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Creating Resumes: 3 Apps to medicine help Get You Work. One of the most efficient uses for the iPad is in the business world. There are plenty of apps out there for business and productivity that have been covered here on iPad.Appstorm, but what about apps for helping you find and get a job? Back in December I wrote a round up of 15 Apps to Nursing dissertation Land Your Next Job. One of the big keys to getting the career you want is in the first impression, which is why I wanted to compare in more depth the three apps listed in that article for creating and Personal statement sharing your resume. All three include the Comprehension papers ability to input your career information, create multiple resumes, and choose from statement medicine, a variety of term, templates. Help. However, there are some significant differences between the apps. Good Editing Service Hours. So, let’s determine which one is best for your job seeking needs! Like the Personal statement help article?

Be sure to subscribe to our RSS feed and follow us on Twitter to stay up on recent content. kyCVwy is Good editing, made by French developer, Appnotie and Personal medicine help stands for “keep your CV with you.” For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term CV (curriculum vitae), it is a document very similar to a standard resume. While the Nursing proposal conclusion name of the app is a mouthful, the app is fairly easy to Personal statement learn and inputting information is simple. Unlike the other two apps I’ll review, you can choose to add a picture from your camera roll or take a picture. There is even the option to crop and change it to black and college essay ever white. There are 6 resume templates available to choose from and you can send it to an AirPrint printer or email it in PDF format. The latest version added a feature to convert your resume into any number of different languages, but it only changes the titles of each category not the information inputted. Most of the supported languages are from Personal statement, countries in Europe. kyCVwy is the only app out of the 3 that can create cover letters. Another feature unavailable in the other two apps is the ability to create a cover letter. While this is essay editing hours, possible in kyCVwy, there are no templates available for cover letters, so you’ll need to Personal help write the entire letter as you would in any word processing software.

Overall, the app is pretty useful with a few things that differentiate it such as the ability to include pictures and cover letters. My only Writing students undergraduate, complaints are that landscape mode is not an option, there is no spell correction, and the English version had spelling errors throughout which made it feel unpolished. At first glance, ResumeBase has a more elegant, modern design than kyCVwy. ResumeBase is also more customizable than kyCVwy in that it allows you to add all your information and then choose what to include on each resume you create without having to input everything again. To me, this is the main distinguishing feature of this app and is especially handy if you are applying for jobs in different fields. Statement Help. The black and white color scheme gives ResumeBase a contemporary look. You can print your resume from the app or save it in rich text (.rtf) or plain text (.txt) format. There is also the option to dissertation proposal conclusion include your social networks on Personal medicine, your resume and add references using the information from your address book. As we all know, having a spelling mistake on your resume is a major faux pas, so I was happy to see that spell check was included. You can create your resume using two types, chronological and functional, which are both very similar and then you can choose from service ever, four different font sizes and types. Personal Medicine. The biggest drawback to ResumeBase is scholarships for college students, that it doesn’t provide a way to create cover letters, so you’ll need another app for that.

Pocket Resume was the third app I tried out for creating resumes. While this app has some strong points and seems to be the statement medicine help most talked about in good term, this category, its usefulness will depend on what you need to do. For instance, Pocket Resume doesn’t include a way to create cover letters or print your resume. Also, while 8 templates are included, there are very minor differences between each one. Most of them are simply changes between font styles and colors, not major differences in layout. The standard layout for most resumes created in Pocket Resume is simple, but it gets the job done. However, there are some nice features such as the Personal statement ability to Good service import your information from a LinkedIn profile. There are more options than the other two apps for sharing or exporting your resume as well. You can share it through email, DropBox, or export to PDF or RTF format for editing on your computer. Furthermore, I appreciated the aesthetic design of Pocket Resume which looks like a portfolio with paper and leather textured backgrounds throughout.

All three apps cost $2.99, so you’re left to decide purely on features alone. Each of these apps seemed to work as described and didn’t take much time to learn. In all three instances I was able to jump into creating a resume within minutes. One of the few hindrances I noticed was the language barrier. Personal Medicine. As an American I had to get used to the different terminology used in some of these apps that were created from developers in other countries, like the term notes expression “referees” instead of Personal medicine, “references” in ResumeBase. Which one you choose will really depend on your needs.

Either way, it’s great to Best college essay ever have your resume with you whenever you’re on medicine help, the go. If the capability to print is important to you, then you’ll want either kyCVwy or ResumeBase. If you don’t need to be able to print and prefer more options for good term notes ways to share your resume digitally, then you would probably be more inclined to pick Pocket Resume. Also, if using just one app to create both your resume and cover letter is Personal statement help, appealing you’ll want kyCVwy. Having your iPad and one of these apps on hand will ensure that you’re prepared if any job opportunity comes your way.

Have you used one of these apps? What are your needs for creating and sharing resumes?

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Free Biography, Autobiography and Memoir eBooks Online. Submitted by site.editor | Last update on 26th April, 2015 - 8:16am. This is a listing of Personal statement medicine help, 104 sites that legally offer free ebooks on Biographies, Autobiographies Memoirs, for reading. There is a separate listing of sites offering free audiobooks in these genres: All of these sites listed have content that is legal for them to distribute. Students Undergraduate? If you find that any site listed is offering content that can not be legally transferred, please let me know in the comments below. This list is not comprehensive and if you know of statement help, any other sites please post in the comments below or at our forums. A comprehensive alphabetical listing of free books for reading or listening can be found on dissertation these pages: For a complete listing of the free ebook pages here at Gizmo's, see. There will be other books on Biographies, Autobiographies Memoirs, at the sites listed there, but they are not categorized at the sites.

Libraries are also an excellent source for reading and listening materials. To find out more information on your local library, the links here may help: Library Information. Biographies/Autobiographies/Memoirs Sites For Free eBooks. 2020k (biographies Memoirs) Large collection of links to books divided into categories and sub-categories. Note: Most of the Personal medicine links here are working, but there are a number that lead to BookRags, which are not free anymore. Unfortunately, there is dissertation thesis and term no way of Personal statement help, telling where the link goes until you click the link. Since they did fix the proposal issue with links, hopefully they will fix this. Thanks to Marie99 for pointing this out.

A Celebration of Woman Writers a collection of links to free novels by woman writers. Links are offsite, so download and viewing options vary. This link is to the Biography category. Allah's Word free Islamic books on Personal statement medicine help Biographies. All in English and available for free download in PDF. Amazon has 100 of the top free ebooks in their Biographies Memoirs genre. If you click on the sub-genres on the left you will find many more free ebook offerings. Using the tips provided at Good editing, our page, Places For Free Kindle eBooks Online you should be able to find even more free ebooks. You do not need a Kindle to view these ebooks, there are free Kindle apps for every type of Personal help, device and computer system. Baptist History Homepage has the biographies of over 600 prominent Baptist persons.

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All are available for free reading online without registration. Books In My Phone has 20 free ebooks in their Biography category. These are MIDP for use on the phone. BooksShould Be Free is primarily an Nursing dissertation proposal audio book download location, but it also has links to text versions of the works it has listed. Calibre Open Books has 5 free ebooks in its Biography category.

Download and viewing options vary as these are links offsite. Carey Center the Center for Study of the Life and Work of William Carey, D.D., has biographies of Dr. Carey and other influential Baptists. Most are available for Personal statement medicine help, free reading online without registration. Proposal? There are some available for free download in PDF. Centsless Books monitors Amazon (USA) for the top 100 free ebooks in the Biography Memoirs genre. Updated hourly. Classicly has over 300 free ebooks in Personal medicine, the autos bios section. These are classic works in the public domain. All are available for free download in PDF and good notes many are also available in KINDLE.

Thanks to Tyler G for this suggestion. Daily Free Books (UK) monitors Amazon (UK) for its daily free offerings. They offer genre selection as well as sorting by time (including since your last visit). They also offer free listings from Smashwords, which can be viewed with the medicine help Amazon offerings, alone or not at Comprehension dissertation thesis papers, all (Amazon only). They have over 6,000 free ebooks listed. This link is to the Biography Memoir genre listings for Amazon and Smashwords. Personal Statement? There were 66 free ebooks listed at the time of this post. Daily Free Books (USA) monitors Amazon (USA) for its daily free offerings. They offer genre selection as well as sorting by time (including since your last visit).

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There are additional selections under Autobiographies, Biography and US History: Presidents Biographies . eBook DB has over 200 free books in its biographies, novels memoirs, category. These are links offsite, so download and warehouse viewing options vary. From my quick look at the listings, not all are biographies, but still a good collection for this genre. eBook Lobby (Biography Memoirs) 76 books available, some for online viewing some for PDF download. eBooks Directory has 54 free books in its biographies memoirs section. These are links offsite, so download and viewing options vary. eBooks For All has 4 free classic books in its letters memoirs section. Links are offsite, so download and statement medicine viewing options vary. eBooks Free.Com has 3 free books in its memoir biography section available for free download in dissertation thesis warehouse, PDF (the books listed under sponsors are to be paid for) eBooks Free Free Free monitors Amazon (USA) for the top free ebooks offerings in the Biographies ? Memoirs genre. they also monitor the free iTunes ebooks: iTunes: Biographies Memoirs. eBooks FreeNet has 10 free books in its biography section available for free download in PDF.

eBooks International has 13 free classics in Personal medicine help, its biography section available for free download in Writing scholarships, PDF. eBooks-Junkie has 45 free ebooks in its Biography Memoir genre listings. These are gathered from sites around the web, so download and statement medicine help viewing options vary. College Essay? A mix of Personal statement medicine, classic and new. eBooks On Everything has 10 free classic biographies available for free download in PDF without registration. eBookTakeaway has 80 free ebooks in its Autobiography biography section available for free download (zipped) in HTML, PDF EPUB. eFree Books monitors Amazon for scholarships for college, limited time free ebook offerings. They do list genres, including Biography, but you have to select the genre for the day listed as there is not direct link to Biography listings.

ePub Books has 4 free classic novels available in Personal medicine, its biography/memoir section. All are available for download in ePUB. There are links to other download formats, but some of those are pay sites. eReader IQ due to the changes in Amazon policy, they now offer an College essay conclusion abbreviated listing of the limited time free book offers from Amazon . They have a nice selection of genres to narrow the listings. This link is to Personal statement, the Biographies Memoirs genre listings with Adult content blocked (you may click on Nursing proposal the button on Personal the upper right of the results to show Adult works).

There was 1 free ebook listed for this genre at the time of this post. eReader Love monitors Amazon (USA) for essay, limited time free ebook offerings. This link is to their Biographies Memoirs genre listings and at the time of this post, there were 23 free ebooks listed. eReaderPerks monitors free releases at Amazon (as well as for Nook and Kobo) and has very good category listings. This link is to their Biography genre free ebook offerings. Offers email updates. Thanks to Lorie for this listing. Subscribers can now get customizable, genre-specific emails with the very latest freebie offers and the second addition is Personal a daily list of the top 43-45 free book finds in all genres posted every morning on the homepage for a quick grab at the newest top-rated gems. Nursing Dissertation Proposal Conclusion? (For Kindle, Kobo Nook). Figment has almost 2000 free writings in its Biography category and Personal statement help almost 5,000 free writings in Nursing proposal conclusion, its Memoir category. These vary from Personal help short stories to full novels.

These are unique unpublished works. All are available for Write term, free reading online without registration. Foboko has around 30 free novels available for free reading online or free download in TXT, PDF, EPUB, MOBIPocket and direct send to Kindle. Free registration is required (I have received no spam) and there is a limit of 5 downloads per month (no limit on help reading online). There are some unique entries here. Free Discounted Books post links to good term paper, free ebook offerings at Amazon (USA) This link is to their free biography ebook listings. They also have Autobiography and Personal statement Memoirs . Free Audio Books while primarily an audiobook site, they also have ebooks available for the 3 classic novels in their Biography archive. Free Biography Memoir monitors Amazon (USA) for limited time free ebook offerings in Comprehension and term papers warehouse, the Biographies Memoirs genre. Free Book-s has 20 free ebooks for download in epub, mobi or pdf, in its biography category.

Free has two free novels in its biography section (Darwin and Lincoln) available fore free download in TXT, PDF, MOBI (Kindle) and EPUB. Free Books Hub UK monitors Amazon (UK) for limited time free ebook offerings in the Biography genre. Free Book UK has 3 working links for statement medicine help, biographies. Two are for reading online and one is to Gutenberg with several download options. Free eBooks (Biography) 64 books available for download in pdf or mobipocket. Best College Essay? Registration is required. Personal Medicine? The free membership allows 5 downloads per month. Free eBooks Blog monitors Amazon (USA) for limited time free offerings in its Biography Memoirs genre.

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Like their USA counterpart below, the site offers sorting by Nursing conclusion genre, time offered, length and popularity. This link is to the Biographies Memoirs listings, which has 80 free ebooks at the time of this post. Statement? Adult content is hidden, but can be shown by clicking on Nursing conclusion the link on the upper right of the page. Free Read Feed (USA) regularly posts, throughout the day, the limited time free ebook offerings at Amazon (USA). Statement? This is an extensive listing of the free ebook offerings, showing the genre (with option to exclude that genre or show only that genre in results) and the length of the ebook. They have some filtering options, length of ebook and date of free offering as well as a large genre listing option to exclude genres (click on Pick from a list ). This link is to the Biographies Memoirs listings, which has 112 free ebooks at the time of this post. Adult content is hidden, but can be shown by clicking on the link on Nursing dissertation proposal the upper right of the page. Georgia Download Destination has 791 free classic ebooks in statement medicine help, its Biography Autobiography genre listing available for free download in EPUB without registration.

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This link is to their Biographies Memoirs free ebook listings. History of the Great Lakes States this site has links to free online books and other materials relating to the USA states around the Great Lakes region. This link is to Personal statement, the main page, which has a link to the Biographies and Memoirs for individuals from the region or specific states. HolyBooks has 30 free books in its biographies section available for free download in PDF. These are all religious or spiritually themed, covering various beliefs. Hundred Zeros CA monitors Amazon (Canada) for the catalog of best sellers free ebooks and offers genre selection and RSS feeds for Nursing proposal, the individual genres. This link is to a search of Biographies Memoirs. Hundred Zeros UK monitors Amazon (UK) for free ebooks in the Biography Memoirs genre. Hundred Zeros USA monitors the Best Sellers free ebook list at Personal, Amazon (USA and India).

They have individual genre listings and they have RSS feeds for the individual genres. They offer RSS and college service ever eMail updates. This link is to the Biographies and Memoirs genre listings. iAccess provides links to Personal help, free Biographies Memoirs at iTunes. The posts are a bit old, but all the links I checked were still valid free ebooks. iLove Ebooks monitors Amazon (USA) for limited time free ebook offerings in the Biography category. Indie Author Club nice collection for free ebooks at Amazon (USA). Excellent selection of categories and also language. They do have email alerts for new free ebooks. Writing Scholarships Undergraduate? This link is to medicine help, their Biographies and Memoirs selections. Thanks to Shawn for this site.

Kellscraft has 5 free books in its biography section available for free reading online. Khilafah Books has 423 free ebooks in College life conclusion, its English section of Personal help, Biographies/Seerah of Prophet Mohammed (SAWS). Best College Essay Ever? All are available for free download in PDF without registration. There are other languages available. Kobo has free novels available for Personal, free download in EPUB in a search of Biography. Free registration (no credit card needed) is required. These are a mix of classic and more recent works. They have changed their layout and now to find free you have to search and then sort from price low to dissertation warehouse, high. A search of Autobiography, memoirs or specific person should reveal more free ebooks. Librophile known mostly as an audiobook site, they also have links to free downloads of statement help, classic novels. All of the term notes links I looked at were to Personal statement, Project Gutenberg, which means they are available for free download in several formats as well as free reading online without registration.

You will need to scholarships for college students undergraduate, select Biography under Genres as they do not allow direct links to the genre pages. Lit2Go has 5 free classic novels in its Memoir genre available for Personal medicine help, free reading online without registration. ManyBooks (Biography) 1920 ebooks available for download in thesis warehouse, a variety of formats. MemoWare (Biography) 253 works available for download in varying formats. Mises Institue has 29 free books in its biographical section available for free download in PDF and statement EPUB. Munsey's (Biography) 740 ebooks available for dissertation thesis papers, download in a great variety of formats. Munsey'sMobile has almost 1000 free classic works in their biography category. These are all available for free viewing online and are also available for Personal statement medicine, download in essay, PDF, PRC and ePUB. These appear to be different works than those available on the regular Munsey's site, above.

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Although Overdrive is generally for Personal medicine help, use with a library membership, these are direct free downloads in EPUB. PDF Books World has 35 free ebooks in its Biographies and Good editing hours Memoirs collection. All are available for free download in PDF after free registration (no credit card needed). Statement Medicine? I have received no spam from them. There are also 20 free ebooks in their Children's: Biographies collection which are also available for free download in PDF. PDF Titles has over 600 free classic ebooks in Nursing proposal, its Biography genre listings. Despite the name of the site, these ebooks are all available for free download in a wide variety of statement help, formats, including PDF, EPUB and Kindle compatible formats. Ever? There is a large selection of sub-genre. A very nice collection with some unique entries. Project Gutenberg Australia has a very nice listing of autobiographies available for download in a large number of Personal statement medicine help, formats.

Many of Best college essay, these link back to Gutenberg (above), but are listed in alphabetical order of the subject of the biography as opposed to the author. Help? Some of the entries are not available at Gutenberg. Project Gutenberg (USA) Large collection available for download in several formats. Project Gutenberg Self Publishing Press has 40 free ebooks in its Biographies category. All are available for free download in PDF. Read Central a search for Biography brings up over 1,800 free classic novels available for free reading online without registration. Servant Of Messiah has 19 free books in its biographies section available for free download in Writing students, PDF. These are all Christian themed. Smashwords has 194 free books in its biography section available for free download in a wide variety of formats. Snick's List monitors Amazon (USA) for limited time free ebook offerings and has the statement medicine nice feature of separate genre listings for these free ebooks. This link is to the Biographies Memoirs genre free offerings.

The Andrew Fuller Center has links to biographies of the influential Baptist. All the links I looked at were in Nursing, Google Books and were available for free reading online without registration. The Book Depository has over 1,000 free ebooks in its Biography category available for statement medicine help, free download in PDF without registration. You will see prices listed for each of the books, but that is for hard copy. Look for the green Get Free eBook to service, click on and then the Personal statement green Download Free eBook PDF on College life essay the book listing page.

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2. Received Innovator Award 2004-2005 for Personal statement medicine, contribution in Development of an APITest Tool for Comprehension thesis, Testing of API. Which was extensively used by statement medicine all telecom platforms in Business Unit wanting to Test and automate API’s (Java based). 3. Received appreciation from the RD-TDT for Best college essay ever, effectively handling the customer issues and problems during onsite deputation. 4. Received SPOT Award for testing the JCP (Java Core Platform) Product and developing Test Automation suites effectively. 5. Was adjudged as the Excellent Employee (Huawei Technologies) of the medicine, year during 2004-2005. From: June 2006 To: Present. Company: Huawei Technologies Pvt Limited, Bangalore. · Project Working with: SDO (Service Data Objects) · Programming Language: Java (J2SE), · Tools Used: Eclipse, JUnit. · Brief: Allows application programmers to uniformly access and manipulate data from heterogeneous data sources, including relational databases, XML data sources, Web services and enterprise information systems. Client: Internal TDT’s.

Role: Working on the Pre-TR3 activities, i.e. Requirement Collection and Best essay Analysis. Understanding customer requirements and preparing User Scenarios. From: December 2005 To: May 2006. Company: Huawei Technologies Pvt Limited, Bangalore. · Tool Developed: Generic Simulator for Messaging Protocols. · Project Worked with: Uniportal. · Programming Language: Java (J2SE), · Tools Used: Eclipse, JUnit. · Brief: This tool was designed to Personal help test the Nursing proposal conclusion, Messaging Protocol stacks. Statement. o There are different Messaging Protocols like SMPP, CNPP, USSD, UCP, MM7 and etc in platforms that products are developed and notes deployed. This tool supports the testing of all those Protocols with ease of defining the structure in XML. o Can simulate any Messaging Protocol Stack. o Able to define the Message Call Flows and Process them. o Basic structure is defined in the XML’s. Later can come up with the Message sending Call Flows using the structures. Statement. All Mandatory and optional fields (TLV, Tag Length Value) can be defined. Writing Students Undergraduate. o Supports Encoding and Decoding of the messages. o Can generate reports after executing the Message Sending Call Flows. Client: Internal TDT’s and Personal China Mobile. Best College Essay Service Ever. · Instrumental at evolving with this breakthrough idea for easing the Testing of Messaging protocols with Generic Solution. · Was responsible in System Design and Specification.

· Developed, implemented and performed the Unit Testing using JUnit. From: Oct 2004 To: March 2005. Company: Huawei Technologies Pvt Limited, Bangalore. · Project Worked with: API Test Tool. · Programming Language: Java (J2SE), · Tools Used: Eclipse, JUnit. · Brief: This tool was designed to statement test any Java based API (Application Programming Interface). o This tool decreases the conclusion, effort of Personal medicine help doing API Testing. Any previous testing of Writing scholarships for college students undergraduate a method requires the user to develop lines and help lines of code to make a call on the API with the specified parameters. This new idea makes the API testing as simple as test a GUI and simulates the ‘Capture Playback’ (handled by many testing tools for GUI) for API. Good Essay Editing Service. Also, it couples with automation which makes it easy for Personal statement, executing the College life, same test cases again and Personal statement medicine help gain. Client: Internal TDT’s and IN platforms of Huawei. Good. · Instrumental in arriving at the basic idea and implementing. · Was responsible in Personal medicine, System Design and Specification. · Developed, implemented and performed the Writing scholarships undergraduate, Unit Testing using JUnit. · Was responsible for Personal statement help, integration and maintenance. From: June 2005 To: Dec 2005. Company: Huawei Technologies Pvt Limited, Bangalore. · Project Worked with: iSAP- UniPortal (Integrated Server Application Platform), · Programming Language: Java (J2SE), · Tools Used: Eclipse, JUnit. · Brief: UniPortal is a J2EE-based multi-service platform. o Service container contains different service system entities, and implements related service functions. It can be an application of the Web Application Framework (WAF), or an ordinary Web application, making it convenient to manage and maintain services. Good Essay. o Interworking interconnects and works together with other systems, such as the statement, short message system.

It has a plug-in structure design that expands freely. It provides a unified interface for the service systems, and enhances manageability and interoperability. o The UniPortal platform provides WAF (Web Application Framework) for service development. This WAF helps to standardize the service development, achieve system reliability, and enhance portability of components, thus providing conditions for quick development. o Provides device service API, through which any device can be managed and operated. It has a built in Messaging Protocol Stack (SMPP, UCP, USSD, CNPP and Best essay ever many more). Using the WAF (Web Application Framework) and the device service the end user can develop a service. · Client: Internal TDT’s and China Mobile. · Was deputed to Shenzhen (China) to handle requirement collection for statement medicine help, Uniportal, was instrumental in extending support to customer and onsite team. · Instrumental in guiding and leading a team of 4 members. · Preparation of Test Strategy and User Scenarios. · Interacted with the real-time Telecom servers (like BIG IP5 and Cluster machines) used by the customer. Provided support on the usage of the platform and API’s. · Automation of the entire component using JUnit ActiWATE. Proposal Conclusion. From: Feb 2005 To: May 2005. Help. Company: Huawei Technologies Pvt Limited, Bangalore. · Project Worked with: iSAP- Portal (Integrated Server Application Platform), · Programming Language: Java (J2SE), · Tools Used: Eclipse, JUnit. · Brief: iSAP Portal provides portal support for Portlet Applications. All deployed portlets will be managed by College essay conclusion a portlet container which in turn can interact with the EJB Container.

Portlets are used as pluggable user interface components in the portals. A portlet container provides the run-time environment required for portlets. Statement Medicine Help. o Page Flow portlets and other plug-ins to create the dissertation thesis and term warehouse, portlet is also provided. o Supports flexible layout which can be designed. o Support for self defining a web page of Personal statement medicine portlets. · Client: Internal TDT’s. · Preparation of Good editing service hours Test Strategy using TAD (Test Analysis and Designing) methodologies. Personal Statement Medicine. · Was instrumental in development of Writing students Test Suites and Services; especially for PageFlow Applications/Portlet. · Was responsible in leading the team of 4 members. · Lead the automation task force for automating different modules. Statement Medicine. · Planning for the team members and tracking. Provided technical understanding of the system to the team. From: Aug 2004 To: Jan 2005.

Company: Huawei Technologies Pvt Limited, Bangalore. · Project Worked with: iSAP (Integrated Server Application Platform) · Programming Language: Java (J2SE), · Specification: J2EE 1.3, SNMP RFC’s. · Tools Used: Eclipse, JUnit. · Brief: The Integrated Service Application Platform – Server side (iSAP-S) platform is an Application Platform on which applications can be developed. iSAP-S is Best college service being used as a platform for developing telecommunication applications or services. It follows the J2EE specifications provided by the JCP (Java Community Process) community. Personal Medicine Help. o J2EE Application Server compliant to J2EE1.3 specification (EJB2.1, JSP2.0, Servlet2.4, JMS1.0, JMX1.2, Java Core PlatformDI1.2, JTA1.0, JTS1.0, JavaMail1.2, JCA1.0) o iSAP supports Windows 2000, Solaris, IBM-AIX, HP-UNIX and Write good term paper notes Su SE Linux. o Provides different communication protocols like MOM (Message Oriented Middleware) and RMI-IIOP. o Provides database connectivity through JDBC. o Provides assertion APIs, Call Level Audit Framework, ID and Topology services. o Support for RMI-IIOP invocation on EJB, in addition to proprietary MOM based invocation. o Support for deployment of WAR, MDB and RAR using GUI based Deploy tool, which also supports standard EJB deployment. o Provision of Personal statement help Overload Control Framework. o Support for unified exception and error handling mechanism. o Provision of good SNMP agent framework to develop SNMP agents. o Integration of Eclipse IDE to enhance the development and test environment of iSAP. o Various other platform tools, utilities and common functions like: Thread pool, Timer facility, Log facility, Alarm facility, Trace facility, Statistics facility. o Collection of cryptography, encryption/decryption algorithms. · Client: Internal TDT’s and Personal statement help products which use Application server for deploying their Applications/services. · Preparation of Test Strategy using TAD (Test Analysis and Designing) methodologies. · Preparation of Test Plan for most of the above features/modules by understanding the requirements. · Development of Test Suites and Services for testing the API's (platform). (For JMS, JTA, SNMP, EJB, Java Mail, Threadpool, Timer and Database API’s) · Donned the role of Test Coordinator. · Lead the automation task force for automating above modules. From: April 2004 To: Aug 2004. Essay. Company: Huawei Technologies Pvt Limited, Bangalore. · Project Worked with: Java Core Platform. · Programming Language: Java (J2SE) · Tools Used: Eclipse, JUnit.

· Brief: JCP (Java Core Platform) is similar to any other common platform on which applications can be developed. JCP is being used as a platform for developing telecommunication applications or services. o OS independent middleware platform based on Personal statement help, Java language for Intelligent Networks. o Offers the basic platform to develop distributed Next Generation telecommunication software systems. o Provides support for Telecom based entities like: Load Balancing, Fault Tolerance. Also Provides network nodes identification based on TCP/IP protocol based addressing. Best Essay Service. o Provides various means of management. · Client: Internal TDT’s. · Preparation of Test Plan by understanding all the requirements. · Development of Test Suites and Services for medicine help, testing the API's (platform). · Independently handled the execution of JCP testing for all the Testing cycles. Good. · Involved in the Automation of the statement, modules. Nursing Dissertation Proposal. From: May 2003 To: Jan 2004. Company: Intelligent Software Solutions, Bangalore. · Project Worked with: Amagi Development Kit (ADK) · Programming Language: Java (J2SE) · Tools Used: Eclipse, JTest for Testing, Snort. · Protocols Used: SNMP, ARP. · Brief: ADK is Personal statement Network monitoring and controlling software. This is a platform intended for life, developing Networking Applications. It has many features like Intrusion detection and Alarm generation which helps the Personal statement medicine, administrator to know who the threat is and papers from where the threat is caused. It has a built in Map Editor to create and medicine maintain network maps automatically and manually. Nursing Dissertation Conclusion. Snmp set and get functions are provided to set the values for the Managed Objects.

File synchronization and transfer facility is provided. · Client: NTT, Japan. Statement. · Involved in the development of wrapper to Net-SNMP package, which was further used by the modules in the Platform one level higher. Also performed the Unit Testing for Comprehension dissertation and term warehouse, the same. Medicine. · Involved in development/coding of modules like Snmp setting, Ping/Snmp reach ability checking, sensor monitoring and MIB registering. · Involved in development of College life Test Cases using JUnit for Unit Testing. From: Jan 2004 To: March 2004. Company: Intelligent Software Solutions, Bangalore. · Project Worked with: JPoller API. · Programming Language: Java (J2SE) · Tools Used: Eclipse, JTest for Testing, Snort. · Protocols Used: SNMP. Personal. · Brief: JPoller API is a polling API which polls for the configured devices/MO’s. Writing Scholarships For College Students. This API can be used by the Application Developer for polling and collecting the data. · Client: Cysols, Japan. · Involved in development/coding of JPoller API. · Involved in development of Test Cases using JUnit for Unit Testing. From: December of 2002 To: May of 2003. Company: Cable Wireless, Creator Block, ITPL. · Project Worked with: Fast Intelligent Network Designer (FIND) · Platform: WINDOWS Server. · Programming Language: ASP, JSP, VB Script. Personal Medicine Help. · Tools Used: Microsoft Visio, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel. · Brief: This software system comprises of a database and a GUI web-based front-end, and Intelligent software engine which generates MS Visio diagrams and MS Excel Parameter sheets from the conclusion, template data stored in the database.

The database stores all information regarding the circuits of a client network, router configurations, node information and so on. Statement Medicine. The development of service ever this software has cut down the unproductive time spent by the CW’s Global Design Authorities (GDA) to 70%. It also maintains the history or the changes made to the circuit. Thus keeping track of all the manipulations made and can get the information with respect to date the change was done. Statement Help. · Client: Cable Wireless proprietary. · Role: Involved in the designing of database and development of the Visio Diagram generation, Excel Parameter sheets generation. Testing and Nursing proposal Documentation. Work Experience as a Project Trainee: Project Title: Discretisation of Personal Medical Images Feature Extraction. · Developed for: Siemens Information System Limited under Medical Imaging Section, Bangalore. · Programming Language: C C++ using Turbo C++ compiler, later ported to VC++ · Brief: Concept followed in Good essay hours, this project is Delaunay Triangulation Using a Uniform Grid Given a Medical image it is quantified in terms of given Tissue or a Bone, in terms of Size, in terms of statement help Location, in terms of Orientation. Then, for these quantifications of objects within images the minimum requirement is Image Segmentation. The result of proposal conclusion this segmentation process is, segment the image and Personal medicine extract object(s) out of it and Processing on these objects. Project Title: Satellite Orbit Scheduling. College Essay. · Developed for: ISRO through Advantech Bangalore. · Programming Language: C in Linux Curses for Personal statement, interface design. · Brief: The project was mainly concerned about Comprehension dissertation real time satellite orbit tracking by Program Track Unit (PTU).

It was used for tracking Leo Satellites. Software was made to individually identify the orbits store the information of each satellite for various orbits in different files depending upon the content of the raw data, Acquisition of signal time (AOS) system time. Institute: Kalpataru Institute of Technology. University: Visveswaraiah Technological University. Discipline: Bachelor of Engineering in statement medicine, Computer Science.

Year of Passing: July 2002. Aggregate percentage marks obtained in BE is Best college service 74% O II PUC from SMSG Jain College, Bangalore with 71.4% during 1998. O 10th from Sree Venkateshwara High School, Bangalore with 75.84% during 1996. Personal Medicine. v In 1996 obtained Diploma in Computer Application Certificate from Aptech Computer Education. O NAME (as appearing in Passport) Anil Kumar Ranganatha. Good Service Hours. O DATE OF BIRTH 1st of September 1980. O NATIONALITY INDIAN. O PASSPORT NUMBER E4618920. Date: ANIL KUMAR R. (No Skill Inventory Set Up) Copyright 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is statement medicine preserved. The Levitating, Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu logo is a GNU GPL'ed image provided by the Nevrax Design Team.

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essay topics smoking emphasis on specifically trying to statement help, reduce smoking for young adults and teenagers. Many teenagers claim that they began smoking to Comprehension and term, “fit in”. Numerous young people also admit to trying tobacco products because of peer pressure and social situations. Teenagers are more likely to conform to fit in Personal medicine with a certain group, or to meet a certain social norm because they want others to like them. Believe it or not, peer pressure can be a very powerful persuasive device. Although many people like to view. While smokers often produce more mucus in response to smoking, they are less able than nonsmokers to move the mucus out of Comprehension dissertation warehouse their respiratory system. This happens because cigarette smoking paralyzes and help eventually destroys cilia. It also changes the makeup of the mucus-secreting glands and consequently the mucus itself. In addition, mucus glands sometimes become plugged and less able to produce mucus. The end result is that smokers' mucus, contaminated with potentially harmful substances, is more.

Unfortunately, the harms of smoking do not only Write good, affect to smokers, but also affect to the people around them. Non-smoking, non-smokers still have to Personal statement medicine help, expose to smoke from smokers, and this smoke caused many negative impacts to health of paper passive smokers. Studies show that secondhand smoke causes pre-mature deaths in non-smokers from lung cancer and heart disease (Bauer, 705). Personal Statement Medicine Help. According to report in 2006, the Surgeon General also estimates that: “Living with a smoker increases a nonsmoker’s chances. result of inhaling second-hand smoke. There is also evidence to suggest that passive smoking may cause lung cancer. Smoking during pregnancy can hinder to growth of the fetus and may even result in death. Finally, the nicotine which is found in cigarettes is highly addictive. Other addictive substances such as cocaine and heroin are illegal. The fact that tobacco remains legal is very irrational. Writing For College Students. To some people smoking can be a matter of relieving stress.

To many it may seem harmless but most people. leach chemicals such as cadmium, lead and statement medicine help arsenic into our marine environment within an hour of contact with water” ( it would take blind stupidity to see there is not a problem. There are many myths that surround smoking and many fallacies that smokers say to defend and distant there self from the issue. They are biodegradable. What else am I supposed to do with them? It is harmless, it is just a small cigarette butt. (they add up) 4.3 trillion.

It serves everybody. Essay on Persuasive Speech Outline. estimated 85% of Lung Cancer deaths are smoking related. 2. What does Cigarette/Tobacco smoking does to a non-smoker? A. Writing Scholarships Students. Involuntary smoke or passive smoke is the smoke the non-smoker breathes. Secondhand smoke causes disease and premature death in nonsmoking adults and children.

Non-smokers can also get cancers just from Personal statement medicine help inhaling secondhand smoke. Students Undergraduate. 3. What does Cigarette/Tobacco smoking does to the environment? A. Personal Medicine. These days everyone knows how smoking affects ones body but the knowledge on Comprehension dissertation thesis, the. relievers) that allow the body to relax. As a smoking cessation aid, acupuncture can be helpful in managing smoking withdrawal symptoms. Personal Medicine. 3. Behavioral therapy is nicotine addiction is related to the habitual behaviors involved in life essay conclusion smoking. Behavior therapy focuses on learning new coping skills and breaking those habits.Transition- The last and most difficult way to quit smoking is cold turkey. * Body 3 According to statement help, the book What do you know about smoking (p.5) “ a smoker's natural six-month odds. later, in the late 1800’s, that cigarette smoking became widespread; this is about the time that cigarettes were beginning to be mass-produced mechanically.

Health concerns started to Comprehension warehouse, rise as cigarette smoking became more common. These concerns led to 14 states making it illegal to sell cigarettes. Medicine Help. Around that same time the U.S. Supreme Court deemed the essay act of smoking to Personal medicine help, be detrimental to health (“Introduction to Smoking”). Several years later, “Smoking [was] depicted in advertisements and movies.

Smoking damages the arteries that supply various parts of the body, raising blood pressure and causing serious damage to proposal, blood vessels. Nicotine increases heart rate and makes the blood pressure rise. It tightens the Personal medicine help blood vessels. This slows down blood flow to the skin, and skin temperature drops. Best College Essay Service Ever. Smoking causes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, mouth cancer, lip cancer, throat cancer, esophageal cancer, bladder cancer, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diseases. Some surveys point out that smoking is usually perceived as producing relaxing effect; this can particularly appeal to businessmen and people who have stressful occupations. The harmful effects of smoking usually manifest themselves in one’s health over a long-term period. Medicine Help. A cigarette contains three harmful substances that can lead to fatal illnesses. Nicotine is Good essay editing service hours, one of the Personal medicine most harmful chemicals in a cigarette.

Nicotine is an addictive substance that can lead to having just one. role. It attracts more people into smoking and Comprehension thesis also promotes a glamourous image of smoking. Many countries all over the world have banned advertising and promotion of cigarette brands in the hopes of decreasing the statement help amount of smokers. Dissertation. Another common reason for people to start smoking is to look cool. Many people get influenced by celebrities and movie stars who smoke. They believe that it will give them a cool image if they smoke too.

A lot of people who starts smoking never expect to be addicted to. Essay on Cause and Effects of Smoking. of people chose to start smoking, came from a smoke filled environment where their parents were smokers. Personal Medicine Help. “Growing up in a house hold where parents smoke can make a person more prone to start smoking (Buzzle, 2011).” My parents smoked frequently, which helped me decided to inhale the harmful chemicals that come from smoking at an extremely early age. Good Editing Hours. “A recent study has shown that twelve-year-olds whose parents smoked were more than two times more likable to begin smoking cigarettes on a daily basis. Secondly, the number mortalities because of diseases connected with smoking become increasing. According to report of worth health organization, Vietnam is medicine, one of countries which have the highest smoker rate on the world. Good. Yearly, Vietnam has over 40.000 mortalities from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes.

To summary, smoking cigarettes has negatives effect on smokers’ health. Smoking cigarettes not only affects smokers but also affects people living around them. Actually, it also. and Stomach. Statement Medicine. (CDC - Fact Sheet - Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking - Smoking Tobacco Use.)I hear most often from smokers that it’s not addictive and that they can quit any time they want. Is smoking addictive? Studies have shown that the drug ‘Nicotine’ is naturally present in tobacco and is what causes the addiction. Nicotine enters the lungs, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, and then rapidly travels to the brain. Comprehension And Term Papers. Smoking damages the airways and small air sacs in the lungs, which cause. acceptable attitude toward smoking than adolescents who prefer non-smoking stars (Sargent).

These findings are not surprising because it is statement medicine, widely known that adolescents look up to movie stars as role models. Adolescents watch a lot of movies and seem to desire what they see on the screen, so tobacco use in movies can also be influential to society. For College Students. Prior research has shown that social influences, such as family and peer smoking, and tobacco advertising, are key determinants of smoking in adolescents. Research. Besides, smoking gives rise to diseases like tuberculosis, facials clefts in babies, ectopic pregnancy, impaired immune function and worsens the outlook for Personal medicine, cancer patients. Smokers not only develop wrinkles and yellow teeth, they also lose bone density, which consequently increases their risk of osteoporosis. The ‘side-stream’ smoke, which is College life, also known as secondhand smoke, carries a higher risk than directly-inhaled smoke. One study found that in help families where both parents smoke, young children. friends used to tell me in high school.

The reason for College life essay conclusion, the calming effect is due to nicotine delivered from Personal statement help tobacco by smoking. The very rapid absorption of Best college essay service ever nicotine (nicotine takes just ten seconds to reach the brain once smoke entered the lungs) and the high blood pressure levels that result, promote rapid and strong behavioral reinforcement from Personal statement medicine smoking. One of the reasons smoking should be stopped is because one of the term paper notes first places the statement medicine harmful effects of cigarettes show up is in your smile. Tobacco. alone? If she has been smoking for term paper notes, over 35 years people did not know the effects of smoking back then.

Should she have to pay for not knowing what she was doing was going to give her a terminal disease and Personal statement shorten her life significantly. Tobacco companies are a billion dollar industry, advertising just about anywhere? They have some of the best well paid lawyers in the country fighting for them in disputes involving paying for peoples health care costs involving smoking related diseases. Peter. carcinogens well enough andthe smoke drifts onto non-designated areas.

Finally, if public smoking is kept legalized we will have majorproblems facing the Good editing environment. One problem is a lot of people are irritated by tobacco smoke. A man named General C.Everett Knoop released areport saying that passive smoking, when a non-smokers breathe smoke in anenclosed area, it causes as many as five deaths a year. Personal Medicine Help. Smoking in a publicplace is an air pollutant and it can damage health in a number of ways. Thefour. Giving up smoking may save you money Rs 3000-5000 every year (depending on the brand you smoke). Skin starved of oxygen by smoking looks gray and dry. Proposal Conclusion. Wrinkles develop earlier and it stains your teeth and Personal help finger.

Quitting smoking may help find a new appearance for you. Men who smoke May sometimes suffer from impotence due to damage to the vessels of the penis. Proposal. Women who smoke take long period to conceive and often have miscarriage. Babies born to mothers who smoke actively or even passively are more. generally.” (Pg.2) Children are affected by seeing their parents smoking, because they learn about the affects of the addiction in school and become aware that their parents are slowly suffocating themselves. Personal. Smoking can cause damage to College conclusion, one’s outward appearance as much as damaging the internal health of the body. It cause premature aging, wrinkles, skin elasticity, and overall pigment coloring. One of the main skin diseases that smoking us associated with is psoriasis, (Tardon 3). According to Dermnet.

Essay on The Ripple Effect of Personal help Smoking. Ultimately though, it is a person’s choice as to whether they want to cause harm to themselves by smoking or not. Although people may choose to smoke, it is unfair of them to inflict the consequences of their choice upon others. Write. The smoke that smokers put out into the air is nearly as harmful as what they take in to their own systems. When non- smokers happen to be in the vicinity of a smoker they inhale what the smoker puts out. Personal Statement Medicine. This is called secondhand smoke. Service Hours. A definition from Philip. stop doing the activities that they once enjoyed, as would worsen their conditions. These people aren’t actors. They all speak from statement help experience and have come together to deliver a single, powerful message to the general public: stop smoking now.

And if you’re not smoking, don’t ever start. For example, one of the “Tip from Former Smokers” ad involves a woman named Terrie Lynn Hall. In a commercial, she explains how she gets ready for her day after undergoing treatments that caused her to lose her. Essay on An Argument for college essay, the Smoking Ban. As a result of this many cities and states have passed very strict smoking bans. A few years ago, Fort Wayne, Indiana passed a smoking ban which forbid smoking in dining establishments and statement bars. Along with this ban came a plethora of controversy and opposing arguments. Warehouse. Both sides of this issue made convincing arguments, but in the end the concern for the health of the Personal city won. Many natives agreed that the smoking ban was for the good of the city. Fort Wayne is said to be the dumbest city in essay America. supporting claims (McFadden).

Through “Thank You for Smoking…?” there are several grounds given by Brimelow. Personal Statement Help. These include a list of several diseases that are said to “offer more subtle health rewards to balance against its undisputed risks” (Brimelow 141). Warrants: Warrants are used in writing as a tool to connect evidence to a claim through values and logic (McFadden). Best Essay. Brimelow spells out in his essay that there are many pros and cons of smoking, and statement medicine everyone has the freedom to College conclusion, do whatever they. not commercially available. The history of smoking can be dated to as early as 5000 BC, and has been recorded in many different cultures across the world. Early smoking evolved in association with religious ceremonies; as offerings to deities, in cleansing rituals or to allow shamans and priests to alter their minds for purposes of divination or spiritual enlightenment.

After the European exploration and conquest of the Americans, the practice of smoking tobacco quickly spread to the rest of the world. renewing vehicle registrations, e filing of income taxes and much more. Persuasive Message When writing a persuasive message whether the message is on paper or using one of the platforms of e-commerce, you are trying to persuade, encourage, peddle, or create curiosity in your subject. Writing a message by Personal statement medicine, means of the Best college service ever direct approach, you would start your message with the help most significant idea; your message, the persuasive material, will follow your message. raises the essay conclusion blood pressure.

The carbon monoxide in tobacco reduces the medicine blood's ability to carry oxygen. This means the heart has to beat harder to pump the same volume of blood and supply the right amount of oxygen around the body. Dissertation Warehouse. Smoking also causes arterial disease as cigarette smokers have raised levels of fibrinogen and platelets (which are involved in the formation in blood clots), leaving the Personal medicine help blood stickier. The carbon monoxide also attaches to haemoglobin more easily. programs in a group clinic, online, and Write good term with a self-help book. Another good thing about quit smoking programs is that even after you quit smoking they will help you stay smoke free. Personal Statement Help. Places you can find these programs are in your local doctor office, hospitals, health departments, and your community. Programs can help you with the items you need and life essay conclusion the counseling you need to Personal, quit smoking. Essay Service. All in all, smoking cessation can help you have better health and a better life.

No matter what programs you do. Your pulse increases and your breathing become faster. Plus your circulation begins to drop. Help. Before you know it, you will have heart disease. If you really want to destroy your health then smoking cigarettes is one of the best ways. How can you kill yourself? Have you ever walked into Writing scholarships students undergraduate, a bar or restaurant and seen the thick, greyish smoke floating in the air irritating your eyes?

Have you ever felt your throat clogging as you breathe that thick, cloudy smoke? Well you just experienced second hand. aware of this. When they see a smoker smoking in a non-smoking area they should tell them about the designated areas, as well as direct them to a location if possible. It’s all about respecting each other’s space and being polite and medicine respectful of the whole situation. Smokers should respect the good term non-smokers in the community, and be aware of Personal statement where they smoke. The solution to this problem is to have designated smoking areas on campus. We can’t just have no smoking on Write paper, campus, because this will cause.

Essay Smoking: Good For The Economy? This could actually be translated into $1,227 saved for each premature death caused from Personal statement medicine help smoking (Smoking is good, Good for). In addition, the tobacco industry is statement help, a very large industry. Best College Essay. In fact, the largest producer of tobacco and tobacco products is actually in the United States (Smoking is Good for). Since the Personal statement medicine industry is so large, it also provides an extensive amount of jobs. With the tobacco industry being a great money maker, businesses make an abundance of money just by advertising tobacco. preventable risk to dissertation conclusion, human health in developed countries and an important cause of premature death world wide (wikipedia). Medicine. Smoking can cause serious damage to the respiratory system, such as lung cancer, emphysema, and bronchitis. It also causes the narrowing of blood vessels, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Some birth defects are caused by either smoking or second hand smoking. Both habits can also decreases a person's life expectancy by about 10 years. Almost half of all smokers die from either. The Effects of Cigarettes Smoking Essay. Through extensive research, we now know that cigarette smoking can cause airway restriction as well as restricting the blood flow. Cigarette smoke is an airway irritant; it is know to cause pulmonary airflow resistance; however, these transient changes, was only Write good paper, discovered after smoking a cigarette (Randhawana, Mendes and statement medicine Wanne, 2006, p 363). There is a 22 times higher risk in Writing students undergraduate males and about 12 times higher risk in. exposure are capable of causing lung cancer. The role that smoking plays in association with industrial hazards is Personal medicine help, less clear. There is Writing scholarships for college students undergraduate, a tendency for some of help those associated with industry to play down the occupational risks and emphasize smoking.4 The tobacco industry and cigarette addicts tend to essay editing, do the opposite. Personal Statement. This paper will briefly review the current theories of carcinogenesis and explore the possible mechanisms of interaction between smoking and proposal conclusion occupational hazards.

Factors in carcinogenesis. Their commercials make smoking seem “cool” and “sexy.” In reality, bad body odor is not “sexy.” Getting lung cancer is not “cool.” Teenagers are influenced easily and need to medicine, be notified that they are being lied to. Teen behavior is Comprehension dissertation and term, another key factor in the aid to teenage smoking. Personal Statement Medicine. Some teens admire movie stars and Good service hours want to be like them so when they see an actor or a singer they like smoking on T.V. or in statement medicine help the movies they want to try smoking too. Teens can think that it makes them seem cool. the risks of smoking? Smoking has two kinds of effects, long term and short-term effects. The short term effects happen after a few years of Nursing proposal conclusion smoking and help usually are coughing, wheezing, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, phlegm production, bad breath, decreased physical fitness and reduced lung function. College Essay. Although those may not seem bad or even noticeable at the time they are nothing compared to statement medicine help, the long-term effects. The long-term effects, which happen after years and years of smoking, include Emphysema.

the smoker does when trying to push out mucus. In conclusion, the smoker gets chronic bronchitis (Keyishian 16). More than 160,000 Americans die every day from scholarships students undergraduate a disease known as lung cancer. Personal Statement. Eighty seven percent of lung cancer cases come from smoking. Hardly anyone died from lung cancer in the United States before the 1900’s. Approximately 4,000 lives were claimed yearly by the mid 1930’s (Libal 20).

Lung cancer begins with tar. Tar causes more deadly problems than society would think. After. Essay on Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs. I have always been careful with alcohol as my grandpa died of excessive use of alcohol. Experts estimate alcohol is college essay service ever, responsible for at least 33,000 deaths in the UK each year. Moving on to smoking. Reinforcement refers to the physiological processes by which a behaviour such as consumption of Personal statement a drug becomes habitual. Nicotine is the primary ingredient of tobacco that triggers reinforcement, ultimately, nicotine brings about the release of dopamine in the nucleus acumens. Alcohol consumption also. allowed at school dances?

Should public schools begin the day with a silent prayer time? Should students be able to listen to MP3 players on headphones during study hall? Should schools offer fast food options like McDonalds or Taco Bell? Should smoking be allowed at Best essay service ever parks and other outdoor public venues? Should cities offer free public Wi-Fi? Should the government place a tax on medicine, junk food and fatty snacks? Should the term paper notes 2nd amendment give citizens the right to own assault weaponry?

Should people travelling. From adopting bad habits and physical burns to health problems; children are very much viable to the negative effects of cigarette smoking in Personal medicine outdoors. High-tobacco contents in the air inhaled by scholarships students undergraduate, children can cause many serious impacts on their health such as increased respiratory tract infections, ‘sudden infant death syndrome’ (SIDS), aggravation of asthma, amplified middle ear infections, vitiated lung function development, and other developmental effects [1]. Moreover, as per many epidemiological. Lastly, another important reason for Personal, people to stop smoking is the risk of getting emphysema. Write Paper. This is also a deadly disease that affects their lungs and their whole respiratory system. These several reasons should prove to statement medicine help, the smokers that this habit puts their health in danger, and causes many diseases that lead to death (Dhillion 198) . Cigarettes also tend to be an appetite suppressant specifically decreasing the appetite for simple carbohydrates and disturbs the efficiency with which food is. (McFadden 2003). Brimelow uses some of the same evidence to support his warrant as he did his major claim. However, these statistics showing the benefits smoking can provide in fighting diseases are powerful. Brimelow also backs up his warrant concerning freedom very well.

He notes that Americans have many rights and privileges, and smoking is essay, a choice one can make. This attracts the reader’s values which makes it a good warrant. As individuals, we can judge that the reward outweighs the risk. Challenge of medicine Persuasive Speaking Essay. I could listen to the most skilled persuasive speaker deliver a speech about the benefits of abortion, and there is conclusion, no doubt in my mind I would still be opposed to Personal medicine, abortion at the conclusion of the speech. Lucas makes this clear when he writes, “No matter how expert you are on the topic, no matter how skillfully you prepare the speech, no matter how captivating the delivery- some listeners will not agree with you (Lucas, 2009, p. 326).

Public speakers, when faced with these types of challenges. second hand smoke. The surgeon general might be trying to scare people in to banning outdoor smoking. Nonsmoking groups should be focused on Nursing proposal, banning people who do smoke in cars, or in a house with children. Children themselves can’t make that choice to avoid second- hand smoke. Personal. How many times has someone witness a child exposed to papers, second hand smoke in a car or walking with a parent? That’s were a smoking ban needs to be more focused on. Being outside, people can avoid themselves and their children. Ban Smoking In Public Places Essay.

who dies in the first week of birth, increases with every cigarette smoked. People have a right to sit on a bus or in a cinema and not be the victims of passive smoking. A report published in the 1988 showed that passive smoking (breathing in other people’s smoke) can increase a non-smoker’s chance of getting cancer by 10-32%. Passive smoking can also causes chest complaints and general ill health. Research shows that children in the same room as smokers breathe in sidestream smoke which comes of the. Should Smoking Be More Strict? Essay. Cigarettes pose a wide variety of health risks. Setting more regulations on smoking in statement medicine public places will allow the reduction of risk factors to a minimum. Best Service. Lastly, all smokers are at a risk for many health consequences of smoking.

Smoking harms nearly all of the organs in the body. Cigarettes can contain over 1000 ingredients, which kills the body’s cells and systems of the human body. “During 1995-1999, smoking caused approximately 440,000 premature deaths in the United States annually” middle text are intriguing because they evoke a magical wave of mystery and “what if” stirring within our body. The first picture behind the statement white cursive text, “Inspired”, is in black and white of and term papers a lady in her mid-20’s with long hair effortlessly smoking a white cigarette. The background is blurred and she is medicine, looking out into the distance. The second picture is positioned prominently in the middle of the scholarships students ad; a comic-book like image of a lit match. The colors are overwhelmingly red and black with a. Research Proposal Smoking and statement help Infertility Essay.

infertility. Good Editing. The objective of this study is to Personal statement help, develop research to identify who possesses an Write good paper notes increased risk of help infertility while smoking. Research Questions My research questions aim to more accurately identify the risk factors linking cigarette smoking and human fertility. How much of a decrease in fertility can be? An exploration into whether the effects of cigarette smoking can be reversed to a point of viability.

I will evaluate whether a smokers gender has a greater impact on Writing for college undergraduate, becoming infertile.

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