000 moururent de maladies et de malnutrition, avant que la signature du Treaty of 1868 ne les autorisat a quitter leur camp de concentration et a retourner sur leurs terres traditionnelles4. 5 RUSSELL George, Native American, FAQs Handbook , Russell Publications, Phoenix, AZ, 2000, 108. 4 Leur premier gouvernement remonte a 1922, en fait un simple Business Council , cree par le Department of the Interior, pour approuver les licences d’exploitation du petrole. Review Movie Summary? Quant a la constitution, elle fut adoptee en 1938. Buy A Report? Se rendant compte qu’ils ne pouvaient pas attendre d’aide financiere des Etats, ils voulurent controler leurs ressources naturelles (petrole, charbon, uranium, bois) pour en tirer des royalties et demanderent leur autodetermination. Review Movie Writers Summary? Au lieu de repartir l’argent par tete d’habitant, ils investirent dans des infrastructures, des ecoles et des bourses d’etudes. Buy A School Report? La population est d’environ 240 000 (deuxieme tribu pour sa population apres les Cherokee : 320 000).

En tout, 559 Nations sont officiellement reconnues par le Bureau of Review movie writers help Indian Affairs (BIA), 2,5 millions vivant sur les reserves et 4,1m en tout, en prenant en compte ceux qui vivent a l’exterieur (6 Indiens sur 10), dont 4 sur 10 se considerent comme multiraciaux, d’apres le recensement de 2000. Essay? Ces tribus vivent un difficile dilemme, car elles se declarent des nations souveraines et independantes, tout en reclamant au gouvernement federal d’honorer ses promesses d’aides sociales5. 5 En prenant leur destin en main, les Navajo ont eu comme objectif principal la survie de leur tribu dont le mode de vie ne peut exister qu’ancre dans leurs croyances et leurs pratiques rituelles : ces elements etant autant de reperes, de bornes qui guident et rythment leur vie et dessinent leur identite. Review Movie Help Summary? Leur mode de vie et de pensee est organise autour de trois invariants : la spiritualite qui dessine l’espace et le temps (Figure n°1). Figure n°1 : Tetragramme des valeurs pivots de leur culture identitaire.

6 Entretien avec BENALLY Herbert J., 26/10/2000. Cf. son article “ Spiritual Knowledge for Buy a report, a Secular (. Movie Summary? ) 6 Herbert John Benally, un philosophe Navajo, nous a explique les grands principes de leur philosophie6 : Traditional Navajo wisdom recognizes spirituality as the personal foundation of movie writers all knowledge necessary for personal college your, achieving harmony or Hozho, the Review movie Beauty Way of article writing xi Life. This foundation is Review help summary, as relevant today as it ever was, and Easy writing xi, could serve as the Review movie writers help basis of an personal college essay your, approach to movie writers help, teaching which avoids the Sociologist essays why do separation of the writers secular and essays on race, spiritual knowledge that characterises Western society. Review Writers Help Summary? The Navajos organized their knowledge, as well as their life activities around the parts of the day and Stanford mba optional, the four cardinal directions. Movie? This system of Sociologist on race organization was placed by writers help summary the Holy People in Writing personal essay, the primordial era. Writers Help? At that time the gods laid the writing foundation of Review movie writers help this world with grandfathers and Buy a report, grandmothers, fire, water, air and soil. Review Help? Around that foundation they placed the Sociologist essays four different lights and four forms of Review movie summary sacred knowledge which would regulate man and personal, all life’s activities. Review Help Summary? With the Buy a school report dawn (the East) they placed “ that which gives direction to Review writers help summary, life ” and with the blue twilight (the South) they place “ sustenance ”. Writing Essay? “ The gathering of movie help summary family ” was placed with the yellow evening twilight (the West) and on race why do, “ rest, contentment and Review writers, respect for creation ” was placed in Paper online quotes, the darkness (the North). Review? Once all of writing quotes these things are placed they will direct all lives, so it was said. Movie Help Summary? The essence of the Paper writing quotes Dine philosophy is writers help summary, holism : if any part of the system is Business essay writing quotes, upset, the Review movie writers help summary whole system is affected, creating an Sociologist and ethnicity, imbalance. Review? But by balancing the four cardinal areas of the Navajo knowledge, the Writing college essay individual will develop sound beliefs and help, values and article writing, make sound decisions.

7 Cette affiche est disponible a la librairie du Navajo Museum. 8 Cette expression est aussi communement employee dans la region pour indiquer un temps imprecis ou (. Review Movie Writers Summary? ) 7 Une affiche7 fut concue a partir des preceptes de H. Sociologist Essays On Race Why Do? Benally, representant un monde idyllique, ensoleille et une communaute vivant en equilibre avec l’univers et en harmonie avec les Esprits : c’est l’ “ Hozho, the help summary Beautiful and Blessing Way ”. Personal College Essay Your? Ces principes determinent la facon dont les Navajo organisent leurs activites et mesurent le temps : l ’Indian Time 8. Help Summary? La journee etant l’unite de base, ils valorisent cette duree delimitee entre le lever et le coucher du soleil en s’adonnant a leurs activites journalieres. College? Le temps est culturel et social, lie a leur imaginaire spirituel. Review Movie? Une topographie du temps peut etre dessinee dans le monde clos de leurs hooghans, leurs demeures octogonales construites en rondins. Business Essay Writing? La porte ouvre a l’Est permettant d’invoquer les Esprits benefiques au lever du soleil, en leur offrant du pollen de mais, cereale qui assure leur survie. Les activites vont ainsi suivre le mouvement du soleil et les quatre points cardinaux : au Sud le travail (s’occuper du champ de mais, des moutons, tisser la laine, etc.) ; a l’Ouest, au soleil couchant, la famille se reunit et dine. Movie Summary? C’est le moment ou les parents et grands-parents parlent aux enfants, transmettent leurs savoirs et racontent l’histoire de la tribu.

Enfin, la famille se couche au Nord, la nuit noire ou resident les Esprits malefiques dont il faut se mefier. 9 Notre entretien avec A. L. Essay? au Dine College, AZ, 29/10/2000. 10 BIGFEATHER Joanna Osburn : “ because the millenium is an help summary, arbitrary point in mba optional essay, time for Review movie summary, Indigenous cu (. ) 8 Jour apres jour, immuablement. Easy? “ La vie avance comme une spirale, m’a dit un medicine man 9. Review Movie Writers Help Summary? C’est le cycle de la vie, et le hooghan est l’image meme de l’univers sacre des Navajo, il incarne notre vision holistique du monde ”. Le hooghan est donc une metaphore identitaire extremement forte. Article Writing? Le temps par excellence est le present dans la continuite, une sorte d’eternel present continu : un melange de “ I am doing ” et de “ I have been doing ”. Help? En langue navajo, seul un mot existe faisant reference au passe, tres vague, qui se traduit en anglais par “ a long time ago ”. Leur passe est le present memoriel. Ils possedent un calendrier lie aux saisons et aux mouvements des astres. Mais la datation a l’occidental n’aurait pas ete necessaire s’il n’y avait pas eu des contacts avec les “ Anglos ” : ils sont a-historiques. Report? Ce qui explique le refus, par certains Navajo, de celebrer le “ millennium 10 ”. 9 La terre qu’ils appellent Mother Earth , est ce qu’ils ont de plus cher : c’est la terre nourriciere, avec toute la force symbolique de cette expression, et le sentiment d’avoir occupe cette terre depuis des millenaires, d’en etre les premiers habitants. Ils ne connaissent pas la notion de propriete privee : la terre appartient collectivement au clan qui la repartit entre les diverses familles, ce qui provoque parfois des tensions lorsque de nouvelles familles viennent s’installer. Le monde Navajo est un monde mental ferme ou les connaissances et les savoir-faire sont transmis oralement et immuablement par les grands-parents, de generation en generation, et ou l’evolution est lente, car leur memoire est informative et non formative, c’est-a-dire qu’elle profite peu de l’experience accumulee. Review Writers Help Summary? Les individus ont une place precise au sein du reseau familial, du clan et de la tribu ; et les liens familiaux et sociaux sont bien etablis, forts et contraignants, ou les anciens et les grands-parents jouent un role cle, ainsi que la mere : le systeme est matriarcal.

La pression sociale sur le comportement est donc considerable. College? Lutter contre la perte de leur culture et de leurs traditions, conserver la memoire et leur passe afin de mieux comprendre le present et preparer l’avenir, telles sont leur demarche et leur devise actuelles. Le systeme ‘anglo’ : le tetragramme espace - temps - secularite. 10 Tout irait bien s’ils pouvaient vivre en autarcie, isoles dans la capsule espace-temps figee de leur reserve, dans leur pre carre transforme en forteresse. Review Movie? Or il n’en est rien. Paper Online Quotes? Les frontieres sont purement imaginaires et extremement poreuses, ce sont des zones de contact, d’echanges meme, laissant filtrer des messages tres differents et tres attirants. 11 Face a leur tetragramme culturel dessine par les trois piliers espace - temps - spiritualite, les Navajo voient se dresser un autre tetragramme espace - temps - secularite (ou peut-etre faudrait-il dire marche), propre a la societe dominante americaine qui les entoure. Review Movie? A un espace-temps en boucle, referme sur lui-meme, peu evolutif, s’oppose un espace-temps vecteur, un monde en mouvement, decentralise et eclate, un systeme economique dynamique, flexible, innovant, en constante mutation, ou l’acces a l’information se fait en temps reel grace a Internet, et ou, en tout cas, la source du savoir n’est plus les grands-parents. 12 Le local devient le global, le village devient le “ village planetaire ” dont parlait McLuhan, grace a des medias qui font fi des distances et du temps. Mba Optional? Il faut reconnaitre que, depuis les annees soixante, le mal qui a gangrene sournoisement la societe indienne, est surtout venu de la television, ses messages et ses images depeignant l ’American Dream.

Les series televisees, les feuilletons, projettent de nouveaux espaces imaginaires, vantant les merites du confort menager, faisant la publicite du mode de vie americain, ce qui rend leur vie dans la reserve d’autant plus triste et frustrante. Review Movie Help? Le temps present apparait, surtout aux jeunes Navajo, ennuyeux, immobile, archaique et depasse. Mba Optional? Au contraire, la societe de consommation est la coloree, vivante et innovante, la mode change et la musique bouge : des aimants fascinants pour les jeunes et les adolescents (Tableau n°1). 13 C’est la mobilite contre l’immobilisme, le mouvement contre la sedentarite, le changement contre l’immuable. Summary? La stabilite servait de mesure-etalon aux activites humaines et indiennes ; aujourd’hui, c’est le changement qui est devenu la norme a respecter dans nos societes. Tableau n°1 : deux cultures, deux systemes de valeurs. Culte du changement. Systeme de valeurs changeant peu. Valeurs en changement permanent.

Tres long terme. Court terme, urgence. Jeter ( throw-away society ) Soumission au groupe. Famille eclatee, a geometrie variable. Culte des anciens. Culte de la jeunesse. Transmission des connaissances par les grands-parents. Transmission des connaissances par l’ecole, les mass-medias, Internet. Partage des biens, solidarite. Faire et faire savoir.

Television, diffusion mondiale. Information par bouche-a-oreille lors de reunions familiales. Information par telephone mobile, Internet. Quete de Hozho (equilibre, harmonie) Quete du toujours plus, societe de consommation. 14 L’ideologie dominante, celle de l’esprit d’entreprise, celle de la Frontiere, nous tourne vers le futur, un avenir meilleur bien sur, l’idee de progres, d’amelioration de la condition humaine, de croissance economique, d’accumulation du savoir et des capitaux : en somme tous les ingredients de l’ American Dream . Mba Optional Essay? Meme si l’utilisation irreflechie des richesses naturelles, pour des gains immediats, hypotheque l’avenir, peu importe, on movie writers summary, reste optimiste. On est pragmatique apres tout, donc on trouvera une solution. Ce comportement est le reflet d’une impatience du “ toujours plus ”, du “ tout, tout de suite ” de la societe de consommation. 15 Le temps est devenu le parametre essentiel du pilotage des entreprises. Personal Your? Si celles-ci n’adaptent pas leur rythme de fonctionnement a celui de leur environnement, elles meurent.

La reduction des delais de conception et de fabrication ouvre de nouveau creneaux de marche grace a des process comme le just-in-time ou le concurrent product development . Help? Ne vend-on pas du “ gain de temps ” ? L’entreprise doit etre flexible, reactive a la concurrence ou mieux faire plus vite que la concurrence ( time-based competition ), etre reactive aux signaux de la Bourse a qui elle doit rendre des comptes trimestriellement ( short-termism ). Article Xi? Si elle est globale, elle mettra en ?uvre un time-zone management . Review Help Summary? Elle doit definir une strategie, fixer des objectifs, planifier, organiser, degager des benefices, afin d’ameliorer la valeur aux actionnaires. Il faut etre performant, etre meme proactif, c’est-a-dire savoir anticiper, etre le “ go-getter ” qui reussit, mais qui, d’apres certains sociologues, souffrirait de la maladie du siecle : la course contre le temps. Nous serions meme en train de vivre une crise du temps causee par les nouvelles technologies. Online Quotes? Les telephones mobiles, les ordinateurs portables et autres reseaux modifient le perimetre du travail : en tout temps, en tout lieu, on est branche a l’entreprise. Il y a compactage du temps et eclatement spatial. Du “ vol du sacre ” a la perte d’equilibre. 16 Alors, imaginez de quelle facon est vecu ce choc spatio-temporel par les Navajo. Review Summary? Ce sont la des notions totalement etrangeres a leur mode de pensee traditionnel. Sociologist On Race? Autant dire qu’ils sont confrontes a une difficile concordance des temps.

Il y aurait plutot discordance des temps. Writers Help? Ils se trouvent en decalage, en dephasage avec l’evolution de leur environnement qui est imprevisible et incertain, et ou sont privilegiees fluidite et ambiguite. Autant dire, ils ne sont plus en harmonie avec lui. 17 Cette confusion conduit donc a une interrogation existentielle, a un trouble identitaire. Comment vivre dans deux espaces-temps simultanement ? Comment s’adapter sans renier ses croyances fondamentales ? Comment se positionner alors en possedant une identite biface, a la Janus ? Comment vivre une double appartenance ? Ce dedoublement de la personnalite peut entrainer le non-choix et l’indecision : d’ou un malaise d’etre. Les changements sont vecus par les Navajo comme une phase de desequilibre : ils vivent une rupture d’equilibre.

11 Si des Navajo lisaient cet article, il ne fait aucun doute qu’ils nous reprocheraient notre grille (. Essays? ) 12 Notre entretien avec K. Movie Writers? L., 23/10/2000. 18 Utilisant l’interpretation des entretiens que nous avons eus et les outils de representation du domaine du marketing et des etudes de consommateurs (c’est de l’anthropologie)11, nous proposons une typologie de socio-styles comportementaux vis-a-vis de la societe dominante, repartie en quatre types : les guerriers, les vaincus, les pionniers et les traditionalistes (Figure n°2). Buy A School Report? Un exemple d’attitude “ guerriere ” ou activiste nous a ete fourni par des propos echanges avec un jeune Navajo de 25 ans. Summary? Evoquant “ the Business writing quotes problems you are facing ”, nous avons ete interrompu : “ Problems, what problems? We didn’t have any problems before you came! It’s because of summary you if we are on writing online, reservations ” dit-il, avec un index accusateur. Puis il nous fit la liste des difficultes dont nous etions responsables et conclut ses propos par un “ … and I intend to Review help summary, put an end to writing, all that ”12. Figure n°2 : Typologie des socio-styles navajo. 19 Il est certain que ceux qui sont les plus en danger, ce sont les “ vaincus ”, ceux qui sont desarmes au sens propre et figure, vis-a-vis de la societe americaine (Tableau n°2).

Cet oubli des valeurs, parmi d’autres facteurs, va entrainer des problemes sociaux et familiaux nombreux : alcoolisme, accidents de la route, toxicomanie, divorces, grossesses non desirees, maltraitance des enfants. L’alcoolisme est le principal fleau affectant la sante des Indiens et une cause importante de mortalite. Writers Help Summary? Meme si la consommation d’alcool est interdite dans leurs reserves, les Indiens ont le taux le plus eleve de toutes les minorites : 13 La plupart sont des maisons prefabiquees subventionnees grace aux programmes du Department of Business essay quotes Hous (. ) 14 Cf. Review? supra Entretien avec H. Writing Quotes? W., 29/10/2000. It’s five or six times the movie writers national figures. Essay? It’s just as bad with tuberculosis or diabetes. Twice as many young people commit suicide. Review Movie Writers Help Summary? Housing needs are enormous13. Writing Quotes? It’s like a Third World country. Movie Summary? Half don’t have electricity or running water, let alone telephone.

Nothing is Paper, going very well, like everything else in Review movie help, the country like businesses or education. Writing Personal College Essay? We are at war with the summary government. We are a conquered nation, similar to Buy a, Japan during and after World War II. The relationship with the Review help government was done to protect Indians from landswindlers. Essay? It is movie, still in report, force, but it has worked against writers help us. Paper Online Quotes? This college has always had funding problems for Review writers help summary, the past 27 years14. Tableau n°2 : Cartes d’identite des quatre socio-styles.

Ont depose les armes. Font de l’autodefense ( fortress mentality ) Ont pris les armes politiques. Utilisent les armes economiques. Actifs dans le rejet. Membres de la tribu. Membres de la tribu. Membres / Non membres. Ont perdu leurs rites (oubli) Pratiquent les rites (croyances)

Pratiquent les rites (politique) Parlent affaires et rites (seculaires) Ne comprennent pas le present. S’accrochent au passe (nostalgie du passe) Rejettent et critiquent le present. Profitent du present. Retour au Passe-Present-(Futur) (Passe)-Present-Tournes vers le Futur. Temps en boucle / chaque jour. Temps vecteur (dynamique - avenir) Reserve + Raids exterieurs.

Hors de la reserve + Retour a la reserve. Suivent les 4 points cardinaux (jour) Orientes vers l’Est (renaissance rituelle) Orientes vers le Nord (occidendal) N’importe quelle habitation. Hooghan / Maison prefabriquee.

15 HEALY Jane M., Endangered Minds. Stanford Essay? Why Our Children Don’t Think , Simon and Schuster, New York, 1990, (. ) 16 Informations fournies par G. Review Help? K., professor of Education au Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO., 23/10 (. Business Essay Writing Quotes? ) 20 Moins de 50% des jeunes atteignent le high school degree contre 65% pour la moyenne nationale. Review Movie? Le taux important d’abandons et d’echecs scolaires est du a plusieurs facteurs, comme, par exemple, a la penurie d’enseignants. Sociologist Essays On Race And Ethnicity? Un enseignant sur 10 seulement est Indien, d’ou des differences culturelles fortes, des incomprehensions liees aux difficultes linguistiques et a la methode d’apprentissage. Review Writers Summary? Des tests ont montre que les langues indiennes et le Navajo sollicitent davantage l’hemisphere droit, lie aux activites de l’art, la creation, l’imagination et la perception holistique, alors que l’hemisphere gauche possederait des capacites d’abstraction tournees vers l’analyse et les mathematiques (ce qu’on appelle la latelarisation de la pensee15). Les enseignants doivent donc mettre en pratique des modes d’apprentissage adaptes parce que les cerveaux des Navajo ont ete formes a penser differemment. Business Essay Writing Quotes? Les jeunes Indiens sont plus enclins a raisonner en appliquant des strategies pratiques et visuelles (plutot qu’auditives), et avec une approche globale : “ hands-on ” et “ here and Review movie writers help, now ”16. Writing Your? Une etudiante navajo de Fort Lewis College nous a confie : In today’s society students are ashamed to Review movie writers help summary, speak their native language and essays and ethnicity, want to Review writers summary, be part of the and ethnicity why do Western society. Writers Help Summary? They want to on race and ethnicity, fit in, so they think or act like they do not speak the movie writers help summary Navajo language. Buy A Report? And yet, our language and movie, culture are like a pair, just like male and Writing essay your, female, when they get married. Review Movie Help Summary? Our culture is Writing college essay your, a way of Review thinking and living.

In today’s society we are forgetting our sacredness and Stanford mba optional essay, knowledge of movie writers summary our language and culture, so we are lost17. 21 La confirmation des difficultes a definir leur identite est apportee en observant la matrice de l’impact de la pratique des deux systemes de valeurs sur les individus ou l’abscisse presente les tenants des valeurs economiques, et l’ordonnee, les gardiens des valeurs spirituelles (Figure n°3). Figure n°3 : Matrice de l’impact des deux systemes de valeurs. 22 Les Navajo qui conservent et pratiquent les principes de leur spiritualite (quadrant 1), possedent une indianite forte, mais leur survie economique est incertaine : ils sont des “ economiquement faibles ” et dependent des aides federales. Ceux qui mettent en pratique les valeurs economiques de la societe americaine (quadrant 3), ont certes perdu le sens du sacre et une bonne part de leur identite indienne, mais ont de fortes chances de reussir economiquement. Et, entre ces deux mondes (quadrant 4), les individus sont deboussoles, dephases, victimes d’une perte de reperes et donc d’identite. Article Xi? Quant au quadrant 2, il represente une incompatibilite puisqu’il est impossible de vivre pleinement selon les deux systemes de valeurs totalement contradictoires. 23 La base de reference est le role central joue par les croyances.

N. Writers? Scott Momaday, l’ecrivain, poete et dramaturge Indien Kiowa (Prix Pulitzer), abonde dans ce sens : la raison des difficultes est, selon lui, “ the essays on race and ethnicity why do theft of the sacred ”, le vol du sacre. 18 MOMADAY N. Review Movie Help? Scott, “ Buffalo Trust: Sharing the Business essay writing Dream ” , Native Peoples , May/June/July 1998, 5-7. From the help summary time of Business quotes European intercession, there has been a steady erosion of Review movie help traditional Indian values. Buy A Report? The greatest deprivation the movie writers help Indian has suffered has been the Business essay writing loss of the movie writers help summary sense of what is sacred in mba optional essay, Indian life. In my travels I have seen young people especially are losing the movie elements of Easy writing their heritage that are most essential to them. Movie Writers? In many cases they cannot speak their Native languages.

Many no longer have access to their Native ceremonies. Buy A School? many no longer know the meaning or power of the movie writers summary emblems and Buy a school, symbols and Review summary, icons that have always defined their spiritual being. Mba Optional? They have suffered from the theft of the writers help sacred18. 24 Les medicine men eux-memes sont victimes d’une erosion de leurs savoirs, selon le directeur du Dine College Museum : 19 Cf. School? supra Entretien avec H. Summary? W., 29/10/2000. They used to learn sixty to Buy a school, a hundred designs, now only six; they used to writers summary, learn 500 chants, now only Writing essay your, a dozen. Review Movie? In the article old days, ceremonies lasted nine nights or days, and Review writers, now only essay, six nights, and Review movie summary, even sometimes down to one or two days. Sociologist Essays And Ethnicity Why Do? Education of writers help medicine men has changed19.

25 Le medicine man rencontre20 se revolte contre la secularisation et contre l’exposition de sandpaintings dans les musees : “ I don’t know why they are shown. Article Xi? They shouldn’t. Writers Summary? It’s no surprise our tribe is in Paper quotes, crisis, it’s no surprise the Review writers help summary world is in Sociologist why do, crisis ”. Help? Il n’etait pas au bout de ses peines, car une fete a l’occasion d’Halloween etait organisee au Navajo Museum de Window Rock, fin octobre 2000, les participants devant venir costumes. Sociologist Essays And Ethnicity? Il s’agit d’une horreur pour l’homme medecin : “ We should never mention witches nor make fun of movie writers summary them ”. Mba Optional Essay? En effet, nous connaissons la valeur symbolique du deguisement qui transpose sur la personne les qualites ou defauts de l’Esprit represente : on Review movie writers help summary, incarne l’Esprit qui habite alors l’individu. Online? Apres une telle fete, il est necessaire d’organiser une “ healing ceremony ” pour obtenir l’intercession des bons Esprits afin de guerir l’esprit et de retablir l’equilibre. Movie Summary? La peur de la transgression est toujours la.

26 Les interferences se multiplient ainsi, en particulier lors de la recherche d’un emploi ou d’une meilleure education, entrainant une mobilite de la population indienne hors des reserves. Easy Writing? Cette migration a comme consequence l’eclatement des familles navajo, dispersees (dans un espace different), vivant a un rythme different (dans un temps different). Movie? Cet eloignement dans l’espace et le temps entraine une non-transmission orale de leur spiritualite. Quotes? Or raconter des histoires constitue un vecteur privilegie pour donner du sens aux relations au sein de la tribu, les recits offrent un cadre de references culturelles. Movie Writers Help Summary? Une fracture memorielle s’en suit. Easy Article? Les Navajo perdent aussi l’usage de leur langue au profit de l’anglais. Writers? Ils vont, pour beaucoup, s’integrer au systeme economique, et donc, au systeme de valeurs “ anglo ”, et se conformer aux normes generales de la societe americaine.

Que subsiste-t-il de leurs racines navajo ? 21 Entretien avec G. K., professor of education, 23/10/2000. 27 Quant a ceux qui restent dans la reserve, ils risquent de conserver ce qu’on a appele une attitude victimiste, “ a helpless victim mindset ”. Stanford Mba Optional Essay? Or, un jugement negatif sur le present handicape l’avenir par son pessimisme induit dans le temps. Review Movie Help Summary? Quand on essay quotes, sait l’importance du psychologique sur les choix ou les attitudes (l’autoreferencialite), les propos negatifs et l’image de soi negative transforment la perception de la realite et ne donne aucun espoir d’un mieux-etre futur21. 28 Il est indeniable que certains Navajo risquent une derive vers l’entre-deux mondes, vers un no-man’s land culturel. Ils endurent une transculturation inexorable qui les amene a pratiquer le grand ecart culturel et a gerer plus ou moins bien des contradictions. Movie Help? Les deux mondes ne sont-ils pas antinomiques ? La problematique des Natives est de decouvrir comment atteindre un nouvel equilibre alors que leurs certitudes se delitent. Vivre l’ambivalence ou comment recouvrer l’equilibre grace a Hozho. 29 Mais, doivent-ils proceder a un choix dans leurs priorites et leurs valeurs ? Contrairement a ce que nous pouvions affirmer auparavant, il semblerait que les pratiques de certains conduisent a un point de vue moins contraste, et que la cohabitation puisse fonctionner de maniere positive, selon le directeur du Dine College Museum : 22 Cf. supra Entretien avec H. Report? W., 29/10/2000. My son is an engineer, he asked me one day: “ Who is movie writers summary, right?

What they teach me at Buy a report school or what my grandfather taught me? ” I answered: “ Both are right. Movie Writers Summary? Our traditions teach the mba optional soul and Review writers summary, your educators teach you the Writing personal your skills that bring bread on help summary, the table ”. We integrate them. Business Writing? There is Review help, no conflict. Writing Personal? That’s sustenance, the second principle. Writers Help? At the Sociologist essays and ethnicity begnning of the Review help summary history of the Buy a school reservation, the summary Federal government tried to stop our culture, saw it as an obstacle, tried to essays on race why do, lead us to writers summary, the American mainstream.

It didn’t work. Report? They made us believe tradition is the enemy of progress. Review Movie Help? But now we realize we have been misled. Mba Optional Essay? They go well together. Movie Writers Help? We are two in college essay your, one22. 23 Alphonso ORTIZ (1939-1997). LINCOLN Kenneth, “ Yo, Ken!

Alphonso here! ”, Native Peoples , May/June (. Review Writers? ) 30 Le caractere mutuellement exclusif des deux perspectives peut donc etre remis en question. Stanford? Tel est egalement l’avis de l’anthropologue Tewa (Pueblo) Alphonso Ortiz qui a appele cette capacite de jumelage : la “ compartimentation ” de l’esprit. Summary? Sa vie est l’incarnation meme que les deux univers peuvent vivre cote a cote, sans dedoublement de la personnalite, donc sans pathologie ou schizophrenie, lui qui affirmait : “ I don’t think isolation or essentialism has done much good for Stanford mba optional, Indian people, even though I understand fully, their fear of White acculturation 23 ”. 24 MEYERSON D., SCULLY M., “ Tempered Radicalism and writers, Politics of Writing personal essay Ambivalence and help summary, Change ”, Organizati (. ) 25 PERRET Veronique, “ La gestion ambivalente du changement ”, in writing online quotes, Jean-Marie DOUBLET (dir.), Les Orga (. Review Movie Writers Help? ) 26 Ibid. Xi? p.89. 27 FLOCH Jean-Marie , Semiotique, marketing et communication. Movie Help? Sous les signes, les strategies, PUF, “ (. Essay? ) 31 Veronique Perret, se basant sur des travaux empiriques de Meyerson et Scully24, nous offre une grille de lecture des tensions et des interactions qui apporte une explication reconciliant les poles antagonistes en situation de changement25. Review Movie Help Summary? Selon elle, “ l’approche paradoxale et ambivalente remet en cause la vision traditionnelle et conduit a concevoir ensemble des dimensions considerees comme contradictoires26”, l’ambivalence designant la coexistence de deux valeurs opposees. Essay Writing Quotes? “ Le travail de Meyerson et Scully sur le radicalisme tempere suggere que des personnes peuvent etre ambivalentes, c’est-a-dire posseder une personnalite ou s’expriment clairement deux aspects d’un dualisme, et etre parfaitement claires sur leurs affinites et leurs identites ”. La demarche semiotique27 permet de visualiser la confrontation binaire (continuite - changement et non changement - non continuite) et les possibilites de reconciliation (Figure n°4). Figure n°4 : l’ambivalence comme retour a l’equilibre. 28 DEMO D., “ Self-Concept Over Time: Research Issues and Directions ”, Annual Review of writers help summary Sociology , n (. Sociologist On Race And Ethnicity? ) 32 Les Navajo sont parfaitement conscients qu’ils doivent mener de front le maintien de leurs croyances s’ils veulent conserver leur identite tribale (continuite des valeurs existentielles : traditionalistes), et, en meme temps, l’introduction de changements s’ils veulent survivre (changement de leurs valeurs materielles et utilitaires : pionniers). Movie? Il faut etre et avoir.

Il en est de meme avec le deuxieme binome de relations de contrariete apparente qui ouvre sur un compromis. Stanford Mba Optional Essay? Car les tenants du “ non changement ” (les guerriers) seraient alors condamnes a la “ non continuite ” (les vaincus) (cf. Movie? supra Figure n°1). Article Xi? Les approches sociologiques recentes montrent le caractere pluriel des individus qui ne se referent pas a un groupe homogene et coherent de valeurs et de normes, mais utilisent un repertoire de ressources variees selon les situations. Certains, comme D. Movie? Demo, ont mis l’accent sur l’interaction avec le contexte et les situations que l’individu rencontre, et ont pu parler d’“ identites situationnelles 28”. A diversite des contextes, diversite des identites dans les pratiques quotidiennes. 33 Pour les Navajo, la conduite du changement doit se faire dans le respect d’un equilibre entre continuite et changement, cela en integrant le changement dans la continuite, comme si la continuite n’arretait pas de changer.

Le vocable “ continuite ” fait d’ailleurs partie de leurs discours qu’ils repetent pour mieux s’en convaincre, en une sorte de methode Coue. Essay? Cette complexite cognitive et comportementale participe du Hozho , la recherche d’equilibre ambivalente qui a toujours ete centrale chez eux. Review Writers? Cette philosophie leur a permis de survivre, selon une doctorante navajo interviewee : 29 Edward Sapir (1884-1939) et Father Berard Haile (1878-1961). Online? 30 Entretien avec M. Writers? H., 21/10/2002. We have survived over the centuries thanks to article xi, Hozho. Writers Summary? What does history teach us ? The tribes that used arms to essay, resist were defeated by movie the US Army and Paper online, the tribes that did not resist disappeared, were assimilated.

We resisted but not by Review help summary force. Writing Essay Your? My grandfather, Albert ‘Chic’ Sandoval, contributed to Review movie summary, our survival by personal college working with anthropolgists29 who became famous thanks to him. He was their ears and Review movie summary, mouths by collecting beliefs, rites, ceremonies and Sociologist essays on race and ethnicity why do, the language. Review Writers Help? He told them everything they put in Paper writing online, their books. But in exchange, they preserved our past on movie help summary, which we are surviving as a tribe. My grandfather practiced Hozho30. 31 Cf. Sociologist Essays Why Do? supra Entretien avec V. Movie Summary? H., 27/10/2000. Easy Writing? Il a obtenu, par exemple, le 1 er prix au 1998 Santa Fe (. Review Writers? ) 32 Cf. Writing Quotes? supra notre article. Review Movie Help? Pour resumer : l’emploi de ‘traditionnel’ dans le domaine de l’art fait r (. Stanford Essay? ) 34 Certes, il n’est pas toujours aise d’exprimer sa pleine dualite dans la reserve ou le poids social est fort. Review Movie Writers Summary? Prenons le cas de Vernon Haskie, epoux de la doctorante et jeune createur de bijoux, qui a gagne quelque dix prix depuis 1998 aux salons ou foires d’art du Sud-Ouest.

Pourtant, il n’ose pas en parler pas a son pere qui lui a appris son art, par humilite et modestie, car la tradition veut que les anciens, et non les jeunes, recoivent les prix et soient respectes et celebres pour leur experience et leur pratique qui s’acquierent avec le temps. Il ne montre pas ses prix, non plus, lorsqu’il expose ses bijoux a la foire de Santa Fe. Stanford Mba Optional Essay? Il les cache sous un drap pour ne pas humilier les autres artistes qui ont leurs stands a cote du sien. Movie Writers? Il ne les montre qu’aux clients en soulevant le voile discretement. Essays On Race Why Do? “ Il faut rester humble ”, nous a t-il confie31. Writers Summary? Nous ne pouvons nous empecher de ressentir l’opposition entre l’importance d’une identite collective, du “ nous ” collectif qui impose un effacement de soi, et le “ je ” individualiste qui recherche la reconnaissance, les honneurs et la notoriete, propres a la societe occidentale. Buy A Report? Il en est de meme de ses sources d’inspiration, tiraillees entre ses croyances, son desir de rendre a la Mother Earth ce qu’elle lui a donne, son usage des dessins ‘traditionnels’32 et son exploration vers une expression artistique personnelle et actuelle (moderne ?). Review? Il lui faut paradoxalement, et simultanement, se conformer aux normes comportementales pour prouver son appartenance a la tribu, et se differencier et se demarquer pour exister en tant qu’individu et artiste. Writing Personal College Essay Your? Il lui faut innover dans la tradition. Assurer la continuite : “ work in Review movie help summary, progress ” 35 Les Navajo ne redigent jamais de conclusion. Essay? Nous n’en ferons donc point.

Car celle-ci induirait une fin, un arret du temps, un bilan final. Review Help? Or, comme nous l’avons vu, jour apres jour, ils vivent dans le present qui est continuite : la spirale sans fin du cycle de vie. Business Writing Quotes? Mais les responsables navajo ont bien conscience que le monde ne cesse de changer, comme il l’a toujours fait. Review Movie? Les traditions d’il y a cent ans, meme celles d’il y a cinquante ans, ne sont plus celles d’aujourd’hui ; les cultures s’entrecroisent ou s’empilent et des rythmes differents coexistent. C’est un fait des societes dans lesquelles nous vivons. Stanford Essay? Ils savent aussi qu’il est urgent d’agir, et qu’il leur faut mettre en place une strategie de renouveau : le sentiment de l’acceleration du temps produit l’amnesie. Review Movie Writers Help? Comme la memoire, l’identite aussi fonctionne dans le temps ; elle a besoin de temps pour interioriser les pratiques et les valeurs (l’enculturation). Easy Article? Elle est plus difficile a maintenir dans le temps quand le temps s’accelere … ou quand le sang se dilue : est-on encore Navajo avec un huitieme de sang navajo ? Une piste est exploree depuis plusieurs annees : developper une “ bilingual education ”. Review Movie? La langue devient l’element symbolique identitaire auquel s’accrochent les membres de cette nation.

Une future enseignante navajo qui se sent habitee d’une mission, tient des propos pleins d’espoir : I feel I am part of a group of Paper quotes teachers that will retain the writers help summary Navajo language and restore the Easy article writing Dine cultural identity. Movie Writers Summary? We will educate a new bilingual generation of Dine people that will be better able to function with pride in writing quotes, more than one culture. Movie Writers Help Summary? The new generation will not necessarily expel the personal college your benefits of the Review writers help Western world. Mba Optional Essay? But they will combine the two cultural ways and writers help summary, languages, and mba optional essay, identify with their true Dine roots. Movie Writers Help? They will work toward the vision, the Paper online growth of Review movie writers summary happiness as is Paper writing, found in help summary, the Dine Hozho that it has taught for Buy a, ages33. 36 Elle dessine la une sorte d’ Indian Dream , montrant l’optimisme de la nouvelle generation : les Navajo sont fort capables de le voir se realiser.

1 Si “ traditionnel ” fait reference a des pratiques et croyances transmises et inchangees pendant plusieurs generations, nous sommes conscient, comme les Natives eux-memes, des limites de son emploi au vu de l’evolution rapide de leurs “ traditions ”. 2 Nous utiliserons Navajo , et non Dine , qui signifie “ the people ” en langue navajo. Movie Writers? Contrairement aux affirmations de Scott L. Quotes? STABBER dans sa recension du livre de Jack UTTER, American Indians: Answers to Review, Today’s Questions , Second Edition, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2001 (, ils se designent comme “ Navajo ” lorsque nous les interviewons, comme le prouve d’ailleurs l’emploi de Navajo Times pour leur principal quotidien, et de Navajo Museum, inscrit au fronton de cette institution a Window Rock, AZ, la capitale de leur reserve. 3 Cette recherche est le fruit d’une enquete de terrain qui s’est deroulee en trois visites de deux semaines dans le Sud-ouest, entre octobre 2000 et octobre 2002. Writing College Your? Nous avons interviewe environ vingt Navajo, plus de la moitie refusant d’etre enregistres, puis analyse et interprete ces entretiens afin d’elaborer des typologies comportementales et identitaires. 4 Informations fournies par une exposition permanente de photographies au Navajo Museum, a Window Rock. Review Movie Summary? Il est egalement rappele que “ reservation lands are not owned by Easy writing the tribes : the movie lands are held in Paper, trust by the US Government for Review movie help, tribal use ”. College Essay Your? Musee visite en octobre 2000 et 2002.

5 RUSSELL George, Native American, FAQs Handbook , Russell Publications, Phoenix, AZ, 2000, 108. 6 Entretien avec BENALLY Herbert J., 26/10/2000. Cf. son article “ Spiritual Knowledge for a Secular Society ”, Tribal College , Spring 1992, 19-22. 7 Cette affiche est disponible a la librairie du Navajo Museum. 8 Cette expression est aussi communement employee dans la region pour indiquer un temps imprecis ou une heure indeterminee, car les Indiens sont connus pour ne jamais etre a l’heure a un rendez-vous, ceci etant du a leur mode de pensee : l’heure a l’occidental a peu de sens pour beaucoup d’entre eux.

9 Notre entretien avec A. L. Movie Help Summary? au Dine College, AZ, 29/10/2000. 10 BIGFEATHER Joanna Osburn : “ because the millenium is an Stanford, arbitrary point in time for Indigenous cultures ”, “ Introduction ” au catalogue de l’exposition Indian Time , a l’Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA), Santa Fe, NM, de mai 2000 a mai 2001. 11 Si des Navajo lisaient cet article, il ne fait aucun doute qu’ils nous reprocheraient notre grille de lecture tres ‘anglo’, basee sur du “ Western thinking ”, une accusation qui nous a ete proferee par H. Review Movie Help? Walters, directeur du Dine College Museum. Business Essay Writing Quotes? Il est vrai que les anthropologues leur ont tellement vole la parole qu’ils estiment etre les seuls a pouvoir parler d’eux-memes avec justesse et verite. 12 Notre entretien avec K. Movie Help Summary? L., 23/10/2000. 13 La plupart sont des maisons prefabiquees subventionnees grace aux programmes du Department of Housing and Writing college essay your, Urban Development (HUD/BIA programs). 14 Cf. supra Entretien avec H. W., 29/10/2000. 15 HEALY Jane M., Endangered Minds. Movie Writers Help Summary? Why Our Children Don’t Think , Simon and Buy a school report, Schuster, New York, 1990, 257.

Elle fait reference a 1/ Dr. Review? SPRINGER Sally and DEUTSCH Georg, Left Brain, Right Brain , W.H. Business Writing Quotes? Freeman, San Francisco, 1985, et 2/ S. SCOTT, et. Writers Help Summary? al . Sociologist Essays On Race And Ethnicity Why Do? “ Cerebral Speech Laterization in Review writers help summary, the Native American Navajo ”, Neuropsychologia No. On Race And Ethnicity Why Do? 17, 1979, 89-92. 16 Informations fournies par G. Review Movie Writers Help? K., professor of essay Education au Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO., 23/10/2000. 17 Entretien avec D. Movie? P., 23/10/2000. 18 MOMADAY N. Scott, “ Buffalo Trust: Sharing the article writing Dream ” , Native Peoples , May/June/July 1998, 5-7. 19 Cf. Movie Writers? supra Entretien avec H. Stanford? W., 29/10/2000. 20 Entretien avec A. Writers? L., 29/10/2000. 21 Entretien avec G. K., professor of on race why do education, 23/10/2000. 22 Cf. supra Entretien avec H. Movie Writers Summary? W., 29/10/2000.

23 Alphonso ORTIZ (1939-1997). LINCOLN Kenneth, “ Yo, Ken! Alphonso here! ”, Native Peoples , May/June/July 1998, 34-40. 24 MEYERSON D., SCULLY M., “ Tempered Radicalism and personal college, Politics of writers Ambivalence and Buy a school report, Change ”, Organization Science , vol.6, n°5, 1995, 585-600. 25 PERRET Veronique, “ La gestion ambivalente du changement ”, in Review writers help, Jean-Marie DOUBLET (dir.), Les Organisations face au changement, Le Revue Francaise de Gestion n° 120, FNEGE, septembre/octobre 1998, p.88-97.

27 FLOCH Jean-Marie , Semiotique, marketing et communication. Paper Online? Sous les signes, les strategies, PUF, “ Formes semiotiques ”, Paris, 1990. 28 DEMO D., “ Self-Concept Over Time: Research Issues and summary, Directions ”, Annual Review of Business essay Sociology , n°18, 1992, 303-326. Cite par Veronique PERRET, op. Movie Writers Summary? cit ., 95. 29 Edward Sapir (1884-1939) et Father Berard Haile (1878-1961). 30 Entretien avec M. H., 21/10/2002. 31 Cf. Sociologist Essays Why Do? supra Entretien avec V. Help Summary? H., 27/10/2000. Easy? Il a obtenu, par exemple, le 1 er prix au 1998 Santa Fe Indian Market , le Best of writers Show au 2000 Heard Museum Guild Indian fair and Market , ainsi qu’en 2002 . 32 Cf. Sociologist? supra notre article. Review Writers? Pour resumer : l’emploi de ‘traditionnel’ dans le domaine de l’art fait reference d’une part au Native American Arts Crafts Act de 1990 et aux Indian Arts Boards and Guilds qui controlent l’origine et la qualite de la production artistique, et d’autre part au marche de l’art ou ‘traditionnel’ signifie ce qui est traditionnellement apprecie et achete par les touristes et collectionneurs blancs. 33 Entretien avec L. Sociologist Essays On Race And Ethnicity Why Do? B., 23/10/2000.

Gerard Selbach , « Les Navajo en transition : la difficile maitrise d’un nouvel espace-temps », Revue LISA/LISA e-journal , Vol. II - n°6 | 2004, 128-145. Gerard Selbach , « Les Navajo en transition : la difficile maitrise d’un nouvel espace-temps », Revue LISA/LISA e-journal [En ligne], Vol. Review Summary? II - n°6 | 2004, mis en ligne le 30 octobre 2009, consulte le 03 octobre 2017. Writing Personal College Your? URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/lisa.2880.

Dr. (Paris V, France) Gérard Selbach est maître de conférences à l’Université de Paris 5 et chercheur permanent au CERLIS-UMR 8070 Paris 5 - CNRS et associé à LSA EA 2610 de l’Université de Caen. Review Movie Help Summary? Il a pour domaine de recherche l’art contemporain américain, les musées d’art, les musées amérindiens et la muséologie. Paper Writing Quotes? En plus de communications et d’articles, il a publié Les Musées d’art américains : une industrie culturelle (Paris, L’Harmattan, 2000), et va faire paraître Les Musées amérindiens : du vol du sacré à la métaphore identitaire (Paris, L’Harmattan, février 2005). Il collabore à la revue électronique comme critique d’art contemporain. Les specificites du kitsch dans le cinema anglophone. « Inspire d’une vie » : le genre biopic en question vol.

XIV-n°1 | 2016. Capitalisme, recherche et education : le modele anglais revisite vol. XIII-n°3 | 2015. Identite et alterite dans le monde anglophone (XVIe-XVIIIe siecles) vol. XIII-n°2 | 2015. Capitalisme anglo-saxon et monde(s) anglophone(s) : des paradigmes en question vol. Writers Help Summary? XIII-n°1 | 2015. Les mots etrangers vol. Buy A School? XII-n°8 | 2014. Panorama du paysage politique britannique au XXIe siecle : acteurs, strategies, realisations vol.

XII-n°7 | 2014. L’egalite des droits : Mythe ou realite dans les societes anglophones contemporaines ? vol. Help Summary? XII-n°6 | 2014. Livrets d’opera 1945-1970 : de la reconstruction a la contestation vol. Stanford Mba Optional? XII-n°5 | 2014.

Les discours de la methode en Angleterre a l’epoque classique vol. Movie Writers Help Summary? XII-n° 4 | 2014. Au dela de l’horizon : re-imaginer l’Irlande ? ISSN electronique 1762-6153. Informations Titre : Revue LISA / LISA e-journal Litteratures, Histoire des Idees, Images, Societes du Monde Anglophone – Literature, History of essays Ideas, Images and Societies of the English-speaking World En bref : Revue bilingue publiant des articles en sciences humaines et sociales consacres a l'etude du monde anglophone.

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+20 Resume Objective Examples - Use Them On Your Resume (Tips) We glanced at your resume. And we want to help summary tell you: Thanks, but no thanks. An employer who just threw your resume in the trash. Poor Michelle. Why aren’t employers looking at her resume? Michelle has a ton of job experience, but she is preparing to change her career. Michelle could have used a great resume objective to grab the recruiter’s attention and let the recruiter know that her resume is in the right place. The recruiter would have known from the beginning that Michelle was the right person for the job. Mba Optional Essay? This article will tell you why good resume objective statements are important plus: What a good objective for a resume should look like. When to movie help summary write an objective on a resume.

How to write a resume objective. And I will explain the differences between a general resume objective, resume summary, and resume profile. For industry-specific examples , keep reading. If you don't find a sample resume objective for your industry, let us know in the comments and we'll write an example for you. A resume objective is a short, targeted statement or blurb at the beginning of a resume that reflects what you have already achieved, and how you are a perfect match for Easy xi, the position that is on offer. Movie Help Summary? Outgoing Certified Public Accountant with an MBA and mba optional +2 years of experience in specialized tax services. Movie Writers Help? Seeking to leverage my technical and Buy a school report professional expertise to grow in Review movie writers the new role of Accountant at your company. Seeking a job as mattress tester because I like sleeping and I can quickly fall asleep anywhere. Here is a template from our resume builder . Notice how the sample resume objective stands out. If you want to save time, get professional tips, and quickly write your resume, you can try our resume builder.

It's fast and easy to use. See more templates and create your resume here. Personal College Essay? So, what does objective mean? The dictionary definition of ‘objective’ (noun) is a goal or aim to get something specific. What is your goal for applying for a job? Employers know you want the job. You gave them your resume.

But, once upon a time, the movie help, resume objective definition was a statement that told hiring managers who you were and why you wanted the job. Resume Objective Statement Example. Stanford? Want fun, stimulating job that pays me in tacos and a mountain of money every month. Oh, and fifty days of paid vacation. And a gym membership.

Oh, and one of those people who follow you around and get you coffee - a personal assistant. Yes, one of those. You can write an objective for a resume like this and still get good jobs (kind of). But, some experts argue that it is no longer fashionable to include a resume objective like the resume objective statement example I just gave you. Review Summary? In fact, the general consensus is that the old resume objective format is a 90’s relics that is about as fashionable as wearing denim on Paper quotes denim. Movie Writers Help Summary? Because employers care more about what they want. Surprise, surprise. You aren’t writing a letter to Santa. When you send your resume to large companies in 2016, it could end up in a pile of Business essay quotes +250 other resumes on average. The modern recruiter needs to quickly scan each resume. They only Review movie writers help have time to Stanford look for Review movie help summary, what they want and need.

Attracting a recruiter's attention in Easy article xi the fastest, most direct way possible is now invaluable. So the beginning of the movie writers summary, resume needs to provide a different sort of information - the information that the recruiter wants and Paper writing needs. This is why the format for great resume objectives has changed. Modern resume objectives have become a tool for showcasing your ability to achieve the employer’s objective not your own. Resume Objective Statement Example. Review Movie? Experienced chef interested in Stanford becoming a zoo keeper. Tons of experience with picky clients who need to be fed with the right food at the right time.

Want to movie writers apply my patience and understanding of Paper writing online quotes complicated clients to taking care of angry lions at the Zoo. Pro Tip: A good resume objective needs to Review show that you are a perfect match for that position . You will need to change the objective statement for a resume every time you apply for a different job. You may also want to take a look at our guides and resume examples (here) for Writing personal college, specific positions. So, if you apply for 1,000 jobs how many good resume objectives do you need? Yes, that’s right - 1,000 resume objectives. Movie Summary? You don't need to change everything, just re-tailor each objective on a resume to match the writing quotes, new job post. The topic of Review movie help summary writing a resume objective is confusing. There seem to be about a dozen different names for what you can put in essay writing the space at the top of a resume. The resume profile layout gets called: career summary career objective personal profile statement profile statement resume summary resume summary statement summary of qualifications.

Here’s the thing - they are all basically the Review writers, same. But, there are minor differences and you should not confuse them. Just remember: put your resume objective or summary at the top of your resume. You can choose one of our +20 resume templates, and use our resume builder to essay save time, and quickly create your resume here. Take a look at a sample resume below: When Do You Need a Great Resume Objective? When you're writing a resume, the first thing you will probably include after adding your contact information is some sort of Review movie introduction. Think of this section as an elevator pitch that you've designed to sell yourself to the employer.

The introduction comprises what you would say to the hiring manager if you were to pitch your resume face to face. A recent study by The Ladders has shown that recruiters will only spend 6 seconds looking at a resume. Paper Writing Online? So, you need to catch a recruiter’s eye immediately to make sure they keep reading. And the Review help, best way to make recruiters keep reading is to introduce yourself in a way they can't ignore . Okay, but let's go back to Paper writing online writing a resume objective for a resume. There are three main types of introductions for resumes: 1. The Resume Objective. Writers? 2. The Resume Summary or Executive Summary. 3. The Resume Profile. Resume objectives are the introduction of choice for three types of personal essay people: 1. People who are entering the job market for Review help summary, the first time. 2. People who are switching industries, changing careers, or need to explain an unclear career path.

3. People who are targeting specific positions. Article? The rest of you might want to Review movie writers help consider either a resume summary or resume profile . Writing? Or you don’t have to Review movie writers use anything if you don’t feel like it. You can just jump right into your experience or education section. It depends on what you think is most important and what you want a recruiter to Stanford mba optional essay see first. The Resume Objective vs. The Summary vs. The Profile. Writers Summary? Another reason why experts will tell you that general resume objectives are dead is because of the Business, rise of the resume summary and the resume profile. Here are the Review writers summary, differences: A resume objective is one or two lines at the beginning of Stanford mba optional essay your resume that state how you are a good fit for the position on offer. Review Movie Writers Help Summary? This type of report introduction is useful for people who have little or no work experience.

Dump Truck Driver with a valid Class A Certified Driver's License (CDL) and 2 years of movie writers help summary experience. Wishing to leverage my experience to fill the position of college essay Truck Driver at Review movie, your company. Zero accidents or injuries throughout entire career. Obtain a challenging management position where I can develop myself creatively and become a high-level professional. A resume summary is Writing personal essay your also a couple of lines at the beginning of your resume. But a resume summary statement will include a brief overview of Review writers work experience that matches the requirements of the position. Professional Dietician and Stanford essay Caterer with 6+ years in the foodservice industry. Highly entrepreneurial and efficient at building and maintaining client relationships. Seeking to leverage my interpersonal skills to bring a solid customer service perspective to writers help summary the position of Catering Manager at your company. Article? Professional Photographer seeking a full-time position taking picutres in the fashion industry. Bonus: Download actionable examples of real job descriptions and the resume objectives that match them.

Resume Objective Examples for Your Profession (Download) For people who have work experience in the same field as the job for which they are applying. If this is your case, make sure you read our guide: A Resume Summary That Will Get You The Job [7 Secret Steps] A resume profile lists your qualifications, experience, and education in movie writers help summary terms of the Paper online quotes, company’s needs and values. Help? It is Easy writing xi exactly like a resume summary statement, just more extensive. Movie Help? It can be formatted as a paragraph or as a list with bullet points. Let’s look at Sociologist on race, IT jobs for a moment. The resume profile structure works well for IT resumes because IT hiring managers want to see a list of movie all the different software and Easy article writing hardware you are familiar using. Review Summary? Analytical problem solver (6) with High School Diploma and 3.5 GPA (1). Paper? Undergraduate studying computer science with an emphasis on Review computer systems and architecture.

Strong exposure to Windows Server 2008 / 2012, Win7, and Microsoft Office 2010 / 2013 (2). Working understanding of remote connectivity software (RDP, Citrix, and Cisco VPN), Cisco switches, routers, and TCP / IP networking (3 and 4). Experience with Microsoft Active Directory, administration, creation of personal college essay user accounts, and Internet email (5). Review Help Summary? In the article writing xi, end, the real difference is whether or not you have quantifiable work experience . Pro Tip: Never confuse resume introductions with cover letters. Yes, it is still necessary to write cover letters. Cover letters introduce you to an employer and Review summary explain why your skills and experiences fit the job for which you are applying. An introduction to your resume does the essay quotes, same thing, but in Review movie help a couple of lines at the beginning of your resume. Introductions reinforce what you write in your cover letter and school the experience you show in your resume. Five Examples of Resume Objectives for Specific Situations. Review Help Summary? In this section, I’ve put together a bunch of examples of great resume objectives for people in Paper writing quotes specific situations. Review Writers Summary? These examples are for Writing college, the three types of people I mentioned at the beginning of the article: People who are entering the Review, job market for the first time (entry level).

People who are switching industries, changing careers, or need to explaing an unclear career path. People who are targeting specific positions (professionals). A. Sociologist Essays On Race? Entry-level Resume Objective Samples. Entry level or first-time employees include: Recent High School graduates with zero work experience and no higher-level education. College graduates looking for their first professional job. People who have been out of work for longer periods of movie help summary time or have not worked. If you are a person looking for your first job, you should focus on the traits that will make you a good employee. But you shouldn’t randomly pick three nice adjectives out of thin air.

Look back at your accomplishments and activities as a student. Find traits that are easily displayed during those activities. Whatever it is that you did before as a student, pull traits from that experience that match the traits required for the job. Use your experience as proof that you actually have these traits later in the resume. A high school resume objective sample might look like this: Dedicated team player (1) (captain of the swim team 2 years) with proven leadership and communication skills. Seeking an opportunity to leverage my talents as a server at your restaurant (2) . Essay Quotes? I have the follow-through and positive attitude that will allow me to achieve company targets (3) . Lead with your strongest trait.

The traits you list should match the traits you marked as keywords from the job description. Here is the example of the server job description with the keywords marked: Here is our career objective example again with the keywords highlighted: Dedicated team player (captain of the swim team 2 years) with proven leadership and communication skills. Seeking an opportunity to leverage my talents as a server at your restaurant. I have the follow-through and positive attitude that will allow me to achieve company targets. If you have graduated from university, your resume objective statement will look a bit different: Highly-motivated (1) Business Administration graduate (2) looking to fill a position as a Management Assistant (3) . I am ambitious, hardworking (4) and want to find a company that I can grow with as I achieve their goals. 1. Lead with a strong trait.

2. Follow with the type of education you have and any work experience you have. 3. State the position you are seeking. 4. Movie Summary? End with a sentence that emphasizes that you add value to the company. Let’s say you’ve just been out of the game for a long time. You took time off to be a full-time mom or dad, but now you want to Business essay writing quotes go back to movie work.

If you have higher education or work experience, a good job objective for a resume will look the Easy writing xi, same as a university graduate or young professional's resume objective. Start with your education or your previous work experience - even if you gained it years ago. Maybe you have never worked and don’t have higher education. What would a good resume objective example look like then? Organized and motivated (1) employee able to movie writers help summary apply my skills (be specific - which skills?) in Business essay quotes various environments. Seeking a position as an office assistant (2) in (name of company). I am personable and reliable and will prove to be an Review movie writers help summary, asset to Buy a school report the company. B. Transitioning Industries or Career Change Resume Objective Samples.

You have experience, you just have it in another industry. A career objective for a resume is a place for Review help, you to Stanford mba optional essay state that you are making a change and that where you were is movie writers summary relevant to where you are going. That way, a hiring manager doesn’t think your resume is in mba optional essay the wrong place. What is this concert pianist’s resume doing in my pile of flight attendant applications? A killer resume objective will answer that question right away so that your resume doesn’t end up in help the trash. Accomplished (1) Marketing Manager (2) with 10+ years (3) of experience in writing the retail real estate industry (4). Review Movie? Seeking to use my background in Buy a report planning, overseeing, and implementing marketing campaigns (5) to take on the role of Brand Manager (6) at (name of company).

I am creative and Review writers summary effective at presenting and developing the brands I represent (7 and 8) . Strong Trait (1) + Past Work (2) + Number of Years (3) + Specific Industry (4) + Types of Duties (5) + Specific Position (6) + How these Skills will Translate (7) + Added Value (8) You could also add a reference to school report your education either at the beginning or end of the resume objective statement. C. Professional Resume Objective Sample: Applying for Review movie help summary, a Specific Position. This sample is for people who have the education and work experience but feel that a brief introduction will address an interest in a specific position. IT Professional (1) with 3+ years (2) of experience in systems management and configuration at a large telecommunications company (3). Stanford Mba Optional Essay? Aiming to use my proven technical, management, and communication skills (4 and 5) to effectively fill the Review movie summary, position of Stanford essay Network Engineer (6) at (name of company).

Possess a BA in Computer Science (7). Past Work (1) + Number of Years (2) + Specific Industry (3) + Types of Duties (4) + Strong Traits (Keywords) (5) + Specific Position (6) + Your Degree and Review movie help Training (7) Seven Tips How Not To Ruin a Good Resume Objective. 1. Here Is the Best Way To Be Credible. One of the benefits of putting a good resume objective on Writing personal college your a resume is that it makes you stand out to an employer at first glance. Unless you write a general resume objective like this one: Dedicated person interested in Review movie writers summary pursuing a job that allows me to Business essay writing use my skills to movie writers help benefit the company. Remember?

We already talked about this. Writing Online? This is the “Nice person applying for nice job at nice company” career objective that almost made it taboo to pur resume objectives on a resume at all. The problem is that it doesn’t answer any of the following questions: What job do you want to pursue? What skills do you have? How will they benefit the company? Be specific. Avoid writing generic statements that could apply to any job seeker looking for any job in the world. Review Movie Help Summary? Dedicated waitress interested in pursuing a retail sales position that allows me to use my interpersonal and customer service skills to benefit the customer service goals of Awesome Jeans Incorporated. Now that’s specific. Pro Tip: Some experts will tell you that being too specific will box you in and hurt your chances if there are other jobs on offer. Writing Quotes? That may be true if you are not responding to a specific job offer.

In most cases, you will respond to specific job offers. They will include job descriptions that will tell you exactly what type of traits and skills the employer wants. It won’t box you in if you show that you have everything they want in the first two lines of your resume. You will come across as the exact person they need to hire for the job. 2. How To Use Numbers To Attract Attention. Use numbers and details when possible: 2 years of Review writers help summary experience 50% increase in sales 100 people in writing attendance at my event managed a team of movie writers help 50 people saved 25 baby seals from poachers.

My proven managerial and essay writing organizational skills were developed through 2 years of experience creating a series of writers events that drew over 100 people each. Both of these things will also help you avoid being generic and having a general resume objective on a resume. Business? The main question you should be asking when writing a resume objective for a resume: How are your skills and traits going to benefit the help, employer? This is especially important for people transitioning from one industry to personal college your another. How does your past experience translate to your future position? Dedicated waitress interested in pursuing a retail sales position that allows me to use my interpersonal and customer service skills to summary benefit the customer service goals of Awesome Jeans Incorporated. We can see that the interpersonal and mba optional customer service skills that this waitress used at her old job can be used to help achieve the writers help summary, customer service goals of Awesome Jeans Incorporated. Read more about showcasing your skills here: +30 Best Examples Of What Skills To Put On A Resume (Proven Tips) You will find out what are the skills that employers desire most. Mba Optional? Oh, and did I mention that the article comes with a fun and actionable infographic?

Go check. 4. How Long Should A Good Resume Objective Be? Make it short and Review movie writers sweet. Resumes are short documents. Business Essay Quotes? A career objective for a resume shouldn’t be more than two or three lines at the beginning of your resume. No one wants to read a novel about your job experience. 5. Should You Use First Person Pronouns? Maybe you’ve heard a rule like: Don’t use pronouns or the first person on movie help summary your resume. There is something called a “smart” third person approach that eliminates the pronoun and starts with an action verb. Instead of saying “I manage” you write “Manage.” When writing a resume objective in article writing xi the third person and in the present tense, you are giving the employer a chance to imagine you transferring your skills and movie writers summary duties to their open role. It focuses on the employer by leaving direct references to you out Stanford, of the equation.

But, like I said before, there are no real rules. As long as you are making a clear point and Review movie writers summary showing added value, it won’t matter that you used personal pronouns. Also, what are you supposed to call the thing? As I mentioned before, there are endless names for the introduction section of Writing college essay your a resume. You can start a good objective for a resume like this: Or forget the title and just start writing. Make it work for you. Write what’s comfortable and compelling. Pro tip: Most of the examples provided in the sample section of Review movie writers help summary this article start without a title. Because general resume objectives on a resume are seen as cliche and out of fashion, it might be better not to slap the label in Easy article writing front. 6. How To Use Keywords To Get Results.

Instead of using a bunch of Review random, flowery adjectives like “hard working” or “dedicated” use the adjectives from the job description. Note: use “hard working” and “dedicated” if they are in the job description. This is a form of keyword optimization. All you need to do is go back through the job description looking for Stanford mba optional essay, keywords. These keywords should be written throughout your resume. A couple of them can show up in your resume objective as well. Whoever is looking at your resume will probably start by scanning the document.

Recruiters will be looking for the keywords they put in the job description, and if you add them to a resume and an objective in a resume, they will find what they are looking for right away. Do you want to know how to use keywords to tailor your resume to the job description? I'll show you in our actionable step-by-step guide: 6 Proven Tips On How To Tailor Your Resume To The Job Description 7. Most People Make These Mistakes - Do You? Okay. I lied. There are two rules you should always follow. Never use the word utilize and Review movie don't lie.

Never use “utilize” in a job objective on a resume (or any unscientific situation for that matter) - just do not do it. You will sound pretentious. You will sound like you are trying too hard to sound intelligent. You will sound like someone who slips French words into conversations at parties. There are only essay a few people who can do that without being embarrassing - French people.

Also, don’t lie about your traits or skills: If you hate people, then don’t say you are “friendly” or “bubbly” or have “good interpersonal skills.” Don’t say you hate people, just pick a different trait to Review summary emphasize. Writing a resume may seem scary and intimidating. You have to Writing personal catch the attention of hiring managers within the first few seconds. Writing a strong introduction can turn a glance at Review, your resume into a full read. Putting a great resume objective on a resume could be the one thing that keeps your resume on the hiring manager’s desk and out of the Buy a school report, trash can. Movie Writers Help Summary? A good resume objective is key for anyone lacking professional experience. It signals to the person reading your resume that you are right for Business essay, the job, even if you have never had a job. Bonus: Download actionable examples of real job descriptions and the resume objectives that match them. Resume Objective Examples for Your Profession.” Do you have any questions about how to write a great resume objective for a resume? Leave a comment. We'll be happy to help.

Natalie is a writer at Uptowork. She loves writing about resumes and eating tacos more than life itself. She spends her free time reading complicated novels and binge watching TV series.

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Essay on Leaf (With Diagrams) | Botany. The below mentioned essay provides an overview on Leaf. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Origin of Leaves 2. Origin of Branches 3. Origin of Reproductive Shoot Apex 4. Anatomy of the Leaf. A leaf initiates by periclinal divisions in a small group of cells at the side of an apical meristem. In angiosperms, the tunica and the corpus are responsible for leaf initiation. Review? In the dicotyledonous plants the periclinal divisions initiating the Easy leaves occur, not in the surface layer, but in one or more layers beneath it. If the tunica is single- layered, such divisions take place within the corpus, otherwise they occur both in tunica and Review movie writers help corpus or in the tunica only. Stanford? In certain monocotyledonous plants the superficial tunica layer undergoes periclinal divisions and gives rise to some or most of the tissue. In the case of gymnosperms the leaves initiate from the movie writers help summary peripheral tissue zone. Writing Quotes? In the vascular cryptogams (pteridophytes) the leaves are initiated either from single superficial cells or from groups of such cells.

The periclinal divisions which initiate a leaf primordium are responsible for the formation of a lateral prominence on the side of the shoot apex. This prominence constitutes the leaf base which is also known as leaf buttress. Subsequently the Review summary leaf grows upwardly from the buttress. As shown in the figure, in Hypericum spp., the apical meristem is less prominently elevated above the youngest leaf buttress. Before the initiation of a new leaf primordium the apical meristem appears as a rounded mound. It gradually widens, and, then leaf buttresses are initiated on its sides. While the new leaf primordia grow upward from the Writing essay buttresses, the apical meristem again becomes like a small mound. In angiosperms, branches commonly are initiated in close association with the Review movie help leaves – They originate in the axils of the leaves, and in their nascent state they are known as axillary buds. The axillary buds commonly initiate somewhat later than the leaves subtending them and therefore, it is not always clear whether the meristem of the axillary bud is derived directly from the apical meristem of the main shoot or whether it originates from partly differentiated tissue of the internode.

Both situations may occur because plants vary with regard to time of appearance of Paper quotes, axillary buds. Review? On the one hand, the axillary buds may be directly related to the apical meristem of the parent shoot; on article, the other hand they may intergrade, ontogenetically with the adventitious buds which arise in obviously differentiated tissue regions. The initiation of the axillary bud in seed plants is characterized by a combination of anticlinal divisions, in one or more of the superficial layers of the young axis, and of various divisions, sometimes predominantly periclinal, in movie help summary, the deeper layers (see Fig. Sociologist Essays On Race And Ethnicity? 41.2). This coordinated growth in surface of the peripheral region and growth in volume at help, greater depth cause the bud to protrude above the surface of the axis. Depending on the quantitative relationships between the tunica and personal college essay the corpus in the shoot apices of angiosperms. The derivatives of the two zones participate in the formation of the axillary bud meristem.

If the axillary bud develops into a shoot, its apical meristem gradually organizes — commonly duplicating the pattern found in the parent shoot apex and proceeds with the formation of leaves. Essay on movie help summary, the Origin of Reproductive Shoot Apex : In the reproductive state in angiosperms, floral apices replace the vegetative apices either directly or through the Paper quotes development of an inflorescence. The flower, which may occur singly or as part of an inflorescence, is formed during the reproductive phase of growth. It develops from summary a terminal or lateral vegetative shoot apex and results in the culmination of meristematic activity of that particular meristem. Thus, the floral apex, like the personal essay leaf primordium and unlike the vegetative shoot apex, shows determinate growth. The change to the reproductive stage may be first detected by movie writers summary, the modified growth habit of the shoot. When the flowers develop an axillary-branch inflorescence, there appears an acceleration in production of on race and ethnicity, axillary buds, which shows one of the earliest indication of writers help summary, approaching flowering.

Simultaneously, the nature of foliar organs subtending the axillary buds also changes. They develop as bracts more or less distinct from the foliage leaves. Here during the reproductive stage the Paper quotes axillary buds appear earlier and grow more vigorously than the subtending bract primordia. The next feature that reveals the beginning of the reproductive state is the Review writers sudden increase in the elongation of internodes. From the viewpoint of histology and online quotes cytology the Review writers reproductive meristem differs from the vegetative meristem in varying degrees. School? It may have the Review movie writers same quantitative relationship between the Paper online quotes tunica and the corpus as was present in the vegetative apex, or the number of separate surface layers may be reduced or increased.

The most conspicuous change is exhibited in the distribution of the eumeristematic and the more highly vacuolated cells. In many species the Review writers help summary apex of the inflorescence or the Buy a flower shows a uniform, small-celled mantle-like zone of one or more layers enclosing a large celled core; this type of apex may be flatter and wider than the vegetative one. It is not necessary that the mantle may coincide with the tunica; a part of corpus may be included in writers summary, it. The cells of the central tissue enlarge and become vacuolate, and the meristematic activity remains restricted to the mantle zone. Sociologist Essays And Ethnicity Why Do? This activity is Review writers summary concerned only Sociologist, with the production of floral organs. Commonly there are two types of leaves: 1. Dorsiventral Leaves (dicotyledonous) and. 2. Isobilateral Leaves (monocotyledonous). The dorsiventral leaves usually grow in a horizontal direction with distinct upper and lower surfaces, the upper being more strongly illuminated than the Review movie writers help lower. There exists a difference in the internal structure between the upper and Sociologist essays lower surfaces of the dorsiventral leaf due to writers help summary, its unequal illumination. Most of the dicotyledonous leaves are dorsiventral.

The isobilateral leaves hang vertically so that both surfaces of the leaf receive direct and equal amount of sunlight. The isobilateral leaves possess a uniform structure on both upper and lower surfaces. A very few dicotyledons and most monocotyledons have isobilateral leaves. Usually the leaf is composed of various tissues, which furnish various functions. In discussions of the form and Sociologist essays anatomy of the leaf, it is customary to designate the Review movie writers leaf surface that is continuous with the surface of the part of the stem located above the leaf insertion as upper, ventral, or adaxial side, the opposite side as the Paper quotes lower, dorsal or abaxial. To study the anatomy of writers help summary, leaf, several vertical sections passing through the mid-rib are required. The internal structure of the Stanford dicotyledonous leaf is as follows: The leaf is covered on Review movie help summary, both surfaces by a single-layered epidermis. The outer walls of the epidermis are usually thickened, and Stanford covered over with a waxy substance called cutin.

The outer surfaces of the epidermis are frequently covered with a thin or thick cuticle. Review Movie Help Summary? This cuticular layer is formed of cutin. As the outer walls of the Sociologist essays on race epidermis are thick and cutinized, water does not pass through them rapidly and the transpiration from the surface of the epidermis is greatly reduced, only Review movie help, small quantity of water is evaporated by transpiration. The epidermis checks the transpiration to article writing xi, a great extent. The epidermis also prevents the entrance of pathogens into the interior of the leaf. Another function of the epidermis is the protection of the soft internal tissue of the leaf from the Review writers help mechanical injuries.

Sometimes in essays why do, the xerophytic leaves the epidermis cells become radially elongated and somewhat lignified. In Nerium leaf, the epidermis is Review movie help summary multi-layered. Numerous small openings called stomata are found in the epidermal layers of the leaves. Stomata are found in most abundance in the lower epidermis of the Paper writing quotes dorsiventral leaf. They are very few in the upper epidermis and sometimes altogether absent. In the floating leaves, stomata remain confined to the upper epidermis; in the submerged leaves the stomata are absent. In xerophytic leaves either stomata are sunken or situated inside the Review movie help depressions.

Each stoma remains surrounded by two semilunar guard cells. The guard cells are living and contain chloroplasts; they regulate opening and closing of stomata. The guard cells may remain surrounded by two or more accessory cells in addition to epidermal cells. Writing Online Quotes? The stomata are found in scattered condition. Usually the stomata are meant for exchange of gases in between the plant and the atmosphere.

To facilitate the diffusion of gases properly, each stoma opens internally into a respiratory cavity or sub-stomatal chamber. The transpiration takes place through the stomata, and the surplus water is being evaporated. The tissue of the leaf that lies between the upper and lower epidermis and between the veins consist of typically thin walled parenchyma is known as mesophyll. This tissue forms the major portion of the Review movie inner of leaf. Commonly the cells of mesophyll are of school, two types—the palisade parenchyma or palisade tissue, and the spongy parenchyma or spongy tissue. The mesophyll tissues always contain chloroplasts in writers, them. The palisade parenchyma is generally composed of writing, elongated and Review writers help more or less cylindrical cells which are close together with long axes of the cells perpendicular to the epidermis. In transverse section the cells appear to be arranged quite compact, are really separate from each other having intercellular spaces among them.

The palisade tissue may consist of a single or more layers. These cells are arranged near to the upper surface of the leaf, where they receive sunlight and facilitate to carry the function of article writing, photosynthesis. Sometimes the leaves hang vertically (e.g., Eucalyptus), so that both surfaces of leaf are equally illuminated. In such leaves the palisade paren­chyma may occur on both sides. The compactness of the palisade parenchyma depends upon light intensity. The leaves which receive direct sunlight develop more compact parenchyma in movie writers, comparison to the leaves which develop in shady places. The lower portion of the mesophyll in writing quotes, the leaf is known as spongy parenchyma or spongy tissue. The spongy tissue is usually composed of writers help summary, loose, irregular, thin walled cells having big intercellular spaces (air spaces) among them. The cells of spongy parenchyma also contain chloroplasts and carry on photosynthesis, but in comparison of palisade parenchyma less chloroplasts are developed. Due to the presence of a large air space in the spongy tissue they are more adaptable to the exchange of gases between the cells and the atmosphere. The large air spaces that surround the spongy parenchyma cells are near the Stanford mba optional stomata and directly connected with them.

There is therefore a much more free circulation of gases around these cells than around the palisade parenchyma cells, with the result that they are better suited to the exchange of gases between the cells and the surrounding atmosphere. The air spaces of the spongy chlorenchyma are not isolated chambers but a series of intercommunicating passages. Both spongy and palisade parenchyma contain discoid chloroplasts arranged in parallel rows in the cells. As the chloroplasts are more dense in the palisade tissue man the spongy tissue the upper surface of the leaf appears to be deeper green than the lower surface. Mechanical Support in the Leaf : The functions of the midrib and the lateral veins are to Review movie, strengthen the leaf. The important tissue giving mechanical strength to leaf is: collenchyma, sclerenchyma, turgid parenchyma and woody xylem.

In the centre of the upper portion of the midrib, just below the epidermis, there is usually a group of cells which give strength by having thickened walls and by being turgid A group of the same kind of cells usually occurs also just above the lower epidermis. These cells constitute the Sociologist why do collenchyma. Collenchyma is composed of living cells with walls which are thickened at Review movie help, the angles where three or more cells come in Easy article writing, contact with one another. The thick places in the walls increase the strength of the cells, while the thin places allow for a more rapid transfer of Review help summary, materials from cell to cell than would take place if the cell walls were thickened throughout. These cells are more or less turgid, and so give strength to the leaf in the way also. The weight of the leaf causes it to tend to Buy a report, bend downward, with the result that there is a tendency for the upper portion to be stretched and the lower portion compressed. The collenchyma occurs, therefore, in those parts of the midrib in which there is the greatest need for strengthening material. Usually the movie writers help summary sclerenchyma cells or the fibres are associated with the mba optional vascular tissues of the leaves. They occur usually as bundle caps adjacent to the phloem.

Sometimes the fibres are found on both the sides of large vascular bundle of the leaves. Usually these cells are thick walled, dead and lignified. Their position just exterior to thin-walled phloem affords mechanical protection to the latter. The fibres are greatly elongated in the longitudinal direction of the midrib. The regions between the collenchyma cells and the central portion of the midrib are occupied by parenchyma cells. In structure the parenchyma cells are not specially modified for any particular function, but they perform all the general functions of cells to a limited extent. Parenchyma cells have thin walls, but on account of their turgidity they strengthen the movie writers summary midrib. Usually the vessels and tracheids of xylem conduct water, but due to their thick walled nature they also give mechanical support to the leaves. The xylem elements are composed of lignified and dead cells. Orientation of Vascular Tissue : In the leaf traces of flowering plants, before they have the stele, the phloem is always found towards the outside of the stem.

The leaf traces after their entrance in the petiole and lamina, also maintain the relative position of the xylem and Buy a school the phloem, i.e., the phloem is always found towards the lower side and the xylem towards the upper side in the leaf. Sometimes the movie summary xylem ring remains surrounded by a ring of phloem. The phloem occurs only below the xylem or rarely both above and below it. The tissues which constitute the conducting system are situated near or at the centre of the midrib. Article? This system may have various shapes, e.g., the form of Review movie writers help, a ring, a crescent shaped ring, a crescent or scattered patches. In the ring shaped conducting system parenchyma cells are usually found in mba optional essay, the centre of the ring.

The inner part of the ring is composed of xylem (towards upper surface), and phloem (towards lower surface). Xylem is composed of various kinds of vessels, trachieds wood fibres and wood parenchyma. Specially the vessels are annular and spiral. Xylem conducts water, raw food material and also gives mechanical support to the leaf. The phloem consists of sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma. Review Movie Writers? The phloem serves for the translocation of prepared food material from the mesophyll of the leaf. The structure of large veins is more or less similar to that of a midrib.

As they pass from the base of a leaf blade towards the apex or margin of the leaf, they get reduced in size, and simple in structure. The small veins consist of only of few conducting cells. The xylem is always found towards the upper surface and phloem towards lower even in very small veins. The cells of the mesophyll (chlorenchyma) are usually arranged so that the conduction of materials to and from the veins is facilitated. The bundle sheath: The larger vascular bundles of dicotyledonous leave remain surrounded by parenchyma with small number of chloroplasts, whereas the small bundles occur in the mesophyll. However, these small bundles do not remain in contact with intercellular spaces but are commonly enclosed with a layer of Stanford essay, compactly arranged parenchyma, the bundle sheath. In dicotyledons the Review help bundle-sheath parenchyma is also called border parenchyma. The bundle sheaths of dicotyledonous leaves usually consist of Writing personal essay your, cells elongated parallel with the course of the bundle and Review movie writers help summary having walls as thin as those of adjacent mesophyll. In some plants these cells have chloroplasts similar to those the mesophyll (e.g., in on race and ethnicity, Humulus, Nicotiana tabacum); in others they have few or no chloroplasts.

The bundle sheath cells are in direct contact with the Review movie conducting cells of the vascular bundle of parenchyma and on the outer face with the mesophyll tissue. Individual sheath cells may contain crystals. The parenchymatous bundle sheaths are more common, but in certain dicotyledons bundles of various sizes are enclosed in sclerenchyma, e.g. Winteraceae, Melastomaceae; (Bailey and Nast, 1944; Foster, 1947). The leaves of many species of Eucalyptus do not spread out horizontally but hang vertically, so that both surfaces of the leaf receive direct sunlight.

In keeping with this fact, palisade chlorenchyma is developed on both sides. The monocotyledons as a group show greater diversity of specialized leaf types. School? The leaves of this group are not made up of stipules, petiole and leaf blade. In general monocotyledonous leaves are parallel-veined. Most of writers help summary, monocotyledonous leaves are nearly erect and more or less both surfaces usually receive direct and equal amount of sunlight. Such leaves are called isobilateral (isos = equal; bi = two; lateris = side). The internal structure of Easy, such leaves is more or less similar in both the upper and Review help lower halves. The epidermis on either side contains the stomata and the mesophyll is usually not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma, but consists only of parenchyma cells, having chloroplasts and intercellular spaces among them. Anatomy of Leaf of Zea Mays (Maize)—Monocot:

The epidermis is found on both upper and lower surfaces of the leaf. The epidermal layers are uniseriate and composed of more or less oval cells. The outer wall of the epidermal cells is cuticularized. The upper epidermis may easily be identified due to the presence of xylem and bulliform cells towards it. Stomata are confined to school report, both the epidermal layers. As the Review help leaf is isobilateral, the mesophyll is writing xi not differentiated into palisade and spongy tissues. Writers Summary? It is composed of compactly arranged thin walled, isodiametric chlorophyllous cells having well developed intercellular spaces among them. The vascular bundles are collateral and closed as found in monocotyledonous stems. Most of the bundles are small in size but fairly large bundles, also occur at regular intervals. The xylem is found towards upper side and phloem towards lower side in Easy article writing, the bundles.

Usually each bundle remains surrounded by a bundle sheath consisting of thin walled parenchyma cells. The cells of bundle sheath generally contain starch grains in them. Xylem consists of vessels and phloem of sieve tubes and companion cells. Sclerenchyma cells occur in patches on summary, both ends of the large vascular bundles which give mechanical support to the leaf. Anatomy of the Leaf of Paper online quotes, Triticum Aestivum (Wheat)—Monoco t: As usual the epidermis layers are found on both upper and lower surfaces of the leaf.

The epidermises are uniseriate and composed of more or less oval cells having no intercellular spaces among them. The outer walls of summary, epidermal cells are cuticularized. The conspicuous big sized bulliform cells are found in the upper epidermis. The stomata are confined to both epidermis layers. The sub-stomatal chambers are also seen in Business essay, vertical section. It is Review movie writers help summary composed of more or less oval chlorenchyma cells having intercellular spaces among them. The mesophyll tissue is not clearly differentiated into palisade and essays why do spongy parenchyma; however, the cells towards epidermal layers are somewhat elongated and palisade-­like. Sub-stomatal chambers are seen beneath the stomata. The vascular bundles are collateral and Review movie help closed as found in monocotyledonous stems.

The bundles are arranged in Paper, parallel series. Xylem occurs towards upper surface and phloem towards lower surface. Each bundle remains surrounded by a bundle sheath consisting of thin walled parenchyma cells. The sclerenchyma strands are found on both the Review ends of each big vascular bundle. Welcome to BiologyDiscussion!

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cv writing uk This page explains how to write a British-style CV (curriculum vitae, or resume, or personal history) and covering letter, used when applying for jobs in the UK. Author: Corinne Mills. Date: January 2009. Author: Tracey Whitmore.

Publisher: How To Books Ltd. Your CV ( curriculum vitae ) is Review movie writers help summary a summary of your work experience and Business education, used for movie writers help summary job applications. A resume (properly written as resumé) is an essay quotes American English term for a CV. A covering letter is a letter sent with your CV which explains details about your application to Review writers help a particular company. A reference is Writing college a formal letter to an employer, from movie writers help summary somebody who knows you well, describing your character or ability. A referee is a person who provides a reference for you. How should I design the layout of my CV? There are many ways to design a CV. This section gives an personal essay example. Print your CV on Review writers summary good quality white paper.

The paper size should be A4 (this is 21.0 cm wide and school report 29.7cm tall). Usually you should not attach a photograph. Leave wide margins (there should be a gap of at least 2 centimetres on Review summary the top, bottom, left and right). A good font size to report use is 12 (or 10 if you want to put more information on your CV). The document should use only one font style, for example Times New Roman. Use bold ( Bold ) or italics ( Italics ) to emphasise important words.

Only underline section titles (or do not underline any words). If you make a list (for example, a list of your job achievements), consider using bullet points. Try to help keep the CV on article writing one side of Review movie help paper, or use two sides if you have a lot of relevant work experience or qualifications. Keep your sentences short and simple. A typical section order is: There is an example CV shown below. When writing your name, always put your own name first and report your family name last (even if you write the family name first in your own country).

Include the Review full postcode in your address. Make sure that you will be able to collect all mail sent to Writing college this address (if you move, ask the Review writers summary owner to Buy a school forward letters to you). If you have a mobile telephone, put this number on your CV, so that you can be contacted easily. Review Movie Writers Summary! If you use a voicemail service, it will be easier for callers to personal your leave a message for you. If you do not have a mobile telephone, give the number of the telephone at your accommodation. The telephone number should start with the area code, written in brackets; for example, a London number should be written (020) xxxx xxxx. Writers Help Summary! If the Paper writing online telephone has an answering machine, make sure that you check the Review writers summary messages every day.

If you are sharing someone else's telephone, ask that person's permission before using their number on Easy article your CV. Write your e-mail address next to your telephone number, and check your messages regularly. Create two columns. Use the left-hand column for Review movie writers dates. For start and end dates, use either full years (eg 1998-2000) or the first three letters of the article month followed by the last two digits of the Review year (eg Jun 98-Sep 00) In the right-hand column, provide information about each of your job roles. Start by Business essay writing quotes, writing the Review summary name of the company (in bold) and its location. On the next line you might give a brief description of Paper writing quotes what the company does. You might give a title for your job (and perhaps a department name) on another line (highlighting this in help summary, bold italics)

You should list your main responsibilities and achievements within each role (perhaps using bullet points) Give more detail for writing xi recent jobs. Make sure that you mention skills which may be useful in the job for movie writers help summary which you are now applying. If possible, avoid any date gaps unless they are covered within the Education section. Don't mention how much you were paid. When describing your achievements, use positive action verbs (for example: achieved, arranged, assisted, co-ordinated, completed, dealt with, developed, established, expanded, handled, helped, implemented, improved, increased, interviewed, introduced, maintained, managed, negotiated, organised, planned, processed, programmed, proposed, promoted, purchased, redesigned, reduced, reorganised, revised, sold, solved, streamlined, supervised, trained, translated, worked, wrote). You should not use the Paper word I on your CV; this is understood. For example, you might write Increased sales at the shop, but not I increased sales at the shop.

Remember that the Review movie writers summary person reading your CV may not be familiar with the education system in your country. Create two columns. Use the left-hand column for the dates. For start and Stanford essay end dates, use either full years (eg 1998-2000) or the movie first three letters of the month followed by the last two digits of the year (eg Jun 98-Sep 00) In the right-hand column, list the personal college essay your name of the school or university on one line, followed by further details (the course name or the writers help summary number of exam subjects passed) on the next line. List formal educational qualifications only in Sociologist and ethnicity, this table (eg university and secondary school, but not a language school or part-time courses), stating the most recent (and highest level) qualifications first. If you have been to Review help summary a post-graduate school or college, put the name of this after a label such as Post-graduate studies: so that the level is clear.

If you have been to article a university, use the word University in the name, or put a label such as University: before the Review help name so that the level is Writing personal your clear. If the university is one of the top universities in your country, state this fact (the interviewer may not know it). State the movie summary name of the town and country after the university's name. In the description, put the Business essay name of the writers main subject studied (try to avoid using the words major or minor, which are used in American English). If you studied English, the subject should perhaps be described as English language and article literature, not just English literature. Avoid mentioning grades unless they are particularly good; if you do mention grades, make sure that they are clear (e.g.

80%, or top grade) - the British university grade system is probably different from that in your country. You should list any schools you have attended between the ages of about 15 and 18, but not before this age. You should add the summary label Secondary school: before the name of the school, or include the words High School in Stanford essay, the name. Review Movie Summary! If you took exams in a wide range of subjects, you may prefer to list only the number of subjects passed instead of the subject names, or if you have been to university you may choose not to school list any secondary school qualifications. If you are studying in Review writers summary, the UK, you may want to include details of this course. If so, write this in a line under the main table. Report! For example, you could write Currently studying English at ABC school, London (since January 2001). If you have other skills or qualifications which you believe may be relevant, you can list these.

English exams which you have passed (eg Passed Cambridge First Certificate of English). Computer skills (eg Good knowledge of standard office software, including e-mail and the internet) Typing speed (only mention this if you are applying for data entry or secretarial jobs) An international driving licence (only mention this if you may need to drive for the job) Create two columns; use the left-hand column for labels and Review movie writers help the right-hand column for information. The exact list of personal details you want to give may depend on your circumstances and what the job requires, but the list below will give you a guide. Write Date of Business birth:, followed by the day you were born in help, the second column, eg 3 Feb 1980.

Note that the date should be written in British date order (day, month, year), not in Easy article, American date order (month, day, year). Write Nationality:, followed by movie help summary, your nationality eg Japanese. You may want to writing quotes write Gender:, followed by Male or Female, if this is not obvious to a British person from your name. Whether you are a man or a woman may be relevant for Review movie writers help summary some jobs. Write Work status:, followed by a description of the status implied by the stamp in xi, your passport, for example, Student visa or EC citizen (no work permit required).

Write Interests: followed by a short list of perhaps 3 or 4 main hobbies or interests. As you have come to the UK to study, you can probably include interests such as travel, learning languages, or international cultures. Don't list anything which you wouldn't be happy to discuss at an interview. Include interests which may show the interviewer that you have good social or team-working skills, that show your dedication / enthusiasm / success, or that highlight additional skills that may be useful in the job (for example, computer or language skills). If you think it is necessary, write References:, followed by Available on request. You should only provide references if your employer asks for them. If you do need to Review movie help summary give a reference, make sure that you have asked the person beforehand.

Possible referees include a teacher or previous employer. Paper Online! It may complicate your application if you give the name of a referee who lives abroad; if you want to do this, make sure that the person will be able to provide comments in English, and give an e-mail address so that delays can be minimised. 52 Orchard Street, London W2 3BT. Telephone: 020-7654 3210; Mobile: 07960 999999; E-mail: · Advised the main shop's customers about organic and health foods. · Developed new business in smaller satellite stores, explaining the benefits of Review movie summary supplements and organic food to potential new customers. · Increased sales at both the Sociologist essays on race and ethnicity main and the satellite shops. Movie Help! The extra profits were used to expand the business by Writing personal college essay your, establishing a new shop.

· Examined incoming mail and redirected this to the appropriate division. · Translated foreign letters (written in English) into Japanese. · Dealt with customs enquiries and procedures. Computer literate: good knowledge of Word and Excel, as well as e-mail and writers help the internet. Fluent in essay quotes, Japanese; practical knowledge of English and Korean. If you are sending an application directly to a potential employer, you should write a one-page letter to accompany your CV (a covering letter). The covering letter may either be typed (better if you are applying to a large company) or written neatly by hand (better if you believe that a typed letter may appear too formal). There is an example covering letter shown below. State what type of visa you have, so that the potential employer knows that you will be able to work legally. You may want to mention the level of your English ability.

Explain in your letter how you can be contacted. If you are about to change your accommodation, you should ask to be contacted either on Review writers help summary your mobile telephone or by Business essay writing, e-mail. If you give the telephone number of your host family, you should ask them for their permission first, and you should check if they have an answering machine. EXAMPLE COVERING LETTER. Re: Job as a part-time sales assistant (reference: JBW5014) I would like to apply for the job of a part-time sales assistant in the food section of writers Fortnum Mason's in writing, Piccadilly, as advertised in Loot Recruit on Review movie writers help summary 2 August. Please find attached a copy of my CV. My previous jobs include two years as a sales assistant in an organic food shop in Stanford mba optional, Japan. This has given me experience of dealing with customers, as well as cashier skills and Review summary a basic knowledge of food retailing. Buy A School Report! I have been living in help, London since last September, and am currently studying English at a language school. Paper Quotes! I have good English communication skills (recently I passed the Cambridge First Certificate in English exam).

My fluency in Japanese may be useful when dealing with your Japanese customers. Movie Writers Summary! I am an enthusiastic worker, and enjoy working in Stanford, a team. My student visa entitles me to work up to 20 hours per week (or longer during my school holidays), and I could start work immediately. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the job vacancy with you on movie writers the telephone or at an interview. I can be contacted most easily on my mobile telephone or by e-mail (see details at the top of this letter). SENDING YOUR APPLICATION. Check your CV and covering letter carefully before you send them. Use the spell-checker on essay quotes the computer (set the writers summary language to British English rather than American English). Ask a native English speaker to check what you have written, and ask this person for any comments they may have.

If sending your application by Writing essay, post, send it by first class rather than by second class (it shows that you care about getting the job). If you send an application by e-mail, telephone to make sure that it has arrived, or send an application in the post as well. Alternatively, you may wish to writers hand in your application personally; if so, use this opportunity to find out more about the company and Sociologist essays and ethnicity why do ask when you can expect to Review movie help hear from them. If you have not heard from the company two weeks after you sent your application (or before the closing date for school applications, if there is one), telephone the company to check that your job application has been received and that there haven't been any problems contacting you. It is often the case that people are invited for help summary an interview for only a small number of the jobs to which they apply. Try not to feel depressed if it takes a long time to get a job. If you are rejected by article, a company, ask them to give you some comments, so that you can improve the quality of your later applications. Prepare for a job interview: Work/Interview.

Improve your English writing skills: English/Writing.

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