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Argumentative Essay On Ibsen S The Doll House Essays and Research Papers. women in modern society make life altering decisions on paper research, a daily basis. Women today have prestigious and powerful careers unlike in earlier eras. It is more . common for women to be full time employees than homemakers. In 1879, when Henrik Ibsen wrote “A Doll's House ”, there was great controversy over the outcome of the play. Nora’s walking out on her husband and children was appalling to many audiences centuries ago. Divorce was unspoken, and a very uncommon occurrence.

As years go by, society’s. War Of The World Kickstart! A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Marriage 1045 Words | 5 Pages. Kevin Tejada Professor Day Intro to Literary Studies 2 April 2013 A Doll House Essay A large deal . of controversy has arisen about the play A Doll House , written by paper Henrik Ibsen . The controversy argues whether Ibsen’s play is Study essay writing feminist or not. In the play, we are introduced to paper research, a woman named Nora, who shows nothing but selfless love to her husband, Torvald Helmer, a highly respected banker. Many people argue that the play does not reflect notions of feminism, but on the contrary, many. A Doll's House , Argument , Dolls 1142 Words | 4 Pages. Form And Structure Of A Dolls House By Ibsen. Form and Structure Ibsen ? s .A Dolls House ? has two strands to the main plot; one being Nora and . The World Essay Help! Torvald? s relationship (linking Krogstad) and paper life, the other, an underlining sub-plot involving Christine and Krogstad.

With in Study writing, the structure of the play Ibsen uses this parallel situation to highlight certain aspects of each character, for example the sobriety of Christine to the careless child like manner of Nora. Ibsen uses many different styles of Write my philosophy life, from and structure to make sure the audience is grasped. A Doll's House , Character , Drama 955 Words | 4 Pages. A Doll s House Essay Requirements. Performance Task We have read ? A Doll’s House ? by the world essay help kickstart Henrik Ibsen and focused on gender roles and relationships. . You have highlighted key quotes and details and analyzed them. Remember that Feminism deals with power and trying to make men and women equal.

Now you will turn your evidence and analysis into a 2 ­ 3 page essay about this topic ­ showing how the Write, person you choose grows or changes over the course of the play. Essay Topic: Who has the power in A Doll’s House ? To complete this task successfully you must: . 3OH!3 , Argument , Critical thinking 1064 Words | 4 Pages. Dissertation! A DOLL’S HOUSE As Modern Tragedy BY Henrick Ibsen _ Henrick Ibsen Father of Modern Drama _This play was written . in 1879 in Italy. _The original language is Norwegian. _The setting is Write paper life around the 1870s. The World Help Kickstart! _The themes are the sacrificial role of women, the unreliability of appearances, and parental and family obligations. _The symbols are New Year’s and Aristotle: According to Aristotle, a tragedy always centers around a high-ranking person, such as a noble or king. During the course of the play. A Doll's House , Drama , Henrik Ibsen 1430 Words | 18 Pages. ?A Doll’s House as Ibsen’s Feminist Manifesto Henrik Ibsen's drama A Doll House is a firm declaration for female . equality, especially on the social and personal levels. Paper Life! Ibsen uses the dialogue of his drama to reveal the War of essay, qualities of his characters - this lucid characterization illustrates the transformations the protagonist, Nora, undergoes. The dynamism of Nora, her interactions with her husband and other male characters reveal Ibsen's feminist message. Nora at first submits to the dominance of. A Doll's House , Gender , Henrik Ibsen 1147 Words | 3 Pages. A Dolls House Henrik Ibsen used symbolism . throughout the play to Really help the my philosophy, audience grasp the meaning of what he was trying to present.The conflicts, characters, and themes are portrayed within this play successfully with the Rhodiola herb, use of symbolism.

Symbolism is research used to describe Nora’s actions and help calculator tudor, how they led her to find her true self. Many things in Write my philosophy paper, this story would be very hard to understand without a representation, causing. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Norway 1467 Words | 4 Pages. Theatre Analysis of Henrik Ibsens 'a Dolls House' THE TEXT TRIES TO ANALYSE THE DIFFERENT ASPECTS TO TAKE TO MIND WHILE ATTEMPTING TO UNERTAKE THE STAGING OF IBSEN’S ‘A DOLLS . Study Essay Vs! HOUSE ’. THEATRE ARTS END TERM ASSESMENT ESSAY [ (Swomley) ] 2013 THEATRE ARTS: STAGING HENRIK IBSEN’S ‘A DOLLS HOUSE ’ A BACKGROUND ON IBSEN Often considered a theatrical genius, Henrik Ibsen based his plays on simplistic foundations of common social occurrences and on them set up constructed elaborate plays with intelligent twists and outcomes. It is possible. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Norway 2000 Words | 5 Pages. 2) Miss Julie/ A Dolls house DFK 120 Erene Oberholzer 11045231 Dr. M. Taub 4 September 2012 In this essay . My Philosophy! two plays, Miss Julie written by August Strindberg, and A Dolls House written by Homework help tudor Hendrik Ibsen will be compared and concerns such as gender, identity and life research, class will be contextualized. The section I’ve chosen to portray realism and assignment, other elements concerning these two plays resourced to the last pages of both scripts. As I see the last pages construct the difference between the plays and. A Doll's House , August Strindberg , Gender 1607 Words | 5 Pages.

A Doll House - Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) accepted as equal as men. Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) is considered as the father of modern prose drama. Write Life Research! Most of his major works reflect the . social issues that provoked controversy in the nineteenth century. “ A Doll House ” is one of the clearest portraits of women’s lives in this era in Strategic management no. 02, which they have to struggle with many challenges to identify themselves and to see the value of individuals. Nora, who is being suppressed in her own house and representing as a doll , a decoration. However, eventually. Write Life! A Doll's House , Debut albums , Dolls 1245 Words | 3 Pages. Homework Help Games Slader! ? A Doll’s House South University Ibsen’s a doll house centers around a time where . men worked and women were the care givers of the home. In a Doll’s House there were some major points made that eventually led up to that one defining moment.

The defining moment for Write paper me was when Nora decided that she no longer wants to live the lifestyle of being the Study writing, “ doll ”. It starts with Torvalds reading the letter about her borrowing the research, money and Nora’s secret is finally exposed. A Doll's House , Alimony , Family 1169 Words | 3 Pages. ? A Doll House Conrad N.Torres ENG/125 April 17, 2012 Dr. Ray Garubo Controversial of its time, “A Doll . House ” presented on Strategic assignment no. 02, stage a subject that was not socially accepted, was shunned, and Write my philosophy life research, not publically discussed. This dramatization of real life was portrayed by Ibsen in such an (mgt603) assignment no. 02 artistic manner, that not only was it accepted by paper research the era, but brought with it notoriety, and Study essay writing, was proclaimed a masterpiece. As I began to paper research, read Ibsen’s “A Doll House ,” my first reaction was that Ibsen was a writer. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , James Joyce 1021 Words | 5 Pages. The World! 456 The Use of Symbolism in A Doll House Author Margaret Trudeau once said, “I can’t be a rose in any man’s lapel” (“I Can’t . Be”). This quote expresses exactly what was going through many women’s minds during the 1800’ s in Norway.

Women had let their husbands control their lives for ages before the 1800’ s . Soon, they could no longer stand being the rose in paper, their husbands’ lapel. The women of Rhodiola herb, Norway longed for freedom and began to rebel. Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll House , displays what women were going. A Doll's House , Hedda Gabler , Henrik Ibsen 1517 Words | 6 Pages. partake from the event and how much you’ll let it influence your life. In Henrik Ibsen’s play “The Doll House ”, he portrays an Write paper research . existential transformation on the main character Nora Helmer. The traumatic events that led to Rhodiola herb, Nora’s identity crisis illustrates how a person can go from an ignorant girl to a revolutionary woman who takes means in her own hands. At the beginning of the Write paper life, play, Ibsen represents Nora as a joyful “featherhead”, as her husband Torvald calls her, who only seems to be focused. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Marriage 848 Words | 3 Pages. ?Lizzie Turovsky A Doll’s House The play, A Doll’s House , by Henrik Ibsen , showcases a traditional marriage of War of the world essay, a . middle class couple in Write my philosophy paper research, the Victorian Era. The marriages in the late nineteenth century were severely confining; the woman’s role was to be nurturing and submissive, while the man’s was to be powerful in both his work and domestic life. Games! Similarly to these traditional matrimonies, the marriage of the protagonists, Nora and paper, Torvald, emphasizes the implausibility of Rhodiola herb, individuals to both meet.

A Doll's House , George Bernard Shaw , Henrik Ibsen 5553 Words | 16 Pages. Outline Prescribed question: Power and privilege: “How and why is a social group represented in a particular way? Title of text for analysis: A Doll’s . House by Henrik Ibsen , Norway 1879. Task is related to Write paper life research, course section: Part 3: Literature texts and context Task focus: This essay focuses on Ibsen’s way of representing women, it explains why does he represent them in that specific particular way and how the time, era and context he lived in affected this aim. It states that women are. A Doll's House , Gender , Gender role 1165 Words | 4 Pages.

Literary Analysis of a Doll House. Ruta Malsky Mrs. Blankenship English Comp. II 1 April 2013 “A Doll House : A Living, Breathing Controversy Due to Its . Feminism” In 1879, Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen wrote the play A Doll House , which became known as one of Homework, his most revered works. The position of women was a strong social issue that preceded, remained amidst, and continued after this literary masterpiece of his. Life Research! In the nineteenth century, women were very restricted and were considered chattel by fathers and husbands; however. A Doll's House , Feminism , Henrik Ibsen 2047 Words | 6 Pages. The Dolls House Essay by Katherine Mansfield. No name Professor No name English 101 03 April 2012 True Power In the short story “The Doll’s House ,” written by management (mgt603) assignment Katherine . Mansfield, there are three little girls that receive a doll house from a family friend that is a “perfect, perfect little house ” (Mansfield). The two main characters in the story are the Burnell sisters, Isabel, the Write my philosophy, eldest daughter, and Kezia who live in Homework games, a small village. The hierarchy is very apparent in this town, just like in every other little town there are almost.

Boleslaw Prus , Dolls , Hierarchy 1007 Words | 3 Pages. Kate Godfrey Professor Hynes 7 Feb 2013 Final Draft A Doll’s House Marriage: a bond between two loving people, who commit to . each other through thick and thin, and for my philosophy research better or worse. This idea of englisch, love and happiness is a common and often desired wish for many people who seek to fulfill one of many life’s offerings. Although marriage is a sacred bond between to people, it is often abused and superficial, diminishing its purpose entirely. Marriage and love is a very centralized and. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Marriage 1173 Words | 3 Pages. character is Nora Helmer from Write my philosophy life a play called A Doll's House . A Doll's house was originally written in management (mgt603), 1879 by Henrik . Ibsen . Henrik Ibsen was born in paper research, 1828 in Skien, Norway. Ibsen portrays Nora as a person with very low self esteem, untrustworthy, and self absorbed. During Ibsen's era women where subservient and listen to Dissertation verteidigung, what they are told by the dominant man in their life. Ibsen's own views about women come through in this character.

Even though Ibsen attempts to address women's rights, he fails women. Write Paper Research! A Doll's House , Feminism , Henrik Ibsen 1780 Words | 5 Pages. emphasizing what a certain historical event, personage, or situation enables the Homework help, playwright to communicate. Discuss what effect the Write life research, playwright's . transformation of historical reality has on Dissertation, an audience. Henrik Ibsen's widely regarded work, A Doll's House , was first introduced in 1879 as a theatrical presentation of human rights. Today, Ibsen's work remains as such, although often conveyed as more focused on women's rights. The Norwegian playwright's vision of Write my philosophy paper, a seemingly common home is quickly translated.

A Doll's House , George Costanza , Henrik Ibsen 1110 Words | 3 Pages. Critical Analysis of a Doll House. Rhodiola Herb! A Critical Analysis of A Doll House By Henrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen's background provided him the insight to write . the play A Doll House . In Britannica Biographies, Ibsen's father lost his business and the family's financial stability when Ibsen was a young child. Because of the my philosophy life research, family's financial misfortunes, at the age of 15, Ibsen was forced to leave home and venture out on Rhodiola herb, his own. He supported himself meagerly as an Write my philosophy paper research apothecary's apprentice and studied at night to prepare for university (1+). A Doll's House , Character , Fiction 1242 Words | 4 Pages. The World! Samantha Nickell Professor Roberts English 102 27 May 2013 Feminism in Write paper life research, A Doll . House In Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House Nora Helmer is a prime example of a woman’s role in Homework help calculator, the 19th century, that being that she was more for show than anything else.

Nora’s husband, Torvald, treats his wife like a living doll and uses pet names for her rather than her actual name further establishing her position as nothing more than a toy. For Torvald. Nora’s purpose in. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Husband 1507 Words | 4 Pages. A Doll’s House by life research Henrik Ibsen is a play that challenges women’s rights as a matter of importance during a time period where it . was ignored. This play was written during a literary movement called Naturalism, where writers believed that society determined a person’s character. Ibsen portrays the role of a woman in essay vs, the 19th century lifestyle through the main character, Nora Helmer, who stays at home, raises the children, and attends to her husband’s every need. My Philosophy Paper! In A Doll’s House , Nora struggles for. 2002 albums , A Doll's House , Dolls 1093 Words | 3 Pages.

Comparative Essay on A doll'd house and Ghost by Homework Ibsen. with the Write research, expectation being that women should simply stay in the house and essay kickstart, let the men support them. Life! For example, in A Doll’s . Homework Games! House , Torvald calls Nora his “sweet little spendthrift” because she always ask for money to spend on housekeeping. On the other hand, in Ghosts, when Mrs. Alving ran away once from her husband, to Write research, Pastor Manders, he made her return and endure with her husband’s dissipation. Both of Ibsen’s plays, A Doll’s House and Ghosts show how both of the main characters were repressed. Strategic (mgt603) No. 02! A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Norway 895 Words | 3 Pages. Stepping Stones of Oppression from Social Classes in Pygmalion and A Doll’s House The difference that separates humans from animals is the . ability to make our own decisions and not be guided by simple instinct. Write Life Research! People can choose who they are, what they want, and who they will become; humans are independent beings. In the books Pygmalion written by Bernard Shaw and A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen , both demonstrate the hard ships women had to persevere throughout each play.

Women in help slader, no matter in Write my philosophy research, what. A Doll's House , George Bernard Shaw , Henrik Ibsen 1535 Words | 4 Pages. A Doll’s House A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen , is Strategic management (mgt603) assignment no. 02 a play about a woman who realizes that she is my philosophy paper worth . more than she has been given credit. Her whole life she was treated like a little doll ; too fragile to do anything serious, too frail to be troubled with real business. She was the wife, mother and homemaker.

The only things she was perceived as capable of War of the world essay help kickstart, were running the home, raising the children and looking pretty. This was a common stereotype for women in the 1880’ s . Women were treated. A Doll's House , Gender , Gender role 988 Words | 3 Pages. The Awakening and A Doll House Comparison Essay. Write Paper! time, women did not have the freedom to voice their opinions and help, be themselves. Today women don’t even have to worry about the rules and limitations like the . women had to in this era. Edna in “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin and Nora in “A Doll House ” by Henrik Ibsen were analogous protagonists. My Philosophy Paper Life! The trials they faced were also very similar. Edna and Nora were both faced with the fact that they face a repressive husband whom they both find and exit strategy for. Help! For Nora this involved abandoning her family. 19th century , A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen 1232 Words | 3 Pages. A Dolls House Written by Write my philosophy paper a Norwegian Playwright Henrik Ibsen in 1879.

A Doll’s House A) Written by a Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen in 1879, A Doll's House is a three act play . (mgt603) Assignment No. 02! written in prose about a seemingly typical housewife, Nora Helmer. Life! The story revolves around a committed forgery in order to verteidigung englisch, save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald whose career is in jeopardy due to blackmail from Nora’s previous lawyer. In the novel, Ibsen conveys a bleak picture of the Write my philosophy paper research, sacrificial role held by Dissertation verteidigung englisch women of all economic classes in his society and through the protagonist’s. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Neo-Victorian 961 Words | 3 Pages. Reflections in 19th Century Dolls House. society through their literary works. Henrik Ibsen is a perfect example of this as he explains: My task has been the description of Write my philosophy, . humanity(Fjeble 120).

Ibsen lived between 1829 and 1906 and Dissertation verteidigung, therefore experienced the prime of the 19th century. Write! 19th century America was filled with hard-working people, a structured family life and clear-cut male/female roles. Ibsen is games known to reflect the 19th century society through most of his work, including A Doll's House . The male/female roles of the repressed. 19th century , A Doll's House , Female 1902 Words | 5 Pages. My Philosophy Paper Life Research! A Doll House written by Henrik Ibsen is a realist play written in the 19th century. Writing Vs! The use of my philosophy paper life research, symbolism, . metaphors and dramatic irony were used by Ibsen to portray the expected role of the 19th century wife. The choice of essay vs, Ibsen’s material and its presentation show that the author expected some contribution from women toward the solution of the cultural and social problems. ( Nesarimus 33) The use of my philosophy paper research, these literary terms allowed the reader to see how Nora, in War of kickstart, a sense, rebelled against what was.

19th century , 23rd century , A Doll's House 1496 Words | 4 Pages. Jennifer S . Yap Dr. Sherwin Perlas World Literature January 14, 2012 A Doll House by Henrik . Write My Philosophy Life Research! Ibsen Translated by Rolf Fjelde I. Study Vs! Introduction During the late nineteenth century, women were enslaved in their gender roles and certain restrictions were enforced on them by a male dominant culture. Every woman was raised believing that they had neither self-control nor self-government but that they must yield to the control of my philosophy life research, a stronger gender. John Stuart Mill wrote in his essay , “The Subjection. Dissertation Verteidigung Englisch! A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Norway 7391 Words | 21 Pages.

A Doll House: English Analysis of Write paper life research, Drama. INDEPENDENCE The play, A Doll House , written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879, is considered a . Help Games! landmark in drama for its portrayal of realistic people, places, and Write my philosophy, situations. Ibsen confines his story to the middle class. He writes of a society that is verteidigung limited not only by its means of livelihood but also its outlook. Ibsen portrays his characters as preoccupied with work and money, showing a reduction of Write paper life, values in essay vs, and that lack of quality persons with morals. Ibsen takes this realistic story and invests it with . Write Life! A Doll's House , Family name , Henrik Ibsen 2483 Words | 4 Pages.

A Doll House by essay writing Henrik Ibsen Is a Modern Drama. A doll house by Henrik Ibsen is a modern drama whose characters fail to understand who they really are. The . theme of self-discovery can be viewed throughout the paper life research, entire play. Help Slader! Nora's character plays an important role in self-discovery. She is a dynamic character who proves at the end of the paper, play that she accept and discovers who the true Nora is.

The play begins with a direct emphasis on Nora and her husband (Torvald) relationship. One can easily assume that their relationship. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen 1105 Words | 6 Pages. Nora – a Classical Hero in Rhodiola herb, Henrik Ibsen's a Doll`S House. Nora – A Classical Hero in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll ` s House Nora Helmer makes the right decision to Write my philosophy paper life, free herself . from the social and traditional commitments and obligations and Dissertation verteidigung, come and become an independent individual. Nora Helmer in my philosophy, Isben's A Doll's House lived in the world of predetermined social and essay, societal constraints that made her deprived her of her freedom and happiness.

The society in which she lived wanted people to live according to the rigidly set norms and standards of the society. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Norway 2683 Words | 6 Pages. In the play A Doll House , by Henrik Ibsen , the convention of my philosophy paper life, marriage is examined and questioned for its lack of . honesty. War Of! The play is my philosophy paper life research set in essay writing vs, the late 1800s, which provides the Write, backdrop for the debate about roles of Homework, people in society. Ibsen uses the Write my philosophy paper life research, minor character, Dr. Rank, to help develop the theme of Rhodiola herb, conflicts within society.

This, in turn, creates connections with the plot. Dr. Rank's function in the play is to Write my philosophy paper life, foreshadow, symbolize, and reflect upon the truth of life and society and to break. A Doll's House , Foreshadowing , Henrik Ibsen 873 Words | 3 Pages. ? 1 Katherine Mansfield “The doll's house ” The world of the adults seems to be in War of the world help, conflict with the world of the children in . Katherine Mansfields “the doll house ”. The dolls house represents this conflict by pointing out the divide between the upper and lower class citizen which all the adults clearly understand and the children don’t fully understand or believe in. Throughout the story we see the clear line that has been drawn by the adults in regards to the upper and lower class. . Doll , Dollhouse , Dolls 895 Words | 3 Pages. ? “A Doll House ” Henrik Ibsen play “A Doll House ,” written in 1879, focuses on a . story of a disparaging role of women in Write paper research, Victorian society through his doll motif, played out in Nora’s sudden distaste for her home.

Throughout the play there are many examples of Nora’s husband Torvald treating Nora in an insulting manner because she’s a woman. Homework Slader! Torvald calls her little pet names, and states that she’s frail. Nora does things according to what Torvald wants. Everything is done by his standards. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Norway 1559 Words | 5 Pages. to go be who you actually are. The protagonist in A Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen , Nora Helmer, not only sacrifices . herself, but also her family. Nora sacrifices the Write life research, security and comfort of her home, while also giving up her social status. Nora also contemplates giving up her life for her family and friends to Homework help calculator, be better off. She also gives up her dignity and relationship with Torvald and Write my philosophy research, the children. Henrik Ibsen wrote A Doll’s House to express how a person needs to Rhodiola herb, sacrifice yourself to paper life, be.

A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Need 532 Words | 2 Pages. Chris Marsh Into To Lit English 2300 11-11:50 MWF In the play A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen the . Essay Writing Vs! character Nora leaves her husband and family in my philosophy paper life research, the end of the englisch, play. Write! This is War of the world essay acceptable considering the condition of her marriage. A Doll House was written during the 19thCentury and Write my philosophy research, the role of the woman was to stay at home, raise the children and help calculator tudor, attend to her husband. Research! Nora is the kickstart, character in A Doll House who plays the 19th Century woman and Write paper life, is portrayed as a victim. The inferior role of. A Doll's House , Control , Henrik Ibsen 958 Words | 3 Pages. Argu1nentative Essays Mani stones, Nepal An argumentative essay is an essay in which you agree . Management No. 02! or disagree with an issue, using reasons to support your opinion.

Your goal is to convince your reader that your opinion is Write my philosophy life research right. Argumentation is a popular kind of essay question because it forces students to think on their own: They have to take a stand on an issue, support their stand with solid reasons, and support their reasons with solid evidence. In a general writing test such as the TOEFL. Argument , Argument map , Argumentation theory 694 Words | 3 Pages. Reaction Paper on Strategic management assignment, A Doll's House Reaction Paper on A Doll's House There has never been a shortage of life research, literature with . Study Writing Vs! gender roles as a main topic, and my philosophy paper life research, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen is one of the premier works on the subject. Known for being startlingly ahead of its time, this play holds a firm spot in literary history and has been adapted in live theatre countless times over the past century. The dogma of management assignment, what is proper and expected of both men and my philosophy paper life research, women for no other reason than their gender.

A Doll's House , Gender , Gender role 1128 Words | 3 Pages. ENGLISH 101 ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY GUIDELINES for the Argumentative Essay : Using the documentary . Pakistan’s Taliban Generation write an argumentative essay that addresses the following questions. Pay special attention to the content (answers to the questions below) and the organizational structure of the essay (introduction, body, conclusion; prioritizing the information and Homework help, arguments; smooth transition between the paragraphs). My Philosophy Life! 1. What is religious extremism? Make use of the Rhodiola herb, narrative and. Argument , Argument map , Counterargument 586 Words | 3 Pages. A Doll House: a Feminist Approach to the Play by Henrik Ibsen. A Doll House A feminist approach to Write paper research, the play by Henrik Ibsen The Feminist movement is an essay writing ongoing reaction . against my philosophy life research, the male definition of War of essay, woman.

In most western civilizations men have dominated politics, society and the economy of their worlds. They have suppressed the voices of the women so that they could mold it the paper life research, way they wanted it. Thus they defined what was feminine as insubstantial, subservient and Rhodiola herb, devoid of will. Femininity was further emotion driven, illogical, naive and ought not be. Femininity , Feminism , Feminist theory 1263 Words | 3 Pages. A Doll's House: Bondage and Freedom. Paper Life! A Doll's House : Bondage and Freedom Sharon Cook ENGLISH/125 February 6, 2012 Dr. . Natasha Whitton A Doll's House : Bondage and Freedom Mention the word “Barbie” (, and most women who have played with one as a child, has fond memories of the plastic 11 ? inches tall, Mattel statuette. In my childhood memory bank, Barbie is Strategic (mgt603) assignment no. 02 perfect, beautiful, and poised. She is the Write my philosophy paper research, kind of Homework help, woman I.

A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Norway 1250 Words | 4 Pages. to Write paper life research, have been created: to remain complacent, readily accept any chore and complete it “gracefully” ( Ibsen 213). Rhodiola Herb! Contrarily, men were the . absolute monarchs over Write research, their respective homes and all that dwelled within. In Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House , Nora is subjected to moral degradation through her familial role, the consistent patronization of her husband and her own assumed subordinance. Ibsen belittles the role of the housewife through means of stage direction, diminutive pet names and through. Gender role , Henrik Ibsen , James Joyce 1516 Words | 4 Pages. Rasheeda Omar Ms.

Katie Upton Sociology 224 – Section 001 Film Analysis Paper A Doll’s House Nora will do anything to please her . authoritarian husband Torvald. Per Torvald’s instructions, Nora focuses on such womanly disciplines as dancing and taking care of babies, while he sees to all the affairs of money. But when a past financial mistake comes back to haunt Nora and Torvald finds out, the result is an explosion of help calculator tudor, fury and Write my philosophy paper research, a shocking revelation that changes the course of the entire. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen 1239 Words | 4 Pages. ?A doll’s house Costume I think the costumes used in ‘A doll’s house ’ were quite symbolic and symbolized the characters . various roles in society. When we first see Nora she is wearing a shiny blue dress which shows she is well off which gives the audience the idea that she has a degree of elegance about her.

In those times women dressed modestly and this was an management (mgt603) assignment no. 02 example of the types of clothes they were supposed to wear while around the house . They were expected to life research, cook, clean and look after. War Of! A Doll's House , Christmas , Christmas Eve 1410 Words | 4 Pages. A Doll's House , a play by Henrik Ibsen , tells the Write life, story of Nora, the wife of Torvald Helmer, who is an adult living as a child, . Strategic (mgt603) No. 02! kept as a doll by her husband. She is expected to my philosophy paper, be content and happy living in the world Torvald has created for her. By studying the play and Dissertation verteidigung, comparing and contrasting the versions presented in the video and Write life, the live performance, one can analyze the different aspects of it. Strategic Management Assignment No. 02! Ibsen's purpose for Write paper life research writing this piece is to entertain while pointing out an injustice. Homework Help! Through. Write My Philosophy Research! A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Norway 1522 Words | 4 Pages. A Doll's House Henrik Ibsen's A Doll House centers around the life of Nora and Torvald, a young married couple . from Norway with three small children. Essay! In the play, Ibsen takes the readers into the home of Nora and Torvald, allowing them to view the couple's relationship over a three-day period. Nora's introduction occurs in the first scene with a childlike enthusiasm for life research life and love of her husband and family.

Later, when Torvald makes his entrance he appears as the doting yet somewhat condescending. Essay Help Kickstart! A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Marriage 1349 Words | 4 Pages. The play, A Doll’s House , written by Danish playwright Henrik Ibsen was released amongst great . controversy in the late 18th century. This play by Ibsen was considered scandalous for its interpretation of Write my philosophy paper life, gender roles and the societal norms of Strategic (mgt603), 18th century Norway. Central to the arguably feminist agenda of this play is the main character Nora and my philosophy life research, her relationships with her husband Torvald Helmer, Dr. Rank, her and her husband’s friend and War of the world essay help, antagonist Krogstad. These. A Doll's House , Gender , Gender role 1439 Words | 4 Pages. “ Ibsen Play” The play “A Doll’s House ” by Henrik Isben brings to light the realities of middle class society and Write my philosophy paper life, its . values. A woman’s place in 1800’ s society was very different than it is today. Women did not have the same freedoms that they have today, in spite of the fact that they were strong and intelligent. Nora used this strength and intelligence in Homework calculator, play and was punished for it.

The play opens up with Nora arriving home and being greeted by her husband in Write paper life, a condescending manner. Family , Henrik Ibsen , Middle class 449 Words | 2 Pages. Analysis of Women in 'A Dolls House' The treatment of Dissertation englisch, these women was also extremely negative; they were stereotypical housewives, expected to stay home and Write my philosophy life, fulfill domestic duties. Literature . of this time embodies and mirrors social issues of women in society. Henrik Ibsen uses Nora Helmer in A Doll's House to portray the negative treatment of all women throughout society during the nineteenth century. Dissertation! In this play we see Nora begin as fragile, nieve creature and progress to my philosophy paper life, an individual, independent woman. Written during the Victorian. A Doll's House , Gender role , Henrik Ibsen 1436 Words | 4 Pages. The words of Ibsen said, “There are two kinds of management, moral laws, two kinds of conscience, one for men and my philosophy paper life, one, quite different, for women. They . Essay Vs! don’t understand each other; but in practical life, woman is judged by masculine law, as though she weren’t a woman but a man….

A woman cannot be herself in modern society.” Throughout the my philosophy paper life research, plot there were numerous themes that Ibsen created from those ideas such as deception, blackmail, inequality, marriage, freedom, honesty, and much more. The themes that. Gender , Gender role , Husband 1200 Words | 3 Pages. A Doll House: Irreconcilable Views of Men and Women. A Doll House : Irreconcilable Views of Men and Women Throughout history, men and women's roles in society have created them to . have irreconcilable views with each other. Their opposing opinions are based on games, different outlooks regarding various aspects of their lives. The way a person views themselves depends on their culture and the time period and which they live in. One issue that causes clashing of ideas between men and woman is my philosophy life their responsibility to their family. An individual's duties.

A Doll's House , Family , Henrik Ibsen 2713 Words | 7 Pages. The title of the play is Rhodiola herb most commonly translated as A Doll's House , though some scholars use A Doll House . John . Simon argues that the my philosophy paper research, only significance in the alternative translation is the War of essay help kickstart, difference in the way the toy is named in Britain and the United States. Egil Tornqvist argues that the alternative simply sounds more idiomatic to Americans. Paper Life Research! See Simon (1991, 55), Tornqvist (1995, 54), and Worthen (2004, 666-691). ------------------------------------------------- Synopsis [edit] Act one [edit] . Games Slader! A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Love 1373 Words | 4 Pages. Compare and Contrast a Doll House by Henrik Ibsen and a Streetcar Named Desire by my philosophy Tennessee Williams. Write a Brief Essay (of Approximately 1000 Words) to Comment on the Two Female Protagonists’ (Nora Helmer and Homework help calculator, Blanche. Compare and contrast A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen and A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams.

Write a brief . essay (of approximately 1000 words) to comment on the two female protagonists’ (Nora Helmer and Blanche Duboi’s) relationship with men. A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen and Write my philosophy, A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams are two well-known plays that give rise to discussions over male-female relationships in Study essay, old society. The female protagonists in the plays are women who are dependent. A Doll's House , Blanche DuBois , Gender 1123 Words | 3 Pages. Henrik Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House ”: Far Beyond Feminism First performed in Denmark of Write my philosophy paper research, 1879, “A Doll’s House ” by Henrik . Ibsen shocked Europe with its controversially courageous ideas. Although the play undeniably paints a sympathetic salutation to the plight of women during the Strategic (mgt603), 18th and 19th century, Ibsen repudiated the piece as being of solely feministic construct, declaring it a humanistic piece.

In fact, when he was being honored by the Norwegian Society for Women's Rights, Ibsen himself stressed that. A Doll's House , Henrik Ibsen , Husband 2212 Words | 6 Pages. A Psychoanalytical Perspective of a Dolls House. My Philosophy Life Research! A Psychoanalytical Perspective of a Doll’s House Justin Doughman Composition . II/Literature South University Online A Psychoanalytical Perspective of “A Doll’s House ” Nora Helmer is a young mother of three and an obedient house wife in, “A Doll’s House ,” a play write written by Henrik Ibsen . Using the Homework games, psychological perspective to dig deeper into Nora’s subconscious the reader finds that Nora yearns to be an independent women. A Doll's House , Christmas tree , Henrik Ibsen 982 Words | 3 Pages. Write My Philosophy Life Research! ?A Quick Note Before You Begin Argumentative essays are also commonly known as persuasive essays . However, there . are some differences between the two even if they’re commonly considered to be the same. Persuasive essays are short, around five to six paragraphs. They usually focus on your side with occasionally one paragraph devoted to the opposing side. Assignment No. 02! Persuasive essays focus more on my philosophy paper life, the emotions of the reader. Argumentative essays are usually longer in length, ranging from Strategic management (mgt603) assignment as little as five paragraphs.

Conclusion , Debut albums , Essay 863 Words | 4 Pages.

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patriot essay Presented here are a some essays that I have assembled for all of Write paper life research you with a patriotic heart. If you have a favorite essay that you would like to War of the world essay, contribute to this collection please feel free to do so ! Be sure to include the title author (if known) to Contact Us. If one asks me the Write paper research meaning of our flag, I say to him: It means just what Concord and Lexington meant, what Bunker Hill meant. It means the whole glorious Revolutionary War. Strategic Management No. 02! It means all that the Declaration of Independence meant. It means all that the my philosophy life research Constitution of our people, organizing for justice, for liberty and for happiness, meant. Under this banner rode Washington and his armies.

Before it Burgoyne laid down his arms. It waved on the highlands at West Point. When Arnold would have surrendered these valuable fortresses and precious legacies, his night was turned into day and War of the world help his treachery was driven away by Write paper research, beams of light from this starry banner. It cheered our army, driven out from Dissertation verteidigung, around New York, and in their painful pilgrimages through New Jersey. This banner streamed in my philosophy light over Homework help, the soldiers' heads at Write my philosophy Valley Forge and at Morristown. It crossed the waters rolling with ice at Trenton, and Homework help when its stars gleamed in Write my philosophy the morning with a victory, a new day of hope dawned on the despondency of this nation. Our Flag carries American ideas, American history and (mgt603) assignment no. 02 American feelings. Beginning with the Colonies, and Write life research coming down to our time, in its sacred heraldry, in its glorious insignia, it has gathered and Dissertation verteidigung englisch stored chiefly this supreme idea: divine right of liberty in man . Every color means liberty; every thread means liberty; every form of paper star and Study writing vs beam or stripe of light means liberty - not lawlessness, but organized, institutional liberty - liberty through law, and laws for liberty!

This American Flag was the safeguard of liberty. Not an atom of crown was allowed to go into its insignia. Not a symbol of authority in the ruler was permitted to go into it. It was an my philosophy life research ordinance of liberty by the people, for the people. Rhodiola Herb! That it meant, that it means, and, by the blessing of God, that it shall mean to the end of time! Our Flag - America's Tonic Against Cynicism. [ Note : From the Nov.-Dec. 1994 National Flag Foundations Standard Bearer Magazine.

This article remains the copyrighted material of the National Flag Foundation and is presented here by permission.] As Vice President and as a Senator and member of Congress before that, I have visited dozens of foreign countries. Believe me when I say I have seen lots of my philosophy life flags. Every country in the world flies flags on ceremonial occasions, such as the arrival of dignitaries on official trips. But something sets Americans apart. We don't just put out the flag for important visitors, or on Homework solemn occasions, and then put it away. Ordinary Americans, by my philosophy life research, the millions, revere our flag and display it every day. We fly it from help calculator, tall poles in front of our businesses, from short poles in our front yards, from balcony railings in our condominium complexes.

We pin the flag on our jacket lapels and paste it to the windows of my philosophy paper our cars and trucks. As soon as our toddlers can hold a little stick in their tiny fists, we give them Old Glory to wave at Homework the Fourth of my philosophy life July parade. And at life's end, we drape the caskets of the world essay help kickstart our fallen patriots with the Stars and Stripes. This proud display of, and Write paper life devotion to, the symbol of our nation is uniquely American. It is how we reaffirm the fact that we are indeed one nation and that whatever our other differences, there are core values Americans hold in common: a belief in the dignity of the management assignment no. 02 individual, a love of liberty, and my philosophy research a commitment to government of, for, and by the people. By displaying the flag, we express our gratitude to the generations past who fought and died for this country, and Homework games slader we remind ourselves of our obligation to preserve for generations to come the freedom that others won for us. One of the priviledges enjoyed by those of us in public life is to be greeted by flags most everywhere we go.

This simple expression of patriotism is often a welcome relief from the cynicism of elites in our nation's capital who are too sophisticated to be caught waving a flag. My aquaintances in the major media might find this hard to believe, but there's nothing like seeing proud faces of youngsters reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to remind you of the high ideals that first led you to seek elected office. I realize that the temper of my philosophy paper research our times is increasingly cynical, that Americans in management growing numbers raise a skeptical eyebrow upon hearing the Write paper life research words high ideals and elected office in Dissertation englisch the same breath. If you read the my philosophy paper life same newspaper stores I do, then you have seen the public opinion polls showing in what low repute we now hold the major branches of government. I must admit there are days when I understand those feelings. It's easy to look at the discrepancy between what officials say and what they do, and to become cynical as a result. However, I don't believe Americans will ever become entirely cynical -- as long as they keep flying the flag.

As a symbol of our republic and its institutions, our link to this country's past and to its future, the flag helps us keep in mind that the Founding Fathers created a durable and admirable system of government. The founders didn't pretend to Strategic management (mgt603) assignment, guarantee that only honorable men and women would hold office. Paper Research! In fact, they assumed the opposite Rhodiola herb, -- and created a system of checks and balances as insurance against the imperfect politicians they knew would always exist. In other parts of the world, people tend to find Americans' love of the Write life flag overly sentimental. I believe that our system of government, for all its occasional flaws, is Rhodiola herb, still the finest in the world. Far from being sentimental, we have very good reason to show our appreciation anew every day. This country was not built by men who relied on somebody else to take care of them. It was built by men who relied on themselves, who dared to shape their own lives, who had enough courage to blaze new trails with enough confidence in themselves to take the necessary risks. This self-reliance is our American legacy.

It is the paper life secret of that something which stamped Americans as Americans. Some call it individual initiative, others backbone. But whatever it is englisch, called, it is a precious ingredient in my philosophy paper life our national character, one which we must not lose. The time has come for us to re-establish the rights for which we stand, to re-assert our inalienable rights to human dignity, self-respect, self-reliance—to be again the englisch kind of people who once made America great. Such a crusade for renewed independence will require a succession of inspired leaders, leaders in spirit and in my philosophy knowledge of the problem, not just men with political power, but men who are militantly for help calculator tudor the distinctive way of my philosophy research life that was America. We are likely to find such leaders only among those that promote self-reliance and who practice it with strict devotion and understanding. No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to Strategic (mgt603) assignment, theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. My Philosophy! The question before the management House is one of awful moment to this country.

For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to Write my philosophy paper life research, the magnitude of the War of the world essay help kickstart subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. Paper! It is verteidigung englisch, only in this way that we can hope to arrive at Write my philosophy paper life research truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of Strategic assignment giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of Write life treason towards my country, and games of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of paper research Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings. Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of War of the world essay help that siren till she transforms us into Write my philosophy paper research, beasts.

Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the calculator tudor things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the Write whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the help games slader lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by Write research, the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to War of the world essay, solace themselves and the House.

Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to life research, your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of Rhodiola herb our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and research darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to assignment no. 02, a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to my philosophy research, win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. Study Essay Vs! These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies?

No, sir, she has none. My Philosophy Paper! They are meant for us: they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing.

We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in the world essay help kickstart vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the life storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and calculator tudor Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the my philosophy paper life research fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to help games, be free -- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending -- if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to my philosophy paper, abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained -- we must fight!

I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of Homework help calculator hosts is all that is left us! They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year?

Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and my philosophy paper when a British guard shall be stationed in management every house? Shall we gather strength but irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of Write my philosophy paper research effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in essay kickstart our power. The millions of people, armed in Write paper the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.

Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over Homework help slader, the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to Write my philosophy paper, fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on Homework the plains of Boston! The war is Write research, inevitable -- and management (mgt603) let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come. It is in Write my philosophy paper vain, sir, to extenuate the matter.

Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace -- but there is no peace. The war is Strategic no. 02, actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the my philosophy paper research north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish?

What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me; give me liberty or give me death. On the night of Good Friday, 1865, he left us to join a blessed procession, in (mgt603) neither doubt nor fear, but his soul does indeed go marching on. For this was the Bible-reading lad come out of wilderness, following a prairie star, filled with wonder at the world and its Maker, who all his life, boy and man, not only knew the Twenty-third Psalm but, more importantly, knew the Shepherd. Now it seems possible that we shall never see his like again. This is a sobering thought, but it should be a kindling one, for upon us now, as a people and paper research a party, has been laid perhaps the greatest responsibility any nation was ever asked to shoulder, yet certainly not greater than we can bear. Our days are no longer than were Lincoln's, our nights are no darker, and if there is any difference between his time and help games slader this it lies in the tremendous advantage that is ours, that he stood so tall before us.

In such a time and at such a moment we surely can say then, from my philosophy paper research, hopeful, brimful hearts: We are standing, Father Abraham, devoted millions strong, firm in the faith that was yours and is ours, secure in the conviction bequeathed by you to help, us that right does make might and my philosophy paper research that if we but dare to do our duty as we understand it, we shall not only survive. --we shall prevail. What's a flag? What's the love of country for which it stands? Maybe it begins with love of the land itself. It is the fog rolling in with the tide at Eastport, or through the Homework help tudor Golden Gate and among the towers of San Francisco. It is the sun coming up behind the White Mountains, over the Green, throwing a shining glory on Lake Champlain and above the Write my philosophy life Adirondacks. It is the storied Mississippi rolling swift and muddy past St. Louis, rolling past Cairo, pouring down past the levees of New Orleans. It is lazy noontide in the pines of Carolina, it is Dissertation verteidigung englisch, a sea of wheat rippling in Western Kansas, it is the San Francisco peaks far north across the glowing nakedness of Write my philosophy paper life Arizona, it is the Grand Canyon and a little stream coming down out of a New England ridge, in which are trout.

It is men at work. Verteidigung! It is the storm-tossed fishermen coming into Gloucester and Provincetown and Astoria. It is the farmer riding his great machine in the dust of harvest, the dairyman going to the barn before sunrise, the lineman mending the broken wire, the miner drilling for the blast. It is the servants of fire in the murky splendor of Pittsburgh, between the Allegheny and the Monongahela, the trucks rumbling through the night, the locomotive engineer bringing the train in on time, the pilot in the clouds, the riveter running along the beam a hundred feet in the air. It is the clerk in the office, the housewife doing the dishes and sending the paper children off to school. It is the teacher, doctor and parson tending and helping, body and soul, for small reward. It is small things remembered, the Study writing vs little corners of the land, the houses, the people that each one loves. We love our country because there was a little tree on a hill, and Write paper life research grass thereon, and a sweet valley below; because the hurdy-gurdy man came along on a sunny morning in a city street; because a beach or a farm or a lane or a house that might not seem much to others were once, for each of us, made magic. It is voices that are remembered only, no longer heard. It is parents, friends, the lazy chat of street and store and office, and the ease of mind that makes life tranquil.

It is Summer and Winter, rain and sun and storms. These are flesh of our flesh, bone of Homework help our bone, blood of our blood, a lasting part of Write my philosophy paper research what we are, each of us and all of us together. It is stories told. It is the Pilgrims dying in their first dreadful Winter. It is the minute man standing his ground at Concord Bridge, and dying there. It is the essay kickstart army in rags, sick, freezing, starving at Valley Forge. Write My Philosophy Research! It is the wagons and Strategic assignment no. 02 the men on foot going westward over Cumberland Gap, floating down the great rivers, rolling over the great plains. It is the settler hacking fiercely at the primeval forest on his new, his own lands.

It is Thoreau at Walden Pond, Lincoln at Cooper Union, and Lee riding home from Appomattox. Write My Philosophy! It is corruption and disgrace, answered always by men who would not let the flag lie in the dust, who have stood up in every generation to fight for the old ideals and the old rights, at risk of ruin or of life itself. It is a great multitude of Study people on pilgrimage, common and ordinary people, charged with the usual human failings, yet filled with such a hope as never caught the imaginations and the hearts of my philosophy paper life research any nation on earth before. The World Essay Help Kickstart! The hope of liberty. The hope of justice. The hope of a land in which a man can stand straight, without fear, without rancor. The land and the people and the flag, the land a continent, the people of every race, the flag a symbol of what humanity may aspire to when the wars are over and the my philosophy paper life research barriers are down: to these each generation must be dedicated and consecrated anew, to help tudor, defend with life itself, if need be, but, above all, in friendliness, in hope, in courage, to live for. I am an American: That's the way we put it, simply, without any swagger, without any brag, in those four plain words. We speak them softly, just to ourselves. We roll them on the tongue, touching every syllable, getting the feel of them, the enduring flavor. We speak them humbly, thankfully, reverently: I am an American.

They are more than words, really. They are the sum of the lives of a vast multitude of Write my philosophy life men and women and wide-eyed children. They are a manifesto to War of essay, mankind; speak those four words anywhere in the world -- yes, anywhere -- and Write my philosophy paper those who hear will recognize their meaning. They are a pledge. A pledge that stems from a document which says: When in the course of human events, and goes on from there. A pledge to Dissertation, those who dreamed that dream before it was set to paper research, paper, to those who have lived it since, and died for it.

Those words are a covenant with a great host of plain Americans, Americans who put their share of War of essay help meaning into them. Listen, and you can hear the voices echoing through them, words that sprang white-hot from bloody lips, scornful lips, lips a tremble with human pity: Don't give up the paper life research ship! Fight her till she dies. Damn the torpedoes! Go ahead! . . . Do you want to live forever? . . . Don't cheer, boys; the poor devils are dying.

Laughing words, June-warm words, words cold as January ice: Root, hog, or die. Management! .. I've come from Alabama with my banjo. . . Pike's Peak or bust! . . . Busted, by God! . . . When you say that, smile. Wait till you see the Write paper whites of help their eyes. With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right. I am not a Virginian, but an American. You can hear men in assembly summoned, there in paper life research Philadelphia, hear the scratch of their quills as they wrote words for the hour and produced a document for the ages. You can hear them demanding guarantees for War of essay kickstart which they suffered through the hell of my philosophy war, hear a Yankee voice intoning the text of ten brief amendments. You can hear the slow cadences of a gaunt and weary man at Gettysburg, dedicating not a cemetery, but a nation. You can hear those echoes as you walk along the streets, hear them in the rumble of traffic; you can hear them as you stand at the lathe, in the roaring factory; hear them in the clack of verteidigung englisch train wheels, in the drumming throb of the air liner; hear them in the corn fields and in the big woods and in the mine pits and the oil fields. But they aren't words any longer; they're a way of life, a pattern of living. They're the dawn that brings another day in my philosophy paper which to get on the job.

They're the Dissertation noon whistle, with a chance to get the kinks out of your back, to get a bowl of soup, a plate of beans, a cup of coffee into your belly. They're evening, with another day's work done; supper with the wife and kids; a movie, or the radio, or the Write newspaper or a magazine -- and no Gestapo snooping at the door and threatening to kick your teeth in. They are a pattern of life as lived by a free people, freedom that has its roots in rights and obligations: The right to go to a church with a cross or a star or a dome or a steeple, or not to help, go to any church at all; and the obligation to Write my philosophy research, respect others in that same right. The right to harangue on a street corner, to hire a hall and shout your opinions till your tonsils are worn to a frazzle; and the obligation to curb your tongue now and then. The right to the world essay help kickstart, go to school, to learn a trade, to enter a profession, to earn an honest living; and the obligation to do an honest day's work. The right to put your side of the argument in the hands of a jury; and the obligation to abide by the laws that you and your delegates have written in the statute books. The right to choose who shall run our government for us, the right to research, a secret vote that counts just as much as the next fellow's in the final tally; and the obligation to use that right, and Strategic assignment no. 02 guard it and keep it clean.

The right to hope, to dream, to pray; the obligation to serve. These are some of the meanings of those four words, meanings we don't often stop to paper life research, tally up or even list. Only in the stillness of a moonless night, or in the quiet of management assignment a Sunday afternoon, or in the thin dawn of a new day, when our world is Write paper life, close about verteidigung englisch us, do they rise up in Write my philosophy paper life research our memories and stir in our sentient hearts. Only then? That is not wholly so -- not today! For today we are drilling holes and driving rivets, shaping barrels and loading shells, fitting wings and welding hulls, And we are remembering Wake Island, and Bataan, and Corregidor, and Hong Kong and Singapore and Batavia; We are remembering Warsaw and the world essay Rotterdam and Rouen and Coventry. Remembering, and paper life research muttering with each rivet driven home: There's another one for remembrance! They're plain words, those four.

Simple words. You could write them on your thumbnail, if you chose, Or you could sweep them all across the sky, horizon to horizon. You could grave them on Rhodiola herb stone, you could carve them on the mountain ranges. You could sing them, to the tune of Yankee Doodle. But you needn't. You needn't do any of those things, For those words are graven in the hearts of 130,000,00 people, they are familiar to 130,000,000 tongues, every sound and every syllable. But when we speak them we speak them softly, proudly, gratefully: I am an American. We do honor to the stars and life stripes as the help slader emblem of our country and the symbol of all that our patriotism means. We identify the flag with almost everything we hold dear on earth.

It represents our peace and security, our civil and political liberty, our freedom of Write my philosophy paper religious worship, our family, our friends, our home. We see it in the great multitude of blessings, of rights and privileges that make up our country. But when we look at our flag and behold it emblazoned with all our rights, we must remember that it is equally a symbol of Study essay writing our duties. Every glory that we associate with it is the result of duty done. A yearly contemplation of our flag strengthens and purifies the my philosophy paper national conscience. In response to a request from England for a description of Col. Rhodiola Herb! George Washington, his aide-de-camp, John Francis Mercer, wrote: He may be described as being as straight as an Indian, measuring six feet two inches in his stockings and weighing 175 pounds when he took his seat in the House of Burgesses in 1759. His frame is padded with well developed muscles, indicating great strength. Write Research! His bones and joints are large, as are his feet and hands.

He is wide shouldered, but has not a deep or round chest; is neat waisted, but is broad across the Homework tudor hips, and paper life research has rather long legs and arms. Help Calculator Tudor! His head is well shaped though not large, but is gracefully poised on a superb neck. A large and straight rather than a prominent nose; blue-gray eyes which are widely separated and overhung by a heavy brow. His face is long rather than broad, with high round cheek bones, and terminates in a good firm chin. He has a clear though rather colorless pale skin, which burns with the sun. A pleasing, benevolent, though a commanding countenance, dark brown hair, which he wears in Write my philosophy paper a cue. His mouth is large and generally firmly closed, but which from time to time discloscs some defective teeth. Homework Help Games! His features are regular and placid, though fiexible and expressivc of deep feeling when moved by emotion.

What strange doubts assail this timid generation of today as it beholds the challenges to both liberty and equality. We seem beset with fear not faith, with doubt not confidence, with compromise not conviction, with dismay not dedication. We are drenched with the literature of fear and doubt. Research! Survival has become the main theme. The fall-out shelter from which the stars of Strategic no. 02 hope and paper research courage cannot be seen has become the symbol of our fears and misgivings. Are we to become fearful, unworthy legatees in a blessed, united land where the earth is fertile to our every need, where the skills and englisch ingenuity of men are boundless, where the research burdens are bearable, where decent living is within the reach of all, and where the genius to games, produce is unlimited?

Perhaps we have lost our sense of continuity? Perhaps we have forgotten that we move in that same endless stream which began with our forefathers and which will flow on and on Write paper life research to embrace our children and our children's children. War Of The World Help Kickstart! If we have, there will have gone with it that sense of individual responsibility which is the last best hope that a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to equality can long endure. Comes then the my philosophy paper reminder from the man from Illinois. Men died here and men are sleeping here who fought under a July sun that the nation might endure, united, free, tolerant, and devoted to equality.

The task was unfinished. It is never quite finished. I was born an American; I live an American; I shall die an American; and I intend to perform the duties incumbent upon me in that character to the end of my career. I mean to do this with absolute disregard of personal consequences. What are the personal consequences? What is the vs individual man, with all the good or evil that may betide him, in comparison with the good or evil which may befall a great country, and in the midst of great transactions which concern that country's fate? Let the consequences be what they will, I am careless. No man can suffer too much, and no man can fall too soon, if he suffer, or if he fall, in Write my philosophy life research the defense of the liberties and help slader constitution of his country. Daniel Webster Speaks at Bunker Hill. The first time I ever saw Mr.

Webster was on the 17th of my philosophy research June, 1825, at the laying of the corner-stone of the Bunker Hill Monument. I shall never forget his appearance as he strode across the open area, encircled by some fifty thousand persons—men and women, waiting for the Orator of the Day, nor the games shout that simultaneously burst forth, as he was recognized, carrying up to Write research, the skies the Rhodiola herb name of Write life Webster! Webster! Webster! It was one of those lovely days in June, when the sun is bright, the air clear, and the breath of nature so sweet and Strategic management no. 02 pure as to fill every bosom with a grateful joy in the mere consciousness of existence. There were present long files of soldiers in their holiday attire; there were many associations, with their mottoed banners; there were lodges and grand lodges, in white aprons and blue scarfs; there were miles of citizens from the towns and the country round about; there were two hundred gray-haired men, remnants of the days of the Revolution. Mr. Webster was in the very zenith of Write paper research his fame and of his powers. There was a grandeur in his form, an intelligence in his deep dark eye, a loftiness in his expansive brow, a significance in his arched lip, altogether beyond those of englisch any other human being I ever saw. And these, on the occasion to Write my philosophy life research, which I allude, had their full expression and interpretation.

When he came to address the few scarred and time-worn veterans, some forty in number, who had shared in War of essay kickstart the bloody scene which all had now gathered to commemorate, he paused a moment, and, as he uttered the Write my philosophy life research words Venerable men, his voice trembled, and I could see a cloud pass over the sea of faces that turned upon the speaker. He said: Our poor work may perish, but thine shall endure: this monument may moulder away, the Study essay writing solid ground it rests upon may sink down to the level of the sea; but thy memory shall not fail. Wherever among men a heart shall be found that beats to the transports of Write my philosophy paper life patriotism and liberty, its aspirations shall claim kindred with thy spirit! I have never seen such an effect, from a single passage. Lifted as by inspiration, every breast seemed now to expand, every gaze to turn above, every face to beam with a holy yet exulting enthusiasm.

It was the omnipotence of eloquence, which, like the agitated sea, carries a host upon essay vs its waves, sinking and swelling with its irresistible undulations.

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Write my philosophy paper: Professional Speech Writers

The Only Way to Save “Indie” Is to Eliminate That Outdated and Write my philosophy paper life Implicitly Racist Term. The comebacks of many flagship 2000s bands show it’s time to eliminate this outdated, insular, and implicitly racist term. Photo illustration by essay vs Slate . Write My Philosophy Research! Photos by Getty Images. After a four-year hiatus, the management (mgt603) Portland, Oregon, group the Decemberists opened its new album in January with a characteristically theatrical move. In a curtain-raiser called “The Singer Addresses His Audience,” frontman Colin Meloy sings, “We know you built your life around us/ Would we change?

We had to change, some.” Carl Wilson is Slate ’ s music critic. As Meloy explained in interviews, “That was my imagining the viewpoint of a singer in a band.” Which sounded a bit like O.J. Simpson imagining he “did it”a rather timid leap for a songwriter known for epics about my philosophy paper research pirate ships and Homework calculator tudor forest queensuntil Meloy clarified he meant “a boy band.” It seems supremely “indie” to life research, assume that even if you’ve had a Billboard No. 1 album (on a major label, no less), conventional pop stars’ experiences are utterly alien to you. Yet perhaps Meloy was being coy: In the Strategic no. 02 latter half of the 2000s, his band commanded a devoted audience given to costumes, fan art, and mass sing-alongs.

The scene was a bit like a One Direction tour crossed with LARPing. So the Write my philosophy research reconstituted Decemberists may well have wondered if their fans were prepared to writing vs, let them change, or if the less manic sounds and more mature concerns of their new album would draw a “WHAT ABOUT ZAYN ?” kind of backlash. Other music listeners might ask if bands of the Decemberists’ vintage can change enough to feel pertinent in 2015. Write Paper Life Research! A decade ago, music blogs, film and TV music supervisors, Pitchfork , and Homework help other new media outlets boosted “indie” to Write paper life research, a rare visibility. Homework! Now, many of those acts are returning from long absences to quite an altered atmosphere. Early 2015 saw new albums by paper research Sleater-Kinney and Belle Sebastian, after 10 and five years respectively. Late March and early April have brought releases from Modest Mouse (after eight years), Death Cab for Cutie (four years), and Sufjan Stevens (five). These never really were artists you could lump together easily, but for years they seemed to get by with “indie” or “indie rock” as an umbrella. Strategic Management (mgt603) Assignment! Many people still use these terms, but what do they mean today?

The distribution shifts that enabled the paper life research indie boom of the 2000s have only multiplied, divided, and subdivided since then. Verteidigung Englisch! Artists break out on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Vine, and Instagram, then market themselves there, directly to fans, no matter how famous they get. My Philosophy Paper Research! This hasn’t democratized music anywhere near the way indie partisans once predicted, but as overall music sales continue to deteriorate, it has blurred any clear distinctions between insiders and outsiders. Consider the press conference last week for the revamped music-streaming app Tidal, which has set itself in assignment, opposition to the low royalty rates of other streaming services: There, a murderer’s row of Write my philosophy paper research, rich and famous performers made a show of signing an ownership agreement as if it were the Declaration of Independence. Among the mostly pop, hip-hop, and RB stars on War of the world essay help kickstart hand, there were also indie rockish representatives Win Butler of Write, Arcade Fire (pictured in Billboard ’s report raising glasses with Jay Z and Beyoncé) and Dissertation verteidigung Jack White. Photo by life Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for Roc Nation. Streaming royalty rates are a real issue, and Rhodiola herb maybe Tidal can be a partial remedy. But such comically inept symbolism is an inevitability because no one really understands what is going on. The indie-corporate binary is even less credible than it was a decade ago, when “indie” artists were topping charts either because they had signed directly to major labels or because their “independent” labels had subcontracted to transnational media companies.

Most of the new spate of “indie” comeback albums, then, come from artists now twice removed from their beginnings as non-corporate DIY units. The term has survived instead as a kind of mixed social and aesthetic signal, indicating both a connoisseur audience and a non-pop production style. On those levels “indie” carries a coded sense of aesthetic superioritythe legacy of Write paper research, “corporate rock still sucks”that has always been a canard. You can make great records if (and because) you don’t care about the world kickstart them sounding popular. And you can make great records if (and because) you care a whole hell of research, a lot about them sounding popular. Modest Mouse’s 1997 album The Lonesome Crowded West is a huge sentimental favorite of mine, but its rough-hewn sound is not inherently better or more meaningful than the highly produced ones of Michael Jackson or Blood, Sweat Tears or the Beatles. This clash flows out of and into the endless “authenticity” debate in music fandom and criticism. But in the time that most of the indie comeback artists have been away, a general consensus seems to have been struck. The World Essay Help! Musical hipsters right now are as likely to sneer at white indie guitar bands as an paper life research, undifferentiated whole as at pop starswhich is Homework calculator tudor, also an unfair over-generalization, but may be the necessary corrective. Write My Philosophy Research! Even the erstwhile indie bible Pitchfork now gives plenty of respectful attention to Strategic management assignment no. 02, pop, dance, and RB records it once would not have deigned to acknowledge.

In itself that doesn’t subtract from the my philosophy life research relevance of indie artists. Few of Study essay writing, them claim to my philosophy paper research, be fighting any kind of battle against pop anymorefans are almost always worse than artists on that count. But this decade has also seen a more widespread suspicion and management critique of the workings of social privilege, and “indie” has a problem therebecause its creators and listeners seem so disproportionately white, male, and upper-middle-class. In late March, Pitchfork itself published a passionate critique called “The Unbearable Whiteness of Indie” by Sarah Sahim, which jumps off from a “blindingly white” film by Stuart Murdoch of Write my philosophy life research, Belle Sebastian into problems of exclusion and appropriation on indie stages and in indie audiences. I have a lot of Dissertation, quibbles with the piece (chiefly her historically short-sighted dismissal of Write my philosophy paper, riot grrrl and other white feminist interventions as “feel-good”go ask Russia’s Pussy Riot). But her central point is undeniable.

In the New Republic , Noah Berlatsky points out that the problem is actually circularmusic made by War of the world essay help non-white people is routinely defined out of “indie,” so that white people making neo-RB or hybrid blues sounds are included but FKA Twigs and Valerie June are usually not. My Philosophy! As Berlatsky writes, this is routine to how genres are formed. Very often, not much divided the sounds of blues and Dissertation country, or RB and rock. They were grouped by the racial origins of their performers, which both reflected institutional racism and for the industry served to organize market segments. There are exceptions, and paper life research have been from Jimi Hendrix through Bad Brains through Bloc Party or TV on the Radio. (Not to mention artists of help calculator, mixed race, Asian, or Hispanic backgrounds, among others.) Without them, the regime of separation would be too transparent and indie’s self-consciously liberal audience would be turned off as well.

After the research civil-rights era, even country music managed to rustle up a Charley Pride. The counter-examples enable the system to Rhodiola herb, persist in mostly excluding minority participants or, through social expectation, discouraging their interest to begin with. (For evidence, watch Afro-Punk: The Movie .) Sahim and Berlatsky each in their own ways call for widening indie’s tent, but I think it’s more realistic to pull it down. Because its insularity is Write my philosophy paper life research, not only War of the world essay help kickstart racial and genderedit is also the effect of Write paper, sorting by class. I made this argument when then New Yorker pop critic Sasha Frere-Jones offered his own critique of indie whiteness in 2007, and it’s remained true: Indie is an acquired and self-sequestering taste, an implication not only built into the name but now its only essay help kickstart functional meaning the distinctive cultural “sophistication” and social status of its audience. My Philosophy Life! One of the rival terms in the 1980s and 1990s that indie eventually eclipsed (along with alternative , underground , etc.) was college rock . It was more honest, which is games slader, no doubt why it was abandoned. There are contradictions within the debate about paper life indie and race, for War of example, that will never be neatly squared. For instance, the Write paper dangers of stylistic appropriation and War of essay kickstart the dangers of self-segregation can present a double bind. Quandaries like these go back to the beginnings of not only rock, but also American popular music itself (ragtime, jazz, swing, etc.). But when widening divides in my philosophy research, wealth and privilege (themselves strengthened and Strategic (mgt603) perpetuated by my philosophy paper the higher education system) are a central social crisis, the self-selecting “indie” identity is no help.

The older term “college rock” was more honest, which is no doubt why it was abandoned. What do we call the music, then? Given the decline of mainstream rock as an adversary, who cares? Call it rock, electro, whatever it sounds like. Call it twee and precious, if that’s what you mean. In the always fraught struggle to listen to the music itself and not the Homework help tudor social category, “indie” is just another blinder. And abandoning indie just might make for better music, too. Some of the research bands in the “indie” comeback crowd would be robust no matter what you called them. Sleater-Kinney’s postriot grrrl ferocious complexity has never made for a bad record and it hasn’t now.

Modest Mouse has had its ups and downs, but leader Isaac Brock’s voice is his own, and he faces the relevance problem on the new Strangers to Ourselves by Rhodiola herb grappling metaphorically with the implications of the environmental crisis. It’s compelling, though maybe not 15-songs compelling. (He’s always needed an paper research, editor.) Belle and Sebastian’s effort at making a quasi-disco record with Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance , however, would be strengthened if the walls of their cloister could fallif, instead of the world kickstart, “disco enough for Write paper life indie,” they had the ambition to compete vigorously with disco itself and its current dance-floor heirs. Management Assignment No. 02! This studied sense of distance is why indie “appropriation” is usually less convincing than the pop variety. Death Cab for Cutie’s Kintsugi sounds much like any Death Cab albumbut time has not been kind to their placidly competent guitar-rock or to Ben Gibbard’s lyrics, which I don’t recall being so riddled with romantic, gender-stereotypical clichés. (Which may be to say that I was once less sensitive to those flaws than I am now.) Even if you try to Write research, ignore the essay fact that some of its passive-aggressive bull is directed at Gibbard’s ex, Zooey Deschanel, it irks.

I switched it off after the tune with the my philosophy paper research chorus, “My love, why do you run? For my hands, they hold no gun.” Not, of course, that pop isn’t rife with such stuff, but indie’s lofty aura makes it much harder to stomach. Likewise I am a bit skeptical that without “indie,” the Decemberists could even exist. War Of The World Help Kickstart! If there were then still a call for a post-modern folk-rock Gilbert and Sullivan, it would have to have more of the courage of its strangeness. The band’s hiatus has done it some good, and the songwriting is more grounded on this year’s What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World . But I still find Meloy’s unrelenting streams of conceits wearying, like a prog concept album from 1975 without even the gonzo musicianship to liven up the occasion. More than any other band, they bring me back to the self-regarding turn that America made in the 2000sthe post-9/11 world-wariness and self-soothing.

It would be too much to say that’s what made it an paper life, ideal period for “indie.” But when I listen to the Decemberists, I’m tempted. Album art for Carrie Lowell. Sufjan Stevens’ Carrie Lowell , on the other hand, may be the help calculator tudor finest album of his careerand along with its deeply personal narrative of family, fear, and faith, it is partly because it’s free of the attention-grabbing cleverness of much of his 2000s work. You can call it a folk record, without scare quotes or the indie modifier. Paper Life Research! It is solitary but not at all withholding, as Ann Powers beautifully illustrates in her NPR essay centered around it (which, speaking of anti-segregation, parallels it to Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp a Butterfly ). Finally, there’s one last thing I would hope abandoning “indie” might nudge ahead: a renewed search for non-corporate models of Study writing, music making. Ones that speak to Write paper, today’s questions and crises, without all the baggage and socially compromised affiliations that have accrued over the 40 years since the dawn of punk.

The new model might be a crowd-sourced streaming service of Dissertation verteidigung englisch, some kind, or it might be an outgrowth of the SoundCloud pages some people maintain not as calling cards but as ends in themselves. It might be lots of things that someone like me, engaged too long with the old “indie” models, can’t envision. It is paper research, true, after all, that hopes for Homework help slader digital democratization have degenerated and instead tend to Write life, reinforce the hegemony of the musical “1 percent”the people on that Tidal stage and, more importantly, the corporations that sponsor them. Pro-pop populism can never be the complete answer. There are experiments to be made in Rhodiola herb, screaming unpalatable truths, in sustainability in all its senses, and in the simple joy of my philosophy research, making music with others on more localized, intimate grounds. “Indie” can’t do it anymore. The World Essay! But musicians and my philosophy paper audiences of all stripes could. Can we change? We have to management (mgt603) assignment, change some.

Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. All contents 2017 The Slate Group LLC. All rights reserved.

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A Black Police Officer’s Fight Against the N.Y.P.D. Write My Philosophy? Edwin Raymond thought he could change the help slader department from the Write my philosophy paper life inside. He wound up the help games slader lead plaintiff in a lawsuit brought by Write paper research, 12 minority officers. By SAKI KNAFO FEB. 18, 2016. E very morning before his shift, Edwin Raymond, a 30-year-old officer in slader, the New York Police Department, ties up his long dreadlocks so they won’t brush against his collar, as the job requires. My Philosophy Paper? On Dec. 7, he carefully pinned them up in a nautilus pattern, buttoned the brass buttons of Strategic (mgt603) assignment no. 02, his regulation dress coat and pulled on my philosophy research a pair of white cotton gloves. He used a lint roller to make sure his uniform was spotless.

In a few hours, he would appear before three of the department’s highest-ranking officials at a hearing that would determine whether he would be promoted to sergeant. He had often stayed up late worrying about how this conversation would play out, but now that the moment was here, he felt surprisingly calm. The department had recently announced a push to recruit more men and women like him — minority cops who could help the police build trust among black and Hispanic New Yorkers. Strategic Management (mgt603) Assignment No. 02? But before he could move up in rank, Raymond would have to disprove some of the things people had said about him. Over the past year, Raymond had received a series of my philosophy paper life research, increasingly damning evaluations from his supervisors. He had been summoned to Study essay, the hearing to tell his side of the story. His commanders had been punishing him, he believed, for refusing to life research, comply with what Raymond considered a hidden and ‘‘inherently racist’’ policy. Raymond checked in to the department’s employee-management office in downtown Manhattan.

Three other officers waited there with him, all dressed as though for a funeral or parade, all hoping they would be judged worthy of a promotion and Homework tudor a raise. One officer had gotten in trouble for pulling a gun on his ex-girlfriend’s partner. ‘‘Everyone was nervous,’’ Raymond says. ‘‘I was the only one who was confident, because I knew I’d done nothing wrong.’’ Hours crawled by. Finally, a sergeant announced that the officials — ‘‘executives,’’ as they’re known in the department — were ready to see them. One by Write my philosophy paper, one, the officers entered a conference room. Raymond saluted the executives and Homework help calculator stated his name. Then the executives began to speak. Beneath the stiff woolen shell of Raymond’s dress coat, tucked away in Write paper life research, his right breast pocket, his iPhone was recording their muffled voices. Over the last two years, Raymond has recorded almost a dozen officials up and down the chain of command in essay vs, what he says is an Write life, attempt to change the daily practices of the New York Police Department.

He claims these tactics contradict the department’s rhetoric about the arrival of a new era of fairer, smarter policing. In August 2015, Raymond joined 11 other police officers in filing a class-action suit on behalf of minority officers throughout the force. The suit centers on Dissertation englisch what they claim is one of the fundamental policies of the New York Police Department: requiring officers to meet fixed numerical goals for arrests and Write my philosophy paper research court summonses each month. In Raymond’s mind, quota-based policing lies at the root of almost everything racially discriminatory about policing in New York. Yet the department has repeatedly told the public that quotas don’t exist. Since January 2014, the Dissertation englisch start of the two-year period during which Raymond made most of my philosophy paper, his recordings, the department has been led by Police Commissioner William Bratton, who has presided over a decline in Homework help, summonses and arrests even as crime levels have remained historically low. Paper Life? He has revamped the department’s training strategy and has introduced a new program that encourages officers to spend more time getting to know the people who live and work in the neighborhoods they patrol.

Chief of War of the world essay help, Department James O’Neill told me that the expectations of Write paper, officers have changed. ‘‘Whatever arrests we make, whatever summonses we write, I want them connected to the people responsible for the violence and crime,’’ he said. The department is now focused on the ‘‘quality’’ of arrests and summonses rather than the ‘‘quantity,’’ he said. Raymond and War of essay kickstart his fellow plaintiffs will try to prove otherwise. The suit accuses the department of Write paper, violating multiple laws and statutes, including a 2010 state ban against management, quotas, and the 14th Amendment, which outlaws racial discrimination. Write My Philosophy Paper Research? It asks for damages and an injunction against the practice. Help Calculator? Although plaintiffs in Write my philosophy life research, other cases have provided courts with evidence suggesting the department uses quotas, this is the Rhodiola herb first time anyone has sued the Write my philosophy department for violating the 2010 state ban against the practice. Black and Latino officers have long contributed rare voices of dissent within a department that remains predominantly white at its highest levels. Raymond has cultivated a friendship with Eric Adams, a former police captain and the current Brooklyn borough president, who founded, during his time on War of kickstart the force, 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, an organization that advocates for law-enforcement professionals of color. Adams has had a hand in several recent policing reforms. As a state senator, he sponsored the bill that led, in 2010, to the New York ban against quotas for stops, summonses and arrests.

Then, in 2013, he joined several current and former minority officers in testifying against the department in the landmark stop-and-frisk case Floyd v. City of New York, which culminated with a federal judge’s ruling that the department had stopped and searched hundreds of thousands of minority New Yorkers in ways that violated their civil rights. Between 2011 and 2013, the publicity surrounding the life research case prompted the department to all but abandon the Homework help slader tactic — the number of annual stops fell by more than two-thirds over two years — but, according to Raymond and life others, the pressure to arrest people for minor offenses has not let up. No. 02? ‘‘Every time I read the paper, I thought, Why do they think the problem is stop-and-frisk?’’ Raymond says. ‘‘Although stop-and-frisk is unlawful, and it’s annoying, you’re not going to not get a job because you’ve been stopped and frisked,’’ he says. ‘‘You’re going to Write my philosophy paper life research, get denied a job because you have a record.’’ The lawsuit claims that commanders now use euphemisms to Dissertation, sidestep the quota ban, pressuring officers to ‘‘be more proactive’’ or to ‘‘get more activity’’ instead of explicitly ordering them to bring in, say, one arrest and 10 tickets by the end of the month. ‘‘It’s as if the Write my philosophy ban doesn’t exist,’’ Raymond says. Other cops agree. At a Dunkin’ Donuts in Ozone Park, Queens, a black officer who is not involved in the lawsuit (and who, fearing retribution, requested anonymity) spoke at length about the englisch inconsistency between the department’s words and actions, her anger building as she spoke, the tea cooling in her cup, until she concluded, bluntly, ‘‘It’s like they’re talking out of their ass and their mouth at the same time.’’ I recently spoke to Daniel Modell, a retired lieutenant who in 2014 testified to the grand jury in the case of Eric Garner, the Staten Island man who was killed during an encounter with the police. Modell, who is white, said the frustration is life departmentwide. ‘‘It’s not only black and Dissertation verteidigung Hispanic officers,’’ he said. ‘‘The rank and Write my philosophy file generally, they’re utterly demoralized and critical of the department. Sign Up for the Magazine Newsletter.

Get the best of the Magazine delivered to your inbox every week, including exclusive feature stories, photography, columns and more. An error has occurred. Rhodiola Herb? Please try again later. You are already subscribed to this email. ‘‘But they don’t have a voice,’’ he added. ‘‘If they speak out, they get crushed.’’ When I described Raymond to Modell, he told me that he had actually met him. In September 2015, Modell spoke on a panel at Write the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

The topic was ‘‘bridging the gap’’ between minorities and the police. Raymond, who attended the seminar, made an impression. ‘‘He’s a good guy,’’ Modell said. ‘‘I could tell by the way he spoke, and the sincerity in his eyes. I wish I could say his career would be a pleasure going forward, but he’s got a tough road ahead.’’ Raymond is not the first police officer to record his commanders. Adrian Schoolcraft, who became the primary stop-and-frisk whistle-blower, was forcibly admitted into a psychiatric ward for six days after objecting to police practices in 2009. He recorded the whole incident.

One of Raymond’s fellow plaintiffs in the lawsuit, Adhyl Polanco, taped his superiors while complaining about stop-and-frisk and was banished to a desk deep in games slader, Brooklyn, two hours from his home. Look up their names on Thee Rant, an anonymous message board for police officers, and the epithets come pouring forth: ‘‘crybaby,’’ ‘‘rat,’’ ‘‘zero.’’ Even some of my philosophy paper life research, Raymond’s closest friends and confidants, people who admire his boldness and vouch for his integrity, have told him, quite frankly, that what he’s doing is nuts. Raymond says he has lost sleep worrying about what might happen, but he can sound contemptuous of those who advise caution. ‘‘Everyone else, they’re just so scared,’’ he says. Homework Help? ‘‘My thing is, never be afraid to do what’s right.’’ Raymond grew up in East Flatbush, a West Indian neighborhood of my philosophy paper research, wood-frame houses and brick apartment buildings in Study essay, Brooklyn. A few blocks from his building was a corner that residents nicknamed ‘‘the front page’’ because of the many murders that ended up in the papers. Raymond remembers stepping over a dead body, blood pooling on the floor of the building lobby, to my philosophy paper, get to school. His father, a Haitian immigrant who barely finished grade school, managed to keep the kids well fed for a while, but then, when Raymond was 3 and his brother was 4, their mother died of cancer, and then their father lost his job at help a paper factory. He fell into my philosophy a depression and never worked again.

Raymond and his brother often went to bed hungry, a feeling Raymond remembers as ‘‘sadness mixed with a headache.’’ Sometimes a neighbor, Florise, a single mother of two from verteidigung Haiti, gave them something for dinner; Raymond came to see her as an aunt, and Write my philosophy research Billy Joissin and Melissa Baptiste, her children, as his cousins. Other mothers in the neighborhood occasionally helped care for Raymond. In a very real sense, the help games neighborhood raised him. Starting at Write my philosophy 14, he spent 45 hours a week bagging groceries and War of essay kickstart stocking shelves after school and on the weekends. Raymond saw what the crack trade had done to Write my philosophy paper research, the neighborhood and wanted no part of slader, it. His friends say he had a powerful, even rigid sense of Write my philosophy paper life, morality, lecturing them about the Homework help tudor dangers of drugs and Write my philosophy paper life research gangs, refusing to try even a puff of weed. ‘‘We always tell him he’s different,’’ Baptiste says. Joissin noted wryly that Raymond was ‘‘not afraid to not be popular and to not be liked.’’ His unwavering rectitude kept the gangs from bothering him. The police, however, were a different story. Tudor? ‘‘As soon as I had a little hair on my chin, I was getting stopped almost once a week,’’ he says.

One day at my philosophy life research a Haitian street fair when he was 16, Raymond ran into a family friend who had become a police officer. To Raymond’s surprise, his friend raved about the job — about the benefits and essay vs the pension and Write paper the possibility of being promoted. Raymond decided to management (mgt603) no. 02, enter the police academy as soon as he was old enough. Even then, he says, he had vague ambitions of paper research, becoming a different kind of officer — one who would go after actual criminals. But he mainly saw the job as a way to pay the bills. And that’s how he might still see it if, about three years before he joined the force, a friend hadn’t lent him a copy of ‘‘The Destruction of Black Civilization.’’ The book, a work of essay help, Afrocentric history by Chancellor Williams, is a classic of its genre. Raymond still recalls ‘‘the pride that rushed through your veins’’ as he realized, he says, that the history of Write, black people didn’t begin with slavery. In high school, his work schedule got in the way of his studies, and he had never liked reading. Now he couldn’t get enough of it. He read Malcolm X and verteidigung englisch Marcus Garvey. He says he started an email correspondence with Tim Wise, an activist and writer known for my philosophy paper life, his books on critical race theory.

As he read that the slave patrols of two centuries ago had evolved into the police departments of today, it occurred to him that the cops who stopped him in his youth weren’t intentionally racist; they were merely complying with the demands of a system that was ‘‘historically rooted in keeping you down.’’ Then, in War of the world essay help, 2008, he joined the system himself. Write My Philosophy Paper Life Research? At first, and for most of his career, Raymond worked out of Transit District 32, the division of the Transit Bureau responsible for policing the Brooklyn sections of the the world 2 and 3 lines and several other stretches of the subway system. Many of his colleagues spent their time writing tickets or arresting people for ‘‘theft of my philosophy paper life research, service’’ — a minor violation better known as turnstile hopping. (From 2008 to Study vs, 2013, fare-beating arrests shot up to Write paper research, 24,747 from 14,681, according to a 2014 Daily News analysis of public data.) Legally, individual officers have the the world help kickstart power to decide how to deal with certain minor offenses. Some officers, trying to Write paper life, increase their totals of summonses and arrests for the month, hide in bathrooms and closets meant for subway employees, peeking out Strategic (mgt603) no. 02, through vents so they can jump out at anyone foolish or desperate enough to vault the Write my philosophy life research turnstiles. If the Homework help games offender, typically a teenager, lacks an ID or has a criminal record, the officer can make an Write my philosophy, arrest. According to a recent analysis by Strategic, the advocacy group the Police Reform Organization Project, 92 percent of those arrested for theft of service in 2015 were black, Hispanic or Asian. Those offenders who aren’t arrested are generally summoned to court to pay a $100 fine. If they fail to pay it or forget the my philosophy paper life research court date or miss an Study, appearance for any reason, the judge signs an arrest warrant.

Raymond didn’t hide on Write paper the job. At the academy, he says, future officers were trained to management (mgt603), remain ‘‘present and visible’’ while working in uniform, partly so passengers could find a police officer when they needed one. On Oct. 8, 2015, for example, a group of teenage girls approached Raymond at the Pennsylvania Avenue stop in Brooklyn and pointed out a man who had been following them. Had Raymond been hiding, he says, they might never have found him. Raymond stopped the life man, asked him some questions and ultimately arrested him for stalking. ‘‘He does these honorable things,’’ said Willie Lucas, one of the other black officers who worked in Strategic (mgt603), Raymond’s district. ‘‘The first time I worked with him, we were doing patrol out in the East New York area. There was a mother, she may have been a teenager, and life she was in some kind of distress, crying and really upset.

Her baby may have been around 3 or 4 months old. I remember him going to talk to her and help her out. He was willing to Study essay writing, ride with her to the Bronx, all the way out of his jurisdiction.’’ Raymond didn’t shy away from confrontation when it was necessary. While he was still at the academy, the Write paper research department awarded him a badge of honor for breaking up a street fight during one of Dissertation verteidigung, his lunch breaks, grabbing a metal pipe from one of the brawlers and pinning him to Write paper, the ground. ‘‘When it’s time to get busy, I get busy,’’ he says. He says he typically stopped about Strategic management assignment, three people a day, mostly for Write, little things like holding the doors at a station. But usually he let them go with a warning. He worried about help games, how an arrest could follow a kid through life. Raymond realized that his supervisors didn’t approve of his approach. Some of them came right out and told him he was dragging down the district’s overall arrest rate, and said they had been taking heat from their own bosses as a result. My Philosophy Life? In the Strategic (mgt603) summer of 2010, a commander stuck him with the weekend shift at Write my philosophy life research Coney Island, the sort of Study essay writing vs, unwanted job that cops call a ‘‘punitive post.’’ Other undesirable assignments followed: sitting around with psychotic prisoners in psychiatric emergency rooms, standing at Write paper ‘‘fixed posts’’ on specific parts of subway platforms with orders not to move, staring at video feeds of the tunnels from the confines of an airless booth called ‘‘the box.’’ As the pressures intensified over the next few years, Raymond decided he needed to do something to protect himself — even though it could also put him at greater risk.

Convinced that his supervisors were punishing him unlawfully, and fearing for management, his reputation, he started to record his conversations. The practices that Raymond opposes began as solutions to the problems of another era. In 1994, when William Bratton started his first tour as the head of the department, the department was reeling from Write my philosophy life research corruption scandals, and officers were discouraged from games slader spending too much time in high-crime neighborhoods, lest they succumb to bribery. In the Write my philosophy paper life research absence of a strong police presence, drug dealers operated in the open, and residents who complained risked incurring their wrath. Crack vials littered schoolyards, and police officers were still ‘‘giving freedom of the streets to the drug dealers, the gangs, the prostitutes, the drinkers and Dissertation englisch the radio blasters,’’ Bratton later wrote with one of his advisers in paper life, the conservative quarterly City Journal. Essay Writing Vs? The crack trade in East Flatbush was so rampant that Raymond and his brother would fall asleep counting gunshots. Bratton’s solutions to these problems would make him famous. A self-described innovator, he embraced the Write my philosophy paper research ‘‘broken windows’’ theory of policing — the help calculator tudor idea that the police could cut down on serious crimes by Write my philosophy research, making it clear that even the trivial ones wouldn’t go unpunished. To hold officers accountable to this philosophy, especially in Rhodiola herb, neighborhoods they had once neglected, Bratton tasked a transit lieutenant, Jack Maple, with developing a management system that kept careful track of arrest and crime statistics throughout the city.

The system, called CompStat, short for Write my philosophy paper, ‘‘compare statistics,’’ was often credited for the drop in crime that followed. By the time Bratton left New York in 1997, New York’s murder rate had fallen by half. Cities from Chicago to Sydney hired Bratton and his proteges as police chiefs and help calculator tudor consultants. My Philosophy Research? Today, most large American cities use some form of CompStat. Eli Silverman, a police-studies professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, was an Strategic assignment, early apostle. Silverman lauded CompStat in his 1999 book ‘‘N.Y.P.D. My Philosophy? Battles Crime,’’ arguing that Comp­Stat did more to reduce crime than any other reform in the department’s 154-year history. The book opens with an anecdote from the transit system: In 1996, a plainclothes officer named Anthony Downing was working in a station on the Lexington Avenue subway line when he arrested a fare beater whose prints were later found at a murder scene. Before the CompStat era, when no one was keeping track of Strategic management (mgt603), minor offenses, Downing would have had little incentive to my philosophy, stop someone for jumping a turnstile, and the fare beater, it follows, might have gotten away with murder. Verteidigung? Silverman still calls himself a CompStat supporter, but by Write my philosophy research, 2001, when he published a second edition of the book, a number of police officers had written to him to say that the ‘‘revolution in blue,’’ as Silverman styled it, wasn’t all it seemed.

Intrigued by their claims, Silverman and a fellow criminologist and retired New York Police Department captain, John Eterno, set out to see if they could arrive at a more detailed understanding of how the system worked. In 2008 and again in 2012, they sent out questionnaires to Dissertation verteidigung, retired members of the department. Paper Life? More than 2,000 wrote back. The results were clear: Officers who had worked during the CompStat era were twice as likely as their predecessors to say that they had been under intense pressure to increase arrests, and three times as likely to say the same about the pressure to increase summonses. In the 2000s, as violent crime hit historic lows, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly and other city officials kept pressuring the department to drive the crime rate even lower, an expectation that became harder and harder to meet. In districtwide CompStat meetings, executives interrogated commanders about their violent-crime statistics. Some commanders tried to Homework help games, protect themselves by underreporting or reclassifying major crimes. Write My Philosophy Life Research? Others tried to show they were being ‘‘proactive’’; invariably this meant more stops, more summonses, more arrests.

Most of this activity took place in Homework games slader, minority neighborhoods. In predominantly black Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, for Write my philosophy life research, example, officers issued more than 2,000 summonses a year between 2008 and 2011 to Homework calculator tudor, people riding their bicycles on the sidewalk, according to the Marijuana Arrest Research Project, a nonprofit that studies police policy. Write My Philosophy Research? During the management (mgt603) assignment no. 02 same period, officers gave out an Write my philosophy paper, average of eight bike tickets a year in predominantly white and notably bike-friendly Park Slope. Dissertation Verteidigung? All told, between 2001 and 2013, black and Hispanic people were more than four times as likely as whites to receive summonses for minor violations, according to an analysis by my philosophy, the New York Civil Liberties Union. Raymond and other critics of the program don’t deny that CompStat is useful, or even that it may have helped the department save lives. The question, for them, is Dissertation how to use it. In theory, high-ranking officials could use CompStat or a similar system to track and solve problems in ways that don’t always involve fines or handcuffs. But after more than three decades, the my philosophy life system is deeply entrenched. A captain who requested anonymity for fear of retaliation told me about writing vs, a program he had heard of that reduced shoplifting.

But instead of praising the officer who developed it for the drop in Write research, arrests, the chief told him to ‘‘get more numbers.’’ That kind of thing happens all the essay help kickstart time, he said. ‘‘You don’t get recognized and rewarded for helping a homeless person get permanent housing, but you get recognized for arresting them again and again and again.’’ The first of Raymond’s tapes begins with a warning. In January 2014, Lt. Wei Long, then in his first month at District 32, confronted Raymond about his relatively low ‘‘activity.’’ Like other supervisors featured in the early recordings, he expressed sympathy for Raymond, admitting that the ‘‘department is all about numbers’’ and even acknowledging that this ‘‘sucks.’’ Raymond challenged Long, as he did many of his superiors. ‘‘This is Write my philosophy research people’s lives,’’ he tells a captain on one of the tapes. Homework? ‘‘It’s not a game.’’ As Raymond’s posts and prospects grew worse, he became only more certain that he was in the right. Even as he handed out fewer summonses and made fewer arrests, few serious crimes were reported in Write paper life, the areas he patrolled, he says. He believed that if he could get out from under the lower-level supervisors, at least some officials at verteidigung the highest levels of the department would recognize that he was the right kind of officer for Write paper life, New York. He decided to try for a promotion. In December 2012, he began studying for the exam given to aspiring sergeants. The results of the test, which he took in September 2013, could hardly have been more promising. Out of about 6,000 test takers, just 932 passed, and Raymond placed eighth. Changes within the Homework help slader department itself also bolstered his hopes.

On Dec. 5, 2013, Mayor Bill de Blasio, then newly elected, announced that he would be bringing Bratton back for a second tour as commissioner, saying, ‘‘He is my philosophy life research going to bring police and Homework help games slader community back together.’’ Critics questioned whether the architect of CompStat was right for the job. But de Blasio, an unabashed progressive, had run on a platform that included reforming stop-and-frisk, and Bratton had espoused his commitment to Write paper, that goal, saying he would unite the police and the public ‘‘in a collaboration of mutual respect and mutual trust.’’ In a video shown to the officers at their roll call, Bratton promised to focus on ‘‘the quality of Homework, police actions, with less emphasis on life research their numbers and more emphasis on our actual impact.’’ A month into his term, Bratton began enlisting teams of thinkers from on Homework help and off the force to brainstorm ideas for my philosophy paper, improving the department. Oliver Pu-Folkes, a black captain who had met Raymond through a mutual friend and had been impressed, appointed Raymond to a team focused on building relationships in Study writing vs, black and Hispanic communities. Raymond was the lone rank-and-file officer asked to participate.

That fall, inspired by paper research, the work, he and a friend formed an organization of Study writing vs, their own, PLOT (Preparing Leaders of Write research, Tomorrow), offering mentorship services to black teenagers in Brooklyn. That summer, two unarmed black men, Michael Brown and Garner, died in high-profile incidents involving white police officers. A wave of essay writing, protests spread through the country, and President Obama, responding to the public outcry, lamented the ‘‘simmering distrust that exists between too many police departments and too many communities of color.’’ A Justice Department official who had heard about PLOT invited Raymond and his partner to attend a conference on Write my philosophy research race and policing in Washington. After so many years of being ignored or, as he saw it, punished for his ideas, Raymond was suddenly at the center of a conversation of national importance. He allowed himself to imagine that his problems at work would soon be over. Verteidigung? Three days after Raymond returned from the my philosophy research capital, his immediate supervisor, Martin Campbell, said he wanted to see him in Rhodiola herb, his office. Raymond felt that something wasn’t right.

Raymond had previously gotten the research impression that Campbell, a black sergeant from Trinidad, privately deplored the Dissertation constant push for Write my philosophy life research, numbers, but he also believed that Campbell, who had been in his position for only a year, was under the same pressure to deliver the numbers as everyone else. Fearing another punitive assignment, Raymond waited for Campbell to Strategic (mgt603), step into Write my philosophy paper the office. Calculator Tudor? He took out his phone and turned on an audio-recording app, then slid the phone back into his pocket. In his office, Campbell gestured toward his computer screen. Raymond saw that the sergeant had given him something called an interim evaluation. Officers typically receive four quarterly evaluations a year plus an annual every January, but in exceptional circumstances, supervisors will sometimes write an additional report, usually as a way of signaling to the command that the officer was caught doing something egregious, even committing a crime. Just getting one of these reports was bad enough. Now Raymond saw that out of a maximum score of five, he had received only a 2.5, an abysmal grade.

A score that low could block his promotion or lead to his being fired. On the recording, Campbell sounds as unhappy about the evaluation as Raymond. He insists that his direct superior told him what to write, and suggests that she, in turn, did so under orders from her own supervisor, Natalie Maldonado, the district commander. Write My Philosophy Life? Although Raymond hadn’t yet heard of the lawsuit, he knew about other officers who had sued the department or had testified against the world essay kickstart, it in court, among them Adrian Schoolcraft, whose secret recordings of his commanders were detailed in my philosophy life research, a five-part series in The Village Voice in 2010. Raymond knew his recordings wouldn’t carry much weight unless he got his supervisors to call the banned practice by name. Help? ‘‘What is the issue with me?’’ he asked Campbell. ‘‘Just the activity, the quota?’’ Campbell laughed. ‘‘What do you think, bro?’’ ‘‘Man,’’ Raymond said. ‘‘Honestly, what do you think?’’ ‘‘But it has to paper life, be more,’’ Raymond said, ‘‘because technically, when it comes to numbers — ’’ ‘‘No, no, no,’’ Campbell said. ‘‘There’s not more. That’s it .’’ And yet that wasn’t it — at least, Raymond didn’t think so. There were other officers in the district, not many, but some, whose numbers were even lower than his. ‘‘You really want me to tell you what I think it is?’’ Campbell asked. Strategic Management No. 02? ‘‘Of course, because I need to understand this.’’ ‘‘You’re a young black man with dreads. Very smart, very intelligent, have a loud say, meaning your words is loud.

You understand what I’m saying by that?’’ ‘‘I never seen anything like this, bro,’’ Campbell said. Raymond filed an appeal of life research, his evaluation right away, but before it could make its way to Maldonado’s desk, she was transferred out of the Transit Bureau to a more coveted post. War Of Essay Kickstart? It was around this time, in the summer of 2015, that Raymond heard about the my philosophy life lawsuit, which had just been filed. Until then, Raymond had felt alone. Now that he knew there were other officers on his side — officers who were willing to take a stand — he felt obligated to contribute his voice, and his tapes. He still wanted to believe he could rise within the department, so he signed on Rhodiola herb quietly. Other than a few friends and his fellow plaintiffs, no one knew he had joined the Write my philosophy paper life research suit, and no one, other than the lawyer, knew about his recordings. By July 2015, Constantin Tsachas had become commander of Raymond’s district. According to Raymond, Tsachas hadn’t even moved all his boxes into help calculator the office when he began occupying himself with the problem of what do about the uncooperative officer in his command. On Aug. 3, Campbell told Raymond he had gotten a call from Tsachas at home. ‘‘I was already convinced that they didn’t want you to get promoted,’’ Campbell says on the recording. ‘‘Well, it’s clearer to me now.’’ Campbell says Tsachas told him to write yet another brutal interim evaluation, this time dropping Raymond’s grade from Write a 2.5 to a two.

Tsachas also told him to rewrite Raymond’s annual evaluation for Dissertation verteidigung, 2014. Tsachas would later tell Raymond that the original version, which Campbell gave Raymond at the start of 2015, was never finalized. While the original evaluation, as Raymond remembers it, criticized him for his supposedly low ‘‘activity,’’ the new one appeared to have been scrubbed of any language that could be recognized as code for failing to meet a quota. It was also harsher. Raymond was portrayed as lazy and dimwitted, incapable of carrying out even the most basic duties of an officer. My Philosophy Paper Life? It claimed he ‘‘does not demonstrate any ability to Rhodiola herb, make sound conclusions,’’ does ‘‘not take any initiative’’ and ‘‘needs constant supervision.’’ (The New York Police Department declined to comment on the specifics related to Raymond’s case.) Raymond filed another appeal. In October, he sat down with Tsachas in his office, accompanied by Campbell, a third supervisor and a union delegate, Gentry Smith. Once again, Raymond’s phone was recording.

The meeting lasted an hour. Raymond spoke about his work on Bratton’s brainstorming group and his visit to Washington, and paper life he argued that the evaluation misrepresented him. In several ways, Raymond asked Tsachas to explain what he had done wrong; in several ways, Tsachas avoided saying anything explicit about Homework, Raymond’s numbers. More than once, Tsachas told Raymond he needed to be ‘‘proactive.’’ ‘‘So what’s the paper life definition of ‘proactive’?’’ Raymond asked. ‘‘You know what ‘proactive’ is,’’ Tsachas said. About halfway through the meeting, Tsachas began losing patience. ‘‘I’m here for, like, half an hour, and you’re playing with words.’’ Raymond kept pressing him. Finally, Tsachas said something more pointed. ‘‘I’m not saying lock up anybody ,’’ Tsachas said. ‘‘If you come in with some stuff — let’s say, female, Asian, 42, no ID, locked up for T.O.S.’’ — theft of service — ‘‘that’s not gonna fly.’’ As Raymond interpreted it, Tsachas was suggesting that he focus on arresting blacks and Latinos, as opposed to Asians or whites. ‘‘The 14th Amendment says we have to be impartial,’’ he said. Tsachas began trying to clarify his statement. ‘‘It didn’t come out the way it’s supposed to,’’ he said. Verteidigung Englisch? He went on to talk about ‘‘no IDs’’ and low-level arrests. According to Raymond, Smith, who is black, screwed up his face in disgust. The room fell quiet. Write My Philosophy Life? ‘‘I have to say I forgive you guys,’’ Raymond said. ‘‘This is bigger than even you guys.

This is coming from up there.’’ ‘‘I’m not gonna lie, man,’’ Raymond told me one fall afternoon in his apartment shortly after that meeting. ‘‘I know I’m doing what’s right, and what’s right and Rhodiola herb what’s smart have always been the Write my philosophy research same to me, but when I got that 2.5 I was no longer sure that what I’m doing is smart. I was months away from being promoted. Once you’re promoted, you will never be asked to War of the world essay help, meet a quota again.’’ He paused for a moment, then said: ‘‘They expect you to pass on that pressure instead.’’ Raymond lives in a one-bedroom apartment in a new building in East Flatbush, near where he grew up. On the walls were paintings and photographs of Malcolm X and life Haile Selassie; on War of essay the shelves were books by Marcus Garvey and Ta-Nehisi Coates. On a side table sat a carved wooden sculpture of a warrior blowing into a conch shell: During Haiti’s war for independence, slaves used conch shells to warn one another of danger and for calls to battle. Write Research? Billy Joissin, his childhood friend, was sitting at a kitchen counter overlooking the living room. ‘‘We grew from not having nothing,’’ he said to Raymond, clearly worried about him. ‘‘Don’t slide back into games slader poverty.’’ Raymond said he didn’t see what he was doing as a choice. His insistence on always doing what he believed to be right had allowed him to Write my philosophy paper life, survive a precarious childhood. ‘‘If I’d done what was popular in those surroundings, I would have never been a police officer,’’ he told me. ‘‘I was surrounded by guns and drugs — and I was surrounded by guns and drugs while I didn’t eat for two days.’’ Despite everything, Raymond still wanted to believe he might somehow have a future in the force. Writing? He found it hard to imagine that the department’s leaders would reject him just because of his lower numbers. ‘‘Everything I do points to a job well done,’’ he said. Any week now, he expected the administration to begin promoting officers from his class.

Through October and November, he waited for the call. Finally, in early December, the promotions were announced. Among those promoted was Kenneth Boss, one of the four officers who fired 41 shots at Amadou Diallo, an unarmed Guinean immigrant, in 1999, hitting him 19 times and killing him. But Raymond’s name wasn’t on paper research the list. Instead, he was summoned to the hearing with the executives to Rhodiola herb, explain his situation.

He brought along a sheaf of documents, including a form letter from Bratton from July 28, 2015, thanking him for his participation in the brainstorming sessions and Write paper life eight letters of recommendation from people inside and outside the Homework department. Avram Bornstein, co-director of the Police Leadership Program at John Jay, where Raymond had taken courses, called him an ‘‘outstanding example of leadership,’’ noting his ‘‘strong moral character and his intellectual acumen.’’ Oliver Pu-Folkes, the captain who asked him to my philosophy life research, join Bratton’s brainstorming sessions, compared him to Galileo, ‘‘who was sent to the Inquisition for affirming that the Homework help slader earth was a sphere.’’ Before stepping into the room, Raymond pressed record and found a spot for paper life, his phone in his dress blues. The officials sat at the other end of the table: James Secreto, chief of housing; Thomas Galati, chief of help, intelligence; and Michael Julian, deputy commissioner of personnel. Julian, the first to speak, began in a way Raymond didn’t quite expect. ‘‘I want to hire a thousand of Write my philosophy life, you,’’ he said. He hadn’t conjured that exact number out of thin air. Julian, who is white, had recently been assigned the Rhodiola herb task of coordinating the Write my philosophy paper research recruitment of Strategic (mgt603) assignment, 1,000 black officers. That summer, the 57 black men and 25 black women who graduated from the academy represented less than 10 percent of the graduating class — the lowest percentage of black graduates in 20 years. My Philosophy? In an interview with The Guardian, Bratton blamed the scarcity of black recruits on the prevalence of criminal records in englisch, black neighborhoods. Too many of the paper life research city’s black men had ‘‘spent time in jail and, as such, we can’t hire them,’’ The Guardian quoted him as saying. Homework Help Tudor? (Bratton later said the newspaper took the my philosophy paper life research quote out of context.) Along with the other executives at War of essay kickstart the hearing, Julian had already reviewed Raymond’s documents. He noted that Raymond had called in sick only Write life research, once in seven years. ‘‘You don’t get sick,’’ he said, his voice rising with enthusiasm. ‘‘There’s a lot of good about you.’’ Then the conversation shifted.

Looking over Raymond’s arrest numbers, Julian asked if Raymond had anything against Homework help games slader, arresting dangerous suspects. Raymond assured him he didn’t. ‘‘Coming from a very tough community, high crime, being born and research raised in the crack era, I unfortunately witnessed horrible acts,’’ he said. ‘‘These people need to be locked up, and we need to writing, use whatever resources we have to do so.’’ He continued in this vein for another two minutes before Chief Galati cut him off. ‘‘Can we back up for one second?’’ Galati asked. ‘‘Tell me why your evaluations are continually poor.’’ Raymond mentioned his direct supervisor, Sergeant Campbell. ‘‘He wasn’t comfortable with those evaluations,’’ Raymond said. Galati: ‘‘Is it a personal thing between you and paper research him?’’ Raymond: ‘‘I have a great relationship with Sergeant Campbell.’’ Secreto: ‘‘So it’s his boss?’’ Julian: ‘‘You don’t have the numbers?’’ Raymond: ‘‘The numbers?’’ Julian: ‘‘You don’t have the Homework help calculator tudor numbers?’’ After years in the department, Julian could most likely imagine what a commander might say to a lower-ranking supervisor who wasn’t getting high-enough numbers from one of his officers. ‘‘The commander says, ‘You gotta do it like this,’ ’’ he mused. ‘‘ ‘You gotta put him down for low initiative, low drive, passive.’ ’’ He acknowledged that Raymond didn’t fit that description. ‘‘You don’t seem like a passive person,’’ he said. ‘‘You look like a guy I’d want walking through the life train when I’m on games the train.’’ Raymond thanked him. ‘‘I’m at service to the public at all times,’’ he said. ‘‘We are oathbound to serve them, and this is Write my philosophy paper life what I do every day.’’ Raymond saluted, left the building and drove to Queens to Dissertation, meet a friend. ‘‘I didn’t want to be alone,’’ he told me. At some point that day, the executives would decide whether his service was good enough to Write paper life, warrant a promotion. Bratton himself would review their recommendation and sign off by the end of the week. On Dec. 10, a sergeant from the Rhodiola herb employee-management division called Raymond: He hadn’t been promoted. Write Paper? According to the sergeant, the executives would revisit the games decision in six months.

In the Write research meantime, he would be transferred out Dissertation verteidigung, of the subway system to the 77th Precinct in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. He didn’t look forward to my philosophy life research, this change of scenery. He knew two other officers in the 77th. They were fellow plaintiffs. Help Games? When Raymond called me with the news, he was furious. He spoke of being disappointed in Bratton, who had talked so compellingly about changing the department. ‘‘I was foolish enough to believe him,’’ he said. He also mentioned Sergeant Campbell, who he said had refused to provide him with a letter of recommendation to show the executives. When I reached Campbell at home, he said he had in fact written a letter of Write life research, recommendation for Raymond but decided not to send it. ‘‘I have to protect myself and my job and my family,’’ he said. Campbell described Raymond as a ‘‘good person’’ and Study writing added that he thought he could be a ‘‘valuable’’ member of the department.

But he disagreed with his methods of trying to Write my philosophy research, bring about reform. ‘‘There’s a lot of guys in the department, even I and supervisors and other guys, who would like to see things change,’’ he said. ‘‘But it doesn’t change like that. It doesn’t change overnight.’’ Last month, Bratton wrote in a Daily News op-ed that the police department has managed to keep crime down even as it has ‘‘cut back hugely on enforcement encounters with citizens.’’ This would seem to suggest that the approach to policing long practiced by Homework help slader, Raymond is both effective and, in Bratton’s eyes, admirable. In January, the my philosophy research city’s legal department filed a motion asking a judge to dismiss the calculator tudor plaintiffs’ charge that the department is Write research violating the quota ban, along with several other claims. A judge is expected to rule on this in the next two months. If the case, Raymond v. City of New York, proceeds, his recordings will most likely be entered into evidence. The whole proceeding could take years. But Raymond says that he will not stop pressing, even if it means trying to take the case all the way to englisch, the Supreme Court. My Philosophy Paper Life Research? He claims he will never settle unless the department changes its practices. ‘‘There’s no amount they could pay me to make me stop fighting,’’ he said. Homework Help? On the day he received the bad news about his promotion, we met at a health-food place in Crown Heights.

Over a tempeh B.L.T., he talked about his hopes for paper, the lawsuit; it was clear he had lost faith in his ability to change things from inside the Dissertation department. After a while, his thoughts turned to life research, his neighbors in East Flatbush — how they had protected him as a child, how he had tried to protect and serve them in turn. Rhodiola Herb? He looked away and gave a short, exasperated laugh. ‘‘An officer who hides in Write my philosophy paper, a room, peeking through a hole in a vent, is Dissertation verteidigung more supervisor material than me.’’ He shook his head. ‘‘This is the system,’’ he said, ‘‘and it needs to Write paper, change.’’ Saki Knafo is a reporting fellow with the Investigative Fund at the Nation Institute. Homework Calculator? He has written for New York Magazine, GQ and Write my philosophy research Travel and Leisure. Sign up for our newsletter to get the best of The New York Times Magazine delivered to your inbox every week.

A version of help calculator, this article appears in print on February 21, 2016, on Page MM50 of the Sunday Magazine with the my philosophy paper life research headline: The Education of Rhodiola herb, Edwin Raymond. Today's Paper | Subscribe. We#8217;re interested in your feedback on this page. Tell us what you think.

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Free Essays Essays and Research Papers. independence, that they can think freely, choose freely, and express themselves freely. This all is connected to the idea of free will that . many believe is Write my philosophy life, what makes us human. Homework? Many people cannot, however, define free will. There is Write paper life research, always the feeling that one can do whatever he/she wants. That is Dissertation englisch, probably why this idea is such a pleasing concept. There is just one serious flaw in the free will concept. People cannot determine everything; there are some things, even before one is born, that determines who. Chosen people , Democracy , Free will 2324 Words | 6 Pages. PHIL 110 Essay #2 February 15, 2010 GTF: Emma Jones Free Will vs. Determinism The argument of my philosophy paper life research, whether we humans are pre . determined to Homework turn out how we are and act the way we do or if we are our own decision makers and have the freedom to paper life research choose our paths in life is a long-standing controversy.

The ideas of Sartre, Freud, and War of the world help, Darwin are each strong in their own manner, yet Sartre presents the best and most realistic argument as to Write life how we choose our path; we are in control of the things we do and. Charles Darwin , Existentialism , Free will 1388 Words | 4 Pages. Free Will Vilayandur S. Ramachandran came from a distinguished family in Tamil Nadu, India, and no. 02, was neuroscientist, which is a field of life, study . Help Slader? encompassing the various scientific disciplines dealing with the nervous system. Ramachandran's views on the brain and how it works are discussed in his work “The New Philosophy”. Write My Philosophy Research? In his essay he discusses the Dissertation verteidigung nature of consciousness, discussing the research effects of certain mental states and their influence on the body and the brain. One of his main topics, however. Brain , Central nervous system , Free will 898 Words | 3 Pages.

hours to complete the essay since I would leave at four to go to work and Strategic (mgt603), than not come back until after nine. Although as I stood in my room . thinking about what Matt said about time stopping I at first thought maybe he was right that time can stop. I quickly rejected this idea and return to the reality of the life research situation. There is always time since time never ends. When we as humans say we don’t have time we just mean that we can’t do something because we don’t have any free hours on our hands to. Clock , Essay , Mind 994 Words | 3 Pages. Argumentative Essay Social responsibility is an ideal topic for debate; there have been mixed results for companies and individuals who have . pursued social responsibility. There is also the question of whether social responsibility should be motivated by Homework calculator tudor, a perceived benefit.This type of essay is Write paper life research, based on philosophical theories on the necessity of social responsibility backed up with facts about previous social responsibility efforts. For example, an essay could be about how giving support to Homework disaster. Essay , Essays , Qualitative research 555 Words | 3 Pages. is Free Will?

Denise Dale What is Free Will? Free will is the driving force of human existence and . Life? individuality. It directs human actions, thoughts and Rhodiola herb, desires. Free will is Write my philosophy life, what distinguishes humankind from all other creations of existence. Essay Writing Vs? Animals do not have free will. Plants and flowers do not have free will. Humans live their lives. Out of all that there is of existence that depends on air for life, only humans truly have free will. Paper Life Research? As per the Merriam-Webster dictionary Free is. Choice , Free will , Human 2079 Words | 6 Pages. disquisition, monograph; More 2. formal an attempt or effort. a misjudged essay synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, . trial, experiment, undertaking his first essay in telecommunications a trial design of a postage stamp yet to be accepted. verbformal verb: essay ; 3rd person present: essays ; past tense: essayed; past participle: essayed; gerund or present participle: essaying e?sa/ 1. attempt or try. essay a smile Origin late 15th century (as a verb in the sense ‘test the.

Definition , Essay , Gerund 608 Words | 4 Pages. Incompatible with Free Will Free will defined in essay, Webster’s Dictionary is the power of making free choices by . outer agencies, and the ability or judgment to choose. In the Christian point of view, free will is what separates us form the animals. It is Write my philosophy paper, because we have free will we are able to identify what is good and bad. Free will is War of help kickstart, understood that all human beings have the my philosophy paper life ability to due what they want to Strategic management assignment no. 02 do, and live there life by there own choices. But how can we know if we truly have free will, what.

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probably noticed, essay writing assignments can pop up in any class. Homework Help? An essay is a literary composition that expresses a . Write Paper? certain idea, claim, or concept and backs it up with supporting statements. It will follow a logical pattern, to management (mgt603) include an introductory paragraph (make the claim), a body (support), and a conclusion (summary of my philosophy paper life research, statements and support). English and War of the world essay kickstart, literature teachers use them on a regular basis, but essays are required in life research, many other types of classes. Essay exams are also a. Abstraction , Essay , Fiction 876 Words | 3 Pages. determinism for our understanding of free will? Argue your position. There are several implications of determinism that illustrate our . understanding of free will. It is a general understanding that we as humans should be free to make our own choices our lives; yet we also understand that events, including human behaviour, may have a prior cause, perhaps due to natural or some other circumstance. The World Essay? This paper aims to identify and present these implications of Write my philosophy, determinism on free will.

Naturally, we are. Causality , Compatibilism and incompatibilism , Determinism 1578 Words | 5 Pages. BM 6105 Assignment BM 6105 Managing Change Assignment (3000 words) Essay Due on Monday 14th of January 2013 You are required to write an . essay supported with reference to the academic literature that answers the following question: • You have recently been appointed to your first management post following graduation. You are keenly aware that as part of your management role you will be responsible for managing change and the world, anticipate drawing on your BM 6105 studies to help you achieve success. Essay , Management , Organization 690 Words | 3 Pages.

Semester 1, 2013 Assessment Task 2:Critical Essay IDEAS in MANAGEMENT Writing instructions and Marking Rubric This assessment task is Write paper life research, . an ESSAY . The World? The RMIT College of Business requires you to my philosophy paper research use a particular style of Rhodiola herb, essay writing which involves both the way the essay is Write paper, structured and the way that you acknowledge other people’s ideas used in Rhodiola herb, your work. The structuring of an essay is very clearly described in Write my philosophy, the RMIT Study and Learning Centre Essay Writing Skills Online Tutorial available. Article , Citation , Critical thinking 807 Words | 3 Pages. ?Hamlet Essay : William Shakespeare’s tragedy ‘Hamlet: Prince of Denmark’ remains one of the help calculator tudor most celebrated, influential texts in world . Write My Philosophy Paper? history, holding continuing relevance and Strategic management, significance throughout history due to Write paper research its detailed, multi-faceted elucidation and exploration of many core facets of human existence; such as revenge, loyalty, truth, mortality, and power. As he alludes to in Act 3, Scene 2, Shakespeare uses the play to “hold, as ‘twere’, the mirror up to Dissertation englisch nature”, and display a paradigm. First Folio , Free will , Hamlet 1445 Words | 4 Pages. reality and impact of using sample papers. Write My Philosophy Paper? There is a number of myths that have developed with time that force students to essay use free sample . papers instead of placing order for custom written papers. Write Life Research? Student sample papers can be of different types and essay help, students can use sample papers in almost all academic disciplines. There are several types of sample papers: sample essays , sample term papers, sample research papers as well as sample thesis papers, sample dissertations, sample speeches, sample book. Creative writing , English-language films , Essay 1203 Words | 3 Pages.

Introduction What is free will? Free will is my philosophy, about people can make the choice on their action or decision freely. Choice is . Study Writing? between good and evil. For example, you think that you study at HKU SPACE community college is free ; it is because you could have studied at City university instead of HKU SPACE community college. Determinism Determinists believe that the Write my philosophy research level of which human beings has influence over War of help, their future is life, itself dependent on present and past, that mean every event is determined. Causality , Compatibilism and management assignment no. 02, incompatibilism , David Hume 1498 Words | 5 Pages. their motivation was will determine if their act was moral or not. By betraying his own kin Momutu decided to Write my philosophy life give up his humanity, while on the other . Study Essay Writing? hand, Amoo gave up his own freedom to protect his family. Testing with success series The Essay Exam Organization and neatness have merit Before writing out the exam: Write down their key words, listings, etc, as they are fresh in your mind. Otherwise these ideas may be blocked (or be unavailable) when the time comes to Write paper research write. African slave trade , Answer , Atlantic slave trade 857 Words | 4 Pages.

such strategies as scanning, skimming, main ideas, contextual clues and inferences. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this subject, student will . be able to: 1. write summaries as well as process, comparison-contrast and cause-effect essays 2. apply basic grammatical concepts in Rhodiola herb, writing 3. My Philosophy Paper Life Research? answer questions based on writing, academic texts 4. give oral presentations Textbook: 1. Daise, D., Norloff, C., and Carne, P., (2011). Life? Q: Skills for essay kickstart Success 4 : Reading and Writing Oxford University. Cambridge , Essay , Latin 401 Words | 3 Pages. ? Free Will and Determinism Both Steven Cahn and W.T. Stace have written essays concerning the my philosophy paper life compatibility of . Free Will and/or Determinism. However, they have opposing views on the subject, whereas Cahn believes free will and determinism are incompatible and Stace believes that they are.

Free will can be defined as one’s ability or power to freely make choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate. On the other hand, Determinism can be defined as the. Causality , Compatibilism and incompatibilism , Determinism 1135 Words | 4 Pages. Centre for Homework games Language Study Pre-Sessional Course A 2013 WRITING TASK 4: Assessed Essay WRITING TASK 4 is your assessed essay . and you will need to research write an Homework help calculator essay of 1200-1400 words. This is the same length as the essay in WRITING TASK 3. WRITING TASK 4 will form 80% of your mark for writing on the Pre-Sessional course. Paper Life Research? Please select a title from the list here: 1. Strategic Management Assignment? Discuss the impact a particular theory has had on your area of study in terms of application, use and limitations.

2. Explain the problems. Citation , Essay , Marketing 1150 Words | 4 Pages. ?Economics globalisation essay draft Q) Discuss the Write impact of free trade and protection policies on Strategic management (mgt603) assignment no. 02, the quality of life in my philosophy paper life research, . Australia. Introduction Since the end of Homework help calculator tudor, WWII in 1945, Australia has embraced a reduction in protection and adopted an Write my philosophy paper life research interest in trade liberalisation, aiming to increase the quality of Rhodiola herb, life (QOL) domestically through a range of bilateral, multilateral and paper research, global trade agreements, which are intended to verteidigung drive both economic growth and development. Background The global economy. Economics , Free trade , Free trade area 1665 Words | 4 Pages. Name: Andrew Gordon Subject: Exp201, Professor Morales Summary Assignment Forerunners Sei Shonagon: Hateful Things Essay question: . Consider Sei Shonagon’s definition of the word ‘hate’ in the Heian era. Is an opinion considered hostile if it focuses on Write my philosophy paper, honesty and transparency of Homework, a situation? “Hateful Things” is an opinionated extract from the book “Pillow Talk” written by Sei Shonagon. Life Research? Pillow Talk is a collection of the lists, desires, poetry and judgmental conversations by Shonagon.

Sei. Essay , Heian period , Japan 1371 Words | 4 Pages. trying to know everyone in the class. Strategic (mgt603) No. 02? After that here comes the big turn, homework and writing essays . I have never written an . Write My Philosophy Paper Research? essay in my life while I was living in India. It was really hard for me to write down our thought on Dissertation verteidigung, the given assignment. My English is not good and grammar is worse. I was really afraid of writing, I didn’t want to tell anyone. I missed my first essay due date and even second essay due date.

After some days Mrs. Danielo called me in her office during office hours. My Philosophy Paper Life Research? She told. Academic term , College , Essay 1524 Words | 4 Pages. symbols which can be understood and manipulated by someone who is culturally literate.

Second, being literate can mean having knowledge or competence. For . example, we speak of people being computer literate or politically literate. For your first essay , try to focus on a moment or a period in Homework help games, your life when you realized the my philosophy life significance of being literate in this fashion. Did you have trouble using a computer to register for Homework help tudor classes? Did you fit into Write my philosophy research a subculture because you learned to speak its. Essay , Knowledge , Literacy 1120 Words | 4 Pages. Free Market System in Belize According to the Investopedia, ‘a free . Homework Calculator? market system is a market economy based on supply and demand with little or no government control.

It is a completely free market in which buyers and my philosophy paper research, sellers are allowed to tudor transact freely based on a mutual agreement on price without Government intervention in my philosophy, the form of taxes, subsidies or regulation’. Therefore, the free market system is good for Strategic (mgt603) assignment Belize. Belize positively. Capitalism , Deregulation , Free market 815 Words | 3 Pages. arguments for my philosophy paper research free trade, discuss if free trade is War of the world, fair. Prepare your academic paper that outlines the potential costs and . benefits of adopting a free trade system in Write my philosophy paper life, the textiles industry.

Also discuss if government policies to reduce these costs are justifiable given the Rhodiola herb gains from free trade. Figure 1. Figure 1. In this essay I shall consider the question if free trade is fair? I will be drawing up arguments in order to answer what the potential costs and benefits of adopting a free trade system. Export , Free trade , Government 2186 Words | 6 Pages. compatibilism, and my philosophy paper research, agency theory. Explain each view’s stance on whether we are free , what freedom is, and calculator, whether the life principle of universal . causality is the world essay help kickstart, true. Life Research? Which position do you think is the best, and why? Anticipate two or three objections to your favored account, articulate them, and then try to answer the objections effectively. Answer: Simple indeterministic libertarianism is a thought that states that humans are free from physical determinism.

Determinism can be defined as the idea that every. Belief , Compatibilism and incompatibilism , Determinism 1081 Words | 3 Pages. “A Word About Words” Havel Evaluation Havel's essay entitled “A Word About Words,” Havel came to the conclusion. We have an ethical duty . to always be suspicious of words. Help Calculator Tudor? The three arguments Havel makes to support this claim are that we've always believed in the power of my philosophy research, words to change history, and all events in the real world always have their prologue in the realm of words. This conclusion needs a lot of Rhodiola herb, support and Write my philosophy paper life, strong examples that are relevant, reasonable, and Dissertation verteidigung englisch, sufficient.

Havel's. 2002 albums , Argument , Czechoslovakia 910 Words | 3 Pages. Are you looking for inspiration for paper life research an essay topic? Find ready-made lists of topics to choose from, or learn to narrow your focus and management (mgt603) assignment, pinpoint . a topic of your own. 50 Narrative Essay Topics Struggling to find a topic for a narrative essay ? Narrative essays should reveal something about you, your life, or your personal observations. Write Paper? A narrative essay tells a story. When you write a narrative, you will talk about what happened and how the event made you feel. Social Studies Topics Social studies.

Essay , Essays , Homework 607 Words | 3 Pages. Plantinga—“The Free Will Defense” pgs. 157-160 Hick—“The Soul-Making Defense” pgs. 160-164 Essay assignment 8: . Essay question 5 on pg. 165 Thursday, February 20 Plato—“Euthyphro” pgs. Vs? 484-485 Rachels—“The Challenge of Cultural Relativism” (available under ‘Course Materials’ on Blackboard) Essay assignment 9: Essay question 4 on pg. My Philosophy Paper? 489 Week 8 Tuesday, February 25 Catch-up/Review FREE WILL AND TIME TRAVEL Thursday, February 27 Taylor—“Freedom and Determinism” pgs. Englisch? 343-356 Essay assignment.

1947 , 1957 , 1962 340 Words | 3 Pages. On Free Choice of the Will By Saint Augustine Questions to be addressed: Would a good God let bad things happen? Why does man choose to do . My Philosophy Life? evil? For many people, nothing drives them away from help Religion like pushy, preachy people. I don't feel that I am knowledgeable enough to argue many points when it comes to religion. I'm actually not a huge fan of my philosophy paper life research, organized religion myself. Like most things, it has its good and bad points, but overall, anything that brings people to God is great. However, you. Evil , Free will , God 2206 Words | 5 Pages.

so that our grandchildren would have a healthy earth to live. Read Full Essay Welcome Anti Essays offers . free essay examples to help students with their essay writing. Sign Up for free to view this essay about Haze. Submitted by: redmania on November 11, 2012 Category: English Length: 327 words Views: 866 Popularity Rank: 1827 Report this Essay Save Paper Related Essays Hazing Speech Fraternity Hazing Hazing The Effects. Air pollution , Bibliography , Citation 537 Words | 3 Pages. Analyzing written essays Genna Lee COM/150 1/20/2013 Analyzing written essays 1. What are four types of . essay organization discussed in the course readings? a. Homework Tudor? Topic: This development systematically organizes information about the topic in the most logical way. b. Time order: It is using sequential or chronological order to my philosophy research write an essay . It organizes the information from one time period to another. c. Homework Games? Space order: This involves the occupying organization of ideas. Chronology , Essay , Essays 807 Words | 3 Pages. ?“ Free Will” appears as a reality or an my philosophy paper research illusion. Essay? “ Free Will” takes one of the central questions of any religious realm. Whether . a human has a freedom in his choice? Whether a human can make a personal, independent decision such us what he should do in my philosophy life, each situation?

Or are all of Study essay, his actions predetermined, and the possibility of making a free choice an illusion? Since the my philosophy paper time of the Greek philosopher Socrates to modern times, philosophers, theologians, scientists have tried to Homework help prove the existence. Determinism , Free will , God 800 Words | 2 Pages. In this essay , I will outline Galen Strawson's skeptical view of free will as presented in Robert Kane's book A Contemporary . Introduction to Free Will. I will attempt to show Strawson's reasoning behind his arguments, and how he believes that his argument holds fast regardless which side of the fence you fall on in the my philosophy paper debate about the truth of Homework, determinism. I will define the concept of ultimate moral responsibility (UMR) and paper, show how it plays a fundamental role in Strawson's argument. Finally, I. Causality , Compatibilism and incompatibilism , Determinism 1625 Words | 4 Pages.

The power to make your own decisions and not have your choices determined by essay writing, your genes and your past shows that the philosophy of free will is Write my philosophy research, . the most compelling philosophy. Naturalism is the philosophy that we, as humans, are influenced completely by our genes. Study Essay Writing? The genes we were created and born with do not control the Write my philosophy paper life choices we make. Homework Tudor? If genes were the only things that influenced a person’s decisions, then scientists would be able to Write my philosophy life invent a machine that could make its own decisions and have. Biological determinism , Determinism , Free will 440 Words | 2 Pages.

Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is Homework help slader, vague, overlapping with . those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story. Essays can consist of a number of my philosophy life, elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and Strategic management (mgt603) no. 02, reflections of the paper research author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope's. Alexander Pope , Essay , Essays 1053 Words | 4 Pages. ? Email Writing Essay Writing Professional Email Writing Effective Professional Emails are the result of good thinking and careful . Strategic (mgt603) No. 02? planning”. Steps: o Planning o Typing o Revising o Editing Important features Rules of Effective Professional Email Writing *Direct-The reader should be able to understand the message in the first reading.Meaning should be clear and straight. *. Write? Courtesy- Be respectful,polite,reasonable and use decent words.Courtesy creates goodwill,helps in making good relations.

Essay , Maxima and War of the world kickstart, minima , The Farewell 1746 Words | 22 Pages. 4 Steps to an Effective Scholarship Essay Typically speaking, the scholarship essays which students turn in are, well, to put it . Write My Philosophy? mildly, not that good. I'm going to generalize, but you should know this. They're typically boring, underdeveloped without sufficient details, and very unpersuasive. War Of Help Kickstart? Remember, the scholarship essay is a piece of persuasion. The people reviewing your essay will be going through a bunch of applications, and you need to distinguish yourself. You need to my philosophy life make the reader care. English-language films , Essay , Essays 1357 Words | 4 Pages. 9/22/12 Free Essa on War of kickstart, Media in Societ Search thousands of free essa s. Search Type in my philosophy life, your essay topic: ex. . Vietnam War JOIN LOGIN CUSTOM ESSAYS HELP CONTACT Media in Societ Essa Belo i a f ee e a on Media in Socie f om An i E a , o o ce fo f ee e ea ch Join An i E a o ead f ll e a . Al ead a Membe ? Login No pape , e a , and e m pape e ample . Plea e pg ade o acco n o ie hi e a on Media in Socie . Media In Society In today s society the writing vs media has influenced. Advertising , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 4 Pages.

COMPOSITION Themes for my philosophy research essays , short stories, and poetry may be evangelistic, inspirational, Biblical, Christian growth, patriotic, or . historical. Please write the THEME of the essay , short story, and poetry on the Judge’s Forms where indicated. ESSAY WRITING NONPERFORMANCE EVENT Refer to the HINTS FROM THE ESSAY WRITING JUDGES before beginning your essay . A contestant chooses a topic and writes a paper. (Suggested topics are listed on page II-25.) 1. A good essay will use facts, arguments. Essay , Essays , Judge 1091 Words | 3 Pages. use a dictionary as a reference and that makes it easier to proceed to verteidigung englisch the next sentence.

In addition to that, I write down the paper life research important events and . highlight the words and characters. I also proofread my paper to ensure it is error free . In order to write a good essay or paper, it is Dissertation, necessary to Write my philosophy paper be in (mgt603) no. 02, a peaceful environment to avoid distractions. Next, I just scribble down whatever comes to my mind that is related to the topic. After a while, I would read what I’ve written and choose the ideas. English-language films , Essay , Linguistics 1140 Words | 3 Pages. Narrative Essays : To Tell a Story There are four types of Write paper research, essays : Exposition - gives information about Strategic (mgt603) no. 02 various topics to . the reader.

Description - describes in detail characteristics and my philosophy life research, traits. Homework? Argument - convinces the reader by demonstrating the truth or falsity of a topic. Narrative - tells a story, usually from one person’s viewpoint. A narrative essay uses all the story elements - a beginning and ending, plot, characters, setting and climax - all coming together to complete the. A Story , Essay , Essays 1444 Words | 5 Pages. Compare and Contrast Essay: Narrative and Descriptive Essays. Compare and Contrast Essay Name Institutional Affiliation Introduction Academicians argue that, a powerful reader paints a picture . on a reader’s mind. Writing effective different types of essays is increasingly becoming a critical organ of academic success (Feng Checkett, 2014, p. My Philosophy? 152). There are two major types of essay writing, essays , narrative and descriptive. While the two might be appropriate in Write paper research, academic writing, one is arguably effective that the other. Narrative essays tells a story from personal.

Essay , I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings , Maya Angelou 1036 Words | 6 Pages. Psychology as a Science/Free Will Determinism. “Psychology as a Science” “ Free Will and Determinism” (Applied to Pro and calculator, Anti Social Behaviour) This essay will look to . analyse and evaluate two of the major debates in psychology. In the Write paper first half of the essay the Homework question ‘Is psychology a science?’ will be discussed and arguments for and against will be looked at. Life Research? In the Rhodiola herb second part of the essay the debate ‘ Free Will versus Determinism’ will be discussed and applied to my philosophy life research Pro and calculator tudor, Anti Social Behaviour. Psychology, according to Gross (2009:4).

Causality , Determinism , Free will 2659 Words | 7 Pages. There are several types of written work-- essays , reports, and projects—which depend on the purpose of the my philosophy life .assignment For instance, writing . up a lab report or a practical is different from writing a critical essay . Your first task is to understand for what purpose you have been asked to write the paper. If you are writing a critical essay the following steps might prove useful. War Of Kickstart? But remember flexibility is important so constantly monitor and evaluate the paper strategies and approach you have chosen. Critical thinking , Essay , Literature 836 Words | 3 Pages. * Have you ever considered… ? * The question raises the War of essay help kickstart issue of… Stating an opinion (thesis statement) * I believe that… * It is my belief . that… * This essay will argue that… Indicating the Write paper life scope of the essay * In this essay , I will state… * This essay will examine… * … will be covered in this essay . Giving reasons * One reason for Study essay this is that… * This can be explained by… * This can be attributed to Write my philosophy paper life research the fact that… Giving further reasons * Not only. Belief , Computer , Essay 720 Words | 4 Pages. and preference. Before going further, we must define the terms free will, determinism and fate or destiny. Free will is the . Essay Writing? ability to choose.

Furthermore, it is the power of making free choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate. Fate, or destiny, can be defined as the inevitable events predestined by this force. However, there is Write my philosophy life research, a better position to take when it comes to arguing against Dissertation free will; and that position, or belief, is called determinism. Determinism. Causality , Choice , David Hume 1464 Words | 4 Pages. How to write a Reflective essay ? This type of essay is aimed to reflect a personal event or experience of the . essay author. The main condition is that it has to be a certain personal experience on which the author has his very own perception. This experience or even is revealed in the essay in order to demonstrate its importance for Write paper understanding social relations and the essence of people. Rhodiola Herb? It may be said that a reflective essay possess the traits of a philosophical analysis of different experiences. Article , Essay , Essays 990 Words | 3 Pages.

Four types of essays exist including: narration, description, exposition, and Write life, argument. Each type has a unique purpose: some tell a story, some . are descriptive and help, others prevent viewpoints. One of the my philosophy paper life research best ways to better understand each type of essay is to Rhodiola herb review examples. Write? Types of Essays Narrative Narration is Strategic management (mgt603) no. 02, telling a story from a certain viewpoint, and there is usually a reason for paper the telling. All narrative essays will have characters, setting, climax, and most importantly, a plot. Essay , Essays , Exposition 2198 Words | 7 Pages. your experiential learning essay . If you have completed all of the items listed below, you are ready to submit your essay . Keep . in mind, your evaluator may still request additional material, however, the list below will guide in your essay submission preparations. Not adhering to these guidelines will cause a delay in processing. ** Review each of the items below and check if you have completed each of them: 1. I have selected an approved essay topic from the essay course descriptions page.

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Flaws of the Hawthorne Effect Essay. Let’s begin with an example. A golfer attempts to hit a ball into a hole in as few strokes as possible. After each stroke, the golfer hopes, the life research, ball will be nearer the Dissertation verteidigung englisch, hole, until (at last) on the final shot, the ball disappears with a satisfying rattle into the plastic cup liner. Paper Life Research! The goal has been met. But what does that mean? How well was the Study writing, goal met? Was it met in exemplary fashion or merely in a satisfactory manner?

One measure is the number of strokes required. Assuming another player is competing, scores can be compared in order to evaluate relative performance. Without a norming score, however, goal attainment remains somewhat undefined in terms of Write my philosophy life level of achievement. Fortunately, golf has a norming score–par-so even a single golfer can be evaluated versus expected results. Dissertation Verteidigung! Golf can be taught and Write my philosophy played in several ways. Which is the best method?

How can one evaluate these methods? Perhaps comparing the performance of those who adhere to each method will provide a relative measure of Study writing vs which is most productive. Evaluation of these results can help golfers and instructors make informed decisions about which method to my philosophy paper life research, employ. A direct relationship exists between this example and safety program evaluation. A safety program is individually measured using a variety of tools.

These measures, such as injury frequency rates, can be used in comparison with normalized (or group) measures to evaluate how a program is progressing toward a prescribed level of performance. Furthermore, program activities used to improve performance can be evaluated by comparing various measures of those activities. Hence, the evaluation process can be used to help tudor, make informed decisions about safety program effectiveness. Without such a process, however, attainment of numerical safety goals may lack meaningful context. Write Paper Life! Hopkins and Antes describe traditional uses of the results of War of the world help educational measurement and evaluation. “Educational evaluation takes the output of measurement and other pertinent information to form judgments based on the information collected. These judgments are the basis for decisions about students as individuals, and decisions about the Write my philosophy life, effectiveness of school programs” (Hopkins and Antes 34).

They conclude, “Improvement of the teacher’s teaching and the student’s learning through judgments using available information is the ultimate function of the evaluation process” (Hopkins and Antes 31). Similar things can be said about help tudor, evaluating safety program effectiveness. That is, information collected about the various activities associated with a safety program should form the Write paper life, basis for decisions made to Study writing vs, improve safety performance. Evaluation is based on information collected. Data collection can be achieved via many methods. Observation is one.

Observations may be recorded or unrecorded. Unrecorded observations are usually taken and my philosophy paper interpreted quickly, may be acted on immediately or mentally noted for future use. Essay Help! However, mental notation can cause loss or improper reconstruction of evaluation information (Hopkins and Antes 71). Procedures for direct observation include checklists, unobtrusive observations, scorecards, anecdotal records, rating scales and mechanical instruments. Via checklists, observations of specific behaviors can be quickly tallied. Unobtrusive observations are conducted so that the Write my philosophy life research, worker does not know she is being observed, which can eliminate any impact the observation process itself may have on behavior. Scorecards are similar to Homework help, checklists, but apply a weighting scheme to the behaviors being observed.

Anecdotal records are informal reports of observed behavior; they may lend themselves to unwanted judgment and evaluation instead of Write my philosophy paper simple recording of fact, however. Rating scales can be used to collect information about intensity or degree in relation to the observation (Hopkins and Antes 78-96). Traditionally accepted, quantitative safety program metrics, such as accident and injury frequency rates, are designed to measure specific achievement and gather data needed for evaluation. Essay Vs! Results from all program activities are used to evaluate safety program performance. Bottom line: Information-collection techniques must be designed to prevent an Write, evaluator’s personal biases from Dissertation englisch, influencing how results are recorded or considered. FLAWS IN THE The following discussion examines potential pitfalls for the safety program evaluator. Although described in terms of evaluating individual performance, these problems apply to safety program evaluation as well. The evaluator should not allow preconceived impressions of personnel or events (associated with a particular program, past performance or attainment of specific performance measures) to cloud objective judgment. Safety program evaluation takes time and resources.

Thus, this process should be performed so that the end result is accurate, useful information. Life Research! The Halo Effect The Halo Effect is one potential evaluation pitfall. According to Kirkpatrick, who describes the effect as it relates to the workplace and employee performance evaluation, the Halo Effect is Rhodiola herb a tendency to overrate the life research, person being observed. This concept can be applied to safety program evaluation as well. Kirkpatrick lists seven reasons why this effect occurs.

1. A person’s past good performance leads one to expect continued good performance, and the assumption of (mgt603) assignment no. 02 good performance carries over to future evaluations (Effect of Past Record). Life Research! 2. Help Calculator! An evaluator tends to rate a person who is Write life pleasing in personality and character, agreeable and otherwise compatible higher than performance may justify. . Recent outstanding behavior can overshadow much longer periods of lesser-quality performance (Effect of Recency). 4. (mgt603) Assignment No. 02! A person with an Write my philosophy life, asset deemed important by the observer, although it may be irrelevant, may receive a higherthan-justifiable rating. Rhodiola Herb! 5. Life! A rater may overlook a bad or undesirable trait if she also possesses that trait (Blind-Spot Effect). 6. A person may be judged by his/her potential instead of actual measured performance (High Potential Effect).

7. Games Slader! A person who never complains tends to my philosophy research, be evaluated in a positive light (Kirkpatrick 46). The Hams Effect. The Horns Effect is the reverse of the Halo Effect in that evaluations tend to be lower than deserved. Kirkpatrick offers eight causes for this effect. 1. The evaluator may have high expectations that are not easily met. 2. An evaluator tends to give someone who frequently disagrees or appears to be overly argumentative a lower rating. 3. A nonconformist is usually rated lower than deserved simply because she is different (Oddball Effect). War Of The World Kickstart! 4. Poor group performance often leads to lower evaluation of all group members, even if one member has outstanding individual performance. . People are evaluated the same way as those whose company they keep (Guilt-By-Association Effect).

6. Write My Philosophy Life Research! A recent mistake can overshadow months of good performance (DramaticIncident Effect). 7. An evaluator may associate some character trait (i. e. , aggressiveness, arrogance, passivity) with poor performance and give a lower-than-justified rate to someone who has that trait (PersonalityTrait Effect). 8. An evaluator may give a lower-thanjustified rate to War of the world help, a person who performs a task differently than the evaluator would (Self-Comparison Effect). Controlling These Effects Kirkpatrick attributes these flaws to paper research, vague standards and maintains that effectively established standards of Dissertation performance can reduce or eliminate their impact (Kirkpatrick 46-47). Write Paper Research! The information-gathering method and process also play key roles in eliminating these effects. As stated, anecdotal records that rely on the world help memory can easily lead to inappropriate evaluation. Thus, a safety program evaluator must make sure that personal associations and my philosophy paper life research experiences do not influence his/her judgment. Several data collection methods can help prevent subjective judgments. For example, the Dissertation verteidigung englisch, critical incident method is a three-step process that involves data collection, data summary and Write my philosophy life analysis, and feedback.

Developed by J. Homework Help Calculator! C. Flanagan, this technique uses recorded observations of specific behaviors that are judged to be critical to good or poor performance. These behaviors are carefully defined for my philosophy life research the workplace situation and management (mgt603) assignment no. 02 recorded simply as effective or ineffective behavior. Write Paper Research! Interpretive instructions (provided in a manual) help evaluators make appropriate judgments. This technique could be easily applied to specific, observable worker behaviors, provided specific objectives of evaluation are defined. Time, event and help calculator trait sampling are also methods of collecting evaluation data. Time sampling involves specifically timed observations that, over time, might be expected to provide a good representation of total performance. Event sampling is like Flanagan’s critical incident method in Write my philosophy paper life research, that events deemed to represent specific performance characteristics are recorded as they are observed. Trait sampling is similar to event sampling except that specific behaviors are recorded (Hopkins and Antes 91-93).

Such techniques can help ensure collection of objective data. An evaluator’s knowledge of the various facets of the Halo and Rhodiola herb Horns effects can also help alleviate these problems. The evaluator must learn to ask whether either of these effects is Write my philosophy paper life influencing his/her judgment and make adjustments if necessary. An evaluator who uses objective data-collection techniques and consciously avoids making Halos/Horns judgments will produce more-accurate evaluations that, in turn, will lead to management (mgt603) assignment, better decisions. Hopkins and Antes suggest teaching evaluators about Write my philosophy paper life, these effects in Homework games, order to improve objectivity.

The Illumination Experiments In the life, 1920s, a group of engineers at vs, Western Electric examined the effect of illumination on work performance. Write! The researchers established an War of the world essay, experiment room and a control room, controlled various conditions and introduced changes one at a time. My Philosophy Paper! Much to Homework tudor, the engineers’ dismay, the results were confounding. No matter how illumination changed (increased or decreased), production improved in Write my philosophy life research, the experiment room. Although no changes were implemented in the control room, production increased there as well. These results indicated the verteidigung englisch, need to record not only the Write research, details of the physical changes made, but also the physiological, medical and Study writing vs social changes occurring (Mayo 80). Following these experiments, Mayo initiated the Hawthorne Experiments, which were conducted in three phases: Relay Assembly Test Room, Interviews and Bank Wiring Observation Room. Relay Assembly Test Room In the Relay Assembly Test Room, various regimes of workday length, payment schemes, break length and scheduling, work week and return to life research, non-experimental conditions were evaluated. In all cases, productivity increased from previous levels. In fact, the greatest rise actually occurred upon return to non-experimental conditions.

Mayo attributed this result to Homework slader, “… six individuals working wholeheartedly as a team, without coercion from above or limitation from below” (Mayo 78). Interviews In the Interviews phase, company officers attempted to learn things (possibly) missed during the my philosophy paper life, previous experiments. During the interviews, employees were allowed to talk without questioning or interruption. Some 20,000 employees were interviewed over several years. The result was a feeling of well-being among employees; the interview process had been a sort of Homework calculator emotional release. It became clear that communication is valuable to my philosophy, employee well-being (Mayo 82).

Bank Wiring Room The third phase was conducted in the Bank Wiring Observation Room. Changes introduced to improve production had the opposite effect of those implemented in the Relay Assembly Test Room. Social pressure within this group kept production at a constant level (although some workers occasionally produced extra units to cover others’ shortfalls). However, if a worker tried to exceed the constant level in order to Strategic management no. 02, increase production, she was punished by others within the group. This process, called “binging,” involved a physical hit on the arm of the “offender” by an “enforcer” (Roethlisberger and Dickson 422).

The Hawthorne Effect Thanks to these experiments, the Write my philosophy paper, term “Hawthorne Effect” was coined. Kanter describes this effect as a result of the Relay Assembly Test Room, where productivity increased no matter what changes were introduced. “In one experiment, a team of essay help women workers was given a separate work area where their production would be measured while a variety of environmental conditions, such as lighting and rest breaks, were varied. Productivity tended to Write my philosophy research, [increase] regardless of the changes that were made to physical conditions. Rhodiola Herb! “One conclusion was that being singled out to be in a high-visibility experiment was highly motivating in and of itself; calling this the Hawthorne Effect was, in part, a way of dismissing the Write paper life, claims made by new ‘human relations’ programs, arguing instead that any change involving [some] increased management attention and special treatment would have positive effects for a little while” (Kanter 409). Kanter simplifies this explanation, saying it was due to “the excitement of getting involved and making an impact” (Kanter 242). Controlling the help, Hawthorne Effect The key message is that, when evaluating a safety program, one must make sure the my philosophy research, mere process of being evaluated is not the reason a measured characteristic changes from Rhodiola herb, baseline measurements. If this occurs, data collected and behaviors observed may be misleading. Or, if, for example, several workers-are told they have been chosen to test a new safety-related process, will institution of the process itself lead to better performance, or will the workers be motivated to perform simply due to their participation in the experience? To minimize this effect, control groups should be established.

By having two groups “participate” in the activity, the true effect of the different stimuli can be better determined. For example, Latham and Locke discussed an experiment through which a wood products company attempted to examine the value of goalsetting as it relates to increased production. One work crew was selected to strive toward specific production goals, while another crew, a control group, was told the experiment was designed to assess the effect of absenteeism on production (Latham and Locke 400-401). “To control for my philosophy paper life the Hawthorne Effect, we made an equal number of visits to the control group and the training group” (Latham and Dissertation Locke 401). In other words, both groups received equal attention, so both had similar reason to be motivated by participation. Result: Test group was more successful than control group. University/College: University of California. Type of paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 24 February 2017. Let us write you a custom essay sample on Flaws of the Hawthorne Effect. for only my philosophy paper research, $16.38 $13.9/page. Haven't found the Essay You Want?

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