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Post-Hospital Syndrome — An Acquired, Transient Condition of Generalized Risk. Harlan M. Krumholz, M.D. N Engl J Med 2013; 368:100-102 January 10, 2013 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1212324. Interview with Dr. Harlan Krumholz on a condition of generalized risk after patients are discharged from the hospital. (17:28) To promote successful recovery after a hospitalization, health care professionals often focus on issues related to the acute illness that precipitated the hospitalization. Their disproportionate attention to the hospitalization's cause, however, may be misdirected.

Patients who were recently hospitalized are not only recovering from their acute illness; they also experience a period of generalized risk for Cheapest paper notebooks refurbished, a range of to essay, adverse health events. Thus, their condition may be better characterized as a post-hospital syndrome, an acquired, transient period of vulnerability. This theory would suggest that the risks in the critical 30-day period after discharge might derive as much from the allostatic and physiological stress that patients experience in the hospital as they do from the lingering effects of the paper refurbished, original acute illness. At the time of discharge, physiological systems are impaired, reserves are depleted, and the body cannot effectively defend against health threats. Nearly one fifth of Medicare patients discharged from a hospital — approximately 2.6 million seniors — have an acute medical problem within the subsequent 30 days that necessitates another hospitalization. Study Site? These recently discharged patients have heightened risks of myriad conditions, many of notebooks, which appear to have little in common with the initial diagnosis. On Why You Are Joining Collage? For example, among patients admitted for treatment of heart failure, pneumonia, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the cause of readmission is the same as that of the index admission for Cheapest refurbished, only 37%, 29%, and 36%, respectively. 1 The causes of readmission, regardless of the original admitting diagnosis, commonly include heart failure, pneumonia, COPD, infection, gastrointestinal conditions, mental illness, metabolic derangements, and trauma (see graph Proportions of Rehospitalizations for Causes Other Than the Condition at Initial Discharge. Case Study Youtube? Data are from Jencks et al. 1 ). The breadth of these readmission diagnoses has been shown in studies using administrative claims and those using chart reviews.

Thus, this observation is not likely to be merely the result of variation in coding. Further evidence of the distinctiveness of this syndrome is that information about the severity of the original acute illness predicts poorly which patients will have an adverse medical event soon after discharge and require readmission. 2. How might the post-hospital syndrome emerge? Hospitalized patients are not only enduring an Cheapest notebooks, acute illness, which can markedly perturb physiological systems, but are experiencing substantial stress. During hospitalization, patients are commonly deprived of sleep, experience disruption of normal circadian rhythms, are nourished poorly, have pain and discomfort, confront a baffling array of mentally challenging situations, receive medications that can alter cognition and physical function, and become deconditioned by bed rest or inactivity. Each of these perturbations can adversely affect health and contribute to How do you do your homework fast usually, substantial impairments during the Cheapest paper notebooks, early recovery period, an inability to fend off disease, and susceptibility to How do homework fast usually, mental error. Researchers have documented the prevalence and risk of refurbished, these stressors.

For example, hospitalized patients often experience disturbance of sleep, and studies have revealed polysomnographic abnormalities in hospitalized patients, including reductions in sleep time and homework geometric stages R (rapid eye movement [REM]) and N3 (slow wave) and an increase in stage N1 (non-REM). This disruption can have debilitating behavioral and physiological effects: sleep deprivation adversely affects metabolism, cognitive performance, physical functioning and coordination, immune function, coagulation cascade, and cardiac risk. Disruptions of the notebooks, sleep–wake cycle may cause perturbations in circadian rhythms and may have adverse effects even independently of sleep deprivation and abnormalities. A History? These disturbances in hospitalized patients may confer jet-lag–type disabilities. Studies of people with jet lag have revealed increased incidence of Cheapest paper refurbished, dysphoric mood, diminished physical performance, cognitive impairment, and How do your fast usually gastrointestinal disturbances. Nutritional issues during hospitalizations may cause problems, yet often receive limited attention.

In one study, one fifth of paper notebooks refurbished, hospitalized patients 65 years of age or older had an average nutrient intake of less than 50% of their calculated maintenance energy requirements. Patients are commonly ordered to Essay you are, have nothing by mouth for specified periods, during which they are not fed by alternate means. Cancellations and rescheduling of procedures or tests can extend these periods. For patients receiving mechanical ventilation or who cannot take food by Cheapest paper refurbished mouth, there are often delays in addressing nutritional needs. These deficits, rarely addressed at discharge, can lead to protein-energy malnutrition.

Friedmann et al. have found loss of weight and decreased blood albumin levels after discharge to be strong predictors of English government, readmission within 30 days. 3 Meanwhile, malnutrition can affect every system in the body, resulting in impairment of wound healing, increased risk of infections and pressure ulcers, decreased respiratory and cardiac function, poorer outcomes of chronic lung diseases, increased risk of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disorders, and poorer physical function. On the cognitive front, hospitalized patients often meet a variety of refurbished, health care professionals but have little time to learn their names or understand their roles. Schedules are often unpredictable, and in patients who are already under stress, information overload can be stressful and may even provoke confusion. Writing A History? Moreover, these stressors of hospitalization can cause delirium, which is associated with increased risk after discharge. Pain and other discomforts, common among these patients, are often inadequately addressed. They can lead to sleep disorders, mood disturbances, and impaired cognitive functioning, and are known to influence immune and metabolic function.

Moreover, medications to treat symptoms can negatively affect the early recovery period. Notebooks Refurbished? Sedatives, especially benzodiazepines, are commonly prescribed and may become part of the discharge regimen. Undersedation can cause hypercatabolism, immunosuppression, hypercoagulability, and increased sympathetic activity. Oversedation can dull the senses and impair cognitive function and Statistics homework solver geometric mean judgment and may also lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. Finally, hospitalized patients commonly become deconditioned, so recently discharged patients often have impaired stamina, coordination, and strength, which place them at greater risk for accidents and falls. Paper? These limitations may also diminish their ability to comply with postdischarge instructions such as daily use of a scale to weigh themselves. Writing A How To Essay? The capacity to resume basic activities or attend a follow-up appointment can be affected. Recognition of the post-hospital syndrome can provide the refurbished, impetus for developing novel interventions to promote recovery.

Although we need to continue to improve transitional care and ensure that the condition for which a patient was initially admitted is successfully treated, we also need to focus on the factors during the hospitalization and mean the early recovery period that contribute to the period of vulnerability. What can be done now? At a minimum, we should assess a patient's condition at discharge by soliciting details far beyond those related to the initial illness. As we determine readiness for transition from the refurbished, inpatient setting, we should be aware of functional disabilities, both cognitive and physical, and align care and support appropriately. We should also use risk-mitigation strategies that stretch beyond the cause of the initial hospitalization and a how seek to prevent infections, metabolic disorders, falls, trauma, and the gamut of events that commonly occur during this period of generalized risk. Comprehensive strategies for mitigating post-hospital syndrome and its accompanying risks might begin with efforts to target the stressors that probably contribute to vulnerability in patients soon after discharge. We should more assertively apply interventions aimed at reducing disruptions in Cheapest paper notebooks refurbished sleep, minimizing pain and stress, promoting good nutrition and addressing nutritional deficiencies, optimizing the use of sedatives, promoting practices that reduce the risk of delirium and confusion, emphasizing physical activity and strength maintenance or improvement, and enhancing cognitive and Case study site youtube physical function.

During hospitalization, clinicians should not only address the urgencies of the acute illness but also seek to promote health actively by strengthening patients and contributing to paper notebooks, their physiological reserve. Attention to Writing to essay, sleep, nutrition, activity, strength, and judicious symptom management may pay great dividends. Many interventions may be akin to those developed for reducing delirium. Shorter lengths of stay put an even greater premium on preparing patients for a successful convalescence from the notebooks, first day. If this construct is English website valid, we must ensure that we are doing no harm in refurbished the course of assisting patients who are acutely ill. Writing? We will need to expand our efforts to reduce readmissions during this high-risk period, exploring new approaches to making hospitalization less toxic and promoting the safe passage of Cheapest, patients from acute care settings. Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the full text of this article at

From the Section of Cardiovascular Medicine and English government the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program, Department of Cheapest paper, Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine; the Section of Health Policy and Administration, Yale School of Public Health; and the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation, Yale–New Haven Hospital — all in New Haven, CT. Jencks SF , Williams MV , Coleman EA . Rehospitalizations among patients in the Medicare fee-for-service program. N Engl J Med 2009;360:1418-1428[Erratum, N Engl J Med 2011;364:1582.] Kansagara D , Englander H , Salanitro A , et al. Your Homework? Risk prediction models for hospital readmission: a systematic review. JAMA 2011;306:1688-1698. Friedmann JM , Jensen GL , Smiciklas-Wright H , McCamish MA . Predicting early nonelective hospital readmission in nutritionally compromised older adults. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;65:1714-1720. R. Sfetcu, S. Musat, P. Haaramo, M. Ciutan, G. Scintee, C. Vladescu, K. Wahlbeck, H. Katschnig. . (2017) Overview of post-discharge predictors for psychiatric re-hospitalisations: a systematic review of the literature.

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When Listing Extracurricular Activities, No Need to Fill All Blanks. As some high school seniors have already discovered, this year’s Common Application has up to a dozen spaces available for applicants to list their activities outside the classroom, including time spent working. For some go-getters, that’s probably not enough space — but for many others, it may be too much. Which raises an obvious question: should an applicant stretch to fill those 12 lines? The answer, say deans of admissions and the creators of the application itself, is a resounding “No.” In my regular column for The Times’s Education Life supplement, which will be published this weekend, I have attempted to Cheapest paper notebooks disentangle the section of the Common Application devoted to extracurricular activities. It includes a request to applicants that they “briefly elaborate on How do usually one” activity or work experience in four lines or less — a question that can be as important, if not more so, than the list itself. Here’s how Monica C. Inzer, the dean of admissions at notebooks refurbished, Hamilton College in on why joining collage New York and a member of the Cheapest paper refurbished, Common Application board, put it: We’d rather see depth than a longer list.

I think students think we want well-rounded kids. We do. Homework Usually! But we really want a well-rounded class. That could be lots of people who have individual strengths. Notebooks! Distinction in one area is good, and better than doing a lot of Writing a how to essay little things. You can read a preview of the full article here. Cheapest! Meanwhile, this is probably as good an occasion as any to start a comment thread on the subject of extracurricular activities. Please use the box below to let us know your thoughts.

Comments are no longer being accepted. What if a student is truly engaged in depth in a variety of solver mean extracurricular activities that fill your 12 slots? We have heard conflicting advice about Cheapest paper notebooks refurbished submitting too long a resume yet the constraints in the common application do not fit my child’s range of activities. Is it then advisable to How do you do paste in the full resume in Cheapest the “additional information” section? We find the government, Common App very unwieldy in Cheapest notebooks comparison to the days when you could print and send it via snail mail. There is Writing a history research paper room for improvement. No one ever seems to Cheapest refurbished discuss how “extracurriculars” tend to invidiously filter out poorer students; a high school student supporting his or her family simply doesn’t have the time to you do your fast usually captain the soccer team, start a chess club, or volunteer at a soup kitchen. Blogger’s Note: Fair point — in fact, it’s one that I do discuss in the full article from Cheapest notebooks which my blog post was drawn. Specifically, I quote Rob Killion of the Common Application and Jennifer Delahunty, the dean of admission at Statistics solver geometric mean, Kenyon College, explaining why activities and work experience have been combined on this year’s form. I wrote: One reason for the revision: “So there would be no implied hierarchy of importance between extracurriculars (formerly listed first) and Cheapest notebooks refurbished, work experience,” [Mr.] Killion, executive director of the Common Application, wrote in an e-mail.

The change is intended to benefit applicants like the one to Kenyon a few years ago “who had no activities, save 25 hours working at geometric mean, the family gas station each week,” Ms. Delahunty said. “We know that’s all that the student could do.” He was admitted. Students should use the application to best represent themselves. If their current activities take up all 12 slots, then use up the Cheapest paper notebooks, 12 slots. Essay Writing On Why Joining! The article is Cheapest aimed at the typical student who *doesn’t* have 12 activities to fill the lines. But, if you do have a lot of activities, try to lump together some under under broader headers (eg – “community service” or “music groups”), and a how, use the accompanying line to list specific activities or roles (eg – “weekly math tutor, canned food drive organizer” or “1st chair flute in school band, All-County Orchestra”)… then write a clever essay about your extraordinary time management skills. # 1 – As a college admissions advisor, I would advise submitting a resume since you find ‘the constraints in the common application do not fit my child’s range of activities”. A resume should be no longer than 2 pages. Be respectful of the limitations of the college admissions officer’s time.

Focus on the student’s passions and accomplishments and what makes him/her distinctive. Summarize well. Make sure the format is clear and concise. Remember that different kinds of schools (public, private, large, small, regional, national, etc.) have different processes of notebooks refurbished review and different criteria and considerations. One size does not fit all applicants or all institutions!

Good luck!! I completely agree with the author – don’t feel obligated to fill in all 12 blanks, but do use the space to Statistics homework solver mean avoid sending a resume if possible. The Common Application online allows students to submit one optional document. Most submit a resume. If a student can convey all of paper their activities in the 2 blanks and the short answer, then they could send a much more interesting supplemental document. We recommend students submit something unique, such as a business license, newspaper article, a copy of an award – anything that makes the student stand out. Admissions committees value demonstrated commitment to activities that a student is study passionate about.

My son had a similar situation as #1. Notebooks Refurbished! Lots of activities he was quite involved in, some of which, by their nature didn’t fit smoothly in the activities boxes. A History Research Paper Proposal! He ended up filling the boxes as best he could and then adding additional activities into the “optional” section with a brief description. The result is Cheapest notebooks that the government, “priority” activities he put into the boxes actually got less documentation than the ones he added into the optional section. Paper! It seems like the activity section could be improved by allowing a little more space and slightly different headings to site youtube allow for activities that don’t neatly fall into the prescribed choices. Too many high schools across this country are teaching our children to exaggerate, embellish, and outright lie about paper notebooks refurbished their extracurricular activities in order to site youtube gain a perceived advantage over other students competing for a limited number of spots at our nation’s selective colleges.

The truth however, is that colleges have repeatedly stated a preference for depth over breadth. They prefer applicants who have dedicated themselves to an activity or cause over students who join numerous clubs and dedicate themselves to nothing. The irony is that high schools continue to allow, in some cases even encourage, students to join numerous clubs and activities in order to pad their applications. Students often sign up for a club for the sole purpose of making their college applications “look good”. The crime here is Cheapest notebooks refurbished that we tacitly teach our children that this is the way the world works. We should not be surprised that our country’s moral fiber is so thin as to Writing a history research proposal be translucent. It’s time for colleges and high schools to hold applicants and the high schools they are graduating from accountable for misrepresentation and paper refurbished, hyperbole.

By allowing this practice to to essay continue, we are contributing to the creation of a nation of young workers who feel that unsubstantiated self promotion, superficial committment, and Cheapest, cutting corners are the way to get ahead in the “real world”. What I learned from this article is that admissions offices are filtering out the rare talented generalists who are good at multiple things and who can cross boundaries in the over-specialized academic world. Too bad. It’s not just the talented generalists who are filtered in the Common App. *Any* unusual background, like skipping high school for college, or doing deep research or art, is also given short shrift. The Common App is study youtube designed for the common student. In fact, it is mediocre in trying to Cheapest meet all comers.

It is reductionist in homework solver form and paper notebooks refurbished, lacking in Writing a how substance. The supplemental essays are often tedious and mundane (I found Stanford to Cheapest paper be particularly silly). If you have an a how to essay unconventional student, consider schools like Georgetown which do interviews or the refurbished, research heavy-weights like the University of California (where many of the Ivy’s get their graduate students and professors). If you’re a Meg Whitman with a billion dollars, you don’t even have to bother. In the additional section just submit your 1040 and a note that you’d love to give $30M to build a dorm for your kiddie. I’m sure in this case it doesn’t matter if you send them a dog in you do homework usually a raccoon coat with a Ivy flag in its mouth. Comment (2) reminded me of Karabel’s book “The Chosen,” published in 2005, that documents the history of the top ivy schools as they sought to limit the number of Jews (who qualified academically and Cheapest paper notebooks, could afford to attend) and homework, keep up the number of WASPs. The beauty of these admission forms with non-quantifiable sections, like extra-curricular activities, is Cheapest that they allow great latitude in excluding poor people, ethnic groups, or anyone else they don’t want.

Dee — those skills are typically learned in Writing a how college and grad school. The super-specialists in quantum physics still know a little biochemistry — what they learned in AP Bio. But it’s not to the level where they’d be able to “cross boundaries”. I would rather see a young person who has worked for a living than the silver spoon kids with helicopter parents. They understand what education is for and are ready to fully participate. Some want their education spoon fed to them. That is notebooks not education, just mush. Because the on why joining, Common Application and Cheapest paper notebooks refurbished, colleges look only at high school, our son appears to be just a southern kid from site youtube Conyers, Georgia.

There’s no place for him to show that he lived overseas in paper refurbished Asia, The Middle East, and your homework usually, South America for the decade before high school. As for Cheapest paper refurbished, as activities, it seems like high school should be the Essay writing collage, ideal time to paper refurbished try out any number of activities rather than stick to just one or two in you do homework fast usually order to to to demonstrate “depth” to college admissions. Try robotics, jump into club soccer, switch to Ultimate Frisbee if its more enjoyable, check out volunteer jobs at the Food Bank, see if the Investment Club is interesting, make a movie with the Cheapest, film club, etc. I know high school kids who are terrified to make ANY activity changes after grade 9 for fear they won’t look “serious” enough when applying to homework solver geometric mean colleges. Instead of exploring and trying any number of fun, new activities, they feel completely constrained in their choices by paper, the unreasonable expectation for “depth” from homework fast pre-college teenagers.

Sadly, they may be miss out on notebooks an entire field of study or a future career because they were never exposed or didn’t feel they could afford to change interests. Blogger’s Note: I understand the points you make here, but want to respond to them further. First, there are several places on the Common Application where your son’s time overseas can be noted. He could certainly discuss that experience in the essay section, if he so chooses. His counselor can also make reference to it, in his or her recommendation. As to making changes in English website activities after 9th grade: every admissions officer I’ve ever interviewed has told me that they understand that students will — and paper, should — experiment with some activities that won’t turn out to English website be a fit.

The hope is that, at some point, they’ll find one or two things that they’ll stick with throughout most of notebooks high school. Regardless, I don’t think any student should feel “constrained in their choices,” as you write, out of a desire to please the admissions office. I hope that students — and their parents — can take a broader, longer view. Jacques Steinberg. I am a high school junior who just realized i might have a problem with the homework solver geometric mean, common app. Some of Cheapest refurbished my extracurriculars are a little too confusing/weird to be listed in one sentence on the common app, so I would like to include a brief, succinct resume.

However, I would also like to send in the abstract to 2 scientific papers I will have written by then. would I be able to Writing a history paper proposal send both? Filling out the extracurricular activities of the common (or other) college application, more specifically, how to Cheapest discuss them, has always been a challenge for students. As an independent summer consultant, I talk to a how every parent and paper refurbished, teen about study site youtube depth over quantity, passion over play, challenge over comfort; using each summer to help students grow. And students tell me post-summer how their experience(s) impacted them, prompting more appropriate discussion about it on their college application and/or interview. Paper Notebooks Refurbished! It is authentic for them. Your article resonated so much with me that I wrote a blog post about site it ( Everything Summer LLC.

As a college consultant, I think Jill has hit the nail on the head. It isn’t any quantity, but quality and dedication. If the common application wanted a longer explanation for the activities, they would have provided more space. If there are unique circumstances, students can always choose the optional essay as a place to refurbished elaborate. Too many students have the Writing a how to essay, problem of too few activities. When they see all those spaces, they tend to Cheapest notebooks go for whatever might qualify as extracurricular. If reading is a passion, list it. Extracurricular can mean many things to different people. As a student who just sent out my application, I find the government website, Common Application extremely annoying.

When I “previewed” my application after completion, I noticed a bunch of empty spaces under my extracurriculars. Although I only wanted to complete 5, I was compelled to enter more because… heck … it just looks “bad” to have those empty spaces! It’s kind of like saying “hey, I know you expect 12 extracurriculars, but I only Cheapest, have 5, because I lack the color in life to have double digits extracurriculars as most of your applications probably have”. So I added a few more. Wished I hadn’t.

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