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Ovid Art Of Love Essays and Research Papers. The Art of Love Framing for a Misogynist The poetry of Ovid exemplified in The Art of Work ventura county . Love is one of the only examples of the contemporary social behavior exhibited during the time of Rome. Ovid writes about social activities, proper style, women, and how to obtain them. Through Ovid’s perspective, there are three different ways to consider a woman. These three views include relating a woman to Bristol best dissertation a game, a beautiful treasure, and as a means to assert social status. Comparatively, Andreas Capellanus. Andreas Capellanus , Childbirth , Gender 1245 Words | 4 Pages. Ovid : The Art of Love There have been numerous questions that have always confused mankind since the early days. . The significance of life, how everything functions, is Work home magazine there a god of every single topic that still confuses humans. Although those concepts create a good argument, a topic that is time consuming in our lives is how to pick up on women.

A main example of how old that problem has bothered men is in the book of Ovid : The Art of Phd thesis Love . We independently come up with our own style of picking. English-language films , Flirting , Guy 1633 Words | 4 Pages. Is Love an Art ? Is love an art ? Then it requires knowledge and effort. Work County! Or is love a . pleasant sensation, which to an essay experience is a matter of magazine ventura county chance, something one falls into if one is lucky? This little book is based on write an essay conclusion, the former premise, while undoubtedly the majority of Work magazine people today believe in my art term paper the latter. Not that people think that love is Work ventura not important. They are starved for it; they watch endless numbers of films about happy and for a research unhappy love stories, they listen to hundreds of trashy songs. Interpersonal relationship , Love , Lust 1497 Words | 4 Pages. Art, Love and Work home magazine Transformation: a Mirror of Classical Literature. 2560 Leon Guinto Street, Malate, Manila Art , Love and write Transformation: A Mirror of Classical Literature By: Katherine F. . Jaramilla BSP 201A January 8, 2013 Professor: Miss Bethel Anne Batallones Art , Love and Transformation: A mirror of Classical Literature Publius Ovidius Naso was a known Roman poet.

He was also recognized as a canonical poet of Latin literature. Work Home Magazine County! In his works, wide ranges of meters were used. Ovid believed that love can transform or change us, be it in good or. Ancient Rome , Julius Caesar , Latin 981 Words | 3 Pages. How love has been portrayed in art What can go wrong with an artwork of love ? Now and my art days love has . such a power effect on people. Work Home Magazine Ventura! Every day people do the craziest things because of love . There are also different types of love , the love in family, friends, or a hobby. Love has been around for a good long while and its not going anywhere anytime soon. Even back then artists would make beautiful sculptures and paintings of the feeling of love , and today is the write conclusion, day you will see how artists put love. Expressionism , History of ventura county painting , Jean-Honore Fragonard 903 Words | 3 Pages. Ovid , Metamorphoses During the Mla heading for a paper, time of Augustus, Greek literature and myths were highly influential throughout the magazine ventura county, Roman world.

In . particular, Ovid , a Roman poet born in 43 BC, retells and adjusts much of for a paper Greek mythology in a humorous yet personal style to suit himself and his audiences (Plant 2012, p. 298). A close comparison of Ovid and Hesiod calls for home magazine ventura similarities and differences in their accounts of the human races. In Book I of the Metamorphoses, Ovid accounts four “Ages of Humankind”. Ancient Rome , Daphne , Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1331 Words | 2 Pages. Amores by Ovid: Use of the Domina Amoris and Phd thesis Servitium Amoris. Ovid’s use of the domina amoris and servitium amoris as the foundation his Amores was not unique, but rather reflected a theme created in the time of Plato. . Plato wrote of the idea of a “ love lady” in his The Symposium.

Ovid was just one of the many writers in Work home magazine ventura county the history of the Western literary tradition to utilize this construction. From his Corinna to Dante’s Beatrice to don Quijote’s Dulcinea del Tobosa, the domina amoris has constantly been present and has always remained a key theme in the. Don Quixote , Dulcinea , Fictional Spanish people 1156 Words | 3 Pages. Transformations in Ovid Transformations from one shape or form into another are the central theme in Ovid #8217;s . Metamorphoses. The popularity and timelessness of this work stems from the manner of story telling. Ovid takes stories relevant to his culture and Bristol time period, and Work home county weaves them together into one work with a connecting theme of transformation throughout. The thread of humor that runs through Metamorphoses is consistent with the satire and commentary of the work. The theme is presented. Apollo , Daphne , Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1393 Words | 4 Pages. ? Love and easy The Consequences The compilation of stories in Ovid's Metamorphosis are unlike any epic of it's time.

They all fit together to magazine ventura . How To Write Conclusion Video! form one huge unifying story with a lot of different meanings and themes. Throughout the entire epic, one reoccurring theme that is home magazine ventura prevalent to me is the agony of Phd thesis love . Work Magazine! The tortures of love , if you will, and the resulting effects of that adoration towards another. Love is one thing that remains consistent throughout the entire epic. It doesn't arise as just. 2009 albums , Emotion , Epic poetry 1776 Words | 5 Pages. For a work of art to be considered a portrait, the artist must have intent to portray a specific, actual person.

This can be communicated . Email! through such techniques as naming a specific person in the title of the work or creating an image in which the physical likeness leads to an emotional individuality unique to a specific person. While these criteria are not the ventura county, only ways of connoting a portrait, they are just two examples of how Sherman carefully communicates to the viewer that these works are not. Anarcho-punk , Crass , Post-punk 1149 Words | 3 Pages. from interpersonal affection (I love my mother) to pleasure (I loved that meal). It can refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and my art term cheap . personal attachment.[1] It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another.[2] It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals.[3] Ancient Greeks identified four forms of love : kinship or familiarity (in Greek. Attachment theory , Friendship , Human bonding 942 Words | 4 Pages. Love is Work home a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from easy, interpersonal affection (I love my mother) to . pleasure (I loved that meal). It can refer to Work home ventura an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment.[1] It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another.[2] It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals.[3] . Attachment theory , Friendship , Interpersonal relationship 1862 Words | 6 Pages.

(Singapore) Art , culture, and society; these three elements are closely linked. These three elements affect one another in one way or another. . There is often a conflict of interest between the artist, the audience, and the government body. The artist’s aim is to express art freely. The audience’s aim is to view art in forms that are not offensive to them. Phd Thesis! The government’s aim is to mitigate the conflict of interest between the two parties by implementing policies and restrictions to art pieces that. Aesthetics , Art , Artist 1171 Words | 3 Pages. Metamorphoses, by Ovid , as the Work magazine ventura, poet tells of the god Jupiter destroying all man kind (except for Deucalion and Pyrrha) because of the actions . of cheap one, Lycaon.

Ovid describes Jupiter's destruction as an effort to protect all the gods who do not live in the heavens. County! However, Jupiter's actions are not justified in any way presented in the book. In the story there are multiple cases where Jupiter and Pay someone with other gods cause danger and torment on Work magazine county, the lower class of gods. Pay Someone With! Examples of rape, intervention of true love , and god’s. Daphne , Greek mythology , Human 1286 Words | 4 Pages. schoolmates from Work home magazine ventura county, Ateneo Municipal. | Plaza de Cataluna | * Where his friends held him a welcome party in Barcelona. | El Amor Patrio | * . Love of Country * Essay he wrote when he was 21. * First nationalistic essay | Sacrifices | * Youth * Pleasures * Splendor of genius * Life | Laong Laan | * Pseudonym he used when he wrote Love of Country. | Tierra Extranjera | * Term he used to refer to Spain. | Universidad Central de Madrid | * Where he enrolled in philosophy. Anthropology , Ateneo de Manila University , Jose Rizal 1253 Words | 4 Pages. The Art of Rhetoric in the Metamorphoses. The Art of Rhetoric in the Metamorphoses Among the numerous passages covered in The Metamorphoses of Ovid , there are many . With Email! stories regarding the origins of the Earth, the activities of the home magazine ventura, Roman gods, and some of Rome’s significant rulers and founders.

Within each of these stories, Ovid injects an overall idea that can be taken away from the text. Many of Bristol dissertation these overall ideas are themes and lessons, but also there are arts that are illustrated to the reader such as poetry, singing, or weaving. . Achilles , Greek mythology , Homer 1446 Words | 4 Pages. The English word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes that ranges from home, interpersonal affection to . pleasure . It can refer to scholarships easy an emotion of Work magazine a strong attraction and paper cheap personal attachment. Work Magazine! It can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—the unselfish loyal and write conclusion video benevolent concern for Work home the good of another. As well, it may describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. Four forms of interpersonal. Attachment theory , Friendship , Interpersonal relationship 2133 Words | 6 Pages.

tale of the ages amongst the two storytellers as well. These similarities and differences allow the scholarships, deciphering of the tales to county hold differences in Write paper the value . of the ages of mankind. Raising key similarities in the Gold, Silver and Bronze Ages both Ovid and Hesiod tell a different meaning on how the ages that precede them affect the home magazine ventura county, rest of mankind. The Heroic and Iron Ages are important in the continuation of both stories, the tale of creation and mankind, and the view of the world to the Greeks. Ages of Man , Bronze Age , Copper 944 Words | 3 Pages. ?Neidalina Ortiz Composition II Instructor Candace Peters Love Write your final draft analysis essay that evaluates a . specific concept (such as love , competition, or fame). Mla Heading For A Research! Use the guidelines shown in Chapters 5 and 6 to develop your ideas and shape your essay. You should include 3-5 outside resources in your assignment. Love is defined as a deep tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as a rising from kinship, recognition. Affection , Emotion , Friendship 597 Words | 3 Pages.

circus. Home Magazine County! Waylon exhibits __________ while Mike exhibits __________. a. Paypal! prejudice; discrimination b. discrimination; prejudice c. subtyping; . prejudice d. subtyping; discrimination 4. Home Magazine! Karen's roommate hung one of Bristol best dissertation her paintings from art class in their dorm room. Initially, Karen hated the painting and thought it was hideous. But by the end of the home magazine ventura, year, Karen had grown to like the painting and even wanted to take it home with her. The best explanation for Karen's change in attitude. Attitude change , Elaboration likelihood model , Interpersonal attraction 1794 Words | 7 Pages. Love : What It Really Means What is love ? When someone tells you that they love you, how are you supposed to . respond? There sometimes seems to dissertation be no way to Work magazine ventura county decipher the implication behind the words I love you. When one loves someone or something, to what extent is their desire? It would be ideal if the English language could have more words for love . Love is so complicated in and of itself, that even if you were to have different words; it would still be challenging to scholarships easy clarify. County! Because the English.

Agape , Emotion , Friendship 905 Words | 3 Pages. is the theme of love . Philia, Eros, and Agape are the Write my art, three types of love present in the play and are what represent the theme . of love . These three types of love , Philia, Eros, and Agape are expressed by the different characters in the play. The expression of the theme of love in Work home ventura county the play is not just there by easy, accident; William Shakespeare put it in this comedic and romantic play with a purpose. Philia is one of the three kinds of love expressed in the play. Magazine Ventura! The type of love that Philia represents. Agape , Friendship , Greek words for love 1173 Words | 3 Pages.

Love plays a significant role in How to write an essay video every human beings life. There are many different forms of Work home magazine love in a person’s life. A person . feels a different love for their friend then they do for an intimate lover. Pay Someone! They feel different love for Work ventura their families and parents then they feel for animals or objects. Scholarships Easy! An individual usually learns what love is from a young age, and it progresses as they get older.

Some people have trouble experiencing some forms of love because they feel like they are unable to Work ventura due to past. Agape , Friendship , Interpersonal relationship 2175 Words | 6 Pages. Running Head: LOVE What’s Love Got to Do with It? Kathryn Barr Dr. Salome Dubenetzky PSY 301 . January 7, 2013 LOVE Attraction is defined as a person or thing that draws, attracts, allures, or entices; a characteristic or quality that provides pleasure, an attractive feature. Initially because of Write term paper cheap this attraction two people who are mutually attracted will begin or a friendship.

In the beginning of a relationship love is strong and home it. Interpersonal attraction , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1594 Words | 5 Pages. was inspired by Bristol, that relationship. “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love ” by Work home, Christopher Marlowe is most likely the most famous pastoral poem of . the carpe diem or “seize the day” style. Its inspiration was most likely to Write term convince a girl that life would be beautiful and filled with pleasures if she would be with him—his goal being seduction. Ever since the beginning of time, males and females have been looking for someone to love , someone they van spend their entire life with; and Work home ventura county someone to Write my art term cheap accept. Christopher Marlowe , English-language films , Friendship 1096 Words | 3 Pages. ?Introduction – Part 1: In writing this statement I will explore the ideas and customs associated with what love is known to be, with reason . and argument. Work Magazine County! I will mostly be analyzing romantic love , in relation to lovers. However with too much reasoning and argument comes confusion, so more argument than reasoning will be my approach. If you are not open to the negativities of love then my opinion has no value to you. For the positives of any topic are pleasing whether or not one can assimilate.

Idea , Interpersonal relationship , Irrationality 1253 Words | 3 Pages. non-living object. That feeling is love . Bristol! However, when one is forced to define love , he or she often turns to magazine romance to find the . meaning. Term Cheap! It is described to be everything pink and pretty, full of hearts, roses, cuddly stuffed animals, chocolates, kisses, and hugs. Work Home Magazine! Love is also expressed as the Mla heading for a, butterflies in county the stomach, hair on the back of the neck rising to the occasion, hesitant lump in the throats, giddiness in College easy the eyes, and fireworks in home magazine ventura county the hearts. However, love exists outside the realm of romance. Emotion , Love , Outline of self 1281 Words | 4 Pages. LOVE The uphill downfall.

What is College easy love ? Is it scientific, humanistic, or is home ventura it holistic? We may never know, but we can . know what causes it and how it is created. Everyone wants an insight on how to keep the firing passion in their relationship, but what motivated me to learn more about this topic was my past relationship experiences; I wanted to How to figure out home magazine ventura how I fell in love and have an idea on why things ended the way they did. Of course, there is no exact scientific reason why things. Emotion , Greek words for love , Interpersonal relationship 1256 Words | 4 Pages. Art 1030: ART APPRECIATION Dr. Best Dissertation! Carol Ventura Study Guide for First Test Spring 2015 You do not have to Work home magazine ventura county know the names of . Scholarships! artists or their work for this test. The first test will be multiple choice and will cover terms and media only. These words are from the text, lectures, and videos. Home Ventura County! I suggest you make a flashcard for phenomenology each word with the word and a photocopy of the home magazine, example from the book (if there is one) on one side and the meaning and context on the other.

When you study with the flash cards. Arch , Barrel vault , Color 487 Words | 2 Pages. ? Is It Love ? Jazmine M Hawkins Georgia Perimeter College Abstract This paper explores the Write term paper, findings of . multiple researchers’ theories of love ? It breaks down what we can be classified as passionate love and compassionate love ? What does love have to do with your attention span? Some researches define love scientifically saying that love is a production of Work ventura county a mixture of hormones and Bristol dissertation chemical reactants while others say love is Work ventura county self-defined and can only be judged. Attachment theory , Developmental psychology , Human bonding 1362 Words | 4 Pages.

Love Love is something that most humans look for in life because it comes with one of the greatest amount of How to write an essay conclusion pleasure a . human being can experience. The love for our mother and our entire families is one of the first thing a baby feels and as the years goes by we know that life is about two big thing: success in work field and being able to home ventura find people that will love you for who you are. Being able to love is one of the Mla heading research paper, most important thing because it can lead to Work magazine county a great amount of Bristol best trust and. English-language films , Family , Homosexuality 2815 Words | 7 Pages. one-word topic Love . This piece was written in 45 minutes (actually I had more time, I but I wasted too much time - some of it unnecessary - . to think of what to write), so mind you, I was in quite a hurry. Personally, I don't think it's that good. I really wish they gave us more time for this written paper for English. Could've produced a better essay with more time, I think. Ventura County! So anyway, here you go. Comments will be appreciated.

Love (SPM Trial Exams Essay) by Lee Zhi Wei Love . It is the scholarships, one. Doubt , Heart , Human 959 Words | 3 Pages. “ Love for Work home magazine ventura another often hides a greater love for oneself” By a close comparison of your two texts, discuss the representation of Write my art term . sex and seduction. In both Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ and Ford’s ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore’ sex is represented as a catalyst for sin. The love which is promised by many of the central characters in Work magazine ventura the poem and the play often has a falsehood and with paypal is used as a facade for the character’s true egotistic needs within. One can see a falsehood in Giovanni’s admitted love for.

Adam and Eve , Garden of Eden , Interpersonal relationship 1102 Words | 3 Pages. people would not imagine how Valentine’s day affect America and other countries from economical to Work home magazine emotional. Valentine’s day is dissertation easy to home magazine ventura county recognize for its . many symbols: cupid which represents an angel who helps mates get together or fall in paper love , hearts, arrows, love cards, letters and Work county the colors white and red representing purity and blood.(Thompson) There are many legends about the origin of Valentine’s day, but there are two that are more realistic and important. This holiday started in one place and. Chocolate , Love , Lupercalia 1480 Words | 4 Pages. February 1st 2012 True Love and its Obstacles Love is Write my art paper one of the most important things to the survival of the home magazine, human race, . because it allows humans to term paper work together and connect with each other.

To live life without love is not living a fulfilled life. Finding true love may seem like the difficult part of a relationship with another human being, but the obstacle that hinders the magazine county, relationship coming together is the conclusion video, most difficult part. My essay will explore the theme “true love ” and the obstacles that. Brothers Grimm , Cinderella , English-language films 1739 Words | 4 Pages. different attitudes towards love ; I have selected four poems that consider this issue and show the poets true thoughts on love . . Two of ventura my texts, ‘Leaving Prince Charming Behind,’ written by Karlo Mila and ‘Advice to a discarded Lover,’ written by Fleur Adcock, both look at Pay someone with paypal email, the theme of love and past relationships in a negative and home magazine county quite a depressing manner. Phd Thesis! Whereas, the home magazine, other two texts deal with both the poets sweet, happy and more realistic attitude towards the power of true love . ‘To the girl who stood. English-language films , Fairy , Fairy tale 1201 Words | 3 Pages. The Art of Loving “The art of loving”, written by an American psychologist Erich Fromm in 1957, mainly discusses about three . aspects: the dissertation, reasons of love being an art , the theory of Work magazine love , and the practice of love . He thoughtfully explains that an art of with paypal email loving requires many effort and Work ventura knowledge, comprehensively analyzes the theory of scholarships love , and home specifically introduces the ways of practice the art of loving. Even if the work is done for about fifty years ago, there still have many remarkable. English-language films , Erich Fromm , Frankfurt School 1802 Words | 5 Pages. ?Grozen Benjelyn M. IV BSBA Project exam: reflection paper Ayala museum is the home of the Philippines art , history and culture.

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Rizal And Fr. Bristol Dissertation! SanchezFr. Sanchez was the Jesuitpriest who taught Dr. Andres Bonifacio , Ateneo de Manila University , El filibusterismo 1680 Words | 5 Pages. ? Love Everyone has felt love at one point in their life. It could have been between two people, a pet or even a non-living . object. You could have experienced it as a little crush or the real thing as a whole. Some people sometimes will go a lifetime without finding that one person for them, but then there’s other times people fall in and out of love like it’s nothing to them. Magazine! You can love many things but the love between two people is priceless. Different types of people experience different. English-language films , Friendship , Interpersonal relationship 1262 Words | 4 Pages.

?Jalissa Goolsby Professor Rhodes English 29 January 14 Fatherless Love The vision of Phd thesis my Fatherless Love have . became more and magazine more of a blur to my past childhood memories of not having him there in my life as a young girl. This is Phd thesis phenomenology my life not a story I always wanted to be daddy’s girl growing up. Not having my father there when I became mature or when I had my first break up played a major impact in Work magazine ventura county my young life. Scholarships Easy! ‘‘Dance With My Father’’ by Luther Vandross is a song that is very. 2006 albums , American films , Emotion 1309 Words | 4 Pages. disguised as a feast Rollin’ in the Rolls-Royce Corniche Only the doctors got this, I’m hidin’ from police Cocaine seats All white like I got the whole . thing bleached Drug dealer chic I’m wonderin’ if a thug’s prayers reach Is Pious pious cause God loves pious? Socrates asks, “Whose bias do y’all seek?” All for Plato, screech I’m out here ballin’, I know y’all hear my sneaks Jesus was a carpenter, Yeezy, laid beats Hova flow the Holy Ghost, get the ventura, hell up out your seats Preach [Frank Ocean] . Christianity , Holy Spirit , Jay-Z 562 Words | 3 Pages. The Characterization of Phd thesis Medea in Euripides and Ovid.

Heroides XII: Medea to Jason by Ovid Both Fifth century B.C. playwright Euripides and Roman poet and dramatist Ovid tell the . story of Jason ditching Medea for another woman; however, they do not always share a perspective on Work magazine ventura, the female matron's traits, behavior, and purpose. Euripides portrays a woman who reacts to College scholarships easy injustice by beginning a crusade to avenge all who harmed her which she is prepared to see through even if it means resorting to Work home magazine ventura the most contemptible methods. Ovid , on the other hand, tells. Argonauts , Colchis , Emotion 1553 Words | 5 Pages. you in Drama, you have been the term paper cheap, one person I really couldn’t stop thinking about. At the same time you have managed to keep my feet on Work home county, the ground, you were . never like those other “fan girls”. You always had something different about you and I really love that about How to conclusion video you. “You have kept my feet on the ground and yet showed me how beautiful the stars and skies are” – Read that somewhere one time, figured could be applied here. Work Home! Lol I somehow always thought whatever you did was somehow simply “amazing. 2002 singles , 2006 albums , 2006 singles 1702 Words | 4 Pages. the visual aspects of art and architecture, line, shape, color, light, texture, space, math, volume, and composition. Mla Heading For A Research! Style – the combination . of form and composition that makes a work distinctive.

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He had a strong moral vision of where his country must go to Bristol dissertation preserve and enlarge the rights of Work all her . people, but he was also a good man with a strong sense of character and a great discipline in the art of law; and he sought to Mla heading research paper continue the great and mighty legacy of the Constitution. He believed that the Founding Fathers had drawn up the home ventura, Constitution without the mention of slavery because they felt that it would later die of a natural death. . Abraham Lincoln , American Civil War , President of the United States 1112 Words | 3 Pages. and the scholarships, poor have to submit to it. 3. Religion and moral- Religion is only represented by home magazine, padre Estaban who cares about men’s souls but the majority of . the characters in the novel such as Galante, Gaspar, Andujar, Deblas, Marta lack compassion, love , and good principals. 4. Inheritance- Juan del Salto works very hard in order to provide an education for his son and Pay someone with paypal email leave him well off for magazine ventura the future. 5.)The complexity of silence- This theme means that you cannot always tell the truth because. Puerto Rico 1439 Words | 4 Pages. What is Bristol considered art has been a controversial question for many years in history and today. There are various forms and types of . Home Ventura County! art . Because art is very complex and diverse, it is viewed and conceptualized in many different ways. Nancy G. Pay Someone! Heller states even though a type of artwork is hard to home magazine ventura understand, it’s considered art , and artwork that people don’t understand shouldn’t be disregarded from other types of art . She feels as though people shouldn’t be intimidated by artwork that’s hard to understand. Art , Cubism , Present 1296 Words | 4 Pages.

work was also included in the Best American Short Stories collections for 1946, 1948 and 1952. Cheap! Perhaps Bradbury's most unusual honor came from the Work home magazine, Apollo . astronaut who named Dandelion Crater after Bradbury's novel, Dandelion Wine. Bradbury's lifetime love of phenomenology cinema fuelled his involvement in many Hollywood productions, including The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (a version of Work home magazine ventura his story, The Fog Horn), Something Wicked This Way Comes (based on his novel,) and director John Huston's version of Pay someone with paypal email Moby Dick. Dandelion Wine , Fahrenheit 451 , Leigh Brackett 1683 Words | 6 Pages. ?The Magic Flute Review Kristyn Davis Dr. Eubanks November 28, 2011 Liberal Arts “ Art is one way whereby man seeks to . understand the world.”. This is Work county a quote from Oscar Brockett’s book, The Essential Theater. Over the weekend the Ouachita Baptist University: School of Fine Arts , division of music put on an opera entitled The Magic Flute. Write! Originally composed by Mozart, the students in the production did an ventura, excellent job of bringing his composition to life. Going into the opera, my expectations.

Art , Music , Opera 794 Words | 4 Pages. medium one chooses to use to Bristol best express oneself determine whether or not it is truly art ? While digital artists’ artistic ability is often . questioned and the credit is ventura given to the computer being used, the art itself springs from the mind of the How to write an essay conclusion video, digital artist. I can say this with personal fervor: Digital art is truly in essence a form of art that merely takes advantage of the innovations of Work magazine ventura county modern technology. Digital Art isn’t computer-generated. While it might involve using tools offered by specialized. Art , Computer , Computer graphics 1392 Words | 4 Pages. ? Art Essay Draft The nude has changed dramatically throughout time in terms of its role in the art world. It has been used to . portray a person’s power and their weakness, the way they see themselves and the way others see them. College Easy! The majority of Work ventura county nude artworks are of the female nude, as highlighted by John Berger, ‘men look at women, women look back at themselves being looked at.’ Vanessa Beecroft, a contemporary artist deems to Bristol best challenge the home, way society views the nude in both high art and everyday. Aesthetics , Art , Female 986 Words | 3 Pages.

Alexis Cota September 14, 2013 LOVE IS LOVE People live in Bristol best a world where, nowadays, anyone will be judged for any little . thing they do. It may be the Work home magazine ventura county, way people look, act, smell, walk, talk, dress, and even by liking the Mla heading research paper, same sex as them. Nothing in the world will ever please society. Work Magazine! People are supposed to be free to love anyone they want. Yet, society makes it so hard for Write my art paper cheap anyone to try, and be with the same sex. Either it will turn out to Work ventura county be their closest friends, or family who will end up. Bisexuality , Gay , Homosexuality 1033 Words | 3 Pages. The Art of Loving is a slim volume of only a little over a hundred pages yet it packs one hell of a punch. Written some fifty years ago, here . is a more damning indictment of modern society than anything the Phd thesis phenomenology, existential crowd of ventura Bertrand Russell, Albert Camus or Jean Paul Sartre could cook up. The Art of with paypal email Loving is a very concise and pithy read, it is written in the terse lucid style of gospel, each word in Work ventura county each line serving a critical function.

This is not a writer's style nor is a critic's but that. Erich Fromm , Frankfurt School , God 1588 Words | 4 Pages. Naomi McFarland Out of Class Essay #2 Final Copy Suffering through Art Art speaks and shows us the reality of people by Bristol best, . expressing human behavior, thoughts, ideas and magazine ventura county emotions through a piece of work. As Google Definition’s says, “ Art is the Bristol, works produced by such skill and imagination.” Art has the ability to express the painful truths that exist in home magazine ventura county the world and its reality. No matter how painful it might be to have a legitimate knowledge about the truth, I believe people need to see. Art , Earth , Emotion 1857 Words | 5 Pages. The Marketing of Art Part 1: Target Market and Competition When determining a target market a marketer must first research their product and . the consumers who purchase the Bristol, product, then decide what type of Work county consumer would the marketer prefer to attract to the product they are marketing (Guille, n.d.). The product that was chosen for this class was Art . To determine our particular target market we must get to know our product.

Britannica Encyclopedia defines art as, “the use of Write skill and imagination. Advertising , Art , Arts 1219 Words | 4 Pages. Upon reading Erich Fromm's The Art of Loving, I gained a better understanding of what love really is. Fromm's book puts . love into perspective. He begins with several facts with regards to the attitude in which people treat love . They are the problems of how to be loved, the object to love as well as the confusion between the initial experience of falling in love and the permanent state of Work home magazine ventura county being in love , which had a great impact on me, as far as thinking about what love is. With Paypal Email! Strangers meet, they. Father , Feeling , Interpersonal relationship 1185 Words | 3 Pages. ? Art is life, it is beauty, it is emotion, it is you, it is me, it is Work magazine ventura everything. Art defines all that we are, and all that we . could become. Art is of the past and of the future, of the Mla heading research paper, influences of our daily lives, of our pasts combined with who we are today. Art is an indescribable joy, an expansion of the mind, body and soul.

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The Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle. Length: 2055 words (5.9 double-spaced pages) A healthy diet consists of “three basic macronutrients- carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.” Protein comes in the form of Work home magazine ventura county, lean meat and nuts, while fat comes from oils like almond, coconut, and peanut oil. A common misconception is that carbohydrates are only phenomenology, pastas. Carbohydrates can take the form as certain vegetables, fruits, and legumes. The correct foods and magazine, amount of research paper, calories depends on the type of oxidizer one is. There are three types of oxidizers. The first is magazine ventura, a slow oxidizer which “requires a higher percentage of carbohydrates than of fat and protein.” A slow oxidizer should eat a ratio of fifteen percent fat, twenty-five percent protein, and sixty percent carbohydrates.

A slow oxidizer is able to digest carbohydrates easier than other oxidizers so therefore a larger amount of carbohydrates is allowed. A slow oxidizer should look for protein that is low in fat, carbohydrates that are low in starch, and try to keep their fat consumption to a minimal. However, a balanced oxidizer “requires an equal percentage of carbohydrates, fat, and protein” and should have a ratio of thirty percent fat and protein and forty percent carbohydrates. Balanced oxidizers are able to eat a wide range of foods and still perform well. A balanced oxidizer should consume high-fat and low-fat protein and carbohydrates that are low in starch.

On the other hand, a fast oxidizer “requires a higher percentage of protein and fat than carbohydrates.” A fast oxidizer is similar to with paypal email, a balanced oxidizer but the percent of carbohydrates and magazine, protein are switched around. A fast oxidizer should look for high-fat protein, low starch vegetables as carbohydrates, and natural oils or fats. Discovering the food that will benefit one’s body will ultimately raise energy levels, provide mental clarity, and best, stabilize one’s body. The Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle. . 02 Oct 2017. Water is also essential when living a healthy lifestyle. Water keeps the body functioning properly and aids in fat-burning during a diet. Women are recommended to drink eighty ounces of water a day and men are recommended one-hundred and Work magazine ventura county, twenty ounces a day.

The amount of water one must drink can fluctuate depending on the amount of exercise done every day, environment conditions, and caffeine consumption. A well rounded diet that consists of the dissertation, proper foods and water consumption can help one establish a life filled with energy, happiness, and prosperity. Processed foods are filled with chemicals and harmful substances. The chemicals in processed foods have been linked to autoimmune diseases, certain types of cancers, and diabetes. Work Home County! Food companies load their products with chemicals to help “color, stabilize, emulsify, bleach, texturize, preserve, sweeten, and dissertation, add or mask the flavor” to food. There is magazine ventura county, a large list of foods that should be avoided when trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

Foods such as sodas, chips, pastries, canned foods, and Bristol dissertation, white pasta or grain are high in Trans-fat, sodium, and refined sugar. Eating large amounts of Work county, these products can inevitably harm one’s body. People should be aware of the things put in College scholarships easy food and Work, try to avoid them at all costs. One should stay away from things that have a long shelf life, contains refined sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, and that say the word “enriched” on the labels. The amount of sodium ingested is also something to be watched. Sodium can slow down the metabolic process and cause the body to retain water.

Sodium is simply salt and it gives foods their salty tastes. Bristol Best Dissertation! However, sodium is found in several processed foods that do not taste salty. Sodium is common in ventura canned foods because it helps preserve the product but one should be aware of how much they consume. Jillian Michaels recommends that one should “ingest under 1,000 mg a day” to help stabilize one’s blood pressure. Several foods found in grocery stores and super markets are made to appeal to the people but within the small print, one can find several words that they are unable to pronounce. This should scream unsafe and they should be avoided if one wants their body to work properly. A processed food also causes the body to lack in basic functions and does not provide enough essential vitamins and nutrients. The body struggles to digest the foreign products which can lead to a wide range of issues. Since processed food or commonly known as junk food does not provide a substantial amount of nutrients, the body is unable to provide energy.

The refined sugar in processed foods has an write conclusion video enormous effect on one’s pancreas. The pancreas releases insulin to home ventura, the body to prevent a rise in blood sugar levels when high amounts of refined sugar are eaten. Since there are very little proteins and carbohydrates found in processed foods, it can lead to a drop in blood sugar levels which leaves one feeling tired, grumpy, and fatigue. However, processed foods also contain large amounts of fat which after time can cause obesity and poor physical performance. Obesity can lead to several illnesses such as diabetes and heart problems. Overtime, the heart can become blocked by plaque which can lead to a heart attack. Processed foods cause a rippling effect in the body and damage organs such as the pancreas and heart. Processed foods lead to Mla heading for a paper, poor mental and physical stability which can have lasting effects.

One should be cautious with the consumption of processed foods because of Work home county, their harmful products and outcome they produce. A healthy lifestyle should exclude smoking, drinking, or illegal drug use. The body is with paypal email, unable to process the chemicals found in cigarettes, the toxins in alcohol, and the hazardous material in drugs. Smoking is a common habit in today’s society and can have horrifying effects. Work Home County! The chemicals in cigarettes are toxic to the human body and best dissertation, can cause things like lung cancer, heart attack, and wrinkles. The most alarming thing about smoking is the risk of Work home county, stillbirths and having sick infants. A woman who smokes is more likely to have stillbirths or miscarriages during a pregnancy. It was also studied that infants whose mother’s smoked where more likely to Write my art, have bronchitis or pneumonia in the first year.

Alcohol is also harmful to the body. It is filled with empty calories and causes dehydration. Alcohol causes the body to remove essential minerals that help with the metabolic process and Work home magazine ventura, fluid balance. Along with that, alcohol also makes the body emit estrogen which aids in fat storage. None the less, “alcohol abolished inhibitions, decreases willpower, stimulates appetite, and cause poor judgment.” Large amounts of alcohol or prolonged use can cause liverdamage, nervous system damage, and heart disease. Mla Heading Paper! This can substantially lower the amount ofyears one lives and the quality of life. Sleeping and relaxation also contributes to a healthy lifestyle but is magazine ventura, not quite as important. One should feel refreshed each morning and have little to no tiredness or fatigue.

The amount of sleep depends on my art term paper, the person but one should seek to have the same amount of sleep each night and keep it consistent. However, sleep deprivation should never occur when living a healthy lifestyle. Sleep deprivation is characterized as not sleeping for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. This can cause poor performance over long periods of time. Lack of sleep can also cause one’s appetite to shift. The body releases hormones which help maintain hunger and fullness but when the body does not receive enough sleep, then the hormones are put off kilter and leave one feeling hungry all day. Sleep loss can also cause the Work home county, body to lose growth hormones which helps regulate fat and muscle in the body and result in dissertation the body not restoring energy levels.

A stress hormone is also released when sleep is lacking and this is when one tends to gain abdominal fat. Sleep helps restore the home ventura county, body and aids in the processes it must conduct on a day to day basis. Without sleep, the body is unable to function and leaves one feeling fatigued. Exercising is key when trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle. In order to stay excited for cheap, a workout, one must mix it up and try different things. Work Magazine! There are numerous exercises and workout plans that one can try. However, one must stick with it and continue to best, work hard to see results and Work home ventura county, reach desired goals. With Paypal Email! The first type of exercise is home county, cardio. Cardio is when one improves oxygen consumption and cardiovascular stamina. The common forms of cardio are jogging, running, swimming, and biking.

Anything that causes one to breath harder and increases one’s pulse is considered cardio. Write My Art Term Cheap! However, cardio does not help in flexibility and shaping the body. Weight training contributes to body shaping and flexibility and takes many forms. The first is muscle toning. Muscle toning is home magazine ventura, when the body becomes more firm and tight rather than flabby. The muscles also appear more defined and distinct but do not increase in size.

Body shaping is another form of weight training and this is when the muscles increase. Body shaping embodies muscle toning but adds in the growing of Phd thesis, muscles. Strength training also helps tone the body and magazine ventura county, gain muscle. Strength training comes in paper three different types of exercises. Isometric exercises are when the muscle contracts but there are no movement of the body part that is being pushed on. Weight-lifting is an example of isotonic exercises because there is Work ventura, movement. Isokinetic is when the College easy, movement is magazine, being made with the pushing or pulling of a fixed lever at a fixed speed. There are several different techniques when it comes to Pay someone with, exercising. Split routine is when one splits the muscles into Work home ventura county front and back on the body. This helps to ensure that the muscles do not get over trained and tired.

During a workout the muscle stretches and for a paper, tears, therefore it needs to rest at least one day before being worked again. Work Home! One day, the front muscles get worked and the next day the back muscles get worked. College Easy! This is highly beneficial because several front muscles use each other in their movements. For example, when working the chest one also uses the Work, shoulder and bicep muscles which are all located on the front. Also, the blood in one’s body must shift consistently between the lower and College scholarships, upper halves of the body which aids in fat and calorie burning. Circuit training is another form of exercise. This is when exercises are done in series and sets. One circuit consists of four to five different exercises that must be performed in a set time. This gives the body the ability to home magazine ventura county, work on the cardio aspect of working out and the weight training aspect at the same time. Interval training is a common when it comes to How to an essay, cardio.

Interval training is when one bounces between spells of high-intensity and low-intensity cardio. This allows the body to reach optimal fat and calorie burning while challenging one in their cardio abilities. Another exercise type is Work home magazine ventura county, called supersets. This is when one performs two exercises back to back. The amount of weight is low which allows one to do it without a spotter. Since there is no break in between, the intensity raises which aids in calorie burning. Supersets have three types of exercises which contain same muscle group, antagonistic, and Bristol best, staggered sets. All of home magazine county, these contain the same concept and have similar benefits. Combo lifting is when one combines two or more exercises into one.

Combo lifting is comprised of straight combo lifting, complex lifting, and hybrid lift. An example of combo lifting is with paypal, using the same amount of weight and bar to Work home magazine ventura county, perform deadlift, squat, and bicep curl and doing them continuously without a break. College Scholarships! Complex is when one does several exercises in one movement. For example, doing a squat and as one goes down then doing a bicep curl and shoulder press. Hybrid lift is putting two or more exercises into one movement such as squatting while doing a bicep curl. No matter what type of exercise it is the body benefits from it. All forms and types aid in fat burning and calorie burning. However, good form and quality is important when trying to maximize the benefits. The effects of not exercising are striking. The body functions better when it is put through a workout and is therefore able to go through the processes it needs to. When one does not exercise, the body suffers.

Circulatory problems may occur when the body is not regularly exercised. The heart is a muscle and when it is not exercised it is unable to Work home magazine, perform properly. This can lead to the lungs not receiving the write, right amount of oxygen and Work magazine, the blood pressure rising. Scholarships Easy! Little to no exercise can lead to weight gain, diabetes, joint and bone fragility, and depression because the body is not releasing happy hormones. Even if one is eating healthy, the body still needs some physical exercise to avoid such circumstances. Work Home Magazine Ventura! Continual exercising can improve one’s mood and How to write an essay conclusion video, continue to Work magazine ventura county, provide mood enhancing benefits.

It was studied that people who quit exercising experienced a decrease in good mood and an increase in depression or grumpy mood. My Art Paper Cheap! This is Work home magazine, because the body quits exerting hormones that increase one’s mood. Scholarships Easy! None the less, not exercising has similar effects to eating processed foods. Both can cause harmful if not fatal diseases and lower the quality of life. A healthy lifestyle must include the right diet, amount of exercise, and amount of sleep. Without a mixture of these, one cannot live a life filled with the maximum amount of ventura county, happiness and prosperity. Processed foods and no exercise can render one’s ability to live life and cause a state of depression.

However with the right food and exercise, one can flourish and phenomenology, live a bountiful life. None the less, life is what one makes it and home magazine ventura, choosing to be as healthy as possible is the beginning of Phd thesis phenomenology, insuring that the life they live will forever be prosperous. Baechle, T. R. (1995). Fitness Weight Training. Omaha: Human Kinetics Publisher. Bahr, L. S. (1997). Work Home Magazine Ventura County! Volume 11. In L. S. Bahr, Collier's Encyclopedia (pp. 79-737).

New York: Newfield Publications, Inc. Johnson, T. (1981). The Harvard Medical School Health Letter Book. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Mental Health; People Who Stop Exercisng Lose Long-Term Mood- Enhancing Benefits. (2001). NewsRX , 1-2. Michaels, J. (2007).

Making The Cut. New York: Three Rivers Press.

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SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips. The personal statement might just be the hardest part of your college application. Mostly this is because it has the least guidance and is the most open-ended. One way to magazine ventura, understand what colleges are looking for when they ask you to write an Phd thesis essay is to check out the essays of students who already got in—college essays that actually worked. After all, they must be among the most successful of this weird literary genre. In this article, I’ll go through general guidelines for what makes great college essays great. I've also compiled an enormous list of 100+ actual sample college essays from 13 different schools. Finally, I’ll break down two of ventura county, these published college essay examples and explain why and how they work. With links to 125 full essays and essay excerpts , this article will be a great resource for learning how to craft your own personal college admissions essay! What Excellent College Essays Have in Common.

Even though in many ways these sample college essays are very different from paypal, one other, they do share some traits you should try to Work magazine ventura county, emulate as you write your own essay. Building out from a narrow, concrete focus. Mla Heading For A Research! You’ll see a similar structure in home, many of the essays. How To Conclusion! The author starts with a very detailed story of an Work ventura event or description of a person or place. After this sense-heavy imagery, the College scholarships essay expands out to make a broader point about the author, and connects this very memorable experience to the author’s present situation, state of mind, newfound understanding, or maturity level. Knowing how to tell a story. Some of the experiences in these essays are one-of-a-kind. Work Home County! But most deal with the stuff of best, everyday life.

What sets them apart is the way the author approaches the topic: analyzing it for drama and humor, for its moving qualities, for Work home magazine ventura county, what it says about the author’s world, and for how it connects to the author’s emotional life. A killer first sentence. Phd Thesis Phenomenology! You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: you have to suck the reader in, and home ventura county, the best place to do that is the first sentence. Great first sentences are punchy. They are like cliffhangers, setting up an exciting scene or an unusual situation with an How to an essay unclear conclusion, in home magazine county, order to How to conclusion, make the reader want to Work county, know more. Don’t take my word for it—check out these 22 first sentences from Stanford applicants and tell me you don’t want to read the rest of those essays to find out what happens! A lively, individual voice. Writing is for readers. In this case, your reader is an admissions officer who has read thousands of essays before yours, and will read thousands after.

Your goal? Don’t bore your reader. Use interesting description, stay away from cliches, include your own offbeat observations—anything that makes this essay sounds like you and not like anyone else. Enchanted Prince Stan decided to stay away from Phd thesis phenomenology, any frog-kissing princesses to retain his unique perspective on magazine, ruling as an amphibian. Technical correctness. No spelling mistakes, no grammar weirdness, no syntax issues, no punctuation snafus—each of these sample college essays has been formatted and How to conclusion video, proofread perfectly. If this kind of exactness is not your strong suit, you’re in luck! All colleges advise applicants to have their essays looked over several times by parents, teachers, mentors, and home magazine ventura, anyone else who can spot a comma splice. Your essay must be your own work, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting help polishing it. Links to Full College Essay Examples.

Some colleges publish a selection of research, their favorite accepted college essays that worked, and I've put together a selection of over 100 of these (plus some essay excerpts!). Work Ventura! Please note that some of these college essay examples may be responding to prompts that are no longer in use. The current Common App prompts are as follows: 1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. With! 7. Share an essay on Work magazine ventura county, any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. These essays are answers to past prompts from either the Common Application or the Universal Application, both of which Johns Hopkins accepts. Mla Heading Paper! Essay Examples Published by home ventura county, Other Websites. Mla Heading! 7 Common Application essays from applicants admitted to Stanford, Duke, Connecticut College, NYU, Carleton College, Washington University, and the University of Pennsylvania 2 Common Application essays (1st essay, 2nd essay) from applicants admitted to Columbia. Here is a smaller collection of essays that are college-specific, plus 22 essay excerpts that will add fuel to your essay-writing fire. The University of Chicago is well known for magazine, its off-the-wall, often wacky supplementary essay prompts.

These seven sample essays respond to a variety of thought-provoking questions. Best Dissertation! Sometimes it's helpful to see how others managed to ventura, get over the difficult first-line hump. We're guessing all these monkeys would write different first sentences. Analyzing Great Common App Essays that Worked. How To Write! I've picked out two essays from the Work home ventura examples collected above to examine in scholarships, more depth so that you can know exactly what makes a successful college essay work. Full credit for these essays goes to Work magazine ventura, the original authors and the schools that published them. Example #1: Breaking Into Cars, by Stephen, Johns Hopkins Class of '19 (Common App Essay, 636 words long) I had never broken into a car before. We were in Laredo, having just finished our first day at a Habitat for email, Humanity work site. The Hotchkiss volunteers had already left, off to enjoy some Texas BBQ, leaving me behind with the college kids to clean up. Work Magazine Ventura! Not until we were stranded did we realize we were locked out of the van. Someone picked a coat hanger out of the dumpster, handed it to me, and took a few steps back. “Can you do that thing with a coat hanger to unlock it?” “Why me?” I thought.

More out of amusement than optimism, I gave it a try. I slid the hanger into Phd thesis phenomenology the window’s seal like I’d seen on crime shows, and spent a few minutes jiggling the apparatus around the inside of the frame. Work Home Magazine Ventura! Suddenly, two things simultaneously clicked. One was the lock on the door. (I actually succeeded in springing it.) The other was the realization that I’d been in this type of situation before. In fact, I’d been born into this type of situation. My upbringing has numbed me to best, unpredictability and home magazine ventura county, chaos. With a family of seven, my home was loud, messy, and spottily supervised.

My siblings arguing, the dog barking, the phone ringing—all meant my house was functioning normally. My Dad, a retired Navy pilot, was away half the time. College Easy! When he was home, he had a parenting style something like a drill sergeant. Magazine! At the age of nine, I learned how to clear burning oil from the surface of water. My Dad considered this a critical life skill—you know, in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed. “The water’s on fire! Clear a hole!” he shouted, tossing me in the lake without warning. While I’m still unconvinced about that particular lesson’s practicality, my Dad’s overarching message is paypal email unequivocally true: much of home magazine ventura county, life is unexpected, and you have to deal with the twists and turns. Living in my family, days rarely unfolded as planned.

A bit overlooked, a little pushed around, I learned to roll with reality, negotiate a quick deal, and give the improbable a try. I don’t sweat the scholarships easy small stuff, and I definitely don’t expect perfect fairness. So what if our dining room table only has six chairs for seven people? Someone learns the importance of punctuality every night. But more than punctuality and a special affinity for musical chairs, my family life has taught me to thrive in situations over Work home county, which I have no power. Growing up, I never controlled my older siblings, but I learned how to thwart their attempts to control me. I forged alliances, and realigned them as necessary. Sometimes, I was the poor, defenseless little brother; sometimes I was the omniscient elder. Different things to different people, as the situation demanded. I learned to adapt.

Back then, these techniques were merely reactions undertaken to term cheap, ensure my survival. But one day this fall, Dr. Hicks, our Head of School, asked me a question that he hoped all seniors would reflect on throughout the year: “How can I participate in a thing I do not govern, in Work magazine ventura county, the company of people I did not choose?” The question caught me off guard, much like the question posed to me in Mla heading research, Laredo. Then, I realized I knew the answer. Home Ventura County! I knew why the coat hanger had been handed to me. Mla Heading For A Research Paper! Growing up as the middle child in Work home county, my family, I was a vital participant in a thing I did not govern, in Phd thesis phenomenology, the company of people I did not choose. It’s family. It’s society. And often, it’s chaos. You participate by letting go of the small stuff, not expecting order and perfection, and facing the unexpected with confidence, optimism, and preparedness. My family experience taught me to face a serendipitous world with confidence.

It's very helpful to take writing apart in order to see just how it accomplishes its objectives. Stephen's essay is Work home ventura very effective. Let's find out why! An Opening Line That Draws You In. I had never broken into a car before.

In just eight words, we get: scene-setting (he is standing next to Phd thesis, a car about to break in), the idea of crossing a boundary (he is maybe about to do an Work home ventura county illegal thing for the first time), and Pay someone email, a cliffhanger (we are thinking: is he going to get caught? Is he headed for Work home county, a life of crime? Is he about to scholarships easy, be scared straight?). We were in Laredo, having just finished our first day at a Habitat for home ventura county, Humanity work site. The Hotchkiss volunteers had already left, off to How to write video, enjoy some Texas BBQ, leaving me behind with the college kids to clean up. Not until we were stranded did we realize we were locked out of the van. Someone picked a coat hanger out of the Work home county dumpster, handed it to me, and took a few steps back. Phd Thesis Phenomenology! “Can you do that thing with a coat hanger to unlock it?” “Why me?” I thought. More out of amusement than optimism, I gave it a try. I slid the hanger into Work magazine county the window’s seal like I’d seen on crime shows, and spent a few minutes jiggling the College scholarships easy apparatus around the inside of the frame. It’s the details that really make this small experience come alive. Notice how whenever he can, Stephen uses a more specific, descriptive word in place of a more generic one.

The volunteers aren’t going to get food or dinner; they’re going for “Texas BBQ.” The coat hanger comes from “a dumpster.” Stephen doesn’t just move the coat hanger—he “jiggles” it. Details also help us visualize the emotions of the people in the scene. The person who hands Stephen the coat hanger isn’t just uncomfortable or nervous; he “takes a few steps back”—a description of movement that conveys feelings. Finally, the detail of ventura, actual speech makes the scene pop. Instead of writing that the other guy asked him to unlock the How to write an essay conclusion video van, Stephen has the home magazine county guy actually say his own words in a way that sounds like a teenager talking. Coat hangers: not just for crows' nests any more! (Gotz/Wikimedia) Turning a Specific Incident Into a Deeper Insight. Mla Heading Research! Suddenly, two things simultaneously clicked.

One was the lock on the door. (I actually succeeded in ventura, springing it.) The other was the Mla heading for a realization that I’d been in this type of situation before. In fact, I’d been born into this type of magazine, situation. Not only easy does Stephen make the locked car experience a meaningful illustration of how he has learned to home magazine ventura, be resourceful and ready for anything, but he also makes this turn from the specific to the broad through an elegant play on the two meanings of the word “click.” Using Concrete Examples When Making Abstract Claims. My upbringing has numbed me to Phd thesis phenomenology, unpredictability and chaos. With a family of magazine county, seven, my home was loud, messy, and spottily supervised.

My siblings arguing, the dog barking, the phone ringing—all meant my house was functioning normally. “Unpredictability and chaos” are very abstract, not easily visualized concepts. Bristol! Not only that, but they could mean any number of things—violence, abandonment, poverty, mental instability. By instantly following up with highly finite and unambiguous illustrations like “family of seven” and “siblings arguing, the Work ventura dog barking, the phone ringing,” Stephen grounds the abstraction in something that is easy to picture: a large, noisy family. Phd Thesis Phenomenology! Using Small Bits of Humor and Casual Word Choice. My Dad, a retired Navy pilot, was away half the Work home ventura time.

When he was home, he had a parenting style something like a drill sergeant. Bristol Dissertation! At the home ventura age of nine, I learned how to clear burning oil from the with email surface of water. My Dad considered this a critical life skill—you know, in Work home magazine ventura, case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed. Phenomenology! Obviously, knowing how to clean burning oil is not high on the list of things every 9-year-old needs to know. Magazine County! To emphasize this, Stephen uses sarcasm by bringing up a situation that is clearly over-the-top: “in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed.” The humor also feels relaxed. Part of this is video because he introduces it with the ventura colloquial phrase “you know,” so it sounds like he is with talking to home magazine ventura county, us in person. This approach also diffuses the potential discomfort of the reader with his father’s strictness—since he is making jokes about it, clearly he is OK. Notice, though, that this doesn’t occur very much in the essay. This helps keep the tone meaningful and serious rather than flippant. Mr.

President? There's been an College easy oil spill! Then I want our best elementary school students on it, STAT. An Ending That Stretches the Insight Into the Future. But one day this fall, Dr. Hicks, our Head of School, asked me a question that he hoped all seniors would reflect on throughout the year: “How can I participate in a thing I do not govern, in the company of people I did not choose?” The question caught me off guard, much like the question posed to Work home ventura, me in Laredo.

Then, I realized I knew the answer. I knew why the coat hanger had been handed to phenomenology, me. Growing up as the middle child in my family, I was a vital participant in a thing I did not govern, in the company of Work ventura, people I did not choose. Video! It’s family. Work Home Magazine! It’s society. And often, it’s chaos. You participate by letting go of the small stuff, not expecting order and perfection, and facing the unexpected with confidence, optimism, and preparedness. My family experience taught me to face a serendipitous world with confidence.

The ending of the essay reveals that Stephen’s life has been one long preparation for the future. He has emerged from chaos and his dad’s approach to parenting as a person who can thrive in a world that he can’t control. Write An Essay Conclusion Video! This connection of past experience to current maturity and self-knowledge is a key element in all successful personal essays. Colleges are very much looking for mature, self-aware applicants. These are the home ventura county qualities of phenomenology, successful college students, who will be able to navigate the independence college classes require and the responsibility and quasi-adulthood of college life. What Could This Essay Do Even Better?

Even the best essays aren't perfect, and even the world's greatest writers will tell you that writing is never finished—just due. Work County! So what would we tweak in this essay if we could? Replace some of the cliched language. Phd Thesis! Stephen uses handy phrases like twists and turns and don’t sweat the small stuff as a kind of shorthand for explaining his relationship to chaos and unpredictability. Ventura! But using too many of these ready-made expressions runs the risk of clouding out your own voice and replacing it with something expected and boring. Use another example from recent life. Stephen's first example (breaking into best dissertation the van in Laredo) is a great illustration of Work home county, being resourceful in an unexpected situation. College Easy! But his essay also emphasizes that he learned to adapt by being different things to different people. It would be great to ventura, see how this plays out outside his family, either in the situation in Laredo or another context.

Example #2: By Bridget Collins, Tufts Class of email, '19 (Common App Essay, 608 words long) I have always loved riding in Work ventura, cars. After a long day in first grade, I used to fall asleep to the engine purring in my mother's Honda Odyssey, even though it was only a 5-minute drive home. My Art Cheap! As I grew, and graduated into the shotgun seat, it became natural and enjoyable to look out the magazine window. Seeing my world passing by through that smudged glass, I would daydream what I could do with it. Easy! In elementary school, I already knew my career path: I was going to be Emperor of the World. While I sat in magazine ventura county, the car and watched the miles pass by, I developed the paypal plan for my empire. Work Home Magazine Ventura County! I reasoned that, for paypal email, the world to run smoothly, it would have to Work, look presentable. I would assign people, aptly named Fixer-Uppers, to fix everything that needed fixing. That old man down the street with chipping paint on paper, his house would have a fresh coat in Work home ventura, no time. The boy who accidentally tossed his Frisbee onto the roof of the school would get it back.

The big pothole on Elm Street that my mother managed to hit every single day on the way to school would be filled-in. It made perfect sense! All the people that didn't have a job could be Fixer-Uppers. I was like a ten-year-old FDR. Seven years down the road, I still take a second glance at the sidewalk cracks and think of my Fixer-Uppers, but now I'm doing so from the driver's seat. As much as I would enjoy it, I now accept that I won't become Emperor of the term paper World, and magazine, that the Fixer-Uppers will have to phenomenology, remain in my car ride imaginings.

Or do they? I always pictured a Fixer-Upper as a smiling man in Work county, an orange T-Shirt. Maybe instead, a Fixer-Upper could be a tall girl with a deep love for Yankee Candles. Maybe it could be me. Bridget the Fixer-Upper will be slightly different than the How to write imaginary one who paints houses and fetches Frisbees.

I was lucky enough to discover what I am passionate about when I was a freshman in magazine, high school. A self-admitted Phys. Ed. addict, I volunteered to help out with the dissertation Adapted PE class. Work Home Magazine! On my first day, I learned that it was for developmentally-disabled students. To be honest, I was really nervous. I hadn't had too much interaction with special needs students before, and wasn't sure how to handle myself around them. Long story short, I got hooked. Three years have passed helping out in Pay someone, APE and eventually becoming a teacher in home magazine, the Applied Behavior Analysis summer program.

I love working with the students and College, watching them progress. When senior year arrived, college meetings began, and my counselor asked me what I wanted to do for a career, I didn't say Emperor of the World. Instead, I told him I wanted to home ventura county, become a board-certified behavior analyst. A BCBA helps develop learning plans for students with autism and other disabilities. Mla Heading For A Research Paper! Basically, I would get to home magazine ventura, do what I love for the rest of my life. He laughed and told me that it was a nice change that a seventeen-year-old knew so specifically what she wanted to do. I smiled, thanked him, and left. But it occurred to me that, while my desired occupation was decided, my true goal in life was still to become a Fixer-Upper. So, maybe I'll be like Sue Storm and her alter-ego, the Invisible Woman. Scholarships Easy! I'll do one thing during the day, then spend my off-hours helping people where I can. Instead of flying like Sue, though, I'll opt for a nice performance automobile.

My childhood self would appreciate that. Bridget takes a somewhat different approach than Stephen, but her essay is just as detailed and Work home county, engaging. Let's go through some of the strengths of her essay. Best! A Structure That’s Easy to Follow and Understand. The essay is arranged chronologically.

Bridget starts each paragraph with a clear signpost of where we are in Work home county, time: Paragraph 1: “after a long day in Bristol best dissertation, first grade” Paragraph 2: “in elementary school” Paragraph 3: “seven years down the road” Paragraph 4: “when I was a freshman in high school” Paragraph 5: “when senior year arrived” This keeps the reader oriented without being distracting or gimmicky. I would assign people, aptly named Fixer-Uppers, to fix everything that needed fixing. That old man down the magazine street with chipping paint on his house would have a fresh coat in write an essay conclusion, no time. The boy who accidentally tossed his Frisbee onto the roof of the school would get it back. Home Magazine County! Seven years down the road, I still take a second glance at the sidewalk cracks and think of my Fixer-Uppers, but now I'm doing so from the driver's seat. Phd Thesis Phenomenology! As much as I would enjoy it, I now accept that I won't become Emperor of the World, and that the Fixer-Uppers will have to remain in my car ride imaginings. Or do they? I always pictured a Fixer-Upper as a smiling man in an orange T-Shirt. Maybe instead, a Fixer-Upper could be a tall girl with a deep love for Yankee Candles. Maybe it could be me. I wanted to Work home magazine, become a board-certified behavior analyst.

A BCBA helps develop learning plans for students with autism and other disabilities. Basically, I would get to do what I love for research, the rest of my life. …But it occurred to me that, while my desired occupation was decided, my true goal in life was still to become a Fixer-Upper. What makes this essay fun to read is home magazine ventura county that Bridget takes a child’s idea of a world made better through quasi-magical helpers and turns it into a metaphor for the author’s future aspirations. It helps that the scholarships easy metaphor is a very clear one: people who work with students with disabilities are making the world better one abstract fix at a time, just like imaginary Fixer-Uppers would make the world better one concrete physical fix at a time. Every childhood Fixer-Upper ever. Ask your parents to explain the back row to you. (JD Hancock/Flickr) This essay uses many techniques that make Bridget sound genuine and make the reader feel like we already know her. Technique #1: humor.

Notice Bridget's gentle and relaxed humor that lightly mocks her younger self’s grand ambitions (this is different from the more sarcastic kind of humor used by Stephen in the first essay—you could never mistake one writer for the other). In elementary school, I already knew my career path: I was going to be Emperor of the World. I was like a ten-year-old FDR. Technique #2: invented terminology. The second technique is the way Bridget coins her own terms, carrying them through the whole essay. It would be easy enough to simply describe the people she imagined in Work home magazine ventura, childhood as helpers or assistants, and to simply say that as a child she wanted to rule the world. Instead, she invents the capitalized (and thus official-sounding) titles “Fixer-Upper” and “Emperor of the World,” making these childish conceits at once charming and Pay someone with paypal, iconic. What's also key is that the titles feed into the central metaphor of the essay, which keeps them from home magazine ventura, sounding like strange quirks that don’t go anywhere.

Technique #3: playing with syntax. For A! The third technique is to use sentences of varying length, syntax, and structure. Most of the essay's written in standard English and uses grammatically correct sentences. However, at key moments, Bridget emphasizes that the reader needs to sit up and pay attention by switching to short, colloquial, differently punctuated, and sometimes fragmented sentences. The big pothole on Elm Street that my mother managed to hit every single day on the way to home ventura county, school would be filled-in. Phd Thesis! It made perfect sense!

All the people that didn't have a job could be Fixer-Uppers. When she is magazine county narrating her childhood thought process, the sudden short sentence “It made perfect sense!” (especially its exclamation point) is Pay someone with paypal email basically the Work home magazine ventura essay version of drawing a light bulb turning on How to write conclusion, over someone’s head. Magazine Ventura! As much as I would enjoy it, I now accept that I won't become Emperor of the World, and that the Fixer-Uppers will have to remain in my car ride imaginings. For A Research! Or do they? Similarly, when the home ventura essay turns from her childhood imagination to her present-day aspirations, the turn is marked with “Or do they?”—a tiny and arresting half-sentence question.

Maybe instead, a Fixer-Upper could be a tall girl with a deep love for Yankee Candles. Maybe it could be me. The first time when the comparison between magical fixer-upper’s and the future disability specialist is made is when Bridget turns her metaphor onto Pay someone with paypal, herself. The essay emphasizes the magazine importance of the moment through repetition (two sentences structured similarly, both starting with the word “maybe”) and the use of a very short sentence: “Maybe it could be me.” To be honest, I was really nervous. I hadn't had too much interaction with special needs students before, and Mla heading, wasn't sure how to handle myself around them. Long story short, I got hooked. The last key moment that gets the small-sentence treatment is the emotional crux of the essay. As we watch Bridget go from nervously trying to help disabled students to falling in Work magazine ventura county, love with this specialty field, she undercuts the write an essay conclusion potential sappiness of the Work home county moment by relying on changed-up sentence length and slang: “Long story short, I got hooked.” The best essays convey emotions just as clearly as this image. What Could This Essay Do Even Better? Bridget's essay is very strong, but there are still a few little things that could be improved. Explain the car connection better.

The essay begins and ends with Bridget's enjoying a car ride, but this doesn't seem to be related either to the Fixer-Upper idea or to her passion for How to an essay conclusion video, working with special-needs students. It would be great to either connect this into home ventura county the essay more, or to take it out altogether and create more space for something else. Give more details about being a teacher in the Applied Behavior Analysis summer program. It makes perfect sense that Bridget doesn't want to put her students on display. It would take the email focus off of her and home magazine, possibly read as offensive or condescending. But, rather than saying long story short, maybe she could elaborate on her own feelings here a bit more. What is it about phenomenology this kind of teaching that she loves? What is she hoping to bring to the lives of her future clients? 3 Essential Tips for Writing Your Own Essay.

How can you use this discussion to better your own college essay? Here are some suggestions for ways to use this resource effectively. #1: Take Apart the Work county Other Essays in the Links. As you go through the essays we've compiled for you above, ask yourself the following questions: Can you explain to College, yourself (or someone else!) why the opening sentence works well? Look for the essay's detailed personal anecdote. What senses is the author describing? Can you easily picture the scene in your mind's eye?

Find the place where this anecdote bridges into home magazine county a larger insight about the author. How To Video! How does the essay connect the two? How does the anecdote work as an example of the author's characteristic, trait, or skill? Check out the magazine county essay's tone. If it's funny, can you find the best places where the humor comes from?

If it's sad and home magazine ventura, moving, can you find the best dissertation imagery and description of home magazine ventura, feelings that make you moved? If it's serious, can you see how word choice adds to this tone? When you figure out how all the cogs fit together, you'll be able to build your own . um . whatever this is. All of these essays rely on College, connecting with the reader through a heartfelt, highly descriptive scene from the author's life. It can either be very dramatic (did you survive a plane crash?) or it can be completely mundane (did you finally beat your dad at magazine ventura, Scrabble?).

Either way, it should be personal and scholarships, revealing about you, your personality, and the way you are now that you are entering the adult world. Let me level with you: the magazine ventura best writing isn't writing at all. It's rewriting. And in How to an essay, order to have time to rewrite, you have to Work magazine county, start way before the application deadline. My advice is to write your first draft at least two months before your applications are due. Phenomenology! Let it sit for a few days untouched. Then come back to it with fresh eyes and think critically about what you've written. What's extra? What's missing? What is in Work home county, the wrong place? What doesn't make sense?

Don't be afraid to take it apart and rearrange sections. Do this several times over, and your essay will be much better for it! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Phd Thesis! Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article!

Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is home county passionate about improving student access to higher education. You should definitely follow us on cheap, social media. You'll get updates on our latest articles right on your feed. Follow us on all 3 of our social networks: Have any questions about this article or other topics? Ask below and we'll reply! Series: How to Get 800 on Each SAT Section: Series: How to Get to 600 on Each SAT Section: Series: How to Work home ventura, Get 36 on Each ACT Section: Our hand-selected experts help you in a variety of other topics! Looking for Graduate School Test Prep? Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: Get the latest articles and test prep tips! © PrepScholar 2013-2015. All rights reserved. SAT® is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board TM . The College Entrance Examination.

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The Pearl-Qatar is being established and promoted through the United Development Company (UDC) which is the largest private sector shareholding organization in Qatar. UDC announced The Pearl Qatar on April 2003 but the physical work on the Island commenced on December 06 th 2004. My Art Cheap? Residents ranging above three thousand have occupied the Work ventura island as of the 2011 spring season. The construction of the Pearl project is very different from other man-made Island establishments in Middle East Region. Unlike common artificial islands that are constructed in regions with enough water depth that promotes ease of Pay someone paypal, access and deployment and huge equipment for dredging, The Pearl Qatar was constructed on an already existing shallow region which was actually a former pearl bank. Home? The filling process was thus minimized ( Mla Heading For A Paper? “Blue water dredging” was conducted both to create the county design water depth in the channels, the beach regions and Bristol dissertation the marinas and at the same time to give the water its superb blue color. Concrete is a very common construction material within the Pearl Qatar structures. Concrete tetra-pods have been used to protect the areas exposed to dangers like sea storms. The biggest part of the bed of the sea consists of cap-rock and limestone and therefore disadvantaged the services of ventura, a small, shallow drafted Cutter Suction Dredger. My Art Term Paper? The Cap-rock that was removed was large by volume compared to limestone. Home Magazine Ventura County? The construction applied limestone as an Pay someone paypal email under layer for the protection of the shore while the cap-rock was used in refilling the area to be reclaimed after it was reduced to sizes of choice.

Thus, this is the foundation upon county which the buildings stand. The construction includes the placement of rock revetments that are basically used to retain the my art term cheap structure of the sea at the bottom. Work Home Ventura? The interior region has been filled with sand covering up to the revetment top. A repeat procedure was conducted moving the revetment to How to write an essay video the interior ( Client Motivation, Interest and Orientation. The UDC identified and Work magazine ventura invested in the Pearl Qatar project which has been taken as a long-lasting socio-economic development. The main agenda has been to College boost the growth of home ventura, Qatar. Phd Thesis Phenomenology? One of the Work home magazine ventura main motivations is the position that it takes to provide a shareholder value that is good and How to economically feasible to home county client. The establishment of UDC in 1999 and its active participation in scholarships development works gives the client confidence the Work home magazine Pearl Qatar will be a magnificent establishment.

The start of UDC with an authorized share capital of QR 500 million and its listing on the Doha Securities Market in June 2003 renders big support and faith in the project. For A Research Paper? The UDC’s history of an authorized share capital of QR 1.609 billion, total assets of QR 11.008 billion as of 31 March 2001 shows signs of magazine county, success that is about to be replicated in the Pearl Qatar Project. Being the for a among Qatar’s most successful investors and developers, UDC’s founders and current Board Members are dependable for excellence. The mission of the company in being a basis in the developments of Qatar and the region is of great significance to the Pearl Qatar as it will create a lasting value and maximize returns for partners and the shareholders as well. For the Pearl-Qatar, UDC is committed to make it a unique living and cultural experience that integrates the best of the country's past and present offering diversity of Work, high quality living environments. Diversity of housing choices with the highest quality of accommodation was key objectives in the project's master planning.

Along with it being a recreational center, it is very important to know that the island is a big commercial enterprise for many nationals and internationals. Purpose of the Project. The Qatar Pearl is a project that was drawn with a many aims and objectives to address diverse needs. Initially, it was meant to act as a form of recreation of my art paper cheap, Qatar’s past in maintaining the country’s culture and pride while linking it with the present as a way of preserving heritage and history. Of great importance is Qatar’s long history of pearl production. The design of the Work home magazine county project is a commemoration of for a research, this legacy.

Another very important aspect following the Work home magazine county establishment of the for a paper project is the economic leap forward that the Work magazine larger Qatar has experienced over the last several years. This has transformed the Write term paper cheap region generally and the country in particular into Work magazine an exotic spot for international business persons as anticipated. The project was to my art term paper a bigger part meant to push the Work magazine ventura limits to a higher level is a sure way of not only enhancing this competitiveness, but also ensuring that other parts of the world benefit at the expense of Qatar’s sunshine of economic growth and development. This economic goal seems to be coming true given the number of international businesses that have already occupied pace in the completed first tower in the project ( The beneficiaries of The Pearl Qatar Project can be categorized into two main groups. On top of the people and general staff embarking on the project in different areas and facilities there are the residents and visitors who enjoy the services of the Bristol best project. For one, the residents are given the choice of selecting their preferred location in the island depending on their desired requirements and lifestyle. Work? The residents are expected to first make a choice of their destination and then a home for Bristol best, themselves. Three main marinas are set within distinct residential zones, Porto Arabia, Costa Malaz, and Viva Bahriya in addition to Isola Dana which is an exclusive chain of home magazine ventura, islands. Mla Heading Paper? Each Marina has its unique characteristics and home county lifestyle features (Travel-Wise pt 2, Porto Arabia).

The resident can make a choice from the many residential types such as: a private villa, a townhouse, a penthouse, a family apartment or a private island. On the other hand, The Pearl Qatar is a destination of quite a number of visiting groups coming from different backgrounds of culture. All the Write my art cheap same, visitors could also be locals, Arabs and other Internationals. The visitors fall under categories such as singles, couples, families, young and old among others. The Pearl Qatar offers many activities including dining, shopping, sea viewing, cycling, walking, and yacht marina activates. However, the Work home magazine county nature of the upscale retail stores, and moderate to expensive restaurants in addition to scholarships the manned gates, resulted in excluding the poor or labor class visitors.

Location in the City to Its Context. The Pearl-Qatar is located off the eastern shore of Work home ventura county, Qatar, approximately 20 kilometers north of the Pay someone with paypal city central business quarter of Doha and directly north of West Bay. A causeway has been constructed to link the island to the main land. The Pearl is Work home magazine ventura located between two Islands Al Saflyia and Al Alyia. The pearl project is also strategically positioned next to major cultural and commercial projects such as Katara, the underdevelopment currently developing city of Lusail, and Phd thesis phenomenology Doha Exhibition Center. The strategic location of Work home ventura, The Pearl-Qatar is also evident looking at the city of conclusion, Doha and its close proximity to the buzzing business district, the prestigious West Bay area and home magazine ventura being only 20 km from Doha International Airport (Google Map of Doha, Qatar). Physical description of the project as a whole, building functions, activities, and the visual and environmental aspect. The concept behind The Pearl-Qatar is basically to Bristol best offer unparallel lifestyle; fine homes on an island paradise, a shopping experience including fashion boutiques, cafes and restaurants featuring the world’s best-known brands, a water-side haven of marina life - all this and Work home magazine ventura county more combine to create an environment which is second to none in the Arabian Gulf region. Figure 1. The Pearl-Qatar.

(Retrieved January 5, 2012 from A number of concepts were considered in order to develop something really special. This included a merging of architecture, lifestyles and cultures, recalling North Africa, Mediterranean, Spain, and Italy on an Island made up of a number of separate districts, each with their own special character and How to write an essay ambiance. The plan for the development imagined an magazine ventura Island consisting of 10 individual districts; each would have its own character and identity. Mla Heading For A? They would all be connected by the latest technology to form the most advanced ‘Smart Island’ in the world. The Overall land area is 4.12 million sqm Riviera style reclaimed Island with a 32 km of new coastline, 350m from the mainland. The Island is around 5.5 km long and 3.65 km wide. The final establishment will consist of 27 km of roads, 44 km of waterfront and 200 kilometers of communication cabling. The project consists of three main marinas forming different sizes of semi circular shapes, with an island in the middle of each marina in Work home addition to an extended string of nine private islands. The marinas are set within distinct residential zones, each with unique characteristics and lifestyle features. Pay Someone Email? Following is an overall description of the project:

2 million sq feet of overall retail area = 626 outlets: Porto Arabia: 318 [Retail 208; Services 26; FB 84] Medina Centrale: 142 [Retail 78; Services 28; FB 36] Qanat Quartier: 166 [Retail 83; Services 33; FB 50] Marinas: A 4.5 m deep “blue-water-belt” was created around the island, which allows navigating with yachts. The Pearl Qatar has three marinas with a total capacity of 1002 berths. Porto Arabia marina = 782 berths. Viva Bahriya marina = 103 berths. Costa Malaz marina = 117 berths.

This is architecturally themed to echo the ventura county Moroccan-styled town homes and apartments. It features a recreational central island with a luxury hotel. It has 29 Maghreb-inspired towers, marina with 200 moorings and exclusive marina club, 2000 meter beach tower residences with one to an essay video three bedrooms apartments and magazine ventura penthouses. The relaxed atmosphere here is very much enjoyable. This is a tropical, spa-based island with beach villas. Others include Spas and wellness centers, hotel on Marsa Malaz islet and Costa Fayrouz. For A? Both architecture and landscaping evoke the atmosphere of a tropical island. It is an exclusive residential cove accessible to small watercraft and provides links from Qanat Quartier and Porto Arabia in addition to home magazine county sea access from the easy north.

This comprises of a string of nine independent 18,000 square meter average private islands with private beach and protected harbor. Home Magazine? It is accessed via a dedicated causeway and College easy gatehouse and offers the largest residential plots within The Pearl-Qatar. It is approached from the Work home extreme south-eastern tip of The Pearl-Qatar, initially via a bridge spanning a navigable channel. This is located at the gateway to The Pearl-Qatar (Google Map of Doha, Qatar). At 42-storeys, two of these buildings are the my art term paper cheap tallest structures with ‘pearl’ architectural features. It has 250 residential units as studio, one-, two-, or three-bedroom configurations plus three- and four-bedroom penthouses are planned. Home Ventura? Also, there are 200 varying townhouses. Each ‘parcel’ within the precinct is self-contained, with separate road access, dedicated services and parking. This comprises mixed villas and townhouses with landscaping and saltwater lakes located on the fringes of Viva Bahriya VILLAS.

Gated communities of villas and townhouses make up many of the residences in the so-called “garden” precincts (Google Map of Doha, Qatar). There is a lot of space of moving around. Villas set in landscaped gardens with tracks and pathways with sea and mainland views available Gated community .Up to five bedrooms. They are located north of Viva Bahriya, clubhouses, sports and other leisure facilities (Google Map of Doha, Qatar). This is planned around intricate canals and pedestrian-friendly squares and plazas. Colorful Venetian meets Arabian chic Canals waterfront leaving 400,000 sq ft of ‘festival’ shopping, townhouses and apartments Marina with 200 moorings, sailing club and boutique beachfront hotel. Additionally, there are one to four bedroom Townhouses low-rise residences overlooking canals and beaches. This is the Phd thesis phenomenology ‘town centre’; the island’s hub for amenities and facilities with 600,000 square feet of retail 400 residential units with parks and open spaces which will link and Work serve nearby residential areas.

Includes one and two bedroom units low-rise developments above retail zones based around a town square and adjacent streets, convenient parking close to all facilities. Located east of Viva Bahriya, it revolves around a concentric introvert, coliseum style layout (Google Map of Doha, Qatar). Community living with Roman-inspired architecture and Mediterranean style architecture, Centre Piazza, Leisure Clubhouse Promenade with artisan retail and FB offering Italian inspired fresh food market Wellness centers consisting of 285 apartments and 100 townhouses. Available in three distinct areas - West, Central and East villas line a meandering coastline along the entire southern fringe of The Pearl-Qatar. Readily accessible and positioned to take full advantage of its absolute beachfront location. Dissertation? Spacious homes with up to six bedrooms are available to meet the needs of a growing family. Work Home Magazine? Villas stand in semi-tropical gardens in absolute beachfront. This is Located at the Island South, overlooking beaches to the skyline of for a research, Doha.

It is developed in a series of semi circular apartment groupings in progressive step down from 7 storeys to 1 storey. Generally, there are over 700 apartments in one, two and three bedrooms. The architecture emphasizes the Work ventura county façade diversity. The Pearl-Qatar’s main harbor, Porto Arabia combines towers and townhouses. The Pearl’s Project first phase is set around a waterfront which is called La Croisette 2.5 kilometer pedestrian concourse lined with upscale shopping and dining (Porto Arabia, The Pearl-Qatar). The elevations designs are inspired by the French: Monaco and Mla heading research Provence; Italian: Tuscan and Florentine; and Work county Spanish: Catalan and Andalusia. The tower residences offer apartments with one to four bedroom homes or penthouses, fitness amenities, and home automation systems. Townhouses are available with one to four bedrooms direct marina views. My Art Term Cheap? Both are close to all dining and entertainment facilities.

Porto Arabia is characterized by a boulevard-style café culture. The focal point is the Arabian Piazza, with international blend of chic retail and dining. It provides luxury vehicle dealerships and bespoke jewelers to fresh-from-the-catwalk designer wear (Porto Arabia, The Pearl-Qatar). Porto Arabia will be the home of ventura county, residential towers lining a Riviera-like boardwalk around the How to write an essay conclusion video 400-boat slip marina. The bustling quayside is destined to become a cruising base, as well as a convenient spot to board exclusive boats, serving every corner of The Pearl-Qatar. The centre of Porto Arabia is Ras Croisette, with late-night restaurants and lounges. At the very heart of Porto Arabia lies the Marsa Arabia Island. Accessed via a causeway, this ‘island-within-an-island’ will feature an exclusive Four Seasons hotel serving Qatar’s business and leisure travelers.

Taxi and ferry services will be available to virtually all parts of The Pearl, as well as to various parts of Doha (Porto Arabia, The Pearl-Qatar). 31 Mediterranean-style towers with a total of 4,800 units 437 townhouses and low-rise terrace apartments 1,000,000 square feet of leas-able retail and ventura commercial spaces 14,514 parking spaces 320 retail units 3.63 kilometer corniche ‘La Croisette Boulevard’ 785-berth marina. Porto Arabia is the archetype of Riviera Arabia living acting as the my art term cheap home to the main harbor of The Pearl Qatar. It combines townhouses and elegant towers in a magnificent location. Porto Arabia is characterized with a lively promenade It houses a huge collection of prominent fashion brands and high-class beverage and food outlets. Port Arabia has captured the pulsating sophistication of the Riviera. It is a colorful conducive and refined establishment with high standards of living. Work Magazine? It is a continental harbor beating to the Arabian rhythm ( Every home in dissertation Porto Arabia has aspects facing the sea with most of Work magazine, them directly overlooking the picturesque harbor (Travel-Wise pt 2, Porto Arabia). All the homes feature luxurious amenities and an environment that is purely Mediterranean. There is College scholarships a lot of home magazine ventura county, plant cover within the Pay someone with paypal compound and around the car parks.

The trees are planted in lines round the Work home magazine ventura buildings towards the beaches. There are many other vegetation coverings on the land mainly to prevent erosion and Bristol best make the reclaimed land firm. These are mainly grass and some trees in part. The vegetation cover also includes beautiful flowers and Work home magazine palm trees planted in strategic positions for anchorage and aesthetic value (Travel-Wise pt 2, Porto Arabia). General design comprises of both ancient and Bristol modern architectural outfits representing a variety of culture and values. Each tower has its own pool and garden which makes the place very pleasant. There is strategically placed furniture for each tower where occupants can rest and have a panoramic view of the region. The design and construction was faced with some challenge. The impact of the establishment of the Work magazine ventura artificial island on paper the local marine ecology is a growing concern for environmentalists. As rising sea levels from magazine, global climate change could result in creating problems for these investments.

It is feared and considered an irony the very people who drive rising levels of the sea through their businesses emitting much of the greenhouse gases while it will certainly be some of the phenomenology first to encounter the Work magazine destructive effects of climate change. Construction activity is damaging the marine habitat, burying coral reefs, oyster beds and subterranean fields of sea grass, threatening local marine species as well as other species dependent on them for food. Environmentalists' concerns about the present state of Dubai's waters are not without warrant. Coral reefs and Write term paper their associated mangrove and sea grass habitats function on varied levels, providing a number of integral services. Among these values are the provision of food and shelter for a wide range of marine species, the protection of coastal regions from Work home, storms, the my art term paper cheap prevention of coastal erosion and the support of commercial fishing and recreational activities. The health of the coral reefs has been in a state of continuous decline over ventura the past 50 years. Bristol? The Arabian Gulf is one of the most grievously affected areas, with recent estimates of habitat loss pegged at 35 percent. Increases in temperature and salinity have previously been attributed as the leading factors in reef habitat degradation, but the new pressure from dredging serves only to exacerbate the home magazine county declining state of the environment. Having knowledge of these threats, the phenomenology Pearl Qatar project has not gone without responding to the environmental concerns by providing some remedial measures even though their effectiveness is yet to be validated. These include: avoiding the use previous methods used elsewhere in the Gulf to reclaim land; the construction of Work home magazine county, a coffer dam (or bund) around the development to ensure that all dredging run off was captured and the re-vegetation of the once disturbed sea grass beds. The climate in Pearl Qatar is closely related to the climate of the larger Qatar.

The earlier months of the year, January and February are among the coolest recording a temperature of around 22 0 Celsius. This however changes as from May when the temperatures rise to around 40 0 Celsius. This hot spell continues until September when they again drop to thirties. There is precipitation throughout the paper year although it is not of any significant amount. Generally, Pearl Qatar leans towards desert climatic conditions that are characteristic of most Middle Eastern countries. The residences in the Pearl Qatar are prone to hot weather conditions, and this is why the developers have made an effort to include cooling system in each and home county every building that is on the island. Buy The Pearl Qatar essay paper online.

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Writing an ventura effective CV is the vital first step towards your dream job. Here we walk you through creating the Write term cheap perfect CV. There is no such thing as a standard CV example. A CV is only “good” if it works…if it fulfils its purpose of marketing your skills and home magazine expertise. If you are receiving calls and emails because recruiters or employers have seen your CV, then you have a good CV that works for you. A good CV should provide a summary of your expertise and evidence of your achievements. Always keep in scholarships mind what the employer wants to get out of it: an understanding what you have to Work home magazine county offer a company. This should leap off the page. Too often, recruiters are presented with exhaustive bullet-pointed lists of everything a candidate has ever done in their career. Or a list of responsibilities cut and pasted from a job description.

In order to be filtered through to interview stage, applicants are expected to focus their CV on relevant achievements and expertise. You will likely only get this document into the hands of a recruiter or employer once, and for an average of 6 seconds. Here is how to make it count: You’re reading this on a job board so understand that this is scholarships a digital medium with high volumes of applications you are competing against. Good CVs must be optimised with key words relevant to magazine the jobs you are applying for. Scholarships. So, before you even start drafting your CV, find some job vacancies that you would like to target, then put yourself in the recruiters shoes and think what they would want the CV to look like. Highlight the key words and magazine ventura phrases that the recruiter is asking for, and only then should you begin with your CV. Keep it simple. A common mistake is for people to overly design their CV formats, meaning information about their actual experience gets lots in a wave of for a, colour and magazine font. Unless you’re applying to How to an essay video be a designer, where you can show off, use a standard word CV template, with lots of white space. Think about font too.

Pick a standard font, type size no smaller than 11 and Work magazine ventura county remember we’re not in the noughties – Comic Sans is for a paper a definite no-no. Length is ventura county generally still debated, but it should be two and paypal email a half sides max, as any more and the recruiter will assume that you can’t summarise information. Top tip: Recruiters are most interested in what you have done recently – they will scan the Work magazine second page and don’t want to see lots of detail. Phd Thesis Phenomenology. If they want to know more about your previous jobs they can ask you at the interview. Save it as your name and as a standard attachment so it can easily be emailed to Work home ventura recruiters. Image: Adobe Stock. 3. What personal details do I include? Key details to with paypal include into Work magazine ventura your CV: + Name and phenomenology address: While your name is fairly obvious, you might be surprised to Work magazine ventura county hear that you should ensure your address includes the first four digits of College scholarships, your post-code. Otherwise, your CV will be invisible if it is posted on job boards like this one and recruiters are searching its database.

They start with a geographical restriction (e.g 25 miles of county, IG10) to filter relevant CVs. + Telephone numbers: In today’s world, you probably only need a mobile number. Review your voicemail and Pay someone make sure it’s a personal and magazine county professional one. Recruiters like to hear your professional telephone manner and know they are leaving messages for the right person. If you are including a home number then ensure that other family members answer appropriately and pass on messages! + Email address: Use a sensible one; keep a jokey account name for personal use. You can’t present an air of being an uber professional with the Bristol best email address loudlinzi at hotmail dot com. - Date of birth: Don’t include this, it shouldn’t be relevant to Work ventura the huge majority of job roles. - Marital status: Why is Mla heading for a this relevant? No need to include. - Photo: Again, looks shouldn’t enter a recruiter’s equation anymore.

- Nationality: Not necessary to put anything unless it is obvious that you are applying from outside the UK/Europe in which case you might want to include information about home county your eligibility to phenomenology work here – e.g Nationality: Indian, Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) Migrant, eligible to Work home magazine ventura county work in the UK for Bristol dissertation, 2 years. Other things not to Work home ventura county include in your CV are here. 4. Should I add a personal statement? Think of a statement or profile section at the beginning of your CV as your shop front to tempt a recruiter in further. A good personal statement, is just a few sentences, that state what you’ve done in the past, what you want to do next and How to write an essay conclusion video the skills that bridge the two.

Importantly it must sum up the whole CV and explain why your application is relevant. Remember that you are competing against many other candidates so this section should explain what makes you stand out. Work Magazine. The rest of your CV will provide evidence of Write term paper, this. When you have drafted it ask yourself if this has addressed the needs of the home ventura county recruiter. Top tip: Avoid unsubstantiated opinions of yourself and statements like “ dynamic self-starter looking to with contribute in a challenging environment ”. Use specific statements like “ HR Manager with seven year’s public sector experience specialising in employee negotiations, now re-locating to Edinburgh .” Find out more about how to write a great personal statement on Work home magazine ventura a CV here. Image: Adobe Stock. Compiling your career history is an opportunity to share your experience and achievements as well as your suitability for the role in question. For each of the jobs on your CV, the basics should include: - Dates of employment (including the months as well as the Pay someone with email year).

Start with the most recent job first. - Company details. If you were employed by home, “XZA Industries” a recruiter may not know who they are. So, you could say “ UK and Asia Pacific based toy manufacturing business, employing 350 staff across 11 offices ” - Broad remit and research who you reported to, to explain the context of the role. For example, “ Reported to the Chief Operating Officer and home magazine ventura county held P L responsibility for driving sales of ?7 million across the organisation ” For each job on Mla heading for a research your professional CV, and particularly for the most recent roles, include three or four bullet point achievements. This is county what you can use to showcase how better suited to the role you are than the best dissertation other candidates. You’ve not just done the Work magazine jobs, you’ve excelled at them, so show them this in your CV. Remember to use the Pay someone with paypal same or similar key words and phrases from the advertisement.

Here are some prompts to help you remember your previous achievements: What have you done over Work ventura county, and above your job description? Where have you gone the extra mile? Where have you demonstrated flexibility, creative thinking or innovation? What projects have you been involved in and what was your contribution to the outcome? What legacy have you left behind? What problems did you solve? What did the team/business look like when you left compared to How to conclusion when you started and what part did you play in home ventura county that? Data and with paypal email detail is also your friend here. The more specific detail you can include in your professional CV (and the less waffle) the better. Costs, commercials, percentage improvements, key performance indicators met, targets met, costs saved, etc. “ Increased sales turnover by home ventura, 42% against a target of 35%, which made us the highest performer out of seven teams ” is much more effective than “ excellent sales management skills ” Be mindful of not revealing confidential company information.

Learn more about how you can talk about your achievements in your CV here. 6. Does anyone care about my education? The “ why am I telling them this ” rule applies here as well. Do you really need to Phd thesis phenomenology put your GCSE results on your CV if you have a degree? If you’re a Finance Director who needs your Maths A level results? Most people put their education after their career history, but if your education or professional qualifications are crucial to the jobs you are applying for Work home county, you may choose to put education and training before your career history. Remember, there is no right or wrong way – it’s what works best for you. Wherever you put your education, most recent qualification should come first. Top tip: A good example of a CV always studies the job specification closely, if educational attainment is featured prominently reflect this in your CV.

7. What if my hobbies aren’t of interest? Do they need to know that you like reading science fiction? Or cycling at the weekend? Well, in years gone by, many recruiters looking at a good CV would actually have said no. In businesses today though, cultural fit is really important and recruiters are looking for Write term, candidates who will gel with organisations they are recruiting for. So, be honest and use the skills to home magazine ventura your CV’s advantage. How To Write An Essay Conclusion Video. For example, fundraising for a local charity may reflect the Work magazine ventura county skills you need in your new role, so include it. Similarly, impressive results on the sports field may impress some employers. Pay Someone With Paypal Email. Also don’t be afraid of saying ‘beers with mates’, in years gone by this may have been frowned upon, but it can actually show in your CV, that you are sociable and likely to ventura get on with new colleagues. It’s fairly obvious that they are available upon request, so this CV section is now mostly redundant and can be missed out.

Print of Pay someone paypal email, your CV, sit down and have a good read through. Think “why I am telling them this?” If it isn’t relevant to the role you want next then don’t waste CV space telling them. “Works well in a team” is home ventura county implicit if you have had a successful career working as a team member. For A. You don’t need to home county spell it out. Lots of other online CV also direct you to fill in cheap superfluous detail – ask is it really necessary? For an office job in central London, does the recruiter need to know that you have a clean driving licence? Spell check the Work home county document. Then read it from Phd thesis, left to right and right to left. Get your mum to read it or your roommate.

A second set of Work home magazine, eyes is so important if you’ve had your head down looking at your CV for days. Make sure it is the Phd thesis phenomenology best example of a CV possible. You would be flabbergasted how many “mangers” send in their CVs! Top tip: Don’t solely rely on your computer’s spell checker, and magazine county if you do check it’s set to UK English! How to Get a Job – Your Action Plan. Character reference – What is it, and how do you get one? Identify Your Achievements for CV Interview. I find this interesting, I have been applying for jobs for the last 3 months and Mla heading paper I do not receive any feedback from jobs and have gone to extreme lengths I have changed my CV 4 times drove to companies and asked where the problem lies with my application and Work home ventura have been told sheer number of applications is the problem.

I am a fully qualified Carpenter and cannot find work in Leicestershire I was made redundant in 1/3/2012 after 9 years at the company and have never struggled to find work until now. Bristol Dissertation. I have applied for Work magazine ventura, all manor of jobs from driving a van to warehouse picking. So do not beat your self up people as I did I got very paranoid regarding my CV and thought I must be doing something wrong, the my art cheap truth is there are too many people looking for work- too many people in the UK, I called a job I had not heard back from and they told me they had 1500 applicants!! I had a reply saying they had received 470 other applications for an admin position. Good advice above, don’t get ‘paranoid’ if you don’t hear from magazine, applications. I have been unemployed since last year… viewpoint of a contractor who has worked for a variety of clients and their end. customers the advice above has numerous ‘holes in it.

For example. each of your jobs, include the company name and address, your job title and. dates of employment (including the Mla heading for a research months as well as the year).” I would. be interested to know why the author of Work county, this piece thinks the company address. is important plus as a contactor which address is email being referred to Work home county the client. (which one again for Pay someone email, example if they have sites across the UK and Work county your job did.

not involve visiting any of them) or the my art cheap end client client’s address. What if. the company name has changed since you worked for them, the Work home magazine ventura company has been. taken over or the company no longer exists. I’ve yet to see any CV writing. All the text between “Describe your career. history in terms of achievement”. and “Be mindful of not revealing confidential. company information.” Especially include three or four bullet pointed.

achievements. If the client/end customer is the MOD or similar a bit more than. confidentiality could be involved and to avoid problems it can be necessary to. use phrases about skills that are transferable and avoid anything like the an essay conclusion video sort. of material the author of the advice is ventura county expecting. please. Maximum two and a half.” And “You might also want to add in dissertation a line. about your broad remit and who you reported to, to explain the context of the. role.” If the context for one contract role takes more than 2 minutes time to.

explain to a recruiter on the phone I would be interested to hear how the. author could expect several roles not to Work magazine ventura county bust the 2.5 pages limit on Pay someone with their own. This difficulty is compounded by identical job titles and skills that have. multiple meanings requiring general context information of their own before the. specific context can be indicated. is fairly obvious that they are available upon request” . Not if the client. expects specific names at company names of line mangers. They can move on. without leaving forwarding details , retire or even have died but a number of.

recruiters seem to think you can keep referees available from your most recent. employers in all cases. I’ve worked as a. contractor on a project where the line manager (as well as the home magazine county work location) changed weekly and in some cases daily. Spell checking –According to Word.

2007 with the spell checker set to Pay someone paypal email English UK there are some typos in the text. above. I wonder how many job advert texts have spelling /typo problems? I would. have included in here “If you have time don’t check your CV just after writing. it look at home ventura county it later to avoid seeing what you thought you typed rather than what. is there and use a spell checker (with the phenomenology right dictionary)”.

Hello Big D. Thanks for taking the time to make these comments all of which seem very valid to me. At the Work magazine ventura county beginning of the How to write an essay article I said that there is no such thing as a generic “good” CV – a CV is only good if it works – i.e. Home Magazine County. gets you interviews. So, all these points may apply in different circumstances, according to the perspective of the best dissertation potential employer. Work County. So, for example, if the term paper cheap company name has changed then of course give both names and ventura explain the context if you feel this is necessary. What is the difference between a curriculum vite and a resume?

Very useful but it worries me that recruiters are only looking within a 25 mile radius – if you are a senior manager or live within 75 miles of London, you could well be looking for a job within that radius – it seems a little niave. For example many many people commute from Suffolk and Norfolk for example so that practice is a little concerning. Thanks for your comment. You are right of course – recruiters don’t always look within a specific 25 mile radius. I was just making the point that one of the conclusion video first filters they put on when searching CVs is a geographical one, to limit the number of magazine ventura county, CVs they have to screen. That’s why including a post code is important. Zena, thank you, this is an excellent article! I will make a few additional amends to my CV in light of College scholarships easy, your comments.

like so many looking to Work home magazine progress with their careers welcome advise on. successful job searching. Tailoring CV`s towards job descriptions’ is a. standard practice as is most of the advice from the article above. I believe. that the CV is fast becoming the old fashioned method for job applications and. should only be considered as the overview document for How to write an essay video, when we eventually sit. down at the interview, the important document being the personal statement which should be separated. from the home magazine ventura county CV as a cover letter.

This is the sales pitch with the Bristol best dissertation elevator speech. get this right telling them what they want to hear and an interview to home magazine ventura county discuss the. CV is very possible. Many companies are using on line application forms which will. restrict candidates doing what the author also explains.

I have very little faith. in recruiters as they seem more interested in the employer for their commissions. and not so much the individual jobseeker so I only ever apply direct to the companies. As such we cannot be held responsible for the views expressed here or any actions taken as a consequence. © Jobsite UK (Worldwide) Ltd.

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