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A (very long) essay on writing love, political communications, French style. Posted on 19 October 2011 | 12:10pm. The post has just arrived and in it a very nice surprise, the discovery that Jacques Seguela, one-time adviser to internships, President Mitterrand, now close confidant of President and Madame Sarkozy (indeed he intoduced them), and something of a legend in French political communications, has dedicated his latest book to little old moi . With apologies for the missing accents here and in writing essay, the French bits of the long posting which follows the learning essay dedication to writing, #8216; Le Pouvoir dans la Peau #8216; (Power in Mba term university, the skin) reads #8216; A Alastair Campbell, mon spin doctor prefere#8217; (three missing accents in Narrative writing essay love, one word mes excuses sinceres). So what did I do for this honour, you are asking? Well, perhaps the fact that he asked me to university, read his book, and write a #8216;postface#8217; assessment both of his writing and of the issues he covers, and the fact that I said yes, has something to do with it. Writing Love! He says some blushmakingly kind things in his #8216;preface to Mba term, the postface#8217;, which I will have to writing essay love, leave to French readers of the Top essay websites whole thing (published by Plon). But for the largely Anglophone visitors of this blog, I thought some of you might like to read the said #8216;postface#8217; in English (apart from the essay love bits where I quote direct from his book). I hope all those students who write asking for help help with dissertations will find something quotable in it.

Meanwhile I am off to Norway for a conference and a meeting with the Norwegian Labour Party. Narrative Writing Essay Love! I#8217;m looking forward to being in Mba term, the country with the highest #8216;human development index#8217; in the world, and which showed such a mature response to the recent massacre of Oslo and Narrative essay, Utoya. How To Essay Scholarship! Here is the postface to love, Le Pouvoir dans la Peau. Jacques Seguela writes about political campaigns and Professional essay help transfer, communications not merely as an expert analyst, but as an experienced practitioner. Hence his latest book contains both insights worth heeding, but also enlivening tales of his own experience. He is observer and participant; outsider looking in, and insider looking out. There is much to love, look at, not least in France with a Presidential election looming, and How to write a perfect essay introduction, the outcome far from writing love, easy to predict.

We live in a world defined by the pace of change, and whilst the velocity of that change has not always impacted upon our political institutions, many of which would remain recognisable to figures of history, it most certainly has impacted upon Service learning political communications. As Seguela writes: ‘En 5 ans le monde de la communication a plus evolue que dans les cents dernieres annees. #8216; Google, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook have quickly entered our language and changed the way we communicate, live our private lives, do business, do politics. People do not believe politicians as much as they once did. Nor do they believe the writing essay media. College! So who do we believe? We believe each other. The power and the political potential of social networks flows from that reality. Though fiercely modern in their application, social networks in some ways take us back to the politics of the essay village square. They are an electronic word of mouth on a sometimes global scale. This has changed the way people interact with each other and with their politicians. My first campaign as spokesman and strategist for paper university Tony Blair was in 1997, three years in writing, the planning after he had become leader of the Opposition Labour Party.

Some of the principles of strategy we applied back then would certainly apply to a modern day election. But their tactical execution almost certainly would not. Politicians and their strategists have to adapt to change as well as lead it. Seguela gives some interesting insights into those who have adapted well, and Economics textbook wells, those who have done less well. He clearly adores former President Lula of Brazil and you can feel his yearning for a French leader who can somehow combine hard-headed strategy with human empathy in the same way as a man who left office with satisfaction ratings of 87percent. Seguela probably remains best known in political circles for essay love his role advising Francois Mitterrand. Yet wheras I am #8216;tribal Labour#8217;, and could not imagine supporting a Conservative Party candidate in the UK, Seguela came out Mba term university, as a major supporter of Nicolas Sarkozy. I wonder if one of the reasons was not a frustration that large parts of the Narrative writing left in France remain eternally suspicious of modern communications techniques and styles which, frankly, no modern leader in a modern democracy can ignore. How he or she adapts to, or uses, them is up to them. Service Learning! But you cannot stand aside and imagine the world has not changed. If Lula is a star of this book, so too is Barack Obama.

American elections are of Narrative essay love enormous interest to Top essay writing ten, all political campaign junkies, a category in writing essay love, which both Seguela and Service log sheet, I would almost certainly qualify. Much is made of Obama#8217;s use of the internet, a relatively new phenomenon in historical terms and one the young Senator used brilliantly in writing essay love, his quest to become President. Yet though it was an accurate expression of solutions his modernity, underpinning its use were some very old-fashioned campaign principles. He used it to turn supporters into activists who both gave funds and writing, also took his campaign materials and ideas and ran their own campaigns for him. Economics Textbook! Somehow he managed to make one of the most professional, most disciplined and best funded campaigns in history look like an enormous act of democratic participation. It was less command and control the model we certainly adopted in 1997 and 2001, Labour#8217;s two landslide victories, easing off a little for our third win in 2005 than #8216;inspire and empower.#8217; #8216;Yes we can#8217; not #8216;yes I can#8217;. Writing! His supporters were more than supporters.

They were an active part of the campaign, and help students internships, of the message. The key to this was something that had nothing to do with politicians and everything to do with science, technology and the internet. Ask me who has had the most influence on Narrative writing love, campaigns in recent times and Economics textbook, I might be tempted to reply Tim Berners-Lee, the man credited with gifting the web to the world. Narrative Writing Essay Love! Its implications have been far reaching in Writing for college students internships, virtually all aspects of our lives, politics and political campaigns foremost. Essay Love! The new household brand names of the Economics cyber era have not replaced good policy work, messaging and organisation. Love! But they have become essential components of the execution of them in the campaign. Mainstream conventional media remains important and Writing for college students, influential, not least because, bizarrely, in writing essay love, most democracies the broadcasters continue to let the press set their agenda for them. But a candidate who tries to stand against the tide of new media will be making a big mistake, and missing big opportunities. If it has changed so much in the last five years, how much more will it change in wells, the next five years?

They will also be making a mistake if they think social media can be managed and massaged in the way that, often, mainstream media have been. Narrative! The key on internships, this I agree totally with Seguela is authenticity. And that should be good news for authentic political leaders and an authenticity hungry public alike. The public tend to get to the point of an election. Seguela has an interesting account of the last UK election and in particular the first ever televised Leaders#8217; Debates. Writing! Though I had worked on three campaigns for Tony Blair, I am sufficiently tribally Labour to have answered a call from his successor, Gordon Brown, to go back to help him for his first election campaign as leader in 2011. One of the roles I ended up playing was that of David Cameron in Brown#8217;s preparatory sessions for the TV debates. These debates mattered, that much was sure.

Election planning for Blair, I had always been doubtful about the benefit of such debates in a Parliamentary democracy where our leaders meet each other week in week out in the crucible of the Mba term House of Commons. I was worried the media would make them all about themselves, and that the policy issues would be drowned out. So it proved. Narrative Writing Essay! Yet in Economics textbook wells, a way the Narrative writing essay love public did get to the point they wanted to. They did not particularly want Labour back after 13 years in textbook solutions wells, power. They did not particularly yearn for David Cameron and a Conservative Party unsure about its direction. So the third party leader emerged through the middle. Nick Clegg was judged the clear winner by the instant reactions of public and media alike. For a few days he seemed impregnable.

Yet come the vote, he did not make a huge breakthrough. It was only Narrative because neither Labour nor the Tories could get over the line that Clegg ended up as deputy Prime Minister in wells, a coalition government. The country had not been able to make its mind up, delivered a muddled result and asked the leaders to sort it out. The leader who came first and writing, the leader who came third did a deal to do so. I think Seguela is too kind to Cameron. Any rational assessment of the political landscape before the last UK election would have suggested a Tory victory. Labour in power a long time; the economic crash; a Parliament dominated by paper, a scandal involving MPs#8217; expenses; Iraq back in the news because of the official Inquiry; Afghanistan not going well; the press even more strongly in favour of a Tory win than they had been for a Labour win in 1997, and vicious about Brown.

Also the Tories had big money to spend on the campaign and Labour did not. Yet Cameron could not secure a majority. Essay! Why not? There is no simple answer. The wonder of democracy lies in millions of people having their own experiences, impressions and Writing help for college, judgements before deciding how to cast their vote. But the strategist in me says the simple answer is that Cameron lacked real strategic clarity. I think Sequela would agree that for writing love all the changes that technological and mediatic change has forced upon political campaigns, strategy remains the key.

The cyber era has forced campaigners to rethink tactics, but strategy remains more important. He and I are clearly in Professional college essay transfer, agreement that John McCain#8217;s appointment of Sarah Palin as running mate, for example, was a tactical masterstroke, but a strategic catastrophe. Narrative Essay! Tactically, he excited his base, gave the media a new toy, and momentarily unnnerved his opponent. Strategically he blew a hole through the two central planks of his campaign experience, and being different from George Bush. In putting tactics before strategy, he broke one of the help golden rules of writing essay love campaigning.

Strategists like rules. We like points of textbook solutions wells principle to act as anchors. I like the rules in Seguela#8217;s Chapter 5. On vote pour une idee. Pas pour une ideologie. On vote pour soi. Pas pour son candidat. On vote pour un homme. Pas pour un parti. On vote pour le professionalisme.

Pas pour l#8217;amateurisme. On vote pour un projet pas pour le rejet. On vote pour le coeur. Narrative Writing Love! Pas pour le rancoeur. On vote pour le futur. Pas pour le passe. On vote pour le bcbg. Pas pour le bling bling. It is charmingly French that he illuminates the How to write essay introduction scholarship rule about voting for le couer pas pour le rancour to Narrative love, a tale of love and sex. Service Essay! #8216;Si votre femme vous trompe, ce n#8217;est pas en couvrant d#8217;insulte son amant que vous le reconquerez. Mais en lui redonnant envie de vous. La mecanique electorale est le meme, se faire elire c#8217;est se faire preferer.#8217; That may seem glib.

But politics is a human business. It is about feelings as well as policies, emotion as well as reason. People often talk about their political leaders as though in a relationship with them. #8216;He#8217;s not listening #8230; Why on earth did he do that? #8230; I#8217;ve gone off him #8230; Oh, I still like him deep down.#8217; Political leaders sometimes talk of the people in writing, the same way. Essay Introduction Scholarship! How many times did I sit in the back of a car with Tony Blair, or fly over Britain in a ‘plane and he would look down and writing, say #8216;God, I wish I knew what they were thinking #8230; Do they still like us?#8217; Back at the time of our first landslide, talk of the country #8216;falling in love#8217; with Blair was widespread. Today, the biggest accusations of How to write a perfect essay betrayal against Narrative writing essay love Blair will often come from those who #8216;fell in love#8217; most deeply at the outset of his leadership. Perhaps this trend towards relationship politics is being exacerbated by the tendency towards younger leaders. Obama, Cameron, Sarkozy, Merkel these are people who came to power much younger than their counterparts down the centuries. Seguela, a man of a certain age, remains fascinated by youth and its impact. Mba Term Paper! The brand manager in him can barely disguise his glee that Coca Cola, the drink of the young trendy, is Narrative essay love, 130 years old.

You can sense the excitement he felt on meeting the young Americans not born when Seguela was advising Mitterrand who had developed Obama#8217;s digital strategy and Top essay writing, so helped deliver a mailing list of 13m people. The focus on Narrative writing essay, youth also dominates his analysis of the learning essay political consequences of the economic crash whose impact runs through these pages, and offers some fascinating factoids half of all Europeans are over 50, whilst three quarters of Algerians are under 25. There are as many people under 30 in writing, China as in Russia, the US and Australia combined, and in India twice as many as in China. That too is solutions wells, a powerful force of global change, and Narrative love, will have its impact on Economics, Western politics of the future. As to what it all means for the next French elections, I don#8217;t know. But this book provides part of the backdrop, economic and political. It should make interesting reading for anyone involved in that campaign.

Whilst clearly still of the view Sarkozy was and is the right choice for France, (though the polls at Narrative, the time of writing indicate he is in a minority) he throws out websites, ideas and challenges for love right and left alike. As traditional lines are drawn, careful reading might provoke candidates and help, parties to see that they should always be looking to the next new ideas, not merely repackaging the Narrative writing last new, let alone the old. Top Essay Writing Websites Ten! I was in love, Paris recently as a guest of the left think tank, Terra Nova, and for college students internships, met politicians, advisors, militants, experts, journalists and bloggers. I came away with some strong impressions. Narrative Essay! Firstly, virtually everyone told me that President Sarkozy was hugely unpopular, and his ratings as low as it was possible to websites, go. Yet many of the Narrative same people told me he could still win. Service Essay! They know he relishes a campaign. They suspect he may have learned from some mistakes. Writing Essay! Incumbency is a powerful weapon.

A comeback is a powerful narrative. And they worried that with the President so unpopular, the economy sluggish, social issues raw, and the left in Writing help for college students, power in Narrative writing essay love, many parts of France, the PS should have been doing far better in the polls (to which, incidentally, French politicians and media pay far too much attention.) Of course this was pre selection of a PS candidate. Many of the Top essay websites Socialists agreed with my analysis that once they had chosen the Narrative love candidate, they needed to unite behind that candidate, resist their historic predilection for factionalism, run a campaign that was fresh, energetic and based upon a programme totally focused on the future and Writing for college students, one which addressed people#8217;s concerns. They agreed too that the PS could no longer look down its nose at communication, but had to see it not just as an writing, essential element of campaigning, but a democratic duty at for college students internships, a time when people have so many pressures on essay, their lives and living standards, and concerns about the world around them. But though they agreed with the analysis, some worried about the Party’s capacity to deliver upon it. The fear of another defeat ought to be enough, surely, to deliver on the first and essential part: unity. As someone on Mba term paper university, the progressive side of the political divide, I continue to think the French left#8217;s over intellectualisation of writing essay love politics, its focus on never-ending debate instead of agreement around big points and unity behind one accepted leader remains a problem. I added that I felt the way was wide open for someone to come along and set out, with total honesty and clarity, the challenges ahead, the limitations of what one leader or one country can do, but explain the world and begin to shape direction.

In other words, what I sensed behind the seeming confusion and solutions wells, rather disgruntled nature of French opinion was a real desire for leadership of a strategic rather than a tactical nature. Narrative Essay! There too, there were concerns, not least because of memories of the Service learning log sheet negative impact on Lionel Jospin’s campaign when he stated – truthfully – that the Narrative essay State could not do everything. I heard a lot about Marine Le Pen and certainly the write polls tell a good story for the leader of the Front National. She has certainly shown she can mount a campaign and get the essay love media to accept a sense of change. When even her enemies refer to as Marine, rather than the more toxic Le Pen, that is something of a success. But whenever I have heard her, I have not heard a powerful argument for the future of France.

So France enters a fascinating period, where not one single person I met predicted the Economics textbook solutions outcome of either first or second round without at least some doubt in their eyes. When things are so tight, communications can make the difference. It is not a dirty word. I don#8217;t agree with all of Seguela’s analysis. I don#8217;t accept that only four US presidents radically changed the Narrative writing country. I am not entirely convinced that la pub de la pub is more important than la pub.

I am not sure that David Cameron#8217;s loss of a child had the political impact Seguela thinks it did. I think Brits will be also be surprised at the dominant role he gives in the Tory campaign to his colleague David Jones. I think he overstates how Sarkozy is seen in the world. I agree with him that we need to be cautious about the potential abuse of the internet which has no global governance or regulation to match, but I#8217;m not sure I agree this risks being #8216;en bras arme de l#8217;anarchie#8217;. But it is websites ten, a book full of understanding of some of the big themes and the small details required for a successful campaigning mindset.

He is, as one would expect for someone who has been close to different leaders, clued up on the importance of good chemistry between leader and strategist. He understands the essay importance of body language as well as language. He knows the importance of emotion as well as reason. He understands how the web is changing politics. One of Economics my favourite phrases is Narrative essay love, that #8216;life is on the record#8217;. He has a different way of solutions putting it. #8216;Le #8220;off#8221; n#8217;existe plus desormais.

Tout ce que vous direz pourra se retourner contre vous.#8217; It is why the whole #8216;droit d#8217;etre oublie#8217; is emerging as a debate. How many of the young men and women today filling the web with pictures and confessions from writing love, their private lives may end up running for office one day, and regretting their openness? On verra. Perhaps I can end where I began, with the changes the social media has brought. How To Write Scholarship! At the last election Labour did not do poster campaigns. This was a shame. In previous campaigns we had had some brilliant posters. Writing! But under Gordon Brown, we had very little money for Service essay log sheet the campaign. Narrative! The Tories had plenty of it and, as Seguela records, they ran a lot of posters. One of solutions wells their most expensive billboard campaigns was of a giant photo of Cameron with an anti-Labour slogan #8216;we can#8217;t go on like this.#8217; Someone noticed that the Tory leader#8217;s face had been airbrushed. This fact became the source of thousands of tweets.

Then someone set up a website where people could send their own, largely anti-Tory, versions of this poster. These were sent in in their thousands, and many were much better, wittier and more politically devastating than the original. I#8217;ll tell you when I knew they had wasted their money when the newspapers carried photos of Narrative essay one giant poster site which had been defaced #8230; Cameron#8217;s hair had been replaced with a painted version of Elvis Presley#8217;s hair, and to the slogan #8216;we can#8217;t go on like this#8217; had been added the words of one of Elvis#8217; most famous songs #8230; #8216;with suspicious minds#8217;. Economics Textbook! The combination of the internet and wit had reduced the writing political impact of a hugely expensive campaign to zero. That is Top essay writing, my final thought as you begin to read Jacques Seguela’s account. It is a quote from a former colleague, Labour MP Hazel Blears #8230; #8216;Campaigning is like sex. Writing Love! If you#8217;re not enjoying it, you#8217;re not doing it properly.#8217; The ego has landed. fascinating view on the affective, the emotional response of the individual. Tories always bang on about how they view what Labour left them as nefast and noxious, Labour defends limply- the truly great things we did in fact achieve.

The above text would clearly show both miss the point. On vote pour le futur. Pas pour le passe. The presidential focus of this text On vote pour un homme. Pas pour un parti- may jar greatly with many in this country. T.B was viewed as too much this way by many. Another masochist ? It#8217;s truly weird. The emergence of social media is an Writing help students, interesting development and may, in time, alter the political dynamic.

It is satisfying to be able to Narrative essay love, debate issues online, particularly important for those on the left who so rarely see or hear progressive opinions in the media. Since joining Twitter I feel better informed and in touch with political issues of the essay day. Writing Love! Useful campaigning information can be spread quickly and it has the potential to strengthen social bonding between groupings of like minded people. I am surprised how many journalists, media organisations and politicians are active on Twitter. It seems they at least, are aware of its potential and are wary of ignoring its influence. I suspect much of the antagonism directed towards Nick Clegg was spread through social media. Tenagers don#8217;t generally read newspapers or watch TV news, but they do talk to each other via Facebook. Let#8217;s hope it will make a difference. Since the collapse of widescale union membership, too many natural Labour supporters don#8217;t hear our political message. Mba Term! Most probably read right wing papers and watch Sky TV. We need to maximise our reach through new social media to counteract the all pervasive right-wing bias everywhere else.

Norway is an Narrative, amazing modern country, and how it has used it#8217;s oil and natural resouces for the best of all its people should be a set lesson to any country in Writing help for college, the World. Efficiency in it#8217;s extraction, and Narrative writing essay love, efficiency in Top essay writing ten, using its resulting wealth. And this group from Norway here I have always liked since they started up, here with a guest star from Sweden. Writing! Royksopp and Robyn, And well done for having respect from La France, but that personally does not surprise me. But the book on sharp end political communication, to tell you honestly, is not up my street.

I am into other things in life, you might have noticed. Anyway, Alastair, isn#8217;t it about time you thought of becoming an MP? Glenda Jackson was older than you when she became one, if I remember right. Ah yes, just checked, she was about 56, while you are only, ahem!, 54, but without a couple of oscars#8230; you total wanks.

I know who you are and everything. Paper University! You are pathetic in trying to be higher. Higher than what, you tell we banging keyboard in essay love, your own worlds. How To Write Introduction! Need a keyboard to grow vegetibles? Don#8217;t think so somehow. Narrative Essay Love! Time, ey? Who#8217;ll have it? Raised with praise to die?

Parentals withering before eyes, heartbreaking before yourself die. Economics Textbook! Life, who#8217;ll have it? asked? Not by Narrative essay love, many with sense. To see life#8217;s gymnastics performed, buck over Writing internships, a horse yes or no the normed. More scandanavian, with a 23 windowed VW german Samba minibus, and red riding hood, yes, her and her subliminal hidden story, Grimm from Copenhagen-like, Saw Clarissa Dickson show today brilliant! Especially when she said you would most probably have a glass of wine, while I will partake in a ginger beer. Have wild garlic growing everywhere around here, with those baggy flowers and that smell in the air when you pass them. Will have to note them so to dig the bulbs when ready. Gawd knows what garlic strain they be though.

After helping Tony Blair to secure a historic third term in office, Alastair Campbell might have hoped to make good his long-planned escape from Narrative essay, Downing Street. Blair, and Gordon Brown, had other ideas. Having negotiated Brown’s pivotal role in Writing internships, the 2005 election victory, Campbell then became fundamental in the transition from Narrative, one Prime Minister to another.

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akml 2rayet el essay ele ana ft7to m4 aktr . University? we hwa 3mal ybw5 , a3ml eh tyb . aktb ad eh ya bay5 enta . wah . deh m4 tre2a . t3amlo beha el dyof bto3ko 5als . ento btkrhona fe el mge 3ndko . Essay Love? we kda ht5sro kter › Home › Health › Medicine Read this college essay and over writing websites, 1800000 others like it now. . Success is not a gift, it should be hard to achieve and it matters how it is accomplished. Narrative Writing Love? Free success Essays and for college students, Papers -. Essay , Essays , Failure 510 Words | 4 Pages. ? How do you assess an ideology? An ideology is the study of ideas, or ‘a science of ideas’. ‘It forms the basis of . economic or political theory and policy’ or can be a ‘set of beliefs of a social group or individual’ (Press n.d.) In order to Narrative writing essay, assess an ideology it is essential to textbook solutions, know how to asses, this is Narrative when you evaluate the Writing for college, nature, ability or quality of something. However it is difficult to assess an Narrative writing ideology as it is a contested concept, it is impossible to define as it is fundamentally hard. Bourgeoisie , Communism , Ideology 1304 Words | 5 Pages. Why is writing an paper essay so frustrating?Learning how to write an essay can be a maddening, exasperating process, but . it doesn't have to be. If you know the Narrative love, steps and understand what to do , writing can be easy and college help transfer, even fun.

This site, How To Write an Essay : 10 Easy Steps, offers a ten-step process that teaches students how to write an essay . Narrative? Links to the writing steps are found on the left, and additional writing resources are located across the top. | Learning how to Top essay writing ten, write an essay doesn't have to. Clearing , Essay , Essays 1908 Words | 5 Pages. How Badly Do You Want to Be Successful? How Badly Do You Want To Be Successful? How badly do you want to be . successful? It’s a pretty simple question isn’t it, and I’m sure you and everyone else who has ever been asked would say; very badly or that they would do anything to be successful. But would they really? See everyone wants to essay love, be successful but no one wants to work for it.

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No matter how similar college. Essay , Paragraph , Writing 757 Words | 3 Pages. How to Analyze an Narrative Expository Essay. Expository writing, in general, is present everywhere. How To A Perfect Introduction? When you pick up a magazine or examine a newspaper article on the newsstand, . you are reading a form of exposition because the writing love, author's main purpose of Economics wells writing that article or essay is to inform the Narrative essay, reader about a topic. In the classroom, many students are required to How to write introduction, produce research papers about a specific topic, such as migration patterns of birds. The purpose of that research paper is to inform the reader, the writing, teacher, about what are the migratory. Bathing , Bathroom , Bathtub 1684 Words | 4 Pages. How To Find Success In IB Biology. ?Shahamat Chowdhury How to find success in IB Biology The International Baccalaureate program offers many classes in the vast . majority of SL and HL credits with the program and does so with the solutions wells, science section of the program. Narrative Writing Essay? There are many different HL science classes that can be taken in IB but here at Edison, there are only two classes offered once you become a senior who is writing websites looking to take an HL science class.

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Continuing Academic Success Essay. ?Continuing Academic Success Alejandra Ruvalcaba General Education 12/13/14 Pete Medina “Continuing Education Success ”, . College Essay Help? personally I never even thought about this nor about setting educational goals for myself, like obtaining a bachelors in criminal justice to achieve a good paying job. In this class I learned how important it is to make my education a priority so I do not get sidetracked by other things that are also important in my life. Setting educational goals for my academic success is a very important. Education , Educational psychology , Goal 1211 Words | 5 Pages. How do you define happiness? Prepared for: Mr. Narrative Essay? Rotella as a requirement for Composition I . Introduction? Prepared by: Kaitlyn Stewart 10/06/2014 Webster’s Dictionary defines happiness as “feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, or situation”, when in reality it is Narrative writing essay much more.

Happiness can be achieved in many ways, but once one a person fails they cease to paper university, try again. That failure holds them back from love, achieving the writing websites, happiness that they deserve. Achieving happiness can be an easy task if you look. Eudaimonia , Happiness , Life 706 Words | 1 Pages. How to write an writing love essay ( 9 easy steps) Writing an Essay 1. Define the Writing internships, context of your essay . The context is the scope of the essay . . Writing Love? What are you being asked to write about? The context can include multiple parameters including: Topic. Sometimes your teacher or professor will give you a prompt that you're required to use. Writing Websites? If you do get an option to pick your own topic, then choose something that you genuinely want to become an expert about or something you feel passionate about discussing. Essay? Format.

The length of the essay , the way. Cotton , Essay , Essay mill 1258 Words | 5 Pages. How Do You Say It? Alberto Alvaro Rios. Victoria Jeudy English Comp. 2 Professor Shirokova March 26, 2013 How do you say it? Alberto Alvaro Rios . writing is very compelling. He makes statements that give you a sense of paper university wonder.

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The . Economics Solutions Wells? dictionary defines success in essay love, two ways: the accomplishment of one’s goals and log sheet, then the attainment of wealth or position. Narrative Writing Essay Love? I believe you can be successful in Mba term university, two ways as well: you can be successful in your career and you can be successful by doing what makes you happy and living a fulfilling life to your standards. Narrative Essay Love? You don’t have to have a huge mansion on top of a private hill. Future , Help me , Homework help service 1907 Words | 5 Pages. WHAT IS THE CCOT ESSAY -the CCOT deals specifically with analysis of continuities and changes over time covering at least one of the perisds . in the coarse outline -for examples it might address technology ,trade, culture, migrations, or environment -the CCOT questions requires analysis of How to a perfect process and explanation of the cause with specific examples THE PURPOSE -the evaluate your availing to analyze historical changes and Narrative writing essay, continuities that. Have shaped events social political economical. Question 707 Words | 4 Pages. Do You Really Know Yourself? Throughout time great philosophers have pondered the question of what knowing your self is. . Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Alcibiades have somewhat of a similarity when it comes to scholarship, identifying one’s self.

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How are you going to argue your point?[1] It can seem a bit intimidating at first, but with some good preparation and a little hard work, you can. Essay , Introduction , Rhetoric 1089 Words | 3 Pages. How To Measure TQM Success ? By [ ]Dr. LM Foong Implementing TQM is an . initiative many organizations wanted to embark on. Assuming that you are a leader of this organization, a common question you probably asked would be: “ How do I know whether my organization is successful in implementing TQM?” TQM implementation has been in Narrative writing, my mind for a long time and I wondered how to measure the writing websites ten, success of Narrative writing essay TQM implementation in an organization. If we take an. Goods , Lean manufacturing , Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award 1974 Words | 6 Pages. How do you stop stress?

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It is something that everybody wants. For some, “ success ” means having a lot of money, fame and Professional college help, power, but for some, success does not necessarily means having a lot of writing essay love monetary things. When I ponder at college, what society tries to Narrative essay, influence my view on success , I see constant. Bourgeoisie , Max Weber , Middle class 1852 Words | 5 Pages. ?Writing an Writing help for college students essay Define the context of your essay . The context is the scope of the essay . What . are you being asked to write about? The context can include multiple parameters including: Topic.

Sometimes your teacher or professor will give you a prompt that you're required to use. If you do get an essay option to pick your own topic, then choose something that you genuinely want to become an textbook expert about or something you feel passionate about discussing. Format. Writing Essay Love? The length of the essay , the way the. Essay , Essays , Short story 1159 Words | 4 Pages. The essays asked for Harvard admissions this year are epitome of ‘eloquence in brevity’.

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How to Write a Reading Response Essay. How to Write a Reading Response Essay What is a Reading Response Essay ? A Reading Response essay : . * Summarizes what you read. * Gives your reaction to the text. Paper University? Your reaction will be one or more of the following: * Agreement/disagreement with the ideas in the text. * Reaction to how the ideas in the text relate to your own experience. * Reaction to writing love, how ideas in learning essay log sheet, the text relate to other things you've read. * Your analysis of the author and audience. * Your evaluation. Article , Cellular network , Essay 1464 Words | 5 Pages. ? How Do You Process and Narrative love, Learn Information? There are “effective strategies for learning, dealing with information . overload based on over 100 years of research on learning, memory and, more recently, information processing”. Narrative Love? (Rollins Zahm,2006) Environment information is received, processed and then stored by a series of processing systems.

Researchers goal's is to determine the processes and structures that allows cognitive performance and how to How to write introduction, improve it. Love? These processing systems interpret information. Baddeley's model of working memory , Declarative memory , Hippocampus 1128 Words | 5 Pages. 12, double-spaced; state the help for college students internships, word count at the top of the Narrative, paper). Paper University? The task: Analyze the sequence assigned to your section (make sure you are . Essay? writing about the Mba term paper university, correct sequence!). Love? Make an Writing students argument about how formal elements, such as mise-en-scene, sound, and editing, to essay, convey content: how the formal elements develop characters and the relationships between them, how they organize the How to a perfect introduction, plot, or convey themes. Narrative Essay? The sequences for learning essay, all the sections can be accessed here: Fibonacci number , Logic , Rhetoric 1172 Words | 4 Pages. How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay.

Just Because. . . That’s Why Writing Cause and Narrative essay, Effect Essays What is a cause and Economics solutions wells, effect essay ? The basis of cause and effect . writing is to show that certain actions cause certain results or effects. As a writer, you can approach the topic two different ways. You can set out to Narrative, prove that certain known causes will have a certain effect. Help Students? Or you can approach it from the other direction, setting out to Narrative love, prove that a particular effect was due to How to a perfect essay scholarship, certain causes. Be careful to avoid some logical fallacies.

Causality 1330 Words | 4 Pages. Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with . those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story. Narrative Writing Essay? Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the Top essay writing websites, author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Narrative Essay? Alexander Pope's. Alexander Pope , Essay , Essays 1053 Words | 4 Pages. ? How to Do Market Research--The Basics Is your business a product in search of a customer? Use these tips to create a product or . service customers will clamor for. BY LESLEY SPENCER PYLE | September 23, 2010| 21 inShare59 Marketing research can give a business a picture of what kinds of new products and services may bring a profit. Service Learning Essay Log Sheet? For products and Narrative writing essay, services already available, marketing research can tell companies whether they are meeting their customers' needs and expectations. By researching.

Marketing , Marketing research , Qualitative research 1118 Words | 4 Pages. Instructions 1. How to Write a Good TOK Essay , The First Draft o 1 Review the Ways of Knowing. Students Internships? A TOK essay . revolves around the question of what people know, how they know, how they test what they know, and the parts that experience, study, analysis and sensation play in human knowledge systems. Writing Love? Before doing anything else, review your understanding of this material for it will form the Professional college essay help, basis on which your entire essay will be judged. o 2 Review the Narrative essay, grading criteria. Many students think of the. Essay , First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC , Five paragraph essay 1032 Words | 3 Pages. ?My definition of personal and professional success evolved and has taken a 180 degree turn from what I believed twenty-four years ago. Young . and operating on essay help transfer visions of grandeur, I set out the Narrative essay love, journey of my life with a goal being a business owner and calling the help for college students internships, shots. I would have a wife who went along with my plan and kids who would grow up to be like me. I knew college was a part of writing my future but had no real need to finish.

I now personally strive to be a good person at my core, humbly believing. Academic degree , Doctor of Philosophy , Higher education 1062 Words | 3 Pages. Do We Define Our Lives, or Do Our Lives Define Us Kristen Hurst Over the last decade or so . people have begun to make a shift into accepting a new way of looking at textbook, the world that we live in Narrative essay, – the Service learning essay log sheet, belief that is making this impact is that you create your own life and, in some respects, you are in charge of Narrative writing your own destiny. This system of beliefs became known as the “New Age Movement”, however it's really not all that new. A Perfect Introduction Scholarship? The “law of attraction”, as it's also known, has been around perhaps nearly. If You Have to Ask , Law of Attraction , Metaphysics 2509 Words | 6 Pages. writing an Narrative writing average essay is Professional help as simple as sitting down at Narrative essay, their computer and beginning to type, but a lot more planning goes into knowing . how to writing websites, write an love essay successfully. If you have never written an Mba term university essay before or if you struggle with writing and want to improve your skills, it is a good idea to Narrative essay, go through several steps in the essay writing process. For example, if you want to write an How to a perfect scholarship essay , you should generally: Decide what kind of writing essay essay to write Brainstorm your topic Do research if necessary . Essay , Essays , Need 758 Words | 3 Pages.

: Common Mistakes in Essay Writing and How to Avoid Them. mistakes in Top essay, essay writing and how to avoid them Undergraduate research essays generally suffer from . particular problems. This brief document highlights the writing essay love, most common problems and what can be done to avoid such problems. Top Essay Writing Websites Ten? If your essays ends up being afflicted with any of these problems, we will put a number (with a circle around it) that pertains back to the listed problems in this document. Narrative Writing Love? For example if you find the number ‘3’ written on your essay , it pertains to problem ‘3’ thus you should. Essay , Essay mill , Essays 1921 Words | 6 Pages. How to Write a Argumentative Essay. Lesson 6: Writing an Argument Today is the day! You will spend today writing your argument. Gather your notes, your outline, and any other . prewriting materials you have and get ready. Help Students? Lesson Objectives Write an writing essay love argument with an introduction that includes a strong thesis statement.

Write an argument with a body that includes examples, evidence, and quotations as needed to support the thesis. Write an argument with a body that includes recognition of opposing views and concedes a point. Critical thinking , Doctor of Philosophy , Fallacy 1331 Words | 5 Pages. 1. Help For College Internships? What is Tannen’s purpose in writing this essay ? What does she hope it will accomplish? From what I gathered Tannen’s purpose was for us to . comprehend the importance of communication in essay love, the work field.

How the simplest verbal functions can be interpreted in many different ways. Paper University? “Conversation is a ritual” I find so much meaning behind these four simple words, the article in its entirety are summed up by these word. Essay Love? Tannen wants to enlighten us to Service essay, remember that our words are powerful. Narrative Writing Love? I believe. Audience , Deborah , Pilcrow 1780 Words | 4 Pages. Culture, Religion, Experiences. How Do They Make You You ? Experiences… How do they make you , “ you ”? What do you think makes . you , “ you ”? I think your culture, religion, and experiences contribute to make a person who they are. I believe that certain aspects of humans and their experiences work together to create a person. For me, culture or religion can help shape a person’s characteristic because they play important roles in affecting how they view life.

Another characteristic that can influence who or what a person is, is their experiences. When you experience. Alex Haley , Experience , God 1483 Words | 4 Pages. What defines you ? Adam Woodworth 23 April 23, 2013 Composition 1 Instructor: David Flannery As you might . guess, being in the military can be one of the most boring jobs you will ever have. After all, you are being trained to kill people and paper university, break things, but how often do you really get to do that? You train in writing essay, the sun, rain, and Professional transfer, sleet and pose the love, possibility you’ll wind up pushing paperwork and Professional help transfer, dealing with politics down range. Love? You’ll also waste more ammo shooting at paper targets than you will. Improvised explosive device 1309 Words | 3 Pages. How far was NAACP responsible for success of Civil Right's Campaign?

1. Why do historians set essays ? It is useful to begin by considering why essay -writing has long been the essay help transfer, method . of choice for assessment in history. The chief reason is that no other method provides as effective a means of testing a student's comprehension of a topic. We want you to show us that not only have you acquired a knowledge of the topic but also that you fully understand the topic and the issues raised by writing essay love, it. Essays test understanding by asking you to select and textbook wells, re-organise relevant. Answer , Critical thinking , Essay 1459 Words | 5 Pages.

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Ask me how many paragraphs you want it to be. Nothing says how little you care like trying to find out the minimum amount of Narrative writing essay love work before you pick up your pen. Learning Log Sheet? The question alone almost assures me that your essay will suck. It shows that you are not trying to answer the question, but calculating how soon you can. A Great Way to Narrative essay, Care , Essay , Essays 1335 Words | 4 Pages.

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15 Sample Athletic Resumes and Letters. (I’ve added other resources since I originally published this article so I#8217;m now up to Narrative, 22 samples. Mba Term University! Recently, I#8217;ve only been adding resources that offer something other than a generic resume template. However, if I come across a great sample only essay love, resume, I#8217;ll be sure to include it.) There are plenty of samples of athletic resumes/profiles on Top essay writing websites ten the internet. It’s just tedious going through all the essay love, search results to Professional essay, find something useful. Well, I’ve just saved you the trouble–you can thank me later. And yes, you should have an athletic resume.

If for no other reason, having the resume will allow you to essay love, easily complete all of the online profiles teams require prospects to complete. This way the ten, information will be all in one place. The following is a list resources I’ve found and actually opened and looked at. I’ve divided them into two sections, the first has some sort of additional recruiting information along with the samples. The second section includes just sample resume and letters. Love! With the essay introduction, exception of the first document, they are in no particular order.

The resources in the samples only section aren’t any better or worse than those that provide some sort of guide as well. In fact, I’ve included some even if I didn’t think they were so great (and indicate such) so you might only open these to use for comparison purposes. I didn’t include just one best because sometimes you’ll find the best solution for you is to use a little something from Narrative essay love, a variety of sources. For College! For all of these sources, be sure to double-check with the NCAA and NAIA for Narrative love the latest information since very few of these guides are updated on a regular basis. The College Planning Guide for Student Athletes by Top essay writing, the New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation Network. Writing Love! This is one resource I recommend everyone download. It includes a sample resume and How to write a perfect scholarship cover letter but so much more. It provides an overview of the different NCAA divisions along with the percentage of athletes going pro. There is a sample in-season Division 1 athlete schedule to show the time commitment required. Other information includes Recruitment: Myths Facts; Tips for Campus Visits; Marketing Yourself; and a comprehensive list of important terms. Team Evanston College Soccer Recruitment Guide for Narrative writing essay Parents and Players.

Comprehensive guide for soccer recruiting. Includes usual timelines, samples, and contact info but also explains different college umbrella organizations and basic financial aid information. West Islip High School Guide to the College Bound Athlete. Comprehensive guide including profile, sample letter, and questions to ask. Contains information on 2016 eligibility changes and New York state specific schools. Economics! St. Ignatius College Prep Planning Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete. Comprehensive guide that includes a checklist grid you can use for tracking your recruiting contacts with colleges.

Only sample letter I’ve come across that actually mentions graduation rates. Academy of the essay love, Holy Cross The NCAA College: What You Need to essay, Know About Playing Competitive Sports in College. Contains a sample volleyball resume and cover letter. Overall guide to recruiting process and includes the most recent changes in the NCAA academic eligibility rules. Writing Essay! South Windsor A College Admissions Guide for the Student Athlete.

From 2007 so double-check the NCAA information. Includes sample letters of introduction, 2 resumes, questions to ask, detailed timelines, and addresses core course rule. Peddie School A Guide for College Bound Student-Athletes. Basic overview with an explanation on the National Letter of textbook wells Intent. Includes sample athletic resume (useful), sample letter (useful), questions to Narrative writing essay, ask, and college check list. Knoxville Catholic High School College Athletics and Recruiting Handbook. Detailed description of the recruiting process. Provides numbers of players who make it to the next level and Narrative writing love what it means when a coach contacts you. Includes a sample letter, sample athletic resume, and sample follow-up letter. Deerfield High School College Bound Student-Athlete Planning Guide. Good, concise overview of the recruiting process.

Includes sample resume, sample letter, checklists, timeline, and questions to ask. Collegiate Soccer Academy Soccer Resume. Only resume I#8217;ve seen that includes an a link to a video setup as an Top essay ten image so that it look embedded. Website also includes pre- and essay love post-tournament sample letters to college coaches as well as other resources. Montgomery County Public Schools The Student Athlete#8217;s Game Plan. Like other guides, the NCAA information is probably dated. However, besides the sample letter and profiles, it includes a section on the role of school personnel in the application process.

Capital Area Soccer League College Guide and College Letter Samples. Overview of the recruiting process with sample letter and textbook solutions resume. Includes section directed to parents and useful Questions and Answers section. NCSA Writing a Recruiting Resume. Includes how to writing essay, write an essay log sheet introduction, what academic information to include as well as specific information for football, basketball, baseball, soccer, volleyball, and softball. T20 Aquatics.

Basic sports resume for a swimmer. Provides sample correspondence with coaches for Narrative writing essay love monthly updates, unofficial visit, and post-recruit trip. My College Tracker. Includes a sample letter and profile. I wouldn’t use them. The profile is internships just basic headings. The letter is too generic and comes across as you not knowing anything about the coach, school, or recruiting rules.

Gateway Region Volleyball Sample Athletic Resume. Essay Love! The focus is essay introduction scholarship volleyball but still a good example to use. Orinda Aquatics Sports Resume, Cover Letter Correspondence. Narrative! Word document that has a sample resume, coaches letter, and samples of other letters to keep the writing ten, coach updated including a thank you letter. (In links after Junior Year) Campolindo High School Sample Student-Athlete Resume. Nothing special but some might find the sample letter useful. Chesapeake Lacrosse Sample Resume and Cover Letters. Basic sample letter and resume. Midwest Water Polo Sample Resume and Cover Letter. I think the letter is a little over done but might be helpful for people looking for writing essay love different phrases.

Humble Sample Athletic Resume. Something to Service learning, look at if only for formatting ideas. This is the essay love, format for the profile I used for my son (DIY Profile). Castro Valley Soccer Club PDF soccer resume template. Nice set-up for club members since they only have to fill-in the blanks.

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Free International Relations essays. “Examine the essay love, challenges faced by Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres and the volunteer doctors involved in the Syrian refugee crisis” Doctors Without Borders is an “international humanitarian-aid non-governmental organisation” (1). The organisation was founded in essay log sheet, 1971 by a group of essay love, doctors and journalists in reference to the Nigerian Civil War of Mba term, 6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970 as the French doctors that founded the organisation felt as though “the needs of these people outweigh respect for national borders” (1). 80% of the funding for Doctors Without Borders is through private donors and the annual budget of the organisation is approximately US$610 million (1). All of the Narrative writing love, doctors and nurses that are involved with Doctors Without Borders need to help for college students, meet a certain criteria in order to be able to work for Narrative writing love the organisation and are paid ?8,988 per annum (this increases after the persons first 12 months). Just in 2015 30,000 medical professionals (mainly doctors and nurses) helped provide “medical aid in textbook solutions, over 70 countries” (1). Since 1st October 2013 the writing essay, president of Doctors Without Borders is Dr Joanne Liu and textbook solutions wells, there are currently 34,146 volunteers (1). What makes Doctors Without Borders/MSF different from Narrative writing love any other medical aid organisation is that it does not represent any religious, political or economic group and this is done in help students, order to be able to speak and Narrative, act freely and provide immediate medical aid to those that need it the most and learning log sheet, do not restrict any particular group from this(2).

The official page of Doctors Without Borders for Syria states that there are 70 hospitals and clinics related to MSF in northwestern, western and central Syria. Figures also show that just in 2015 there were 154,647 people who were wounded and 7,009 people died as a result of the war. 30-40% of these were victims were women and children(2). Although MSF has been trying to run some of Narrative essay, their biggest operations in history for Syria, one of the important issues they’ve faced throughout the 6 years of this conflict but particularly in 2015 is the websites, fact that the severity of the violence is increasing rapidly and after the abduction and release of 5 MSF staff in May 2014 the organisation has had to shut some of their hospitals and limit their work and change the Narrative writing essay love, aid they provide to a non direct approach which is something they are not used to doing. Because organisations like MSF do not take sides in any conflict, and thus are not supported by any government, they often speak and negotiate terms and come to agreement with both sides of any war and in Syria, they have spoken to the Islamic State in order to ensure that the How to write essay, MSF staff and the patients in Narrative writing, hospitals will not be attacked and because the response they received was not assuring the organisation had to stop work in help students, areas controlled by the Islamic State. Narrative Writing Love? MSF have stated that they have been unable to “receive permission from the government of Syria to work in areas it controls” which has resulted in “millions of people (being) out of reach of Writing help students internships, hands-on assistance from writing love any external aid provider”(2). A report published by Doctor’s Without Borders on the 18th February 2016 provides an overview of the “war?wounded and war?dead in MSF?supported medical facilities in Syria” in 2015.

The report summarises the role of MSF since the start of the conflict in 2011 as paying for Writing for college students internships the reconstruction of facilities that were damaged or destroyed, “providing medical supplies; paying a basic salary to writing love, hospital staff to enable them to focus on their medical work; providing fuel to enable the hospital generators to function”(3). Figure 1 is Service essay, able to show the amount of casualties that occurred on medical facilities and writing essay love, the double tap attacks that occurred just in 2015. For all of the attacks that have been carried out in 2015 there are many children, some aged under 6 and women that have been injured or killed. Moreover it has also been mentioned that when serious explosions or attacks occur many of the people that die at the site of the attacks aren’t taken to medical facilities to be registered as dead because the main focus is to get survivors the immediate medical care that they require and so therefore because of this many deaths are not reported and so the real figures of the death toll may be much higher than what is reported (3). The facilities present in the Damascus region of Syria varied throughout 2015 as they were regularly attacked and so will have had to relocate or close as a result. Top Essay Websites Ten? Figure 2 shows the changing number of medical facilities every month for Narrative writing 2015, showing September 2015 to have the Service essay, lowest number of MSF facilities indicating how the severity of the conflict heightened in late 2015. A recent news report with the heading “A Second MSF Hospital Has Been Bombed in Syria in the Last 10 Days” clearly demonstrates the severity of the writing love, current circumstances for civilians in Syria but also the doctors. The hospital in Idlib, Northern Syria that had 54 staff is said to have been destroyed on the 15th February 2016 after being targeted by “four missiles following two attacks within an interval of Mba term university, a few minutes”. Massimiliano Rebaudengo, MSF’s Head of Mission has said. Figure 3: Picture showing the aftermath of the attacks at the hospital in Idlib, northern Syria. that the attacks against the hospital seem deliberate as it has now deprived 40,000 people of healthcare in the area and MSF has announced that 8 people are currently missing (4). This attack has resulted in the deaths of 9 staff and 16 patients (one of Narrative writing essay, whom was a child) and this death toll is expected to rise once the rubble around the hospital has been cleared (5).There were 25 staff present in the hospital at the time of the attack and 5 died immediately after the Top essay websites, attack, 3 were recovered injured from the Narrative, rubbles and 2 are still missing with the remaining 15 staff whom survived (6).

It is still not known who carried out the attacks as the states that are involved in the conflict have blamed each other; Russia denied involvement, Turkey blamed the Syrian government and Syria blamed the US-led coalition (5). This hospital’s running and medical costs had been supported by Writing for college students internships MSF since September 2015 and even its reconstruction had been done in December 2015 as it had been forced to move from its previous location due to the several attacks (6). Figure 4 demonstrates how the airstrikes destroy the hospitals into crumbles and this therefore is able to highlight just how difficult it is to reconstruct these facilities after they have been destroyed. Michiel Hofman, the MSF Senior Humanitarian Specialist has stated in essay love, his article for wells the MSF that usually in other countries like “Afghanistan and Yemen there is only one military coalition in the air” and because of this the GPS details of where the MSF supported hospitals and clinics are can be shared regularly with the military to prevent an attack. However for Syria this is not possible because there are two coalitions in the air that compete and Narrative writing essay love, both of these claim that they do not and will not target civilians and that their main targets are terrorists, but it is evident that it is the civilians that are heavily affected despite these claims. Moreover, another reason why the Writing help students internships, protection of hospitals in Syria is writing essay love, difficult is due to the fact that the Mba term university, Government passed an anti-terrorist law in 2012 that made any sort of Narrative writing essay, humanitarian aid and medical care to the opposition illegal and so therefore these aids are often done secretly without registering with the government. And because of this very reason any hospital that has been bombed or attacked by those involved in airstrikes can be justified through the means that they were not aware that they had targeted a hospital in the first place as they were not aware of its presence. Currently there are food drops to Mba term, help civilians but Michiel Hofman states that the main reason these people are dying is due to writing love, the lack of medical care available and the severity of How to a perfect essay introduction, their war injuries, not due to food shortages.

Also another point made by the senior humanitarian specialist is that when the jets drop food packages, the civilians cannot be certain that the noise they have heard is aid or a bomb and thus this method of action to Narrative writing, aid has been shown to be highly ineffective (7). Figure 5 is a tweet from the MSF International’s twitter page and paper university, shows pictures of aid that has been sent to Syria, stating that just in January and February 2016, “550 tons of drugs, medical material shelters” have been sent to support the facilities in Aleppo, the largest city in Syria. This therefore shows the substantial amount of work and aid sent by organisations like Doctors Without Borders/ Medecins Sans Frontieres just in Narrative writing essay, Syria. Data released by MSF shows that in 2015 there were 94 strikes on 63 MSF supported medical facilities and that 53 of the medics were wounded whilst 23 had died, demonstrating how much the attacks have escalated in the past year compared to Mba term paper, the initial years since 2011. MSF has been said to attempt to gain official access with the approval of the Syrian government since 2011 to work but this has still not been approved and thus meaning that the current medical and humanitarian work being carried out in essay, Syria puts both the Doctors Without Borders at risk as an organisation but also the doctors, nurses that work with them too (8). An article written by Dr Joanne Liu the International president of Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) for the Huffington Post states that MSF estimates that there are currently “1.5 million people trapped in solutions, sieges imposed by the Syrian government-led coalition, as well as by opposition groups”.

As mentioned above medical supplies are blocked and those whom are critically unwell cannot be evacuated under siege. Essay Love? For example in Madaya there have been 49 deaths due to Mba term paper university, starvation despite the support and writing essay, medical aid given by MSF. It is due to Service learning, these difficult circumstances that has caused 6.5 million people, half of which are children to escape the writing essay love, conflict and travel to neighbouring countries and then Europe. Just in Economics textbook, September 120,000 people had to migrate from Narrative writing their homes in Aleppo, Hama and Idlib due to for college, the heavy bombings taking place in these areas(9). There have been numerous cases of people risking their lives to writing love, travel to Europe by small inflatable boats that are filled with migrants protected by nothing but life jackets and have often died as a result of the boats sinking. Figure 7 clearly shows that as many migrants as possible are fitted onto Economics textbook one boat with the hope that they can all travel to Greece safely and then travel onto Europe.

The tweet by MSF International states that just in 2016 (January, February) 56% of the arrivals in love, Greece are Syrian, which again indicates how the Syrian refugee crisis is possibly one of the major problems in the world currently as the vast majority of those who feel hopeless and paper, can find no better alternative than to flee their homes are Syrians. Dr Joanne Liu goes on Narrative love to say that the university, conflict has escalated so much in Narrative writing love, the recent years that even escaping bombs inside of Syria is nearly impossible let alone be able to escape to Economics textbook solutions wells, neighbouring countries. The borders of Lebanon and Narrative essay, Jordan are described as being shut for newcomers, Iraq is paper university, not an option due to the conflict that is writing, going on their own country. The solution of the Mba term university, European Union for this crisis has been to essay love, hand over 3 billion euros o Turkey so they do not close off their borders but instead accept those refugees that hope to reach Europe (9). Both in this article and also on the MSF twitter page for Syria, the claim from both the organisation and also its International president is that the four out of five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council -France, Russian Federation, the Top essay writing, United Kingdom, and the United States (10)- are involved in military operations and have ‘failed’ the Syrian people and have even “actively increased their suffering” (9).

The appeal is for the UNSC permanent members to respect their own resolutions and also pressure their allies to implement them too. The resolutions mentioned here are in reference to the meeting the Narrative writing essay love, United Nations Security Council had in early December 2015 where they set a target of beginning peace talks in early January and hoped to achieve a nationwide ceasefire once the “parties concerned had taken initial steps towards a political transition” (11). Their ongoing resolution of protecting civilians, healthcare and providing humanitarian assistance has clearly failed so far and Professional college essay, already within the first two months of 2016 there have been bombings against 16 facilities in Syria and essay, 6 of these facilities were supported by How to essay MSF. A statement delivered by Dr Joanne Liu in Palais des Nations, Geneva, on the 18th February 2016 explained the severity of the situation in Syria, stating that the routine attacks done on Narrative writing civilian infrastructure like hospitals prevent organisations like MSF from Top essay writing ten providing “lifesaving assistance” (12). Writing Essay? Dr Joanne Liu states that these attacks have to stop in order to save the lives of innocent civilians and that these attacks cannot be “normalised”. As the international resident of Doctors Without Borders she has made it clear in several circumstances that their approach is that “the doctor of your enemy is not your enemy”, thus clarifying their neutral and totally humanitarian approach to any sort of war. In reference to the attack to the hospital in Idbil, Northern Syria on the 15th February, Dr Joanne Liu explains that 4 missiles struck the solutions, hospital and the attack lasted 2 minutes however there was a second attack 40 minutes later when the rescuers arrived and this was done deliberately to target those that were trying to help the wounded. Narrative Love? Moreover, some of the injured were taken to a hospital nearby and this hospital was also struck by missiles which creates the implication that it is the civilians in hospitals that are being targeted rather than the groups involved in the war.

This can then be evidenced by the fact that just over help transfer, the last 13 months 101 aerial attacks have been made on Narrative writing essay purely MSF supported facilities. Again there were cases of a second attack once the rescuers and medical experts had arrived at the site and learning essay log sheet, unsurprisingly people now claim to be scared to go to writing, hospitals even if they were injured because the likelihood of them losing their life by another bomb at the hospital is not small. Economics? She indicates that it is because of this very fear that people have had to essay love, flee for their lives and escape the ground combat and air strikes. However many of the people trying to escape the country are being prevented from doing so as there are currently 100,000 people in Azaz, Northern Syria that cannot leave and Mba term, are “trapped between the Turkish border and the frontline”. The international president of MSF states that people have “a fundamental right to writing, flee from Top essay websites ten active war” and that “bombings must stop in areas under siege” with “increased and Narrative writing love, unhindered deliveries of aid and the immediate evacuation of the wounded and sick” (12). A 26 year old Doctor working with Medecins Sans Frontieres in Syria named Ahmad Almohammad has experienced several bombing attacks whilst on duty in the hospitals supported by MSF. In the news report he explains how in learning log sheet, Fafeen, just north of Aleppo two years ago he was working in a hospital when him and Narrative writing, his colleagues heard a helicopter approaching and this indicated that they would be bombed very shortly. He states that “We all had to guess where the for college internships, barrels from the helicopter would drop, all the staff and patients started to run, but we had no idea where to go. We could hear the noise above, we all thought the helicopter was directly over Narrative writing essay, our head. It was all down to chance on whether we’d be hit.

In those few seconds, it felt like my last moments.” Having spent some time working as a doctor in Syria Ahmad Almohammad was experienced enough with bombings to know that the helicopter would drop 5 barrels and thus during the attack he and writing ten, his colleagues merely waited for all five barrels to fall before looking around to see the severity of the attack and to see how many people could still be saved. Ahmad admits that he was fully aware before he joined MSF that they would be targets. He states that “The hospitals and the health workers are the Narrative, first line of targets because we are trying to keep people alive.” As with many previous examples, little was left of the Service essay, hospital after the attack. The doctors in Syria working with Ahmad believe that they’re a “very cheap target”. Ahmad states that “In the media, we are just a mention, just another hospital targeted, and that’s it. Nothing else.

No one is moving to protect us – we have nobody to protect the health workers. If we ever leave Syria, we are escaping from our duties to help these people, and my duties towards my people”. He lives in Kilis, Turkey with his mother and siblings and usually travels to Syria 5 days a week with MSF. His team are responsible for essay both providing donations that consists of drugs and Writing for college internships, medical supplies to more than 15 hospitals and clinics and they even help to provide the 100,000 people stuck behind the border with Turkey with essentials. Narrative Writing Essay? Ahmad risks his life by crossing the border from Turkey to Syria every day and writing websites, still feels like this isn’t enough due to Narrative writing, having “three times the normal volume of log sheet, patients”. Essay? “What I can provide is Top essay websites, out of my control,” he said. “I know of an entire family killed by a rocket, and another family trapped under a damaged house for more than 20 hours. I’m used to seeing children with no arms or legs. Essay? It’s normal to lose family members here.

The children are used to seeing blood, beheaded men, bodies in Service essay, the street. Women have told me that they sleep fully clothed so that if they were bombed during the essay, night, they won’t be unclothed. He states that; “When I stand in front of them, without any power to help them, I know there’s only so much I can do.” Like the international president of the MSF Ahmad is also worried that there has been a recent escalation recently in the amount of bombings targeting civilians and hospitals compared to the past 5 years of this conflict. Ahmad’s mother is worried about him risking his life continually in order to provide aid to learning essay, others and because of this he often has to lie to her and say he is safe even if thats not the case and also calls her at least twice a day so she knows he is okay. As someone who has been on the frontline for sometime now Ahmad says that after the immediate airstrikes the next more important long term issue is the fact the people in Syria are regularly surrounded by death and because of this their mental wellbeing is significantly harmed.What people don’t realise is Narrative essay love, that the Syrian people – especially those I work with, the people in hospitals, the nurses and doctors – they’re not well, psychologically,” he said. “They do not see the danger as being danger now, because they’ve seen so many awful things, so many wounded people, so many dead people. Economics Textbook Wells? They don’t know that they’re not well mentally. “When they see dead people, they don’t see anything any more, because this is all they’ve known for years. Love? Yesterday somebody came into the hospital and said 13 people died in the village next to ours, and Professional, he said it without being sad. They are numb to Narrative writing essay love, people dying.” Ahmad Almohammad is sick of one party blaming another party for the attacks carried out and thinks that “Whoever wants to help the Syrian government, they can do it without any permission”(13). Dr David Nott has been working as a surgeon in major war zones since the Bosnia conflict in 1993.

He has a normal day job in three different hospitals in Top essay websites, London where he performs three different kinds of surgery and every year he takes around three months off work to go and writing love, provide medical care to How to introduction, those affected in conflict or war zones. Writing Love? He often has to work in very difficult conditions but he is regarded as being one of the country leading surgeons and has operated in countries like Iraq, Sudan, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Dr Nott has received the Robert burns Humanitarian Award and has even successfully. Figure 10: Dr David Nott, most experienced war surgeon amputated the arm of help, a Congolese man with an infected shoulder over a text message from a colleague even though he had never carried out the procedure before. Despite being used to loss due to his experience over the years in many different countries Dr Nott states that nothing quite compares to what he has witnessed in writing essay love, Syria as “Nearly nobody is reporting this” and “the direct attacks on writing websites healthcare and healthcare workers,” because the logic of those that attack hospitals and other healthcare is that “You take out one doctor, you take out 10,000 people he or she can no longer care for.” He describes how in his last trip to Aleppo, Syria, in love, October 2014 where two doctors he knew were killed in an air to university, ground missile and explains how doctors are attacked because healthcare on its own is seen as a weapon and thus hospitals and writing love, ambulances are targeted on Mba term paper university purpose in Narrative essay, his view rather than by chance. The pattern Dr Nott has noticed is that the “Russian jets fly very high up. Syrian jets fly lower, firing rockets and missiles. The Russian planes tend to be 10,000ft up and Mba term, you don’t see it, you just see the Narrative writing, weapon hitting the hospital.” Due to the increased amount of attacks in the last couple of months Dr Nott says the medics are determined to set up clinics in caves outside cities and have wards underground in order to be able to escape the bombings. Even when he isn’t able to go to college, Syria directly, Dr Nott has regularly given surgical advice to his colleagues in Syria however he states how there is essay love, no longer any internet in Writing help for college students internships, Aleppo.

He has even gone to Gaziantep, Turkey in April in order to be able to “train Syrian colleagues in specialist trauma surgery”. What frustrates Dr Nott about the general approach to the conflict in Syria is that people seem to just be fixated on writing essay fighting the threat of a perfect essay introduction scholarship, ISIS and Narrative writing essay, have completely forgotten or ignored the humanitarian disaster that is going on because of ISIS. “The healthcare workers I work with are not fighters, they don’t carry weapons, they’re just there to help,” he says. “What is happening to them is totally against international humanitarian law – hospitals should be protected and they are being targeted. Targeted to ensure the destruction of the healthcare system.” He calls for a no bombing zone to Top essay writing, be set up in Aleppo and Idlib as these are the rebel held areas and Syria and are heavily attacked. “It has to be achieved. Somebody has to stand up and say, ‘The humanitarian situation is so bad that this has to love, be achieved’. It is a systematic destruction of the healthcare system: a weapon of war which Syria and Russia are using at the moment.

That has to stop. Due to college help transfer, the birth of writing essay, his first child he has not been able to go back to Syria in Writing internships, 2015 but makes it clear that he will not stop his humanitarian work and has even set up the David Nott foundation which raises money in order to be able to fund surgeons that are heavily involved in conflict zones. He states that, “I can’t withdraw from Narrative essay it. I’m probably the most experienced war surgeon in the world. I can’t stop doing it now I have a family. I wanted to have one, I wanted to Mba term paper university, have things other people had. But it would be a shame to Narrative writing essay love, withdraw now because there’s so much still to offer, and a new generation to teach.”(14). An article from The Guardian released in October 2015 is able to demonstrate the increase in Service essay, the intensity of the situation in Syria in recent months as even healthcare assistants working with Medecins Sans Frontieres have had to migrate to Europe. The MSF worker describes how he watched people he had known his whole entire life join ISIS and how one of the leaders in his hometown of Raqqa, Northern Syria was actually a 20 year old neighbour that he had grown up with. After joining MSF in 2014 the healthcare professional describes how difficult it became to writing essay, provide aid to civilians and the wounded as ISIS was taking over the area slowly.

Furthermore he describes how they had to negotiate with the leader they had been neighbours with for 20 years in order to provide aid but this clearly did not last long as the Economics textbook, attitude of rebel groups towards humanitarian organisations such as MSF are quite hostile and got were increasingly reduced in Narrative essay, number until eventually they had to Top essay writing websites ten, stop working in the area altogether. The healthcare professional knew he needed to flee Syria when they got a call from former friends of theirs that had joined ISIS, warning him about being on a list which meant that they had to leave Syria that same night and travel to Aleppo which is again the north of Syria. From there him and Narrative writing love, some of his family members crossed the border to Kilis, Turkey and stayed in Top essay, Turkey for Narrative love a while and worked for another health organisation but due to Professional college essay transfer, the strict immigration rules it was apparent that they could not stay there and build a new life and Narrative writing, so they decided to move on to Europe for the sake of Professional college essay, his brothers. The MSF worker describes how he found a smuggler in the coastal city of Izmir in Turkey and paid a lot of money for him to writing essay, smuggle them to Greece via a boat. They had to essay log sheet, get on love a seven metre long boat with 52 other people that included a driver who was a refugee that hadn’t actually driven a boat before and many children too. Due to the boat being overfilled with people the engine could not carry the weight and when the fuel eventually ran out people had to get out and How to a perfect scholarship, pull it whilst swimming towards the Narrative essay, nearest Greek island. The planned one hour journey ended up being 7 hours long and because the boat didn’t stay on the course they had set out on initially they had no idea which island they had landed on. Once they reached the for college internships, beach, feeling “exhausted from swimming and pushing the Narrative essay, boat” there was no one in sight which is usually not the norm as refugees are expected and greeted by special healthcare workers and essay log sheet, volunteers at Narrative essay, the beach of Greek islands due to the high amounts of refugees fleeing Syria since the summer.They “had to climb a mountain and walk five kilometres to How to write a perfect essay introduction, the nearest town”. Narrative Love? Because they were told there was no one that could help them that day after going to the police station, they had to Service essay, spend their first night in Narrative love, Europe sleeping on the street. After finding out Professional college, they had landed on the Greek island of Samos the next day they started to make their way through Europe and initially went to Athens and then crossed the border to Macedonia and then to Serbia and Narrative essay love, Hungary.

The journey consisted of them taking buses, trains, walking on railways with a “large group that included families with small children”. The difficult journey was often eased by the help of aid organisations like MSF and the International Red Cross. He describes how although most of the authorities they saw on the way through Europe were helpful they still made it clear that they were not wanted. Once they reached Germany via a train from Vienna they were immediately stopped by the police even though their initial intention was to travel on to the Netherlands. He explains how once the police officers heard they were Syrian and didn’t actually have any valid travel documents they were immediately taken into help custody and were locked into an empty warehouse that made the refugees feel like criminals even though they merely were the unfortunate victims of a civil war in their home country that has now been mainly taken over by Narrative love ISIS. They were then made to travel to Dortmund the next day by train and then were detained again. The only reason the MSF worker that wrote the article for The Guardian was able to Top essay websites ten, escape was due to the kindness of a translator that had the same accent as him and was from the same part of Syria as him. After deciding to help them the translator gave his employee badge that allows them come in and out and it was due to Narrative, this simple act of kindness that the refugee was able to Top essay websites, freely walk out from detainment.

The family of the refugee had to split up with some living in Frankfurt whilst his father still in their hometown in Syria who he says is safe because of him being an older man. He describes his next aim as being able to get permission to stay so he can learn the language, study and maybe even have the chance of writing essay love, getting a job with MSF (15). In conclusion, it is evident that Doctors Without Borders are trying relentlessly to continue with the aid they can provide to the civilians of Syria despite how dangerous doing this has become or how much they have had to limit their work due to the increased intensity of attacks to Mba term, healthcare centres and doctors within Syria. Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom International Relations essay, dissertation or piece of writing essay love, coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you. Solutions? Each of us is writing love, qualified to a high level in our area of expertise, and we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete original answer to Mba term university, your essay question. Just complete our simple order form and you could have your customised International Relations work in your email box, in as little as 3 hours.

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