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autism case studies by Coffey, Kenneth M, Obringer, S John. Online. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a mother and Rate professor father raising their two children with autism. This single case study revealed the you, supports involved in educating and socializing school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder. The case study indicated that the parents agreed on a majority of a visual essay, issues and clearly pointed out online that their major area of concern was education. Implications are put forth for accommodating students with autism in inclusive settings with suggestions for future research. In 1943, Leo Kanner first described a discrete set of behaviors observed in children as autistic disturbance of affective contact (Kanner, 1943, p. Assignment. 217). He noted that the you, most notable features of this condition were obsessive and stereotypic behaviors accompanied by Best personal statements business, echolalia. Autism remains one of the true mysteries of medical science and psychology.

In fact, Kirk (2000) refers to it as one of the least understood disabilities (p. 445). To add to the confusion, authorities disagree on whether autism is a distinct disability or a subgroup of Do assignment you, another exceptionality (Smith, 2001). Until 1981 autism was included in Creative year, the definition of you, severe emotional disturbance, but in that year the Please do my homework, secretary of education moved autism from the federal definition of 'severe emotional disturbance' to the category of Other health impaired' (Ysseldyke Algozzine, 1995, p. Online You. 433). This controversy over whether autism is a distinct disability may exist because individuals with autism exhibit characteristics which cross a number of disabilities (e.g. other health impaired, mental retardation, communication disorders). Dissertation On Banked. The characteristics of Do assignment online you, these varying disabilities include language disorders (echolalia), emotional disturbance (unusual responses to people or attachment to objects), and mental retardation (approximately 70% of persons with autism have cognitive disorders). In 1980, the Diagnostic and write Statistical Manual of Do assignment, Mental Disorders III (American Psychiatric Association, 1980) first included autism as a separate and Rate my paper professor distinct disability (Tanguay, Robertson, Derrick, 1998). Until 1997, autism was not included as a distinct disability category under the auspices of the Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA). For the previous 16 years it was categorized as other health impaired. With the 1997 amendments to IDEA (P.L. 105-17), autism was defined as: a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and Do assignment you non-verbal communication and Creative writing year 3 social interaction usually evident before age 3, that adversely affects a child's educational performance.

Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movement, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual sensory experiences (NICHCY, 1997, p. Do Assignment. 1). Most recently, there has been a major move to change from the dichotomy of my paper, autistic- nonautistic to a recognition of a continuum referred to as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (Billstedt, 2000). This continuum ranges from individuals manifesting relatively mild autistic- related disorders such as Asperger's Syndrome to individuals manifesting autism with mental retardation and Do assignment other relatively severe symptoms (Scheuermann Webber, 2002). The incidence of autism spectrum disorder in the United States is Best statements ever, reported to be approximately 4.8 per 10,000 with a consistent excess of males to females, up to a 4:1 ratio (Szatmari, Jones, Zwaigenbaum, MacLean, 1998). Some researchers believe autism spectrum disorder to online, be much more common, approaching half a percent of the general population of children (Billstedt, 2000). Occasionally, a family may have multiple children with autism spectrum disorder, however, this phenomenon is rare.

Less than 3% of the siblings of Please do my homework, children identified with ASD also have the disorder (Bolton et al., 1994). The purpose of this single case study was to you, investigate the school and community supports that led to the inclusion of two siblings with ASD. Best Personal Ever. This case study seemed to be the most appropriate qualitative method to obtain in-depth information about this family. Merriam (1998) noted that a qualitative case study is an intensive, holistic description and analysis of a single instance, phenomena, or social unit (p. 21). The older child in the family is a 14 year old male attending the 8th grade with well above average intelligence and mild to moderate autistic tendencies with no other health problems. This young man is quite proficient academically and has competed more than once in the National Spelling Bee, annually held in Washington, DC.

He is a straight A student with exceptional mathematical abilities, but struggles with psychosocial skills, especially interpersonal relationships. He has few friends and spends a significant amount of Do assignment online, time in Dissertation on banked blood, solitary activities. His parents have encouraged him to participate in sports and community organizations, but efforts in this area have proven unsuccessful. The younger child in the family is an 11 year old female attending the Do assignment online you, 4th grade with below average intelligence who has moderate to Mit college essays gwalior, severe autistic tendencies with no other health problems. She struggles both academically and socially. She requires a significant level of Do assignment online, support to succeed in school, and even with these supports, remains below grade level. However, she has basic self-care skills (eating, dressing, hygiene) and assignment relatively good skills in reading recognition and Do assignment online math computation.

This student has much more difficulty in reading comprehension, math reasoning, and both the social and functional use of language. While she will respond to the social overtures of others, she does not initiate any social interaction. Like her sibling, she has few friends and Rate professor spends a significant amount of time in solitary activities. The father is a 46 year old engineer who is a long-term employee of a federal power agency. He has only a few friends and prefers to spend his leisure time at home. He has a somewhat introverted personality and is marginally involved in online, one community organization. The father reports that he has not sought out extensive information on autism, preferring to leave that role to his wife. Personal Business. The mother is a 47 year old homemaker who is extensively involved in advocating for her two children. After the realization that both children had autistic tendencies, the mother decided to have no more children. She sees her full-time role as advocating for her own children and online consultation with other parents who have children with ASD.

The mother stays abreast of developments in Do assignment online, the field of autism, continually reading books on the subject and personal statements business occasionally traveling to attend workshops. Due to the fact that the family resides in a relatively small community, there is no specific advocacy group or physician specializing in autism. Therefore, the mother has been involved in related support groups, such as ARC. As an advocate, she spends considerable time in the local school, facilitating the inclusion of her children. Do Assignment Online. The mother spends an hour at the school each day tutoring her daughter during study hall.

Prior to Mit college gwalior, the beginning of online you, each school year she devotes a significant amount of essays gwalior, time to observing various classrooms to determine the most suitable teacher and classroom climate for online you her children. The family lives in on banked blood, a relatively small university town in the southeastern United States with a population near 20,000. Of these residents approximately 65% are Caucasian, 30% are African-American, 4% are Asian, and 1% are Hispanic and Native American. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 20% of the online, persons living in this county live below the poverty level. The K-12 school in which the children are enrolled serves a total of 795 students with an average class size of 20 on a single campus. It has a relatively small school staff which includes special services and personal statements ever business the typical extracurricular activities. The school has a reputation for strong discipline and high levels of Do assignment you, parental involvement. The investigators received approval from the university's Institutional Review Board and the family to conduct a thorough case study using a semi-structured interview format. How To Argument. The protocol was structured to online, question each parent individually and then as a couple.

The interviews covered such issues as genetic predisposition, family planning, psychosocial stressors, and social interactions, along with an extensive group of questions on education and service delivery (see Appendix A). The interviews were transcribed and reviewed by both investigators to insure accuracy. To determine emerging themes, the investigators examined the Mit college essays gwalior, transcriptions from the interviews with each parent and the interview from the couple together. A review of the data determined those areas in which parents showed consensus as well as areas in which the parents exhibited divergent views. Additionally, the investigators attempted to isolate those supports that led to successful inclusion in general education classrooms.

From an analysis of the separate interviews with each parent and the joint interview with the couple, the following issues emerged: Areas of Disagreement. The parents disagreed on just two major issues. (1) Different long-term educational goals for the younger, more seriously involved child. The mother was very firmly committed to this child receiving a standard high school diploma, while the father was less concerned about the high school diploma. The stated concern of the father was his daughter's overall happiness and you well being. (2) The existence of a family history of developmental disorders including autism, attention, learning, or mood disorders. The father reported no known family history of autism or other developmental disorders. The mother, however, stated that both extended families had a history of developmental and mood disorders. Mit College. Areas of Agreement. The parents agreed on most items of inquiry during the interviews. Do Assignment You. They concurred on: (1) The developmental history of the children.

The younger child, the more severely affected, missed a number of early developmental milestones and was referred for testing prior to age 4. Concerns about the older child did not arise until he approached school age. (2) The family psychosocial stressors related to on banked blood, parenting two children with autism spectrum disorder. Do Assignment You. Both parents agreed they faced considerable stress and provided detailed examples of specific psychosocial Stressors. How To Write. For example, the online you, husband wants his spouse to keep abreast of the advances in autism and advocate for the children. Conversely, the wife wishes he would share in this role. Additionally, the husband believes that he has suffered professionally dealing with the stress of having two children with autism spectrum disorder and must remain focused on his professional career. (3) The daily activities and routines of gwalior, family life.

Both parents agreed that apart from Do assignment you church involvement the family has few outside interests or social activities. Both children are comfortable with this passive style of social interaction. (4) The atmosphere within a small school was one feature that contributed to their children's success. The parents believed that a smaller school with a reduced pupil-teacher ratio provided more flexibility and Best personal statements a greater willingness to accommodate. For example, the parents requested and received preferential seating, modified testing, peer tutoring, extended time for assignments, and modified homework. Also, home visits by the teacher are encouraged. The small school with a single K-12 campus facilitated a smooth transition from Do assignment you grade to grade. (5) Those teacher characteristics that appeared to be most effective for their children. Both parents felt that a firm, but flexible teacher was optimal.

The parents and Best personal statements ever business school administrator jointly select teachers based on teaching style and classroom climate. In addition, university practicum students from the special education program provide in-home tutoring in academic and advanced self-help skills. (6) The overall positive reaction of classmates and their parents to having children with autism in the general education class. As expected, there were some initial expressions of concern about the impact of the younger child on Do assignment, the academic rigor of the assignment, classroom (i.e. two phone calls from you concerned parents). Following this initial period of adjustment, her peers and assignment year 3 their parents have been generally supportive of her inclusion in the classroom. This support has been evidenced by Do assignment online you, frequent social overtures from her classmates as well as peer tutoring. On Banked. (7) The transition to adulthood and the likely level of independence obtainable. Both parents agree that the older child will be a college graduate with a professional career, although they recognize that he will have ongoing social difficulty that may be a limiting factor in employment and other areas. The parents agree that the younger child will need some form of lifelong support (i.e. sheltered employment, supervised apartment, supplementary financial assistance). (8) Finding understanding physicians and dentists. A final area of agreement was the difficulty in finding medical professionals who were willing to vary from their normal protocol in treating the Do assignment online, children. Dissertation. As one example, the parents eventually located a physician who was willing to take off his white coat and online tie and perform clinical observations and Creative writing year procedures while keeping a distinct physical distance from the younger, more seriously involved child whenever possible. Discussion and Implications.

The issues that emerged from this study lead to both educational and community implications. Schools and online parents of children with autism spectrum disorder might find the following suggestions especially helpful: * Establish a working relationship between parents and administrators to match the personality and characteristics of prospective teachers to the student with autism spectrum disorder; * Encourage home visits by teachers to Please, better understand family dynamics and appreciate the challenges faced by parents; * Schedule frequent parent-teachers conferences so both parents and teachers can reach agreement on managing current social and academic challenges; * View small school size and unified campus (physical plant) as a strength versus a limitation; * Identify classrooms emphasizing peer group support for academic and social issues; * Utilize classrooms with a reduced teacher-pupil ratio; and. * Demonstrate a willingness to be flexible concerning implementation of online, school policies (e.g. scheduling, homework, and testing). * Utilize sources of support available within the personal statements business, community, although the focus might not be specifically on autism spectrum disorder (e.g. ARC, previously referred to online, as Association for Retarded Citizens, Learning Disabilities Association, and Council for writing assignment Exceptional Children); * Utilize university students from appropriate academic fields for you a variety of support tasks including respite services, training in daily living skills, developing interventions or creative alternatives for particularly difficult situations, modeling appropriate behavior, and personal statements ever implementing a functional behavioral analysis; and. * Utilize the expertise of a regional or state university (e.g. diagnostic services, academic tutoring, and behavioral strategies). Three limitations were noted in the present study. Do Assignment Online You. First, the investigation involved a single family and the issues they faced. Second, although both of these children were clinically diagnosed with autism, they may not be representative of other children with autism. Finally, the personal statements business, protocol investigated a limited number of factors when other significant dynamics may have been present. Do Assignment. Implications for Future Research.

This investigation provides insight into the supports utilized by a family with multiple incidence autism. The relative rarity of this phenomenon would make this study difficult to replicate. However, a later follow-up of this unique family unit would be of great interest or if a similar family can be found, a comparative study would be insightful. Additionally, studies on the provision of services offered by small or single-campus schools to students with low incidence disabilities might be helpful to my paper professor, parents seeking necessary supports for their children. Do Assignment You. As with the present case study, the school appeared to be flexible and write a visual argument caring in providing an you, appropriate education to both of these children with ASD. Dissertation. As inclusion is more frequently employed, this family might serve as one model of successful inclusive programming for children with autism. Although their disabilities were significant, the major issues for these two children were social and academic rather than cognitive. As mentioned previously, many children with autism face mental retardation as well as other major difficulties. Due to the rarity of multiple incidence autism, little has been written concerning the supports required by a family with such challenges. A teacher or related service provider might not be inclined to picture a family with multiple incidences of autism as having the ability to function successfully in Do assignment, the community and Rate my paper professor school, but with multiple supports this appears to be the case. One can only speculate on the factors leading to relatively successful integration in online you, the community and inclusion in the school for Please do my homework these children with ASD.

It appears that the high levels of supports played an integral role in this phenomenon. Families with multiple children with disabilities need various types of Do assignment online, school and community supports depending on their unique circumstances. This case study found that the supports provided were appropriate for the functioning of this family academically and Rate professor otherwise. American Psychiatric Association. (1980). Do Assignment Online. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders HI. Washington, DC: Author. Billstedt, C.G.E. (2000). Autism and Asperger syndrome: Coexistence with other clinical disorders. Aacta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 102, 321-330.

Bolton, P., Macdonald, H., Pickles, A., Rios, P., Goode, S., Crowson, M., Baiely, A., Rutter, M. (1994). A case-control family history study of autism. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and argument essay Allied Disciplines, 35 (5), 877-900. Kirk, S.A., Gallagher, J.J., Anastasiow, N.J. (2000). Educating exceptional children (9th ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Online You. Kanner, L. (1943). Autistic disturbance of Rate my paper, affective contact. Online. Nervous Child, 2, 217-250.

Merriam, S.B. (1998). Please Do My. Qualitative research and case study applications in education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. National Information Center on Children and Youth with Disabilities. (1997). Autism/ PDD, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury. Available from NICHCY, P.O.

Box 1492, Washington, DC. Online. Scheuermann, B., Webber, J. (2002). Autism: Teaching does make a difference. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thompson. Smith, D.D. (2001). Introduction to special education: Teaching in 3, an age of opportunity (4th ed.).

Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Szatmari, P., Jones, M.B., Zwaigenbaum, L., and MacLean, J.E. Do Assignment You. (1998). Genetics of autism: Overview and new directions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 28(5), 351-368. Tanguay, P.E., Robertson, J., Derrick, A. (1998).

A dimensional classification of autism spectrum disorder b y social communication domains. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 37(3), 271-277. Ysseldyke, J.E., Algozzine, B. (1995). Special education: A practical approach for personal statements ever teachers (3rd ed.). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Kenneth M. Coffey, Professor.

S. John Obringer, Professor. Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Special Education. Do Assignment. Mississippi State University. Copyright Project Innovation Summer 2004 Provided by How to write a visual, ProQuest Information and Learning Company. You. All rights Reserved.

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pr case studies 2011 To cite this article. Young, C. L., Flowers, A. Online? (2012). Fight viral with viral: A case study of Domino’s Pizza’s crisis communication strategies. Case Studies in Strategic Communication, 1 , article 6. Available online: Access the Mit college gwalior PDF version of this article.

A Case Study of Domino’s Pizza’s Crisis Communication Strategies. Domino’s Pizza was embroiled in a viral crisis situation when two rogue employees posted videos of adulterated food on YouTube in April 2009. Tim McIntyre, Vice President of Communications, was part of the internal team that delivered the company’s crisis communication plan through Twitter and online you YouTube. What makes this story so compelling is the social media aspect of Please homework log both the crisis itself and the strategy for managing the crisis. Online You? Using a case study approach, this paper assesses Domino’s decision to year, integrate the same medium that sparked the crisis into Do assignment you, the strategies to manage the situation, and it questions the efficacy of best practices and principles of crisis management in the age of social media. Keywords : Domino’s Pizza; crisis communication; social media; YouTube; Twitter; case study; public relations. The way in which companies communicate with stakeholders during a crisis event is rapidly changing with the 24-hour access provided by the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Public relations practitioners and a visual argument other communication executives are struggling to craft messages and maintain control of the flow of messages within this dynamic landscape. As Schiller (2007) explains, in “times of crisis, while corporate communication executives are preparing manicured statements, customers are [simultaneously] blogging, e-mailing and posting photos out of rage and desperation because the very people who should be listening to them aren’t” (p. 16).

Bell (2010) asserts that stakeholders become “interpretive communities in Do assignment online you, organizational crisis contexts,” capable of cultivating an organization’s reputation through information they receive in cyberspace (p. 148). Social media allow stakeholders to control when, where, and how “reputational meanings are born and disseminated” as “an organization’s reputation is built on the stories formed by stakeholders and spread within networks” (Aula, 2011, p. 28, 30). Please Log? Nowhere is this dynamic between organizations and their publics more apparent than on video sharing sites, such as YouTube, that encourage citizens and bloggers to be the co-producers of messages. Burgess and Green (2009) explain that YouTube users engage with this medium “as if it is a space specifically designed for them and that should therefore serve their own particular interests” (p. vii). Online You? This can have enormous positive or negative impacts for organizations involved in crisis management, including but not limited to the inability of boundary spanners to monitor the vastness of this space; malicious users who might create a crisis; and the leveraging capabilities of Please log this platform to enhance a brand during a crisis. Just as consumers can use this social medium to create a crisis for a company and interpret an organization’s reputation throughout, so too can an Do assignment you organization use this medium to do my homework, manage a crisis and improve its reputation.

Patrick Doyle, President of Domino’s Pizza, would come to understand this dynamic as his brand suffered a devastating blow when two employees uploaded a vulgar video demonstrating their grotesque adulteration of Do assignment online food. Bob Garfield (2010), a writer for Ad Age Blogs , recounts in an online article how this incident began. On Easter Sunday in Please do my log, April 2009, two Domino’s employees who were bored “working in a North Carolina store figured it would be just hilarious to post a video of you themselves, defiling sandwich ingredients” (para. 2). The duo created five videos in total, one of which showed an individual sticking mozzarella cheese up his nose and then blowing the cheese on a sandwich, among other unsanitary and stomach-turning activities. Write? An estimated 1 million people viewed these videos before they were pulled two days later. During the first 24 hours, Tim McIntyre, Vice President of Corporate Communications, surveyed the situation and determined that the videos were not a hoax. Do Assignment Online You? He then began to write essay, communicate internally and externally with “relevant audiences at Do assignment online, that time [including] our social media people, our head of security, senior management team,” according to Amy Jacques (2009) in Mit college, an article published in The Public Relations Strategist (para. 4, 7).

McIntyre collaborated with the consumer watchdog organization, which first alerted Domino’s of the employee video, to Do assignment online you, identify the rogue employees as Kristy Hammond and Rate Michael Setzer. By Tuesday, according to McIntyre, the you company was responding to customers’ queries on Twitter about whether the company knew about the situation, what the company was doing, and why the company had not issued an official statement (Jacques, 2009). By Wednesday, Patrick Doyle, President of Domino’s Pizza, recorded an essays gwalior apology that was then uploaded onto YouTube. During this event, bloggers and journalists alike captured this crisis in articles and case studies, offering step-by-step timelines [1] (Jacques, 2009; Peeples Vaughn, 2010) and criticisms of Domino’s responses (Beaubien, 2009; Esterline, 2009; Gregory, 2009; Vogt, 2009; Weiss, 2009; York, 2009). What follows in this case study is an analysis of online you Domino’s crisis communication strategies, using a blend of best practices for crisis management from the principles of public relations management crafted by assignment year, Arthur W. Online? Page and from an Rate academic perspective as the framework for analysis. From a communication perspective, according to Jaques (2008), case studies “are generally a narrative of events which are critically examined in relation to recognized public relations theories and models in order to fully appreciate what happened and to consider alternative strategies and outcomes” (p. 194), and are written to provide practical value to managers and practitioners alike who are struggling to manage and control the flow of messages in the viral/digital landscape (Coombs, 2008; “How Social Media,” 2009; Oneupweb, 2007). The Arthur W. Page Society is online a professional organization for executives in the public relations and personal statements business communication industries. Named after one of the first public relations executives to work for online you, a Fortune 500 corporation (ATT), this organization is charged with the goal of “embracing the highest professional standards; advancing the way communications is a visual understood, practiced and taught; and providing a collegial and dynamic learning environment” (“Vision, Mission Goals,” n.d., para.

2). According to the Society’s website, the online following principles are designed to guide public relations practitioners’ actions and 3 behaviors and exemplify Page’s philosophy of public relations management: (1) Tell the truth ; (2) Prove it with action ; (3) Listen to the customer ; (4) Manage for tomorrow ; (5) Conduct public relations as if the whole company depends on it ; (6) Realize a company’s true character is expressed by online, its people ; and lastly, (7) Remain calm, patient and good-humored (“The Page Principles,” n.d.). These principles are similar to the 10 best crisis communication practices Seeger (2006) generated, based on the work of communication scholars and expert practitioners: Process approaches and policy development ; Pre-event planning ; Partnership with the public ; Listen to the public’s concerns and understand the audience ; Honesty, candor, and openness ; Collaborate and coordinate with credible sources ; Meet the needs of the media and remain accessible ; Communicate with compassion, concern and empathy ; Accept uncertainty and ambiguity ; and Creative year 3 Messages of self-efficacy . Veil, Buehner, and Palenchar (2011) extend Seeger’s best practices, incorporating social media tools by making social media engagement a part of risk and online you crisis management policies and procedures; incorporating social media when scanning the Rate environment; being a part of rumor management to Do assignment online, determine appropriate channels; and using social media to communicate updates in an interpersonal manner (pp. 119-120). Compiling and synthesizing these practices is not an easy task as “crises and How to write a visual argument disasters are relatively unique in Do assignment online you, nature, inherently dynamic, and unpredictable” (Bell, 2010, p. 151). These practices, according the Seeger (2006) “do not constitute a plan, but are the principles or processes that underlie an effective crisis communication plan and effective crisis response” (p.

242). Mit College Gwalior? Given the nature of crises, these practices will unfold and evolve differently within each situation. Taking a situational approach to crisis communication, Coombs (2004) offers the Situational Crisis Communication Theory as an explanation for how organizations select a crisis response strategy. Essentially, a crisis triggers attributions of responsibility to the organization from stakeholders, along three dimensions: 1) whether the online crisis has happened before or will likely happen again; 2) whether the Rate event was controllable or uncontrollable by an individual or the organization; and 3) whether the crisis occurs within the organization or external to it. In this case, Domino’s as an organization was not directly responsible for this crisis, as the event occurred internally at Do assignment, the hands of Please log employees, and this type of Do assignment online you crisis had never happened before. Based on Mit college essays gwalior stakeholder attributions, an organization will respond communicatively by cycling through a four step process: 1) observe events; 2) interpret information for accuracy and relevance; 3) choose a strategy among alternatives; and Do assignment online 4) implement the solution (Hale, Dulek, Hale, 2005). Ideally, the strategy chosen will be aligned with the best practices and principles articulated above and will follow the four step process. How To A Visual Essay? Did Domino’s follow the best practices outlined by Seeger and the Page principles? What were the brand’s overall actions, decisions, and strategies for managing the Do assignment online you crisis? In the Best statements business case of Domino’s, it was not the consumers’ attributions of responsibility to Do assignment online you, Domino’s that triggered the strategy. My Paper? Rather, what triggered Patrick Doyle’s decision to deliver a video apology on YouTube was the online you medium itself, which begs the Rate my paper questions, How did social media impact or influence the decision making process?, and What crisis communication lessons were learned in the process?

Strategies and Execution. This first Page principle—Tell the truth—begs a series of questions about whose truth needs to be told and about what in particular. Online? In crisis situations, multiple truths or social constructions of the Creative writing year 3 event(s) are vying for attention simultaneously: in general, customers, the company, its employees, and the media. In the case of Domino’s, particular watchdog organizations like and were also constructing versions of the event. The truth that Tim McIntyre, VP of Communications, wanted to convey was that this incident was “a rogue act of two individuals who thought they were being funny. That they do not represent this brand. That they do not represent the 100,000 people who work every day at Domino’s Pizza all over online you the world” (Flandez, 2009, para. 6). The truth that Patrick Doyle wanted to articulate was that “We didn’t do this. Essays? We’re sorry. And we want to earn your trust back” (Peeples Vaughn, 2010, p. 3).

However, in wanting to be honest, open and Do assignment candid (Seeger, 2006) about the Best situation, Domino’s needed to take responsibility. However, taking responsibility had the potential of exposing the organization to lawsuits and other legal vulnerabilities (Claeys Cauberghe, 2012), including freedom of speech and copyright claims. In order to mitigate the consequences of being truthful and Do assignment you minimize the damage to the organization’s reputation, the company collaborated and coordinated with credible sources (the watch dog organizations and local authorities) and partnered with the public to observe and interpret the events , so as to not “act too hastily and alert more consumers to the situation it was attempting to contain” (York, 2009, para. 5), and to not “add fuel to the online fire” (Levick, 2009, para. 5). Unfortunately, a consequence of following the principles and writing 3 best practices was that a 24 hour lag occurred. Because Domino’s hesitated, customers began tweeting about whether the company actually knew what was happening and questioning what it was going to do about the videos.

Veil, Buehner, and Palenchar (2011) point to the fact that “The power to communicate remains with the communicating organization and their behaviors and narrative content, not in the technology” (p. 120). A second challenge in telling the truth in the digital age hinges on additional questions (Roberts, 2010): Where in cyber and virtual spaces does an online organization tell the truth and with what social medium or platform? York (2009) brought this to our attention in her online article, asking “why Domino’s has been lambasted for a lack of social media presence. After all . Rate? . Do Assignment? . the brand is on MySpace, Twitter, YouTube and most visibly on Facebook with nearly 300,000 fans” (para. 18). There is a big difference, however, between how emerging social media are used for marketing and how they work in a serious crisis situation . . . Companies that fail to Dissertation blood, integrate their marketing efforts with their online crisis response plans before a crisis hits are letting their antagonists have free reign. Do Assignment You? (Levick, 2009, para. 2-4) The first message acknowledging the Please do my homework log crisis was uploaded onto the corporate website on the day after the online offending videos had been posted, but the message hardly yielded any hits.

Domino’s did not reach its most popular audience through this social medium. According to McIntyre, prior to this event , [the crisis team had a social media plan] already in place. We didn’t want to just jump in without a strategy. We wanted to do it right. So the irony for us was that we have a plan and personal statements we were going to implement it only a week later, so we ended up having to jump in [during] a crisis, which was the opposite of how we wanted to do it. (quoted in Jacques, 2009, para. 10) However, after listening to the customers/publics’ tweets , the company was compelled to speed up the implementation of the social media plan. A decision was made to. [change] course and [respond] with a viral video . Online? . . [that] featured all the elements of effective crisis communication.

The company president apologized. He thanked the online community for bringing the issue to his attention. He separated the company from wrongdoers and announced their prosecution. And he outlined steps that Domino’s was taking to deal with the essays issue to make sure it never happens again (Levick, 2009, para. 6). This strategy and decision to fight the crisis’ viral nature using YouTube was the tipping point that allowed the company “to cull user-generated content from social networking sites and use the platform for distributing information back to users” in order to prove itself with action and to communicate with passion, concern and empathy (Veil et al., 2011, p. 114). Online? Levick (2009), in an online article for Bloomberg Businessweek , stipulated that “Domino’s not only demonstrated concern for its customers, but also an understanding of the critical importance of reaching out to a target audience on its own terms and in its own preferred space” (para. Personal Statements Business? 7). Do Assignment Online? This strategy and decision also suggests that Domino’s has the Creative writing assignment year ability to manage the online crisis for Dissertation on banked blood, tomorrow : “This crisis happened online. It had to be dealt with online. By learning that lesson under fire Domino’s broke new ground and opened a new chapter in the ongoing evolution of crisis communications” (Levick, 2009, para.

7). Arthur W. Page advocated for public relations practitioners to tell the truth, a laudable goal to aspire to, but nonetheless one that is increasingly challenging in today’s digital era. Initially, Domino’s relied on its traditional technology (the Internet) to online, upload a video response on its corporate website to tell the public the personal ever truth about the situation. However, the number of people who viewed this video paled in comparison to the number of YouTube viewers who watched the employee prank videos—over one million within 24 hours. This realization accelerated and expedited the implementation of Do assignment Domino’s social media plan that was still in development. The crucial lesson to be learned about crisis communication comes in the form of extending and aligning the Situational Crisis Communication Theory with best practices for the integrating of social media (Veil et al, 2011). Coombs (2004) stipulated that a crisis triggers stakeholders’ attributions regarding the organization’s level of personal statements ever business responsibility. These attributions, in turn, influence the strategy that an organization will use to lessen the damaging effects. In this case, however, it was not stakeholder attributions that dictated Domino’s strategy, but rather it was the social medium in which the crisis occurred that shaped the company’s decision to online, respond on YouTube as well as its overall strategy. The only way to combat and lessen the impact of a social media generated crises like what Domino’s experienced is to Please do my homework log, integrate social media into Do assignment, crisis communication strategies and to create strategies for monitoring social media dialogue (Tinker, Fouse, Currie, 2009). Schiller (2007) agrees that “Brands that get it right will be the ones that will use the same online tools as their customers” (p.

16). Further, Peeples and Vaughn (2010) concluded that Domino’s “effectively leveraged social media – the Dissertation blood same channel used by the pranksters – to Do assignment, transparently communicate the company’s efforts to address the situation” (p. 1).The end result was that Domino’s emerged from this vulnerability criticized, yet knowledgeable about the Please do my homework reality of crisis communication in the age of Do assignment social media. The reality of crisis communication today is Dissertation complex and Do assignment you contradictory. The speed at which consumers generate information about organizations is surpassing the speed by which public relations practitioners can monitor and verify the validity of such content, in order to respond before, during, and statements ever business after a crisis incident. Because social media users can instantaneously create visual and textual dialogue with an organization, there is a corresponding expectation that organizations should respond just as quickly throughout all phases of a crisis incident. But taking the time to verify information and you craft appropriate and effective responses is necessary to avoid legal issues and other complications.

This dynamic has several implications for: How often organizations need to communicate with stakeholders: Regular updates across multiple social media should occur, using such platforms as HootSuite or Bottlenose to ensure consistency. How far and wide organizations need to span the boundaries of Creative writing cyberspace and social media for Do assignment, potential crises and for potential stakeholder groups that can be impacted and affected: Johnson, Bazaa, and Chen (2011) conducted a study on boundary spanning, concluding that “organizations should focus on recruiting, attracting, and Best statements ever business nurturing those online users with high levels of enduring involvement and social identity,” i.e., highly engaged social media users (p. Do Assignment Online? 15). How organizations can manage their online reputations through search engine optimization (SEO). Do My Homework? How new principles and best practices need to be developed to determine what messages or images from which stakeholder groups will tip towards a crisis. As organizations grapple with these new directions, employees and Do assignment you consumers will need to learn how to Dissertation blood, accept uncertainty and ambiguity , and remain calm, patient and Do assignment good humored. What impact does social media have on public relations practices, particularly crisis communications and reputation management? How significant is it for organizations today to monitor content on social media sites, including hash tags and other signs of internal and Best external dialogue?

How should crisis communications preparedness plans address the proliferation of social media outlets? From the perspective of crisis communicators concerned with social media, what else could Domino’s have done or said to prove with action that its key messages are sincere? What other messages could Domino’s have delivered? What other types of traditional media and social media could Domino’s have used to reach its stakeholders? What other challenges do you think that PR practitioners, marketers, or corporate communicators could have in telling the truth in the digital age? How important is speed of response rate in a digital world, particularly when an organization is facing a crisis situation? Are there any other conclusions that you can draw from this incident? According to its website, Media Curves “is the leader in public perception of topical issues.” This communications research company uses its patent pending technology to online you, evaluate the “believability” of a particular video, such as the apology posted on YouTube by Mit college, Domino Pizza’s President Patrick Doyle.

To see how Media Curves’ technology captured people’s perceptions of Doyle’s apology video, watch Doyle’s apology video here: Discuss the specific moments in the video that people found most believable and least believable and online what public relations practitioners can learn from studies like this. Visit the Best statements ever business Media Curves website to watch other assessments of video apologies. Using the framework presented in this article, apply the Arthur W. Page Society’s principles (“Vision, Mission Goals,” n.d.), Seeger’s (2006) best practices, and Veil, Buehner, and Palenchar’s (2011) suggestions for integrating social media to Do assignment you, United Airlines and a visual argument essay its handling of Dave Carroll’s “United Breaks Guitar Video” or to Providence Renaissance and its handling of “Joey Quits” video. Online? What lessons can be learned about gwalior, social media and you crisis communication from analyzing these organizations’ strategies? To see how Domino’s has dealt with this crisis, consider some background information about Best ever, its Pizza Turnaround campaign. How does this compare with the best practices? How did tweets like #newpizza help? [1] A visual timeline of the first four days is available on the Arthur W. Do Assignment? Page’s website: Aula, P. (2011).

Meshworked reputation: Publicists’ views on the reputational impacts of online communication. Public Relations Review, 37 , 28-36. Beaubien, G. (2009, April 21). Domino’s YouTube flap: ‘A landmark event in essays, crisis management.’ Public Relations Tactics . Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Bell, L. M. Do Assignment You? (2010).

Crisis communication: The praxis of response. The Review of Best personal ever business Communication, 10 (2), 142-155. Burgess, J., Green, J. (2009). Do Assignment You? YouTube: Online video and participatory culture . Malden, MA: Polity Press. Claeys, A., Cauberghe, V. Mit College Gwalior? (2012).

Crisis response and crisis timing strategies, two sides of the Do assignment you same coin. Public Relations Review, 38 , 83-88. Coombs, W. T. (2004). How To A Visual Argument? Impact of past crises on current crisis communication: Insights from Situational Crisis Communication Theory. Journal of Business Communication, 41 (3), 265-289. Coombs, W. Do Assignment? T. (2008, April 2). Crisis communication and social media. Institute for Creative year, Public Relations . Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Esterline, R. M. (2009, April 25). Case study: Domino’s YouTube video . Online? Retrieved December 31, 2012, from.

Flandez, R. (2009, April 20). Domino’s response offers lessons in crisis management. The Wall Street Journal . Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Garfield, B. (2010, January 11). Domino’s does itself a disservice by coming clean about its pizza: We like apologies and honesty, but there are limits.

Just ask Ford. Ad Age Blogs . Mit College? Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Gregory, S. (2009, April 18). Domino’s YouTube crisis: Five ways to fight back. Time Magazine . Retrieved December 31, 2012, from,8599,1892389,00.html. Hale, J. E., Dulek, R. E., Hale, D. P. (2005). Crisis response communication challenges: Building theory from qualitative data. Journal of Business Communication, 42 (2), 112-134. How social media are changing crisis communications—for better and worse. (2009, November 1).

Security Director’s Report, 9 (11), 2-5. Jacques, A. (2009, August 17). Domino’s delivers during crisis: The company’s step-by-step response after a vulgar video goes viral. The Public Relations Strategist . Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Jaques, T. Do Assignment Online? (2008). A case study approach to issue and crisis management: Schadenfreude or an opportunity to learn? Journal of Communication Management, 12 (3), 192-203. Johnson, P. R., Bazaa, U., Chen, L. (2011, May).

The new boundary spanners: Social media users, engagement, and public relations outcomes . Creative? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA. Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Levick, R. S. (2009, April 21). Domino’s discovers social media. Bloomberg Businessweek . Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Oneupweb. (2007). Principles of crisis management in a viral age: Integrating the tools and lessons of search 2.0 into a comprehensive crisis response [White paper]. Traverse City, MI: Oneupweb. Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Peeples, A. Vaughn, C. (2010). Domino’s “special” delivery: Going viral through social media (Parts A B).

Arthur W. Do Assignment Online You? Page Society case study competition in corporate communications . My Paper Professor? Retrieved December 31, 2012, from online Schiller, M. (2007, March 5). Creative Writing? Crisis and the web: How to leverage the Internet when a brand takes a hit. Adweek, 48 (10), 16. Seeger, M. W. (2006). Best practices in online you, crisis communication: An expert panel process. Journal of essays Applied Communication Research, 34 (3), 232-244. Tinker, T., Fouse, D. (Eds.), Currie, D. (Writer). (2009). Expert round table on social media and risk communication during times of crisis: Strategic challenges and opportunities [Report]. Do Assignment? Washington, DC: American Public Health Association.

Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Veil, S. R., Buehner, T., Palenchar, M. J. (2011). A work-in-progress literature review: Incorporating social media in risk and crisis communication. Journal of Contingencies and How to write argument essay Crisis Management, 19 (2), 110-122. Vogt, P. (2009, April 24). Brands under attack: Marketers can learn from Domino’s video disaster. Forbes . Retrieved December 31, 2012, from Weiss, T. (2009, April 22). Crisis management—Domino’s case study research.

Trendsspotting Blog . Do Assignment You? Retrieved December 31, 2012, from York, E. B. (2009, April 20). What Domino’s did right–and wrong–in squelching hubbub over YouTube video. Advertising Age [Online]. Retrieved December 31, 2012, from CORY L. YOUNG, Ph.D. , is an associate professor of communication management and Rate design in the Department of Strategic Communication, Roy H. Do Assignment Online You? Park School of Communications, at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, where she teaches courses in corporate communication. Email: youngc[at] ARHLENE FLOWERS is an associate professor of Best statements ever integrated marketing communications in the Department of Strategic Communication, Roy H. Park School of Communications, at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, where she teaches courses in public relations. Email: aflowers[at] This manuscript was made possible in part by Do assignment you, a James B. Pendleton grant from the homework log Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College. Do Assignment You? A version of this paper was presented at the International Communication Association’s pre-conference hosted in Tokyo, Japan, June 2010.

Additionally, the personal statements following graduate assistants need to be acknowledged for Do assignment online you, their research contributions: Rui Liu, Savitha Ranga, Nate (Zheli) Ren, and How to write argument essay Danielle Clarke.

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essays of Do assignment online brutus v noblest roman in Julius Caesar? In William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Julius Caesar” it was constantly hinted that the main character was a noble man though incidents in Mit college essays, the book occurred that showed Brutus was truly cowardly, naive, and lacked integrity at online times while the other characters had their noble moments. This essay will discuss not only Brutus lack nobility but most of the other characters having a higher sense of nobility than Brutus himself. In the play Julius Caesar Shakespeare clearly. President Kennedy, you can't cancel out the vote of any country simply because you don't like the How to a visual argument essay vote of the people. No, Julius Caesar should not have been assassinated, anymore than President Kennedy should have been killed. We can't simply eliminate everyone we don't like just because they don't see things exactly as we do.

In conclusion, the humility of Julius Caesar and that he loved the Do assignment people, which is shown in his giving of land and money to those people, not to mention his denial of. Leadership in Julius Caesar Essays. At Caesars funeral, Brutus tells the plebeians, “If then that friend demands / Why Brutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer: / Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved / Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living and / Die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live / All free men?” (III.II.1552-1558) Brutus’ intentions were really to help the people of my paper professor Rome, rather than Cassius who secretly wanted the crown for online you, himself. How To Write A Visual Argument? The people of Rome did not want a dictator so Brutus’ plan. What should be in that “Caesar?” Cassius continues to flatter Brutus but that didn’t work on Brutus’ honorable soul.

Cassius knew that the people would kill him if he had killed Caesar alone so Cassius tricked Brutus in to joining the Do assignment you conspiracy. Cassius is a good friend of Brutus and he knew that if Brutus was in the conspiracy that the people might think there was a good cause because Brutus had a reputation of being noble and honorable. Cassius was a good judge of character. Best? This is Do assignment you, what. Essay on Julius Caesar - Theme of do my homework log Friendship. friendship with Caesar in Do assignment online, a horribly deceptive manner, effectively, in order to How to argument kill him. Do Assignment Online? Decius managed to start this off well by using flattery and Mit college, quick wit in order to trick Caesar into going to the senate house, despite the Do assignment you fact that Caesars wife, Calpurnia had dreams of Caesars murder the blood night before. Online You? Decius was able to explain to Caesar that, This dream is all amiss interpreted; it was a vision fair and fortunate:(2.2. 83-84). He then continues on to explain how Caesars dream was a good.

Antony defends the Creative assignment year 3 rumor of Caesar being ambitious by reminding the people of Do assignment online Caesar’s generosity to the poor and his refusal of the crown three times. “When that the poor have cried , Caesar hath wept“ (3.2/ 91) Caesar also left money and land to assignment 3 his citizens. Proving Caesar was not ambitious, but a caring individual concerned for online you, his people. Thus, appealing to the emotions of the people. By the Creative assignment year 3 end of this speech Mark Antony’s emotions toward the loss of Caesar also affect his audience in. passed away in Do assignment you, a second where no one has expected. Mit College? Overall the organization is pretty flow and vivid enough.

I like how each scene was isolated by the characters in the play where one side is mainly characters that dislike Caesar and the other side would be characters that supports Caesar. The only you error would be the speed of the play that gives no time for readers to Creative writing year vividly understand the story. Do Assignment? The descriptions of different characters are the best element in the play. Characters were vividly described. Julius Caesar, The Selfish Dictator Essay. In the end Caesar was convinced by Decimus Brutus to go forth with the meeting with the Dissertation senate.

While making his way there, He was handed a note with the plot, he put it with all the others intending to read them presently. When he entered the House in defiance of Do assignment online portents, laughing at Spurinna and calling him a false prophet, because the ides of March were come without bringing him harm. When Caesar took his seat, the conspirators gathered about him as if to pay their respects, and straightway Tillius. The Character of Brutus in Julius Caesar Essay. iii, 141-158) The people of Rome respected Brutus greatly. Do My? The conspirators thought very highly of him and wanted him to online be part of their scheme against Julius Caesar. If they could get Brutus to join in on the plan the people might think it was all right that they killed the Dissertation blood great Caesar. Online You? O Cassius, if you could But win the How to write argument noble Brutus to our party ( I, iii, 140-141) The people respected Brutus. They thought. Essay on A Comparison of Things Fall Apart and Julius Caesar. Christian church.

He believed that Christianity was the true faith unlike the traditional Umuofian religion where people were killed no practical reasons and punishments were given unjustly. Brutus betrays Caesar, his friend and superior in rank, by assassinating him. Brutus felt that Caesar was a man that could change into a tyrannical ruler. Do Assignment? To kill him would be for Please homework, the greater good of Rome. However, their actions were not completely the same. Nwoye did not kill anyone as Brutus had done. Nwoye. Essay Love is Beautiful in Julius Caesar. you do love me, I am nothing jealous; what you would work me to, I have some aim” (Brutus, Act I, Line 162, Scene II). What Brutus is pretty much saying here is that these people do love me and they want me to rule. Online You? Cassuis bring up the plot to kill Caesar and then mentions a famous ancestor of Brutus to win him over.

Brutus sees that these people do not “love” him as well a lover. They love him as a would-be ruler. They want him to live up to his famous ancestry and once again defeat an my paper professor “evil” “By. Julius Caesar Cause and Effect Essay. Dramatic Irony is when the readers know what something that the character does not know. Dramatic Irony applies to this because readers know that the conspirators are plotting to you kill Caesar while he is not aware that they are. A Visual Argument? Another warning sign that he should not go to the Senate meeting occurs on Do assignment you, March 15 (Ides of March) right before the meeting.

Calphurnia describes how she has had strange and on banked, frightful dreams of Caesar's stature pouring our blood while happy citizens of Rome bathe their. William Shakespeare#x27;s Julius Caesar Essay. He is a noble roman, and well given.” By Anthony defending Cassius character, it shows that they considered Cassius to be their close friend, and Caesar trusted Anthony a lot, to take his advice. Do Assignment You? It shows their extremely strong friendship. Shakespeare makes sure we see glimpses of courage in all the main characters and professor, many of the minor ones. Do Assignment? This is Creative writing year, emphasized in Act 1, Scene 3, lines 57-9. “You are dull, Casca, and those sparks of life that should be in a.

William Shakespeare#x27;s Julius Caesar Essay. In saying this, Antony gets to the emotional side of the crowd. He is trying to make the crowd feel sorry for wanting Caesar dead, and is successful at doing so. Online? Antony uses pathos in a number of my paper professor different ways throughout his speech. Antony informs the plebeians that bloody treason flourish[es] over [them]. (3.2.193) This connotation along with the tone in which it is told creates a feeling of sadness, and gave the audience a vision of the event. This growing emotion in you, the commoners (affected. The Assassination of Julius Caesar by Marcus Brutus Essay examples. Brutus and held unwaveringly to Caesars rule (Plutarch, 2004), Brutus writes, “Caesar does not hinder me, nor will he hinder me, from my paper professor doing according to the laws(Plutarch, 2004).

Brutus and the other conspirators compelled in their beliefs that Caesar was unworthy of rule and did not hold the commonwealth’s interests and concerns (Plutarch, 2004). Online? In the account, “The Assassination of Julius Caesar” (44 BC) by Nicolaus of Damascus, The author portrays Caesar as a “selfish dictator”. Although. Essay on Character Motives in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. exposes some of the jealousy he has toward Caesar and his power. Cassius hopes that by blood killing Caesar, he will rise to power. In the end, readers see how his motivation to kill Caesar leads to his death. Though it may not seem like it at times, Brutus is the only conspirator with completely noble intentions and motives.

Although he considers himself to be a good friend of Caesar, his love for Rome turns out to online be greater than his loyalty to Caesar. In his monologue to the Roman people following. Julius Caesar the True Tragic Hero Essay. As the write essay ides of March came along, Caesar marched toward the senate and was confident that all of the predictions were false and that he truly was an immortal being, even going to the extent of mocking the online you soothsayer by saying: “The ides of March are come.”(Act 3, scene 1, line 1). He then approached the How to write argument essay senate meeting his good friend and loyal companion Brutus and at that moment Julius Caesar’s Paripateia occurred when his “loyal followers” began stabbing Caesar to the death. Despite the online agony and. The Republic in Shakespeare?s Julius Caesar Essay. ideal that finds extensive portrayal in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar is immortal in Dissertation blood, the field of literature, with Shakespeare often hailed as the greatest playwright to have ever lived. The play, though it has many facets, can also be viewed through the you lens of the socio-political concept of classical republicanism, with the events portraying its actual position and the ramifications for How to write argument, civic life in general.

Julius Caesar is a valiant warrior who holds the position of online you dictator in. Cassius and Brutus die with their last words being concerned with Caesar “Caesar, thou art revenged”. In turn, this further illustrates that the composers biased attitude is evident in the play “Julius Caesar” as we are given multiple perceptions on the one personality. Therefore it is on banked blood, evident that even though different perspectives towards the personality are manifested, Shakespeare’s bias is still evident. In the play “Julius Caesar” individuals are driven by different ambitions and motivations. Essay on Brutus’ Love for Rome in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

care for Do assignment, Caesar as well. Brutus believed that Caesar being king would cause more problems for the country. Rate? Brutus wanted the best for Do assignment online, his country so he decided to eliminate the problem which was King Julius Caesar. Brutus explains to Lucius saying, “That at his will he may do danger with the abuse of Mit college greatness…“ (Act 1, Scene 3) Brutus felt as if Caesar would take the power of being king to his head which would cause issues for the people of you Rome. In scene three of act one of “Julius Caesar, Brutus. Comparing Leadership In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Machiavelli’s The Prince. For example, Brutus expressed that he loves Caesar, but he will work hard for the general good (Shakespeare I –ii 94-95). His reasoning comes from his sincerity for the people, as well as his noble title. Dissertation Blood? By helping more people than himself, the actions of a leader will greatly benefit the online outcome in almost any situation.

Accountability is very important when it comes to a higher-level position because it shows others that a person is willing to admit his mistakes. When a leader does present something. Julius Caesar Essay: Flawed Models of Leadership. moving oration at Caesar's funeral- Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to write a visual essay live all freemen? and Who is here so rude that would not be a Roman? If any speak; for him have I offended. Who is here so vile that will not love his country? If any, speak; for him have I offended, reinforces this aspect of his leadership It is ironic, that towards the Do assignment online you end, the absolutes that killed Caesar (absolute self-confidence and absolute power), are encompassed.

Superstition In Shakespeares The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Essay. language of the supernatural prophesy running through the play, the characters either ignore it, or they construe the meanings ‘after their [own] fashion’” (Farrow). This is exactly what Caesar does, because he really does want to go to the Senate that day. Best Statements Business? Another major event that is foreshadowed in Julius Caesar is Brutus’s death at Phillipi. Caesar’s ghost pays a visit to Brutus in Do assignment you, order to How to a visual argument essay tell him “. thou shalt see me at Phillipi” (382; act4, sc3). The reader knows Caesar’s ghost came for. Julius Caesar by the Orlando Shakespeare Theater Production Essay. having Ancient Romans speak of hats and Do assignment online, doublets, or telling one another to count the chiming of the clock. The inclusion of these anachronistic elements was hardly accidental, however. A Visual Argument Essay? Theatre reflects the society in Do assignment online, which it is crafted, and Julius Caesar, a play about the chaotic power vacuum left behind by the sudden death of a leader, was penned during the period just before the death of Elizabeth I, who had not yet named an heir.

This style of social commentary is present in all of Shakespeare’s. The Assassination of Juilius Caesar . In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of blood Julius Caesar. Marcus Antonius, a loyal supporter of Do assignment Caesar, reminds the Creative writing assignment people, “When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept; Ambition should be made sterner stuff” (III. ii. 92-93). Antony wins back the people’s favor for Do assignment online you, Caesar after his death and tells the people that they should not be praising Brutus because Caesar was a great man. Even when he is dead, Caesar helps the people through his will, that Antony presents, “Here is the will and under Caesar’s seal. To every Roman citizen he gives, To several. Brutus is Creative assignment 3, not all Nobility and Caesar is not all Ambition in Shakespeare#x27;s Julius Caesar.

Caesarism and the idea of absolute rule by a single king. Caesar may have been a potential “snake in a shell”, but this claim was based upon what he assumed people “as his kind” would grow to become when they were climbing up the ladder of success. Brutus had no evidence of Caesar becoming a tyrant and Brutus’ decisions were made with no real evidence. Do Assignment? Also, it is clear that Brutus is Creative writing assignment, a poor judge of character, and that his assumption of Caesar may have been inaccurate. Brutus’ character is synonymous. Marcus Brutus as the Protagonist of William Shakespeare#x27;s Julius Caesar. likeness of Caesar in a dream, Caesar gives an ominous message implying to Brutus not to go to Philipi. . . . thou shalt see me at Philipi.

The ghost of online Caesar, unimportant and unbelieved is Rate, perceived as a day dream. Brutus, not paying any attention to the dead and gone Caesar, does not listen. In this sense, Caesar does not make a strong enough impression upon other characters in the play to be taken seriously. You? In the battles between Antony and Brutus, Caesar is Best personal statements business, often. Prophecy in Elizabethan Era and in Do assignment online you, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. lines, Casca proves himself to be an exemplary foil to Caesar.

He is cowardly where Caesar’s bravery is undying; he is cruel and selfish where Caesar is for the good of the people. He is also, conveniently, the first of the conspirators to stab Caesar. Shakespeare, in this event, creates a greater degree of Best personal statements ever business sympathy for Caesar in his audience. A third character developed and Do assignment, utilized well as a result of prophecy would be Cassius. Unlike Caesar and How to argument, Casca, Cassius undergoes change that reveals itself. Essay The Common Man#x27;s Role In Shakespeare#x27;s Julius Caesar. Similarly, Caesar makes very few appearances even though his name is the title of the play. This shows that the play isn't really about him, but the events and people that surround him.

The public are stupid, poor and ignorant. This is blatantly illustrated by Shakespeare in a few scenes, most memorably the funeral speech scene, Act 3 Scene 2 when they completely misunderstand Brutus' message of how totalitarianism is the wrong way to go. Let him be Caesar. Caesar's. The Character of online Marcus Brutus in The Tragedy of homework Julius Caesar. 68-75).

He said all the Do assignment online you conspirators except Brutus killed Caesar out of envy. Even when committing a crime so severe as murder, Brutus suggested to the conspirators that they should carve him (Caesar) as a dish for the gods (II. i. 172-173). Brutus' loyalty for Rome is demonstrated when he says about Caeasr, I know no personal cause to spurn at him, but for the general (II. i. 21-22). Essay? He was willing to kill Caesar, his friend, even though Caesar hadn't done anything wrong yet. Finally, Brutus was honorable. Many Tragic Heroes and Societal Issues Found in Julius Caesar. This `role-playing' can be seen in Lines 199 through 208, where Caesar refers to Cassius in conversation with Marcus Antonius: Quite through the Deeds of Men. He loves no Plays, / As thou dost, Antony; he hears no music/ Seldom he smiles, and smiles in such a sort/ As if he mock'd himself, and scorn'd his Spirit/ That could be mov'd to smile at any thing. / Such men as he be never at Heart's Ease/ Whiles they behold a Greater than themselves, / And therefore are they very Dangerous.

Act 2 Scene 1 Extended Response Julius Caesar. Essay. Brutus thinks that as a monarch, Caesar may run to Do assignment online you extremities and become excessive in his tyrannical rule. Business? Brutus also thinks about the fact that when one climbs the online “young ambition’s ladder. the climber up turns his face; …once he attains the uppermost round, the then unto the ladder turns his back … scorning the base degrees by which he did ascend.” On the a visual essay basis of this possibility, which would ruin the Republic, he must be killed. Brutus, and of course Shakespeare, uses the metaphor of a. Caesar was on the list of people to Do assignment be exiled.

Sulla probably went after Caesar because of his relation to Marius and Sulla, two of his enemies. Any offspring of that marriage would be considered a threat to him. His family pleaded for his life and he was spared, but stripped of his inheritance. In order to my paper professor pacify the situation, Caesar left Rome and joined the you army. There he proved to be a courageous soldier and gained leadership skills and popularity. Personal Statements Ever Business? Before returning to Rome he went to Rhodes. Caesar was one with his men, and Do assignment online you, even stood on Best statements, the front line next to them as he distributed orders.

Caesar shared his victories with his troops and in return he received excessive amounts of Do assignment online you loyalty. Rate? Following his role as governor in Spain, Caesar formed a deal to rule with Pompey and Crassus; they then formed the First Triumvirate. The trio presented many laws to the public and most of them were passed. After the First Triumvirate ended, Gaul was the next stop for Caesar. He was going to begin. In Act 3 Scene 2 of Shakespeare#x27;s Play Julius Caesar, Why Does Antony Succeed and Brutus Fail to Persuade the Crowd. works as a list to make it seem like there were many reasons for you, the assassination and Dissertation blood, he keeps reinforcing his opinions with repetition. Brutus also explained that he didn't hate Caesar, but that he loved Rome more. He says Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more this shows it would have been hard to kill Caesar, as he loved him, but he is so sure it is right he had to Do assignment you killed him.

At one point, they wanted to crown Brutus, who intended for Dissertation blood, everyone to you be free. Brutus didn't use any emotion. To think that Caesar bears such rebel blood That will be thaw'd from the true quality 9. In his address to the mob in the forum (Act III Scene 2, lines 12-44), Brutus speaks in Dissertation on banked, prose, not blank verse. His words have been described as “a lecture”. a. Show from the speech that Brutus knows he enjoys the respect of Roman citizens. Then none have I offended. I have done no more to Caesar than you shall do to Brutus. you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves, than Caesar were dead, to live all freemen?” With the use of a rhetorical question and repetition in his words, such as “valiant”, “honour” and “Caesar the Do assignment ambitious”, Brutus is able to How to a visual essay influence and manipulate the online you plebeians to what he considers the correct viewpoint; “let Brutus be Caesar!” In sheer contrast, Antony uses sarcastic, derogatory terms against Brutus to allow the crowd to truly question Brutus’ ‘honour’ and ‘nobility.’ “Caesar was my friend. The Assassination of Julius Caesar Essay. ‘common people of Rome from as … ‘rabble’ ” (Parenti 3). Parenti believes that historian writers in the upper, educated, aristocratic class are the reasons why many pieces of literature portray Caesar as a power mad demagogue or as a person who never wanted power Historian either view the death of Caesar as justified, because he was a dictator and it would benefit the people of Rome, or unjustified, because conspirators were trying to retain power These perspectives are from modern historians not.

Julius Caesar - Manipulation Essay. which actually for a short time made him more powerful because now that Caesar is Best personal ever, dead, the Do assignment you people see Brutus as the primary murderer. The plebeians are the number one target of manipulation in this play and for good reason, they are easy to sway. Mark Antony notices this and during his speech at Caesar’s funeral where he manipulates them to Mit college the point that they turn on the conspirators. He says “In every wound of Do assignment you Caesar that should move the do my homework stones of Rome to rise and Do assignment, mutiny,” (Act III Scene II. Robbed of their individuality and denied a place within the on banked blood social hierarchy. (Cor. 1.1.62). Do Assignment Online? Portrayed like a common herd (1.2.264), plebeians are moved to patience at the behest of Brutus as easily as they are moved to Mischief by the words of Antony (3.2.264, 253).In contrast to Best personal the noble Brutus (1.2.308), whose reasoned decision to join the Do assignment you conspirators is detailed in his soliloquies and essays, his conversations with Cassius, the rabblement is shown to Do assignment online you be incapable of individual thought. A Comparison of the Women in Julius Caesar Essay.

of by her husband, does not know of year her husband’s plan to Do assignment online you kill Caesar. Brutus’s hesitation to Creative writing 3 confide in Portia proves that he still has doubts about the conspiracy. Still, he ignores those doubts though he ends up not telling Portia about the conspiracy. Do Assignment? As Portia is on banked blood, kept in the dark, Brutus also keeps his private life in the dark. Similarly, Calpurnia is shunned by her husband when he decides to go to Senate against her wishes. Caesar does give in for a while, but ultimately he chooses politics over. Julius Caesar - Analyses of Characters Essay. He despised Caesar and people like him. He believes in a truly democratic government for Rome whereas Caesar wanted one leader ? him. Cassius saw that Caesar was hungry for power and Do assignment, would not stop until he got it and Mit college gwalior, Cassius refused to let that happen. Do Assignment? He is very loyal to homework log Rome and very determined.

He saw that Caesar had his weaknesses and he took advantage of them and he will probably do the Do assignment online you same with Mark Antony. He can see that Mark Antony is not being sincere when talking to Brutus and he can. Essay Julius Caesar (Superstisions Analysis) ego hides any pessimistic predictions for his future, and he pays little attention to the warning. Dissertation On Banked? There were many more signs, all pointing to the same fate, and Caesar did not listen, Alas, my dear, your wisdom is Do assignment, consumed in confidence. Do not go forth today, (Shakespeare, pgs. 77-78) warns his wife on the day he was murdered. Caesar does not listen to her in the end. His murder was executed as forecasted, and if he had listened to all the warnings, he may have saved his own life. Caesar's stubbornness. A Multiple Choice Test on Julius Caesar Essay.

reinterprets Calpurnia's dream to entice Caesar to go to Please homework the meeting. 13. What is ironic about the Do assignment you timing of Caesar's murder (in relation to the preceding events)? a. He is murdered just as he is reading the warning from Portia. b. Homework Log? He is destroyed just after proclaiming his magnificence and indestructibility. c. It occurs just after a great storm and earthquake. d. Brutus has changed his mind, but is not able to stop the others. 14. According to the play, Caesar was stabbed _______ times: a. 300 c. 13. Essay about A Rhetorical Analysis of Julius Caesar. Brutus employs questions asked for effect, and consequently convinces the crowd that Caesar had potential for tyranny. Brutus effectively persuades the crowd because he provokes emotion by using commanding diction that plants images of persecution in the thoughts of the Roman citizens. Brutus effectively persuades the Do assignment crowd to support his cause, but fails to reach the crowd as personally as Antony because he speaks superiorly to the crowd rather than a peer, as Antony does.

Near the end of his speech. Essay about Psychology in Julius Caesar. Brutus and Cassius have a very complicated relationship. “[Cassius] loves Brutus, but he also manipulates Brutus. Nonetheless, Brutus's friendship is more important to him than anything else. Ultimately, it [becomes] even more important than victory and the republican cause… Cassius sacrificed the Dissertation on banked blood fate of Rome three times for his friendship with Brutus” (Heller). Cassius’s willingness to manipulate Brutus makes Brutus seem like a weak character, but when he takes charge of the you conspiracy and convinces.

Fate vs. Write A Visual? Free Will in Julius Caesar Essay. standing in Do assignment online, life. This diligent effort to better himself led Caesar to do my comment such men as he are very dangerous (I. ii. 209-210). Cassius' role in the play was using his free will to overcome the fate that would come true, the fate that Caesar was one day going to become emperor. Because he was so driven by the desire to overcome this fate, he was able to conquer all obstacles that came his way, and accomplished his goal in killing Caesar. Towards the end of the play, however, Cassius states that.

Significant Political Relationships of Do assignment you Julius Caesar Essay examples. Pompey’s standing lent Caesar considerable prestige, Crassus served to substitute for Caesar’s financial vulnerability. Another crucial element to Creative building Caesar’s standing was forming a military repute. Goldworthy notes that Caesar “needed military glory to rival Crassus, and Do assignment online, especially Pompey”. How To A Visual Argument? In influencing Caesar’s pro-consulship in 58BC, the Triumvirate effectively granted Caesar command of an army and enabled him to Do assignment online you establish a successful military career. However, as Caesar became increasingly. Essay about Julius Caesar: Speech Comparisson. right in front of do my log them. Thirdly, Antony uses dramatics to further his point. On page 133 lines 117 to 118 a citizen remarks “Poor soul! his eyes are red as fire with weeping.”. Online You? By crying in front of the crowd Antony is showing how much he cared for Caesar and how he was treated unjustly.

He earns sympathy from the Dissertation blood crowd, messing with their emotions to Do assignment you sway their opinion. Antony also uses false modesty in his speech. On page 139 lines 216 to 217 Antony says “I come not, friends, to Rate my paper steal away your. The Tragic Hero of Julius Caes Essay. that definitely must show something. Brutus killed Caesar for the people of Do assignment Rome’s sake, not for his own. A true hero would think of other people before thinking of himself.

In the play, we see Brutus feelings and actions, more than Caesar’s. On Banked Blood? Caesar dies halfway through the play, so he can not be the tragic hero if his character has not been developed yet. Another point is that if Brutus was not part Julius Caesar, the online killing of Please homework Caesar most likely would never had happened, therefore.

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