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How to Write a Business Case Study: Your Essential Guide

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Modern Love College Essay Contest. We’re inviting college students nationwide to open their hearts and laptops and write an essay that tells the truth about study sign what love is like for them today. Related Article. In early February we asked college students nationwide to Legit writing send us their personal stories of modern love. Study Up Write? Six weeks later, nearly 1800 students from 489 colleges and universities nationwide had answered our call. We are pleased to feature the writing of the winner and homework four finalists in the Modern Love column during May, with honorable mention essays also appearing in coming months. A book of collected columns — “Modern Love: 50 True and Extraordinary Tales of Desire, Deceit and Devotion” — is available in paperback and study up write e-book at online booksellers.

Leading off is our winning entry by Jordana Narin, a sophomore at Columbia University. Legit? Many writers explored how they avoid labeling relationships (or even talking about up write what the relationship is) because doing so may lead to expectations and responsibilities that feel constricting. But for Answers to accounting homework some this avoidance can have troubling consequences, as Ms. Narin’s essay eloquently illustrates. Case? Subjects tackled by other top finishers cover a broad range, from asexuality to Tinder matches and from hooking up to essay purity pledges. Congratulations to Ms.

Narin and our other winners, and thank you to study sign all who participated. — Daniel Jones. Columbia University in the City of New York. New York, NY, Class of 2017. Fashion Institute of Legit writing, Technology. New York, NY, Class of 2016. North Central College.

Naperville, IL, Class of Case study up write, 2016. Santa Monica College - SMC (Official) Los Angeles, CA, Class of write history essay, 2017 (after transfer to university) Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO, Class of 2016.

New York, NY, Class of study sign up write, 2018. Ithaca, NY, Class of 2015. New Haven, CT, Class of 2017. Amherst, MA, Class of 2015. New York University, New York, NY, Class of 2015. Previous Finalists’ Essays The 10 Best Modern Love Columns Ever » View all Modern Love columns » Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us. Eating the Chemistry help videos, Forbidden Ham Sandwich. A Love for sign up write the Ages, but Which One?

Stuck at the Border Between the Sexes. Want to Be My Boyfriend? Please Define. Instant Message, Instant Girlfriend. My Dropout Boyfriend Kept Dropping In. Let’s Not Get to Physical homework forces Know Each Other Better.

The New York Times Modern Love College Essay Contest. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Case Up Write? A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. The “Sponsor” is Conclusion essay The New York Times Company, 620 8th Avenue, New York, NY 10018. The New York Times Modern Love College Essay Contest (“the Contest”) is a skillbased competition in which participants will compete to study sign up write be selected as author of the Assignment help writing, top essay, as selected by Sponsor. Case? The author of the winning entry will be awarded $1,000.00 and his/her top essay will be published in The New York Times Sunday Styles section and on Participants will be invited to submit essays, which will be voted on and rated by Legit my hometown, Sponsor. The Contest begins at study sign up write, 10:00 AM Eastern on Friday, February 6, 2015 and help writing ends at 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday, March 15, 2015. Study Up Write? The Contest will be conducted in essay my hometown, two phases. During the first phase of the Contest (Phase One) contestants will be invited to submit their essays.

The deadline for essay submissions is 11:59 PM Eastern on Case study, Sunday, March 15, 2015. During the second phase of the Contest (Phase Two) the submissions will be voted on and rated by the Judge. The voting will begin at help in uk writing, 10:00 AM Eastern on Monday, March 16, 2015 and end at 11:59 PM Eastern on Monday, April 13, 2015. Daniel Jones, Editor, Modern Love, will serve as judge (“Judge”). Judge will select the Case study up write, Winner (as defined below) based on talent, writing ability, style, creativity and originality of entry. Deciding factors may include clear composition and relevant subject matter. The essay selected by Judge as the top essay will be the grand prize winner (“Winner”). Whether any essay is eligible at any stage shall be at Sponsor’s sole and absolute discretion at all times, including, without limitation, whether any such essay meets Sponsor’s standards of overall quality, as such quality standards are determined by Sponsor, in its sole and absolute discretion.

The name of the Winner will be published on or around May 3, 2015 in The New York Times Sunday Styles section and on Odds of winning depend on writing, the number of eligible entries received. As a condition of Contest entry, each Contest Entrant (as defined below) acknowledges and agrees that: (a) Sponsor has access to and/or may create or have created literary, visual and/or other materials, ideas and concepts which may be similar or identical to the Contest Entry Materials in theme and/or other respects; (b) the sign, Contest Entrant will not be entitled to any compensation or other consideration because of the use by Sponsor of any such similar or identical material, ideas and/or concepts; and (c) Sponsor’s use of material containing elements similar to or identical with those contained in the Contest Entry Materials or any essay shall not obligate Sponsor to negotiate with nor entitle Contest Entrant to any compensation or other claim. Potential Winner will be tallied by Assignment in uk, or about Case study up write Monday, April 13, 2015. Potential Winner will be sent his/her prize-winning notification via electronic mail (e-mail) or by phone. A potential Winner has seven (7) days from receipt of notification to claim his/her prize by Answers homework income statement, responding via electronic mail (e-mail) or an alternate Winner will be selected. Noncompliance with these official rules or, if a selected potential Winner cannot be contacted, provides incorrect e-mail or mailing address, is ineligible, fails to claim a prize or if the Case study up write, prize notification or prize is returned as undeliverable, an alternate Winner will be selected. Acceptance of income statement, a prize constitutes permission for Sponsor to use Winner's essay, name and Case sign likeness for advertising and promotional purposes without compensation, unless otherwise prohibited by law. This Contest is open to legal residents of the 50 United States ([including] D.C.) who are current undergraduate students at least 18 years of help writing, age and older, residing in study sign, the United States and enrolled in an American college or university. Employees and agents of Sponsor, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies, any other prize sponsor, and any entity involved in the development, production, implementation, administration or fulfillment of the Contest and Legit essay their immediate family members and/or close personal friends and/or those living in the same household of such persons, whether related or not, are not eligible to enter the Contest. Employees, officers and directors of Sponsor (including Sponsor’s parent company, The New York Times Company (“NYTCO”)), their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, distributors, advertising, promotion, fulfillment and marketing agencies, their immediate families, (defined as spouse, child, sibling, parent, or grandparent) and sign those living in Answers to accounting statement, their same households are NOT eligible to Case study up write participate in the Promotion.

Each Winner will be required to execute a declaration of eligibility and liability release attesting that the Winner has complied with all the rules and that the writing, Winner releases Sponsor(s) and all prize-supplier companies from all liability for damages or personal injury in connection with the Winner's use of the prize, and a publicity release consenting that the Sponsor and Case up write anyone they may authorize may, without compensation, use Winner's name, essay, photograph or other likeness, biographical information and statements concerning the Contest or the Sponsor for purposes of essay writing my hometown, advertising and Case up write promotion. Any individual wishing to compete in the Contest must submit an essay of no more than 1700 words illustrating the Legit my hometown, current state of love and relationships, to (participants submitting essays are referred to study sign as “Contest Entrants”). Submissions must include: Contest Entrant’s essay and contact information, including name, college or university name, home address, e-mail address and Assignment help phone number. Each Contest Entrant may submit one essay during the Contest (an “Essay”). Essays must be received no later than 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday, March 15, 2015. Any elements appearing in submitted Essays must be entirely original, created by Contest Entrant, and must not have been altered in any way from the original. Submitted Essays must not have been previously published nor can they be professional essays, or essays copied from the Internet. Use of any elements or other materials that are not original, or in sign, the public domain may result in disqualification of Essay in Sponsor’s sole discretion. By entering, Contest Entrants accept and agree to be bound by these Official Rules, including the decisions of the Sponsor, which are final and Assignment help in uk binding in up write, all respects. Limit one (1) entry per Contest Entrant and per Conclusion write help email address. Any individual who attempts to enter, or in the sole discretion of Sponsor is suspected of entering more than once, by sign, any means, including but not limited to submitting multiple Essays, will be disqualified from the Contest.


Irrevocably grants to Sponsor and its affiliates, legal representatives, assigns, agents and licensees, the worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub licensable, unconditional, perpetual and transferable right and license to copyright (only as applicable), reproduce, encode, store, modify, copy, transmit, publish, post, broadcast, display, edit for length and content, publicly perform, adapt, exhibit and/or otherwise use or reuse (without limitation as to when or to the number of times used), the Contest Entrant’s name, address, image, likeness, statements, biographical material and Chemistry help videos de Contest Entry Materials, including, but not limited to, the Essays contained in any of the above items, as well as any additional photographic images and other materials relating to the Contest Entrant and arising out of his/her participation in this Contest (with or without using the Contest Entrant’s name) (collectively, the Case sign, “Additional Materials”) (in each case, as submitted or as edited/modified in any way, whether by the Sponsor, its Licensees, or assigns, in the Sponsor’s sole discretion) in any media throughout the Answers income statement, world for any purpose, without limitation, and without additional review, compensation, or approval from the Contest Entrant or any other party. Irrevocably grants to Case sign up write Sponsor and its affiliates, legal representatives, assigns, agents and licensees, the Writing science, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub licensable, unconditional, perpetual and Case transferable right and license to use the Contest Entry Materials for advertising, promotional or commercial purposes, including without limitation, the right to publicly display, reproduce and distribute the Contest Entry Materials in any media format or medium and through any media channels. Contest Entrant’s name, essay and city of residence may be published on any NYTCO-owned website. Science Answers Forces? Forever waives any rights of privacy, intellectual property rights, and study up write any other legal or moral rights that may preclude Sponsor’s use of the Contest Entrant’s Contest Entry Materials or Additional Materials, or require the Contest Entrant’s permission for Sponsor to write history use them for promotional purposes, and agrees to never sue or assert any claim against the Sponsor’s use of those Materials. Acknowledges and agrees that: (a) Sponsor has access to and/or may create or have created literary, visual and/or materials, ideas and concepts which may be similar or identical to the Contest Entry Materials in up write, theme and/or other respects; (b) the Contest Entrant will not be entitled to any compensation or other consideration because of the use by Sponsor of homework answers forces, any such similar or identical material, ideas and/or concepts; and Case sign up write (c) Sponsor’s use of material containing elements similar to help in uk writing or identical with those contained in the Contest Entry Materials or any Essay shall not obligate Sponsor to Case study negotiate with nor entitle Entrant to any compensation or other claim. Writing The Argumentative Essay Science? Agrees to indemnify and hold the Sponsor and its affiliates, officers, directors, agents, co-branders or other partners, and any of study up write, their employees (collectively, the “Promotion Indemnitees”), harmless from Writing the argumentative essay any and Case study up write all claims, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) and liabilities (including settlements), brought or asserted by any third party against any of the Promotion Indemnitees arising out of or in connection with: (a) any Contest Entry Materials or Additional Materials (including, but not limited to, any and all claims of third parties, whether or not groundless, based on the submission of such other material); (b) any breach by Contest Entrant of any warranty, agreement or representation contained in the Official Rules or terms of Chemistry help videos, service or in study sign up write, any documentation submitted by Contest Entrant; (c) the Contest Entrant’s conduct during and in connection with this Contest, including but not limited to trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property rights, right of publicity, right of privacy or defamation; or (d) the acceptance of income statement, any prize.

All entries become the property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned. At any time during the study up write, Contest, Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole and unfettered discretion, to disqualify and remove any Essay that it believes does not meet the spirit or requirements of the Official Rules. The decisions of the Sponsor on this and all matter relating to the Contest are final and Chemistry videos binding. Entries will be rated from March 16, 2015 to April 13, 2015. Daniel Jones, Editor, Modern Love, will serve as judge (“Judge”).

Judge will select the Winner based on study up write, talent, writing ability, style, creativity and Physical science answers originality of entry. Deciding factors may include clear composition and relevant subject matter. The essay selected by Judge as the best essay will be the grand prize winner (“Winner”). The author of the Essay selected by Judge as the Case study up write, top essay will receive $1,000.00 and Legit essay writing my hometown his/her top essay will be published in The New York Times Sunday Styles section and on Estimated value of first place prize and study sign up write the total prize package is Answers to accounting $1,000.00.

Four runners-up will also be selected. Sign? Select runners-up may also have their essays published in in uk writing, print and/or on Case, If Winner is unable to fulfill prize during time period specified, Winner forfeits the de, prize package. Study Sign Up Write? Winner must be 18 years of write, age or older. Prizes are non-transferable and shall be deemed to have no cash value. Study Up Write? All unclaimed and/or unused prize packages may not be used as sales or trade incentives for employees of Sponsor, their agencies or clients. No prize substitution is permitted, except by Sponsor, which reserves the essay writing, right to substitute any prize of Case study sign up write, equal or comparable value including cash in the event of prize unavailability. Prizes are non-transferable. Prize consists of only the Writing science, item specifically listed above. No substitution or transfer of prize is permitted, except that Sponsor reserves the sign, right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value in the event that an offered prize is unavailable. All federal, state and local taxes on prizes are the Conclusion write, sole responsibility of the Winner.

Contest Entrant acknowledges and agrees that as a condition of being awarded a prize, Winner must sign and return, within seven (7) days following attempted notification, a standard release form. Noncompliance within this time period may result in disqualification and Case sign an alternate Winner may be selected. Sponsor and its officers, directors, affiliates, related entities, partners, partnerships, principals, representatives, agents, licensees, sponsors, successors and de assigns: (a) make no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind concerning any prize; (b) disclaim any implied warranty; and (c) are not liable for injury, loss, or damage of any kind resulting from the acceptance or use of any prize, travel related thereto or from participation in this Contest. If any activity relating to any prize is canceled or postponed for any reason, the balance of that prize will be awarded in full satisfaction of prize award. All taxes, fees and Case study up write surcharges on prizes won are the sole responsibility of the Winner. The Contest is governed by and subject to the laws of the United States.

All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. Void where prohibited by law. All Winners will receive an IRS 1099 for Writing essay the value of their prizes. Case Study? By participating in the Contest and/or accepting any prize, Contest Entrants grant permission to Sponsor and its advertising and Legit essay my hometown promotion agencies to use their name(s), likeness(es), essays and any other material submitted in connection with the Contest for purposes of advertising, publicity and promotion purposes, without further compensation to Case up write Contest Entrant, unless prohibited by law. By entering, the Contest Entrants agree to be bound by the Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, which are final and binding on all matters relating to the Contest. Sponsor is not responsible for any typographical or other errors in the printing of the offer, administration of the Contest or the announcement of the prizes, or for lost, late, misdirected, damaged, incomplete or illegal entries. Sponsor reserves the right at to accounting homework statement, its sole discretion to disqualify the Contest Entry of any individual found to sign be: (a) tampering or attempting to tamper with the Physical answers forces, entry process or the operation of the Contest or any Sponsor website; (b) violating the Official Rules; (c) violating the terms of service, conditions of use and/or general rules or guidelines of any Sponsor property or service; or (d) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. Further, Sponsor reserves the right to sign up write disqualify any entry which, in Sponsor’s sole opinion, is deemed to Conclusion write history essay be offensive, libelous, slanderous, inflammatory, or otherwise inappropriate in any way for study sign this Contest. CAUTION ANY ATTEMPT BY A CONTEST ENTRANT OR ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEBSITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE CONTEST MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS.

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Except where prohibited, as a condition of participating in Conclusion, this Contest, Contest Entrants agree that any and all disputes which cannot be resolved between the parties, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest, any prize awarded, or the determination of up write, Winners shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action. Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances will Contest Entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental or consequential damages, or any other damages, including attorneys’ fees, other than Contest Entrant’s actual out-of-pocket expenses (e.g. costs associated with entering this Contest), and Contest Entrant further waives all rights to have damages multiplied or increased. In the event of a dispute as to homework income the identity of a Winner based on email address, the winning entry will be declared made by the Authorized Account Holder of the email address submitted at time of entry. Sign Up Write? For purposes of in uk, these Official Rules, “Authorized Account Holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an email address by study sign, an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization (e.g. business, educational, institution, etc.) that is responsible for de assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address. All issues and questions regarding rights and obligations of Contest Entrants in connection with this Contest shall be governed by, and construed in sign, accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, U.S.A., without giving effect to the conflict of laws and help history essay rules thereof and sign up write any matters or proceedings which are not subject to Chemistry help de arbitration as set forth in these Official Rules and/or for study entering any judgment on an arbitration award, shall take place in essay, the State of New York. The parties waive rights to trial by jury in any action or proceeding instituted in connection with these Official Rules and/or this Contest. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Official Rules and/or this Contest shall be settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the Case study sign, commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association.

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12 Best Online Resume Builders Reviewed. Have you ever considered using an online resume builder to create your resume? They can save you the time, blood, sweat, and Case tears that come with laying out a resume solo. That’s why using a professional resume builder online is an excellent choice for science answers forces anyone who wants a nice looking resume fast. But which online resume builder should you choose? Well, that’s harder than it sounds. Sign! Some have amazing resume templates but cost an arm and Assignment help writing a leg. Others take a hand-holding approach and Case sign will virtually write your resume for you. This article reviews 14 of the best resume builders online. You can check out the prices, functionality, and history the number of templates and features.

And that way, you can choose the one that best fits your needs. Uptowork is our online resume builder (here) . So, we aren’t going to review ourselves as that would be self-promotional. We won’t tell you that we’re awesome because our quick resume builder is easy to use. We will skip the part where we say we provide you with lots of tips and the best resume templates. No. Instead, we will just encourage you to see for yourself. Go ahead.

Try out our professional resume builder online. Here’s an Case up write example of help what our easy resume builder is capable of: Starter Version $4.99 for 30 days non-recurring payment Premium Version $9.99 for 30 days non-recurring payment. Number of Professional Resume Templates. Yes - can match your cover letter to every available resume builder template. You can make your resume on Resumonk’s online resume builder either for free or for Case up write a yearly fee of videos de $19.

That makes it one of the cheapest CV makers at just over $1.50 a month. You can move resume format sections around as you see fit and Case study use the writing tips inside the platform. The premium plan comes with resume tracking, unlimited PDF downloads, and a cover letter builder. Free Version (4 branded templates) Premium Version $19 per year full features Lifetime Version $59 one time payment full features for life. Assignment! Number of sign Professional Resume Templates. Conclusion Write! Pro: The professional CV builder has an Case study sign easy-to-use interface.

Resumonk has built tips into the platform so you don’t have to leave the page. Con: Using the resume builder for free means getting branded resume builder templates and the ability to download your resume format as a PDF. SlashCV is a free online resume builder with 28 basic, pre-designed PDF templates. Once you’ve created your resume, you can export it to Dropbox so that it’s easy to save and send. The free resume builder is Writing the argumentative essay help science minimalistic with no fuss and no extras - you put in your information and sign it spits out a resume. Number of Professional Resume Templates. Pro: If you’re looking for a resume builder free download with no bells and whistles, this is it. SlashCV is scaled-down and has slashed its online resume builder down to the basics. Assignment Writing! Con: A lot of features don’t exist here.

There is no cover letter builder, no tracking, no tips if you get stuck, and no fancy templates. If you’re not sure how to build a resume on your own, this platform might not be for you. Study! To start, you have the option to import your Word or LinkedIn resume. Or you can choose a pre-written resume from your field. Help Videos! Or maybe you’re feeling like a boss? Well, you can also import and overwrite Richard Branson or Sheryl Sandberg’s resume.

After working on the resume builder template, you can save, share, and study up write track your resume to see how many views it gets. Number of Professional Resume Templates. Answers Homework Income! Pro: There is an option to sign up write, get free feedback on your resume before you share it. You can also export your resume as a Google Doc or pay for Answers income statement personal domain name inside the Case, platform. Chemistry Help! Con: There are no tips inside this online resume maker. You can see full resume samples, but there is no guidance on how to create a resume for yourself. Cvmaker gives you two choices. A basic text editor for free, giving you a printable resume template. Here you have the study sign, option to move sections, add sections, and add your information with no fuss. Or a paid version that upgrades you to a more advanced rich text editor with more fonts and the argumentative essay help science colors.

Once you’re finished you can download your resume as a PDF, TXT, or HTML document. Case Up Write! So, it’s a choice between color or ‘my resume woke up like this.’ Number of Professional Resume Templates. Pro: Cvmaker is a simple, free tool that saves you from choosing a resume format . To Accounting Homework Statement! If your sole reason for using an online CV builder is to avoid making margins in Word, Cvmaker has you covered. Con: There are no tips inside this online resume generator so you’re on your own. Up Write! Cvmaker also adds a pre-packaged reference section that you can’t delete. It comes complete with the Conclusion essay, phrase “References available upon request.” (You can delete the phrase.) When it comes to what you should put on your resume , lose the study sign up write, reference section and this phrase. You can tell that a lot of design work has gone into Resumup’s templates.

Using creative resume builder templates is a way of making your resume unique. Assignment Writing! Much like putting hobbies and interests on your resume to show that your personality is a good fit for a company. The functionality of the Case, online resume builder changes depending on which template you choose. Some templates allow you to Assignment help in uk, fill in blanks and others don’t. With Resumup, it’s important to get attached to a resume builder template. After all, that’s what you’re buying here. Free Version (2 templates Facebook and Plain Text for Notepad) 1 Template for 1 Month $15 for 1 month access to 1 template 1 Template for 1 Year $6 per up write month ($72 per year) Any Template for 1 Month $20 for 1 month for access to any template Any Template for a Year $8 per month at help videos de ($96 per year) Lifetime Plan $149 for sign up write lifetime access to any template.

Number of Professional Resume Templates. Two templates are free. They include a Facebook ad and Writing essay an ATS-friendly plain text version of your resume for Notepad. There are no free resume builder templates that download as regular documents. Most templates make you upgrade to add basic sections like skills or achievements. Premium version only. Case Sign Up Write! Not for videos de all resume builder templates. Pro: The CV creator has a lot of fancy templates including an infographic template.

A lot of them are also mobile friendly. So, if you want a resume that stands out, you’ve got options. Con: A lot of Case these resumes have heavy design elements. That means they are not all fill-in-the-blank deals like everything else on essay, the Internet. It’s best if you’re savvy at manipulating graphics. Otherwise, you may find the functionality on study up write, this online CV builder a bit challenging. 7. Resume Genius and Resume Companion. Writing Help! The Resume Genius and Resume Companion online resume builders are the same, with minor branding and template differences. Case Study Up Write! Choose a resume builder template to write, get started. Case Study Up Write! The easy resume builder will give you instructions on how to fill in each blank space.

You pay at the end before downloading your resume. You’ll want to essay writing my hometown, be careful. Resume Genius and Resume Companion will charge you full price after the 14-day trial run. Case Sign Up Write! 14-day Access $1.95 for 14 days which self-renews to help de, $39.95 per month ($479.40 a year) Annual Payment $95.40 a year ($7.95 per month) Number of Professional Resume Templates. Pro: The easy resume builder gives you prompts and tips as you go along so you know what to put in each space. Case! It also gives you pre-written responsibilities matched with “job keywords” that you choose.

Con: You can’t leave fields blank when you’re working on a section. The resume wizard will prompt you to fill them in before allowing you to move to the next section. So, you shall not pass without filling in the blanks. Resumebuilder will onboard you by asking for answers forces your field, title, and level of expertise. Much like the Myperfectresume platform. Once you’ve done that, you have to log in using either your email, Facebook, or Google+ details. Case Study! Yes, they’ve integrated Resumebuilder with Google+. This is another online resume builder where you can’t leave fields blank. The resume generator will prompt you to fill them in before allowing you to move to Conclusion write help history, the next section.

Number of Professional Resume Templates. Free: None Paid: 28 paid templates in different colors (only 3 with text aligned left) Pro: The online resume maker includes tips. You can also find pre-written responsibilities if you do not want to write your resume on your own. The resume generator is Case study sign great for Google + enthusiasts, who can log in with their account. Con: The CV builder asks for a lot of Chemistry information. Study Up Write! It does not let you move forward until you’ve filled in income all blanks with information. So, if you get writer’s block, prepare yourself for a locked room experience. Resume Baking - “ a resume builder that’s easy as pie .” This is Case a free resume builder, and it’s the income, only free online resume builder accompanied by a free cover letter builder.

You can import information from LinkedIn and Facebook. Case Up Write! The sections are easy to the argumentative help, move around (drag and drop) and fill in, but there are no tips inside the CV creator. Instead, there are lots of resume samples, objectives, and cover letters. You choose your template at the end. You can share your resume across various social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+). The site will tell you how many views your resume has. Number of Professional Resume Templates.

Pro: Resume Baking is the only free resume builder online that lets you write cover letters. It also lets you download your resume, track your resume, and conduct a job search. The CV maker has examples for job seekers who struggle with how to write a resume objective or how to study sign, make a cover letter . Con: The resume builder templates use colors, fonts, and layouts that may not be appropriate. Try to match modern resume templates with the type of job. Pair more traditional resume builder templates with traditional jobs and Legit essay writing my hometown creative resume templates with creative jobs. Starting from the dashboard, you’ve got the option to create a cover letter or a new resume.

The cover letter is already written for you. All you have to do is fill in the blanks if you don’t want to try writing your own. Study Sign! The easy resume builder is straightforward and to accounting income provides you with tips. Case Study! Once you’re ready to to accounting homework statement, publish, you can pay for a proofreading service. Case Study Up Write! You also need to pay to the argumentative essay, print, send, or export your resume as a PDF or Word document. Free Version Plain Text only downloaded to Notepad 7-day Access $5.95 for 7 days access self-renews to Case study up write, $29.95 per month. Proofreading Service $38 and includes 7 day access to Answers to accounting, download your resume. Number of Professional Resume Templates. Pro: The easy resume builder’s functionality is straightforward.

Once you’re done, you can save your resume as a PDF and as a Word doc. Tou can request proofreading services if you want a real person to check your resume for you. Con: The trial period for access to Case study sign up write, the premium version is a week shorter than it is on other online resume builders. That means you have less time to access your resume or create alternative versions. Homework Forces! Enhancv will assign you a resume builder template based on your field and experience. Study Up Write! You can’t choose your own adventure here. It is good about showing you what’s locked until you upgrade. So, you can see what’s on offer and Conclusion history essay not choose it by study sign, accident. The upgrade includes new colors, backgrounds, icons, and fonts. The idea is to let you can enhance your CV as much as you want. Free Version You can test drive unlocked features and to accounting homework statement download resumes for sign one month for free.

Premium Version $14.90 per month ($178.80 for a year) Annual Version $11.92 per month for a year ($143.04 for a year) Student Rates $2.90 per month annually ($34.80 for a year) Number of Professional Resume Templates. One template with 2 unlocked layouts and one locked layout. Pro: Enhancv will soon add an option to customize your resume to individual jobs. That way, you can tailor your resume to specific jobs inside the Answers homework, resume creator. Another nice touch is a video that you can watch before buying a package that shows you premium perks. Enhancv is a good resume builder for study up write students as it is the only one on this list that offers student rates.

Con: You only have one pre-assigned resume builder template. If you don’t upgrade your account, you get a branded version. Assignment Help! Kickresume kicks out the registration information. It spares you by sign, giving you immediate access to the online resume builder. You choose your resume builder template and get started. You have the ability to Answers to accounting homework, chat with assistants in real-time as you go. Also, if you’re into details, notice the witty John Snow and Jane Vader template mockups.

Number of Professional Resume Templates. Pro: One of the only resume creators on the list that has a proofreading service. Case Sign! It will cost you around 20 bucks but it’s always a good idea to Conclusion write, have an actual person proofread your resume. Con: There are only five cover letter templates. Sign! So, choosing a fancier resume builder template means that you might not find a cover letter that matches. Choosing an online resume builder format is Assignment help in uk writing all about finding one that feels comfortable. The one thing to keep in study mind is Physical science homework that not all CV templates are good for all jobs.

You may find lots of great resume templates, but you will need to decide if they’re going to help or hurt your chances of landing an interview. But if you’re interested in saving yourself time and frustration an online resume builder is a handy tool. Study Sign! One that can provide you with a neat and presentable resume in no time flat. Not sure how to match the design of your template to your profession? We can help! Let us know your most pressing template questions in the comments, and we will help you figure out how to choose the best one. Natalie is a writer at Uptowork.

She loves writing about essay writing my hometown resumes and eating tacos more than life itself. She spends her free time reading complicated novels and binge watching TV series.

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Essay on the Importance of Library. The library occupies a very important place in school. With its books suited to the interests and aptitude of students of different age group, with its magazines, periodicals, news papers and with its calm and tranquil atmosphere it has a special call to the students who go there and quench their thirst for reading the material which cannot be provided to Case study sign up write, them in the class room. Here they find an environment which is conductive to the building up of habit of self learning. The library is the center of the intellectual and Writing the argumentative essay science social activities of school. The library has got very wholesome effect over the work of school. Habit of reading can be cultivated, when students get practice in reading and reading habit in the beginning are made firm when students get that material to study up write, read which interests them and occupies their attention.

In the class room the books that are prescribed may not serve the purpose, some students may not be in a position to help, purchase all books that they want to read, while others may not find books that are of interest to them. Interests differ, aptitudes vary, individual capacities present a wide variation in students’ reading capacities. In the library each has what he wants, each goes at the speed to which his capabilities allow him to go. Case Study. The library is thus, a common platform upon Writing the argumentative which all students meet on a common level with equal opportunities. Case Up Write. It is the nucleus of the Writing essay help school environment, the center of the intellectual activities of the school. The library may be regarded as an essential instrument for putting progressive methods into practice. Case Up Write. But it is most unfortunate that in Writing the argumentative essay, a large number of schools there are at present no libraries worth the name. The books are usually old, out-dated, unsuitable, usually selected without reference to the students’ tastes and interests. They are stocked in a few book shelves, which are housed in an inadequate and unattractive room. The person in charge of the library is often a clerk or an indifferent teacher, who does the study up write work on a part-time basis and has neither love for books nor knowledge of library technique. Income Statement. What makes this situation particularly difficult is the fact that most teachers and headmasters and even the educational administrators and authorities do not realize how unsatisfactory this position is and, therefore, hey have no sense to take necessary steps for improving the condition.

The library must be made the most attractive place in the school so that students will be naturally drawn to it. It should be housed in a spacious well lighted hall. The book shelves, tables, chairs, reading desks should be carefully designed with an eye to artistic effect as well as functional efficiency. As far as possible the open shelf system should be introduced so that students may have free access to books. The success of library depends largely on Case study sign up write, the proper selection of books, journals and periodicals.

There should be a small committee of teachers, for selecting the books for the library. The guiding principles in selection should be, not the teacher’s own idea of what books the students must read but their natural and psychological interests. The Commission recommended that trained librarians who have a love for books and help videos de understanding of student’s interests should be provided in sign up write, all secondary schools and all teachers should be given some training in the basic principles of library work in the training colleges as well as through refresher courses. As the proper use of well equipped school library is absolutely essential for homework, the official working of every educational institution and for encouraging literary and cultural interests in students, every secondary school should have such a library. Class libraries and subject libraries should also be utilized for the purpose. Case Sign Up Write. The subject teachers should be in charge of subject library. Competent subject teachers can enrich their teaching greatly with the help of small collections of books in their own subjects. This should not be confined to text books only. Advance works, reference books, books on related subjects and allied field, all these will find a place in that collection. Help. Most of the teachers in fact, have no idea of what a majority of students are reading or whether they are reading at all. So the Case up write Commission recommended that a systematic register should be maintained and each student must be allotted a few pages of the register in which all books studied by him are entered date-wise.

This procedure will be very much helpful to Assignment help in uk, the class teachers and headmasters to give necessary advice and encouragement to individual student for up write, developing their reading habit. On the writing other hand each student is Case study up write expected to maintain a diary in which he may enter date-wise, the names of all the books (with the names of the Assignment writing Authors) which he has read together with brief quotation or extracts that may appeal to him. The Commission further suggested that where there are no separate public libraries, the school libraries should, so far as possible make their facilities available to the local public and all public libraries should have a special section for children and up write adolescents. (i) It supplements class work by increasing students’ vocabulary, quickening their intelligence and extending their general knowledge; (ii) It enables the students to help in uk writing, prepare themselves for taking part in Case study sign up write, the various co-curricular activities of the school. They get information which is very helpful to them in Assignment help writing, taking part in debates, giving lectures and writing for the school magazine; (iii) It develops habits of the students to derive pleasure and information from recreational and informative books; (iv) It broadens their outlook by placing a vast sphere of information before them; (v) It imparts training to up write, the students for the proper use of books; (vi) It gives students training in punctuality by impressing ‘ upon them the necessity of returning and borrowing books at Writing essay help, a fixed time; (vii) It provides suitable books to the students to satisfy their hunger of reading books and saves them from the harmful effects of reading unsuitable and injurious literature; (viii) It inculcates in Case sign up write, the students the habit of silent reading ; (ix) It provides an opportunity to make the best use of leisure time thereby lessening the chance of indiscipline in the school. In the history of Indian Education the importance of Secondary Education Commission is of great significance. Answers To Accounting Homework Statement. Prior to this, various Commissions and Committees recommended for the improvement of secondary education, but adequate steps were not taken at different levels for its practical application. The present system of secondary education was introduced by the British authority.

But within the hundred years of its existence there was no remarkable improvement in Case study, the field of secondary education. When everybody was feeling intensely for a progressive and forces workable change at this level, the Secondary Education Commission submitted its report with constructive suggestions. The Commission attempted to investigate all the Case sign fundamental problem pertaining to write help history essay, secondary education and recommended certain concrete measures for eradicating the evils that stood as stumbling block on the path of the progress of education. It probed deep into up write each and every aspect of the Legit essay writing my hometown secondary education and made more practical and sound recommendations than those made by other Commissions appointed in the past. The government took initiative to implement some of the recommendation only because those were befitting to the time and made in the light of the recommendations of other Commissions and Committees.

The Commission has put forth sincere efforts to Case sign, rectify those defects persisted in secondary education i.e. predominance of bookish and literary knowledge, lack of vocational and technical-education, defective system of examination, shortcomings inherent in the managing bodies and organisation of Legit essay writing my hometown schools etc. Realizing the futility of study sign single track institutions the Commission gave entirely original suggestion for the establishment of ‘Multipurpose Schools” catering to the needs of the various ability, aptitude and interest of the students. One of the most vital problems that confronting the science homework forces country at present is the development of agriculture and industry. Inclusion of these subjects in sign, the curriculum of the secondary education and emphasis of education in them is a notable feature of the statement Commission. For improving the progressively deteriorating conditions regarding discipline, reorganization of administration and management of school at this level, the commission gave certain practical suggestions. It also made proposals for bringing about Case study sign up write, a greater diversity and comprehensiveness in educational courses which would include both general and vocational subjects. Besides, other suggestions for reforming examination and evaluation system, diversified of studies, improvement of teachers’ lot, reform of private management etc. Physical Homework. are merely repetition and study up write lack the spirit of departure from the beaten track. Different Commissions and Committees appointed earlier also highlighted some of these things. As government was not so very keen in eradicating the the argumentative fundamental defects in the sphere of secondary education, root and study sign branch, the tangible result could not be arrived at. In-spite of the merits and significance of these recommendations there are certain limitations and shortcomings which should not be lost sight off. As a matter of fact the Commission has endeavoured to mould the pre-existing pattern of secondary education by suggesting improvements and changes which are not very sound and effective.

Moreover, insufficient attention has been paid for the improvement of homework answers female education and suggestion for teachers training is merely conventional. Its suggestion for financial resources and government responsibilities Sin this regard are most inadequate. Up Write. In-spite of the above shortcomings and limitations it can be said that the recommendations of the Secondary Education Commission opened a new era of reconstruction and reform of education at the secondary stage. These recommendations have got far reaching consequences and are likely to go a long way if faithfully implemented keeping in view to strengthen the weakest link in the system of education of the country. Steps were taken during 2nd plan to implement pattern of reorganization of secondary education as recommended by S.E.C.” Accordingly financial allocation was made in the budget. Government took effective measures during 2nd plan period to Legit writing my hometown, introduce crafts and diversified courses, better facilities for science teaching, establishment of multipurpose schools and junior technical schools as well as upgrading of the high schools to higher secondary schools. In the 1st plan about Case sign, 250 multipurpose seconds were established. About 1150 high schools were converted into higher secondary schools by the end of the 2nd plan.

As a result of the government’s effort secondary education expanded considerably. At the end of the 1st plan the number of all types of secondary schools was 32,568 with 8,26,509 students and Legit my hometown the number increased to 66,920 with 1,81,22,356 students by the end of 2nd plan. One of the major aims of the 3rd plan was to expand and intensify the educational effort and to bring every home within its fold so that in all branches of national life, education becomes the focal point of planned development. Education programmes embodied in the 3rd plan were comprehensive in scope. The programme for Case study sign, the reorganization and improvement of secondary education, which had been implemented during 2nd plan period was continued. It was designed both to enlarge the content of secondary education and to make it a self contained unit within the educational process. Help Science. During 3rd plan measures were taken for the conversion of high schools into Case study sign up write higher secondary schools, development of multipurpose schools with provision of a number of elective subjects, expansion and improvement of facilities for the teaching of science, provision of educational and vocational guidance, improvement of the examination and evaluation system, enlargement of facilities for vocational education, increased facilities for the education of girls and Chemistry videos de the backward classes and encouragement to merit through scholarships. Case Study Up Write. However steady progress was maintained during this period and Assignment in uk writing the number of schools increased considerably. The number of higher secondary schools increased from 3,121 to 6,203 and the number of Case study up write secondary schools increased to 90 thousands with 300 lakhs students by the end of 3rd plan. During 3rd plan Indian Education Commission was appointed under the chairmanship of Dr. D.S.

Kothari, which is popularly known as Kothari Commission, 1964-66. The Commission aimed at an entire overhauling of the Legit essay existing setup. Besides many other things it pleaded eloquently for Case, the improvement of secondary education and recommended that: (i) Enrolment in science homework, secondary education should be regulated during the next twenty years by proper planning of the location of secondary schools, maintaining adequate standards and to that end, by determining the enrolment in up write, terms of facilities available and selecting the best student; (ii) A developmental plan for secondary education should be prepared for each district and implemented in a period of ten years, (iii) The best students should be selected for help science, admission into secondary schools, through a process of self selection at the lower secondary stage, and on the basis of external examination results and school records at the higher secondary stage; (iv) Secondary education should be vocationalised in a large measure and enrolments in vocational courses raised to 20 per cent of total enrolment at the lower secondary stage and 50 per cent of total enrolment at the higher secondary stage by 1986. (v) A variety of part-time and full-time facilities in up write, vocational education should be available at both these stages to meet the needs of the boys and girls, in urban and essay help science rural areas. Special sections should be set up in the education department to help young pupils who drop out after class VIII or VII to obtain training on a full time or part time basis, and to be in overall charge of the organisation of these courses; (vi) The central government should provide special grants to state governments in centrally sponsored sector for the vocationalisation of Case study up write secondary education; (vii) Facilities for part-time education should be provided on a large scale at the lower and higher secondary stages in general and vocational courses. The Argumentative Essay. Special emphasis will have to Case up write, be placed on agricultural courses or those who have taken to farming as a vocation and on courses in home science or household industries for girls; (viii) Efforts should be made to accelerate the expansion of girls education so that the proportion of girls to income statement, boys reaches 1 : 2 at the lower secondary stage and study 1:3 at the higher secondary stage in 20 years ; (ix) Emphasis should be placed on establishing separate schools for girls, provision of hostels and scholarships and part-time vocational courses; (x) a national policy for the location of Physical science homework forces new institutions for each category should be adopted so as to avoid waste and duplication; (xi) Vocational schools should be located near the industry concerned; (xii) In non-vocational schools, a common curriculum of general education should be provided for the first ten years of school education and diversification of studies and specialization should begin only at the higher secondary stage; (xiii) At the higher secondary stage courses will be diversified in such a manner as to enable pupils to study a group of any three subjects in depth with considerable freedom and elasticity in the grouping of subjects. In order to ensure the balanced development of the adolescents, total personality the curriculum at this stage should provide half the time to the languages and one-fourth to physical education, arts and crafts, moral and spiritual education. After the recommendations of Kothari Commission, following measures were taken during 4th plan for the qualitative improvement of secondary education. (i) Enrichment of the content of secondary education by adding one more class to the high school and making it higher secondary course of 11 year duration. (ii) Implementation of a long range programme of examination reform aiming at a closer integration of up write educational objectives, learning process and methods of write help history evaluation.

(iii) Conversion of high schools into sign higher secondary and the argumentative essay science multi-purpose schools. Besides, improvement of science education, implementation of the pilot projects for Case study sign, the introduction of work experience and vocationalisation, development of school complex etc. were some of the measures undertaken during 4th plan period. As a result of the different measures, the Physical science homework forces number of schools at the secondary level increased considerably. By the year 1973-74, 74.40% boys and 29.60% girls were reading at the secondary stage. Different states accepted the new-pattern of education and introduced this system according to their own convenience. Though there is a lot of confusion and feeling of anxiety in the minds of the people regarding the up write practical application of the new pattern, yet in the overall interest of the student population and for national integration there is Physical science homework answers great need of up write a uniform pattern of education. So steps were taken to accelerate the pace of progress in homework forces, implementing the new scheme. It was not only for the sake of uniformity that the new structural pattern was introduced, but it was meant to provide definite stages for pupils to branch off from the academic streams. If provision would not be made for students to branch off to vocational courses after completion of the particular stage of education, the change of study sign up write pattern would only partially achieve the objectives and students who would do better in vocational courses would tend to go in for general education. During 5th plan, the objective in this sector was consolidated and controlled expansion.

In order to raise the standard of education reorganisation of the curriculum, improvement of the methods of Legit essay writing my hometown teaching, reforms in the system of examination, development of instructional materials and text books were undertaken during 5th plan period. Even then the achievement in study sign up write, this sector was not encouraging. So there were concerted efforts to achieve predetermined targets and objectives within the stipulated period. In the 6th plan, for the success of the new education policy of 10+2+3 necessary changes were made in the curriculum at Answers homework, the school stage in up write, order to relieve the burden on the child and make it realistic. It was expected that enrolment in secondary schools during the plan would be about 30 lakhs. It had been proposed to achieve this objective by better and efficient utilisation of Writing the argumentative essay science present secondary schools instead of opening new ones. However, the target would be fulfilled only sign up write, through hard and sustained work, original and creative thinking, devotion and involvement of personnel associated with the planning and implementation of the new-pattern of write help essay education.

The country had formally adopted a uniform pattern of education viz, the 10+2+3 pattern, consisting of 10 year school education followed by a two years higher-secondary or equivalent and up write !a three year degree course. Chemistry Videos. Yet there was no uniformity in the number of years one spent in the three stages of school education; primary, upper-primary and Case up write secondary. However, classes VI to VIII were taken as components of the upper-primary stage. When the first and Legit essay my hometown second All India Educational Surveys were conducted in the years 1957 and 1965, respectively, a distance of three miles or approximately 5 kilometers was considered to be a convenient walking distance for children in classes VI to VIII. Gradually, the distance limit was brought down to sign, three kilometers. Besides, the pattern of upper primary schools prevailing in respective states and union territories varies. Therefore, the Chemistry help videos de facilities for higher-primary education were available in different types of schools. Some secondary and higher-secondary schools also had upper-primary classes attached to them. Unlike primary schools, the upper- primary schools were also managed by the government, local bodies, private bodies etc. As the government had been giving a major thrust to the expansion of education in rural areas, private managements had been playing a dominant role in urban areas.

However, the overall annual increase in enrolment at the upper primary stage between the third and fourth survey was found to be 5.75 percent while that of between the fourth and fifth survey was 6.8 percent. Sign. An encouraging feature was that the rate of increase in enrolment had been more in rural areas than in Chemistry, urban areas. The period between the first and the second survey witnessed a sharp increase in the percentage of habitations which had access to secondary stage education either within the Case study up write habitation or up to a distance of eight kilometers (five miles). But it was reduced to five kilometers by the time of the third survey. The fourth survey (1978) revealed that 72.54% habitations were served by secondary education within eight kilometers, which was increased to 78.92% by Physical science homework answers the fifth survey. In fact, it revealed that the sign up write facilities of secondary education had been extended to a larger number of habitations covering a higher proportion of science answers forces rural population.

As such, there were 52,560 secondary schools in India by 1986. Of these, 38,862 were located in rural acres and Case sign the remaining 13,698 in urban areas. At the time of 1978 (fourth survey) the number of secondary schools was 36,675. Answers To Accounting Homework. It may be mentioned that the increase in the number of secondary schools during the period between 1973 and 1978 was only 3.5%. The sixth five year plan envisaged for the extended educational facilities in rural and backward areas specially for weaker section of the community in the field of secondary and higher secondary education. During this plan period greater facilities for Case, secondary education had to provide due to the expansion of the base of education at the elementary stage. Since secondary education is considered as the means of social mobility and economic independence, particularly among the socially disadvantaged. Besides, the plan emphasized the importance of paying special attention to the quality of education at history, this stage and to improve the internal efficiency of the system and enhancing the employability of its products. Heathen, there was great need for more sustained and planned effort for the qualitative improvement of education at this level. Gradually the Case study up write demand for secondary education had been growing.

The expansion of educational institution at the ground level provided a further impetus to this growth. Conclusion Write History Essay. For instance the number of upper-primary schools had increased from 1.35 lakhs to 1.46 laks from 1985-86 to 1990-91, respectively. Therefore, during seventh plan provision was made for promoting distance learning techniques and open school systems. As a result, unplanned growth of high and sign higher secondary school was checked. Norms for Writing the argumentative help science, the establishment of Case study sign up write secondary school were evolved and help strictly observed in order to avoid proliferation of economically nonviable and educationally inefficient institutions. In expanding the facilities, special attention was paid to study sign, the needs of backward areas of under privileged sections of the community.

The teaching of science and mathematics at high and higher secondary stage was strengthened and made universal. Moreover, efforts were made to Legit essay, update and modernize science curricula, improvement of laboratories and libraries in schools and ensure the quality of science teachers through large-scale in service training programmes. In-fact, the progressive outlook of the study sign up write authority is clearly evident from the introduction of environmental education in the courses of study which formed an important aspect of science education during this plan period. As such, the Socially Useful Productive Work (Work Experience) programme component constituted a link between work and education for the development of positive work ethics and work habits in Chemistry videos, learners. During sixth plan, a small beginning was made in Case up write, providing computer literacy to students in selected secondary schools. Based on this experience, steps were taken to extend the programme to cover different aspects of computer appreciation and application. The NPE, 1986 laid down that “access to secondary education will be widened to cover areas unserved by it at present.” As such, it recommended for Chemistry help de, the strengthening of the State Board of Secondary Education, reorganization of teacher education along with in service training, examination reform, improvement and modification of the content of secondary education curriculum, strengthening of the open school system, provision of extended educational facilities, special arrangement for talented children with pronounced competence etc. However, there had been a significance increase in the number of secondary schools. It increased from 54,845 in 1987-88 to 59,468 in 90-91 and the quality of education at this stage was enhanced.

Because the sign key issues in secondary education, apart from to accounting, access, were quality, modernisation and diversification. Though a considerable degree of uniformity had been achieved in regard to common education structure of 10+2+3, there was a considerable diversity regarding the location of the Case study sign up write +2 stage. In quite a few states it was not a part of the school system. The secondary stage was divided in to two very distinct sub-stages- Secondary (up to class X) which was the answers forces stage of sign up write general education and higher secondary (class XI and videos XIl) which was marked by differentiation and diversification. For the national system of education the NPE envisaged a national curriculum frame work. The work of curriculum revision for the secondary stage was undertaken in almost all the states and the UTs in the light of the guide-lines prepared by NCERT.

Further, necessary steps were taken by extending the access to secondary education by opening new schools in the un-served areas and by sign up write extending and consolidating the existing facilities with particular emphasis on Writing the argumentative essay help science, ensuring substantially increased enrolment of girls and the scheduled castes and Case up write scheduled tribes. Besides, greater autonomy was given to the Board of Secondary Education of different states for strengthening their structure and composition. Quality improvement programmes were under taken relating to teacher- education by according statutory and autonomous status to NCTE, strengthening and upgrading the teacher-training colleges to Institute of Advanced studies (IASE) and College of Teacher Education. Moreover, pre-service and in-service teacher training programmes were designed and open school system at this level was extended. As time went on, the number of secondary schools increased enormously from 59,468 in 1990-91 to 90761 by 2002- 2003.

The number of Writing science teacher at teacher at this sage was 996054 and teacher pupil ratio was 1:30 by 2002-03. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages:

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