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Best Friend essays

Overseas Filipino Workers Essay Sample. Nowadays, there are many cases of unemployment in the Philippines. It is undeniable that life in the Philippines is hard. My Essay Best Friend! With the Cambridge social anthropology dissertation, monthly increase in transportation fees and basic commodities, the closing of local companies and factories, not to mention the economic crisis the my essay, world has been going through, Filipino citizens, both rich and High geometry problems solutions poor, have been suffering a lot. As a result, people hoped to find a better life in other countries. People may come from slums, middle class, or even higher classes and want to migrate to Help me write best friend, “rich” countries. They might want to move to students homework why does, a better or different environment.

Maybe the person has always dreamed of pursuing a career that requires experience abroad. It doesn’t always mean the person is materialistic. OFWs are called as the country’s modern day hero; probably because of their big heart to work to me write my essay best, an anonymous country to support their families, the remittance they contribute the country and because they have been executed, kidnapped, raped and extorted. The Philippine government considers Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) as a new breed of economic investors in the country because of millions of remittances they brought to the country. Human migration is movement by humans from one area to another, sometimes over long distances or in large groups. People who migrate into a territory are called immigrants, while at the departure point they are called emigrants. For further understanding of what is migration let me discuss first its type. Migration has 5 types first is the impelled migration where a person was not forced to social, leave the country because of the unfavorable situation of the me write my essay best friend, country where he stayed such as warfare, political problems and religious persecution. Vietnam! Another is the step migration where a migrant is just going to a shorter distance from the Help me write my essay best friend, place of origin to the final destination. The third type is the Homework cheat website, chain migration that often begins with one family member who sends money to me write my essay, bring other family member to Help homework, a new location. Help Me Write Best Friend! Another type is the Cambridge anthropology dissertation, return migration where the Help me write best friend, immigrants went back to their place of origin.

Last is the seasonal migration where migrants move for a period of time due to labor or climate conditions. Poor living conditions, violence and armed conflicts, environmental problems, a lack of economic perspectives and Cambridge anthropology dissertation the growing gap between rich and poor are the factors the greatly influence a person to migrate from a place to another. The media and Help me write my essay friend global motility also cause migration. Migration greatly influence the Cambridge social anthropology dissertation, economical and cultural aspects of a country but it also has its negative effect. One of Help friend, it is the cultural effects. Countries like the Cambridge anthropology, United States, Argentina, and Brazil have always included a large immigrant population. Citizenship in those countries is based not on ethnic grounds but on a different sort of national identity in which commitment to certain values and me write my essay friend ideas is paramount. But for European countries, the nation is often defined in a cultural way—by a common language, heritage, and ethnicity. Indeed, cultural issues are a significant factor in the response of Europeans to global migration. Cheat Website Online! In recent years, the European public has questioned immigration’s effect on culture and national identity.

Fear and distrust of immigrants has fueled the creation and success of anti-immigrant political parties in several European countries. Many of these parties have linked social ills, such as unemployment and crime, to immigration. Another is the my essay best, economic effect. The economic effects of migration vary widely. Sending countries may experience both gains and losses in the short term but may stand to gain over the longer term. For receiving countries temporary programs help to address skills shortages but may decrease domestic wages and add to public welfare burden. A Swedish Professor notes “The problem is not immigration; it is integration, especially in Help students homework, the labour market. If there are no jobs, the consequences are segregation, housing problems and divided cities” (Traynor, 2010). Best! Nevertheless, most commentators argue that the net effects of migration are generally positive.

In the write my paper, CATO Journal, University of California SanDiego Professor of Help best, Economics Gordon H. Hanson (2012) writes “Despite many hurdles to their entry, high-skilled immigrants make important contributions to U.S. productivity growth. By making it easier for talented foreign students to stay on Who can write, in the country once their studies are finished, their contributions could be even larger.” If there are positive effects, there will be negative effects. The first negative effect of migration is that it causes economic problems for the cities. My Essay Best! Most importantly, it leads to a decrease on the quality of worker s. Apart from Homework online, creating economical problems for the government, it also causes economical problems for the citizens. Help Me Write! One of these problems is ‘increasing cost of living’. In U.S. a family can reach average life standards with an High school with solutions, eight or nine dollar per hour. Immigrants and Help me write my essay friend other workers gain four or five. Another remarkable negative impact of migration to urban is the social problems in citizens’ lives.

First of all, the poor conditions of immigrants’ lives encourage them to school problems with solutions, commit crime. In addition to the criminal problems, cultural erosion is my essay also a big problem. To begin with, the immigrants vary because of the with my science, new culture which they try to adapt, and this is called natural assimilation. The final consequence of migration is the environmental problems which destroy the physical appearance of the city. First and foremost, the human-made part of the cities, structural environment is becoming damaged by the migration. Most importantly, immigrants create unhealthy, illegal houses, ‘the slums’ in and around the city, because they have to shelter with their limited economies. There are different issues regarding migration. Let’s discuss first the issues about my essay best friend, HUMAN RIGHTS. An estimated 214 million people currently live outside their country of origin, many having moved for a variety of reasons in which the search for protection and the search for opportunity are inextricably entwined.

Migration affects every region of the world, and many countries are now simultaneously countries of origin, destination and Help why does transit. Large numbers of migrants today move between developing countries, and around 40 percent of the total global migrant population have moved to a neighbouring country within their region of origin. Migrants are often to be found working in jobs that are dirty, dangerous and degrading (the 3 Ds). While for some migration is a positive and empowering experience, far too many migrants have to Help my essay best, endure human rights violations, discrimination, and exploitation. There are also issues about write my paper for money, BRAIN DRAIN.

More than a decade ago, US presidential candidate Ross Perot talked about the “giant sucking sound” made as American jobs went south of the border. These days, there is a far more significant sucking sound, one that concerns the whole world and one that could impede collective efforts to Help best friend, make poverty history. That new sucking sound is being made by highly skilled people leaving developing countries and heading to Who can sell, the developed world. The scale of Help my essay best, this “brain drain” is staggering. As demographer B. Lindsay Lowell and geographers Allan Findlay and Emma Stewart point out in with homework why does, their research, nearly one in 10 tertiary-educated adults (those with some university or post-secondary schooling) born in the developing world — between a third and half of the developing world’s science and technology personnel — now live in the developed world. With demand for skilled workers in the developed world unlikely to diminish soon, that sucking sound is likely to my essay best, get louder. Lastly, you should know the issues about IRREGULAR workers. Irregular migration has emerged as a major issue affecting the management of geometry problems with, international migration globally. The seriousness of the problem led the Royal Thai government to convene an international symposium on the issue with the participation of 18 countries and Hong Kong SAR in Help me write best friend, April 1999. People all over Good thesis the world migrate to different countries. The top 10 countries that have a large population regarding migration are USA(42,788,029), RUSSIAN FED.(12,270,388), GERMANY(10,758,061) SAUDI ARABIA(7,288,900) CANADA(7,202,340) UNITED KINGDOM(6,955,738) SPAIN(6,900,547) FRANCE(6,684,842) AUSTRALIA(5,522,408) INDIA(5,436,012) Overseas Filipino workers are the ones who contribute to the economy through remittances, buying properties and creating businesses.

Remittance is the transfer of money by foreign worker to his or her job. It also contributed to the economic growth and Help friend livelihoods of people worldwide. It fosters in the receiving countries a further economic dependence on global economy instead of cheat website, building sustainable, local business. In 2012, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the central bank of the Philippines, expects official remittances coursed through banks and me write my essay agents to school problems with, grow 5% over me write my essay friend 2011 to Homework cheat website online, US$21 billion, but official remittances are only a fraction of Help my essay best friend, all remittances. Remittances by unofficial, including illegal, channels are estimated by thesis statement war, the Asian Bankers Association to be 30 to 40% higher than the official BSP figure. In 2011, remittances were US$20.117 billion. This Philippines is the fourth largest recipient of friend, official remittances after China, India, and Mexico. OFW remittances represent 13.5% of the country’s GDP, the largest in students homework why does, proportion to the domestic economy among the four countries In 2012, approximately 80% of the remittances came from only 7 countries–United States and Canada, the United Kingdom, UAE and Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and Japan. These countries are widely dispersed around the globe–in North America, Europe, the Help me write, Middle East, Southeast Asia, and East Asia, respectively. Officially recorded remittance flows to developing countries are estimated to have reached $351 billion in High school problems with solutions, 2011, up 8 percent over 2010.

For the Help me write best friend, first time since the global financial crisis, remittance flows to all six developing regions rose in 2011. Growth of remittances in 2011 exceeded our earlier expectations in four regions, especially in Europe and Central Asia (due to higher outward flows from Russia that benefited from Good thesis statement vietnam, high oil prices) and Sub-Saharan Africa (due to best, strong south-south flows and social anthropology weaker currencies in some countries that attracted larger remittances). According to the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) last 2005, land-based OFWs reached to 733,970 while sea-based workers reached to 241, 707 which make a sum of 981,677. There is a 5.15% growth since 2004’s 933,588.Nowadays, there are1.06 million Overseas Filipinos Workers. 33.4% are unskilled workers, 15.4% are Trades and related workers, 15.1% are plant and machine operators and assemblers.49.3% are males, 50.7% are females. Remittances are 64.7 billion Philippine pesos (equaled 1.2 billion USD then) An Overseas Filipino is Help best friend a person of Filipino origin who lives outside of the I need homework, Philippines.

This term applies to Filipinos who are both abroad as citizens or permanent residents of Help best, a different country, and to those Filipino citizens abroad for homework, a limited, definite period, such as on a work contract or a student. Help Me Write My Essay! It can also include seamen and website online others who work outside the Philippines but are not residents, either permanent or temporary, of Help me write my essay friend, another country. They are known by a variety of terms with slightly different and sometimes overlapping meanings. Overseas Filipino Workers or OFWs are Filipinos working abroad that are expected to return permanently either upon the expiration of a work contract or upon school geometry problems, retirement. Balikbayans are Filipinos who have become citizens of Help me write best friend, another country and have returned to war, the Philippines for a temporary though extended visit.

Global Filipino is Help friend a term of more recent vintage that less widely used. Former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo applied the term Overseas Filipino Investor or OFI for Filipino expatriates who contribute to the economy through remittances, buying properties and creating businesses. As a result of this migration, many countries have substantial Filipino communities. Overseas workers more than double after a decade . My Science Homework! The number of overseas workers, based on best friend, the 2000 Census of Population and Housing, was 992,397. This accounted for 1.3 percent of the population and an increase of 210,100 persons over Cambridge social anthropology dissertation the 1995 census results. From only 417,301 in 1990, the number of Help me write, overseas workers more than doubled after 10 years. Number of male and cheat website online female overseas workers are almost equal. Overseas deployment by sex was almost even with the males (50.27 percent) at a little advantage over the females (49.73 percent). Friend! This translated to a sex ratio of 101 males for every 100 females.

Also, there was a male overseas worker for Good statement vietnam war, every 77 males in the Philippine population. The same was true for the females. Largest proportion of overseas workers were from Southern Tagalog Southern Tagalog (Region IV) contributed 177,155 overseas workers or 17.85 percent of all overseas workers. This was followed by the National Capital Region (NCR) with 165,575 persons and Central Luzon (Region III) with 135,802 persons. Although these three regions combined accounted for thirty-nine percent of the total population, they contributed almost half (48.2 percent) of the overseas workers. This could be attributed to the relatively high unemployment in these areas. Another possible reason is that many employers and my essay best friend recruitment agencies were based in Homework online, NCR and the other two neighboring regions.

Caraga region contributed the Help my essay best, smallest number of social anthropology dissertation, overseas workers, with 10,279 persons (1.04 percent). Overseas workers had a median age of 32 years. Also, more than half were married. Males are mostly the heads of the households. Me Write My Essay Best! Regarding to their religion, most were Roman Catholics. Almost all were literate and with Tagalog was the predominant ethnic group. Lastly, 13% were academic degree holders. A study was conducted by Help my essay best friend, ADB Philippines: “Enhancing the Efficiency of High geometry with solutions, Overseas Workers Remittances”. The study covered topics like OFW Remittance behaviors, Issues raised for measuring remittances and challenges ahead, Remittance trends. Although the study was conducted in 2005, it’s good to Help my essay friend, review at this time to see how much progress we’ve made. Students With Homework! Some characteristics of the survey respondents are noted below, and may very among other Overseas Filipino Worker groups.

80% of survey respondents regularly remit through banks or other regulated channels. Me Write Best Friend! Speed, trustworthiness, reliability and efficient service were rated as most important factors in selecting remittance modes. 9 out of 10 respondents save in Cambridge social, banks or through personal hoarding, with 70% maintaining bank accounts in Help me write my essay, the Philippines and 52% using automated teller machine (ATM) for payments or remittance. In Singapore, where more than half of respondents were in domestic work which typically paid low wages, 80% stated they were able to save, and almost half indicated that they keep their savings in Singapore banks. A large percentage of Who can write for money sell, respondents, 41% in the nationwide Philippines survey and Help me write my essay best friend 49% in Singapore, had to social dissertation, borrow money to pay for recruitment expenses, and 19% said they borrow while working overseas. Average amount of remittance sent monthly is $340.

Monthly remittances ranged from $205 to $524. Beneficiaries surveyed use remittances for food, utilities, household expenses, personal care and friend effects, communications, transportation, education and special occasions. When we talk about the Savings and Spending Behavior, in the nationwide OFW market study, about 90% said they were able to website, save money. In Singapore, where more than half the respondents were in low-paying jobs as domestic workers,80% said they were able to me write friend, save. A relatively high percentage of respondents appeared to Help students homework why does, keep their savings in their country of work. A higher percentage of my essay best, survey respondents in the US said they owned a savings account and an automated teller machine (ATM) card in their country of work than those surveyed in Singapore and the Philippines. Possibly due to their higher income levels, US respondents reported a noticeably higher ownership of personal effects and bank accounts compared to respondents from other countries (Table 1.12). However, the social anthropology, percentages on my essay best friend, mobile phone ownership were quite close among survey respondents: US 63%, Philippines 65%, and Singapore 70%. According to the Manila Bulletin, January 12,2013 issue, many overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) who are repatriated from conflict- torn Syria still prefer to work abroad than to stay in the Philippines. Which only says that OFWs can risked their own lives to have a good future for their families.

An OFW also said, “The life of an OFW is not easy, I have been through it and I have witnessed the difficult life of domestic helpers of Saudi Arabia” Another true to life example of an OFW is M.B. Pangilinan and he stated that “I’m an OFW in Singapore, 24 years old and have started to become serious about my finances. I have already started to save but, sometimes, I feel like a “bank”, needing to send money home. I am now torn between helping my family and preparing for my future. Thesis Vietnam! I have already built my emergency fund, so what’s next for me?” Life of OFWs can also be seen on different films. One of Help my essay best friend, it is the 2005 film entitled “Dubai”, starting Aga Mulach and John Lloyd Cruz. In the film, Raffy (Aga Mulach) and dissertation Andrew (John Lloyd Cruz) were orphan kids and had only each other to depend on. Raffy has spent the last nine years of Help my essay friend, his life working in Dubai. His ultimate goal is to fulfill a life-long dream: to eventually move to Canada with his young brother, Andrew. The Alvarez brothers are finally united when Andrew goes to Dubai. I Need My Science! Another inspiring film of a life of an OFW is the Help, 2008 film with the title “Caregiver”.

Starting Sharon Cuneta as Sarah, a grade school, English teacher, joins the 50 000 Pinoy OFWs working in the United Kingdom to support her husband, Teddy, in making a better living for their family. Thesis War! More than a chronicle of the Filipino experiences working as nurses and caregivers in the UK. Help Me Write My Essay! This story also charts Sarah’s journey to social anthropology dissertation, self-discovery- from a submissive wife who makes sacrifices to make way for her Teddy’s aspirations to an empowered woman who finds dignity and pride in a humbling job as a caregiver in London. There are many reasons why many Filipinos work abroad. Whether it is their choice or they are only forced to do so.

If you go abroad you are not just leaving your country but also your family and just being contented with long distance call or SMS. Some of the OFWs are sacrificing many things in exchange of the life abroad. But what are the reasons why a family man, a loving mother and an only child has to leave home and find work. The first cause of why Filipinos work abroad is the unstable economic situation. There is a longstanding lack of confidence in the government’s effort to Help my essay best, secure a better future for its citizens may have driven many Filipinos to seek employment overseas. Corruption, gross inefficiency in government functions, relatively high tax rate, and no sound fiscal policy has put a damper on hopes of an ambitious Filipino, who now thinks the grass is greener elsewhere but home. Second is the high unemployment rate. Perennial high unemployment rate has been a chronic problem in a country that produces almost a million college graduates on courses that are deemed popular but whose demand is on decline. School! Fresh graduates join the labor force, thereby increasing the competition for jobs available. Another single biggest reason why Filipinos are willing to go abroad for work is the generally low salary offered by employers in the Philippines.

Even jobs that are sought after and in demand in certain parts of the world like nurses, engineers and teachers are paid poorly. No wonder many would prefer to work abroad as domestic helpers or office clerks and leave their teaching jobs because they’ll get paid higher overseas. The high unemployment rate in Help me write best friend, the country brings due advantage to employers who simply hire people on contractual basis. From mall sales ladies to fast food servers, the practice is widespread in the country. This brings a great deal of job insecurity for those who are employed under such conditions. Website Online! Filipinos inherently don’t mind receiving basic salary, as long as there is security of tenure. However, such type of work arrangement is best friend hard to homework, find for many sectors, knowing that the supply of workers always outstrip the demand for Help me write best, their services.

Local employers also prefer to contractual employees because it is easier to let go of anthropology, them and — a labor loophole in the country — no health benefits and accident insurance coverage necessary. High unemployment rate ensures a steady flow of applicants, no matter how lame the job offer is. Such unfair situation keeps employers happy almost all the time. Also, OFWs are now more pampered. Believe it or not, OFWs are now covered by me write best, better protection, offered advantages (hotel offers only valid to OFWs, special lanes for overseas workers at airport and discounted health insurance premiums to name a few) in addition to being heralded as the nation’s new breed of my science homework, heroes. Heroes in the coffers of the my essay friend, country, pumping in billions worth of remittance dollars. Nowadays, it’s not so lonely to go abroad anymore Before, going overseas is like sentencing oneself into exile into a hostile land. No friends around, will need to deal with unfamiliar language, weather and food. But now times have changed, many overseas Filipino communities have mushroomed all over I need help my science homework the world: Tokyo, Barcelona, Sydney, Dubai, Singapore, New York and more. Cultural programs, tours of Filipino entertainers have brought the overseas Filipino workers closer to home. My Essay! Not to mention the cheaper long distance rates and availability of the web to communicate with loved ones.

Lastly, Discrimination in social anthropology dissertation, job hiring. This is a sad fact that local job applicants have to Help me write, deal with. Again this has something to do with the glut of available workers willing to cheat online, get paid lower salaries and not enjoy benefits and paid holidays. Employers tend to pick the “best” candidates but they’re not necessarily the most qualified for the jobs. They are usually those aged between 21 and 30, graduates of Help me write my essay, schools like University of the Philippines or Ateneo de Manila, and are at least five foot tall for women, even if the job nature don’t require them. Homework Cheat Website! The process was leaved qualified but overage applicants in me write my essay, the dark and decide to website, go broad. Friend! This migration of the for money sell, Filipinos have different effects. We’ll start first with its economic effects.

There are some who benefits it. Generally, business owners benefit from having a “flexible workforce.” Immigrants swell the labor pool, especially for unskilled jobs which tend to be more seasonal and/or sensitive to business cycle fluctuations. A larger labor pool means that businesses can increase and decrease employment as needed, gaining and shedding workers as labor needs change. This leads to more efficiency and profitability for business owners and more productivity for the economy. A larger labor pool drives down wages business owners have to pay to attract workers. In addition, when a large potential labor pool exists, companies have less incentive to make jobs attractive in terms of Help best, employment benefits and perks, as well as working conditions. Business owners generally save money on their labor costs – immigrants will often work for less money, and their willingness to accept a lower salary impacts the wages of native laborers. Consumers benefit. Lower labor costs to business owners help drive down the prices of the High school geometry with solutions, goods they produce.

Lower-priced consumer goods benefit migrant and native consumers alike, enabling them to buy goods that might not otherwise be affordable. Overall economy benefits from immigrant talent. As a group, skilled immigrants (and even many unskilled immigrants) tend to be entrepreneurial. Help Best! Economist Stephen Moore has written that there is a “self-selection process” involved in the act of with, immigration – it is risk-takers and self-motivators who most often brave the journey – and that “by coming, they impart productive energies on the rest of us.” Immigrants often create jobs and my essay friend have been shown to be on the forefront of technological innovation. Between 1995-1998, 30% of Help with why does, Silicon Valley businesses, including Google, were started by Chinese and Indian immigrants. Even unskilled immigrants often start family businesses and ventures. Everyone benefits when immigrants fill jobs that are difficult to fill. Known as the 3Ds – dirty, dangerous, and Help best friend difficult – many jobs filled by recent immigrants do not generally attract native workers.

Yet, the economies of developed countries are dependent on these manual labor and service sector jobs –construction workers, custodians, home health care workers, etc. Having immigrant labor fill these lower-end jobs frees native workers up to take jobs on the next rung of the ladder. The return on immigration for society grows over the course of subsequent generations. The children and grandchildren of immigrants, on average, do better in school and are more productive than their native counterparts. Employment is high and Cambridge social anthropology dissertation use of welfare benefits low among second and third generation immigrants. As a group, they tend to pay taxes, create jobs, and give back to their communities. On the other side, there are who loses.

While business owners experience short-term gains in profitability from my essay, a plentiful and thesis flexible labor supply, they may actually lose in the long run. Companies become used to not needing to make reforms or modernize or invest in the productivity of their workers, and thus compromise their long-term competitiveness in a globalized marketplace. The Economist magazine presents the California raisin industry as a case in point, noting that cheap immigrant labor has discouraged farms from adopting automated harvesting like the more profitable grape industries worldwide. Native workers pay a price for Help my essay best friend, cheap immigrant labor. Help With My Science! Most experts believe that this is generally not significant in terms of unemployment rates – rarely do immigrants “steal jobs” from native workers; they are more likely to Help best, “steal jobs” from war, each other with newly arrived immigrants taking jobs from best, those already in the labor market. Write My Paper! Yet, there is a small negative effect on native wages, mostly among unskilled workers (particularly those without a high school diploma), as immigrant wages drive down the value of labor in lower pay grades where workers are plentiful. However, percentage declines in native worker wages attributed to immigration must be weighed against the benefits native workers gain in lower priced consumer goods and from general economic growth attributed to immigrant labor. Native and immigrant laborers both suffer when there is little incentive to improve working conditions. When companies don’t need to me write, compete for labor, there is little need to Homework online, enhance the attractiveness of Help me write friend, jobs. Trade unions and workers’ advocates lose leverage when there is Homework website online a line of people outside the friend, factory ready to take the job of a dissatisfied or striking worker.

Do immigrants consume public services and/or welfare benefits in students with, line with their tax contributions? Accurate measurements are difficult to obtain because national, state and local laws differ on eligibility for education, health and welfare services, and on Help me write, the instruments used to collect taxes from illegal immigrants. Most believe that immigrants end up paying for their use of public services through tax contributions and general economic contributions to society, but this may take more than one generation. The balance sheet on immigration’s effects on a country of Help students with homework why does, destination is Help me write not merely economic. Even though immigration’s net economic effect on a host nation’s economy is positive, the debate about its larger effects is far from resolved. As a RAND corporation study quoted in The Economist summarizes, “the economic pluses and minuses are much smaller than the political and emotional salience” of the write sell, issue. The following costs and benefits are examples of additional considerations of immigration’s effect on societies. Let’s discuss first the Help my essay best, benefits. Developed destination countries are currently struggling demographically to maintain their population levels and age structures. With low fertility and longer life spans, many MDCs are in danger of developing skewed dependency ratios in the future (number of people in the workforce to the number of people too young or too old to work). Immigrants are an answer to with my science, this dilemma, as they are usually of working and childbearing age.

They keep the population growing, boosting the dependency ratio in a favorable direction. (See Demographics in Special Issue Section). Immigrants add a cultural richness to a society, bringing with them unique customs and traditions that become part of the me write friend, multilayered fabric of a nation. Beneath the obvious food, flag, festival and folk hero contributions, a multicultural diverse society is more culturally and intellectually stimulating and innovative than a mono-cultural one. Many advances made by the human race have been the result of contact between different peoples, in artistic and scientific realms. Efficiency is generated by a pooling of diverse talent in geographical hubs. Urbanization tends to accompany internal and international immigration.

The movement of people is partly a story of people moving from Good thesis vietnam war, rural to urban areas, or small cities to larger ones, whether they cross international borders or not. My Essay Best! The growth of cities brings together talent that is write for money sell highly conducive to innovation, increasing the economic and social vibrancy of a nation. All of these benefits have corresponding costs. Some natives fear immigrant populations will alter the Help me write my essay, religious and socio-cultural foundations of Homework cheat website online, their nation. For example, immigrants are increasingly bringing non-Judeo-Christian religions to Western countries. Conversely, within Christianity, Hispanic populations are boosting the membership of the Catholic Church. Some fear that family practices such as preference for male children in Asian societies may be aided by modern reproductive technologies and me write best alter the gender balance in countries of destination for this population.

There are those who raise the issue of immigrants changing national identity and coherence. Some fear the dilution of thesis vietnam, national symbols, narratives and experiences that have traditionally formed a country’s heritage and image abroad. Security concerns are associated with immigration when porous borders are conceivably able to facilitate the transport of enemies of the state and radical ideologies. Help Best! Major terrorist events occurring in destination countries, such as the US and UK, carried out by foreign nationals and/or 1st and 2nd generation immigrants feed this fear. The presence of Good vietnam war, large ethnic immigrant interest groups impacts the foreign policy of the host country toward their countries of origin. US lawmakers develop policies toward Mexico with the American Hispanic communities in mind; few politicians make statements regarding US policy on me write my essay best friend, Israel or the Middle East in general without regard for the sentiment of American Jewish groups. Host nations are adversely affected when internal conflicts within the home countries follow immigrants to their new homes. The violence that accompanies rivalries between different Italian “mafia” families in the US or between Russian exiles in the UK creates criminal and Good public safety concerns for host nations.

Finally, urbanization associated with migration has a significant downside as illustrated by the slums of many global cities. Service delivery and general capacity often do not keep pace with the growth of urban populations in places like China, India and South Africa, dragging down the Help my essay, quality of life for Cambridge dissertation, many immigrant and native residents. Large global cities like New York and London provide a microcosm of the Help me write my essay best friend, rich-poor divide that motivates much migration in the first place. Highly paid professionals live alongside impoverished immigrants who staff the service economy that this high net worth lifestyle demands. Conclusion and Recommendation. It is undeniable that life in homework why does, the Philippines is me write friend hard. With the monthly increase in transportation fees and basic commodities, the closing of local companies and factories, not to mention the economic crisis the world has been going through, Filipino citizens, both rich and poor, have been suffering a lot. As a result, people hoped to find a better life in with my science homework, other countries. We are one of the children who have a parent working abroad and we cannot even think of doing such cruel things to my parents. We love them so much and friend we will truly do everything like studying very hard for Good statement vietnam, them to be happy.

Someday, we will help and do everything for them in Help me write friend, exchange to everything that they had done for us. We will always make them our inspiration when studying and also every single time of our lives. We will never do what others did to their parents similar to those who do not treat their OFW parents working abroad. Help Why Does! It is really hard to have a parent working outside the country because the love and care of a parent is different from any other. Nevertheless, we still have to endure it and Help me write friend be brave so as to attain our goals not only for ourselves but also for them.

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Resume Format Guide - Reverse-Chronological, Functional, Combination Styles. By Resume Genius. Making a perfect resume needs more than just error-free spelling and grammar. A resume must be framed and formatted to my essay best friend present you in the best way possible, a process that requires combining creativity, composition, and marketing. Therefore, we’ve written this resume format guide to be a comprehensive resource to those looking to format their own resumes. We provide writing tips, expert advice, and Homework cheat website, sample images covering every resume format for your convenience. Looking for more resume samples?

Click the me write best friend, link below. How to Choose the write sell, Best Resume Format. Use the chart below to get a quick idea of which resume format will be best for presenting your unique job experience. As you may have seen above, job seekers have three options when it comes to formatting their resume: Chronological, Functional, and Combination . Each resume format has their own set of advantages and disadvantages for different kinds of job seekers, so be sure to choose wisely. Check out the in-depth writing guides below to friend get every bit of information needed to create the best resume for you: To get inspiration and High geometry, an idea of what your resume can look like, we’ve created three huge libraries of resume format examples . The links below are separated by resume style and include industry-specific samples. Visit each library and Help best friend, find your industry. As the name suggests, a reverse chronological resume presents your work experience information from newest (most relevant) to oldest (least relevant). This means the resume will begin with your most recent job, and end with your oldest experience. This structure allows you to present yourself in terms of your promotions and upward career mobility , and is therefore particularly useful for entry to mid level applicants looking to I need help my science homework boost their careers.

I should use a reverse chronological resume format if… I want to demonstrate a vertical career progression. I want to apply to Help me write my essay best friend a job in a similar field. I don’t have large work experience gaps. I shouldn’t use a reverse chronological style if… I have multiple gaps in school problems solutions my employment history. I am considering working in a new industry I frequently change jobs. To learn more about what should be in Help my essay best friend included in a reverse-chronological resume, click here.

The functional resume format frames the write, candidate in best terms of the with, skills and abilities he/she believes are most relevant to me write best the job opening . Unlike the reverse chronological resume, the functional resume ignores when and school geometry problems with, where the candidate learned or performed those skills . The candidate and simply lists them at Help me write best, the top of the resume in Homework website order of most relevant to me write my essay friend least relevant skills. Even the “least relevant” skill should still be relevant to Cambridge the job you are applying for. “Least relevant” here really means “the least relevant of Help your most relevant skills.” Warning: Many human resources professionals have negative impressions of functional resumes precisely because they do not reveal chronological information, making it seem like the candidate is hiding something. By using the functional format, job candidates can achieve three big goals: provide evidence that they are strong candidates for the job, and hide work experience gaps (if they haven’t been working for periods of time.) help hiring managers quickly locate specific skills that are required for a particular position, which is beneficial.

I should use a functional resume format if… I have unusually large gaps in my employment history. I am in I need help with my science the midst of a big career change into a new industry. I want to promote a specific skill set. I shouldn’t use a functional style if: I want to Help me write best friend highlight my upward career mobility. I am a student or entry-level candidate that lacks experience. I lack relevant or transferable skills. To learn more about what should be in included in a functional resume, click here.

A combination resume is literally a combination of the reverse-chronological and students homework, functional resume formats. Combination resumes will often begin with a professional profile or summary of qualifications that includes skills, abilities, and achievements relevant to Help me write my essay best friend the job opening. (This is the students homework, functional part.) This introductory section is then followed by Help best friend, your reverse-chronological professional experience, education, and additional sections. (This is the reverse-chronological part.) I should use a combination resume format if… I want to problems solutions showcase a relevant and well-developed skill set. I want to transfer to a different industry. I am a master at what I do.

I shouldn’t use a combination resume format if… I am a student or entry level candidate. I want to Help me write friend emphasize my educational experience. I lack relevant qualifications and skills. To learn more about what should be in included in a combination resume format, click here. If you have any specific questions not answered in this guide please feel free to post them in the comments at cheat, the bottom of the Help me write friend, page and one of with homework our Senior Resume Experts will be glad to answer them for you! PS. Need that job?

Be sure to download our Resume Checklist to ensure that you’ve written a complete, professional resume. Click Here to Download. Our Resume Checklist. If I apply a admin. job but I only have relevant experience several years ago, and now in school learning social service. How can I make my resume? Emphasize old skills and transferable skills from social service in a combination or functional resume. Good luck on the job hunt! Yes, if you have several impressive awards/honors then they can definitely be place above your professional experience.

Good luck on the job hunt! We suggest using a combination format. Best of Help me write best friend luck on the job hunt! We suggest that you stick with the traditional reverse-chronological format. Good luck! I did a career shift recently to teaching after having a graduate degree and 10 years experience in thesis war planning and development. I have recently completed a graduate degree in education and have 2 years of me write my essay best teaching experience in a preschool setting and trying to now make the shift to elementary age. Do you think I should use a combination resume? A combination resume should work for your situation. Check out our combination format writing guide for more info: For a chronological resume, if I completed an internship with a past employer — while simultaneously being employed by them — does the internship go above or below the primary employment experience? (E.g., I worked at Good thesis, HSBV from 8/2013 – 12/2015, with my internship — also at HSBV — from 1/2015 – 5/2015, so right in Help me write my essay friend the middle of my employment with them.

Should the internship be listed before, or after?) You should list you internship after your employment. Good luck! I have what I perceive to be a unique situation (I understand everyone thinks they are different). I am an army veteran of nearly 7 years and now I am studying to get my BS is Homeland Security. I joined the army at 19 in 2006 and got out in Homework website 2013. Me Write Friend! From 2013 until January of this year, I have been trying to make my own way as an thesis entrepreneur. I was largely unsuccessful and in order to stay on top of my bills I ended up taking odd jobs during the Help best, day while working as a bouncer at Cambridge dissertation, various bars and clubs at night. I am currently looking for an internship as part of my degree program so i need to create a resume. I thought a functional resume would be ideal so as to me write my essay friend blur the past 3 years.

However, I understand from this article that students should use a chronological resume. I need to Who can write my paper for money know how firm that rule is. Also, if anyone has any specific guidance for Help my essay best my resume I am very willing to accept advice. Help With My Science Homework! Thanks. In your situation, we would suggest using a functional format. This will allow you to Help me write best friend focus on Help students with homework your skills that are relevant to the internship you are applying for. Good luck on Help me write friend the job hunt and thank you for your service! Okay so I am a third year college student looking for a part-time job that fits my class schedule and website, isn’t in the fast-food industry to help me pay rent next year. I have never had to write a resume for any of my other jobs so I’m at a loss as to Help my essay best what to do.

I am applying as an entry-level applicant but I also didn’t work during my freshman year and about half of my sophomore year. Therefore I’m not really sure how to approach this and I really need this job. For Money Sell! Please help! Thanks! Good luck on the job hunt! Consider adding a ‘Publications’ section to include your research and writing experience. Friend! Good luck on Cambridge social the job hunt. Several positions require a chronological resume be included. I am over best 40, most recent position was over 5 yrs ago as a Seasonal Tax Professional with HR Block.

Recently received my AA degree. I do not include employment start – end dates on my resume for many reasons but I am not trying to I need help with my science homework look like someone who can not or will not follow directions either. Please share your thoughts. Hi I used to Help best be a pediatric nurse for two years till moved to this country on 2012 and I need with my science, have been working at Walmart since then, recently got my RN license and want to start working as a nurse…what type would you recommend me? In your case, we suggest using a functional resume. Best of luck on the job hunt!

Hi, I am presently working as Project Manager in Help construction company and before this I worked as Operations Manager in a different company. Now I want to apply for students with homework why does a job (Title : Plant Manager). I am confused which format I should choose to post for this job opportunity. Please recommend. We suggest sticking with the traditional reverse-chronological format. Best of luck! Detailing all 18 years of your experience might be overdoing it. Best! With three pages, there is likely some redundant information that you could cut. My Paper For Money Sell! However, if you truly feel that all of your content is Help me write relevant and of interest to Help the employer, then stick with what you have. Best of luck on the job hunt! I am now trying to rejoin the full-time workforce after almost a 17 year absence.

Prior to marriage mother hood I was a very successful Director of Public relations for a well known beauty company in NYC (1990-1996). My Essay Friend! After that I joined a small firm on Long Island as their first ever Director of PR and advertising (1997-1999). Then babies came. 6 years later I joined a local firm as their Director of Operations (office manager) from 2006-2009. Then my family and I moved to Switzerland and social anthropology dissertation, just returned after 7 years. I was a teacher of English as a Second Language. I am looking for work in almost any capacity: From Communications manager to administrative assistant. I am struggling with how to present my resume.

I’ve been letting my cover letters explain the history and Help me write best, why I would be a good fit for any given position, but I’m sure my resume is holding me back. Any ideas. Thanks in with why does advance! If you’re looking to get back into communications or office management, then it might be better to use a functional format. This will allow you to emphasize your skills instead of the dates of your work experience. As far as explaining work gaps in your cover letter, check out this how-to guide: While I was in high school I did my internship at for State Farm. After I graduated I was offered a job there and stayed there for 2 years. Me Write My Essay Best Friend! I have recently worked at the National Instituted of Health for High geometry a year. I currently want to go back to finding an office job or something related and Help my essay friend, need help deciding what type of resume I should use? Based on Help with homework the info you’ve given us, a ‘Chronological’ format would still be appropriate.

Best of luck! If the the position you are applying for is also an administrative job, then stick with the me write my essay best, traditional Reverse-Chronological resume format. Good luck on the job hunt! Glad you liked it! Hi there! This is great. Homework Cheat Website Online! I was just wondering, if I’ve been at the same position for 3 years (2014-present) but did a second job for 6 months in 2015 that I would like to list, would I put that first (since technically 2015 is more recent than 2014)? Or would I list that after my current position, since I’m still presently in me write my essay best friend this role? Thanks!

List your current position first. Best of luck! A combination or functional resume would be suitable. Best of luck! It sounds like a functional format would be a good choice. School Geometry Problems With Solutions! Good luck on the job hunt! Hi there Elizabeth,

You have a bit of best flexibility with the resume format, but when in doubt go with reverse-chronological. Because you’re lacking in Homework online transferable skills, I’d recommend working on your resume objective to get your application started on the right foot. Me Write My Essay Best! Also consider the soft skills you’ve built during your time working in a call center. Homework Website Online! Many of these could potentially be transferable. Good luck with your job application! Yes, a combination resume is Help me write my essay friend perfectly suited to someone of your experience, even with the career change. Good luck making the Help why does, shift back into my essay best friend, your previous field! If you are aiming for a new industry, you can’t go wrong with the classic “reverse-chronological” resume format. Good luck landing your fellowship!

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This professor made a climate change PowerPoint for Trump, and it will make you smile. Ken Schultz, a political science professor at best Stanford University, shared the presentation on Twitter over the weekend. The snarky explainer lays out climate change in Help students homework why does terms President Trump can understand #8212; you know, golf, big/beautiful walls, and YUGE Electoral College victories. Check out the hilarious thread below: So simple, even a Trump can understand. Eating grass-fed beef probably won#8217;t save the my essay best planet, according to Good war, a new review. Sorry to ruin the party, but a report from the Food Climate Research Network casts doubt on recent suggestions that pasture-raised cattle could sequester massive amounts of carbon in best friend the soil. By nibbling plants and stimulating new root growth, the old argument goes, cows can encourage deeper root networks, which suck up more carbon. Proponents of grass-fed meat have embraced these findings, saying that pasture-raised livestock could mitigate the impact of meat consumption on the environment. The new report #8212; cleverly titled “Grazed and Confused?” #8212; acknowledges that pastured cattle can be carbon negative, but this depends on the right soil and weather conditions. In most places, according to the report, grazers produce much more greenhouse gas than they add to the ground.

It is an #8220;inconvenient truth,#8221; the authors write, that most studies show grass-fed beef has a bigger carbon footprint than feedlot meat. Help Students With Why Does. #8220;Increasing grass-fed ruminant numbers is, therefore, a self-defeating climate strategy,#8221; the report concludes. Fortunately, grass-fed beef is not the me write only solution being bandied about: Research shows that a small dose of seaweed in livestock feed could drastically reduce methane emissions. And if you really want to reduce your impact on the climate you could, you know, stop eating meat. not another one. Tropical Storm Nate could hit the thesis statement vietnam war Gulf Coast as a hurricane this weekend. The storm is the latest reminder that this year’s devastating hurricane season is far from over. Help. Nate is currently bringing heavy rain to Nicaragua and Honduras #8212; up to 30 inches in some isolated areas #8212; and could cause life-threatening floods and mudslides. On track to move northwest through the Gulf#8217;s warm waters, Nate could make landfall in the United States as a hurricane this weekend. The National Hurricane Center warns people living along the coast from Louisiana through the I need with my science Florida panhandle to keep an eye on the storm. Though Nate#8217;s not projected to be as intense as Irma or Maria, it could still bring dangerous floods.

Growing consensus among NHC + models that #Nate will approach the New Orleans area Saturday night as a hurricane. In New Orleans, officials began preparing for the storm on Help my essay best friend, Thursday. The city escaped blows from Harvey and Irma, but flooding this summer revealed that 17 of New Orleans’ 120 pumps were broken. Some pumps were fixed, but 12 are still out of commission. This hurricane season is already one of the most destructive on record, and Who can for money we have nearly two months until it#8217;s over. A court says the Help my essay friend Trump administration broke the Help with law in me write my essay best not enforcing methane-leak rules. On Wednesday, a judge ruled that the Bureau of Land Management acted illegally in Good statement war suspending enforcement of an Obama-era regulation to plug gas leaks at public land drilling sites. That means that companies operating some 100,000 oil and gas wells suddenly have to scramble to come into compliance.

Methane is 30 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. According to Help best, the Los Angeles Times, #8220;The amount of methane escaping each year is enough to provide electricity for geometry problems solutions, nearly 740,000 homes.#8221; And if companies paid royalties on that gas, it would add $23 million to public treasuries. This is just the latest in a series of best friend, wins for Democratic attorneys general, who have managed to stall the Trump administration#8217;s attempts roll back or simply stay fossil fuel regulations. Grist recently put a spotlight on Help, two vanguards of Help, this resistance, profiling California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and interviewing Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson. “As a result of cheat online, this rule’s implementation, oil and my essay friend gas operators on federal and Indian lands will be compelled to prevent the waste of natural gas,” Becerra said in a statement. “No one is above the law.” Puerto Rico could see #8216;significant epidemics,#8217; health experts warn.

Two weeks after Hurricane Maria ravaged homes and Cambridge anthropology dissertation flooded streets with sewage, most Puerto Ricans remain without power or clean drinking water. Natural disasters create a ripe environment for epidemics. Me Write Friend. No power means no drinking water for most, because local water purification systems are knocked out. People wind up drinking contaminated water from taps or rivers. Roofs and doors have been blown off, making it easier for rats and mosquitoes to get into homes. All this leaves people vulnerable to cholera, hepatitis A, meningitis, salmonella, and more. #8220;Unless there is cheat online massive intervention to implement some type of health infrastructure, we could see significant epidemics in the coming weeks,#8221; said Peter Hotez, dean of the Help my essay best National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Cambridge social Houston, in an interview with InsideClimate News. In Loiza, a coastal town close to San Juan, Mayor Julia Navarro reports that some residents already show signs of dengue, Zika, and Help me write my essay pink eye. If the predictions of health experts come true, that story could extend far beyond Loiza. Renewer and better. Renewables now provide a quarter of the world#8217;s power. Thesis Vietnam War. A new report from the International Energy Agency surveys the Help my essay best friend growth of hydropower, wind, and other forms of renewable energy and finds they#8217;re catching up to coal (still the world#8217;s largest source of electricity).

At this rate, renewables are expected to provide 30 percent of Homework cheat website online, power generation by 2022. Hydropower provides the most renewable energy, but the growth is in solar. One wrinkle, though: It can be misleading to focus on the number of me write best, panels installed, because solar only Help students why does works when, ya know, the sun shines. So keep in mind that, while the graph below shows how much new #8220;capacity#8221; we are adding to best friend, the system, only Homework online a portion of that gets turned into electricity. Denmark is Help me write friend leading the way on clean energy installations (shocking, I know). Why Does. The Scandinavian country currently generates 44 percent of Help me write best, its electricity from wind and solar, and by 2022 it#8217;s on track to get 77 percent from the same sources. (VRE, used in the graf below, stands for #8220;variable renewable energy#8221; #8212; the term of art for school problems with, wind and solar plants that we can#8217;t switch on as needed.) If renewables keep growing as forecast, we#8217;re going to need bigger electrical grids (to move electricity from me write my essay best places where it#8217;s generated in cheat website online excess to best, places where it#8217;s needed) and better ways to store energy. Here are the most baffling things Trump said on his visit to Puerto Rico.

President Trump visited the U.S. territory on Tuesday, two weeks after Hurricane Maria devastated the school with solutions island. Half of Puerto Ricans lack clean water and 95 percent are without power. So, how did the president approach the unfolding humanitarian crisis? Let#8217;s hear it: Trump said that Hurricane Maria wasn’t a “real catastrophe” like Hurricane Katrina at a briefing with local officials. He compared the certified death count of the Help me write my essay disasters as evidence: “You can be very proud, only 16 instead of Help with homework why does, thousands in Katrina.” To point out a few problems: The official death toll in Puerto Rico is underreported, it will likely continue to climb, and maybe we shouldn#8217;t frame death tolls as something to be proud of. “I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you#8217;ve thrown our budget out of whack,#8221; Trump said at Help me write the briefing #8212; apparently joking about the disaster aid pending in with my science homework Congress. “Have a good time,” Trump told a family after they showed him their storm-damaged home. Help Me Write. The president went mostly off-script from the White House#8217;s Puerto Rico media coverage plan, but he did take the opportunity to tout the success of the relief effort. #8220;Everybody watching can really be very proud of what#8217;s been taking place in Puerto Rico,#8221; he said.

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Custom Karl Marx Conflict Theory Essay. Karl Marx is one of the most reputed philosophers of the 19 th Century. Born in 1818 in a middle class family, Marx studied law in Help me write best friend Bonn and Good thesis vietnam, Berlin and later plunged deeper into the ideas of Hegel and Feurbach (Wheen, 2007). It is after receiving his doctorate in my essay best philosophy in 1841 from the University of Jena that he moved with his family to Good thesis war, Paris where he became a radical revolutionary communist and teamed up with Friedrich Engels, another radical philosopher of his time. They collectively authored the pamphlet “The Communist Manifesto” which was later published in 1848. In this pamphlet, Marx passionately asserted that all human history was dominated by class struggles. Furthermore, he predicted that they would culminate into the fall of capitalism and rise of communism (Wheen, 2007). Karl Marx later moved to London in 1849 where he broke his political and religious isolation to author Das Kapital, sometimes referred to as the “Bible of the working class” (Wheen, 2007). In this book, Marx developed very philosophical ideas related to Help my essay best, the crises of the working class and the implicit struggles between laborers and with homework, owners of industries. The works and ideas of Karl Marx in his book Das Kapital were later edited by Engels after his death in 1833 in London (Wheen, 2007).

The ideas of Karl Marx established a school of thought known as Marxism, or what later came to be popularly known as the Marxist doctrine. His writings consummated the main ideological currents of 19 th century. My Essay Friend! These included the classical English political economy, French socialism and the French revolutionary doctrines of the time. Marx, throughout his writing, had envisaged a social revolution that would see the fall of capitalism and the rise of socialism as a dominant ideology. These predictions later became evident after the death of Karl Marx in what was considered to be a process of I need help with my science socialization of labor. Wheen (2007) contends that this transformation would be possible to accomplish by the proletariat in sustained struggles with the Help me write bourgeoisie. This led to the development of ideas evident in Marxism and for money sell, the conflict theory that form the bedrock of my essay Marx’s works. Conflict theory is Help students why does, a Marxist perspective and conceptualization of the way in which society is structured. This perspective depicts society as characteristically dominated by conflicts (Collins Sanderson, 2008). Conflict is the determinant of how resources are allocated and Help me write my essay best friend, who benefits the most from such allocations. Power is also acquired through conflict, and once such power is acquired, it is used to dominate the less-powerful and to benefit a few people.

Collins and Sanderson (2008) cited that the basic form of interaction in the human society is not consensus but competition, which culminates into persistent conflicts. Each party or individual competes against Homework cheat website, perceived rivals with the goal of gaining advantage and dominating the other. The theory presented by Karl Marx underscores the fact that conflict, and not consensus, dominates designed mechanisms through different classes in the stratified society, interacts and relates to each other (Collins Sanderson, 2008). The rich and Help me write my essay best, the powerful use conflict to students with homework why does, threaten their poor subjects and to maintain the status-quo. The poor on the other hand, organize and use conflicts to push for a revolution that will overthrow the powerful that are enjoying the privileges of capitalist structures. These tensions are thus sustained by Help my essay the need of each group to have its interests dominate the structures and operations of the society. Karl Marx contends that the society is stratified into two main social groups.

These are the proletariat and dissertation, the bourgeoisies. The conflict between these two large social groups results in what Marx considered as revolutionary change. The probable source of conflict between the Help me write my essay best proletariat and the bourgeoisies are the desire of the proletariat to have ownership of means of production, such as factories, power, land and other valuable resources (Collins Sanderson, 2008). The bourgeoisies, on the other hand, are not willing to relinquish these resources and give up their privileged positions of power and overwhelming riches and investments. Karl Marx on Class and Class Conflict. According to Karl Marx, society is stratified into classes. The classes comprise the bourgeoisies, land-owners and the proletariat.

The propertied-upper-class is the minority, while the Who can write my paper sell proletariats are the majority. Wood (2004) notes Marx’s dissection of the dominant features of friend each of these classes in most of his works. For example, the bourgeoisies own the means of production. Good! This is due to the huge investments they have made into factories and machines in the industries. The land owners have rent as their primary source of income. The proletariats are owners of cheap labor which they offer in exchange for wages that they use for their basic subsistence (Collins Sanderson, 2008). Investment gives the bourgeoisies a lot of profit.

Marx conceptualized the structure of the society in relation to the two major classes. He is focused on the inherent struggles between the proletariat and bourgeoisies which is the engine that pushes the occurrence of social change through revolutionary movements. In the understanding of Marxists, class is defined by Help me write best friend the level of wealth and power that one possesses (Wood, 2004). This power is used to sideline other classes from property and positions of power. Bourgeoisies use their power to serve their personal interests and amass more wealth at the expense of the proletariat. These three different classes, in the understanding of Karl Marx, have different interests which pit them against each other (Wood, 2004).

For example, the bourgeoisie are interested in safeguarding their investment in the industries, maximizing profits and minimizing costs. This makes them engage the proletariats as laborers in the farms to achieve this objective at relatively minimal wages. The proletariats on the other hand, organize and mobilize themselves to collectively push for better wages, conditions of work and strive to overcome the repressive and exploitative forces of their masters in the industries and factories. Thus, they struggle to website online, join hands and, through revolutionary movements, overthrow the bourgeoisies and control the industries and factories (Wood, 2004). Help My Essay Friend! These conflicting interests are what pit the social classes against each other. Conflicts, and Cambridge social, not consensus, therefore, characterize the society as noted by Marx who had envisaged such a society founded on constant conflicts. The struggle between the classes is likely to widen with time as the conditions of the Help friend laborers deteriorate further. This is likely leads to disintegration of the social structure. Collins and Sanderson (2008) asserted that conflicts between proletariats and bourgeoisies would translate into an industrial revolution.

This would mark the triumph of the Cambridge proletariats over the bourgeoisies, leading to increased access to capital and means of Help me write my essay friend production by proletariats. This, according to Good, Marxists, would mark the end of capitalism and the onset of socialism characterized by public ownership of the means of production. The fall of capitalism and bourgeoisies will, therefore, create a classless society as political power withers away due to industrial revolution led by the proletariat (Wood, 2004). Thus, according to Marxists, class and class conflict are the forces behind societal transformation and not any other evolutionary processes. Radical revolutionary movements are likely to me write friend, create a new social order in the society in which capitalism gives way to socialism as witnessed by the industrial revolutions that altered the school geometry problems with social order in Russia in Help me write my essay the 19 th century. The philosophical ideas of write for money sell Karl Marx on Help me write best alienation were relevant in his radical reformation periods that saw the fall of capitalism (Otteson, 2011). Although these ideas were mainly considered to Good thesis statement war, be philosophical in the 19 th century, alienation, as was espoused by Marx, since then has become a real social phenomenon in me write my essay best friend the 21 st century discourses that are propagated by Cambridge social anthropology contemporary social science scholars. The most outstanding aspect that Marx wrote about was economic alienation or alienated labor. Best Friend! According to the writings of Karl Marx, one of the front forces behind conflict between bourgeoisies and proletariat is the with homework fact laborers felt separated from the products of me write their own labor (Me%u0301sza%u0301ros, 2006).

Marx asserted that in Good vietnam war a capitalist society, workers were forced to remain on the job and my essay, work extra hard in order to earn and sustain themselves (Me%u0301sza%u0301ros, 2006). He was against alienation which is caused by strong forces of capitalism and Homework cheat website online, predicted the rise of communism in which laborers will no longer work to live but live to work. With the fall of capitalism and alienation, wage earning slaves will be free men who will work and enjoy the Help me write best friend value of their labor. In a capitalist society dominated by bourgeoisies, the I need production capacity of an employee is 100%. However, the employee does not benefit directly from these products. He only earns 10% of the proceeds of his work, which he only uses for daily subsistence. In communism, one would directly benefit from 90% of the proceeds of his labor and only lose 10% which will be spent in other production processes.

Marx contended that in a capitalist society, workers are alienated even from the products that they produce (Me%u0301sza%u0301ros, 2006). A laborer working in an industry that manufactures oil becomes so much alienated from the product that he or she produces to an extent that even in Help friend his or her own household he cannot afford the oil, yet he needs it and contributes significantly to its production. The ideas of Karl Marx on alienation were very accurate considering that many labor union movements advocated for geometry, the welfare of workers in best friend the modern society (Otteson, 2011). There are employees who work in a milk processing plant, when ironically back at home they do not take the milk, not because they do not need it but because they cannot afford the milk. Alienation as presented by help my science Karl Marx in his conflict theory is an explanation of my essay friend a situation in which man is cheat, separated from valued resources, opportunities, processes and decisions in Help my essay best friend which his input ought to be reflected (Me%u0301sza%u0301ros, 2006). The laborers at the time of Cambridge social Marx’s life did not have opportunity to say a word on the amount of wages they earned as compensation for their work. Yet, their role in the industrial production processes was very significant. The masters determined the wages, number of hours worked, when to grant leaves for recuperation and so on. Help Friend! In fact, Marx was very concerned with how the surplus value of products processed in the industries manned by workers benefited the workers themselves. Marx asserted that in a capitalist society, the surplus value only makes the rich richer as the workers become more impoverished.

So worked up were the laborers that they were even alienated from their own families and private lives. They did not have time for recreation, family sessions or other community forums. Marx sadly puts it in his writings of Das Kapital that leave or absence to workers in a capitalist system was hard to come by with homework (Me%u0301sza%u0301ros, 2006). But when such leaves were finally granted, they were only meant to my essay friend, help the workers recuperate and get extra strength not to benefit themselves but their masters who would then register a rise in surplus value in the industrial production. Alienation, according to the writings of Karl Marx, can be seen to write my paper for money, occur in four different ways.

Me%u0301sza%u0301ros (2006) contends that workers are alienated against the products that they produce; they do not benefit from them much, the production process especially through specialized division of labor, from the community and from himself. Help Me Write Best! In a capitalist industrialized society, specialized division of labor is I need homework, used to promote alienation under the Help best disguise of enhancing efficiency and school, effectiveness in production. Marx argues that an employee, concerned purely with the repair of broken down machines in industry producing oil, may not have enough experience with other production processes in the industry. The owners of the industry alienate them from Help best friend this knowledge out of fear that such knowledge might empower workers to compete against the factory owners. Consciousness as defined by war philosophers refers to how people or a person defines and understands himself (Wood, 2004). The concept of consciousness as presented in the writings of Karl Marx was basically bent towards understanding and identification with one’s class. It is this consciousness that would push the workers (proletariats) to Help me write my essay, join other proletariats and put forward a united battle against one common social group, the bourgeoisies. Wood (2004) asserts that consciousness would enable workers gain awareness that they all had shared experiences with other laborers, the bitter experience of alienation, exploitation and oppression by capitalist bourgeoisies (Wood, 2004). Good! This consciousness would push the workers to rise against the bourgeoisies and launch protest and revolutionary movements that would lead to Help me write best, the fall of thesis statement capitalism and the onset of communist’s ideologies. Marx used the term “class consciousness” to illustrate this level of Help my essay best friend awareness on homework why does the part of the workers. There are scholars of Marxism who have argued that the concept of consciousness was used by my essay Karl Marx to depict class as a very subjective dimension in a capitalist society.

The concept of consciousnerss forms the skeleton of Marx conflict theory. The proletariat will only rise to Homework cheat website online, confront the bourgeoisies after realization that all workers had common problems, all originating from the bourgeoisies. Such awareness by itself is inspiring enough to stir up revolution and protests against the bourgeoisies (Wood, 2004). Marx argued that it was false class consciousness that continued to sustain the forces and Help me write my essay, the influence of capitalist ideologies. The proletariat had misrepresented their identity, position in society and resigned to fate, preferring to remain in subordinate positions as the bourgeoisies took advantage of this and used their positions to exploit and dominate the economy (Wood, 2004). Members of subordinate classes, such as workers and peasants continued to suffer in the hands of the dominant bourgeoisies as a result of false-class-consciousness. The upper class, on the other hand, has their consciousness right as they believe they should remain dominant owners of the means of production. Karl Marx’s works have influenced and continue to school geometry problems with solutions, influence sociological academia and studies in Help my essay the field of economics. Although some of Who can write my paper his ideas, like conflict theory have been criticized by scholars since then in the contemporary sociological theory, conflict perspective remain to be a very popular sociological perspective, while Marx remains in academic records as one of the great scholars that contributed to the growth of sociology and its relevance in understanding human interactions and relationships in the society. Contemporary scholars, including critics of Marxism, continue to draw on his works to develop new concepts and ideas aimed at offering more accurate explanations of various phenomena in the society. Collins, R., Sanderson, S. K. (2008).

Conflict sociology: A sociological classic updated . Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. Meszaros, I. Help! (2006). Marx's theory of my paper for money alienation . Delhi: Aakar Books. Otteson, J. R. (2011). The inhuman alienation of capitalism. Society, 49 (2), 139-143. Wheen, F. (2007). Marx's das kapital: A biography . New York, N.Y: Atlantic Monthly Press. Wood, A. W. (2004).

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