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C P Ellis Studs Terkel Essays and Research Papers. Overcoming Racism C . Help Writing. P . Ellis had experienced much in his lifetime. He went from homework on sunday in public, poverty to financial . Dissertation Help Writing. independence. On Sunday. He was involved in different organizations in order to make himself feel valid. This helped him gain back his self esteem. In his lifetime, he blamed all of his problems on help writing, black individuals and became racist.

Studs Terkel in his essay, “C.P. Ellis ,” explains the way Ellis overcame his racist beliefs. Descriptive. Throughout his lifetime, Ellis has achieved many other accomplishments. According. African American , Black people , COINTELPRO 1205 Words | 4 Pages. each cause he gives strong arguments based on historical facts or even actual facts and statistics which made his essay reliable. . Dissertation. Studs Terkel’s essay “C.P. Ellis ” is another kind of writing that can help us to understand the Places to do, causes of prejudices.

Terkel tells us the story of C.P. Dissertation. Ellis , a former Klansmen who claims he is no longer racist. C.P. Ellis is a white guy from a low-income class. The numerous misfortunes of his life will lead him to Writing descriptive year 3, become a Ku Klux Klan member. But after some. Black people , Discrimination , Ku Klux Klan 1600 Words | 5 Pages. Dissertation Writing. ?The Ellis Island Experience Historical Overview 1- How many years did Ellis Island operate as the principal federal . immigration station in the US?

60 years closed in 1954 2- What percentage of immigrants were turned away at Ellis Island? 40 percent Registry Room 3- In 24 hours, how many people could file through the registry room? 5000 to 10000 a day 4- If you visited Ellis Island today, what time period would it resemble? it would resemble like 1920s because it is in papers a restored. Australia , Emigration , Immigration 540 Words | 3 Pages. Help. Millions of people entered the Places on sunday in public, US in the late 1800's, but how? Ellis Island was the one and only provider for immigration in the late 1800's. Dissertation Help. . At first, the Battery in lower Manhattan was the immigration station. Eventually, the Battery could not handle the flow of immigrants. This caused the federal government to buy Ellis Island from Samuel Ellis , a merchant of New York City, and that's how the Islands name was given.

Ellis Island was opened on Writing sentences 3, January 1, 1892 and writing, closed in November 1954. It was. Immigration , Immigration to the United States , Jersey City, New Jersey 461 Words | 3 Pages. Elli : Coming of Writing medical case in counselling Age in the Holocaust The book Elli : Coming of Age in the Holocaust provides much information on what . Dissertation Writing. happened during this time. Places Homework In Public. It is a biography by Livia E. Bitton Jackson. Livia Jackson was thirteen when she was taken to Auschwitz. After liberation, she completed high school in displaced person camps in Germany. In 1951, she traveled to the U.S. on help writing, a refugee ship and completed her higher education, later receiving a Ph.D. from N.Y.U. Since, she has taught at several colleges.

Antisemitism , Hungary , Israel 1162 Words | 3 Pages. Topic: What does it mean to have power and how can it be used to both uplift and demise a leader? Date: 20th July 2012 All about Sir. . Ellis Clarke. Writing Descriptive. Sir. Ellis Clarke was indeed a remarkable man who served his country and his fellows in a way that persons, could only speak of his excellent mannerisms and refer to him as a perfect gentleman. Ellis Emmanuel Innocent Clarke, was born in Belmont, on Dissertation help, the 28th December 1917. Professional Services Dallas. He attended St.

Mary’s college, Port-Of-Spain, where he won an island scholarship. Corpus Christi , Corpus Christi College, Cambridge , Leadership 1675 Words | 4 Pages. ? A P In the short story “A P ” by John Updike, psychological literary criticism can be used to understand the story . thoroughly. Psychological criticism is the “interested approach in human thinking and behavior” (week 1 lecture). Dissertation Help. It can be used to understand how the characters feels throughout the story about one another, and also how the characters will interact and play a certain role in the story.

The character's feeling could be sexist, depressed, sexual, excited, etc., making that. Fiction , George Saunders , John Cheever 1749 Words | 5 Pages. Plan Dallas. ? “Wrong Decision” In the short story “A P ” by John Updike, is about a . young man that is miserably employed. The short story tells of a small town boy quitting his job for all of the wrong reasons. Writing. The story began with a description of a three girls who changed Sammy’s life. Sammy develops the setting to tell the story of how he is Writing medical case studies in counselling a discontent grocer, and he is put in to a situation of the harsh reality of the adult world after. Fiction , George Saunders , John Cheever 1064 Words | 5 Pages. ?Michael White English Comp 2 1123 JKAA Dr. Wiley June 23, 2015 Thesis Statement : In the short story and Dissertation help writing, film of A P John Updike goes . Hugh. inside the mind of Sammy as first person narrator giving the readers a real life similarity in Dissertation help real life situations, elements of Writing studies a plot, and the elements of symbolism grabbing readers attention with awe. I. Introduction A. Biography of John Updike. Help Writing. B. Narrator introduces Sammy. II.

First person narrator A. Sammy point of view from the text. Accounting. B. Sammy point of view. Dissertation. Fiction , George Saunders , John Cheever 882 Words | 4 Pages. RUNING HEAD: Ellis Island Immigration Ellis Island Immigration History of Places to do homework on sunday in public Psychological Assessment Ilvana Musinovic . Measurements and Statistics Dr. Jennings University of Dissertation writing Phoenix Ellis Island Immigration First time Unites states realized the need for Online homework, immigrants was in middle 1800. Immigrants were being brought Europe, through Ellis Island.

Ellis Island is a place where millions of immigrants called out theirs for the first time - proud names, long names, names that would twist the. Culture , Intelligence quotient , Psychology 988 Words | 3 Pages. unite, or to feel a sense of belonging. Nonetheless, it can be difficult to find what groups you may fit into help and these groups can change as you transform . into a more critical thinker. Accounting Homework. Studs Terkel tells the story a of Ku Klux Klan member turned school board activist, C.P. Help Writing. Ellis , in his essay, “C.P.

Ellis .” Ellis ’ struggles and realizations prove what critical thinking and self-examination can do. Mike Rose’s essay, “I Just Wanna Be Average” also displays the importance of growing through groups. C. P. Pay. Ellis , Critical thinking , Ku Klux Klan 1374 Words | 4 Pages. ?Jordyn J. Dissertation. Steinmann Informative Speech, March 4, 2014 Title: Immigration at Ellis Island Specific Purpose: to inform my audience about . the immigration process at Ellis Island Central Idea: The immigration process at Ellis Island had four main steps: arriving at Ellis Island, the medical examination, interrogation, and actually leaving the island Method of Hugh philadelphia Organization: chronological Introduction Have you ever wondered where your family history lies and how your ancestors ended up in. Emigration , Europe , Immigration 976 Words | 3 Pages. ? P R I C I N G In the market economy the business success of any company or entrepreneur mostly depends on the correctly chosen . Writing. strategy and tactics of pricing on goods and services. Online Homework You. Pricing is a rather difficult process because prices mostly depend on the situation in the market. Dissertation Writing. The range of Hugh philadelphia political, economic, psychological and social factors has a great influence on the price level. Today your price can be determined by the costs factor, and tomorrow its level will depend on the customer’s. Austrian School , Cost , Economics 1901 Words | 6 Pages. Ellis Island: Isle of Hope or Isle of Tears?

Between 1892 and 1924, over 12 million immigrants arrived in America filled with hopeful . anticipation of a new life (National Park Service para 1). Following their long journey by ship across the Atlantic Ocean, the first stop for many immigrants was Ellis Island. First- and second- class cabin passengers, who were immediately cleared for entry into America without being inspected or questioned, referred to Ellis Island as the “Isle of Hope.” For. Atlantic Ocean , Immigration , Immigration to the United States 1982 Words | 5 Pages. on anatomy? ( p . 2) Because physiology studies the function of the structure and without the writing, actual structure there is no function. 2. Which . organ system includes the bones and cartilages?

Which organ system includes the papers for me, nasal cavity, lungs, and trachea? ( p . 3) The Skeletal system includes the bones and cartilage. The Respiratory system includes the nasal cavity, lungs, and trachea. 3. What is the help writing, structural and functional unit of life that is the smallest unit of living things? ( p . Studies In Counselling. 3) The atom . Dissertation Help Writing. Abdomen , Anatomical terms of location , Anatomy 599 Words | 3 Pages. ? Ellis Island Web-quest 1. Open the Internet and go to the following website: 2. . Read the introduction and plan services dallas tx, answer the Dissertation help, following question: How many immigrants came through Ellis Island on their way to America? [1] More than 12 million 3. Click on “Learn more about Write Ellis Island” and help writing, answer the to do in public, following questions: Where is Ellis Island located? [1] In New York Harbor, near Manhattan Who was the President that established an writing immigration station. Write Papers For Me. Ellis Island , Following , Jersey City, New Jersey 2166 Words | 9 Pages. Writing algorithms for simple problems, Space complexity, Time complexity, Definition of flowchart, Flowchart symbols, Writing flowcharts for simple . problems 6 hrs 3. C ++ Fundamentals The C ++ character set, identifiers and help, keywords, data types, variables, declarations, statements, C ++ program structure, Simple I/O operations. Hugh Philadelphia. 3 hrs 4. Help Writing. Operators and Expressions Operator precedence and associativity, arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators. Algorithm , C , C++ 581 Words | 3 Pages. History of C + The creation of C ++ was first put into motion in 1979 by its creator Bjarne Stroustrup. Bjarne was working on . his PhD thesis at philadelphia Cambridge University. He was using a large and detailed simulator, that he had written in Simula, to simulate running software over a network of computers. He found programming in Simula enjoyable and was impressed by how the Dissertation help writing, programs class structure helped him organize his code.

As the size of his program increased, he found that the language became increasingly. Bjarne Stroustrup , C , C++ 813 Words | 3 Pages. Identify two reports on sentences year, serious failures to protect individuals from abuse. Report 1. Baby p Baby P was failed by the . police, social workers and the lawyers. This little toddler had 60 visits from writing, agencies over an 8 month period. The authorities did not realise that an aggressive partner lived at the house. The full report into how baby p died was disclosed by his own mother, Tracey Connelly,she told the authorities that she had a boyfriend but they did not ask who he was or insist on. Abuse , Death of Baby P , Family 800 Words | 3 Pages. ?The Ruth Ellis Case Ruth Ellis was born in the welsh seaside town of Ryhl, the 3rd of 6 children. During her childhood . her family moved to basingstroke.

Ruth attended fairfields seniour girls school in basingstoke, leaving at the age of 14 to work as a waitress. To Do Homework In Public. Shortly afterwards, in 1941 at the height of the blitz, the Nielsons moved to help, london. In 1944, 17 year old Ruth became pregnant by Online you a married canadian soldier named clare and gave birth to a son, who she named clare andrea neilson. Albert Pierrepoint , Book of Ruth , Chief Inspector 1663 Words | 6 Pages. pointer to function ( c )ptr is pointer to such function which return type is array. (d)ptr is pointer to array of function. (e)None of these . Help Writing. Ans: (b) Explanation: Here ptr is array not pointer. (2) What is meaning of following pointer declaration? int(*(*ptr1)())[2]; (a)ptr is pointer to function. Hugh Gallagher. (b)ptr is array of pointer to function ( c )ptr is pointer to help writing, such function which return type is pointer to an array. (d)ptr is pointer array of Professional business plan function. Help Writing. (e)None of these Answer: ( c ) Exp: (3)What is size. Writing Sentences. C , Data type , Data types 1011 Words | 3 Pages. The Stud Versus the Slut: the Sexual Double Standard as Perceived by Western Adolescents. Help Writing. Dani Santos COM 2500 Easy A, The Stud Versus The Slut: The Sexual Double Standard as Perceived by Western Adolescents Easy A is the . romantic comedy that finally fits the definition. The dry humor of spunky, independent main character, Olive Prendergast creates a film that is unlike most movies in its genre. The comedic overtone throughout the film nearly blinds viewers from the serious sexual issues that today’s adolescence face that are intertwined from scene to scene (Perry, 2011).

The main. Gender , Gender role , Human behavior 2196 Words | 6 Pages. Vitamin C –A Natural Antioxidant Concept: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an antioxidant. The amount of plan writing dallas tx vitamin C . content in Dissertation writing food can be found out by Writing case titrating with an Dissertation help writing oxidising agent, e.g. iodine. In the reaction, vitamin C is oxidised, while iodine is Hugh reduced to iodide ions. The endpoint is determined by the formation of blue-black starch-iodine complex when all vitamin C is oxidised and help writing, excess iodine is you free to Dissertation help, react with the starch solution added as indicator. Online Accounting Homework Help You. Introduction Vitamin C is an important. Fruit , Iodide , Iodine 1052 Words | 4 Pages. Albert Ellis and help writing, the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Pay. ? Albert Ellis and help, the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Psychology, Period A December 10, 2012 Albert . Ellis and the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Albert Ellis was born in medical case Pittsburgh, PA on help, September 17, 1913.

He was the eldest out of three children. As a child, he mostly took care of his younger siblings because his father was a business man and was mostly away on business trips. Year 3. His mother was described as “self-absorbed” and “bi-polar” in his biography; so. Dissertation Help Writing. Albert Ellis , Clinical psychology , Cognitive behavioral therapy 987 Words | 4 Pages. Online. C C grocery store currently operates under a goal approach. They were committed to customer service and satisfaction. This . approach provided the writing, grocery chain with the profitability and homework in public, growth they strived to obtain. The stores operative goals were attained and the chain had over 200 stores in operation. For years overall performance for C C was excellent and came with ease. Unfortunately employee development and innovation and change weren't a top priority and it began to Dissertation help, show. To remain successful.

Customer , Customer service , Decision making 1278 Words | 4 Pages. often sexually explicit novels such as this short story. The story take place in an A P supermarket which back then is was part of the biggest . food retailing chain in the United States during the middle of the twentieth century. This story is Places homework in public narrated by Sammy, a young cashier at the supermarket A P . The grocery store is in Dissertation writing a small Massachusetts town. It was a Thursday afternoon Sammy, the 19 year old narrator of A P , notice three girls in bathing suits entering his store, which is otherwise mostly. A Good Man Is Hard to Find , Fiction , Flannery O'Connor 1530 Words | 4 Pages. Professional Plan Dallas Tx. ? 1. Before C C’s reorganization, why was its performance poor? To examine the help, poor performance before . C C’s reorganization, it’s essential to look at Write papers for me the structural and contextual dimension in the organization. This approach helps to reveal what the problems were, and where the problems arose in help writing the organization. (Daft, 2010:20) C C’s structural dimensions before the Places homework on sunday in public, reorganization First of help all, C C had a tall organization, with narrow spans of control and centralized authority. Culture , Geert Hofstede , Management 2182 Words | 8 Pages.

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Ellis , a former Klansmen who claims he is help no longer racist. Homework On Sunday In Public. With Parrillo's essay, we will analyze what caused C.P. Ellis to be prejudice and how he changed. Parrillo’s Causes of Dissertation help writing Prejudice. Black people , Discrimination , Ku Klux Klan 1916 Words | 7 Pages. Person-centered therapy (PCT) is homework you also known as person-centered psychotherapy, person-centered counseling, client-centered therapy and Rogerian psychotherapy. . PCT is a form of talk-psychotherapy developed by psychologist Carl Rogers in the 1940s and help writing, 1950s. The goal of PCT is to provide clients with an opportunity to develop a sense of self wherein they can realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior are being negatively affected.[1] Although this technique has been criticized by behaviorists. Carl Rogers , Cognition , Phenomenology 651 Words | 3 Pages. ENGINEERING WORK CARD SIGN IN DATE TIME WORK CARD # 304567 REF TASK CARDS/WORKCARDS 18868 A/ C TYPE A/ C REGN NO FLIGHT # . 25-Jul-2011 FROM 00:00 TO EC155B1 VT-SVM DUE BY WORK STARTED ON: PRIORITY SIGNIN NAME DATE HOURS CYCLES 26-Jul-2011 ATA 63 PIREP MAINT SCHD ACCIDENT INSURANCE INCIDENT WARRANTY 2 STATISTICS 18868 MEL DMI SPERIYANNAN CLASSIFICATION REQUESTS MASS BALANCE TEST FLIGHT GROUND RUN HANGAR INDEPENDENT INSP. LONG GND TIME DGCA/EO/SB/AD.

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The chemical name for vitamin C is help ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is Hugh gallagher philadelphia a good reducing agent and writing, therefore it is case easily oxidised. Methods for the detection of vitamin C involve titrating it against a solution of an oxidising agent. Dissertation Writing. Where to medical in counselling, start There are several oxidising agents that can be used and a commonly used one is 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol or DCPIP. Ascorbic acid , Chlorine , Oxidizing agent 561 Words | 3 Pages. Generator/switch room (labelled Sockets, Generator/Switchroom). It will be protected by Dissertation writing a 32A BS EN 60898 type C RCBO. The RCBO type . C is used as equipment could either be plugged in from outside or attached to an inductive load. Another ring circuit will provide power for the workshop and restroom (labelled Sockets, Workshop/Restroom), this will also be protected by a 32A BS EN 60898 type c RCBO as again, equipment could be plugged in from outside or attached to an inductive load, as well as equipment. Write. Circuit breaker , Electrical wiring , Fitting 907 Words | 4 Pages. However, we never considered the Dissertation help, permanence of a variable or its scope i.e. the portion of the program where the variable is valid or recognized.

All these . factors are considered with storage classes. In C , variables differ in behavior from Places in public, those in most of the other languages. A variable in C can have anyone of the four storage classes: 1. Automatic Storage class 2. External Storage class 3. Static Storage class 4. Register Storage class There are many ways in writing which a storage class. Automatic variable , Computer programming , Declaration 808 Words | 4 Pages. Places. ELLI - Coming of age in the Holocaust. Dissertation Writing. Elli , her mother and all of the prisoners they meet all have to undergo numerous . physical and psychological hardships when they are forced into the concentration camps. They are treated like cattle on Professional plan writing, their way to help, the slaughterhouse when they are taken from their houses to business plan services dallas tx, the ghetto, then to the synagogue, and Dissertation writing, eventually to Auschwitz, the death camp. The majority of suffering that was inflicted on Elli and her associates was physically inflicted, this. Abuse , Auschwitz concentration camp , Emotion 962 Words | 3 Pages. Using Figure 12.1, match the following: 1) Afferent impulses from gallagher philadelphia, all senses and all parts of the body converge here and synapse with at least one of its . nuclei. Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 444; Fig.

12.11 2) Putamen. Answer: C Diff: 1 Page Ref: 443; Fig. 12.11 3) Anterior horn of lateral ventricle. Answer: A Diff: 1 Page Ref: 434; Fig. 12.11 4) Inferior horn of writing lateral ventricle. Answer: E Diff: 1 Page Ref: 434; Fig. 12.11 5) Part of the basal nuclei. Brain , Cerebral cortex , Cerebral hemisphere 5838 Words | 14 Pages. examining the types of its operands. type operator operator-symbol ( parameter-list ) Need For Operator Overloading . Most fundamental data types have pre-defined operators associated with them.

For example, the papers pay, C ++ data type int, together with the help, operators +, -, *, and /, provides an implementation of the mathematical concepts of an in counselling integer. To make a user-defined data type as natural as a fundamental data type, the writing, user-defined data type must be associated. C , C++ , Class 519 Words | 4 Pages. Homework In Public. The Bataan Death March (Tagalog: Martsa ng Kamatayan, Japanese: Batan Shi no Koshin (?????????)) (1942) was the Dissertation help writing, forcible transfer, by the Imperial Japanese . Army, of 60,000 Filipino and 15,000 American prisoners of war after the Writing descriptive sentences 3, three-month Battle of Bataan in the Philippines during World War II.[3] All told, approximately 2,500–10,000 Filipino and 100–650 American prisoners of war died before they could reach Camp O'Donnell.[4] Death tolls vary, especially amongst Filipino POWs, because historians. Bataan Death March , Death , Empire of Japan 1796 Words | 5 Pages. 1 Question Sheet for the Declaration Activity (with answers) 1. Dissertation Help Writing. Jefferson chose to begin the Declaration with the words, “The unanimous Declaration of the . thirteen united States of America.” Do you feel this was necessary?

Why or why not? Could the 13 colonies have declared independence if they were not unanimous? Why or why not? Answers will vary. Most students might note that it was necessary for Jefferson to prove that the Continental Congress presented a united front to the world in Write pay order. American Revolution , Continental Congress , Natural and legal rights 1191 Words | 4 Pages. Help. Analysis of commercial vitamin C tablets. Professional Business Writing. Chemicals Vitamin C tablet, (1) standard 0.0110 M potassium iodate (KIO3) solution, (100 cm3) standard 0.060 M sodium thiosulphate solution, . Dissertation. (Na2S2O3, 160 cm3) 1 M potassium iodide solution, (KI, 20 cm3) 0.5 M H2SO4, (150 cm3) freshly prepared starch solution. Apparatus Titration apparatus Principle In this experiment you are required to determine the vitamin C content of a commercial tablet and compare this with the Places to do on sunday, manufacturers specification. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, which is rapidly and quantitatively.

Ascorbic acid , Iodine , Potassium iodide 974 Words | 3 Pages. Determination of the Dissertation help, concentration of vitamin C in fruits/vegetables by using the DCPIP test (2008) Principle : Vitamin C is a . strong reducing agent. It can decolorize the blue dye DCPIP. The amount of vitamin C in Write pay a food sample can be estimated by the amount of it that is used to decolorize a fixed amount of help writing DCPIP. Apparatus : Test tube, clean and dry Test tube rack 5 ml syringe or a good quality squeezing pipette 1 ml pipette . Citrus , Fruit , Juice 464 Words | 3 Pages.

The debate between these two doctors was very interesting and raised many interesting questions. Case Studies. The men discuss mental illness and their different opinions . on the issue. Dissertation Help. While Dr. Szasz is the creator of philadelphia a very popular movement in this era, Dr. Ellis disagrees with his idea and is very adamant about letting him know this.

The debate is rather cordial to begin with, but quickly elevates into what seems to Dissertation, be a very personal matter. Both doctors presented good arguments and the audience seemed to. Abnormal psychology , Argument , Insanity defense 979 Words | 3 Pages. Plan. C . Dissertation. Wright Mills A.L.H C . Wright Mills There are many people who have contributed to the current view of . sociology. C . Wright Mills is one theorist that has greatly influenced personal views of sociology all over the world. Write Papers Pay. His theories of Dissertation help “The white collar”, “The power elite”, “and “The sociological imagination” still apply in today’s social situations because they include situations dealing with the Online accounting homework help, American middle class, higher authorities, and writing, human behavior, which can “help. C. Wright Mills , Max Weber , Military-industrial complex 1098 Words | 3 Pages. Bill C-31 and the Effects on Women. should federal governments do to address these issues? Choosing a specific case study or group would be helpful in illustrating your points. Philadelphia. Bill . C -31 Some of the major political issues we are currently facing in Canada is the way Bill C -31 is discriminatory towards women and how this is leading the Indigenous people with the rights towards genocide.

The Bill C -31 Act was an amendment made to writing, The Indian Act. It was created in 1985 in an attempt by the government to “restore the treaty rights of women. Colonialism , First Nations , Indigenous peoples 741 Words | 3 Pages. Medical Case Studies. view? Thomas Jefferson’s, “Notes on the State of Virginia”, he reencounters many of the policies he had initiated while working in the Virginia Assembly. He . not only talks politics he also talks about race and inferiority between them. Studs Terkel’s, “C.P.

Ellis ”, is an in depth look into former Ku Klux Klan’s attitude towards everyone else that was not like him, his struggles to his triumphs. Vincent Parrillo’s, “Causes of Prejudice”, essay is an illustrated interpretation that evolves into six. Black people , Ku Klux Klan , Race 1135 Words | 3 Pages. Traveling is an Dissertation aspect of what is to do homework on sunday perceived from our day to Dissertation, day lives, to something new that has never been seen. Ellis Wilson traveled . Descriptive Sentences Year. throughout life with many struggles, and trials that created barriers in his overall success as an artist. Faced with many obstacles, he set on Dissertation, a journey with a paintbrush, visions, and Hugh, stories all throughout his life. Regardless what life presented to him he kept treading on.

He was met with new opportunities with each experience and that led him to Dissertation help writing, his epiphany. African American , African American art , African American artists 1951 Words | 5 Pages. Self-Expression and Individualism In A P by John Updike it is shown that conformism is a major part of society in that time. In the story . everything is like a well-oiled machine, but when three girls’ walks into Online accounting homework the A P store all of writing this changes for Sammy. A theme that is predominant in the short story by Updike is individualism shown by the girls and papers, how Sammy responds to the events in Dissertation writing the story. It is clear in the story that individualism wasn't a dominant trait in people. Sammy saw people. Individual , Individualism , Individualist anarchism 954 Words | 3 Pages. Importance of the study 1 B. Objectives of the study 2 C . Time and Place of the stud 2 D. Scope and papers, . limitations of the study 3 E. Definition of terms 3 II.

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 5 Plant spacing and seedling age: Their Effect to plant growth and Dissertation help, development 5 III. Descriptive 3. METHODOLOGY 7 A. Securing of Seeds 7 B. Locating the Experimental Area 7 C . Help. Seedbed Preparation 7 D. Seeds soaking and incubation . Flowering plant , Isabela , Monocotyledon 683 Words | 3 Pages. Hugh Philadelphia. Exam: Lecture 21 and Keyboarding Book P. instructed to writing, OMIT a lesson or only do part of a lesson.Complete your registration at this site: Complete your registration at Hugh gallagher . this site: PART I – The Alphabet, Number, and writing, Symbol Keys Lesson 1, p . 3: Lesson 1 is medical studies in counselling accessible by clicking the help writing, Part 1 tab, click Unit 1, and click Lesson 1. Write Papers. Follow the instructions on the screen and type the text as instructed. For some exercises, the Dissertation help writing, text you will type is provided on screen but for many exercises. Hugh. Lecture 21 , Microsoft Word , The Practice 2414 Words | 7 Pages. Dissertation Help. example, this way we will maintain our system implemented by different techniques and tools like: * Trainings on C -TPAT * Security . processes described * Security Controled and Registred. * Technology of innovation * Personnel recruited * Internal Audits * Selection of business partners Since we look for implementation and development of the program of Writing security C -TPAT we must fulfill some requirements to maintain a greater security in all the chain of supplies. Thus we have.

Better , Corporation , Individual responsibility 659 Words | 3 Pages. tamin C , ascorbic acid, is one of the help, most important vitamins found in citrus juices, including orange juice. Often projects find that . orange juices made from frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ) have the highest vitamin C levels as compared to freshly squeezed or not-from-concentrate (NFC) juices. This is probably due to the fact that vitamin C degrades over time in fresh and NFC, but doesn't degrade as much in to do in public FCOJ due to it being frozen until reconstitution. If one is comparing a NFC product. Ascorbic acid , Citrus , Fruit 2358 Words | 7 Pages. both p ?toluic acid and p ?tert?butylphenol from a nonpolar solvent, as shown in Equation 2 and 3. The . stronger base, OH?, removes a hydrogen ion, H+, from p ?toluic acid to form the salt, p ?toluate.

The polar salt is soluble in aqueous solution. Both OH? and p ?toluate are bases. The pKa of 16 indicates that OH? is help a stronger base than p ?toluate, with a pKa of accounting homework 4.2. The stronger base takes H+ from the weaker base. Similarly, OH? is a stronger base than p ?tert?butylphenoxide . Acetic acid , Acid , Chemical polarity 2005 Words | 4 Pages. C ++ Language Tutorial Written by: Juan Soulie Last revision: June, 2007 Available online at: . The online version is constantly revised and may contain corrections and changes The C ++ Language Tuttoriiall 2 © 2008. All rights reserved This document and writing, its content is copyright of ©, 2008. All rights reserved. Places In Public. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the content in any form is prohibited.

C++ , Compiler , Computer program 803 Words | 3 Pages. possible try experimenting with concepts revealed by each question. 3. There are 20 objective type questions on Dissertation help writing, ANSI C . PART - A With every . use of a memory allocation function, what function should be used to release allocated memory which is no longer needed? a.) b.) c .) d.) unalloc() dealloc() release() free() What will print when the sample code above is executed? a.) b.) c .) d.) y= y= Compiler Error y= The definition of a above explicitly initializes its first four elements. Which one. C , Compiler , Fortran 767 Words | 3 Pages. help with prevention of the disease? – Page 6 Hepatitis C Timeline – Page 7 Bibliography – Page 8 Overview of Hepatitis . Professional Business Plan Services. C Hepatitis C is writing a blood-borne virus that causes inflammation of the liver. It is most commonly spread through sharing unsterile needles, syringes and business plan services dallas tx, other injecting drug equipment with another person, but can also be spread with blood contact. There is Dissertation help currently no vaccine to help prevent hepatitis C infection, but treatment is effective for some people. Philadelphia. When. Cirrhosis , Hepatitis , Hepatitis A 1284 Words | 9 Pages. The C -130 The C -130 Hercules was born from a request by help writing the United States Air Force for a replacement transport aircraft for Places homework in public, the . Help. C -119 Flying Boxcar, C -47 Skytrain, and C -46 Commando, which were inadequate for modern warfare after the gallagher, Korean War.

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Free Online Strategy Innovation Training | Business Planning and Marketing Strategy. Free business planning and marketing tips, samples, examples and help writing, tools - how to write a business plan, techniques for writing a marketing strategy, strategic business plans and sales plans. Business Planning and Marketing Strategy. Table of contents. 1. business plans and marketing strategy. business plans and marketing strategy. free business planning and marketing tips, samples, examples and tools - how to write a business plan, techniques for writing a marketing strategy, strategic business plans and sales plans. Here are tips, examples, techniques, tools and a process for writing business plans to produce effective results.

This free online guide explains how to Online accounting homework, write a marketing or business strategy, a basic business plan, and Dissertation writing, a sales plan, using free templates, tools and examples, such as SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis, the Online accounting homework 'Ansoff Matrix' and help, the 'Boston Matrix'. Separately the marketing guide offers more specific explanation and theories and tools for marketing strategy and marketing planning, including techniques and year 3, tips for help writing, advertising, public relations (PR), press and media publicity, sales enquiry lead generation, advertising copy-writing, internet and website marketing, etc. The sales training guide offers detailed theories and Places to do homework in public, methods about sales planning and selling, extending to cold calling and negotiation skills and techniques, especially relating to Dissertation help writing, selling. Sometimes people use the term business plan when they are referring to a project. It may or may not be appropriate to use the term 'business planning' for a project.

Some projects are very substantial and Writing sentences 3, equate to an autonomous (independent) business activity, in which case a business plan is entirely appropriate. Other projects are smaller, perhaps limited to internal change or development, and are less likely to require a conventional business plan, and are quite adequately planned and managed via project management methods. Business planning terminology can be confusing because much of it is used very loosely, and can mean different things. Here is a way to Dissertation help, understand it better: Terminology in business planning is Write papers pay, often used very loosely. When people talk and write about help business planning different terms may mean the to do homework on sunday same thing, and a single term can mean different things. The term 'business planning' itself covers all sorts of different plans within a business, or potentially within a non-commercial organization. The words 'strategy' and 'strategic' arise often in the subject of buisness planning, although there is no actual difference between a 'business plan' and a 'strategic business plan'. Every business plan is Dissertation help writing, arguably 'strategic'. Everyone involved in Writing descriptive sentences planning arguably adopts a 'strategic' approach. Most businesses and plans are primarily driven or determined by market needs and Dissertation help, aims . This increasingly applies to many non-commercial activities (government services, education, health, charities, etc), whose planning processes may also be described as 'business planning', even though such organizations may not be businesses in the way we normally imagine.

In such non-commercial organizations, 'business planning' might instead be called 'organizational planning', or 'operational planning', or 'annual planning' or simply 'planning'. Essentially all these terms mean the same, and increasingly the Hugh philadelphia tendency is for 'business planning' to become a generic (general) term to refer to them. I should clarify that finance is of course a major and unavoidable aspect of business and organizational activities, but in terms of planning, finance is a limiting or enabling factor; finance is a means to an end, or a restriction; finance in itself is not a basis for help writing, growth or strategy. Markets/customers, product/service development, and homework help you, sales, provide the only true basis for businesses to define direction, development, growth, etc., and thereby business strategy and planning. Business planning always starts with or revisits the basic aim or need to provide products or services to customers - also called a market or 'market-place'.

Consequently business plans tend first to look outwards, at a market, before they look inwards, at finance and production, etc. This means that most business plans are driven by marketing, since marketing is the function which addresses market opportunity and need, and help, how to fulfil it. Marketing in this sense is also called 'marketing strategy' - or more broadly 'business strategy'. In many simple, small, and/or old traditional businesses, 'marketing' is often seen instead to be 'sales' or 'selling' (usually because in such businesses selling is the for me pay only marketing activity), in which case a 'sales plan' may be the help main driver of strategy and the business plan. Many people use the descriptive sentences year words 'sales' or 'selling' and 'marketing' to mean the same thing - basically selling products or services to customers, in the broadest sense. In fact, marketing refers to much wider issues than sales and selling. Marketing involves the strategic planning of a business (or other organizational provider) through to every aspect of customer engagement, including market reserach, product development, branding, advertising and help, promotion, methods of studies selling, customer service, and extending to the acquisition or development of help writing new businesses.

Sales or selling is an activity within marketing, referring to the methods and Hugh gallagher, processes of communicating and agreeing and completing the writing transaction (sale) with the customer. Given all this, it is hopefully easier to understand why, depending on a person's role or standpoint or the Professional plan dallas tx department in which they work, 'business planning' may be referrred to in many and various ways, for example as 'sales planning', 'marketing planning', 'strategic planning', etc., and that all these terms might mean slightly different things, according to the situation. If there is a technically correct definition of Dissertation writing 'business planning', then perhaps we can best say that 'business planning' refers to the plan of the overall organization, or to a unit or division within an organization with responsibility for a trade or profit. A business plan technically contains and reflects the Writing descriptive year 3 individual plans for the different functions within the whole operation, each of Dissertation help which may have its own detailed 'business plans', which might be called business plans, or more correctly departmental or functional plans according to their purpose, such as a marketing plan, sales plan, production plan, financial plan, etc. Additional help regarding terminology is medical studies, offered by the business planning definitions below. Other definitions and explanations are offered in the business glossary, and in the shorter glossaries of the sales and marketing sections. Terminology will be further explained to clarify meaning and avoid confusion throughout this article.

Approached correctly, writing business plans and marketing strategy is usually simpler than first seems. Business planning may seem complex and daunting but mostly it is common sense. Marketing strategy - which often drives the aims and 'shape' of a business plan - is mostly common sense too. Business plans, and the strategy which drives them, are based on logic, or cause and Dissertation help, effect : I want to Hugh gallagher, achieve a certain result - so what will cause this to happen? Even the biggest business plan is effectly built on a collection of lots of causes and Dissertation, effects. A written business plan provides the Write papers for me narrative (explanation) of the numbers contained in a spreadsheet. When we see lots of numbers in help writing a computer spreadsheet we can forget this, but the numbers are merely a reflection of scale and descriptive 3, detail, and of computerised calculations and modelling, etc. In fact often when we are confronted with a complex planning spreadsheet containing thousands of numbers, what we are actually being offered is a ready-made planning tool.

In many cases, where business planning is a continuation of an ongoing situation, the most frightening spreadsheets can provide a very easy template for future plans, especially with a little help from Dissertation writing a colleague in the acciounts department who understands how it all works. Ironically, a blank sheet of paper - in other words a 'new business start-up' - is usually a much more challenging starting point. It is generally more difficult to Hugh philadelphia, write a business plan for a start-up business (a new business) than for an existing business. This is because an existing business usually has computerised records of the results of past activities and trading (usually called 'accounts'). Spreadsheets are usually available showing previous years plans and actual results, which can be used as a template on which new plans can easily be overlaid. Writing a new business plan for the continuation or development of help such an existing situation obviously enables much of the papers planning to writing, be based on in public existing figures, ratios, statistics, etc. New business start-up situations by Dissertation writing, their nature tend to have no previous results, so we often refer to this sort of planning as 'starting with a blank sheet of paper'. New business start-ups - especially if you are the owner or entrepreneur - present bigger planning challenges in some respects because we have no previous records to for me, act as a guide, but in writing other respects they offer wonderful opportunities to create genuinely innovative and exciting founding principles - your own new business philosophy - on which your plans can be built and plan writing dallas, developed. On this page there is specific guidance for business start-up situations. See the simple business start-up principles.

Depending on the constraints applying in the planning for Dissertation help writing, existing continuous business activities, the principles are very similar for start-up and existing business planning. It's essentially cause-and effect, and using the medical in counselling computer to calculate the numbers. A slightly more detailed version is on the quick business/operational plan page. , and begins with. To explore personal direction and change (for example for early planning of help self-employment or new business start-up) see the passion-to-profit exercise and template on the teambuilding exercises page. See also the simple notes about starting your own business, which to Places in public, an extent also apply when you are starting a new business initiative or development inside another organisation as a new business development manager, or a similar role. Here's a free profit and loss account spreadsheet template tool (xls) for incorporating these factors and financials into a more formal phased business trading plan, which also serves as a business forecasting and reporting tool too. Adapt it to suit your purposes. This plan example is also available as a PDF, see the Profit and Loss Account (PL) Small Enterprise Business Plan Example (PDF). Dissertation Help Writing. The numbers could be anything: ten times less, ten times more, a hundred times more - the principle is the same.

Towards the end of this article there is also a simple template/framework for a feasibility study or justification report, such as might be required to win funding, authorisation or approval for starting a project, or the Writing in counselling continuation of a project or group, in a commercial or voluntary situation. If you are starting a new business you might also find the tips and information about help buying a franchise business to be helpful, since they cover many basic points about choice of business activity and Places in public, early planning. (Note: Some UK-English and US-English spellings differ, for example organisation/organization, colour/color. Dissertation Help Writing. If using these materials please adapt the spellings to suit your situation.) how to Write papers, write strategic marketing plans, business plans and sales plans. People use various terms referring to help writing, the business planning process - business plans, business strategy, marketing strategy, strategic business planning, sales planning - they all cover the same basic principles.

When faced with business planning or strategy development task it's important to clarify exactly what is required: clarify what needs to be done rather than assume the aim from the description given to it - terms are confused and accounting homework help, mean different things to different people. You'll see from the Dissertation definitions below how flexible these business planning terms are. a plan - a statement of intent - a calculated intention to accounting help, organize effort and resource to achieve an outcome - in Dissertation help writing this context a plan is in written form, comprising explanation, justification and relevant numerical and gallagher, financial statistical data. In a business context a plan's numerical data - costs and revenues - are normally scheduled over at least one trading year, broken down weekly, monthly quarterly and cumulatively. a business - an activity or entity, irrespective of size and autonomy, which is engaged in an activity, normally the provision of products and/or services, to produce commercial gain, extending to non-commercial organizations whose aim may or may not be profit (hence why public service sector schools and hospitals are in this context referred to as 'businesses'). business plan - this is now rightly a very general and flexible term, applicable to the planned activities and Dissertation help, aims of any entity, individual group or organization where effort is being converted into results , for example: a small company; a large company; a corner shop; a local window-cleaning business; a regional business; a multi-million pound multi-national corporation; a charity; a school; a hospital; a local council; a government agency or department; a joint-venture; a project within a business or department; a business unit, division, or department within another organization or company, a profit centre or cost centre within an Hugh, an organization or business; the Dissertation help responsibility of a team or group or an individual. The business entity could also be a proposed start-up, a new business development within an existing organization, a new joint-venture, or any new organizational or business project which aims to Online, convert action into Dissertation writing, results. Write For Me. The extent to which a business plan includes costs and Dissertation help, overheads activities and resources (eg., production, research and development, warehouse, storage, transport, distribution, wastage, shrinkage, head office, training, bad debts, etc) depends on the needs of the business and the purpose of the plan. Large 'executive-level' business plans therefore look rather like a 'predictive profit and accounting homework, loss account', fully itemised down to help, the 'bottom line'. Business plans written at business unit or departmental level do not generally include financial data outside the department concerned. Most business plans are in accounting homework effect sales plans or marketing plans or departmental plans, which form the main bias of this guide.

strategy - originally a military term, in help writing a business planning context strategy/strategic means/pertains to why and how the Writing year 3 plan will work , in relation to all factors of influence upon the business entity and activity, particularly including competitors (thus the use of Dissertation help a military combative term), customers and demographics, technology and communications. marketing - believed by help, many to writing, mean the same as advertising or sales promotion, marketing actually means and covers everything from company culture and positioning, through market research, new business/product development, advertising and promotion, PR (public/press relations), and arguably all of the sales functions as well. Marketing is the business services dallas tx process by which a business decides what it will sell, to whom, when and how, and then does it . marketing plan - logically a plan which details what a business will sell, to Dissertation help writing, whom, when and how, implicitly including the business/marketing strategy. Accounting You. The extent to which financial and commercial numerical data is included depends on the needs of the business. Help. The extent to which this details the sales plan also depends on the needs of the pay business. sales - the transactions between the Dissertation help business and its customers whereby services and/or products are provided in return for Hugh gallagher, payment. Sales (sales department/sales team) also describes the activities and resources that enable this process, and sales also describes the Dissertation revenues that the Professional plan services tx business derives from the help sales activities. sales plan - a plan describing, quantifying and phased over time, how the the sales will be made and to gallagher philadelphia, whom. Some organizations interpret this to be the same as a business plan or a marketing plan. business strategy - see 'strategy' - it's the same. marketing strategy - see 'strategy' - it's the help same.

service contract - a formal document usually drawn up by the supplier by which the trading arrangement is agreed with the customer. See the section on service contracts and trading agreements. strategic business plan - see strategy and business plan - it's a business plan with strategic drivers (which actually all business plans should be). strategic business planning - developing and writing a strategic business plan. philosophy, values, ethics, vision - these are the to do in public fundamentals of business planning, and Dissertation, determine the spirit and integrity of the business or organisation - see the gallagher philadelphia guide to how philosophical and ethical factors fit into the planning process, and also the principles and materials relating to corporate responsibility and ethical leadership. You can see that many of Dissertation writing these terms are interchangeable, so it's important to clarify what needs to be planned for rather than assuming or inferring a meaning from the name given to the task. That said, the principles explained here can be applied to business plans of all sorts. Business plans are often called different names - especially by to do on sunday, senior managers and directors delegating a planning exercise that they do not understand well enough to explain. For example: sales plans, operational plans, organizational/organisational plans, marketing plans, marketing strategy plans, strategic business plans, department business plans, etc. Typically these names reflect the department doing the planning, despite which, the planning process and content required in the document is broadly similar.

Other useful and relevant business planning definitions are in the business dictionary; the sales and selling glossary; some are also in the financial terms glossary, and more - especially for training - are in the business and training acronyms listing, which also provides amusing light relief if this business planning gets a little dry (be warned, the acronyms listings contain some adult content). when writing a business or operating plan, remember. A useful first rule of business planning is to decide what you are actually trying to Dissertation, achieve and always keep this in mind . Online Accounting You. Write your aim large as a constant reminder to yourself, and to anyone else involved. Keeping your central aim visible will help you minimise the distractions and distortions which frequently arise during the planning process. An increasingly vital and perhaps second rule of business planning is to Dissertation help, establish a strong ethical philosophy at the outset of your planning. This provides a vital reference for decision-making and strategy from the start. A strong clear ethical code communicates your values to staff, customers, suppliers, and creates a simple consistent basis for operations which conventional financials, processes, systems and even people, do not address. It is very difficult to to do on sunday, introduce ethical principles later into an enterprise, especially when planning shifts into implementation, and help writing, more so if problems arise relating to integrity, honesty, corporate responsibility, trust, governance, etc., any of which can have massive impact on relationships and reputation.

See corporate social responsibility and ethics and the Psychological Contract. It is easy to address issues of ethics and Online accounting, corporate responsibility when you are the owner of a new enterprise. It is more difficult if you are a manager in someone else's company or a large corporation. Nevertheless ethics and corporate responsibility are highly significant in planning, and strong justification for their proper consideration can now be made. There are now plenty of recent examples of corporations - indeed entire national economies and governments - which have failed because of poor regard to ethical considerations. The world is changing and learning, slowly, but it is, and anyone ignoring ethics in planning today does so at their own peril. A third crucial requirement for business plans is return on investment , or for public services and non-profit organisations: effective use of Dissertation investment and resources, which is beyond simple 'cost control'. For the vast majority of organisations, whether companies, public services, not-for-profit trusts and charities, all organisations need to be financially effective in what they do, otherwise they will cease to function . Ultimately - whatever the organisation and aims - financial viability is necessary to sentences year 3, sustain any organised activity . While it's essential to manage ethical and socially responsible aspects of organisational aims , these must allow for adequate return on investment (or in less traditional and 'non-profit' enterprises, must allow for the effective use of investment and resources , according to the financial requirements of the Dissertation particular organisation). Remembering the need for Write papers for me, financial viability is vital also because business planning is often done - rightly - to achieve something new and special. This tends to focus thinking on creativity, innovation, ambition, quality, excellence, perhaps even social good, etc., which can easily distract planning away from the basic need to Dissertation writing, be financially viable - and crucially not to make a loss.

By treating return on investment as a vital requirement of planning we increase the likelihood that plans will be viable and therefore sustainable. Return on investment is however a variable feature of descriptive sentences 3 business planning. It is flexible according to the type of Dissertation help enterprise, its main purpose and philosophy. In a conventional profit-driven corporation return on investment (at an to do in public, optimal rate) is typically a strong strategic driver for Dissertation, local planning and pay, decisions, and by implication also a basic requirement of the enterprise as a whole. Help Writing. On the other hand, in a business or organization less focused on on sunday in public shareholder reward, such as a public services trust or charity, or a social enterprise or cooperative, return on investment (at a relatively lower rate), may be a requirement simply to sustain viable operations, according to help writing, the aims of the enterprise. Business Plan Writing Services Tx. In the first example, return on investment is the aim; in the second example, return on investment enables some other higher aim to be achieved. In more detail: In a traditional profit-driven corporation, return on investment tends to be the help main requirement of any business plan and business plan writing dallas tx, also the main aim or purpose or driver of the plan. Dissertation. In most traditional corporations return on investment tends to Write papers for me pay, be at the heart of all activities, since typically the Dissertation writing corporation exists to maximize the yield (profit and growth effectively) of shareholder funds invested in you the business. Planning in traditional corporations at times forgets this basic obligation, especially when a junior manager is asked to Dissertation help writing, 'write a business plan' for the first time.

In traditional profit-driven corporations, when a new manager starts to write a business plan or operational plan for the first time (and for some experienced managers also, for the umpteenth time), the Professional plan writing services tx manager wonders: What is the aim? What am I trying to achieve? Often when they ask their own manager, the manager has the same doubts. The central aim is usually return on investment . In businesses or 'non-profit' organisations where shareholder enrichment is not the main purpose, return on investment is less of a driver in business planning, but is nevertheless a crucial requirement . Writing. Such enterprises are becoming more popular, and will continue to studies in counselling, become so, since the help collapse of the western economies in 2008, and increasing disillusionment with old-style business thinking. For Me. Here return on investment is not the primary driver or objective of the business.

Instead the main driver of help enterprise may be some other purpose. An example of 'some other purpose' might be the activities of a social enterprise or cooperative, or maybe an employee ownership company, or perhaps a trust or charity, whose main aim is homework help, (rather than the traditional profit generation for external/institutional shareholders) perhaps to help, benefit its members/staff, and/or to sustain local jobs, and/or to benefit the local community, or maybe to homework, advance science or learning or health, etc. Here, while return on investment may seem less crucial or appropriate to planning and operations, the writing enterprise must nevertheless remain financially viable , or it ceases to homework, be able to operate at all. In such examples, return on investment in business planning is not usually maximized, but must still be treated as an underpinning requirement to planning, and flexed according to the fundamental aims and Dissertation, financial requirements of the enterprise. Before planning, therefore, it is helpful to understand clearly: What are we actually aiming to achieve? What is our policy/position on corporate social responsibility and ethics, etc - our philosophy? And what return on investment (or alternative financial performance) does our activity/enterprise require - is papers pay, this a strategic driver in help writing itself, or simply the means by which we maintain our activities in support of our (point 1) aims?

The basic methodology of business planning is identifying causes and effects , according to your relevant business requirements (financials and ethics) and strategic drivers (what we are actually aiming to achieve). Here a cause is an input or action or resource; an effect is an Online accounting help, outcome or result or consequence of some sort. We want to achieve xyz effect (for example a given return on investment, or a certain sales level or market share, whatever) - so what should we plan to cause this to Dissertation, happen? Commonly big cause/effect elements are broken down into smaller activities, which also comprise a cause and Writing, effect. (The goal planning process and tools help explain how this subdivision works - where a big aim is broken down into Dissertation writing, smaller more measurable and achievable parts). Junior managers have responsibility for plans and activities which feed into larger departmental plans and activities of senior managers. The plans and activities of Places homework senior managers feed into the divisional plans of executives and directors. There is a hierarchy or tree structure of cause and effects, all hopefully contributing to the overall organizational aim. In many good businesses a substantial business planning responsibility extends now to front line customer-facing staff, and the trend is increasing. In this context, the business plan could be called also be called a marketing plan, or a sales plan - all departmental plans are basically types of business planning: What you are going to sell to whom, when and how you are going to sell it, how much contribution (gross profit) the Dissertation help sales will produce, what the Places homework marketing and/or selling cost will be, and what will be the return on writing investment.

Where a department is a 'cost centre' not a 'profit-centre' - providing products or services internally to other departments rather than externally to customers - then the language and planning elements may alter, but the principles remain the same. Also, these principles and methods apply to very large complex multinational organizations, which tend to entail more and different costs, fixed overheads, revenues, and consequently larger planning formats; more and medical case in counselling, bigger spreadsheets, more lines and columns on each, more attention and people working on the numbers, more accountants, and typically - especially at middle-management level and help writing, above - more emphasis on cashflow and the balance sheet, alongside basic 'profit and Online accounting homework, loss' planning. carry out your market research, including understanding your competitor activity. 'The market' varies according to the business or organisation concerned, but every organised activity has a market. Knowing the market enables you to assess and value and plan how to engage with it. A common failing of Dissertation writing business planning or operational planning outside of the papers pay 'business' world, is to plan in isolation, looking inward, when ideas can seem very positive and reliable because there's no context and nothing to compare. Hence research is critical. Help Writing. And this applies to Hugh gallagher philadelphia, any type of organisation - not just to businesses. See especially the guidance on help writing marketing as it relates to business planning.

Planning very much concerns processes. The principles of Writing medical marketing will explain additionally how to put meaning and values into Dissertation help writing, what you plan. Your market research should focus on the information you need, to help you to formulate strategy and make business decisions. Writing Medical In Counselling. Market research should be pragmatic and purposeful - a means to an end, and help writing, not a means in itself. Market information potentially covers a vast range of data, from global macro-trends and statistics, to very specific and detailed local or technical information, so it's important to Online accounting help, decide what is actually relevant and writing, necessary to know. Market information about market and industry trends, values, main corporations, market structure, etc, is medical, important to know for large corporations operating on a national or international basis. This type of research is sometimes called 'secondary', because it is already available, having been researched and published previously. This sort of information is Dissertation help, available from the internet, libraries, research companies, trade and national press and Writing in counselling, publications, professional associations and institutes.

This secondary research information normally requires some interpretation or manipulation for your own purposes. However there's no point spending days researching global statistical economic and demographic data if you are developing a strategy for help, a relatively small or local business. Places. Far more useful would be to carry out your own 'primary' research (i.e. original research) about the local target market, buying patterns and preferences, local competitors, their prices and service offerings. A lot of useful primary market research can be performed using customer feed-back, surveys, questionnaires and help writing, focus groups (obtaining indicators and views through discussion among a few representative people in Writing descriptive sentences 3 a controlled discussion situation). This sort of primary research should be tailored exactly for your needs.

Primary research requires less manipulation than secondary research, but all types of research need a certain amount of analysis. Dissertation Help. Be careful when extrapolating or projecting figures to avoid magnifying initial mistakes or wrong assumptions. Gallagher Philadelphia. If the starting point is Dissertation help writing, inaccurate the resulting analysis will not be reliable. For businesses of any size; small, local, global and everything in between, the main elements you need to understand and quantify are: customer (and potential customer) numbers, profile and Hugh gallagher, mix customer perceptions, needs, preferences, buying patterns, and trends, by sub-sector if necessary products and services, mix, values and trends demographic issues and Dissertation, trends (especially if dependent on consumer markets) future regulatory and legal effects prices and Write for me, values, and Dissertation writing, customer perceptions in these areas distribution and routes to Writing year 3, market competitor activities, strengths, weaknesses, products, services, prices, sales methods, etc. Primary research is recommended for local and Dissertation writing, niche services. Hugh Gallagher. Keep the writing subjects simple and philadelphia, the range narrow. If using questionnaires formulate questions that give clear yes or no indicators (i.e. Help Writing. avoid three and five options in multi-choices which produce lots of uncertain answers) always understand how you will analyse and measure the data produced. Try to convert data to 3, numerical format and manipulate on a spreadsheet. Dissertation Writing. Use focus groups for more detailed work. For large research projects consider using a market research organization because they'll probably do it better than you, even though this is Hugh philadelphia, likely to be more costly. Dissertation Help Writing. If you use any sort of marketing agency ensure you issue a clear brief, and that your aims are clearly understood.

Useful frameworks for research are PEST analysis and gallagher philadelphia, SWOT analysis. establish your corporate philosophy and the aims of your business or operation. First establish or confirm the aims of the business, and if you are concerned with a part of a business, establish and validate the aims of your part of the business. These can be very different depending on the type of business, and particularly who owns it. Refer to and consider issues of ethics and philosophy, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, etc - these are the foundations on help which values and missions are built.

Consider the Psychological Contract and the benefits of establishing a natural balance and fairness between all interests (notably staff, customers, the organization). Traditional business models are not necessarily the best ones. Places To Do In Public. The world is constantly changing, and establishing a new business is a good time to Dissertation writing, challenge preconceptions of fundamental business structure and gallagher, purpose. A business based on a narrow aim of enriching a few investors while relegating the needs and involvement of everyone else may contain conflicts and tensions at a deep level. There are other innovative business structures which can inherently provide a more natural, cooperative and Dissertation writing, self-fuelling relationship - especially between employees and the organization, and potentially between customers and the organization too. When you have established or confirmed your philosophical and for me, ethical position, state the writing objectives of the business unit you are planning to develop - your short, medium and long term aims - (typically 'short, medium and long' equate to 1 year, 2-3 years and 3 years plus).

In other words, what is the Online homework help you business aiming to do over Dissertation, the next one, three and five years? Bear in mind that you must reliably ensure the success and viability of the business in the short term or the gallagher long term is merely an academic issue. Grand visions need solid foundations. All objectives and aims must be prioritised and as far as possible quantified. If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. All businesses need a ‘mission statement'. It announces clearly and succinctly to your staff, shareholders and customers what you are in business to do. Your mission statement may build upon a general ‘service charter' relevant to your industry. You can involve staff in defining and refining the business's mission statement, which helps develop a sense of ownership and responsibility. Producing and announcing the mission statement is Dissertation writing, also an excellent process for focusing attention on the business's priorities, and Writing descriptive sentences 3, particularly the emphasis on customer service.

Whole businesses need a mission statement - departments and smaller business units within a bigger business need them too. define your 'product offering(s)' or 'service offering(s)' - your sales proposition(s) You must understand and define clearly what you are providing to your customers. This description should normally go beyond your products or services, and critically must include the way you do business , and help writing, what business benefits your customers derive from your products and services, and from doing business with you. Develop offerings or propositions for each main area of your business activity - sometimes referred to as 'revenue streams', or 'business streams' - and/or for the sector(s) that you serve. Under normal circumstances competitive advantage is increased the more you can offer things that your competitors cannot. Good research will tell you where the Online help you opportunities are to increase your competitive advantage in areas that are of Dissertation help prime interest to to do in public, your target markets.

Develop your service offering to emphasise your strengths, which should normally relate to your business objectives, in Dissertation writing turn being influenced by corporate aims and medical case studies in counselling, market research. The important process in writing developing a proposition is translating your view of these services into an offer that means something to your customer. Online Homework You. The definition of your service offer must make sense to Dissertation, your customer in terms that are advantageous and beneficial to the customer, not what is technically good, or scientifically sound to you. Think about what your service, and the manner by which you deliver it, means to your customer. Traditionally, in sales and marketing, this perspective is referred to as translating features into benefits. The easiest way to translate a feature into a benefit is to add the prompt ‘which means that. '. For example, if a strong feature of a business is that it has 24-hour opening, this feature would translate into case studies, something like: We're open 24 hours (the feature) which means that you can get what you need when you need it - day or night. (the benefit). Dissertation Help. Clearly this benefit represents a competitive advantage over other suppliers who only open 9-5. This principle, although a little old-fashioned today, still broadly applies. The important thing is to understand your services and proposition in terms that your customer will recognise as being relevant and beneficial to philadelphia, them. Most businesses have a very poor understanding of what their customers value most in the relationship, so ensure you discover this in the research stage, and Dissertation help writing, reflect it in your stated product or service proposition(s). Customers invariably value these benefits higher than all others:

If your proposition(s) cannot be seen as leading to any of the above then customers will not be very interested in you. A service-offer or proposition should be an encapsulation of what you do best, that you do better than your competitors (or that they don't do at all); something that fits with your business objectives, stated in terms that will make your customers think ‘Yes, that means something to Hugh, me and I think it could be good for my business (and therefore good for me also as a buyer or sponsor).' This is the help writing first 'brick in the wall' in the process of homework in public business planning, sales planning, marketing planning, and thereafter, direct marketing, and particularly sales lead generation. write your business plan - include sales, costs of sales, gross margins, and if necessary your business overheads. Business plans come in all shapes and Dissertation help, sizes. Pragmatism is essential. Ensure your plan shows what your business needs it to show.

Essentially your plan is a spreadsheet of numbers with supporting narrative, explaining how the numbers are to be achieved. A plan should show all the activities and resources in terms of Writing case in counselling revenues and costs, which together hopefully produce a profit at the end of the trading year. The level of detail and complexity depends on the size and part of the business that the plan concerns. Your business plan, which deals with all aspects of the resource and management of the Dissertation help writing business (or your part of the business), will include many decisions and factors fed in from the marketing process. It will state sales and profitability targets by gallagher philadelphia, activity. In a marketing plan there may also be references to image and reputation, and to public relations. All of these issues require thought and planning if they are to result in improvement, and particularly increasing numbers of customers and Dissertation, revenue growth. Papers For Me Pay. You would normally describe and provide financial justification for the means of achieving these things, together with customer satisfaction improvement. Above all a plan needs to be based on actions - cost-effective and profitable cause and effect; inputs required to achieved required outputs, analysed, identified and Dissertation help writing, quantified separately wherever necessary to Write papers pay, be able to manage and measure the relevant activities and resources.

quantify the business you seek from each of your market sectors, segments, products and customer groupings, and allocate investment, resources and writing, activities accordingly. These principles apply to a small local business, a department within a business, or a vast whole business. Hugh Gallagher. Before attending to the detail of how to Dissertation help writing, achieve your marketing aims you need to quantify clearly what they are. To Do Homework. What growth targets does the writing business have? What customer losses are you projecting? How many new customers do you need, by size and type, by product and service?

What sales volumes, revenues and contributions values do you need for medical case studies, each business or revenue stream from each sector? What is your product mix, in terms of help writing customer type, size, sector, volumes, values, contribution, and distribution channel or route to market? What are your projected selling costs and net contributions per medical studies service, product, sector? What trends and percentage increase in revenues and contributions, and volumes compared to last year are you projecting? How is your market share per business stream and sector changing, and how does this compare with your overall business aims? What are your fast-growth high-margin opportunities, and Dissertation writing, what are your mature and low-margin services; how are you treating these different opportunities, and on sunday, anything else in Dissertation writing between? You should use a basic spreadsheet tool to split your business according to the main activities and profit levers. See the simple sales/business planning tool example below.

ansoff product-market growth matrix - strategic tool. A useful planning tool in respect of to do homework on sunday in public markets and products is the matrix developed by Igor Ansoff (H Igor Ansoff, 1918-2002), who is regarded by some as the 'Father of Strategic Management'. Fully titled the Ansoff Product-Market Growth Matrix, the tool was first published in Harvard Business Review, 1957, in Ansoff's paper Strategies for Diversification. The Ansoff product-market matrix helps to understand and Dissertation writing, assess marketing or business development strategy. Writing Dallas Tx. Any business, or part of a business can choose which strategy to employ, or which mix of strategic options to use.

This is a fundamentally simple and writing, effective way of looking at strategic development options. Each of these strategic options holds different opportunities and downsides for different organizations, so what is right for one business won't necessarily be right for another. Think about what option offers the best potential for your own business and Writing medical case studies, market. Think about the strengths of your business and what type of growth strategy your strengths will enable most naturally. Dissertation Help Writing. Generally beware of diversification - this is, by its nature, unknown territory, and carries the highest risk of year 3 failure. Here are the Ansoff strategies in summary: market penetration - Developing your sales of Dissertation writing existing products to your existing market(s). This is fine if there is plenty of market share to be had at the expense of your competitors, or if the market is growing fast and large enough for the growth you need. If you already have large market share you need to consider whether investing for further growth in this area would produce diminishing returns from your development activity. Hugh Philadelphia. It could be that you will increase the profit from this activity more by reducing costs than by actively seeking more market share. Dissertation Help Writing. Strong market share suggests there are likely to be better returns from extending the range of products/services that you can offer to the market, as in the next option. product development - Developing or finding new products to take to your existing market(s).

This is an attractive strategy if you have strong market share in a particular market. Such a strategy can be a suitable reason for acquiring another company or product/service capability provided it is relevant to your market and your distribution route. Developing new products does not mean that you have to do this yourself (which is normally very expensive and frequently results in simply re-inventing someone else's wheel) - often there are potential manufacturing partners out there who are looking for their own distribution partner with the sort of gallagher philadelphia market presence that you already have. However if you already have good market share across a wide range of help products for your market, this option may be one that produces diminishing returns on your growth investment and activities, and instead you may do better to seek to develop new markets, as in the next strategic option. market development - Developing new markets for your existing products. New markets can also mean new sub-sectors within your market - it helps to stay reasonably close to business plan services dallas, the markets you know and writing, which know you.

Moving into completely different markets, even if the product/service fit looks good, holds risks because this will be unknown territory for you, and descriptive sentences year 3, almost certainly will involve working through new distribution channels, routes or partners. If you have good market share and good product/service range then moving into associated markets or segments is help writing, likely to be an attractive strategy. diversification - taking new products into new markets. This is high risk - not only year do you not know the products, but neither do you know the new market(s), and again this strategic option is likely to entail working through new distribution channels and routes to market. This sort of activity should generally be regarded as additional and supplementary to the core business activity, and should be rolled out carefully through rigorous testing and piloting. Consider also your existing products and writing, services themselves in terms of Professional plan writing tx their market development opportunity and Dissertation writing, profit potential.

Some will offer very high margins because they are relatively new, or specialised in some way, perhaps because of special USP's or distribution arrangements. Other products and services may be more mature, with little or no competitive advantage, in which case they will produce lower margins. The Boston Matrix is a useful way to understand and for me pay, assess your different existing product and Dissertation writing, service opportunities: boston matrix model - product/service development. The Boston Matrix model (also called the Writing case BSG Matrix, Growth-Share Matrix, and variations around these titles) is a tool for assessing existing and help, development products in terms of their market potential, and thereby implying strategic action for products and services in each of the four categories reflected in the model. The Boston Matrix model was devised by Bruce Henderson (1915-92), founder of the Boston Consulting Group in the 1960s. It has been adapted in many ways. Help. A simple version is shown here below. Like other four-part 2x2 matrix models, the Boston Matrix is a very quick and easy method for analysis, thinking and decision-making, while being unavoidably limited in its handling of subtlety and detail.

Often in business and Dissertation, strategic thinking too much detail is unhelpful - instead, clarity and ease of understanding are extremely helpful, especially in Professional business writing communicating ideas to teams and groups, in which circumstances the Dissertation writing Boston Matrix is an Online accounting help, excellent aid. cash cow - The rather crude metaphor is based on the idea of 'milking' the returns from previous investments which established good distribution and market share for the product. Dissertation Help Writing. Products in papers this quadrant need maintenance and protection activity, together with good cost management, not growth effort, because there is writing, little or no additional growth available. dog - This is Professional writing services dallas, any product or service of yours which has low market presence in a mature or stagnant market. There is no point in developing products or services in this quadrant. Many organizations discontinue products/services that they consider fall into this category, in which case consider potential impact on overhead cost recovery. Businesses that have been starved or denied development find themselves with a high or entire proportion of their products or services in this quadrant, which is obviously not very funny at all, except to the competitors. problem child (also called question marks or wildcats ) - These are products which have a big and growing market potential, but existing low market share, normally because they are new products, or the application has not been spotted and acted upon yet. New business development and project management principles are required here to ensure that these products' potential can be realised and Dissertation writing, disasters avoided.

This is likely to be an area of business that is Writing medical case in counselling, quite competitive, where the pioneers take the risks in the hope of securing good early distribution arrangements, image, reputation and market share. Help. Gross profit margins are likely to be high, but overheads, in the form of costs of research, development, advertising, market education, and low economies of scale, are normally high, and can cause initial business development in case in counselling this area to be loss-making until the product moves into the rising star category, which is by no means assured - many problem children products remain as such. rising star - Or 'star' products, are those which have good market share in a strong and growing market. As a product moves into this category it is commonly known as a 'rising star'. When a market is strong and still growing, competition is not yet fully established. Demand is strong; saturation or over-supply do not exists, and so pricing is relatively unhindered. Help. This all means that these products produce very good returns and profitability. The market is receptive and educated, which optimizes selling efficiencies and margins. Production and manufacturing overheads are established and Write pay, costs minimised due to high volumes and good economies of scale.

These are great products and worthy of continuing investment provided good growth potential continues to help writing, exist. When it does not these products are likely to move down to cash cow status, and the company needs to have the Writing case next rising stars developing from its problem children. After considering your business in terms of the Ansoff matrix and help writing, Boston matrix (which are thinking aids as much as anything else, not a magic solution in themselves), on a more detailed level, and for many businesses just as significant as the Ansoff-type-options, what is the significance of your major accounts - do they offer better opportunity for growth and Writing medical case, development than your ordinary business? Do you have a high quality, specialised offering that delivers better business benefit on a large scale as opposed to small scale? Are your selling costs and investment similar for large and small contracts? If so you might do better concentrating on Dissertation writing developing large major accounts business, rather than taking a sophisticated product or service solution to smaller companies which do not appreciate or require it, and cost you just as much to sell to as a large organization. This customer matrix model is gallagher philadelphia, used by many companies to understand and determine strategies according to Dissertation help writing, customer types.

Assessing product type is helped by reference to the Boston matrix model. There is homework help you, a lot of flexibility as to what constitutes 'good' and 'not so good customers' - use your own criteria. Writing. A good way to do this is to devise your own grading system using criteria that mean something to your own situation. Writing 3. Typical criteria are: size, location, relationship, credit-rating and payment terms, is the customer growing (or not), the help security of the supply contract, the service and support overhead required, etc. This kind of customer profiling tool and exercise is often overlooked, but it is a critical aspect of Places to do homework in public marketing and Dissertation, sales development, and of optimizing sales effectiveness and business development performance and profitability. Each quadrant requires a different sales approach. The type of customer also implies the descriptive sentences year 3 type of Dissertation help writing sales person who should be responsible for managing the relationship. Places To Do. A firm view needs to be taken before committing expensive field-based sales resources to 'not so good' customers. Focus prospect development (identifying and contacting new prospective customers) on the profile which appears in the top left quadrant. Identify prospective new customers who fit this profile, and allocate your business development resources (people and Dissertation, advertising) to this audience. Consider also What are your competitor weaknesses in terms of sectors, geographical territory and gallagher philadelphia, products or services, and how might these factors affect your options?

Use the SWOT analysis also for Dissertation, assessing each competitor as well as your own organization or department. Many organizations issue a marketing budget from the top down (a budget issued by the Centre/HQ/Finance Director), so to speak, in which case, what is your marketing budget and sentences, how can you use it to produce the best return on investment, and to Dissertation, help the company best to meet its overall business aims? Use the models described here to assess your best likely returns on marketing investment. The best way to plan dallas, begin to model and plan your marketing is to have a record of your historical (say last year's) sales results (including selling and advertising costs if appropriate and available) on a spreadsheet. The level of detail is up to you; modern spreadsheets can organize massive amounts of data and make very complex analysis quick easy. Data is vital and will enable you to do most of the analysis you need for marketing planning. In simple terms you can use last year's results as a basis for planning and modelling the next year's sales, and the marketing expenditure and writing, activities required to achieve them. simple business plan or sales plan tools examples.

These templates examples help the planning process. Split and analyse your business or sales according to your main products/services (or revenue streams) according to the profit drivers or 'levers' (variables that you can change which affect profit), e.g., quantity or volume, average sales value or price, % gross margin or profit. Add different columns which reflect your own business profit drivers or levers, and to provide the most relevant measures. Do the studies in counselling same for Dissertation help, each important aspect of your business, for example, split by market sector (or segment): And, for 3, example, split by distributor (or route to Dissertation writing, market): These simple split analysis tools are an extremely effective way to plan writing tx, plan your sales and business. Construct a working spreadsheet so that the bottom-right cell shows the total sales or gross margin, or profit, whatever you need to measure, and by changing the figures within the split (altering the mix, average prices, quantities, etc) you can carry out 'what if?' analysis to develop the best plans.

If you are a competent working with spreadsheets it is normally possible to assemble all of this data onto a single spreadsheet and then show different analyses by sorting and Dissertation help, graphing according to different fields. When you are happy with the Hugh gallagher philadelphia overall totals for the year, convert this into a phased monthly plan, with as many lines and columns as you need and Dissertation help, are appropriate for the business. Develop this spreadsheet by papers pay, showing inputs as well as sales outputs - the quantifiable activity (for example, the numbers of enquiries necessary to produce the planned sales levels) required to produce the planned performance. Large businesses need extensive and multiple page spreadsheets. A business plan needs costs as well as sales, and will show profit as well as revenue and gross margin, but the principle is the same: plan the detailed numbers and values of what the business performance will be, and what inputs are required to achieve it.

Here's a free MSExcel profit and loss account template tool for incorporating these factors and Dissertation writing, financials into a more formal phased business trading plan, which also serves as a business forecasting and reporting tool too. Gallagher Philadelphia. Adapt it to help, suit your purposes. This plan example is also available as a PDF, see the Profit and Loss Account (PL) Small Enterprise Business Plan Example (PDF). The numbers could be anything: ten times less, ten times more, a hundred times more - the principle is the same. Consider also indirect activities that affect sales and Write for me pay, business levels, such as customer service.

Identify key performance indicators here too, such as customer complaints response and resolution levels and timescales. Internal lead referral schemes, strategic partnership activity; the performance of other direct sales activities such as sales agencies, distributorships, export activities, licensing, etc. Dissertation. These performance factors won't normally appear on a business plan spreadsheet, but a separate plan should be made for Online accounting homework you, them, otherwise they won't happen. write your marketing plan or business plan. Your marketing plan is actually a statement, supported by relevant financial data, of how you are going to develop your business. Plans should be based on actions, not masses of historical data. The historical and market information should be sufficient just to explain and justify the opportunities, direction, strategy, and most importantly, the marketing actions, methods and measures - not to tell the story of the past 20 years of your particular industry. What you are going to sell to whom, when and Dissertation help writing, how you are going to sell it, how much contribution (gross profit) the sales produce, what the marketing cost will be, and what will be the return on Hugh gallagher philadelphia investment.

As stated above it is help writing, easiest and best to assemble all of this data onto a spreadsheet, which then allows data to be manipulated through the planning process, and then changed and re-projected when the Write papers for me trading year is under way. The spreadsheet then becomes the basis of help your sales and marketing forecasting and results reporting tool. As well as sales and marketing data, in most types of businesses it is also useful to include measurable aims concerning customer service and Writing sentences 3, satisfaction. The marketing plan will have costs that relate to Dissertation writing, a marketing budget in the overall business plan. The marketing plan will also have revenue and gross margin/profitability targets that relate to the turnover and profitability in the overall business plan. This data is essentially numerical, and so needs also some supporting narrative as to how the numbers will be achieved - the actions - but keep the narrative concise; if it extends to business, more than a half-dozen sheets make sure you put a succinct executive summary on Dissertation help writing the front. The marketing plan narrative could if appropriate also refer to indirect activities such as product development, customer service, quality assurance, training etc., if significantly relevant to achieving the marketing plan aims.

Be pragmatic - marketing plans vary enormously depending on the type, size and maturity of descriptive sentences year 3 business. Above all create a plan that logically shows how the business can best consolidate and Dissertation writing, grow its successful profitable areas. The marketing plan should be a working and philadelphia, truly useful tool - if it is, then it's probably a good one. sample business plan, marketing plan or sales plan sample structure and example format/template. Keep the Dissertation writing written part of the business plan as concise and brief as possible - most situations and high-ranking executives do not need to see plans that are an inch thick.

If you can make your case on a half dozen pages then do so. Papers Pay. Particularly if your plan is more than 5-6 pages long, produce an help writing, executive summary (easiest to homework you, do when you have completed the plan) and insert it at help writing the beginning of the document. If you need to Places homework on sunday, include lots of reference material, examples, charts, evidence, etc, show these as appendices at the back of the document and make sure they are numbered and referenced during the main body of the plan. Each new section should start at the top of a new page. Dissertation Help. Number the pages. Important plans should be suitably bound. All business plans should be professionally and Writing medical case studies in counselling, neatly presented, with no grammar and spelling errors, clearly laid out in an easy to read format (avoid lots of upper-case or fancy fonts or italics as these are all difficult to read). Dissertation Writing. Your business plan contents and structure should be as follows: business plans structure - a business planning template. Title page: Title or heading of the plan and brief description if required, author, date, company/organization if applicable, details of circulation and confidentiality.

Contents page: A list of contents (basically the sections listed here, starting with the Write papers for me pay Introduction page) showing page numbers, plus a list of appendices or addendums (added reference material at the back of the Dissertation document) allowing the reader to find what they need and navigate the document easily, and to refer others to Professional business writing services tx, particular items and Dissertation, page numbers when reviewing or querying. Introduction page : Introduction and purpose of the plan, terms of reference if applicable (usually for formal and large plans or projects). Executive summary page: Optional and usually beneficial, this should normally be no more than a page long (or it's not an executive summary) - the key points of the whole plan including conclusions, recommendations, actions, financial returns on investment, etc., clearly readable in a few minutes. Main body of plan: sections and headings as required, see template below. Gallagher Philadelphia. Acknowledgments and bibliography/reference sources: if relevant (only required normally for very large formal plans) Appendices: appendices or addendums - additional detailed reference material, examples, statistics, spreadsheets, etc., for reference and not central to the main presentation of your plan.

business plans - main body sections examples template. This sample template is typical for Dissertation writing, a sales/marketing/new business development business plan. Writing Case In Counselling. (A business plan for a more complex project such as an international joint-venture, or the formation of a new company including manufacturing plant or other overhead activities would need to include relevant information and financials about the overheads and resources concerned, and the financials would need to show costs and profits more like a fully developed profit and Dissertation help, loss account, with cashflow projections, balance sheet, etc.) Where appropriate refer to your position regarding corporate ethics and social responsibility and the Psychological Contract. Hugh. While these aspects are not mechanisms within the plan, they are crucial reference points. Define your market - sector(s) and segment(s) definitions Quantify your market (overview only) - size, segmentation, relevant statistics, values, numbers (locations, people/users, etc) - make this relevant to you business Explain your market(s) - sector trends, eg., growth, legislation, seasonality, PEST factors where relevant, refer to Ansoff matrix, show the strategic business drivers within sector and segments, purchasing mechanisms, processes, restrictions - what are the factors that determine customers' priorities and Dissertation help writing, needs - this is a logical place to refer to Professional plan writing dallas tx, ethics and CSR (corporate social responsibility Explain your existing business - your current business according to sector, products/services, quantities, values, distributor, etc. Analyse your existing customer spread by Dissertation help, customer type, values and products/services including major accounts (the 'Pareto Principle' or the Writing case '80:20 rule' often applies here, eg., 80% of your business comes from 20% of Dissertation help your customers) Explain your products and services - refer to Boston matrix and especially your strategic propositions (what these propositions will do for your customers) including your USP's and UPB's (see sales training section and Hugh philadelphia, acronyms) Explain you routes to market, gatekeepers, influencers and strategic partners - the other organizations/individuals you will work with to develop your market, including 'what's in it for them', commissions, endorsements, accreditations, approvals, licenses, etc. Case studies and track record - the Dissertation writing credibility, evidence and proof that your propositions and strategic partnerships work Competitor analysis, eg., SWOT analysis of your own business compared to SWOT analysis of each competitor Sales/marketing/business plan (1 year min) showing sales and margins by product/service stream, mix, values, segment, 'distributor', etc, whatever is relevant, phased monthly, in as much detail as you need.

This should be on a spreadsheet , with as many different sheets as necessary to Professional plan tx, quantify relevant inputs and outputs. List your strategic actions (marketing campaigns, sales activities, advertising, etc) that will deliver the above, with costs and returns. Writing. This should be supported with a spreadsheet, showing cost and return on investment for each activity. Tip: If the business plan concerns an existing activity, use the previous year's sales/business analysis as the basis for the next year's sales/business plan. Adapt as necessary according to your new strategic plans. other business planning and marketing issues.

staffing and training implications. Your people are unlikely to have all the skills they need to help you implement a marketing plan. You may not have all the people that you need so you have to to do, consider justifying and writing, obtaining extra. Customer service is acutely sensitive to Write papers, staffing and Dissertation help, training. Are all of accounting you your people aware of the aims of the business, its mission statement and your sales propositions? Do they know what their responsibilities are?

How will you measure their performance? Many of these issues feed back into the business plan under human resources and Dissertation help writing, training, where budgets need to be available to support the investment in these areas. You should formulate a customer service charter, extending both your mission statement and your service offer, so as to Online accounting help, inform staff and customers what your standards are. These standards can cover quite detailed aspects of your service, such as how many times the telephone will be permitted to ring until the caller is Dissertation help, gets an answer. Write For Me Pay. Other issues might include: How many days between receipt and help, response for written correspondence. Complaints procedure and timescales for each stage.

This charter sets customer expectations, so be sure you can meet them. Customers get disappointed particularly when their expectations are not met, and when so many standards can be set at arbitrary levels, think of each one as a promise that you should keep. Business-to-business customers would expect to to do on sunday, agree these standards with their suppliers and have them recorded as part of their contracts, or as SLA's (service level agreements). Increasingly, large customers demand SLA's to be tailored to their own specific needs, and the process of developing these understandings and agreements is Dissertation writing, absolutely crucial to the maintenance and development of large contracts. Remember an important rule about customer service: It's not so much the failure to meet standards that causes major dissatisfaction among customers - everyone can make a mistake - the biggest cause of upset is the failure of suppliers to Professional dallas, inform customers and Dissertation help writing, keep them updated when problems arise. Not being told in advance, not receiving any apology, not getting any explanation why, and philadelphia, not hearing what's going to be done to put things right, are key areas of customer dissatisfaction, and therefore easy areas for suppliers to focus their efforts to achieve and communicate improvements. A special point of note for Dissertation, businesses that require a strong technical profile among their service staff: these people are often reactive by nature and so not good at taking initiative to homework help, identify and anticipate problem areas in customer service. It's therefore helpful to establish suitable mechanisms and responsibility to pick up problems and writing, deal with them - a kind of trouble-shooting capability - which can be separately managed and monitored at a strategic level. Do not assume that technically-oriented staff will be capable of proactively developing customer service solutions and revisions to SLA's - they generally need help in doing so from staff with high creativity, empathy, communications and initiative capabilities. establish systems to measure customer service and staff performance. These standards and the SLA's established for large customers need to be visible, agreed with customers, absolutely measurable.

You must keep measuring your performance against descriptive year them, and preferably publishing the results, internally and externally. Customer complaints handling is writing, a key element: Measuring customer complaints is crucial because individual complaints are crucial areas to resolve, and also as a whole, complaints serve as a barometer for the quality and performance of the business. Write. You need to help, have a scheme which encourages, not discourages, customers to complain, to open the channels as wide as possible. Most businesses are too defensive where complaints are concerned, preferring to minimise their importance, or to seek to justify and excuse them. Wrong. Online Homework Help. Complaints are the opportunities to turn ordinary service into unbeatable service.

Moreover, time and again surveys suggest that anything up to nine out of ten people do not complain to the provider when they feel dissatisfied - they just keep their dissatisfaction to writing, themselves and the provider never finds out sentences year, there's a problem, even when the customer chooses to go elsewhere. But every complaining customer will tell at Dissertation writing least a couple of their friends or relations. Every dissatisfied staff member in Hugh the customer organization will tell several of their colleagues. Help. Unreported complaints spawn bad feelings and the breakdown of relationships. It is imperative that you capture all complaints in order to: Put at ease and accounting, give explanation or reassurance to the person complaining. Reduce the chances of them complaining to someone else. Monitor exactly how many dissatisfied customers you have and what the causes are, and that's even more important if you're failing to deliver your mission statement or service offer! Take appropriate corrective action to prevent a re-occurrence.

If appropriate (ie for Dissertation writing, large customers) review SLA's and homework help you, take the opportunity to agree new SLA's with the customer. implications for IT, premises, and reporting systems. Also relating to your business plan are the Dissertation writing issues of: Information Technology - are your computers and communications systems capable of giving you the information and analysis you need? How do you use email - is it helping or hindering your business and the quality of service you give to your customers?

What internet presence and processes do you need? How should your voice and data systems work together? What systems need to be available to mobile staff? What customer relationship management (CRM) systems should you have? How should you consider all these issues to see the needs and opportunities? IT and communications systems increasingly offer marketing and Professional tx, competitive advantage to businesses in all sectors - make sure you know hat IT can do for Dissertation writing, you and for Write papers for me pay, your customers. Premises - Review your premises and sites in light of your customer service, distribution, and Dissertation, customer relationship requirements. Pay particular attention anywhere in your organization that your customers visit - the accounting homework help you impression and service you give here is critical. Reporting systems - If you can't measure it you can't manage it, and where finance and writing, business performance is concerned this is Places to do homework on sunday in public, certainly true. First you must identify and agree internally your key performance indicators (KPI's). Identify every aspect of your service or performance that is important - then you need to Dissertation help writing, be able to Writing medical, measure it and report on it, and where people are involved in performing to certain standards then the help writing standards and the reporting needs to be transparent to them also.

How do you report on to do sales, marketing and business performance and interpret the results? Who needs to know? Who needs to capture the data? communications and help, ongoing customer feedback are essential. Having an Writing, open dialogue with your customers is vital. There's a double benefit to your business in ensuring this happens: You nip problems in the bud and Dissertation help writing, stay aware of how you're performing. Gallagher. Your customers feel better about the service you provide as a result of the Dissertation help communications, or from the medical case in counselling fact that the channel is open even if they don't use it - it's human nature. Try to devise a standard feedback form. Help Writing. It can double as a promotional tool as well if it's made available on a wider scale. The form can carry details of your mission statement, service offer and your customer service charter.

Consider carrying out a customer satisfaction and perceptions survey. Accounting Help. There are many ways to do this on a small or large scale, and valuable feedback is always obtained from customer survey exercises. tips for starting a small business or self-employment - for non-financial people. Some of us are not naturally inclined towards the sort of detailed financial thinking that is required for Dissertation, traditional detailed business planning. If this is you, you'll possess other valuable capabilities that will be useful in to do homework on sunday your own enterprise, and you'll maybe find it helpful to Dissertation, use this alternative approach to planning a new enterprise or self-employment. Accounting Homework Help. It can be stressful and counter-productive to Dissertation writing, try to use methods that are not natural or comfortable.

If you are helping or advising others about starting their own enterprise or self-employment, the same principles apply. Not everyone is naturally good at business planning, but everyone who dreams of being self-employed or who wants to start and run their own independent enterprise is capable of doing so, provided they work to their strengths, capabilities and Professional business, passions. People running successful enterprises come in all shapes and sizes, from all backgrounds, all ages, with skills, passions, and capabilities in any field you can imagine. Anyone can run their own business or be successful in self-employment given the simple determination to do so. Dissertation Help. Business and enterprise is not just for stereotypical 'business-types'; the Online accounting you benefits and advantages of being your own boss are available to Dissertation writing, us all. Here are some pointers for people considering starting their own new enterprise, or for descriptive sentences 3, helping others to do the Dissertation help writing same. First, and especially if you are not clear of your own real strengths, or what direction to pursue, focus on using tools to papers pay, understanding your own personality style and strengths. Then use this knowledge to imagine and realise how your natural capabilities can be used to best effect in defining and providing your own services or running your own enterprise. The VAK and Multiple Intelligences tools on this site are helpful for this purpose.

They assess people's strengths completely differently to traditional IQ or academic evaluations, which are extremely narrow and generally not relevant at help all for people who want to be their own boss. Understanding personality is also useful since personality-type greatly influences the to do on sunday way that a person approaches self-employment or running an enterprise, and what sort of service or business to offer. The Personality Styles page provides a lot of Dissertation explanation about this. Many people are conditioned by schools and over-cautious parents to under-estimate their own potential and capabilities, which is a big reason to take a fresh look at what you are good at, and to Writing descriptive sentences year, re-think and understand better the ways that your personality type tends to be successful in life and business. There are many ways to be successful and independent in life aside from building and running a conventional business and adhering to conventional financial planning methods. The basic economics of becoming successfully independent in any sort of venture are actually extremely simple, and Dissertation help writing, focusing on the following simple fundamentals (a process really) can help many folk turn your dream or an idea into a successful enterprise or self-employment reality. It's usually easiest to think first of these factors in terms of Writing sentences year 3 daily, weekly or monthly numbers and values, and then to extend the figures to give totals for a whole year: 1. Dissertation. What's your product or service? (What's good/special/different about your products or service that enough people will buy it?

And importantly is this something that you have a real passion for? All successful enterprises are built on doing something the business plan services owner enjoys.) 2. What does it cost to make/buy in/provide the product or service? (If you are buying and selling products or using materials consider the cost prices. If the help main resource is your own time then attach a cost to your labour that reflects your available time for the work and the wage you need to gallagher, draw. Divide your required annual wage by Dissertation writing, the number of work hours available to Writing studies, you, and this is Dissertation help writing, your notional hourly labour cost.) 3. What price will the product/service sell for? (Ideally small businesses need a healthy profit margin or mark-up - doubling the Online accounting homework you cost is good if the market will accept it. Dissertation Help Writing. A mark-up of less than 50% is cause for Places in public, concern unless you are selling products in relatively high volumes or values. Price your products/services according to what the help writing market will pay, not according to your costs. Take into account your competitors and what they charge and their relative quality. Service businesses that use only the person's time are often very attractive and profitable because there is no added complication of buying and holding stock - hence why window-cleaning, sign-writing, repairs, gardening, decorating, tutoring, writing, therapy, training, coaching and consultancy, etc., are such good businesses for people who prefer a simple approach to self-employment and Hugh gallagher, enterprise. Consider the Dissertation effect of VAT especially for 'consumer' businesses - ie., selling to the general public - assuming your business is descriptive year, or must be VAT registered.

Private consumers of course are more sensitive to VAT than business customers who can generally reclaim VAT should you have to add it to your prices.) 4. Who will buy the product/service? (Identify your customers and help writing, market. Do you know this for sure? Test your assumptions: this is a critical part of the proposition and Writing medical, generally benefits from Dissertation help writing more thought and plan writing services dallas, research to Dissertation help, confirm that a big enough market exists for your idea. Consider your competition - what are people buying currently and why will they buy from Online accounting homework help you you instead?) 5. How much/many do you need to sell in a year? And how many customers do you need? (This is help writing, a vital part of the business writing proposition to confirm that the gross profit (the difference between costs of bought in products/labour and sales revenues) covers your/their financial needs (including a living wage and other fixed costs of running the enterprise. Dissertation Help. Again remember the affect of VAT on your selling prices if applicable.)

6. How will people know about the service/product? (You need to understand what advertising/marketing/enquiry-generation is necessary - activity and business plan services dallas tx, cost. There is usually a cost for generating new customers, especially in the early stages of a new enterprise. Writing. Once the business is established, say after six months to a year, 'word-of-mouth' referrals are for some businesses all that is required to produce new customers - especially those based in a local community, but virtually any new enterprise requires marketing at its launch. See the articles on marketing and selling.) 7. Does all this add up, and better still provide a cash surplus at the end of a year? - if so then it's probably a good business model.

These basic questions represent the typical 'table napkin' business proposition that is the homework start of help most businesses, including very large complex ones. People who dislike and are not fluent in detailed business calculations might find the Writing above process a useful starting point when thinking about help writing how to begin a new enterprise or a venture in self-employment. If this is you, you are not alone: many visionary entrepreneurs can run a huge profitable business but have great difficulty putting together a proper business plan. Hence many highly successful business leaders rely heavily on their financial directors to Write, take care of the Dissertation help writing financial details, leaving them free to get on Writing medical in counselling with the business activity that makes best use of their natural skill, be it creativity, selling, service-provision, people-skills, technical skills, or whatever. Incidentally the above factors are the essential components which make up a basic Profit and Loss Account, which is the primary management tool for a business of any scale and complexity. Dissertation Help. Here's a free MSExcel profit and loss account template tool for to do on sunday in public, extending these factors and financials into Dissertation, a more formal phased plan, which also serves as a business forecasting and homework on sunday in public, reporting tool too. If in doubt about Dissertation help this seek some help from an sentences year 3, experienced business person or your accountant. Dissertation Help Writing. Adapt it to suit your purposes. The example PL trading plan is papers pay, also available as a pdf. Dissertation Help Writing. The numbers could be anything - ten times less, ten times more, a hundred times more - the Professional plan writing dallas tx principle is the Dissertation writing same.

company types and financial set up - quick guide. When you have confirmed and refined the basic viability of your business idea you can then begin getting to accounting homework help you, grips with the Dissertation writing more detailed aspects of forming the business itself. This necessarily includes deciding your type of Writing medical studies in counselling business constitution - the legal format of your company - or 'company type' as it is often described. The Psychological Contract is increasingly significant within and relating to business constitution. Small (UK) businesses are most commonly one of the following: sole-trader - essentially a self-employed owner - no limited personal liability - relatively easy set up and administration. partnership - essentially a group of self-employed partners/owners - no limited personal liability - easy-ish set up and administration, although ultimately dependent on Dissertation the complexity of the Hugh philadelphia company and partnership. Help Writing. limited liability partnership (LLP) - as above, except that liability is limited to personal investments and guarantees. limited company (abbreviated to Ltd after the Writing in counselling company name) - liability is limited to the assets of the company - registered with Companies House and legally obliged to publish accounts. There are less common variations of limited companies, and help, other business structures and Writing medical case in counselling, constitutions, for Dissertation help writing, example: social enterprise - various structures including , trusts, associations and especially cooperatives - these are not common typical or traditional business structures, but social enterprises are growing in popularity, and will be explained in more detail on this website in due course. Meanwhile here is useful information about cooperatives. public limited company (plc) - not appropriate for small companies. Sole-trader and partnership companies are very easy to set up and administer, but the owner/partners are personally liable for all business debts and potential claims, so good insurance cover (including professional indemnity and public liability) is essential especially if business liabilities are potentially serious. A limited liability partnership offers protection to partners in terms of personal liabilities, in that liabilities are limited to the extent of personal investment and any other guarantees.

This is considered to be too much personal exposure by many business people, in which case a limited company is the obvious alternative. A limited company exists in accounting homework its own right - a tricky concept to understand for many people - basically meaning that financial liabilities belong to the company (its shareholders, to the value of their shares in other words) rather than the directors and executives of the business, as would apply in a partnership. Dissertation Writing. Limited companies ultimately offer more flexibility for large complex businesses but can be over-complicated and administratively heavy if all you want to do is run a local shop or landscape gardening business or modest training or coaching business. Whatever, consider carefully what type of company framework will suit you best. Once established it can be quite difficult to unravel and change if you get it wrong - not impossible, but a nuisance if you could have got it right first time with a bit of extra thought at the planning stage. A good accountant will help you decide what is best for your situation from a legal and financial standpoint, although before this you should think for yourself what sort of business structure best fits your wider business situation, and especially your business aims and philosophy. Broad guidelines about business types are available from the UK Government business information Businesslink website. You'll need a business bank account. In fact it is a legal requirement of help you all limited companies to have a business bank account. Shop around. There are wide variations in services and costs offered by the different banks.

You must also understand and organize the Dissertation help tax implications for your type of business. Before starting any business ensure also that you have the information and controls to account for and pay all taxes due. Helpfully to learn more about this in papers for me the UK, most tax affairs are within the responsibilities of HM Revenue and Customs - until they too change their name to something very silly. Dissertation Writing. That said, the relevance today of HM (Her Majesty's) is a bit puzzling when you stop to think about it and surely due for updating to the modern age. Places On Sunday. HMRC is another weird example of quirky UK Government departmental names and branding. God help us all, our country is run by alien wannabe noblemen from the middle ages. VAT (Value Added Tax or your national equivalent) is an issue warranting serious thought if your business is small enough to have a choice in the matter. Dissertation. Beyond a certain turnover (?68,000 as at 2010) any UK business must register for Writing medical studies, VAT. Check the HMRC website for the current position. Being VAT registered means you must charge VAT on Dissertation all VAT-rated supplies, which means also that the VAT you receive on payments from your customers must be paid to HM Revenue and Customs. (No you cannot keep it, even though some accidentally try to, and others think they are entitled to.) Being VAT registered also enables you to reclaim VAT that you pay on business costs, although there are some notable exceptions, like company cars.

Retail and Writing descriptive sentences 3, consumer businesses are especially affected by VAT. Private consumers cannot claim back VAT, so the effect of VAT on pricing and margins needs careful thought in planning any consumer business. Up to a certain level of turnover (in the UK) becoming registered for VAT is optional. If your business turnover is likely to be below the threshold for mandatory VAT registration, you must decide for yourself if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The main advantages of VAT registration are: your business will be perceived by certain people - especially other businesses - to be larger and help, more credible (not being registered for VAT indicates immediately that your turnover is below the VAT threshold) you will be able to reclaim VAT that you are charged on legitimate allowable business costs.

The main disadvantages of being VAT registered are: the administrative burden in keeping VAT records and submitting VAT returns (although this has been enormously simplified in recent years so that for for me pay, small simple businesses it is help writing, really not a problem at plan services all) risks of getting onto cashflow difficulties if you fail to set funds aside to pay your VAT bills (see the tax tips below) Information about VAT (and all other tax issues) is at the UK Government HM Revenue and Customs website: VAT is help, not the only tax. Online Help You. Taxes are also due on company profits (sole-traders or partnerships profits are taxed via personal earnings of the sole-trader or partners) and on Dissertation writing staff salaries (national insurance). A sole-trader or partnership can employ staff, in which case national insurance tax is due on salaries paid to employees, which is different to the tax that employees pay themselves. Failing to retain funds in philadelphia a company to pay taxes is Dissertation writing, a serious problem that's easily avoided with good early planning. Contact your tax office. Inform them of your plans and seek their help. Tax offices are generally extremely helpful, so ask.

You can even talk to a real person on the phone without having to homework in public, breach a six-level automated menu system. Ideally find a decent accountant too. Preferably one who comes recommended to you. With all the greatest respect to accountants everywhere, accountants are quite commonly very intense people, like solicitors and scientists, very much focused on Dissertation help process, accuracy, rules, etc., which in terms of personality fit can be a little at odds with the style of many entrepreneurs. Business Writing Services Dallas Tx. So again shop around and find an accountant with whom you can share a joke and a beer or something from the human world.

The relationship between a business person and his/her accountant is crucial if the business is to grow and develop significantly. Accountants might seem at times to be from another planet, but I can assure you the good ones are bloody magicians when it comes to business development, especially when the Dissertation help figures get really interesting. The statement that one stroke of an accountant's pen is medical case in counselling, mightier than the Dissertation world's most successful sales team, is actually true. For many entrepreneurs, the ideal scenario is to grow your business large enough to Hugh gallagher philadelphia, support the cost of a really excellent finance director, who can take care of Dissertation help all the case detailed legal and financial matters for you, and Dissertation help writing, leave you completely free to homework, concentrate on growing the business - concentrating your efforts and ideas and strategy externally towards markets and customers, and internally towards optimizing innovation and your staff. See the Dissertation help writing quick tax tips below, especially for descriptive sentences, small businesses which might not easily be able to achieve immediate and accurate control of Dissertation writing their tax liabilities, which is one of the major early risks for a new successful small business. tax tips - understanding and accounting for Writing 3, taxes from the Dissertation writing start.

A significant potential problem area for newly self-employed people, and for new business start-ups, is accounting homework you, failing to budget and save for inevitable taxes which arise from your business activities. N.B. These tips are not meant to be a detailed comprehensive guide to business taxation. This section merely addresses a particular vulnerability of new start-up businesses in failing to set aside sufficient reserves to meet tax liabilities, especially small businesses, and even more especially sole-traders and partnerships and small limited companies, which lack expertise in accounting and consequently might benefit from these simple warnings and Dissertation help writing, tips related to Writing descriptive year, tax liabilities. In general these issues would normally be managed via a cashflow forecast, together with suitable financial processes to allocate and make payments for help writing, all costs and liabilities arising in the course of trading. I recognise however that many small business start-ups do not begin with such attention to Hugh, financial processes, and it's primarily for Dissertation, those situations that these particular notes are provided. These notes in no way suggest that this is the year normal fully controlled approach to planning and organizing tax liabilities and Dissertation help writing, other cashflow issues within any business of significant scale. This is simply a pragmatic and Online homework help, practical method aimed at averting a common big problem affecting small business start-ups. While your type of company and business determines precisely which taxes apply to you, broadly taxes are due on sales (for VAT registered businesses in help writing the UK, or your VAT equivalent if outside the UK), and on the profits of your business and your earnings.

If you employ staff you will also have to pay national insurance tax on accounting homework you employees' earnings too. Generally sole-traders and partnerships have simpler tax arrangements - for example, profits are typically taxed as personal earnings - as compared with the more complex taxes applicable to limited companies, which also pay taxes on company profits and staff salaries. Whatever, you must understand the tax liabilities applicable to your situation, and budget for Dissertation help writing, them accordingly. You must try to seek appropriate financial advice for your situation before you commence trading. Indeed understanding tax basics also helps you decide what type of company will best suit your situation, again, before you begin trading. The potential for nasty financial surprises - notably tax bills that you have insufficient funds to pay - ironically tends to sentences year, increase along with your success. Dissertation Help Writing. This is because bigger sales and profits and case, earnings inevitably produce bigger tax bills (percentage of tax increases too in Dissertation help the early growth of a business), all of which becomes a very big problem if you've no funds to pay taxes when due.

The risks of getting into difficulties can be greater for the self-employed and small partnerships which perhaps do not have great financial knowledge and experience, than for Write papers for me pay, larger Limited Company start-ups which tend to Dissertation writing, have more systems and support in financial areas. Start-ups are especially prone to tax surprises because the first set of accounting you tax bills can commonly be delayed, and if you fail to account properly for all taxes due then obviously you increase the chances of spending more than you should do, resulting in not having adequate funds to cover the payments when they are due. Risks are increased further if you are new to self-employment, previously having been employed and accustomed to Dissertation writing, receiving a regular salary on which all taxes have already been deducted, in other words 'net' of tax. It can take a while to to do in public, appreciate that business revenues or profits have no tax deducted when these earnings are put into your bank account; these amounts are called 'gross', because they include the tax element. Dissertation Help Writing. Therefore not all of your business earnings belong to you - some of the money belongs to the taxman. It's your responsibility to deduct the taxes due, to set this money aside, and to Online accounting you, pay the tax bills when demanded. Additionally, if you are a person who is in the habit of help spending everything that you earn, you must be even more careful, since this tendency will increase the to do on sunday in public risks of your being unable to pay your taxes. Failing to get on Dissertation help top of the Hugh philadelphia reality of taxes from the very beginning can lead to serious debt and cashflow problems, which is a miserable way to run a business.

So you must anticipate and set aside funds necessary to meet your tax liabilities from the very start of Dissertation writing your business, even if you do not initially have a very accurate idea of what taxes will be due, or you lack effective systems to calculate them - many small start-ups are in this position. Nevertheless it is too late to Places homework on sunday, start thinking about tax when the first demands fall due. If when starting your business you do not have information and writing, systems to Professional business plan, identify and account accurately for your tax liabilities, here are two simple quick tax tips to avoid problems with the Dissertation writing taxman: You must estimate your tax liabilities and ensure that you set aside funds to cover these liabilities while you are banking your payments received into the business. The easiest way to do this is to identify the taxes applicable to your business, for example VAT and your own personal income tax and national insurance. Identify the percentages that apply to your own situation and earnings levels. You can do this approximately. It does not need to be very precise. Add these percentages together, and Professional writing dallas, then set aside this percentage of all your earnings that you receive into your business. Put these monies into a separate savings account where you can't confuse them with your main business account, i.e., your 'working capital' typically held in a current account.

Always over-estimate your tax liabilities so as to Dissertation help, set aside more than you need. Descriptive Year 3. Having a surplus is not a problem. Having not enough money to pay taxes because you've under-estimated tax due is help, a problem; sometimes enough to kill an papers for me pay, otherwise promising business. Here's an example to show how quickly and Dissertation writing, easily you can plan and set aside a contingency to pay your tax bills, even if you've no experience or systems to calculate them precisely. This example is based on a self-employed consultancy-type business, like a training or coaching business, in which there are no significant costs of sales (products or services bought in) or overheads, i.e., revenues are effectively the profits too, since there are minimal costs to Professional plan services tx, offset against profits: example of estimating and setting aside money to pay taxes.

1. Dissertation Writing. In the Hugh gallagher UK VAT on most products and services is 17.5%. This equates (roughly) to 15% when calculating the VAT element within a VAT-inclusive amount. This means that you can set aside 15% of your revenues and reliably be sure of covering your VAT liabilities. 2. In the UK personal income tax and national insurance combined is roughly 30% of earnings up to about ?30,000 (a little over in fact), rising to 49% - call it 50% - of earnings above ?30k - roughly. N.B. Income tax and Dissertation writing, national insurance are calculated on taxable earnings, which exclude money spent on legitimate business costs, and VAT received.

These figures in the above example are approximate I emphasise again, which is all you need for this purpose, moreover the to do in public approximations are on the high side of what the precise liabilities actually are. Dissertation Help Writing. Accountants call this sort of homework thinking 'prudent'. It's a pessimistic approach to forecasting liabilities rather than optimistic, which is fundamental to good financial planning and Dissertation help, management: if the for me pessimism is wrong then you end up with a surplus (which is good), but if you are wrong in writing making optimistic forecasts and estimates (over-ambitious sales, and lower-than-actual costs and liabilities), then you run out of money (which is bad). Back to Professional business dallas tx, the percentages.. Knowing the income tax percentages enables you to help writing, set aside a suitable percentage of your earnings when you receive them into the business. Roughly speaking, for earnings up to writing services dallas, ?30k you need to set aside 30% to cover income tax and national insurance. For earnings over writing, ?30k you need to set aside 50% to business writing dallas tx, cover your income tax and national insurance. (Earnings below ?30k remain taxable at Dissertation 30%). Remember you can arrive at business plan services dallas tx these figures based on the VAT exclusive revenues, but to Dissertation help, keep matters simpler it is Places homework in public, easier to use an adjusted total percentage figure to apply to the total gross earnings.

If it's kept very simple and quick you'll be more likely to do it - and/or to communicate the method effectively to your partner if they are responsible for handling the financials, as often happens. Given this example, if in your first year your gross revenues (banked payments received) are say ?50,000, assuming you are VAT registered, then your tax liabilities will be (roughly): From this example you can see that setting aside 45.5% of Dissertation help writing earnings (yes it's a lot isn't it - which is why you need to anticipate it and set the money aside) would comfortably cover VAT and income tax liabilities. Professional Plan Writing Dallas Tx. To be extra safe and simpler in writing this example you could round it up to 50%. The tax liability will obviously increase with increasing revenues - and in percentage terms too regarding personal income tax, since more earnings would be at the higher rate. You must therefore also monitor your earnings levels through the year and adjust your percentage tax contingency accordingly.

As stated already above, the risk of under-estimating tax liabilities increases the pay more successful you are, because tax bills get bigger. In truth you will have some costs to offset against the earnings figures above, but again for the purposes of establishing a very quick principle of saving a fixed percentage as a tax reserve until you know and can control these liabilities more accurately, the above is help, a very useful simple easy method of initially staying solvent and on top of your tax affairs, which are for many people the most serious source of nasty financial surprises in successful start-up businesses. The above example is very simple, and is provided mainly for small start-up businesses which might otherwise neglect to provide for tax liabilities. Sentences Year 3. The figures and percentages are not appropriate (but the broad principle of forecasting and Dissertation writing, providing funds for tax liabilities is) to medical studies, apply to retail businesses for example, or businesses in which staff are employed, since these businesses carry significant costs of sales and overheads, which should be deducted from revenues before calculating profits and Dissertation help writing, taxes liabilities. Neither does the example take account of the various ways to reduce tax liabilities by reinvesting profits in the business, writing off stock, putting money into to do in public, pensions, charitable donations, etc. A third tip is - in fact it's effectively a legal requirement - to inform your relevant tax authorities as soon as possible about help your new business.

Preferably do this a few weeks before you actually begin trading. That way you can be fully informed of the tax situation - and descriptive 3, your best methods of dealing with tax, because there are usually different ways, and help, sometimes the differences can be worth quite a lot of money. I do not go into more detail about tax here because it's a very complex subject with wide variations depending on your own situation, for Online homework help you, which you should seek relevant information and advice from a qualified accountant and/or the relevant tax authorities. template and structure for a feasibility study or project justification report. First, and importantly, you need to clarify/confirm the criteria that need to be fulfilled in order to justify starting or continuing the project or group, in other words, what do the Dissertation writing decision-makers need to Online help you, see in order to approve the project or its continuation ? Then map these crucial approval criteria into the following structure. Dissertation. In other words, work through the following template structure according to, and orientated as closely as you can to, the approval criteria . Papers For Me Pay. (These points could effectively be your feasibility study or report justification structure, and headings.) past, present and particularly future ('customer') need (for the Dissertation outputs/results produced by group or project) benefits and outcomes achieved to date for what cost/investment benefits and outcomes to be produced in the future resources, costs, investment , etc., required to produce future required outcomes and benefits (identify capital vs revenue costs, i.e., acquisition of major assets and Writing case, ongoing overheads) alternative methods or ways of Dissertation help satisfying needs, with relative cost/return (return on investment) comparisons (ie., what other ways might there be for satisfying the need if the group or project doesn't happen or ceases?) outline strategy and financial plan , including people, aims, philosophy , etc (ideally tuned to 3, meet the authorising power's fulfilment criteria) for proposed start or continuation of project (assuming you have a case, and assuming there is no better alternative) Keep it simple. Keep to the facts and figures. Dissertation Help. Provide evidence. Be clear and concise. Refer to the tips about on sunday effective writing.

If possible present your case in person to the decision-makers, with passion, calm confidence and Dissertation help, style. Look at the tips on presentations, and assertiveness. tips on philadelphia finding and working with business planning advisors and writing, consultants. If you need help putting together a business plan, and if you want to get the best from the engagement, it's important to find the homework on sunday right person to work with, and to establish and Dissertation help writing, maintain a good working relationship with them. Places To Do Homework In Public. If you are great big organisation you'll probably not need to Dissertation help writing, work with outsiders, and philadelphia, if you do then you'll probably opt for a great big supplier, however there are significant benefits from working with much smaller suppliers - even single operators - and if you are a small business yourself, then this is probably the best choice anyway: to seek a good single operator, or small partnership of experts. Here are some ideas of what to look for. You'll be best finding someone who meets as much of this criteria as possible: lives close-by you so you can work face-to-face with them and Dissertation help, get to know each other properly, and so that their time is efficiently used, instead of being in 3 traffic on Dissertation help their way to and from your place is writing services dallas, high integrity and very discreet is grown-up and got no baggage or emotional triggers - wise and mature - and it needn't be an age thing can help you see and decide where and how you want to take the business, rather than tell you where he/she thinks you need to go - a mentor not an instructor understands or can immediately relate to your industry sector and type of work is experienced working with small family companies, but is also a big picture strategist and visionary (advisors who've only Dissertation writing ever worked with big corporations can sometimes be a bit free and easy with relatively small amounts of money - you need someone with a very very practical approach to in counselling, managing cash-flow, and real business realities, who've worked in Dissertation help writing situations without the protection of vast corporate bureaucracy and the lack of transparency that this often brings) is accounting help, triple-brained or whole-brained - mostly front-brained - (see the stuff on Dissertation help writing Benziger) - intuitive-creative, thinking, but also able to be personable and grounded, subject to Places homework on sunday in public, the point below complements your own strengths and fills the gaps and weaknesses in Dissertation your collective abilities (again see the stuff on Benziger and Jung etc) - ie., if collectively you need hard facts and figures and Online help, logic then seek people with these strengths - conversely if you are strong on all this, then seek the creative humanist ethical strengths - he/she must work with you in a balanced team - so that the team has no blind spots, and no subjective biases in style or emphasis has two or three referees you can talk to and see evidence of past work (although if you check most of the above it will be a formality) doesn't smoke or drink too much isn't desperate for the work. As regards finding someone like this, without doubt the most reliable and quickest method is by networking introductions through trusted people.

The person you seek might be three or more links away, but if it's a friend or associate of someone trusted, by someone who's trusted, by someone you trust, then probably they'll be right for you. Start by talking to people you know and asking if they know anyone, or if they know anyone who might know anyone - and help, take it from there. The chances of finding the right person in the local business listings or directory, out Online help, of the blue and from cold, are pretty remote. Replying to adverts and marketing material from Dissertation writing consultants is Writing sentences year, a lottery too. You'll find someone eventually but you'll need to kiss a lot of Dissertation writing frogs first, which takes ages and is not the cleverest way to spend your valuable time. For something so important as business planning advice or consultancy use referrals every time. Referrals work not only because you get to find someone trusted, but the person you find has a reasonable assurance that you can be trusted too, you see: good suppliers are just as choosy as good clients. Gallagher Philadelphia. It works both ways. Be prepared to reward the person in whatever way is writing, appropriate and Writing medical case in counselling, fair (I'm thinking percentage share of incremental success beyond expectations - perhaps even equity share if the person is writing, really good and you'd value their on-going contribution and Write for me, help).

Often the best people won't ask for Dissertation help, much money up front at all, but from Hugh gallagher your point of view you will attract a lot more commitment and work beyond the call of normal duty from them if you reward higher than they ask or need. Good suppliers are immensely motivated by help writing, good clients and lots of appreciation, even if they don't want the financial reward. Good suppliers have usually seen too many ungrateful greedy people taking them for granted and penny pinching, and will tend to accounting, sack clients like these without even telling them why, and move on to more deserving enjoyable work with people who are fair and appreciative, which is help, how you'll be I'm sure. Finally, when you've found the right person, always continually agree expectations and Online accounting help, invite feedback about Dissertation how the relationship is Hugh gallagher philadelphia, working, not just how the work is going. starting your own business - or starting any new business. These are the Dissertation writing simple rules for planning and homework, starting your own business.

The principles also apply to planning and starting a new business within an organisation for someone else. In amongst the distractions and details of new business planning, it is important to keep sight of the Dissertation basic rules of new business success: Your successful new business must offer something unique that people want. Uniqueness is vital because otherwise there is no reason for customers to help you, buy from you. Anyone can be or create a unique business proposition by thinking about it clearly. Uniqueness comes in all shapes and help writing, sizes - it's chiefly being especially good and Places on sunday in public, different in a particular area, or field or sector.

Uniqueness can be in a product or service, or in a trading method, or in you yourself, or any other aspect of your business which makes what you are offering special and appealing to people. You will develop your own unique offering first by identifying what people want and which nobody is providing properly. Second you must ensure that your chosen unique offering is also an extension of Dissertation writing your own passion or particular expertise or strength - something you will love and enjoy being the best at - whatever it is. Every successful business is built on someone's passion. new business start-ups by older people. If you already have a career behind you, and Hugh gallagher, you wonder if you've got it in you to compete and succeed in the modern world, consider this. First - you have definitely got it in you to succeed. Experience and wisdom are fundamental building blocks of success, and will be for you from the moment you start looking at yourself in this way. The reassuring wisdom that older people generally possess is extremely helpful in forming trusting relationships - with customers, suppliers, partners, colleagues, etc - which are essential for Dissertation help, good business.

Added to this, as we get older we have a greater understanding of our true passions and capabilities; we know our strengths and styles and tolerances. This gives older people a very special potency in business. Older people know what they are good at. They play to accounting help, their strengths. They know which battles they can win, and which to avoid. Older people are also typically better at handling change and adapting to new things than younger people. This is because older people have had more experience doing just this. Adapting to change and working around things are significant capabilities in achieving new business success.

If you are an older person considering starting a new business, think about the things you can do better than most other people - think about your strengths and use them. business start-ups for younger people. Younger people can be very successful starting new businesses just as much as older people can be. The essential principle of playing to your strengths applies, although the implications are different for younger people compared to older people. Younger people are likely to have lots of fresh ideas. Help. This is an advantage, so avoid people pour cold water on Places in public them. Test your ideas on help potential customers, rather than to take advice from Places on sunday those people who are ready with their buckets of water. Next, get the help you need. It's difficult for young people to know all the answers.

You'll have the ideas and Dissertation, the energy to make things happen, but consider the for me pay gaps in your experience, and the things you don't enjoy doing, and seek good quality reliable help for these things. Getting good help at what you can't do or don't want to do will enable you to put all your energy into what you are good at Dissertation and what you want to spend your time doing. Young people sometimes try to force themselves to fit into roles or responsibilities that are not comfortable or natural. This is de-stabilising and stressful. Learn what you love and excel at, and sentences year 3, focus on building success from this. Which brings us back to playing to your strengths. All successful businesses (and people who become successful working for others) are based on the person using personal strengths and pursuing personal passions. Success in business is Dissertation help writing, always based on doing something you love and enjoy, which is fundamentally related to your natural strengths and unique personal potential, whatever that is.

The sooner you identify these things in for me pay yourself, the sooner will build sustainable business success. planning business success - in summary. Spreadsheets, mission statements, planning templates and other process elements of new business creation and development are tools. They enable the help writing business to be properly structured, started and run. Places To Do Homework On Sunday. They are essential of course, but in themselves they don't determine success. Business success is determined by deeper factors. Increasingly business success depends on having a solid philosophical foundation - where relevant interests, inside and outside of the Dissertation writing organization, are balanced rather than conflicting. The bigger the business, the more widely it must consider how it relates to external interests and responsibilities - to society and the world at large.

A business with this sort of harmony and Professional business, balance built into its shape and Dissertation help writing, principles at the outset has a huge advantage over a business which contains tensions and competing pressures. Online Accounting Homework. Within these considerations, relationships - as explained by the Psychological Contract - are crucially important in every business. Businesses ultimately depend on Dissertation help people, and people depend on Writing case studies relationships. Aside from Dissertation help writing this - and without diminishing the significance of other vital business components such as reliability, value, quality, etc., which are necessary merely to survive at a basic level - uniqueness and passion are the remaining special ingredients for success: Uniqueness (just one word, with so many implications) - so that people will want what you offer, and Passion, so that you will enjoy being and offering your best - and so that this belief and commitment conveys to others.

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analyze essays How to write your best essay ever! English biz has separate guides for each of the types of writing you'll meet on your course but this particular guide is probably the writing most important of them all. It will show you how to construct an effective, well-structured argument-based essay. How do you feel when you're given an Online you, essay to help writing write? Do you fill with f-f-fear? W-w-wobble with worry?

P-p-pour with perspiration? Well, here's a way that make the Professional business plan services dallas tx whole process more satisfying and enjoyable! Okay, he's off his rocker (but we won't worry as he's not real!). Dissertation! He's yet to discover that writing an essay is never going to be an easy task, even for the best writers. Case Studies In Counselling! But you're about to find out how it can be made much more straightforward , interesting and effective . Oh, and likely to gain you a significantly higher grade, too! So that's something to feel, well. just a little bit excited about!

It's important to understand one thing before we start: unlike a maths or science question, an English essay question has no single 'correct' answer. Dissertation! You can breathe easy on papers for me that one. It's just not like that. Dissertation Writing! In an English essay there is no one 'answer' and accounting homework help, nothing to 'prove'. That isn't to say there aren't wrong answers - there are. These are those based on 'mis-readings' of your texts. But what your teacher or examiner wants is a reasonable, informed, explained and well-supported view . In a nutshell, that's it. An essay requires this from you: a succinct opening in Dissertation help which you give an overview of your response to the essay question.

This is a kind of 'super-condensed' response that sums up your whole response in a line or two. you can add to the opening sentences, a very brief explanation of wh at aspects of the text brought you to this view . If you can give, say, four - six aspects, then you are setting out the coming structure of accounting homework help you, your essay . There is help, no better way to begin an essay than like this. Places! From this point on you will never be left scratching your head wondering what to help write next. the Professional business plan writing services tx remainder of the essay is merely a series of PEE paragraphs that, point by point, argue the case for what you have just stated. Help Writing! Each point (P) needs its own paragraph and to have support (E) from the Professional business writing services dallas tx text (either a quotation, or an explanation of some aspect of form or structure ) along with with an explanation (E) of how the text brought you to such a view, the effects it created, the help methods the author used to philadelphia create the effects and, finally, its relevance to the text, that is, the author's purposes . Writing! That's it. Done and dusted! More detail below if needed. The secret of a good essay? Make it an argument ! An effective essay is a piece of writing that makes a strong and well-supported case for a stated viewpoint . The view it makes the case for writing is your response to the essay title or question . You'll have arrived at writing, after a couple of readings of the text, more if a poem, and one of studies, which will be a so-called 'close-reading' when you annotate the Dissertation help writing text carefully in line with whatever the sentences year essay question asks, seeking out support as quotations or explanations of useful effects created by form and structure . So your essay starts with a clear statement of your opinion . It could be something like, as an example: 'Shakespeare's theme of violence in Dissertation writing Romeo and Juliet is shown especially effectively through the help you opening scene, as well as through the characters of Mercutio and Tybalt and an analysis of these three dramatic aspects will form the basis of this essay.' The opening overview is sometimes called a thesis statement . The 'thesis' is your response, i.e. the heart of help writing, your 'argument'.

It's what the essay goes on to explain and support to show that it is a view that is well - considered, based on the text and Online accounting you, reasonable to hold . Essays are about opinions, not facts. This point is crucial to take on board. There is help writing, never a straightforward right answer to Writing descriptive year an essay q uestion or title. Help Writing! There are wrong answers, of course - caused through, for example, misinterpreting the text; but the 'answer' to year 3 an essay question will always be a point of view . Writing! Essays deal in opinions, not facts . This is why your teacher is looking to read your views and why you have come to think in this particular way. How do you arrive at Write pay, a 'thesis' or overview? This is the tough part - there#39;s no getting away from that. Not least, this is because it puts to the test your knowledge of the text and your understanding of the essay title or question . The good news is that when it's done and done well, the remainder of the essay becomes much more straightforward and far more interesting to write, perhaps even a little exciting! The Outline Structure for Dissertation help writing an Effective Essay.

As already stated above, this first paragraph needs to open with a clearly stated summary of Writing medical, your whole 'answer' along with an equally brief summary of the aspects of the text you'll be analysing to show your stated view is sound . It is these early sentences that provide the major 'signposts' that give your essay and its general direction. Importantly, you need to set a confident tone early on in the Dissertation writing essay. This can be done by adding in a very few details to show you've grasped the year 3 text's big picture . Dissertation Help! This should be a brief comment (brevity is everything in business plan writing services the opening paragraph) on writing the major details of the story (poem or whatever) along with an equally brief statement of any relevant context , (that is the Write for me situation you feel brought the writer to want to write their text, including key aspects of their social , cultural and literary contexts ). This will, though, always need to be focused on the needs of the essay question . Help Writing! Notice how you are constantly seeking to avoid waffle and generalised 'bolted on' comments ; instead, you need to keep all you write tightly focused on the needs of the essay title or question. Hugh Gallagher! This is the bulk of the Dissertation help essay. It is a series of paragraphs each introduced with a new clear important and wholly relevant point . Sadly, it's all too easy to open a in a way that inspires little confidence and which drifts from the essay question or argument. Avoid this by opening each and every paragraph in a way that is clearly and Writing medical case studies, directly developing the Dissertation help essay's 'answer' or argument . If you started by stating the four-six aspects you'll be covering in your essay, then you'll have no difficulty knowing what to to do homework on sunday in public write in Dissertation these body paragraphs. This is where you restate, in a different form, your opening argument and give a brief list of the major points you have made along with a comment about the wider implications and relevance of what you have found. It will help to think back to the imaginary classroom situation. What would follow on from the highly condensed 'answer' you gave to your teacher? Your teacher might say, 'Good, that's a fair view to hold - but why do you think that? Show me from the text itself what made you think that way.' In the written essay, you'll need to be providing a whole lot more 'evidence' mainly in the form of sentences year, quotations each one itself supported by a commentary derived from an analysis of the quotation's literary and linguistic content . However, with a central and writing, guiding argument starting off and flowing through the entire essay, it now becomes much easier to search the text for aspects and quotations that will provide good quality evidence to support the essay's points.

Each point and supporting quotation needs to be followed by an analysis and comment . Some teachers call this the P.E.E. Accounting Homework Help You! ( point example explanation ) or P.Q.C. ( point quotation comment ) system. This is needed to explain how and why the Dissertation aspect of the text or the quotation 'works' within the context of the essay question and the originally stated argument. Certain key questions need to Places on sunday be answered concerning each quotation used: What techniques have been used to Dissertation help make the language of the quotation effective? This means discussing the writer's methods , e.g. through the creation of realistic dialogue; the use of an effective metaphor; through vivid description; onomatopoeia; alliteration; effective stage directions, etc. How does the method used affect the reader's understanding of the Online text and its themes (e.g. Dissertation Help! 'the effect of this passage is to Writing medical studies create a sense of really being there for the reader. ')? Why was this method used (i.e. what was the writing writer's purpose )? E.g. 'At this point on the story the author wants to gain the reader's attention in order to begin exploring the overall theme of injustice. ' MARK GRABBING TIP No.

1! Begin all of your paragraphs in such a way that it is absolutely clear you are focused on the essay question and its requirements, thus building up your overall argument. This will keep the essay on track and avoid the plague of poor essays: wandering, digression and waffle! What if your essay title isn't in the form of a question? When considered as a question, you will often find it is Write papers for me pay, easier to Dissertation generate that all-important single main point of view to it - the main idea upon which you will then base the Hugh philadelphia remainder of your essay . Here is an help, example of a main idea succinctly stated (i.e. thesis statement ) that could be used to create an argument essay from the Hugh gallagher philadelphia above question: The remainder of this - or any other - essay must then be no more than a linked series of points with each point explained , developed and supported in a paragraph of its own . These points must all be directly related to the main idea you have already explained in the opening paragraph, which itself is your response to the essay title or question. Remember that each point - each paragraph - must set out to explain , develop and support some aspect of Dissertation writing, your over-riding main idea and Online help you, nothing more . In this example, the paragraph that follows the opening paragraph - the first of what is called the body paragraphs of your essay - could be based on the point that the theme of writing, ambition is shown through what Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are given by Shakespeare to say and Hugh philadelphia, do in Act One of the play. The third paragraph of your essay - its second body paragraph - might then explore, develop and Dissertation help, support how the theme of medical case studies, ambition is shown through these two characters in some part of Act 2, and so on.

Below you'll find lots more detail and ideas for help writing writing an effective essay but with luck, the above will have given you the basic idea. Places To Do Homework In Public! Aim to 'integrate' words or phrases from the text you are studying directly into your own sentences (still using quotation marks, of course). Don't overdo this effective technique, but used sparingly, this use of 'embedded' quotations can help create a very impressive style, one that suggests you have a good grasp of the text and the essay question. Here are some examples of how to use embedded quotations. The first is from the opening of John Steinbeck's novel, 'Of Mice and writing, Men': 'Small and quick' George is presented by Steinbeck as a character in you complete contrast to his friend, the lumbering and 'shapeless' Lennie. Here is a similarly embedded quotation from J B Priestley's 'An Inspector Calls': As the Inspector says, 'We don't live alone' and help writing, this is an important message Priestley gives his audience. Business Plan Writing Services! Finally, see how this can be done using John Agard's poem, 'Half-Caste': Perhaps Agard also wants his reader to writing 'come back tomorrow' with a different attitude towards those they might feel are in any way different from themselves. MORE TIPS AND MORE DETAIL! Essays take a great deal of effort and time and so deserve careful preparation. T he most common failing examiners find is a lack of understanding of the Hugh gallagher text on which the essay is based.

This is to take the road signpos ted 'Failure'. But you're heading elsewhere. Dissertation Help Writing! So. get to know your text well. You won't succeed if you don't! I f you struggle with the text, read it through again with a study guide to hand. Also, talk the Professional business tx text over with friends or your teacher. There is Dissertation, more help with specific texts here . Many essay writers fail to create an initial main viewpoint or drift from this single focus. This loses marks as it leads to waffle , vagueness and generalisation . As you've read above, another common pitfall is to focus too much on the surface features of the text you are writing about.

This happens when you write at length about the meaning of the text, i.e. by telling what happens in it. In effect, all you are doing when you do this is to Writing retell the Dissertation story of the text. You need to be discussing how and why the author has created an Writing case studies, effective text through careful, interesting and writing, effective choices of style and language as well as structure . Professional Business Writing Dallas Tx! M ore marks are lost if you forget the need to support the points you make in each paragraph. A good idea is to try to use at Dissertation help writing, least one quotation - or reference to the text - per Professional services dallas, paragraph. Remember, too, that this is an English essay and this means you need to reflect how authors use language and literary techniques in effective ways in their writing . Aim only to choose quotations that contain important elements in them that will allow you to discuss in depth aspects of, for example, their literary style , language or structure. Consider discussing, for example, how the quotation acts to build tension , mood , character , a sense of help writing, place or how it helps explore one of the text's themes . Discuss, too, how the quotation works both at the point it occurs and medical studies in counselling, as a contribution to the whole , i.e. the way it helps the writer achieve his or her purpose . This means you need to discuss aspects of the quotation such as its effectiveness - which means discussing aspects of language , structure and style . 1. DEVELOP A STRONG INITIAL FOCUS FOR YOUR ESSAY. The word 'essay' comes from a French word meaning 'attempt': your essay is your attempt to argue for your point of view , a view that when succinctly expressed is called a thesis statement . This 'thesis statement' needs to be an idea you developed based on an interpretation of whatever aspect of the text is asked in the essay question. Interpretation means considering how a text operates at different levels ; it is your interpretation of the text that will be at the heart of the essay: an interpretation that must supports the overall thesis statement.

2. FIND SOLID SUPPORT FOR YOUR VIEWPOINT. You will need to search through the text and help writing, note down a series of aspects and quotations that can be used to support the overall view you have developed. Use 'post-it notes' to help with this or write the Hugh gallagher aspects/quotations down separately. Choose aspects or quotations that you can analyse successfully for the methods used , effects created and purpose intended . Dissertation! 3. WRITE AN EFFECTIVE OPENING PARAGRAPH. Writing Year 3! Use your introductory paragraph to state your point of view , i.e. your thesis statement. Dissertation! The purpose of your opening paragraph is to make clear your thesis statement - response to the essay question: that is, to explain the focus of Writing medical, your argument - your main idea or point of view. Stated clearly at help writing, the opening to your essay, this shows how you intend to answer the Hugh essay question and help, what general direction your essay will take. Following your thesis statement, it's a good idea to homework on sunday add a little more detail that acts to Dissertation writing 'preview' each of the major points that you will cover in sentences year 3 the body of the essay. This opening paragraph will then act to Dissertation help show - succinctly - where you stand regarding the questions and how you intend to answer it. Importantly, in the opening paragraph of your essay you will also need to Writing sentences write an overview of the text, one that gives a succinct summary of the ' big picture ' of the text; importantly, too, of course, this must be focused on the requirements of the essay question. Giving a succinct account of the big picture of the text in Dissertation help writing the opening paragraph will show that you have engaged with and Hugh, digested the detail of three key aspects of the essay: the essay question, the text and its author - perhaps also, a brief account of the author's context . Giving an overview suggests a confident approach and is a hallmark of the best essays.

TIP: It is always impressive to incorporate into your own sentences, using quotation marks of course, a short suitable quotation taken from the text. Some teachers call this using embedded quotations. Keep all references to Dissertation writing the biographical background of the Hugh philadelphia author and Dissertation writing, any aspects of his or her context entirely relevant to the essay question and - brief! Remember that this is not a history or a sociology essay so very few marks are awarded for Online help you this kind of background information (although that does not mean it might not be useful). The majority of marks in an English essay are awarded for the quality of writing, analysis and interpretation you show - that is, an awareness of the author's uses of the English language and literary uses of this. If your essay title does concern aspects of context try hard to discuss context by deriving your comments from quotations rather than by merely discussing aspects of to do homework on sunday, context; in Dissertation help other words allow the text to introduce the gallagher context. Writing! TIP: avoid making simplistic and irrelevant value judgments of the text or its author. Saying that Shakespeare is 'a wonderful author' or that you think 'Of Mice and Men' is accounting help you, 'really good' will gain no marks whatsoever - this is Dissertation, no more than a kind of waffle that fills space with empty words that add nothing useful to your essay. Professional Writing Services Dallas Tx! 4. USE THE REMAINING PARAGRAPHS EFFECTIVELY.

Follow the opening paragraph with a number of Dissertation, paragraphs that form the gallagher 'body' of the essay. Each of these paragraphs are there purely to expand on and support your originally stated overall viewpoint. Dissertation Help! Having stated your main idea in plan services tx your opening paragraph, now you need explore this, develop it and help, provide support from the text for this. In the essay's body paragraphs your aim is to: follow the analysis system called P.E.E. Gallagher! or P.Q.C. For more on help this see here ; work through the text's structure logically and, highlighting via the use of quotations, explain how these led you to develop your point of Writing sentences 3, view; comment on how the language of each of these parts led you to form your interpretation: why did the author choose this particular type of language to make this point in this way? How does it help a) the Dissertation help audience and b) the writer's purpose or theme ? discuss how this individual part of the text forms a useful structural part of the text by leading the you reader towards an Dissertation, overall understanding of the themes, messages or purposes of the text; CRUCIALLY. To Do On Sunday! each paragraph needs to develop a separate and individual point - one that will help to show how different parts and aspects of the text helped you develop your interpretation and viewpoint (this is the help writing POINT part of P.E.E.); A useful tip is to open each paragraph with a topic sentence . This is a sentence that clearly makes a point that is Writing year, developing your argument - your answer to the essay question - and, because it is, therefore, clearly focused on the essay question, it will keep your writing on track; Always aim to provide support for each of the points you make by help, referring directly to the text (this is the EXAMPLE part of P.E.E.). You normally do this by quoting briefly from a relevant part of the text but you might choose to describe an event.

It's very important NOT to write a long description of studies in counselling, WHAT happens. If you do you are merely 'retelling the story' - this loses many marks. In a play you also lose marks if you do not discuss aspects of the staging and stage action. You will need to Dissertation writing follow each quotation with an explanation of and a discussion on Hugh gallagher philadelphia aspects of the writing language the Writing medical case author used in the quotation; this means discussing, for example, how aspects of the writing quotations literary, poetic or dramatic language works, including mentioning the method the writer used, the effect the language creates and the reasons this might have been done (this is the EXPLAIN part of P.E.E). You should also aim to Places homework on sunday show how the quotation helped you develop your overall interpretation of the text (this is also the EXPLAIN part of P.E.E). 5. CREATE A LOGICAL STRUCTURE. Always work in a clear way through the text, from Dissertation help writing, beginning to end. Avoid starting your essay by discussing a point that occurs half way through your text: ALWAYS begin at the beginning! Many students begin discussing a text half way through or even near the end then go back to to do on sunday an earlier point. This ignores the work the writer puts in to develop an effective structure to their text - and loses marks! 6. Dissertation Help Writing! CONCLUDE EFFECTIVELY.

The conclusion to an essay is important but causes problems for many students. It should leave your reader with a pleasant and logical sense of 'closure' - a 'wrapping up' of the main ideas behind the Places on sunday essay . Help Writing! 1. Re-state in a different form (using rather different words) your opening argument. 2. Now bring together your main points (again, avoiding simple repetition of the same words): list or summarise the main points from the preceding paragraphs (use the topic sentences from writing services tx, each paragraph to give you an idea). 3. End by identifying some of the wider implications and relevance that arise from Dissertation, what you have found and explored. The conclusion should consist of just a few sentences but these will need to be made to sound convincing and authoritative . It's crucial to keep the conclusion brief and to the point and, above all else, to introduce no new material at all. ALWAYS WRITE ANALYTICALLY , NEVER DESCRIPTIVELY. Here is an example of how many students go wrong; don't worry, you won't - but this is a very common mistake: In William Shakespeare's play, 'Romeo and Juliet', these are the first two lines of the 'Prologue' as spoken by 'The Chorus': 'Two households, both alike in philadelphia dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene. ' What follows is a typical 'retelling': an 'overview' or 'translation' that gains no marks : 'Here, Shakespeare is saying that the play is set in Verona where there are two dignified families.' Compare the above 'description' with this analytical and insightful interpretation : 'The opening lines of the Prologue are important because they paint a picture for the audience of writing, what could and should be - fairness and dignity. Philadelphia! These words set up a powerful contrast to Dissertation help what is: the violence, hatred and bloodshed shown in the coming scene. It will be against this violent backdrop that the pure love of Romeo and Juliet will have to struggle.' Which approach and style would gain the higher mark? STUCK FOR WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT?

THERE ARE FOUR KEY ASPECTS THAT APPLY TO ALL TEXTS AND WHICH SHOULD FORM THE BASIS OF ANY LITERATURE ESSAY. FORM, CONTENT, STRUCTURE AND STYLE. This is so very often ignored despite the fact that it provides the basis for the very best essays because it provides a subtle response. And subtlety always receives the highest marks ! When you write about a text at the level of its form , you analyse how aspects of it other than the meaning of its language have been used by the writer in Professional business plan services important and effective ways. To give you an idea of the importance of form to a text, you yourself make use of the form of language when you speak loudly or softly , or when you chat or text a friend and use CAPS LOCK. Also, when you create short or long sentences or paragraphs you are affecting the look - the form - of your writing. This, albeit subtly, affects the way the writing is received and interpreted.

A novelist makes use of form by writing in sentences and help, paragraphs of varying lengths (you can imagine the effect a very short sentence, or a one-line paragraph, for example). The use of dialogue (spoken words shown inside speech marks) is also an effective use of form, as is the use of underlining , bold or italics - or, in non-fiction texts, the inclusion of bullet points or sections. Poets are acutely aware of and business plan writing dallas tx, very creative with the use of form. A poet makes use of form, for example, by consciously splitting up sentences into the lines of poetry . This allows the poet to exaggerate a particular word by placing it at help, the end of a line, or by rhyming it with a similar sounding word. A non-fiction writer makes use of form by using layout and appearance and by adding illustrations and photographs , and so on.

All writers use form by using patterns of sound , such as by using alliteration , rhyme , rhythm , onomatopoeia , assonance and so on. A playwright, of course, uses form very differently. When your essay concerns a play, therefore, you'll definitely be losing marks if you ignore aspects of Hugh gallagher, form. In a play, much of the 'meaning' is created not from language but from what you see happening on Dissertation the stage - the staging and stage action. This includes not just what the actors do but what they wear , where they stand and so on medical studies in counselling - all potentially important formal aspects of the play that should find their way onto help writing, your essay. Form is always worthy of comment when (but only when ) if it adds usefully to the meaning, i.e. the content of a text. Every word and phrase has a literal meaning . This is its basic dictionary meaning. It's sometimes called a word's denotation . E.g. 'In this story, the Places homework author's detailed description of darkness denotes the coming on of a storm'. This is a way of Dissertation help, 'playing' around with a word's meaning that makes writing more vivid , emotional and interesting . Words and phrases can be used differently from their literal context and given what is called a connotation . Using connotation or figurative language , a writer can introduce layers of meaning - especially emotional meaning (don't forget that many words can create both meaning and feeling ). The most common way this is done is to use a word not for its literal meaning but for its metaphorical or figurative meaning. Another way is to use a word that acts as symbolically and represents something very different from its literal meaning. E.g. 'As well as suggesting the coming of accounting homework you, a storm, the darkness also acts to suggest a metaphorical darkness is taking over the character's mind.

In this way the darkness seems to Dissertation be symbolising a kind of evil'. Using a pun - a witty play on words - is another way that meaning can be played with in an interesting way. Punning works because some words, in gallagher philadelphia a certain context, can have an ambiguous meaning - two possible meanings - one of which might be humorous. Irony is a key way that writers use to Dissertation writing create layers of meaning. Sarcasm is irony, but this is philadelphia, a spoken form of irony that is intended to Dissertation help hurt someone's feelings by ridiculing some aspect of them.

It's a crude, easy kind of irony not really subtle enough for writing. Irony is Places to do homework on sunday in public, usually subtle , sophisticated , edgy and witty ; an altogether more intelligent use of language. But irony can also be difficult to recognise - yet it is probably true to say that irony is one of the most common means by which a sophisticated writer creates layers of meaning in a text . Irony works because when it is recognised, it engages the reader very much more closely with the Dissertation writing text. This is for me pay, because, rather like solving a puzzle, there is a real enjoyment and satisfaction in unpicking the various levels of meaning created by the irony. Creating an 'ironic tone of voice' in writing is much harder than in speech because the original sound of voice and facial expression or body language of the speaker are absent. To create an ironic tone (or any tone, for that matter), words have to Dissertation help be chosen with great care.

It is a key reading skill to be able to detect this as it tells you what attitude the writer is taking towards their subject matter. An example of irony occurs in an old story by Online accounting, O. Henry called 'The Gift of the Dissertation Magi'. This story of poor young lovers ends with the boyfriend selling the one thing he owns of sentences year, value, his pocket watch, in order to buy his girlfriend an expensive hair comb; equally secretly, she has all of her long hair cut off to sell to a wig maker so she can afford to buy him. a chain for his watch. Structure is the way a writer consciously 'shapes' a piece of writing in an attempt to make it as effective as possible for their audience and their purpose. It is important to comment on the structure of a text, e.g. 'The way the author slowly builds up the tension throughout this chapter helps create a feeling of real excitement and mystery'. Style is the way a writer or speaker consciously chooses language and language features to suit a particular audience to achieve a specific purpose . When you aim to convince your mum that Friday's party cannot be missed, you will consciously adapt your style to one that is more emotional and persuasive! Some famous writers have a particular style of their own that is quickly recognisable. John Steinbeck, Charles Dickens and William Wordsworth are three such writers - here, a writer's individual style is sometimes referred to as the writer's 'voice'. Your primary job when analysing and help writing, discussing a text is to comment on its style - on what are called the stylistic or language choices its writer has made, especially those that seem to you to have been chosen to create a particular effect to achieve a certain purpose. So. if you are commenting on the form and content of a writer's language, you are commenting on the writer's style . Philadelphia! COMPARING TWO OR MORE TEXTS. Even though it's a central part of the mark scheme, and Dissertation, always made clear in the essay question or title, each year many students still manage to write their comparison exam answer or coursework essay and forget to compare and contrast the texts . Homework You! Aside from not knowing the texts sufficiently well, failing to compare and contrast is the Dissertation help writing number one reason marks are lost in Writing medical case in counselling this kind of essay.

When writing about more than one text, your opening paragraph should be used to give the briefest details of each text (i.e. your writing needs to be succinct !). This will mean being even more careful and sparing when you write an overview of each text, in which you give the help writing big picture . Studies! There are two methods you can consider using when comparing texts: 1) Write about the first text fully before moving on Dissertation to the second - still using the techniques outlined above; but when you go on to write about the Places homework second text, you must compare and contrast it with the first. Dissertation! 2) Alternatively, and this makes the most sense when thinking about the argument essay, you write about services both texts as you proceed . This allows you still, as shown above, to create a central argument , one in writing which examples to support the Hugh points are taken from one or both texts as relevant to the point. This second method is the more complex and sophisticated of the Dissertation help writing two.

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Career Goal As A Registered Nurse Essay Essays and Research Papers. Career Research Paper Senior Exhibition Twain-Morse Registered Nurse (RN) Mae Delfin Mae Delfin Period 3 January . 12, 2015 Registered Nurse (RN) Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to Dissertation be a nurse and help people who were ill. As I got older, I got more information and decided that I wanted to become a Registered Nurse (RN). Registered nurses care for patients and educate them on health issues to prevent future illnesses. Along with technical skills necessary for the medical profession. Academic degree , Associate's degree , Bachelor of Science in Nursing 1109 Words | 5 Pages. The Registered Nurse Career Field. addressed as a nurse , will respond (Frederickson, 4).

Nursing occupations make up the largest group of Write for me pay, workers in the health care field. Such . occupations include Advance Practice Nurses , Certified Nurse -Midwives, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Community Health Nurses , Critical Care Nurses , Emergency Nurses , Geriatric Nurses , Home Health Care and Hospice Nurses , Legal Nurse Consultants, Licensed-Practical Nurses , Neonatal Nurses , Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Assistants, Nurse Managers, Nurse Practitioners. Associate's degree , Health , Health care 1081 Words | 4 Pages. The Consensus Model vs The New Jersey Board of Nursing Abstract Advanced practice nursing is help writing, a growing and evolving career . in nursing. Understanding the sentences 3 definition and the core roles of an Advanced Practice Nurse is imperative. According to the Consensus Model, “Advanced practice registered nurses are licensed independent practitioners who are expected to help writing practice within standards established or recognized by a licensing body.” (Consensus Model for APRN Regulation: Licensure. Advanced practice nurse , Clinical nurse specialist , New Jersey 1236 Words | 4 Pages. Registered Nursing as a Career Registered nurses are medically trained individuals who care for . Hugh Gallagher Philadelphia! patients in different settings. Registered nurses implement the patients’ care plan.

Nursing duties include dispensing medicine, recording patients’ past medical history, and observe reactions to treatments – not parallel/see pg. Dissertation! 24-26 in homework help FAQs (US Department of Labor, 2008). According to Tracy Ingram (personal communication, October 29, 2008) registered nurses are not legally not permitted to change. Bachelor of Science in Nursing , Healthcare occupations , Licensed practical nurse 1390 Words | 5 Pages. in sickle cell patients.

My efforts are focus on examining the adhesiveness of Dissertation writing, their abnormal blood cells and Online how to help writing prevent it, if possible. With this . Papers For Me! study, answers to stroke prevention in sickle cell patients may also be discovered. Dissertation Writing! As a registered nurse living with the sickle cell trait and having lost two family members (ages 7 and 29) to this disease, I find nursing research to medical case studies be an Dissertation writing added treasure to Professional writing tx discovering the cause of their pain. Literature Search A systematic review of Dissertation help writing, existing. Blood transfusion , Hematology , Heterozygote advantage 860 Words | 3 Pages. 2013 In the health care system nurses are taking the important role. Bed side nurses , school health . nurse , nurses in different leadership positions etc. We can see many obstacles in the fast changing health care systems.

To prevent these obstacles, institution such as IOM (Institute of Medicine) and RWJF (Robert wood Johnson Foundation), introduced a two year plan to Write papers for me pay make some changes to remodel and help repair the nursing profession. The nurses have to provide a high quality nursing care. Advanced practice nurse , Bachelor of Science in services tx Nursing , Healthcare 1195 Words | 3 Pages. Career Essay : Nursing Nursing is defined as “the practice or profession of Dissertation help, caring for Hugh, the sick and injured” . ( Regardless of the Dissertation simplicity of the definition, nursing is a very complex career that as it might already imply, carries many responsibilities and complications. Nonetheless, nursing is homework on sunday, a rewarding career that offers intrapersonal growth and various career advancement opportunities. Within the nursing profession there are many sub-groups depending on the degree. American Nurses Association , Bachelor of help writing, Science in 3 Nursing , Health 1581 Words | 5 Pages. supported them.

Yet many practitioners keep performing them, despite recent research that suggests they should be changed. This article examines these three . practices critically. Instilling NSS before ET suctioning: Helpful or harmful? For years, nurses and respiratory therapists have been taught to instill 5 ml of Dissertation writing, sterile NSS into Write for me pay, a patient’s endotracheal (ET) tube before suctioning. According to the traditional theory, this practice decreases mucosal viscosity, eases secretion removal, and improves. Glasgow Coma Scale , Health care , Health care provider 1792 Words | 6 Pages. Essay Question: What are your short-term and help writing long-term career goals ? How will the Columbia Business School MBA . help you achieve these goals ? I have always been told to figure out case in counselling what you like to do and then make a career out of it.

Eight years ago, armed with this bit of philosophy, I set out to find out what I liked to do. Help Writing! Before entering college I realized that my interests lay in business. In college, my courses in business were the Professional writing services tx ones looked forward to the most, and my business projects. Business , Business school , China 996 Words | 3 Pages. 4 March 2014 The topic I have chose for writing, my senior project is dallas, registered nursing. Dissertation Writing! One of the minor problems I have is selecting . my mentor. I want to choose a nurse who has been in this career for a rather long time. Writing Case Studies! I feel this would benefit me more than someone who has only been a nurse for a short period of time. Another problem is deciding if I want to be a specific type of help, registered nurse . When I started my project, the only set back I may have had was.

2006 albums , English-language films , Need 580 Words | 2 Pages. Why Mba – How to Write the Career Goals Essay. and only one thing – namely, your PROFESSIONAL GOALS . Yes, professional goals are important enough to to do homework on sunday in public warrant bold, underline and . capitalization! What is the AdCom trying to understand by asking this question? Let me start off by help, saying that this question is one of the pillars on which your MBA application rests.

This question helps the Professional dallas school understand your reasons for wanting an MBA and they use your answer to help writing evaluate if your post MBA goals make sense and whether or not they are in tune. Business school , Goal , Management 1026 Words | 4 Pages. Application: Registered Nurse Track. language? Yes Spring First Name MI Maiden and/or previous last names State Zip Code Country of Citizenship Email 2nd Phone Number No . Fall Year: VISA Type ( international student) Term you wish to begin classes at LSN: Registered NurseTrack LPN to RN Track Spring Yes Fall Year: No Do you plan to take prerequisite university courses at LSN prior to entering one of the nursing tracks?

Please see the homework on sunday LSN Bulletin or website for required university courses. Writing! If yes. ACT , Bachelor of papers for me, Science in writing Nursing , Education in the United States 886 Words | 5 Pages. Rex Plex for a central meeting arena for sports events such as running 5k’s for frequent individual fund raising. Having several clean well-kept parks and a . recent addition of Online accounting you, a biking/walking route that extends over the entire Des Moines County. Goals for population health to work on Dissertation writing, would be the number of elders (longevity) living in Des Moines County nursing homes. More area assisted living and long-term care facilities need upkeep and gallagher philadelphia development. Dissertation Help! Reduction of the proportion of people living.

Emergency management , Health , Health care 1677 Words | 6 Pages. Creating a Career Objective Dorothy Domkowski Denise Saunders Objectives 1. To learn the purpose of a career objective. 2. . Medical Case In Counselling! To understand the Dissertation help writing parts of homework help, a career objective. Dissertation! 3. Online Homework You! To write a career objective that is not too broad or too narrow. Introduction A job campaign consists of Dissertation, many tasks: writing a resume, finding potential employers, reviewing job openings, creating application letters, networking, interviewing, receiving rejections, negotiating job offers, and making many decisions.

The. Employment , Goal , Identification 1764 Words | 6 Pages. Violence Against Student Nurses and Writing medical case Newly Registered Nurses. against student nurses and help newly registered nurses Abstract Workplace violence toward student . nurses and newly registered nurses must be eliminated. Nursing students and new nurses are particularly vulnerable to acts of violence. This article discusses the status of the workplace violence of business writing dallas, nurses , the effects of violence on students and new nurses , and Dissertation some strategies can be used to reduce the workplace violence to nurses . Keywords: student nurses , newly registered nurses , workplace violence . Abuse , Domestic violence , Health care 1063 Words | 3 Pages.

Career Goals Over the past few decades, people have drastically changed the way they choose their career . . Times have changed a great deal, and descriptive year people no longer feel forced into a certain profession. People are now given endless choices and help possibilities, and it is up to them to decide what they want to Places homework do the rest of their lives. When facing these important decisions, it is very easy to become confused. Dissertation Help Writing! I once was very uncertain about for me pay, any career goals I may have had, but now, I am more sure. Architect , Computer , Frank Lloyd Wright 951 Words | 3 Pages. ? Career Goals Heather Ford English 111 Professor Becca Agee October 20, 2014 Choosing a career is one . of the writing most important decisions a person has to make in their life. It is Hugh philadelphia, so important because that is Dissertation help, what we will have to do to support ourselves throughout life. For Me! Imagine being stuck in a dead end job and having to go to work every morning and dreading it. Life is too short to Dissertation work 35 years and be unhappy with it.

If a person likes their job, then it is not work, because finding satisfaction. Certified Nursing Assistant , Florence Nightingale , Health 1199 Words | 5 Pages. Health Careers : Registered Nursing 12/10/12 There are over a hundred different health careers that you can . choose from when wanting to work in the medical field, and Writing descriptive sentences year it can be hard to determine which one you are interested in. Dissertation Help! Throughout the Places homework on sunday years of my mom having breast cancer, I had the opportunity to meet many registered nurses . These people not only helped my mother, but also helped the Dissertation writing family. For this reason, along with many others, it provides me with the accounting homework you desire to become a Registered Nurse. Bachelor of Dissertation writing, Science in accounting homework help Nursing , Employment , Healthcare occupations 1367 Words | 4 Pages. ?Title: Thinking about your career : postgraduate study: Why?

How? Where? When? What's in it for me? Author(s): Jennifer K. Green Source: . The Dissector: Journal of the Perioperative Nurses College of the New Zealand Nurses Organisation. Dissertation Help Writing! 41.1 (June 2013): p18. Document Type: Article Copyright : COPYRIGHT 2013 New Zealand Nurses ' Organisation, Perioperative Nurses College Abstract: A reflection on to do homework on sunday in public, the. Adult education , Bachelor of Science in Nursing , Diploma in Nursing 1828 Words | 5 Pages. Personal Goals HCS/301 February 14, 2011 Abstract In this paper I will discuss my personal . goals that I have reached and continue to Dissertation writing strive for. With that being said, I have many accomplishments such as; volunteer work, maintaining my family, learning new nursing positions, overcoming my personal health issues, and committing myself to medical studies in counselling return for a higher education and further career development. Having been in the medical field for over twenty years, I have.

Florence Nightingale , Goal , Medicine 1370 Words | 4 Pages. Personal Goals DeAndra Fennell HCS/301 Undergraduate Nursing Studies . Dissertation! January 10, 2011 Delores Martinez Personal Goals Life for me. Bachelor of Science in Hugh gallagher Nursing , Goal , Healthcare occupations 1387 Words | 4 Pages. talk about my short term and Dissertation long term goals . I will discuss educational and personal goals . I will also discuss the fears that . Writing In Counselling! I have returning to college and what I will do to conquer these fears. At the end of this paper I will discuss the people that I will thank for Dissertation, supporting me when I reach graduation. Business Tx! Motivation Paper My motivation to succeed in life and help college starts with my ambition to homework want more than just a job that pays well, but a career that I love doing.

I was in help writing the navy for. Chronology , Economics , Finance 971 Words | 3 Pages. A Registered nurse helps individuals, families, and Hugh gallagher philadelphia groups to Dissertation achieve health and prevent disease. To Do! In this career a . nurse needs to maintain accurate, detailed reports and help writing records. Monitor, record and report symptoms and case studies in counselling changes in patients' conditions. Record patients' medical information and Dissertation vital signs.

Modify patient treatment plans as indicated by patients' responses and conditions. Consult and coordinate with health care team members to assess, plan, implement and evaluate patient care plans. Health , Health care , Health care provider 490 Words | 2 Pages. The Board of Registered Nursing defines the Write papers for me nurse practitioners as “ registered nurses who are . prepared by advanced education to provide primary care including medical procedures that may be required for writing, a specialty area “(BRN, 2012). Descriptive Year 3! Additionally, nurse practitioners must ”possess additional preparation and skills in physical diagnosis, psycho-social assessment, and Dissertation help management of health illness needs in primary health care and who have been prepared in a program conforming to board standards” (BRN. Health care , Health care provider , Healthcare occupations 623 Words | 3 Pages. ? Personal Goals Janice Meeks HCS301 March 24, 2014 Dr.

Janet Booker Personal Goals My professional and personal . Online Homework You! goals are to Dissertation writing expand my nursing career and obtain a position in Write papers for me the healthcare field where I will own and operate a long term care facility or adult daycare facility that specializes in the care of patients with behavioral issues or Alzheimer’s disease so I can give back to my community and help those in need. I started my career in the healthcare field as a unit clerk. Health , Healthcare occupations , Home care 1185 Words | 5 Pages. THE TRANSITION STUDENT TO GRADUATE NURSE. ? TRANSITION FROM STUDENT TO A GRADUATE NURSE The new graduate nurses (NGN) are faced with various issues and . challenges especially in their first year of nursing practice.

The period of help, transition from a student to a graduate nurse is Professional business writing services, a demanding period that is filled with new experiences and Dissertation help there are several concerns and factors that can affect the transition process. The research into Writing sentences 3, the issues has recommended some strategies that can be utilised to ease the transition process. Bachelor of Science in Nursing , Healthcare occupations , Licensed practical nurse 2349 Words | 7 Pages. Registered Nurse Job Description: Registered nurses (RNs) educate patients and the public about many . health issues, and offer information and support to patients and loved ones. According to the Registered Nurses Occupational Outlook Handbook, RNs treat patients, educate patients and Dissertation the public about case, various medical conditions, and provide advice and Dissertation help emotional support to patients’ family members (2008). Registered Nurses also educate patients and family members on how to philadelphia deal with their illness. Academic degree , Associate's degree , Bachelor of Science in Nursing 490 Words | 2 Pages. How to Prepare for a Future Career By Amanda Layman Low, eHow Contributor Share Print this article How to Prepare for help, a Future . Career thumbnail Career fairs, business tours and accounting homework college tours can help you make sense of Dissertation writing, your future. The steps you take today can drastically change the course of your future career . Though it's not unusual to change career paths during a lifetime, the to do earlier you start working towards a specific goal the more motivated you may feel to achieve it.

Whether. Academic degree , Career , Employment 1406 Words | 7 Pages. regarding the help career that I wanted to pursue. As I got older and looked at many choices in for me careers I realized that I wanted to . have a career in the medical field. Being a nurse interests me because it requires the study of the human body along with other great opportunities that nurses have in this career . Dissertation Help Writing! I want to Write papers become a nurse because I like being able to help those who are in need. Once I stared researching a career in nursing I realized that there were a lot more types of nurses then I had.

Healthcare occupations , Hospital , Medicine 1128 Words | 3 Pages. Career Development Janele Fletcher Adult and Dissertation help writing Family Development/361 September 7, 2011 Charlene Blount Career . Places In Public! Development In this paper I will assess my personality type while determining how it relates to Holland’s Six Personality Types in Dissertation help writing addition to Costa’s Three-Dimensional Model of Personality. I will discuss early influences of Places to do on sunday, vocations and help developing work ethics. Additionally, this paper gives insight of future career goals , mentoring influences, and long-term career. Academic degree , Big Five personality traits , Nursing 1868 Words | 6 Pages. INFLUENTIAL NURSES OF THE AMERICAN NATION Throughout American history, many registered nurses have contributed in . the foundation towards successful nursing. These women were acting well before their time, and could be classified as activists. However, if it were not for the brave young women that shaped medical nursing, many of the factors that are practiced today would not receive credit. Professional Business Plan Writing! Merely focusing on just handful of women are Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Dorothea Dix, Mary Mahoney. American nurses , American Red Cross , Bachelor of Science in Nursing 1418 Words | 4 Pages.

Univ/100 Career Exploration Plan Worksheet. UNIV/100 Career Exploration Plan Worksheet For this assignment, you will research the website and writing use the My . Business Plan Writing Tx! Career Plan tools on eCampus. To complete this assignment, follow the directions provided in each section. You may refer to the completed example in the Week 3 Materials as a guideline. Dissertation Help Writing! When you complete each section, submit this document to your Week 3 Assignment 1 link on your student website. Save this document so you can reference it as you work on Professional business plan tx, building. Clinical trial , Health care , Healthcare occupations 1129 Words | 5 Pages.

Career Plan Essay Project 1 DeAnna Johnson Mrs. Wiggins CURR 1011 P05 Analysis of Personality Type My overall . Dissertation Writing! personality has it strengths and weaknesses. I believe we all have our downfalls. Pay! I’ve been told I’m really outgoing, Goofy, loving, funny, kind-hearted, intelligent, but also very helpful. I’ve also been described as quiet, and very shy. This can be good and bad in a number of Dissertation help, ways for a number of reasons. Put all of this along with my vark type, and SDS report and to do on sunday in public you. Business school , Chef , College 2829 Words | 6 Pages. Registered Nurse Introduction I have always been the “caretaker” in my family.

If someone were hurting, he or she came to me . and told me his or her symptoms, and Dissertation help I did my research and told them what I thought about Writing case, it. Before that, when I was about three years old, I took care of help, my newborn baby sister. My mama was sick, and my step dad was at work, so I took care of medical, my sister. People ask kids what they want to be when they grow up, and they always get some crazy answer like a movie star. . Bachelor of Science in Nursing , Florence Nightingale , Master of Science in Nursing 1842 Words | 5 Pages. represents the virtuousness of the broader discipline, as all nurses are in a position of responsibility. The following essay . will further examine the topic of professionalism in nursing, and from this it will be clear that professionalism among nurses is Dissertation help writing, of the sentences utmost importance, and nursing educators need to emphasize this fact early on, so that nurses can establish professional tendencies that will follow them throughout their career . More than any other profession, nursing has long been concerned. Florence Nightingale , Health care , Nurse 1713 Words | 10 Pages. The management article entitled “ Goal Setting needs to be partnership” by help, Ken Blanchard published on January 23, 2013, speaks about the Professional services . Help! significant value that both managers and employees make when they work together towards achieving the organization goals . When setting goals in an organization, managers and their subordinates are equally responsible. Goal setting is a useful method of measuring employees’ performance, as employees who apply their strengths to their work increase the company’s success. Goal , Goal setting , Management 826 Words | 3 Pages.

ESSAY 1 Discuss in detail your short and Hugh long-term career goals . Dissertation! How will a Northeastern MBA, combined with your . past experiences and interests, help you achieve your goals ? Which Northeastern MBA career track (finance, marketing, or supply chain management) will you pursue? Throughout my life there have been a lot of medical, people, books and audio tapes that have taught me important lessons. For me, making the right decision in life is crucial as I believe we have only help, one life and one chance and Professional business plan writing tx we. Finance , Goal , Management 953 Words | 3 Pages. Shivai Soni MGT 406 Richard Warm 10/11/2010 Career Essay Values seem to always affect the kind of path we choose in life. . The biggest decision our values affect is the career path we choose to follow and Dissertation writing the way we decide to approach it. Our life is based on certain core values and these values make us who we are as a person. It is accounting homework you, important for Dissertation help writing, me to stick to my core values in order to Hugh have that satisfying life I desire. Though my core values vary, these are some of my values that drives me.

2267 Words | 6 Pages. Jennifer Alvarez Mr.Eiler Language Arts 3B 9 March 2013 Career Research Essay Psychology is the study of the help writing human . brain, its functions and its behavioral affects to us as humans. This field or specific job always has fascinated me as a child and now as a teenager it still does. Being a psychologist would suit me because it’s an overall interesting field and career path. It is a time consuming, intense and impacted course but as a professional job it meets my standards and Hugh requirement. Clinical psychology , Employment , Industrial and organizational psychology 1923 Words | 5 Pages. Career Essay Registered Nurse - Creative Writing Paper. The career of an RN interests me because I think it’s not something that I would be bored with, and Dissertation I’ll always be learning new things on the . job.The duties and responsibilities are as follows: providing direct patient care, presenting health information to papers for me large groups of people, performing emergency procedures, managing many other nurses in teaching hospitals and doing research in writing universities.

There are four general duties a RN does on a daily basis. Professional Services! The first duty is evaluating a patient’s. Educational years , Health care , Health care provider 559 Words | 2 Pages. Johnston Due date: September 21, 2010 “Becoming A Nurse ” OUTLINE Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the help writing different levels of Write papers for me, . nursing available to be able to work in the healthcare field, what their job description for each level entails, and determining do they really have what it takes to become a good nurse . INTRODUCTION Attention Getter: First off let me say “I Love My Job”. Writing! I knew from a childhood age that I wanted to be a nurse . There is nothing better than the great feeling that.

Certified Nursing Assistant , Healthcare occupations , Licensed practical nurse 1764 Words | 3 Pages. Sander Management 421 Ms. Barnes February 27, 2012 “The Goal ” Essay 1 In Eliyahu Goldratt’s novel “The Goal : . A Process of Ongoing Improvement”, he tells a story about homework help, a man going through hard times, in both his work life and Dissertation help personal life. Alex works in homework on sunday in public a manufacturing plant that is barely staying afloat, and Dissertation help writing his boss has left it up to papers for me pay him to keep the business running with a three-month time span to do it in. Even though “The Goal : A Process of Ongoing Improvement” is just a story, it is Dissertation writing, still. Causality , Constraint , Constraint satisfaction 822 Words | 3 Pages. Automotive Service Technicians And Mechanics Career Essay Iven Garcia GUST 1270 Professor Adams 30 November 2009 . The career that I have literally chosen is the descriptive sentences automotive service technician and mechanics career . The reason why I chose this career it’s because… Well actually I have plenty and many reasons to choose from because I am very passionate about this career and I have lived through it my entire life.

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Social Psychology : Should social psychology aim for a more integrated approach? Social psychology is the scientific study of how we affect each other by anything from what we say or do, to the simple act of our presence. From this descriptions it is clear how social psychology is often seen to Dissertation help overlap with sociology and indeed explains why many of its roots are there. Professional Plan Writing Services Tx? Perhaps because of its diverse roots, the range of different approaches within social psychology can seem bewildering and, quite apart from anything else, it can be difficult to see any kind of coherent whole or overarching meta-theories. In order to evaluate whether social psychology might benefit from a more integrated approach it is useful to evaluate where that integration is occurring and whether it is Dissertation help writing producing meaningful knowledge. The standard approach to most areas of Professional business plan, social psychology has been in the creation of theories that are not overarching but more modestly aim to explain an area of social psychology but go no further. This is partly the result of a proliferation of research in social psychology that has meant that researchers tend to focus on a specialised field and take less notice of what is happening outside its narrow confines - not a situation conducive to an integrative approach. The problem with this fragmented approach is Dissertation help writing clearly seen in what are called the gallagher philadelphia different 'levels of explanation' at which social psychological research operates at. Dissertation Help Writing? The three levels are intrapersonal, interpersonal, and intergroup and the research has tended to concentrate on one of these levels without integrating them together.

This can lead to Online help an incomplete answer to the original research question. Hogg Vaughan (2002) use the example of social psychologists tackling group behaviour in terms of intrapsychic processes - like personality - which are not amenable to Dissertation help writing explaining such phenomena as stereotyping or prejudice. Branscombe Spears (2001) have suggested that there are ways to integrate social psychological knowledge and outline some of these attempts. The continuing rise of cognitive psychology as an Online homework you overarching method of explanation or meta-theory, has been invoked in social psychology. For example, explanations of social cognition are made in terms of information processing using neural or connectionist networks as the basis.

This can be seen in a variety of experiments on the effects of motivational and emotional factors on behaviour such as that by Forgas (1995). Here participants were told they were going to be involved in two unrelated studies, the first involving watching a film which was either happy, sad or neutral. The second involved making a judgement about a person under a variety of different conditions. Help Writing? The experimenters wanted to descriptive 3 see how the mood state would affect the social judgement of the participants. They found different levels of help writing, 'affect infusion' depending on the particular circumstances of the study.

The main criticism of this type of papers, formulation of motivational and emotional factors as somehow 'add-on' or extra factors that then modify 'normal behaviour' is that it rather isolates these factors rather than integrating them with the writing perception and Writing descriptive 3 evaluation of Dissertation help, others. Evolutionary psychology has also had a great effect on many areas of psychology and lays claim to Write pay being another overarching theory - although this is more of a 'top-down' rather than 'bottom-up' theory. Evolutionary theorists such as Buss (1995) claim that parts of our behaviour can be explained in terms of adaptations to the environment, both social and physical. This had become a very popular explanation with analysis often focussing on interpersonal relationships, specifically in terms of sexual attraction and Dissertation help writing how it relates to Online help you differing levels of investment in offspring. Modern theorists are now, however, turning away from evolutionary theory as it tends to writing focus on how the distant past might affect people's behaviour today. While it is possible, perhaps probable, that evolutionary factors will be somewhat relevant, it can be difficult to see this as a complete overarching theory that can explain how people behave in modern technological societies.

Both the Professional plan writing dallas evolutionary theory and ideas from cognitive psychology, therefore, do not provide meta-theoretical explanations on which social psychology can build an integrated perspective. Where then can we turn? Currently one of the most hopeful areas for an integrative approach as identified by both Hogg Vaughan (2002) and Branscombe Spears (2001) is in a particularly social psychological perspective. Dissertation Writing? These authors suggest that one of the most successful attempts at integrating analyses from a variety of different levels - intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup - is in social identity theory (Tajfel Turner, 1986). Social identity theory grew out of the minimal group paradigm experiments in which it was found that people would strongly identify with even an Online accounting homework extremely arbitrary and loosely formed grouping so as to prefer the Dissertation in-group members over the out-group members. This would occur with only the smallest and most subtle provocation (described in Tajfel, 1978). Papers For Me Pay? This theory is based on the idea that society is structured by social groupings with different levels of help, power and interests and that people gain their social identity from homework help these groups. Attached to this social identity are particular ways of behaving to be adhered to. People are not limited to a single social identity though and can, and generally do, have multiple identities which can be switched between depending on Dissertation help writing, the situation. To counter the criticisms mentioned earlier about Professional business services tx, levels of writing, explanation, social identity theory is careful to separate personal identity from Online accounting homework help social identity as it is precisely the confounding of these two levels that has drawn the censure of critics. Because of its concentration on the importance of groups, a number of writing, established social psychological processes are also brought into the theory automatically.

These include, for example, in-group favouritism and intergroup differentiation. Finally, social identity theory assumes that people have a need to on sunday in public gain a positive evaluation of themselves in relation to other people. The explanations provided by social identity theory so far cover interpersonal and intergroup effects, but what about Dissertation help writing, intrapsychic processes? Branscombe Spears (2001) suggest that self-categorisation theory provides another important piece in providing an integrated meta-theory. Self-categorisation theory grew out of social identity theory and concentrates on how a person places themselves in homework you, particular social categories (Turner, 1987). Dissertation Writing? It sees a person as choosing from a number of fuzzy categories about philadelphia, how to behave in particular situations as compared to a kind of prototype. This analysis brings in the more cognitive ideas of having a representation of a group, and the prototype of that group, and then comparing individual behaviour to help writing that. These kinds of distinctions between levels of to do homework on sunday in public, understanding and categorisation or identity can be clearly understood in research like that carried out by Spears, Doosje, Ellemers (1997). In this study psychology students were encouraged to compare themselves to Dissertation help fine arts students and then physics students respectively.

The results showed they tended to emphasise their intelligence when comparing themselves to fine arts students, and their creativity when comparing themselves to physics students. This clearly shows how people have a need to compare themselves favourably to others but also effectively shows how people's image of themselves is affected by Professional business writing dallas, the exact nature of the social comparison that they are making. The combination of social identity theory and self-categorisation theory have been used to explain a number of social psychological phenomena. These have included social stereotyping, group formation and Dissertation help writing cohesion and Professional plan services dallas the maintenance of self-esteem. Help? One oft-analysed example that demonstrates the salient points is that of crowd behaviour. Crowd behaviour has traditionally been analysed as a function of changes in case studies in counselling, individuation and in Dissertation, self-awareness in an individual person. Papers Pay? Like many areas of social psychology this analysis has come under fire for ignoring or playing down the intergroup interactions. In an Dissertation analysis of crowd behaviour based on social identity theory, these criticisms are lessened. Reicher, Spears Postmes (1995) posit that crowds come together as members of a specific social group in order to perform a particular act or protest, the result of this is Write pay that there is often a high level of the sharing of social identity. But in a crowd situation there are frequently few cues as to Dissertation help how to behave and so people tend to look for those members of the group that they identify with and copy them. Write Papers For Me? To look at it from another perspective, rather than becoming deindividuated by being in a crowd, people are actually raising their social identity in this situation above their personal identity.

The simple result is that people tend to conform to the group norms to a greater extent. Studies of riots cited by Hogg Vaughan (2002) provide some evidence for this point of view. Reicher (1984) studied the riots that occurred in 1980 in the St Paul's area of Bristol. It was found that, for example, people only targeted symbols of the state such as the police and Dissertation banks, they were certainly not indiscriminate. There was a strong sense of positive social identity and the crowd remained within the confines of medical studies, St Paul's rather than spreading to other areas. These kinds of findings tend to support ideas from social identity and self-categorisation theory. The fragmentation and attempts at integration discussed so far are those that have occurred within what is help known as mainstream social psychology . However, one of the most important major differences or splits in Online help, the practice of social psychology came with the so-called 'crisis in social psychology' in the late 60s and early 70s. This was lead by critics of Dissertation help, traditional approaches to social psychology like Gergen (1973). What these critics were saying was that social psychology, in its mainstream incarnation, had become too obsessed with scientific methods that were not best suited to gaining social psychological knowledge: namely reductionism and positivism. The effect of concentrating on reductionism in psychology, it was argued, meant that accounts of social psychological phenomena tended to concentrate on Hugh philadelphia, intrapersonal psychology at the expense of understanding the social nature of human relations. Critics of positivist approaches claimed that social psychologists tended to place too much emphasis on the explanatory power of traditional scientific methods.

They contended that it was not possible to study a person or group of people in an 'objective' way for the simple reason that effectively people are studying themselves and Dissertation writing it is impossible to be objective about yourself - by definition! While traditional experimental approaches to social psychology continued then, new methods began to grow from Hugh different traditions that challenged the way social psychology had been 'done' in the past. Lyons (1998) describes some of these new approaches that are often collected under the banner of 'social constructionism'. This new plurality of approaches has at Dissertation its centre the idea that reality is socially constructed. In essence this idea is that there is no objective reality so that reality which we construct (mainly) through our language should form the primary focus for investigation. To Do Homework? Discourse analysis (Potter Wetherell, 1987) is one method of analysing our interactions with each other that involves the qualitative analysis of written or verbal text. While these new approaches to social psychology have certainly fed back usefully into help, the mainstream in terms of the methodologies used, their philosophical bases are fundamentally opposed to the way that mainstream psychology is carried out. Writing Descriptive Sentences 3? Still, their concentration on the social in social psychology can be seen to parallel the mainstream's increasing awareness in the same direction. Whether integration is desirable, or even possible, between these two approaches is certainly questionable. The main problem for social psychologists is that knowledge naturally becomes highly specialised and eventually ghettoised, so that there is little communication between specialisms and little opportunity for the sharing and integration of knowledge. Dissertation? As human beings represent extremely complicated integrated systems it seems unlikely that they can be fully understood as a number of discrete parts or modules.

Unless bridges can be built between the Places sub-disciplines of social psychology, it seems likely that much knowledge about how these systems operate will be lost between the widening cracks. There is some evidence that some level of integration might be achieved through social identity and self-categorisation theory, although the help gap between mainstream social psychology and Write pay social constructionist analyses look less likely to be bridged despite the boost to qualitative methodologies in the mainstream. Branscombe, N. R. Spears, R. (2001) Social Psychology : Past, Present, and Dissertation Some Predictions for the Future. In J. S. Halonen S. Writing Medical Case? F. Davis (Eds.). The many faces of psychological research in the 21st century (text-only version; chap.

7). Retrieved September 5, 2005 from Buss, D. M. (1995). Psychological sex differences: Origins through sexual selection. American Psychologist, 50, 164-168. Dissertation Writing? Forgas, J. P. Writing Medical Case Studies? (1995). Mood and judgment: The affect infusion model (AIM). Psychological Bulletin, 117, 39-66.

Gergen, K. J. (1973). Social psychology as history. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 26, 309-320. Hogg, M. A. Vaughan, G. M. (2002) Social Psychology, Third Edition, London: Prentice Hall Lyons, E. (1998) Social Psychology 1, In Psychology: An Integrated Approach, Ed. Eysenek, M. Help? W., pp.324-355. Essex: Longman.

Potter, J., Wetherell, M. (1987). Discourse and social psychology: Beyond attitudes and behaviour. Write Papers For Me? London: Sage. Reicher, S. Writing? (1984) St. Paul's a study of the limits of crowd behaviour.

In Murphy J et al (eds.) Dialogues and debates in social psychology. Reicher, S. D., Spears, R., Postmes, T. (1995). A social identity model of deindividuation phenomena. In Stroebe, W., Hewstone, M. (Eds.), European review of social psychology, Vol. 6, pp.

161-198). Chichester, UK: Wiley. Spears, R., Doosje, B., Ellemers, N. (1997). Self-stereotyping in gallagher philadelphia, the face of threats to Dissertation writing group status and distinctiveness: The role of Writing descriptive sentences 3, group identification. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 538-553. Tajfel, H. (1978). Interindividual behaviour and help writing intergroup behaviour. In: Tajfel, H. (Ed.) Differentiation between social groups (pp. Write Papers For Me? 27-60). Dissertation Help Writing? New York: Academic Press.

Tajfel, H., Turner, J.C. Hugh Gallagher Philadelphia? (1986). The social identity theory of intergroup behavior. In Worchel, S., Austin, W. G. (Eds.), The psychology of intergroup relations (pp. 7-24). Chicago, IL: Nelson-Hall. Dissertation Help? Turner, J.C. (1987). A self-categorization theory. In Turner, J.C.

Hogg, M.A. Gallagher? Oakes, P.J. Reicher, S.D., Wetherell M.S. Help? (Eds.), Rediscovering the social group: A self-categorization theory (pp. 42-67). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom Pyschology essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you. Each of us is qualified to a high level in our area of plan writing dallas, expertise, and we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete original answer to your essay question. Help? Just complete our simple order form and you could have your customised Pyschology work in your email box, in as little as 3 hours. This Pyschology essay was submitted to Writing medical case us by a student in order to help you with your studies. This page has approximately words.

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