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Fur eine erfolgreiche Implementierung von CRM und eine Verankerung einer konsequenten Kundenorientierung im Unternehmen sind weitere interne Voraussetzungen notwendig. Dazu gehoren neben einer entsprechenden strategischen Ausrichtung der Unternehmensfuhrung und der Unternehmenskultur auch die Gestaltung der gesamten Organisation entlang kundenorientierter Prozesse sowie die Motivation und Schulung der Mitarbeiter als wichtigen Reprasentanten der CRM-Philosophie. Eine kundenorientierte Unternehmensausrichtung erfordert ein interdisziplinares Zusammenwirken der Bereiche Marketing, Geschaftsprozess- und IT-Gestaltung. Online College Essay Service? Dieser umfassenden Sicht werden die Lehrinhalte gerecht, die Ihnen Hochschulprofessoren aus Deutschland und dem europaischen Ausland sowie Praxisexperten vermitteln. State In An? Sie konnen Aufgabenstellungen direkt aus der Praxis in das Studium einbringen und individuelle Problemlosungen entwickeln. Service? So werden CRM-Projekte mit unternehmensrelevanten Untersuchungszielen vorangebracht und wissenschaftlich kritisch analysiert. Daraus ergibt sich ein konkreter Nutzen fur das beteiligte Unternehmen und Arbeitszeit wird zu Studienzeit . Insgesamt besteht das Studium aus 14 fachspezifischen Modulen, 5 allgemeinen General Management-Modulen sowie der studienbegleitenden Projekt- und Masterarbeit. State Your In An Essay? Abgegrenzte Themenstellungen werden durch textbasierte Selbststudienarbeit inhaltlich vor- und nachbereitet und in Online college essay community, Prasenzphasen vertieft und angewendet.

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chinatown film essay Chinatown (1974) is a superb, private eye mystery and college essay service modern-day film noir thriller. Its original, award-winning screenplay by Robert Towne is a throwback that pays homage to the best Hollywood film noirs from the pens of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler in buy essay, the 30s and 40s. College Essay Service Community! The film declined to state in an essay, provide a tagline, instead choosing imagery over words on its poster, which featured in 40's art deco, the detective - his back facing the viewer, smoking a cigarette, with the Online essay community smoke emanating from it forming the visage of the heroine, signifying the research paper writing service setting, the mood, and symbolism of the film without uttering a single phrase. The film is a skillful blend of mystery, romance, suspense, and hard boiled detective/ film noir genre elements - especially embodied in The Maltese Falcon (1941) (by director John Huston who acts in essay, this film) and The Big Sleep (1946) . This revisionist noir film was the first production of legendary Paramount Studios head (and ex-actor) Robert Evans, a flamboyant Hollywood figure who later in 1994 published a juicy autobiography, The Kid Stays in the Picture that was made into Academic writing a documentary film in 2002. The film marked French-born Polish director Roman Polanski's return to Hollywood five years after the gruesome 1969 Manson murders that took the life of his actress wife Sharon Tate. Polanski opted to community, use a bleak ending rather than the more hopeful finale in the original screenplay, presumably because of his life's tragedies. Only a few years later, in 1978, he would be indicted and convicted with the 1977 statutory rape (and drugging) of a 13 year-old girl (later identified as Samantha Geimer) while at the home of star/actor Jack Nicholson (absent at the time), and had to How to your thesis in an essay, flee to Europe as a fugitive. Online Community! This was Polanski's last film made on location in the US. Writer Robert Towne's screenplay was partially based on a true Los Angeles scandal in the early part of the 20th century (the story of the nefarious 1908 Owens Valley 'Rape' and scandalous San Fernando Valley land-grab by speculators). The film's character, Hollis Mulwray, was loosely derived from LA's real-life water engineer William Mulholland (the General Manager of Where should the thesis statement be on a research LA's Bureau of Water Works and Supply), who orchestrated the purchase of water rights and the piping of water from the High Sierras into Online college essay service community Los Angeles by an aqueduct that flowed through the now-valuable San Fernando Valley north of LA.

The name of the character Hollis Mulwray was a clever anagram for How to state thesis essay Mulholland. The evil character of Noah Cross was a reference to college service community, the Biblical Noah (and the state your essay torrential flood that devastated mankind). The investigation of a routine story by Online community, a detective uncovers secrets under many layers, facades, red herrings, and networks of corruption, conspiracy and deception. The film contains numerous plot reversals and twists (many of which regard the private eye's client and her family), fistfights and some violence, and many changes of scene. As the hero unravels the complicated, elusive facts, he flippantly and self-confidently offers pat explanations for the deeply-flowing corruption he unearths, and then finds he must continually revise his inaccurate pronouncements after uncovering further evidence. His efforts to separate good from evil - to save the Best good and punish the evil - ultimately fail in the metaphoric (and then real) world of service Chinatown by the film's climax. [The film's title, according to Towne, referred to a 'state of mind' rather than an actual geographic place.]

Similar to a case that he never fully perceived or understood years earlier when he was a cop in state your in an, LA's Chinatown [symbolic of the city of Los Angeles], he is doomed to repeat history (You may think you know what you're dealing with, but believe me, you don't, voiced by the film's villain played by legendary director John Huston) - as a powerless, hard-boiled detective, he again brings tragedy to a woman he wants to help. [The story continued in a complex, poorly-received sequel many years later - The Two Jakes (1990) - that required considerable knowledge of the earlier film in order to be comprehensible. It also starred Nicholson as the private detective in community, 1948 Los Angeles (and he also served as the Nursing research writing toronto film's director - one of the few films he directed). Online College Community! The sequel, when viewed with the original film, provides the viewer with a 267-minute film noir epic. Paper! A third film to complete a trilogy, named Cloverleaf (a reference to LA's freeway system and its massive interchanges - with its notorious air pollution), was shelved when The Two Jakes failed at the box-office. Its title was referenced in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) as the Online service evil Doom's giant corporation with a quasi-swastika as its logo.] The film's claustrophobic, cyclical, bleak mood surrounding the heroic quest of the detective struck a responsive chord after the scandalous Watergate era of the early 1970s. The film's two puzzling mysteries and Nursing paper writing tragedies - family-related and water-related - are beautifully interwoven together. College Service Community! The water-rights scandal at the heart of the Undergraduate paper film expresses how ecological rape of the Online essay service community land has occurred in outrageous land-development schemes that redirect the water's flow. It reminds viewers that the Where the thesis statement be on a research paper days of abundant natural resources (and life-giving water that turns a forbidden wilderness into a plentiful garden) are past - the Online college essay service community land has become barren due to the selfish manipulations of rich and powerful businessmen. There were many accolades for this stunning film, including eleven Academy Award nominations, although only one took the Undergraduate paper Oscar home, Best Original Screenplay for Robert Towne's superb work (the losses were partly attributed to the intense competition from Coppola's The Godfather, Part II (1974) ). An uncredited Nicholson wrote his own dialogue, and collaborated on Online essay service community, the famous ending with Polanski a few days before the scene was shot. [ Chinatown won four of its seven nominations at the 32nd Annual Golden Globes ceremony: it defeated Coppola's film for the Best Picture-Drama award; Polanski won the Best Director award; Jack Nicholson won the Where should the thesis statement be on a research paper Best Actor in a Leading Role-Drama award; and Robert Towne won the college Best Screenplay honor.]

The other ten Academy Awards nominations were: Best Picture, Best Actor (Jack Nicholson), Best Actress (Faye Dunaway), Best Director (Roman Polanski with his first Best Director nomination), Best Cinematography (John A. Alonzo), Best Art Direction/Set Decoration, Best Sound, Best Original Dramatic Score (Jerry Goldsmith), Best Film Editing, and Best Costume Design. Originally, Polanski had considered Anjelica Huston for the role ultimately assumed by thesis in an, Faye Dunaway - that would have made her real-life father, John Huston, her on-screen father (incestuous) also! The film's credits play under a sepia-colored art deco background in the old 1:33 screen format, suggesting the bygone era from the college essay community past - one of yellowed photographs, the We can make rain early days of Hollywood's sound pictures, amber-preserved fossils, or images drained of their color. Online College! A haunting, melancholy trumpet solo provides the musical backdrop for the title sequence. Set in 1937, the first scene opens in the upscale office of a Los Angeles private detective-hero, an overdressed character named J. J. Your! (Jake) Gittes (Jack Nicholson). College Service! He's a former cop who now specializes in investigations involving messy, 'dirty' divorce cases and extra-marital affairs. One of his distraught clients named Curly (Burt Young) is in his office, groaning while looking at the incriminating evidence - black and white photographs of his wife (probably also groaning) and awkwardly having adulterous sex with another half-clothed man in the woods. [This is the first instance in Nursing, the film of seeing 'evidence,' 'proof' or facts in a case that can easily be misunderstood or misread. He voyeuristically flips through the pictures - creating a peep-show effect.] Curly is so upset that he throws the pictures into the air and grabs the Online essay service community venetian blinds. Proposal Writing Headings! The self-assured, unperturbed Jake understands his agonized pain and commiserates with him, but cooly and college community detachedly cautions him to research paper service toronto, stop gnawing on the newly-installed fixtures: All right, Curly, enough's enough.

You can't eat the venetian blinds. I just had 'em installed on Online essay service community, Wednesday. Jake, wearing a white-colored suit, offers him a stiff drink instead: Down the hatch. Jake supports Curly's belief that his wife is Best buy essay zone, unfaithful and Online college essay service community no good: What can I tell you, kid? You're right. When you're right, you're right, and you're right . Curly is ushered into the cream-colored outer room where Jake assures the lower-class fisherman that he won't take his last dime. The client mumbles about proposal begging off paying the fees until the college community next week - after his next fishing boat haul to catch more profitable albacore tuna. Undergraduate Thesis! [This isn't the first mention of albacore.] Jake's door is labeled with bold letters: J. Service! J. Gittes Associates, Discreet Investigations.

In another room are Jake's well-dressed partners, operatives Walsh (Joe Mantell) and Duffy (Bruce Glover), associates who assist Gittes in gathering evidence, taking photographs, and snooping on the extra-marital indiscretions of rich, wayward spouses. They introduce Jake to Nursing, a second client, a woman named Mrs. Mulwray (Diane Ladd), who also complains about a suspected infidelity. Jake replies: No, really? in a completely unsurprised, deadpan way, stressing the fact that these are the sort of cases he deals with most. [She isn't who she appears to be, but actually is an Online college essay service community imposter named Ida Sessions who has been hired to discredit Mr. Mulwray.]. Not permitted to speak to Gittes privately, she asks him - with his operatives present - to investigate her husband's alleged affair with another woman. Although Jake attempts to dissuade the lady-like Mrs.

Mulwray from pursuing the buy essay zone case with an essay service ironic expression: Let sleeping dogs lie, you're, you're better off not knowing, she insists on his investigation of the extra-marital affair: A wife can tell. I have to know! She identifies her husband as Hollis Mulwray (Darrell Zwerling), the well-known chief engineer of L.A. city's Water and Power Company. Mrs. Mulwray insists that his expensive services are no problem: Money doesn't matter to me, Mr.

Gittes. Jake begins his investigation of the Mulwray case by listening to Nursing toronto, public hearings discussing the latest waterways project - a proposed Alto Vallejo Dam and Reservoir. Proponents and opponents of the dam present their cases at college service the city council meeting. Thesis Paper! Bored listening to the Mayor Bagby's (Roy Roberts) speech about how Los Angeles is Online college essay service community, a desert community needing irrigation projects that must be paid for by a public bond, Gittes reads the Racing Record with headlines: Seabiscuit Idol of Racing Fans. Undergraduate Thesis! When a bow-tied Mulwray is called to speak, the lanky, bespectacled man lambasts the essay politician's project that would give the desert area north of LA (the San Fernando Valley) irrigation water. He argues with an engineer's grasp of facts against thesis paper, its construction - using previous experience from the Van der Lip dam disaster that killed five hundred people. [Paralleling history, a Mulholland-designed structure, the St. College Essay Community! Francis Dam, burst in 1928 and caused a massive loss of life and property]: And now you propose yet another dirt-banked terminus dam, with slopes of two and one-half to one, 112 feet high and a 12,000 acre water surface. Well, it won't hold. I won't build it, it's that simple. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.

Mulwray's opinion that effectively denies water to the area is unpopular - it is writing headings, greeted with boos and Online college essay service protests. As Gittes grins at the sight, an irate farmer (Rance Howard) from the dry valley herds his sheep down the aisle of the public hearing. He demands to know why Mulwray is denying water to his livestock and We can make rain crops, and then accuses the engineer of being paid off to divert water from the farms in the valley: You steal water from the valley. Ruin their grazing.

Starve the livestock. Who's paying you to do that, Mr. Mulwray? That's what I want to Online essay, know. Mulwray looks down and doesn't answer - he is the thesis be on a research, still investigating the truth for community himself. Gittes trails Hollis Mulwray, who spends most of his time checking out the city's water supplies.

Gittes spies on him with binoculars as a noisy fly buzzes around his head - but he doesn't understand Mulwray's paradoxical actions. He first walks in a dried-up riverbed and speaks to a Mexican boy on horseback, and buy essay reward then opens a large ledger book on the hood of his car. Next, Gittes tails him in his car, watching him from his rear-view mirror for more clues. College Essay Service! He watches Mulwray as he gazes for many hours at the ocean from a coastal beach. At nightfall, water mysteriously runs out of state essay a run-off pipe near the ocean and channels itself into college the Pacific. When Gittes returns to Best zone, his car at 8:20 pm, he finds a notice on his windshield from the Citizens' Committee to Save Los Angeles, urging a 'YES' vote on the dam bond. LOS ANGELES IS DYING OF THIRST!

He tosses away the flyer about the drought-stricken city's water supply. A cheap pocket watch placed by Gittes under one of the tires on essay community, Mulwray's car is later picked up and Undergraduate thesis paper indicates that he was there all night - he left at 1:50 am. Online Essay Service! Gittes' off-screen assistant, Walsh, thinks that Mulwray is obsessed with water after visiting three reservoirs a day earlier: The guy's got water on the brain. Walsh shows other investigative evidence to Nursing research paper writing, Gittes - candid photographs of Mulwray in a heated argument with another unidentified man [Noah Cross]. He heard only the mention of the words apple core - an imperceptible detail that becomes much more significant later. [Again, evidence is wrongly mislabeled or misinterpreted. Online College Essay Community! 'Apple core' is actually a mispronunciation of the Nursing paper writing name of college essay community a local country club - Albacore. Where Should The Thesis Be On A Research! And the argument between the men prefaces a murder that isn't revealed until much later.] Lacking foresightedness, Jake chastises his assistant for bungling ineptness in the taking of the photographs: This business requires a certain amount of finesse. Essay Service Community! When Duffy phones that he has located Mulwray with a young woman (a cute little twist) in a rowboat on a lake in Echo Park, Gittes exclaims: Water again. Academic! Gittes rushes there to take secretive, incriminating still photos of Mulwray rowing the two of service them, and then he uses his phallic-probing camera to shoot more pictures of the engineer hugging and make it meaning kissing the Online essay service community unknown, un-named blonde girl [Katherine] on the back patio of the El Macondo Apartments. [Speaking in Nursing research writing, a foreign language, she is appreciative that she has been given a new virginal dress, but Gittes is college essay service, ready to falsely assume that the couple are having a clandestine, adulterous affair.] Off-screen, Gittes turns over the pictures to Mrs.

Mulwray, but then finds that they are published for some reason a few days later for buy essay reward zone everyone to see. The pictures of community Mulwray with his alleged girlfriend precipitate a scandal - they hit the Los Angeles Post-Record tabloids. A heart-shaped picture and a headline take the front page: DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER BLOWS FUSE. Smaller columns are headed: J. J. Gittes Hired by research paper writing service, Suspicious Spouse, and Chief's Use of Funds for El Macondo Love Nest Being Investigated. The newspaper is being read by Gittes seated in a barber's chair during a beautifying haircut. The barber Barney (George Justin) makes an off-hand reference to Jake's near-star status in the center of the Online essay service community film industry: When you get so much publicity, you gotta get blasé about it.

Let's face it, Jake! You're practically a movie star. Through the barber's window, a car overheats (water in thesis paper, its pressurized radiator blows out as steam from under the hood) during LA's hot summer. [The image symbolizes what happens when water, the major focus of attention in the film, is essay, subjected to extreme temperatures and pressures.] Jake also becomes hot-headed when he must defend his sleazy profession (of nosing into other people's personal affairs) to another shop customer (Doc Erickson) who is employed by research service, the First National Bank Mortgage Department: Listen, pal. I make an honest living. People only come to me when they're in Online essay service community, a desperate situation. I help 'em out.

I don't kick families out of their houses like you bums down at the bank do. To cool things down and forestall a fistfight with the other customer, Jake's barber tells him a dirty story (a crude ethnic joke) about Nursing research writing service toronto matrimonial screwing like a Chinaman (prolonged intercourse interspersed with interruptions). Jake is anxious to tell the same off-color joke to his confreres when he returns to the office, but he first excuses his slightly-offended secretary Sophie (Nandu Hinds) from Online community, hearing the inappropriate joke (Go to thesis, the little girl's room for a minute). Chortling and guffawing to himself as he builds to the long, drawn-out, and Online essay orgasmic punchline, he doesn't realize his embarrassed operatives' discomfort that he has another female client behind him who appears when a door opens. Emotionless, she listens to the entire tasteless, and only mildly funny racist joke: So there's this guy, Walsh, do you understand? He's tired of screwin' his wife.

So his friend says to him, 'Hey, why don't you do it like the Chinese do?' So he says, 'How do the Chinese do it?' And the Best buy essay reward zone guy says, 'Well, the Chinese, first they screw a little bit, then they stop, then they go and read a little Confucius, come back, screw a little bit more, then they stop again, go back and they screw a little bit. then they go back and they screw a little bit more and then they go out and they contemplate the moon or something like that. Online Essay! Makes it more exciting.' So now, the guy goes home and he starts screwin' his own wife, see. So he screws her for a little bit and then he stops, and he goes out of the room and reads LIFE Magazine. Then he goes back in, he starts screwin' again. He says, 'Excuse me for a minute, honey.' He goes out and he smokes a cigarette. Best Zone! Now his wife is gettin' sore as hell. Community! He comes back in proposal, the room, he starts screwin' again. Online Service Community! He gets up to start to leave again to go look at the moon. She looks at We can rain him and says, 'Hey, whatsa matter with ya. You're screwin' just like a China man.' Although the film audience and Jake's operatives are aware of the woman (by the camera's angle), Jake is the last to Online service, learn of her presence.

He turns and meets the Nursing research toronto client behind him - the real Mrs. Evelyn Mulwray (Faye Dunaway), a beautiful, cool socialite in a blue outfit [looking remarkably like Joan Crawford from an Online essay community earlier era] who is not amused by his joke or by How to state thesis essay, his smearing of her husband's reputation in the newspaper. (She is not the same woman who had hired him a few days earlier to spy on Mr. Mulwray.) Woman: Mr. Gittes? Woman: Do you know me? Jake: Well, uh, I think I would have remembered. Woman: Have we ever met? Woman: That's what I thought.

You see, I'm Mrs. Evelyn Mulwray, you know, Mr. College! Mulwray's wife. Jake: (stunned) NOT, uh, that Mulwray! Woman: Yes, Mr. Gittes, that Mulwray. The marriage investigator suddenly realizes he was duped and set up, and used for some other purposes in a deceitful web of double dealings. Academic Writing! Remaining composed, she threatens a lawsuit to sue him for defaming her husband's character as she stalks out with her lawyer: Mrs.

Mulwray: . I've never hired you to do anything, certainly not to spy on my husband. I see you like publicity, Mr. Gittes. Well, you're going to get it. Gittes: Now wait a minute, Mrs. Online College Service! Mulwray. I think there's been some misunderstanding here. There's no point in gettin' tough with me. Mrs.

Mulwray: I don't get tough with anyone, Mr. We Can Make It Meaning! Gittes. My lawyer does. Befuddled, the cocky detective is determined to conduct further snooping and figure out the why's and how's of his own predicament. At lunchtime, he visits Mulwray's Water and Power office, but the engineer is not in. Lying to essay, pretend that he has an appointment (he tells Mulwray's secretary (Fritzi Burr) that it's a personal matter), he snoops around the office (he sees a framed picture of Evelyn next to How to your thesis in an, a stallion on the desk) and opens up Mulwray's desk drawers. He finds nothing of interest - bank checks, neatly organized records, a large magnifying glass (!), and a leather case holding personal grooming tools. Gittes then opens up a large ledger book on the table where he reads a scrawled, enigmatic note on one of the pages: Tues night - Oak Pass Res.

7 channels used. The entry of the engineer's chief deputy, Russ Yelburton (John Hillerman), who has been hurriedly summoned by Mulwray's secretary, is college essay community, first seen in a flash of How to state your in an essay light through the Online college community glass of the Undergraduate door. College Service! Yelburton, with an icy but pleasant request, greets Gittes and thesis paper ushers him out of Online college essay service Mulwray's office: I wonder if you'd care to wait in my office? In his own office with walls adorned by a large stuffed game fish, photographs, and a painted symbol of a fish [the flag of the Albacore Club], Yelburton is convinced that the We can make scandalous stories about colleague Mulwray are totally groundless: Either he's the kind who chases after women or he isn't. He (Mulwray) never even kids about it. Unaware of the findings that he's made, Gittes offers a telling comment: Well, maybe he takes it very seriously. On the way out of Yelburton's office, Gittes requests a business card, but pockets a bunch of the deputy's cards with sleight-of-hand - to be opportunistically used at some future time.

In the hallway by the elevator, the arrogant Gittes has an opportunity to bait and speak insulting words to Claude Mulvihill (Roy Jenson), the city's water department enforcer, whose own personal water supply has been shut off: How'd you find out about it? You don't drink it. You don't take a bath in essay, it. They wrote you a letter. But then you'd have to state your in an essay, be able to read. According to Yelburton, Mulvihill's main duty, now that he is employed by the Water and Power Company, is to protect against numerous threats of protesting farmers in essay service, the Valley to blow up the We can it meaning rain city's reservoirs: Well, it's this darn drought. We've had to Online essay service community, ration water in the valley and the farmers are desperate. Well, what can we do?

The rest of the city needs drinking water. Hinting at political corruption in the department, Gittes refers to should the thesis statement, a past time when Mulvihill was a dishonest, former Sheriff in Ventura County during Prohibition: When Mulvihill here was Sheriff of Ventura County, the rum-runners landed hundreds of Online essay service community tons of booze on Nursing research, the beach and community never lost a drop. (To Yelburton) He ought to be able to hold onto your water for ya. Gittes drives up the long, expansive driveway to the Mulwray mansion, tended by at least four Asian servants - all from it meaning rain, Chinatown itself: an Oriental butler (James Hong) who shuts the front door on Gittes, a chauffeur polishing Evelyn's car in Online college essay service, the driveway, an Asian housemaid (Beulah Quo), and Undergraduate thesis an Asian gardener (Jerry Fujikawa). In the essay rear of the palatial house is a fish pond and fountain - a strange anomaly in should the thesis be on paper, the midst of a drought. The gardener mumbles as he removes a clump of dead vegetation: Bad for glass. [Because he pronounces his r's like l's, he has really mumbled: Bad for the grass, referring to the destructive effects of the college community salt water in the pool on garden plant growth.] Something shiny in buy essay, the bottom of the Online college goldfish pool attracts Gittes' eye, but he is Nursing paper writing service, not able to fish out the Online college essay glinting object when Mrs.

Mulwray approaches. [Although the object is a key piece of evidence, the film evolves through a deceptive maze as clues are slowly revealed - nothing is ever given away. The viewer shares Gittes' own blind perceptions and circuitous search for the truth.] While sitting down to some iced tea, Gittes confronts Mrs. Mulwray (dressed in riding gear) who is sweaty and Nursing paper writing flushed after riding bareback. He is determined to convince her that he had nothing to do with the publication of the incriminating photos or stories (I'm just trying to Online college essay community, make a living).

The tables have been turned on the detective and Jake is embarrassed for having been caught and Where the thesis a research paper set up - literally, with his pants down, and he doesn't want to become a local joke. She appears dangerous and threatening to him - but almost instantly and to his astonishment, she offers to drop the lawsuit: Jake: I'm not in business to be loved, but I am in business. And believe me, Mrs. Mulwray, whoever set your husband up set me up. LA's a small town, people talk. Essay Service! I'm just trying to Academic proposal headings, make a living. Online Essay Service Community! I don't want to become a local joke.

Mrs. Mulwray: Mr. Gittes. You talked me into it. Paper! I'll drop the lawsuit. Mrs. Mulwray: I said I'll drop the lawsuit. So let's just drop the college community whole thing. Gittes senses something mysterious underlying the quick offer to drop the suit and is interested in delving deeper into the case to Nursing writing service toronto, uncover the larger plot issue.

He conjectures, slightly obsessively, about her husband's little girlfriend and Online essay service their disappearance. [Gittes now asserts: it's nothing personal although earlier, he told Yelburton's secretary that it's a personal matter.]: Gittes: I don't want to a research paper, drop it. I'd better talk to Online community, your husband about this. Mrs. Mulwray: Why? What on earth for?

Hollis seems to think you're an Best reward zone innocent man. Gittes: Well, I've been accused of a lot of things before, Mrs. Mulwray, but never that. Look. Somebody's gone to a lot of trouble here and lawsuit or no lawsuit, I intend to find out. Community! I'm not supposed to research writing toronto, be the one who's caught with his pants down. So unless it's a problem, I'd like to talk to your husband. Mrs.

Mulwray: Why should it be a problem? Gittes: May I speak frankly, Mrs. Mulwray? Mrs. Service Community! Mulwray: Only if you can, Mr. Gittes. Gittes: Well, that little girlfriend.

She was pretty in Best, a cheap sort of a way, of course. Community! She's disappeared. Maybe they disappeared together. Mrs. Mulwray: Suppose they did. How does that affect you? Gittes: It's nothing personal, Mrs. Mulwray.

Mrs. Mulwray: It's very personal. It couldn't be more personal. Is this a business or an Undergraduate paper obsession with you? [Gittes is led on his quest, now by essay, the second Mrs. Mulwray.] She sends Gittes to look for Hollis at Oak Pass or Stone Canyon Reservoirs, where he frequently wanders during his lunchtimes. If Gittes returns to Nursing research writing toronto, the house to see her later, she requests: Please call first. The camera dallies on Evelyn's mysterious face as he leaves. Using as an entry pass one of the business cards he lifted from Yelburton's office, Gittes is easily allowed admission by police guards through the gates into Online community the Oak Pass Reservoir when mistaken as Yelburton. [This is another of the film's running themes and examples of someone being mistaken for another: there's also the imposter Mrs. Mulwray, and Katherine mistaken as Hollis' lover.] There, he meets a former partner of his when they were Chinatown cops: Hispanic police detective Lieutenant Lou Escobar (Perry Lopez), who is accompanied by another cop named Loach (Richard Bakalyan).

Escobar - recalling Gittes' past reputation - allows Gittes to light his cigarette, even though it is prohibited and writing headings it may harm him: We can make an essay exception this time. I'll see that he's careful with the make it meaning matches and doesn't burn himself. Escobar enviously notices that they both have come a long way since their Chinatown days, especially Gittes with his flashy, expensive suits and his gold cigarette case. He also speculates that Jake may have 'found himself' in the interim: Escobar: You look like you've done well by yourself. Gittes: I get by. Escobar: Well, sometimes it takes a while for a man to Online college essay, find himself. Maybe you have. Loach: Yeah, goin' through other people's dirty linen.

Gittes: Yeah. Tell me. You still puttin' Chinamen in jail for spittin' in the laundry? Escobar: You're a little behind the times, Jake. They use steam irons now. And I'm out of Chinatown.

Gittes: Since when? Escobar: Since I made Lieutenant. Escobar has been transferred out of Chinatown - but the locale from Gittes' past still haunts him. Before Gittes can speak to Hollis Mulwray, he is Undergraduate, sarcastically told that he is welcome to try. Online College Service Community! The commissioner has unexpectedly and mysteriously drowned in the middle of Where should the thesis statement be on paper LA's summer drought.

His body is dragged up, in their view, from the remote, empty, fresh-water reservoir outside Los Angeles. The victim of an apparent accidental drowning according to Escobar, the fall knocked him unconscious and his body was washed down the entire length of the run-off channel. College Service Community! Mulwray is missing his glasses and one shoe, and thesis paper his bow-tie is crooked. [Or was he the Online essay service victim of profit-seeking, land-hungry opportunists whom he opposed, who are buying up thousands of acres of Where should statement artificially-created drought land?]

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Issues/Gang Violence term paper 5348. Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with in Online essay service today's cities. Undergraduate Thesis Paper! What has made these groups come about? Why do kids feel that being in a gang is college service community, both an buy essay zone acceptable and prestigious way to live? The long-range answer to college essay service, these questions can only be speculated upon, but in the short term the make answers are much easier to find. Online College Essay Community! On the surface, gangs are a direct result of human beings' personal wants and peer pressure. How To State Your In An! To determine how to effectively end gang violence we must find the way that these morals are given to the individual. Unfortunately, these can only essay community, be hypothesized. However, by looking at Undergraduate the way humans are influenced in society, I believe there is good evidence to point the blame at several institutions. Online College Service! These include the forces of the Nursing paper writing media, the Online college essay service government, theatre, drugs and make rain our economic system.

Originally the word gang had no negative connotation. In Old English, gang simply referred to college essay service community, a number of people who went around together-a group. Today a gang can be defined in Academic writing four basic ways: zh an organized group with a leader. zh a unified group that usually remains together during peaceful times as well as times of Online essay conflict. zh a group whose members show unity through clothing, language. zh a group whose activities are criminal or threatening to the larger society. Gangs are one of the results of poverty, discrimination and urban deterioration.

Some experts believe that young people, undereducated and without access to good jobs, become frustrated with their lives and join gangs as an alternative to make it meaning rain, boredom, hopelessness and devastating poverty. Studies have attempted to determine why gangs plague some communities but there has been no definitive answer. As a result, people working to solve gang problems have great difficulty. They find the situation overwhelming, and the violence continues. No groups completely fitting the above description of gangs existed in America until the early 1800s, but from the beginning of the essay community European settlement in America there was gang-like activity, especially when class distinctions came into being. Gang members tended to be from the poorer classes and tended to We can make it meaning rain, be from the Online community same race or ethnic background. How To Your In An! They banded together for protection, recreation or financial gain. The earliest identified American gangs formed after the Revolutionary War, which ended in 1783. They were known as Smith's Vly gang, the Online college Bowery Boys, the Broadway Boys, and the Long Bridge Boys and the Fly Boys. The first three were white and the last two were African-American. Members were in their early teens and twenties but not all came from the lowest economic classes; nor were they necessarily criminals.

It was not until the 19th century that criminal gangs first formed. Thesis Essay! As the result of a worsening economy and growing population that increased competition for jobs, gangs began to specialize in crime and became a part of America's cities. Irish immigrants formed the first American criminal gangs in New York City. Some were criminals; some were brawlers and most associated in essay service community an area of New York called Five Points. They had dress codes and called their members by code nicknames. (Many of the gang rituals of today have their roots in this period.) The first Irish gang to have a recognized leader was the make rain Forty Thieves, organized by Edward Coleman in 1826. Gangs also arose in the Bowery. These two sets of gangs brawled on a regular basis-over gang territory and ethnic differences. Sometimes the Online service community battles were so long and intense that the army had to be called in to stop them. The decade before the Civil War was a heyday for most New York street gangs due to the all-out corruption of city government.

Gang membership swelled. Gangs burned ballot boxes, plundered stores and paper businesses and private homes without fear of police interference. After the Civil War in 1865 New York records indicate a presence of essay service community Jewish, Italian, African-American and Irish gangs. With the increase in immigrant populations, so grew gang membership. Almost every criminal of note in the United States made New York its headquarters. Chinese gangs appeared in California in paper service the mid-1800s. Philadelphia reported gang activity as early as 1840 and between that time and 1870 became home to over 100 street gangs. During this time murder became a test of toughness and drugs (laudanum, morphine, cocaine) became a part of the gang scene. The level of college essay service community violence escalated.

The Whyos of Five Points used murder as a membership requirement. By the proposal writing end of the 19th century gangs started wearing distinctive jackets. In the early 1900s the Online college essay service U.S. economy worsened, the population grew at a rapid pace, and the gap between the How to state thesis essay rich and poor widened. All across the service community nation gangs appeared where poor, hopeless people lived. Proposal! The dawning of the 20th century also brought with it a widespread use of firearms. By mid 1920s there were 1313 gangs in Chicago and more than 25,000 members. Service! Gang warfare in Chicago was widespread and fighting took place along ethnic, cultural and racial lines. Some gangs had no noticeable cultural, ethnic or national ties and reward zone consisted mostly of whites. The 1920s and 1930s saw the rise of service Chicano (Mexican-American) gangs in Los Angeles.

By the 1940s Chicano gangs established their place in Los Angeles-their zoot suits (a style of make it meaning rain dress incorporating tapered pants, long wide-shoulder coats and broad-brimmed hats) had become a familiar sight. Fighting back against harassment of essay white residents and thesis paper visiting soldiers during the so-called zoot suit riots in 1943 strengthened their cause. After World War II gang membership: 1. became younger, 2. the nationality of the Online college membership became largely non-white (though Italians, Irish and other white ethnic groups still made up a percentage),

3. drugs became a more publicized concern, 4. gang activity centered around large-scale, well-organized street fighting, 5. Writing! fire-arms were used more often, 6. the structure of organization became more rigid, 7. and college service society at large became concerned with gangs as a social problem and worked toward rehabilitation. Between 1941 and 1945 over half a million Puerto Ricans arrived in the United States, most settling in New York City. During the 1920s the Academic proposal headings African American populations migrated from the South to college essay service community, the northern cities. Undergraduate! Due, in part, to college community, this influx of African-American and Puerto Rican into make northern cities, the Post WWII period spawned the greatest era of youth gang activity in American gang history. The Old Italian, Jewish and Irish inhabitants became fearful that these groups were taking over. During the 1950s gang fighting rose to an all time high in cities like New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and Cleveland. Gang members were usually in their teens.

Codes of dress (black leather jackets were popular) and mannerisms were an Online college service important means of identification. Body language said a lot about the make it meaning nature of the gang. When a gang decided to become a fighting, or bopping gang, its members immediately took on a different way of walking. A rhythmic gait characterized by the forward movement of the head with each step. Terms for college service community fighting were bopping, rumbling, jitterbugging. Gang members used guns, knives, and homemade weapons. Most common drugs-alcohol, marijuana, heroin. New York gangs fought along racial lines-African-American, white, Puerto Rican.

Usually they fought over girls or turf. Proposal Headings! Turf could be anything from a few blocks to an entire neighborhood. Online Community! Gang members believed it was essential to protect the honor of their girlfriends. And in the late 1950, girl gangs, with strong ties to boy gangs, began to form. Revenge was required by an inflexible code of gang loyalty. It was from such incidents that gangs drew their sense of pride, of being somebody. In order to combat the rise of violence, organizations like the New York City Youth Board sent social workers into the slums to form relationships with the gangs. In some cases it worked; in many it did not. The 1960s saw a decline in gang violence, in part because drug use escalated.

Where there was more drug use there was less gang violence. America's attention also shifted to the civil rights movement, urban ghetto riots, Vietnam War protests. A new racial consciousness had its effect on local street gang, creating organizations that were more involved in How to your thesis in an essay communities. The Black Panthers arose in Oakland in 1968, the Online service community Black Muslims gained national prominence in the '60s and Nursing toronto a Puerto Rican gang, the Young Lords, formed in the early '70s. By early 1972 gangs were making headlines again.

Drug use seemed to be decreasing and violence increasing. Gang membership grew and the potential for violence was far greater for the gangs had access to weapons that no gang ever had before. They did not make their headquarters in college essay service community public places, but in private places. Research Paper! Gangs also acquired greater legal and political sophistication. When it is apparent that someone must be arrested for a crime, often the gang chooses a minor because his prison sentence will be shorter. Serving a term in jail helps boost his reputation. On the surface, peer pressure and greed cause gangs.

Many teens in gangs will pressure peers into becoming part of a gang by making it all sound glamorous. Money is essay service, also a crucial factor. A kid (a 6-10 year old, who is Where should the thesis statement, not yet a member) is shown that s/he could make $200 to $400 for small part time gang jobs. Although these are important factors they are not strong enough to make kids do things that are strongly against their morals. One of the ways that kids morals are bent so that gang violence becomes more acceptable is the influence of Online college television and movies. The average child spends more time at a TV than she/he spends in a classroom. Since nobody can completely turn off their minds, kids must be learning something while watching the TV. Very few hours of television watched by children are educational, so other ideas are being absorbed during this period of time. Undergraduate Paper! Many shows on television today are extremely violent. and are often shown this from a gang's perspective. A normal adult can see that this is showing how foully that gangs are living.

However, to Online college essay service, a child this portrays a violent gang existence as acceptable. 'The Ends Justifies the Means' mentality is also taught through many shows where the good guy captures the bad guy through violence and is then being commended. A young child sees this a perfectly acceptable. because he knows that the bad guy was wrong but has no idea of what acceptable apprehension techniques are. Gore in television also takes a big part in proposal writing headings influencing young minds. Children see gory scenes and are fascinated by these things that they have not seen before. Older viewers see gore and Online service community are not concerned with the blood but rather with the pain the victim must feel. Proposal Writing Headings! A younger mind doesn't make this. connection. Online Essay Service Community! Thus a gore fascination is formed, and has been seen in several of my peers. Thesis Paper! Unfortunately kids raised with this sort of television end up growing up with a stronger propensity to becoming a violent gang member or 'violent-acceptant' person. Gangs bring the delinquent norms of society into intimate contact with the individual.1, (Marshall B Clinard, 1963).

So, as you can see if TV leads a child to believe that violence is the norm this will manifest itself in the actions of the child quite often in a gang situation. This is especially the case when parents don't spend a lot of time with their kids at the TV explaining what is right and college essay what is wrong. Quite often newer books and Nursing paper writing service some types of music will enforce this type of thought and ideas. Once this mentality is essay, installed in youngsters they become increasingly prone to being easily pushed into a gang situation by any problem at home or elsewhere. For instance, in poor families with many children or upper-middle class families where parents are always working, the children will often feel deprived of love. Parents can often feel that putting food on the table is enough love. Should Statement Be On! Children of these families may often go to Online essay community, the gang firstly out of make it meaning boredom and to belong somewhere. As time goes on, a form of Online college service love or kinship develops between the gang members and the child. It is then that the bond between the Best zone kid and the gang is completed because the gang has effectively taken the place of the essay service family. The new anti social structure of cities also effects the ease in which a boy/girl can join a gang.

The formation of gangs in cities, and most recently in suburbs, is facilitated by the same lack of community among parents. The parents do not know what their children are doing for two reasons: First, much of the parents' lives are outside the local community, while the children's lives are lived almost totally within it. Second, in a fully developed community, the network of relations gives every. parent, in a sense, a community of sentries who can keep him informed of his child's activities. In modern living-places (city or suburban), where such a network is attenuated, he no longer has such sentries.2, (Merton Nisbet, 1971). In male gangs, problems occur as each of the members tries to writing headings, be the manliest. This often leads to all members participating in one-up-manship.

Quite often this will then lead to each member trying to commit a bigger and more violent crime or simply more crimes than the others will. With all members participating in this sort of activity it makes for a never-ending unorganized violence spree (A sort of Clockwork Orange mentality). In gangs with more intelligent members these feelings end up making each member want to be the star when the groups commit a crime. This makes the gang much more organized and improves the morale of members which in turn makes them more dangerous and very hard for the police to Online essay service community, deal with and catch (There is nothing harder to find and deal with than organized teens that are dedicated to the group). We Can Make! This sort of gang is usually common of middle or upper class people. although it can happen in gangs in the projects and community other low rent districts too. This one-up-manship is Nursing research writing toronto, often the reason between rival gangs fighting. All gangs feel powerful and they want to college essay service, be feared. To do this they try to establish themselves as the research writing service toronto only gang in college essay service a certain neighborhood.

After a few gang fights hatred forms and gang murders and drive-by's begin to take place. When two gangs are at war it makes life very dangerous for citizens in the area. Less that 40% of drive-by's kill their intended victim yet over thesis 60% do kill someone. This gang application is one of the many reasons that sexual stereotypes and college essay service pressure to conform to Undergraduate, the same must be stopped. Lastly one of the Online college essay community great factors in joining a gang is for protection. Although from an writing service toronto objective point of view, we can see joining a gang brings more danger than it saves you from, this is not always the way it is seen by kids. In slums such as the Online essay Bronx or the very worst case, Compton, children will no.

doubt be beaten and robbed if they do not join a gang. Paper Service! Of course they can probably get the same treatment from Online college essay rivals when in How to thesis in an essay a gang. The gang also provides some money for essay these children who quite often need to feed their families. The reason kids think that the gang will keep them safe is from propaganda from the gangs. Gang members will say that no one will get hurt and How to state essay make a public show of revenge if a member is hurt or killed.

People in Online essay community low rent areas are most often being repressed due to poverty and most importantly, race. This often results in proposal an attitude that motivates the person to base his/her life on doing what the system that oppresses them doesn't want. Although this accomplishes little it is college essay service, a big factor in gang enrollment. So, as you have seen gangs are a product of the environment we have created for ourselves. Some of these factors include oppression, the media, and greed, violence and other gangs. There seems to be no way to Nursing research paper writing toronto, end the problem of gangs without totally restructuring the modern economy and value system.

Since the chance of this happening is minimal, we must learn to cope with gangs and try to essay service community, keep their following to a minimum. Unfortunately there is no real organized force to help fight gangs. Of course the police are supposed to do this but this situation quite often deals with racial issues also and the police forces regularly display their increasing inability to deal fairly with these issues. What we need are more people to form organizations like the Guardian Angels a gang-like group that makes life very tough for street gangs that are breaking laws. American Psychological Association. Internet Web-Site. Is Youth Violence Just Another Fact of Life? 4 April 2000. Graves, Chris. A?A§Research to Guide Crackdown: Study Analyses Explosion in Violence.A?A? Minneapolis Star Tribune 17 June 1997: 01B.

Haskins, James. Street Gangs: Yesterday and Today. New York: Hastings House, 1975. Lewis, Yablonsky. Gangsters: 50 Years of Madness. Undergraduate Thesis! New York University Press, 1997. Opinion. A?A§Urban Perspective: The Peace Process Network.A?A? Los Angeles Sentinel 25 November 1998: A7. Our writers are all Uni graduates able to Online college essay service community, work effectively on any level under time constraints. Well-versed in most subjects and citation styles, our writers have years of Where should paper ghostwriting experience doing both academic and professional projects. Every paper is written from scratch based on Online college service community, your instructions and the thesis statement a research paper there is no plagiarism of any kind. Plus, we guarantee free unlimited revisions.

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