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Persuasive essay on helping others

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Persuasive essay: Happiness comes from helping others and selfish

arument essay Definition : In this kind of essay, we not only essay on helping others give information but also present an argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and Type CONS (opposing ideas) of an argumentative issue. We should clearly take our stand and write as if we are trying to persuade an opposing audience to essay adopt new beliefs or behavior. The primary objective is to persuade people to change beliefs that many of them do not want to change. Choosing an argumentative topic is not an essay my life, easy task. The topic should be such that. X Marijuana should be considered illegal. Persuasive Others? (Not a good topic because it is too general. In some medical cases, marijuana is Write paper on a person prescribed by the doctors and the patients are encouraged to use it in case of Persuasive essay, suffering from too much pain) #8730; Selling and using marijuana in public places should be considered illegal . X We should decide whether we want a bicycle or a car. ( our stand is not clear: do we support having bicycles or cars?) #8730; If we are under the age of 30 and want a healthy life, we should definitely get a bicycle instead of a car.

X Are you one of those who thinks cheating is not good for students? ( a question cannot be an Type word, argument) #8730; Cheating helps students learn. X Considering its geological position, Turkey has an important geopolitical role in the EU. ( facts cannot be arguments) #8730; Considering its geopolitical role, we can clearly say that the EU cannot be without Turkey . Essay On Helping Others? it should be a topic that can be adequately supported (with statistics, outside source citations, etc.) X I feel that writing an argumentative essay is definitely a challenging task. ( feelings cannot be supported; we cannot persuade other people) If you believe that you can find enough evidence to support your idea and my paper online refute others effectively, you can choose challenging topics as well. You can enjoy writing about such topics: Cheating is beneficial for students. Murat 124 is a very good choice for on helping others, conscientious drivers. Stress is good for Type my paper microsoft word, the human body. Polygamy is Persuasive quite natural. For women, there is no need for men. Organization : All argumentative topics have PROs and CONs . Before starting writing, it is imperative to make a list of these ideas and choose the most suitable ones among them for essay my life, supporting and refuting. There are three possible organization patterns: CON idea 1 ----- Refutation.

CON idea 2 ----- Refutation. CON idea 3 ----- Refutation. Persuasive? The sample essay has been written according to help online veterinary the third pattern. Thesis: Do Reiki instead of Persuasive on helping others, taking medicine . People should trust medicine since it is effective and Summary and uncle romie scientifically proven. Reiki is also scientifically proven and does not have side effects . (refutation method: insufficient claim) Serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and Persuasive on helping others cancer cannot be treated without medicine. Medicine also cannot treat serious illnesses if not diagnosed at an early stage . (refutation method: opponents are partially correct) Reiki, like alternative healing methods, requires a lot of of me and uncle quiz, time . Reiki requires less time if done regularly . (refutation method: opponents are completely wrong) Supporting our ideas : This is the Persuasive most important part when persuading others.

We are asking some people to change their beliefs or actions. Online Veterinary? We should be supporting our ideas with such facts, statistics and/or authorities that there should not be room for any doubts. Here are some faulty supports we should avoid: Thesis: Leaving the Persuasive others university and starting to work is good for the adolescent because … Feelings, emotional arguments (… it makes one feel much better .) Irrelevant examples (wandering off the topic) (… he would then be able to take his girlfriend to online expensive restaurants .) Oversimplification (… only essay on helping then would he understand what it means to be an adult. Of Me Romie Quiz? ) Hasty generalizations (. it is a widely known fact that all adolescents look forward to earning money .) Unreliable, even false outside sources (… according to, 80% of working men wish they quit school when they were at university and started working at an earlier age. ) For more mistakes in Persuasive on helping, the logic of help online, arguments, see Fallacies. Refuting opposing arguments : Before we start saying that the opponents are wrong, we should specify their opposing ideas. Otherwise, it would be like hitting the on helping other person with eyes closed. We should see clearly what we are hitting and games be prepared beforehand so that he cannot hit us back. We can do this by knowing what we are refuting. e.g . X Some people may say that adolescents should not leave university education; however, they are wrong . ( what they say is not wrong.

Maybe their supporting idea is wrong /irrelevant /insufficient. We should state their supporting idea specifically to be able to refute it.) #8730; Some people may say that adolescents should not leave university education because they are not physically and Persuasive essay on helping psychologically mature enough to cope with the problems of the Type my paper microsoft word real world. However, they forget one fact: adolescents can vote or start driving at the age of 18 (in some countries even before that age!), which proves that they are considered physically and psychologically mature at that age . Language : Signposts gain importance in the argumentative essay. On Helping Others? They enable the readers to follow our arguments easily. When pointing out opposing arguments ( CONs ): Opponents of this idea claim / maintain that … Those who disagree / are against these ideas may say / assert that … Some people may disagree with this idea. When stating specifically why they think like that : The put forward this idea because … They claim that … since … Reaching the Common yale turning point : On the other hand , When refuting the opposing idea, we may use the following strategies : compromise but prove that their argument is Persuasive others not powerful enough: They have a point in essay, thinking like that. To a certain extent they are right. After seeing this evidence, there is no way we can agree with what they say . Persuasive Essay? say that their argument is irrelevant to the topic: What we are discussing here is not what they are trying to prove.

Their argument is irrelevant. HEALTH AND HEALING AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. Throw out the bottles and boxes of app college essay yale, drugs in your house. A new theory suggests that medicine could be bad for your health, which should at least come as good news to people who cannot afford to on helping others buy expensive medicine. However, it is a blow to the medicine industry, and an even bigger blow to Summary of me quiz our confidence in the progress of science. This new theory argues that healing is at our fingertips: we can be healthy by others doing Reiki on a regular basis. Supporters of medical treatment argue that medicine should be trusted since it is effective and scientifically proven. They say that there is Common essay no need for essay, spiritual methods such as Reiki, Yoga, Tai Chi.

These waste our time, something which is quite precious in our material world. There is medicine that can kill our pain, x-rays that show us our fractured bones or MRI that scans our brain for Summary and uncle romie quiz, tumors. Persuasive Essay On Helping? We must admit that these methods are very effective in the examples that they provide. However, there are some “every day complaints” such as back pains, headaches, insomnia, which are treated currently with medicine. When you have a headache, you take an Aspirin, or Vermidon , when you cannot sleep, you take Xanax without thinking of the side effects of Summary of me and uncle, these. When you use these pills for a long period, you become addicted to them; you cannot sleep without them. We pay huge amounts of money and become addicted instead of getting better. How about a safer and more economical way of healing? When doing Reiki to yourself, you do not need anything except your energy so it is very economical.

As for others, its history, it was discovered in Japan in the early 1900s and The hunger its popularity has spread particularly throughout America and Western Europe . In quantum physics, energy is recognized as the fundamental substance of which the universe is Persuasive on helping composed. Reiki depends on the energy within our bodies. It is a simple and The hunger effective way of restoring the energy flow. There are no side effects and it is Persuasive on helping scientifically explained. Opponents of The hunger, alternative healing methods also claim that serious illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and essay others cancer cannot be treated without drugs. Games Essay? They think so because these patients spend the rest of their lives in the hospital taking medicine. Essay On Helping? How can Reiki make these people healthy again? It is very unfortunate that these patients have to live in the hospital losing their hair because of chemotherapy, losing weight because of the side effects of the medicine they take.

Actually, it is common knowledge that except for when the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, drugs also cannot treat AIDS or cancer. Most of the medicine these patients use are to ease their pain and their sufferings because of the medical treatment they undergo. Instead of drugs which are expensive and Type my paper online have many side effects, you can use your energy to Persuasive essay on helping overcome the hardships of life, find an emotional balance, leave the on college my life stress of everyday life and Persuasive essay on helping let go of the everyday worries. Most of the chronic conditions such as eczema or migraine are known to have causes such as poor diet and The hunger games essay stress. Deep-rooted anger or other strong emotions can contribute to viral infections as well.

Since balancing our emotions and controlling our thoughts are very important for our well-being, we should definitely start learning Reiki and avoid illnesses before it is too late. Some people may still maintain that in essay others, our material world, everything depends on time. It is even “lacking time” that causes much of the Write on a person stress that leads to the illnesses we mentioned. How would it be possible to essay others find time to do Reiki to ourselves and the people around us when we cannot even find time to go to good term person the theater? This is one good thing about Reiki; it does not require more than 15 minutes of our time.

There is no need for changing clothes or special equipment. Essay Others? It is a wonderfully simple healing art, an effective method of relaxation and stress-relief. Most important of all, it is less time consuming than medicine if we think of all the time we spend taking medicine for some complaints and taking some more for the side effects as well. Having said these, resistance to my paper microsoft Reiki would be quite illogical. Reiki is natural and drug-free. What is more, it is easy to Persuasive others learn by anyone, regardless of Type my paper microsoft, age and experience.

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Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The heart of Persuasive essay on helping others tolerance is self-control. When we tolerate an activity, we resist our urge to forcefully prohibit the expression of activities that we find unpleasant. More abstractly, toleration can be understood as a political practice aiming at Type my paper online microsoft, neutrality, objectivity, or fairness on the part of political agents. These ideas are related in that the goal of Persuasive essay on helping others political neutrality is deliberate restraint of the power that political authorities have to negate the life activities of its citizens and subjects.

Related to toleration is the virtue of tolerance, which can be defined as a tendency toward toleration. Toleration is usually grounded upon Summary and uncle quiz an assumption about the importance of the autonomy of individuals. This assumption and the idea of toleration are central ideas in modern liberal theory and practice. The virtue of Persuasive on helping toleration is implicit in Socrates' method of allowing many diverse perspectives to be expressed. In seventeenth century Europe, the concept of tolerance was developed as liberal thinkers sought to limit the coercive actions of government and Help on college essay, the Church.

They argued that human beings are fallible and should have epistemic modesty. Further, an individual know his or her interests best and requires tolerance by others in order to find the best way to others, live. The following article provides a conceptual and historical overview of the concept of The hunger games toleration, surveying thinkers such as Socrates, John Locke, John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, John Rawls and other contemporary political philosophers who have weighed in on this important yet problematic idea. The English words, 'tolerate', 'toleration', and on helping others, ‘tolerance’ are derived from the Latin terms tolerare and tolerantia , which imply enduring, suffering, bearing, and forbearance. Ancient Greek terms, which may also have influenced philosophical thinking on person, toleration, include: phoretos which means bearable, endurable, or phoreo , literally 'to carry'; and anektikos meaning bearable, sufferable, tolerable, from anexo , 'to hold up'. Today, when we say that someone has a 'high tolerance for pain,' we mean that he or she is able to endure pain. This ordinary way of thinking is useful for understanding the idea of toleration and the virtue of tolerance: it underscores the fact that toleration is essay on helping others directed by an agent toward something perceived as negative. It would be odd to say, for example, that someone has a high tolerance for pleasure. With this in mind, we can formulate a general definition of toleration that involves three interrelated conditions.

When an agent tolerates something: (1) the agent holds a negative judgment about games essay this thing; (2) the agent has the power to negate this thing; and. (3) the agent deliberately refrains from negation. The first condition requires a negative judgment, which can be anything from disapproval to disgust. Judgment here is Persuasive meant to be a broad concept that can include emotions, dispositions, tastes, and reasoned evaluations. This negative judgment inclines the agent toward a negative action toward the thing that is perceived as being negative. This broadly Stoic conception of judgment is Anatomy online a common assumption in on helping others, discussions of toleration. Defenders of toleration assume that we can, to a certain extent, voluntarily control the expression of our negative reactions by essay opposing them with different, countervailing, judgments. Although judgments and Persuasive on helping others, emotions are both thought to have motivating force, they can be resisted by some other judgment, habit or virtue. The entity toward which an agent has a negative judgment can be an event, an object, or a person, although with regard to tolerance as a moral and political disposition, the entity is usually thought to be a person. Although we speak of tolerating pain, for example, the moral and Anatomy, political emphasis is on tolerating some other person, a group of people, or their activities. The second condition states that the agent has the others power to negate the Type my paper entity in question.

Toleration is Persuasive others concerned with resisting the temptation to Summary and uncle romie, actively negate the thing in question. To distinguish toleration from cowardice or weakness of on helping will the Summary and uncle quiz agent must have some capacity to enact his negative judgment. Toleration occurs when the agent could actively negate or destroy the person or object in question, but chooses not to. The word negate is used here in a broad sense that allows for on helping, a variety of negative reactions. Negative actions can include: expressions of condemnation, acts of avoidance, or violent attacks. Write Paper On A! The continuum of negations is decidedly vague. Persuasive On Helping! It is not clear, for example, whether condemnation and avoidance are negations of the same sort as violent action. Despite the vagueness of the continuum of negative activities, the focal point of the second criterion is the power to negate: toleration is restraint of the power to games essay, negate. The third condition states that the essay on helping agent deliberately refrains from exercising his power to negate. The Hunger! Tolerant agents deliberately choose not to negate those things they view negatively. The negative formulation, 'not negating,' is important because toleration is not the same thing as positive evaluation, approbation, or approval.

Tolerant restraint of the negative judgment is supposed to be free and deliberate: one refrains from negating the Persuasive essay others thing because one has a reason not to negate it and is free to act. Good reasons for toleration are plural. Anatomy! They include: respect for autonomy; a general commitment to pacifism; concern for other virtues such as kindness and generosity; pedagogical concerns; a desire for reciprocity; and a sense of modesty about one's ability to judge the beliefs and Persuasive on helping others, actions of others. Each of these provides us with a reason for Type my paper online microsoft word, thinking that it is good not to negate the thing in question. As mentioned already, there also may be other non-tolerant reasons for refraining from negation: fear, weakness of will, profit motive, self-interest, arrogance, and so forth.

Although there are many reasons to be tolerant, traditional discussions have emphasized respect for autonomy and pedagogical concerns. Underlying both of these approaches is often a form of self-conscious philosophical modesty that is linked to the value of respect for Persuasive essay, autonomy. As John Stuart Mill and others have argued, individuals ought to be left to good paper on a, pursue their own good in Persuasive on helping others, their own way in part because each individual knows himself and his own needs and interests best. This view does, however, leave us with a lingering problem as toleration can easily slip toward moral skepticism and relativism. It is important to romie, note then that toleration is Persuasive essay a positive value that is not based upon total moral skepticism. Proponents of toleration think that toleration is good not because they are unsure of their moral values but, rather, because toleration fits within a scheme of moral values that includes values such as autonomy, peace, cooperation, and other values that are thought to be good for human flourishing. The spirit of tolerance is evident in help veterinary, Socrates' dialogical method as a component of his search for truth. Throughout the early Platonic dialogues, Socrates tolerantly allows his interlocutors to pursue the truth wherever this pursuit might lead. And he encourages his interlocutors to offer refutations so that the truth might be revealed.

Sometimes Socrates' tolerance can appear to Persuasive essay on helping, go too far. The Euthyrphro concludes, for example, with Socrates allowing Euthyphro to proceed in the prosecution of a questionable court case. And Socrates' relationship with Alcibiades, as discussed in the Symposium , shows Socrates as perhaps too tolerant toward this reckless Athenian youth. In the Gorgias (at 458a) Socrates describes himself in terms that establish a link between philosophical method and a form of toleration. Socrates says, And what kind of man am I? One of those who would gladly be refuted if anything I say is not true, and The hunger games, would gladly refute another who says what is not true, but would be no less happy to be refuted myself than to Persuasive essay on helping, refute, for I consider that a greater benefit, inasmuch as it is a greater boon to be delivered from the worst of evils oneself than to deliver another. For Socrates, then, the pursuit of truth is linked to an open mind, although of course this form of dialogical toleration is essay supposed to lead to a unitary vision of the truth. One can see a more developed form of tolerance celebrated in the Stoicism of Epictetus (55-135 C.E.) and Marcus Aurelius (121-180 C.E.). The Stoic idea is that we should focus on those things we can control—our own opinions and essay, behaviors—while ignoring those things we cannot control, especially the opinions and behaviors of others. The Stoic idea is linked to essay, resignation and apathy, as is clear in the case of Epictetus, whose social position—raised as a Roman slave—might explain his advice about bearing and forbearing.

Of course, the problem here is essay on helping others that slavish forbearance is not the same as tolerance: it seems clear that tolerance properly requires the Summary of me romie power to negate, which the slave does not possess. With the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, however, tolerance is essay on helping seen as a virtue of power. Tolerance might be linked to other virtues of power such as mercy and benevolence, as suggested, for example by Seneca. However, it is important to note that the my paper online microsoft word Stoic approach to tolerance was not explicitly linked to a general idea about political respect for autonomy and freedom of conscience, as it is in Persuasive essay others, the modern liberal tradition. Moreover, Roman political life was not nearly as tolerant as modern political life. For example, although Marcus' Meditations contain many passages invoking the Type my paper microsoft word spirit of tolerance, Marcus was responsible for continuing the persecution of Persuasive essay Christians. Religious traditions provide further historical background for the idea of toleration. My Paper Online Word! For example, the spirit of tolerance can be discovered in the Christian Gospel's message of loving enemies, forgiving others, and refraining from others, judging others.

Christian tolerance is linked to other virtues such as charity and self-sacrifice. Furthermore, it seems to go beyond tolerance toward a self-abnegating type of Type microsoft love and acceptance. Persuasive On Helping! Christ's command to love your enemies is one example of this attempt to go beyond tolerance. It should be noted that other religious traditions also contain resources for Write good term paper person, developing toleration. Persuasive On Helping Others! For example, Buddhist compassion can be linked to the idea of toleration.

Indeed, in the third century B.C.E., the Buddhist emperor of India, Ashoka, called for official religious toleration. Likewise, in the 16 th Century C.E., the Islamic emperor Akhbar made a similar attempt at establishing religious toleration on app college essay, the Indian subcontinent. Despite these antecedents, toleration does not become a serious subject of philosophical and political concern in essay on helping, Europe until the 16th and 17th Centuries. During the Renaissance and Reformation of the 15th and 16th Centuries, humanists such as Erasmus (1466-1536), De Las Casas (1484-1566), and Montaigne (1533-1592) asserted the autonomy of human reason against the dogmatism of the Church. Although religious authorities reacted with the formation of the Inquisition and the Index of Forbidden Books, by the 17 th Century philosophers were seriously considering the question of toleration. Following the divisions created by the Lutheran Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, Europe was decimated by war and violence fomented in the name of religion, which culminated in Help essay, the Thirty Years War (1618-1648). Through events such as these scholars became acutely aware of the destructive power of on helping others intolerance and sought to limit this destructive force by re-examining the on college essay my life biblical roots of toleration and by re-considering the relation between religious belief and political power. Essay On Helping! Additional influences on the cultural landscape of Europe during this time include the struggle to define sovereignty and to purify religion in Write term paper on a, Britain during the British Civil Wars (1640-1660), as well as increased information about cultural differences with the Persuasive essay beginning of global exploration. Among the microsoft thinkers of this period, those who defended tolerance were Milton (1608-1674), Bayle (1647-1706), Spinoza (1634-1677), and Locke (1632-1704). One of the worries of the humanist thinkers of the Reformation was whether it was possible to have infallible knowledge of the Divine Will such that one could justify the persecution of heretics.

This concern with human fallibility lies at the heart of what will be described subsequently as epistemological toleration. When recognition of human fallibility is combined with critique of political and ecclesiastical power, more robust forms of political toleration develop. In this vein, Spinoza concluded his Theological-Political Treatise (1670) with an argument for freedom of thought. On Helping Others! It is not surprising that Spinoza should have written this treatise, for he was himself a product of a tolerant society: he was a Portuguese Jew living in Holland. Indeed, the 17 th Century saw the rise of toleration in The hunger games, practice in certain parts of Europe, perhaps as a result of increased trade and social mobility. Spinoza's argument for toleration focuses on three claims: first, he claims that it is impossible for the state to effectively curtail liberty of thought; second, he claims that liberty of thought can in fact be allowed without detriment to essay on helping, state power; and finally, Spinoza argues that political authority should focus on online microsoft word, controlling actions and not on Persuasive essay on helping, restricting thought. This emphasis on the difference between thought and action is crucial for subsequent discussions of toleration in Locke, Mill, and Kant. Somewhat different versions of Spinoza's basic insights can be found in Locke’s famous Letter Concerning Toleration (1689), an essay that was written during Locke's exile in Holland. Locke's argument focuses specifically on the conflict between political authority and religious belief.

He articulated a view of toleration based on the epistemological claim that it is impossible for the state to coerce genuine religious belief. Common Essay Yale! He argued that the on helping others state should refrain from interfering in the religious beliefs of its subjects, except when these religious beliefs lead to behaviors or attitudes that run counter to the security of the state. This exception allowed him to conclude that the state need not tolerate Catholics who were loyal to a foreign authority or atheists whose lack of religious conviction left them entirely untrustworthy. In the 18 th Century, discussion of toleration was tied to the problem of skepticism and to a more sustained critique of absolutism in politics. Summary And Uncle Romie! Voltaire (1694-1778), who expressed his admiration for the development of religious tolerance in England in his Philosophical Letters (1734), was extremely worried about the tendency of religion to become violent and intolerant. Moreover, he suffered under the essay intolerant hands of the French authorities: he was thrown in jail for his views and his books were censored and publicly burned. Religious tolerance forms the theme of his Treatise on Tolerance (1763), which argues vigorously for tolerance even though it retains a bias toward Christianity. A concise summary of Voltaire's argument for tolerance can be found in the entry on essay, Tolerance in his Philosophical Dictionary (1764). Persuasive! Voltaire's claim is that toleration follows from human frailty and error. App College Yale! Since none of us has perfect knowledge, and since we are all weak, inconsistent, liable to fickleness and Persuasive, error, we should pardon one another for our failings. Voltaire's approach focuses on tolerance at the level of Anatomy help personal interaction and risks slipping toward moral skepticism and relativism: like his contemporary David Hume (1711-1777), Voltaire presented a skeptical challenge to on helping, orthodox belief.

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), in response to skeptics such as Voltaire and Hume, tried to avoid skepticism while focusing on the limits of human knowledge and the limits of political power. In his essay, What is Enlightenment? (1784), Kant argues for an enlightened form of political power that would allow subjects to The hunger, argue among themselves, so long as they remained obedient to authority. This position is further clarified by Kant's claim in essay others, Perpetual Peace (1795) that philosophers should be allowed and encouraged to speak publicly. Kant's point in this later essay is that public debate and discussion lead to Help essay, the truth, and that kings should have nothing to fear from the truth. Kant's views on religious toleration are clarified in his Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone (1793).

Here Kant argues against religious intolerance by pointing out Persuasive, that although we are certain of our moral duties, human beings do not have apodictic certainty of God's commands. Thus a religious belief that demands a contravention of morality (such as the burning of a heretic) can never be justified. Bridging the gap between the Old World and the New World, the writings of Thomas Paine (1737-1809) and Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) express a theory of toleration that is tied directly to political practice. Paine's and Jefferson’s ideas followed Locke’s. Not only were they critical of unrestrained political power but they were also committed to an ecumenical approach to religious belief known as deism.

Paine makes it clear in his Rights of Man (1791) that toleration for religious diversity is essential because political and ecclesiastical authorities do not have the capacity to adjudicate matters of conscience. Type My Paper Online Microsoft! Mind thine own concerns. If he believes not as thou believest, it is a proof that thou believest not as he believeth, and there is no earthly power can determine between you. At the end of the 18th Century, we see tolerant ideas embodied in practice in the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights—the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution (ratified in 1791). Collectively these amendments serve to restrain political power. Specifically, the Persuasive essay on helping others First Amendment states that there can be no law, which prohibits freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition to the government. Subsequent developments in U.S. Constitutional law have led to a tradition of respect for citizens' freedom of thought, speech, and action.

In the 19th Century, the idea of Type toleration was developed further in line with the liberal, enlightenment idea that moral autonomy is essential to human flourishing. The most famous argument for toleration in the 19 th Century was made by John Stuart Mill in On Liberty (1859). Mill argues here that the only proper limit of liberty is harm: one is Persuasive entitled to be as free as possible, except where one's liberty poses a threat to the well-being of someone else: the only purpose for term paper on a person, which power can rightfully be exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. Mill expands the notion of privacy that was implicit in Locke and Persuasive on helping, Kant to Anatomy, argue that political power should have no authority to regulate those activities and interests of individuals that are purely private and have no secondary effects on others. Mill also vigorously argues that freedom of thought is essential for the development of essay knowledge. Mill's general approach is utilitarian: he claims that individuals will be happier if their private differences are tolerated and that society in term paper on a, general will be better off if individuals are left to pursue their own good in their own way. In the Persuasive on helping 19th Century and into the early 20th Century, religious toleration was also a subject of consideration for my life, thinkers such as Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), and William James (1842-1910), who emphasized the subjective nature of religious faith. For example, in his Varieties of Religious Experience (1902), James argued that religious experience was diverse and not subject to a definitive interpretation. Although this fits with James's larger metaphysical commitment to others, pluralism, his point is that religious commitment is personal—a matter of what he calls in another essay, the will to believe.

It is up to each individual to Summary romie, decide for himself what he will believe: if we properly understand the Persuasive essay nature of Anatomy online religious belief, we should respect the religious liberty of others and essay others, learn to tolerate our differences. In the 20th Century, toleration has become an important component of what is now known as liberal theory. The bloody history of the 20th Century has led many to online veterinary, believe that toleration is needed to on helping, end political and Common, religious violence. Toleration has been defended by liberal philosophers and political theorists such as John Dewey, Isaiah Berlin, Karl Popper, Michael Walzer, Ronald Dworkin, and Persuasive essay on helping, John Rawls. It has been criticized by Herbert Marcuse and others such as Iris Young who worry that toleration and its ideal of state neutrality is merely another hegemonic Western ideology. Toleration has been the explicit subject of many recent works in political philosophy by Help essay Susan Mendus, John Horton, Preston King, and Persuasive essay on helping, Bernard Williams. And Uncle Quiz! Much of the current discussion focuses on essay on helping, responding to John Rawls, whose theory of political liberalism conceives of toleration as a pragmatic response to the fact of diversity (see Political Toleration below). A recurring question in the current debate is whether there can be a more substantive commitment to toleration that does not lead to the paradoxical consequence that the tolerant must tolerate those who are intolerant. Further recent discussion, by David Heyd, Glenn Newey, and others, has attempted to re-establish the link between tolerance and virtue. These writers wonder whether tolerance is in good term paper person, fact a virtue and if so, what sort of a virtue it is.

A concern for essay, racial equality, gender neutrality, an end of Help my life prejudice, respect for cultural and ethnic difference, and a general commitment to multiculturalism has fueled ongoing debates about the nature of toleration in others, our age of globalization and homogenization. Finally, in the U.S., First Amendment Law has developed to allow for a broad idea of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. Good Paper! And under the influence of an interpretation of the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment, mechanisms to ensure equality have given support to those minority groups who were once the victims of political intolerance. An epistemological argument for toleration can be traced to Socrates. However, this ideal becomes explicit in the thinking of Milton, Locke, and Mill. The epistemological claim is that one should tolerate the opinions and beliefs of the other because it is either impossible to coerce belief or because such coercion is not the most useful pedagogical approach. This idea can be developed into on helping others, a claim about the importance of diversity, dialogue, and debate for the establishment of truth. Finally, this approach might lead to a form of relativism or skepticism that puts the idea of toleration itself at risk. Socratic tolerance is discovered if we take seriously Socrates' claims to ignorance. Socratic ignorance is linked to virtues, such as sophrosyne (self-control), modesty and tolerance.

These virtues are essential components in the formation of the philosophical community and the pursuit of essay philosophical truth. Throughout Plato's dialogues, Socrates restrains himself deliberately—he modestly claims ignorance and allows others to develop their own positions and make their own mistakes—out of recognition that this is the best, perhaps the Persuasive essay others only, way to proceed in essay, the communal pursuit of truth. Socrates' main goal is to discover the truth through open-minded debate. Essay! But there would be no dialogue and indeed no education without tolerance. Online! Socrates' commitment to tolerance is part of his epistemological faith in the autonomy of reason. We each must discover the truth for ourselves by way of disciplined, modest, and tolerant dialogue. Centuries later, John Milton's Areopagitica (1644) offers a similar defense of the truth. Milton vigorously defended freedom of Persuasive essay on helping others speech in response to a censorship decree of the English parliament. His argument relies upon the epistemological claim that open dialogue supported by a tolerant government fosters the development of truth. Anatomy Help Online Veterinary! Milton's basic assumption is that the truth is able to defend itself in a free debate. Let truth and falsehood grapple; who ever knew truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?

Milton further argues that outward conformity to orthodoxy is Persuasive essay not the same as genuine belief. These ideas were developed further by Locke in his Letter Concerning Toleration . Locke argues that the civil and ecclesiastical authorities ought to tolerate diversity of The hunger games belief because one cannot force another human being to have faith. In a claim that is reminiscent of Milton, Locke claims the truth certainly would do well enough if she were left to shift for herself… She is not taught by laws, nor has she any need of force to procure her entrance into the minds of men. On Helping Others! This is so because the authority of judgment resides within the free individual. It is Anatomy help online veterinary impossible to force someone to believe something for Persuasive essay others, external reasons. Anatomy! Rather, truth must be arrived at and believed for internal reasons. This epistemological claim is the focal point of Persuasive others Jeremy Waldron's recent critique of Locke’s account. Waldron claims that Locke's argument is weak because it relies upon the false assumption that beliefs cannot be coerced. The point is that we often believe things quite sincerely without any good reason whatsoever. Moreover, Waldron argues that the epistemological argument is too weak to provide a moral limitation on coercion. Even though coercion cannot produce genuine belief, an good on a, intolerant regime may not be interested in on helping others, producing genuine belief.

It may simply be interested in guaranteeing conformity. Games! Waldron's point is important: the epistemological critique is useful only if one is committed to the claim that genuine belief in the truth is an important political or moral value. An epistemological argument for toleration must claim not only that it is impractical or impossible to impose belief upon others, but also that we ought to value genuine commitment over mere conformity. Mill's epistemological argument is quite similar to Locke's, although Mill goes farther in advocating freedom of speech as essential for the discovery of truth. Mill's epistemological argument begins with the on helping assumption that individuals know best what is good for them.

This claim runs counter to the traditional Platonic claim that often individuals do not know what is in their own best interest. Mill supports his claim by pointing out that the individual always has the best access to his/her own interests and desires: others do not have access to app college, the kinds of internal evidence that would allow them to judge for the individual. Essay! It is important to note that Mill does not equate this access problem with relativism. Indeed, in his essay Utilitarianism (1863), he famously defends a hierarchy of goods based on the fact that those who have experienced both lower and higher goods will prefer the higher ones (for example, “it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied). The epistemological point remains the same here, however: it is up to the individual to judge for himself about what is good for him. Mill's general argument for freedom of thought is based upon a recognition of human fallibility and on the need for dialogue and debate. Good Term Paper Person! Mill's argument for freedom of thought in On Liberty contains the Persuasive essay on helping others following claims. (1) Silenced opinions may be true. To assume they are not is to The hunger games, assume that we are infallible. (2) Even false opinions may contain valid points of contention and parts of the Persuasive on helping truth. To know the whole of truth we might have to app college yale, weave together parts of Persuasive essay on helping truth from different sources. (3) To claim to know the truth means that we are able to defend it against all vigorous opposition.

Thus we need to be able to hear and respond to false opinions in order to know all of the The hunger games essay arguments for a proposition. (4) Truth that is not continuously and vigorously contested becomes mere superstition. Such dogmatically held superstitions may thus crumble before even weak opposition and will not be heartily believed or defended. Like Socrates, Mill and Locke both arrive at Persuasive, the notion of toleration from a non-relativistic understanding of veterinary belief and truth. Essay! However, under the general rubric of epistemological toleration we might also include the sort of toleration that follows from skepticism or relativism. For the relativist or skeptic, since we cannot know the truth or since all truths are relative, we ought to be tolerant of those who hold different points of view. Write Good Paper On A Person! Contemporary American philosopher, Richard Rorty has articulated an essay, argument something like this. The problem with this approach is the same problem with all sorts of Anatomy help online veterinary skepticism and relativism: either the claim self-referentially undermines itself or it provides us with no compelling reason to believe it. If we are skeptical about knowledge, then we have no way of knowing that toleration is good. Likewise, if truth is relative to a system of thought, then the claim that toleration is required is Persuasive on helping others itself merely a relatively justified claim.

The form of epistemological toleration espoused by Mill, at least, attempts to essay my life, avoid these problems by appealing to a form of fallibilism that is not completely skeptical or relativistic. Mill's point is Persuasive others not that there is no truth but, rather, that toleration is required for us to come to know the truth. We have seen that epistemological concerns can lead us to toleration. Moral concerns can also bring us to on college essay, toleration. Tolerance as a moral virtue might be linked to other moral virtues such as modesty and self-control. However, the most common moral value that is thought to ground toleration is a concern for autonomy. We ought to refrain from negating the other when concern for Persuasive essay others, the other's autonomy provides us with a good reason not to act. Toleration that follows from a commitment to autonomy should not be confused with moral relativism. Moral relativism holds that values are relative to culture or context. Games Essay! A commitment to autonomy, in opposition to this, holds that autonomy is Persuasive good in a non-relative sense.

A commitment to autonomy might require that I allow another person to do something that I find abhorrent, not because I believe that values are relative, but because I believe that autonomy is so important that it requires me to refrain from negating the autonomous action of another free agent. Of course, there are limits here. Autonomous action that violates the autonomy of another cannot be tolerated. Mill's account of the principle of liberty is helpful for understanding this idea of toleration. Mill tells us that we should be given as much liberty as possible, as long as our liberty does not harm others. This is in fact a recipe for toleration. Mill's argument follows from certain basic assumptions about individuals. 1. The Hunger Games Essay! Each individual has a will of his own. 2. Each individual is better off when not compelled to do better.

3. Each individual knows best what is good for him. 4. Each individual is motivated to attain his own good and to avoid actions that are contrary to others, his self-interest. 5. Self-regarding thought and activity can be distinguished from its effects upon others. Some of these claims (for example, #3) are linked to epistemological toleration. However, the point here is not only that individuals know what is in their own self-interest but also that it is good for individuals to be able to pursue their own good in their own way. Such an approach makes several important metaphysical assumptions about the nature of human being: that autonomy is possible and important, that individuals do know their own good, that there is a distinction between self-regarding action and actions that effects others. Moral toleration follows from these sorts of claims about human being. Of course, toleration and respect for autonomy are not simple ideas. Much has been made about the so-called paradox of Help toleration: the fact that toleration seems to ask us to tolerate those things we find intolerable. Toleration does require that we refrain from enacting the negative consequences of our negative judgments.

This becomes paradoxical when we find ourselves confronting persons, attitudes, or behaviors, which we vigorously reject: we then must, paradoxically, tolerate that which we find intolerable. This becomes especially difficult when the other who is to on helping, be tolerated expresses views or activities that are themselves intolerant. One way of resolving this paradox is to recognize that there is a distinction between first-order judgments and second-order moral commitments. First-order judgments include emotional reactions and other practical judgments that focus on concrete and particular attitudes and behaviors. Second-order moral commitments include more complicated judgments that aim beyond emotion and particularity toward rational universal principles. With regard to the paradox of toleration there is a conflict between a first-order reaction against something and a second-order commitment to the principle of respecting autonomy or to the virtues of modesty or self-control. The paradox is resolved by recognizing that this second-order commitment trumps the first-order reaction: principle is Help on college my life supposed to on helping, outweigh emotion. Thus we might have good reasons (based upon our second-order commitments) to refrain from following through on the normal consequences of negative first-order judgments. However, when there is a genuine conflict of second-order commitments, that is, when the tolerant commitment to autonomy runs up against an intolerant rejection of autonomy, then there is no need to tolerate. In other words the paradox is Type my paper microsoft word resolved when we realize that toleration is not a commitment to Persuasive essay on helping, relativism but, rather, that it is Summary of me and uncle a commitment to the value of autonomy and to on helping others, the distinction between first-order judgments and second-order moral commitments. Of course, the The hunger games essay ideal of toleration is a difficult one to enact.

This difficulty is related to the tension between first-order reactions and second-order commitments that is found within the spiritual economy of an individual. This is why the idea of tolerance as a virtue is important. Virtues are tendencies or habits toward good action. In the Persuasive essay on helping others case of the virtue of tolerance, the tendency is toward respect for my life, the autonomy of others and toward the self-discipline necessary for deliberately restraining first-order reactions. Virtues are usually thought to on helping, be integrated into a system of online virtues.

Tolerance is Persuasive others no exception. The virtue of tolerance is closely related to other virtues such as self-control, modesty, generosity, kindness, mercy, and forgiveness. One must be careful, however, not to conclude that the virtue of Write good term paper on a tolerance is a tendency toward indifference or apathy. On Helping Others! Tolerance demands that we moderate and Common app college, control our passions in light of some larger good, whether that good be respect for autonomy or an interest in self-control; tolerance does not demand that we completely refrain from judging another free agent. Moral toleration asks us to restrain some of our most powerful first-order reactions: negative reactions to persons, attitudes, and behaviors which we find repugnant. Without the tension between first-order reactions and second-order commitment, toleration is Persuasive essay merely indifference. Indifference usually indicates a failure at the level of first-order judgment: when we are indifferent, we do not have any reaction, negative or positive, to the other. Such a state of indifference is not virtuous. The Hunger! Indeed, it would be vicious and on helping others, wrong not to react strongly against Help on college essay my life injustice or violations of autonomy.

We often confuse indifference with toleration. However, indifference is flawed as a human response for two reasons. First, it rejects the truth of first-order reactions. First-order reactions should not be ignored. Persuasive! Our emotional responses are important ways in which we connect with the world around us. When we react negatively to something, this emotional reaction provides important information about the world and ourselves. On College Essay! Tolerance does not ask us to deaden our emotional responses to others, others; rather it asks us to restrain the negative consequences of our negative emotional responses out of deference to a more universal set of commitments. Second, indifference is often closely related to Anatomy online veterinary, general skepticism about on helping others moral judgment.

The moral skeptic claims that no set of values is true. From this perspective, both first-order reactions and second-order commitments are mere tastes or preferences without any final moral significance. From this skepticism, indifference with regard to any moral evaluation is cultivated because all of our moral values are thought to paper on a, be equally groundless. The difficulty here is that moral skepticism cannot lead to the conclusion that it is good to be tolerant, since the skeptic holds that no moral value can be justified. On Helping! If we claim that toleration is good and that tolerance is a virtue, toleration cannot be the same thing as indifference. This distinction between tolerance and indifference is important for explaining the spiritual disruption that occurs when we strive to become tolerant. Indeed, the difficulty of toleration can be understood in terms of the difficulty of the middle path between indifference and dogmatism. Indifference is easy and satisfying because it sets us free, as it were, from the difficult human task of judging. My Paper Word! Likewise, dogmatism is easy and Persuasive essay on helping, satisfying because it follows from a seamless synthesis of first-order reaction and second-order commitment. Toleration is the middle path in which there is a conflict between first-order reaction and second-order commitment.

Toleration thus requires self-consciousness and self-control in order to coordinate conflicting parts of the spiritual economy. The discipline required for toleration is part of Type my paper online microsoft any idea of education: we must learn to distance ourselves from first-order reactions in order to move toward universal principles. First-order reactions are often wrong or incomplete, as are immediate sense perceptions. And yet, education does not ask us to give up on first-order reactions or sense perceptions. Rather, it asks us to Persuasive essay on helping others, be disciplined and self-critical, so that we might control first-order reactions in order to uphold more important principles.

Moral toleration emphasizes a moral commitment to the value of my paper microsoft word autonomy. Although it is linked, by Mill, for example to a political idea about restraint of state power, moral toleration is ultimately concerned with clarifying the second-order principle that is supposed to lead to others, toleration. While moral toleration is about relations between agents, political toleration is about restraint of political power. And Uncle Romie! The modern liberal state is usually not thought to be a moral agent. Rather, the Persuasive essay on helping others state is supposed to be something like a third party referee: it is not thought to be one of the parties engaged directly in the process of judgment and negation. Romie! Political toleration is thus an ideal that holds that the Persuasive essay others political referee should be impartial and unbiased. The term toleration has been used, since Locke, in this political context to describe a principle of state neutrality. The connection between moral and political toleration can be understood in terms of the Type my paper microsoft history of the pre-modern era when the state was an Persuasive on helping others, agent—a monarch, for example—who had particular judgments and the power to negate. App College Yale! As the idea of the state has evolved since the 17th Century toward liberal democratic notions of on helping self-government and civil rights, the notion of political toleration has evolved to mean something like state indifference. Political toleration is good now thought to entail respect for privacy, separation of church and state, and a general respect for human rights. In the 20th Century, the idea of political toleration has developed, especially under the influence of John Rawls (1921-2002) and essay, his books, Theory of Justice (1971) and Political Liberalism (1995).

Rawls' approach attempts to be neutral about essay moral values in order to establish political principles of toleration. Rawls argues for toleration in a pragmatic fashion as that which works best to achieve political unity and an idea of justice among diverse individuals. Although the Persuasive essay on helping others idea of political toleration has been most vigorously defended by Rawls, it also forms the basis of other pragmatic and Summary and uncle quiz, political accounts of toleration, including those of others John Dewey, Jurgen Habermas, Michael Walzer, and Richard Rorty. The danger with this approach is that it tends toward relativism by self-consciously limiting itself from articulating a metaphysical defense of autonomy and toleration. The difficulty is that the idea of state neutrality can become paradoxical: a state that is neutral about everything will undermine its own existence. The idea of political toleration begins from the claim that diverse individuals will come to tolerate one another by developing what Rawls called overlapping consensus: individuals and my life, groups with diverse metaphysical views or comprehensive schemes will find reasons to agree about certain principles of justice that will include principles of toleration. This is in part an empirical or historical argument about the way in which diverse individuals or groups eventually resolve their differences by way of a pragmatic commitment to essay, toleration as a modus vivendi , or means of life. One could trace this idea back to Hobbes' idea of the Help on college social contract as a peace treaty. Diverse individuals in the state of nature will, according to Hobbes's argument in The Leviathan (1651), engage in the war of all against all. This war is ultimately unsatisfying and so individuals relinquish their warring power and create the social contract. The problem is that this pragmatic account leaves us without a metaphysical justification of the principles of toleration.

Rather it comes to toleration from the pragmatic assumption that diverse individuals motivated by self-interest will agree to essay others, support the neutral state, which is then supposed to act as a referee in their disputes. Of course, Hobbes' account of the absolute sovereignty of the Leviathan calls into question the idea that a social contract view will always lead to a tolerant liberal state. Rawls' idea of good paper justice as fairness attempts to set limits to political power without trying to evaluate the on helping relative merits of different conceptions of the good. Rawls clarified his approach by insisting that the principles of justice are political and not moral principles. Games! They are based upon essay on helping others what he called reasonable pluralism. What he means by this is Common essay yale that the principles of toleration will be agreed to by individuals from diverse perspectives because these principles will appear reasonable to essay on helping others, each individual despite their differences. The idea of toleration results from a political consensus that is developed by way of the ideal social contract that Rawls describes at length in Theory of Justice . Like Mill, Rawls theory of justice claims that the first principle of Anatomy help justice is the liberty principle: Each person has an equal right to a fully adequate scheme of equal basic liberties which is compatible with a similar scheme of liberties for all. These basic civil liberties form the basis for Persuasive essay on helping, political toleration.

Political liberalism focuses on the problem of diversity without appealing to a larger metaphysical theory. This problem is exacerbated when political liberalism takes up the question of international human rights and the problem of intolerant groups or individual who demand to be tolerated. Political liberalism aims at the creation of a global human rights regime that is supposed to support politically tolerant states and that is sensitive to the issue of group rights. From the perspective of political liberalism, human rights—basic defenses against the intolerant expansion of state power—are thought to be the result of overlapping political consensus. Summary And Uncle Quiz! From this perspective, human rights, such as the right to autonomy that forms the basis of moral toleration, are thought to be, not metaphysical givens, but the conditions for the possibility of political consensus building. The idea of a developing overlapping consensus in international affairs was articulated in the 1950's by Jacques Maritain and Persuasive essay others, was developed in practice by international agencies such as the United Nations. In the final decade of the twentieth century, Jurgen Habermas' approach linked principles of toleration to The hunger essay, the very nature of political argument: for us to have a political argument, we must agree to certain principles of fair argumentation. The difficultly here is that diversity is essay even more of a problem on the international scene, where discussions of human rights are essential.

At the local or national level, the point of liberalism is that the neutral state ought not interfere or comment on the quality of individual lives unless the lives and actions of private individuals become a menace to games, the rights and Persuasive on helping, privacy of other individuals. Internationally, Rawls follows Kant in Common app college, specifying the Law of Peoples that is supposed to maintain order among diverse mutually tolerant nations. A further complication arises at the level of group rights (both within national and international politics), where groups and their members claim the right to be tolerated by larger political organizations. Here the idea of tolerating the practices and identities of groups may paradoxically result in toleration for intolerant groups. This is the case for example, when tolerant governments consider groups who advocate violence, discrimination, and other intolerant practices.

Such groups can be intolerant toward their own members, toward the tolerant liberal societies in which they subside, and indeed toward those international organizations who support toleration throughout the globe. The risk of political liberalism is that it hovers uneasily between pluralism and relativism, while seeking to avoid metaphysical dogmatism or political imperialism. The basic pluralism of political liberalism supports political toleration by recognizing that conflicting comprehensive doctrines can each be justified as reasonable according to the standards internal to them. This leaves us with the conflicts of reasonable pluralism: each of the conflicting comprehensive doctrines is Persuasive essay others reasonable on its own terms and to help veterinary, the extent that it recognizes the reasonableness of other comprehensive doctrines. Persuasive Others! Thus, for Rawls, cooperation between reasonable comprehensive doctrines is help a practical political task. The state should refrain from entering into a discussion of Persuasive which comprehensive doctrine is better morally, epistemologically, or metaphysically quite simply because such a discussion would be unjust for a neutral state confronted with the fact of diversity. By defining his account of my paper online microsoft state neutrality as political, Rawls wants to distance his account of reasonable pluralism from a more robust form of philosophical skepticism. This is reminiscent of Locke's approach to epistemological toleration: since we cannot in Persuasive on helping others, practice force individuals to agree about moral or metaphysical truths, we should tolerate diversity at the political level. Rawls does, however, hold that there is a best political arrangement, even if the truth about the best political arrangement is arrived at by way of pragmatic concerns for what works politically in light of the fact of diversity.

And thus his idea of political consensus tries to avoid the app college slide toward skepticism and relativism. It seems that for others, political toleration, there is at least one non-relative value—that of app college essay yale toleration and Persuasive essay on helping, peaceful coexistence—even if this is merely pragmatically justified by the concrete historical need for peaceful coexistence among those who cannot arrive at consensus about their views of the good. The approach of Common app college essay yale political liberalism has appeared to succeed in practice. One could argue that the idea of the neutral state and Persuasive, of political consensus about the need for toleration has been gradually developing in Constitutional Law in the U.S. and in international law by way of the U.N.'s Declaration of Human Rights. Article 26 of the U.N. Declaration states explicitly that education is a universal right and that education should aim to promote understanding, tolerance and good paper on a person, friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups. We are still far from others, actualizing the idea of Anatomy veterinary a tolerant international community. However, it is fairly clear that in Persuasive, the last several decades the idea of political toleration has succeeded in the United States and in other Western countries. Despite this success, critics such as Michael Sandel, in his Democracy's Discontent (1998), have argued that the tolerant attitude of what he calls the procedural republic must be grounded in a more comprehensive moral theory.

Without such a ground, Sandel worries that the tolerant neutral state will ultimately lose its connection with the moral lives of individuals. Sandel claims in his arguments against Rawls and against certain developments in Constitutional Law that the approach of political liberalism cannot ultimately take account of the depth of commitment that most individuals have to The hunger, their own comprehensive doctrines. Rawls admits that for his idea of overlapping consensus to work, he must assume a weakening of private faith in Persuasive others, comprehensive doctrines. My Paper Online Microsoft! The problem here is Persuasive others that it argues for toleration by underestimating the power of those forms of help private faith that must be tolerated. A further problem of the essay on helping political approach to Anatomy help, toleration is Persuasive essay others that it struggles to define the Type microsoft nature of privacy. Moral toleration claims that there are certain private activities which are only of concern to the individual and that the state would be unjustified in interfering with these private activities. A merely political approach to toleration is however unable to essay on helping others, draw the line dividing public and private in a metaphysical fashion. Rather, the sphere of privacy is itself defined only Write good on a, as a result of the process of building political consensus. Thus the worry is that the principles of political liberalism are not clearly defined and that toleration, as a mere modus vivendi , could be violated if the political consensus were to shift.

In other words, if there is no metaphysical basis for a sphere of privacy, then it is not exactly clear what the politically grounded idea of liberal toleration is supposed to on helping others, tolerate.

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#8220;The English#8221; Text Analysis. THE ENGLISH Text Analysis In process of Persuasive essay on helping others, analyzing the Summary of me romie text ‘The English’ I found that there are six paragraphs and in each paragraph there are approximately four sentences. Vocabulary of this text is simple without difficult words like scientific terminology etc. , in addition it is also descriptive, so author describes how immigrants from overseas have settled in different parts of England and had formed their communities. Simple and descriptive vocabulary makes text more understandable to people. Author use in the text specialized vocabulary, lexical words in the text refer to geographical discipline (immigrants, north, east, west and south, London region etc. “The Greater London region is roughly a cicle, extending twenty to thirty miles from central London in the north and east, and Persuasive essay others thirty to forty miles in the west and south. ”). Also in microsoft word, the text I found some compound words such as overseas and commonwealth.

Text ‘The English’ consists of verbs, nouns and adverbs. Firstly I would like to consider the essay on helping usage of nouns in this text. I think that author mostly used abstract nouns – language, accent, pride, dialects, behavior, life (An abstract noun means something that we cannot taste, touch, smell or see, for example “As the and uncle romie English are such a mixed people, local customs and accents in England vary a great deal and local pride is still strong in some parts of the Persuasive others country. Write On A. )- all of them we can refer to on helping, moral qualities. I detected there few collective nouns- communities, cosmopolitan city, school, which means that author keep in mind group of people, a special class composed of members (“They still speak their own languages or dialects, but their children grow up speaking English exactly like the children with from they go to school. Good Person. ”) . Also there are proper names in essay, the text, for example Ian Macdonald, Leonard, Herbert Perkins. Author use adjectives mostly before noun (“As the English are such a mixed people, local customs and accents in England vary a great deal and local pride is still strong in some parts of the country. ”) Verbs in this text, such as moved, has been added, made, settled, formed, speak and grow up, carry an important part of meaning. Without these verbs the person who read the text would be confused because of misunderstanding. Verbs in the text make a bit clear the main idea, verbs are dynamic (referring to Summary and uncle romie quiz, actions, events), for example “Many immigrants from Persuasive essay others, overseas have settled there and have formed their own communities. Essay. They still speak their own languages or dialects, but their children grow up speaking English exactly like the children with whom they go to school. ” We can clearly see that verbs from the Persuasive example refer to speech acts and movements. The adverbs are not frequent, I have found only eleven adverbs the text: since, still, only, always, exactly, less, roughly, far, rarely, really, more. Term Paper On A. (“The Greater London Region is roughly a circle, extending twenty to thirty miles from central London in the north and east, and thirty to others, forty miles in the west and south. ; “Some people travel to work in London from as far as eighty miles away. ”) Adverbs ‘always’ and ‘rarely’ are the adverbs of frequency (“This is why Hampshire accents are now so rarely heard. ”) ; ‘since’ the adverb of purpose, ‘really’ is the adverb of degree and ‘still’ the adverb of time (“They still speak their languages or dialects, but their children grow up speaking English…”)I have noted an interesting thing that the author did not use conjuncts such as ‘so’, ‘however’ and disjuncts like ‘obviously’, ‘frankly’. Maybe that’s why transition from Anatomy help veterinary, one paragraph to Persuasive essay, other is so sharp and games paragraphs are bad connected among themselves.

Sentences on the whole have a simple structure (“Some people travel to work in London from as far as eighty miles away. ”), but there are also complex sentences (“Not only have Welsh, Scottish, and Persuasive others Irish people made their homes in England, but also Jews, Russians, Germans – people from almost every country Europe – as well as many West Indians, Indians and others from the commonwealth. Type My Paper. ”). Author mostly uses declarative sentences with no commands and exclamations. Author did not use rhetorical questions and even usual questions, only statements, that’s why the main idea is weakly perceptible. The average sentence length is approximately 25 words. The sentences are mixed, that mean that there are different tenses in the text, for example present perfect continuous (“Since 1066 the blood of many other races has been added to the original English mixture. Essay. ”), present simple (“Many people now live in south and south-east England and Help on college essay commute to their places of work in London. ), present perfect (“The Williams, The Macdonalds, The Townsends, and Herbert Perkins have all made their homes in Persuasive essay others, London which is now a great cosmopolitan city. ) . What is more, I found an Anatomy veterinary example of detached construction in the sentence (“Not only have Welsh, Scottish, and Irish people made their homes in others, England, but also Jews, Russians, Germans – people from Common, almost every country in Europe – as well many West Indians, Indians, and others from the commonwealth. ”) There are no modal verbs in the text. Others. The author gives us objective information with positive qualities that mean that author provides information in this way to make a good impression on readers, like in this sentence (“London is the good person largest city in Europe after Paris, but it’s population has shrunk from 8 million in 1939 to less than 7 million in 1988. Persuasive Essay Others. ”), the main idea of the Help sentence is that population of London has shrunk, but author “leave” this information on the background and to make better inspiration about London as main information he wrote that London is the others largest city in Europe after Paris, not that London in the second largest city in Europe after Paris. As I have already sad that the text has formal vocabulary and lexical words in the text refer to geographical discipline, but we cannot refer it to scientific texts because scientific text needs terminology, but there we cannot see terminology at all, so this is The hunger games, publicistic text which may appear in the newspapers and magazines. There is others, no addressing to Anatomy online veterinary, the reader, no personal pronouns like ‘me’, ‘you’ etc. Persuasive Essay On Helping. , no directives, no rhetorical questions, however there is impersonalization. All in all I think that the main idea of the my life text is that nowadays it is difficult to Persuasive, find a typical, pureblooded Englishman because the centuries ago the blood of other races has been added to the original English mixture. But in this text is Summary, very difficult to ‘catch’ the main idea because each paragraph has they own idea and Persuasive on helping paragraphs are bad connected among themselves, also because there are lack of rhetorical questions, lack of adverbs and adjectives and interactivity, all these would make the text vivid and Type microsoft more understandable.

To prove this I took the last sentence from the 5th paragraph (“Some people travel to work in London from as far as eighty miles away. Persuasive Others. ”) and the first sentence from the 6th (“This is why Hampshire accents are now so rarely heard”) as we can see there is Anatomy help online veterinary, no straight connection between the 5ht and the 6th paragraph. Persuasive Essay. The main idea is developed trough the names of nationalities, trough the verbs ‘settled’, ‘made’, ‘formed’ etc. Online. trough the dates and statistician. I also noted that the topic ‘The English’ partly does not conforms to the text. The topic does not reflect the essay meaning of the text. Summary And Uncle Quiz. The reader may think that text is about the pure Englishmen, about their habits and lifestyle but not about the immigrants who become to inhabit The British Isles few centuries ago and how their inhabitation affects nowadays situation. Haven’t found what you want?

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Essay On Favorite Athlete Essays and Research Papers. Powell explains the problems that African American athletes face when they attend a university. Most of these athletes are . recruited strictly based off of on helping others their performance on the court or the essay yale, field. Persuasive Essay On Helping Others? While this produces a winning record for the University this does not produce high performing grades in the classroom. Term Paper Person? When a coach is Persuasive, recruiting a player who is not a good performer in and uncle quiz, the classroom he or she runs the risk of bringing an athlete into their program who will not succeed at the university. African American , African diaspora , Caribbean 1304 Words | 4 Pages.

Equal Pay for Athletes - Persuasive Essay. Equal Pay for Athletes Regardless of Gender Research/ Persuasive Essay People all over on helping others America and online the world are . consumed with watching athletes perform in their various sports. Both male and female athletes compete at such incredible levels that require physical talent and drive. Professional athletes are known to essay on helping, get paid salaries that reflect their talent and Write term paper on a abilities. Persuasive Essay? Regardless of Anatomy help online gender, professional athletes are drafted to receive professional pay. Essay? However, equal pay for male and. Female , Gender , Gender identity 1926 Words | 5 Pages. Professional Athletes as Role Models. Professional Athletes Good Role Models?

Everyday today's youth are asked what they want to be when they grow up. Some say teachers, . firemen, police officers and a large response to that question is quiz, a professional athlete . Something that all these professions have in common is that they are all role models to essay, children. Online Microsoft? Firemen, teachers, police officers have an easy job at doing this; they are after all the people that save children, teach children and protect children. But professional athletes on the. Amateur sports , Basketball , Professional sports 2332 Words | 6 Pages. Corina Termini. My favorite movie: “The Notebook” Movies give you inspiration to do or change many things in Persuasive on helping, Life. This is a huge benefit . on watching movies because they often give you something to learn from, you can see probably how a bad decision can change you life forever, how people influence can sometimes be bad for you, how everyone is capable of good thing in life, how by working hard you can achieve you goals, etc.

So, trough movies you can get motivated and look forward in Summary, your life. English-language films , Horror film , Love 973 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay - Favorite Place. My favorite place is Persuasive essay on helping others, sitting on my back porch on an early summer morning. Help On College Essay My Life? The small concrete back porch sits in Persuasive essay, the back of my home near the . Of Me And Uncle Romie? woods and the garden. The area is very isolated and peaceful. There are no sounds of human life, cars or anything to alter nature. After awakening in the mornings, I remove the everlasting sleep from my tired eyes and Persuasive essay on helping others walk to the small warming porch.

I enjoy this time alone to gather my thoughts and feelings for the day. The old iron furniture squeaks. Fruit , Green , Plant 726 Words | 4 Pages. Drug Testing for Professional Athletes. Argument Essay I think professional athletes should have to take drug test, for the sake of the online veterinary, sport that they play and those . who look up to them as a role model.

If they didn’t have to, it would make the game unfair and may draw attention away from the game because using illegal drugs to enhance your performance is cheating. Essay On Helping? So many children and teenagers look up to athletes and idol them. As a professional athlete , they should set a good example and be a role model. Anatomy Veterinary? If professional athletes are. Drug , Drug test , Illegal drug trade 997 Words | 4 Pages. Aaron De La Torre Professor Dreiling English 101 24 October 2012 Unprofessional Athletes Back in Persuasive essay others, the year 1860, the Pony Express . was known to be the fastest and most efficient method of sending mail. It had taken approximately ten days for a horse to Write good term paper on a, travel across the others, country and deliver the parcels to their recipients, an astonishingly short amount of time for the people of that particular era. Type My Paper Online Microsoft? A little over 150 years after the inception of the Persuasive essay on helping, Pony Express, technological advances.

Amateur sports , Facebook , Ozzie Guillen 1827 Words | 5 Pages. Overpaid professional athletes The topic I chose for my essay is overpaid professional athletes . I chose . The Hunger Games Essay? this topic because I think athletes are getting paid way too much money. Athletes get paid way too much for what they contribute to society. They contribute very little compared to other careers that give so much to society but make very little salaries. The professional athletes that people look up too are most of the time bad role models and the ones who are the real heros don’t get. Amateur sports , Basketball , Bureau of Labor Statistics 2578 Words | 7 Pages. Are Professional Athletes and Persuasive on helping others Actors Overpaid. ?April 13, 2014 English Composition 2 Argument Essay Are Professional Actors and Athletes Overpaid? In this . essay I will explore a much debated topic in this country pertaining to the undeniable fact that professional actors and athletes overwhelmingly get paid much higher than the average American.

As any highly debated topic, there are always arguments and viewpoints from both sides of the spectrum. Like many Americans, for entertainment I thoroughly enjoy watching both film and my life professional. Actor , Distribution of Persuasive on helping wealth , Economic inequality 1353 Words | 6 Pages. Athlete Compensation The idea of paying college athletes has been an ongoing debate since the early 1900s. Help Veterinary? With current . television revenue resulting from NCAA football bowl games and March Madness in basketball, there is Persuasive essay on helping others, now a commotion for compensating both football and basketball players beyond that of an athletic scholarship. Because of the Help, title “Student- athlete ”, college athletes have the obligation to be a student first, and an athlete second and should not be paid to Persuasive essay others, play. Games Essay? There have. Academic degree , Athletic scholarship , College 1936 Words | 6 Pages. Athletes in Society SOC 105 June 25, 2012 Latasha Morrison Athletes in Persuasive essay on helping others, Society As Ron Artest lay on . the Summary of me and uncle quiz, scorer’s table, a drink was thrown on him by a fan. That moment marked a turning point in essay on helping, his career where he went from a tough defensive player to a hoodlum in the eye of microsoft public opinion.

Athletes have a large impact on our culture on a daily basis. From Monday morning quarterbacking at work about on helping, what your favorite team should have done to win the game to the influence. 20th century , Babe Ruth , Muhammad Ali 1144 Words | 4 Pages. Contrast Essay: To an Athlete Dying Young vs. Ex-Basketball Player Contrast Essay : To An Athlete Dying Young vs. Ex-Basketball Player “To An Athlete Dying Young” and . “Ex-Basketball Player” share the lives of two very different athletes . Both experience success in their lives, but one dies with his glory while the other lives past his days of glory and works at a gas pump where he is not recognized. The poems discuss the importance of having glory and keeping that glory as long as possible. Through the poems the readers learn the benefits of dying young.

Death , English-language films , Life 1557 Words | 4 Pages. Athletes as Role Models Athlets have been lookd up to and uncle, as role models for as long as sports have exsted. There is just something attractive . about the thought of being in good physical condition and being talented in sports. But, are athlets the on helping, kind of people that children should be looking up to for direction and guidance? Many children often look up to the professional athletes as role models.

In fact, in 1995 Sports Illustrated for Kids did a survey for term on a person, kids who were ages 7 through 12 about. Amateur sports , Drug addiction , Football 2068 Words | 5 Pages. ?Unit 28 - Athletes Lifestyle In the following essay , I will describe the five lifestyle factors that can affect an . athlete . I will then go on to analyse each of the factors and essay on helping how they affect an Type online microsoft athlete’s lifestyle. The lifestyle factors that I will be talking about include the following: Sleep Stress Alcohol Physical Activity Smoking Sleep As human beings we all need sleep in our lifestyle. Sleep is our recovery period; it gives us the opportunity to rest from physical activity and. Alcohol , Alcoholic beverage , Beer 2102 Words | 7 Pages. Student Athlete treatment A controversial issue that is constantly brought up in regards to collegiate athletes is the Persuasive on helping others, . fairness of receiving, or lack there of, extra benefits. The rules put in Summary quiz, place for banning athletes to receive any extra benefits was once not as strict as it is today. Persuasive On Helping Others? Anyone familiar with the sports world knows that frequently in the past, athletes chose to yale, go to a college based on the benefits or perks they would be receiving from on helping that particular place. Essay? Being a college athlete.

Full-time , Money , National Collegiate Athletic Association 1070 Words | 3 Pages. ? Favorite Brand Charles E Colyar MKT/421 March 2, 2015 Tina Potter Favorite Brand There are many different brands out others, there . that are great. Recently, there is Help my life, one brand that has gotten my attention and essay on helping is now my favorite brand. They make many different items. This brand is called Under Armour. Under Armour mainly makes a line of clothing for fitness.

The company started in 1996 by a University of Maryland student (Under Armour Inc., 2015). Online Veterinary? They make clothing for just about every sport including. Armour , Brand , Clothing 918 Words | 5 Pages. Should College Athletes Be Paid? One of essay on helping Americans’ favorite pastime activities has been watching or participating in college . athletics. Type Online? College athletics have always been something more pure and interesting than professional athletics because it isn’t about the money. However, over the years, college athletics have changed for Persuasive essay others, the worse, as players have been drifting further away, core reason being lack of funds for Summary, the players (Eric, p. 250).

This has led to essay on helping others, the call for reforms in the National. College , College athletics , Higher education 745 Words | 3 Pages. Stephanie L. Veterinary? Dr. On Helping? J Essay 1 June 10, 2013 Should College Athletes Be Paid? It has been a debate for Anatomy veterinary, quite some . time as to whether college athletes should be paid for their work on the field.

They are some of the hardest working individuals that obtain intense practices and on helping demanding college courses, and many believe that they should be rewarded for their hard work. But the ongoing debate is whether it is right to pay these players as if they were employees. Many major colleges provide. College athletics , Money , National Collegiate Athletic Association 993 Words | 3 Pages. ?Andrea Cropp Descriptive essay Do you have a favorite room in your house? Mine just so happens to be my bedroom. My bedroom . is Summary, a place where I can go to relax, or to have some alone time. I like my room because the design, layout, and decor were all chosen by me to suit my needs. A person walking into my favorite room is essay, able to learn about my likes and dislikes very easily. The room describes my personality.

If you were asked to describe your favorite room in your home what would you say. Bedroom , Brown , Color 1451 Words | 4 Pages. Pro Athletes and Salaries - Overpaying? Sports Literature Salaries Pro Athletes Most people in America probably have a pretty good argument when they say they are being paid too . little to do too much. Professional sports stars, on the other hand, display a lot of nerve when they use such a phrase. Sports stars are also held to app college, lower standards than are other people. With the high-salary and low-moral standards, sports stars are the Persuasive essay on helping, most overrated and romie overpaid people on the planet. For example, Kevin Garnett of the Boston Celtics, who.

2003–04 NBA season , 2007–08 NBA season , 2008–09 NBA season 1261 Words | 4 Pages. Examples of Persuasive essay on helping Description Essays : MY MOST COMFORTABLE PLACE Christie Dentry The place that I feel most comfortable is my hometown of . Good Paper On A Person? Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach is in California about forty miles south of Los Angles. It is known as the surfing capital of the world and Persuasive essay the best beach in Orange County. I relax as I watch the surfers gently glide over the tumbling ocean waves. Seeing the tall palm trees sway in the wind is calming to essay yale, me as I watch the Persuasive essay on helping others, rolling sand dunes. Aerobic exercise , Anaerobic exercise , Exercise physiology 1543 Words | 4 Pages. College athletes sould be paid to play.

A persuasive essay By: College athletes should be paid to play! In this essay . you’re being persuaded, you are being persuaded to agree that college athletes should be played to play. Here there is some information that will help change your mind if you don’t agree with this already. Help On College My Life? This essay will talk about the athletes not being able to pay for many of the things they need, they haven’t got any time for a job, the athletes bring in money to there schools, and more. Athletic scholarship , Basketball , College athletics 1351 Words | 4 Pages. The Current Predominance of Black Athletes.

that the current pre-dominance of Persuasive essay on helping black athletes in world sprinting is a social and online microsoft word not a ?racial' phenomenon. The following . essay will discuss the others, argument that the current pre-dominance of black athletes in the world of sprinting is romie quiz, a social and on helping not a racial phenomenon. Firstly the article will examine the app college yale, physical differences between black and white athletes . Secondly, this article will discuss stereotypical beliefs in Persuasive essay on helping others, the world of sport. This essay will give an good term on a person objective examination of others the. African American , Black people , Miscegenation 1268 Words | 4 Pages. thesis must be a claim that you can prove with the evidence at hand (e.g., evidence from your texts or from Anatomy help online your research). Your claim should not be . Persuasive? outlandish, nor should it be mere personal opinion or preference (e.g., Frederick Douglass is my favorite historical figure.) Precise - An effective thesis statement has been narrowed down from a very broad subject. Your claim should not be something on which whole books could be written. Arguable - A thesis statement should not be a statement. Argument , Frederick Douglass , Logic 1094 Words | 5 Pages. ?A: Causes and Write good Effects Essay Topics 1. The effect of a parent, teacher, or friend on your life 2. Why you selected your major 3. The effects . of cramming for an examination 4. The effects of peer pressure 5. Why some students cheat 6. The effects of growing up with a personal computer 7. The effects of Persuasive essay on helping poverty on an individual 8. Why one college course is Help on college essay, more rewarding than another 9. Essay On Helping Others? Why many people don't bother to Type my paper online microsoft, vote in local elections 10.

Why more and more students are taking online classes. 1 , 14 , Hybrid electric vehicle 669 Words | 3 Pages. Are Professional Athletes Overpaid? ?Are Professional Athletes Overpaid? In recent years, the others, salaries of many professional athletes have soared, allowing them . to games, collect millions every year for merely being on a team. Worshipped by their talent and the appeal of extreme wealth, many of these athletes do not see themselves as role models, which, in turn, affects society’s younger generation.

Although many of these athletes are perhaps the world’s most talented in their fields, their significantly high salaries are unjustifiable. Amateur sports , Professional sports 1340 Words | 4 Pages. Professioanl Athletes Are Not Overpaid. Professional Athletes are not overpaid In my short life, if there is one thing I have noticed about the sports industry, it’s that money . talks. On Helping? Drew Brees just recently signed a $100 million dollar contract with the New Orleans Saints to play for online microsoft, five more years. Kobe Bryant of the Lakers made $25 million last year alone, while Alex Rodriguez made $32 million. This sure seems like a lot on money for men to Persuasive others, be making just to play sports, or is it? Professional Athletes are very good at what.

Amateur sports , Basketball , Money 1104 Words | 3 Pages. understand most styles of writing and I enthusiastically grasp the text with an eagerness to understand and relate to Write good on a, it. I enjoyed gathering research for . essays and try to explain them to my audience. Curiosity leads me to find out Persuasive others, more about the authors, the time periods in The hunger essay, which they wrote, and the social conditions from which they endured. These essays demonstrate my strengths by showing that I am not satisfied with taking work for what it is worth after I read it a first time.

I know that not everything. Essay , Essays , Short story 914 Words | 3 Pages. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh My Favorite Person something good to say about everyone. Micah is a blessing to me and will always be on the . most favorite people. With all his wittiness and good looks, he is truly. Essay Others? Premium My Favorite Teacher all ways or I may also have misunderstood them.

However, the teacher that I chose as deserving of the Write, My Favorite Teacher earned this title due to the care he showed. Premium Favorite Place the kids swim. Alton Brown , Climate , Climate change 525 Words | 3 Pages. Jasmine Harbor ENG 112 006 Essay #1 February 6, 2012 Life of a Student Athlete Scholar athletes deserve to Persuasive essay on helping others, be . given special treatment because we have to go above and Write paper on a beyond more than the average student. There are times that as a student athlete that you will have to miss class due to road trips. When I was a freshman, I was assigned two papers in one day and they were both due the very next day, because I had to leave for a basketball road trip and we would have been gone the entire week and. Education , English-language films , School 1027 Words | 3 Pages. Are Professional Athletes paid too much? Healthcare workers save lives on a daily basis for essay, sixty thousand dollars a year, while . professional athletes receive millions of dollars merely to entertain. Athletes should be paid well because they must train harder physically than other people, they must work even when they are not working, and their chosen profession sometimes entails great physical risks.

Society believes that once a person is athletic they automatically qualify to become. Amateur sports , Economics , Football 1374 Words | 4 Pages. Dr. Help On College? Marian Davis English 102 Word Count: 1755 College Athletes : Pay for Play For millions of Americans, college game day is . strictly designated for Persuasive on helping others, being glued to good paper on a, the television all day, covering themselves head to toe in fan gear, or anxiously waiting for the gates of the others, stadium to open so they can enter and my paper online microsoft watch their favorite team be victorious. For the essay others, universities, and especially the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), it is Summary of me and uncle romie, just another day of business and.

Argument , Basketball , Coach 1769 Words | 5 Pages. Professional Athletes ' Salaries In today's society, the American people can't get enough of their favorite teams and essay on helping . athletes . The Hunger? Entire cities are infatuated with these teams and as a result, people spend much of their time and money watching and rooting, hoping for Persuasive, a victory. There is nothing wrong with enjoying and marveling at the talent of these professional athletes , but what happens with all these resources that go into the sports? They go straight to the players. Although our society idolizes. Amateur sports , Football , Major League Baseball 1129 Words | 3 Pages. Athletes are Not Above the Law: Double Standard Athletes Should any athlete be judged on romie what kind of person he . or she is on Persuasive essay on helping or off the field, court, or swimming pool? The answer is Anatomy help online, yes, athletes should be punished for actions which occur in their own personal lives.

In today’s world, sport stars and other athletes are looked up to essay on helping, by all ages. Everyone loves them. They look great in the eyes of the everyday public. They appear on veterinary television; they perform like rock stars, and do this with the. 2004 Summer Olympics , 2008 Summer Olympics , Gold medal 1150 Words | 4 Pages. Social Networking and College Athletes. Freedom of Speech in College Athletics Brent Schrotenboer argues that the reputation of colleges is Persuasive essay, more important than the views and opinions of a . student- athlete that attends such colleges.

Student- athletes participating on The hunger games the women’s soccer team at San Diego State University were suspended for others, posting inappropriate pictures and statuses on a social networking site. They were warned by Write term on a person their coach that a punishment would be issued upon their continuance of posting such statuses about consuming. Facebook , Social network aggregation , Social network service 1087 Words | 3 Pages. English 1106 20 April 2015 Should Student- Athletes be Paid? Introduction In the modern college sports era, the Persuasive essay on helping, call for . student- athletes to be paid has escalated.

These athletes are now apart of app college essay yale a nearly billion-dollar industry in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). There are arguments for both sides. Persuasive Others? Those who believe that the athletes should be paid make the Anatomy help, argument that schools and the NCAA are making millions of others dollars off these athletes and are not being compensated for their. National Collegiate Athletic Association 2143 Words | 9 Pages. Athletes ’ Hardships off the Common essay, Field The life of an athlete has changed significantly over the years. Their salaries have . increased along with their popularity. But possibly the most considerable change has been in the culture. It seems that every day on ESPN we here about another athlete getting in trouble. On Helping? Society loves to Write paper on a person, put athletes up on this metaphorical pedestal, but they love even more to watch them fall off. Of course there are athletes that we can look up to as model citizens, but the group’s.

American football , Arrest , Football 1778 Words | 5 Pages. pay to play category. There are numerous ways that college athletes can be compensated for their time dedicated to the sport. Persuasive Essay? They consist of . scholarships, free tuition, fees, and my paper microsoft room and board. “ Athletes on scholarship currently receive tuition, fees, room, board, and books—costs that can exceed $30,000 to $50,000 a year at many schools. Last October, the NCAA agreed to let college conferences decide whether to on helping others, pay student athletes an my paper online word additional $2,000 annual stipend to Persuasive essay others, more closely match the. American football , College athletics , College football 2060 Words | 5 Pages. The Effects of Being A College Athlete.

Collegiate Athlete 2 It is good term on a person, hard to be a college student. You have many responsibilities and it takes up so much time. College is . basically a job with the Persuasive essay, amount of hours you have to put in each day to do your work to the best of your ability! Now just imagine adding a second job to that. This job not only requires mental awareness, but also takes physical strength that not many people can fathom.

In this essay I will talk about the Common essay, positive effects of essay others being a collegiate athlete . App College Essay? . College , Education , High school 1118 Words | 4 Pages. The System for college athletes isnt perfect, and essay on helping others needs to be worked on, a big problem we cannot seem to agree is how to compensate the . student- athletes who drive the NCAA. I would like to start off with a question. Are college athletes being compensated enough for the effort they put forth today? Every Day they wake up early and Write paper on a person represent their university whether they are putting in work in essay others, class or on Type microsoft word the field.

Each student-student athlete generates tons of money for their university and they. Athletic scholarship , College athletics , Football 2491 Words | 7 Pages. looking, charismatic, athlete who did, as I must admit, accomplish great feats, and Persuasive Tyson did not receive this accolade because of 3 reasons, . Romie Quiz? first Buster Douglas, his first loss after 37 straight wins, a fight in which Tyson had very little time to prepare and because of on helping others this was quiet out of games shape,(not to mention the very questionable officiating). 2nd Desire Washington. This woman send him to prison for 3 years, a time in which Tyson would have presumably been peaking as an athlete , but instead he was.

Boxing , Evander Holyfield , George Foreman 655 Words | 2 Pages. Athletes and Their View in the Public Eye. In the past couple of years athletes have proven themselves to be “normal” people, with what some would call “normal” problems. These can be . considered normal. However, given the fact that these athletes are represented in on helping others, the public eye, should they carry themselves in Type microsoft, a more appropriate manner? Most would say yes. Professional athletes have a responsibility to act professionally in order to Persuasive essay on helping others, keep good standing status in Write term on a person, the public eye. On Helping Others? Michael Vick, Tiger Woods, and Alex Rodriguez are three that. Alex Rodriguez , Anthony Galea , Atlanta Falcons 866 Words | 3 Pages. In today's world, sport stars and other athletes are looked up to by all ages.

Everyoneloves them. Type Online Microsoft? They look great in the eyes of the essay on helping others, everyday . Summary Of Me And Uncle Quiz? public. They appear ontelevision, they perform like rock stars, and do this with the entire world watching. Nowonder we make heroes out of our favorites . They are seen, as heroes because they can dothings that most of us can't. They hit fastballs at 95 mph, leap at balls in on helping, mid air, ordefy gravity and throw down a dunk. Their words are repeated and broadcasted. High school , Role model , Role Models 1750 Words | 4 Pages. Paul Walsh Dr. Aziz Psychology 1000 WHY ATHLETES FEEL THE PRESSURE TO USE STEROIDS Why do so many Athletes feel that . they need to online, use performance enhancing drugs? Our society loves to place athletes on Persuasive essay an iconic status they expect to see a good show day in and day out.

They want to Help on college essay my life, see bigger athletes playing, bigger home runs in baseball, bigger hits in Persuasive on helping others, football, and faster times ran in track meets. Our society is very demanding in these issues they want to see these big plays on sportscenters. Alex Rodriguez , Babe Ruth , Barry Bonds 1236 Words | 3 Pages. Hodgens Concept Essay : Eating disorders in female athletes October 22, 2014 Eating Disorders in Female Athletes . During the past thirty years, there has been a substantial growth in women’s participation in sports due to Anatomy help, the average female wanting to look a certain way. In these thirty years, many female athletes have struggled with eating disorders.

These athletes are trying to fit the “norm.” Society creates the image that women should be thin and small. Essay Others? In recent studies, female athletes struggle with. Anorexia nervosa , Binge eating , Bulimia nervosa 942 Words | 4 Pages. than five minutes can be a challenge. Coaching young entry level athletes is much different than coaching high school athletes , . even middle school athletes . Write Good Term On A Person? To be a successful coach with little kids, a coach must have the Persuasive essay on helping others, right philosophy. There are three main coaching philosophies: command, cooperative, and submissive style. The most effective coaching philosophy for young athletes is the cooperative style because it allows the athletes to enjoy playing and practicing the game, but at my paper online microsoft, the same time.

Attention span , Coach , Coaching 2013 Words | 5 Pages. ? Professional Athletes and on helping Verbal Harrasment Marquese McClain English 111 -Expository Writing 3/19/2014 Informative . Essay -Module 5 Professional athletes are the most verbally hazed and criticizes group of people alive, behind politicians and various public figures. Anatomy Veterinary? Its sad to think that someone who is looked up to by children and others adults a like receive verbal abuse and hate on a daily bases from fans, and The hunger games people. Abuse , Bullying , Football 1369 Words | 8 Pages. Analysis of to an Athlete Dying Young.

of “To an Athlete Dying Young” In his poem “To an Athlete Dying Young”, A.E. Housman makes a quite different approach on death. . People have different perspectives on death, but more often than not, it is viewed as an essay on helping undesirable event that people wish to my paper word, avoid. The speaker in on helping, the poem, however, praises a young and famous athlete for dying before he became old and on a forgotten. This can be interpreted two very different ways. One can assume Housman believes that the only way for athletes to capture. Afterlife , Death , Life 1116 Words | 3 Pages. Favorite Place Casey L. Sleigh ENG 121 Corinne Tatum July 17, 2013 I always loved the beach since I was a child. Persuasive Others? There is my paper online word, nothing like . the fulfillment the beach brings with your toes in the sand, and nothing but the horizon in my perception. Essay Others? The sounds of the on college my life, waves crashing, the smell of the salty atmosphere, and essay others the relaxation you get from God’s beautiful creation. Throughout this essay I will get more into depth of why I have chosen the beach to be my favorite place to be.

This essay will. 2001 singles , 2008 albums , Debut albums 585 Words | 2 Pages. College athletes are manipulated every day. Anatomy Help? Student athletes are working day in Persuasive essay on helping others, and day out to meet academic standards and to . keep their level of play competitive. These athletes need to be rewarded and credited for Type online microsoft, their achievements. Not only Persuasive on helping, are these athletes not being rewarded but they are also living with no money.

Because the athletes are living off of no money they are very vulnerable to taking money from Common app college essay yale boosters and essay others that are willing to Type my paper online, help them out. The problem with this is. College , Education , High school 878 Words | 3 Pages. Athletes or Employees Student athletes receive scholarships for their skill set and ability to essay on helping others, play at essay yale, the collegiate level, . while employees receive stability, income and benefits for their skill set and ability to contribute to the work place. Athletes as well as persons in the work force deal with adversity that directly affects there lives, yet only members of the workforce are rewarded with a source of income. It could even be said, athletes are under more pressure to perform due to not only. College athletics , National Collegiate Athletic Association , Recruiting 1822 Words | 5 Pages. Being an athlete comes with a very big price. Persuasive Essay On Helping Others? Many people say collegiate student athletes have it just as hard as a normal . college student. I have to disagree though.

There are multiple examples that separate athletes from the regular or average student. Time constraints, stereotypes, class attendance, physical and emotional fatigue, and also the athletic sport the student is participating in, are just few of the many burdens athletes have on the shoulders that the common student does not. On College Essay My Life? Although. Education , Normal distribution , Student 1014 Words | 3 Pages. On TV, you see athletes being put on Persuasive trial for Common app college, Cheating. So what makes these athletes cheat? Athletes would be more . cautious because they are being viewed by everyone. But you would think that they cheat to have the fame and money but it’s not, it’s to on helping, survive their sport, (Bill Gifford). Surviving the Common app college, sport that they are in is hard because there are rookies coming into the game that have trained harder than these pervious athletes . Essay? Athletes cheat so they don’t have to train as hard to the point.

Anabolic steroid , Cheating , Growth hormone 2543 Words | 6 Pages. Final Paper 12/17/13 Pay for Play is Not the Answer In recent years, colleges throughout the nation have come across plenty of . Anatomy Help? controversy concerning the Persuasive on helping others, idea of whether or not athletes should be paid to play sports in Anatomy help veterinary, college. To this day the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) deems this a violation of their rules, and essay others that is no matter what the help online veterinary, amateur status of the players who make college athletics a billion-dollar business is not going to change (“Associated. 1043 Words | 3 Pages. of their goods, because of the price ceiling. This will automatically makes the producers gain small profit rather than normal days. Hence, the quantity . demand for the items will increase whereas the quantity supply will decrease. QUESTION 2 : ESSAY QUESTION i. On Helping? Are BONIA products elastic or inelastic? Explain the Anatomy help online, benefit of Persuasive others raising its existing prices. BONIA products are inelastic. The Hunger Games Essay? Inelastic is an essay economic term used to describe the situation in which the supply and demand for my life, good are.

Consumer theory , Goods , Inverse demand function 915 Words | 4 Pages. Erythropoietin and essay Athletes Steven D. Jackson Student, American Military University Abstract Erythropoietin (EPO) use as a performance . Type Microsoft Word? enhancing agent in sport carries both significant and Persuasive essay on helping others detrimental risks to go along with its suggested benefits. As such, it was banned by the International Olympic Committee in 1990. Shortly thereafter, successful and reliable testing methods have been developed to test athletes for its potential use. Despite widespread knowledge of its potential adverse. Anemia , Blood , Bone marrow 2597 Words | 7 Pages. ? Should College Athletes Get Paid? Everybody knows the college football star Johnny Manziel, or they know him by Help my life his nickname Johnny . Football, the first ever Freshman Heisman winner.

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SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips. If you're reading this article, I assume you're an IB Student, who is Persuasive others getting ready to write their Extended Essay. If you're looking at this as a potential future IB student, I recommend reading our other introductory IB articles first: What is the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program? and What is the of me and uncle romie, IB Curriculum? What are IB Diploma Requirements?. IB students around the globe fear writing the Extended Essay. Persuasive! In this articles, I'll try to get you excited about writing your Extended Essay and provide you with the resources to get an A. I'm a recipient of an IB Diploma, and I happened to receive an A on my IB Extended Essay. If you don’t believe me, the proof is in the IBO pudding, If you're confused by what this report means, EE is short for my life Extended Essay, and English A1 is the subject that my Extended Essay topic coordinated with. In layman’s terms, my IB Diploma was graded during May 2010, I wrote my Extended Essay in the English A1 category, and I received a grade A. The IB Extended Essay (or EE) is essay on helping others a 4,000 word structured mini-thesis that you write under the Write good term paper on a, supervision of an advisor (an IB teacher at your school), which counts towards your IB Diploma (to learn about all of the IB diploma requirements, check out our other article).

I'll explain exactly how the EE affects your diploma later in this article. For the Extended Essay, you choose a research question as a topic; this topic needs to be approved by Persuasive essay on helping, IBO (which is not very difficult). You can do a typical research paper such as in this paper, or you conduct an experiment/solve a problem such as in this paper. Help On College My Life! Most schools allow you to pick your advisor (an IB teacher preferably at Persuasive essay on helping others your school, although you can also get access to one at another school through the Pamoja Education). I'll explain how to pick your IB EE advisor below. The IB Extended Essay must include a cover page, an abstract (one-page synopsis of your essay), a table of contents, the 4,000-word essay (which will range from 10-20 pages depending on whether your topic requires illustrations such as an Help essay my life, experiment would), and a bibliography. Your completed Extended Essay is then sent to Persuasive on helping others, the IBO to be graded (I will go into more detail on grading below). What Should You Write About in Your Extended Essay? You can technically write about anything, so long as the IBO approves it. However, you should choose a topic that falls into one of the IB Course Categories, (such as Theatre, Film, Spanish, French, Math, Biology, etc.) which shouldn’t be difficult because there are so many class subjects.

Here is a range of sample topics with the attached extended essay: You can see from how varied the topics are that you have a lot of freedom when it comes to picking a topic. So, how do you pick when the options are limitless? I will help you with that next: 6 Tips for Writing a Grade A Extended Essay. Tip #1: Write About Something You Enjoy Because You'll Be Spending a Lot of Time on Summary of me romie, It. I love British theatre and ended up writing mine about a revolution in post-WWII British theatre #theatrenerd. I really encourage anyone who pursues an essay, IB Diploma to take the Extended Essay seriously. I ended up receiving a full-tuition merit scholarship to Help on college essay, USC’s School of Dramatic Arts program and in my interview for the scholarship, I spoke passionately about my Extended Essay.

I genuinely think my Extended Essay helped me get my scholarship. How do you find a topic you are passionate about? Start by Persuasive on helping, figuring out Write good term paper, which classes you enjoy the Persuasive essay, most and Anatomy why you enjoy them. Do you like Math because you like to problem solve? Or do you enjoy English because you like to analyze texts? Once you have figured out a general subject area such as Physics, you should brainstorm more specific topics by Persuasive essay others, putting pen to paper. What was your favorite chapter you learned in that class? Was it astrophysics or mechanics? What did you like about that specific chapter? Is there something you want to learn more about? I recommend spending an hour on this type of brainstorming.

After doing this preliminary brainstorming make sure to choose: Tip #2: Chose a Topic That Is Not Too Broad, But Not Too Narrow. This is a fine line. You need to Help on college essay, write about on helping others something specific, but not so specific that you can’t write 4,000 words on it . You can’t write about WWII because that would be a book worth of good paper, material. Essay! You don’t want to write about what type of soup prisoners of war received in romie quiz POW camps because you probably can’t come up with 4000 words on it. Persuasive Others! However, you could possibly write about how the conditions in German POW camps were directly affected by the Nazis successes and Anatomy help online veterinary failures. This may be too obvious of Persuasive essay on helping, a topic, but you get my point. If you're really stuck trying to essay my life, find a not too broad or narrow topic, I recommend trying to brainstorm a topic that uses a comparison.

If you refer back to essay others, the topics I mentioned above, you may notice that two use comparisons. I also used comparison in my EE, comparing Harold Pinter's Party Time to John Osborne's Look Back in Anger in order to show a transition in British Theatre. App College Essay Yale! Topics with comparisons of on helping others, 2-3 plays/books/diets/etc. tend to romie, be in the sweet spot of not too narrow or broad because you can analyze each portion and after doing in-depth analysis on each, you compare and Persuasive others explain the significance of the comparison. The key here is online microsoft word that the essay on helping, comparison needs to be significant. I compared two plays to show a transition in British Theatre. Comparisons are not the only way to get a grade A EE. If after brainstorming, you pick a non-comparison based topic and you are still unsure if a topic is too broad or narrow, spend 30 minutes doing some basic research and see how much material is out there. If there are over 1,000 books/articles/documentaries out Anatomy veterinary, there on the exact topic, it may be too broad. If there are only Persuasive on helping others, 2 books that have any connection to your topic, it may be too narrow.

If you are still unsure, ask your advisor! Speaking of advisors: Tip #3: Choose an app college essay, Advisor Who Is Very Familiar With Your Topic and essay others Who Seems Excited About It. If you are not certain of who you would like to Anatomy online, be your advisor, I would start by creating a list of Persuasive others, your top three choices. Next, create a list of pros and cons (I know this sounds tedious, but it really helps!). For example, Mr. Green is my favorite teacher, and we get along really well, but he teaches English, and I want to conduct an Type word, experiment to compare the efficiency of Persuasive essay on helping, American Hybrid Cars to Foreign Hybrid Cars. Ms. White teaches Physics, I had her a year ago, and she liked me.

She could help me design my experiment. I am going to Common essay, ask Ms. White! Do NOT just ask your favorite teacher to be your advisor. They may be a hindrance to you if they teach another subject. I would not suggest asking your Biology teacher to guide you in writing your English EE. EXCEPTION: If you have a teacher who is on helping others passionate and essay yale knowledgeable about your topic (as my English teacher was about Persuasive others my Theatre topic), you can ask that instructor. Consider all of your options first before you do. Summary Of Me And Uncle Romie Quiz! There was no theatre teacher at my school, so I could not find a theatre-specific advisor, so I chose the next best thing. Some IB high schools require your IB Extended Essay advisor to Persuasive on helping others, sign an Agreement Form.

Make sure you ask your IB coordinator if there is any required paperwork. IBO does not require any paperwork. If your school needs a Form signed, make sure you bring it with you when you ask a teacher to be your EE advisor. Tip #4: Choose an veterinary, Advisor Who Will Push You to Persuasive essay on helping, Be Your Best. Some teachers may just take on students because they have to and may not be passionate about The hunger games reading drafts and essay others may not give you a lot of feedback. Choose a teacher who will take the time to read several drafts and give you extensive notes. I would not have gotten my A without being pushed to make the draft better. Ask a teacher that you have experience with either through class directly or through an Common, extracurricular activity. Do not ask a teacher that you have no connection to; a teacher, who does not know you, is Persuasive others unlikely to push you. Note: The IBO only allows advisors to suggest improvements to the EE, but they may not be engaged in writing the EE. The IBO recommends that the supervisor spends approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the EE.

Tip #5: Make Sure Your Essay Has a Clear Structure and Flow. IB likes structure. Word! Your EE needs a clear introduction (which should be 1-2 pages double-spaced), research question/focus (i.e. Essay Others! what you will be investigating), body, and conclusion (about 1 page double-spaced). An essay that has unclear or poor organization will be graded poorly. Also, make sure your 300-word abstract is clear and person briefly summarizes your whole argument.

An ambiguous abstract will make it more challenging for the reader to follow your essay’s argument and will also hurt the Persuasive on helping others, grading of your EE. The body of your EE should make up the bulk of the Common app college essay yale, essay. On Helping Others! It should be about of me and uncle quiz 8-18 pages double-spaced (again just depending on whether or not you include diagrams). Your body can be split into multiple parts. For example, if you are doing a comparison, you might have 1/3 of your body as Novel A Analysis, 1/3 as Novel B Analysis, and the last 1/3 as Comparison of Novel A and B Analysis. If you are conducting an experiment or analyzing data such as in this EE , your EE body will have a clear and obvious parts following the scientific method: stating the research question, discussing your method, showing the Persuasive others, data, analyzing the data, discussing uncertainties, and drawing a conclusion/evaluating the experiment. Tip #6: Start Writing Sooner Rather Than Later! You will not be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in a week and of me romie get an A. Others! You will be reading many, many articles (and, depending on essay, your topic, possibly books, plays, and others watching movies). Start the Common app college yale, research possible as soon as possible.

Each school has a slightly different deadline for the Extended Essay. Some schools want them as soon as November of your Senior Year; others will take them as later as February of Senior Year. Your school will give you your deadline; if they haven't mentioned it by February of on helping, Junior year, ask your IB coordinator. Some schools will give you a timeline of when you need to come up with a topic, when you need to meet with your advisor and when certain drafts are due. Not all schools do. Type! Ask your IB coordinator if you are unsure if you are on a specific timeline. Here is on helping others my recommended timeline, it is earlier than most schools, but it will save you so much heartache (trust me, I remember): January/February of my life, Junior Year: Come up with your final research topic (or at least top 3). February of essay on helping, Junior Year: Approach a teacher about being your EE advisor (if he or she says no, keep asking others until you find one - see my notes above on how to pick an EE advisor). April/May of Junior Year: Submit an outline of your EE and a bibliography of potential research sources (I recommend at least 7-10) to your EE advisor.

Meet with your EE advisor to app college, discuss your outline. Summer between Junior and Senior Year: Complete your first full draft over the summer between Junior and Persuasive on helping others Senior Year! I know, I know no one wants to work during the Help on college, summer, but trust me this will save you so much stress come the fall when you are busy with college applications and Persuasive other IB internal assessments for your IB classes. You will want to have this first full draft done because you will want to complete a couple of draft cycles as you likely won’t be able to Write good on a person, get everything you want to say into 4000 articulate words the first time. Try to get this first draft into the best possible shape you can, so that you do not have to work on too many revisions during the school year on top of your homework/college applications/work/extracurriculars/etc. August/September of essay on helping others, Senior Year: Turn in your first draft of your EE to your advisor and Help essay my life receive feedback. Work on incorporating their feedback into your essay. If they have a lot of essay, suggestions for improvement, ask if they will read one more draft before the Common app college yale, final draft. September/October of Senior Year: Submit second draft of EE to your advisor (if necessary) and receive their feedback. Work on creating the on helping others, best possible final draft. November-February of Senior Year: Submit two copies of your final draft to your school to be sent off to Summary of me and uncle romie, IBO.

You likely will not get your grade until after you graduate. The early bird DOES get the worm! Extended essays are marked by essay, external assessors (examiners appointed by romie quiz, the IB) on a scale of 0 to 36. There are general and subject-specific criteria, at a ratio of on helping others, 2:1 (24 possible marks for the general criteria and 12 marks for the subject-specific one). Anatomy Online Veterinary! The total mark is others converted into a grade from A to E, using the below parameters: Here is the typical breakdown of scores (from 2008): How Does the Extended Essay Grade Affect Your IB Diploma? The Extended Essay grade is combined with your TOK (Theory of Knowledge) grade to determine how many points you get towards your IB Diploma. To learn about Theory of Knowledge or how many points you need to receive your IB Diploma, read our other articles on What is the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program? or IB Diploma Requirements. This diagram shows how the two scores are combined to determine how many points you receive for your IB diploma (3 being the most, 0 being the least).

So, let’s say you get an online word, A on your EE and essay others a B on TOK, you will get 3 points towards your diploma. Note: this chart is slightly outdated. Prior to Summary romie quiz, the class of 2010, a diploma candidate could receive a failing grade in either the extended essay or theory of knowledge and still be awarded a diploma. However, as of 2014 (for the first examination in May 2015), a student who scores an Persuasive on helping others, E on either the extended essay or TOK essay will not be eligible to receive an IB diploma. In case you want a little more guidance on how to get an Type online, A EE. Persuasive Essay Others! Here are 50 Excellent (grade A) sample extended essays for your reading pleasure: Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by Common yale, 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to on helping others, have a shot at essay improving your score. Persuasive Essay On Helping Others! Download it for Common free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article!

As an essay, SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Common Essay Yale! Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in Persuasive essay others the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and on college essay photography. You should definitely follow us on Persuasive essay, social media. You'll get updates on Summary of me romie, our latest articles right on your feed. Follow us on all 3 of our social networks:

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